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due to 和 because of的区别如题

due to是有“根据。。。”的含义,because of是“因为。。。”

due to 和because 的区别


because、she get bullied什么意思

因为,她受欺 侮了

I will abandon you,because luck is exhaust!是什么意思


After inventing dynamites(炸药), Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he fo.

1-4 BBDD 1. B 计算题。根据文中第一段最后一句“Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first awards ceremony.”计算可得。2. B 细节题。根 据短文第一段第二句“…for awarding prizes to people who had made worthwhile contributions to mankind”可得(from。3. D 细节题。根据短文第三段“Americans have won numerous science awards”一句可得。4. D 事实判断题。根据短文第四段“Some people have won two prizes, but this is rare”一句判断可得。


because ofsinceascausefor the reason thatgiven thatseeing asin view of the fact that whiledue to

求类似Because Of You 的英文歌 ?

i am yours挺容易唱的

so many students ( ) because of the bad weather,the exam had to be put off

D逗号后面没有并列连词and,说明前后两句话不是并列关系。the exam had to be put off是一个句子,有主语(the exam)有谓语(had to be put off),说明这是一个句子。那么逗号前面就不是一个句子,而是一个短语。A、C两项只能作谓语动词。如果一个语法成分有谓语动词,那么它就一定是句子。因此排除A、C。students与being late是主谓关系,因此要用现在分词的形式表示主动。so many students being late because of the bad weather是现在分词短语作原因状语。祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟!请记得采纳,多谢!

请问becaution 意思是什么?

be caution 小心

I could give up all of the world because there are at least you that I am worth cherishing.


therefore与and therefore的区别在哪里啊? 还有他们与because的区别。

therefore是副词,不能连接两句话,and是连词,可以连接两句话,故and therefore放在句中,但是and不需要翻译,therefore与and therefore的意思都相同,是因此的意思,后面接原因.

Chemical. (在because的后面补单独的三句,句子不要有错误)

所以records放到从句里应该是个完整的句子 所以需要个BE动词 which 后应该有be动词(was或者什么) 需要的。从句也是一个完整的句子啊。 不要

We insist on not to talk to each other, don"t say I didn"t miss you. Try to alienate you, becaus

We insist on not to talk to each other, don"t say I didn"t miss you. Try to alienate you, because I know I can"t have you.我们坚持不说话,不要说我没有想念你。试着疏远你,因为我知道我不能没有你。We insist on not to talk to each other, don"t say I didn"t miss you. Try to alienate you, because I know I can"t have you.我们坚持不说话,不要说我没有想念你。试着疏远你,因为我知道我不能没有你。


thus释义:adv. 因此;从而;这样;如此例句:Thus, you will live with regret for the rest of your life.因此,你将遗憾地度过后半生。词组:thus far迄今;现在为止thus much到这种程度为止;这么多as thus像这样,就这样;于是because,英语单词,连词、介词,作连词时意为“因为,由于”,作介词时意为“因为某人(某事物)”。

Because I feel veny Lucky to have you 是什么意思?


Matlab新手,Attempted to access X(2); index out of bounds because numel(X)=1.这个越界怎么改??





