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贝叶斯定理(Bayes" theorem)

贝叶斯定理是18世纪英国数学家托马斯·贝叶斯(Thomas Bayes)提出得重要概率论理论。以下摘一段 wikipedia 上的简介: 所谓的贝叶斯定理源于他生前为解决一个“逆概”问题写的一篇文章,而这篇文章是在他死后才由他的一位朋友发表出来的。在贝叶斯写这篇文章之前,人们已经能够计算“正向概率”,如“假设袋子里面有 N 个白球,M 个黑球,你伸手进去摸一把,摸出黑球的概率是多大”。而一个自然而然的问题是反过来:“如果我们事先并不知道袋子里面黑白球的比例,而是闭着眼睛摸出一个(或好几个)球,观察这些取出来的球的颜色之后,那么我们可以就此对袋子里面的黑白球的比例作出什么样的推测”。这个问题,就是所谓的逆向概率问题。 定义 贝叶斯定理(Bayes" theorem)是关于随机事件 A 和 B 的条件概率: 其中P(A|B)是在 B 发生的情况下 A 发生的可能性。

朴素贝叶斯(Naive Bayes)算法

朴素贝叶斯算法属于分类算法。发源于古典数学理论,对缺失数据不太敏感,有稳定的分类效率,模型所需估计的参数很少,算法比较简单。 朴素贝叶斯算法 , 贝叶斯 是说明这个算法和贝叶斯定理有联系,而 朴素 是因为处理实际的需要,做了一个简化—— 假设每个特征之间是独立的 (如果研究的对象互相之间的影响很强,计算概率时考虑的问题非常复杂,做了独立假设,就可以分解后进行研究),这是这个算法模型与贝叶斯定理的区别。 将 x 作为特征,y 作为类别,那公式左边的 P(yi|x)就是说在知道特征 x 的情况下,计算这个特征属于 yi 类的可能性大小。通过比较找出这个可能性的值最大的属于哪一类,就将特征 x 归为这一类。 第3步的计算就是整个关键所在,计算依据是上面的贝叶斯公式。 对于每一个类的概率计算,公式右边的分母的 P(x)都是相同的,所以可以不计算(我们只是对最终结果进行比较,不影响)。 P(yi)也称为先验概率,是 x 属于 yi 类的一个概率,这个是通过历史信息得到的(在程序实现的时候,历史信息或者说先验信息就是我们的训练数据集),我们通过对训练样本数据进行统计,分别算出 x 属于 y1,y2,...,yn 类的概率是多少,这个是比较容易得到的。 所以,主要是求 P(x|yi)= P(a1,a2,...,am|yi) 这个时候对于贝叶斯模型的 朴素 的独立性假设就发挥作用了(综合的计算变成了独立计算后的综合,简化模型,极大地减少了计算的复杂程度): P(a1,a2,...,am|yi) = P(a1|yi)P(a2|yi)...P(am|yi) 所以计算想要得到的东西如下: 一个程序简例


按照乘法法则,可以立刻导出:P(A∩B) = P(A)*P(B|A)=P(B)*P(A|B)。如上公式也可变形为:P(A|B)=P(B|A)*P(A)/P(B)。贝叶斯定理由英国数学家贝叶斯 ( Thomas Bayes 1702-1761 ) 发展,用来描述两个条件概率之间的关系,比如 P(A|B) 和 P(B|A)。贝叶斯法则通常,事件A在事件B(发生)的条件下的概率,与事件B在事件A的条件下的概率是不一样的;然而,这两者是有确定的关系,贝叶斯法则就是这种关系的陈述。

thomas bayes怎么研究出贝叶斯公式的

贝叶斯定理由英国数学家贝叶斯 ( Thomas Bayes 1702-1763 ) 发展,用来描述两个条件概率之间的关系,比如 P(A|B) 和 P(B|A)。按照乘法法则:P(A∩B)=P(A)*P(B|A)=P(B)*P(A|B),可以立刻导出。如上公式也可变形为:P(B|A)=P(A|B)*P(B)/P(A)。

ebay买的东西,从俄罗斯邮寄,寄出后carrier显示是china post,意思是用的中国邮政




想知道: 香港特别行政区chevalier commercial centre, 8 wang hoi road, kowloon bay在哪?

香港九龙湾宏开道8号其士商业中心 观塘线九龙湾站

这是哪里? 11/f. Chevalier comm. Ctr. No.8 Wang Hoi road kowloon bay H.K.

