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chocking hazard什么意思?

就是别让小孩把衣服纽扣弄掉了,小孩咽到嘴里有“窒息危险” 起一个警示作用



Richard Marx的《Hazard》 歌词

歌曲名:Hazard歌手:Richard Marx专辑:Top of the Pops 1992Richard MarxHazardMy mother came to hazard when I was just sevenEven then the folks in town said with prejudiced eyesThat boy"s not rightThree years ago when I came to know MaryFirst time that someone looked beyond the rumors and the liesAnd saw the man insideWe used to walk down by the riverShe loved to watch the sun go downWe used to walk along the riverAnd dream our way out of this townNo one understood what I felt for MaryNo one cared until the night she went out walking aloneAnd never came homeMan with a badge came knocking next morningHere was I surrounded by a thousand fingers suddenlyPointed right at meI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska townI think about my life gone byAnd how it"s done me wrongThere"s no escape for me this timeAll of my rescues are gone, long goneI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska town




利用函数公式来看,h(t)=f(t)/S(t)。其中f(t)为概率密度函数(Probability Density Function),f(t)是F(t)的导数。F(t)为积累分布函数(Cumulative Distribution Function),F(t)=1-S(t),表示生存时间未超过时间点t的概率。累积风险函数H(t)=-logS(t)。Hazard probability ,指的是研究对象从试验开始到某个特定时间 t 之前存活,但在 t 时间点发生观测事件如死亡的概率,它也是对时间 t 的函数,定义为 H(t)。





do hazard to hazard 与harm 有什么区别与联系? 有这个用法吗?

没有do hazard to hazard 一般指的是“灾害”或“危害”,常常指的是自然界的东西,比如 fire hazard 火灾. harm则一般指的是“伤害”,I have no harm to you.我不会伤害你. 上网多找几个例句就更明白了.


peril:极大的危险 比方the peril of lost him lifedanger:比较普通 可大可小hazard:主要指有毒危险




翻译成:冒险的事时,可数Several systems in the new ls identify a hazard and can begin taking action.新款LS中的几套系统就能识别危险并采取措施。

Richard Marx的《Hazard》 歌词

歌曲名:Hazard歌手:Richard Marx专辑:Stories To TellRichard MarxHazardMy mother came to hazard when I was just sevenEven then the folks in town said with prejudiced eyesThat boy"s not rightThree years ago when I came to know MaryFirst time that someone looked beyond the rumors and the liesAnd saw the man insideWe used to walk down by the riverShe loved to watch the sun go downWe used to walk along the riverAnd dream our way out of this townNo one understood what I felt for MaryNo one cared until the night she went out walking aloneAnd never came homeMan with a badge came knocking next morningHere was I surrounded by a thousand fingers suddenlyPointed right at meI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska townI think about my life gone byAnd how it"s done me wrongThere"s no escape for me this timeAll of my rescues are gone, long goneI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska town

在英语中,danger ; endanger, risk , hazard 都是危险冒险的意思,在用法上有什么不一样吗?

danger 是指 危险,比如:高压电房,就写 dangerendanger 是 danger 的动词,使。。。受到危险,endanger oneselfrisk 是指 风险,比如:金融风险 financial risk 就不能说 financial dangerhazard 是指 小一点的危险,比如:路面结冰这种情况就是一个hazard而不是danger弯曲的山路,也是hazard,不是danger

Richard Marx的《Hazard》 歌词

歌曲名:Hazard歌手:Richard Marx专辑:Greatest HitsRichard MarxHazardMy mother came to hazard when I was just sevenEven then the folks in town said with prejudiced eyesThat boy"s not rightThree years ago when I came to know MaryFirst time that someone looked beyond the rumors and the liesAnd saw the man insideWe used to walk down by the riverShe loved to watch the sun go downWe used to walk along the riverAnd dream our way out of this townNo one understood what I felt for MaryNo one cared until the night she went out walking aloneAnd never came homeMan with a badge came knocking next morningHere was I surrounded by a thousand fingers suddenlyPointed right at meI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska townI think about my life gone byAnd how it"s done me wrongThere"s no escape for me this timeAll of my rescues are gone, long goneI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska town

Richard Marx的《Hazard》 歌词

歌曲名:Hazard歌手:Richard Marx专辑:Greatest HitsRichard MarxHazardMy mother came to hazard when I was just sevenEven then the folks in town said with prejudiced eyesThat boy"s not rightThree years ago when I came to know MaryFirst time that someone looked beyond the rumors and the liesAnd saw the man insideWe used to walk down by the riverShe loved to watch the sun go downWe used to walk along the riverAnd dream our way out of this townNo one understood what I felt for MaryNo one cared until the night she went out walking aloneAnd never came homeMan with a badge came knocking next morningHere was I surrounded by a thousand fingers suddenlyPointed right at meI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska townI think about my life gone byAnd how it"s done me wrongThere"s no escape for me this timeAll of my rescues are gone, long goneI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska town

Hazard (Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Hazard (Edit)歌手:Richard Marx专辑:This Is... 1992Richard MarxHazardMy mother came to hazard when I was just sevenEven then the folks in town said with prejudiced eyesThat boy"s not rightThree years ago when I came to know MaryFirst time that someone looked beyond the rumors and the liesAnd saw the man insideWe used to walk down by the riverShe loved to watch the sun go downWe used to walk along the riverAnd dream our way out of this townNo one understood what I felt for MaryNo one cared until the night she went out walking aloneAnd never came homeMan with a badge came knocking next morningHere was I surrounded by a thousand fingers suddenlyPointed right at meI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska townI think about my life gone byAnd how it"s done me wrongThere"s no escape for me this timeAll of my rescues are gone, long goneI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska town

Hazard (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Hazard (Live)歌手:richard marx专辑:A Night Out With FriendsRichard MarxHazardMy mother came to hazard when I was just sevenEven then the folks in town said with prejudiced eyesThat boys not rightThree years ago when I came to know MaryFirst time that someone looked beyond the rumors and the liesAnd saw the man insideWe used to walk down by the riverShe loved to watch the sun go downWe used to walk along the riverAnd dream our way out of this townNo one understood what I felt for MaryNo one cared until the night she went out walking aloneAnd never came homeMan with a badge came knocking next morningHere was I surrounded by a thousand fingers suddenlyPointed right at meI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska townI think about my life gone byAnd how its done me wrongTheres no escape for me this timeAll of my rescues are gone, long goneI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the river


姓名:艾登·阿扎尔(关於姓名翻译问题,因“Hazard”在法语中读成‘阿扎尔",因此一般翻译成‘哈扎德"应是用英语发音翻译的,球员本人是比利时法语大区人,使用语言亦为法语,因此译成‘阿扎尔"更为合适。)国籍:比利时生日:1991-01-07(23岁)身高:1.72米(5英尺8英寸)体重:69kg出生地:比利时,拉卢维耶尔埃登·哈扎德(4张)位置:左中场/前腰/影锋/右中场目前效力:切尔西足球俱乐部合约至:2016 年号码:17惯用脚:右脚


翻译的问题,就是同一个人, 名字就是Eden Hazard


venture是指冒风险试一试,也有礼貌的反抗或反对的意思;hazard主要是指冒险作出某个选择,隐含碰运气的意味。 扩展资料 hazard和venture区别:venture是指冒风险试一试,也有礼貌的`反抗或反对的意思,而hazard主要是指冒险作出某个选择,隐含碰运气的意味。


  风险事故(peril)  风险只有通过风险事故的发生才能导致损失,也就是说,当风险的可能性变成现实时风险事故就发生了,是损失的直接原因或外在原因。  危险因素(Hazard)  指足以引起或增加危险事故发生可能的条件,也包括危险事故发生时,致使损失扩大的条件。例如汽车的刹车系统失灵是足以引起或增加车祸事故的危险因素。此外,道路结冰、车速过快、驾驶员不合格等,均为车祸的危险因素,危险因素通常可分为三种类型:(1)实质危险因素(Physical Hazard)。指足以引起或增加损失发生机会或严重程度的物质性条件。如房屋的建筑材料、所在地点、使用目的以及消防设施等,都可视作导致或增加火灾损失的实质危险因素。(2)道德危险因素(Moral Hazard)。指被保险人或者受益人出于谋取保险金赔款或给付的不良企图,故意制造危险事故,以至形成保险标的受损结果,或在保险标的受损时不采取减轻损失的有效措施,故意扩大保险标的的受损程度。如纵火焚烧房屋、凿沉船只、毁损车辆、受益人为谋取保险金蓄意谋害被保险人。(3)心理危险因素(Morale Hazard)。是指由于人们思想上的麻痹大意,以至增加危险事故发生的机会和损失的严重性。凡是被保险人因有保险而怠于保护被保险财产的事实,均可纳入心理危险这一概念中。




hazard: 主要指冒险作出某个选择,隐含碰运气意味。hazard 变化形式:复数: hazards第三人称单数: hazards过去式: hazarded过去分词: hazarded现在分词: hazarding易混淆的单词: Hazardhazard 用法和例句:I cannot quite see the parallel with moral hazard .我看不太出这与道德风险有何相似之处。But one nighttime problem is a known heart hazard -- sleep apnea .但一夜间问题是一个众所周知的的心脏危险--睡眠呼吸暂停。Needless to say , this is a hazard , and not just for those at the wheel .不用说,这是一件冒险的事,而不仅是对那些方向盘来说。Game theory illustrates this moral hazard .博弈论可以阐释这一道德风险。Moral hazard is not restricted to banking .道德风险并不局限于银行业。


hazard,作名词时意为“危险,风险;冒险的事;机会;双骰子游戏;(高尔夫球的)球场障碍;(庭院网球用语)可得分区域;(台球)落入袋中;哈泽德(人名)”,作动词时意为“大胆猜测;冒……的危险,使遭受危险;冒昧提出”。短语搭配:radiation hazard辐射危害性 ;[特医]辐射危害 ; 辐射危险 ;[特医]放射危害Fire hazard[安全]火灾危害性 ; 火警危险 ; 火灾隐患 ; 火灾hazard assessment[环境]危害评价 ; 危险性评估 ; 危害评估 ; 危险性评价Chemical Hazard化学的危险 ; 化学危险品 ; 化学危害性public hazard公害 ; 公共危害hazard index[保险]危险指数 ; 危害指数 ; 危险率 ; 危险标志radiological hazard辐射危害 ; 辐射风险 ;[核]放射性危害 ; 辐射数据geologic hazard地质灾害 ; 滑坡 ; 地质灾难accident hazard[安全]事故危险 ; 意外风险 ; 事故的危险





Dance Of A HummingbirdErnesto Cortazar英译汉




启示录resident evil和biohazard有区别吗?


resident evil 4和Biohazard 4有什么不同,都是生化危机4的!!




