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baa怎么读英语 baa英语怎么读

1、英音[bɑ:] 美音[bɑ:] 2、n.羊叫声 3、vi.羊叫 4、But why stop with breaking up baa ?然而,为何止于拆分baa? 5、And I was really tawdry personality don t take baa .跟我大剌剌的个性实在不搭咩. 6、Using heathrow s runways more flexibly would allow another 60000 flights a year , says colin matthews of baa .灵活运用西斯罗的跑道将每年再增加6万次航班,英国机场管理局的colinmatthews这样说道。 7、Baa wants to solve the problem by building a third runway at heathrow .baa想通过建设西斯罗第三条飞机跑道解决这个问题。

baa 这个单词怎么念 音标我不会看 知道的麻烦用中文字 代替

baa [bɑ:,bæ] vi.(羊)咩咩叫 n.咩(羊叫声) 你发音时以“巴”开头脱个绵羊音就OK


BAA( Basketball Association of America),全美篮球协会,NBA的前身。BAA成立于1946年,早期只有11支球队参加,分为东西部两个组。BAA和NBL是NBA的前身,1949年BAA吞并了当时的另外一个联盟(NBL),并改名为NBA。1949-50赛季,NBA共17支球队。1976年NBA吞并了美国篮球协会(ABA),球队增加到22支。1980年达拉斯小牛队加入NBA。1988年,夏洛特黄蜂队和迈阿密热火队加入NBA。1990年奥兰多魔术队和明尼苏达森林狼队加入NBA。1995年两支加拿大球队加入NBA,多伦多猛龙队和温哥华灰熊队,使NBA的球队达到29支。2004年,夏洛特山猫队加盟NBA,球队总数达到了30支。 基本介绍 中文名称 :全美篮球协会 外文名称 :BAA 性质 :篮球协会 成立时间 :1946 简介,诞生,十一支球队, 简介 BAA: Basketball Association of America,全美篮球协会。 2004年,夏洛特山猫队加盟NBA,球队总数达到了30支。 BAA 1947年:克里夫兰反叛者队,底特律猎鹰队,匹兹堡铁人队,多伦多哈士奇队四支球队解散,巴尔的摩子弹队(Baltimore BULLETS)加入,这样参赛球队就剩下八支球队。 1949年:NBL六支球队与BAA合并,两个联盟合称为“国家篮球协会”(National Basketball Association),简称NBA。 诞生 1945年,第二次世界大战结束,作为战胜国的美国欢欣雀跃,一批精明的商人和老板敏锐地洞察到,从炮火中走出来的民众会越发需要娱乐,他们决定成立新的篮球联盟,即NBA的前身BAA(Basketball Association of America)。 BAA的生日是1946年6月6日。这一天,在纽约中央车站附近的“舰长饭店”里,BAA召开了成立大会,会议确定11支参赛球队——纽约尼克斯队、波士顿凯尔特人队、芝加哥牡鹿队、克利夫兰叛逆者队、底特律猎鹰队、费城勇士队、匹兹堡铁人队、普罗维登斯压路机队、圣路易斯轰炸队、多伦多爱斯基摩人队和华盛顿国会队——每年进行60场常规赛。 BAA和当时大大小小的联盟相比,有三个与众不同的特点:1、所有11支球队的老板都有自己的体育馆;2、由于当时采用主客场制的大学业余联赛已经非常成功,BAA的球员都是刚刚大学毕业的篮球选手;3、BAA联赛借鉴了当时冰球联赛的赛程,分为东、西部两个联盟以及若干个赛区。常规赛时,联盟内部的球队要打两个主客场,并和另一个联盟的球队打一次主客场,按照成绩好坏排出名次,只有进入季后赛才有资格夺取总冠军。另外,与业余篮球上下半场的计时制不同,BAA采用4节48分钟制。为了取悦球迷,避免比赛枯燥沉闷,BAA禁止使用区域联防。 BAA 1946年11月1日,BAA的第一场比赛在枫叶花园进行,多伦多爱斯基摩人队主场迎战纽约尼克斯队。比赛开始后,史克曼得到了尼克斯队,也是BAA历史上的第1分,率队取得6:0领先,首节比赛结束,尼克斯队16:12领先。尼克斯队一度把领先优势扩大至15分,爱斯基摩人队教练兼队员萨多斯基率队反击,在半场结束前将比分追至29:37。不幸的是,萨多斯基很快在3分钟内个人累计犯规达到5次,被罚出场。诺斯特雷德替下萨多斯基后,爱斯基摩人反而士气大增,第三节比赛结束时将比分反超为48:44。比赛还剩最后两分半钟,尼克斯队的迪克和托米贡献一次投篮和罚球,爱斯基摩人队以66:68惜败。萨多斯基砍下18分,里奥得到14分,是各自球队的最高分。 BAA首个赛季诞生了史上第一个球星,他就是来自费城勇士队的乔·弗尔克斯。弗尔克斯来自肯塔基大学,身高1.98米,他在进攻端无所不能,以场均23.2分成为1946-1947赛季的得分王。那个年代,进攻并没有时间限制,球员的身体素质远没有今天这么好,大家一般采用双脚原地站立胸前投篮,单脚离地被视为挑战教练权威的“大逆不道”的行径,因此球员的投篮命中普遍在30%左右。能在这种情况下场均砍下20+,弗尔克斯的进攻效率之高由此可见一斑,他比得分榜第二的鲍勃·菲利克高出了近7分,后者的场均得分只有16.84分。由于进攻效率底下,联盟的首个助攻王压路机队的埃尼·卡弗利场均助攻次数只有3.4次。 那个赛季,后来被称为“红衣主教”的里德·奥尔巴赫执教的华盛顿国会队荣膺常规赛冠军,战绩为49胜11负,其中主场战绩为骄人的29胜1负。但在季后赛中,国会队被扎斯洛夫斯基和中锋查克·哈勃特领衔的芝加哥牡鹿队以4:2击败。而费城勇士队则在弗尔克斯的率领下,连克圣路易斯轰炸机队和纽约尼克斯队,与芝加哥牡鹿队会师总决赛。 总决赛首战,弗尔克斯下半场如有神助,无人能挡,劈下29分,全场比赛砍下37分,率勇士队获得开门红。美联社撰文称,“这是在这个球馆(即费城球馆)见过的最伟大的投篮秀。”首战告捷,勇士队势如破竹,再下两城,3:0取得赛点。第4战,牡鹿队扳回一阵,但终因实力不济,无力回天,以1:4败北,目送勇士队捧取BAA史上首个总冠军。总决赛中,除了弗尔克斯,达尔玛和安哥拉·姆西也立下了汗马功劳。 有意思的是,获得总冠军后,勇士队球员每人得到2000美金,这相当于大多数球员半个赛季的薪水。 十一支球队 1、波士顿凯尔特人队(Boston Celtics) 2、芝加哥牡鹿队(Chicago Stags):1950年解散 3、克里夫兰反叛者队(Cleveland Rebels):1947年解散 4、底特律猎鹰队(Detroit Falcons):1947年解散 5、纽约尼克斯队(New York Knickerbockers) 6、费城武士队(Philadephia Warriors):1962年移师旧金山后改为“旧金山勇士队”,1971-72赛季,离开 旧金山来到了奥克兰,球队改名为金州勇士队 7、匹兹堡铁人队(Pitt *** urgh Ironmen):1947年解散 8、普罗登斯蒸汽碾路机队(Provedence Steamrollers):1949年解散 9、圣路易斯轰炸机队(St.Louis Bombers):1950年解散 10、多伦多哈士奇队(Toronto Huskies):1947年解散 11、华盛顿首都队(Washington Capitols):1951年解散





