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手机有时会出现404bad request


开网页时显示bad request


登陆cctalk出现bad request


CCtalk bad request 怎么回事


苹果手机游戏出现400 bad request怎么解决

苹果手机游戏出现400 bad request,软件出现bug,或者没有设置权限造成的,解决方法如下。1、首先点击苹果手机的设置图标,如下图所示。2、点击苹果手机设置界面里的隐私。3、在苹果手机隐私设置里,找到麦克风。4、这里的游戏以王者荣耀,在麦克风权限设置界面,找到王者荣耀的图标,把这里的麦克风权限打开就可以了。

迅雷登录显示:400 Bad Request 是什么意思?

400错误 请求400错误代码

百度出现,您的访问出错了,Bad request(Invalid Hostname)!这是怎么回事?


为什么用手机进一些网页总会出现Bad Request

400badrequest是指网站请求无效。   1、有可能所发出的指令不正确,需要更正自己所要查询的地点。  3、看所搜寻的网页地址是否合法,也许对面网站有可能被阻截。  4、看一下requestheader是否过大,如果request过大,一般值数过大也会引起同样问题。  5、用浏览器将cookie和私有数据确定一下。



400 bad request怎么解决 indy

  1、先查看是不是ie设置出了故障,可以先删除了ie的cookies文件和internet临时文件。打开ie浏览器,点击上面菜单栏上面【工具-internet选项】,在常规选项上点击【删除】文件,然后在切换到【高级-还原高级设置】,将其还原最初设置。现在在尝试打开浏览器是否能解决网页显示400 bad request的故障呢。如图所示:  ie还原高级设置  2、当然如果故障没有解决的话,那可能是浏览器的网页出现了故障,网页未解析的情况,尝试用别的电脑浏览该网页,如果也是不能浏览出现上述现象的话,那就是网页的问题了。这种情况只能等网站恢复正常了。  3、如果不是网页的问题,那也可能是用户的网络故障。我们查看dns和ip设置是否正常,重新设置dns配置错误。右击【网上邻居-属性-找到你的本地连接-右击属性】,再常规选项卡里有个下拉此连接使用项目,选择INTERNETF协义(TCP/IP)下面点击属性选自动获得,最好查一下当地的DNS填进去,如果是局域网你可以在主DNS上填写你的网关地址。网关地址可以去联系网络咨询商。

the request failed wih HTTP status 400 bad request 是什么意思

请求失败 HTTP状态400个坏的请求

网站打开提示:Bad Request (Invalid Hostname) 错误的请求(无效主机名)

总结页面出现Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)的原因: 1.如果确定域名已经解析生效,但是仍然不能访问,出现Bad Request (Invalid Hostname).那么这就可能是您没有绑定该域名的原因 2.也有一部分情况, 比如一部分程序你上传之后就是用服务商提供的三级域名访问也是那个样子。也会有Bad Request (Invalid Hostname的错误提示

bad request( request header too long)


提示Bad Request 怎么办

总结页面出现Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)的原因: 1.如果确定域名已经解析生效,但是仍然不能访问,出现Bad Request (Invalid Hostname).那么这就可能是您没有绑定该域名的原因2.也有一部分情况, 比如一部分程序你上传之后就是用服务商提供的三级域名访问也是那个样子。也会有Bad Request (Invalid Hostname的错误提示3.也许是限制了访问线程。也就是说当同时访问该网页超过一定人数的时候,其它人浏览时就会出现你所说的情况

网站域名无法打开,出现"Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)"如何解决?

错误的请求(无效的主机名 )就是你的英语翻译这个应该是你的域名没有绑定解析吧

网页显示bad request 是什么原因

打开ie浏览器,点击上面菜单栏上面【工具-internet选项】,在常规选项上点击【删除】文件,然后在切换到【高级-还原高级设置】,将其还原最初设置。现在在尝试打开浏览器是否能解决网页显示400 bad request的故障 点评:最近有朋友说发现一个情况,打开网页显示400 bad request的情况。如果你的电脑也是这种故障的话,那么就听听小编来教你网页显示400 bad request解决方法吧。- 1、先查看是不是ie设置出了故障,可以先删除了ie的cookies文件和internet临时文件。打开ie浏览器,点击上面菜单栏上面【工具-internet选项】,在常规选项上点击【删除】文件,然后在切换到【高级-还原高级设置】,将其还原最初设置。现在在尝试打开浏览器是否能解决网页显示400 bad request的故障 2、当然如果故障没有解决的话,那可能是浏览器的网页出现了故障,网页未解析的情况,尝试用别的电脑浏览该网页,如果也是不能浏览出现上述现象的话,那就是网页的问题了。这种情况只能等网站恢复正常了。 3、如果不是网页的问题,那也可能是用户的网络故障。我们查看dns和ip设置是否正常,重新设置dns配置错误。右击【网上邻居-属性-找到你的本地连接-右击属性】,再常规选项卡里有个下拉此连接使用项目,选择INTERNETF协义(TCP/IP)下面点击属性选自动获得,最好查一下当地的DNS填进去,如果是局域网你可以在主DNS上填写你的网关地址。网关地址可以去联系网络咨询商。 以上就是网页显示400 bad request解决方法的相关内容介绍 希望对你有所帮助(解决方法收集于互联网)这样可以么?

打开网页出现400 Bad Request错误,是怎么回事


打开网站显示Bad Request 怎么回事


部分网页出现400 Bad Request,是什么原因,如何解决.

1、可能是你的DNS配置错误,你重新配置一下,因为不知道你是哪里的所能不能给你当地的DNS号,你可以右击网上邻居-属性-找到你的本地连接-右击属性-常规选项卡里有个下拉此连接使用项目,选择INTERNETF协义(TCP/IP)下面点击属性选自动获得,最好查一下当地的DNS填进去,如果是局域网你可以在主DNS上填写你的网关地址,如192.168.1.1或192.168.0.12、由request header过大所引起,request过大,通常是由于cookie中写入了较大的值所引起的

如何排查Bad Request 错误

错误请求(无效主机名)域名已绑定主机但主机未绑定域名就会出现这种情况!总结页面出现Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)的原因: 1.如果确定域名已经解析生效,但是仍然不能访问,出现Bad Request (Invalid Hostname).那么这就可能是您没有绑定该域名的原因2.也有一部分情况, 比如一部分程序你上传之后就是用服务商提供的三级域名访问也是那个样子。也会有Bad Request (Invalid Hostname的错误提示3.也许是限制了访问线程。也就是说当同时访问该网页超过一定人数的时候,其它人浏览时就会出现你所说的情况

