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是吧belonging 珍爱; 隶属; 所有物财产行李belongings 财产; 所有物; 行李; 财物

Belongings 是什么意思



belongings是一个可数名词,但多以复数形式出现,表示“动产;财物”的意思,同义词为possessions;若把s去掉变为belonging,意思则变为“属性;附属品”,常用a sense of belonging(归属感)。以上解释根据《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》整理而来。




是的,这单词好news一样,s是组成单词的一部分。belongings [bi"lu0254:u014biu014bz]n.财产, 所有物, 物件, 东西例句:You can freight your belongings by air or sea.你可把东西经空运或海运运去。She gathered up her scattered belongings and left.她把自己的散乱物品收好就走了。We came home to find our belongings scattered about the room.我们回到家里看到东西扔得满屋都是。




是吧 belonging 珍爱; 隶属; 所有物财产行李 belongings 财产; 所有物; 行李; 财物


belongings的意思是随身物品。随身,读音是suí shēn,汉语词语,意思是带在身上。《汉书·货殖传·程郑》:“裒(罗裒)贾京师,随身数十百万,为平陵石氏持钱。”《宋史·舆服志五》:“鱼袋。其制自唐始,盖以为符契也。其始曰鱼符,左一,右一。左者进内,右者随身,刻官姓名,出入合之”。邹韬奋《萍踪忆语》三:“幸而我的行李很简单,只带了一个随身的衣箱。”宋·苏轼《夜坐达晓寄子由》诗:“闭眼此心新活计,随身孤影旧知闻”。物品,汉语词语,读音为wù pǐn,是生产、办公、生活领域常用的一个概念,泛指各种东西或零星的物品,也泛指经济活动中涉及到实体流动的物质资料。在生产领域中,一般指不参加生产过程,不进入产品实体,而仅在管理、行政、后勤、教育等领域使用的,与生产相关的或有时完全无关的物质实体。在办公生活领域则泛指与办公、生活消费有关的所有物件。在这些领域中,物流学中所称的“物”,就是通常所称的物品。


belongings[英][bu026au02c8lu0252u014bu026au014bz][美][bu026au02c8lu0254:u014bu026au014bz]n.动产; 财物; 家眷; 亲属; 例句:1.I needed to sort my belongings. 我需要的把我的财产分类。2.Donald moore the consul-general had lost his house and most of his belongings. 大使馆的总领事唐纳德摩尔在地震中失去了他的房子和大部分财产。3.I just escaped from the water and all my belongings were swept away. 我刚从水里逃出来,所有的财产全冲走了。


1The house had belonged to her family for three or four generations. 这套房子归她们家有三四代人了。2The handwriting belongs to a male. 这是男性的笔迹。3I used to belong to a youth club. 我过去是一个青年俱乐部的成员。4The judges could not decide which category it belonged in. 评委们无法判定它属于哪一类。5The pictures belong to an era when there was a preoccupation with high society.这些画出自一个人人向往上流社会的时代。6The future belongs to democracy. 未来属于民主

we belong together什么意思


签证时Do you belong to a clan or tribe 要怎么填 我是团员

在签证申请过程中,问题"Do you belong to a clan or tribe"通常是指你是否属于某个部落或种族。如果你是团员,你可以回答"Yes",并提供你的团员身份信息。如果你不确定如何回答这个问题,请咨询你所在的团体或签证申请机构,以获取更准确的信息。请注意,在填写签证申请表格时,请确保提供准确和真实的信息。

DS160表 Do you belong to a clan or tribe?党员是不是要写yes


"do you belong to any clan or tribe"该怎么选

选yes 然后出来框让你填 你填communist party of China 就行了。这个问题不是很大,不填也没啥。VO不在乎你的党派。希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可继续追问

DS160表 Do you belong to a clan or tribe?党员是不是要写yes



It must belong to him.同义句是:It must be his.(must表示推测,意思是“一定”;belong to sb.属于某人)

Fill in each blank with the correct form of a word from below

1. devastated2. managed3. celebrated4. strong5. priority6. survival7. determined8. deny9. tough10. avoided

歌词里有you belong to the night,you belong to the music的是什么歌?

Jennifer Lopez、Wisin & Yandel - Follow The Leader

The Beloved的《Dream On》 歌词

歌曲名:Dream On歌手:The Beloved专辑:ConscienceDream OnKelly SweetWe Are OneKelly Sweet-Dream OnEvery time I look in the mirrorAll these lines on my face getting clearerThe past is goneIt went by like dust to dawnIsn"t that the wayEverybody has got their dues in life to payI know it"s everybody sayingYou"ve got to lose to know how to winsing with mesing for the yearssing for the laughtersing for the tearssing with me (sing with me)if it"s just for todaymaybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you awaysing with mesing for the yearssing for the laughtersing for the tearssing with meif it"s just for todaymaybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you awayDream on, dream on, dream on, dream ondream until your dreams come trueDream on, dream on, dream onEverytime I look in the mirrorThe past is goneEnd

MBLAQ I belong to you歌词

i belong to you对我说谎试试中文[00:02.51]girl im sorrygirl im sorrygirl im sorry[00:15.02]为何要变心[00:17.02]我知道我错了[00:20.02]只想告诉你[00:23.02]我没你不行[00:26.02]MY GIRL MA NEVER[00:28.02]不要抛下我[00:29.00]I WANNA BE WITH U MY LOVE[03:32.00][绝对不要离开我[03:34.03]我没你不行[03:35.65]MY BABY 为何要离开我[00:37.95]就算你变了心 要离开[00:43.23]我现在还是只要你 怎么办[00:47.61][01:38.63]因为我 I BELONG TO YOU [00:50.20][01:40.63]敞开你的心[00:51.09][01:41.63]I BELONG TO YOU [00:54.39][01:42.63]厌倦了 讨厌我了吧[00:57.16][01:45.63]我没你不行[01:00.38][01:47.63]你不是知道吗 BABY [01:03.33]就算要离开我[01:06.36]IM GONNA MAKE IT ALRIGHT[01:08.19]就算说不可以[01:10.07]我也不能放弃 现在[01:12.30]回到我身边不要离开我[01:15.18]BABY NO WAY [01:18.17]BE WOTH ME MY LOVE[01:20.63]我在这里等着你[01:22.63]我没有你绝对不可以[01:24.63]每天都这样想着你 想要你[01:27.36]就算说要离开我[01:31.02]现在也绝对不允许‘[01:36.84]因为我 I BELONG TO YOU [01:51.84]因为我 I BELONG TO YOU [01:52.20]敞开你的心[01:54.09]I BELONG TO YOU [01:56.39][03:02.39]厌倦了 讨厌我了吧[01:59.16][03:05.39]我没你不行[02:04.38][03:08.39]你不是知道吗 BABY[02:06.84]就算看着你[02:10.84]ILL BE MISSING YOU [02:12.51]就算在一起[02:14.51]ILL BE MISSING YOU [02:17.51]WHENEVER GIEL我为了你[02:20.51]无论何时都陪伴左右[02:28.51]OR MY ONLY [02:35.51]GIRL IM SORRY[02:39.51]我是为你而存在的男人[02:41.51]就算 试过交往其他的人[02:43.51]我就是非你不可[02:45.51]连我周围的人都说非你不可[02:22.51]I BELONG LOVE YOU [02:47.51]THIS IS MY SONG FOE YOU [02:48.51]如果听到我的话接受我的心[02:54.51]ITS AL FOR YOU ....[02:55.51]因为我 I BELONG TO YOU [02:57.51]敞开你的心 [03:00.51]I BELONG TO YOU


be located in 位于,坐落于, 坐落在,坐落于…位于be located in Paris 位于巴黎to be located in 位于be located in locale 案发地点位于;坐落于sit / be located on例句:Our school is located in a small suburbs.我们学校坐落在一个安静的小郊区byprep. 通过;被;依据;经由;在附近;在……之前adv. 通过;经过;附近;[互联网] 白俄罗斯的国家代码顶级域名短语by chance 偶然 ; 碰巧 ; 偶尔 ; 意外地by accident 偶然 ; 偶尔 ; 无意中 ; 意外地by heart 凭记性 ; 牢记 ; 凭记忆 ; 熟记1. 被例:The feast was served by his mother and sisters.宴席由他的母亲和姐妹们招待。I was amazed by their discourtesy and lack of professionalism.我为他们的无礼和职业精神的缺乏所震惊。2.. 由…创作例:A painting by Van Gogh has been sold in New York for more than eighty-two million dollars.一幅由梵高创作的画在纽约卖到超过八千二百万美元。3. 以…方式例:If you"re travelling by car, ask whether there are parking facilities nearby.如果你开汽车旅行,问问附近是否有停车设施。4. 通过例:Make the sauce by boiling the cream and stock together in a pan.通过将乳酪和高汤一起放在平底锅里煮来制作调味料。The all-female yacht crew made history by becoming the first to sail round the world.全部由女性组成的游艇船员通过首次环球航行而创造了历史。5.. 由于例:I met him by chance out walking yesterday.昨天出去散步时我无意中遇到了他。He opened Ingrid"s letter by mistake.他误拆了英格丽德的信。6.. 就…而言例:I am certainly lucky to have a kind wife who is loving by nature.我的确幸运有一位仁慈的妻子,她天生富有爱心。She"s a nurse by profession and now runs a counselling service for women.她是护士出身,现在经营着一家针对女性的咨询服务公司。7.. 根据例:Pharmacists are required by law to give the medicine prescribed by the doctor.根据法律,药剂师被要求只配医生开列的药。8.. 通过 (说某词或某话)例:Stella knew what he meant by "start again."斯特拉知道他说“再次开始”是什么意思。9.. 通过例:He caught her by the shoulder and turned her around.他抓住她的肩膀,使她转过身。She was led by the arm to a small room at the far end of the corridor.她被抓着胳膊带到走廊另一头的一个小屋里。10.. 独自地例:...a dark-haired man sitting by himself in a corner.…一个独自坐在角落里的、深色头发的男子。11.. 独立地例:I didn"t know if I could raise a child by myself.我不知道是否能独立抚养一个孩子nearadj. 近的;亲近的;近似的adv. 近;接近prep. 靠近;近似于near to 接近 ; 几乎要 ; 在…附近 ; 闻……不远near station 离近火车站 ; 但离市中心较远near gale 疾风 ; 七级风 ; 近东烈风 ; 附近大风1.. 离…近例:Don"t come near me.别靠近我。He drew his chair nearer the fire.他把他的椅子向炉火拉近了些。2.. 靠近例:He crouched as near to the door as he could.他蜷缩在尽可能靠近门的地方。She took a step nearer to the barrier.她向路障走近了一步。3. 靠近的例:He collapsed into the nearest chair.他瘫在最近的椅子上。The nearer of the two barges was perhaps a mile away.两条驳船中较近的一条约有一英里远。4.. 接近 (某一状态)例:After the war, the firm came near to bankruptcy.战后这家公司濒临破产。The repairs to the Hafner machine were near to completion.哈芙纳牌机器的维修工作已接近尾声。5.. 接近例:He was near tears.他几乎要流泪了。For almost a month he lay near death.他半死不活地躺了将近一个月。6. 与…相似例:It combined with the resinous cedar smell of the logs to produce a sickening sensation that was near to nausea.它与那些圆木的雪松树脂气味混杂在一起,以产生一种快要呕吐的恶心感觉。7.. 与…相似例:Often her feelings were nearer hatred than love.她的感情往往更像是恨,而不是爱。8.. 与 (某物) 最相似的例:It would appear that the legal profession is the nearest thing to a recession-proof industry.看起来司法行业最接近于一种不怕经济衰退的行业。9. 临近例:The time for my departure from Japan was drawing nearer every day.我离开日本的时间一天天临近了。10.. 离 (某一时间) 近例:Performance is lowest between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m., and reaches a peak near midday.工作状态凌晨3点到5点最差,近中午时分达到最高点。"Since I retired to this place," he wrote near the end of his life, "I have never been out of these mountains."“自从退休到这里,”他在快到生命尽头时写到,“我从没出过这些山。”11.. 接近于 (某数量或数字)例 increase manufacturing from about 2.5 million cars a year to nearer 4.75 million.…把轿车年产量从250万辆左右提高到接近475万辆。12.. 拒绝与 (某人或某物) 接触强调例:He will absolutely not go near a hospital.他绝不去医院。13. (二者中) 离得近些的例:...a mighty beech tree on the near side of the little clearing.…小片林间空地近侧一棵硕大的山毛榉树。14.. 差不多的例:She was believed to have died in near poverty.人们相信,她死时几乎一贫如洗。15.. 差不多地例:...his near fatal accident two years ago.…两年前那场险些让他丧命的事故。16. 最接近的 (对手或挑战者)例:He completed the lengthy course some three seconds faster than his nearest rival, Jonathon Ford.他比劲敌乔纳松·福特快约三秒钟完成了漫长的赛程。17.. 接近 (地点)例:As he neared the stable, he slowed the horse and patted it on the neck.接近马厩时,他让马慢下来并拍拍它的脖子。18.. 快到 (某个阶段或时间)例:His age was hard to guess – he must have been nearing fifty.他的年龄很难猜出来–他肯定快50岁了。You are nearing the end of your training and you haven"t attempted any assessments yet.你们的培训快结束了,而你们还未尝试做过任何评估。19.. (重要时刻或事件等) 临近例:As half time neared, Hardyman almost scored twice.中场休息临近时,哈迪曼几乎两度得分。20.. 四处例:People would gather from near and far.人们会从四面八方聚起来。21.. 在不久的将来例:The controversy regarding vitamin C is unlikely to be resolved in the near future.关于维生素C的争论近期不大可能被解决。22.. 远不强调例:They are nowhere near good enough.他们远不够好。It was nowhere near as painful as David had expected.这远远不像大卫预料的那么

