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英语翻译There are nine million bicycles in BeijingThat’s a factI

Nine Million Bicycles There are nine million bicycles in Beijing 北京城里有900万辆自行车 That"s a fact 这是个事实 It"s a thing we can"t deny 是我们无法否认的事 Like the fact that I will love you till I die 就像我会爱你直到死去 We are twelve billion light years from the edge 我们离时间尽头有120亿光年 That"s a guess 那只是个猜测 No-one can ever say it"s true 没人能说那是真的 But I know that I will always be with you 但我知道我会一直跟你在一起 I"m warmed by the fire of your love everyday 你的爱天天都温暖着我 So don"t call me a liar 别说我是说谎者 Just believe everything that I say 要相信我所说的一切 There are six billion people in the world 在这世上有60亿人 More or less 差不多 And it makes me feel quite *** all 这让我感觉挺渺小 But you"re the one I love the most of all 但你是我最爱的人 We"re high on the wire 我们站得很高 With the world in our sight 眼里能看见全世界 And I"ll never tire 而且我从不厌倦 Of the love that you give me every night 你所给我的爱 There are nine million bicycles in Beijing 北京城里有900万辆自行车 That"s a fact 这是个事实 It"s a thing we can"t deny 这事我们无法否认 Like the fact that I will love you till I die 就像我会爱你至死 And there are nine million bicycles in Beijing北京城里有900万辆自行车 And you know that I will love you till I die 而你也知道我会爱你直到死去

bicycles need less space than cars.为什么不是need space less

当然可以,不过:Bicycles need space less than cars do.进步。

英语作文“the history of bicycles” 急用.

Bicycle History in Debate Some history books will state that Pierre and Ernest Michaux,the French father and son team of carriage-makers,invented the first bicycle during the 1860s.Historians now disagree and there is evidence that the bicycle is older than that.However,historians do agree that Ernest Michaux did invent the modern bicycle pedal and cranks in 1861.Baron Karl Drais von Sauerbronn - Early Bicycles The German Baron Karl Drais von Sauerbronn invented the "Laufmaschine" or "Running Machine",a type of pre-bicycle.The steerable Laufmaschine was made entirely of wood and had no pedals; a rider would push his/her feet against the ground to make the machine go forward.Sauerbronn"s bicycle was first exhibited in Paris on April 6,1818.The celerifere was another similar early bicycle precursor invented in 1790 by Frenchmen,Comte Mede de Sivrac,however,it had no steering.查来的,

They like readily bicycles.哪个错了?

改成They like riding bicycles.

自行车的花费非常少:bicycles cost very little.可以吗

不好,你前面单独说bicycle便宜,再接一句用it做主语,因为cost一般来说是用it,考试中选择答案也是,如果句子中前面主语是it就要选cost 而不能选spend或者use那些.

Ride bicycles is very tiring.请问这句话那里错了,改正并解释.

动词做主语,要ing形式,即 Riding bicycles ,而且这里指骑单车这个运动,而且谓语动词用了单数is,要用单数形式.这里Riding bicycles指骑车,不要看有s就是复数,看语境中的整体意思.如果想表达骑一辆单车,则需要定冠词riding a bicycle Riding bicycles is very tiring.

let’sridebicycles 作文

u3000u3000Letu2019s Ride BicyclesBicycles are still welcomed at present.Either going to school or going to work by bicycle is very convenient.Now more and more people prefer going here and there on a bike.This is because riding a bicycle is good for oneu2019s health,and it can save energy; but the most important reason is that it can help protect our environment.If everyone buys a car,the air will be badly polluted,because a car will produce a lot of dirty smoke,and it smells terrible.So Iu2019d like to go somewhere by bicycle instead of by bus or by taxi.Our government should encourage everyone to use a bike to go to school or go to work.I am sure that the air will be fresh again,the water will be clear again and the sky will be blue again!

Lets Ride Bicycles也主题的英语作文

I like to ride my bike .I usually ride with a helmet ,and I usually ride my bike to school every day.It gives me more time to do other things.I think that bicycling is good exercise ,it is good for my health .My bike is new,and I like it very much .It is a good present from my father .Last month,my father gave it to me on my birthday.When it becomes dirty,I always clean it carefully,so it looks new and beautiful. I think bicycling is good for our health ,we should ride bicycles often. 望采纳

how many bicycle?还是how many bicycles?


These are (他们的) bicycles. (我们的

These are theirs.These are ours.

