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“take a shower”和“take a bath”的区别是什么?

简单来说:浴缸里面洗澡叫take a bath,淋浴房里冲凉叫take a shower。bath的意思是盆浴,shower的意思是淋浴。   1、bath解释:n.[C]浴缸,浴盆;n.[C]洗澡水;n.[C]洗澡,洗浴;v.给……洗澡2、shower解释:n. 淋浴;(倾泻般出现的)一阵,一大批;阵雨;vt. 大量地给予;把……弄湿;vi. 淋浴;下阵雨

bath shower gel是什么意思

bath shower gel沐浴凝胶bath 英[bɑ:θ]美[bæθ]n. 沐浴; 洗澡; 浴缸,澡盆; 浸,泡,洗澡水;vt. (给…) 洗澡;[例句]In those days, only quite wealthy families had baths of their own.那时候,只有非常富有的家庭才有自己的浴缸。[其他] 第三人称单数:baths 复数:baths 现在分词:bathing 过去式:bathed

初中单词Bath and Bathe易错点解析

  Bath   an act of washing your whole body by sitting or lying in water 沐浴,洗澡   1. He takes a cold bath every morning.   他每天早晨都洗冷水澡。   2. After a bath, he took a walk in the yard.   沐浴后,他在院子里散步。   3. I think I"ll have a bath and go to bed.   我想洗个澡,然后睡觉。   to have a bath or to give a bath to somebody 洗澡;给...洗澡   1. It"s your turn to bath the baby.   轮到你给婴儿洗澡了。   2. I bath every night.   我每晚都洗澡。   Bathe   to wash something with water, especially a part of your body 用水清洗,冲洗   1. I want to bathe my face and hands.   我要洗洗脸和手。   2. You must bathe that wound before you bind it up.   包扎伤口之前必须先清洗。   to have a bath or to give a bath to somebody 洗澡;给...洗澡   1. I bathe every day.   我每天都洗澡。   2. Have you bathed the baby yet?   你给婴儿洗澡了吗?   【注意】   bath作名词时,在英国英语和美国英语中都可以用来表示”洗澡,沐浴”,只是搭配有所不同。   I think I"ll have a bath and go to bed. (英)   I think I"ll take a bath and go to bed. (美)   在英国英语中,常用bath作动词表示”洗澡”,而在美国英语中,常用bathe作动词表示”洗澡”。   I always bath before I go to bed. (英)   I always bathe before I go to bed. (美)

bath and shower gel什么意思

bath and shower gel意思是:沐浴_喱1、bath英 [bɑ:θ]   美 [bæθ]  n.沐浴;洗澡;浴缸,澡盆;浸,泡,洗澡水vt.& vi.(给?)洗澡第三人称单数: baths 复数: baths 现在分词: bathing 过去式: bathed2、shower gel英 [ˈʃauə dʒel]  美 [ˈʃaʊɚ dʒɛl]  n.沐浴露复数: shower gelsEven I use it in the pearl soap and shower gel, after finished its refreshing, very smooth. 连我都在用它的珍珠皂和沐浴乳,洗完之后心旷神怡,很细滑。Like the conditioning honey in this Shower Gel. 正如这瓶沐浴_喱中的蜂蜜一样。扩展资料同义词:body wash英 [ˈbɔdi wɔʃ]  美 [ˈbɑdi wɑʃ]  n.沐浴露wash英 [wɒʃ]   美 [wɑ:ʃ]  vt.洗,清洗;浸湿;冲刷,冲击;洗去罪名vi.耐洗;被洗掉(通常与 out 和 away 连用);(波涛等)拍打n.(尤指船过后划出的)水流;要洗的衣物的数量;薄涂层(尤指涂料)vt.弄湿;使受洗礼;(光)布满;(猫等)舔净(自身)adj.可洗的,耐洗的;(证券交易)虚假的第三人称单数: washes 现在分词: washing 过去式: washed 过去分词: washedThis is your towel, shampoo and body wash are in the bathroom. 这是你的浴巾,洗发液和浴液在卫生间。I like to use soap, she likes to use body wash. 我喜欢用肥皂,她喜欢使用沐浴露。


就是一个地名而已,该名字来自英国的BATH。Bath的名称来源于罗马帝国时期的澡堂,当地有个罗马时代的澡堂遗址。美国原来是英国殖民地,当年的殖民者们到了美洲,就以本国的地名命名新的家园,比如New York就是新约克的意思,Aberdeen的名称则来自于苏格兰Aberdeen,Bath也是如此。


bath [æ] calm [a] father [a] vase [e] castle [æ]