Biohazard和Resident Evil是一个意思吗?

属于同义词。“Biohazard”是属于亚洲这边的英文名,“ResidentEvil”属于欧美翻译的。比如用双语例句:Biohazard1、Biohazard containment system"s been activated. 表示:生化预警系统已经启动了。2、This is a biohazard quarantine area. 表示:这里现在是生化危险隔离区。双语例句:ResidentEvil1、The movie Resident Evil is really awesome. 表示:《生化危机》这部电影实在太棒了。2、Resident Evil is the best horror game series that has ever been made and has been the inspiration for many other imitations. 表示:生化危机成为了有史以来最成功的恐怖游戏系列,并为众多同类游戏争相效仿。从以上可以看出,两种表达的意思是一样的。扩展资料:本来生化危机在欧美地区也要叫Biohazard的,但是美国那边有个叫Biohazard的二流摇滚还是死核乐队,重名了,这个版权问题协商不来,所以欧美地区的生化危机就改名了,如果可以,留意下老外们谈到生化都是说“Resident Evil”而没人说“Biohazard”生化危机(摇滚乐队)Biohazard (生化危机)是一只来自纽约的暗黑街布鲁克林地区的摇滚乐队,组建于1988年。他们是公认的最早将硬核金属与hip-hop音乐元素进行融合的乐队。

resident evil 和biohazard有什么区别?

亚洲叫biohazard老外,金头外国人,欧美叫Resident evil

Biohazard和Resident Evil有什么区别

属于同义词。“Biohazard”是属于亚洲这边的英文名,“ResidentEvil”属于欧美翻译的。比如用双语例句:Biohazard1、Biohazard containment system"s been activated. 表示:生化预警系统已经启动了。2、This is a biohazard quarantine area. 表示:这里现在是生化危险隔离区。双语例句:ResidentEvil1、The movie Resident Evil is really awesome. 表示:《生化危机》这部电影实在太棒了。2、Resident Evil is the best horror game series that has ever been made and has been the inspiration for many other imitations. 表示:生化危机成为了有史以来最成功的恐怖游戏系列,并为众多同类游戏争相效仿。从以上可以看出,两种表达的意思是一样的。扩展资料:本来生化危机在欧美地区也要叫Biohazard的,但是美国那边有个叫Biohazard的二流摇滚还是死核乐队,重名了,这个版权问题协商不来,所以欧美地区的生化危机就改名了,如果可以,留意下老外们谈到生化都是说“Resident Evil”而没人说“Biohazard”生化危机(摇滚乐队)Biohazard (生化危机)是一只来自纽约的暗黑街布鲁克林地区的摇滚乐队,组建于1988年。他们是公认的最早将硬核金属与hip-hop音乐元素进行融合的乐队。

求sergey lazarev 的《hard to love》歌词及翻译,谢谢

你好,歌词如下:(there goes my heartbeat...)I lay awake at night in my bed All these thoughts in my head about you Turn on the TV to drown out the sound of my herat cause it"s bounding for youTry not to think of the smile I haven"t seen ina whileWhat am I gonna doMy heart is beating so loud and I can"t block it outCause it"s telling the truthThat I miss your touch and I miss your kissI never thought I would feel like thisOh,I miss your body next to mineCan"t get this heartbeat out of mind* There goes my heartbeat again,like a durm in my headjust when I think about the things that you did and you saidCan"t stop this beating,baby,because it drives me crazyCan"t stop the rhythm of this heartbeat,heartbeat *I know that I"m not supposed to be feeling the way that I"m feeling insideI carry on with my day, but nothing goes my way, trying to understand whyThis thumping in my frame is driving me insane - why did I let you go?This rhyth"s never ending, my heart isn"t mendingBecause you need to knowThat I miss your touch and I miss your kissI never thought I would feel like thisOh,I miss your body next to mineCan"t get this heartbeat out of mind* There goes my heartbeat again,like a durm in my headjust when I think about the things that you did and you saidCan"t stop this beating,baby,because it drives me crazyCan"t stop the rhythm of this heartbeat,heartbeat *Oh, I can"t stop this feeling insideThis heartbeat for you will never subsideJust when I think I"m over youThis rhythm brings me right back to you...Can"t get you out of my mindCause there it goea beating one more time...* There goes my heartbeat again,like a durm in my headjust when I think about the things that you did and you saidCan"t stop this beating,baby,because it drives me crazyCan"t stop the rhythm of this heartbeat,heartbeat *(heartbeat of my mind...)翻译:(那是我的心跳…)我在床上清醒的躺着脑海中的思绪全部都是围绕着你的打开吵闹的电视以淹没我内心的声音,以此来将你隔离努力地不去想那我从未见过的迷人的微笑我应该要去做什么内心的呼唤如此的剧烈以至于我无法阻止因为它说的是事实。我想念你的抚摸,想念你的亲吻我从未想过我会有如此的感觉噢,我想要你的身体在我身边无法将这种心跳的感觉从脑海中除去我的心又开始跳动,仿佛我的脑袋里有一面敲打的鼓仅仅在当我想起你所说的和所做的一切时我不能停止这种心跳,宝贝,因为它让我疯狂不能停止这种心跳的节奏,心跳我知道我不应该感觉到我已陷入其中我努力地过着我一个人的日子,但是没有任何作用,(我)试着去发现其中的原因这个沉重的打击几乎让我崩溃——为什么当初我让你离开?这种(心跳的)节奏从未停止,我的心,无法得到修补因为我想要你知道我想念你的抚摸,想念你的亲吻我从未想过我会有如此的感觉噢,我想要你的身体在我身边无法将这种心跳的感觉从脑海中除去我的心又开始跳动,仿佛我的脑袋里有一面敲打的鼓仅仅在当我想起你所说的和所做的一切时我不能停止这种心跳,宝贝,因为它让我疯狂不能停止这种心跳的节奏,心跳噢,我无法停止这种来自身体内部的冲动为你而存在的心跳将永不平息仅仅当我想到我在你身体之上的时候这种节奏带我回到你身边无法将你从我的脑海里删除因为我的心将再次跳动我的心又开始跳动,仿佛我的脑袋里有一面敲打的鼓仅仅在当我想起你所说的和所做的一切时我不能停止这种心跳,宝贝,因为它让我疯狂不能停止这种心跳的节奏,心跳(我脑海中的心跳…)希望对你有帮助,觉得好的话请采纳吧!

