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bad的意思是:严重的;坏的。短语搭配:1、be bad for.对…不利;对…有害。2、bad news.坏消息。3、get worse.变糟;变差;恶化。4、have a bad headache.头很痛, 患重头痛。5、bad luck.倒霉。6、bad habit.坏习惯;不良习惯。7、bad cold.重感冒。8、bad guy.坏家伙;坏人;坏蛋。9、go bad.变坏;变质;(食品;蛋等)坏掉。10、bad dream.糟糕的梦;恶梦;噩梦。11、bad experience.糟糕的经历。12、bad sleep.睡眠不好。13、bad temper.坏脾气。14、in a bad mood.心情不好。15、too bad.可惜, 不幸, 实在遗憾。双语例句:1、They were really bad mistakes on my part and they cost us dear.这些是我犯的严重错误,使我们遭受了极大损失。2、17 per cent of viewers said they had been offended by bad language.17%的观众说骂人的脏话使他们听着觉得不舒服。3、She had been propositioned at the party by a subeditor with bad breath.晚会上一个口臭的小编辑向她提出非分的要求。4、Everyone knows that a bad smell is of survival value to the skunk.每个人都知道恶臭是臭鼬的生存值。5、A corrupt heart elicits in an hour all that is bad in us.一颗堕落的心在一个小时之内将我们恶的一面全部诱发出来。


bad意思: adj.令人不快的;问题成堆的;坏的;质量差的;不合格的;拙于;不擅;不善于 n.坏人;坏事(物) adv.很;非常 比较级: worse最高级: worst 扩展资料   例句:   The economy"s in a bad way.   经济状况很糟。   Why get upset just because you got one bad grade?   何必因为一次成绩不好就想不开呢?   You will always have the bad as well as the good in the world.   人生在世总是有苦有甜。   I thought it was a very bad article.   我以为那是一篇很低劣的文章。


单词“bad”在英语中读法是 /bæd/。这是一个很基础的单词,相信大家都已经很熟悉了。但是,它实际上有很多不同的含义和用法。首先,作为形容词,它的主要含义是负面的、不好的、坏的。例如,“That was a bad idea”(那是一个不好的想法),“The weather is really bad today”(今天天气很糟糕)。除此之外,“bad”还可以表示严重的、疼痛的,尤其是在医疗领域常常使用。例如,“I have a bad headache”(我头痛得厉害),“He has a bad case of the flu”(他得了严重的流感)。此外,“bad”还可以用作副词,在句子中通常修饰动词。此时,它的主要含义是非常、极其。例如,“He sings bad”(他唱歌很糟糕),“I feel bad for what I said”(我因为所说的话而感到非常内疚)。总而言之,熟悉单词“bad”的发音及不同含义和用法对于英语学习者至关重要。只有理解了这个词汇的不同层面,才能更好地运用于日常交流中。


bad,名词、形容词、副词作名词时意为“坏事;坏人”。作形容词时意为“坏的;严重的;劣质的”。作副词时意为“很,非常;坏地;邪恶地”。bad  face表示不开心短语搭配bad debt坏账 ;[会计]坏帐 ; 死账Bad Piggies坏小猪 ; 小坏猪 ; 捣鬼猪Bad Romance坏爱情 ; 第二李玟 ; 花为眉Bad Day倒霉日 ; 丹尼尔 ; 坏日子Too bad不好过 ; 残念 ; 糟糕 ; 遗憾Bad Salzuflen巴德萨尔楚夫伦 ; 巴特萨尔楚夫伦 ; 巴特萨尔茨乌夫伦 ; 萨尔佐夫伦


其实bad在那首歌里歌词是 who"s bad?意思就是“谁最厉害?”现在的话来说就是“谁牛逼?”= =~~在中国人学习的英语中,BAD是坏的意思。但在英语地道的口语中,bad有“很棒,真棒,很牛”的意思。俚语而已,是一种约定成俗的习惯。在这首歌曲中,译为真棒。这就跟口头禅一样 没有固定的性质~~而且,bad还 有“很,非常”的意思,如:I need you so badly.推荐看一看Bad的中文字幕MV,这样就都明白了。bad的中文歌词对照:这个问题我以前也问过,可以看看我当时问的问题的回答:




bad 可以翻译为:令人不快的;问题成堆的;坏的;质量差的;很;非常;坏人;坏事(物);严重的;不好;不好的。bad英式美式读音均为:[bæd];bad比较级:worse worst  比较级:worse  最高级:worst;同义词有:poor,evil,awful,naughty,disobedient;反义词有:good,fresh,slightbad短语有:bad luck:不幸;bad habit:坏习惯;bad thing:坏东西;bad mood;坏情绪bad temper:坏脾气;feel bad:觉得不舒服;bad双语例句:1、The efficiency hawks, he said, emphasize standardized testing, cracking down on poor school management and purging bad teachers.他谈到,强硬派强调的是标准化考试,取缔落后的学校管理,淘汰不合格的老师。2、"Well its been a good yr too bad its over, " the actor, 22, Tweeted Friday, seemingly alluding to his diminished role on the show.“过去的一年真的很不错,很遗憾这么快就结束了”这位22岁的演员上周五在推特里如此写道,似乎暗示自己在该剧中被削弱的角色。3、It sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, and in a way it was.这听起来像是个糟糕的笑话,但在某种程度上说它确实很不好笑。


badadj.令人不快的;问题成堆的;坏的;质量差的;不合格的;拙于;不擅;不善于;严重的;不适合的;不道德的;顽皮的;有害;有病的;变质的;发脾气;感到愧疚(或遗憾);觉得不舒服;顶呱呱的n.坏人;坏事(物)adv.很;非常双语例句:First, they needed to shred the bad bits of2010. 首先,他们需要“粉碎”2010年的那些令人不快的记忆。Looking forward to next year was not enough for some New Yorkers Tuesday. First, they needed to shred the bad bits of2010. 仅仅展望明年对于一些纽约人来说还不够。首先,他们需要“粉碎”2010年的那些令人不快的记忆。Do you want the good news or the bad news first? 你是想先听好消息还是坏消息?Why should I want to make you feel bad? 我干吗要让你难过呢?He was put off science by bad teaching. 教学不好使他失去了对理科的兴趣。The failure of the company was a direct result of bad management. 公司倒闭的直接原因是经营不善。

be bad for和 be bad to有什么不同?谢谢了!!!!