中国国珠算学会英文为什么用汉语拼音?简称:CZSA,而不是THE CHINESE Abacus ASS0CIATI0N,简称CAA。

有些中文形成的英语在英语中的地位正在提高或变化,如功夫Kung Fu、豆腐toufu都直接用拟音了。




ABAQUS 是一种计算密集型的应用软件,因此选择了中国古老的算盘作为标志。事实上,初定的标识是一个完整的算盘形状,而现在的标识只是算盘的一部分,这主要是处于便于对外交流的考虑。公司刚刚成立之时,曾经想为公司以 ABACUS 命名,但是这个名字已经被注册了。所以就把这个单词中的"C"换成了" Q"。" Q"代表"质量"。当然,不容否认,公司的名字确实与中国的算盘有着深厚的渊源。


baa 英[bɑ:] 美[bɑ:] n. 羊叫声 vi. 羊叫


  BAA  abbr.  Bachelor of Art and Architecture 美术和建筑学士;  形近词:BaaBaAbaa  双语例句  1  Milk for babies would be allowed on board but must be tasted by the accompanying passenger, BAA said.  BAA表示,喂婴儿的牛奶可以带入飞机,但必须由带着婴儿的乘客先行品尝。  2  BAA: The Most Successful Airport Company in the World  英国机场局:世界上最成功的机场公司  3  When BAA announced the formation of a joint venture in July, Shenzhen Airlines " name was not there.  当BAA今年7月宣布成立合资公司时,深圳航空的名字并未出现。  4  One of the biggest benefits of the joint venture is that BAA will gain access to Shenzhen Airlines " airport facilities.  成立合资企业的最大优势在于,BAA将可以使用深圳航空的机场设施。  5  But why stop with breaking up BAA?  然而,为何突然叫停拆分BAA?

用英语解释句子 The abacus is ancient invention

还要用英语解释:3.The abacus is an ancient invention.Poeple made the couting tool--abacus hundreds years ago.4.The Indians invented the systen of numbers.The Indians first found how to count things in number.5.Most of my answers are accurate.Most of my answers are right.1.The invention of the zero helped people calculate more easily.对calculate more easily提问。How did the invention of the zero help people?2.People wrote numbers in many different ways。对in many different ways提问。How did people write numbers?3.You mustn"t eat in the reading room。改为祈使句Don"t eat in the reading room.4.people,easier,for,work,machines,it,to,make。连词成句Machines make it easier for people to work.


父亲。藏语父亲,普通词叫作“巴”( baa),敬语词读作“斯巴”( sba )。所以备注baa或许是父亲的意思。藏语属于汉藏语系。 汉藏语系是以汉语和藏语为代表的亚洲一个有亲属关系的语言群。有的著作中也曾用过藏汉语系和印支语系的名称。



who invent abacus

who invent abacus谁发明了算盘who invent abacus谁发明了算盘who invent abacus谁发明了算盘


QTE:CH/航司二字代码 PAT:*CH

Abacuses are so fast and accurate that people sti

Abacuses are fast and accurate _enough___ for people _to___ use today.供你参考,谢谢。


Abacus——亚洲首屈一指的旅游解决方案和服务供应商Abacus创立于1988年,拥有亚太地区首屈一指的全球分销系统。公司旗下员工全部来自航空、旅游和相关行业,因而我们对亚洲旅游业务了如指掌。我们为数百家包括航空公司在内的旅游产品供应商提供分销服务,并为亚太地区的旅行社开发应用程序,提供技术支持。过去二十几年里,Abacus在亚太地区发展迅速,已经将业务扩展至31个市场20,000余家旅行社,为各地市场量身定制并提供技术支持已经成为Abacus的核心业务。为满足各地市场的独特需求,Abacus至今已累计投资1亿新币(约4亿7000万人民币)用于各种解决方案的开发、本地化和升级。Abacus与业内众多合作伙伴一直保持紧密合作,为经营在线业务和商务、休闲业务的旅行社提供一系列专业产品和服务。我们一直都能赢得商业伙伴的信赖,因为我们是: 旅游专家 业务专家 高端产品和服务研发的引导者,满足客户不断变化的需求 Abacus一直致力于将价值观融入到与联网旅行社和客户的关系之中,这也正是我们在每个业务市场开设国家地区营销公司(NMC)的原因。每个NMC都有多名来自本地的经验丰富的专家,他们既熟悉当地市场需求,也精通当地经营手法和惯例。作为Abacus团队的一份子,NMC专家负责提供培训、咨询和技术支持,以便更好地服务于客户。Abacus 的股东包括全日空航空、国泰航空、中华航空、长荣航空、印尼航空、港龙航空、菲律宾航空、马来西亚航空、皇家汶莱航空、圣安航空以及新加坡航空等亚洲主要航空公司。另外,美资公司Sabre作为在全球分销及相关行业具有领先地位的技术提供商为Abacus 提供技术支持。

填空Abacuses are so fast and accurate ---- ----- people still use them today

so that 所以的意思


ABACUS n. 算盘Amadeus n. 莫扎特(奥地利作曲家);莫扎特传(电影名);阿玛迪斯(唱片公司品牌)world span 世界跨度




Abacus was said to be invented by Guan Yu during the Three Kingdoms era of China.