香港九龙湾宏开道8号其士商业中心11楼Chevalier Commercial Centre

etd bay什么意思


so yesterbay的歌词

你的问题错嘞。是so yesterday ..



hsbc causeway bay branch 翻译为 汇丰铜锣湾分行.是什么意思


ebay里面issue a refund是什么意思




tamaka bayan的歌手是谁


ebay 商品页面的评价下面有一个“as advertised”,这是什么意思啊?

as advertised 像广告所说的那样。





John Bayless的《Caruso》 歌词

歌曲名:Caruso歌手:John Bayless专辑:RomanticaJosh Groban - CarusoQui dove il mare luccicaE tira forte il ventoSulla vecchia terrazzaDavanti al golfo di surrientoUn uomo abbraccia una ragazzaDopo che aveva piantoP oi si schiarisce la voceE ricomincia il cantoTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto, tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe scioglie il sangue dint"e vene saiVide le luci in mezzo al marePenso alle notti la in AmericaMa erano solo le lampareE la bianca scia di una elicaSenti il dolore nella musicaE si alzo dal pianoforteMa quando vide uscire la luna da una nuvolaGli sembro piu dolce anche la morteGuardo negli occhi la ragazzaQuegli occhi verdi come il marePoi all"improvviso usci una lacrimaE lui credette di affogareTe voglio bene assaima tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe scioglie il sangue dint"e vene saiPotenza della liricaDove ogni dramma e un falsoChe con un po" di trucco e con la mimicaPuoi diventare un altroMa due occhi che tie guardanoCosi vicini e veriTi fan scordare le paroleConfondono i pensieriCosi diventa tutto piccoloAnche le notti la in AmericaTi volti e vedi la tua vitaCome la scia di un"elicaMa si e la vita che finisceMa lui e non ci penso poi tanto anziSi sentiva gia felice, e ricomincio il suo cantoTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe sciolglie il sangue dint"e vene saiFine


bad buyer experience 即买家不良体验

cardiff bay的简介(中英文皆可,最好中文)

Cardiff Docks as it was then called was the world"s largest coal exporting portit is also Europe"s largest waterfront development and it has a wealth of leisure activities available both on and off the water. Cardiff bay has been turned into a vast freshwater lake with the introduction of a barrage. A number of boat tours operate from Mermaid Quay, which allow you to gain an understanding of the history and fauna of this exciting area. A new water taxi service which operates throughout the year from the Bay to the city centre and Penarth. Cardiff Bay is home to a number of attractions such as Techniquest Science Discovery Centre - ideal for all the family, Craft in the Bay, The Welsh Assembly at the Pierhead, Butetown History and Arts Centre, Goleulong 2000 Lightship, the Norwegian Church Arts Centre and the brand new Wales Millennium Centre, a stunning and international arts centre. The Atlantic Wharf Leisure Village provides further options for family entertainment. The harbour at Cardiff Bay experiences one of the worlds greatest tidal ranges up to 14m. This has meant that at low tide, it has been inaccessible for up to 14 hours a day. The new barrage will eliminate the effect of the tide, which has acted as an inhibitor to development, releasing the potential of the capital city"s greatest asset - its waterfront.The construction of the barrage is one of the largest engineering projects in Europe. Completed in 1999, it has created a 500 acre freshwater lake with 8 miles of waterfront and it is hoped it will stimulate the future development of the Bay as a tourist and leisure destination.The Cardiff Bay Development Corporation was set up in April 1987 to regenerate the 1,100 hectares of old derelict docklands of Cardiff and Penarth. It was part of the British Governments Urban Development Programme to regenerate particularly deprived and run-down areas of British inner cities.The mission statement for the regeneration project, set by the then Welsh Secretary of State, Nicholas Edwards was: - To put Cardiff on the International map as a superlative maritime city which will stand comparison with any such city in the world, thereby enhancing the image and economic well-being of Cardiff and Wales as a wholeThe five main aims and objectives identified for the regeneration project were: - To promote development and provide a superb environment in which people will want to live, work and play. To re-unite the City of Cardiff with its waterfront. To bring forward a mix of development which would create a wide range of job opportunities and would reflect the hopes and aspirations of the communities of the area. To achieve the highest standard of design and quality in all types of development and investment. To establish the area as a recognized centre of excellence and innovation in the field of urban regeneration

