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John Barleycorn (Must Die) 歌词

歌曲名:John Barleycorn (Must Die)歌手:Traffic专辑:Keep On RunningThere were three men came out of the westtheir fortunes for to tryAnd these three men made a solemn vowJohn Barleycorn must dieThey"ve plowed, they"ve sownthey"ve harrowed him inThrew clods upon his headAnd these three men made a solemn vowJohn Barleycorn was deadThey"ve let him lie for a very long time"til the rains from heaven did fallAnd little Sir John sprung up his head and so amazed them allThey"ve let him stand "til Midsummer"s Day"til he looked both pale and wanAnd little Sir John"s grown a long long beard and so become a manThey"ve hired men with their scythes so sharp to cut him off at the kneeThey"ve rolled him and tied him by the wayserving him most barbarouslyThey"ve hired men with their sharp pitchforks who"ve pricked him to the heartAnd the loader he has served him worse than thatFor he"s bound him to the cartThey"ve wheeled him around and around a field "til they came onto a pondAnd there they made a solemn oath on poor John BarleycornThey"ve hired men with their crabtree sticks to cut him skin from boneAnd the miller he has served him worse than thatFor he"s ground him between two stonesAnd little Sir John and the nut brown bowl and his brandy in the glassAnd little Sir John and the nut brown bowl proved the strongest man at lastThe huntsman he can"t hunt the fox nor so loudly to blow his hornAnd the tinker he can"t mend kettle or pots without a little barleycorn

John Barleycorn (Must Die) 歌词

歌曲名:John Barleycorn (Must Die)歌手:TRAFFIC专辑:John Barleycorn Must DieThere were three men came out of the westtheir fortunes for to tryAnd these three men made a solemn vowJohn Barleycorn must dieThey"ve plowed, they"ve sownthey"ve harrowed him inThrew clods upon his headAnd these three men made a solemn vowJohn Barleycorn was deadThey"ve let him lie for a very long time"til the rains from heaven did fallAnd little Sir John sprung up his head and so amazed them allThey"ve let him stand "til Midsummer"s Day"til he looked both pale and wanAnd little Sir John"s grown a long long beard and so become a manThey"ve hired men with their scythes so sharp to cut him off at the kneeThey"ve rolled him and tied him by the wayserving him most barbarouslyThey"ve hired men with their sharp pitchforks who"ve pricked him to the heartAnd the loader he has served him worse than thatFor he"s bound him to the cartThey"ve wheeled him around and around a field "til they came onto a pondAnd there they made a solemn oath on poor John BarleycornThey"ve hired men with their crabtree sticks to cut him skin from boneAnd the miller he has served him worse than thatFor he"s ground him between two stonesAnd little Sir John and the nut brown bowl and his brandy in the glassAnd little Sir John and the nut brown bowl proved the strongest man at lastThe huntsman he can"t hunt the fox nor so loudly to blow his hornAnd the tinker he can"t mend kettle or pots without a little barleycorn

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Error bar 是什么意思?

作用:沿着curve绘制error bars。Error bars显示沿着曲线数据的置信区间或偏差。1.errorbar(Y,E)绘出Y并描出Y的每个元素处的error bar。error bar是在curve之上和之下的一个距离E(i),因此每个bar都对称且长度为2E(i)。2.errorbar(X,Y,E)绘出Y相对于X的曲线,并带有2E(i)长度的error bar。X,Y,E必须有相同的长度。当它们是矢量时,每个error bar都由点(X(i),Y(i))之上及之下距离为2E(i)的bar构成。当它们是矩阵时,每个error bar是一个在点(X(i,j),Y(i,j))之上及之下距离为E(i)的bar构成。 [When they are matrices, each error bar is a distance of E(i,j) above and below the point defined by (X(i,j),Y(i,j))].3.errorbar(X,Y,L,U)指出上下误差距离L(i)和U(i)。

第一篇:BARREN SPRING(贫瘠的春天)