we belong to the sea

Take me to the ocean blue Let me dive right into Anything I"ll ever capture You can wait up all night Waiting for wrong or right I always knew where I had youYou can lie on my waves You can sleep in my caves Living on the edge of peace Knowing that water can freeze Do you still want me to open Come on into my waves You can sleep in my caves Let me know that you will hold me Till the tides take my soulWe belong to the seaTo the waves you and me Living in the ocean so blue We belong to the sea Open wide being free A minute everlasting with you And as soon as it stops We"ll all be a drop Coming down on your wide open sea Can you wash me away Will you dry me one day Take me to the place where I came from If I had a open heart Would you tear that apart Why do I feel that you"re lonesome Come on into my waves You can sleep in my caves Let me know that you will hold me Till the tides take my soul We belong to the seaTo the waves you and me Living in the ocean so blueWe belong to the sea Open wide being free A minute everlasting with you And as soon as it stops We"ll all be a drop Coming down on your wide open sea There"s a thunder inside me That your silence will kill And I know that you forced meTo get rid of what I feel We belong to the sea To the waves you and me Living in the ocean so blueWe belong to the sea Open wide being free A minute everlasting with you And as soon as it stops We"ll all be a drop Coming down on your wide open sea

求I belong to me的歌词

歌手: Jessica Simpson所属专辑:《A Public Affair》I belong to meOh yeahIt"s not that I dont wanna share my life with you babyIt"s just that I"m the one I need to be true to babyAnd I won"t give up me to be part of youIt"s not that I dont want to have you in my life babyit"s just you gotta know that its got to be right babybefore I open up my heart to youI dont need somebody to complete meI complete myslefnobody has got to belong to somebody elseI belong to meI don"t belong to youmy heart is my posessionI"ll be my own reflectionI belong to meI"m one not half of twoand if you"re gonna love meyou should know this babyI belong to meI gota let you know before I let you in babythat who I am is not about who I am with babyThat don"t mean I dont wanna be here with youI doI dont need somebody to complete meI want you to know I give all my love butI"m not givin" all my soulI belong to meI don"t belong to youmy heart is my posessionI"ll be my own reflectionI belong to meI"m one not half of twoand if you"re gonna love meyou should know this babyI belong to meOh yeahLove don"t mean changin who you are to bewho somebody wants you to benobody has got to belong to nobodyI belong to meI don"t belong to youmy heart is my posessionI"ll be my own reflectionI belong to meI don"t belong to youmy heart is my posessionI"ll be my own reflectionI belong to meI"m one not half of two,and if your gonna love meyou should know this babyI belong to me

求Westlife 的《where we belong》歌词

[00:14.24]being interviewed by somebody[00:18.17]in a hotel lobby[00:22.23]she says where do you come from?[00:26.83]now i"d really like to talk about it[00:30.89]but if you write it[00:35.00]please don"t get it wrongmark: [00:38.71]mum said you should always aim high[00:42.28]to a kid with a glint in his eyes[00:48.03]she would never liechorus:[00:51.59]and now it"s four years on[00:54.87]feels like we"ve just begun[00:58.04]never forget this is where we belong (where we belong yeah)[01:04.17]every time that we talk about moving on[01:08.35]it turns into a song[01:11.56]cause together we"re strong (oh we"re strong)[01:14.47]like the place we come from[01:17.96]this is where we belongnicky:[01:21.07]next question,i might"ve heard this one before,[01:28.78]though we"re not about to stop no nobryan:[01:33.59]so let me ask ya something[01:36.93]when we"ve got something this good,[01:41.90]tell me why would we give upmark:[01:45.62]mum said you should always aim high[01:49.27]to a kid with the glint in his eyes[01:55.00]she would never lie no nochorus:[01:58.41]and now it"s four years on (four years on)[02:02.14]feels like we"ve just begun (just begun)[02:05.30]never forget this is where we belong (where we belong yeah)[02:11.70]every time that we talk about moving on [02:15.86]it turns into a song[02:19.08]cause together we"re strong (oh we"re strong)[02:22.10]like the place we come from[02:25.32]this is where we belongkian:[02:41.22]last question[02:44.37]now i"ve really got to go[02:49.43]till the next time (till the next time)[02:52.49]bryan: yeah yeahchrous:[02:53.41]and now it"s four years on (four years on)[02:56.90]feels like we"ve just begun (just begun)[02:59.82]never forget this is where we belong (yeah yeah)[03:06.03]every time that we talk about moving on [03:10.30]it turns into a song[03:13.42]cause together we"re strong (yeah)[03:16.32]like the place we come from (we"re strong)[03:19.61]this is where we belong[03:21.82]and now it"s four years on [03:24.92]feels like we"ve just begun [03:28.08]never forget this is where we belong (where we belong yeah)[03:34.26]every time that we talk about moving on (talk about moving on)[03:38.56]it turns into a song[03:41.54]cause together we"re strong (we"re strong)[03:44.80]like the place we come from[03:47.76]this is where we belong[03:57.58]end


《Love To Be Loved By You》是一首旋律优美的英文歌曲,演唱者是美国流行歌手马克·特伦茨(Marc Terenzi)。2005年,Marc与德国歌手莎拉·寇娜(Sarah Connor)结婚时,将这首歌作为爱的礼物献给妻子。意思是喜欢被你爱着,下面是歌词及大意:I can"t believe I"m standing here难以相信我站在这里Been waiting for so many years and等了这么多年Today I found the Queen to reign my heart 今天我终于找到了那个占领我心的女王You changed my life so patiently你慢慢地改变我的生活 And turned it into something good and real 使它变得美好而又真实I feel just like I felt in all my dreams 就好像我在所有的美梦中所感受到的一样There are questions hard to answer 有很多问题难以解决Can"t you see… 你知道吗?Baby, tell me how can I tell you 宝贝,告诉我我该怎么让你明白That I love you more than life 我爱你胜过我的生命Show me how can I show you 告诉我我该怎么让你知道That I"m blinded by your light 我被你的耀眼光芒灼伤了双眼When you touch me I can touch you 当你触碰我的时候,我也能触碰到你To find out the dream is true 来确定这样的梦境是真的I love to be loved by you 我喜欢被你爱You"re looking kind of scared right now 现在你看上去有些不知所措You"re waiting for the wedding vows 你在等待婚姻的誓言But I don"t know if my tongue"s able to talk 但是我不知道我能否说得出口Your beauty is just blinding me 你的美丽蒙蔽了我的双眼Like sunbeams on a summer stream 就像夏日溪流上的一缕阳光and I gotta close my eyes to protect me 我得闭上我的双眼来保护自己Can you take my hand and lead me from here,please...能否请你牵着我的手,带我离开这里yeah...yeah... (这个不用翻了啊)Baby, tell me how can I tell you 宝贝,告诉我我该怎么让你明白That I love you more than life 我爱你胜过我的生命Show me how can I show you 告诉我我该怎么让你知道That I"m blinded by your light 我被你的耀眼光芒灼伤了双眼When you touch me I can touch you 当你触碰我的时候,我也能触碰到你To find out the dream is true 来确定这样的梦境是真的I love to be loved 我喜欢被爱I need to be loved我需要被爱I love to be loved by you我喜欢被你爱I know they gonna say our love"s not 我明白他们觉得我们的爱情不够坚固strong enough to last forever不能成为永恒 And I know they gonna say that 我也知道他们会说we"ll give up because of heavy weather 我们会因处境艰难而放弃But how can they understand 但是他们怎能明白that our love is just heaven sent 我们的爱情是上天赐予的We keep on going on and on 我们不断地坚持前行cause this is where we both belong因为这才是我们的归属Baby, tell me how can I tell you 宝贝,告诉我我该怎么让你明白That I love you more than life 我爱你胜过我的生命Show me how can I show you 告诉我我该怎么让你知道That I"m blinded by your light 我被你的耀眼光芒灼伤了双眼When you touch me I can touch you 当你触碰我的时候,我也能触碰到你To find out the dream is true 来确定这样的梦境是真的I love to be loved我喜欢被爱I need 我需要yes 是的I need to be loved 我需要被爱I love to be loved by you 我喜欢被你爱Yes,I love to be loved by you是的,我喜欢被你爱着的感觉望采纳!新年快乐!


  Love to be loved by you  《愿意被你爱》  I can"t believe I"m standing here  难以置信我站在这里  Been waiting for so many years and  已经等待了这么多年  Today I found the Queen to reign my heart  今天终于找到我心中的皇后  You changed my life so patiently  你如此耐心地改变着我的生活  And turned it into something good and real  把它变得美好而真实  I feel just like I felt in all my dreams  感觉我还像是在做梦一样  There are questions hard to answer  很多问题无法回答  Can"t you see ?  你明白吗?  Baby, tell me how can I tell you  宝贝,告诉我该如何告诉你  That I love you more than life  我爱你胜过我的生命  Show me how can I show you  告诉我我该如何告诉你  That I"m blinded by your light  你光芒刺透了我的双眼  When you touch me I can touch you  当你触摸到我的时候  To find out the dream is true  我才知道这不是梦境  I love to be loved by you  我愿意被你来爱着  You"re looking kind of scared right now  你看上去有点害怕  You"re waiting for the wedding vows but  你正等待着婚姻的誓言  I don"t know if my tongue"s able to talk  但是我不知道我的舌头还能不能告诉你  Your beauty is just blinding me  你的美丽会让我眩晕  Like sunbeams on a summer stream and  似夏日河面上的阳光  I gotta close my eyes to protect me  我只好闭上眼睛保护自己  Can you take my hand and lead me  你可不可以牵着我的手,带着我  From here please  离开这里  yeah...yeah...  耶~耶~  Baby, tell me how can I tell you  宝贝,告诉我该如何 告诉你  That I love you more than life  我爱你胜过我的生命  Show me how can I show you  看着我该如何 看到你  That I"m blinded by your light  你光芒刺透了我的双眼  When you touch me I can touch you  当你触摸到我的时候  To find out the dream is true  我才知道这不是梦境  I love to be loved  我愿意被爱  I need to be loved  我需要被爱  I love to be loved by you  我愿意被你来爱着  I know they"re gonna say our love"s not strong enough  我知道他们说我们的爱不足以  to last forever  坚定到永远  And I know they"re gonna say that we"ll give up because  我也知道他们会说我们会因  of heavy weather  狂风暴雨而放弃  But how can they understand  但是他们怎能明白  that our love is just heaven-sent  我们的爱是上天安排  We keep on going on and on  让我们一直坚守着它,一直  Cause this is where we both belong  因为它属于我们两个人  Baby, tell me how can I tell you (  宝贝,告诉我该如何 告诉你 (你~~~咕~~)  That I love you more than life (I will send you more)  我爱你胜过我的生命 (我会给你更多)  Show me how can I show you (Show me how)  看着我该如何 看到你 (我如何看)  That I"m blinded by your light (yeah...yeah...)  你光芒刺透了我的双眼 (耶~耶~)  When you touch me I can touch you (Baby, When you touch me)  当你触摸到我的时候 (宝贝,当你触摸到我)  To find out the dream is true (Don`t know)  我才知道这不是梦境 (不知道)  I love to be loved  我愿意被爱  I need yes I need to be loved  我是真的需要被爱  I love to be loved by you  我愿意被你来爱着  ee....wu...hoo...  咕~~唔~唬~  Yes I love to be loved by you ….  是的,我愿意被你来爱着 ~~



Belongs to us each day's memorial 什么意思


泰勒的You belong with me的歌词翻译?