otherwise 是个常用词,也是一个多义词。由于在不同的语境中,otherwise 的含义和用法有着很大的差异,以致不少学生在理解和使用它时经常出错。现将它的用法归纳如下,供大家学习时参考。一、otherwise 用作连词,意思为“否则;要不然”,相当于 or,or else 或 if not .例如:We"ll go early,otherwise we may not get a seat.我们得早点去,要不然就没有座位了。Seize the chance,otherwise you will regret it.抓住机会,要不然你会后悔的。I was ill that day,otherwise I would have taken part in the sports meet.那天我病了,否则我会去参加运动会的。We didn"t know you were in trouble at that time,otherwise we would have given you a hand.我们当时不知道你遇到了困难,要不然我们会帮助你的。二、otherwise 用作副词,具有下列意义:1. 意为“另外;别样”。相当于 differently 或 in another way .例如:He evidently thinks otherwise.他显然有不同的想法。She is otherwise engaged.她另外有事。We were going to play football,but it was so hot that we decided to do otherwise.我们原打算踢足球,可是天气太热,我们就决定去干别的事情了。2. 意为“在其他方面”。相当于 in other or different ways. 例如:The rent is high,but otherwise the house is satisfactory.房租是贵,可这房子在别的方面倒令人满意。He is noisy,but otherwise a nice boy.他爱吵闹,但在其他方面倒是个好孩子。The article is long,but not otherwise blameworthy.这篇文章就是长,其他倒没什么不好。3. 意为“相反地;要不然;否则”。相当于 in the other way 或 on the contrary .例如:He is guilty until proved otherwise.在证明他无罪之前他是有罪的。He reminded me of what I should otherwise have forgotten.幸亏他提醒了我,要不然我就忘了。I hate her and I won"t pretend otherwise.我讨厌她,而且我不愿装作喜欢她。Otherwise he would still be working,because his heart and soul were still in the school room with his students.否则他还会在教书,因为他的心仍然在课堂上,仍然与学生们在一起。三、otherwise 用作形容词,具有以下意义:1. 意为“另外的;不那样的;不同的”。相当于 not as supposed 或 in a different state .例如:The truth is quite otherwise.事实真相与此大相径庭。Our struggle can not be otherwise than victorious.我们的斗争一定会胜利的。How can it be otherwise than fatal?这怎么会不致命呢?2. 意为“其他方面的;其他性质的”。例如:Some are wise,some are otherwise.有些人聪明,有些人则不然。His students in Chinese literature are also his otherwise teachers.这些人在中国文学方面是他的学生,可在其他方面却是他的老师。四、otherwise 组成的短语:1. and otherwise 意为“等等;及其他”。例如:In the kindergarten,the children learn singing,dancing,drawing and otherwise.孩子们在幼儿园里学唱歌、跳舞、画画等等。She helped me with advice and otherwise.她用劝告等方式帮助我。2. or otherwise 意为“或相反;或其反面”。例如:Everybody has his merits or otherwise.每个人都有自己的优点和缺点。He is not concerned with its accuracy or otherwise.准确与否他不考虑。because的用法1. because 表示的是必然的因果关系,语气最强,通常放在主句之后,若需强调则放在主句之前……2. 通常用来回答 why提出的问题。如:A:Why can"t you do it now?你为什么不现在就做呢?B:Because I"m too busy. 因为我太忙。3. 可引导从句作表语。如:It is because he is foolish. 那是因为他太蠢了。4. 可用于强调句。如:It is because he is honest that we likehim. 是因为他诚实我们才喜欢他。5. not…because…这一结构中的 not 有时否定主句,有时否定从句,一般要根据句子的意思作出正确或合乎逻辑的理解。若not否定主句,最好在because之前用逗号,否则会引起歧义,如下句在没有特定上下文时就有两种解释。如:I didn"t go because I was afraid.(1) 我没有去是因为怕。(2) 我不是因为怕才去。不过若because之前有just修饰,一般认为not 是否定从句而不是主句。如:You shouldn"t get angry just because some people speakill of you. 你不要因为有人说你坏话而生气。He was not readyto believe something just because Aristotle said so. 他并不只是因为亚里士多德说过如何如何,就轻易相信它。6. 表示“…的原因是因为…”这一意义时,一般要用下面这样的句型。如:The reason why he can"t come is that he is tired. 他不能来是因为他累了。在这一结构中尽管不少人认为可将that改用 because, 但也有不少人反对这一用法,学生宜慎用。7. 汉语习惯上说“因为…所以…”,但在英语里却不能将 so与because 连用。如:因为下雨,所以我们呆在家里。正:Because it was raining, we stayed at home.正:It was raining, so we stayed at home.误:Because it was raining, so we stayed at home.8. 用于 because of, 意为“因为”,用法注意:(1) 是复合介词,其后可接名词、代词、动名词以及由关系代词型的 what 所引导的从句等。如:He couldn"t come because of illness. 他因病不能来。I said nothing about it, because of his wife"sbeing there. 因为他妻子在那儿,我对此事只字未提。He knew shewas crying because of what he had said. 他知道她哭是因为他说的话。注意:because of不能直接引导从句或后接that引导的从句。如:他不能来是因为他病了。正:He can"t come because he is ill.正:He can"t come because of his illness.误:He can"t come because of he is ill.误:He can"t come because of that he is ill.(2) because of 一般引导状语,不引导表语 (引导表语时可用 dueto)。如:正:His absence is due to the rain. 他因雨未来。误:His absence is because of the rain.但是若主语是代词 (不是名词),because of 引出的短语则可用作表语。如:It is just because of money. 那只是因为钱的原因。9. 关于 because, since, as, for 的用法区别(1) . because 可用来回答why提出的问题;可以引导表语从句;可用于强调句等,而其余三者则不行。(2) because 表示的是必然的因果关系,语气最强,通常放在主句之后,若需强调则放在主句之前;since, as所表示的原因是人们已知的,是对已知事实提供理由,而不表示直接原因。它们引导的从句通常放在主句之前,有时也放在主句之后。如:As he wasn"t ready in time, wewent without him. 因他未及时准备好,我们没等他就先走了。Since we have no money, it"s no good thinking about a holiday. 既然我们没有钱,考虑度假有什么用。至于 for, 它是并列连词 (其余三者为从属连词),它有时可表示因果关系 (通常要放在主句之后,且可与 because 换用);有时不表示因果关系,而是对前面分句内容的解释或推断 (也要放在主句之后,但不能与 because 换用)。试比较。①The ground is wet, for (=because) it rained last night. 地面是湿的,因为昨晚下过雨。②It must have rained last night, for the ground is wetthis morning. 昨晚一定下过雨,你看今天早上地面是湿的。