打开qq空间显示Error 400: Bad Request

 400badrequest是什么意思?  400badrequest:错误请求—请求中有语法问题,或不能满足请求。    400badrequest怎么解决  1、清除cookies以及internet临时文件:现在的浏览器一般都带有修复功能,所以可以打开浏览器进行一键修复。或者用qq电脑管家以及360安全卫士来尝试进行修复。      2、网站本身问题:如果是浏览的网页不能打开,网站的服务器出现问题。那么无论我们这边怎么尝试都没有办法,所以最好的办法就是等待网站恢复正常。    3、修改dns:如果是dns错误的话,那么只有重新设置了。点击这里可以了解dns是什么意思以及dns怎么设置。    以上几种就是400badrequest的相关介绍以及解决方法了,希望你能顺利的解决问题,并浏览自己想要看的网页。

400 Bad Request,打开网页显示这个


fastdfs整合nginx,上传的图片访问报400 Bad Request,求大神指教

if rv is not None and rsv is not None:# extract version/subversionself._nmap_version_number = int(line[rv.start():rv.end()])self._nmap_subversion_number = int(line[rsv.start()+1:rsv.end()])break}

网页出现400 Bad Request怎么解决

1、先查看是不是ie设置出了故障,可以先删除了ie的cookies文件和internet临时文件。打开ie浏览器,点击上面菜单栏上面【工具-internet选项】,在常规选项上点击【删除】文件,然后在切换到【高级-还原高级设置】,将其还原最初设置。现在在尝试打开浏览器是否能解决网页显示400 bad request的故障呢。如图所示:2、当然如果故障没有解决的话,那可能是浏览器的网页出现了故障,网页未解析的情况,尝试用别的电脑浏览该网页,如果也是不能浏览出现上述现象的话,那就是网页的问题了。这种情况只能等网站恢复正常了。3、如果不是网页的问题,那也可能是用户的网络故障。查看dns和ip设置是否正常,重新设置dns配置错误。右击【网上邻居-属性-找到本地连接-右击属性】,再常规选项卡里有个下拉此连接使用项目,选择INTERNETF协义(TCP/IP)下面点击属性选自动获得,最好查一下当地的DNS填进去,如果是局域网你可以在主DNS上填写网关地址。网关地址可以去联系网络咨询商。

电脑总是显示400 bad request 是怎么回事??


别的网页打开都很正常,就一个网页出现Bad Request,怎么回事?

bad request( request header too long)的意思是:请求失败(请求头包含过多内容)。解决方案服务端:这个错误是Http.sys返回的,请求头长度限制是由注册表HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesHTTPParameters中的两个参数决定的:MaxFieldLength与MaxRequestBytes,缺省值都是16384字节,详见Http.sys registry settings for IIS。用户端:通常浏览器对于request header过长的请求会自动截断,而部分浏览器对此置之不理,所以会出现此问题。可以采用清空cookie、更换浏览器等方式尝试修复。

网站打不开显示 Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)是怎么回事

字面上理解,bad request意思是“错误的请求",invalid hostname意思是"不存在的域名”,通常只用Windows主机才会出现这样的字样,如果是Linux主机,会显示不同的错误提示。而且这种情况也指出现在虚拟主机的情况下,就是一个服务器建了很多网站,域名虽然解析到了服务器,但是域名没有给安排去和哪一个网站匹配,当然就打不开网站了,这也就是说通常说的域名绑定或者增加主机头。所以bad request invalid hostname出现这个错误的原因是某个域名绑定到了某个主机上,而该主机却没有绑定这个域名,所以IIS就返回了这个提示信息。1.如果确定域名已经解析生效,但是仍然不能访问,出现Bad Request (Invalid Hostname).那么这就可能是您没有绑定该域名的原因 2.也有一部分情况, 比如一部分程序你上传之后就是用服务商提供的三级域名访问也是那个样子。也会有Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)的错误提示 3.也许是限制了访问线程。也就是说当同时访问该网页超过一定人数的时候,其它人浏览时就会出现你所说的情况

为啥访问网站显示这个 Bad Request是什么意思啊

1.如果确定域名已经解析生效,但是仍然不能访问,出现Bad Request (Invalid Hostname).那么这就可能是您没有绑定该域名的原因 2.也有一部分情况, 比如一部分程序你上传之后就是用服务商提供的三级域名访问也是那个样子。也会有Bad Request (Invalid Hostname的错误提示 3.也许是限制了访问线程。也就是说当同时访问该网页超过一定人数的时候,其它人浏览时就会出现你所说的情况 来自百度

ASP中Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)是什么意思

Bad Request 的意思是你的请求时无效的(REQUEST是请求的意思)Invalid Hostname 的意思是不存在的域名也许你访问的网页已经更改,或者已经删除已经无法浏览该网页上的内容了

打开网页出现400 Bad Request错误,是怎么回事


treated badly 和badly treated 有什么区别?

"treated badly" 和 "badly treated" 意思相同,都表示某人或某物受到了不好的对待。区别在于词序和语法结构。- "Treated badly": 这是一个被动语态的形式,其中“treated” 是动词 “to treat”的过去分词形式,“badly” 是副词修饰“treated”,意思是遭受了不良对待。- "Badly treated": 这是主动语态的形式,其中“badly” 是副词修饰“treated”,而 “treated” 则是由动词 “to treat” 构成的过去分词作为定语来描述所指对象。这个短语通常用来描述人或动物的遭遇,比如“那只狗被虐待了”,可以说“The dog was badly treated”。总之,“treated badly” 和 “badly treated” 在意义上没有区别,但是语法结构和使用场合可能会有所不同。

《Bad Apple》 求罗马音歌词!