求高手翻译一下地址:马来西亚 Pangsapuri Bayu B-G-1,jalan mawar sek8,43300 sri kembangan




i want to bay two pencile s

应该是I want to buy two penciles.我想买两只铅笔

downbythe bay中文歌词翻译

Down by the bay Where the watermelons grow Back to my home I dare not go For if I do My mother will say "Did you ever see a fly Wearing a tie?" Down by the bay. Down by the bay Where the watermelons grow Back to my home I dare not go For if I do My mother will say "Did you ever see a bear Combing his hair?" Down by the bay. Down by the bay Where the watermelons grow Back to my home I dare not go For if I do My mother will say "Did you ever see a moose Kissing a goose?" Down by the bay. Down by the bay Where the watermelons grow Back to my home I dare not go For if I do My mother will say "Did you ever see a whale With a polka dot tail?" Down by the bay. Down by the bay Where the watermelons grow Back to my home I dare not go For if I do My mother will say "Did you ever see a llama Wearing pajamas?" Down by the bay. Down by the bay Where the watermelons grow Back to my home I dare not go For if I do My mother will say "Did you ever have a time When you couldn"t make a rhyme?" Down by the bay沿着海湾西瓜生长的地方回到我的家我不敢去如果我做的我妈妈会说“你有没有看到一个飞戴一条领带吗?”沿着海湾。沿着海湾西瓜生长的地方回到我的家我不敢去如果我做的我妈妈会说“你有没有看到一只熊梳理他的头发?”沿着海湾。沿着海湾西瓜生长的地方回到我的家我不敢去如果我做的我妈妈会说“你有没有看到驼鹿亲吻一只鹅?”沿着海湾。沿着海湾西瓜生长的地方回到我的家我不敢去如果我做的我妈妈会说“你有没有看见一条鲸鱼一个圆点的尾巴吗?”沿着海湾。沿着海湾西瓜生长的地方回到我的家我不敢去如果我做的我妈妈会说“你有没有看到一只美洲驼穿着睡衣吗?”沿着海湾。沿着海湾西瓜生长的地方回到我的家我不敢去如果我做的我妈妈会说“你曾有过一次当你不能让一个韵?”沿着海湾

i"ll go bay ship

应该有语境的 我会跟着船一起沉下去,不会举手投降.

hello.i am baybax是什么意思?

这是超能陆战队中大白的经典自我介绍: Hello!I am Baymax,Your personal healthcare companion。你好,我是大白,你的私人健康顾问。

求一篇英语作文《I have a bay day》

1I have the honor to join a movie show in an American"s home. I went there with some of my friends. There was African-American greeted us. He was seems not really like Asians, because everytime i ask him question he just say "Cool-woo" and left. One thing made me un-happy was they offer foods on the movie show. When I was trying to finger out what was going on the movie, a nice wearing gay who was next to was eating super a lot, and somehow throwed out. He said nothing and left. And i was like, what the hack? I was having a hard time to watch a movie without sub-title, and the balck man, and that fucking guy sitting next me. what a bad day!

在yy听了一首歌,不知道歌名,歌词大约是i i i love you baybay 应该全是英文

can take my eyes off you

i am a good bay什么意思


I am a bay 怎么变一般疑问句


Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay 歌词

歌曲名:Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay歌手:Mongo Santamaria专辑:Essential - Cool Catssitting on the dock of the baySittin in the morning sunI`ll be sittin" when the evening comesWatching the ships roll inAnd I"ll watch "em roll away againI"m just sittin" on the dock of the bayWatching the time roll awaySittin" on the dock of the bayWasting time.I left my home in GeorgiaAnd I headed for the Frisco bayI"ve got nothing to live forLook like nothings gonna come my wayI"m just sittin" on the dock of the bayWatching the time roll awaySittin" on the dock of the bay Wasting timeLook like nothings gonna changeEverthing seems to stay the sameI can"t do what ten people tell me to doSo I guess I"ll just remain the sameSittin" here resting my bonesCause this loneliness won"t leave me alone10000 miles from homeJust to make this dock my homeSo I"m just sittin" on the dock of the bayWatching the time roll away, oohSittin on the dock of the bay Wastin" time

