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Ben[bɛn] n. 本(男子名);(苏格兰)内室







ben的意思:本(男子名);(苏格兰)内室。短语Ben Bernanke 伯南克 ; 贝南克 ; 柏南克Ben Kingsley 本·金斯利 ; 金斯利 ; 宾京士利Big Ben 大本钟 ; 大笨钟 ; 大鹏钟 ; 大钟Ben Wallace 本·华莱士 ; 华莱士 ; 本 ; 华勒斯Ben Nevis 本尼维斯山 ; 花白色的本尼维斯 ; 尼维斯山 ; 尼维斯Ben Whishaw 本·威士肖 ; 本·卫肖 ; 班维萧 ; 主演Ben took notes in shorthand. 本用速记法记笔记。Ben had merely changed his shirt. 本只还了他的衬衫。

ben是什么意思 Ben人名的解释

  1. 本的名字就是本的意思。本是个男孩的名字。这个单词的意思是这个单词开头的所有名字的缩写。本被描述为一个高大、强壮的黑发男人,安静、可爱、随和、温柔。有福。作为名词,它的意思是内部的房间和客厅;峰,峰等。   2. 随着西方文明的发展,外国人的名字也发生了很大的变化。以parentsoup的namefinder为例。首先,您可以选择男孩或女孩的名字。在台湾,有些人在取名字的时候,是分不清的。外国人给男人起的名字,台湾女孩也用。他们还认为这是男女平等。你出国时出丑是不可避免的。一般来说,一个名字的音节数几乎在三个以内。当然,音节越多,字母就越多。喜欢偷懒的人不应该虐待自己。许多人习惯于使用与自己的中文名字发音相似的外国名字。您可以在前缀中选择一个与您的中文名字发音相似的字母




ben 英[ben]美[bɛn]n. 内室,起居室; [苏格兰] 峰,山顶;[例句]Upon retrieving the ben object back again, the associated spouse has not only also been stored but also automatically retrieved.再次检索ben对象时,与之相关的配偶信息不仅已经存储而且还被自动检索。


1、ben英[ben]美[b?n]。2、n.山顶;山峰; 后房;内室; 扩展波段雷达发射机;3、adj.在内部(的);在里面(的);4、[例句]Ben! How could you? After all theyve done for us!本!他们为我们做了这么多,你怎么能这样!






Ben 本 (所有Ben开头名字的昵称)。男子名。




ben 英[ben] 美[bɛn] n. 内室,起居室; [苏格兰] 峰,山顶; [例句]Their sons, Ben and Jonathan, were three and six respectively他们的儿子,本和乔纳森,分别是3岁和6岁。


翻译成中文为 。本

ben是什么意思 Ben人名的解释

1、Ben人名是本的意思。本在生活中是男生的名字。这个词的含义是所有本字开头名字的简写。Ben被描述为高大,强壮的黑发男子,沉静、可爱,随和,温柔。受福佑的。作为名词的意思有内室,起居室;峰,山顶等。 2、随着西方文明的演进,外国人的名字变化也很多。以ParentSoup的Namefinder为例,首先可以选择男生或女生的姓名。台湾有些人取名字的时候也没有分清楚,老外给男人用的名字台湾女生也拿来用,还振振有辞的说这是女男平等。出了国难免又要贻笑大方。一般的名字音节数目差不多都在三个之内,当然音节越多的,字母也越多,喜欢偷懒的人,可不要虐待自己。很多人习惯用取一个与自己中文姓名发音类似的洋名,你可以在前缀的地方选一个与自己中文姓名发音接近的字母。



821 - Ben Saunders | To the South Pole and back — the hardest 105 days of my life