bath [bɑ:θ]n.(pl. baths [bɑ:ðz])洗澡; 沐浴浴水; 浴具浴室[常用复]有温泉或矿泉的名胜地浴场湿淋淋的状态浸物的溶液希伯来的液量单位(约等于10至11美国加仑)【摄】定影液【化】浴, 浴器; 浴锅; 电镀槽【冶】池铁桨(指反射炉中的铁)镀液; 电解液卤水a cold [warm, hot, steam]bath冷水[温水、热水、蒸汽]浴a sand bath沙浴take [have] a bath洗澡a wooden bath木制澡盆a public bath公共浴室Sea-water baths.海水浴场。He went into the bath to take a shower.他进浴室去洗淋浴。Your bath is ready.洗澡水给你准备好了。 词性变化bath [bɑ:θ]vt.替...洗澡You have your little girl to bath and put to bed.你得给你的小女孩洗个澡, 然后让她上床睡觉。bath [bɑ:θ]vi.洗澡; 沐浴; 浸, 泡He was expected to shave and to bath.要求他刮刮脸,洗个澡。 继承用法bathhousen.(公共)澡堂; 海滨更衣处bathrobe["bɑ:θrəub]n.浴衣bathroom["bɑ:θru:m]n.浴室bathtub["bɑ:θtʌb]n.澡盆bathableadj.=batheablebathless["bɑ:θlɪs]adj.不洗澡的; 无浴室的 习惯用语a bath of blood 浴血; 大屠杀Go to B-! [口]滚开! 见鬼去!Turkish bath 土耳其浴, 热水浴, 蒸气浴 特殊用法abum fixing bath 坚膜定象浴acetic acid bath 乙酸浴acid bath 酸浴酸性熔池acid fixing bath 酸性定象浴agitator bath (洗涤石油产品用)搅动(酸)槽air bath 空气浴 器; 气锅空气浴空气干燥器blanching bath 预煮锅, 热烫锅carburizing bath 加炭(液)池cellbath 电解槽电解液cementing bath 粘合浴chrome acid bath 铬酸浴chrome-plating bath 镀铬槽clear etching bath 透明酸浊刻槽clearing bath 澄清溶槽coagulation bath 凝固浴; 凝结浴纺丝浴coating bath 镀槽contrast bating bath 冷热交替浴cooling bath 冷却槽cross bath 十字形槽, 交错槽degumming bath 脱胶浴descaling bath 酸冼槽, 表面清洗槽developing bath 显影浴显色浴dipping bath 浸渍浴divided bath 分格的槽子dominant bath 主浴double strength stop bath 双浓度定影液dung bath 粪(脱灰)液dye bath 染色浴dyer"s bath 染浴器electric salt bath 电热盐浴electrolysis bath 电解槽电解液electrolytic degreasing bath 电解脱脂槽electroplating bath 电镀浴, 电镀槽电镀液electrosmelting bath 电炉熔炼池eye bath 洗眼杯fixing hardening bath 坚膜定影槽fluid bath 液槽fluidized solids bath 流化固体浴; 流动固体加热炉flux bath (罐身机)助焊剂槽form bath 成形池fused bath 熔池, 熔浴fused-salt bath 熔盐电解槽gas bath 气浴glycerine(e) bath 甘油浴gold bath 金盐液hardener bath 【摄】坚膜浴hardening bath 硬化浴, 淬火浴淬火槽, 淬火池hot caustic bath 热碱槽hydroelectric bath 电解槽hypo bath 海波浴槽, 大苏打浴槽immersed electrode salt bath 浸极盐浴, 埋入式电极盐炉impregnating bath 浸渍浴lead bath 镀铅槽, 铅淬火槽铅浴, 镀铅(铅淬火)liquation bath 熔析槽malt extract bath 麦芽汁浸出槽matte bath 冰铜浴melting bath 熔池, 熔浴mesoporphyrin bath 金属熔池, 金属浴metal(lic) bath 金属熔池, 金属熔体molten salt bath 熔融盐槽mordanting bath 浸色浴oil quenching bath 淬火油池organic bath 有机电解质paraffin bath 石蜡浴pickling bath 酸洗槽planting bath 电镀槽, 镀浴platinizing bath 镀铂浴precipitating bath 沉淀浴; 凝固浴quench oil bath 淬火油池; 淬火液quenching bath 淬火浴quick bath 快冷槽reducing bath 还原浴reheating bath 再热槽, 再热熔池rinse bath 洗涤槽, 冲洗槽salt bath 盐浴盐浴槽separating bath 分开热浴setting bath 沉降槽silver plating bath 镀银浴slag bath 渣池soda bath 碱浴, 苏打浴solder bath (测定石油产品自然点用)金属熔化浴spelter bath 镀锌槽spin bath 沉降槽spinning bath 纺丝浴standing bath 续染浴; 连缸; 老脚水steady bath 蒸汽浴steam bath 蒸汽浴steelbath 【工】熔池, 钢水浴stop bath 【摄】停显液, 急止浴sulfuric acid bath 硫酸浴sunbath ["sʌnbɑ:θ]日光浴swimming bath (通常指室内)游泳池tempering bath 回火浴thermostatic bath 恒温槽toning and fixing bath 调色定影槽vapor bath 蒸汽浴vulcanizing bath 硬化槽, 硫化槽washing bath 洗涤槽wax bath 蜡槽zinc bath 浸锌槽, 镀锌槽

bath bathe bathing的区别是什么?




Bath Shower Gel是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:Bath Shower Gel沐浴露希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳

Bath Shower Gel是什么意思

Bath Shower Gel沐浴露Bath Shower沐浴双语对照例句:1.He went into the bath to take a shower. 他进浴室去洗淋浴。2.Warm bath, yes; shower, no 要洗热水澡,不要冲凉



请问bath 和 tub 哪个是浴缸,有什么区别?谢谢。

bath tub整体是“浴盆”

bath 怎么读

bath 读 把死

Bath Shower Gel是什么意思



bath在物理上是什么意思bath在物理上是溶液(电解液) 。


一、作动词用时不一样以清洁为目的的洗澡用bath,以娱乐或治疗为目的的洗澡(游泳)用bathe。例如:1、One baths so as to get clean.人洗澡是为了清洁。2、I don"t much care for bathing.我不大喜欢游泳。二、作名词用时不一样 bath指室内浴,bathe指室外浴(如河、湖、海等)。例如:他正在隔壁洗澡。[误] He is having a bathe in the next door.[正] He is having a bath in the next door.三、在美英与英英中不一样自己洗澡可用bath(英国英语)或bathe(北美英语),但一般说have a bath(英国英语)或take a bath(北美英语)。给别人(如婴儿)洗澡亦可用bath(英国英语)或bathe(北美英语)。




一、作动词用时不一样以清洁为目的的洗澡用bath,以娱乐或治疗为目的的洗澡(游泳)用bathe。例如:1、One baths so as to get clean.人洗澡是为了清洁。2、I don"t much care for bathing.我不大喜欢游泳。二、作名词用时不一样 bath指室内浴,bathe指室外浴(如河、湖、海等)。例如:他正在隔壁洗澡。[误] He is having a bathe in the next door.[正] He is having a bath in the next door.三、在美英与英英中不一样自己洗澡可用bath(英国英语)或bathe(北美英语),但一般说have a bath(英国英语)或take a bath(北美英语)。给别人(如婴儿)洗澡亦可用bath(英国英语)或bathe(北美英语)。