请问,有一首英文歌其中一句是I my bay go~~~baybaygo~~~baybaygo~~

歌曲: Name 歌手: The Goo Goo .. 专辑: 《A Boy Name..》

Dock Of The Bay 歌词

歌曲名:Dock Of The Bay歌手:Don Partridge专辑:Don Partridge(Sittin" On) The Dock Of The BaySittin in the morning sun,I`ll be sittin" when the evening come,Watching the ships roll in,And I"ll watch "em roll away again, yeah,I"m sittin" on the dock of the bay,Watching the tide roll away, ouh,I"m just sittin" on the dock of the bay,Wasting time.I left my home in Georgia,Headed for the Frisco bayI have nothing to live for,Look like nothings gonna come my way,So I"m just go sit on the dock of the bayWatching the tide roll away,I"m sittin" on the dock of the bay,Wasting timeLook like nothings gonna change,Everything still remain the same,I can"t do what ten people tell me to do,So I guess I"ll remain the same, yes,Sittin" here resting my bones,And this loneliness won"t leave me alone, yes,Two thousand miles I roamJust to make this dock my homeNow I"m just go sit at the dock of the bayWatching the tide roll away, oohSittin" on the dock of the bayWasting timeedit morrison tsai

The Dock Of The Bay 歌词

歌曲名:The Dock Of The Bay歌手:James Last And His Orchestra专辑:James Last Remembers The Sixtiessitting on the dock of the baySittin in the morning sunI`ll be sittin" when the evening comesWatching the ships roll inAnd I"ll watch "em roll away againI"m just sittin" on the dock of the bayWatching the time roll awaySittin" on the dock of the bayWasting time.I left my home in GeorgiaAnd I headed for the Frisco bayI"ve got nothing to live forLook like nothings gonna come my wayI"m just sittin" on the dock of the bayWatching the time roll awaySittin" on the dock of the bay Wasting timeLook like nothings gonna changeEverthing seems to stay the sameI can"t do what ten people tell me to doSo I guess I"ll just remain the sameSittin" here resting my bonesCause this loneliness won"t leave me alone10000 miles from homeJust to make this dock my homeSo I"m just sittin" on the dock of the bayWatching the time roll away, oohSittin on the dock of the bay Wastin" time

Every bay I laugh at you 这中文什么意思?

Every day I laugh at you.我日复一日地嘲笑你。百度嫌我字数不够

Fan is the pillar of the Bay I team的意思?

回答和翻译如下:Fan is the pillar of the Bay I team.扇子是湾一队的支柱。

one bay i will die的汉语意思

One day I will die.中文意思:总有一天我会去世的.