00:00 So in the oasis of intelligentsia that is TED, I stand here before you this evening as an expert in dragging heavy stuff around cold places. I"ve been leading polar expeditions for most of my adult life, and last month, my teammate Tarka L"Herpiniere and I finished the most ambitious expedition I"ve ever attempted. In fact, it feels like I"ve been transported straight here from four months in the middle of nowhere, mostly grunting and swearing , straight to the TED stage. So you can imagine that"s a transition that hasn"t been entirely seamless . One of the interesting side effects seems to be that my short-term memory is entirely shot. So I"ve had to write some notes to avoid too much grunting and swearing in the next 17 minutes. This is the first talk I"ve given about this expedition, and while we weren"t sequencing genomes or building space telescopes, this is a story about giving everything we had to achieve something that hadn"t been done before. So I hope in that you might find some food for thought. 01:12 It was a journey, an expedition in Antarctica, the coldest, windiest, driest and highest altitude continent on Earth. It"s a fascinating place. It"s a huge place. It"s twice the size of Australia, a continent that is the same size as China and India put together. 01:30 As an aside , I have experienced an interesting phenomenon in the last few days, something that I expect Chris Hadfield may get at TED in a few years" time, conversations that go something like this: "Oh, Antarctica. Awesome. My husband and I did Antarctica with Lindblad for our anniversary." Or, "Oh cool, did you go there for the marathon?" (Laughter) 01:54 Our journey was, in fact, 69 marathons back to back in 105 days, an 1,800-mile round trip on foot from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and back again. In the process, we broke the record for the longest human-powered polar journey in history by more than 400 miles. (Applause) For those of you from the Bay Area, it was the same as walking from here to San Francisco, then turning around and walking back again. So as camping trips go, it was a long one, and one I"ve seen summarized most succinctly here on the hallowed pages of Business Insider Malaysia. ["Two Explorers Just Completed A Polar Expedition That Killed Everyone The Last Time It Was Attempted"] 02:46 Chris Hadfield talked so eloquently about fear and about the odds of success, and indeed the odds of survival. Of the nine people in history that had attempted this journey before us, none had made it to the pole and back, and five had died in the process. 03:04 This is Captain Robert Falcon Scott. He led the last team to attempt this expedition. Scott and his rival Sir Ernest Shackleton, over the space of a decade, both led expeditions battling to become the first to reach the South Pole, to chart and map the interior of Antarctica, a place we knew less about, at the time, than the surface of the moon, because we could see the moon through telescopes. Antarctica was, for the most part, a century ago, uncharted. 03:32 Some of you may know the story. Scott"s last expedition, the Terra Nova Expedition in 1910, started as a giant siege-style approach. He had a big team using ponies, using dogs, using petrol-driven tractors , dropping multiple, pre-positioned depots of food and fuel through which Scott"s final team of five would travel to the Pole, where they would turn around and ski back to the coast again on foot. Scott and his final team of five arrived at the South Pole in January 1912 to find they had been beaten to it by a Norwegian team led by Roald Amundsen, who rode on dogsled. Scott"s team ended up on foot. And for more than a century this journey has remained unfinished. Scott"s team of five died on the return journey. And for the last decade, I"ve been asking myself why that is. How come this has remained the high-water mark ? Scott"s team covered 1,600 miles on foot. No one"s come close to that ever since. So this is the high-water mark of human endurance, human endeavor, human athletic achievement in arguably the harshest climate on Earth. It was as if the marathon record has remained unbroken since 1912. And of course some strange and predictable combination of curiosity, stubbornness, and probably hubris led me to thinking I might be the man to try to finish the job. 04:55 Unlike Scott"s expedition, there were just two of us, and we set off from the coast of Antarctica in October last year, dragging everything ourselves, a process Scott called "man-hauling." When I say it was like walking from here to San Francisco and back, I actually mean it was like dragging something that weighs a shade more than the heaviest ever NFL player . Our sledges weighed 200 kilos, or 440 pounds each at the start , the same weights that the weakest of Scott"s ponies pulled. Early on , we averaged 0.5 miles per hour. Perhaps the reason no one had attempted this journey until now, in more than a century, was that no one had been quite stupid enough to try. And while I can"t claim we were exploring in the genuine Edwardian sense of the word — we weren"t naming any mountains or mapping any uncharted valleys — I think we were stepping into uncharted territory in a human sense . Certainly, if in the future we learn there is an area of the human brain that lights up when one curses oneself, I won"t be at all surprised. 06:01 You"ve heard that the average American spends 90 percent of their time indoors. We didn"t go indoors for nearly four months. We didn"t see a sunset either. It was 24-hour daylight. Living conditions were quite spartan . I changed my underwear three times in 105 days and Tarka and I shared 30 square feet on the canvas . Though we did have some technology that Scott could never have imagined. And we blogged live every evening from the tent via a laptop and a custom-made satellite transmitter, all of which were solar-powered: we had a flexible photovoltaic panel over the tent. And the writing was important to me. As a kid, I was inspired by the literature of adventure and exploration, and I think we"ve all seen here this week the importance and the power of storytelling. 06:55 So we had some 21st-century gear, but the reality is that the challenges that Scott faced were the same that we faced: those of the weather and of what Scott called glide, the amount of friction between the sledges and the snow. The lowest wind chill we experienced was in the -70s, and we had zero visibility, what"s called white-out , for much of our journey. We traveled up and down one of the largest and most dangerous glaciers in the world, the Beardmore glacier. It"s 110 miles long; most of its surface is what"s called blue ice. You can see it"s a beautiful, shimmering steel-hard blue surface covered with thousands and thousands of crevasses , these deep cracks in the glacial ice up to 200 feet deep. Planes can"t land here, so we were at the most risk, technically, when we had the slimmest chance of being rescued. 07:48 We got to the South Pole after 61 days on foot, with one day off for bad weather, and I"m sad to say, it was something of an anticlimax . There"s a permanent American base, the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station( 阿姆森-斯科特极点考察站 ) at the South Pole. They have an airstrip , they have a canteen , they have hot showers, they have a post office, a tourist shop, a basketball court that doubles as a movie theater. So it"s a bit different these days, and there are also acres of junk. I think it"s a marvelous thing that humans can exist 365 days of the year with hamburgers and hot showers and movie theaters, but it does seem to produce a lot of empty cardboard boxes. You can see on the left of this photograph, several square acres of junk waiting to be flown out from the South Pole. But there is also a pole at the South Pole, and we got there on foot, unassisted, unsupported, by the hardest route, 900 miles in record time, dragging more weight than anyone in history. And if we"d stopped there and flown home, which would have been the eminently sensible thing to do, then my talk would end here and it would end something like this. 08:58 If you have the right team around you, the right tools, the right technology, and if you have enough self-belief and enough determination, then anything is possible. 09:12 But then we turned around, and this is where things get interesting. High on the Antarctic plateau , over 10,000 feet, it"s very windy, very cold, very dry, we were exhausted. We"d covered 35 marathons, we were only halfway, and we had a safety net, of course, of ski planes and satellite phones and live, 24-hour tracking beacons that didn"t exist for Scott, but in hindsight, rather than making our lives easier, the safety net actually allowed us to cut things very fine indeed, to sail very close to our absolute limits as human beings. And it is an exquisite form of torture to exhaust yourself to the point of starvation day after day while dragging a sledge full of food. 10:00 For years, I"d been writing glib lines in sponsorship proposals about pushing the limits of human endurance, but in reality, that was a very frightening place to be indeed. We had, before we"d got to the Pole, two weeks of almost permanent headwind, which slowed us down. As a result, we"d had several days of eating half rations. We had a finite amount of food in the sledges to make this journey, so we were trying to string that out by reducing our intake to half the calories we should have been eating. As a result, we both became increasingly hypoglycemic — we had low blood sugar levels day after day — and increasingly susceptible to the extreme cold. Tarka took this photo of me one evening after I"d nearly passed out with hypothermia . We both had repeated bouts of hypothermia, something I hadn"t experienced before, and it was very humbling indeed. As much as you might like to think, as I do, that you"re the kind of person who doesn"t quit, that you"ll go down swinging , hypothermia doesn"t leave you much choice. You become utterly incapacitated . It"s like being a drunk toddler. You become pathetic . I remember just wanting to lie down and quit. It was a peculiar , peculiar feeling, and a real surprise to me to be debilitated to that degree. 11:20 And then we ran out of food completely, 46 miles short of the first of the depots that we"d laid on our outward journey . We"d laid 10 depots of food, literally burying food and fuel, for our return journey — the fuel was for a cooker so you could melt snow to get water — and I was forced to make the decision to call for a resupply flight, a ski plane carrying eight days of food to tide us over that gap. They took 12 hours to reach us from the other side of Antarctica. 11:51 Calling for that plane was one of the toughest decisions of my life. And I sound like a bit of a fraud standing here now with a sort of belly. I"ve put on 30 pounds in the last three weeks. Being that hungry has left an interesting mental scar, which is that I"ve been hoovering up every hotel buffet that I can find . (Laughter) But we were genuinely quite hungry, and in quite a bad way. I don"t regret calling for that plane for a second, because I"m still standing here alive, with all digits intact , telling this story. But getting external assistance like that was never part of the plan, and it"s something my ego is still struggling with. This was the biggest dream I"ve ever had, and it was so nearly perfect. 12:36 On the way back down to the coast, our crampons — they"re the spikes on our boots that we have for traveling over this blue ice on the glacier — broke on the top of the Beardmore. We still had 100 miles to go downhill on very slippery rock-hard blue ice . They needed repairing almost every hour. To give you an idea of scale, this is looking down towards the mouth of the Beardmore Glacier. You could fit the entirety of Manhattan in the gap on the horizon . That"s 20 miles between Mount Hope and Mount Kiffin. I"ve never felt as small as I did in Antarctica. When we got down to the mouth of the glacier, we found fresh snow had obscured the dozens of deep crevasses . One of Shackleton"s men described crossing this sort of terrain as like walking over the glass roof of a railway station. We fell through more times than I can remember, usually just putting a ski or a boot through the snow. Occasionally we went in all the way up to our armpits , but thankfully never deeper than that. 13:36 And less than five weeks ago, after 105 days, we crossed this oddly inauspicious finish line, the coast of Ross Island on the New Zealand side of Antarctica. You can see the ice in the foreground and the sort of rubbly rock behind that. Behind us lay an unbroken ski trail of nearly 1,800 miles. We"d made the longest ever polar journey on foot, something I"d been dreaming of doing for a decade. 14:03 And looking back, I still stand by all the things I"ve been saying for years about the importance of goals and determination and self-belief, but I"ll also admit that I hadn"t given much thought to what happens when you reach the all-consuming goal that you"ve dedicated most of your adult life to, and the reality is that I"m still figuring that bit out. As I said, there are very few superficial signs that I"ve been away. I"ve put on 30 pounds. I"ve got some v