这里有为您的工作空间提速所需的一切Abacus WorkSpace能够满足不断变化的旅游业对于更高生产力和盈利能力日益增长的需求,拥有您未来所需要的全部功能。而所有这一切,就在一个小小的桌面上。Abacus WorkSpace拥有高效开源平台,可优化运营效率。其强大性能可以帮助您简化工作流程,成为您的业务加速器,从而获得更高的生产力、更全面的内容以及更快速的自动化过程。想为您的工作空间提速,就用Abacus WorkSpace。主要优势 个性化的配置以及工作流程管理,提高旅行社的工作效率 汇集最佳内容,追求更高收益 更快的自动化过程,成就更高的生产力 主要功能 GDS主机图形化工作流程 高级购物功能 辅助服务营销 图形化客户资料 以电子邮件形式发送日程表和报价 质量控制解决方案 Abacus TicketingExpress解决方案自动化计价出票综合解决方案每个旅行社都在设法提高其运营效率,而其中大部分是为繁琐的出票过程所累。这是由于在PNR运行、行程计价及出票处理时都需要经过大量繁琐的步骤。Abacus TicketingExpress是一个由Abacus 独立运营的托管解决方案,旨在帮助旅行社更高效地管理计价和出票事务。该出票过程完全自动化,省去运行PNR 及处理出票的时间。除了为您省时省力外,亦可减少运营成本,最大程度地避免因人工录入而带来的错误。让繁琐的出票程序成为历史Abacus TicketingExpress 为您服务,带给您更多方便: 全自动化 提升生产力 增强客户满意度 提高效益 提升准确性 工作流程一体化 让票务处理更轻松Abacus TicketingExpress拥有多种专业级功能,能帮助旅行社提高其生产力。 全自动化出票 PNR 自行检测 支持多个Queue队列 团队出票 生成报表 出错邮件提醒 信用额度检查 出票最后期限提醒 利用领先的净票价管理和分销解决方案,提升生产力并获得全新的购买体验!Abacus FareX功能强大,能够为您提供净票价信息的创建和维护,以及向各销售点分销的便利,不受时间地域限制。而旅行社只需使用单一命令组,即可从 Abacus FareX 集成的一站式购买、计价和出票等功能中受益。同时,该解决方案还是市面上唯一一款提供净票价客票自动换开功能的解决方案。通过此项新功能,旅行社可以期待重新出票流程的效率得到显著改善。Abacus FareX帮助您在票价管理和分销速度及准确性上胜人一筹。为航空公司带来丰厚回报 增进与旅行社的关系 加快市场分销速度 销售机会最大化 优秀的生产力工具 提高分销效率 分销成本最低 客票自动换开 提高机票批发商的生产力 快速而全面的低票价搜索功能 避免航空公司罚单 提高质量和成本管理 改善客户服务 加快市场分销速度 优秀的生产力工具 提高效率 为零售代理商带来成本效益 综合票价内容 单一指令组 高级票价检索工具 避免航空公司罚单 提高客户满意度 客票自动换开功能提高生产率 生产力是盈利的关键  Abacus FareX,旨在使运营更富成效,是帮助您实现盈利的不二之选。 无缝整合相关内容,提供最佳机票批发选择欲在当今竞争激烈的旅游业中名列前茅,分销和内容是助您成功的关键。机票批发商和零售商能够通过同一个平台,连接访问包括公布票价、净票价和批发商私有票价在内的一整套票价内容。有了Abacus AirCentre,机票批发商们可以通过基于网络的门户,将分销领域扩展到更大范围,甚至包括非 Abacus 联网旅行社。而机票零售商则可以利用这个一站式平台,为客户提供更具竞争力的机票价格内容。为机票批发商提供的主要优势 增加盈利机会 降低财务风险 提高生产力 提高运营效率 为机票零售商提供的主要优势 搜索最低票价 享有简单且自动化的工作流程 追踪业绩状况 提供全天候客户支持服务 主要特性 内容整合 非Abacus 联网旅行社分销 无缝对接的工作流程 信用额度控制 自动化票务功能 实现移动旅行手机用户正成为旅游业快速增长点之一,Abacus 不仅可以帮助您把握此盈利机会,还能使旅客无论在办公室还是在旅途中都可享受无缝旅行体验。Abacus 移动套件是旅游业最全面的移动应用程序,旅行社能获得更大的移动访问便捷性。通过提高生产率和增加追加销售的机会,帮助您实现收入最大化。Abacus 移动套件利用最新移动技术,如 HTML5 和 CSS3, 提升用户体验,让您的客户无论是旅行前还是旅行后都能通过移动设备即时访问旅行信息。该移动套件功能丰富,包括多种语言选择、行程通知、目的地信息,以及离线查看行程和电子客票等。主要优势 客户只需轻触点击屏幕即可了解其旅行信息 帮助客户在其移动设备上实现轻松浏览和直观阅读 为客户提供最为准确并自动更新的相关信息,提升用户体验 增加移动便捷性,完善客户服务,提升客户忠诚度 白色标签贴牌带来品牌重塑机会,增强品牌与客户之间的互动 允许不同的旅行社用户随时访问特定报告,如出票或旅行社销售业绩和销售量报告,实现旅行社移动运营管理 通过单一平台获取更多低价机票,一站式预订系统实时访问各种酒店信息,从而增加收入机会 主要特点 即使没有网络覆盖,您的客户也能实时定位查看行程、电子客票及更新信息 为客户的移动设备提供多种语言选择,丰富用户体验 多种事物处理能力,如用移动设备预订和购买机票和酒店服务,为客户提供更多方便 网站、手机和电子邮件等不同访问模式均融入旅行社品牌信息,增加品牌吸引力 全面搜索公布票价、净价和批发商价格,获取更低票价 一站式预订系统,可实时访问各种酒店信息 Abacus 移动解决方案一览 Abacus Mobile专为旅行顾问设计,为客户创建新的预订并提供服务 – 移动式业务主机预订系统中的所有功能在移动设备上均可实现,提升您的熟悉度和效率,提供无缝移动体验远程打印和移动出票。 Abacus Mobile Manager旅行社主管可通过移动设备享受Abacus 订阅服务和功能, 从而实现移动管理员工 EPR、 查看业务报告、控制代理票务权限并准许出票。一键切换至预订页面。 Abacus Mobile Insights专为旅行社管理者设计,Abacus Mobile Insights 的仪表盘功能让您可以随时随地了解经营业绩  提供专为移动设备优化的具有高可用性的应用程序。 Abacus TripPlan Mobile方便商务旅客在旅途中预订符合旅行政策的行程在途批核商务行程同步在线及手机访问的网站登录认证,提升便捷性。 Abacus WebStart Mobile作为业内第一个个性化旅行社移动网络解决方案,可在所有移动设备上进行操作能在所有移动设备上直观的进行购买和预订多种航班和酒店可供选择。 Abacus VirtuallyThere您的客户可以通过电子邮件、PDF 或手机等形式接收航班通知、行程单和电子机票收据等,20多种语言可供选择。 他们也可以在途中自行办理登机手续和购买辅助服务购买产品将自动汇总到PNR, 因此即使您没有直接为客户提供服务,也会获得相应佣金旅客可选择与朋友和家人分享抵达日期等信息。 TripCase移动旅游终极应用程序,让商务旅客和休闲旅客在旅行时及时掌控信息一键即可获取最新的行程详细信息,包括商务会议、当地景点、餐厅预定等旅行相关活动旅客可接收到 TripCase 合作伙伴发送的最新航班通知和智能信息服务提示可访问多种旅行工具,如天气预报、货币转换、地图、航班、 旅行指南、座位图、电子机票收据、当地的航空公司、酒店和租车公司联系信息,以及抵达更新信息及行程的分享、社交媒体网络等。

abacus是什么航空? 详细点~



旅游服务Abacus于1988年5月成立,总部设于新加坡,是亚太区最大的全球分销系统(GDS),为亚太区24个国家和地区的11,000多家旅行社及超过26,000台终端机提供旅游信息及订位服务。 Abacus分别于24个亚太地区设立国际行销公司(简称NMC)为不同地区的旅行社提供各项支持服务;包括澳大利亚、孟加拉国、文莱、柬埔寨、中国、香港、印度、印度尼西亚、韩国、老挝、马来西亚、尼泊尔、新西兰、巴基斯坦、 菲律宾、新加坡、斯里兰卡、台湾、泰国及越南。




