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英语语法:who has a baskteball? Peter does.为什么问句用has答句用dose?


l likeplayingbaskwtballaswell

D,因为too是用在句子后面,also虽然是在句子中间,但是playing football没有主语,as well是也的意思,而as well as 意思是我喜欢拉小提琴和喜欢踢足球一样

baskball 意思



basketball 漏了个字母哦,篮球的意思 供参考了


楼主是想问“baseball”还是“basketball”?baseball ["beisbɔ:l] n. 棒球;棒球运动basketball ["bɑ:skitbɔ:l] n. 篮球;篮球运动








篮球运动; 篮球; [例句]Valerie earned letters in three sports: volleyball, basketball, and field hockey.瓦莱丽在排球、篮球和曲棍球三个项目上获得了佩戴校名首字母标志的荣誉。

the basketball lesson finishes为什么用finishes?

你好!这句英语中finish可以用is done来代替的哦!都表示完成的意思!

请帮忙解释一下:pitch、covered all the bases、curve ball在business里表示什么意思?

这些都是棒球术语...pitch是投球的意思covered all the bases是指满垒curve ball是曲线球的意思curve ball在商业里有"不直接,绕圈子"的意思,浪费时间和成本其他的不太清楚pitch可以理解为发动一轮攻势吧...?play ball是开球.strick out是三振出局.

英语翻译 rounds the bases of softball.

委内瑞拉总统乌戈·查韦斯轮游戏的基础垒球。轮的基础垒球.round:n. 圆;循环;一回合;圆形物prep. 附近;绕过;大约;在…周围adj. 圆的;完全的;大概的;肥胖的


1.基础, 底座 The lamp stands on a circular base.这盏台灯是装在圆形底座上的。 2.基地, 根据地 The country maintains military bases on foreign soil.那个国家在国外设有军事基地。 3. 根据;出发点 4.(支持、收入、力量等的)来源,源泉,基础 5.混合物的首要(或主要)成分 6.据点;总部;大本营 7.碱; 盐基 8.基数(如十进制的 10 和二进制的 2) 9. 垒(因为base也有垒的意思,所以棒球也叫垒球) 传说为您服务。


They were beaten to death with baseball bats. He maliciously damaged a car with a baseball bat He umpired baseball games We passed long, hot afternoons pitching a baseball. I picked up his baseball bat and swung at the man"s head. He likes baseball




baseball team 棒球队Baseball is very popular among Americans. 棒球在美国很受欢迎。


I like playing baseball.

baseball 和 basketball 和 volleyball各是什么意思

baseball:棒球 basketball:篮球volleyball:排球


Baseball is a sport played between two teams usually of nine players each. It is a bat-and-ball game in which a pitcher throws (pitches) a hard, fist-sized, leather-covered ball toward a batter on the opposing team. The batter attempts to hit the baseball with a tapered cylindrical bat, made of wood (as required in professional baseball) or a variety of other materials (as allowed in many nonprofessional games). A team scores runs only when batting, by advancing its players—primarily via hits—counterclockwise past a series of four markers called bases arranged at the corners of a ninety-foot square, or "diamond." The game, played without time restriction, is structured around nine segments called innings. In each inning, both teams are given the opportunity to bat and score runs; a team"s half-inning ends when three outs are recorded against that team.这是中文


背书包 2333333333333333

垒球 的英文是softball/baseball?





Baseball is a sport played between two teams usually of nine players each. It is a bat-and-ball game in which a pitcher throws (pitches) a hard, fist-sized, leather-covered ball toward a batter on the opposing team. The batter attempts to hit the baseball with a tapered cylindrical bat, made of wood (as required in professional baseball) or a variety of other materials (as allowed in many nonprofessional games). A team scores runs only when batting, by advancing its players—primarily via hits—counterclockwise past a series of four markers called bases arranged at the corners of a ninety-foot square, or "diamond." The game, played without time restriction, is structured around nine segments called innings. In each inning, both teams are given the opportunity to bat and score runs; a team"s half-inning ends when three outs are recorded against that team.其他部分请去:就不一一粘贴了


Baseball is a bat-and-ball sport played between two teams of nine players





base ball是什么意思





棒球运动baseball英 [ˈbeɪsbɔːl]美 [ˈbeɪsbɔːl]跟读n.棒球运动;棒球高考 · CET6 · 考研 · TEM8复数:baseballs




baseball 英[ˈbeɪsbɔ:l] 美[ˈbesˌbɔl] n. 棒球; [体] 棒球运动; [例句]They were beaten to death with baseball bats.他们被人用棒球棒打死了。[其他] 复数:baseballs


cricket、hockey、volleyball 、badminton、baseball ,具体解释如下:一、cricket发音:英 [ˈkrɪkɪt] 美 [ˈkrɪkɪt]意思:板球,板球运动;蟋蟀变化形式:复数 crickets短语:Ashes Cricket 灰烬杯板球赛 ; 灰烬杯板球例:During the summer term we would play cricket at the village ground.夏季学期里我们常在村里的空地上玩板球。二、hockey发音:英 [ˈhɒki] 美 [ˈhɑːki]意思:曲棍球;冰球, 人名;(英)霍基短语:ice hockey 冰球 ; 冰上曲棍球例:I didn"t cut the mustard as a hockey player.我不是一个合格的曲棍球手。三、volleyball发音:英 [ˈvɒlibɔːl] 美 [ˈvɑːlibɔːl]意思:排球短语:Italy Volleyball 意大利女排例:My father is practicing volleyball.我的爸爸正在练排球。四、badminton发音:英 [ˈbædmɪntən] 美 [ˈbædmɪntən]意思:羽毛球短语:badminton player 羽毛球运动员例句:I play badminton on Monday, too.我也在星期一打羽毛球。五、baseballbaseball发音:英 [ˈbeɪsbɔːl] 美 [ˈbeɪsbɔːl]意思:棒球;棒球运动复数:baseballs短语:baseball player 棒球运动员 ; 棒球运带动 ; 棒球运发动例句:He often wore a baseball cap.他经常戴顶棒球帽。