amiable和benign都有慈祥的意思但是amiable 更侧重于朋友间的亲切,可亲。例:The amiable flash of her white teeth was very impressive. 她友善的露齿一笑,给人很深刻的印象。 benign 更侧重于和蔼慈祥 是长辈对待晚辈的态度。例:The benign old lady sent us a kind and warm smile. 那位和蔼可亲的老婆婆给我们一个亲切而温暖的微笑。


首先,只有lower是形容词,而且是比较级,其余是副词 其次,below的反义词是above,beneath的反义词是on,under的反义词是over 最后,也是最关键的,beneath在物体下面,是“紧挨”着物体。 under在物体下面是就是该物体所包括的这个范围下,比如说,一个两平方厘米的木板下面,只在两平方厘米下,是 under如果超出了,就用below 换句话说,below比under范围更大


beneath:两个物体要接触如Theearthlaybeneathablanketofsnow.大地被厚厚的白雪覆盖below:不接触如,thereisaboxbelowtree.不过below一般并不用于空间,而是一些抽象概念.如Thetemperatureisbelowzero.温度在零度以下.Hewasbelowherinintelligence.他的智力比她差.below和beneath作为介词都表示在...之下below的反义词是above,与参照物比不是垂直的关系 beneath的反义词是on,它带有贴近,挨近的意思 字典里的例句里:Thesunsinksbelowthehorizon.Thesunisnowbeneaththehorizon两者皆可至于两物体到底接触否,beneath同样可用于不接触.



beneath意为下方(无间隔,有接触),例如:Beneath the blanket is grass.地毯下面是草地.below意为下方(同样有间隔,只是对位置要求不是太高,可以是斜下方).


一、指意不同1、below指位置低于某物或在某物下方,但不一定在正下方,所指范围较宽。2、beneath书面用词,指紧挨??之下,其反义词是on。二、用法不同1、beneathadv. (副词)1)beneath用作副词时意思是“在下面,在底下”,用作定语时常须置于句尾。 2)beneath用作副词时不用于比较等级。2、belowprep. (介词)below表示位置时不表示垂直关系。 adv. (副词)1)below用作副词时常作后置定语,作状语时可修饰动态动词和静态动词。 2)below可用作介词from的宾语,意为“从下面”。 3)below用作副词时不用于比较等级。三、一词多义不同1、beneath作介词意思有在 ... 之下;被...覆盖;低于...;不值得。作赋词意思是在下方;在底下。2、below作介词意思是低于;在 ... 下面。作副词意思是在下面;向下。

用英文介绍Big Ben


用几句英语介绍Big Ben

Ben: This 316ft clock-tower was completed between 1858-59.Big Ben is named, probably, after Sir Benjamin Hall, the First Commissioner of Works. Big Ben was first broadcast on New Year"s Eve in 1923. The light above the clock is lit while the Commons is sitting. Big Ben weighs over 13 tons. The clock mechanism, alone, weights about 5 tons. The figures on the clock face are about 2 feet long, the minute spaces are 1 ft. square; and the copper minute hands are14 ft. Long. Whitechapel Bell Foundry - Makers of Big Ben and the Liberty Bell. Also hand bells, tower bells, clock bells, carillons, and turret bells

benadryl allergy是什么药?