Because i"m free nothing worry indeed是什么意思


in the centuries.___egyptbecame one of the most

D 是定语从句,表示在随后的几个世纪 等于in the following centuries 很高兴为您解答,【曾飞非】为您答疑解惑 如果本题有什么不明白可以追问,

Because of the love, struggle 是什么意思?

Fighting for my love!

Because he feels left out为什么表被动语态没be?

feel是一个系动词,同样还有别的系动词 被动语态的产生经常和be动词相关联,但是不代表被动语态只能和be动词连用,或者只能用be动词表达,实际上系动词也能表达被动如seem, taste, grow, ap pear 也可以表达被动的含义.

Agnes Rebecca分别是我的英文名和姓,那是不是只要读成rebecaa agnes就可以?




because of this i am not unusual是什么意思


dessert because什么意思

甜点。 因为




because 回答why 的。therefore是因此,常用在作文中。


therefore 就是因此的意思 后面要紧跟一个句子后面没有逗号so 可以说是所以的意思 后面可以加逗号 再加句子so 的意思比较广义,还有很多的用法。有时候可以用作别的词性,而therefore 意思单一,就是因此。

for ,because,as,therefore,since区别



for ,because,as,since这四个词作为连词,都有"因为"的意思,但它们在用法上有区别: because 是从属连词,接表示直接原因的从句,一般放在主句的后面,也可放在主句前面,它表示的语气最强,在回答why的问句时,必须用because。 例如:The swimming pool won"t be open today because they"re making repairs. 游泳池今天不开放,因为他们在修理。 Why did you move to France? 你们为什么搬到法国? Because my father found work in Paris. 因为我父亲在巴黎找到了工作。 注意:在英语中用了because后,不可再用so。 as 是从属连词,说明一般的因果关系,语气比because弱,说明比较明显的原因,它引导的从句通常放在句首,有时也可放在句末。 例如:As it is raining, you"d better take a taxi. 天下雨了,你最好乘出租车。 since 意为"既然",表示对方已知的无需加以说明的原因或事实,语气比because弱,但是比as 强。 例如:Since we have no money, we can"t buy that vase. 既然我们没钱,我们就不能买那花瓶。 Since everybody is here, let"s begin our party. 既然大家都到了,那就开始我们的聚会吧! for 是并列连词,用来附带解释说明前一分句的原因或理由,for引导的并列句,一般放在所要说明的句子的后面。 例如:I went to see him, for I had something to tell him. 我去见他,因为我有事要告诉他。 只有therefore是表示结果的意思而不是原因.