一、作动词用时不一样以清洁为目的的洗澡用bath,以娱乐或治疗为目的的洗澡(游泳)用bathe。例如:1、One baths so as to get clean.人洗澡是为了清洁。2、I don"t much care for bathing.我不大喜欢游泳。二、作名词用时不一样 bath指室内浴,bathe指室外浴(如河、湖、海等)。例如:他正在隔壁洗澡。[误] He is having a bathe in the next door.[正] He is having a bath in the next door.三、在美英与英英中不一样自己洗澡可用bath(英国英语)或bathe(北美英语),但一般说have a bath(英国英语)或take a bath(北美英语)。给别人(如婴儿)洗澡亦可用bath(英国英语)或bathe(北美英语)。


一、作动词用时不一样以清洁为目的的洗澡用bath,以娱乐或治疗为目的的洗澡(游泳)用bathe。例如:1、One baths so as to get clean.人洗澡是为了清洁。2、I don"t much care for bathing.我不大喜欢游泳。二、作名词用时不一样 bath指室内浴,bathe指室外浴(如河、湖、海等)。例如:他正在隔壁洗澡。[误] He is having a bathe in the next door.[正] He is having a bath in the next door.三、在美英与英英中不一样自己洗澡可用bath(英国英语)或bathe(北美英语),但一般说have a bath(英国英语)或take a bath(北美英语)。给别人(如婴儿)洗澡亦可用bath(英国英语)或bathe(北美英语)。




1、bath,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时译为“沐浴;浴室;浴盆”,作动词时译为“洗澡”。2、单词发音:英 [bɑ?θ]3、bath作为名词主要表示“洗澡(的动作)”。引申可作与洗澡有关的“澡盆,浴室,洗澡水”解。4、bath其目的一般在于清洁; 其部位一般是全身; 其地点一般是室内。5、bath作“(沐)浴,(洗)澡”解时通常用单数形式。


bath 英 [bɑːθ]    美 [bæθ]  名词复数: bathsn.洗澡;浴室;沐浴;浴盆v.洗澡Bath.n.巴斯(英国城市)用作名词 (n.)He takes a cold bath every day.他每天洗一个冷水澡。The idea came to him in his bath.他洗澡时想出了这个主意。I want a double room with a bath.我要一间有浴室的双人房。



bath什么意思 bath翻译

1、bath,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时译为“沐浴;浴室;浴盆”,作动词时译为“洗澡”。 2、单词发音:英 [bɑːθ] 3、bath作为名词主要表示“洗澡(的动作)”。引申可作与洗澡有关的“澡盆,浴室,洗澡水”解。 4、bath其目的一般在于清洁; 其部位一般是全身; 其地点一般是室内。 5、bath作“(沐)浴,(洗)澡”解时通常用单数形式。

bath什么意思 bath翻译

1、bath,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时译为“沐浴;浴室;浴盆”,作动词时译为“洗澡”。2、单词发音:英 [bɑ?θ]3、bath作为名词主要表示“洗澡(的动作)”。引申可作与洗澡有关的“澡盆,浴室,洗澡水”解。4、bath其目的一般在于清洁; 其部位一般是全身; 其地点一般是室内。5、bath作“(沐)浴,(洗)澡”解时通常用单数形式。


bathn.  沐浴; 洗澡; 浴缸,澡盆; 浸,泡,洗澡水;vt.& vi.  (给…)洗澡;变形 复数: baths 过去式: bathed 现在分词: bathing 第三人称单数: bath双语例句1. After lunch she decided on impulse to take a bath.  午饭后她突然兴起,决定洗个澡。2. The water was slightly cooler than a child"s bath.  这水比小孩的洗澡水稍微凉一些。3. He sluiced the bath and filled it.  他冲洗了浴缸,然后放满了一缸水。4. All 300 elegantly furnished rooms have private bath.  300个布置讲究的房间全都配有独立浴室。5. He took a bath and shaved before dinner.  晚餐前他洗了澡,刮了脸。6. She undressed the child before putting her in the tin bath.  她给孩子脱下衣服,然后把她放进锡铁澡盆里。7. I threw off my clothing quickly and ran a warm bath.  我很快脱了衣服,放上洗澡的热水。8. He came fully awake to hear the bath running.  他完全清醒了,听见浴缸里的水在流。9. Don"t feel you have to bath your child every day.  不用每天给孩子洗澡。10. I sang in the bath and drove my parents up the wall.  我在浴室里唱歌,我父母快受不了了。


名词n.浴缸;浴盆;洗澡;洗浴;游泳池;公共浴室,澡堂;浴器,浴锅,染缸v.给....洗澡;洗澡现在分词:bathing 过去式:bathed 复数:baths 第三人称单数:baths例句:He got out of the bath,slopping water over the sides.他从浴缸里出来,水也跟着漫出来。She perfumed her bath with fragrant oils.她沐浴是在浴缸内洒了些芳香油。习语:take a bath 蒙受经济损失



bath 作为名词可数吗

可数,有单数,也有复数的。I am having a bath.I was working late or going out, then the kids needed baths and bedtime stories.我工作得很晚或者不在家,但孩子们需要洗澡和睡前讲故事。So, does this mean you should turn off the shower and go back to old-fashionedbaths? 于是,这个是否意味着你必须关掉你的蓬蓬头,回归到老式的浴盆?