海拉明®( 海拉明盐酸盐)是一种抗组织胺药物都在柜台和处方即可获得的。 It comes in many different forms and is used for a variety of different purposes.它有许多不同的形式,并有各种不同的用途使用。 Who Makes This Medication?谁使这种药物? Brand-name Benadryl is made by McNeil Consumer Healthcare, while other versions of diphenhydramine (including other brand-name medications or generic medications) are made by various other manufacturers.名牌海拉明是由麦克尼尔消费者保健产品,而苯海拉明(包括其他品牌药品或仿制药)其他版本的各种其他厂家制造的。 How Does Benadryl Work?苯海拉明是怎样工作的? Benadryl is part of a class of drugs called antihistamines.海拉明是一种称为抗组胺类药物的一部分。 Specifically, it is an H1 receptor antagonist.具体来说,它是一种H1受体拮抗剂。 This means that it blocks a specific type of histamine receptor in the body (known as H1 receptors).这意味着,它阻止了组胺受体在体内特定类型(如H1受体已知)。 Since allergic reactions are partly caused by the release of histamine from certain cells in the body, this drug can help relieve or prevent allergy symptoms .由于过敏反应部分是由组胺在体内某些细胞释放造成的,这种药物可以帮助减轻或防止过敏症状 。 Benadryl also blocks acetylcholine receptors, an action which produces some of the bothersome side effects of the medication (such as dry mouth or difficulty urinating) but also makes the drug useful for other purposes (such as for Parkinson"s disease or for relieving a runny nose due to the common cold ).海拉明还阻止乙酰胆碱受体,这一行动产生对药物(如口干或排尿困难一些麻烦的副作用),而且还使药物用于其他目的(如帕金森氏症或减轻流鼻涕,由于有用对普通感冒 )。 Like many antihistamines, Benadryl also works as a sedative.像许多抗组胺药,海拉明也适用作为镇静剂。 This action has made the medication useful as a sleep aid but also limits the usefulness of the medication for other uses (since drowsiness can be a bothersome side effect).这一行动已使药物作为安眠药有用的,但也限制了其他用途的药物的作用(因为嗜睡可能是一个麻烦的副作用)。

Linkin park主唱Chester Bennington是个什么样的人啊,我知道他小时候受了


chester bennington为什么要自杀

1.验尸官说 cc于当地9时在家中自缢。2.他留下了一妻六子。3.cc曾说 因童年被xing虐待,使自己有过自杀的念头。(据说,虐待持续一年多,直至施虐者死亡。)4.因生活中的痛苦,cc曾长年在酒精与毒品中挣扎,麻痹自己。5.cc儿时生活在不幸福的家中。因眼镜和额头也曾被人嘲笑,那时少数的朋友也自杀而亡。6.当然,真正的原因只有cc自己清楚。希望回答能对你有所帮助

林肯公园主唱Chester Bennington的自杀的真实原因是什么

查斯特选择在7月20日自杀的原因可能跟他极其要好的朋友、Soundgarden乐队以及Audioslave乐队主唱Chris Cornell有关,因为7月20日是Chris Cornell的诞辰,他于今年5月17日上吊自杀,享年52岁。查斯特童年时曾被成年男子性侵过,他承认这让自己有轻生念头,并以酒精和Drug疗伤。查斯特·贝宁顿(Chester Bennington),1976年3月20日出生于美国亚利桑那州菲尼克斯,乐队林肯公园、黑暗曙光、石庙向导主唱、演员。1993年至1998年,查斯特·贝宁顿加入乐队Grey Daze,担任主唱,期间,参与《唤醒我》和《…今天没太阳》这两张专辑。2000年,作为林肯公园的主唱参与发行乐团第一张录音室专辑《混合理论》,全球销量一千五百万张,成为2001年全美专辑销售总冠军。2002年,随林肯公园发行首张混音专辑《颠覆混合理论》,其中单曲《In The End》获得MTV音乐大奖最佳摇滚录影带。2003年,随林肯公园发行专辑《天空之城-美特拉》。2004年,所属乐队林肯公园在MTV亚洲大奖上获得国际最受欢迎摇滚乐队和国际最佳音乐录影带两个奖项。2005年,查斯特·贝宁顿组建乐队Dead by Sunrise。2007年,随林肯公园发行专辑《末日警钟:毁灭·新生》。2008年,随林肯公园在第25届MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖礼上获得最佳摇滚录影带奖。2009年,组建的乐队Dead by Sunrise发行专辑《Out of Ashes》。2010年,随林肯公园发行专辑《A Thousand Suns》。2017年7月20日,查斯特·贝宁顿在加州的家中被发现自缢身亡,享年41岁。

关于Linkin Park的主唱Chester Bennington,?

要资料 ?