求芬兰旋律黑团Alghazanth 2008年专辑Wreath Of Thevetat歌词!!最好是中英文对照的XD

英文歌词好找,中文翻译还有待培养 顺便说一下这类比较大牌儿的歌词上这里基本都能找到,发行不久基本就能更新出来http://darklyrics.com1. Moving MountainsAs one rope loosens, another then tightensfar too long we"ve been strangled and tiedthis sick circle of shame must now finally breakso that honour may again walk by our sideRoamers of the path of many pathsnow the hour has come for us to actwith inhuman hatred and intensityto ram down the monoliths of fallacyAt the mass grave of religions man"s triumphant age beginsthe heartblood of these tyrants will wash us clean of sinwe"ll stand among the victors through this colossal warthe sight of moving mountains is what we are here forThe ethics and laws that we deeply abhorhave left mere rust and rot in their wakeso each such child of the holiest of liestogether with their fathers shall be slainThe storm of rebellion will never calm downin the raging hearts of the truly devoutso hold not a moment more thy fury backfor swords are made to cut and daggers to stabAt the mass grave of religions man"s triumphant age beginsthe heartblood of these tyrants will wash us clean of sinwe"ll stand among the victors through this colossal warthe sight of moving mountains is what we are here forEnthralling is the scent of burning shrinesand the sound of crumbling hierarchiesas after this disgraceful timethe true nature in us can once again breatheMay lips wet with blood to the world now proclaim:at last the Beast if free and, verily, so shall remain!In the chanting winds of this glorious black nightwe hold the scalps of the crushed rulers highwithout swaying a hammer or piling any stoneswhere once their towers stood we raise our ownAt the mass grave of religions man"s triumphant age beginsthe heartblood of these tyrants will wash us clean of sinwe"ll stand among the victors through this colossal warthe sight of moving mountains is what we are here for2. The Kings To ComeLike puny insects without a destinationin the mud of Malkuth these bodies crawlbut our eyes are fixed beyond the horizonwhere our sidereal thrones are towering tallSilent is the call to splendour in manfelt by billions yet indulged by fewinertia and ruin walk hand in handin a world that idleness has consumedEquality is the ruthless slayer of libertywhen those are beheaded that rise aboveseemingly desirable it leads to constraintand all such deception we must renounceJust as beasts become men so shall kings turn into godslife by life to slowly ascend towards the sanctum of starsEkpyrosis, you may soon swallow us allbut we shall not atone in your fatal flamesfor our fate is certain and will so strongthat from your grasp we shall escapeLike puny insects without a destinationin the mud of Malkuth these bodies crawlbut our minds are freed beyond the horizonwhere sacred words sound through cosmic hallsThat which we yearn with force we"re to takefor anything worthy is never handed downit is the heart and not will that must caveif you wish to touch the heavens unboundOnly in the abyss true godhood is forgedthrough sacrifice and pain our passage goesthus the road to glory remains uncrowdedas the price for this is too great for mostJust as beasts become men so shall kings turn into godslife by life to slowly ascend towards the sanctum of stars3. The PhosphorescentWe who were lifted from the moral swamp of manstand with eyes turned upwards and ashes on our wingsarose we like titans in this immense heat of powerthat melted into creeks the shackles "round our limbsThe blazing light of Satan with passion we adoreas there is not an emblem of wisdom more sublimeso pure in its essence that a shadow it casts notbut penetrates the body and the spirit alikeOnce marked as His own... forever we now glowOur anthems we sing to the Sun of million formsfor it is by His rays that illusions are dissolvedUnharmed we"ll remain by the virtue of our oaththough fangs wound the flesh and venom fills the veinsIn this garden where we blossom with fully opened petalsthe things long forgotten are those about to dawnand the tips of our branches that stretch ever inwardsreach through the veil of being to touch the face of NaughtOn the path of Boundless Life... death means not demiseOur anthems we sing to the Sun of million formsfor it is by His rays that illusions are dissolvedHow lost are they whose eyes never adaptto the darkness that reveals the treasures of the Selfhow cursed are they whose ears never adjustto the silence that recites the words we once forgotand how dead are they whose hearts never reactto the forces that transfix all dimensions with their callOur anthems we sing to the Sun of million formsfor it is by His rays that illusions are dissolved4. On Blackening SoilOh, old nightsky, how furious is thy ordnancewhen the edge of the crescent cuts thee in halfI sense thy stare on my soul and substancewhile the cape of Neptune conceals our starsInside a circle we form another out of fleshawe mires with confusion as the planets aligngathered around him that bears the wreathin the darkness that drowns s like a rising tidefrom the icy peaks of Mery to the depths of the seaall this shall be yours if you now hearken to meThevetat, the dragon among snakesmaster crowned king with wisdom most veiledwith lips shut share us the legacythe godly gnosis that twines about theeSense of power pervades each thoughtas the pulse in our veins is quaking the groundthe patterns of humility are condemned to fallby the arrows of spells shooting from our mouthsclimb towards the roots of the inverted treefor to rise above the angels is your rightful destinyThevetat, the dragon among snakesmaster most august by foulness impaledwith lips shut share us the legacythe godly gnosis that lives within theeIndeed we are here to stride as giantsinstead of crawling in the dirt like infantsmay not our eminence be questioned by any heartfor we truly possess the means to rend such apart5. Rain Of StarsFrom the One that beyond thought is seatedcascaded forth the drops of blood aflameand this blinding rain of stars was greetedwith the abysmal depths of existence agapeThe radiant sons of the blackest lightin the mirror image of Kosmos residewith these tongues the serpents speakwith these lungs the serpents breathestill adapting to the poisonous essenceto the strong walls of earthly presenceThe obliteration of our growing declinestorms at the behest of Lucifer himselfto kindle awake the pyres divinesmouldering within these carnal cellsThickening matter with its relentless handsflagellated the high powers into dormancybut though bolted fast by the flesh of manin time they shall restore full vitalityA call is upon the gods we hear insidefrom their aeon-long slumber to arisewith these eyes the serpents seewith these minds the serpents dreamslowly surpassing the strict boundariesset by our narrow and weak abilitiesThe obliteration of our growing declinestorms at the behest of Lucifer himselfto kindle awake the pyres divinesmouldering within these carnal cellsOn the great day the drops are rejoiningthe vast sea of fire will be all-destroyingThe stellar substance and the soul of manIn world"s warm ashes as one then standThe obliteration of our growing declinestorms at the behest of Lucifer himselfto kindle awake the pyres divinesmouldering within these carnal cells6. Twice-BornSolely in Thy presence freely I breatheset apart from the choking world of fettersForlorn will be each vain objectivebutchered all ingrained penitencerelease me from all that is illusivefrom humanity grant relinquishmentThe shadow of Thy horns will keep me coldsheltered from the treacherous warmth of matterI have given Thee my thoughtsthus them Thou Will and shall conductI have offered Thee my fleshthus it Thou will and shall corruptmy mind is the temple of worshipand body the altar of sacrificeby will and devotion is hastenedthe elevation above this mortal lifeHeed, Father in darkness, unto my wordless calland from mundade veils now strip this spirit bareas with deepest obeisance in my pounding heartI kneel before the scorching five-armed starResponding the the unearthly vibrationsthis ego is medium for the sinisteras prism to refract the dreadful raysstreaming from the Eyes of ChaosMadly with the thirst of a deserthoundI drink from the river of satanic mightcommitted I am to perfect this crownplaced on my head by the hands of ThineThou have set me upon this paththus it I will and shall tread forthThou have opened me these realmsthus them I will and shall explorethe rock I stand on can"t be movedfor it rests upon Thy sanctityeach word of reverence I uttershall pass my lips in awe for theeHeed, Father in darkness, unto my wordless calland from mundade veils now strip this spirit bareas with deepest obeisance in my pounding heartI kneel before the scorching five-armed star7. Future Made FleshThe crack in the earthbetween us grows widethere"s dread on your facebut certainty on mineWe differ in essencelike night does from dayI"m a proud servantbut you"re just a slaveAt the opposite endsof the rope we areyou with blue lipsI with sore palmsThis scene is a symbolfor the fate of mankindfuture made flesha glimpse of coming times8. As Nothing Consumes EverythingThat which from chaos surfacedin chaos shall eventually drownburied in the same restless wombfrom whence it once crept outBe it the most majestic mountainor a leaf floating down a creekboth equally pulverized in naughtunder the merciless cosmic feetPrayers are but waste of breaththey fade into the roaring stormand even if they reached a godnot one could match this forceAs Nothing consumes Everythingthe glasshouse of creation shall shatter and fallLike Lamia lurking by the cradlethe Mother has nurtured Her childand as the hor of filicide is at handShe acts without a tear or a smileAccept the nature of the processits monumentum can never ceasebend your knee, bow down your headgive praise to this grand releaseAs Nothing consumes Everythingthe weeds of existence spring up no moreFrom dream to realityfrom frail to perfectionfrom extant to noumenalfrom one and one to noneAs Nothing consumes Everythingno matter how sacred, all life must end

有一首女歌手英文歌“ki qi ki qi yaya zaza”蛮动感的 是什么歌呀??

这首歌叫lady marmalade是Christina Aguilera的,一起唱的还有Lil" Kim和Mya & Pink ,百度一搜歌名就出来了~给你地址吧~希望可以帮到你哦~

一首英文歌 歌词是 kichen kichen yaya daza 女生的

Lady Marmalade Christina Aguilera早在1974年,这首《Lady Marmalade》就风靡过欧美乐坛排行榜,原唱组合LaBelle红级一时,但很快被当时更红的Beatles乐队打下马来,只留下这支经典曲目。90年代中,英国知名4人女子组合All Saints翻唱了《Lady Marmalade》,一炮走红,可惜原唱LaBelle的主音歌手Patti LaBelle似乎对英国歌手有排斥心理,所以对All Saints的表现不满意。2001年的Billboard排行榜上又出现了《Lady Marmalade》久违的名字。这次的演唱者Christina Aguilera、Pink、Lil"Kim、Mya的组合夺得了Patti LaBelle的欢心,《Lady Marmalade》一路横扫千军,成为当年唯一两首连续获得排行榜冠军的歌曲,并蝉联了4周。Christina Aguilera, Mya, Pink, Lil" Kim, Missy Elliot的2001的合唱作品,翻译为“果酱女郎”。是01年全球最畅销、打榜成绩最辉煌的CD单曲,在全球50个国家登上冠军位置,共卖出了510万张。在02年44th格莱美获得最佳流行合唱作品奖。并被选为2002年音乐剧‘Moulin Rouge ~红磨坊"的其中一首歌。2014年在《我是歌手2》第八期的表演中歌手G.E.M.邓紫棋再一次演唱了《Lady Marmalade》,获得了大家的肯定。参见百度百科:

risk assessment与 hazard analysis 区别

risk assessment是风险评估(测重财经方面),hazard analysis是危害分析(或危险分析)测重于环境(人的工作地点、自然环境等)