关于算盘的来历,最早可以追溯到公元前600年,据说我国当时就有了"算板"。古人把10个算珠串成一组,一组组排列好,放入框内,然后迅速拨动算珠进行计算。东汉末年,徐岳在《数术记遗》中记载,他的老师刘洪访问隐士天目先生时,天目先生解释了14种计算方法,其中一种就是珠算,采用的计算工具很接近现代的算盘。这种算盘每位有5颗可动的算珠,上面1颗相当于5,下面4颗每颗当作1。 As to the origins of Abacus, it can date back to 600 BC。 China was said to have a "balance sheet." The ancients considered the 10 bead into a group, one set arranged well into the box, and then quickly toggle count beads calculated. Eastern Han Dynasty, Xu Yue in the "surgery in mind a few left," recorded in his visit to a hermit days head teacher, Mr. Liu, the days, Mr. Head explained the 14 kinds of calculations, one of which is the abacus, using the computational tools is very close to modern calculations . This abacus has 5 each movable operator beads, an equivalent of 5 above, the following four stars as one of each.


很早以前 小男孩没见过算盘爸爸拿了个算盘给他,小孩说:啊 爸 酷死(abacus)


abacus 英[ˈæbəkəs] 美[ˈæbəkəs] n. 算盘; <建>(圆柱)顶板; [例句]The monoline insurer found itself both investing and acting as the portfolio selection agent for abacus 2007-ac1.这家单一险种保险商发现,自己既是abacus2007-ac1产品的投资者,又是该产品的投资组合筛选代理人。


good quality[英][ɡud ˈkwɔliti] [美][ɡʊd ˈkwɑlɪti] 生词本简明释义[财]优质股票;数得着以下结果由 金山词霸 提供网络释义1. 良好品质2. 优质的3. 好质量4. 好的质量5. 良好的质量例句Where can I buy some good quality chinese tea?我在哪里能买到质量好的中国茶?

abacus怎么读音 英语abacus怎么读

1、abacus英[ˈæbəkəs]美[ˈæbəkəs],n.算盘。 2、[例句]The simplest example of this type is the abacus, which has been used in many parts of the world since ancient times.这一类型中最简单的实例就是世界各地自古以来使用算盘。



《Abacus》这首歌的歌词意思是“这就是现实的生活,每天醒来你我都要面对,有邪恶也有恐惧;不能就这样下去,所以我所做的就是笑对,而过去也将离我们而去;敞开心扉,问问过去会把我们引向何方,成长路上当我驶过崎岖不平的道路时,消除我的恐惧,为了在黑夜中闪耀生命光芒”。歌曲演唱:Shahmen,专辑:《Enter the Circle》,语种:英语,流派: Rap/Hip Hop,发行时间:2010-04-30。Shahmen,美国嘻哈说唱男歌手,拥有着低音炮似的独特磁性嗓音。代表作品有《Mark》、《Van Gogh"s Crows》、《Shell Dweller》、《Abacus》。歌词:Somewhere the sun sets out on my silhouetteDrum-sets pound to the sound in my filamentDeep to the ground every town I be killing itPound over ounce I was built for the real in thisBring &apos;em back to life with a knife made of healer spitFly through my mind it is time that you feeling thisI ain&apos;t gotta lie this is life on the realest s**tWake up everyday and get blazed &apos;till the ceiling liftsNow I&apos;m on my grind and the factory is dealing s**t&apos;Bout to stash cash in the bag on some legal s**tBut I ain&apos;t got a dime I can hide from the evilnessEvery rack I stack take me back to where the demons liveSo smoke a sack with the geniusesOpen up and ask where the past be leading usTry and do the math and you add what the meaning isAll I do is laugh while the past be leaving usSharp on my math as an abacusTry and slide the wrong way wind up being smashed to dustWe goin&apos;raise like we LazarusBlaze through the game and watch the fame chase after usFour finger ring reach king can you imagine usSitting at the castle where the cats can&apos;t hassle usVision the pattern that are living usBreak &apos;em down to tatters build &apos;em backAnd watch &apos;em give it upYou know we goin&apos;get it punkLive 22 years just to find the kid in usAll them other years I was clear I was growing upKilling off my fears as I steered through the going roughFear through the years as my peers started blowing upKnew I&apos;d be there and gone passed from the soul in usTreasure turns to trash from the gold in usBut all will turn to ash ifI pass what I&apos;m holding fromThis is for the one raising out the drumThis is for it all everything is GodThis is for my life shining through the nightThis is for the dice on everything I writeThis is for the one raising out the drumThis is for it all everything is GodThis is for my life shining through the nightThis is for the dice on everything I writeThis is for the one raising out the drumThis is for it all everything is GodThis is for my life shining through the nightThis is for the dice on everything I writeThis is for the one raising out the drumThis is for it all everything is GodThis is for my life shining through the nightThis is for the dice on everything I writeS**t the f**ker以上内容参考 QQ音乐-Abacus




abacus的意思是:算盘、(柱头)顶板。形近词:abaci。双语例句:1、a set of two rubber stamps to print abacus patterns.两个一套的算盘图案橡皮图章。2、The most commonly cited example of a primitive device is the abacus.说到早期的用具,最常举的例子是算盘。3、Except for the sharp clicking of Chueh-hsin"s abacus counters,all was still.房里只有算盘珠子的接连的、清脆的响声。4、The abacus is the ancestor of the modern computer.算盘是现代电脑的原型。5、She can reckon rapidly on the abacus.她用算盘算得很快。6、Do you know how to work an abacus?你会打算盘吗?7、The room was very quiet.Even the sound of the abacus was stilled.屋子里宁静了片刻,算盘珠子的声音也已经停止了。

添加一个字母,把所给的单词变成另一个单词,并写出中文意思 all back it and here ten how

hall 大厅 black 黑色 kit 工具箱 there 那里 then 然后 howl咆哮

When you have elimibnated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbab


I was taken a back 是不知所措的意思?

应该是: I was taken aback. I was taken back.