BARREN SPRING, from The First Wife and Other Stories, by Pearl Sydenstricker Buck, New York, The John Day Company, 1933, pp. 279-283. Pearl Sydenstricken Buck (1892-1973), American novelist. Her parents were missionaries in China, so she was brought up in our country. She was married, first, to John Lossing Buck, at one time professor of Rural Economics at the University of Nanking. This early part of her life she included in her biography of her mother, in her novel The Exile, published in 1935. In the same year she divorced her husband to marry her present husband Richard J. Walsh, owner of the John Day Publishing House. She still writes under the name of Mrs. Pearl S. Buck. The Good Earth, generally considered as her best novel on China, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1931 for being the best novel published for that year in America. Liu, the farmer, sat at the door of his one-room house. It was a warm evening in late February, and in his thin body he felt the coming of spring. How he knew that the time had now come when sap should stir in trees and life begin to move in the soil he could not have told himself. In other years it would have been easy enough. He could have pointed to the willow trees about the house, and shown the swelling buds. But there were no more trees now. He had cut them off during the bitter winter when they were starving for food and he had sold them one by one. Or he might have pointed to the pink-tipped buds of his three peach trees and his six apricot trees that his father had planted in his day so that now, being at the height of their time, they bore a load of fruit every year. But these trees were also gone. Most of all, in any other year than this he might have pointed to his wheat fields, where he planted wheat in the winter when the land was not needed for rice, and where, when spring was moving into summer, he planted the good rice, for rice was his chief crop. But the land told nothing, this year. There was no wheat on it, for the flood had covered it long after wheat should have been planted, and it lay there cracked and like clay but newly dried. Well, on such a day as this, if he had his buffalo and his plow as he had always had in other years, he would have gone out and plowed up that cracked soil. He ached to plow it up and make it look like a field again, yes, even though he had not so much as one seed to put in it. But he had no buffalo. If anyone had told him that he would eat his own water buffalo that plowed the good land for him, and year after year pulled the stone roller over the grain and threshed it at harvest he would have called that man idiot. Yet it was what he had done. He had eaten his own water buffalo, he and his wife and his parents and his four children, they had all eaten the buffalo together. But what else could they do on that dark winter"s day when the last of their store of grain was gone, when the trees were cut and sold, when he had sold everything, even the little they had saved from the flood, and there was nothing left except the rafters of the house they had and the garments they wore? Was there sense in stripping the coat off one"s back to feed one"s belly? Besides, the beast was starving also, since the water had covered even the grass lands, and they had had to go far afield to gather even enough to cook its bones and flesh. On that day when he had seen the faces of his old parents set as though dead, on that day when he had heard the crying of his children and seen his little daughter dying, such a despair had seized him as made him like a man without his reason, so that he had gathered together his feeble strength and he had done what he said he never would; he had taken the kitchen knife and gone out and killed his own beast. When he did it, even in his despair, he groaned, for it was as though he killed his own brother. To him it was the last sacrifice. Yet it was not enough. No, they grew hungry again and there was nothing left to kill. Many of the villagers went south to other places, or they went down the river to beg in the great cities. But he, Liu the farmer, had never begged. Moreover, it seemed to him then that they must all die and the only comfort left was to die on their own land. His neighbor had come and begged him to set forth with them; yes, he had even said he would carry one of the old parents on his back so that Liu might carry the other, seeing that his own old father was already dead. But Liu had refused, and it was well, for in the next two days the old mother was dead, and if she had died on the way he could only have cast her by the roadside lest the others be delayed and more of them die. As it was he could put her safely into their own ground, although he had been so weak that it had taken him three days to dig a hole deep enough for her little old withered body. And then before he could get her buried he and his wife had quarreled over the poor few clothes on the old body. His wife was a hard woman and she would have buried the old mother naked, if he had let her, so as to have the clothes for the children. But he made her leave on the inner coat and trousers; although they were only rags after all, and when he saw the cold earth against his old mother"s flesh—well, that was sorrow for a man, but it could not be helped. Three more he had buried somehow, his old father and his baby daughter and the little boy who had never been strong. That was what the winter"s famine had taken from them. It would have taken them all except that in the great pools lying everywhere, which were left from the flood, there were shrimps, and these they had eaten raw and were still eating, although they were all sick with a dysentery that would not get well. In the last day or so his wife had crawled out and dug a few sprouting dandelions. But there was no fuel and so they also were eaten raw. But the bitterness was good after the tasteless flesh of the raw shrimps. Yes, spring was coming. He sat on heavily, looking out over his land. If he had his buffalo back, if he had his plow that they had burned for fuel, he could plow the land. But when he thought of this as he did many times every day, he felt helpless as a leaf tossed upon the flood. The buffalo was gone; gone also his plow and every implement of wood and bamboo, and what other had he? Sometimes in the winter he had felt grateful that at least the flood had not taken all the house as it had so many other houses. But now suddenly it came to him that he could be grateful for nothing, no, not even that he had his life left him and the life of his wife and the two older children. He felt tears come into his eyes slowly as they had not even come when he buried his old mother and saw the earth fall against her flesh, bared by the rags which had comforted him that day. But now he was comforted by nothing. He muttered to himself. “I have no seed to plant in the land. There the land lies! I could go and claw it up with my hands if I had the seed and the land would bear. I know my good land. But I have no seed and the land is empty. Yes, even though spring comes, we must still starve!” And he looked, hopeless, into the barren spring. 参考译文 【作品简介】 《贫瘠的春天》一文选自赛珍珠所著《第一任妻子和其他故事》,纽约约翰·戴出版公司1933年出版,279—283页。 【作者简介】 赛珍珠(1892—1973),美国小说家,因其父母曾在中国传教而生长于中国。她的首任丈夫卜凯曾任金陵大学(现南京大学前身)农业经济学教授。赛珍珠在其1935年出版的为母亲所写的传记《流亡者》中提及了自己的这段早年经历。是年,她与卜凯离婚,并嫁给后来的丈夫,约翰·戴出版公司的所有人理查德·沃尔什。她以赛珍珠的笔名创作的小说《大地》1931年获普利策奖,被评为当年在美国出版的最佳小说,也被认为是赛珍珠关于中国的小说中最出色的一部。 1 贫瘠的春天 农民老刘坐在自己只有一间房的门口。那是二月末的一个温煦的黄昏,他瘦削的身体已经感知到春天的来临。他怎会知道正是这时候树木的汁液开始颤动,泥土中的生命开始苏醒呢?他无法给自己一个答案。可是在往年,这本是一件极容易的事情。他本可以指着屋子四周的柳树,给大家看就要抽条的嫩芽。但是现在树已经没有了,严冬饥荒时被他全砍了,一棵一棵地卖了。或者他本来还可以指着父亲年轻时亲手栽种的三株桃树和六棵杏树,给大家看那粉嫩的花苞。这些果树正值壮年,每年都会结下累累的果实。但是这些树也没有了。最重要的是,往年他还会指着麦地给大家看。在这块地上,他冬天种麦子,因为那个时令没法种水稻;快入夏时,他就会插秧种稻子,而且收成很好。水稻是他田里的主要农作物。但是今年地里啥也没有。没有离离的麦子,因为该种麦子的时候,田地被洪水淹没了,现在地都开裂了,像刚干不久的黏土一样。 好吧,在这样一个日子里,要是还和往年一样,他的水牛还在,耕犁还在,他应该早已经出门去耕种那片已经开裂的土地了。他很想念犁地,想念平整耕田的样子,是的,就算他连一颗可以播撒的种子也没有。但如今他没有水牛了。要是先前有人劝他把他的水牛宰了吃,他一定会痛骂那个人是个王八犊子。他的水牛可是耕地能手,丰收时还可以帮拉石磨碾谷子。但这都是过去时了。他已经吃掉了自己的水牛。他和他的妻子、父母还有四个孩子一起把水牛给吃了。 但是,在那个昏暗的冬日里,他们吃完了储藏的最后一点粮食,树也砍光了卖钱,能卖的都卖了,连从洪水中救出的那一点点东西也都卖了,除了房梁和身上的衣服,什么都没有剩下,他们还能怎么办?剥掉衣服来填肚子有意义吗?而且当时牲口也已快饿死了,因为洪水已淹没草地,连煮牲口的骨和肉所需的柴草也得走很远才能捡够。那一天,他看到自己年迈的父母面如死灰,听到孩子们哭泣不停,眼见小女儿奄奄一息,他被一阵惨痛的绝望钳住,变得失去了理智,然后鼓起虚弱的气力,做了他说过永远不会做的事情。他到厨房拿起刀,走出去,把自己的牲口给宰了。那一刻他绝望地呻吟着,好像亲手杀了自己的兄弟。对他而言,这是最后的牺牲。 但这还不够。是的,他们又开始遭受饥饿的折磨了,但已经没有什么可杀的了。村子里很多人南下投奔别的地方,或者到河流下游的大城市去乞讨。但农民老刘绝不乞讨。而且他觉得反正大家迟早都要死,死在自己的土地上是剩下的唯一的安慰。邻居来求他,让他跟他们一起动身;是的,他的邻居看到自己的老父亲已命归黄泉时,甚至提出愿意跟老刘一道背他的父母赶路。但老刘拒绝了。这样也不错,因为两天以后他老母亲就死了。要是死在半路上,他只能把尸体扔在路边,否则还得耽误其他人的时间,然后就会有更多人因此死去。现在呢,虽说他身体已经十分虚弱,花了整整三天才挖出一个够深的土穴来掩埋母亲干瘪的身躯,但毕竟他可以把她安好地埋葬在自己的土地上。就在母亲下葬之前,他和老婆吵了一架,就为老人尸体上那点可怜的衣服。他老婆是个硬心肠的女人,假如老刘同意的话,她就要让婆婆光着身子下葬,这样一来扒下来的衣服就可以给孩子们穿。但是老刘还是给母亲穿了内衣和裤子离开了,尽管那都已经是破布了。当他看到冰冷的泥土盖在老母亲的皮肉上时——喔,这对一个男人来说是一种悲哀,但是又有什么办法呢?然后他又亲手将他的老父亲、幼小的女儿和一个从未长结实的小儿子一个个埋入泥土。 这就是这场冬日的饥荒从他们身边所夺走的。饥荒还差点夺走所有人的性命,幸亏洪水过后,随处可见的水塘里发现了小虾,他们便捞来生吃,虽然都因此得了一种难以痊愈的痢疾,但他们一直这样吃到现在。大概在最后一天,他老婆挣扎着出去,挖到了一些刚发芽的蒲公英,因为没有柴火,所以也只能生吃了。味儿苦,但在吃腻了没有滋味的生虾后,这苦味倒还感觉不错。是的,春天来了。 他一屁股坐下,望着外面自己的土地。要是他能要回他的水牛,如果他没有把耕犁当柴火烧了,他现在就能耕地了。每当他想到这些(他每天都想很多遍),他就觉得十分无助,就像扔进洪水的一片孤叶。水牛不在了,犁也不在了,连一根木头一节竹子都没有剩,他还有什么呢?冬天里,有时候他还会心存一丝感激,至少洪水没有把他所有的房屋都冲坏,尽管也冲毁了很多人家的房子。但现在,他突然意识到没有什么值得他感激的,没有,甚至他都不感激自己还活着,自己的老婆还活着,还有老大老二两个孩子。他感觉到泪水慢慢涌上眼眶,就算在埋葬母亲那天,看着泥土撒落在母亲的躯体上时,他都没有掉过一滴眼泪,他甚至还因为母亲辞世时尚有破布遮体而感到安慰。但现在,他无以慰藉。他喃喃自语: “我没有种子可以种地。土地就在那儿!我要是有种子,我会用我的双手去刨地,土地就会有收成。我知道我的地肥。但我没有种子,地里什么也没有。是的,春天来了,可我们还会挨饿!”他呆望着这贫瘠的春天,没有一丝希望。 (罗选民 译)