cricket、hockey、volleyball 、badminton、baseball ,具体解释如下:一、cricket发音:英 [ˈkrɪkɪt]  美 [ˈkrɪkɪt] 意思:板球,板球运动;蟋蟀变化形式:复数 crickets短语:Ashes Cricket 灰烬杯板球赛 ; 灰烬杯板球例:During the summer term we would play cricket at the village ground.夏季学期里我们常在村里的空地上玩板球。二、hockey发音:英 [ˈhɒki]  美 [ˈhɑːki] 意思:曲棍球;冰球, 人名;(英)霍基短语:ice hockey 冰球 ; 冰上曲棍球例:I didn"t cut the mustard as a hockey player. 我不是一个合格的曲棍球手。三、volleyball发音:英 [ˈvɒlibɔːl]  美 [ˈvɑːlibɔːl] 意思:排球短语:Italy Volleyball 意大利女排例:My father is practicing volleyball. 我的爸爸正在练排球。四、badminton发音:英 [ˈbædmɪntən]  美 [ˈbædmɪntən] 意思:羽毛球短语:badminton player 羽毛球运动员例句:I play badminton on Monday, too. 我也在星期一打羽毛球。五、baseballbaseball发音:英 [ˈbeɪsbɔːl]  美 [ˈbeɪsbɔːl] 意思:棒球;棒球运动复数:baseballs短语:baseball player 棒球运动员 ; 棒球运带动 ; 棒球运发动例句:He often wore a baseball cap. 他经常戴顶棒球帽。

baseball怎么读 baseball英文解释

1、baseball 读音:美/ˈbeɪsbɔːl/;英/ˈbeɪsbɔːl/。 2、释义:n.棒球;棒球运动。 3、例句:I found a shabby baseball by the side of the road.我在路边发现了一颗破旧的棒球。


baseball 英[ˈbeɪsbɔ:l] 美[ˈbesˌbɔl] n. 棒球; [体] 棒球运动; [例句]They were beaten to death with baseball bats.他们被人用棒球棒打死了。[其他] 复数:baseballs


baseball的意思:棒球;棒球运动。短语baseball player 棒球运动员 ; 棒球运带动 ; 棒球运发动Baseball Bat 棒球棒 ; 棒球棍 ; 棒球球棒baseball team 棒球队 ; 参加棒球比赛Major League Baseball 美国职棒大联盟 ; 大联盟 ; 美国职业棒球大联盟2Kbaseball cap 棒球帽 ; 高尔夫球帽 ; 棒球棒 ; 英文名称minor league baseball 美国职棒小联盟 ; 小联盟 ; 农场系统 ; 小联盟系统baseball park 棒球乐园World Baseball Classic 世界棒球经典大赛 ; 世界棒球典范赛 ; 界棒球经典赛Baseball rules 棒球规则同近义词n. 棒球;棒球运动ballgame , horsehideHe often wore a baseball cap. 他经常戴顶棒球帽。


baseball n.棒球运动;棒球 复数: baseballs 例句: Kids used to trade baseball cards 以前孩子们常常互相交换棒球卡片。 He wears his baseball cap back to front 他把棒球帽反戴着。 扩展资料   There were a few anxious moments in the baseball game.   那场棒球赛中有些时刻令人焦虑不安。   This game is a variant of baseball.   这种运动是由棒球演变而来的。   The team"s logo was emblazoned on the baseball caps.   球队标识醒目地印在棒球帽上。

baseball是什么意思 baseball的意思

1、baseball英[ˈbeɪsbɔːl]美[ˈbeɪsbɔːl]。 2、n.棒球运动; 棒球; 3、[例句]In baseball, the performance of individual players is less dependent on teammates.棒球运动中,球员的表现对队友的依赖性更小。 4、[其他]复数:baseballs


棒球的英文:baseball。baseball 读法 英 ["beɪsbɔːl]  美 ["besbɔl] n. 棒球;棒球运动短语:1、baseball game 棒球比赛2、baseball team 棒球队;棒球队型3、baseball player 棒球运动员;棒球选手4、major league baseball (美)职业棒球大联盟5、baseball glove 棒球手套baseball的近义词:ballball 读法  英 [bɔːl]  美 [bɔl] 1、n. 球;舞会2、vi. 成团块3、vt. 捏成球形短语:1、golden ball 金球;金琥2、tennis ball 网球3、soccer ball 英式足球4、ball rolling 钢球轧制5、cotton ball 棉球;硼钠钙石二、ball的词义辨析:ball,dance的区别:ball指正式的盛大舞会; dance一般为私人举行的小型舞会。例如:1、The ladies were all dressed in long gowns at the ball.舞会上贵妇人都穿着长礼服。2、They will give a dance for their daughter"s birthday.他们将为女儿的生日举行一次舞会。


cricket、hockey、volleyball 、badminton、baseball ,具体解释如下:一、cricket发音:英 [ˈkrɪkɪt] 美 [ˈkrɪkɪt]意思:板球,板球运动;蟋蟀变化形式:复数 crickets短语:Ashes Cricket 灰烬杯板球赛 ; 灰烬杯板球例:During the summer term we would play cricket at the village ground.夏季学期里我们常在村里的空地上玩板球。二、hockey发音:英 [ˈhɒki] 美 [ˈhɑːki]意思:曲棍球;冰球, 人名;(英)霍基短语:ice hockey 冰球 ; 冰上曲棍球例:I didn"t cut the mustard as a hockey player.我不是一个合格的曲棍球手。三、volleyball发音:英 [ˈvɒlibɔːl] 美 [ˈvɑːlibɔːl]意思:排球短语:Italy Volleyball 意大利女排例:My father is practicing volleyball.我的爸爸正在练排球。四、badminton发音:英 [ˈbædmɪntən] 美 [ˈbædmɪntən]意思:羽毛球短语:badminton player 羽毛球运动员例句:I play badminton on Monday, too.我也在星期一打羽毛球。五、baseballbaseball发音:英 [ˈbeɪsbɔːl] 美 [ˈbeɪsbɔːl]意思:棒球;棒球运动复数:baseballs短语:baseball player 棒球运动员 ; 棒球运带动 ; 棒球运发动例句:He often wore a baseball cap.他经常戴顶棒球帽。