巴斯(Bath),英格兰西南部的一座城市,在布里斯托尔港的东南约25公里。以其乔治王时代的建筑和古罗马温泉而著名。巴斯温泉是公元1世纪时古罗马人开始系统利用的,并修建了一系列浴室和神庙。巴斯的意思,在英文就是“沐浴,澡堂”。巴斯的建筑风格统一,均是以当地Combe Down地下开采的蜂蜜石修建的乔治王时代风格的镇屋。巴斯是英国旅游胜地,人口仅九万多,但游客数量仅次于伦敦。1987年,巴斯城被列为世界文化遗产。 主要的温泉地点被凯尔特人当作神庙,奉献给苏利丝(Sulis)。罗马人则把她视同於罗马神话中的米娜娃(Minerva)。不过罗马人入侵后,仍然用苏利丝这个名字,所以现在还有「阿奎莎丽思(Aquae Sulis)」(意为「莎丽思的水」)这个城名。


bath+room英 [bɑ:θ] 美 [bæθ] n.沐浴;洗澡;浴缸,澡盆;浸,泡,洗澡水vt.& vi.(给…)洗澡第三人称单数: baths 复数: baths 现在分词: bathing 过去式: bathed双语例句 In those days, only quite wealthy families had baths of their own. 那时候,只有非常富有的家庭才有自己的浴缸。bathroom英 [ˈbɑ:θru:m] 美 [ˈbæθru:m] n.浴室;卫生间;盥洗室;(带抽水马桶的)厕所复数: bathrooms

bath怎么读 英语bath怎么读

1、bath英[bɑːθ]美[bæθ],n.浴缸; 浴盆; 洗澡水; 洗澡; 洗浴;v.给…洗澡; 洗澡。 2、[例句]He got out of the bath, slopping water over the sides.他从浴缸里出来,水也跟着漫出来。


泰国的货币 铢的意思


巴斯,英国城市,位于英国西南部,是英国唯一列入世界文化遗产的城市。距离伦敦约100英里的路程,距离布里斯托东南21千米,属于英格兰埃文郡东部的科兹沃,巴斯是一个被田园风光包围着的古典优雅的小城,巴斯的人口不足9万,它的典雅来自乔治亚时期的房屋建筑风格,其美丽来自于风光绮丽的乡村风光。 巴斯,英国城市,位于英国西南部,是英国唯一列入世界文化遗产的城市。距离伦敦约100英里的路程,距离布里斯托东南21千米,属于英格兰埃文郡东部的科兹沃,巴斯是一个被田园风光包围着的古典优雅的小城,巴斯的人口不足9万,它的典雅来自乔治亚时期的房屋建筑风格,其美丽来自于风光绮丽的乡村风光。





bath 与 bathing 区别


bath bathe bathing的区别是什么?

bath是名词,洗澡,take a bath;bathe是动词洗澡.bathing是动名词.三者有明显不同,建议你问一下你们老师获得详细解答吧.

bath 意思




Bath是什么意思 《德语助手》德汉



bath:多用于动词,更倾用于洗澡泡澡的动作。bathe:有洗澡的意思,也用于表达泡澡或者洗澡的动作,也用于表示有用的动作。 扩展资料 bath是可数名词;英国英语和美国英语都用它;bathe主要用于英国英语中,属比较正式的用法。

请问bath 和 tub 哪个是浴缸,有什么区别?谢谢。

都是浴缸,bath 和 tub的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、bath:浴盆。2、tub:盆,桶。二、用法不同1、bath:bath作为名词主要表示“洗澡(的动作)”。引申可作与洗澡有关的“澡盆,浴室,洗澡水”解。bath其目的一般在于清洁,其部位一般是全身,其地点一般是室内。2、tub:基本意思是“泡在水里”。在美式英语中可作“洗澡”“游泳”解。作“自己洗澡,游泳”解时用作不及物动词,作“给?洗澡”解时用作及物动词。常用于被动结构。三、侧重点不同1、bath:以清洁为目的的洗澡用bath。2、tub:以娱乐或治疗为目的的洗澡用bathe。




一、作动词用时不一样以清洁为目的的洗澡用bath,以娱乐或治疗为目的的洗澡(游泳)用bathe。例如:1、One baths so as to get clean.人洗澡是为了清洁。2、I don"t much care for bathing.我不大喜欢游泳。二、作名词用时不一样 bath指室内浴,bathe指室外浴(如河、湖、海等)。例如:他正在隔壁洗澡。[误] He is having a bathe in the next door.[正] He is having a bath in the next door.三、在美英与英英中不一样自己洗澡可用bath(英国英语)或bathe(北美英语),但一般说have a bath(英国英语)或take a bath(北美英语)。给别人(如婴儿)洗澡亦可用bath(英国英语)或bathe(北美英语)。


bath英 [bɑːθ]   美 [bæθ]  n.  沐浴; 洗澡; 浴缸,澡盆; 浸,泡,洗澡水;vt.& vi.  (给…)洗澡双语例句1. Try a hot bath with some relaxing bath oil.  用舒缓沐浴油洗个热水澡吧。2. I would love a hot bath and clean clothes.  要是能洗个热水澡、换身干净的衣服就太好了。3. They would flap bath towels from their balconies as they chatted.  他们聊天时会在阳台上抖搂浴巾。4. The three children all bath in the same bath water.  这三个小孩用同一盆水洗澡。5. The Mud Bath is particularly recommended for relieving tension and stiff muscles.  特别推荐想要放松情绪、缓解肌肉酸痛的人泡泥浆浴。6. She undressed the child before putting her in the tin bath.  她给孩子脱下衣服,然后把她放进锡铁澡盆里。7. I threw off my clothing quickly and ran a warm bath.  我很快脱了衣服,放上洗澡的热水。8. He came fully awake to hear the bath running.  他完全清醒了,听见浴缸里的水在流。9. Don"t feel you have to bath your child every day.  不用每天给孩子洗澡。10. I sang in the bath and drove my parents up the wall.  我在浴室里唱歌,我父母快受不了了。

bath怎么读 英语bath怎么读

1、bath英[bɑ?θ]美[b?θ],n.浴缸; 浴盆; 洗澡水; 洗澡; 洗浴;v.给…洗澡; 洗澡。2、[例句]He got out of the bath, slopping water over the sides.他从浴缸里出来,水也跟着漫出来。