bay bay bay歌词

Ay Bay Bay(Ay) [X3]Ay Bay Bay(Ay) [X3]Ay Bay Bay(Ay) [X3]Ay Bay Bay(Ay) [X3][Chorus:]You Wanna Know Wat We Say In Da Club (Ay Bay Bay)Whites Folks Gangsta And them Thugz (Ay Bay Bay)Stuntin wit a stack of dem dubz (Ay Bay Bay)Ridin" In A Lac Wit A Mug (Ay Bay Bay)I"m In Da Club Hollerin"Ay Bay Bay [X2]Ay Bay Bay [X3]I"m In Da Club Holerin"Ay Bay Bay [X2]Ay Bay Bay [X3]I"m In Da Club Hollerin"When I Holler Ay Bay BayI Finna Get My Groove OnIt"s So Hot Up In Da ClubDat I Ain"t Got No Shoes OnI"m Holdin" Up A Big Stack of DemHundreds In A Rubba BandGirl Don"t Ask Me For No CashCause I"m Not Dat Other ManEverybody Trippin" Cause Im Limpin"When I"m Walkin" And Im Pimpin" When Im Talkin"I Don"t Trick On Chick Dats Talkin"Dem Boyz In Da Back Dey Be Rollin"up Dey DoughdyThen Dey Blow It Till Dey Chokin"Dats Wat Godly Came OutWhen I See A Bad Chik Im Hollerin Out(Ay Bay Bay)I Hope Yall Ain"t Wit Ya BoyfriendzCause I Don"t Care Wat Dey SayAnd I Don"t Care Wat He Say Or She SayI"m In Da Dj Booth Takin" Pictures Wit Da DjYou Wanna Know What We SayWhen Clubs Get Crunk (Wat)Ay Baybay Let it PlayDats My Song Turn It Up [X2][Chorus:]You Wanna Know Wat We Say In Da Club (Ay Bay Bay)Whites Folks Gangsta And A Thug (Ay Bay Bay)Stuntin wit a stack of dem dubz(Ay Bay Bay)Ridin" In A Lac Wit A Mug (Ay Bay Bay)I"m In Da Club Hollerin"Ay Bay Bay [X2]Ay Bay Bay [X3]I"m In Da Club Holerin"Ay Bay Bay [X2]Ay Bay Bay [X3]I"m In Da Club Hollerin"Now If You Lookin" For Me Baby You Can Find MeBangin" In Da Chevy Candy Painted Swangin 9 Deep10 cars Creep Wit My People Right Behind MeI Showed Dem My Chain NowShe Hollerin Boy you blindin meI Show My Mouth PieceTo Dem Freaks Now Da Eyein MeOh You Got A Problem Well I Hope You aintTryin Me. Throw the car in parkThen I Reach Under My SeatHop Out With My Hand Under My ShirtDats Where Dat iron beYellow Bone Chirpin" MeShe Trying To See Where Imma Be.You Gonna Let Me Get Up InYour Mouth Well Dats Where Imma Beyou gon let me get up in your mouthwell thats where imma beI Don"t Pop Trunk Wit Lights DatsWhere Dey Choppa Be. Straight To The HotelAll Da Bad Chick Followin" MeI Know You Like My Style, I Ain"t TrippinI"m Just Tryin" To See, Girl Is You DrunkWell Tell Me Why You Leanin" All On MeAnd If You Thinkin" Imma Stunt You TrippinI Pull Up In An Expedition Wit Da Roof Missin[Chorus:]You Wanna Know Wat We Say In Da Club (Ay Bay Bay)Whites Folks Gangsta And A Thug (Ay Bay Bay)Stuntin Wit a Stack of Dem Dubz (Ay Bay Bay)Ridin" In A Lac Wit A Mug (Ay Bay Bay)I"m In Da Club Hollerin"Ay Bay Bay [X2]Ay Bay Bay [X3]I"m In Da Club Holerin"Ay Bay Bay [X2]Ay Bay Bay [X3]I"m In Da Club Hollerin"I"m In Da Club Hollerin"Ay Baybay Let it PlayDats My Song Turn It UpI"m In Da Club Hot,Crunk,Sweatin, Burnin" UpIm bouncin thru The CrowdBuckin And Hollerin Wats UpI Done Fell Out In Da Dance FloorAnd Now I can"t get upJs On Your Feet But You Cant Get TheseLouis Vatton brown White, And Yellowtrick pleaseIll Go To Saint Louis Let My Chain Hang LowCanary Yellow Diamonds Mixed Wit Rose GoldI Shine Real Bright In Da Light Because Im A Star8 Shots Of Patrons Now I"m Standin" on Da BarProbably Get Drunk as a skunkN put da keys in da wrong car[Chorus:]You Wanna Know Wat We Say In Da Club (Ay Bay Bay)Whites Folks Gangsta And A Thug (Ay Bay Bay)Stuntin wit a stack of dem dubz (Ay Bay Bay)Ridin" In A Lac Wit A Mug (Ay Bay Bay)I"m In Da Club Hollerin"Ay Bay Bay [X2]Ay Bay Bay [X3]I"m In Da Club Holerin"Ay Bay Bay [X2]Ay Bay Bay [X3]I"m In Da Club Hollerin"Ay Baybay Let It Play

kami mencintai bayi是什么语言?

您好!印尼语。“我们爱孩子”的意思。kami 我们的mencintai 爱bayi 婴儿,小孩





( )这种电子邮箱格式怎么申请?有什么网站支持的

你好! 这个是“企业邮箱”的地址格式。企业邮箱的格式大致是统一的。一般都是企业名@企业域名的形式。企业域名是公司自己申请的。腾讯企业邮箱会提供绑定域名的方式。也就是用户名@企业域名。这样会显得更正式。同时发送接受邮件时通过用户名和域名也能很好的宣传企业。可由用户名是一串英文数字结合的字符串。由企业自己定义,尽量接近企业名称。而@是英文半角的。以默认英文的方式输入就可。对于域名。是公司域名的。去掉了www。后面的就是域名。这个就看企业购买的是如何了。 如果要注册,可以选择腾讯企业邮箱。拥有无限容量,随时安心的存放邮件。大容量邮箱,可升级为无限容量;方面扩容。企业网络硬盘,2GB超大附件,可以很轻松发送工作中一些大文件。分布部署,不同网络畅通无阻,海外专线,邮件可以随时到达任何地方。并且随都可以访问,短信提醒功能,不错过重要来信,可以绑定微信,更多更好的的服务。 iOS、Android.随时使用客户端查看回复邮件。可以使用企业域名访问登录页面,企业名片可向腾通邮箱用户展示,邮箱全程使用的是企业域名,拥有邮箱一键搬家的工具,轻松的转移旧邮件到腾讯邮箱。企业内部随时沟通提速,可发布全员通知。 可以去官网申请就可以使用。 但愿能帮到你。谢谢 望采纳