Major league baseball是什么意思



“base”是基地的意思,但为什么“baseball”却被翻译成棒球?——答案:棒球又称为垒球,垒就是基地,所以有本垒打。base一、音标:英 [beɪs]     美 [beɪs]  二、释义:  n.  底 部;基 地;基 础;基 数;基 线;(棒 球)垒;[化]碱vt.  以 ... 作 基 础adj. 卑 鄙 的;不 道 德 的三、双语例句:用作名词 (n.)I found a small leaf at the base of the flower.我 在 那 朵 花 的 底 部 发 现 一 片 小 叶。Our mission was over, and went back to our base.我 们 的 任 务 结 束 了,我 们 返 回 了 基 地。Many languages have Latin as their base.许 多 语 言 都 以 拉 丁 语 为 基 础。The base line can be set out as a single or double chain.基 线 可 作 为 一 条 单 链 系 或 双 链 系。The line spacing is the vertical distance between the base lines of two consecutive lines of text.行 距 是 两 个 连 续 文 本 行 的 基 线 之 间 的 垂 直 距 离。I got two on the first base foul line.我 有 两 张 垒 界 外 线 旁 的 座 位 票。He didn"t make it past first base.他 未 能 跑 过 一 垒。A base is the hydroxide of a metal.碱 是 金 属 的 氢 氧 化 物。An acid reacts with a base to form salt and water.酸 和 碱 起 反 应,生 成 盐 和 水。用作及物动词 (vt.)This novel is based on historical facts.这 部 小 说 是 以 历 史 事 实 为 根 据 的。用作形容词 (adj.)To betray a friend is a base action.背 叛 朋 友 是 卑 劣 的 行 为。baseball一、音标:英 ["beɪsbɔːl]     美 ["beɪsbɔːl]二、释义:n. (名词)1.棒 球,垒 球2.棒 球 运 动三、双语例句:用作名词 (n.)Rain interrupted our baseball game.下 雨 中 断 了 我 们 的 捧 球 比 赛。Baseball is the national game of the USA.棒 球 是 美 国 全 民 喜 爱 的 运 动。We"re rooting for the college baseball team.我 们 在 给 学 院 的 棒 球 队 加 油。Baseball is more popular than any other sport in Japan.在 日 本,棒 球 比 其 他 任 何 运 动 都 受 人 欢 迎。The baseball game on Tuesday is the most important game this year.星 期 二 的 棒 球 赛 是 今 年 最 重 要 的 棒 球 赛。


1.基础, 底座 The lamp stands on a circular base.这盏台灯是装在圆形底座上的. 2.基地, 根据地 The country maintains military bases on foreign soil.那个国家在国外设有军事基地. 3. 根据;出发点 4.(支持、收入、力量等的)来源,源泉,基础 5.混合物的首要(或主要)成分 6.据点;总部;大本营 7.碱; 盐基 8.基数(如十进制的 10 和二进制的 2) 9. 垒(因为base也有垒的意思,所以棒球也叫垒球) 传说为您服务.






baseball是指一项运动,棒球~~一般都是指男生打的~如果女生打的那个叫softball~~其实是一样的东西啦~~这词固然是名词,i enjoy playing baseball with my friends,我喜欢、享受与我朋友打棒球。baseball is too hard for me to learn,棒球对於我来说,太难学了。based是个动词,意思是根据,比如说,this project was based on today"s lecture,这个项目是根据今天的课程。这个词也可以使形容词,当做“由……形成”,our family runs a locally based business,我们家是一个以当地生意为主运营的商业。basement是名词,是“地下室”的意思~i don"t like living in the basement because it"s always so cold,我不喜欢住在地下室,因为那里总是很冷。basic是形容词也是名词,“基本的”或“基本”,this is the basic skill that you must acquire in order to advance to the next level,这是你必须掌握的能让你进入到下一阶段的基本技能。这词在初中化学课里,意思是碱性的,these chemicals are very basic according to their PH level,根据它们的PH值,这些化学东西都是非常碱性的。basically是副词,“基本上”,this is basically what i want to address,这些基本上是我想要提到的。basin是“脸盆”的意思,所以是个名词。i bought a new basin because the old one was broken,我买了一个新的脸盆,因为旧的坏了。basis,跟base意思差不多,都是“基础,根据”的意思,basis是个名词~比如说,我想说“我是按照每月来付帐的”,i pay my bill on a monthly basis。或者写什麽报告总结时,可以说“我们根据实验的结果写出了这样的总结”,our conclusion was drawn on the basis of our experiments。basket是指“篮子”,买菜的篮子,譬如说,“今天买了太多的菜,篮子都放不下了”,i have done too much grocery shopping today that this basket can"t fit all of them。打篮球的就会知道,basket也可以用在篮球里,今天我发挥地不错,得了全场的一半分数:i played well today as i have made half of today"s total baskets.basketball是“篮球”的意思,名词,简单的句子就是,basketball is my favourite sport,篮球是我最喜欢的运动。


baseball[英]["beɪsbɔ:l][美][ˈbesˌbɔl]n.棒球; [体]棒球运动; 复数:baseballs例句:1.She"s not a baseball or basketball player. 她不是一个棒球或篮球运动员。2.Baseball is america"s favorite pastime. 棒球是美国人最喜欢的娱乐活动。3.The students played baseball at recess. 学生们在休息时打棒球。4.Then it"s off to the baseball game. 然后我们观看了一场棒球赛。5.I thought I"d never play baseball again. 我以为我再也不能打棒球了。




baseball的读音:[ˈbeɪsˌbɔːl]。n.棒球运动;棒球;同义词:game;ball。双语例句:1、He likes baseball.他喜欢棒球运动。The team"s product sea sily out sell those of other AmericanBaseball clubs over seas.这个棒球队商品的海外销量轻易就超过了其他美国棒球俱乐部。3、Baseball is our national game.棒球是我们的全民性体育运动。4、A New York Giants baseball outfit,with capandcleats.一套纽约巨人队的棒球装备,包括球帽和防滑鞋.5、So,which sport do you prefer?Basketball or baseball?你喜欢哪种运动,篮球还是棒球?棒球简介:棒球(Baseball),是球类运动项目之一。是以金属棒击球进行攻守对抗的竞技项目。棒球最早起源于15世纪,即当时流行于英国的板桨球。后来传到美国。1839年,美国纽约州古帕斯敦举行了首次棒球比赛。1978年,国际棒联得到国际奥委会的承认,国际棒球联合会于1994年将总部设在瑞士洛桑。1992年棒球被列入奥运会比赛项目。棒球的最高级的组织机构为国际棒球联合会,成立于1938年。中国的最高级组织机构为中国棒球协会,1979年在北京成立。

how to be a globally qualified talent 急求一问。。那位高人帮帮忙

怎样成为一名国际资质人才how to be a globally qualified talent

thundering cannonballs怎么读

英文原文: thundering cannon balls 英式音标: [ˈθʌndərɪŋ] [ˈkænən] [bɔːlz] 美式音标: [ˈθʌndərɪŋ] [ˈkænən] [bɔlz]

“thundering cannonballs”怎么读?

“thundering cannonballs”英音读:[ˈθʌndərɪŋ] [ˈkænən]美音读:[ˈθʌndərɪŋ] [ˈkænən] 汉语:雷鸣的炮弹。双语例句:1.She heard the sound of the guns thundering in the fog. 她听到雾中传来隆隆的枪炮声。2.Niccolini was thundering up the stairs, taking them two at a time. 尼科利尼一步两个台阶地噔噔跑上楼。3.Someone is thundering at the door. 有人在砰砰地擂门.