[00:03.77]Bad Apple!! (REDALiCE Remix) feat.nomico[00:08.63]Lyric. Haruka[00:13.51]Vocal. nomico[00:17.82]LRC. By 桜井葵aoi [00:21.17][00:58.10]na ga re te ku to ki no na ka de de mo ke da ru sa ga ho ra gu ru gu ru ma wa tte[01:04.84]wa da si ka ra ha na re ni ko ko ro mo mi e na i wa so u si ra na i ?[01:11.81]ji fun ka ra u go ku ko to mo na ku to ki no su ki ma ni na ga sa re tu du ke te[01:18.76]si ra na i wa ma wa ri no ko ro na do wa da si wa wa da si so re da ke[01:25.69]yu me mi te ru na ni mo ni te na i ka ta ru mo mu da na ji fu n no ko to ba[01:32.20]ka na si mu na n te tu ka re ru da ke yo na ni mo kan ji zu su go se ba i i no[01:39.18]to ma do u ko to ba a ta e ra re te mo ji fun no ko ko ro ta da u e no so ra[01:46.07]mo si wa da si ka ra u go ku no na ra ba su be te ka e ru no na ra ku ro ni su ru[01:53.25]kon na ji fu n ni mi ra i wa a ru no kon na se ka i ni wa da si wa i ru no[02:00.06]i ma se tsu na i no i ma ka na si i no ji fun no ko to mo wa ka ra na i ma ma[02:06.91]a yu mu ko to sa e tu ka re ru da ke yo hi to no ko to na do si ri mo si na i wa[02:13.81]kon na wa da si mo ka wa re ru mo na ra mo si ka wa re ru no na ra si ro ni na ru ?[02:21.69][02:24.78]Alstroemeria Records - Lovelight Tr.2 Bad Apple!! feat.nomico[02:28.32][02:31.77][02:49.30]na ga re te ku to ki no na ka de de mo ki da ru sa ga ho ra gu ru gu ru ma tte[02:56.11]wa da si ka ra ha na re ni ko ko ro mo mi e na i wa so u si ra na i ?[03:03.02]ji fun ka ra u go ku ko to mo na ku to ki no su ki ma ni na ga sa re tu du ke te[03:10.03]si ra na i wa ma wa ri no ko ro na do wa da si wa wa da si so re da ke ?[03:16.55][03:16.85]yu me mi te ru na ni mo ni te na i ka ta ru mo mu da na ji fun no ko to ba ?[03:23.24]ka na si mu na n te tu ka re ru da ke yo na ni mo kan ji zu su go se ba i i no[03:30.29]to ma do u ko to ba a ta e ra re te mo ji fun no ko ko ro ta da u e no so ra[03:37.27]mo si wa da si ka ra u go ku no na ra ba su be te ka e ru no na ra ku ro ni su ru[03:44.25]mu da na ji ka n ni mi ra i wa a ru no kon na to ko ro ni wa da si wa i ru no[03:51.09]wa da si no ko to wo i i ta i na ra ba ko to ba ni su ru no na ra ro ku de na si[03:57.88][03:58.08]kon na to ko ro ni wa da si wa i ru no kon na ji ka n ni wa da si wa i ru no[04:05.10]kon na wa da si mo ka wa re ru mo na ra mo si ka wa re ru no na ra si ro ni na ru[04:11.77][04:11.98]i ma yu me ni te ru na ni mo mi te na i ka ta ru mo mu da na ji fu n no ko to ba[04:18.98]ka na si mu na n te tu ka re ru da ke yo na ni mo ka n ji zu su go se ba i i no[04:26.00]to ma dou ko to ba a ta e ra re te mo ji fun mo ko ko ro ta da u e no so ra[04:32.76]mo si wa da si ka ra u go ku no na ra ba su be te ka e ru no na ra ku ro ni su ru[04:39.87]u go ku no na ra ba u go ku no na ra ba su be te ko wa su wa su be te ko wa su wa[04:46.82]ka na si mu na ra ba ka na si mu na ra ba wa da si no ko ko ro si ro ku ka wa re ru[04:53.84]a na da no ko to mo wa da si no ko to mo su be te no ko to mo ma da si ra na i no[05:00.69]o mo i me fu ta wo a ke ta no na ra ba su be te ko wa su no na ra ku ro ni na re[05:08.34][05:11.67][05:15.07]终わり

急需一篇英语作文题目是多么糟糕的一天!(Wate a bad day!)

what a bad day i was so unlucky today!oh ,my god,too bad!today is my first day to work,this afternoon,i went to work with a happy mood.everything was ok in the afternoon and i sold many things.then,things became bad in the evening,the first bad things was that i got a peace of 100 yuan,but later i found it was fake money,our firm require us hand in all turnover every next morning.That means i must use my own money to make up the turnover.i just can earn fouteen yuan everyday,100,too much for me!there was another thing happened out of my expected.our dustbin was put outside our shop,when i took something to throw,i found the dustbin was missing!oh my god,i must pay for it by my own money again.i was very sad ,i was thinking are there any other bad things will happen on me.really,i was very unlucky today,as a result ,i met the same thing,the acountant was wrong.some money was missing.god,what a bad day today!

Skip Martin的《Bad Guys》 歌词

歌曲名:Bad Guys歌手:Skip Martin专辑:The Music From Mickey Spillane"s Mike HammerThe Automatic - Bad Guy★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师A different attitude of mindis not something to be persecutedNo world governmentknows justice and truth from organised crimeDo you think that someone telling youwhat"s right and what"s wrong means liberty?I don"tFilm stars on the silver screenIf there"s one thing I know from TV, good things don"t happen to ugly peopleA perfect smile"s a good guy thing,they get the girl and they always winGood things don"t happen to ugly peopleYou were born to be the bad guy,make the hero look good and be despisedYou know it"s wrong but it feels so right,nothing to lose and you"re going to dieYou were born to be the bad guy,make the hero look good and be despisedYou know it"s wrong but it feels so right, nothing to loseYou"ve got a plan, a look in your eyesYou"ve got commitment and you know what you wantYou"ve got a problem,history shows there"s always somebody telling you noAnyone looks good in a tuxedo with a gunBut it takes style to become public enemy number oneFilm stars on the silver screenIf there"s one thing I know from TV,good things don"t happen to ugly peopleA perfect smile"s a good guy thing,they get the girl and they always winGood things don"t happen to ugly peopleYou were born to be the bad guy,make the hero look good and be despisedYou know it"s wrong but it feels so right,nothing to lose and you"re going to dieYou were born to be the bad guy,make the hero look good and be despisedYou know it"s wrong but it feels so right,nothing to lose and you"re going to dieAlways the bad guy, always the outsiderAlways the bad guy, always the outsiderYou were born to be the bad guy,make the hero look good and be despisedYou know it"s wrong but it feels so right,nothing to lose and you"re going to dieYou were born to be the bad guy,make the hero look good and be despisedYou know it"s wrong but it feels so right,nothing to lose and you"re going to die★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师End

找fabolous - badaboom的歌词

Bada BoomYea, yea, yea(It"s B2K ya"ll) It"s B2K ya"llWelcome ladies... and gentlemen(Yes) To the U Got Served Soundtrack(Yea) We about to do disYou know how we get downOh YeaYou know datcome onOmarion hit em wit it[Verse One: Omari]Like whoaYou knowGirl you"re the star of my showIn this clubPoppin bubThe way you shakin deservin some dubsTurn aroundMake it bounceShake it like you come from out of townWhats yo name?Whats yo sign?Girl you leavin with me tonight[Chorus 2x]Mami shake it like you care for meYou know I like it when you do that little dance for meMami I"m just trynna get you in my roomAnd see that big badabing go badaboom[Verse Two: Omari]This one, I seenCouldn"t believe the ass in them jeansTo myself, had to think"Any room for me up in them jeans?"Ghetto starYou areEat you up like a chocolate barWhat"s yo name?What"s yo sign?Damn you got me weeping inside[Chorus 2x]Mami shake it like you care for meYou know I like it when you do that little dance for meMami I"m just trynna get you in my roomAnd see that big badabing go badaboom[Rap: Fabolous]I wanna see ya "badabing" go "badaboom"And my house got a wing, with a lotta roomsI can do a lotta things, get you hot as JuneI wanna watch ya body swing to the hottest groovesI"m trynna slide behind it when you throw it "roundSo I can ride and grind it, when you slow it downBring it from the top, then take it to da bottomI"m clingin to ya top, trynna make it to ya ohThe way you move is fab-u-losaIt makes me wanna grab you closaYou know I like it when ya bounce, bounceThrow ya hands up and ya bounce, bounceI don"t back down, when I"m pressin yaI"m finna lay the smack down like the wrestlerBut nobody get it ta poppin like this man canHave them girls get it to poppin on a handstand...Ghetto[Chorus 4x]Mami shake it like you care for meYou know I like it when you do that little dance for meMami I"m just trynna get you in my roomAnd see that big badabing go badaboomla la la la la[Talking]B2KFabT-ScottOh yea Chris Stoke I see you boyAnd oh yea, Dave MackLet"s do dis againYea [laughs]TUG(Hums)Mmmmmm Badaboom