沐浴 洗澡的意思


bath的意思是洗澡。bath的意思是洗澡;沐浴;浴室;浴盆。bath的复数是baths。音标是美/bæθ/;英/bɑːθ/。bath造句1、I bought a stronger bath from the Internet.我从网上买了一个更结实的浴缸。2、After taking a bath, she lay in bed and read for a while.洗完澡之后,她躺在床上看了一会儿书。3、I"m used to running in the morning and then bathing myself.我习惯早上去跑步,然后泡个澡。4、I took a bath this morning.我今天早上洗澡了。5、It"s your turn to bath the baby.轮到你给婴儿洗澡了。6、The idea came to me in the bath.我泡澡时想出了这个主意。


bath 英[bɑ:θ] 美[bæθ, bɑθ]n. 沐浴;洗澡;浴缸,澡盆;浸,泡,洗澡水vt.& vi. (给…)洗澡名词复数:baths[例句]I take a hot bath before bed.上床睡觉之前,我会洗个热水澡。




debatesn.辩论; 辩论; 讨论( debate的名词复数 ); (各自发表不同意见的)争论; v.辩论( debate的第三人称单数 ); 仔细考虑; 思考; 盘算; 形近词:probatesrebatesabates双语例句 1One of the conference"s most keenly anticipated debates这次大会中受到最热烈期待的辩论之一2The program at Davos is packed with worthy-sounding economic debates between CEOs, heads of state, and central bankers.在达沃斯论坛上,CEO、国家元首和各国央行行长将上演一场场精彩纷呈的经济辩论,非常值得一听。


n. 辩论;讨论

hello,my name is jane bates

hello,my name is jane bates的中文翻译hello,my name is jane bates 你好,我的名字是简·贝茨

John Bates Clark Medal 是什么?

norman bates是真人吗

不是的。是虚构人物。Norman Bates is a fictional character created by writer Robert Bloch as the main character in his novel Psycho, and portrayed by Anthony Perkins as the primary antagonist of the 1960 film of the same name directed by Alfred Hitchcock and its sequels. The character was inspired by murderer Ed Gein.

bill bates是谁

比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates),全名威廉·亨利·盖茨(William Henry Gates,1955年10月28日-),美国微软公司的董事长。他与保罗·艾伦一起创建了微软公司,曾任微软CEO和首席软件设计师,并持有公司超过8%的普通股,也是公司最大的个人股东。1995年到2007年的《福布斯》全球亿万富翁排行榜中,比尔·盖茨连续13年蝉联世界首富。2008年6月27日正式退出微软公司,并把580亿美元个人财产尽数捐到比尔与美琳达·盖茨基金会 ,2011年,比尔·盖茨以560亿美元资产列福布斯全球富豪榜第2位。

The Bates的《Dinosaur》 歌词

歌曲名称:Dinosaur专辑名称:张善为Ⅱ  出版年代:2004年语言类别:国语歌手名称:张善为歌手类别:台湾男歌手除了做白日梦 还有别的事好做举起手动一动 左右左左左右右左不管是Happy night 不准无精打采现在就high起来 快点让大家崇拜跟着我dinosaur 一起来dinosaur1234先转转头 5678开始dinosaur屁股放松 准备扭动 假装你有尾巴dinosaur清清喉咙 抬头挺胸 对着天空喷火dinosaurOne More Two More 世界大同 我们都是可爱dinosaur脚除了踢足球 不如也试试踢皮球顶多是破个洞 不至于踢到外太空不管是Happy night 不准无精打采现在就high起来 全部都跳起来跟着我跳dinosaur他会让这世界 变快活 变轻松(口白)跟着我复习一遍转转头 屁股扭动 抬头挺胸 喷火~

The Bates的《Fuck》 歌词

歌名:Fuck!(我很烦)演唱: 幼稚园杀手(Kindergarten Killer)『Hip Hop LRC 专业制作团队』By:良上の无鈊●●这一天早上起床感觉浑身劳累我也不想凌晨才睡,起早贪黑其实我根本就不想睡,睡觉太浪费可我被归类为人类,不睡太受罪我真的很烦,为什么活着就要不断赚钱按时进食,不然会得胃病,又得花钱生存的模式,我不是博士睡觉扭伤了勃子,第二天就得放别人的鸽子我讨厌重复同一个动作,同一种生活有完没完,情况一点没有进展独自居住,容易养成很多坏习惯总觉得时间不够用,其实是过得太空洞妈的,一日三餐,我懒得自己做饭来来回回都是那几个穆斯林餐馆天气越来越热,心烦,偶尔的娱乐就是写歌录歌隔壁的孕妇会不会成为我的hater时间就像小偷,稍不注意就拿走了你的生命的一部分我很烦,眼看时针不断旋转回头看自己之前做的,似乎一无所获我会逐渐变老,最终死亡谁来帮我办后事,尸体会不会被人扔进鱼塘喂鱼我是饲料,贡献给时间这头凶猛的怪兽还有一堆衣服没洗,经常发脾气,谁来挽救我的暴力情绪从网络到现实,一切都有限制为了飞向蓝天,我愿化作白鸽一只如果我是一只小小小小鸟,高兴地飞说不定哪天被你一枪干下来,头骨摔碎不想绞尽脑汁来完成这篇歌词柬埔寨的采样,让我有动力填词管你有没有意思,去他妈的内涵我很烦,已经很久没人帮我含少对我指指点点,我的歌又没卖钱你接受我的洗礼只是付出了时间我们隔着那么远,一切都是自愿骂我的人死,骂我朋友的人死你全家﹏﹏_﹏ ^-^END^-^﹏﹏_﹏