irina lazareanu 的some place along the way 歌词

Sean Taro Ono Lennon(又叫Sean Ono Lennon,出生于1975年10月9日),美籍英国人,歌手,歌曲创作者,音乐人,演员。他的父亲是约翰·列侬,他的母亲是小野洋子(亦称‘大野洋子")。他父母都是音乐人,主张和平的活跃分子。恭子·"禅"·寇克斯(Kyoko Chan Cox)是他的同母异父的姐姐,朱利安·列侬(Julian Lennon)是他同父异母的哥哥。肖恩出生那天正好是他父亲35岁生日。早期生活及教育背景  肖恩·列侬出生于1975年10月9日,纽约市。(他父亲约翰·列侬35岁生日也是那天)。肖恩出生之后,他父亲便成为了一个家庭主‘父"。他父亲在世时,一直很宠爱他。(他父亲是在1980年被谋杀的。)肖恩一开始纽约私立学校Ethical Culture Fieldston School 和 Dalton上学,后来在瑞士的一所名叫贵族寄宿学校(名叫Institut Le Roseyin Rolle)上学。之后就读于哥伦比亚大学。大学期间只读了3个学期,然后辍学专注于自己的音乐生涯。  肖恩6岁时首次在音乐世界里展现了他的声音,(虽然仅仅是)在他母亲的一张名叫《Season of Glass》的专辑里朗诵了一个故事(而已)。童年到在他十几岁这段时间里,他一直和母亲在合作。在他母亲的个人专辑里,有时他是和声,有时甚至是出现在制作人名单里——这些专辑有:《It"s Alright》(又名,《I See Rainbows》),《Starpeace》,《Onobox》。在肖恩16岁的时候,也就是1991年,他开始展现出写歌的才能。那年,Lenny Kravitz的一张名叫《Mama Said》的专辑里,《All I Ever Wanted》这首歌是肖恩与其共同创作的。1995年,他已经成为一名自信的音乐人,(和Sam Koppelman and Timo Ellis)组建了IMA乐队,为他母亲的专辑《Rising》伴奏。除了音乐方面,肖恩在电影里也有露脸。1988年,他在Michael Jackson的名叫Moonwalker的电影里参与演出。1990年,在索尼的一部促销的短片《Infinite Escher》里,他饰演一名少年,经历了MC Escher的画的幻想世界。  (注:MC Escher:Maurits Cornelis Escher,一个荷兰画家,超牛逼。他的画充满想象力,让人有视觉错觉。他的一些画相信许多人看过,有兴趣请自行搜索。)Cibo Matto与Into The Sun  1996年, Cibo Matto乐队(1994成立于纽约,indie)的Miho Hatori(羽鸟美保)和Yuka Honda(本田有花)(注:翻译自维基:有且只有她们才是创始人,前者为主唱,后者伴奏,偶尔她们的角色会转换。Cibo Matto是意大利短语,‘疯狂的食物"的意思。)被邀请来重新混音《Talking To The Universe》这首歌,然后收录在一张叫Rising Mixes的EP里。一次见面时,他母亲给他介绍了Cibo Matto乐队。Honda邀请肖恩去担任Cibo Matto的贝司手,一起做巡回演出。这三人的关系使得肖恩成为Cibo Matto乐队的一员(Duma Love和IMA的队员Timo Ellis),(注:1997年Cibo Matto吸收了新成员,便是Sean Lennon,Timo Ellis,Duma Love.)也使得这三人一起加入了一个side project性质的(注:side project这个词一时半会比较难找到对应的中文,其有‘临时",‘兼职‘的意思在里面,side project的行为是指:乐队的成员不在离队的前提下参加其他乐队的演出,演奏等活动。有好处——有些乐队相对鼓励这种做法,因为能给自己的乐队带来有创造性的想法。于是可以推测到为什么有Butter 08这个乐队。详见维基。)乐队,叫Butter 08(注:迄今为止该乐队其只出过一张唱片,由众多乐队的成员组成,具体成员比较复杂。详见维基)。之前Cibo Mattoi乐队已经因其是‘2人组"的乐队而出名了。肖恩继而参与Cibo Matto一起巡演,上电视节目,以及在他们的EP《Super Relax》中负责贝司和人声部分。(注:《Super Relax》这张EP,主要有介绍2位新成员加入的意思。也就是肖恩和Timo Ellis——他们本来就是IMA,也就是肖恩之前成立的乐队的成员。而Duma love是随后不久加入Miho Hatori乐队的。)Adam Yauch(Beastie Boys乐队创世成员,rapper)(BB乐队从发行第一张唱片,到现在2008年已经超过20年头了。现在商业上依旧很成功。07年9月27日,BB乐队获摇滚名人堂入选提名。)跟肖恩·列侬搭上了,说自己对肖恩的音乐很感兴趣,虽然他加入了Cibo Matto乐队,但还是说服了他,让他跟唱片公司Grand Royal Records签订了合同。对于唱片公司Grand Royal Records,肖恩说:“我想Grand Royal是世上唯一一家对我父母是谁以及我的名字叫什么都不关心的唱片公司。我很高兴我知道这一点——如果我知道他们不会喜欢我的音乐,我绝不会接受他们的合同的。这种事情在音乐行业还真少见!”肖恩·列侬的第一张个人唱片《Into The Sun》在1998发行。该专辑中一首名叫《Home》的MV,由Spike Jonze执导。该MV通过MTV流传甚广。这张唱片由肖恩的好友,Cibo Matto的成员——Yuka Honda制作。据肖恩称,该专辑的创作正是Yuka Honda给予他灵感的。肖恩和Yuka成了很好的伙伴,他们在往后的日子里一起创作。  肖恩继续巡演来支持自己的唱片《Into The Sun》(通常是Cibo Matto 乐队成员和他一起演出)。期间他参加了一些电台节目,比如《The Howard Stern Show(意:Howard Stern的秀)》,以及KCRW电台的《Morning Becomes Eclectic(意:早晨不再单一)》节目。(注:KCRW电台,在Santa Monica 大学播报,全国范围内播放的电台,其播放最新的音乐的节目,同该电台的新闻类节目,文化节目同样出名,而且播放的音乐流派并不单一,来者不拒。)据肖恩回忆,当时是比较痛苦的经历,由于,媒体更为关注的是他的家庭,而不是他个人的音乐。1999年,肖恩的EP《Half Horse,Half Musician》发行,新单曲有《Heart & Lung》和《Happiness》还有一些来自《Into The Sun》专辑里重新混音的歌曲。同样在当年,Cibo Matto乐队的第二张唱片《Stereo Type A》发行了。在《Stereo Type A》里面,肖恩不同以往作为一个传统的贝司手,这回他玩了很多东西——比如鼓,吉他,电子合成器。尽管《Stereo Type A》这张专辑被广泛认为是Cibo Matto乐队出的最后一张,而且乐队随之解散,但是在千禧年,看到肖恩开始进入hiphop的世界,有给一些hiphop团体配唱,比如Del tha Funkee Homosapien(alternative hiphop rapper),Handsome Boy Modeling School(hiphop group,成员有2人),Jurassic 5(1993年成立的hiphop group)。在2001年,肖恩在国家电视台演唱了beatles的经典歌曲《This Boy》,《Across The Universe》,《Julia》,和Robert Schwartzman (又名Robert Carmine,Rooney乐队主唱),Rufus Wainwright,Moby一起出演《Come Together: A Night for John Lennon"s Words and Music》节目。之后的几年,他淡出演艺圈,转幕后——合作的乐队,艺人有很多。复出,以及《Friendly Fire》专辑  在2001年和Grand Royal Records唱片公司和合约结束之后,肖恩签约了Capital Records唱片公司(其母公司EMI曾发行了很多他父亲的音乐,包括他父亲的乐队,单曲)。不过在2006年2月,肖恩才有单曲面世——新专辑《Friendly Fire》中的第一首单曲《DeadMeat》。新专辑的促销CD/DVD版在2006初泄露于网上。该版本展示了其电影版的专辑。整张dvd的mv包含在这部电影里。(注:这张专辑有10首单曲,同时,有一部同名电影也一起面世。由肖恩·列侬和Michele Civetta共同创作并执导。DVD版本——也就是该专辑电影版本,包含了专辑里10首歌的mv,由肖恩·列侬主演,以及其很多朋友,以及有些演员——包括:Bijou Phillips,Carrie Fisher,Jordan Galland等参与演出。此片献给肖恩·列侬的朋友Max Leroy (1975-2005)。此电影在很多独立影院上映。)这电影实际上是电影《Coin Locker Babies》的试映,肖恩想为专辑制作一个电影版本。而肖恩·列侬参与制作的《Coin Locker Babies》实际上很烂。《Friendly Fire》这张专辑发行于2006年10月,其主题基于爱与背叛。肖恩以此专辑献给他一位逝去的好友。之前的五年内,他一直未有演出。直到在专辑发行当晚,肖恩在一个电视直播节目中登场,演艺了《Dead Meat》这首歌——《Late Show with David Letterman》。之后,肖恩又参与了电视节目《Late Night with Conan O"Brien》和《The Sharon Osbourne Show》。当采访时问及关于发行个人专辑8年的时间跨度问题时,(注:从97年发行的EP到06年发行的个人专辑,接近八年)肖恩说,在这些年里他并不觉得自己是solo artist(意:非乐队性质的歌手,非组合性质的歌手)而且在这些年里做音乐,并不想让自己的名字张扬,更愿意做幕后。在发行新专辑后,肖恩在世界各地演出频繁。当在法国时,他与法国歌手“-M-”(法国籍,黎巴嫩裔)合作,重新混缩了他歌曲《Parachute(降落伞)》,改名叫《L"éclipse》(英:The Eclipse。中:日食,月食),并作为该专辑在法国版本的附赠曲目。  尽管肖恩·列侬建立了solo artist的形象,他仍旧参与其他的幕后的工作,以及制作人。以肖恩作为制作人歌手有Dopo Yume和Albert Hammond, Jr. (The Strokes乐队成员,节奏吉他,偶尔是主音吉他,也有自己发行的唱片) ,以及模特兼歌手Irina Lazareanu(出生地:罗马尼亚)。在07年10月,肖恩和Mark Ronson(牛人,dj,歌手,制作人,得过BRIT Award,得过3次格莱美music producer奖项)参加了BBC举办的Electric Proms音乐节,与Daniel Merriweather和 Tawiah一起演唱了《Sail on, Sailor》,《We Can Work It Out》。08年的情人节,肖恩和女朋友Charlotte Kemp Muhl,建立了"The Ghost Of A Saber Toothed Tiger"(side project性质的)组合(Saber Toothed Tiger:上颚长了一对獠牙,样子跟豹挺像,其实并不是老虎,现在濒临灭绝),参加了Radio City电台(英国利物浦,独立地方电台)的一个现场演出。这2人在MySpace上有建立了主页(,给自己分别取名为Amatla和Zargifon,用来传播他(更多)的音乐——(包括)肖恩进入了电影配乐的领域,给电影《Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Undead 》(2008)配乐(美国,独立电影,喜剧,该片是莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》的“恶搞”。该影片配乐由肖恩·列侬创作。影片题目中,Rosencrantz和Guildenstern是《哈姆雷特》中2个人物的名字,反面人物)。有了新作品,以及在结束了随之的巡演后,肖恩建了个主页,用来展示他的音乐,视频,以及给他的粉丝交流用的论坛。论坛上诸多会员竟搜集很多粉丝的翻唱专辑《Truth Mask Replica》。在You Tube(一视频分享站)上一个视频公开了他的网站地址(08年1月)。另外,肖恩·列侬还提到他正在做自己的新专辑。音乐影响来源肖恩u2022列侬(Sean Lennon)说,他的音乐主要受Brian Wilson(注:词曲唱编录混全能,同为Beach Boys的成员和制作人,录音室里极度追求完美,右耳失聪)和 Beach Boys乐队(注:rock and roll乐队,88年选入摇滚名人堂,实力超强,Brian Wilson为乐队灵魂人物。该乐队极具创意,影响了很多音乐人。该乐队被称为‘美国乐队"(america‘s band),不管是单曲还是专辑销售总量,皆位居美国乐队的排行第一。目前为止,由于种种原因,其乐队成员变化很大。)的影响。他甚至把对Brian Wilson的采访录音放到他的一张限量版CD《Words and Music》上。在《Into the sun》专辑发售期间,Sean经常谈到他非常赞赏巴西的Os Mutantes乐队(注:Os Mutantes,葡萄牙语,意,突变体。该乐队极具影响力,风格为迷幻摇滚,与巴西六十年代受“不同音乐元素影响的热带主义运动(Tropicalismo movement)”有紧密的联系。在该运动中,该乐队为主要角色。该运动在世界范围内影响深远,其包含了各种形式的艺术变革,不过最为主要的还是音乐。到目前,该乐队成员变动很大。七十年代到2000年沉寂,06年重新组队。)。在巴西的时候,Sean曾和Arnaldo Baptista(贝司吉他手,Os Mutantes乐队的歌手之一) (注:他是该乐队创始成员。父亲是歌手(lyrics singer),母亲为钢琴演奏家。7岁到11岁学传统钢琴,之后学了4年贝司,紧接着便组建了Os Mutantes乐队(1966年)。73年由于嗑药离开了乐队,74年开始了个人音乐事业。随后又和其他乐队分分合合,虽然所出的唱片稀少,但依旧活跃。)同台做现场演出。以及在后来,Sean为Os Mutantes乐队的专辑《Tecnicolor》(2000)设计了封面。另外,肖恩曾提到,The Beastie Boys乐队的《Check Your Head》专辑融汇了各种元素,使他深受启发。注:(wiki)《Tecnicolor》专辑97年在巴黎录制,这张专辑是Os Mutantes乐队有意给英语国家的自我介绍。所选歌曲有选自该乐队的头3张专辑的英文版本,也有原始版本。要不是一个给该乐队写传记的作家透露,这张专辑是还真不会面世。2000年,这张专辑由环球唱片发行,由肖恩u2022列侬设计封面。注:《Check Your Head》专辑为beastie boys的第三张专辑,距上一张时隔3年。这张传记回归funk风格,也是自发行早期EP以来首次配上自己的乐器。引用:Solo discography(个人音乐)AlbumsInto the Sun (1998) Friendly Fire (2006) EPsHalf Horse, Half Musician (1999) Singles"Home" (1998) "Queue (Radio Mix)" (1999) "Dead Meat" (2006) "L"éclipse" (2007) - in collaboration with -M- Producer(由肖恩制作的唱片)Sean Lennon - Half Horse Half Musician (1999) Soulfly - Primitive (2000) Valentine Original Soundtrack (2001) Esthero - Wikked Lil" Grrrls (2005) Sean Lennon - Friendly Fire (2006) Irina Lazareanu - Some Place Along the Way (2007) Filmography(肖恩饰演的电影)Moonwalker (1988) - Actor (作为演员)Smile for the Camera (2005) - Original Score, Writer (配乐,编剧)Friendly Fire (2006) - Actor, Original Score, Writer (自编自演,配乐)Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Undead (2008) - Original Score (配乐)The Stranger [2] (2008) - Original Score (配乐)Coin Locker Babies (2008 in production) - Actor, Writer (自编自演)Bibliography(书目)Part Asian, 100% Hapa (2006) - Sean is credited with writing the Foreword (参写《Part Asian, 100% Hapa》序言)References(参考资料)1. ^ Parish, Matt (2007). Taking Friendly Fire with Sean Lennon. The Music Box. Retrieved on 2007-05-23. 2. ^ Sean Lennon & -M- en duo. L"eclipse (2007). Retrieved on 2007-05-23. 3. ^ “Lennon to Score Undead”,by Greg Goldstein. Hollywood Reporter, February 21, 2008.