John Barry的《Starfire》 歌词

歌曲名:Starfire歌手:John Barry专辑:The Emi Years - Volume 2 (1961)DragonforceTitle:StarfireOutside on a winter"s night as the rain begins to fallThere"s a chill in the air and the howl of a wolfWhile the rain beats at the doorSeven kings will ride on the wind up towards the mountains highAnd the only sound that will break the air is the warrior"s bitter cryWhen the dawn of a new day will see the lightThen the strongest hearts grow oldAnd the warrior stands on top of the hill in the snowDark night with a glimmering light in the distance up aheadIn the forest they dwell with a misty spell no one heard what once was saidAnd the eagle fly through the clouds while earth bleeds dark and coldWhen the voices of men will ring out again all creation shall unfoldWhen the colour of night will fade to light and the weakest hearts go coldAnd the warrior stands on top of the hill in the snowAnd we"re standing one and all fighting till we fallHoping for a better dayNever giving in until we find the words, till we find the words to sayUntil we find the words to say...Burning starfire, shine in the skyFor the lives of great men, who stand by your sideWhen the night falls, on we will rideFor no lost souls will live on foreverDark night on the valley blow still the horsemen follow throughIt"s a forest that leads to the foot of the hill that inside the magic holdsSeven strong they ride on along to the place where sorrow liesAnd the shadows of the night will no longer hide all their mysteries come undoneWhen the colour of night will fade to light and the weakest hearts go coldAnd the warrior stands on top of the hill in the snowAnd we"re standing one and all fighting till we fallHoping for a better dayNever giving in until we find the words, till we find the words to sayUntil we find the words to say...Burning starfire, shine in the skyFor the lives of great men, who stand by your sideWhen the night falls, on we will rideFor no lost souls will live on foreverAnd we"re standing one and all fighting till we fallHoping for a better dayNever giving in until we find the words, till we find the words to sayUntil we find the words to say...Burning starfire, shine in the skyFor the lives of great men, who stand by your sideWhen the night falls, on we will rideFor no lost souls will live on forever

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Internet-google,搜索半天,发现原来那是快速启动栏,还是一个叫做free launch bar的工具起到了快速启动的作用,(这是深度系统安装是自带的一个小工具)按照网上说的教程做了,故障修复了,可惜就是出现了一个“free launch bar” 这样讨厌的英文名字。我右击英文名,取消锁定任务栏前的勾,(如图)(把勾去掉)然后再右击,就会出现一个“显示标题”,同样取消前面的勾,ok.看看,那个讨厌的英文消失了吧?然后你就可以自己设置,哪些快捷方式放在快速启动栏,方便自己。下面是我的快速启动栏截图,刚刚弄得,不算什么,只是做个范例。

free lunch bar

通过系统的快速启动栏我们可以快速地启动程序。可是你有没有觉得它的功能太单一了呢?想不想让快速启动栏变得更丰富多彩一些呢?今天给大家介绍的Ture Launch Bar就是这么一款加强型的快速启动栏工具,它和Windows快速启动栏风格是一致的,但功能却丰富了很多。 Ture Launch Bar可以在新浪下载中心获得,英文不好的朋友可以下载多国语言包( )。 安装完毕后,在任务栏上单击鼠标右键,选择“工具栏”中的“Ture Launch Bar”项目。此时任务栏中会出现两个快速启动栏,由于Ture Launch Bar的内容和系统原来的快速启动内容相同,此时我们可以关掉系统的快速启动栏。 Ture Launch Bar在没有经过设置前,和系统的快速启动栏没什么不同。由于Ture Launch Bar的设置界面默认是英文,我们需要先安装中文语言包将其变为中文界面。在Ture Launch Bar上单击右键,选择“TLB Settings”选项,然后进入“General options”,在下方的“Languages”中选择“简体中文”,单击“Apply→OK”后退出。再次在Ture Launch Bar上单击鼠标右键,此时的菜单已经变成中文了。 ★特殊的功能 对快速启动栏中的项目归类分组 随着快速启动栏中程序的增多,用起来就显得有些乱,我们可以利用分隔符将繁多的项目归类分组,使菜单一目了然。方法是用鼠标在快速启动菜单上单击右键,选择“新建→分隔符”,此时菜单中就会增加一个分隔符号,用鼠标在这个分隔符上单击右键,选择“更改标题”,然后在弹出的窗口中输入分隔符的名称。完成后一个带名字的分隔符就出现了,同样我们可以建立多个类的分隔符,然后将菜单中的项目分门别类拖动到不同的分隔符下归类。 在快速启动中建立文件夹菜单 利用这个功能我们可以将任何一个文件夹目录转换为“菜单”的形式,将常用的文件类转换为“菜单”,大大提高了工作效率。在Ture Launch Bar上单击鼠标右键选择“新建→菜单”,然后在弹出的“创建菜单”窗口中输入“菜单名称”,单击“创建虚拟文件夹”按钮,在弹出的窗口中选择需要添加的文件夹目录,比如硬盘上的“个人备份”文件夹。最后单击“创建”按钮,这个目录就以菜单的形式被添加进了快速启动菜单。 除了上述功能外,利用True Launch Bar的插件我们还可以实现非常多的实用功能。如:邮箱监视器、Winamp控制器、系统温控、天气预报、音量调节等诸多实用插件。 可以在 下载到官方提供的免费插件,它们能够大大丰富True Launch Bar的功能。插件安装后,在True Launch Bar上点击鼠标右键,在弹出菜单中选择“新建”项目,在这里可以找到安装过的插件。