to对某人态度不好;for对……有坏处。It is bad for us to eat the junk food.




bad adj. 坏的,不好的;严重的;不舒服的;低劣的,有害的 n. 坏人,坏事 adv. 不好地,非常地


2005年解散了,快10年了,,,你不知道吗= =?


bad意思是差的。释义:adj.坏的;严重的;劣质的n.坏事;坏人adv.很,非常;坏地;邪恶地n. (Bad)人名;(罗)巴德变形:比较级worse、最高级worst双语例句1、I am in a bad mood today.我今天心情不好。2、He cannot distinguish between good and bad,right and wrong.他分不清好与坏,对与错。3、He fell down and was injured bad.他跌倒了,伤得很严重。


bad的意思是:严重的;坏的。短语搭配:1、be bad for.对…不利;对…有害。2、bad news.坏消息。3、get worse.变糟;变差;恶化。4、have a bad headache.头很痛, 患重头痛。5、bad luck.倒霉。6、bad habit.坏习惯;不良习惯。7、bad cold.重感冒。8、bad guy.坏家伙;坏人;坏蛋。9、go bad.变坏;变质;(食品;蛋等)坏掉。10、bad dream.糟糕的梦;恶梦;噩梦。11、bad experience.糟糕的经历。12、bad sleep.睡眠不好。13、bad temper.坏脾气。14、in a bad mood.心情不好。15、too bad.可惜, 不幸, 实在遗憾。双语例句:1、They were really bad mistakes on my part and they cost us dear.这些是我犯的严重错误,使我们遭受了极大损失。2、17 per cent of viewers said they had been offended by bad language.17%的观众说骂人的脏话使他们听着觉得不舒服。3、She had been propositioned at the party by a subeditor with bad breath.晚会上一个口臭的小编辑向她提出非分的要求。4、Everyone knows that a bad smell is of survival value to the skunk.每个人都知道恶臭是臭鼬的生存值。5、A corrupt heart elicits in an hour all that is bad in us.一颗堕落的心在一个小时之内将我们恶的一面全部诱发出来。


bad的读音是:英[b?d]。bad的读音是:英[b?d]。bad的详尽释义是adj.(形容词)坏的,不好的严重的,剧烈的腐烂的,变质的不适合的,不适当的邪恶的,不道德的拙劣的,不合格的,质量差的有害的令人不快的问题成堆的。bad的词语用法是adj.(形容词)bad的基本意思是“坏的,邪恶的,不道德的”,也可作“令人不快的,使人讨厌的”“严重的; 显著的”“有病的”“有害于某人的”“不适宜的; 困难的”等解。一、详尽释义点此查看bad的详细内容adj.(形容词)坏的,不好的严重的,剧烈的腐烂的,变质的不适合的,不适当的邪恶的,不道德的拙劣的,不合格的,质量差的有害的令人不快的问题成堆的n.(名词)坏人堕落亏损坏事,不好的东西或情形恶劣状态,劣质恶,邪恶不幸,倒霉adv.(副词)非常,很,极笨拙坏,不好地,恶劣地,邪恶地不正确地危害地令人不快地二、双解释义adj.(形容词)坏的,劣质的; 不合格的,有错的 of poor quality; below an acceptable standard; faulty不道德的; 邪恶的 not morally acceptable; wicked令人不快的,使人讨厌的 unpleasant; disagreeable严重的; 显著的 serious; noticeable因变质而不能食用的 (of food) not fit to be eaten because of decay[P]不健康的,有病的 unhealthy or diseased有害于某人的 hurtful不适宜的; 困难的 unsuitable; difficultn.(名词)[U]坏的事物 that which is wicked, unpleasant, etc.三、英英释义Noun:that which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency;"take the bad with the good"Adjective:having undesirable or negative qualities;"a bad report card""his sloppy appearance made a bad impression""a bad little boy""clothes in bad shape""a bad cut""bad luck""the news was very bad""the reviews were bad""the pay is bad""it was a bad light for reading""the movie was a bad choice"very intense;"a bad headache""in a big rage""had a big (or bad) shock""a bad earthquake""a bad storm"feeling physical discomfort or pain (`tough" is occasionally used colloquially for `bad");"my throat feels bad""she felt bad all over""he was feeling tough after a restless night"(of foodstuffs) not in an edible or usable condition;"bad meat""a refrigerator full of spoilt food"feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone;"felt regretful over his vanished youth""regretful over mistakes she had made""he felt bad about breaking the vase"not capable of being collected;"a bad (or uncollectible) debt"below average in quality or performance;"a bad chess player""a bad recital"nonstandard;"so-called bad grammar"not financially safe or secure;"a bad investment""high risk investments""anything that promises to pay too much can"t help being risky""speculative business enterprises"physically unsound or diseased;"has a bad back""a bad heart""bad teeth""an unsound limb""unsound teeth"capable of harming;"bad air""smoking is bad for you"characterized by wickedness or immorality;"led a very bad life"reproduced fraudulently;"like a bad penny...""a forged twenty dollar bill"not working properly;"a bad telephone connection""a defective appliance"Adverb:with great intensity (`bad" is a nonstandard variant for `badly");"the injury hurt badly""the buildings were badly shaken""it hurts bad""we need water bad"very much; strongly;"I wanted it badly enough to work hard for it""the cables had sagged badly""they were badly in need of help""he wants a bicycle so bad he can taste it"四、例句Smoking is bad for health.吸烟对身体有害。In the recession, our firm went through a bad time.我们公司在经济衰退时期历尽艰辛。He"s gone to bad since he made friends with those people.他结交那些人后就开始堕落了。Their travel plan was cancelled because of the bad weather.因为天气不好,他们的旅行计划取消了。His shabby appearance creates a bad impression.他那寒酸的样子给人留下不好的印象。It"s a very bad thing to leave things around.把东西到处乱扔是很不好的习惯。Bad eyesight is less common in this part.这地区很少有视力差的人。A bad workman quarrels with his tool.手艺差的工人总是抱怨工具不好使。I felt bad all day.我整天觉得不舒服。She"s got a bad headache.她头痛得厉害。Leaving his name off the list was a bad slip-up.名单上没有他的名字是个严重的疏忽。She has been racked with a bad cough.她一直为严重的咳嗽所苦。It"s bad to you to read in the sun.在阳光下读书是有害的。Stagflation is bad for stock market valuations.滞涨对股票价值是有害的。In several passages he stressed that bad governments, especially corrupt or repressive ones, could not expect his help.在几页文字中,奥巴马强调,管理不善的政府,特别是腐败的或是镇压性的政府是不可能获得他的帮助的。Pogroms, crusades, bad Popes, and crooked preachers on the Old Time Gospel hour have left a bad taste in many people"s mouths.大屠杀,十字军东征,腐败的天主教皇,和一些歪曲事实的布道者在旧时期给人们留下了太多的负面影响。I thought it was a very bad article.我以为那是一篇很低劣的文章。They protested about the bad food.他们对低劣的伙食提出了抗议。The decadence of morals is bad for a nation.道德的堕落对国家是不利的。Your bad skin will tell against you if you want to be an actress.如果你想当演员的话,你粗糙的皮肤对你是不利的。Bad breath, as well as being unpleasant, can be interpreted by would-be lovers as a sign of health problems.口气不清新或让人不舒服会被对方视为身体不健康的标志。He was for putting bad men behind bars.他赞成将坏人关进监狱。The bad man will suffer eternal damnation.坏人将会受到永远的惩罚。You must learn to take the bad with the good.人必须学会好坏都能承受。That"s what I want, and I want it bad.这就是我想要的,而且是迫不及待要得到的。Alison sings bad.艾莉森唱得很糟。五、常用短语用作形容词(adj.)bad blood恶感 ill feelingbad debt坏账 money owing that is written offbad egg〔hat, lot〕卑鄙小人 sb of bad character〔reputation〕bad language骂人的脏话 swearing; blasphemingbad light坏印象 unfavourable reputationcome to a bad end死于非命; 落得个不好的下场 finish in unpleasant〔criminal〕 circumstancesgo from bad to worse越来越坏 deteriorate graduallyin a bad way情况不好 in a very poor statein bad taste不体面,令人难为情 ill-mannerednot bad不错 comparatively goodtoo bad〈口〉可惜 unfortunate用作名词(n.)go to the bad变坏,堕落 become completely immoralin bad with与(某人)关系恶劣 be bad in relationship with sbtake the bad with the good好坏都看得开 accept the unwelcome aspects as well as the welcome ones六、经典引文Children perished..from bad nourishment.出自:T. R. MalthusAll ways are long over bad roads.出自:E. GlasgowWhy should people go out to see bad films when they can stay at home and see bad television?出自:S. GoldwynI couldn"t do it on the phoneshis hearing"s bad.出自:K. Laffan七、常见错误adj.(形容词)他昨夜睡眠很不好。误 He slept very bad last night.正 He slept very badly last night.析 bad不用作副词,其副词形式为badly。bad的相关近义词adverse、base、corrupt、criminal、damaging、dangerous、decayed、evil、harmful、harsh、off、grave、serious、severe、troubled、unfortunate、wrongbad的相关反义词easy、good、healthy、moral、pleasantbad的相关临近词Baden、bacterium、Badi、Badh、Badu、Badr、Bado、Badt、bade、Bada、Bady、Badiu点此查看更多关于bad的详细信息