Bullet (Cannonball) 歌词

歌曲名:Bullet (Cannonball)歌手:Fluke专辑:BulletBulletMat KearneyNothing Left to Lose"Bullet"Mat KearneyYesterday I was sitting recalling reminiscingTrying to remember whenever there was nobody listeningBefore the hugging and the kissing, the booing and the hissingAll I had was just a vision, all I had was my ambitionYour love without condition kept me swinging when I"m missingMy eyes upton the prize kept me striving for the missionWhen I was down for the count, falling out of the commissionI can hear your voice now screaming out, "son, listen"Get on up, don"t give up, though you struck oppositionTime to buck all that stuff, find out what"s your conditionLike a pull in my soul, like keys in my ignitionCall you all my commission, my love and my vision andIt doesn"t matter if they call me wrongDoesn"t matter if they steal my songDoesn"t matter if we"re all aloneIt doesn"t matter at all"Cause I would take a bullet for youI would take a bullet for youI would cross any line, I"d swim across the seaI would take a bullet for youI would take a bullet for youI would lost it all, take my fallTo show you it"s for realRemember when we used to flow together back in the parkYou would slang guitar licks under stars in the darkYou"d say let"s grow together as this world falls apratI was holding on to hope but hardly holding a sparkAll the rhymes that I wrote you"d call dope for the startI"d be like a pure note, like a quote on the markYou"ld go to every show and promote from the startFrom the beginning we"ve been building much more than this artRemember bearing scars in your car to impart your heartYou cared enough to call my bluff through the junk from the startThat"s why you"re holding onto half of my heartYou"ve been there through the times, through the nights that were dark andIt doesn"t matter if they call me wrongDoesn"t matter if they steal my songDoesn"t matter if we"re all aloneIt doesn"t matter at all"Cause I would take a bullet for youI would take a bullet for youI would cross any line, I"d swim across the seaI would take a bullet for youI would take a bullet for youI would lost it all, take my fallTo show you it"s for realIt doesn"t matter if they call me wrongDoesn"t matter if they steal my songDoesn"t matter if we"re all aloneIt doesn"t matter at allIt doesn"t matter if they call me wrongDoesn"t matter if they steal my songDoesn"t matter if we"re all aloneIt doesn"t matter at all"Cause I would take a bullet for youI would take a bullet for youI would cross any line, I"d swim across the seaI would take a bullet for youI would take a bullet for youI would lost it all, take my fallTo show you it"s for realIt"s for real ,It"s for real now!

Damien Rice的《Cannonball》 歌词

歌曲名:Cannonball歌手:Damien Rice专辑:Live At Fingerprints Warts And AllCANNONBALL daminen riceStill a little bit of your taste in my mouthStill a little bit of you laced with my doubtStill a little hard to say what"s going onStill a little bit of your ghost your witnessStill a little bit of your face I haven"t kissedYou step a little closer each daythat I can"t say what"s going onStones taught me to flyLove taught me to lieLife taught me to dieSo it"s not hard to fallWhen you float like a cannonballStill a little bit of your song in my earStill a little bit of your words I long to hearYou step a little closer to meSo close that I can"t see what"s going onStones taught me to flyLove taught me to lieLife taught me to dieSo it"s not hard to fallWhen you float like a cannonballStones taught me to flyLove taught me to crySo come on courage! Teach me to be shy"Cause it"s not hard to fallAnd I don"t wana scare herIt"s not hard to fallAnd I don"t wanna loseIt"s not hard to growWhen you know that you just don"t know

Damien Rice的《Cannonball》 歌词

歌曲名:Cannonball歌手:Damien Rice专辑:OCANNONBALL daminen riceStill a little bit of your taste in my mouthStill a little bit of you laced with my doubtStill a little hard to say what"s going onStill a little bit of your ghost your witnessStill a little bit of your face I haven"t kissedYou step a little closer each daythat I can"t say what"s going onStones taught me to flyLove taught me to lieLife taught me to dieSo it"s not hard to fallWhen you float like a cannonballStill a little bit of your song in my earStill a little bit of your words I long to hearYou step a little closer to meSo close that I can"t see what"s going onStones taught me to flyLove taught me to lieLife taught me to dieSo it"s not hard to fallWhen you float like a cannonballStones taught me to flyLove taught me to crySo come on courage! Teach me to be shy"Cause it"s not hard to fallAnd I don"t wana scare herIt"s not hard to fallAnd I don"t wanna loseIt"s not hard to growWhen you know that you just don"t know

Cannonball Adderley的《Cannonball》 歌词

歌曲名:Cannonball歌手:Cannonball Adderley专辑:Julian "Cannonball" AdderleyCANNONBALL daminen riceStill a little bit of your taste in my mouthStill a little bit of you laced with my doubtStill a little hard to say what"s going onStill a little bit of your ghost your witnessStill a little bit of your face I haven"t kissedYou step a little closer each daythat I can"t say what"s going onStones taught me to flyLove taught me to lieLife taught me to dieSo it"s not hard to fallWhen you float like a cannonballStill a little bit of your song in my earStill a little bit of your words I long to hearYou step a little closer to meSo close that I can"t see what"s going onStones taught me to flyLove taught me to lieLife taught me to dieSo it"s not hard to fallWhen you float like a cannonballStones taught me to flyLove taught me to crySo come on courage! Teach me to be shy"Cause it"s not hard to fallAnd I don"t wana scare herIt"s not hard to fallAnd I don"t wanna loseIt"s not hard to growWhen you know that you just don"t know

