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单项选择:The birds are _____ in the _____. A.sing;tree sing;tree C.singing;trees D.singed;tree


I can hear many birds________ in the trees. A. to sing B. singed C. singing D. sings

C听见是一个现在时,所以鸟唱歌要用进行时hear doing sth.是一个搭配

皮克斯的for the birds是什么意思?

影片"For the Birds"有一个不同寻常的故事来源。上世纪八十年代中期,作为CalArts(美国加利福尼亚艺术学院)的一名学生, Eggleston想出了大致的设计方案。Eggleston不得不做一些手绘练习,于是,他为这些练习构思了一些情节:一只大鸟落在电线上,一群小鸟咯吱咯吱的挤在一起,因为它们不能离开,以此来打发时间。这个图形练习慢慢引申为一个故事,用来隐喻复杂社会中人的行为举止。无论如何,这部短片也可以看作是一部经典的搞笑剧。

bait of the bird是什么意思

bait of the bird鸟饵bait of the bird鸟饵


1. 在“服务”列表里停止Backdoor.Graybird相关的自动启动项;2. 删除Backdoor.Graybird启动服务所指向的程序;3. 删除在Symantec AntiVirus隔离区里的Backdoor.Graybird相关文件;4. 关闭系统还原,目的是清除可能在系统还原文件夹中的Backdoor.Graybird;5. 在注册表中,删除Backdoor.Graybird相关;你还可以试试用下面的办法来解决: 从网上下一个叫“冰刃”的软件。这是一个绿色免安装的小软件,可以放心使用。 这个是下载地址。 这个是它的详细用法。 一般来说,不管是木马、病毒进入我们的机器后都是“三隐”的即隐进程、隐服务、隐文件的,利害的能将杀毒软件有实时监控给杀死!但在这个冰刃里,它是无法遁身的。开启的非法进程会以红色显示出来。