The government made an urgent [ ] for international aid because of a drought . 【说明原因, 并翻译


because kindness keeps the world afloat什么意思?lifev


because kindness keeps the world afloat什么意思

because kindness keeps the world afloat因为善良使世界运转双语对照例句:1.Because now the world keeps only that nobody has yawned and was not mistaken. 因为现在的世界只保留没有“打呵欠”,没有犯错之人。

Because kindness keeps the world afloat的准确翻译是什么呀?


because kindenss keeps the world afloat翻译中文什么意思?


Because i"m glad是什么意思?


because of和owning to,due to的区别

because of表示“因为”,“由于”,在句中一般用做状语,可放在句末或句首.2.owing to可以做状语,也可做表语.它于because of的区别是:它多用逗号与句子隔开,而because of多不理逗号与句子隔开.owing to做表语时与due to同义,可以互换.due to表示“归因于,归功于”.不可位于句首,在句中通常用做表语或后置定语.

because of和owning to,due to的区别

because of表示“因为”,“由于”,在句中一般用做状语,可放在句末或句首。owing to可以做状语,也可做表语。它于because of的区别是:它多用逗号与句子隔开,而because of多不理逗号与句子隔开。owing to做表语时与due to同义,可以互换。due to表示“归因于,归功于”。不可位于句首,在句中通常用做表语或后置定语。

because of和owning to,due to的区别


because of和owning to,due to的区别

because of表示“因为”,“由于”,在句中一般用做状语,可放在句末或句首.owing to可以做状语,也可做表语.它于because of的区别是:它多用逗号与句子隔开,而because of多不理逗号与句子隔开.owing to做表语时与due to同义,可以互换.due to表示“归因于,归功于”.不可位于句首,在句中通常用做表语或后置定语.

due to和owning to以及because of有什么区别?

due to的用法,跟"because of"完全一样,而due to跟owning to也应该没区别。看一下字典的说法(双解字典)Due to has been widely used for many years as a compound preposition like owing to, but some critics have insisted that the adjectival status ofdue must be retained. According to this view,it is incorrect to say“The concert was canceled due to the rain”, as opposed to the acceptable“The cancellation of the concert was due to the rain”, wheredue continues to function as an adjective modifying cancellation. Due to 已多年被广泛地当作象 owing to 那样的复合介词使用, 但批评者坚持认为应保持due 的形容词地位。 按照这一观点,说因为下雨,音乐会被取消了 是不正确的, 而应说音乐会的取消是因为下雨 , 在后句中due 起形容词作用,修饰 cancellation</SPAN></SPAN>

because of和owning to,due to的区别

because of表示“因为”,“由于”,在句中一般用做状语,可放在句末或句首. owing to可以做状语,也可做表语.它于because of的区别是:它多用逗号与句子隔开,而because of多不理逗号与句子隔开.owing to做表语时与due to同义,可以互换. due to表示“归因于,归功于”.不可位于句首,在句中通常用做表语或后置定语.

because of和owning to,due to的区别

because of:表示“因为”,“由于”,在句中一般用做状语,可放在句末或句首.owing to:可以做状语,也可做表语.它于because of的区别是:它多用逗号与句子隔开,而because of多不用逗号与句子隔开.owing to做表语时与due to同义,可以互换.due to:表示“归因于,归功于”.不可位于句首,在句中通常用做表语或后置定语.










because:连词cause:名词,动词 英文歌里面的cause是因为的意思。跟because一样――但是是口语 实际上because是个连词。而cause是及物动词。cause还可以做名词。是原因的意思。 ――我疑问的原因:歌词中看到cause because 连词,意思:因为cause名词:原因;事业;目标 动词(及物):引起,使遭受,造成 希望能帮助到你,望采纳。because一般连接句子或与of连接使用;而cause是动词或者名词,意思是原因,引起或引发例如I love the book because it"s nice.// because 作为连接词引导原因状语从句     The crash caused the accident.// cause 是动词,作一个普通句子的为谓语,例如本句就是碰撞导致了这件事故发生。 cause:1.原因,理由;事业 2.原因 3.引起 4.原因;起因 because: 1.因为 2.由于,因为 3.《因为》 4.引导原因状语从句,重点突出原因 英文歌里面的 cause是因为的意思。跟because一样。但是是口语。 实际上because是个连词。而cause是及物动词。cause还可以做名词。是原因的意思。 建议不要在书面语中用cause.