  bad这个英文单词指的是坏的,它的 反义词 自然就是好的 英语单词 了。以下是我给大家带来bad的反义词介绍,以供参阅。   bad的反义词   good 好;   bad的词组习语   from bad to worse   1. 每况愈下   in a bad way   1. 健康情形很坏的;有病的   my bad   1. (北美,非正式)[用于表示承担犯错误的责任]我的错   对不起,我弄丢了你的CD。是我的错。   Sorry I lost your CD. It"s my bad.   not (或 not so) bad   1. (非正式)还好的,不错的   她发现他毕竟还是不错的。   she discovered he wasn"t so bad after all.   to the bad   1. (走)向毁灭   我不愿看着你走向毁灭。   I hate to see you going to the bad.   2. 负债   他欠了80英镑的债。   he was £80 to the bad.   too bad   1. (非正式)可惜;不幸   真不幸,可就是那么回事儿。   too bad, but that"s the way it is.   in bad【非正式用语】   1. 倒霉,失宠:处于麻烦或冷遇状态之中的   not half bad 或 not so bad   1. 【非正式用语】 非常好   bad的英语例句   1. If you"re lonely when you"re alone, you"re in bad company.--Jean Paul Sartre   如果你独处时感到寂寞,说明没有把自己陪好。   2. Too bad he used his intelligence for criminal purposes.   他把聪明都用在了犯罪上,太可惜了。   3. When the right woman comes along, this bad dream will be over.   当有合适的女人出现时,这种胡思乱想就会停止了。   4. She was in rather a bad film about the Mau Mau.   她出演了一部关于茅茅运动(20世纪50年代肯尼亚基库尤人反抗英国殖民者的民族主义运动)的烂片。   5. Many parents find it hard to discourage bad behaviour.   很多父母觉得要孩子循规蹈矩是件很难的事情。   6. The expedition was wrecked by bad planning and poor navigation.   这次探险因计划不周和导航不利而失败。   7. The drop in travel is bad news for the airline industry.   旅游热降温对航空业来说是个坏消息。   8. I have to admit that I have bad handwriting.   我不得不承认自己的字写得不好看。   9. Although people sometimes buy property sight unseen, it"sa remarkably badidea.   尽管人们有时没看房就买了房,但这真是一个很糟糕的主意。   10. "How much is he paying you?" — "Oh, five thousand." —"Not bad."   “他给你多少钱?”——“哦,5,000。”——“挺不错嘛。”   11. Mick was stubborn and domineering with a very bad temper.   米克既固执又专横,脾气还很坏。   12. The South African mailboat arrived on Friday mornings unless bad weather intervened.   除非受恶劣天气干扰,南非邮船一般在星期五上午抵达。   13. Alec blotted his copybook — got sent home for bad behaviour.   亚历克因为行为恶劣被遣回了家,一下子名声扫地。   14. My father, who had always been very self-controlled, became bad-tempered.   平素一直非常自制的父亲变得暴躁了。   15. There"s been some bad feeling between the two families.