You Belong With MeTaylor Swift You"re on the phone with your girlfriend ,she"s upset.She"s going off about something that you said"Cuz she doesn"t, get your humor like I do...I"m in the roomIt"s a typical Tuesday nightI"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t likeand she"ll never know your story like I do ...But she wears short skirtsI wear T-shirtsShe"s cheer captainAnd I"m on the bleachersDreaming about the day when you wake upAnd find what you"re looking for has been here the whole timeIf you could see that I"m the one who understands youbeen here all along so why can"t you see,You belong with meYou belong with meWalkin" the streets with you and your worn-out jeansI can"t help thinking this is how it ought to beLaughing on a park bench, thinking to myselfHey isn"t this easyAnd you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole townI haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you downYou say you"re fineI know you better then thatHey whatcha doing with a girl like thatShe wears high heelsI wear sneakersShes cheer captain andI"m on the bleachersDreaming about the day when you wake up and findThat what you"re looking for has been here the whole timeIf you could see that I"m the one who understands youBeen here all along so why can"t you seeYou belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back doorall this time how could you not know Baby....You belong with meYou belong with meOh I remember you drivin" to my house in the middle of the nightI"m the one who makes you laughWhen you know you"re about to cryAnd i know your favorite songsAnd you tell me about your dreamsThink I know where you belongThink I know it"s with me...Can"t you see that I"m the one who understands youBeen here all alongSo why can"t you seeYou belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back doorAll this timeHow could you not knowBaby you belong with meYou belong with meYou belong with meHave you ever thought just maybeyou belong with meYou belong with me...

bigbang we belong together中文歌词

We Belong Together credit to gdluvzmc@BIG BANG Fansite (GD) Yea, Baby Boo Iu2019m always thinking about you Whatever you do, Iu2019ll always trust you You knowu2026 We belong together uh Chorus u2013 Park Bom Boy Iu2019m ready for your love (yea yea) You got me going steady for your love (oh oh) Nobody but you Iu2019m thinking of (donu2019t cry) So heavenly so obvious (thanks a lot, yea) Ooh baby Iu2019m so ready for your love (love me) You got me going steady for your love (we belong together uh) Ainu2019t nobody but you Iu2019m thinking of (yess) Thatu2019s only because we belong together (letu2019s go) GD: (Oh) Uhh hey baby girl, whatu2019s up Give me just a little time You be always on the go, itu2019s like, oh, you can at least say u2018Hiu2019 My sweet lover, there can never be another Wanna rub ya, baby all the above No one can deny youu2019re so fly, so fly Gotta say my mind And itu2019s killing me everyday of the week Oh, but I guess I get by What you want, this side of me Just ride with me to our destination Kick back and ride and relax you know (PB: Ooh, baby baby) Never mind your cries and woes We can sail away and free those Everyday top city life Now itu2019s our time, enjoy this view The cityu2019s out and itu2019s all about you and me Letu2019s get this groove on Never move on Hey, letu2019s cruise on Until the morning yo Repeat Chorus TOP: (hey hey, hey hey) Girl you got to stop, please Give me room, Iu2019m a dude, when I do these, in full swing When I clear the room there you are, so beauty Never ever need to lay my two eyes on so much juicy (so juicy) Gotta say sheu2019s so incredible; classy, not a hoochie So truly, wanna show Iu2019m that kinda guy, fosho That gives her more than your average, Iu2019m goinu2019 off the road Just like these dope flows, I got what it takes to pinkberry yours [note: beat your rhymes? talking to another dude, lol silly TOP] So then they call me u2018HEROu2019 Betting often that youu2019re crying out u2018Dramau2019 Girl you got my head spinning out, nothing I would do Whatu2019s going on, we going out Cuz itu2019s about me and you Iu2019m talking every second of every minute, Iu2019m thinking about you We gotta please ride to forever from my heart, I promise you Repeat Chorus (GD: yea, listen) PB: The way you treatinu2019 me So heavenly and wonderful (Trust me) Oh we have so much so fun, canu2019t get enough, I need some more (Na, na) Thatu2019s for sure, thought Iu2019d let you know Iu2019m ready to just give you my all (Gotta be, gotta be my love) And I canu2019t wait for you to hold me gently in your arms (Iu2019m so happy) Caress my body baby, as we both become one (I love you) Feel it all deeply in my heart That we belong together my love, oh GD: (Oh) Baby, your love is so mind-blowing (PB: Oh yea) I need you, gotta please you my girl And thatu2019s for life-long (Oh baby, baby) Baby, you know itu2019s so right for me and you You gotta think it over Iu2019ll never deny Baby, your love is so mind-blowing (PB: oh baby babyu2026) I need you, gotta please you my girl And thatu2019s for life-long (You know that I love you, yea) Baby, you know itu2019s so right for me (belong together) You gotta think it over Iu2019ll never deny (ooh babyu2026)

belong可以搭配with吗?为什么Taylor Swift的新歌的名字叫有you belong with me?

呵呵 belong with 这个是正确的用法啊

you belong with me的歌曲MV

《You Belong with Me》MV男主角由美国影视演员卢卡斯·威廉·提尔出演,MV由罗曼·怀特执导拍摄,音乐录像带描写的是泰勒高一时的真实经历。在音乐录像带中,泰勒同时扮演了一个“书呆子”(女主角)和一个“时尚女孩”(女配角)。《You Belong with Me》MV描绘了一个女孩与邻家男孩之间的故事,泰勒所扮演的女主角暗恋已有女朋友的邻家男孩。最终,在女主角不放弃爱情的坚定信念下,男主角和女主角用写在纸上的字互相表白而走到一起,MV以两人的接吻结束 。

泰勒·斯威夫特的You Belong With Me的MV裏的两个女的都是她自己演的麼?

是Taylor Swift,那个角色也是Taylor自己演的,善良的和邪恶的都是她自己演的。戴了深色的假发而已。还是很好看出来的,那双眼睛一看就是Taylor了。Taylor本身是天生的金色卷发,头发特别特别卷,很少很少会弄直,头发颜色也没改变过

You Belong With Me 谐音 清楚点 准确点 拜托了

You"re on the phone with your girlfriend ,she"s upset.你正和女朋友聊电话 她不开心She"s going off about something that you said她因为你说的某些话而不高兴"Cuz she doesn"t, get your humor like I do...她不像我 明白你的幽默I"m in the room It"s a typical Tuesday night我在一个房间 这是个普通的星期二晚上I"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t like我听著她不喜欢的音乐类型and she"ll never know your story like I do ...永远不会像我一样知道你的故事But she wears short skirts I wear T-shirts但她穿短裙 我穿T恤She"s cheer captain她是啦啦队队长And I"m on the bleachers而我支持棒球队Dreaming about the day when you wake up做著梦希望你会有一天起床发现And find what you"re looking for has been here the whole time你找著的东西已经一直在这If you could see that I"m the one who understands you如果你可以看见我是了解你的那个人been here all along so why can"t you see,一直在这里但为什麼你看不见?You belong with meYou belong with meWalkin" the streets with you and your worn-out jeans你穿著你的旧牛仔裤和我走在街上I can"t help thinking this is how it ought to be我不能停止去想 这就是对的景象Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself在公园长椅上自己一边想一边笑Hey isn"t this easy这不是很容易吗?And you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole town你还有可以照亮整个城镇的笑容I haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you down我好久没有看见了 自从她把你甩掉You say you"re fine I know you better then that你说你发现我比她了解你Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that但对於这样的一个女生你会怎样做?She wears high heels她穿高跟鞋 我穿球鞋I wear sneakersShes cheer captain and I"m on the bleachers她是啦啦队队长而我支持棒球队Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find做著梦希望你会有一天起床发现That what you"re looking for has been here the whole time你找著的东西已经一直在这If you could see that I"m the one who understands you如果你可以看见我是了解你的那个人Been here all along so why can"t you see一直在这里但为什麼你看不见?你应该和我一起You belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back door一直站著 在你家后门等待著all this time how could you not know Baby....在这时你怎能还不明白?You belong with meYou belong with me你应该和我一起你应该和我一起Oh I remember you drivin" to my house in the middle of the night啊我想起你在半夜突然驾车到我家I"m the one who makes you laugh When you know you"re about to cry当你知道你快要哭的时候是我把你逗笑的And i know your favorite songs我知道你最喜欢的歌And you tell me about your dreams你把你的梦想都告诉我Think I know where you belong Think I know it"s with me...我想我知道你该何去何从 我想我知道你该和我一起Can"t you see that I"m the one who understands you你怎可以看不见我是了解你的那个人Been here all along So why can"t you see一直在这里但为什麼你看不见?You belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back door一直站著 在你家后门等待著All this time How could you not know在这时你怎能还不明白?Baby you belong with meYou belong with meYou belong with meHave you ever thought just maybe其实你有没有想过根本只是you belong with me你应该和我一起You belong with me...你应该和我一起

You belong with me歌词的中文译音

You"re on the phone with your girlfriend, she"s upset.你在电话上和女朋友聊天 她感到懊恼She"s going off about something that you said她不再对你说的话感兴趣"Cuz she doesn"t, get your humor like I do...因为她不像我了解你的幽默感I"m in the room, it"s a typical Tuesday night我在房间里 今天是个典型的星期二晚上I"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t like我在听着她不会喜欢的那种音乐and she"ll never know your story like I do而她永远不会像我一样了解你的故事But she wears short skirts但她穿着短裙I wear T-shirts我穿着T恤She"s cheer captain她是啦啦队队长And I"m on the bleachers而我只坐冷板凳Dreaming about the day when you wake up梦想着有一天你会清醒And find what you"re looking for察觉到你所要寻找的has been here the whole time其实一直都在这里If you could see that I"m the one who understands you只要你能发现 我才是唯一了解你的人been here all along so why can"t you see,我一直在这 为什么你就是看不到You belong with me你属于我You belong with me你属于我Walkin" the streets with you and your worn-out jeans你穿着磨损的牛仔裤和我走在街上I can"t help thinking this is how it ought to be我忍不住想着这才是一切该有的样子Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself在公园的长椅上大笑 在心里对我自己说Hey isn"t this easy嘿 这不是很简单吗?And you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole town而你露出一个微笑 那足以点亮整个城镇I haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you down自从她甩掉你以后我从没见过你露出这种笑容You say you"re fine你说你很好I know you better than that我知道你比"很好"更好Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that嘿 和那样的女孩在一起你都怎么做She wears high heels她穿着高跟鞋I wear sneakers我穿着运动鞋She"s cheer captain and她是啦啦队队长I"m on the bleachers而我只坐冷板凳Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find梦想着有一天你会清醒That what you"re looking for察觉到你所要寻找的has been here the whole time其实一直都在这里If you could see that I"m the one who understands you只要你能发现 我才是唯一了解你的人Been here all along so why can"t you see我一直在这 为什么你就是看不到You belong with me你属于我Standing by and waiting at your back door站在你的后门等待all this time how could you not know这段时间来你为什么会不知道Baby....宝贝....You belong with me你属于我 You belong with me你属于我I remember you drivin" to my house我记得你开车到我家in the middle of the night就在半夜I"m the one who makes you laugh我就是那个让你欢笑的人When you know you"re about to cry当你知道你快哭时And i know your favorite songs我知道你最喜欢的歌And you tell me about your dreams你告诉我你的梦Think I know where you belong认为我知道你真正属于的地方Think I know it"s with me...认为我知道属于你的地方就是和我在一起...Can"t you see that I"m the one who understands you你看不到我才是唯一明白你的人吗?Been here all along我一直都在这So why can"t you see所以为什么你看不到You belong with me你属于我Standing by and waiting at your back door站在你的后门等待All this time这段时间来How could you not know你为什么会不知道Baby you belong with me宝贝 你属于我You belong with me你属于我You belong with me你属于我Have you ever thought just maybe你有没有想过 也许 只是"也许"you belong with me你属于我You belong with me...你属于我...