介绍下Chester Bennington

你问的是林肯公园的主唱:切斯特本林顿吗?1976年 一个叫Chester Bennington的孩子出生在亚利桑那州Phoenix的一个小城镇 1986年 可怜的Chester因为眼镜和比别人大的额头被人嘲笑,在学校他少数的朋友是一些卑微的人,被嘲笑很糟 但是今年发生了更糟的事情 他发现他的姐姐和哥哥是同父异母(或同母异父)的,但父母没有告诉他这些! 1991年 他交了一些年龄比他大的朋友 但他们虐待Chester (注:是性虐待啊!悲惨) 1993 Chester开始接触酒精和毒品 之后虐待结束了 因为虐待Chester的那个人死了( 早就该死了 ) 1994 他现在18 岁了 他不相信任何人 他几乎没有朋友 沉溺于毒品之中 但最终友好的Samantah出现了 1995 多亏了Samantah Chester开始了新的生活 他战胜了酒精和毒品 有了友谊 为此 Chester很感谢Samantah 1997 Chester的兄弟听说了一个叫Xero的乐队(后来的Linkin Park) 需要一个歌手 他介绍了Chester进入乐队 不久乐队改名Hybrid Theory 1998 在Hybrid Theory Chester可以释放他的挫折 1999 Hybrid Theory 变成了现在的Linkin park他和乐队里的人成为了好朋友 他们理解Chester 而且很照顾他 2000 linkin park 的新专集Hybrid Theory发行 通过这种方式来表达自己的感受Chester感觉好多了 2002年 Chester离开乐队一段时间 因为他老婆Samantah怀孕了 Chester去照顾老婆孩子 同年专集 Reanimation 发行 2003 专集Meteora发行 巨大成功 2004 这一年很成功 2 0 0 5 在5月份,CHESTER和他老婆离婚了


1508年贝尼托·AVE APT E阿罕布拉CA 91803望采纳

on the bend是什么意思啊?

on the bend 弯道上,喝醉酒

bend and point什么意思

bend and point弯点bend[英][bend][美][bɛnd]vt.(使)弯曲,屈身; 拉弯; 使成形,强行; 集中全力于; vi.偏向; 使变曲,成角度; 弯身,弯腰; 专心; n.弯道; 弯曲(处); (尤指道路或河流的)拐弯; (潜水员过快浮出水面造成的)减压病; point[英][pɔɪnt][美][pɔɪnt]n.点; 要点; 得分; 标点; vt.(意思上)指向; 削尖; 加标点于; 指路; vi.指向; 表明; 第三人称单数:points复数:points现在进行时:pointing过去式:pointed过去分词:pointed双语例句1We disagree with every point Mr Blunkett makes.布伦基特先生提出的观点我们一个都不同意。

bend forward in lunge position什么意思

在发起冲刺位置向前弯曲(字面上这个意思吧)。百度翻译中的是: 在弓步姿势向前弯曲

bend over是什么意思?

简明英汉词典 [基本词义] bend over (1) 俯身,屈从 简明英汉词典 [基本词义] bend over (1) 俯身,屈从

Around The Bend 含义


bend down的意思


bend low是什么意思

bend low弯下腰双语例句1Teddy bear, teddy bear bend down low. 泰迪熊,泰迪熊,弯下腰。


bend legs弯曲腿弯腿动词+宾语的结构

"a railway bend"是什么意思啊


the river bend是什么意思



depend英 [dɪˈpend] 美 [dɪˈpɛnd] vi.依赖; 依靠; 信赖; 决定于defend英 [dɪˈfend] 美 [dɪˈfɛnd] vt.& vi.保卫; 辩护; (足球、曲棍球等)防守; 进行辩护




bend haunt弯曲出没haunt 英[hɔ:nt] 美[hɔnt, hɑnt] vt. 时常萦绕心头,使困窘; 常去; 以鬼魂形式出现; 时常出现在,弥漫; vi. 尤指鬼魂重回或常去; n. 〈方〉鬼或其它超自然物体; 常去的地方; [网络] 困扰; 出没于; 鬼影重重; [例句]The decision to leave her children now haunts her.抛下孩子们的决定现在总让她不安。[其他] 第三人称单数:haunts 复数:haunts 现在分词:haunting过去式:haunted 过去分词:haunted

round a bend 什么意思?


bend lighting什么意思

bend lighting弯道照明很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

bend radius中文是什么意思

bend radius 英[bend ˈreidjəs] 美[bɛnd ˈrediəs] [词典] 弯曲半径; [例句]Tube diameter shall be within 10% of nominal diameter within bend radius.管直径须在直径理论值和折弯半径的10%以内。



bend your knees是什么意思

意思是:弯曲你的膝盖。bend your knees:弯曲你的膝盖;弯膝;弯弯膝盖;曲你的膝盖。双语例句:Similar to a Backscratcher, bend your knees so the Skis will be behind you.和背挠类似,弯曲双膝,这样你的雪板就在你的后面。Shift over onto your right buttock, bend your knees, and swing your legs to the left. 移动你的右臀部,伸展膝关节,摆动你的脚向左。Now bend your knees and hug them towards your chest. 现在弯曲你的膝盖并向胸部靠拢。You get yourself, bend your knees, get in an athletic position. 你让你的膝盖弯曲,摆好运动姿态。Modification: Cross your hands over your chest and bend your knees only slightly. 改良:将手交叉放在你的胸前,稍微弯曲膝盖。




bend词形变化:时态:bent,bending,bends。同义词:deflect,turn away;crouch,bow,stoop;crook,turn,twist;crease,crimp,flexure,fold,plication;deform,flex,turn,twist;flex;flex;curve。反义词:unbend;straighten,unbend。


不是BAD END,而是B END.秋之回忆5不分什么好结局坏结局的.分A结局B结局......

bend over是什么意思?

bend over(使)俯身,弯腰,弯下身子,身子贴近,(使)翻转;伏在…上:Keep your head and body vertical, and your feet firmly on the floor in front of you soyour knees bend over your toes. 保持头部和上身竖直,你的双足平稳地放在你前方,从而让你的膝部弯过你的脚趾。

bend the acts是什么意思?