我的电脑中了 ( 灰鸽子),怎么删除了,杀毒软件删不了



Backdoor.GraybirdRisk Level 1: Very LowDiscovered: April 2, 2003Updated: February 13, 2007 11:45:10 AMAlso Known As: Backdoor.GrayBird [KAV], BackDoor-ARR Type: Trojan HorseSystems Affected: Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows XPSUMMARYBackdoor.Graybird is a back door Trojan Horse that gives its creator unauthorized access to your computer. The existence of the file, Svch0st.exe, is an indication of a possible infection. Backdoor.Graybird is a Delphi application. ProtectionInitial Rapid Release version April 2, 2003 Latest Rapid Release version April 24, 2009 revision 040 Initial Daily Certified version April 2, 2003 revision 007 Latest Daily Certified version April 24, 2009 revision 032 Initial Weekly Certified release date April 2, 2003 Click here for a more detailed description of Rapid Release and Daily Certified virus definitions.Threat AssessmentWildWild Level: Low Number of Infections: 0 - 49 Number of Sites: 0 - 2 Geographical Distribution: Low Threat Containment: Easy Removal: Moderate DamageDamage Level: Medium DistributionDistribution Level: Low TECHNICAL DETAILSWhen Backdoor.Graybird runs, it performs the following actions:Copies itself as one of the following filenames:%System%Svch0st.exe %System%Winlogon.exe %System%Explorer.exe %System% avmond.exeNOTE: %System% is a variable. The Trojan locates the System folder and copies itself to that location. By default, this is C:WindowsSystem (Windows 95/98/Me), C:WinntSystem32 (Windows NT/2000), or C:WindowsSystem32 (Windows XP).Creates one of the following values, or a similar value, depending on the variant:"svchost" = "%System%Svch0st.exe""winlogon" = "%System%Winlogon.exe""system" = "%System%Explorer.exe""ravmond" = "%System%Explorer.exe"in the registry keys:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunServicesHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunso that the Trojan runs when you start Windows.If the operating system is Windows NT/2000/XP, the Trojan also creates the value:"run" = "%system%svch0st.EXE""run" = "%system% avmond.exe"in the registry key:HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWindowsIf the operating system is Windows 95/98/Me, the Trojan adds the line to the [windows] section of the Win.ini file:run = C:WINDOWSSYSTEMSVCH0ST.EXEso that the Trojan runs when you start Windows.Attempts to access the password cache stored on your computer. The cached passwords include, amongst others, the modem and dialup passwords, URL passwords, and share passwords.Intercepts keystrokes allowing Backdoor.Graybird to steal confidential information.Once Backdoor.Graybird is installed, it waits for the commands from the remote client. These commands allow the Trojan"s creator to perform any of the following actions:Deliver system and network information to the Trojan"s creator, including the login names and cached network passwords. Install an FTP server, allowing the hacker to use the compromised computer as a temporary storage device. Open or close the CD-ROM drive and perform other annoying actions. Download and execute files.RecommendationsSymantec Security Response encourages all users and administrators to adhere to the following basic security "best practices":Use a firewall to block all incoming connections from the Internet to services that should not be publicly available. By default, you should deny all incoming connections and only allow services you explicitly want to offer to the outside world. Enforce a password policy. Complex passwords make it difficult to crack password files on compromised computers. This helps to prevent or limit damage when a computer is compromised. Ensure that programs and users of the computer use the lowest level of privileges necessary to complete a task. When prompted for a root or UAC password, ensure that the program asking for administration-level access is a legitimate application. Disable AutoPlay to prevent the automatic launching of executable files on network and removable drives, and disconnect the drives when not required. If write access is not required, enable read-only mode if the option is available. Turn off file sharing if not needed. If file sharing is required, use ACLs and password protection to limit access. Disable anonymous access to shared folders. Grant access only to user accounts with strong passwords to folders that must be shared. Turn off and remove unnecessary services. By default, many operating systems install auxiliary services that are not critical. These services are avenues of attack. If they are removed, threats have less avenues of attack. If a threat exploits one or more network services, disable, or block access to, those services until a patch is applied. Always keep your patch levels up-to-date, especially on computers that host public services and are accessible through the firewall, such as HTTP, FTP, mail, and DNS services. Configure your email server to block or remove email that contains file attachments that are commonly used to spread threats, such as .vbs, .bat, .exe, .pif and .scr files. Isolate compromised computers quickly to prevent threats from spreading further. Perform a forensic analysis and restore the computers using trusted media. Train employees not to open attachments unless they are expecting them. Also, do not execute software that is downloaded from the Internet unless it has been scanned for viruses. Simply visiting a compromised Web site can cause infection if certain browser vulnerabilities are not patched. If Bluetooth is not required for mobile devices, it should be turned off. If you require its use, ensure that the device"s visibility is set to "Hidden" so that it cannot be scanned by other Bluetooth devices. If device pairing must be used, ensure that all devices are set to "Unauthorized", requiring authorization for each connection request. Do not accept applications that are unsigned or sent from unknown sources. For further information on the terms used in this document, please refer to the Security Response glossary. REMOVALThe following instructions pertain to all current and recent Symantec antivirus products, including the Symantec AntiVirus and Norton AntiVirus product lines.Update the virus definitions. Do one of the following: Windows 95/98/Me: Restart the computer in Safe mode. Windows NT/2000/XP: End the Trojan process.Run a full system scan and delete all the files detected as Backdoor.Graybird. Reverse the changes that the Trojan made to the registry. Reverse the changes that the Trojan made to the Win.ini file (Windows 95/98/Me only).For details on each of these steps, read the following instructions.1. Updating the virus definitionsSymantec Security Response fully tests all the virus definitions for quality assurance before they are posted to our servers. There are two ways to obtain the most recent virus definitions: Running LiveUpdate, which is the easiest way to obtain virus definitions: These virus definitions are posted to the LiveUpdate servers once each week (usually on Wednesdays), unless there is a major virus outbreak. To determine whether definitions for this threat are available by LiveUpdate, refer to the Virus Definitions (LiveUpdate). Downloading the definitions using the Intelligent Updater: The Intelligent Updater virus definitions are posted on U.S. business days (Monday through Friday). You should download the definitions from the Symantec Security Response Web site and manually install them. To determine whether definitions for this threat are available by the Intelligent Updater, refer to the Virus Definitions (Intelligent Updater).The Intelligent Updater virus definitions are available: Read "How to update virus definition files using the Intelligent Updater" for detailed instructions.2. Restarting the computer in Safe mode or ending the Trojan process Windows 95/98/MeRestart the computer in Safe mode. All the Windows 32-bit operating systems, except for Windows NT, can be restarted in Safe mode. For instructions on how to do this, read the document, "How to start the computer in Safe Mode."Windows NT/2000/XPTo end the Trojan process: Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete once. Click Task Manager. Click the Processes tab. Double-click the Image Name column header to alphabetically sort the processes. Scroll through the list and look for Svch0st.exe. If you find the file, click it, and then click End Process. Exit the Task Manager.3. Scanning for and deleting the infected files Start your Symantec antivirus program and make sure that it is configured to scan all the files. For Norton AntiVirus consumer products: Read the document, "How to configure Norton AntiVirus to scan all files." For Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise products: Read the document, "How to verify that a Symantec Corporate antivirus product is set to scan All Files."Run a full system scan. If any files are detected as infected with Backdoor.Graybird, click Delete.4. Reversing the changes made to the registryCAUTION: Symantec strongly recommends that you back up the registry before making any changes to it. Incorrect changes to the registry can result in permanent data loss or corrupted files. Modify the specified keys only. Read the document, "How to make a backup of the Windows registry," for instructions. Click Start, and then click Run. (The Run dialog box appears.)Type regedit Then click OK. (The Registry Editor opens.)Navigate to each of these the keys:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunServicesHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunNOTE: All the keys do not exist on all the systems.For each one, in the right pane, delete any of the following values:"svchost" = "%System%Svch0st.exe""winlogon" = "%System%Winlogon.exe""system" = "%System%Explorer.exe""ravmond" = "%System%Explorer.exe"If you are running Windows NT/2000/XP, navigate to the key:HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWindowsIn the right pane, delete the value:"run" = "%system%svch0st.EXE""run" = "%system% avmond.exe"Exit the registry editor.4. Reversing the changes made to the Win.ini fileIf you are running Windows 95/98/Me, follow these steps:The function you perform depends on your operating system: Windows 95/98: Go to step b. Windows Me: If you are running Windows Me, the Windows Me file-protection process may have made a backup copy of the Win.ini file that you need to edit. If this backup copy exists, it will be in the C:WindowsRecent folder. Symantec recommends deleting this file before continuing with the steps in this section. To do this: Start Windows Explorer. Browse to and select the C:WindowsRecent folder. In the right pane, select the Win.ini file and delete it. The Win.ini file will be regenerated when you save your changes to it in step f.Click Start, and then click Run.Type the following: edit c:windowswin.iniand then click OK. (The MS-DOS Editor opens.)NOTE: If Windows is installed in a different location, make the appropriate path substitution.In the [windows] section of the file, look for a line similar to:run = C:WINDOWSSYSTEMSVCH0ST.EXEIf this line exists, delete the entire line.Click File, and then click Save. Click File, and then click Exit