The Bates的《Here We Go》 歌词

歌曲名:Here We Go歌手:The Bates专辑:Kicks N ChicksTrina FT Kelly Rowland - Here We GoLookI aint got nothin ta say to youI cant even believe youYou know whatIm too fly for this shitYou playin yourselfHere we goHere we go againNow you tellin meThat she is just a friendThen why she callin youAt 3 o"clock in tha mornin(I cant take this no more)No No NoI aint tryna hear it(Not this time)Look niggaWhatchu think this is?You treat me like a random chickYou done forgot who introduced you to rocksAnd poppin all that cris an shitWho letchu hit it from tha backAnyway that chu likeAnd any debts i can pay tha priceI thought i was a chick you would make your wifeAnd now a bitch cant even stay tha night (You wack)I cant even look in ya faceWitout wantin ta slap youDamn i thank God i aint get that tatooYou betta thank God i aint have tha strap booYou aint even worth that trick get at chuMatta factTrick get at dudeI"m convincedAint got shit ta ask youAnd tell tha trifflin bitchShe can have youI aint lookin atchu no moreIm lookin past youWhen ma girl came through wit tha newsAll i did was think about me and you like damn (Damn)What a chick gotta do to get wit a real niggaThat know how to stay true like man (Man)No more quarter ta eightsYou betta hop on a bus or a cabI shed so many tearsCant believe how many yearsTha baddest bitch put up witch yo dusty ass (Yeah)Now you know that im tha queen of Miami (Uh huh)All that loud talkin, lyingSave that shit for ya mamy (Ha..Ha)Sounds like blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah (talk too much)Im like uh huh, okay, wassup, shut upThats why im packin up my jewelsGrabbin up my fursIll be back for all my shoes and pursesWatch me bounceIn my seven fourty fiveIll be ridin outCause I aint tryna hear itNot this timeNow all my ladies say (Ohh Ohh)If you feel me say (Ohh Ohh )If you cant take no more say (Ohh Ohh )Here we go (Here we go)Here we go again (Go again)Now you tellin me (Yeah yeah)That she is just a friend (Say shes just a friend)And why shes callin you

无锡科技职业学院 (08级/11界)Bates 英语3级B或是计算机1级没过 毕业证能不能拿到?


The Bates的《On My Own》 歌词

歌曲名:On My Own歌手:The Bates专辑:Kicks N ChicksOn My OwnOn My OwnAnd now I"m all alone againNowhere to turn, no one to go toWithout a home, without a friend, without a face to say hello toBut now the night is nearAnd I can make-believe he"s hereSometimes I walk alone at nightWhen everybody else is sleepingI think of him and then I"m happyWith the company I"m keepingThe city goes to bedAnd I can live inside my headOn my ownPretending he"s beside meAll aloneI walk with him til morningWithout him, I feel his arms around meAnd when I lose my way, I close my eyes and he has found meIn the rainThe pavement shines like silverAll the lights are misty in the riverIn the darkness, the trees are full of starlightAnd all I see is him and me forever and foreverAnd I know it"s only in my mindThat I"m talking to myself and not to himAnd although I know that he is blindStill I say there"s a way for usI love himBut when the night is overHe is goneThe river"s just a riverWithout him, the world around me changesThe trees are bare and everywhere the streets are full of strangersI love himBut every day I"m learningAll my life I"ve only been pretendingWithout me, his world will go on turningA world that"s full of happiness that I have never knownI love himI love himI love himBut only on my own

The Bates的《Here We Go》 歌词

歌曲名:Here We Go歌手:The Bates专辑:What A Beautiful Noise「Here We Go」作词∶Komei Kobayashi作曲∶Kim Jin-Hwan歌∶超新星Everybody, here we goSun will shine待っていたって何も変わんないNever, ever let it goDay & night 乗り越え今Ride on time, let"s go确かなモノなんて 今ここに无いから明日を知ることが怖くなる本当の幸せを 谁もが求めては葛藤を缲り返す Everyday & nightだけど (Here we go) 颜を (On & on) 上げて (Wanna know) 见てよそこには光る 未来があるからEverybody, here we go! (Don"t you stop)失うモノなんて无いからNever, ever let it go! (Just try again)俯いていないでRide on time (Yes!)あの空に登る朝日は (Uh huh)涙でさえも 辉きに変えるEverybody, here we go (Don"t you stop)止まない雨なんて无いからNever, ever let it go! (Just try again)その腕を开いてRide on time (Yes!)ほら、昨日までの自分に (Good bye)サヨナラ告げて今、生まれ変わる Babyまだ日々は続いていくのに (どこかで感じてる)孤独とか不安と一绪に (生きている)Yeah Com"on あの顷に思い描いてた (奇迹は无いけれど)それでも まだ谛めない (Everyday & night)过去の (Here we go) 伤が (On & on) 仆の (Wanna know) ことを今までよりも强くさせるからEverybody, here we go! (Don"t you stop)怖がることなんて无いからNever, ever let it go! (Just try again)今、扉开いてRide on time (Yes!)まだ访れない 未来を (Uh huh)その手伸ばして 掴みに行くのさEverybody, here we go! (Don"t you stop)明けない夜なんて无いからNever, ever let it go! (Just try again)その瞳开いてRide on time (Yes!)まだ见たこと无い世界が (New world)仆を待つから今、走り出すよ BabyYeah, just try againこの先の未来が见たいだけ (Ho!)失ったモノは戻らないとしても谛めたいなんて思わない (Get it!)1 time 挫けて 2 times 迷って何回负けても We gotta go (Ho!)走り抜けていく Day & night今すぐほら Ride on time (We gonna move on!)この夜の终わりに 君のすぐ隣で辉き出す明日を ずっと见ていたいからGo! (Don"t you stop)失うモノなんて无いからNever, ever let it go! (Just try again)俯いていないでRide on time (Yes!)あの空に登る朝日は (Uh huh)涙でさえも 辉きに変えるEverybody, here we go (Don"t you stop)止まない雨なんて无いからNever, ever let it go! (Just try again)その腕を开いてRide on time (Yes!)ほら、昨日までの自分に (Good bye)サヨナラ告げて今、生まれ変わる BabyUh Here we go nowただ待ってないでHere we go nowHere we go now, Here we go nowそう何度だってHere we go nowHere we go now, here we go nowただ待ってないでHere we go nowHere we go now, Here we go nowそう何度だってHere we go now【 おわり 】