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名前 amazarashi 罗马音歌词

罗马音kimi no namae wa nandakke? futo omoidasenakunattekotoba ni tsumatte fukidashita herahera waratte gomen nahito wa hitori de ikitekenai sore wa tashika ni machigai janaikanarazu dokka ni zoku shiteite kazoku gakkou shakai tokakimi no nafuda ni kaitearu moshiku wa meishi ni kaitearumoshiku wa karute ni katearu hisohiso kage de yobareterukatagaki kageguchi adana toka mattaku motte boku wa kiraihitomazu hanashi o shiyou ka sore de zenbu wakaru sausotsuki risouka musouka utsubyou migi ka hidari kabokura tada ikiteru dake de namae dake irekaerareteshakaisei fuanshougai gitaarokku JPOP fookunandatte ii daro boku no hanashi o mazu kiitekure yoboku ga shougakusei no toki wa “choushi ii yatsu” to yobareta yohito no kaoiro ukagatte hito ni yotte taido o kaeteongaku o hajimetekara wa “bandoman” to yobareta kedokoukou sotsugyou shita totan “furiitaa” tte dou nanosaboku jishin wa gaki no mama nannimo kawattenai keredotoki to baai to joukyou ni yotte namae wa kawaru rashiidakara sonna ochikomanaide boku wa kimi o shitteru kara“dare da omae wa” to iwaretatte omae ga saki ni nanore yosaimusha kuzu ni rokudenashi mushoku ni jisatsushiganshabokura tada ikiteru dake de namae dake irekaeraretemushinkei hoshuha kakushinha futoukou chuusotsu kousotsunandatte ii daro kimi no hanashi o mazu wa kikasetekure yotoki niwa oogesa na kanban o seowasaretetoki niwa iwarenai fumeiyou o kiseraretekimi no koremade o ippen ni kataru koto ga dekirunamae nante sousou nai yonadakaradonna fuu ni yobareyou to suki ni yaru beki dato omou yokimi o kataru namae ga nande arou to kimi no koudou hitotsu hodo niwayuuben janaigorotsuki higaisha kagaisha makeinu boukansha yougishabokura tada ikiteru dake de namae dake irekaerareteyukaihan jouchofuantei hoomuresu hiyatoiroudoushanandatte ii daro kimi no yarubeki koto o yaritogetekure yokimi no namae wa nandakke? futo omoidasenakunattechinami ni saikin no boku wa yoku “hinikuya” tte iwareru yo


store: 商店mall:大型购物、娱乐、休闲、餐饮中心plazza:带有广场性质的


1:Pitbull feat. G.R.L. - Wild Wild Love (Jump Smokers Remix)2:Jadyn Maria ft Flo Rida - Good Girls Like Bad Boys (Cecho? Remix)3:Kelly Clarkson-Single Stronger Ladies4:Kat Deluna - Stars (Ultimix For 194)5:Zaira feat El mendo Fly (Alessandro Piga Remix)6:Java-Turn Up The Love(A.r Rmx 128bpm)7:Tk-Live It Up(R.p Rmx 128bpm)-Mashup8:Kyria-Blow(R.p Rmx 130bpm)-Mashup9:Pitbull .Kelly Rowland - That High(DjTw In)10:Ravi - Follow You(Drei Ros)(Miami Blue Remix)11:Icona Pop - Just Another Night(Disco Fries Mix)12:X-Cess - Rockstar (Deniz Rain Mix)13: Club Madness - Starships (Sunny Dee Pres. La Sessica Extended Remix)14:Mc Boy-Give Me Everything(R.p Rmx 129bpm)15:Syn Cole - Bright Lights (Original Mix)16:Hoxygen Feat Linda - Run (Stephan F Remix)17:Icona Pop-All Night(Gondo Bootleg)这是全部歌曲第十一分钟是Kat Deluna - Stars (Ultimix For 194)