bayi 什么意思




Bayer raw RGB是什么视频格式?


soc sensor和bayer sensor哪个好

SOC Sensor 包含Simple ISP 在里头,可以数位处理pixle後,给出YUV 格式的图像ex: OV7725Bayer Sensor 一般指RAW Data Sensor, 需要外部的DSP/ISP 处理ex:OV9710/2/5依方便性而言,SOC Sensor 比较好若要求影像品质,Bayer Sensor 可以有较多的优化





bayer pattern(r,gr,gb,b)?

分别表示StartPiex 是B/Gb/Gr/R,代表返回的类型是第一个像素点的值…






按理说,像这样的跨国企业的产品,在美国和中国出售的药品质量应该是一样的。 每个国家的药品的生产、销售、使用都有自己的标准——药典,欧美、日本的药品标准相对于我国的要高,也就是说要求更严格;另外,每个药品生产企业的药品生产,除了要满足药典的标准外,还有一整套自己企业内部的生产标准,其内部标准比起药典标准要求更高、更严格,为的是使自己的产品更好,让其他企业无法超越,这是国外药品跨国企业的普遍做法。 也不排除某些企业,为了利润,降低内部标准,只要达到中国的药品标准,这样也不影响其产品在中国生产、销售、使用——这样的话,质量是无法保证达到其在本国的质量的!

如何将Jpeg图像转化成Bayer CFA图像

横为2的倍数, 竖为4的倍数, 它们构成了分辨率. 如, 上面则代表了 8 * 4 分辨率的Bayer图.我们要知道的是, G = 2 * R 及 G = 2 * B, 即绿色值为红色值或蓝色值的两倍, 因为人眼对绿色更敏感, 所以绿色的分量更重.下面说一下从bayer转换成rgb图的算法, RGB图, 即为三色图, 一个像素点就由RGB三种颜色构成的混合色, 而bayer图一个像素就只有一个颜色, 或R或G或B. 因为bayer一个像素点只有一种颜色, 需要借助这个像素点周围的颜色对它进行插值(填充)另外的两种颜色, 它本身的颜色就不用插了. 一般的算法是:对于插入R和B,Rx = ( R1 + R2 ) / 2; 或-------------取上边和下边的平均值, 或是左边和右边的平均值Rx = ( R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 ) / 4;----取四个边的平均值B同理. 如:G B GR G RG B G对于中间的G, 它缺少 R和B, 用上下和左右的平均值进行求值.对于B G BG R GB G B这个图呢, 中间点R, 缺少G和B, G暂时没讨论, 那么 B, 就是从R的四个B角进行求平均值.==============================================如果插入G, 稍有些复杂.不过一般的算法与R和B一样, 复杂的算法, 其复杂程度也提升一倍, 不过精度更高, 如果对于视频监测系统来说, 精度相对来说不必要求太高, 用R或B的解法即可. 下面说复杂的:对于图: R1 G1 R4 G4 R G2 R2 G3 R3对于中间点R, 它需要插入G和B, B不讨论, 主要讨论G, 它周围有四个点G1, G2, G3, G4. ( G1 + G3 ) / 2--------------如果 |R1-R3| < |R2-R4|G(R) = ( G2 + G4 ) / 2-------------如果 |R1-R3| > |R2-R4| ( G1 + G2 + G3 + G4 ) / 4--如果 |R1-R3| = |R2-R4|如果周围出现的像素点颜色为B, 就应该比较|B1-B3|与|B2-B4|的值.====================================================还有关于将RGB格式转换为YUV格式的算法, 这里不想讨论了.这里要注意的是, bayer每个像素的值是8位的. 但是有的相机的bayer格式却有10位, 12位以及14位, 16位的, 那么如何将这些高于8位的数据转换为8位数据呢?. 拿12位数据来说, 有的人是取高8位或是低8位, 那么这样就会出现一个问题, 这张图像会有一个斜度, 不是偏亮就是偏暗, 或是出现其它乱七八糟的问题, 颜色问题总是不能令人满意. 这个时候就要去较正它, 无疑是浪费了时间.另一种算法是使用log映射, 据老外说, 这种转换法具有较高的精度. 拿12位来说, 一般转换算法:f(in) = 2 ^ ( log(in) * 8 / 12 )转换图为:|8 .| . | .|_______________________12因为log256 = 8, log4096 = 12, 对了log是以2为底哦.做得更好一点的算法, 可能根据提供的曝光等其它因素不同, 而将算法进行调整, 这样当一些意外事件发生时, 产生的图片也不会失真严重.