The Bates的《Pay Back》 歌词

歌曲名:Pay Back歌手:The Bates专辑:Intravenus花瓶 - 陈旭词:陈旭 曲:陈旭hi! hi! hi! KevinWhat do you really want to say in the world?Just tell me.Ok?hi! 不用我说得太多 你 自己去听Yo! listen now 不知从哪一天起就有一个美丽的花瓶摆在我的床边陪我度过一年又一年我们共同经历了时间的考验我在一点点的改变而它的颜色始终是那么鲜艳超乎完美的身体 配有漂亮的油漆它神秘的图案 让人痴迷仿佛在向人炫耀 他的美丽可是它的存在 又有何意义它每天只是立在那里 毫无生气会有多少生命力 是否不堪一击这让 我想起一个 困惑已久的问题是否美丽 会大于实力外表实在美丽 简直无法比喻好象有什么魔力吸引着你美丽太有诱惑力 让你迷失自己难道真正的实力无法代替外表实在美丽 简直无法比喻好象有什么魔力吸引着你美丽太有诱惑力 让你迷失自己难道真正的实力无法代替无法代替 无法代替Yo!Why does every one still follow the fixed track?But seeing through to zhe reality is the best.I am sure that one day people must believe that.trusting the outside appearance is so bad.That must be getting better and better.The real beauty will be living all the time.Howeverif you can not see it.could notbecome the winner.It seems a man in desert. demands of the water.超乎完美的身体 配有漂亮的油漆它神秘的图案 让人痴迷仿佛在向人炫耀 他的美丽可是它的存在 又有何意义它每天只是立在那里 毫无生气会有多少生命力 是否不堪一击这让 我想起一个 困惑已久的问题是否美丽 会大于实力外表实在美丽 简直无法比喻好象有什么魔力吸引着你美丽太有诱惑力 让你迷失自己难道真正的实力无法代替无法代替 无法代替外表实在美丽 简直无法比喻好象有什么魔力吸引着你美丽太有诱惑力 让你迷失自己难道真正的实力无法代替外表实在美丽 简直无法比喻好象有什么魔力吸引着你美丽太有诱惑力 让你迷失自己难道真正的实力无法代替美丽的花瓶把我的带进了幻想中的梦境寂静的天空划过一颗流星what is that?挡住了我的眼睛我看不清眼前发生的事情我来不及许愿 还没祈求神灵Hi God!请赐给我一个美丽的外型Oh no!其实我应该庆幸 还能保持清醒还能保存一点原有的个性 你呢?

The Bates的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:The Bates专辑:No Name For The BabyKanye West - Runaway (Featuring Pusha T)Dark Twisted Fantasy (2010)show some love to ROCROC NATION, NIGGAAnd I always find, yeah, I always find somethin" wrongYou been puttin" up wit" my shit just way too longI"m so gifted at findin" what I don"t like the mostSo I think it"s time for us to have a toastLet"s have a toast for the douchebags,Let"s have a toast for the assholes,Let"s have a toast for the scumbags,Every one of them that I knowLet"s have a toast to the jerkoffsThat"ll never take work offBaby, I got a planRun away fast as you canShe find pictures in my emailI sent this girl a picture of my dickI don"t know what it is with femalesBut I"m not too good with that shitSee, I could have me a good girlAnd still be addicted to them hoodratsAnd I just blame everything on youAt least you know that"s what I"m good atyeah, I always findAnd I always findYeah, I always find somethin" wrongYou been puttin" up with my shit just way too longI"m so gifted at findin" what I don"t like the mostSo I think it"s time for us to have a toastLet"s have a toast for the douchebags,Let"s have a toast for the assholes,Let"s have a toast for the scumbags,Every one of them that I knowLet"s have a toast to the jerkoffsThat"ll never take work offBaby, I got a planRun away fast as you canRun away from me, babyRun awayRun away from me, babyRun away… I get crazyJust run away… I got a planRun away as fast as you can24/7, 365, pussey stays on my mindI-I-I-I did it, all right, all right, I admit itNow pick your best move, you can leave or live wit" itIchabod Crane with that motherfucking top offSplit and go where? Back to wearin" knockoffs, hahaKnock it off, Neiman"s, shop it offLet"s talk over mai tais, waitress, top it offHoes like vultures, they wanna fly in your Freddy loafersYou can"t blame "em, they ain"t never seen Versace sofasEvery bag, every blouse, every braceletComes wit" a price tag, baby, face itYou should leave if you can"t accept the basicsPlenty hoes in the baller-nigga matrixInvisibly set, the Rolex is facelessI"m just young, rich, and tastelessP!Never was much of a romanticI could never take the intimacyAnd I know it did damage"Cause the look in your eyes is killin" meI"m guessin" you"re at an advantage"Cause you could blame me for everythingAnd I don"t know how I"ma manageIf one day you just up and leaveAnd I always findYeah, I always find somethin" wrongYou been puttin" up with my shit just way too longI"m so gifted at findin" what I don"t like the mostSo I think it"s time for us to have a toastLet"s have a toast for the douchebagsLet"s have a toast for the assholesLet"s have a toast for the scumbagsEvery one of them that I knowLet"s have a toast to the jerkoffsThat"ll never take work offBaby, I got a planRun away fast as you can


helen bates海伦贝茨双语例句1And was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Helen Bates. 当听出是海伦.贝茨的声音时,非常丧气。2I recognized the voice of Helen bates. 我听出是海伦贝茨的声音。