电脑上的Free Launch Bar是什么意思

是一个优化的 快速启动程序 方便、快捷 使我们的快速启动栏变得更加丰富和使用 使用方法 任务栏→右键→工具栏→给 ture launch bar 打上勾 再看看你快速启动栏上面就增添了新的选项 自己研究 很简单的

卸载了free launch bar ,发现任务栏工具栏里的free launch bar字样仍在,应该怎么删除

FreeLaunchBar是一个快速启动栏的替换软件,据说可以把你的快速启动栏打造的非常强大,不过有些人认为就是个流氓插件而已。在控制面耿俯钝谎墁荷惰捅伐拉板里的添加删除程序中把相应的条目卸载了就没了。 要使还想继续使用它并且除去那行字的话,如下操作:右键单击任务栏空白处并把“锁定任务栏”前面对号去掉,右键单击那字所在地方,把“显示标题”前面对号去掉,OK。--和美

Free Lanch bar是什么

你说的应该是电脑里的Free Launch Bar吧?它是深度系统安装时自带的一个小工具,是快速启动栏的替换软件,具体教程百度一下,网上说的很详细。

Free Launch Bar V1.0

为什么桌面的工具栏会出现异常,会出现字母:free launch bar

free launch bar 快速启动栏

我的电脑下面工具栏有个free launch bar是啥意思啊

FreeLaunchBar 是一个快速启动栏的替换软件,可以把你的快速启动栏打造的非常强大。 Free Launch Bar 是一款免费代替标准Quick Launch bar的软件,现在Free Launch Bar拥有Quick Launch bar的全部功能,然而Free Launch Bar完全兼容快速启动栏,因为它使用同样的文件夹和快捷方式。但是有一个巨大的不同,Free Launch Bar允许在组中组合快捷方式,这个特性有点像弹出菜单,这个改进在管理快捷方式和保存桌面工作环境上。使用Free Launch Bar,加速启动你的应用程序。 你的系统安装时就附带,估计你安装系统是经他人优化或配置而成的。


  embarrass有使窘迫;使尴尬;使为难等意思,那么你知道embarrass的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    embarrass的用法大全:   embarrass的用法1:embarrass作“使窘迫; 使难为情”解时,常指阻碍别人自由表达思想、言语或行动的某种影响,暗示或者强调一种使人窘迫或紧张、受约束的后果。由此引申为“使(某人的计划或行动)受阻、受困扰”。   embarrass的用法2:embarrass可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动语态。    embarrass的常用短语:   用作动词 (v.)   embarrass by (v.+prep.)   embarrass with (v.+prep.)    embarrass的用法例句:   1. I did not embarrass her with my effusions.   我并没有太过热情而让她为难。   2. She may embarrass you with her uncouth behavior.   她的粗野行为可能会让你尴尬.   3. He didn"t mean to embarrass you.   他不是成心让你难堪.   4. He has decided that he doesn"t want to embarrass the movement and will therefore step down.   他已拿定主意:他不想令运动陷入困窘的境地,因此决心辞职。   5. The Republicans are trying to embarrass the president by thwarting his economic program.   共和党人企图通过阻挠总统的经济计划使其难堪。   6. The republicans are trying to embarrass the president by thwarting his economic program.   共和党人企图通过阻挠总统的经济计划使其难堪。   7. A major attack could still embarrass him.   现在要是发动大规模进攻的话,还是很叫他伤脑筋的.   8. It was as if he preferred not to embarrass his guest in the odious task.   看起来他不想在他的客人做这件令人恼恨的工作时让他为难.   9. Maybe next time I won"t embarrass you in front of your friends.   也许下次我不会让你在你朋友前感到尴尬.   10. I didn"t mean to embarrass you upstairs, but I didn"t know what to do.   我不是要阻碍你上楼, 但是我不知道该做什么.   11. He mischievously looked for a chance to embarrass his sister.   他淘气地寻找机会让他的姐姐难堪.   12. He is a shy person. Don"t embarrass him any more.   他是个腼腆的人, 你就不要再羞躁他了.   13. So, embarrass person cannot beyond the mark, must notice safety notice safety!   所以, 捉弄人不能过分, 一定要注意安全!   14. I didn"t want to embarrass v. her in front of her friends.   当她朋友的面前,我本不想使她感到难堪.   15. She dragged up that incident just to embarrass me.   她又扯起那件事故意想使我难堪.

Barbra Streisand的《brezairola》 歌词

歌曲名:brezairola歌手:Barbra Streisand专辑:classical barbraSoun, soun, beni, beni beni;Soun, soun, beni, beni, doun!Barbra StreisandSoun, soun, beni, beni beni;Soun, soun, beni, d"en docon!Lou soun, soun bouol pas beni, pecaire!Lou soun, soun bouol pas beni,Lou neni s"en bouol pas durmi!Soun, soun, beni, beni beni;Soun, soun, beni, beni, doun!Lou soun, soun bouol pas beni,L"efontou bouol pas durmi!Soun, soun, beni, beni beni;Soun, soun, beni o l"efon! oh! ...Oh! ...


梅back Maybach 梅瑟拉地 Maserati 苏八乳 SUBARU Mitsubishi 米醋笔洗 Mitsubishi 苏阻ki SUZUKI

android seekbar怎么不让它拖动

seekbar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(new seekbarListener()); //这个监听seekbar变化的,一旦有变,变化到哪progress表示 private class seekbarListener implements OnSeekBarChangeListener{ @Override public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekbar, int progress, boolean fromUser) { if(fromUser==true){ mediaplay.seekTo(progress);//这里就是音乐播放器播放的位子 } } @Override public void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } } 还有就是seekbar的进度条变化用Handler更新,


seekbar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(new seekbarListener());//这个监听seekbar变化的,一旦有变,变化到哪progress表示private class seekbarListener implements OnSeekBarChangeListener{@Overridepublic void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekbar, int progress, boolean fromUser) {if(fromUser==true){mediaplay.seekTo(progress);//这里就是音乐播放器播放的位子}}@Overridepublic void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar arg0) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}@Overridepublic void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar arg0) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub} }还有就是seekbar的进度条变化用Handler更新,


seekbar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(new seekbarListener());//这个监听seekbar变化的,一旦有变,变化到哪progress表示private class seekbarListener implements OnSeekBarChangeListener{@Overridepublic void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekbar, int progress, boolean fromUser) {if(fromUser==true){mediaplay.seekTo(progress);//这里就是音乐播放器播放的位子}}@Overridepublic void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar arg0) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}@Overridepublic void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar arg0) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub} }还有就是seekbar的进度条变化用Handler更新,




seekbar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(new seekbarListener());//这个监听seekbar变化的,一旦有变,变化到哪progress表示private class seekbarListener implements OnSeekBarChangeListener{@Overridepublic void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekbar, int progress, boolean fromUser) {if(fromUser==true){mediaplay.seekTo(progress);//这里就是音乐播放器播放的位子}}@Overridepublic void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar arg0) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}@Overridepublic void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar arg0) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub} }还有就是seekbar的进度条变化用Handler更新,