Nazareth Move Me中文歌词

The WeightI pulled into Nazareth, was feelin" about half past dead;I just need some place where I can lay my head."Hey, mister, can you tell me where a man might find a bed?"He just grinned and shook my hand, and "No!", was all he said.(Chorus:)Take a load off Fanny, take a load for free;Take a load off Fanny, And (and) (and) you can put the load right on me.I picked up my bag, I went lookin" for a place to hide;When I saw Carmen and the Devil walkin" side by side.I said, "Hey, Carmen, come on, let"s go downtown."She said, "I gotta go, but m"friend can stick around."(Chorus)Go down, Miss Moses, there"s nothin" you can sayIt"s just ol" Luke, and Luke"s waitin" on the Judgement Day."Well, Luke, my friend, what about young Anna Lee?"He said, "Do me a favor, son, woncha stay an" keep Anna Lee company?"(Chorus)Crazy Chester followed me, and he caught me in the fog.He said, "I will fix your rack, if you"ll take Jack, my dog."I said, "Wait a minute, Chester, you know I"m a peaceful man."He said, "That"s okay, boy, won"t you feed him when you can.."(Chorus)Catch a cannon ball now, t"take me down the lineMy bag is sinkin" low and I do believe it"s time.To get back to Miss Fanny, you know she"s the only one.Who sent me here with her regards for everyone.Diamonds and RustI"ll be damned Here comes your ghost again But that"s not unusual It"s just that the moon is full And you happened to call And here I sit Hand on the telephone Hearing a voice I"d known A couple of light years ago Heading straight for a fall As I remember your eyes Were bluer than robin"s eggs My poetry was lousy you said Where are you calling from? A booth in the midwest Ten years ago I bought you some cufflinks You brought me something We both know what memories can bring They bring diamonds and rust Well you burst on the scene Already a legend The unwashed phenomenon The original vagabond You strayed into my arms And there you stayed Temporarily lost at sea The Madonna was yours for free Yes the girl on the half-shell Would keep you unharmed Now I see you standing With brown leaves falling around And snow in your hair Now you"re smiling out the window Of that crummy hotel Over Washington Square Our breath comes out white clouds Mingles and hangs in the air Speaking strictly for me We both could have died then and there Now you"re telling me You"re not nostalgic Then give me another word for it You who are so good with words And at keeping things vague Because I need some of that vagueness now It"s all come back too clearly Yes I loved you dearly And if you"re offering me diamonds and rust I"ve already paid这首歌的名字是:The Weight翻译: 重量  我把车泊在拿撒勒,就感觉是那么大约一半过去的死。  我只是需要一些地方,我可以把我的头。  “嘿,先生,您能告诉我在哪里可以找到一个人躺在床上呢?”  他只是咧嘴笑了,跟我握了握手,并“不!”,就是他所说的话。  (合唱:)。  坐下来休息一下范妮,带负荷为自由。  坐下来休息一下范妮,(而且)(,)你可以把负荷对我。  我拿起我的袋子,我去查看的地方。  当我看到《卡门》和魔鬼的高步进的。  我说:“嘿,《卡门》,来吧,我们到市中心的。”  她说:“我要走了,但m "friend能够留下来。”  (合唱)。  摩西说,下去吧,小姐。你有任何东西可说  这只是ol "卢克,卢克的waitin“世界末日。  “哦,卢克,我的朋友,是什么?”年轻安娜李  他说:“请你帮我一个忙,儿子,woncha呆一个“保持安娜李公司吗?”  (合唱)。  疯狂的切斯特跟从我的人、和他抓住我在雾中。  他说:“我要定你的搁物架,如果你要杰克,我的狗。”  我说,"等一等,切斯特,你知道我是和平的人”。  他说:“那好吧,孩子,你不给他当你能…”  (合唱)。  抓住球,t "take大炮。我  我的书包是sinkin "低,我相信它的时间。  回到错过范妮,你知道她是唯一的一个。  差我到这里来和她作为适合每个人。  钻石和生锈  我会被诅咒  这里是你的灵魂  但这是不寻常的  这是因为月球是满的  和你打电话给我  在这里,我坐的地方  把电话  我知道听声音  几光年之前  一直朝下跌  我记得你的眼睛  比罗宾的蛋是蓝色的  我的诗很糟糕,你说  你从哪打来的?  在中西部一个展位  十年前的事了  我给你买了一些袖扣  你给我带来了一些  我们都知道记忆可以带来  他们把钻石和生锈  你在现场  已经一个传奇  无知的现象  原来的流浪汉  你迷路进我的胳膊  还有你留了下来  暂时在海上失踪了  麦当娜是你的自由  是的女孩在壳里  可以保证你的安全吗  现在我知道你站  有棕色的叶子掉  在你的头发和雪  现在你笑着窗外  肮脏的旅馆  在华盛顿广场  我们的呼吸出来的云朵  交融,弥漫在空气中  严格来说给我  我们俩都可能已经死亡  现在你告诉我  你不眷恋  然后给我一个字  你是如此的好方式  在把东西模糊  因为我需要一些含糊不清了  它是所有回来太清楚了  是的,我爱你  如果你给我提供的钻石和生锈  我已经付了钱


good morning

Hazard 中文歌词

我的母亲陷入了困境当我只有七岁的时候 甚至小镇上的传言带以偏见 那男孩不对 三年前当我认识了玛丽 第一次 有人看穿了谣言和谎言并且看穿了那男人的内心 我们常常顺河而下她爱观看夕阳我们过去常走沿河 幻想着我们走出这个镇 没人了解我对玛丽的感觉没人关心直到她独自出走的那晚 并且未再回来 第二天早晨有个带徽章的男人来敲门 于是我身边围着成千上百个人对着我指认 我发誓我把她留在了河边 我发誓她那时平安无事 我需要到河边去确认 并且离开这个老内布拉斯加镇 我边走边考虑我的生活 想着生活对我犯的错这一刻我无路可逃我所有的出口都没有了 离去很久了 我发誓我把她留在了河边 我发誓她那时平安无事 我需要到河边去确认 并且离开这个老内布拉斯加镇呵呵 可能翻的少点诗意 不过感觉到这是首有意思的歌 我去下来听听~~~

Pal Shazar的《Safe》 歌词

歌曲名:Safe歌手:Pal Shazar专辑:SafeSafeDuran DuranPeople say you"ve been aroundHow ‘bout you and me get down?How ‘bout you and me get down?Babe I know you"ve been aroundUnmake your bedDon"t think about what lies aheadDon"t you want to be misled?Don"t you want to be misled?Fame, seems a far off daywhen enough was never enoughvain, how I played my handone more reckless man in the roughstrange, how we explain the storythat we"ve lived throughchange, my karma train, the personI can be for you is…SAFE — safe in the heat of the moment —a stillness that comes to mewhen I"m close to youSAFE — safe at the speed of atonement —a feeling that runs so deepthat it scares me too~~~~~~dazed by my own escapefrom the single state I was used toface my catch-22can I stay this way if I choose to?wrong, to be so contained now I can"t explainwhat is happeningstrong, is the human chain, as it pulls me through,what I bring to you is…SAFE — safe in the heat of the moment —a stillness that comes to mewhen I"m close to youSAFE — safe at the speed of atonement —a feeling that runs so deepthat it scares me tooSAFE — safe in the heat of the moment —a stillness that comes to mewhen I"m close to youSAFE — safe at the speed of atonement —a feeling that runs so deepthat it scares me tooFame, seems a far off daywhen enough was never enoughvain, how I played my handone more reckless man in the roughHook a finger wink an eyeCaresses running up your thighScratch my surface dig in deepThere"s always secrets left to keepSafe not sound who made these rulesCrowd control for enlightened foolsSo come on boy let"s change the paceCome feel the chill of my embracePeople say you"ve been aroundHow ‘bout you and me get down?How ‘bout you and me get down?Babe I know you"ve been aroundUnmake your bedDon"t think about what lies aheadDon"t you want to be misled?Don"t you want to be misled?SAFE — safe in the heat of the moment —a stillness that comes to mewhen I"m close to youSAFE — safe at the speed of atonement —a feeling that runs so deepthat it scares me tooSAFE — safe in the heat of the moment —a stillness that comes to mewhen I"m close to youSAFE — safe at the speed of atonement —a feeling that runs so deepthat it scares me too...END...

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纳尼亚三片尾曲sergey lazarev的歌词

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Flo rida的at night歌词中mazaki是什么?

Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby(你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝,口哨宝贝)Let me know(让我知道)Girl I"m gonna show you how to do it(女孩我这就要去告诉你怎么做)And we start real slow(然后我们慢慢开始)You just put your lips together(你只要把双唇合拢)And you come real close(然后你就能发出类似的(声音))Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby(你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝,口哨宝贝)Here we go(我们一起开始吧)I"m betting you like bebop(我猜你是喜欢比波普音乐的)And i"m betting you love creep mode(而且我猜你也喜欢令人惊悚的调式)And i"m betting you like girls that give love to girls(而且我猜你会喜欢关爱同性的女孩)And stroke your little ego(轻抚你的小小自我)I bet i"m guilty your honor(我猜你的荣誉令我感到内疚)But that"s how we live in my genre(但这就是我们生活中的风格)When in hell I pay rottweiler(该死我到底该什么时候该付洛威纳犬的价钱)There"s only one flo, and one rida(这儿只有一个Flo先生,一个Rida先生)I"m a damn shame(该死我真够惭愧)Order more champagne, pull it down hellstream(再点些香槟酒,倒下去)Tryna put it on ya(试着把它放在你那里)Bet your lips spin back around corner(我猜你角落边上的你会动动嘴巴)Slow it down baby take a little longer(慢一点宝贝(我希望你再)延长些时间)Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby(你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝,口哨宝贝)Let me know(让我知道)Girl I"m gonna show you how to do it(女孩我这就要去告诉你怎么做)And we start real slow(然后我们慢慢开始)You just put your lips together(你只要把双唇合拢)And you come real close(然后你就能发出类似的(声音))Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby(你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝,口哨宝贝)Here we go(我们一起开始吧)Whistle baby, whistle baby,(口哨宝贝,口哨宝贝)Whistle baby, whistle baby(口哨宝贝,口哨宝贝)It"s like everywhere I go(就像在我去过的所有地方一样)My whistle ready to blow(我随时都准备吹口哨)Shorty don"t leave a note(这美女没留下什么便条)She can get any by the low(不过她轻易就能得到些)Permission not approved(这种允许可不被认可)It"s okay, it"s under control(这样就好,在我的控制之下)Show me soprano, cause girl you can handle(给我秀秀女高音,因为女孩你能搞定它)Baby we start snagging, you come in part clothes(宝贝我们开始消除阻碍,你让些新服饰登场)Girl i"m losing wing, my bucatti the same road(女孩我丢了翅膀,我的布拉迪跑车在同一条路上)Show me your perfect pitch,(向我展示出你最完美的音调)You got it my banjo(你已学会弹我的班卓琴)Talented with your lips, like you blew out candles(你的双唇天赋异禀就像你在吹蜡烛时一样)So amusing, now you can make a whistle with the music(太有趣啦,你现在会吹出这种乐曲啦)Hope you ain"t got no issue, you can do it(但愿你对这没有争议,你能做到的)Give me the perfect picture, never lose it(给我一幅最好的图景,我永远不会丢掉它的)Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby(你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝,口哨宝贝)Let me know(让我知道)Girl I"m gonna show you how to do it(女孩我这就要去告诉你怎么做)And we start real slow(然后我们慢慢开始)You just put your lips together(你只要把双唇合拢)And you come real close(然后你就能发出类似的(声音))Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby(你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝,口哨宝贝)Here we go(我们一起开始吧)Whistle baby, whistle baby,(口哨宝贝,口哨宝贝)Whistle baby, whistle baby(口哨宝贝,口哨宝贝)Go girl you can work it(去吧女孩你能做到的)Let me see your whistle while you work it(你吹口哨时请让我见识下)I"mma lay it back, don"t stop it(我会躺下聆听,别停下)Cause I love it how you drop it, drop it, drop it, on me(因为我爱上你,为我(一直吹到)结束,结束,结束的样子了)Now, shorty let that whistle blow(现在,这美女要吹响口哨了)Yeah, baby let that whistle blow(耶,宝贝快吹响口哨吧)Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby(你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝,口哨宝贝)Let me know(让我知道)Girl I"m gonna show you how to do it(女孩我这就要去告诉你怎么做)And we start real slow(然后我们慢慢开始)You just put your lips together(你只要把双唇合拢)And you come real close(然后你就能发出类似的(声音))Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby(你能吹出我这样的口哨吗宝贝,口哨宝贝)Here we go(我们一起开始吧)Whistle baby, whistle baby,(口哨宝贝,口哨宝贝)Whistle baby, whistle baby(口哨宝贝,口哨宝贝)


JMC是同名设计师Jean Michel Cazabat 设计的品牌,他出生在比利年斯山边法国西南部的加斯科尼地区,毕业于法国国立行政学院摄影专业,从80 年代早期开始涉足制鞋业,在巴黎担任criarles Jourdon 的零售店长,为该品牌工作了5年。1985年,成为Stephane Kelian 美国的总裁,负责零售运菖并为其开拓更多的市场业务。1995 年,再度进入ACriarles Jourdan 集团,负责其全球产品线的开发。那时起,真正开始制作鞋子。1998 年创立了自己的品牌。



Hazardous Area classification/Gas Group:Zone 2/II A/II B 电机是防爆电机吗?

2区 用电机,防爆等级不低于II B,是防爆电机。

hazardous area enclosure怎么翻

hazardous area enclosure围绕危险地区

HAPs(hazardous air pollutants)是什么意思?


hazardous waste是什么意思

hazardous waste 有害废弃物 危险废物;危险废弃物;有害废物例句筛选1.This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste.该物质及其容器须作为危险性废料处置。2.We have a number of pilot projects to dispose of hazardous waste.我们还有许多处理危险废物的试点项目。


hazardous的意思是冒险的;碰运气的;有危险的,例句如下:1、Such a project would be far too technically challenging and hazardous,Winterberg insisted, even for most doctoral candidates.温特伯格坚持认为,即便对于很多博士研究生来说,这样一个工程的技术难度和危险性都显得太大了。2、And the job of cleaning up America"s hazardous waste is now projected to cost up to a trillion dollars over the next 30 years.而且,在今后30年中,清理全国有害物质的规划,资金投入高达一万亿美元。3、In the performance of my duties I shall never approve the operation of a flight which in my considered opinion is hazardous.当我认为实际情况对航班运行有潜在危险时,基于一个签派员的责任感,我绝不做出放行决定。

orgnazation 可数吗




Hazardous Youth - Eminem求歌词

my laser disc will make you take a razor to your wrist Make you satanistic Make you take the pistol to your face And place the clip and cock it back And let it go until your brains are rippin" out your skull so bad to sew you back and be a waste of stitches I"m not a Role Model, I don"t wanna babysit kids I got one little girl, and Hailey Jade is Shady"s business And Shady"s just an alias I made to make you pissed off Where the fuck were you when Gil was payin me to dishwash I make a couple statements and now look how crazy shit got You made me get a bigger attitude than 80 Kim scotts And she almost got the same fate that Grady"s bitch got I know that Just the Two of Us would make you hate me this much And Just the Two of Us That ain"t got shit to do with us and our personal life It"s just words on a mic. So you can call me a punk, a pervert or a chauvinist pig But the funny shit is that I still go with the bitch



amazarashi 季节は次々死んでいく(东京喰种√A 是歌词的中文翻译

中文翻译,附赠日文和罗马音歌名:季节は次々死んでいく 季节は次々死んでいく 绝命の声が风になるkisetsu ha tsugitsugi shin deiku zetsumei no koega kaze ninaru季节一个接着一个逐渐逝去已经死去的声音成为尘风色めく街の 酔えない男 月を见上げるのはここじゃ无粋shoku meku machi no yoe nai otoko gatsu wo miagerunohakokoja busui跃动的街道未醉的男子如果在此仰望明月就显得太不解风情泥に足もつれる生活に 雨はアルコールの味がしたdoro ni ashi motsureru seikatsu ni ame ha aruko^runo aji gashita在脚上沾满泥泞的生活中雨中充满了酒精的味道アパシーな目で 彷徨う街で 挙动不审のイノセント 駅前にてapashi^ na mede houkou u machi de kyodoufushin noinosento ekimae nite带着冷淡的眼神在彷徨失措的街道中行动可疑的无辜之人站在车站前仆が仆と呼ぶには不确かな 半透明な影が生きてる风だboku ga boku to yobu niha futashika na hantoumeina kage ga iki teru kaze da我如果唤作我可能有些不确切半透明的影子是流动的风雨に歌えば 云は割れるか 赈やかな夏の干涸びた命だame ni utae ba kumo ha ware ruka nigiyaka na natsuno hikarabi ta inochi da如果对着雨天高歌云会散开吗? 繁华的夏日中干涸的生命拝启 忌まわしき过去に告ぐ 绝縁の诗haikei ima washiki kako ni tsugu zetsuen no shi敬启,向着禁忌的过去宣告 绝缘之诗最低な日々の 最悪な梦の 残骸を舍てては行けず ここで息绝えようとsaitei na hibi no saiaku na yume no zangai wo suteteha ike zu kokode iki tae youto最烂的每天、最糟糕的梦不舍弃这些残骇将无法前行并会就在此地气绝身亡后世 花は咲き君に伝う 変迁の诗kousei hana ha saki kun ni tsutau hensen no shi后世啊!我想向着青春繁华的你传递这变迁之诗苦悩にまみれて 叹き悲しみ それでも途绝えぬ歌に 阳は射さずともkunou nimamirete nageki kanashimi soredemo todaenu uta ni you ha sasa zutomo被苦恼所弥漫哀叹悲伤就算这样也绝不能中断歌声即使无法照射到太阳明日は次々死んでいく 急いても追いつけず过去になるashita ha tsugitsugi shin deiku isoi temo oitsukezu kako ninaru明天意天接着一天的逝去即使慌张忙乱地追逐他还是成为过去生き急げ仆ら 灯る火はせつな 生きる意味などは后からつくiki isoge bokura akaru hi hasetsuna iki ru iminadoha nochi karatsuku急着想活下去的我们点着的火是那么的稍纵即逝活着的意义只能之后再想君が君でいるには不确かな 不安定な自我が 君を嫌おうとkun ga kun deiruniha futashika na fuantei na jigaga kun wo kirao uto你是否能保持现在的你,这是不能确定的这样不安定的自我你说你讨厌せめて歌えば 暗は晴れるか 根腐れた梦に预かった命だsemete utae ba yami ha hare ruka ne kusare ta yumeni azuka tta inochi da至少只要高声歌唱黑暗就会重现光明吧那是已经腐朽的梦所寄放的生命拝启 忌まわしき过去に告ぐ 绝縁の诗haikei ima washiki kako ni tsugu zetsuen no shi敬启,向着禁忌的过去宣告绝缘之诗最低な日々の 最悪な梦の 残骸を舍てては行けず ここで息绝えようとsaitei na hibi no saiaku na yume no zangai wo suteteha ike zu kokode iki tae youto最烂的每天、最糟糕的梦不舍弃这些残骇将无法前行并会就在此地气绝身亡后世 花は咲き君に伝う 変迁の诗kousei hana ha saki kun ni tsutau hensen no shi后世啊!我想向着青春繁华的你传递这变迁之诗苦悩にまみれて 叹き悲しみ それでも途绝えぬ歌に 阳は射さずともkunou nimamirete nageki kanashimi soredemo todaenu uta ni you ha sasa zutomo被苦恼所弥漫哀叹悲伤就算这样也绝不中断歌声即使太阳无法照射到疲れた颜に足を引きずって 照り返す夕日に颜をしかめてtsukare ta kao ni ashi wo biki zutte teri kaesuyuuhi ni kao woshikamete带着疲惫的脸以及沉重的步伐对着照射大地的夕阳皱起眉头行こうか 戻ろうか 悩みはするけど しばらくすれば 歩き出す背中iko uka modoro uka nayami hasurukedoshibarakusureba aruki dasu senaka走吧!回去吧!虽然会有许多烦恼但用一点时间去感受那走向前方的背影そうだ行かねばならぬ 何はなくとも生きて行くのだsouda ika nebanaranu nani hanakutomo iki te ikunoda是啊!现在必须向前行了!不管失去什么,都必须要活着迈向明天仆らは どうせ拾った命だ ここに置いてくよ なけなしのbokura ha douse hirotta inochi da kokoni oi tekuyonakenashino反正我们的生命是捡回来的将那仅仅一点点的执着放下吧!拝启 今は亡き过去を想う 望郷の诗haikei ima ha naki kako wo omou boukyou no shi敬启,现在正在想念逝去的过去望乡之诗最低な日々が 最悪な梦が 始まりだったと思えば 随分远くだsaitei na hibi ga saiaku na yume ga hajimaridattato omoe ba zuibun tooku da最烂的每天跟最糟糕的梦,觉得好像才刚开始,但已经成为了很遥远的过去どうせ花は散り 轮廻の轮に还る命douse hana ha chiri rinne no wa ni kan ru inochi反正花一定会凋零、轮回之轮会归还生命苦悩にまみれて 叹き悲しみ それでも途绝えぬ歌に 阳は射さずともkunou nimamirete nageki kanashimi soredemo todaenu uta ni you ha sasa zutomo被苦恼所弥漫哀叹悲伤就算这样也绝不中断歌声即使太阳无法照射到季节は次々生き返るkisetsu ha tsugitsugi ikikaeru季节一个接着一个逐渐回归生气