treat 和 handle 区别,为什么可以说handle things badly,不可以说treat things badly

treat 可以理解为有去处理的态度和动作,但结果未知handle 有结果




总距离:505.95公里(314.38 英里)



telanganahyderabad 是哪里

telangana hyderabad中文翻译为:特海得拉巴。

印度地址翻译Hyderabad Carbons

哪弄来的地址?有笔误也有点乱!正确排列如下:Survey No.353&467,Temple Road, Domadugu Village, Jinnaram Mandal, Bonthapally, Medak District, Andhra Pradesh-502313, India.印度 安得拉邦 梅达克县 津纳然镇 多马都谷村 寺庙路 勘测号 353和467,邮编 502313.地址虽然已翻译了,但是存在许多矛盾: 梅达克县不在安得拉邦,而是在泰伦甘纳邦、梅达克县里没有 多马都谷村、邦达巴力乡是在 尚卡列迪县(Sangareddy District)。公司名称的 Hyderabat - 海得拉巴市是安得拉邦和泰伦甘纳邦这两个邦的首府,乱套了!!

Hyderabad, India是印度是哪个地方?

海得拉巴(Hyderābād),印度南部城市,安得拉邦的首府,位于德干高原中部,克里希纳河支流穆西河两岸,海拔617米。市区内建于1591年的查哈尖塔,是该城的象征。海得拉巴面积220.36平方千米,人口连郊区252.8万(1981 )。居民多为印度教徒,次为伊斯兰教徒和基督教徒,主要通行乌尔都语和泰米尔语,是伊斯兰教古代文化的中心之一。



英语课上老师布置的作业:要用一些adj.形容good friend与bad friend

good friend:lovely、clever、friendly、honest、kind、politebad friend:impolite、dishonest、unfriendly、stupid、ugly

安室奈美惠bad habit中文歌词


安室奈美恵的《Bad Habit》 歌词

歌曲名:Bad Habit歌手:安室奈美恵专辑:PAST「Bad Habit」作词∶TIGER/Hugo Lira/Thomas Gustafsson/Negin/lan-Paolo Lira作曲∶TIGER/Hugo Lira/Thomas Gustafsson/Negin/lan-Paolo Lira歌∶安室奈美恵困ったものだわそんな目で好きだって言っているようね まるでI"m not yours I"m not his谁のものでも言叶より语るSeyなhips谁もがひれ伏すこのhot lipsI know you can"t resistきっと离れられない寄り道するなと your mama used to sayCuz I"m your bad habit 缲り返す何度でも 何度でもBad habit やめられないどうしようも どうしても(Do we do) やってあげるわcrazy things(Do we do) めくるめく 果てるまで(Do we do) 歌ってみてlalala闻こえるyour heart sings1度出会ったら忘れない100度会ってもまだ たまらないWho"s that girl? I"m that girlまたすぐ欲しくなるお涙もお世辞もmakes me tired嫌いなタイプはtotal liar正直にyour feelings闻かせてheart beating道に迷うなと your mama used to say臆病なくせに you won"t go awayCuz I"m your bad habit 缲り返す何度でも 何度でもBad habit やめられないどうしようも どうしても(Do we do) やってあげるわcrazy things(Do we do) めくるめく 果てるまで(Do we do) 歌ってみてlalala闻こえるyour heart singsYou know you should, but you can"t stay awayAh ah, can"t stay awayAh ah, can"t stay awayYou know you should, but you can"t stay awayAh ah, can"t stay awayAh ah, can"t stay awayYou know you should, but you can"t stay away,what your mom gonna say?Cuz I"m your bad habit 缲り返す何度でも 何度でもBad habit やめられないどうしようも どうしてもCuz I"m your bad habit 缲り返す何度でも 何度でもBad habit やめられないどうしようも どうしても【 おわり 】

安室奈美惠的《Bad Habit》 歌词

歌曲名:Bad Habit歌手:安室奈美惠专辑:Past < Future「Bad Habit」作词∶TIGER/Hugo Lira/Thomas Gustafsson/Negin/lan-Paolo Lira作曲∶TIGER/Hugo Lira/Thomas Gustafsson/Negin/lan-Paolo Lira歌∶安室奈美恵困ったものだわそんな目で好きだって言っているようね まるでI"m not yours I"m not his谁のものでも言叶より语るSeyなhips谁もがひれ伏すこのhot lipsI know you can"t resistきっと离れられない寄り道するなと your mama used to sayCuz I"m your bad habit 缲り返す何度でも 何度でもBad habit やめられないどうしようも どうしても(Do we do) やってあげるわcrazy things(Do we do) めくるめく 果てるまで(Do we do) 歌ってみてlalala闻こえるyour heart sings1度出会ったら忘れない100度会ってもまだ たまらないWho"s that girl? I"m that girlまたすぐ欲しくなるお涙もお世辞もmakes me tired嫌いなタイプはtotal liar正直にyour feelings闻かせてheart beating道に迷うなと your mama used to say臆病なくせに you won"t go awayCuz I"m your bad habit 缲り返す何度でも 何度でもBad habit やめられないどうしようも どうしても(Do we do) やってあげるわcrazy things(Do we do) めくるめく 果てるまで(Do we do) 歌ってみてlalala闻こえるyour heart singsYou know you should, but you can"t stay awayAh ah, can"t stay awayAh ah, can"t stay awayYou know you should, but you can"t stay awayAh ah, can"t stay awayAh ah, can"t stay awayYou know you should, but you can"t stay away,what your mom gonna say?Cuz I"m your bad habit 缲り返す何度でも 何度でもBad habit やめられないどうしようも どうしてもCuz I"m your bad habit 缲り返す何度でも 何度でもBad habit やめられないどうしようも どうしても【 おわり 】



so bad 歌词

There is a pain, inside my heartYou mean so much to meGirl, I love you, girl, I love you so badAnd if you leave, my pain will goBut that"s no good to meGirl, I love you, yes, I love you so badWell it feels so good, sometimes it feels so badThis is worse than anything I"ve ever hadThere was a pain, but now you"re hereAnd I don"t fear a thingGirl, I love you, yes, I love you so badAnd she said, boy, I love youBoy, I love you so bad(I love)Girl, I love youGirl, I love you so bad(I love, I love)Well it feels so good, sometimes it feels so badThis is worse than anything I"ve ever hadThere was a pain, but now you"re nearAnd I don"t fear a thing(I love)Girl, I love youGirl, I love you so bad(I love, I love)And she saidBoy, I love you(I love)Boy, I love you so bad(I love)Girl, I love youGirl, I love you

一首英文歌 体育视频中经常当插曲 里面有一句歌词是be a bad man 或better man 是个女歌手

Mine !!!!taylor swift 的!!!