翻译和具体介绍Bayer MaterialScience

Bayer MaterialScience AG is one of the world"s largest producers of polymers and high-performance plastics. Its innovative developments in coatings, adhesives,insulating materials and sealants, polycarbonates and polyurethanes significantly enhance the quality of our lives拜耳材料科技股份有限公司是世界上生产聚合物和高性能塑料最大的公司之一。它在涂料,粘合剂,绝缘材料和密封剂,聚碳酸酯和聚氨酯方面的创新发展,大大改善了我们的生活品质。Bayer MaterialScience (BMS) is an independent subgroup within Bayer AG. It was created as part of the restructuring of Bayer AG from the former business group Bayer Polymers, with certain of its activities being spun off to Lanxess AG. BMS manufactures and develops materials such as coatings, adhesives and sealants, polycarbonates (CDs, DVDs), polyurethanes (automotive seating, insulation for refrigerating appliances) etc.拜耳材料科技(BMS)是隶属于拜耳集团内的一个独立的子集团。从原拜耳聚合物业务集团重组拜耳公司,并将其某些部门分拆给朗盛公司。作为重组的一部分,成立了拜耳材料科技。拜耳材料科技生产和开发多种材料,如涂料,粘合剂和密封剂的材料,聚碳酸酯(的CD,DVD),聚氨酯(汽车座椅,保温制冷设备)等。The main industries served are automotive manufacturing and supply, electrical engineering and electronics, construction and home products, and sports and leisure.其产品主要用于汽车制造和供应,电气工程和电子,建筑和家居产品,以及体育和休闲。Bayer MaterialScience has approximately 30 production sites around the globe.拜耳材料科技在全球拥有约30个生产基地。The company is divided into 4 principal Business Units (BU) that comprises the core segment of BMS. These are:该公司分为4个主要业务部门(BU)。每个业务部门都有各自的商业重心。这些是:BU Coatings, Adhesives, Specialties (BU CAS) BU Polycarbonates (BU PCS) BU Polyurethanes (BU PUR) BU Thermoplastic Polyurethanes (BU TPU) 涂料,粘合剂,特种材料部聚碳酸酯部聚氨酯部热塑性聚氨酯部

德甲的勒沃库森为什么叫Bayer 04呢?请达人帮忙解答一下。

它是 拜耳 集团赞助的



Bayer RGB和RGB Raw格式有什么区别



横为2的倍数, 竖为4的倍数, 它们构成了分辨率. 如, 上面则代表了 8 * 4 分辨率的 Bayer图. 我们要知道的是, G = 2 * R 及 G = 2 * B, 即绿色值为红色值或蓝色值的两倍, 因 为人眼对绿色更敏感, 所以绿色的分量更重. 下面说一下从bayer转换成rgb




你好啊! BAYER是拜耳制药的名字。但20是什么就不知道了。生产年份?批号?规格?不太清楚了。

请问绿色药片bayer (两面都有同样字母)是什么药








求教genuine bayer的中文名称是什么(药物)?