  BAD成员介绍  Ben .  姓名:白吉胜 / Ben Pai  生日:1979.8.2  星座:狮子座  血型:O  身高 / 体重:180CM / 155lb-160lb  学历:Cal. State L.A  兴趣:听音乐、唱歌  Alex .  姓名:田恩沛 / Alex Tien  生日:1979.9.12  星座:处女座  血型:B  身高 / 体重:178CM / 70KG  学历:University of Southern California  兴趣:运动、股票、睡觉、音乐  Danny  姓名:黄柏文 / Danny Huang  生日:1978.7.9  星座:巨蟹座  血型:A  身高 / 体重:175CM / 62KG  学历:Musician Institude College  兴趣:打高尔夫球、唱歌、跳舞、音乐  B.A.D.的歌名串串烧  《因为有你》让我《着魔》,《Oh I》我《失眠》了。《想你想疯了》使我《不安静》于是《我想醉》。  醒来时,发现我在《梦的起点》,是个《夏天的圣诞节》,《远方的朋友》《失去联络》但我已《无所谓》。  看到你穿着《玻璃鞋》站在《半个海洋》的沙滩上许着《金斯敦的梦想》。我《靠近你》,感到了《晕眩》。《爱情攻投》在脑中想起。《得到你的方法》究竟是什么?  我对你说:“《My Lovely Girl》,《你是我的品牌》让我《异想天开》想再《靠近一点》,《爱有你》我什么都可放弃。”  你笑着说:“我《爱上了坏》。”  “我会成为《坏男人》”  “可我不要你变坏,因为你坏了的话。《我们的爱啊》!你只会对我有《半点心》。”  我们在《青春舞曲2001》的伴奏下,跳舞。我说要唱《皇后之歌》给你听!  可DJ《粗心》竟放了《肚子一圈肉》。你转身要走,我拉住你说:“《这首歌不是我点的》。”  你没有理我。我急了,抱着你说:“是《我的错》请你《Don"t Say Goodbye》。”你争脱我的手臂,头也不会的走了。  我以为那会是我们《最后一个拥抱》。  突然听到有人在喊:“《马文才》,《Open Your Eyes》!”  睁开眼睛,原来是场梦。看见桌上多了只鱼缸,里面养着《冬天的热带鱼》,旁边有张纸片“《到此一游》”是她的笔记。让我重新获得《爱的生命力》。  我急忙追下楼去,要把《我没对她说的话》告诉她。  “我只《Loving You》!”


动词的ing形式如果是名词,这个词称动名词.动名词是一种兼有动词和名词特征的非限定动词.它可以支配宾语,也能被副词修饰.动名词有时态和语态的变化.特征 由于动名词是由动词变化而来,它仍保留着动词的某些特征,具有动...

bad是什么意思 bad解释

1、bad,英语单词,名词、形容词、副词,作名词时意为“坏事;坏人”。作形容词时意为“坏的;严重的;劣质的”。作副词时意为“很,非常;坏地;邪恶地”。 2、单词发音:英[bæd]美[bæd] 3、短语搭配:bad debt坏账 ;[会计]坏帐 ; 死账 Bad Piggies坏小猪 ; 小坏猪 ; 捣鬼猪。

bad egg中文是什么意思


Why does cream go bad faster than butter? Some researchers think they the answer,and it comes down


so many students ( ) because of the bad weather,the exam had to be put off

D逗号后面没有并列连词and,说明前后两句话不是并列关系。the exam had to be put off是一个句子,有主语(the exam)有谓语(had to be put off),说明这是一个句子。那么逗号前面就不是一个句子,而是一个短语。A、C两项只能作谓语动词。如果一个语法成分有谓语动词,那么它就一定是句子。因此排除A、C。students与being late是主谓关系,因此要用现在分词的形式表示主动。so many students being late because of the bad weather是现在分词短语作原因状语。祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟!请记得采纳,多谢!

进游戏提示bad allocation怎么办

游戏有内存泄露,或者内存碎片过多。C++ Exception:bad allocatoin,实际上就是分配内存失败了,导致这种情况的就是以上两种可能,游戏程序的问题,跟你机器没关系。

chew; cricket 、badminton ;cupboard 这几个英语怎么读阿?

chew tʃuːcricket ˈkrɪkɪtbadminton ˈbædmɪntəcupboard ˈkʌbərd

我们老师给我们一篇英文短文,根据理解,要进行戏剧表演 主题是Bananas are bad for you 我打算分饰4个角

vendor 卖香蕉的小贩

以hay lay may pay bad 结尾的单词有哪些?

Hay- chay hay linhay pochay sashay shay Lay- airplay alay allay ballclay belay blay brickclay byplay clay counterplay cullay delay display downplay endplay fireclay flay forelay foreplay gondelay gunplay handplay horseplay inlay interlay interplay lay mellay mislay misplay nonplay onlay outlay outplay overlay overplay owrelay palay parlay photoplay pipeclay play powerplay redisplay relay replay rocklay rokelay roundelay screenplay slay splay superlay swordplay teleplay underclay underlay underplay unlay uplay virelay waylay wordplay May- dismay gamay sinamay Pay- apay appay backpay copay overpay pay prepay repay spay underpay unpay Bad- forbad superbad tebbad

ICD - Hyderabad, ICD什么意思?比CIF Chennai 要多多少运费啊

ICD: Inland Container Depot :内陆集装箱堆场多一程钦奈(Chennai)- 海得拉巴(HYDERABAD) 的内陆运费,具体多少钱,你问货运代理吧,他们会安排的.

“syntax error:at bad,expected”是什么意思?

这个问题是由max自动加载脚本错误产生的,关闭max,先将{C:UsersAdministratorAppDataLocalAutodesk3dsMax}此文件夹下chs或enu文件夹改名备份(也可删除),重启max,会自动生成新的chs或enu文件夹,问题完美解决(之前一些设置及快捷键需重新设置,亲测),其他版本类似syntax error:at bad,expected<factor>问题都可以用此方法,希望可以帮助你!

Bad Romance是什么意思?


lady gaga 的bad romance 是啥意思,bad 是啥意思?是俚语吗?

romance是浪漫史的意思bad就是坏 其实很简单就明白了 就是不好的浪漫史更直白就是 有了一个不好的爱情回忆 = =



Ladygaga的《Bad Romance》中文什么意思?