歌词里有一句“to be a bad man ",请问谁知道这首歌的名字

歌名: Bad Man 专集: Sing When You are losing 歌手:戴佩良 Send someone to love me Ineed to rest in arms keep me safe from harm in pouring rain give me endless summer lord I fear the cold feel I"m getting old before my time as my soul heals the shame Iwill grow through this pain lord I"m doing all i can to be a bad man go easy on my conscience "cause it"s not my fault Iknow I"ve been taught to take the blame rest assured my angels will catch my tears walk me out of here I"m in pain as my soul heals the shame Iwill grow through this pain lord I"m doing allI can to be a bad man

docker push 私有仓库harbor报502 Bad Gateway?


请问502 Bad Gateway 以及504 Gateway Time-out 是什么意思?


Word is Bond 歌词 Joey Bada$$唱的

YeahWord is fuckin born man... myself how I do this shit[Verse 1: Joey Badass]Got the Reggie from the BushGet lifted like a saint off the kushMan all my niggas push so I always got the zipstock in the ZiplockThey know, like Ralph flip stock, hit the Mary, won"t kiss and tellMy lips locked but my grip"s not so I pass it offReal burners, and we ashin" off the furnitureFuck your couch, bitch, hush your mouthShe said she fell in one of them Ls, but let"s don"t countThese chickens don"t love me, they love the accountBut they will never know what"s the amount? I keep the hoes in check"Til they bounce, don"t ever let a chick see you withdrawin"These niggas want to know what I draw withBut won"t respond to what I"ve drawnTetrahedrons, take a dose of PatronMixin" knowledge juicing, deuce "Cuse and MetatronThey wouldn"t hear the tone through a megaphone, let aloneCella phone, but my line stay hella blownHella blown, hella blown[Hook:]Word is bornFuck the world til I"m gone[Verse 2: Joey BAdass]Yo Houston, we got a problem, copyFour, five hotties in the lobbySo they can blow the rockets properly, but blowing spots never stopLike them hockeys, they never get aqui to my prothyKnown around my city like George PatakiYoung Jason for them dollars in the mix like teriyakiAnd round four, I force my large VersaceOver my big head, cause I don"t live here, she getting too cockyWon"t spot me in no closetI ain"t like Kels and themA closet full of arm limbs and a skeleton[Hook x3][Verse 3: Joey Badass]I spray nines on fours, but if you pick five emceesEver, ain"t gone flow like me, nigga I"m too sickI mean too sick, sent to Earth just to shitMommy, come stay, it"s some new stick, I demand, I don"t give two shitsBetter tell that doofus deuces before he catch you whippingIn a minute, Charles Dickens"ll strip him for his Scottie PippensCause it"s all about the big pimpin"Rob him for his Nixon, and then question him about his timingRight here, it gets reckless, best advice isTo tuck your necklace, and put your arms right back into your LexusCause G-Stone crips, they ain"t nothingTo flex when the Billy Gate... the really on some next shitSo if I were you I would probably ride with twoNo fool, not two dudes, two toolsAs in deuce - deuce cause niggas jock you for your soulAnd your new shoes and your jewels tooThere"s something about another nigga having shitThat have a nigga spazzing clips all up in your back and dentCause it"s all about bagging the baddest chickStacking them trays up in Saks FifthBut word is bond, you been onWord is bond, you been on

bad and boujee什么意思

Bad and Boujee直译就是:坏而时尚,坏而优雅。《Bad and Boujee》是美国嘻哈组合Migos与说唱歌手Lil Uzi Vert合唱的歌曲。“bad”的意思是“不好的,坏的,糟糕的”;“boujee”是俚语单词“bougie”,故意拼错的写法,来源于”bourgeoisie“,指的是美国社会中产阶级的物质主义。也引申为,追求时尚的。扩展资料“Bad And Boujee” 2017年初在Billboard拿下榜首的好成绩,也为他们带来了更多的名气与金钱。这首曲目在2016年发布不久就上榜Billboard到了Top 30左右的位置,最终登顶榜首。是继Rae Sremmurd - “Black Beatles”之后再一次证明了hip-hop音乐对流行的巨大影响。这首金曲由年轻有为的制作人Metro Boomin操刀,联手新人王Lil Uzi Vert。Boujee在俚语里是追求时尚的意思。“Rain drops, drop top, smoking on cookie in the hotbox”一定是这首歌里最洗脑的一句话了,”Rain drop“代表像雨点般大的钻石, ”Hotbox“指跑车。在车里看书是Migos的日常,Migos最中意表达唱weed,美女,豪车,这次也不例外。MV中Migos和三位美人在餐厅里优雅地吃着炸鸡喝着香槟,反差别有一番风味。

Bad blocks encountered on read continue anyways什么意思

Badblocksencounteredonreadcontinueanyways.这句话的意思是:硬盘坏道,读错误。安装系统或者电脑开机时,会遇到这种提示。  它表示硬盘的有坏道错误,持续读取。  blocks表示区,区域。

Ghost系统时出现bad block(s) encountered on read下来怎么办


电脑重装系统时出现bad block (s )encountered on read -continue anyway 是什么意思?

去买个新的碟子 或者换掉U盘的新系统

装系统时出现“bad block(s) encountered on read”是什么问题????

出现:Bad block(s) encountered on read-continue anyway的提示,有可能是说你的电脑硬盘出现坏区,但并不是一定指你电脑的硬盘有物理坏道,在还原系统出现这种提示,更多的是指:原先备份的ISO文件损坏或者无法读取,只需换其他光盘重装即可

-I didn`t mean to do that .please forgive me. -A.not too bad B.that`s all right C.It`s a pleasure

选B 既可以回答谢意也可以回答道歉

在SKY.FM听到一首女生唱的好听的歌,有这几句:call me baby i just like you i am crazy it is so bad .

Call me maybe

win7系统进不了桌面,提示replacing bad clusters tofix zhe ba


Failed to format NTFS due to too many bad clusters. Certain bad sector exists in DBR.