you belong with me的谐音


you belong with me简谱或吉他和弦谱


You Belong With Me 中文谐音歌词

You"re on the phone with your girlfriend, shes upset.油啊昂得(佛哦恩)为思要(哥偶佛瑞恩得) 睡思啊破赛特She"s going off about something that you said睡思狗英奥夫 饿抱特 撒母思英 呆特油赛得"Cuz she doesn"t, get your humor like I do科子睡大怎特 该特要(喝油墨) 来可爱度I"m in the room, it"s a typical Tuesday night爱目音得如目 一次额提屁扣 (提油思得诶) 乃特I"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t like爱目力森宁吐得看的奥夫 谬Z可 睡大怎特来可and she"ll never know your story like i do安的睡偶 乃窝呢哦 要死到瑞 来可 爱 度But 吧特she wears short skirts 睡外儿少特 死哥特I wear T-shirts 爱 外儿 提设次She"s cheer captain 睡思吹儿(开普特恩)And I"m on the bleachers 安的 爱目昂得 玻璃车死Dreaming about the day when you wake up 坠明额包特得(得诶)温油胃可啊普And find what you"re looking for 安的(佛按的) 我特油啊(路可英)(佛哦)has been here the whole time 嗨子(比恩) (喝也儿) 得吼太木If you could see that I"m the one who understands you 一副油哭得西呆特爱目得玩 呼安德斯蛋的油been here all along so why can"t you see, you(比恩)(喝也儿)奥额狼 搜外抗特 油西 油You belong with me 油笔狼为思米You belong with meWalkin" the streets with you and your worn-out jeans(哇奥可音)得斯追特 为思油安的要 卧恩奥特 (杰恩斯)I can"t help thinking this is how it ought to be爱 抗特(还哦普)(星可英) 地斯一子浩一特奥特土币Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself(啦服英) 昂饿帕克 本吃 (星可英)图买赛奥夫Hey isn"t this easy 嘿 一怎特迪斯 一贼And you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole town安的 油还捂 高特饿斯麦哦 呆特酷的来特啊普迪斯吼唐I haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you down爱海闻特新一特 音饿外偶新斯睡不饶特油当You say you"re fine 油塞油啊饭I know you better then that (爱呢哦)油白特(德恩)呆特Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that 黑 无奥查 读英 为思额哥偶来可呆特She wears high heels 睡外儿嗨和一偶斯I wear sneakers 爱外儿斯你可思Shes cheer captain andI"m on the bleachersDreaming about the day when you wake up and findThat what you"re looking forhas been here the whole timeIf you could see that I"m the one who understands youBeen here all along so why can"t you seeYou belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back door斯蛋定白 安的 胃听爱特 要 白可道all this time how could you not know 奥迪斯太木好苦的油闹特(呢哦)Baby....You belong with meYou belong with me括号里的连起来读

我想要 《you belong with me》的中文翻译。也就是说把英文歌词变成中文的谐音。- - 不要百度已经有了的。

You"re on the phone with your girlfriend, shes upset.忧啊昂德风为腰儿哥偶夫软德,水思啊泼赛德。Shes going off about something that you said水思沟英熬夫饿抱特三母姓代特忧啊赛德"Cuz she doesn"t, get your humor like I do...靠子水思咚特,盖特腰儿胡摸来克爱度I"m in the room, it"s a typical Tuesday night爱母音德入母,诶刺饿忒配扣吐子爹耐特I"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t like爱母累森宁吐德看德饿夫缪贼克水咚特来克and she"ll never know your story like i do安德水欧乃唔槈忧啊思道瑞来克爱度But she wears short skirts爸特水围儿思烧特思歌次I wear T-shirts爱围儿T-恤次She"s cheer captain水思吹儿开泼腾And I"m on the bleachers安德爱母昂德不利绰思Dreaming about the day when you wake up追明饿抱特德得(dei四声)闻忧围克啊泼And find what you"re looking for安德饭得喔特忧啊路看否has been here the whole time孩子病嘿儿德厚太木If you could see that I"m the one who understands you衣服忧哭德谁代特爱慕德万户安德斯但子忧been here all along so why can"t you see病嘿儿澳饿浪搜外看特忧琗,You belong with me忧比浪味米You belong with me忧比浪味米Walkin" the streets with you and your worn-out jeans喔克音德斯坠次为忧安德腰儿喔闹特坠思I can"t help thinking this is how it ought to be爱抗特海欧泼姓第思一子号诶特澳涂必Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself拉夫英昂饿怕克笔吃,姓土买赛欧夫Hey isn"t this easy黑,诶怎特第思一贼And you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole town安德忧啊高特饿思卖欧带特苦德赖他泼第四厚汤I haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you down爱海闻特信恩诶特音饿外欧信思水布绕特忧档You say you"re fine忧琗忧啊饭I know you better then that爱槈忧拜特扽带特Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that嘿喔都英围饿歌欧夫软德来克带特She wears high heels水围儿汗嘿欧子I wear sneakers爱围儿思你可自Shes cheer captain and水思吹儿开泼腾安德I"m on the bleachers爱慕昂德不利绰儿自Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find坠明饿抱特德得(dei四声)闻忧围克啊泼安德饭德That what you"re looking for带特喔特忧啊路克英否has been here the whole time孩子必应嘿儿德厚太木If you could see that I"m the one who understands you衣服忧苦的谁代特爱慕德万户暗的思但子忧Been here all along so why can"t you see比应嘿儿澳饿浪搜外看特忧谁You belong with me忧比浪围米Standing by and waiting at your back door思但丁拜安德味挺爱特腰儿败克道儿all this time how could you not know澳第四太木号酷的忧闹吐槈Baby....卑鄙You belong with me忧碧浪围子密You belong with me忧碧浪围子密I remember you drivin" to my house爱瑞慢倍儿忧坠闻吐卖号思in the middle of the night音德米斗饿夫德耐特I"m the one who makes you laugh爱慕德万户妹克思忧啦夫When you know you"re about to cry闻忧槈腰儿饿抱特吐克热爱And i know your favorite songs俺的爱槈腰儿非喔瑞德桑思And you tell me about your dreams俺的忧太澳米饿抱特腰儿坠母思Think I know where you belong姓克爱槈围儿忧笔浪Think I know it"s with me..姓克爱槈诶刺围米Can"t you see that I"m the one who understands you抗特忧谁代特爱慕德万户俺的私单的忧Been here all along碧影嘿儿澳饿浪So why can"t you see搜外抗特忧谁You belong with me忧碧浪围子米Standing by and waiting at your back door思单丁败俺的胃挺爱特腰儿败克道儿All this time澳第四太木How could you not know好酷的忧脑涂槈Baby you belong with me卑鄙忧碧浪位子米You belong with me忧碧浪位子米You belong with me忧碧浪位子米Have you ever thought just maybe咳唔忧爱唔欧骚特抓思特妹必you belong with me忧碧浪位子米You belong with me...忧碧浪位子米ps:因为中英对照有一些词语的标准发音是无法完全译过来的,所以最好对找我写的反复听,争取达到最好的效果!

you belong with me歌词的中文意思

If you could see that I"m the one who understands you 如果你可以看见我是了解你的那个人 been here all along so why can"t you see, 一直在这里但为什么你看不见? You belong with me You belong with me Walkin" the streets with you and your worn-out jeans 你穿着你的旧牛仔裤和我走在街上 I can"t help thinking this is how it ought to be 我不能停止去想 这就是对的景象 Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself 在公园长椅上自己一边想一边笑 Hey isn"t this easy 这不是很容易吗? And you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole town 你还有可以照亮整个城镇的笑容 I haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you down 我好久没有看见了 自从她把你甩掉 You say you"re fine I know you better then that 你说你发现我比她了解你 Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that 但对于这样的一个女生你会怎样做? She wears high heels 她穿高跟鞋 我穿球鞋 I wear sneakers Shes cheer captain and I"m on the bleachers 她是啦啦队队长而我支持棒球队 Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find 做著梦希望你会有一天起床发现 That what you"re looking for has been here the whole time 你找着的东西已经一直在这 If you could see that I"m the one who understands you 如果你可以看见我是了解你的那个人 Been here all along so why can"t you see 一直在这里但为什么你看不见? 你应该和我一起 You belong with me Standing by and waiting at your back door 一直站著 在你家后门等待著 all this time how could you not know Baby.... 在这时你怎能还不明白? You belong with me You belong with me 你应该和我一起 你应该和我一起 Oh I remember you drivin" to my house in the middle of the night 啊我想起你在半夜突然驾车到我家 I"m the one who makes you laugh When you know you"re about to cry 当你知道你快要哭的时候是我把你逗笑的 And i know your favorite songs 我知道你最喜欢的歌 And you tell me about your dreams 你把你的梦想都告诉我 Think I know where you belong Think I know it"s with me... 我想我知道你该何去何从 我想我知道你该和我一起 Can"t you see that I"m the one who understands you 你怎可以看不见我是了解你的那个人 Been here all along So why can"t you see 一直在这里但为什么你看不见? You belong with me Standing by and waiting at your back door 一直站著 在你家后门等待著 All this time How could you not know 在这时你怎能还不明白? Baby you belong with me You belong with me You belong with me Have you ever thought just maybe 其实你有没有想过根本只是 you belong with me 你应该和我一起 You belong with me... 你应该和我一起

taylor swift 的 《you belong with me 》 为什么是“belong with” 而非“belong to” 捏? 我疑惑好久了

belong with 是古英语,现在一般都用belong to而且唱with比较好听嘛爱死taylor了

taylor swift you belong with me的mv讲了什么故事?


泰勒·斯威夫特的You Belong With Me的MV裏的两个女的都是她自己演的麼?

是Taylor Swift,那个角色也是Taylor自己演的,善良的和邪恶的都是她自己演的。戴了深色的假发而已。还是很好看出来的,那双眼睛一看就是Taylor了。Taylor本身是天生的金色卷发,头发特别特别卷,很少很少会弄直,头发颜色也没改变过

如果一个人对你说you belong with me你怎么回答

belong to 的基本意思是“属于” 1.“(财产)属于···所有” The house belongs to Mr White. 2."属于(国家,团体)的成员 I belong to the new club. 3.“属于某个时期” The dinosaur belongs to the Cretaceous Period.(恐龙属于白垩纪时期) belong with 主要有以下三方面的意思 1.和somebody同属(某个职业) He is a geography who belongs with Tony.(他和托尼同属于地理学家) 2.与···有关 Poetry belongs with music.(诗和音乐有关) 3.和···住在一起 He belongs with his father.(他和他父亲住在一起) 后记:看看吧,他们简直就是两个样,只是形相近而已.怎么回答,你自己看着办吧。词不达意,英语没好好学啊。

泰勒·斯威夫特 《You belong with me》MV中的男主角是谁啊。。

原名:卢卡斯·威廉·提尔 Lucas William Till 身高:178cm 5ft10 体重:61kg 发色:金色 Blonde 眼睛:蓝色 Blue 人种:高加索 Caucasion 生日及出生地:1990年8月10日于美国德克萨斯州的Fort Hood

求泰勒斯威夫特的“you belong with me.”的中文歌词


跪求《you belong with me》Tayor Swift的歌词啊啊!!