bayer1.拜耳医药保健有限公司2.拜耳集团3.拜耳公司4.拜耳Bayer 是知名制药公司。genuine Bayer 是 “名副其实的拜耳药品”。




1.盐酸莫西沙星用于慢性支气管炎急性发作疗效显著! 2.最常见的是胃肠道反应,据4 926例统计,恶心发生率为7.2%,腹痛5.7%,头晕2.8%,因不 良反应而停药者为3.8%。对比分析,本品不良反应发生率与阿莫西林、克拉霉素相似,但略 高于新菌灵。 其次,据4 008例统计,本品可使QTC平均延长6ms,而对照药包括克拉霉素、头孢氨苄、 新蔺灵、阿莫西林、多西环素及甲硝唑,则平均延长1ms(n=3689),为此,本品既 禁用于原有QTC延长的患者;也不能与可导致QTC延长的药物并用。 本品经约5 000例应用尚未发现有光毒性反应,其对中枢神经系统或肝脏的毒性也很小。 3.因为这种药对于软组织有伤害,16岁以下的人群禁止服用! 本品主要用于慢性支气管炎的急性加剧者,社会获得性肺炎,以及急性细菌性鼻窦炎。推荐 口服剂量为400mg,qd,对于慢性支气管炎急性加剧者疗程为5d,其他病症为10d。老年人、 肾功能障碍、轻度肝功不全者无须调整剂量。本品不推荐用于中到重度肝损害患者或正在肾 透析的患者。






就是德国拜耳公司嘛,拜耳公司于1863年由弗里德里希-拜耳公司 logo拜耳在德国创建。1899年3月6日拜耳获得了阿司匹林的注册商标,该商标后来成为全世界使用最广泛、知名度最高的药品品牌,并为拜耳带来了难以想象的巨额利润。1925年公司同其他几家化学公司合并建立法本化学工业公司,战后被拆散。1951年成为独立的法本继承公司,称拜耳颜料公司,1972年取名“拜耳公司”。 公司在中国上市的主要产品有:拜新同、西普乐、美克、拜唐苹、尼膜同、优妥、优迈、特斯乐、拜斯明-25等。 拜耳公司分为3个子集团公司,分别是:拜耳材料科技,拜耳农作物科学,拜耳医药。 该企业在2009年度《财富》全球最大五百家公司排名中名列第一百五十四。







我想知道这个英文:Bayer HealthCare AG是哪个厂家的?

======================================厂家就是 Bayer,拜耳股份公司Bayer HealthCare AG = 拜耳保健股份公司 ======================================拜耳股份公司(Bayer AG)是一家化工跨国集团(康采恩),德国股票指数DAX的成分公司,世界500强之一。拜耳集团是一家全球性企业,核心竞争力在於医疗保健、营养品及高科技材料。拜耳集团通过策略性改组,集中於富有潜力、机动性和独立性的三大事业群——医疗保健、作物科学及材料科技,并由三家服务公司提供支援。拜耳集团的各营运公司以其卓越贡献,推动未来市场的发展。2006年的年营业额高达一兆一千六百亿新台币。拜耳集团以创新发明著称,今后将继续朝向密集研究领域努力。对拜耳而言,创新是提升竞争力、拓展公司成长的基石,更是未来成功的关键。拜耳集团发迹於德国。1863年8月1日,商人富黎德里希·拜耳(Friedrich Bayer)与颜料大师约翰·富黎德里希·威斯考特(Johann Friedrich Weskott)在今天德国乌帕塔的巴门(Barmen)创建了一家颜料公司——「富黎德里希·拜耳公司」(Friedr. Bayer et comp.)。1912年,公司迁往德国莱茵河畔的勒沃库森。现在,勒沃库森依然是拜耳集团总部所在地。今日,拜耳集团350个分支机构几乎遍布世界所有的国家和地区。至今,拜耳集团全球员工已经超过十万人。拜耳股份公司:英)拜耳保健股份公司:英)台湾拜耳股份有限公司:繁) 






这是勒物库森的球衣。1903年11月27日一名在拜耳化工厂工作的工人写信给领导层要求支持成立一个体育俱乐部,促使勒沃库森于1904年7月1日正式成立,初时名为拜耳04,拜耳04的德语就是Bayer 04。

Bayer 矩阵

这个一般用在图像处理里,是一种特殊的滤波器(filter)从英文网站上摘取过来的:Bayer matrix (or Bayer filter mosaic)the pattern of alternating red, green, and blue filters placed in front of the pixels of a color CMOS or CCD image sensor (Figure 29), invented by Bryce Bayer of Kodak.The idea behind the Bayer matrix is that adjacent points in an image are likely to be the same color, even if they are not the same brightness. Thus, each pixel determines its own brightness, but its color is determined by comparing it to two adjacent pixels with differently colored filters. Green gets twice as many filters as the other two primary colors because it is in the middle of the visible spectrum.


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