美国IN102钴基沉淀硬化合金 美国IN102高温合金 美国IN102化学成分编号:N06102化学成分:Cr:15.0 Ni67.0 Mo:2.9 W3.0 NB:2.9 Ti:0.5 Al:0.5 Fe:7.0 C:0.06 B:0.005 Mg0.02 Zr0.03

Bad Religion的《individual》 歌词

歌曲名:individual歌手:Bad Religion专辑:stranger than fictionindividuals run for cover,for the multitudes of thoughtless clones have reached a critical mass,individuals hide in fear, under cover,sheltered by the wafer thin veil of intelligenceindividuals, nowhere to be seenurbana is oozing like a bloated carcass,with maggots cooking in the desert heat,oozing, with progeny writhing and desperatefor input from someone more determinedcongregating in invisible circles,half apart and half apart,all too aware of the insignificance,pushing on with soul and heartindividuals don"t pray for forgiveness,when pinned up against the wall under siege of persecution,individuals command exception,and accept dichotomy,maybe you can"t choose anymoreprocreation without gain or purpose,languid wills and torped minds,catapulted ever faster by the arrow of time

usher的 you got it bad 歌词

usher<you got it bad >Oh, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, nonuhooooooooo[Usher]When you feel it in your bodyYou found somebody who makes you change your waysLike hanging wit your crewSaid you act like you"re readyBut you don"t really knowAnd everything in your past - you wanna let it goI"ve been there, done it, fucked aroundAfter all that - this is what I foundNobody wants to be aloneIf you"re touched by the words in this songBaby...[chours]U got it, u got it badWhen you"re on the phoneHang up and you call right backU got it, u got it badIf you miss a day without your friendYour whole life"s off trackknow you got it bad when you"re stuck in the houseYou don"t wanna have funIt"s all you think aboutU got it bad when you"re out with someoneBut you keep on thinkin" bout somebody elseU got it bad[Verse]When you say that you love him,And you really knowEverything that used to matter, don"t matter no moreLike my money, and my cars(You can have it all then...)Flowers, cards and candy!(do it just "cause i"m)i"m fortunate to have you girlI want you to knowI really adore youAll my people who know what"s going onLook at your mate, help me sing my songtell her, I"m your man, you"re my girlI"m gonna tell it to the whole wide worldLadies say I"m your girl, your my man promise to love you the best i canSee I"ve been there, done it, talked aroundAfter all that - this is what I foundEveryone of y"all are just like meIt"s too bad that you can"t seeThat you got it bad...hey, hey[Chours]U got it, u got it badWhen you"re on the phoneHang up and you call right backU got it, u got it badIf you miss a day without your friendYour whole life"s off trackknow you got it bad when you"re stuck in the houseYou don"t wanna have funIt"s all you think aboutU got it bad when you"re out with someoneBut you keep on thinkin" bout somebody elseU got it bad[BreakDown][Chours]U got it, u got it badWhen you"re on the phoneHang up and you call right backU got it, u got it badIf you miss a day without your friendYour whole life"s off trackYou know you got it bad when you"re stuck in the houseYou don"t wanna have funIt"s all you think aboutU got it it bad when your out with someone...(song fades)But you keep on thinkin"

口语考试:good and bad about marry a foreigner帮忙想下

Hello everyone ! It is nice to talk about the things about marrying a foreigner,my ideas about the cross-country marrying are as follows: Firstly ,I think the couple must have had a deeply understanding of tolerance,compromise ,and being open with each other , Because ,as we all know,marriages are based on mutual trust and respect. Secondly , to some degree ,mixed marriages will also have a good effect in the world peace , or the social progress, because of the cultural exchange between the two different nations. However,on the other hand ,both of the couple have to live with the problems of their marriage,for there is always gap between two different cultures.For example:when shopping or eatting with your spouse out,he or she may request an aa paid. Besides you should also take the ideas from your parents into account,which is especially important in our country china here, not only is te communication problemsbetween yourfrients orrelationship is a barrar. In a word , mixed-marriage is a sign of the open society . If you love somebady, just do it, that"s all that matters. That"s all . thanks for listening. 其二 Marrying someone from different cultures is a common phenomenon in recent years. In general, when it is referred, we may associate it with marrying an American or European. This type of marriage makes us feel romantic though envious. In Taiwan, many girls dram of marrying a foreigner, then they may have happy and beautiful life henceforward. But is it really so perfect as our fantasy? Is marrying someone from different cultures good or bad? This is an issue worthy of considering. While feeling good about foreign marriage, we also need to seriously consider possible problems caused due to marrying someone from different cultures.     The most important advantage of marrying some from different culture is learning a foreign language. When learning a foreign language, there are signboards in the language and words which we are not familiar with. Exposing to the native environment is the best way to master a foreign language. If one marries a foreigner, it is efficient for her or him to practice the language since he or she gets the chance to live in that country. In addition, we can use our native language to get employed. Teaching our language to the locals whom my in-law are associating daily is a good way to make a living in a foreign country. Second, marrying someone from different culture is interflow and integration of cultures between two countries. We can understand different cultures by intermarriage. Third, the child may have international views and be a bilingual because his or her parents are from different countries. It helps the child with personality and language development.     Although there are some advantages in intermarriage, there are many troubles too. Since communication is the primary problem, how can we express and understand when we are not familiar with the language of the spouse"s? No matter how we master the language, we are not the native speaker. For example, when your husband or wife is telling a joke, but you can"t understand its funniness; when you two are arguing, you can"t understand his or her thought clearly, or you can"t express lucidly; when parents of both sides are concerned their child whether he or she is happy, they are hindered by the language which they don"t understand. When communication cannot smoothly go on, everything may get worse. Different countries have different cultures. The unnecessary and over elaborate formalities from different cultures are confusing. But “while in Rome, do as the Romans do.” It means we must be used to their formalities. When a child comes from family of two different countries, it mixes races and nationalities. Many studies show that children are not approved by schoolmates in either father or mother"s country. It has an extreme influence over a growing child. Since the child has learned different languages, he or she may mix them into a kind of odd language. Different races also have inherent genes which may cause a hereditary disease. This is why intermarried couples take a physical examination before marrying. Some countries may have racism. Therefore foreigners are possible to suffer treatment at work or shopping, even in household affairs. When we immigrate to another country, we have to confront a lot of problems. The things we can deal with now will become difficult to handle later. The sense of powerlessness will become a big event leading to quarrel. The dream of intermarriage is thus broken due to racial discrimination and other emotional disruption.     Since intermarriage has so many troubles, why do people want to marry someone from different culture? The reason is very simple. They love each other; they want to be together in their whole life. Marriage is a significant thing for one"s life. Most people won"t decide without careful consideration. Especially not many are going to make fool about their marriage. All these troubles have to be considered and find out how to handle them before wedding. In a prepared situation, your emotion will become steadier. When you confront an unexpected event, you can regard it as a challenge. Accordingly, I think marrying someone from different culture needs careful thought in many ways if the marriage is about to last longer.