回答和翻译如下:Bend the acts.弯曲演员。

you should bend a little是什么意思

你应该稍微退让些. bend原意为弯腰,此处引申为退让,屈服.


首先,elbow,是个名词,意思是肘部,肘状物。而bend是动词,意思是使弯曲,弯曲的意思。二者词性不一样,不能混用,也就不存在什么区别。例如,用elbow造句:My elbow is getting a big ache.(我的肘部很疼) 用bend造句:Bend your knees , please.(请弯曲你的膝盖)

bending 是什么意思

bending弯曲双语对照词典结果:bending[英]["bendɪŋ][美]["bendɪŋ]n.弯曲(度),挠度; v.(使)弯曲,屈身( bend的现在分词 ); (使四肢等)弯曲; (使)拐弯; 把…弄弯(或折起); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Eg. touch your toes without bending your knees. 用手够到你的脚趾,膝盖别弯曲。

bend up中文是什么意思

你好!bend up弯曲了

bend down是什么意思

bend down英 [bend daun] 美 [bɛnd daʊn][释义]俯身,屈身; (使) 折下;[网络]弯下; 俯下身子; 俯;[例句]1、And most importantly, we must reshape our world so that when an old man falls on the street, any one of us would bend down to help him up.最为重要的就是:我们要重塑自己的世界观,这样当一个老人摔倒在大街上的时候,我们之中的任何人都会俯身上前将他搀扶起来。2、Can you bend down and touch your toes without bending your knees?你能弯下腰、不屈膝摸着你的足趾吗?。


bend[英][bend][美][bɛnd]vt.(使)弯曲,屈身; 拉弯; 使成形,强行; 集中全力于; vi.偏向; 使变曲,成角度; 弯身,弯腰; 专心; n.弯曲(处); (尤指道路或河流的)拐弯; 弯道; (潜水员过快浮出水面造成的)减压病; 第三人称单数:bends过去分词:bent现在进行时:bending过去式:bent以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Chico has spidery, narrow petals that bend gracefully backward. 藜科灌木具有细长、狭窄、向后优雅弯曲的花瓣

Bend 是什么意思

bend vt. 使弯曲;使屈服;使致力;使朝向 vi. 弯曲,转弯;屈服;倾向;专心于 n. 弯曲


翻译如下bendvt.(使)弯曲,屈身;拉弯;使成形,强行;集中全力于vi.偏向;使变曲,成角度;弯身,弯腰;专心n.弯道;弯曲(处);(尤指道路或河流的)拐弯;(潜水员过快浮出水面造成的)减压病例句The road bent slightly to the right 这条路稍微朝右弯。


bend 英[bend] 美[bɛnd] vt. (使)弯曲,屈身;拉弯;使成形,强行;集中全力于 vi. 偏向;使变曲,成角度;弯身,弯腰;专心 n. 弯曲(处);(尤指道路或河流的)拐弯;弯道;(潜水员过快浮出水面... [例句]Chico has spidery , narrow petals that bend gracefully backward.藜科灌木具有细长、狭窄、向后优雅弯曲的花瓣。同学你好有帮助请点采纳或者右上角好评~祝你新的一年学习进步,马到成功!!!


bending的意思是:n.弯曲(度),挠度;v.(使)弯曲,屈身( bend的现在分词 ); (使四肢等)弯曲; (使)拐弯; 把…弄弯(或折起)。bend[英][bend][美][bɛnd]vt.(使)弯曲,屈身; 拉弯; 使成形,强行; 集中全力于; vi.偏向; 使变曲,成角度; 弯身,弯腰; 专心; n.弯曲(处); (尤指道路或河流的)拐弯; 弯道; (潜水员过快浮出水面造成的)减压病; 第三人称单数:bends过去分词:bent现在进行时:bending过去式:bent例句:1.So now when you bend a cigarette it won"t break. 现在当你弯曲香烟的时候,它就不会折断。2.You will bend this planet to your will! 你一定可以让这个星球屈服于你的意志!形容词是:bendable例句1. Bendable arms allow you to adjust and vary the shape of the lamp.可弯曲的灯杆使您能够调节和改变灯的形状。2. Benda Brushes are the original bendable bristle brush applicators.这是原有的可弯曲硬毛涂药器。3. YANG DESIGN tried to apply e-ink technology into super thin and bendable watch.YANG DESIGN尝试将电子书屏幕的电子墨水技术应用到手表的设计中,实现了超薄的,并且可以弯曲的表盘。


bend[英][bend][美][bɛnd]vt.(使)弯曲,屈身; 拉弯; 使成形,强行; 集中全力于; vi.偏向; 使变曲,成角度; 弯身,弯腰; 专心; n.弯道; 弯曲(处); (尤指道路或河流的)拐弯; (潜水员过快浮出水面造成的)减压病; 第三人称单数:bends现在分词:bending过去式:bent过去分词:bent形近词:Bend1As you walk faster, you will find the arms bend naturally and more quickly.走快时,你会发现手臂会自然弯曲,而且频率会更快。


bend 英[bend] 美[bɛnd] vt. (使) 弯曲,屈身; 拉弯; 使成形,强行; 集中全力于; vi. 偏向; 使变曲,成角度; 弯身,弯腰; 专心; n. 弯道; 弯曲; (处) (尤指道路或河流的) 拐弯; (潜水员过快浮出水面造成的) 减压病; [例句]A bendy toy whose limbs bend in every direction四肢可以任意弯曲的玩具

bend是什么意思啊 英语bend什么意思

1、bend,英语单词,动词、名词,作动词时意为“使弯曲,折弯;使屈服;拐弯,转弯;倾斜,偏向;(四肢等)弯曲;歪曲,篡改;使致力,专心于;系,缚(缆绳)”,作名词时意为“转弯,弯道;弯曲;绑结;(潜水员的)减压病 (the bends);(纹章上)对角条纹,(美、丹、德)本德(人名)”。 2、双语例句:The branchesbentin the wind.树枝被风吹弯了。


bendKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 使弯曲,折弯He bent the iron bar as if it had been made of rubber.他将铁棍折弯,仿佛那是用橡皮做成的。2. 使低垂3. 使致力(于)[(+on/to)]The boys bent their attention on making model ships.男孩们聚精会神地制作船舶模型。4. 使屈服(于)[(+to)]She tried to bend her husband to her wishes.她设法使丈夫顺从她的愿望。5. 使朝向[(+on/to/toward)]All eyes were bent on me.所有的目光都注视着我。6. 挽,拉7. 篡改vi.1. 弯曲;转弯The road bends to the right.公路向右转弯。2. 俯[(+down/over)]The nurse bent down and kissed the child.护士弯下身子吻了孩子一下。3. 致力[(+to)]4. 屈从[(+to/before)]5. 倾向[(+toward)]n.[C]1. 弯,曲;俯2. (道路等的)转弯处There is a sharp bend in the road here.这段路上有一处急转弯。3. 弯腰,行礼


  bend是什么意思   及物动词:   1.挽,拉   2.使弯曲;使(被弄弯的东西)恢复原状   3.使倾侧;使偏斜   4.转移(脚步、目光等)的方向;使(思想等)转向   5.使(注意力、精力等)集中(于);使(自己)专注(于)   6.任意歪曲,篡改(规则等)   7.使屈服,使顺从   8.【俚】使违法,使不老实;使反常,使乖戾   9.【俚】把...用于不正当目的;偷窃;故意输掉(比赛等)   10.【海】系,缚(帆、绳索等)   不及物动词:   1.变弯曲   2.转弯   3.俯身   4.屈服,顺从   5.集中全力(于)   6.倾向(于)   可数名词:   1.弯曲;弯;俯   2.(河流等的)弯曲处;(物件的)弯曲部分   3.[bends](木船的)舷侧厚板   4.(常作the bends)【医】(潜水员浮出水面动作过急时形成的)潜函病,减压病   5.【俚】狂饮,纵乐   6.【爱尔兰】【俚】约会   词形变化   时态   bent,bending,bends   单词分析   这些动词都含“弯、弯曲”之意。   curve指变成曲线或弧线状的动作或状态。   bend普通用词,指把某物变成曲线或角形。用于人时,指头部或身躯弯下。   bow指把头部或上身弯向前方的动作,也指社交中的礼节性动作。   crook指不规则的弯曲,也指按照规则或模型弯曲某物。   twist指通过转动、拧或扭使某物成弯曲状。   英语解释   turn from a straight course , fixed direction, or line of interest   bend one"s back forward from the waist on down   a circular segment of a curve   an angular or rounded shape made by folding   cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form   form a curve   bend a joint   change direction   a town in central Oregon at the eastern foot of the Cascade Range   curved segment (of a road or river or railroad track etc.)   diagonal line traversing a shield from the upper right corner to the lower left   movement that causes the formation of a curve   例句   A skiff came slowly round the bend, keeping close under the nearer bank   一条小船缓缓地氽来,正靠着四小姐她们这边的河岸。   The granite walls overhang and bend forward above to meet one another, almost forming an arch   花岗岩的墙伸出在上面向前弯曲相互衔接,几乎形成一道拱门。   If he gives you this job, he"ll be bending the rules   如果他给你这份工作的话,他就是打破常规。   supple suede,bends or twists with agility   软山羊皮)、能够灵活地弯或拧的东西   A bend or curve,especially in a shoreline.   弯曲,弓形弯曲或弓形,尤指海岸线   Energy may be likened to the bending of a crossbow;decision, to the releasing of a trigger.   势如张弩,节如发机。   The sailors are bending the ropes.   水手们正在系绳索。   On the other hand, I am weary of bending   再说,我很厌恶卑躬屈膝哩。   Grass bends as the wind blows;slight stir   风吹草动   "ow!" he screamed, putting his right hand to his shoulder and bending over as though he were in terrible pain   “唷!”他尖叫一声,把右手捂住肩膀,弯下腰去,仿佛疼得了不得似的。   相似短语   on the bend   用不正当手段,阴险地   bend to   屈服于,服从   bend on   vt.专心致志于   bend bar   弯起钢筋,挠钢   bend line   弯曲线   bend neck   歪颈   connector bend   接合弯头   flat bend   平缓弯段,平直弯曲   expansion bend   膨胀补偿器,胀缩弯头,伸缩器   sheet bend   phr. 缭绳结,单编结   相似单词   bend   v.[T]   1.挽,拉   2.使弯曲;使(被弄弯的东西)恢复原状   3.使倾侧;使偏斜   4.转移(脚步、目光等)的方向;使(思想等)转向   5.使(注意力、精力等)集中(于);使(自己)专注(于   sharp( )bend   锐弯管   e bend   【电】 E弯曲   h bend   【电】 H屈折   return bend   回管   sharp bend   锐弯头,突跃弯头   U bend   马蹄弯头,马蹄形弯头   Y bend   二叉,分叉弯头   carrick bend   n. 接两根绳子的一种绳结   knee bend   n. 曲膝 ​


bend[英][bend][美][bɛnd]vt.(使)弯曲,屈身; 拉弯; 使成形,强行; 集中全力于; vi.偏向; 使变曲,成角度; 弯身,弯腰; 专心; n.弯曲(处); (尤指道路或河流的)拐弯; 弯道; (潜水员过快浮出水面造成的)减压病; 第三人称单数:bends过去分词:bent现在进行时:bending过去式:bent例句:1.So now when you bend a cigarette it won"t break. 现在当你弯曲香烟的时候,它就不会折断。2.You will bend this planet to your will! 你一定可以让这个星球屈服于你的意志!