1. 用作动词,有两类用法需注意:(1) 表示“造成”、“使(发生)”,其后可直接用造成的结果或发生的事情作宾语,也可接双宾语或接不定式的复合结构作宾语。如:Smoking may cause lung cancer. 吸烟可导致肺癌。(直接加造成的结果)He caused his friends much unhappiness. 他弄得他朋友很不愉快。(双宾语)The cold weather caused the plants to die. 天气寒冷冻死了植物(不定式复合结构)。(2) 表示“使”、“迫使”,通常接不定式的复合结构作宾语,注意不要受动词 make 的影响而用错句型。比较:是什么使她哭了?正:What caused her to cry? / What made her cry?误:What caused her cry [crying]? / What made her to cry?这个坏消息使她伤心。正:The bad news caused her to be sad. 正:The bad news made her sad. 误:The bad news caused her sad. because是连词,所以后边跟句子 because of后边加名词或者动名词短语 He came to work late because he got up late. He came to work late because of getting up late. 用法上because 后加上一个句子 We won"t go there because it"s going to rain. 而because of除了"因为"外,还有"thanks to" 的意思,后加上一个词,或短语 We won"t go there because of rain. We won"t go there because of the bad weather.


cause 英 [kɔ:z] 美 [kɔz] n. 原因; 事业; 动机; 理由; vt. 引起; 导致; 成为…的原因; 使遭受; [例句]Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease在可以预防的引发死亡和疾病的因素当中,吸烟排在第一位。because 英 [bɪˈkɒz] 美 [bɪˈkɔ:z] conj. 因为; 连接原因状语从句

Because、Cause、Coz 三个单词的的区别

cause [kɔːz]n.1. 原因, 起因2. 理由, 缘故, 根椐, 动机3. 理想; 目标, 事业4. 【律】诉讼事由; 案件程序5. 主张, 主义cause [kɔːz]n.1. 原因, 起因2. 理由, 缘故, 根椐, 动机3. 理想; 目标, 事业4. 【律】诉讼事由; 案件程序5. 主张, 主义vt.1. 使发生, 引起2. 使遭受, 给...带来3. 致使, 促使而你说意思一样的是 "cause 是because的缩写常出现在歌词里,单词前一定有“"”

she was sad because she made _____mistakes in the exam


Play the main character was doomed fate is, becau

play 的意思是 饰演/扮演

求 because of night -----cascada 歌词

Take me now, baby, here as I am Hold me close, try and understand Desire is hunger is the fire I breathe Love is a banquet on which we feedCome on now, try and understand The way I feel when I"m in your hands Take my hand, come under cover They can"t hurt you now, can"t hurt you now, can"t hurt you now.Because the night belongs to lovers Because the night belongs to lust Because the night belongs to lovers Because the night belongs to us [2x]Have I a doubt, baby when I"m alone Love is a ring on the telephone Love is an angel, disguised as lust Here in our bed "til the morning comesCome on now, try and understand The way I feel, under your command Take my hand as the sun descends They can"t hurt you now, can"t hurt you now, can"t hurt you now.Because the night belongs to lovers Because the night belongs to lust Because the night belongs to lovers Because the night belongs to us [2x]

英语 b/c 为什么是because 的意思?有什么来历?

只是简写 没什么来历

He deserves it because he is the most hardworking student 为什么用deserve不用shout get


i don"t like dog because it barks____英语选择

very much

i don"t like dog because it barks____英语选择


because there is only one adjacent cell thread是什么意思

最好有上下文,这样解释会更通一点 * adjacent adj.邻近的,毗连的,接近的 cell 细胞 thread 线索 因为这是唯一一条相关的线索.(cell表示线索的细小、不易察觉,adjacent表示可接近线索,有不确定的因素)

那首英文歌中有歌词“because you”?