Cannonball Adderley的《Gone》 歌词

歌曲名:Gone歌手:Cannonball Adderley专辑:Soul Of The Bibleti:Gonear:Kanye West__Feat. Consequence _ CamRon)al:Late Registrationby:ribin@_@But it"s too late, it"s too lateYou sweat her, and I ain"t talkin "bout a CoogiYou a big L, and I ain"t talkin "bout Cool JSee me at the airport, at least 20 LouisTreat me like the Prince and this my sweet brother NumpsayBROTHER NUMPSAY! Groupies sound too choosyTake "em to the show and talk all through the moviesSays she want diamonds, I took her to Ruby TuesdaysIf we up in Friday"s, I still have it my wayToo late, we, gone - we strivin homeGone - we ride on chromeIt"s too lateY"all don"t want no prob from meWhat you rappers could get is a job from meMaybe you could be my intern, and in turnI"ll show you how I cook up summer, in the win-turrAaron love the raw dog, when will he learnCaught somethin on the Usher tour he had to "Let it Burn"Plus he already got three chil"runArguin over babysitters like, "Bitch - it"s yo" turn!"Damn "Ye, it"d be stupid to ditch youEven your superficial raps is super officialR-R-R-Roc pastel with Gucci onWith TV"s in the ride, throw a movie onSaid he couldn"t rap now he at the top with doobie longCause the dookie"s on any song that they threw me on, goneWe strivin home, goneI ride on chrome...We strivin home, goneKilla, I ride on chromeKnock knock, who"s there? Killa Cam, Killa who?Killa Cam, hustler, grinder, gorilla trueOh my chinchilla blue, blue you ever dealt with a dealerWell here"s the deal ma we goin to the {?}No concealin, no ceiling I don"t need a roofAct up, get out, I don"t need you poofPoof, be gone, damn tough luck dagDag, niggaz still doin puff puff passPull the truck up fast and I tell "emHey, back in a touched up Jag, shitY"all niggaz want Killa Cam, cerebellumAn old man just gon" tell "em (too late, he, gone)Then I see how y"all gonna react when I"m (gone)My last girl want me back then I"m onFine stay, you got the grind heyCame back, read what the sign say (too late, he, gone)Yes I know you wanna see my demiseYeah you church boy actin like a thief in disguiseAin"t leavin my side, see the greed in my eyesAsk Abby y"all hustle for a week to the Chi, shitAnd that ain"t leavin alive, please believe meGave Weezy a piece of the pie, andYou can ask George or ReginaThe whole Westside I explore with the Beemer nowWe strivin home, I ride on chromeListen homeboy move onThat"s your best bet, why"s that?CauseUhh, uhh, yo, yoI been pourin out some liquor for the fact that my pal"s goneAnd tryin to help his momma with the fact that her child goneAnd since we used to bubble like a tub full of CalgonGuess it"s only right that I should help her from now onBut since they got a foul on, what coulda gone wrongNow they askin Cons, how long has this gone onAnd maybe all this money mighta gone to my headCause they got me thinkin money mighta gone to the fedsSo I ain"t goin to the dread, but he"ll go on up to bedAnd when I came the next mornin he was gone with my breadAnd with that bein said, I had gone on my instinctsAnd gone to the spots where they go to get mixed drinksBut lookin back now shoulda gone to the cribAnd rented "Gone With the Wind," cause I"da gone about 10But I had gone with my friend, and we had gone to the barAnd heard a nigga talkin shit so I had gone to the carAnd now the judge is tellin me that I had gone too farAnd now we gone for 20 years, doin time behind barsAnd since I gone to a cell for some cruddy crimesI guess I gone to the well one too many times, cause I"m goneUh-uh-uhUh-uh-uh uh uh onnn, uh uh-uh onnnUh-uh onnn, uh uh-uh I"mmmmAh-head of my time, sometimes years outSo the powers that be won"t let me get my ideas outAnd that make me wanna get my advance outAnd move to Oklahoma and just live at my Aunt"s houseYeah, I romance the thought of leavin it all behindKanye step away from the lime--light, like, when I was on the grindIn the "One, Nine, Nine, Nine"Before, model chicks was bendin over orDealerships asked me Benz or Rover, manIf I could just get one beat on HovaWe could get up off this cheap-ass sofaWhat the summer of the Chi got to offer an 18-year-oldSell drugs or get a job, you gotta play gyroMy dawg worked at Taco Bell, hooked us up plural-fiedA week later the manager count the churrosSometimes I can"t believe it when I look up in the mirrowHow we out in Europe, spendin EurosThey claim you never know what you got "til it"s GONEI know I got it, I don"t know what y"all onI"ma open up a store for aspiring MC"sWon"t sell "em no dream, but the inspiration is freeBut if they ever flip sides like AnakinYou"ll sell everything includin the mannequinThey got a new bitch now you Jennifer AnistonHold on I"ll handle it, don"t start panickin, stay calmShorty"s at the door cause they need moreInspiration for they life, they souls, and they songsThey said sorry Mr. West is gone!

The wabash Cannonball歌曲中文翻译和背景知识

From the great Atlantic Ocean To the wide Pacific shore From the queen of flowing mountains To the southland by the shore She"s a-mighty tall and handsome And known quite well by all She"s the mighty engine of The Wabash Cannonball Great cities of importance We see along the way Chicago and St. Louis Rock Island, so they say Springfield and Decatur Peoria above all You can reach your destination On the Wabash Cannonball This train, she runs to Quincy Monroe and Mexico She runs to Kansas City And she"s never running slow She runs right into Denver Where she makes an awful squall They all know by the whistle She"s the Wabash Cannonball There"re many other cities That you can go and see St. Paul and Minneapolis Ashtabula, Kankakee The lakes of Minnehaha Where the laughing waters fall You"ll reach them by no other But the Wabash Cannonball So, listen to the jingle The rumble and the roar As she glides along the woodland Through the hills and by the shore Hear the mighty rush of the engine Hear that lonesome hobo call You"re traveling through the jungles on The Wabash Cannonball You"re traveling through the jungles on The Wabash Cannonball

the wabash cannonball 谁知道这首歌词的中文意思


thundering cannonballs怎么读

英文原文:thundering cannon balls英式音标:[ˈθʌndərɪŋ] [ˈkænən] [bɔːlz] 美式音标:[ˈθʌndərɪŋ] [ˈkænən] [bɔlz]

Emma Karlsson的《Canonball》 歌词

歌曲名称:Cannonball所属歌手:Damien RiceStill a little bit of your taste in my mouthStill a little bit of you laced with my doubtStill a little hard to say what"s going onStill a little bit of your ghost your witnessStill a little BIT of your face I haven"t kissedYou step a little closer each dayStill I can"t say what"s going onStones taught me to flyLove taught me to lieLife taught me to dieSo it"s not hard to fallWhen you float like a cannonballStill a little bit of your song in my earStill a little bit of your words I long to hearYou step a little closer to meSo close that I can"t see what"s going onStones taught me to flyLove taught me to lieLife taught me to dieSo it"s not hard to fallWhen you float like a cannonStones taught me to flyLove taught me to crySo come on courage!Teach me to be shy"Cause it"s not hard to fallAnd I don"t wanna scare herIt"s not hard to fallAnd I don"t wanna loseIt"s not hard to growWhen you know that you just don"t know