歌词: Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance囚禁于邪恶传奇Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!GaGa-oo-la-la!Want your bad romance垂涎于你的邪恶传奇Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!GaGa-oo-la-la!Want your bad romance垂涎于你的邪恶传奇I want your ugly垂涎于你的丑恶I want your disease垂涎于你的病态I want your everything垂涎于你的所有As long as it"s free与自由同样长久I want your love垂涎于你的爱恋Love-love-love爱恋-爱恋-爱恋I want your love垂涎于你的爱恋I want your drummer垂涎于你的鼓点The touch of your healing你治愈的的抚摸I want you leather dirty kiss in the scene垂涎于剧本中抽搐肮脏的吻And I want your love垂涎于你的爱恋Love-love-love爱恋-爱恋-爱恋I want your love垂涎于你的爱恋Love-love-love爱恋-爱恋-爱恋I want your love垂涎于你的爱恋You know that I want you你明白我垂涎于你And you know that I need you你明白我想占有你I want it bad我要它更邪恶Bad and bad肮脏 堕落I want your loving我垂涎于你的迷恋And I want your revenge我垂涎于你的复仇You and me put on a bad romance你我正在编织邪恶传奇I want your loving我垂涎于你的迷恋All your love is revenge你的迷恋是复仇You and me put on a bad romance你我正在编织邪恶传奇Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance囚困于邪恶传奇Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance囚困于邪恶传奇Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!GaGa-oo-la-la!Want your bad romance垂涎于邪恶传奇I want your horror我垂涎于你的恐惧I want your design垂涎于你的阴谋"Cause you"re a criminal只因你是罪孽As long as your mine与我属于你的时日一样长久I want your love我垂涎于你的爱恋Love-love-love爱恋-爱恋-爱恋I want your love我垂涎于你的爱恋I want your psycho我垂涎于你的灵魂You"re burning this stick枯木因你燃烧Want you in my room垂涎于囚在我牢房里的你When your baby is sick亲爱的每当你充满攻击性时I want your love我就垂涎于你的爱恋Love-love-love爱恋-爱恋-爱恋I want your love垂涎于你的爱恋Love-love-love爱恋-爱恋-爱恋I want your love我垂涎于你的爱恋You know that I want you你明白我要占有你And you know that I need you你明白我无法放弃你I want it bad我要它更邪恶Bad and bad肮脏 堕落I want your loving我垂涎于你的迷恋And I want your revenge我垂涎于你的复仇You and me put on a bad romance你与我正在编制邪恶传奇I want your loving我垂涎于你的迷恋All your love is revenge你的迷恋是复仇You and me put on a bad romance你与我正在编制邪恶传奇Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance囚困于邪恶传奇Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance囚困于邪恶传奇Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!GaGa-oo-la-la!Want your bad romance垂涎于你的邪恶传奇Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!GaGa-oo-la-la!Want your bad romance垂涎于你的邪恶传奇Walk-walk fashion baby行走在上流社会 亲爱的Work it虐待它Work the bitch crazy鞭挞那些荡妇使她们更加疯狂Walk-walk fashion baby行走在上流社会 亲爱的Work it虐待它Work the bitch crazy鞭挞那些荡妇使她们更加疯狂Walk-walk fashion baby行走在上流社会 亲爱的Work it虐待它Work the bitch crazy鞭挞那些荡妇使她们更加疯狂Walk-walk fashion baby行走在上流社会 亲爱的Work it虐待它Work the bitch crazy鞭挞那些荡妇使她们更加疯狂I want your love我垂涎于你的爱恋And I want your revenge垂涎于你的复仇I want your love我垂涎于你的爱恋I don"t wanna be friends我可不是你的同伴Said I want your love我要占有你的爱And I want your revenge占有你的复仇I want your love我要占有你的爱恋I don"t wanna be friends我可不是你的战友Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance囚禁于邪恶传奇Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance囚禁于邪恶传奇I want your loving我垂涎于你的迷恋And I want your revenge垂涎于你的复仇You and me put on a bad romance你我正在编制邪恶传奇I want your loving我垂涎于你的迷恋All your love is revenge你的迷恋是复仇You and me put on a bad romance你与我正在编制邪恶传奇Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance囚困于邪恶传奇Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance囚困于邪恶传奇Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah!Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah!GaGa-oo-la-la!Want your bad romance 垂涎于你的邪恶传奇

bad romance什么意思

bad romance糟糕的浪漫

bad romance 的歌词是啥意思?