When you have eliminated the impossible,whatever remains,however improbable must be the truth.




seriously heavily badly分别的固定搭配是什么?及其意境上的区别,不需要一大堆的英语例子只精于一个即可

heavilyad.1. 沉重地He sat down heavily.他重重地坐了下来。2. 沉闷地,郁闷地"I don"t understand you," she said heavily."我不明白你,"她闷闷不乐地说道。3. 猛烈地,厉害地He is drinking heavily.他酒喝得很厉害。The rain came down heavily all night.大雨下了一整夜。4. 浓密地,繁茂地This area is heavily populated.这一地区人口稠密。seriouslyad.1. 严肃地2. 认真地;当真地They take their responsibilities seriously.他们认真对待自己的职责。3. 严重地She was seriously injured.她受重伤。badlyad.1. 坏;拙劣地She sings badly.她唱得不好。2. 邪恶地;罪恶地To steal is to act badly.偷窃是恶劣行为。3. 不利地;有害地He spoke badly of his boss.他说他老板的坏话。4. 不正确地5. 严重地;厉害地My back hurts badly.我的背疼得厉害。6. 【口】很,非常She wants to go badly.她很想去。


seriously和badly都有“严重地”的意思。如:He is badly/seriously ill.但是,badly还可以表示“迫切地”或是“差地”。例如:Our school is badly in need of a hiatory teacher. He played basketball badly.severely的意思是“严厉地;严重地”例如:He was severely punished. 他受到严厉的惩罚。 I suffered severely from the hot weather. 炎热的天气使我颇受其苦。


英文原文:bounce a ball英式音标:[baʊns] [ə; eɪ] [bɔːl] 美式音标:[baʊns] [e] [bɔl]




When you have eliminated the impossible,whatever remains however improbable must be the truth.

When you have eliminated the impossible,whatever remains however improbable must be the truth. 的翻译当你排除了不可能时,无论留下什么,也不管怎样不大可能,它都是真理。

奥迪A5和A5 sportback有什么不一样?

奥迪A5和奥迪A5sportback的区别:车身尺寸不同、轴距不同、发动机不同一、车身尺寸不同1、奥迪A5:车身尺寸4712mm×1854mm×1391mm。2、奥迪A5sportback:车身尺寸4711mm×2020mm×1391mm。 二、轴距不同1、奥迪A5:轴距2810mm。2、奥迪A5sportback:轴距2820mm。三、发动机不同1、奥迪A5:V6发动机。2、奥迪A5sportback:TDI发动机。参考资料来源:百度百科——奥迪A5参考资料来源:百度百科——奥迪A5SportBack



这是什么意思window.onload=function(){ var aBack = document.getElementById("a-back");



Back是一个英文单词,名词,翻译为"背部;脊梁骨;后部;背面;末尾;(椅子)靠背;后卫;船体;(飞机)机身;(人的)躯干; "一,基本要点1,back用作名词的基本意思是表示人的“背;背部”和表示某物的“后面;后部”。引申可作“椅背”“后襟”等解。用于球类运动则指“后卫”。2,back作“后面”“背面”“反面”解时用单数形式,其前须加定冠词the。在表示较近的“后面,背面”时用on the back of;在表示较远的“后面”时用at the back of(范围之外)或in the back of(范围之内),在美式英语中at〔in〕可省略。3,back用作形容词表示位置或方向时意思是“后面的,往后的”。也可表示时间作“过去的,过期的”“迟交的,欠交的”解,在句中只用作定语。4,back在语音学中也可作“后元音的”解。5,back在句中只用作定语,不用于比较等级。6,back用作动词的基本意思是“(使)后退”,指某人或某物回到原来的位置或状态。有时引申可表示“支持”,即“作后盾”。7,back既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,用作及物动词时接名词或代词作简单宾语。8,back用作副词的基本意思是“往后,在后面”,也可引申表示“忍住”“恢复”或“上溯”。9,back常修饰动态动词(如不及物动词go, come, get,及物动词bring, get, take等),在句中作状语,也可用作表语。10,back和be连用可引申表示“恢复”;back和beat, hit, fight等动词连用可表示“打退”。11,back作“来回;向后”解时一般不与turn连用。12,注意如果动词本身已经表达了“相反动作”的意思,就不能再用back。13,back用作副词时不用于比较等级。三,短语搭配set back 推迟 ; 使花费 ; 阻碍Back Pressure [机] 背压 ; [内科] 反压 ; [力] 背压力 ; 回压give back 归还 ; 送还 ; 送回 ; 恢复四,双语例句Or the back of your knee?或者你的膝盖背部?Someone must be at the back of this.这事一定有人在背后捣鬼。How far back should I have to go? Tell me.多远才是我该回去的距离?告诉我五,衍生词aback



be taken aback.是什么时态?They met once a month.是什么时态?如果是过去式,怎么没有标志词?

be taken aback 这个是语态的问题 是被动语态 与时态无关 时态要看be动词的变化 第二句话是 一般过去时 并不是所有的时态都有时间标志 而是要看上下文

用英语怎么说:摆脱困境和责任和感到吃惊 off the hook & taken aback (274)

下载音频李华气喘吁吁地来接Larry 。李华今天要学两个常用语,off the hook和taken aback. LL: Hey, I was about to call you. I was worried something happened to you, because you"re really late! LH: 实在对不起Larry, 路上出了点事。 LL: Oh, that"s a good thing in your case! In this situation, off the hook means that you will not be punished for a rule or agreement you violated. The phrase off the hook can also mean that a person is relieved of an unwanted responsibility. LH: 哦,我明白了,off the hook就是脱身,或是摆脱责任的意思。怪不得那个警察说,I"ll let you off the hook with a warning.就是说警告一下,下次注意就行了。 LL: Yeah. Let"s get in the car. Don"t speed, because you might not be let off the hook this time if an officer catches you! LL: Sure! You"re doing me a favor anyway. Let"s get to the car mechanic"s shop and see if he fixed the company car my boss lent me for this weekend"s business trip. LH: 对啊,最好别让你老板知道公司的车现在正在修车铺里。You"ll be off the hook if your car is fixed. LL: Can you think of any other time that you"ve been let off the hook? The last time my boss let me off the hook was hmmm Never! LH: Hahaha! 别急,Larry, 五点以前我们肯定能赶到修车行。 ******LL: Well, it looks like I"m NOT off the hook. My car won"t be ready until next Monday. LL: He ignored me for five minutes, and then I finally yelled excuse me, could I have some service, please? I was really taken aback by his rudeness. LH: Taken aback? 他干嘛推你啊?我们可以告他们! LL: No. ‘Taken aback" means surprised or shocked by something. I was really surprised by his rudeness, because he ignored me even though I was the only customer in the store. LL: It"s ok. He told me that the car"s engine needs to be completely redone. It doesn"t matter how fast he goes, because he needs to order new parts for replacement. LH: 哦,原来是发动机坏了,要先去买零件,怪不得要那么长时间。Well, I"m taken aback by this whole situation. LL: I"m taken aback by the mechanic"s behavior AND the terrible situation I"m in. LH: 我有个主意。要不咱们去租辆车。这样一来,等你老板发现后,就不会那么生气了。 LL: That"s true. He"ll still be taken aback, but not as much, because I"ll still have a car to use for my business trip this weekend. LH: 快五点了,我们赶紧去租车。 LL: Thanks a lot, Lihua. I"m really taken aback by your kindness! LL: (Laughing) No, it"s just that you have gone to a lot of trouble today to help me get out of this horrible situation! LH: 别客气。那我在车里等,你快进去租车吧! LL: (Out of breath) Ok. It looks like I"m off the hook for the weekend – I got the last rental car available. LH: 太棒了,周末开车出去要注意安全噢! 天李华学到了两个常用语。一个是off the hook,指摆脱困境和责任。另一个是taken aback,指感到吃惊。

taken aback

您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:taken aback翻译: 表示“惊讶”be taken aback吃惊;吓了一跳;受惊;惊得目瞪口呆Be quite taken aback大吃一惊Taken Aback By措手Zara Looked Taken Aback扎拉看吃to be taken aback吃了一惊He Appeared Taken Aback他似乎很吃惊be taken aback by吃惊She was taken aback他感到吃惊you must be taken aback你一定会大吃一惊百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。

astonish,startle和take aback的区别是区别

分别可以理解为震惊、使人不安、以及被吓退。最后的表达方式只见过taken aback,是被动式而不是动词组合。这么说吧,入狱过程。astonish就是告知要蹲号子。startle就是老油子看见有鲜肉了嬉皮笑脸。taken aback就是新来的在澡堂里看见狱卒把肥皂扔到地上。