一、病毒标签: 病毒名称: 中文名称: 灰鸽子 病毒类型: 木马 危害等级: 高 文件长度:382 KB 感染系统: Windows9x以上的所有版本 编写语言: Delphi 6 加壳类型:TeLock 二、病毒描述: 灰鸽子(运行后,主动打开后门端口(端口号不确定),攻击者对感染主机可进行远程控制。若服务端配置属自动上线型,则通过配置服务端时设定的URL,主动连接到远程攻击者并接受控制。 灰鸽子(利用“反弹端口原理”,可穿过某些防火墙。远程攻击者连接成功后可监控服务端屏幕,截获感染主机的oicq、icq, 网络游戏,邮箱,上网账号等敏感信息,同时还可在服务端开启Socks5 及 FTP服务,并且具有修改文件、注册表功能,是一种危险性较高的木马。 灰鸽子(运行后,会创建3个病毒文件,在安全模式下才可看到。 三、行为分析: 1、灰鸽子运行后,会拷贝服务端到系统,存在于以下路径%System%, %Windows%, %temp%,服务端名称可能为 GrayPigeon.exe , GrayPigeon.bat ,, Winlogo.EXE, Windows.EXE,RAVMOND.EXE, SP00LSV.EXE, SVCH0ST.EXE 2、修改注册表并添加键值,从而达到随系统启动的目的: 如果是win9x系统,将向win.ini中添加键值。 如果是NT系统,将向如下3个启动项中添加键值: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunServices HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun 3、灰鸽子运行后,会创建三个病毒文件,IExplorer.exe,IExplorer.dll, IExplorer_Hook.dll,同时将IExplorer_Hook.dll注入到系统每个进程中。 4、在随机端口开设后门,等待攻击者远程连接。 四、清除方案: 1、使用安天木马防线可彻底清除此病毒(推荐)。 2、手工清除请按照行为分析删除对应文件,恢复相关系统设置 木马防线: 木马防线是一款专业级反木马信息安全产品,具备已知木马查杀、未知木马检测、木马防火墙、管理工具、在线升级等功能,能够通过对驱动器、内存、敏感区域、特定目录的扫描,全面查杀隐藏在系统中的各类木马(Trojans)、后门(Backdoors)、蠕虫(Worms)、间谍软件(Spyware)、广告软件(Adware)等恶意程序。 该产品集成了智能未知木马检测引擎(SVE)和强大的木马防火墙,不但可以检测和清除电脑中存在的未知木马程序,还能够监控内存、查封指定IP地址和端口,有效拦截诸如“冲击波”、“震荡波”等漏洞攻击病毒,为系统提供多层保护。 另外,木马防线还提供了IE修复、共享管理、任务管理、进程管理、端口进程关联、网络连接状态等众多专业工具,最大限度地满足专业人士的安全需要。下载地址:





kolokolo bird是什么鸟?