The Bates的《Lips》 歌词

歌曲名:Lips歌手:The Bates专辑:Kicks N Chicks「L.I.P.S」作词∶JASMINE/Jeff Miyahara作曲∶JASMINE/Jeff Miyahara歌∶JASMINEHey sweetie boy あまり焦らないでいいlike a candyあまく ゆるく 语るだけでいいlike a tasty cherryゆっくり时间かけてみて気持ち込めて突然 离さないでdo your way Love drip down from us!!!言叶なんかじゃ伝わらない见つめ合うだけじゃ物足りない分かるでしょwant you to take off my lip grossto take off my all oh oh oh「爱してる」じゃ伝えきれない手の平の热じゃ物足りない分かるでしょ want you to take of my allI I I I I I can"t stop do it again!Hey spicy boy 少し力づくでいいlike a curry辛く 强く 话すだけでいいlike a tasty kimcheeぜんぶをゆだねさせて思うがまま突然 壊さないでdo your way Love drip down from us!!!言叶なんかじゃ伝わらない见つめ合うだけじゃ物足りない分かるでしょwant you to take off my lip grossto take off my all oh oh oh「爱してる」じゃ伝えきれない手の平の热じゃ物足りない分かるでしょ want you to take of my allI I I I I I can"t stop do it again!every body say "J" can you hear me say "A"さぁ皆で "S" all my bitch say "YES"mother fucker say "M" all my boys say "I"every body say "N" "E" just kiss me babyevery body say "J" can you hear me say "A"さぁ 皆で "S" I am the Best!yes! do you want my lips?should I shake my hips?I want you to kiss my L.I.P.S.言叶なんかじゃ伝わらない见つめ合うだけじゃ物足りない分かるでしょwant you to take off my lip grossto take off my all oh oh oh「爱してる」じゃ伝えきれない手の平の热じゃ物足りない分かるでしょ want you to take of my allI I I I I I can"t stop do it again!every body say "J" can you hear me say "A"さぁ皆で "S" all my bitch say "YES"mother fucker say "M" all my boys say "I"every body say "N" "E" just kiss me babyevery body say "J" can you hear me say "A"さぁ 皆で "S"I I I I I I can"t stop do it again!【 おわり 】

The Bates的《Lisa》 歌词

歌曲名:Lisa歌手:The Bates专辑:Psycho JuniorLisa Left Eye Lopes - L.I.S.A.Ya"ll never really know me from the stories i tellFrom the lifestyle i lead and the records i sellCaught up in situations detrimental to meAnd i been through every war just for the world to see(that time) is always moving situations do change(and things) don"t always work out just the way that we planned(still stand) necessary be my friend and my foeEither love me or you hate me, that"s how the game goes(if it"s wrong) to be respected never ever say die(remain strong) never neglected spread my wings and fly(like you) i"ve been though struggles so much stress on my brainActin" out my life on stages and still had to maintain(question every decision) my intentions were goodTwist the story all around and leave me misunderstood(imagine that) no privacy but that"s the price of this fame(under attack) my destiny to be a soldier through fameLet me live liveLet me liveIn in side inside intelligenceSay say say say what you gotta sayAlways asking you will amazedAlways ask and you will amazedJust to make it in the world and go against all oddsCome from the gritty inner city to a superstarNumber one hits consistently for ten long yearsPut my soul in every project my blood sweat and my tearsYa"ll know my statusLeft eye the badestUnderestimate don"t hate and i keep it lavishBut it don"t mean nothing if i can"t find peace of mindPacking all distractions away leave them behindSay goodbye hard times small crimes and feloniesA new beginning i"m winning envisioning the breezeI"m dressed in all white linen and falling to my kneesThankful for all that"s been given, i"m living, with easeTropical trees 90 degrees, pleaseDo like the birds and the bees and start a familySo remise on every line that i wroteKnow that i never will surrender and it"s truth that i spokeI flew i flew like water like waterAm i desire like fire like fireI"m picking up the dirt from the earth the earthImaging i"m the wind redelivering from people withinLet me live live, let me liveLet me love love, let me loveLet me learn learn, let me learnLet me laugh laugh, let me laughLet me see see, let me seeLet me say say, let me sayLet me smile smile, let me smileLet me ask ask, let me ask

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bates motel讲的什么

贝兹旅馆 Bates Motel (1987) 导演: Richard Rothstein编剧: Richard Rothstein类型: 剧情 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 恐怖制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 1987《惊魂记》是悬疑惊悚电影先驱你者、大导演阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克的代表作之一。描述汽车旅馆老板Norman Bates遭母亲Norma控制,不仅对她言听计从,甚至还干出谋杀的勾当。A&E的剧集《惊魂序曲》将重变点描述Norman与其变态狂母亲Norma早年的关系——Norma为什么要控制Norman?使用什么手段来控制Norman?Norman为什么甘愿被母亲控制?Norman是怎样从一个善良懦弱的青年一步步堕落成臭名昭著的连环杀手的?

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新概念二册中 the voice of Helen bates为什么不是bates"双重所有格形式?

你好。在这里的Helen Bates就是一个人名(海伦·贝茨),Bates中的s与"s并没有关系。而the voice of已经说明了是“……的声音”,所以并没有必要再次添加"s表示的。例如:the voice of Tim Bruce,蒂姆·布鲁斯的声音。the voice of King Jenkins,金·詹金斯的声音。希望可以帮助到你!


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唐顿庄园 bates和他的前妻到底怎么回事,纠缠不清了还是怎的,bates总是承诺得漂亮,但每次

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