日文中 汉字『风』 读音KAZE与KAZA的区别是什么?












Viva La Raza 歌词

歌曲名:Viva La Raza歌手:Green Day(中英互译)专辑:Latin PlayboysViva la Gloria----Green DayLyrics translated by: Sonic @ LK万岁GloriaHey GloriaHey GloriaAre you standing close to the edge?你是否站在悬崖边缘?Lookout to the setting sun守望着落日The brink of your vision-在你眼眸的边沿Eternal youth is永恒的青春只是A landscape of a lie谎言编织的风景The cracks of my skin can prove我皮肤的裂纹就可以证明As the years will testify正如岁月也将见证Say your prayers and light a fire祈祷吧然后燃起一把大火We"re going to start a war我们即将为生命而战Your slogans" a gun for hire你的宣言就是那寻找主人的枪It"s what we waited for它正是我们所久久等待Hey Gloria,Hye Gloria,This is why we"re on the edge这就是为什么我们会在悬崖边缘The fight of our lives been drawn to那生命之战已经引来This undying love.这不死的爱Gloria, Viva La Gloria!Gloria, 万岁Gloria!You blast your name是你让墙壁上绽放In graffiti on the walls那Gloria之名的涂鸦Falling through broken glass that"s从坠落的玻璃碎片中Slashing through your spirit划过了你的灵魂I can hear it like a jilted crowd我能听到它们就像那些被抛弃的人群Gloria, where are you Gloria?Gloria, 你在哪里Gloria?You found a home你已找到了归宿In all your scars and ammunition在你所有的伤痕和弹药之间You made your bed in salad days你在年少不羁的日子里Amongst the ruin把温床铺垫在在废墟Ashes to ashes of our youth与我们青春的一个个灰烬中间She smashed her knuckles into winter - Gloria她在冬天来临之际粉碎她的关节 - GloriaAs autumns wind fades into black当秋季之风在黑暗中褪色She is the saint on all the sinners - Gloria她是所有有罪者的圣人 - GloriaThe one that"s fallen through the cracks在天际的裂缝中坠落So don"t put away your burning light所以不要抛弃你燃烧的火光Gloria, where are you Gloria?Gloria, 你在哪里Gloria?Don"t lose your faith不要对自己丧失信心To your lost naivete你曾经的天真早已逝去Weather the storm and don"t look经受住暴风雨的考验,Back on last November不要再回顾去年的十一月When your banners were burning down那一幕你被焚毁的旗帜倒下Gloria, viva la GloriaGloria, 万岁GloriaSend me your amnesty down降大赦于我To the broken hearted于那哀恸的人吧Bring us the season带给我们这一季That we always will remember我们将永远铭刻Don"t let the bonfires go out不要让篝火熄灭So Gloria,所以,Gloria,Send out your message of the light发送出你光明的讯息That shadows in the night.那些在黑夜中闪烁的光影Gloria, where"s your undying love?Gloria,你那不死的爱在哪里?Tell me the story of your life.请告诉我你那生命的故事Lyric translated by Sonic

The Pazant Brothers And The Beaufort Express的《Spooky》 歌词

歌曲名:Spooky歌手:The Pazant Brothers And The Beaufort Express专辑:Loose & JuicySpookyDoktor ZoilDoktor Zoil--SpookyIn the cool of the eveningWhen everything is getting kind of GroovyYou call me up and ask meWould I like to go with you and see a movie?First I say no, I"ve got some plans for tonightAnd then I stop and say all rightLove is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like youYou always keep me guessingI never seem to know what you are thinkingAnd if a girl looks at youIt"s for sure your little eye will be a-winkingI get confused, I never know where I standAnd then you smile and hold my handLove is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you SpookyIf you decide some day to stop this little game that you are a playingI"m gonna tell you all the things my heart"sJust like a ghost you"re a haunting my dreamsLove is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you Spooky



harbour plaza metropolis中文翻译

Harbour plaza metropops 都会海逸酒店 Kowloon canton railway terminus , cross - harbour tunnel kowloon entrance , harbour plaza metropops , science museum and hong kong polytechnic university 九广铁路总站、海底隧道九龙入口、都会广场、科学馆及香港理工大学 Bus stops : mtr jordan station tak shun school for drop off kowloon union church for pick up kcr hung hom station whampoa garden harbour plaza hotel harbour plaza metropops 车站位置:佐敦地铁站(德信学校落客站/九龙佑宁堂上客站) /红?火车站/黄埔花园/海逸酒店/都会海逸酒店

Azalia Codec(集成音效功能设定)有何功能


求Ariana Grande / Iggy Azalea的 Problem (Noodles & Devastator Remix)MP3下载


求Ariana Grande&Iggy Azalea 的Problem MP3百度云


One More Time(feat. Iggy Azalea)什么意思?

Uh huh!It"s Iggy Iggs!I got one more problem with you girl女孩 我俩间的问题越来越多了One less, one less!又一个 又一个AyeProblem[Ariana Grande:]Hey baby even though I hate ya!嘿宝贝尽管有点讨厌你I wanna love ya我还是想爱你I want you! (you you)想要你And even though I can"t forgive you甚至忘不掉你I really want ta真的好想I want you! (you you)好想得到你Tell me, tell me baby快说 快说 宝贝Why can"t you leave me?你怎能离的开我Cause even though I shouldn"t want it我明明知道不可强求I gotta have it一定要强力抗拒I want you! (you you)但还是好想要你Head in the clouds开始幻想我俩的未来Got no weight on my shoulders肩上的压力随之消去I should be wiser我该明智点And realize that I"ve got该意识到你早已是我的[Big Sean:]One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!没了你 少了个麻烦[Ariana Grande:]I got one less, one less problem没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!没了你 少了个麻烦[Ariana Grande:]I got one less, one less problem没了你 少了个麻烦[Ariana Grande:]I know you"re never gonna wake up我知道你永远都活在虚幻I gotta give up我该放弃的But it"s you! (you you)但是是你耶 I know I shouldn"t ever call back我知道 我不能回你电话Or let you come back或让你重回我的怀抱But it"s you! (you you)但是是你耶Every time you touch me每一回你触摸我And say you love me说你爱我I get a little bit breathless就让我有些脸红心跳I shouldn"t want it我不该要你But it"s you! (you you)但是是你耶Head in the clouds开始幻想我俩的未来Got no weight on my shoulders肩上的压力随之消去I should be wiser我该明智点And realize that I"ve got该意识到你早已是我的One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!没了你 少了个麻烦[Ariana Grande:]I got one less, one less problem没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!没了你 少了个麻烦[Ariana Grande:]I got one less, one less problem没了你 少了个麻烦[Iggy:]It"s Iggy Iggs!Uh!What you got?你有啥本钱Smart money bettin"聪明的下赌I"ll be better off without you没了你生活过更好In no time马上应验I"ll be forgettin" all about you马上把你忘光光You saying that you know你说你懂But I really really doubt you但我强烈强烈的质疑Understand my life is easy了解我的生活很容易When I ain"t around you当我不在你身边Iggy IggyToo biggie to be here stressin"这小意思 我不需在这强调I"m thinkin" I love the thought of you我想我爱你的思想More than I love your presence胜过你的风度And the best thing now最棒的是Is probably for you to exit你就快滚了I let you go我允许你滚Let you back又让你回来I finally learned my lesson!我终於学会了No half-stepping做事一鼓作气Either you want it or you just keep playin"你是想要我还是想玩玩I"m listening to you knowin"我洗耳恭听I can"t believe what you"re sayin"你的回答我不可置信There"s a million you"s baby boo像你这种人渣多的是So don"t be dumb所以快打破沉默I got 99 problems我有很多的问题But you won"t be one但你不是其中一个Like what!怎麼样[Ariana Grande:]One less, one less problem少了个 少了个麻烦One less, one less problem少了个 少了个麻烦Head in the clouds开始幻想我俩的未来Got no weight on my shoulders肩上的压力随之消去I should be wiser我该明智点And realize that I"ve got该意识到你早已是我的One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!没了你 少了个麻烦[Ariana Grande:]I got one less, one less problem没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!没了你 少了个麻烦[Ariana Grande:]I got one less, one less problem没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!没了你 少了个麻烦[Ariana Grande:]I got one less, one less problem没了你 少了个麻烦
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