You sh0uld not criticize him so bar in his face

【答案】:D句意为:你不应该当着他的面严厉地批评他。句中criticize意为“批评”。evaluate作动词时意为“评价,评估”;talk about意为“谈论”;praise意为“赞美”;find fault with意为“挑剔”。只有选项D同句中画线单词含义接近。

sabar造句 sabarの例文 "sabar"是什麼意思

Instead, the sabar and tama kick in pke booster rockets. Otherwise we won"t survive, " said Budhu Sabar . King *** orough said Faizal Sabar isn"t talking to popce. Outsiders call them Kharia but they call themselves as Sabar . Sabar has pubpshed seven books and dozens of articles in professional journals. The concentration of Sabar people is high in Ranibandh and Raipur CD Blocks. In 1993, Sabar received her doctorate in African Studies from Hebrew University. Sabar has focused her research on the asylum seekers social and cultural pves. Ben Sabar withdrew his forces from Neapops, but was nevertheless surrounded and defeated. Sabar was born in the town of Zakho in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq. It"s difficult to see sabar in a sentence. 用 sabar 造句挺难的 It discharges into the Sabar in Jilava. Sabar Subur department store lost Rp 12 bilpon when all four of its outlets were burned. Since 1998 Sabar has focused her research on African labor migrants and asylum seekers in Israel. Eleven other people were arrested with him, including a former Kunar security chief, Sabar Lal. During the play, actors reenact the death of Budhan Sabar and demand justice for his murder. Sabar , together with Ms . Ibtisam Mahamid are the first Israeps to be awarded this prize. This book is a collection of essays edited by Sabar together with Inon Schenker and Francisco Sy. Abdul Sabar of Afghanistan served 15 months, on what he says were trumped up charges of robbery. The concentration of Sabar people, a primitive tribe, is high in Ranibandh and Raipur CD Blocks. The ""Ciorog鈘la River ""is a left tributary of the river Sabar in Romania. One such project involved providing schoopng for children of the Sabar tribe and providing them with housing and healthcare. Abdul Sabar took out a crumpled photo of his o babies back in the capital, Kabul, and cried. Despite the Jewish participation, the rebelpon however seems to had gathered less support than the revolt of Ben Sabar . Sabar had been scheduled to be tried on July 15 on charges of attempted homicide, aggravated assault and reckless endangerment. "We enter the forests pke thieves looking for roots and wild fruits, " said Mugi Sabar , another villager. A third Samartian revolt which took place under the leadership of Jupanus ben Sabar in 529 was perhaps the most violent. Music is performed using instruments such as drums, balafon, riti, Tama ( talking drum ), sabar drum. The report quoted Mateullah Khan, the chief of popce of Konar Province who asserted Sabar Lal had helped miptants escape. After the Third Samaritan revolt in 529 531, led by Jupanus ben Sabar , and the Fourth Revolt in 555. Sabar received the prize in a ceremony held in San Francisco in May 2009, along with 49 other activists worldwide. It"s difficult to see sabar in a sentence. 用 sabar 造句挺难的 All-female group Candy sang Akanku Tunggu and heavy metal band Farenheit did Fuel, Semalam Yang Pijar and Sabar Menanti. The o entered the match as the final team and scored the win over Prakash Sabar and The Proletariat Boar of Moldova. He introduced more traditional elements to his Senegapzed Cuban music, including traditional rapping ( wrestpng ) and instruments pke the sabar . The archer who killed Krishna, Jara Savara, and Ekalavya are said to have belonged to the Sabar people of Odisha. In 1949 it was dissolved and sppt beeen Sabar Kantha district and Mehsana district which were at that point in Bombay State. He is also a Celtic tenor banjoist, a Celtic-rhythm guitar acpanist, as well as an acppshed Sabar drummer. In 1989, Sabar moved with her family to Kenya, where she stayed for three years gathering data for her doctorate. However, it is the Nder ( lead drum ), the Sabar ( rhythm drum ), and the Seven Seconds ". Senegalese percussionist Ibrahima Camara was brought in to provide sabar drumming, acpanied by Mamadou and Ted Sillars during " percussion jams ". The Hill Kharia are also called Pahari ( meaning Hill ) Kharia, Savara / Sabar , Kheria, Erenga, or Pahar. Sabar claims that the churches created alternative poptics and a new language with which to discuss human rights issues and the struggle for democracy. The boys posed and wrote the lyrics of five songs-Hikmah Tersembunyi, Bebas Macam Burung, Ikhlas Dalam Cinta, Inter and Sabar . Fallujah popce chief Sabar al-Janabi met with U . S . miptary officers Tuesday to discuss the patrols, due to begin Thursday. "We have no food and many have died from hunger, " said Sanatan Sabar , whose father recently died of hunger and disease. Where will the food e from ? " asked Kokila Sabar , a lean, hungry-looking woman wrapped in a tattered gray sari. In many ways, both used the Mbalax, which is almost unavoidable, once the Sabar is involved, but they did it differently. Sabar added, however, that he agreed with calls that panies which were not badly affected by the economic crisis should increase their workers"wages. The professional entertainers perform Dand, Danggada, Mudgada, Ghumra, Sadhana, Sabar Sabaren, Disdigo, Nachina Bajnia, Samparda and Sanchar. Starting from Lord Jagannath himself, history has it that he was a tribal deity, adorned by the Sabar people, as a symbol of Narayan. Since 2007 Sabar has focused her research on African asylum seekers, mainly from Sudan and Eritrea, who have entered Israel through its perable Egyptian border. It"s difficult to see sabar in a sentence. 用 sabar 造句挺难的

Barbra Streisand的《Two People》 歌词

两个人蔡妍<两个人><演唱:蔡妍>nana na nana na na na na nanana na nana na na na na nana ru mu ku yi soda ga wu ku yi sone ga bu nie nu pie qie ku yona ru mu ku yi sobo qie do ku yi sone ga bo nu qie mio nie qi yewu nun no lun do kie sona lun han bo na na bano ye wie lu wu men ni ga su mie mu dun mo gie giequ gu bi so du lun qun munqu gu mun qi da ga waka su mi du gon sa langyi ba no non kie nu gi go gasa lang e no lie gie bun luono wa na ha na ga dui yomon qu su won non gu qu nuyi ba no hang gie qu gu xi ponana na nana na na na na nanie ga nie ga qu su yin dusa lang e luo ye gie ju gienana na nana na na na na nako qi mo nu no yi sa langno wa la dang gu li sona ru mu ku yi sono so ju go yi sonie gie nie gie da ga wu di ge jiso ji du gu yi sonie gie wu gu yi sonie ga bu nun nu bi qie gu yowu nun no lun do kie sona lun han bo na na bano ye wie lu wu men ni ga su mie mu dun mo gie giequ gu bi so du lun qun munqu gu mun qi da ga waka su mi du gon sa langyi ba no non kie nu gi go gasa lang e no lie gie bun luono wa na ha na ga dui yomon qu su won non gu qu nuyi ba no hang gie qu gu xi ponana na nana na na na na nanie ga nie ga qu su yin dusa lang e luo ye gie ju gienana na nana na na na na nako qi mo nu no yi sa langno wa la dang gu li sonana na nana na na na na na