Damien Rice的《Cannonball》 歌词

《Cannonball》歌手:Damien Rice所属专辑:《O》发行时间:2002年02月01日歌词:Still a little bit of your taste in my mouthStill a little bit of you laced with my doubtStill a little hard to say what"s going onStill a little bit of your ghost, your weaknessStill a little bit of your face, I haven"t kissedYou step a little closer each dayThat I can"t say what"s going onStones taught me to flyLove taught me to lieLife, it taught me to dieSo it"s not hard to fallWhen you float like a cannonballStill a little bit of your song in my earStill a little bit of your words, I long to hearYou step a little closer to meSo close that I can"t see what"s going onStones taught me to flyLove, it taught me to lieLife taught me to dieSo it"s not hard to fallWhen you float like a cannonStones taught me to flyLove taught me to crySo come on courageTeach me to be shyCause it"s not hard to fallAnd I don"t wanna scare herIt"s not hard to fallAnd I don"t wanna loseIt"s not hard to growWhen you know that you just don"t know

求《Cannonball》的歌词及翻译,Damien Rice滴!~

9 Crimes 9宗罪 Leave me out with the waste This is not what I do 离我而去,只剩碎片 这不是我所做的 It"s the wrong kind of place To be thinking of you It"s the wrong time For somebody new 在错误的地点想到你 对新的来者来说这是错误的时间 It"s a small crime And I"ve got no excuse 这是种小罪 并且我没有任何借口 Is that alright?这样好吗? Give my gun away when it"s loaded Is that alright? 丢弃上了膛的枪 这样好吗? If u don"t shoot it how am I supposed to hold it Is that alright? 如果你不开枪,我该如何握着它 这样好吗? Give my gun away when it"s loaded Is that alright With you? 丢弃了上了膛的枪 你还好吗? Leave me out with the waste This is not what I do 离我而去,只剩碎片 这不是我所做的 It"s the wrong kind of place To be cheating on you It"s the wrong time在 在错误的地点想到你 对新的来者来说这是错误的时间 She"s pulling me through 她拉我通过 It"s a small crime And I"ve got no excuse 这是种小罪 并且我没有任何借口 Is that alright?这样好吗? I give my gun away when it"s loaded Is that alright? 丢弃上了膛的枪 这样好吗? If you dont shoot it, how am I supposed to hold it Is that alright? 如果你不开枪,我该如何握着它 这样好吗? I give my gun away when it"s loaded Is that alright 丢弃了上了膛的枪 这样好吗? Is that alright with you?你还好吗? Is that alright?这样好吗? I give my gun away when it"s loaded Is that alright? 丢弃上了膛的枪 这样好吗? If you don"t shoot it, how am I supposed to hold it Is that alright? 如果你不开枪,我该如何握着它 这样好吗? If I give my gun away when it"s loaded Is that alright 丢弃了上了膛的枪 这样好吗? Is that alright with you?你还好吗? Is that alright? Is that alright?这样好吗? Is that alright with you?你还好吗? Is that alright? Is that alright?这样好吗? Is that alright with you?你还好吗? No...


没有。cannonball[英][ˈkænənbɔ:l][美][ˈkænənˌbɔl]n.炮弹; vi.[美国俚语]迅速移动;(炮弹般地)疾驶(1655~1665); adj.[俚语]快的;飞速的; 请采纳

Cannon Ball 歌词

歌曲名:Cannon Ball歌手:Weather Report专辑:Black MarketCANNONBALL daminen riceStill a little bit of your taste in my mouthStill a little bit of you laced with my doubtStill a little hard to say what"s going onStill a little bit of your ghost your witnessStill a little bit of your face I haven"t kissedYou step a little closer each daythat I can"t say what"s going onStones taught me to flyLove taught me to lieLife taught me to dieSo it"s not hard to fallWhen you float like a cannonballStill a little bit of your song in my earStill a little bit of your words I long to hearYou step a little closer to meSo close that I can"t see what"s going onStones taught me to flyLove taught me to lieLife taught me to dieSo it"s not hard to fallWhen you float like a cannonballStones taught me to flyLove taught me to crySo come on courage! Teach me to be shy"Cause it"s not hard to fallAnd I don"t wana scare herIt"s not hard to fallAnd I don"t wanna loseIt"s not hard to growWhen you know that you just don"t know

acorn stressball什么意思

acorn streetball橡子街球acorn[英][ˈeɪkɔ:n][美][ˈeɪkɔ:rn]n.橡子,栎实; 复数:acornsStreetballn.[街头篮球]有别于传统篮球,花巧,自由,流畅,野性是它的特点。;

Em的歌drug ballad和white America歌词大意

美国!!哈哈!我们爱你! 有多少人为作为我们这个美丽的国家的公民而感到自豪? 人们誓死保护星条旗下人民的权利 那些为了保护美国政府宣誓维护的言论自由的权利而断了脖子的男人和女人们…… (哟,我希望每个人听听我这首歌的词)...或者听听别人告诉我们的 [阿姆] 我从来就没有梦想过——甚至在以后的一百万年时间里——会有 这么多的干他娘的人,这么多喜欢我的人 他们拥有相同的观点甚至完全一样的信仰 这他妈的就象一支军队跟在我的后面行进 我接触这么多的生活,这么多的愤怒对着 漫无目的的方向,只是这样喷射着喷射着 并且直接通过你的无线电波,播放着播放着 直到它停留在你的脑海中,一天又一天 谁会想到——站在这个镜子前面用过氧化物漂白 我的头发,找一件T恤衫穿—— 我会象现在这样站在RAP的前沿 我怎么能够想象我的语言能够有这样的影响力? 我一定已经和办公室里面的一些人弹奏了几个和弦 因为国会一直告诉我说,我除了制造麻烦什么狗屁都不能制造 现在他们说我正在给政府惹麻烦——老子高兴(你还管得着?!) 我铲起我生命中所有的垃圾(也许是指Em的作品),开始倾倒它 美国白人!我是你们的孩子中的一员 美国白人!小Eric看起来和这一样 美国白人!Erica喜欢我的歌 我去TRL;看我得到多么多的拥抱啊! [阿姆] 看看这些眼睛,亲爱的是兰色的,亲爱的就跟你自己的一模一样 如果他们是棕色的,Shady就败了,Shady坐在货架上 但是Shady很可爱,Shady知道Shady的酒窝会帮助 让美女们晕倒,亲爱的(哦亲爱的!)看看我(专集)的销量 让我们做一下计算——如果我是黑人,我只能售出一半 我不需要从Lincoln高级中学毕业也能算出来 但是我会说唱,所以去他娘的学校,我太不爽了不想要回去 给我麦克风,告诉我那个该死的工作室在哪里 当我还在地下(说唱)时候,因为我是白人,没有一个人拽我 没有一家公司愿意签我,我曾经几乎想要放弃 C他的——直到我遇到Dre,唯一一个对我回头的人 给我一个机会而且在他屁股下点了一把火 帮助他重新回到颠峰,我所赢得的每一个黑人粉丝 几乎同样是他的(粉丝)(与这些粉丝)交换的是他所赢得的白人粉丝 就象见鬼;我们只是交换——坐着看着这一切,哇! 这就像我的肤色开始帮我的忙?它是…… [Chorus][和声] [阿姆] 问题是,我对那些郊区的孩子说唱 否则他们永远不会知道这些语言的存在 否则他们的妈妈可能永远不会‘两次吓尿裤子"(这句引号部分猜测的) 直到我创造这么多操他妈的骚乱! 直着从那显象管(指电视)出来,我直接进入你们的卧室 当孩子们知道我是Dre一手捧出来的,他们激动了 这就是所发生的一切, 他们立即就像吸毒上瘾一样被迷住了 且他们和我联结在一起了,因为我像他们 那就是他们把我的歌词在这个显微镜下放大的原因 像用一个很好的篦子一样寻找,这(指之间的联结)就像这条绳子 等待着噎住你,锁紧你的喉咙 看着我写这些(歌)就像我不喜欢这个(不!) 我所听到的一切就是:歌词,歌词,不时的争议,提案者夜以继日地忙碌 试图尽早地、彻底地阻止我的演唱会 西哈在Harlem永远没有问题,只有在Boston才会有问题 在它(歌)惹到了女孩子们的父亲,他们开始疯狂行动 所以现在我逐渐从这些行动中得到了免役,当他们嘲弄我 表现的就像我是第一个扇*女耳光或者说faggot,屎的说唱歌手! 一直盯(指监视)着我就像我是你们的最亲密的朋友一样 那海报上的孩子,干他妈的发言人现在……