Bad Day 中女主角叫什么名字(详细资料)

Samaire Armstrong 电影倒霉爱神里面lindsay 那个很要好女性朋友她的资料还是挺多的 看看 【2008年】 电影《Around June》(未上映,未有译名)饰演主角 June 【2007年】 连续剧《Dirty Sexy Money》 中译《黑金家族》 饰演配角Juliet Darling 连续剧《Living with Fran》 中译《家有老辣椒》 客串饰演Laurie 电影《Rise: Blood Hunter 》 中译《崛起:血之猎手》 客串饰演Jenny 电视剧《The Staircase Murders 》 直译《楼梯凶杀案》 饰演Caitlin Atwater 【2006年】 电影《It"s a Boy Girl Thing》 中译《女男变错身》或《男生女生大变身》 饰演主角Nell Bedworth 连续剧《CSI: Miami》 中译《犯罪现场调查之迈阿密》 客串饰演Brynn Roberts 电影《Just My Luck》 中译《倒霉爱神》或《幸运之吻》 饰演配角Maggie 电影《Stay Alive》中译《生存游戏》 饰演主角Abigail MV《Bad Day》(Daniel Powter 丹尼尔u2022波特 作品)MV女主角 【2005年】 连续剧《Numb3rs》 中译《数字追凶》 客串饰演Skyler Wyatt 纪录片《Peace, Love & Bikinis!》 中译不详 本色演出 【2004年】 连续剧《NYPD Blue》 中译《纽约重案组》 客串饰演Christine 连续剧《Entourage》 中译《明星伙伴》或《我家也有大明星》 饰演配角Emily ——◎此剧至2005年结束 电视剧《Gramercy Park》 中译不详 客串饰演Jillene MV《Penny and Me》(Hanson 汉森兄弟乐队)MV女主角 【2003年】 连续剧《The O.C.》中译《橘子郡男孩》或《橘镇风云》、《玩酷世代》 饰演配角Anna Stern ——◎此剧至2006年结束 电影《Dark Wolf》 中译《黑狼》 饰演Josie 电视剧《Trash》 中译不详 饰演Gypsy 【2002年】 电影《Would I Lie to You?》 中译《茶堡五兄弟》 饰演Sophie 【2001年】 连续剧《The X Files》 中译《X档案》客串饰演Natalie Gordon 电影《Not Another Teen Movie》 中译《少儿不宜》或《并非另一部青春片》、《非常男女》、《搞乜鬼青春杂作》 客串饰演Kara Fratelli 连续剧《Judging Amy》 中译《法外柔情》 客串饰演Angie Becker 连续剧《ER》 中译《急诊室的故事》或《急诊室的春天》、《仁心仁术》 客串饰演Tasha 【2000年】 连续剧《That"s Life》 中译不详 客串饰演Brittany 连续剧《Freaks and Geeks》 中译《怪胎和书呆子们》 客串饰演Laurie 连续剧《Party of Five》 中译《温情五口组》或《五口之家》客串饰演Meredith

求一篇英语作文,题目是video games good and bad 要论述自己的观点,80次左右

Since the introduction in 1983 of Nintendo EntertainmentSystem (NES), which is probably the first video game system known by Chinesefamilies, this whole video game industry have been growing for 30 years. Howeverthere are still different groups of people holding negative opinions against it.Especially many parents believe this is the root cause for having a bad academicrecord for their children. And likewise, many girlfriends / wives think this iswhy their man does not want to work.This is so not true. Video games have positive impacts onmany aspects of our lives. It promotes teamwork between different players tosolve problems. It enhance coordination of eye, brain and hands for manychildren and this has been proved through cure of Autism. It entertains peopleto make them feel relaxed after a whole day of work. Those who blames videogames should really look into the reason why your children or man do not listento you. The issues lays on humans not the video game systems.

Bad Meets Evil的《Echo》 歌词

歌曲名:Echo歌手:Bad Meets Evil专辑:Hell The SequelBad Meets Evil - EchoAll, around, the world, there"s an echoAs, he takes, a bow, and they all knowAll the girls, the boys, they chase the noiseThrough the highs and through the lowsThey will follow the echo, echo, echo, echoI eat rappers, with the rhyme, consume themThe only f*cking thing that you consume is time, I"m super humanMy world is like a Rubik"s Cube, it"s too complex girlYou assuming, cupids looming, my mentality as caveman stupid womanMy life is Truman show, all I have is music, hoI stopped chasing every chick under the sun many moons ago,so pretend my d*ck is a balloon and blowBut you better put a fork in it if you think I"ma lay here just spooning, yoOh, you think you the shit cause I just said you was beautiful!Diabolical to my last molecule, down to my last hair follicle and cuticleRotten to the core, to the bunghole all the way down to my sole, from my hair to my toeEver since I was 13 I learned how to sew and sewed shut my whole bootyholeCause I ain"t took no shit since I looked down to my nuts and saw my first pubic growI told these stupid hoes when I come back I"ma set this b*tch on fire!And this time I don"t mean I"ma pour gasoline on some chick and light herI ain"t even put my tip in that ho yet, I"ma go get Nickel and try to rip it widerClassical palms, battle my own demons, I need a glass of PatronBad as I need a horn stabbing my clavicle bone, I"m at it or proneFirst time I seen a desert eagle I was letting the 44 bussThe 44 popped, the first time you seen one, you was eating coco puffsLooking at Robocop, I"m not a man, I"m a logo, I"m SustainIn order to clean my veins you need salineI"m never referring to the solution, I"m talking about more like the mustangVroom! Get respect from the get-go, hello! Step to the echo, echo, echoPen got a mind of its own, got to write my rhymes with a timerOtherwise I"ll probably vibe out to a nine minute songAs the echo follows the Maserati, as the petrol swallowsI"m a thousand bodies away from a skeleton, check your bible inside itIt"ll say this guy"s an elephant, I"m fly like I"m killing the scene likeI"m a villain with wings, I"ll sleep when I"m 6 feet deepRight now I"m living a dream, though we may be recklessThe ladies check us, they whisper Shady Records, baby echo!

罗志祥stage,有一件外套,袖子是白色,中间是红色,然后背面写“CHICKS DIG BAD BOYS”


求一首英文摇滚歌曲~高潮歌词是~bad boy bad boy what you gonna do .......

Watcha Gon Do

appear badly away breakfast a的发音相同吗?


Good Girls Like Bad Boys 歌词

歌曲名:Good Girls Like Bad Boys歌手:Jadyn Maria专辑:Good Girls Like Bad BoysJadyn Maria Ft. Flo-Rida - Good Girls Like Bad BoysUmmm... Yeahh...You"re not exactly the guy I can bring home to my mamaBut what she don"t know won"t hurt herYou"re so controlling, so demanding,like to take advantage of me,But I don"t mind, no sir.You get under my skin, such a sweet sinJust like a disease that keeps on, keeps on eating at me,I know good and well you"re good for nothingThey say you don"t deserve meBut it really don"t disturb me.Why do all good girls like the bad boys?Like a moth to a flame, I guess I"m back here again.Tell me why the dark side just captures my eye,I know that you"re a villain but I can"t stop this feeling.No Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh (x2)Why do all good girls like the bad boys?I know that you"re a villain but I can"t stop this feeling, no.You"re cocky and its working,Chauvanistic and its perfect,M-m-must be something wrong with meI-I-I use to think that I was strong,But I now I see how I was wrongBecause you took control of meYou get under my skin, such a sweet sinJust like a disease that keeps on, keeps on eating at me,I know good and well you"re good for nothingThey say you don"t deserve meBut it really don"t disturb me.Why do all good girls like the bad boys?Like a moth to a flame, I guess I"m back here again.Tell me why the dark side just captures my eye,I know that you"re a villain but I can"t stop this feeling.No Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh (x2)Why do all good girls like the bad boys?I know that you"re a villain but I can"t stop this feeling, no.(Flo-Rida:)She can"t stop this feeling no, I tell her go with the flow righttt,Say little mama want to know why the good girls like the bad boys,Bad meaning good, shawty left with no choice,So over your skin, baby phat you"re so moist,Leaving with the tins, when I"m macking invoice,My laptop bling and a boy can"t avoidShe love it going in, she don"t want to be unemployed,One reason to be a good pleasin",freaking daddy"s little girl like I"m halfway decent,Sure it ain"t a lesson that I maybe been teaching,Party all night and keep preaching.Why do all good girls like the bad boys?Like a moth to a flame, guess I"m back here again.Tell me why the dark side just captures my eye,I know that you"re a villain but I can"t stop this feeling.No Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh (x2)Why do all good girls like the bad boys?I know that you"re a villain but I can"t stop this feeling, no.