I was taken aback 为什么是被动语态?


i was only slightly taken aback that i had achieved perfection at the tender age of 14.这个

原因状语从句。说明be taken aback的原因。试比较,I was slightly surprised that……



be taken aback 与 be taken back 有什么不同?请给个例句,最好有关它的介词搭配

  take sb. aback 表示“使某人吃惊”或“使某人吓了一跳”。be taken aback 是take sb. aback的被动式,意思是“(某人)处于惊愕状态”或“(某人)被吓了一跳”。  take sb. back 表示“使某人回想起过去”;take sth. back 表示“收回所说的话或所写的东西”,即“把…收回/取消”。be taken back 是take sb./sth. back 的被动式,意思是“某事被收回/取消”或者“某人被带回到过去”。  前者指人,后者指既人也指物。因此,be taken aback 要用人作主语。be taken back 可以用人作主语或也可以用物作主语。例如:  I was momentarily taken aback. 我一时被吓呆了。  The little girl screamed and we were taken aback. 小女孩的尖叫声吓了我们一跳。  I am taken back by the story. 这个故事使我想起了过去。  If I buy something and he doesn"t like it, I"ll have it taken back. 要是我买的东西他不喜欢的话,我就会把它退掉。  


非常权威的merriam-webster在线字典上是这么写的1.archaic : backward, a position to catch the wind upon the forward surface (as of a sail) surprise : unawares <was taken aback by her sharp retort>例子:<completely taken aback by the neighbors" announcement that they were moving>

be taken aback什么意思?


aback 什么意思


aback和abate意思是:吃惊地、缓和。aback 英 [ə"bæk]     美 [ə"bæk]    adv. 吃惊地;向后地;后退地。He appeared taken aback.他似乎很吃惊。abate英 [ə"beɪt]     美 [ə"beɪt]    v. 缓和;减弱;消除。Nothing could abate his rage.什么都不能平息他的愤怒。近义词:decrease 英 [dɪ"kriːs]     美 [dɪ"kriːs]    v. 减少;减小;降低。n. 减少;降低。The government projected a tax decrease.政府计划降低税收。They tried to decrease the costs.他们设法降低成本。