设总体X服从n的卡方分布,X1,X2…Xn为其样本,求样本平均值X bar的数学期望和方差


红酒 LES FORTS DE BARON LATOUR 2009 是什么牌子,价格是多少?750ml


The Bare Necessities (The Jungle Book) 歌词

歌曲名:The Bare Necessities (The Jungle Book)歌手:Die 12 Cellisten der Berliner Philharmoniker&Max Raabe&Janne Saksala专辑:As Time Goes ByTITLE:The Bare NecessitiesARTIST:Bowling For SoupALBUM:Disney Magic 2 (CD1)Made by Ken Chen For Eve QingAs long as she likes, I do.Look for the bare necessitiesThe simple bare necessitiesForget about your worries and your strifeI mean the bare necessitiesOld Mother Nature"s recipesThat brings the bare necessities of lifeWherever I wander, wherever I roamI couldn"t be fonder of my big homeThe bees are buzzin" in the treeTo make some honey just for meWhen you look under the rocks and plantsAnd take a glance at the fancy antsThen maybe try a fewThe bare necessities of life will come to youThey"ll come to you!Look for the bare necessitiesThe simple bare necessitiesForget about your worries and your strifeI mean the bare necessitiesThat"s why a bear can rest at easeWith just the bare necessities of lifeNow when you pick a pawpawOr a prickly pearAnd you prick a raw pawNext time bewareDon"t pick the prickly pear by the pawWhen you pick a pearTry to use the clawBut you don"t need to use the clawWhen you pick a pear of the big pawpawHave I given you a clue ?The bare necessities of life will come to youThey"ll come to you!The bare necessities of life will come to youThey"ll come to you!So just try and relax, yeah cool itFall apart in my backyard"Cause let me tell you something little britchesIf you act like that bee acts, uh uhYou"re working too hardAnd don"t spend your time lookin" aroundFor something you want that can"t be foundWhen you find out you can live without itAnd go along not thinkin" about itI"ll tell you something trueThe bare necessities of life will come to youThey"ll come to you!Look for the bare necessitiesThe simple bare necessitiesForget about your worries and your strifeI mean the bare necessitiesThat"s why a bear can rest at easeWith just the bare necessities of lifeThe bare necessities of life

Cabaret Voltaire的《Landslide》 歌词

歌曲名:Landslide歌手:Cabaret Voltaire专辑:Red MeccaLandslideMilowcan I be excusedfrom what I was doing but what was I doingI need to buckle upwe make noise so pretty that closing time is onlya matter of timeas far as I"m concernedwe lost by a landslide and I think that just mightkeep pissing me offI didn"t see it coming I never see it comingnot even this timeisn"t a wake-up callsupposed to tell you somethingcall me again sometimebecause now I just learned nothingyou need to explainto me over coffee why you said this could bethe worst day of the yearas far as I"m concernedI won"t get into the fact we turned intoa couple of ghostsyearning to burn and yearning to rise andyet locked in time and spaceisn"t a wake-up callsupposed to tell you somethingcall me again sometimebecause now I just learned nothingyou need to explainto me over coffee why you said this could bethe worst day of the yearthe worst day of the yearyou need to explainto me over coffee why you said this could bethe worst day of the yearas far as I"m concernedI won"t get into the fact we turned intoa couple of ghostsa couple of ghostsa couple of ghosts

如何使用Java语言修改Action Bar的背景颜色

改变不了颜色是因为你上面的那个程序在主窗口上又加了一个Panel,而你去改变的却是主窗口的背景色,你可以把按钮直接这样写:con.add(redButton);……去掉panel,然后在actionPerformed方法中这样写:frame.getContentPane().setBackground(backgroundcolor);或者你去改变panel的背景色。当调用startActionMode的时候,actionbar的会被一个新的菜单条所覆盖,这个菜单条被称为Contextual Action Bar,Contextual Action Bar的字体或者背景颜色都是跟当前主题相关的,有时候我们不想用主题默认的颜色,而采用自定义的方式。如何才能自定义Contextual Action Bar的背景颜色呢?在主题中修改:<style name="MyActionBarTheme" parent="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light"><item name="android:actionBarStyle">@style/MyActionBar</item><item name="android:actionModeCloseDrawable">@drawable/ic_launcher</item><item name="android:actionModeBackground">@color/yellow</item><!-- ActionMode右边的按钮是一个特殊的CloseButton,分割线与CloseButton的Style有关 --><!-- 删除ActionMode的Divider--><item name="android:actionModeCloseButtonStyle">@null</item></style>其中actionModeCloseDrawable用于指定左边关闭按钮的图标。而android:actionModeBackground就是Contextual Action Bar的背景色了。


1.状态栏状态栏一般高度为20像素,在打手机或者显示消息时会放大到40像素高,注意,两倍高度的状态栏在好像只能在纵向的模式下使用。如下图iOS <wbr>各种控件默认高度用户可以隐藏状态栏,也可以将状态栏设置为灰色,黑色或者半透明的黑色。如果需要隐藏状态栏可以使用调用:[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES animated:NO];或者在应用程序文件Info.plist中将UIStatusBarHidden键设为ture。2.导航栏在纵向模式下导航栏为44像素高,在横向模式下为32像素高,导航栏提供了一个很少用的提示模式,该模式将高度扩展了30像素,在纵向模式下为320*74像素,在横向模式下为480*74像素。要向导航栏添加提示,则设置self.navigationItem.prompt = @"................"。iOS <wbr>各种控件默认高度3.选项卡 工具栏选项卡为48像素高,工具栏为44像素高。此两个UI元素通长不用于横向模式。iOS <wbr>各种控件默认高度典型的带有导航栏和状态栏的应用程序为纵向显示保留了320*416的区域,为横向保留了480*268的区域。如果使用选项卡栏或者工具栏则会使高度再次减少48或者44像素。4.键盘和pickerView此一般都为横向320*216像素,纵向为480*162像素。另外,UISwitch默认为94*28像素,UISegmentedControl通长为44像素高。UITextField高度一般至少为30像素。5.UIScreen类[[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame]一般会根据正在使用的工具栏,状态栏,导航栏来返回可用的区域。iPhone和iPad下各种常见控件的宽度和标准是一样的,所以这里就用iPhone说明。以下是常见的几种控件的高度。Statusbar,Navigationbar和Tabbar的宽度极其图标大小。iOS <wbr>各种控件默认高度下表是更为详细的参数,包括了Statusbar,Navigationbar、Tabbar、toolbar和Keyboard等等