Drug Ballad 歌词

歌曲名:Drug Ballad歌手:Eminem专辑:The Marshall Mathers LpYeaaah, hahahaha...whooooo, shit! Guess what? I ain"t coming in yet...I"ll come in a minute Ayo...This is my love goes like thisBack when Mark Walhberg was Marky MarkThis is how we used to make the party startWe used to mix Hen" with Bacardi DarkAnd when it, kicks in you can hardly talkAnd by the, sixth gin you"re gonna probably crawlAnd you"ll be, sick then and you"ll probably barfAnd my pre-diction is you"re gonna probably fallEither somewhere in the lobby or the hallway wallAnd everything"s spinningYou"re beginin" to think womenare swimming in pink linen again in the sinkThen in a couple of minutes that bottle of Guiness is finishedYou are now allowed to officially slap bitchesYou have the right to remain violent and start wilin"Start a fight with the same guy that was smart eyin" youGet in your car, start it, and start drivin"Over the island and cause a 42 car pile-upEarth calling, pilot to co-pilotLook at the life on this planet, sir, no sign of itAll I can see is a bunch of smoke flyin"And I"m so high that I might die if I go by itLet me out of this placeI"m outta placeI"m in outer spaceI"ve just vanished without a traceI"m going to a pretty place now where the flowers growI"ll be back in an hour or so"Cause every time I go to try to leave whoa!Something keeps pullin" on my sleeve whoa!I don"t wanna, but I gotta stay whoa!These drugs really got ahold of mewhoa!"Cause every time I try to tell them "no" noo!They won"t let me ever let them go go!I"m a sucka all I gotta say whoa!These drugs really got ahold of me whoa!In third grade, all I used to doWas sniff glue through a tube and play rubix cube17 years later I"m as rude as jewScheming on the first chick with the hugest boobsI"ve got no gameAnd every face looks the sameThey"ve got no nameSo I don"t need game to playI just say whatever I want to whoever I wantWhenever I want, wherever I want, however I wantHowever, I do show some respect to fewAs ecstacy got me standing next to youGetting sentimental as fuck spillin" guts to youWe just metBut I think I"m in love with youBut you"re on it tooSo you tell me you love me tooWake up in the morning like "yo, what the fuck we do?"I gotta go bitchYou know I have stuff to do"Cause if I get caught cheatin" then I"m stuck with youBut in the long runThese drugs are probably going to catch up sooner or laterBut fuck it, I"m on oneSo let"s enjoyLet the X destroy your spinal cordSo it"s not a straight line no more"Til we walk around looking like some wind-up dollsShit"s sticking out of our backs like a dinosaurShit, six hits won"t even get me high no moreSo bye for nowI"m going to try to find some more"Cause every time I go to try to leave whoa!Something keeps pullin" on my sleeve whoa!I don"t wanna, but I gotta stay whoa!These drugs really got ahold of mewhoa!Cause every time I try to tell them "no" noo!They won"t let me ever let them go go!I"m a sucka all I gotta say whoa!These drugs really got ahold of meThat"s the sound of a bottle when it"s hollowWhen you swallow it all wollow and drown in your sorrowAnd tomorrow you"re probably going to want to do it againWhat"s a little spinal fluid between you and a friend? Screw itAnd what"s a little bit of alcohol poisoning?And what"s a little fight?Tomorrow you"ll be boys againIt"s your lifeLive it however you wannaMarijuana is everywhereWhere was you brought up?It don"t matter as long as you get where you"re going"Cause none of the shit is going to mean shit where we"re goingThey tell you to stop, but you just sit there ignoringEven though you wake up feeling like shit every morningBut you"re youngYou"ve got a lot of drugs to doGirls to screwParties to crashSucks to be youIf I could take it all back now, I wouldn"tI would have did more shit that people said that I shouldn"tBut I"m all grown up now and upgraded and graduatedDid better drugs and updatedBut I"ve still got a lot of growing up to doI"ve still got a whole lot of throwing up to spewBut when it"s all said and done I"ll be 40Before I know it with a 40 on the porch telling storiesWith a bottle of JackTwo grandkids in my lapBabysiting for Haley while Haley"s out getting smashed"Cause every time I go to try to leave whoa!Something keeps pullin" on my sleeve whoa!I don"t wanna, but I gotta stay whoa!These drugs really got ahold of mewhoa!"Cause every time I try to tell them "no" noo!They won"t let me ever let them go go!I"m a sucka all I gotta say whoa!These drugs really got ahold of me whoa!Drugs really got ahold of meDrugs really got ahold of meThey really got ahold of meDrugs really got ahold of meThey really got ahold of me

ballet slippers是什么意思

ballet slippers芭蕾舞鞋满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】

We prevented him from playing football in the street 怎分主谓宾 prevent from 是短语 他可以是谓语吗