1995"s labor problems between the National Basketball Association, the National Basketball Players Association and a group of so-called "dissident players" who are attempting to decertify the union have caused basketball fans to wonder aloud "what happened to the "partnership" between the players and owners and when did their relationship become so adversarial?" The relative obscurity of the league until the 1980s has hidden the fact that labor negotiations between the league and it"s players have always been painful, litigious, and drawn out. The salary cap in sports is nothing new. Its origin in basketball can be traced back to the league"s $55,000 salary cap for the league"s first season, 1946-47. Most players earned between $4,000 and $5,000, but there were a few exceptions. Tom King of the Detroit Falcons for example. He drew the league"s highest salary, $16,500, not solely because of his playing ability, but also due to his front office duties as the team"s publicity director and business manager. Philadelphia"s star scorer, Joe Fulks, pulled in $8,000 for his league-leading 23.2 points a game (King"s rookie season was a bit less successful. He averaged 5.1 points in his only year and the Falcons went out of business following the season). From 1946 to 1949 the top players managed to use the leverage of two rival leagues, the Basketball Association of America and the National Basketball League, to carve out a fair existence for themselves. George Mikan, the premier player of the era, signed a five-year contract with the Chicago American Gears worth $60,000 plus incentives in 1946; Bob Davies of the Rochester Royals, considered the top guard in basketball, was rewarded with a four-year, $50,000 contract; and Jim Pollard, a Hall of Fame forward, signed with the Minneapolis Lakers for $12,000 a year in 1947. The BAA was able to convince four of the best NBL franchises: Minneapolis (which featured Mikan and Pollard), along with Indianapolis, Fort Wayne and Rochester (who brought Davies) into switching leagues in an effort to exert their superiority. The NBL was far from dead however, and in 1949, after the NBL stunned the BAA by awarding a franchise to a group of former college stars from the University of Kentucky (which included All-Americans Alex Groza and Frank Beard, both top prospects), who would then each draw a salary of $10,000. The two leagues, which had been bitter rivals, merged to form the National Basketball Association, leaving the players with two options: play for the salary the NBA offered you or play Amateur Athletic Union basketball for a company team (such as the Phillips 66ers, Akron Goodyears or Peoria Caterpillers), an option which a few of the top players, including Clyde Lovellette, Jim Pollard and George Yardley chose. Economic conditions continued unchanged through 1954, at which point Bob Cousy, the league"s top player, began to organize the NBPA, which would become the first team sports player"s union. Cousy began by writing to an established player from each of the league"s teams (Paul Arizin of Philadelphia, Carl Braun of New York, Bob Davies of Rochester, Paul Hoffman of Baltimore, Andy Phillip of Fort Wayne, Pollard, Dolph Schayes of Syracuse and Don Sunderlage of Milwaukee) in hopes of encouraging solidarity among the players. All but Phillip responded positively (of all the owners, Fort Wayne"s Fred Zollner, who owned a machine works plant, was the staunchest union opponent and this prevented the Pistons players from participating), and Cousy next went to NBA President Maurice Podoloff at the January, 1955 NBA All-Star Game with a list of concerns: payment of back salaries to the members of the defunct Baltimore Bullets club; establishment of a twenty-game limit on exhibition games, after which the players should share in the profits; abolition of the $15 "whispering fine" which referees could impose on a player during a game; payment of $25 expenses for public appearances other than radio, television or certain charitable functions; establishment of an impartial board of arbitration to settle player-owner disputes; moving expenses for traded players; and payment of player salaries in ten installments rather that twelve, to provide more money to players cut during the season. Podoloff agreed to the payment of two weeks" salary to six players who had played for Baltimore before the franchise folded and committed to meeting with the player representatives within two weeks over their concerns. Podoloff and league owners continued to put off the players until Cousy met with AFL-CIO officials over possible union affiliation in January of 1957. The league then agreed to bargain in good faith with the players union following the season. In April, the NBA Board of Governors formally recognized the NBPA and agreed to their terms: -a probationary abolition of the whisper fine-a seven dollar per diem and other reasonable traveling expenses-an increase in the 1957-58 playoff pool-regular players would no longer be required to report to training camp earlier than four weeks prior to the season-elimination of exhibition games within three days of the season opener or on the day prior to a regular season game with a limit of three exhibition games during the season-player contracts would be mailed no later than September 1st-referral of player-owner disputes to the NBA League President or a committee of three NBA Governors to be chosen by the player-considerate treatment for the player in regards to radio and television appearances-reasonable moving expenses for a player traded during the season. In 1958, following the victory of the fledgling union, Cousy would resign his position as NBPA President after becoming frustrated with nonpayment of the $10 annual union dues by many of the players. His replacement as head of the union would be his Boston teammate Tom Heinsohn. Under Heinsohn"s leadership, the union would assume a more aggressive approach regarding negotiations with the league. Heinsohn, Schayes and Richie Guerin of New York reached an agreement with the owners in January of 1961 over a player pension. The owners agreed in principle to a pension plan for the league"s players, with details to be worked out in meetings to begin in February after the players had set a goal of $100 a month at age 65 for players with five years of service and $200 a month at age 65 for players with ten years of service. Talks failed to bring an agreement and in 1962, after meeting with several candidates, Heinsohn hired attorney Lawrence Fleisher as the union"s General Counsel in an effort to obtain a pension plan and achieve other union goals (which included the standardization of the use of team trainers, the elimination of Saturday night games preceding Sunday afternoon television games, a increase in player per diem, a reduction in preseason games, and player free agency). Little progress occurred until the January 1964 All-Star Game. The game was important national television exposure for the league, and also presented a unique opportunity for the players. The players threatened to not play the game over the lack of a pension agreement. Minutes before game time NBA President Walter Kennedy gave his personal guarantee that adoption of a pension plan would occur at the next owners meeting, which took place in May when they approved a plan in which they would contribute 50% toward the purchase of a $2,000 endowment policy. Heinsohn would continue as NBPA President until Oscar Robertson of Cincinnati succeeded him in 1966. Robertson"s first major move was to announce at the January 1967 All-Star Game that the players would ask the owners that they be paid for exhibition games, that the limit on the number of exhibitions be reduced from 15 to 10, and that the NBPA hopes to meet with representatives of Major League Baseball and National Football League players concerning more unity among professional athletes. Tensions between the union and owners escalated until the owners announced in March that the playoff would be canceled unless the players gave assurances that they would "comply with their contracts" and participate in the playoffs as scheduled. The union then responded by threatening to file for certification with the National Labor Relations Board and to strike the playoffs in an effort to upgrade their pension plan. The dispute was settled soon after, with the players receiving an agreement which included: -a $600 a month pension for players with ten years of service at age 65 and retroactively to the beginning of the career for all active players-new medical and insurance benefits-elimination of games played immediately before the All-Star Game-an 82-game limitation on the regular season-discussion of exhibition game pay-formation of a committee to review the standard player contract before the 1967-68 season Prior to the 1968-69 season, the union and NBA agreed on their first revision of the standard players contract which would increase salaries with the minimum rookie salary raised to $10,000 for 1968-69 and $13,000 in 1970-71 and the minimum pensioned veteran"s salary raised to $12,500 in 1968-69 and $13,500 in 1969-70. With the formation of a new rival league, the American Basketball Association, in 1967, the players" salaries again began to increase. With players such as Rick Barry, Billy Cunningham and Zelmo Beaty jumping to the new league for bigger contracts, and with the new league"s success in signing top college talent like Mel Daniels and Spencer Haywood, the NBA soon opened talks with the ABA about a possible merger of the two leagues. As a merger drew near in 1970, the players filed the "Oscar Robertson Suit", an antitrust suit to block any merger; do away with the option clause which bound a player to a team in perpetuity; the college draft, which limited the player to negotiating with one club; and restrictions on free agent signings; and seeking compensation for damages incurred in the past due to the option clause. The union then received a restraining order to block any merger, and the talks then died. The acrimony didn"t block a new labor agreement however, as the NBPA came to a three-year labor agreement with the NBA in October of 1970 with an increase in minimum salaries, the playoff pool and the per diem allowance. After attempts to work out a compromise with the players in 1971 and to get Congressional approval for a merger in 1972 failed, the NBPA (now led by NBPA President Paul Silas of Boston who replaced Robertson in 1975) and the league reached a tentative agreement giving players free agency with their teams awarded compensation through 1980 (with the compensation of cash, players or draft choices determined by the NBA Commissioner) after which the player"s former team would hold the right of first refusal on any free agent signings; limiting a teams rights to a drafted player to one year after which he would go back into the draft a second time if unsigned; ending the option clause in all contracts (with the exception of one-year rookie contracts); and paying about 500 players $4.3 million as a settlement and $1 million for the union"s legal fees, pending agreement of a new collective bargaining agreement and dismissal of the Oscar Robertson Suit. Along with a new six-year collective bargaining agreement which brought with it an increase in pension benefits; the minimum salary (from $20,000 to $30,000); the per diem; medical and dental coverage, term life insurance; the playoff pool; and player"s shares for the All-Star Game, the players could claim a major victory. While the leagues did indeed merge, the players now could negotiate with more than one club, insuring a better position for contract negotiation. Following a new three-year collective bargaining agreement (which included increases in the minimum salary, elimination of no-trade agreements in player contracts in 1980) and Silas" resignation as union head in order to become coach of the San Diego Clippers, financial health of the league became a major concern. Numerous franchises suffered from serious losses, headed by Cleveland, Denver, Indiana, Kansas City, San Diego and Utah. Some, including Kansas City and San Diego, nearly provoked a player strike in 1982 as they fell behind on their deferred payments to former players, as the league totaled an estimated $80 million to $90 million in deferred money owed to players. With the very real threat of the loss of franchises and player jobs, the union, now led by its new president Bob Lanier, agreed to a new four-year collective bargaining agreement in March of 1983 after strained negotiations and the threat of a player strike. The agreement was ground breaking for professional sports as it included: - a salary cap guarantying the players between 53% and 57% of the NBA"s gross revenues (gate receipts, local and national television and radio revenue and preseason and postseason revenue)-$500,000 a year in licensing revenue-a guarantee that the league will maintain 253 player jobs even if there is a reduction in the number of teams The 1983 agreement would prove to be a major turning point for the league. An amendment later in the year which implemented the NBA"s first league-wide substance abuse policy, proved to be a big step in cleaning up the league"s image problems, and brilliant young players like Magic Johnson, Larry Bird and Michael Jordan excited the fans. The financial well-being of the league improved under Commissioner David Stern, who assumed the position in 1984, but in 1987 the owners and players clashed over the salary cap, right of first refusal and college draft