Because Of You - Kelly Clarkson

Life is like flowers, because everyone blooms at


I Want to Learn English Because写作文

I want to learn English because it is a language tool,which we can use to read foriegn works just like Jane Austen"s Pride and Predjudice and Shakespear"s Hamlet,so that we can broaden our horizen and know more something about foreign custom,and which also we can use to make many friends all over the world,it will make our life worderful and colorful.What"s more,if we travel aboard ,it will be convenient to communicate with the local people who know English.And now, it is an economic age and our world become smaller and smaller,we should learn English to take in the advanced sciece and technology in the western developed countries,so we are able to devote ourself to the development of our nation.What else,I want to learn English because I will be a English teacher in the future and maybe I will go aboard to get a job one day.

I am so excited today.Because I will go to the "BaYi" farm to help the farmers pick the apples up.


HISHE里老爷说“Because I"m Batman"是什么梗


capricious because 什么意思

capricious because任性是因为望采纳,谢谢

He deserves it because he is the most hardworking student 为什么用deserve不用shout get


16. My American friend knows my problem because I ( ) my ideas with him.

C change, 变化。意思不符合,排除ABexchange,交换。我的美国朋友知道我的问题,因为我已经和他交换了我的意见。用完成时表达动作的影响。已经交换了意见,所以他知道我的问题。

the fist software of windows 什么by bill gater became very populay

the first software of windows [made/programmed/created] by bill gates became very populay

劲舞团歌曲:because of you 的歌词 那就是这个NE-YO的 刚才那个也是 这个比那个好找多了 上面的是百度的搜索页面 汗... 俩BECAUSE OF YOU 呢..


没有 becane 这种拼写的词,应该是 became (become 的过去式),意思是 “变成/成为”。

Since last summer, I have written to my pen pal, Seda, who lives in Turkey. I became acquainted wit


The author of the report is well _____ with the problems in the hospital because he has been wo...

A 考查动词的意思辨析。 be acquainted with熟悉,be well informed of(about)对......消息灵通。可见,此题中应用acquainted,因为后面地介词是with.

I first became acquainted with the Marry. 这句话为什么有

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题!后面acquainted 是用作形容词词性的

sat语法题: acquaintances of alexei have commented that he is at once annoying because of his

1)这个就是SAT语法考试和高考语法考试不同的地方了.恰如SAT语法中我们要避免beinghaving等说法一样,我们要追求句式的清晰明了、整齐一致.如果按照楼主的意思,选了A的话,这个句子毫无整齐可言;但是如果是E的话,就会有一个“平行”的结构出现,即annoying——delightfubecause of his——because of hisimagination——unpredictability这就是为什么E比A要好得多.2)因为这是一个事实,表示他现在的状态,他就是一个那样的人3)alexei的熟人评论他的不可预测性是恼人的同时他的想象力又是令人喜爱的

i don"t like dog because it barks____英语选择

very much

i don"t like dog because it barks____英语选择


due to和owning to以及because of有什么区别?

due to的用法,跟"because of"完全一样,而due to跟owning to也应该没区别。看一下字典的说法(双解字典)Due to has been widely used for many years as a compound preposition like owing to, but some critics have insisted that the adjectival status ofdue must be retained. According to this view,it is incorrect to say“The concert was canceled due to the rain”, as opposed to the acceptable“The cancellation of the concert was due to the rain”, wheredue continues to function as an adjective modifying cancellation. Due to 已多年被广泛地当作象 owing to 那样的复合介词使用, 但批评者坚持认为应保持due 的形容词地位。 按照这一观点,说因为下雨,音乐会被取消了 是不正确的, 而应说音乐会的取消是因为下雨 , 在后句中due 起形容词作用,修饰 cancellation</SPAN></SPAN>

Canceling query because of high VMEM usage,这问题怎么解决


Canceling query because of high VMEM usage,这问题怎么解决

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