主语we,谓语prevent from,宾语him,宾语补足语play football,地点状语in the street。

bally鞋子真假辨别 这些细节要注意

bally的鞋子现在很多女生都有买过,是很有名的一个品牌,这个品牌的女鞋几乎各大商场都能见到,不过网上也还是有很多假货,那么bally鞋子的真假要怎么辨别呢? bally鞋子真假辨别 1.正品整体鞋型饱满,完美展现有层次感,做工精细,鞋面采用黑白颜色搭配,很有质感,非常上档次。 2.正品鞋五金为深色镀金方扣,而高仿鞋为浅色方扣。 3.正品鞋垫脚弧线是按照脚板足迹,车线的颜色比鞋垫要深。高仿鞋垫脚不够贴合导致弧线不顺畅,logo布条比正品的窄一点。 4.从侧面看,高仿鞋完全复刻了正品整体鞋型。后踩跟部分均使用的是小羊皮,很柔软,踩上去非常舒服,可谓拖鞋、平底鞋两相宜。bally鞋子真假鉴定 1、查看产品的颜色、款式、面料、做工、生产厂家,设计情况等。 2、用手机下载并安装专用APP软件,用扫一扫功扫所贴产品的二维码或条形码,查看实物与生产厂家所提供的信息是否一致。 3、称为正品应具备以下条件: (1)由指定的正规企业生产,或由体育定点单位生产; (2)产品质量、性能达到体育部门指定标准,经检验合格。bally鞋子怎么样 Bally家的乐福鞋这两年简直火遍全国了。之前在bally的官网就看到了这款,从款式到颜色都深得我心。和她家其他基本款比起来,这款比较活泼一些。结果官网和专柜集体断货,知道上个月才看到官网补货,一点没犹豫,马上买了哈哈。bally家的鞋码数都会偏大一点,垫了个鞋垫穿还是很不错的,而且还可以踩着后跟穿,哈哈,非常舒服。 Bally这个牌子都不陌生啊,去年有一款2穿的鞋子火了大半个中国啊,好多网红都在穿。国庆之后慢慢降温了,天气就凉快了,因为自己身高163这样,家里平底鞋太多啦,就选了这款有点点跟的。这样穿着也不会很累,这个还有一个黑色,因为黑色家里颜色太多啦,就买了白色,这个不是纯白色哦,有点奶白的,说到搭配还是很好搭配的,风衣、薄大衣都可以穿的~bally鞋子日常保养 1、每双鞋连续穿着时间不宜太长,鞋不穿时应放到晴处凉干。皮忌浸入水中,如果浸入过量水份层出现盐霜,并且影响皮革的延伸性与抗强性,再穿时会发硬的感觉,鞋易变形。 2、皮鞋不能与他人交穿着,不然会有明显变形,因为人的脚型是有差别的,鞋穿着一定时间后会与脚型趋于一致。 3、皮鞋收藏时要用鞋油滋润革面,鞋腔内放入定型纸与干燥剂放于通风处,空气温度尽量保持在18~20℃。










1、所售产品不同:(1)Bally旗下产品主要有:皮件、鞋、手袋、女式烟盒等。(2)Belle皮件简单分成女用与男用,内容包括皮包、皮带、皮夹、名片夹、旅行箱、皮件保养品等。2、成立公司不同:(1)1850年,因公出差的瑞士绅士Carl Bally某日在巴黎的流行大道上发现一家鞋店,决定买双鞋送给爱妻,却因为忘了尺寸,而将同一款式不同尺寸的皮鞋全部买下。这段Carl Bally与皮鞋的邂逅,引发了他想要生产世界上高级皮鞋的构想。隔一年,第一双Bally皮鞋正式诞生。(2)百丽的前身,是一家资产仅有200万港元的鞋类代工厂。内地改革开放之际,创始人兼董事长邓耀嗅到了商机,1992年从香港转战深圳创建百丽集团。3、设计理念不同:(1)BALLY的鞋和手袋,都具有相近的设计特色,相同的皮革制造,缝制方式相同,甚至连标识的手法都相同,BALLY要创造一个丰富而多元化但仍是一个完美整体的时装世界。(2)BeLLE百丽追求不同的生活体验及生活经历;都市环境不断在变,时装潮流不断在变,生活内容不断在变,女人在一生中的角色不断在变,BeLLE百丽在变化中展现出内在与外在的完美气质。扩展资料:精致的质地与做工,使实穿易搭配的Bally服装系列,表露出隽永的经典风格,精品作风、典匠风范都是其重要的特色。这也说明为何150年以来,BALLY始终受到众人的欢迎。皮鞋是Bally经典的中心。而Bally皮鞋之所以能够经得历史的考验,严谨的制作过程,绝对是其中最重要的原因。2011年 Bally 官方网络旗舰店正式在中国上线,其网店由YOOX集团运营,支持本地配送,覆盖中国100多个城市及地区。Belle的鞋品大多采用真皮材质,即使面料采取了特殊处理,里皮也一定是真皮的。皮质主要靠肉眼细看,真皮会有细小的毛孔,而且大小不均,皮纹也会有粗细。通常情况下,鞋头在制作时会采用最好的皮料,而往往内腰皮质稍差,鞋舌皮更次之,所以每个地方的毛孔都不一样。而PU的皮纹往往是百分百一致的。手感上来说,的PU做得跟真皮已经很像了。而在制鞋过程中采用了化工处理,靠闻也很难辨别皮质。参考资料来源:百度百科——Belle参考资料来源:belle官网——belle参考资料来源:百度百科——BALLY参考资料来源:bally官网——bally






据 时尚 商业快讯,为庆祝创立170周年,瑞士奢侈品牌Bally推出由平面设计工作室Offshore打造的全新的 "B" 字老花图案设计,并使用在2021 秋冬系列的多款单品上,包括女士休闲水桶包、饰以Janelle经典方扣的尖头高跟鞋以及男士多功能斜挎包、双肩包、运动鞋等。 自2018年被国内纺织巨头山东如意宣布将从JAB 集团收购瑞士奢侈品牌Bally之后的两年内,品牌业绩大涨了近50%。贯彻"Green is the New Black.",Bally在不改初心下推出创新,2020年成立Bally巅峰展望基金会,为保护全球高山环境及支持高山周边社区助力。 乍一听并不会想到Bally到底和登山有什么关联,但其实是预将可回收环保材料运用到新系列限定Bally Hike中。虽然品牌在创新,需要延续的品牌精神与品牌品质是Bally不会遗失的,这也是品牌一直想要给消费市场的一份完美答卷。 真正落实可持续计划的品牌,也一定会成为可延续的品牌。


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