kolokolo bird美洲红鹮(学名:Eudocimus ruber)羽色鲜红,它们总是成群的在沙滩、咸水湖、红树林和沼泽里觅食,并一起在沼泽中的大树上过夜,因此十分显眼。它们的喙细长弯曲,以泥潭中的蟹类、软体动物和沼泽地中的小鱼、蛙和昆虫等小动物为食。它们的叫声高昂而忧伤。飞行时,身影如同一团团跳跃的火焰,鲜红而热烈,除了长喙呈灰黑色外,浑身上下包括腿和脚趾都呈鲜红色 ,这就是世界上颜色最红的鸟类。是栖息在南美洲热带及特立尼达的一种朱鹭。它们是特立尼达的国鸟,与棕臀雉冠雉一同在特立尼达和多巴哥国徽上出现。 具有极高的观赏价值。中文学名美洲红鹮拉丁学名Eudocimus ruber别    称红鹮、红朱鹭

关于《flightless bird》歌词的含义?


歌词翻译Flightless Bird, American Mouth -Iron & Wine

飞的鸟,美国口铁与酒我是一个快速湿男孩潜水太深硬币您所有的街灯眼睛全在我的塑料玩具当警察关闭了公平我将我的头发长的婴儿偷走了我的狗耳地图并要求你到处我发现你呢? 飞的鸟,嫉妒,哭泣或丢失吗? 美国嘴迫在眉睫的大丸现在我是一个脂肪家猫护理我钝舌疮看着温暖的毒害作用全曲通过围栏裂缝Pissing的杂志照片这些捕鱼诱饵扔在寒冷和清洁血基督溪流我发现你呢? 飞的鸟,接地出血或丢失吗? 美国嘴大丸,坚持下降

请问有"Fire Flame"的歌词吗?原唱:Lil Wanye,Birdman

[Chorus: x2]Fire Flame, Flame, Fire Flame SpittersFire Flame, Flame, Fire Flame SpittersBitch We tha Bizness, Hundred Million DollarsBitch We tha Bizness, Hundred Million Dollars[Lil Wayne:]Fresh out from my bidBitch it"s Lil TunecheI Lucille Ball, bitch I love LucyIf these niggas dogs, I"m animal crueltyDon"t fuck with me at all, cause I"m twisted like an Rubiks cubeOh my, look how the tie has flownAnd they say time is of the essenceBut what if there clock is wrongBut all my problems will be secondAnd all my worries will be goneI"ll have money back for breakfast smell like "bitch I"m rich cologne"Ha, I"m so relaxed my Gucci flats ain"t got a scratchIf you got a problem with I, well I will fix them, cataractsThey say it cost to be the bossI paid the price including taxBitch I"m a fire flame spitterAnd to me you niggas wax[Chorus:](What ya talking bout)[Birdman:]In this World with my Tommy gunBut 9 clipped the red rum100 millions dollars, put my life down for my sonSpend a little cash, bust a nigga ass5 star nigga, 2 mill on the dashYeah, militant mindedUpown soldier, you have been blindedGrinding all the time, niggaStuntin, and we shiningDiving in deep shit, the money keep climbingBlah, the bottles keep poppin"Dom P, Rose, Perrier poppin"The bitches see we rocking, the whips we be rockingIced up, tatted up, fire flame blaaap[Chorus][Lil Wayne:]Uh, I got pussy coming to meShot gun in my draws make your woman bite the bulletSittin" in my hog, tell my chauffer to the pent housePockets so deep it"s like my money gotta swim outMarley say fuck em, Scoob say fuck emBitch I still the best overall like a jumperWeezy F F, fire flame spitterHundred million dollars, pocket change nigga[Birdman:]See these first class flightsWe strapped up in the trenchesNigga want some business bitchWe getting it in this businessSome ten figure niggas blood rich gang niggaFire flame spitters, point blank niggaMoney and the power, swag out the showerSpending nigga pen, them pussy"s running like some cowardsBigger than life nigga, c4 bitchAhundred million dolllars, my son born richBlaaapp![Chorus: x2]Fire Flame, Flame, Fire Flame SpittersFire Flame, Flame, Fire Flame SpittersBitch We tha Bizness, Hundred Million DollarsBitch We tha Bizness, Hundred Million Dollars
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