You Belong with Me Taylor Swift You"re on the phone with your girlfriend, shes upset.She"s going off about something that you said"Cuz she doesn"t, get your humor like I doI"m in the room, it"s a typical Tuesday nightI"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t likeand she"ll never know your story like i doBut she wears short skirtsI wear T-shirtsShe"s cheer captainAnd I"m on the bleachersDreaming about the day when you wake upAnd find what you"re looking forhas been here the whole timeIf you could see that I"m the one who understands youbeen here all along so why can"t you see, youYou belong with meYou belong with meWalkin" the streets with you and your worn-out jeansI can"t help thinking this is how it ought to beLaughing on a park bench, thinking to myselfHey isn"t this easyAnd you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole townI haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you downYou say you"re fineI know you better then thatHey whatcha doing with a girl like thatShe wears high heelsI wear sneakersShes cheer captain andI"m on the bleachersDreaming about the day when you wake up and findThat what you"re looking forhas been here the whole timeIf you could see that I"m the one who understands youBeen here all along so why can"t you seeYou belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back doorall this time how could you not knowBaby....You belong with meYou belong with meI remember you drivin" to my housein the middle of the nightI"m the one who makes you laughWhen you know you"re about to cryAnd i know your favorite songsAnd you tell me about your dreamsThink I know where you belongThink I know it"s with me...Can"t you see that I"m the one who understands youBeen here all alongSo why can"t you seeYou belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back doorAll this timeHow could you not knowBaby you belong with meYou belong with meYou belong with meHave you ever thought just maybeyou belong with meYou belong with me

我想要 《you belong with me》的中文翻译。也就是说把英文歌词变成中文的谐音。- - 不要百度已经有了的。


You Belong With Me的歌词的中文意思是什么?


求you belong with me 的中文译词

你是属于我的,不会淹没在深海这是一首歌,完整歌词如下:You cut me down a tree 你为我砍倒一棵树 And brought it back to me 你将它带到我身边 And that"s what made me see 它让我明白了 Where I was going wrong 我所做错的事情 You put me on a shelf 你将我放在架子上 And kept me for yourself 成为你的收藏 I can only blame myself 我只能怪罪自己 You can only blame me 你也只能埋怨我 And I could write a song 我可以为你写首歌 A hundred miles long 千万里那么长 Well, that"s where I belong 好吧,我本就应属于这里 And you belong to me 你也是属于我的 And I could write it down 我能将这记下 Or spread it all around 也能让所有人知道 Get lost and then get found 迷失,接着又找到 Or swallowed in the sea 或者淹没在深海 You put me on a line 你将我高高挂起 And hung me out to dry 然后将我全部晒干 And darling that"s when I 亲爱的,那就是我决定 Decided to go to see you 见你的时候 You cut me down to size 你将我肢解 And opened up my eyes 将我的双眼打开 Made me realize 让我明白 What I could not see 我所看不到的 And I could write a book 我能为你写本书 The one they"ll say that shook 会让所有人震惊的一本 The world, and then it took 然后它将 It took it back from me 回到我身边 And I could write it down 我能将这记下 Or spread it all around 也能让所有人知道 Get lost and then get found 迷失,接着又找到 And you"ll come back to me 你会回到我身边 Not swallowed in the sea 而不会淹没在深海 Ooh... 哦。。。 And I could write a song 我可以为你写首歌 A hundred miles long 千万里那么长 Well, that"s where I belong 好吧,我本就应属于这里 And you belong to me 你也是属于我的 The streets you"re walking on 你所走过的大街 A thousand houses long 蜿蜒千万座房屋 Well, that"s where I belong 好吧,我本就应属于这里 And you belong to me 你也是属于我的 Oh what good is it to live 哦,活着还有何意义 With nothing left to give 当没有什么可以去给予的 Forget but not forgive 忘却但不要原谅 Not loving all you see 所有你将爱的 The streets you"re walking on 你所走过的大街 A thousand houses long 蜿蜒千万座房屋 Well, that"s where I belong 好吧,我本就应属于这里 And you belong to me 你也是属于我的 Not swallowed in the sea 而不会淹没在深海 You belong with me 你也是属于我的 Not swallowed in the sea 而不会淹没在深海 Yeah, you belong with me 啊,你也是属于我的 Not swallowed in the sea 而不会淹没在深海

you belong with me 的吉他谱(taylor的)

D A Em G G D Am C e|-2---0---0---3-| e|-3---2---0---0-|B|-3---2---0---3-| B|-3---3---1---1-|G|-2---2---0---0-| OR G|-0---2---2---0-|(Down 1/2 step)D|-0---2---2---0-| D|-0---0---2---2-|A|-x---0---2---2-| A|-2---x---0---3-|E|-x---x---0---3-| E|-3---x---0---x-|DD AYou"re on the phone with your girlfriend, she"s upset EmShe"s going off about something that you said G"Cause she doesn"t get your humor like I doD AI"m in the room it"s a typical Tuesday night EmI"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t like GAnd she"ll never know your story like I do Em GBut she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts D AShe"s cheer captain and I"m on the bleachers Em GDreaming about the day when you wake up and find AThat what you"re looking for has been here the whole time DIf you could see that I"m the one who understands you A EmBeen here all along, so why can"t you see? G DYou belong with me, you belong with meD AWalkin" the streets with you and your worn out jeans EmI can"t help thinking this is how it ought to be GLaughing on a park bench, thinking to myself Hey isn"t this easy D AAnd you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole town EmI haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you down You say you"re fine, I know you better then that GHey whatcha doing with a girl like that Em GShe wears high heels, I wear sneakers D AShes cheer captain and I"m on the bleachers Em GDreaming about the day when you wake up and find A That what you"re looking for has been here the whole time DIf you could see that I"m the one who understands you A EmBeen here all along, so why can"t you see? GYou belong with meDStanding by and waiting at your back door A EmAll this time how could you not know, baby GYou belong with me, you belong with me D A Em G EmOh I remember you drivin" to my house GIn the middle of the night DI"m the one who makes you laugh AWhen you know you"re about to cry EmAnd I know your favorite songs GAnd you tell me about your dreams DThink I know where you belong AThink I know it"s with meDCan"t you see that I"m the one who understands you A EmBeen here all along, so why can"t you see? GYou belong with meDStanding by and waiting at your back door A EmAll this time how could you not know, baby G DYou belong with me, you belong with me AYou belong with me EmHave you ever thought just maybe G DYou belong with me, you belong with me打字不易,如满意,望采纳。

you belong with me这首歌的中文意思是什么

可以直接翻译为:你是我的belong with 意思是 属于彼此(用来表示恋人之间的亲密关系)也可以说 你属于我

you belong with me mv的男主角是谁?

Lucas Till采纳 采纳 采纳

Taylor Swift 的you belong with me中的男主角是谁。谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

Taylor Swift 的you belong with me中的男主角是Lucas Till (卢卡斯·提尔) taylor在他和miley cyrus拍完电影hannah montana the movie后与他合作 Till十岁开就开始在一些电视广告和平面广告上出现.十二岁参演了电影奥西·纳什冒险记(The Adventures of Ociee Nash),他在电影中扮演了经常遭主角欺负的Harry Vanderbilt、2004年,Till在故事片萤火虫(Lighting Bug)中扮演Jay这个角色,他的首个主流电影的角色是传记电影《一往无前》(Walk The Line)中的Jack Cash。这部电影中与他合作的有演员杰昆·菲尼克斯 (Joaquin Phoenix)、瑞茜·威瑟斯彭(Reese Witherspoon)以及导演詹姆斯·曼高德(James Mangold)。在拍摄了一往无前之后,Till又参演了多部独立电影和Lifetime电视台的多部电影,2008年Till试镜由麦莉·赛勒斯(Miley Cyrus)主演的Hannah Montana电影版中的Travis Brody,并且最终获得了这个角色。据报道说Till目前没有参演另外一部迪士尼电影的任何计划。Till最新参演的一部电影是由功夫明星成龙主演的《邻家特工》 (The Spy Next Door),他在片中扮演了一名俄国间谍,并且最近出演了美国乡村音乐女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特Taylor Swift的音乐录影带You Belong With Me和著名美剧豪斯医生(House)中的一集。 参考资料:

欧美流行歌曲You Belong With Me 英汉互译

中文翻译是:你属于我这首歌是Taylor swift的歌,很好听的

you belong with me歌词

歌名:You Belong With Me歌手:The CDM Chartbreakers语言:英语时长:3分46秒专辑:《Country Chartbusters 2009》发行时间:2009年歌词:You"re on the phone with your girlfriend―she"s upset,She"s going off about something that you said"Cause she doesn"t get your humor like I do.I"m in the room, it"s a typical Tuesday night.I"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t like.And she"ll never know your story like I do.But she wears short skirtsI wear t-shirtsShe"s cheer captainAnd I"m on the bleachersDreaming about the day when you wake up and findThat what you"re looking for has been here the whole time.If you could seeThat I"m the oneWho understands you.Been here all along.So, why can"t you seeYou belong with me,You belong with me?Walking the streets with you in your worn out jeansI can"t help thinking this is how it ought to be.Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself,"Hey, isn"t this easy?"And you"ve got a smileThat can light up this whole town.I haven"t seen it in awhileSince she brought you down.You say you"re fine―I know you better than that.Hey, what you doing with a girl like that?She wears high heels,I wear sneakers.She"s cheer captain,And I"m on the bleachers.Dreaming about the day when you wake up and findThat what you"re looking for has been here the whole time.If you could seeThat I"m the oneWho understands you,Been here all along.So, why can"t you seeYou belong with me?Standing by and waiting at your backdoor.All this time how could you not know, baby?You belong with me,You belong with me.Oh, I remember you were driving to my houseIn the middle of the night.I"m the one who makes you laughWhen you know you"re "bout to cry.I know your favorite songs,And you tell me about your dreams.Think I know where you belong,Think I know it"s with me.Can"t you seeThat I"m the oneWho understands you?Been here all along.So, why can"t you seeYou belong with me?Standing by and waiting at your backdoor.All this time how could you not know, baby?You belong with me,You belong with me.You belong with me.Have you ever thought just maybeYou belong with me?You belong with me.

you belong with me的中英文歌词,一句对一句的,谢谢

<you belong with me >You"re on the phone with your girlfriend ,she"s upset.你正和女朋友聊电话 她不开心She"s going off about something that you said她因为你说的某些话而不高兴"Cuz she doesn"t, get your humor like I do...她不像我 明白你的幽默I"m in the room It"s a typical Tuesday night我在一个房间 这是个普通的星期二晚上I"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t like我听著她不喜欢的音乐类型and she"ll never know your story like I do ...永远不会像我一样知道你的故事But she wears short skirts I wear T-shirts但她穿短裙 我穿T恤She"s cheer captain她是啦啦队队长And I"m on the bleachers而我支持棒球队Dreaming about the day when you wake up做著梦希望你会有一天起床发现And find what you"re looking for has been here the whole time你找著的东西已经一直在这If you could see that I"m the one who understands you如果你可以看见我是了解你的那个人been here all along so why can"t you see,一直在这里但为什麼你看不见?You belong with meYou belong with meWalkin" the streets with you and your worn-out jeans你穿著你的旧牛仔裤和我走在街上I can"t help thinking this is how it ought to be我不能停止去想 这就是对的景象Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself在公园长椅上自己一边想一边笑Hey isn"t this easy这不是很容易吗?And you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole town你还有可以照亮整个城镇的笑容I haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you down我好久没有看见了 自从她把你甩掉You say you"re fine I know you better then that你说你发现我比她了解你Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that但对於这样的一个女生你会怎样做?She wears high heels她穿高跟鞋 我穿球鞋I wear sneakersShes cheer captain and I"m on the bleachers她是啦啦队队长而我支持棒球队Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find做著梦希望你会有一天起床发现That what you"re looking for has been here the whole time你找著的东西已经一直在这If you could see that I"m the one who understands you如果你可以看见我是了解你的那个人Been here all along so why can"t you see一直在这里但为什麼你看不见?你应该和我一起You belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back door一直站著 在你家后门等待著all this time how could you not know Baby....在这时你怎能还不明白?You belong with meYou belong with me你应该和我一起你应该和我一起Oh I remember you drivin" to my house in the middle of the night啊我想起你在半夜突然驾车到我家I"m the one who makes you laugh When you know you"re about to cry当你知道你快要哭的时候是我把你逗笑的And i know your favorite songs我知道你最喜欢的歌And you tell me about your dreams你把你的梦想都告诉我Think I know where you belong Think I know it"s with me...我想我知道你该何去何从 我想我知道你该和我一起Can"t you see that I"m the one who understands you你怎可以看不见我是了解你的那个人Been here all along So why can"t you see一直在这里但为什麼你看不见?You belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back door一直站著 在你家后门等待著All this time How could you not know在这时你怎能还不明白?Baby you belong with meYou belong with meYou belong with meHave you ever thought just maybe其实你有没有想过根本只是you belong with me你应该和我一起You belong with me...你应该和我一起

you belong with me 中文音译


Taylor Swift 的 You Belong With Me(Pop Mix歌词?