BEND的释义:v.使弯曲;折弯;俯身;将身体前倾;歪曲…使之适合某人需要;篡改;集中;致力;系;缚。n.转弯;弯道;急转弯;弯曲部分;拐角;绑结;减压病;潜涵病;左上方至右下方的对角条纹。过去式: bent、现在分词: bending、过去分词: bent、第三人称单数: bends。BEND的音标:英 [bend],美 [bɛnd]。词性:可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。双语例句:You need to master two knots, the clove hitch and the sheet bend.你需要掌握两种打结的方法,卷结和接索结。扩展资料:BEND的其他释义及物动词:(使)弯曲,屈身。拉弯,使成形。强行,集中全力于。不及物动词:偏向,使变曲,成角度。弯身,弯腰,专心。名词:弯道,弯曲(处), (尤指道路或河流的)拐弯。(潜水员过快浮出水面造成的)减压病。bend 词典解释1、弯腰;俯身;弯曲。When you bend, you move the top part of your body downwards and forwards. Plants and trees also bend 。2、 低(头);俯(首)。When you bend your head, you move your head forwards and downwards。3、弯曲(手臂、腿等);(手臂、腿等)弯曲。When you bend a part of your body such as your arm or leg, or when it bends, you change its position so that it is no longer straight。参考资料来源:百度百科-bend


BEND的释义:v.使弯曲;折弯;俯身;将身体前倾;歪曲…使之适合某人需要;篡改;集中;致力;系;缚。n.转弯;弯道;急转弯;弯曲部分;拐角;绑结;减压病;潜涵病;左上方至右下方的对角条纹。过去式: bent、现在分词: bending、过去分词: bent、第三人称单数: bends。BEND的音标:英 [bend],美 [bɛnd]。词性:可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。双语例句:You need to master two knots, the clove hitch and the sheet bend.你需要掌握两种打结的方法,卷结和接索结。BEND的其他释义及物动词:(使)弯曲,屈身。拉弯,使成形。强行,集中全力于。不及物动词:偏向,使变曲,成角度。弯身,弯腰,专心。名词:弯道,弯曲(处), (尤指道路或河流的)拐弯。(潜水员过快浮出水面造成的)减压病。bend 词典解释1、弯腰;俯身;弯曲。When you bend, you move the top part of your body downwards and forwards. Plants and trees also bend 。2、 低(头);俯(首)。When you bend your head, you move your head forwards and downwards。3、弯曲(手臂、腿等);(手臂、腿等)弯曲。When you bend a part of your body such as your arm or leg, or when it bends, you change its position so that it is no longer straight。


bend的意思:弯曲。对于:英[bend]、美[bend]。释义:v. 使弯曲,折弯;使屈服;拐弯,转弯;倾斜,偏向;(四肢等)弯曲;歪曲,篡改;使致力,专心于;系,缚(缆绳)。n. 转弯,弯道;弯曲;绑结;(潜水员的)减压病 (the bends);(纹章上)对角条纹。n. (Bend) (美、丹、德)本德(人名)。变形:过去式bent或bended、过去分词bent或bended、现在分词bending、第三人称单数bends、复数bends。bend造句如下:1、I bent my efforts to solve this difficult problem.我集中精力解决这个棘手的问题。2、I"ll wait for you at the bend of this river.我在河湾等你。3、The road bends to the left after the traffic lights.过了第一个红绿灯后道路弯向左侧。4、This car bent to the right.这辆车向右转弯。5、He bent his head and kissed her.他低下头吻了她。


bend的英语意思是弯曲,屈身。bend[英][bend][美][bɛnd]vt.(使)弯曲,屈身; 拉弯; 使成形,强行; 集中全力于; vi.偏向; 使变曲,成角度; 弯身,弯腰; 专心; n.弯曲(处); (尤指道路或河流的)拐弯; 弯道; (潜水员过快浮出水面造成的)减压病; 第三人称单数:bends过去分词:bent现在进行时:bending过去式:bent例句:1.So now when you bend a cigarette it won"t break. 现在当你弯曲香烟的时候,它就不会折断。2.You will bend this planet to your will! 你一定可以让这个星球屈服于你的意志!形容词是:bendable例句:1. Bendable arms allow you to adjust and vary the shape of the lamp.可弯曲的灯杆使您能够调节和改变灯的形状。2. Benda Brushes are the original bendable bristle brush applicators.这是原有的可弯曲硬毛涂药器。3. YANG DESIGN tried to apply e-ink technology into super thin and bendable watch.YANG DESIGN尝试将电子书屏幕的电子墨水技术应用到手表的设计中,实现了超薄的,并且可以弯曲的表盘。

bend my body是什么意思啊了

bend my body 全部释义和例句>>弯曲我的身体body 英[ˈbɒdi] 美[ˈbɑ:di] n. 身体; 尸体; 团体; 物体; vt. 赋予形体; [网络] 主体; 正文; 身材;

bend bow stoop三者的区别都有弯曲的意思,具体区别呢

Bend是指头部或身躯弯下,或是关节屈曲的动作。例如:bend from the waist(从腰部弯下);bend the elbow(把肘屈曲起来)。 Bow是把头部或上身bend向前下方,鞠躬。 Stoop是bend膝使身躯降低。例如:She stooped t...


bend [bɛnd] [词典释义] vt. 1. 使弯曲,折弯 2. 使低垂 3. 使致力(于)[(+on/to)] 4. 使屈服(于)[(+to)] 1. 弯曲;转弯 2. 俯[(+down/over)] 3. 致力[(+to)] 4. 屈从[(+to/before)]...n. 1. 弯,曲;俯 2. (道路等的)转弯处 3. 弯腰,行礼 4. 倾向
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