I think riding bicycles ( )花费 very little?

costs u3002u3002u3002u3002u3002u3002

ride bicycles to sp.为什么bicycle要加s

by + n 原形、by bus,by bike,by plane,by 后交通工具的名词用单数,ride bicycles为什么要加s,是一个习惯吧,据说是因为2个轮子,有点像剪刀要复数一样。


riding our bicycles骑自行车双语例句1We had fun riding our bicycles to the beach today. 今天我们骑自行车去海滩玩得很开心。

ride bicycles 的过去式和意思

答案是:wegotoschoolbybicycle 我们骑自行车上学 ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳、给与好评!~

ride bicycles 的过去式和意思

ride bicycles 网络 骑自行车; [例句]Many people ride bicycles for fun and exercise.许多人骑脚踏车中同时得到乐趣和锻炼。过去式:rode bicycles

ride bicycles to sp.为什么bicycle要加s


Bicycles in China,Bicycles in China范文

  Bicycles in China   Bicycles in China   Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Bicycles in China. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the following instructions.   1.自行车在中国是最普及的一种交通工具。   2.与汽车相比,自行车有哪些优点。   3.自行车带来的问题。   Bicycles in China   Bicycles are very popular in China. In this country you can see bicycles almost everywhere. When you walk on the road, you will find a lot of people riding bicycles to school, shop, and wherever the riders want to go. Therefore, China is known as "the kingdom of bicycles", where on the average every family has one or two bicycles.   Compared with cars, bicycles have many advantages. First, they are much cheaper than cars, which most Chinese can"t afford. Secondly, bicycles are small enough to park anywhere, while cars need a large piece of land to be parked. What"s more, with lower speed, bicycles are safer than cars.   However, bicycles create some problems. Some riders don"t abide by traffic regulations and some don"t take others" safety into consideration while riding too fast. During rush hours, too many bicycles may cause traffic jams. Thereforet we have a long way to go to solve the problem.   Bicycles in China

中考英语作文:汽车和自行车(Cars and bicycles)

i like going to school by like, because i think i can keep healthy by riding. bicycles are still popular in beijing. some foreigners buy bicycles to ride. but more and more people buy cars because they think they are faster than bicycles. in fact the exhaust gas from cars makes the air dirty and they waste energy.i think bicycles are better than cars.   bicycles are still popular in beijing. it"s convenient to go to school or go to work by bike. it can help people to keep healthy.but more and more people buy cars because they think they are faster than bicycles. the exhaust gas from cars pollutes the air and they waste energy. i prefer riding bicycles because it is cheap and keeps the air clean.   英语作文译文:   自行车在北京依然很流行,骑车上学或上班很方便,它能帮助人们保持健康。但是越来越多的人买汽车,因为他们认为汽车比自行车快。汽车的尾气污染了空气,浪费了能源。我喜欢骑车因为它便宜并且不会污染空气。   我喜欢骑自行车上学,因为我可以通过骑车保持健康。北京依然流行自行车,一些外国人也买自行车骑。但是越来越多的人买汽车,因为他们认为汽车比自行车快。事实上,汽车尾气污染了空气,浪费能源。我认为自行车比汽车好。

he fixes bicycles和He fixes up the bicycles有区别吗?

有区别他们的意思在翻译上有细小的区别 第一句他修了自行车 第二句 他修了这些自行车he fixes bicycles 中文 他修理自行车 he fixes up the bicycles 中文 他修理自行车“up”用法归纳up具有两种词性:后边没有宾语或跟有其他介词时,up为副词,后边跟有宾语时,up为介词。

自行车店应该翻译成bicycle shop还是bicycles加一撇表示名词所有格再加shop?

名词做定语直接修饰不用加s自行车店:bike/bicycle shop/store

Bicycles are very popular in China. In our country you can see bicycles almost everywhere. When...

在中国,自行车非常受欢迎。在我们国家,你几乎随处可见自行车。当...bicycles作主语,are作系动词,very popular作表语,in China作地点状语.in our country作地点状语,you作主语,can see作谓语,bicycles作宾语,almost是程度副词,表示看的程度,everywhere作地点状语.这两个句子分别是主系表结构与主谓宾结构。

they are bicycles。这个句子对吗?


Bicycles are loved by people为什么要加个by?

主动式:People love bicycles. 被动式:Bicycles are loved by people.用 by 是被动的特色。

many roands are only for bicycles翻译?


bicycles take_ (little) space than other vehicles

高兴为你解答。请采纳,谢谢!!!Bicycles take less spacethan other vehicles.后面有than... ,说明是在比较Bicycles(自行车)和other vehicles(其他车辆). 所以要用little的人比较级,little的比较级是 less .这句话的意思是:自行车比其他车辆占用的空间更小。

Bicycles in ChinaBicycles are very popular in China. In our country you can see bicycles almost...

小题1:D小题1:A小题1:C小题1:D小题1:D 小题1:从第一段中“In our country you can see bicycles almost everywhere. ”可得出答案D 。小题2:从第一段中“When you walk on the road, you will find a lot of people riding bicycles to school, shops and anywhere else. Therefore(因此), China is known as “ the kingdom of bicycles ”.可得出答案A 。小题3:细节理解题。第二段中都提到了A , B , D ,三个选项的内容,C项没有提到所以选C。小题4:从最后一段中“ During rush hours, too many bicycles may cause traffic jams.”可得出答案选D 。小题5:句意理解题。划线部分的意思为我们仍然有好长的路要走去解决这个问题。也就是说需要做好多来解决这个问题。所以选D 。