Ba = barium,钡,是一种化学元素。Ba比较常见的英文缩写,有多种含义。一、BA=bronchial asthma ,是哮喘英文的简称。二、BA = BeautyAdviser,美容顾问。三、BA = BuildingAutomation,楼宇自动化,指国际化先进的楼宇设备管理。四、BA = Bachelor of Arts,文学学士。五、BA = BiologicalAbstracts,生物学文摘,是世界范围内生命科学文摘的重要检索工具期刊。六、BA = Baker Aid,机械制动辅助系统,也称为BAS。七、BA = British Airway,英国航空八、BA = block against,被盖次数,NBA官方技术统计项目。九、BA = Balanced armature,动铁式耳塞,也叫衔铁或平衡点枢式耳塞。十、BA = Business Analysis。经营分析十一、BA = Benzylaminopurine,苄氨基腺嘌呤(一种细胞分裂素,如6—BA最为常见)十二、BA=Bioavailability,生物利用度,是指药物被机体吸收进入循环的相对量和速率。十三、BA=Blood Agar,血平板。十四、BA model:1999年由Barabasi和Albert提出,是复杂网络理论中的一种模型,即无标度模型(scale - free network model)。十五、BA=Business Analyst,需求分析师(IT的专业术语)十六、BA=人工合成分裂素,6-苄胺基嘌呤。


缩写含义一、BA=bronchial asthma,是哮喘英文的简称,喘哮是由多种细胞特别是肥大细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞和T淋巴细胞参与的慢性气道炎症;在易感者中此种炎症可引起反复发作的喘息、气促、胸闷和咳嗽 等症状。支气管哮喘(简称:哮喘)是一种常见病、多发病,大家熟知而又非常喜爱的著名歌星邓丽君就被哮喘夺去了生命。二、BA = BeautyAdviser,美容顾问。三、BA = BuildingAutomation,楼宇自动化,指国际化先进的楼宇设备管理。四、BA = Bachelor of Arts,文学学士。五、BA = BiologicalAbstracts,生物学文摘,是世界范围内生命科学文摘的重要检索工具期刊。它收录世界各国,尤其是欧美各国有关生物学、医学、农业方面的文献。摘用了近一百个国家和地区的约6000种期刊。从BA中可查到实验医学研究,包括临床和理论方面的文献。BA创刊于1926年,它的前身是《细菌学文摘》(《Abstracts of Bacteriology》1917-1925年)和《植物学文摘》(《Botanical Abstracts》1918-1926年)。

BA 的意思

文学士 香港 公元 (邮政)特快专递 举例子 信息技术

Ba是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

BA [bea]专业辞典【化学】元素钡(baryum)的符号Ba mordénitef.钡丝光沸石Ba pridéritef.钡柱红石




BA课程首先应该有一些商科的内容,比如金融,运营等;然后进入重头戏数据处理技术,从Data mining到Visualization再到Forecasting和Machine Learning,搭配统计学,运筹学甚至计量;接着从各个商业职能入手,细看BA在市场,物流,人力,网络等各方面的应用;最后学以致用,与企业合作Capstone Project收尾。


有一种职业年薪轻松百万,他叫商业分析(what is the Business Analysis)


Ba的元素名称是钡。请注意,元素符号第一个字母大写,第二个字母小写。钡,碱土金属元素,元素符号Ba,周期表中ⅡA族第六周期元素,是一种柔软的有银白色光泽的碱土金属,是碱土金属中最活泼的元素。元素名来源于希腊文βαρύς (barys),原意是“重的”。由于钡的化学性质十分活泼,从来没有在自然界中发现钡单质。钡在自然界中最常见的矿物是重晶石(硫酸钡)和毒重石(碳酸钡),二者皆不溶于水。钡在1774年被确认为一个新元素,但直到1808年电解法发明不久后才被归纳为金属元素。钡的化合物用于制造烟火中的绿色(以焰色反应为原理)。电解熔融的氯化钡或用铝还原氯化钡,可制得金属钡。


ba二声读[bá]。普通话中有四个声调,1、阴平(第一声)如[bā]吧。2、阳平(第二声)如[bá]拔。3、上声(第三声)如[bǎ]把。4、去声(第四声)如[bà]爸。把组词:1、车把[chē bǎ] 自行车、摩托车、三轮车等使用时手握住的部分。2、把握[bǎ wò] 握;拿:司机~着方向盘。3、火把[huǒ bǎ] 用于夜间照明的东西,有的用竹篾等编成长条,有的在棍棒的一端扎上棉花,蘸上油。4、把住[bǎ zhù] 控制住,掌握牢。英语流利和准确技巧英语流利是指:能够实时地使用英语清晰、流畅地表达自己。语言准确是指:英语词句、语法正确和精确,沟通无错误。实际上,native speaker的英语词句也并非100%准确,但由于语言流利顺畅,并不影响整体沟通和理解。在学英语时,不要害怕犯错,但并不是要给自己找借口,忽略语法错误,重要的是敢于表达,提高流利度。同时,也要摆正心态,从错误中学习和反思。




化妆品BA:所指的就商场里化妆品专柜的美容顾问。容顾问有着丰富的产品知识和护肤技巧。不仅要销售产品,还要针对不通的客户皮肤,给出合理的意见,向其推荐适合她的产品。化妆品包括以下物品:(一)一般发用品:发油类、发蜡类、发乳类、发露类、发浆类。(二)一般护肤品:护肤膏霜类、乳液类、油类、化妆水类、爽身类、沐浴类 。(三)一般彩妆品:粉底类、粉饼类、胭脂类、涂身彩妆类 。(四)一般指趾甲用品:修护类、涂彩类、清洁漂白类。(五)一般芳香品:香水类、花露水类。美容顾问必备技能:1、服务意识:除了应该学会祛斑、祛痘、美白等基本的技术以外,美容师还应具有好的服务意识。具体来讲,就是每个美容师都应该成为美容指导,告诉消费者什么样的皮肤需要配什么样的化妆品、护肤品等专业知识;要求高的还应成为顾客的私人形象设计师。2、礼仪:顾客到美容院进行消费,要的就是那种当“上帝”的感觉,如果美容师的礼仪能够标准的话,会让顾客感觉更加美妙。在很多美容师的礼仪水平停留在说“欢迎光临”“欢迎下次再来”的时代,一个懂得更多礼仪的美容师必然更受欢迎。




BA-10装甲汽车 1938年,苏联红军对原有的BA-6装甲汽车的改进直接导致了BA-10的诞生。BA-10堪称是苏联20世纪30年代...该车共有4名乘员,前部2人是驾驶员和无线电报务员兼机枪手,炮塔内2人是车长和炮手。辅助武器为2挺7.62毫米DT机枪...

ba是什么职位 ba职位简述

1、BA(Business Analys)即业务需求分析师,类似产品经理的职位。 2、其主要工作需要分析需求,出具原型和需求说明书,之后将具体的需求提交给SA系统分析师,由SA来将需求拆分为技术实现计划,并根据技术实现计划制定时间表,下达给具体开发部门来承接需求开发。
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