Bad Romance 罗曼死 坏浪漫 腐烂罗曼 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh-oh Caught in a bad romance 陷入了你给的坏浪漫 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh-oh Caught in a bad romance 陷入了你给的坏浪漫 Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Roma-roma-mamaa! Ga-ga-ooh-la-la! Want your bad romance 给我坏浪漫 Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Roma-roma-mamaa! Ga-ga-ooh-la-la! Want your bad romance 给我坏浪漫 I want your ugly I want your disease 丑也好 病也罢 I want your everything As long as it"s free 只要免费 你的一切我统统都要 I want your love 给我你的爱 (Love-love-love I want your love) I want your drama 虚情假意也好 The touch of your hand 只要你双手的触感 I want your leather-studded kiss in the scene 我要你数不清的亲吻 I want your love 给我你的爱 Love-love-love I want your love 爱爱爱 给我你的爱 (Love-love-love I want your love) 爱爱爱 给我你的爱 You know that I want you And you know that I need you 你知道我要你 你知道我离不开你 I want a bad, your bad romance 严重需求 控制不了 I want your loving and I want your revenge 你爱我也好 恨我也罢 You and me could write a bad romance 我们可以共谱一篇坏浪漫 (Oh-oh-oh--oh-oooh!) I want your loving and All your love is revenge 我要你爱我 即使爱也是恨 You and me could write a bad romance 我们可以共谱一篇坏浪漫 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Caught in a bad romance 陷入了你给的坏浪漫 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Caught in a bad romance 陷入了你给的坏浪漫 Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Roma-roma-mamaa! Ga-ga-ooh-la-la! Want your bad romance 给我坏浪漫 I want your horror I want your design 我要你恐惧的表情 我要你设下的陷阱 Cause you"re a criminal As long as you"re mine 因为你是我爱情的罪犯 I want your love 给我你的爱 (Love-love-love I want your love-uuhh) 爱爱爱 给我你的爱 I want your psycho Your vertigo stick 我要你发狂 展现你的男子汉气概 Want you in my room baby you are sick 从四面八方 宝贝 你病了 I want your love 给我你的爱 Love-love-love I want your love (Love-love-love I want your love) 爱爱爱 给我你的爱 You know that I want you ("Cause I"m a freak bitch baby!) And you know that I need you 你知道我要你【快来买我的廉价爱情】 你知道我离不开你 I want a bad, bad romance 严重需求 控制不了 I want your loving and I want your revenge 你爱我也好 恨我也罢 You and me could write a bad romance 我们可以共谱一篇坏浪漫 (Oh-oh-oh--oh-oooh!) I want your loving and All your love is revenge 我要你爱我 即使爱也是恨 You and me could write a bad romance 我们可以共谱一篇坏浪漫 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Caught in a bad romance 陷入了你给的坏浪漫 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Caught in a bad romance 陷入了你给的坏浪漫 Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Roma-roma-mamaa! Ga-ga-ooh-la-la! Want your bad romance 给我坏浪漫 Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Roma-roma-mamaa! Ga-ga-ooh-la-la! Want your bad romance 给我坏浪漫 Walk, walk fashion baby 时尚是你的舞台 上吧 Work it Move that bitch crazy 让女人都臣服于你 Walk, walk fashion baby 时尚是你的舞台 上吧 Work it Move that bitch crazy 让女人都臣服于你 Walk, walk fashion baby 时尚是你的舞台 上吧 Work it Move that bitch crazy 让女人都臣服于你 Walk, walk fashion baby 时尚是你的舞台 上吧 Work it I"m a freak bitch, baby 快来买我的廉价爱情 I want your loving and I want your revenge 你爱我也好 恨我也罢 I want your love I don"t wanna be friends 我要你的爱 我不想只做朋友 Je veux ton amour Et je veux t"en revendre Je veux ton amour 我要你爱我 我要你恨我 我要你爱我 I don"t wanna be friends 我不想只做朋友 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh! I don"t wanna be friends (Caught in a bad romance) 我不想只做朋友 ( 陷入了你给的坏浪漫) I don"t wanna be friends 我不想只做朋友 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh! Want your bad romance (Caught in a bad romance) 给我坏浪漫(陷入了你给的坏浪漫) Want your bad romance! 给我坏浪漫! I want your loving and I want your revenge 你爱我也好 恨我也罢 You and me could write a bad romance 我们可以共谱一篇坏浪漫 (Oh-oh-oh--oh-oooh!) I want your loving and All your love is revenge 我要你爱我 即使爱也是恨 You and me could write a bad romance 我们可以共谱一篇坏浪漫 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Caught in a bad romance 陷入了你给的坏浪漫 Want your bad romance (Caught in a bad romance) 给我坏浪漫(陷入了你给的坏浪漫) Want your bad romance 给我坏浪漫 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Want your bad romance (Caught in a bad romance) 给我坏浪漫(陷入了你给的坏浪漫) Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Roma-roma-mamaa! Ga-ga-ooh-la-la! Caught in a bad romance 陷入了你给的坏浪漫【不能自拔】

bad romance什么意思?

Bad Romance词典[电影]花为眉;糟糕的浪漫史双语例句 1But a bad romance is still fragile, however large the costs of breaking up. 但没有感情的婚姻仍然容易破裂,无论成本有多高。2The singer of hits like "Bad Romance" and "Poker Face" has said the theatrical show will be "more of a musical and less of a concert". 拥有《糟糕的浪漫史》、《扑克脸》等热门单曲的Lady Gaga还表示整个演出将充满戏剧色彩,“与其说是一场演唱会还不如说是一部音乐剧”。

英文 bad june是什么意思

bad june糟糕的六月.-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

英语形容词比较级最高级不规则的除了good bad old little far many late 还有那些


求Kasey Chambers《On a bad day》中文歌词





braver,deeper,thinner,hotter,less,worse,more friendly,more comfortable



so so,even bad是什么意思?

意思是: 如此,即使是不好的

The red badge of courage 是什么意思?


b.a.p badman音译歌词

哟东搜噶搜 图里嫩就留空破诶几林 涩散额r退级bobo里够呀 大 米求bo林涩散 怕公门够公呀 那东噶帮给怒看嫩恰得GET OUT 牛斯日bua都穷不 公共诶穷gi够赛扣陪斯得里米求那也gi嫩潘一够一公pong最化诶穷怎都卡起卡帕就给一A嫩 一 怒内嫩 怒 你 吗日 gi额尅勇搜啷哦不搜五林求er得I Gotta Feeling 残门苏噶哦不搜 Give It Up I Gotta Feeling 你噶怒嫩看嫩那no嫩为红黑才木恐得lio搜 Get Away Becuz I"m cuz I"m Dangerous I"m a Badman 额度m 搜给 呢日 噶多组r给ah ah ah ah歌被 急r林 莫斯不r 吧i"m a badman你的人 大 斯热播里r歌呀额囧 bieon米按 大为嫩 内给 哈急吗in the endbadman 呀 呀 badman 呀 呀yeh guyz 下米 怒噶 吴里r 吗r都一 都洗A 攻gi嫩 呢木那 soom 吗kio测额m不特 咋r莫duean呢一 一里哇 干够尅的热吴n 撒k的人 大 咋r啦播里r 得噶急按 萌m挫 难 都K都噶齐 怒n木r 和r lio吧 you got thati gotta feeling大 不r 忒我播lio burn it upi gotta feeling你嘎 吴r不急嫩 那r呢嫩 we home 黑噶r 得噶急 噶色 get awaybecuz i"m cuz i"m dangerousi"m a badman额度m 搜给 呢日 噶多组r给ah ah ah ah歌被 急r林 莫斯不r 吧i‘m a badman你的日 大 斯热播里r歌呀额den bieon米鞥 大we嫩 内给 哈急吗in the endbadman 呀 呀 badman 呀呀位 咋古 跟的lio咋 一里 up的lio大 吗没 按 的热呢r 播mieon lose controlbadman位 咋古 跟的lio咋 一里 up的lio大 吗没 按 的热呢r 播mieon lose controlbad man吴里r 慢那mieon 贼吧r 则里 都忙 噶做则r得喽 吴林 你的日 噶吗你 莫 nua多i"m a badman额度m 搜给 呢日 噶多组r给ah ah ah ah歌被 急r林 莫斯不r 吧i‘m a badman 你的人 大 斯热播里r歌呀额den bieon米安 大we嫩 内给 哈急吗in the end

普通高中必修3 短文阅读 Good or bad

私信我 所有问题都能解决

badminton volleyball baseball tennis是什么意思

羽毛球、排球 、棒球、网球


before:或指从过去某一时间起向前推算的若干时间的以前,通常与过去完成时连用;或泛指以前,并不具体指若干时间以前,可使用现在完成的或过去时;还可指从将来某一时间起的若干时间以前before反义词 afterbad是坏的,不好的; 严重的; 不舒服的; 低劣的,有害的;

I need you so bad什么意思?