You"re on the phone with your girlfriend ,she"s upset.你正和女朋友聊电话 她不开心She"s going off about something that you said她因为你说的某些话而不高兴"Cuz she doesn"t, get your humor like I do...她不像我 明白你的幽默I"m in the room It"s a typical Tuesday night我在一个房间 这是个普通的星期二晚上I"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t like我听著她不喜欢的音乐类型and she"ll never know your story like I do ...永远不会像我一样知道你的故事But she wears short skirts I wear T-shirts但她穿短裙 我穿T恤She"s cheer captain她是啦啦队队长And I"m on the bleachers而我支持棒球队Dreaming about the day when you wake up做著梦希望你会有一天起床发现And find what you"re looking for has been here the whole time你找著的东西已经一直在这If you could see that I"m the one who understands you如果你可以看见我是了解你的那个人been here all along so why can"t you see,一直在这里但为什麼你看不见?You belong with meYou belong with meWalkin" the streets with you and your worn-out jeans你穿著你的旧牛仔裤和我走在街上I can"t help thinking this is how it ought to be我不能停止去想 这就是对的景象Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself在公园长椅上自己一边想一边笑Hey isn"t this easy这不是很容易吗?And you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole town你还有可以照亮整个城镇的笑容I haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you down我好久没有看见了 自从她把你甩掉You say you"re fine I know you better then that你说你发现我比她了解你Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that但对於这样的一个女生你会怎样做?She wears high heels她穿高跟鞋 我穿球鞋I wear sneakersShes cheer captain and I"m on the bleachers她是啦啦队队长而我支持棒球队Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find做著梦希望你会有一天起床发现That what you"re looking for has been here the whole time你找著的东西已经一直在这If you could see that I"m the one who understands you如果你可以看见我是了解你的那个人Been here all along so why can"t you see一直在这里但为什麼你看不见?你应该和我一起You belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back door一直站著 在你家后门等待著all this time how could you not know Baby....在这时你怎能还不明白?You belong with meYou belong with me你应该和我一起你应该和我一起Oh I remember you drivin" to my house in the middle of the night啊我想起你在半夜突然驾车到我家I"m the one who makes you laugh When you know you"re about to cry当你知道你快要哭的时候是我把你逗笑的And i know your favorite songs我知道你最喜欢的歌And you tell me about your dreams你把你的梦想都告诉我Think I know where you belong Think I know it"s with me...我想我知道你该何去何从 我想我知道你该和我一起Can"t you see that I"m the one who understands you你怎可以看不见我是了解你的那个人Been here all along So why can"t you see一直在这里但为什麼你看不见?You belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back door一直站著 在你家后门等待著All this time How could you not know在这时你怎能还不明白?Baby you belong with meYou belong with meYou belong with meHave you ever thought just maybe其实你有没有想过根本只是you belong with me你应该和我一起You belong with me...你应该和我一起

you belong with me歌词。

  You"re on the phone with your girlfriend, she‘s upset.  你正和女朋友在讲电话,她很郁闷  She"s going off about something that you said  (但)你说的她却不感兴趣  "Cuz she doesn"t, get your humor like I do  因为她无法像我那样理解你的幽默感  I"m in the room, it"s a typical Tuesday night  又一个独自宅在房间的周二  I"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t like  我听着她不喜欢的音乐  and she"ll never know your story like i do  她永远不会像我那样了解你的一切  But she wears short skirts,I wear T-shirts  她穿着短裙,我穿着T  She"s cheer captain,And I"m on the bleachers  她是啦啦队队长,我却在看台上  Dreaming about the day when you wake up,And find what you"re looking for  梦想有一天你能顿悟,发现我就是那个你要一直在找的的人(伴侣)  has been here the whole time(这句和上面一句是一整个长长的宾语+定语从句)  If you could see that I"m the one who understands you  如果你能够察觉我是了解你的那个人  been here all along so why can"t you see, you  为什么我一直都在这里,你却总是视而不见  You belong with me  你应该和我在一起  You belong with me  你应该和我在一起  Walkin" the streets with you and your worn-out jeans  穿着你的旧牛仔裤和我压马路  I can"t help thinking this is how it ought to be  我情不自禁地去幻想这一幕情形(上面那句英文市她幻想的)  Laughing on a park bench,thinking to myself  我们坐在公园长椅上说笑,我想到了自己  Hey isn"t this easy  hey,这还不容易  And you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole town  你的笑容可以照亮整个城镇  I haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you down  自从她伤害你之后我就再也没见过(这样的笑容)  You say you"re fine  你说你很好  I know you better then that  可是我知道你并不是那样  Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that  hey,面对那样的女孩你又能怎样?  She wears high heels  她穿高跟鞋  I wear sneakers  而我穿(平底)帆布鞋  I remember you drivin" to my house,in the middle of the night  我还记得那晚你驾车突然而至  I"m the one who makes you laugh,When you know you"re about to cry  是我在你快要哭的时候把你逗笑  And i know your favorite songs  我知道你最爱的音乐  And you tell me about your dreams  你告诉我你所有的梦想  Think I know where you belong  我知道你该何去何从  Think I know it"s with me...  我想那应该是和我在一起  Can"t you see that I"m the one who understands you  难道你就不明白我就是拿个了解你的人?  Been here all along  一直在这里(和上面一样是个定语)  So why can"t you see  为什么你一直视而不见  You belong with me  你应该和我在一起  Have you ever thought just maybe  其实你有没有想过  you belong with me  你应该和我在一起  You belong with me  你应该和我在一起

这个Taylor Swift—you belong with me mv里的男友是何人

  Lucas Till  taylor在他和miley cyrus拍完电影hannah montana the movie后与他合作  1900年8月10号出生于美国  身高178  2009-卢卡斯·提尔 Lucas Till  安息 Laid to Rest (演员)  乖乖女是大明星 Hannah Montana: The Movie (演员)  汉娜·蒙塔娜回家  2008-卢卡斯·提尔 Lucas Till  死亡之舞 Dance of the Dead (演员)  2006-卢卡斯·提尔 Lucas Till  死亡彼端 The Other Side (演员)  2005-卢卡斯·提尔 Lucas Till  一往无前 Walk the Line (演员)  与歌同行 / 为你钟情 / 弦途有你  Johnny & June - Pasión y locura  A Nyughatatlan  2004-卢卡斯·提尔 Lucas Till  闪电臭虫 Lightning Bug (演员)  2003-卢卡斯·提尔 Lucas Till  奥西·纳什冒险记 The Adventures of Ociee Nash (演员)  Till出生于得克萨斯州的Fort Hood,但是他的童年生活大都是在亚特兰大市郊度过的。在拍摄了Hannah Montana 电影版之后,他从凯尔高中2008级班毕业。 演艺事业 在Till还小的时候,他的父母就注意到了他模仿声音和角色的天分。在Till的母亲送他去的当地表演班上,Joy Pervis发现了他。Lucas Till目前是洛杉矶 Lucas Till最富盛名的儿童经济公司Osbrink Talent Agency的艺人。达科塔·范宁(Dakota Fanning)也同在这家公司旗下。Till十岁开就开始在一些电视广告和平面广告上出现.十二岁参演了电影奥西·纳什冒险记(The Adventures of Ociee Nash),他在电影中扮演了经常遭主角欺负的Harry Vanderbilt、2004年,Till在故事片萤火虫(Lighting Bug)中扮演Jay这个角色,他的首个主流电影的角色是传记电影一往无前(Walk The Line)中的Jack Cash。这部电影中与他合作的有演员杰昆·菲尼克斯 (Joaquin Phoenix)、瑞茜·威瑟斯彭(Reese Witherspoon)以及导演詹姆斯·曼高德(James Mangold)。在拍摄了一往无前之后,Till又参演了多部独立电影和Lifetime电视台的多部电影,2008年Till试镜由麦莉·赛勒斯(Miley Cyrus)主演的Hannah Montana电影版中的Travis Brody,并且最终获得了这个角色,和Taylor Swift出演MV(you belong with me) 。据报道说Till目前没有参演另外一部迪士尼电影的任何计划。Till最新参演的一部电影是由功夫明星成龙主演的邻家特工 (The Spy Next Door),他在片中扮演了一名俄国间谍,并且最近出演了乡村女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特Taylor Swift的音乐录影带You Belong With Me和著名美剧豪斯医生(House)中的一集。

you belong with me 的吉他谱(taylor的)

you belong with me 的吉他谱(taylor的)如下:you belong with me的中文歌词如下:你正和你的女朋友打电话她很不高兴然后揪着你说的话不放她不像我明白你的幽默我在一个房间这是个普通的星期二晚上我听著她不喜欢的音乐类型永远不会像我一样知道你的故事但她穿短裙 我穿T恤她是啦啦队队长而我站在露天看台上做着梦希望你会有一天醒悟过来发现你找着的东西已经一直在这如果你可以看见我是了解你的那个人一直在这里但为什么你看不见你应该和我一起你应该和我一起你穿著你的旧牛仔裤和我走在街上我不能停止去想 这就是对的景象在公园长椅上自己一边想一边笑这不是很容易吗?你还有可以照亮整个城镇的笑容我好久没有看见了 自从她把你甩掉你说你发现我比她了解你但对于这样的一个女生你会怎样做她穿高跟鞋 我穿球鞋她是拉拉队队长 而我站在露天看台上做着梦希望你会有一天醒悟过来发现你找着的东西已经一直在这如果你可以看见我是了解你的那个人一直在这里但为什么你看不见你应该和我一起你应该和我在一起一直站着 在你家后门等待着在这时你怎能还不明白你应该和我一起你应该和我一起啊我想起你在半夜突然驾车到我家当你知道你快要哭的时候是我把你逗笑的我知道你最喜欢的歌你把你的梦想都告诉我我想我知道你该何去何从我想我知道你该和我一起你怎可以看不见我是了解你的那个人一直在这里但为什么你看不见?你应该和我在一起一直站着 在你家后门等待着在这时你怎能还不明白宝贝,你应该和我在一起你应该和我在一起你应该和我在一起其实你有没有想过也许你应该和我一起你应该和我一起扩展资料:《You Belong With Me》获得了音乐评论家褒贬不一的评价,有人称赞音乐的旋律结构,但也有人批评歌词的字母平淡无奇。在音乐风格上,该歌曲融入乡村流行乐轻快活泼的音乐曲风,属于中快板歌曲,偏重于旋律的雕琢,朗朗上口但不口水。在歌词上,该歌曲属于叙事类歌曲,而泰勒·斯威夫特则好像是一个讲故事的人,它的内容似乎在说服男孩子要发现自己身边每一个女孩子的魅力。歌曲的主要弹奏乐器为班卓琴和新浪潮电吉他。在音乐结构上,该歌曲调为“降G大调”,同时被设有一项132次的乐器节拍,和弦依循“Fu266f–Cu266f–Gu266f-B”。参考资料来源:百度百科-You Belong with Me