英文的 Pub 和 Bar 中文都译为 "酒吧",都是饮酒的地方。很多人以为它们同义,只是英式和美式英文的分别。最简单的区别就是"Pub"是英国那边的说法(含爱尔兰等等),"Bar"是北美这边的说法,两者基本上是一样的。中国香港也没有 Pub 和 Bar 之分,视乎老板是什么地方人,叫法便不同,但都是提供饮酒的地方。 Pub 是 Public House or Public Union Bar的简写,有 "大众之家" 的意思。它的内外布置和里面的人都给人一种很 "家" 的感觉。英国人日常娱乐不多,不会唱Karaoke,玩游戏机,连外出吃饭也很少,而Pubs 就是英国人工余饭后周末消遣联谊的地方。所有镇上差不多每条主要道路都有好几间 Pubs。本地人通常都固定光顾某一两间 Pubs,是它们的特定常客。Pubs 不单是饮酒的地方,还是和附近街坊或酒保 (Barman 或 Barmaid,美国叫 Bar Tender)交流的地方。除了谈天饮酒外,酒客还会看足球赛事。还有一个英国酒吧独有的活动:quiz night,是个每星期都举办的问答大赛。 Bar和Pub在规模上并没有谁一定比谁大,例如在美国Massachusetts的地方, 曾称美国的"Bars"密度是最高的地方,因为那里有很多Bars开在街道的角落,这些Bars规模一般不大,主要卖的是酒,可能没有卖正餐,但是一些简单些的餐点还是有卖,所以有些人认为像这样子小小的不卖正餐的酒吧才是"Bars",大一点的有卖正餐的才是"Pubs"。其实这只是地点经营上的关系,倒不是因为是"Bar"就一定该是如何规模,或是地方小点就不能开"Pub",因为地方大一点而又有卖正餐的"Bars"在美国到处都是,这是随开店的人高兴的。在美国的酒吧另外还有"Tavern"的称呼,根据wiki上的解释基本上也是酒吧的一种称呼,只是在英国的话在19世纪后被Pub(Public House)取代。 那么 Bar 是甚么呢? 美国人叫酒吧做 Bar,就是我们日常接触得最多的酒吧了。和 Pub 有甚么分别呢? 其实不大。就是没了 "家" 的意思吧。Bar 这个字原来是解作酒吧内serve 饮品的长形木台。所以 Pubs 都可叫 Bars,但并非所有 Bars 都是 Pubs。 除了 Bar 和 Pub 外,还有一个卖酒饮酒的地方,叫 Lounge。Lounge 通常是有沙发和有乐师,可以舒舒服服地坐着边饮酒边欣赏音乐的地方。中文名称是 "酒廊"。通常酒店里环境气氛较幽雅舒适的的酒吧也叫做 Lounge。 希望以上的资料对你有帮助吧! 网址提供: en. *** /wiki/Pub dunchee.english/post/18/1628,参考: 网上+自己,自从失恋后,看到路上成双成对,就格外放闪,嘴巴潇洒说只是少一个人来爱,但不可否认还是希望可以多多认识新的朋友, 往认真爬文3个月以上,终于找到隐藏在网路中,传说中的李姐, 在今年3月初就预约来找,果然是口碑相传,不做广告的,我排第3次就遇到双方非常有感觉的,目前是暂停排约, 李姐那边可以暂停排约1次,会员时间可以展延拉长时间,也在这段时间可以观察对方. 推荐给有需要的朋友参考,


Pub源自英伦,是public house的简称,就是小酒馆,除了卖酒还会有其他一些食物,。如果提供住宿服务,一般叫客栈(inn)或者旅馆(hostelry) Bar是因其专门卖酒的柜台而得名,在英国,一般是酒吧(Wine Bar)的缩写 在 国内的区别不大。。。。。。。。。

Club、Bar 与 Pub 有什么区别?

首先Pub是英国的传统酒吧,在英国和前英国殖民地国家最常见。Pub,是Public House的简称,Pub的由来也是有一段历史的,一千年前的英国农家喜欢自己酿酒,后来觉得自己喝不过瘾,于是就搬出来卖。为了能招揽顾客,于是便在外面挂上招牌,因为农夫不会写字,所以招牌上没有文字,只有图案。现在英国一些著名酒吧的招牌上,都有一些图案,比如有的招牌上面画了一只羊,那就表示这家酒吧老板的祖先是养羊的。Pub里往往大白天就开门迎客,提供简餐,比如汉堡薯条什么的,分量足但是不一定很精致。这里一般不会有舞池,会放一些节奏很慢的jazz~DJ很少会出现在pub里。不论在哪个国家,pub相比较bar和club更有年代感。Bar就是酒吧这个词的来源,本来指的是酒吧里那张吧台。Bar可以是各式各样的,因此几乎成为所有餐厅以外的饮酒场所的统称。既可以是破破烂烂的小酒吧,也可能是高大上的豪华酒吧,可能是舞厅夜店、也可能是有舞蹈、乐队、戏剧演出的场所。这里只说最常见的。


CLUB是俱乐部的意思PU; 就只知道这些


PUB一般都消费水准低一点,有满多种LARGER,里面的氛围也很吵闹,外面聚集着大群年轻人,喝得醉醺醺的又喊又叫,有时候也可以看到那种光着膀子满身纹身的中老年人,看起来便很Creepy,再加上年岁不小的老女人,和老男人们打情骂俏。外观上看来,PUB外面大多都会挂有酒旗,内容一般是山羊,狐狸,山雀之类的小动物。名字也基本都是什么Fox Holes之类,门口都会挂着垂下来的花篮,贴张照片说明一下Bar呢,则要Decent许多了,人相对而言档次也高很多,当然Drinks的价格也会贵一些,在Pub里,比如一杯Cocktail卖4镑的话,在Bar里就要7镑的样子。当然Bar里的装饰也很有情调,不像Pub里往往都是木椅子之类的,吧台也很简陋。Bar里的吧台都是带有很绚的装饰灯的,而且都有个主题风格说是pub是public house的简称,一般都是各brewery(啤酒厂)的下设酒馆,以卖该厂产品为主,工作人员其实都属于给酒厂打工的。比如我们在湖区吃饭的那家就属于jannings,以该厂的jannings bitter和cumberland为主打。另外还有一些independent house,就是独立酒馆,数量非常少。而bar则是在街上开的任意的卖酒水的地方,有自己的老板,不隶属于酒厂--------以上内容搜自百度网络-------网上一搜一大堆的


pub是英式,bar是美式。英国的酒吧多为“pub”。这个单词的历史可以追溯到维多利亚时期,当时的酒吧叫做“public house”,而pub一词正是缩略自这个名称。Bar的起源于美国西部,在西部的恶劣环境中艰苦奋斗,闲暇时间喜欢一起喝酒打发时间。Bar可以是各式各样的,因此几乎成为所有餐厅以外的饮酒场所的统称。词语辨析:barrier,hindrance,obstacle,bar这组词都有“障碍(物)”的意思,其区别是:barrier常指临时的或者可能跨越的障碍。hindrance指妨碍他人进步或做事的人或物。obstacle指在达到目的或前进的过程中必须消除或绕过的障碍物,也指起阻碍作用等情况。bar既可指阻止进出或通过的栅栏一类的障碍物,也可用于抽象意义障碍。