I"ve been suffering from a very bad stomachache f

I"ve been suffering from a very bad stomachache for two days now.我因肚子很疼而痛苦,到现在已经两天了。Now表示到现在完成进行时(也就是说现在还在疼)。


expensive: more expensive, the most expensivecheap: cheaper, cheapesteasy: easier, easiestbad: worse, worst


farther fatter cheaper the more expensive bigger worsefarthest fatter cheapest the most expensive biggest worst


more expensive;most expensivebetter; bestworse;worstmore boring;most boringhotter;hottest


even though there are laws and advertisers" codes of conduct, some bad ads do get made

get+过去分词 表示这个动作的被动,但是又比be done多强调一些动态性,这里be made就是被制作的意思even though “尽管”引导让步状语从句,后面的主句中some bad ads是主语,do是强调谓语的词,get made是谓语。句子的意思是尽管有法律和广告行业的规范,但是仍旧有一些劣质广告被制作出来

growing up in a bad home中growing做什么成分

The themes of the stroy are to do with children growing up and becoming more serious. =The themes of the stroy are to do with children who are growing up and becoming more serious. growing up and becoming more serious是两个并列的现在分词短语,在句中做定语,相当于一个定语从句.

英语流利说 Level3 Unit1 Part3-Ordering Food from Home & Are Selfies Good or Bad?

I"m tired of going out to eat.我厌倦了出去吃饭。 Let"s eat at home tonight.我们今晚在家吃吧。 OK, are you going to cook?好的,你要做饭吗? No, it"s too late and you know I"m not a good cook.不,太晚了,而且你知道我不擅长烹饪。 Let"s order something.让我们点一些。 Where are they going to eat? They are going to eat at home.他们要去哪里吃?他们打算在家里吃。 What do you have in mind?你有什么想法? I was thinking about a nice big pizza.我在想一个很棒的大披萨。 Again? I had pizza last night, so please, no pizza.一遍吗?我昨晚吃了披萨,所以拜托,不要披萨。 What was he thinking about ordering?He was thinking about ordering a pizza.他在想点什么?他在考虑订披萨。 OK, no pizza.好吧,没有披萨。 Let"s order Chinese food, OK?我们点中国菜好吗? Sweet and sour?糖醋吗? You always like sweet and sour.你总是喜欢吃甜的和酸的。 I feel like eating something hot and spicy.我想吃点又辣又辣的东西。 OK, you order something hot and spicy, and I order sweet and sour.好的,您点的是辣的,我点的是甜的和酸的。 I don"t want anything spicy.我不想吃辣的。 My stomach doesn"t feel good.我的胃不舒服。 It"s a bit upset.有点心烦意乱。 What are they going to order instead of pizza? some Chinese food他们打算点什么来代替比萨饼?一些中国食物 Why doesn"t he want something hot and spicy? His stomach doesn"t feel good.他为什么不想吃辣的呢?他的胃不舒服。 OK, if you want sweet and sour then I"ll have that too.好的,如果你要糖醋,我也要。 and I"ll make us salad with lots of tomatoes.我要用很多西红柿做沙拉。 How long will it take for the food to get here?食物到这儿要多长时间? I don"t know.我不知道。 I"ll call and find out.我打电话问问看。 Thanks, hopefully it won"t take longer than an hour. 谢谢,希望不会超过一小时。 I"m getting hungry.我饿了。 What do they finally decide to order? They decide to order sweet and sour.他们最后决定点什么?他们决定点糖醋。 Hey, what did you do last night?嘿,你昨晚做什么了? Itooka long walkfrommy hotel.我从旅馆走了很长一段路。 You didn"t get lost?你没迷路吧? No, I didn"t.不,我没有。 Where did you go? Any where interesting?你去哪儿了?任何地方有趣吗? I walked to the river. 我走到河边。 There were thousands of people there.那里有成千上万的人。 You went to the river? 你去河边了? How long did it take you to walk there?你走到那里花了多长时间? It took around 20 minutes.大约花了20分钟。 Did you see anything interesting?你看到什么有趣的东西了吗? I was reallysurprisedby how many people were there.那里有那么多人,真让我吃惊。 How did she get to the river? She walked to the river.她是怎么到河边的?她走到河边。 What did she see at the river? She saw thousands of people there.她在河里看到了什么?她在那里看到成千上万的人。 Many of them were taking pictures and selfies. 他们中的许多人在拍照和自拍。 Lots of selfies.很多selfies。 Do you take selfies?你会自拍吗? Sure, don"t you?当然,不是吗? Sometimes, but my girlfriend takes a lot of selfies. 有时候,但是我女朋友经常自拍。 Then she shares them with her friends online. 然后她在网上和朋友们分享。 I don"t understand why people like to take so many pictures of themselves.我不明白为什么人们喜欢拍那么多自己的照片。 That"s because you are old-fashioned.那是因为你太古板了。 Who takes a lot of selfies? His girlfriend does.谁喜欢自拍?他的女朋友。 Why does his girlfriend put her selfies online? She wants to share them with her friends.他的女朋友为什么把自拍放到网上?她想和朋友们一起分享。 Emm, I guess you"re right. 嗯,我想你是对的。 There"s too muchsocial mediafor me. 社交媒体对我来说太多了。 When I go to a restaurant, I see many people looking at their smart phones. 当我去餐馆的时候,我看到很多人在看他们的智能手机。 They don"t even look at the people they are with.他们甚至不看身边的人。 Times are changing, my friend. Whether you like it or not.时代在变,我的朋友。不管你喜不喜欢。 She took a long walk from the hotel.她从旅馆走了很长一段路。