you belong with me歌词 完整版歌词

歌词: Youre on the phone with your girlfriend ,shes upset.你正和女朋友打着电话 她听起来并不开心 Shes going off about something that you said似乎是因为你说的不合时宜的玩笑 Cause she doesnt, get your humor like I do...可是她不像我一般 理解你的幽默 Im in the room我坐在自己的房间 Its a typical Tuesday night又是一个普通平凡的周二夜晚 Im listening to the kind of music she doesnt like我的耳机里放着她不感兴趣的音乐 and shell never know your story like I do ...而她也永远不会如我一般了解你 But she wears short skirts她喜欢穿性感的短裙 I wear T-shirts而我只是朴素的T恤 Shes cheer captain她是耀眼的啦啦队队长 And Im on the bleachers而我只是观众席中不起眼的一个 Dreaming about the day when you wake up做着自己的梦 幻想有一天 你醒来会发现 And find that what youre looking for has been here the whole time会发现你一直在寻找的人 其实从不遥远 就在你的身边 If you could see that Im the one who understands you如果你愿意就能看见啊 我才是真正理解你的人 been here all along so why cant you see,我一直默默在你身边 为何你不愿回头看见 you belong with m我希望你能够和我在一起 You belong with me我私心以为你应该和我一起 Walk in the streets with you in your worn-out jeans你穿着那条破旧的牛仔裤和我并肩走在街上 I cant help thinking this is how it ought to be我不由得在脑海里描绘憧憬的景象 Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself在公园长椅上独自傻笑 每每假想我们在一起 Hey isnt this easy嘿 难道这不是很容易吗 And youve got a smile that could light up this whole town你微微一笑 便是点亮我心里城镇的光亮 I havent seen it in a while since she brought you down可是自从你们分手 已是许久不再见到你的笑容 You say youre fine你说 我体贴温和 I know you better than that你终于发现我比她了解你 Hey what you doing with a girl like that那么你会对这样的一个女孩做些什么 She wears high heels她偏爱穿高跟鞋 I wear sneakers而我穿着平底运动鞋 She"s cheer captain and她是耀眼的啦啦队队长 Im on the bleachers而我只是观众席中不起眼的一个 Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find做着自己的梦 幻想有一天 你醒来会发现 That what youre looking for has been here the whole time会发现你一直在寻找的人 其实从不遥远 就在你的身边 If you could see that Im the one who understands you如果你愿意就能看见啊 我才是真正理解你的人 Been here all along so why cant you see我一直默默在你身边 为何你不愿回头看见 ou belong with me你的心本应属于我 Standing by waiting at your back doo我一直都在站在你家后门 静静地等候着 all this time how could you not know Baby....为何你不曾察觉我的真心 亲爱的 You belong with me我希望你能够和我在一起 You belong with me我私心以为你应该和我一起 Oh I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night我还记午夜你驾车来到我家 Im the one who makes you laugh当你感觉内心的悲伤无以复加时 When you know youre about to cry是我逗你开怀 为你抹去泪水 I know your favorite songs我甚至知道你最喜爱的歌曲 And you tell me about your dreams你会与我分享你未来的蓝图与梦想 I think I know where you belong我想 我知道你何去何从 你的归宿 I think I know its with me.我私心以为 应当是和我一起 Cant you see that Im the one who understands you我一直默默在你身边 为何你不愿回头看见 Been here all along一直默默地关注着你 So why cant you see为何你不愿回头看见 You belong with me你的心本应属于我 Standing by waiting at your back door我一直都在站在你家后门 静静地等候着 All this time一直如此 不曾离去 How could you not know为何你不曾察觉我的真心 Baby you belong with me亲爱的 你的心本应属于我 You belong with me我希望你能够和我在一起 You belong with me我私心以为你应该和我一起 Have you ever thought just maybe不知你是否这样想过 或许只是我一厢情愿 you belong with me我希望你能够和我在一起 You belong with me...我私心以为你应该和我一起

you belong with me 这首歌曲中文歌词

You"re on the phone with your girlfriend ,she"s upset.你正和女朋友聊电话 她不开心She"s going off about something that you said她因为你说的某些话而不高兴"Cuz she doesn"t, get your humor like I do...她不像我 明白你的幽默I"m in the room It"s a typical Tuesday night我在一个房间 这是个普通的星期二晚上I"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t like我听著她不喜欢的音乐类型and she"ll never know your story like I do ...永远不会像我一样知道你的故事But she wears short skirts I wear T-shirts但她穿短裙 我穿T恤She"s cheer captain她是啦啦队队长And I"m on the bleachers而我支持棒球队Dreaming about the day when you wake up做著梦希望你会有一天起床发现And find what you"re looking for has been here the whole time你找著的东西已经一直在这If you could see that I"m the one who understands you如果你可以看见我是了解你的那个人been here all along so why can"t you see,一直在这里但为什麼你看不见?You belong with meYou belong with meWalkin" the streets with you and your worn-out jeans你穿著你的旧牛仔裤和我走在街上I can"t help thinking this is how it ought to be我不能停止去想 这就是对的景象Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself在公园长椅上自己一边想一边笑Hey isn"t this easy这不是很容易吗?And you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole town你还有可以照亮整个城镇的笑容I haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you down我好久没有看见了 自从她把你甩掉You say you"re fine I know you better then that你说你发现我比她了解你Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that但对於这样的一个女生你会怎样做?She wears high heels她穿高跟鞋 我穿球鞋I wear sneakersShes cheer captain and I"m on the bleachers她是啦啦队队长而我支持棒球队Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find做著梦希望你会有一天起床发现That what you"re looking for has been here the whole time你找著的东西已经一直在这If you could see that I"m the one who understands you如果你可以看见我是了解你的那个人Been here all along so why can"t you see一直在这里但为什麼你看不见?你应该和我一起You belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back door一直站著 在你家后门等待著all this time how could you not know Baby....在这时你怎能还不明白?You belong with meYou belong with me你应该和我一起你应该和我一起Oh I remember you drivin" to my house in the middle of the night啊我想起你在半夜突然驾车到我家I"m the one who makes you laugh When you know you"re about to cry当你知道你快要哭的时候是我把你逗笑的And i know your favorite songs我知道你最喜欢的歌And you tell me about your dreams你把你的梦想都告诉我Think I know where you belong Think I know it"s with me...我想我知道你该何去何从 我想我知道你该和我一起Can"t you see that I"m the one who understands you你怎可以看不见我是了解你的那个人Been here all along So why can"t you see一直在这里但为什麼你看不见?You belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back door一直站著 在你家后门等待著All this time How could you not know在这时你怎能还不明白?Baby you belong with meYou belong with meYou belong with meHave you ever thought just maybe其实你有没有想过根本只是you belong with me你应该和我一起You belong with me...你应该和我一起

you belong with me的创作背景

泰勒·斯威夫特在接受采访时表示,《You Belong with Me》的创作灵感来源于她在无意中听到某一个男性朋友和他女朋友打的一通电话,这个男孩一直在电话中在为自己辩解,而那个女孩只是一直冲他大吼大叫。于是,泰勒·斯威夫特就写下了《You Belong with Me》的第一句歌词:你正和你的女朋友打电话,她很不高兴,然后揪着你说的话不放。紧接着,泰勒·斯威夫特就继续将其发展为一个故事情节,设想自己也正处于故事里,她爱上了那个男孩,而他应该和自己在一起才对。于是,这就组成了《You Belong with Me》的所有歌词 。

you belong with me 歌词及翻译

you belong with me

You Belong With Me 歌词

You"re on the phone with your girlfriend, She"s upsetShe"s going off about something that you saidShe doesnt get your humour like I doI"m in the room, its a typical Tuesday nightI"m listening to the kind of music she doesnt likeAnd she"ll never know your story like I doBut she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirtsShe"s cheer captain and I"m on the bleachersDreaming bout the day when you wake up and findThat what you"re lookin for has been here the whole timeIf you could see that I"m the one who understands youBeen here all along so why can"t you see?You belong with meYou belong with meWalkin the streets with you in your worn out jeansI cant help thinking this is how it ought to beLaughing on the park bench thinkin to myselfHey isnt this easy?And you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole townI havent seen it in awhile, since she brought you downYou say you find I know you better than thatHey, Whatcha doing with a girl like that?She wears high heels, I wear sneakersShe"s cheer captain and I"m on the bleachersDreaming bout the day when you wake up and findThat what you"re looking for has been here the whole timeIf you could see that I"m the one who understands youBeen here all along so why can"t you see?You belong with meStandin by, waiting at your back doorAll this time how could you not know that?You belong with meYou belong with meOh I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the nightI"m the one who makes you laugh when you know you"re about to cryI know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreamsI think I know where you belong. I think I know it"s with me.Can"t you see that I"m the one who understands you?Been here all along so why can"t you see?You belong with meStanding by or waiting at your back doorAll this time how could you not know thatYou belong with meYou belong with meHave you ever thought just maybeYou belong with meYou belong with me译文你正和你的女朋友打电话,她很不高兴然后揪着你说的话不放她不像我 明白你的幽默我在一个房间 这是个普通的星期二晚上我听著她不喜欢的音乐类型永远不会像我一样知道你的故事但她穿短裙 我穿T恤她是啦啦队队长而我站在露天看台上做着梦希望你会有一天醒悟过来发现你找着的东西已经一直在这如果你可以看见我是了解你的那个人一直在这里但为什么你看不见?你应该和我一起你应该和我一起你穿著你的旧牛仔裤和我走在街上我不能停止去想 这就是对的景象在公园长椅上自己一边想一边笑这不是很容易吗?你还有可以照亮整个城镇的笑容我好久没有看见了 自从她把你甩掉你说你发现我比她了解你但对于这样的一个女生你会怎样做?她穿高跟鞋 我穿球鞋她是啦啦队队长 而我站在露天看台上做着梦希望你会有一天醒悟过来发现你找着的东西已经一直在这如果你可以看见我是了解你的那个人一直在这里但为什么你看不见?你应该和我一起你应该和我在一起一直站着 在你家后门等待着在这时你怎能还不明白?你应该和我一起你应该和我一起啊我想起你在半夜突然驾车到我家当你知道你快要哭的时候是我把你逗笑的我知道你最喜欢的歌你把你的梦想都告诉我我想我知道你该何去何从 我想我知道你该和我一起你怎可以看不见我是了解你的那个人一直在这里但为什么你看不见?你应该和我在一起一直站着 在你家后门等待着在这时你怎能还不明白?宝贝,你应该和我在一起你应该和我在一起你应该和我在一起其实你有没有想过也许你应该和我一起你应该和我一起

求Taylor swift的"you belong with me"歌词及翻译。

  You"re on the phone with your girlfriend, she‘s upset.  你正和女朋友聊电话,她心情很差  She"s going off about something that you said  她因为你说的某些话而不高兴  "Cuz she doesn"t, get your humor like I do  那是因为她不像我能够明白你的幽默  I"m in the room, it"s a typical Tuesday night  我呆在自己房间这又是个普通的星期二晚上  I"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t like  我听着她不会喜欢的音乐  and she"ll never know your story like i do  我知道她永远不会像我那么了解你的一切  But she wears short skirts  她穿短裙  I wear T-shirts  而我穿T恤  She"s cheer captain  她是啦啦队队长  And I"m on the bleachers  而我在看台上  Dreaming about the day when you wake up  翘首盼望,  And find what you"re looking for  你某一天会蓦然回首  has been here the whole time  百般寻觅之人已在灯火阑珊处静侯  If you could see that I"m the one who understands you  如果你能够察觉我是了解你的那个人  been here all along so why can"t you see, you  那为什么我一直在这里,而你却总是视而不见  You belong with me  你应该和我在一起  You belong with me  你应该和我在一起  Walkin" the streets with you and your worn-out jeans  你穿着你的旧牛仔裤和我走在街上  I can"t help thinking this is how it ought to be  我情不自禁地去想这样的场景  Laughing on a park bench,thinking to myself  在公园长椅上自己一边想一边笑  Hey isn"t this easy  嘿,这不是很容易吗  And you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole town  你的笑容可以照亮整个城镇  I haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you down  可是她总是伤你的心,于是那样的笑容消失不见  You say you"re fine  你说你很好  I know you better then that  可是我知道你应该比现在这样更好  Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that  嘿,那么对这样的一个女生你会怎么做?  She wears high heels  她穿高跟鞋  I wear sneakers  而我穿球鞋  Shes cheer captain and  她是啦啦队队长  I"m on the bleachers  而我在看台上  Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find  翘首盼望,你某一天会蓦然回首  That what you"re looking for  百般寻觅之人已在灯火阑珊处  has been here the whole time  静候  If you could see that I"m the one who understands you  如果你能够察觉我是了解你的那个人  Been here all along so why can"t you see  那为什么我一直在这里,可是你却总是视而不见  You belong with me  你应该和我在一起  Standing by and waiting at your back door  我一直站在你背后看着你的背影  all this time how could you not know  这时你怎能还不明白?  Baby....  亲爱的  You belong with me  你应该和我在一起  You belong with me  你应该和我在一起  I remember you drivin" to my house  我想起你突然驾车到我家  in the middle of the night  在半夜  I"m the one who makes you laugh  是我把你逗笑的  When you know you"re about to cry  当你用力屏住眼泪时  And i know your favorite songs  我知道你最喜欢的歌  And you tell me about your dreams  你告诉我所有你的梦想  Think I know where you belong  我想我知道你该何去何从  Think I know it"s with me...  我想那应该是和我在一起  Can"t you see that I"m the one who understands you  你怎么可以不明白我是了解你的那个人  Been here all along  我一直在这里  So why can"t you see  但为什么你一直视而不见  You belong with me  你应该和我在一起  Standing by and waiting at your back door  我一直站在你背后看着你的背影  All this time  一直  How could you not know  其实你有没有想过  Baby you belong with me  你应该和我在一起  You belong with me  你应该和我在一起  You belong with me  你应该和我在一起  Have you ever thought just maybe  其实你有没有想过  you belong with me  你应该和我在一起  You belong with me  你应该和我在一起

you belong with me是什么意思


You belong with me是谁唱的?