Bad boy sad girl歌词?

歌曲:坏男孩-伤心女孩 bad boys - sad girls歌手:tata youngla la la la got a ace up my sleeve if you know what i mean you got a poker face most girls would buy but la la la i recent rumors tells me that you"ve been going crazy you don"t know if you should laugh or cry you didn"t think that i would never thought that i could say no to you let me tell you why i walk a step ahead of you cause i see myself in you so i know that you play that game i used to play the same bad boys sad girls bad bad boy i"ve been down that alley too know all the tricks like you bad boys sad girls i"m talking about you so if you really want to get close with me you ought to lose the drama and change your attitude see cause i don"t like pretending no i just want the real thing baby your story ain"t good enough for me cause i used to break a heart in two and that"s why i"m nobody"s fool la la la la you think that you got me by now but you don"t la la la la but i"ve got some tricks of my own la la la la got a ace up my sleeve if you know what i mean you got a poker face most girl would buy but la la la

we ride together,we die together,badboys for life 的意思


求Good Girls Like Bad Boys歌词

Good Girls Like Bad Boys Ummm... Yeahh... You"re not exactly the guy I can bring home to my mama But what she don"t know won"t hurt her You"re so controlling, so demanding, like to take advantage of me, But I don"t mind, no sir. You get under my skin, such a sweet sin Just like a disease that keeps on, keeps on eating at me, I know good and well you"re good for nothing They say you don"t deserve me But it really don"t disturb me. Why do all good girls like the bad boys? Like a moth to a flame, I guess I"m back here again. Tell me why the dark side just captures my eye, I know that you"re a villain but I can"t stop this feeling. No Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh (x2) Why do all good girls like the bad boys? I know that you"re a villain but I can"t stop this feeling, no. You"re cocky and its working, Chauvanistic and its perfect, M-m-must be something wrong with me I-I-I use to think that I was strong, But I now I see how I was wrong Because you took control of me You get under my skin, such a sweet sin Just like a disease that keeps on, keeps on eating at me, I know good and well you"re good for nothing They say you don"t deserve me But it really don"t disturb me. Why do all good girls like the bad boys? Like a moth to a flame, I guess I"m back here again. Tell me why the dark side just captures my eye, I know that you"re a villain but I can"t stop this feeling. No Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh (x2) Why do all good girls like the bad boys?

电影 Bad Boy 2 的主题曲



[P. Diddy]Hey Al, you ready?Let"s do it {*music starts*}Mmm, yeah, uhh..Yeah, uhh.. c"monI"m the definition of, half man, half drugsAsk the clubs, Bad Boy - that"s whassupAfter bucks, crush cruise after usNo gaze, we ain"t laughin muchNothin but big thangs, check the hitlistHow we twist shit, what change but the name?We still here, you rockin wit the bestDon"t worry if I write rhymes, I write checks (ahh!)Who"s the boss? Dudes is lostDon"t think cause I"m iced out, I"ma cool offWho else but me? (who else?) And if you don"t feel methat mean you can"t touch me, it"s ugly, trust meGet it right dawg, we ain"t ever leftWe just, moved in silence and rep to the death (yeah)It"s official, I survived what I been throughY"all got drama, "The Saga Continues..."[Chorus]We ain"t, go-in nowhere, we ain"t, goin nowhereWe can"t be stopped now, cause it"s Bad Boy for lifeWe ain"t, go-in nowhere, we ain"t, goin nowhereWe can"t be stopped now, cause it"s Bad Boy for life[Black Rob]"Ey yo straight from the Harlem streetsI"ll play your pussy down with the Harlem Heat (uh-huh)All a sudden niggaz got a problem wit me (Black, what happened?)They run around actin like the black don"t care eatAnd you know what? (what?) For some strange reason (uhh)I"m all for this medication feelin" deranged meetin"For y"all to put the word out (c"mon, c"mon) we ain"t leavinWe tryin to be rich before we all stop breathinThen fall (what?) we kinda hustle lanesStay layin down on muscle games (c"mon)Still turn niggaz dreams to flames (yeah)You got the wire, if not I ain"t sayin no more namesYou soon expire; (heh) no pain (nuh-uh)I feel remorse, the shit causes me and Diddy up firstRacin" Porsches wit the big twin-valve exhaustes {*screeching*} (yeah)On the cover of ya Vibe (hehe) XXL"s or (yeah) Source"s (c"mon) bitch[Chorus][Mark Curry]Yeah, yeah, yo, yeahIt ain"t shit changed, since the Notorious (We miss you B.I.G.)See everything still glorious (yeah)We still got warriors, still be the victorious (that"s right)See it"s a lot of them, but it"s more of usStill got cash to blow, raps that flowStill them cats that know, pack ya flowThat"s fo" sho", bottles that popJoints that rock, play the backgroundHand "em a jock, hold "em a glock (hahaha)Money to get (yeah), cars to flip (uhh)Bars to sit at and sip Cogniac wit Jews that drink (c"mon)Hoes to see (uhh), make sure they knowin it"s me (they know ya shit)Drop that beat, can"t believe that I MC (haha)Bad Boy "til the casket drop (Bad Boy)Gotta love it, place nuttin above it (nuttin)It"s on like that (c"mon), don"t believe, we ain"t goin like thatFor always gonna be here (yeah), be there (uhh)Every (what?) motherfuckin" year![Chorus] - 2X[P. Diddy over Chorus]Bad Boy.. we ain"t goin nowhereUh-huh.. uh-huh.. what?We ain"t goin nowhere.. we gon" stay right hereFor ever, and ever, and ever, and ever.. c"monWe ain"t goin nowhere.. we gon" stay right hereWe ain"t goin nowhere.. we gon" stay right hereYeah, uh-huh.. uh-huh, uh-huhCause it"s Bad Boy for life!这个?

谁能告诉我bad boy sad girl 歌词的翻译啊.谢谢

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