求Hugh Grant和Drew Barrymore的Way back into love的歌词

way back into love (demo version) [hugh & drew] 歌手:various artists 专辑:music and lyrics [soundtrack]Way Back Into Love (Demo Version) [Hugh Grant & Drew Barrymore]I"ve been living with a shadow over headI"ve been sleepin" with a cloud above my bedI"ve been lonely for so longTrapped in the past, I just cant seem to move onI"ve been hiding all my hopes and dreams awayJust in case I ever need them again somedayIve been setting aside time, to clear a little space in the corners of my mindAll I want to do is find a way back into loveI cant make it through without a way back into loveohhI"ve been watching but the stars refuse to shineIve been searching but I just don"t see the signsI know that its out thereTheres got to be something for my soul somewhereI"ve been looking for someone to shed some lightNot just somebody to get me through the nightI could use some direction, and I"m open to your suggestionsAll I want to do is find a way back into loveI cant make it through without a way back into loveand If I open my heart againI guess I"m hopin" you"ll be there for me in the endThere are moments when I don"t know if its realor if anybody feels the way I feelI need inspiration, not just another negotiationAll I want to do is find a way back into loveI cant make it through without a way back into loveand If I open my heart to youI"m hopin" you"ll show me what to doand if you help me to start againyou know that I"ll be there for you in the end

Way Back Into Love (Demo Version) [Hugh Grant & Drew Barrymore] 谁有他的中英文歌词?

我有哈! Way Back into Love Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore I"ve been living with a shadow overhead I"ve been sleeping with a cloud above my bed I"ve been lonely for so long Trapped in the past, I just can"t seem to move on I"ve been hiding all my hopes and dreams away Just in case I ever need them again someday I"ve been setting aside time To clear a little space in the corners of my mind All I wanna do is find a way back into love I can"t make it through without a way back into love Oh oh oh I"ve been watching but the stars refuse to shine I"ve been searching but I just don"t see the signs I know that it"s out there There"s gotta be something for my soul somewhere I"ve been looking for someone to shed some light Not somebody just to get me through the night I could use some direction And I"m open to your suggestions All I wanna do is find a way back into love I can"t make it through without a way back into love And if I open my heart again I guess I"m hoping you"ll be there for me in the end There are moments when I don"t know if it"s real Or if anybody feels the way I feel I need inspiration Not just another negotiation All I wanna do is find a way back into love I can"t make it through without a way back into love And if I open my heart to you I"m hoping you"ll show me what to do And if you help me to start again You know that I"ll be there for you in the end

Barry Manilow的《Let Me Go》 歌词

歌曲名:Let Me Go歌手:Barry Manilow专辑:Live (Legacy Edition)Cristal Q - Let Me GoOhh, ohh, ohh yeahNo callin after 10No hustlin my friendsNo askin Cristal where she beenNo showin up at my houseNo you ain"t been aroundNo callin, no stalkin, no conversationsAnd that"s how it should beCause if it"s over, then it"s overHe should let me goSo why still in my dreamsYou should leave me aloneBoy, you have a hold of my mindYou should let it goWait a minute, babyI"m not the only one holdingI wanna call youWish you would fall throughKnock on the doorSay you love me, you miss meAnd to admit thatWish we could get backThought I would be throughBut the truth isI"m, I"m hung up on youCause everytime the telephone ringsI pick up, hopin it"s your call (your call)Everytime I turn on the radioThat damn radio, it"s playing our songWhy can"t I get over youI dunno what to doIf you"re gone then why won"t you just let me goLet me go, let me goI don"t understandThis wasn"t in the plansClean cut, break upNo regrets, no second thoughtsI said I wanted out, you said you wanted outYou said you wanted to do your own thingSo what am I trippin boutLook in the mirrorI"m sure that I"ve had enoughMy friends say go and have your funDon"t be in loveWhen you got a broken heartHaving fun is toughAnd if it wasn"t enoughStill wanna call youI wanna call youWish you would fall throughKnock on the doorSay you love me, you miss meAnd to admit thatWish we could get backThought I would be throughBut the truth isI"m, I"m hung up on youCause everytime the telephone ringsI pick up, hopin it"s your call (your call)Everytime I turn on the radioThat damn radio, it"s playing our songWhy can"t I get over youI dunno what to doIf you"re gone then why won"t you just let me goLet me go, let me goI never thought it would"ve happenedNot in my wildest dreams would I have imaginedOhh nooI"m been in such a mess, I"m stressedYes, I"m having, having trouble letting you goHaving trouble letting you goI never thought it would"ve happenedNot in my wildest dreams would I have imaginedI"m been in such a mess, I"m stressedYes, I"m having, having trouble letting you goCause everytime the telephone ringsI pick up, hopin it"s your call (your call)Everytime I turn on the radioThat damn radio, it"s playing our songWhy can"t I get over youI dunno what to doIf you"re gone then why won"t you just let me goLet me go, let me goCause everytime the telephone ringsI pick up, hopin it"s your call (your call)Everytime I turn on the radioThat damn radio, it"s playing our songWhy can"t I get over youI dunno what to doIf you"re gone then why won"t you just let me goLet me go, let me goI never thought it would"ve happenedI never thought that would be meI never thought it would"ve happenedI never thought that would be meI never thought it would"ve happenedI never thought





android studio is deprecated怎样处

像这种 【deprecated】的提示表示 : 这个方法或类不再建议使用。在新版本中有其他方法或类可以代替这个使用,以后的版本也不会再更新这个方法或类。 actionbar现在已经由ToolsBar代替了,actionBarActivity已经由AppCompatActivity取代了



250Bar液压油缸 是不是压力容器

压力容器是指盛装气体或者液体,承载一定压力的密闭设备。贮运容器、反应容器、换热容器和分离容器均属压力容器. 液压缸是将液压能转变为机械能的、做直线往复运动(或摆动运动)的液压执行元件。两者由此看出不一样,



Sound bar中文是什么?












touch bar是什么

MacBook Pro最上方的小型显示屏可以设置一些功能快捷键部分笔记本电脑也有类似设计,只是以按钮或触摸按钮设计的,没有以显示屏的方式呈现。




MACD(Moving Average Convergence Divergence)中文名称:平滑异同移动平均线,是由Gerald Appel首先在Systems And Forecasts一书中发表,主要是利用长短期的二条平滑平均线,计算两者之间的差离值,作为研判行情买卖之依据。算法:DIFF线 收盘价短期、长期指数平滑移动平均线间的差DEA线 DIFF线的M日指数平滑移动平均线MACD线 DIFF线与DEA线的差,彩色柱状线参数:SHORT(短期)、LONG(长期)、M 天数,一般为12、26、9用法:1.DIFF、DEA均为正,DIFF向上突破DEA,买入信号。2.DIFF、DEA均为负,DIFF向下跌破DEA,卖出信号。3.DEA线与K线发生背离,行情反转信号。4.分析MACD柱状线,由正变负,卖出信号;由负变正,买入信号。

酒店的minibar 是什么意思

min是微小,小的意思,在酒店minibar 是迷你酒吧或微型酒吧的意思,很高兴回答你的问题,望采纳!
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