You Belong With Me 是Taylor Swift 在专辑《Fearless》中的一首美国乡村音乐风格的歌曲。

you belong with me 开跑车的女演员是谁


you belong with me谁唱的

  《You Belong with Me》是美国乡村流行乐女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)演唱的流行歌曲,歌曲的歌词由泰勒·斯威夫特和莉兹·罗斯编写,音乐由内森·查尔曼制作。收录在泰勒·斯威夫特的第二张录音室专辑《Fearless》中 ,作为专辑中的第三波单曲,被大机器唱片公司发布于2009年4月18日。歌曲MV由罗曼·怀特拍摄。  《You Belong with Me》在美国公告牌最高排名第二,是泰勒·斯威夫特首支拿下该榜亚军的热门歌曲,在美国拥有446万9千份的单曲销量 。而在其他国家,这首歌打入澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰的音乐排行榜前十,单曲销量在全球超过500万张。2010年,这首歌曲荣获儿童选择奖“最受欢迎歌曲”肯定 。

泰勒·斯威夫特MV 《 You Belong With Me》里面那个男的是谁?

Lucas Till他是北美票房冠军《Hannah Montana: The Movie》的男主角, You"re on the phone with your girlfriend, she"s upset 你和女朋友通电话她正在生气She"s going off about something that you said 她为你说的某些话而不高兴"Cause she doesn"t get your humor like I do 因为她不像我一样懂你的幽默I"m in the room, it"s a typical Tuesday night 我待在房间里 这是个寻常的周二晚上I"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t like 我听着她不喜欢的音乐类型And she"ll never know your story like I do 她永远不会像我一样知道你的故事But she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts 但她穿短裙 我穿T恤She"s Cheer Captain and I"m on the bleachers 她是啦啦队队长而我只能在看台上加油Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find 梦想着有一天你起床时会发现That what you"re looking for has been here the whole time 你寻找的东西一直在这里Chorus:If you could see that I"m the one who understands you 如果你知道 最懂你的人是我Been here all along, so why can"t you see? 一直陪伴你 为何你看不清You, you belong with me, you belong with me 你应该和我在一起 你应该和我在一起Walking the streets with you and your worn-out jeans 你穿着你的旧牛仔裤和我走在街上I can"t help thinking this is how it ought to be 我不停想着 这才是对的景象Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself 在公园长椅上 边笑边对自己说Hey, isn"t this easy? 嘿 像这样不是很容易吗?And you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole town 你已恢复能照亮整个城镇的笑容I haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you down 我好久没有看见了 自从她把你甩掉You say you"re fine, I know you better than that 你说你发现我比她了解你Hey, what ya doing with a girl like that? 嘿 你何必和这样的女生在一起呢?She wears high heels, I wear sneakers 她穿高跟鞋 我穿球鞋She"s Cheer Captain and I"m on the bleachers 她是啦啦队队长而我只能在看台上加油Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find 梦想着有一天你起床时会发现That what you"re looking for has been here the whole time 你寻找的东西一直在这里【Repeat Chorus】Standing by and waiting at your back door 一直站在你家后门等待着All this time how could you not know? 到这时你怎么可以不明白?Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me 宝贝 你应该和我在一起 你应该和我在一起Oh , I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night噢 我想起你在半夜突然开车到我家I"m the one who makes you laugh when you know you"re "bout to cry当你知道你快要哭的时候是我把你逗笑的And I know your favorite songs and you tell me "bout your dreams我知道你最喜欢的歌 你把你的梦想告诉我Think I know where you belong, think I know it"s with me我想我知道你该何去何从 我想我知道你该和我在一起……【Repeat Chorus】Standing by and waiting at your back door 一直站在你家后门等待着All this time how could you not know? 到这时你怎么可以不明白?Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me 宝贝 你应该和我在一起 你应该和我在一起You belong with me 你应该和我在一起Have you ever thought just maybe… 你可曾想过 也许…You belong with me 你应该和我在一起You belong with me 你应该和我在一起

you belong with me的歌词意思

Taylor swift - you belong with me You"re on the phone with your girlfriend ,she"s upset. 你正和女朋友聊电话 她很不高兴 She"s going off about something that you said 她因为你说的某些话而发火 "Cuz she doesn"t, get your humor like I do... 她不像我 领会你的幽默感 I"m in the room It"s a typical Tuesday night 我在房间 又是一个典型的星期二晚上 I"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t like 我在听那种她不喜欢的音乐 and she"ll never know your story like I do ... 她不像我对你如此了解 But she wears short skirts I wear T-shirts 但她穿短裙 我穿T恤 She"s cheer captain 她是啦啦队队长 And I"m on the bleachers 而我却坐在露天看台上 Dreaming about the day when you wake up 希望你会有一天醒来发现 And find what you"re looking for has been here the whole time 你理想中的女孩一直就在你身边 If you could see that I"m the one who understands you 如果你可以看到我才是由始至终都理解你的人 been here all along so why can"t you see, 一直陪着你 为什么你就是不明白 You belong with me 你应该和我在一起 You belong with me 你应该和我在一起 Walkin" the streets with you in your worn-out jeans 你穿着你的旧牛仔裤和我一起在街上闲逛 I can"t help thinking this is how it ought to be 我不禁开始想象 原本就应该是这样 Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself 在公园长椅上我一边傻笑一边在想 Hey isn"t this easy" 嘿 这居然如此容易 And you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole town 你的笑容可以照亮整个城镇 I haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you down 你和她在一起之后已经有一段时间没看到了 You say you"re fine I know you better than that 你说你没事 我知道你应该更加坚强 Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that 嘿 这样的女孩你为什么还紧追不放 She wears high heels 她穿高跟鞋 I wear sneakers 我穿球鞋 She"s cheer captain and I"m on the bleachers 她是啦啦队队长而我却坐在露天看台上 Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find 希望你会有一天醒来发现 That what you"re looking for has been here the whole time 你理想中的女孩一直就在你身边 If you could see that I"m the one who understands you 如果你可以看到我才是由始至终都理解你的人 been here all along so why can"t you see, 一直陪着你 为什么你就是不明白 You belong with me 你应该和我在一起 Standing by and waiting at your back door 我站在你家的后门口等着你 All this time how could you not know Baby.... 一直等着你 亲爱的你怎么还不明白 You belong with me 你应该和我在一起 You belong with me 你应该和我在一起 Oh I remember you drivin" to my house in the middle of the night 噢 我想起你在半夜的时候开车到我家 I"m the one who makes you laugh 是我在逗你发笑 When you know you"re about to cry 在你快要哭的时候 And i know your favorite songs 我知道你最喜欢的歌 And you tell me about your dreams 你也告诉了我你的梦想 Think I know where you belong 我想我知道你的归宿 Think I know it"s with me... 我想你应该和我在一起 Can"t you see that I"m the one who understands you 你难道看不出我才是由始至终都理解你的人 been here all along so why can"t you see, 一直陪着你 为什么你就是不明白 You belong with me 你应该和我在一起 Standing by and waiting at your back door 我站在你家的后门口等着你 all this time How could you not know 一直等着你 亲爱的你怎么还不明白 Baby you belong with me 亲爱的 你应该和我在一起 You belong with me 你应该和我在一起 You belong with me 你应该和我在一起 Have you ever thought just maybe 你有没有想过也许 you belong with me 你应该和我在一起 You belong with me... 你应该和我在一起

you belong with me的歌曲鉴赏

《You Belong With Me》获得了音乐评论家褒贬不一的评价,有人称赞音乐的旋律结构,但也有人批评歌词的字母平淡无奇 。在音乐风格上,该歌曲融入乡村流行乐轻快活泼的音乐曲风,属于中快板歌曲,偏重于旋律的雕琢,朗朗上口但不口水 。在歌词上,该歌曲属于叙事类歌曲,而泰勒·斯威夫特则好像是一个讲故事的人,它的内容似乎在说服男孩子要发现自己身边每一个女孩子的魅力 。歌曲的主要弹奏乐器为班卓琴和新浪潮电吉他。在音乐结构上,该歌曲调为“降G大调”,同时被设有一项132次的乐器节拍,和弦依循“Fu266f–Cu266f–Gu266f-B” 。

you belong with me什么意思


you belong with me的介绍

《You Belong with Me》是美国乡村流行乐女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特演唱的一首流行歌曲,歌词、曲谱由泰勒·斯威夫特和莉兹·罗斯共同编写,音乐制作由内森·查普曼负责。该歌曲收录在泰勒·斯威夫特于2008年11月11日发行的第二张录音室专辑《Fearless》1,并作为推广专辑的第三支单曲,于2009年4月18日通过大机器唱片公司发布。《You Belong with Me》在美国公告牌百强单曲榜拿下第二名,成为泰勒·斯威夫特首支拿下该榜亚军的歌曲2,在美国拥有446万9千份的单曲销量3。在其他国家,该歌曲则打入澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰三国音乐排行榜前十4,单曲销量在全球超过525万5千份。2010年,《You Belong with Me》获得儿童选择奖“最受欢迎歌曲”奖项5。

you belong with me 中英文歌词

 You"re on the phone with your girlfriend, she‘s upset.  你正和女朋友在讲电话,她很郁闷  She"s going off about something that you said  (但)你说的她却不感兴趣  "Cuz she doesn"t, get your humor like I do  因为她无法像我那样理解你的幽默感  I"m in the room, it"s a typical Tuesday night  又一个独自宅在房间的周二  I"m listening to the kind of music she doesn"t like  我听着她不喜欢的音乐  and she"ll never know your story like i do  她永远不会像我那样了解你的一切  But she wears short skirts,I wear T-shirts  她穿着短裙,我穿着T  She"s cheer captain,And I"m on the bleachers  她是啦啦队队长,我却在看台上  Dreaming about the day when you wake up,And find what you"re looking for  梦想有一天你能顿悟,发现我就是那个你要一直在找的的人(伴侣)  has been here the whole time(这句和上面一句是一整个长长的宾语+定语从句)  If you could see that I"m the one who understands you  如果你能够察觉我是了解你的那个人  been here all along so why can"t you see, you  为什么我一直都在这里,你却总是视而不见  You belong with me  你应该和我在一起  You belong with me  你应该和我在一起  Walkin" the streets with you and your worn-out jeans  穿着你的旧牛仔裤和我压马路  I can"t help thinking this is how it ought to be  我情不自禁地去幻想这一幕情形(上面那句英文市她幻想的)  Laughing on a park bench,thinking to myself  我们坐在公园长椅上说笑,我想到了自己  Hey isn"t this easy  hey,这还不容易  And you"ve got a smile that could light up this whole town  你的笑容可以照亮整个城镇  I haven"t seen it in a while since she brought you down  自从她伤害你之后我就再也没见过(这样的笑容)  You say you"re fine  你说你很好  I know you better then that  可是我知道你并不是那样  Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that  hey,面对那样的女孩你又能怎样?  She wears high heels  她穿高跟鞋  I wear sneakers  而我穿

You belong with me(taylor swift)歌词?

之前经常播taylor swift的you belong with me的MV MV字幕是这首歌中文歌词但对於这样的一个女生你会怎样做? She wears high heels 她穿高跟鞋 我穿

“You belong with me "是什么意思?

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