I hoped Tina---- to my birthbady party next Thursday. A; to come B; is coming C; will come D; was

答案是C因为next Thursday是下个星期四是未来式




链接: 提取码: uaph导演: 乔治·曼多陆 / 阿伦·西蒙兹 / Clay Borris / 尼尔·费恩利 / 肯·吉洛提编剧: 埃德·纳哈主演: 泽恩·格斯纳 / George Buza / Jacqueline Collen / 奥里斯·厄休罗 / 朱丽安·莫里斯类型: 动作 / 奇幻 / 冒险制片国家/地区: 加拿大语言: 英语首播: 1997-03-09季数: 1集数: 22单集片长: 60min又名: 辛巴达历险记 该片是水手辛巴达是一个充满热情、勇敢无畏的年青人,他与仗义行侠的壮汉杜巴,精通魔法的妙龄女郎梅弗和费卢兹--一位大智若愚的发明家,怀着相同的理想,展开了征服七海的奇异旅程……他们穿行于现实与幻想魔法盛行的世界,那里到处是怪兽毒虫、妖魔骷髅,其中邪恶之最当数图拉克和他的女儿,他们用尽方法去破坏、阻碍辛巴达的计划,妄图支配世界。辛巴达和他的伙伴们屡屡以机智把危险化解,终于,正义战胜了邪恶,辛巴达的传奇故事也永远留在了人间。



求一首英文歌曲,女声,歌词里面有bad boy,节奏快,适合跳街舞的


急需cascada的《Bad Boy》歌词翻译


bad boy 原唱是谁

《bad boy》最早的原唱是张惠妹,该曲于1997年6月发行。张惠妹(A Mei),1972年8月9日出生于台湾省台东县卑南乡泰安部落,中国台湾原住民歌手。《bad boy》歌曲原唱:张惠妹填 词:张雨生谱 曲:张雨生编 曲:Martin Tan歌词:你说的是我不想走你说的是我不想走你说的是我从来不放手我不会问你为什么你不用教我怎么做我要抹上最鲜艳的口红 喔原来你是这种BAD BOY难道我曾经默默纵容难道是我 喔你说的唯一有很多你说的专情像烟火你其实骗了自己骗了我我不想再挽回什么你不必再疲于奔波我要找到最亮眼的自我 喔原来你是这种BAD BOY难道我曾经默默纵容那全是你犯的错 喔BAD BOY BAD BOY你的坏让我不明白BAD BOY BAD BOY我必须要离开你是BAD DOG BAD BOY你的坏让我太无奈BAD BOY BAD BOY让我对你说BYE-BYE你说的是我太软弱你说的是天的捉弄你说的是我离不开优柔我不能证明是与否我也不想证明是与否这不是我你分开的理由 喔原来你真的是个BAD BOY我一直无心纵容那全是你惹的祸 喔BAD BOY BAD BOY你的坏让我不明白BAD BOY BAD BOY我必须要离开你是BAD DOG BAD BOY你的坏让我太无奈BAD BOY BAD BOY让我对你说BYE-BYEBAD BOY BAD BOY你的坏让我不明白BAD BOY BAD BOY (BAD BOY)你是BAD DOG BAD BOY你的坏让我太无奈BAD BOY BAD BOY让我对你说BYE-BYEBAD BOY BAD BOY (BAD BOY)BAD BOY BAD BOY我必须要离开你是BAD DOG BAD BOY你的坏让我太无奈BAD BOY BAD BOY让我对你说BYE-BYEBAD BOY BAD BOY (BAD BOY)BAD BOY BAD BOY (BAD BOY BAD BOY)你是BAD DOG BAD BOY你的坏让我太无奈BAD BOY BAD BOY让我对你说BYE-BYE让我对你说BYE-BYE让我对你说BYE-BYE让我 BYE-BYE BYE-BYE BYE-BYE BYE-BYE BYE-BYE BYE-BYE

英文歌里有一句什么bad boy的是哪首歌

英文歌的话应该是Cascada 的 Bad Boy 歌名就是bad boy还有个是韩文的 BigBang 的BAD BOY

急需cascada的《Bad Boy》歌词翻译?


很流行的英文歌曲歌词有bad boy bad boy不是张惠妹不是 cascada











因为角 BDA=角BAD 所以BA=BD 又因为AB=DC 所以 BD=DC 故D点就是BC的中点。 那么AD就是中线。 AD=BD=DC(中线等于这条线的一半) 所以三角形ABD就是等边三角形 那么AE这条等边三角形中的中线就是垂直的,即角AED=90度 又因为AD=DC 角ADB=60度 所以角ADC=120度 角DAC=角DCA=30度 在直角三角形AEC中,30度所对的直边等于斜边的一半 就是AE=1/2AC 即2AE=AC


首先求处写错了,应改为求AC=2AE 证明:作DF∥AB交AC于F 则∠BAD=∠ADF ∵角BDA=角BAD ∴BD=AB,∠ADB=∠ADF∵CD=AB∴BD=CD∵DF∥AB∴AF=CF,DF=AB/2 ∴AF+CF=2AF 即AC=2AF ∵AE是三角形ABD的中线,BD=AB(已证) ∴ED=BD/2=AB/2 ∵DF=AB/2(已证)∴ED=DF∵∠ADB=∠ADF(已证) 在△AED和△AFD中 …………AD=AD ………{∠ADE=∠ADF


they very badly towards their

选A、behaved A、behaved表现,行为举止.他们昨天对顾客表现糟糕 符合题意


Do you know any other badly behaved animals? You 主语,know 动词,do 助动词,any other 数量副词,badly 形容词副词,behaved 形容词,animals 名词。

behaved so badly

正解如下: Since you married my son you have be haved so badly 自从你与我儿子结婚以来,你就很糟糕. but all those you have done are not as valuable as a grandson 但是你所做的一切比不是一个孙子做的有价值



翻译 他在学校表现得跟在家里一样不好 用到behave as badly as

He behaved as badly at school as at home.

blacked i have a bad wife 女演员是谁


It is bad for us to eat the junk food. 什么意思

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