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take away与threw away与put away的区别是什么?什么呢?

take away 移开 除掉throw away丢弃(某物),处理掉put away把....收起来,放好

什么是"take-away food"?


take away, run away, go away是什么意思,用法

take away带走run away逃走go away离开

英文的减法中take away为什么不用takes?如7 take away 3 is 4.


take away与carry away的区别


take...away... 有这个短语吗? take your hand off the bottle 这个短语有语法错误吗?

take off:可以表示拿走,脱下,起飞,动身。有take away 这个短语。一般用take away 这个短语, take your hand off the bottle ,这句话是错误的,可以用take the bottle off ... 一般情况下,多用 take ..away from... 这句话可以写成:take the bottle away from your hand

taken away 和 take away的分别?


I wanna take you away这句什么意思。


take down take off take away take out 的区别 请说详细一点,最好举例子,

take away 带走,拿走,取走take off 起飞;脱下;离开take down 记下;拿下;拆卸take out 拿出,取出,拔出Tom takes away my book.汤姆拿走了我的书The Plane is abnout to take off.飞机就要起飞I have to take down...

take away代词位置

away是介词表离开的意思,大哥!take it away是把它拿走的意思,it 能放在take 后面是因为take是及物动词,后面可以直接加宾语,而不是因为away.

take away同义词

1.remove order to make him familiar to that

move away 和take away 的区别

take away 把。。。。带走,强调位置的转移move away 把。。。。移开,强调某物碍事应该拿开



take away 和 move away有什么区别???详细具体点儿~~

take away带走,拿走,使消失。He took the box away from the room.move away移开。They moved the stone away .

take away和take out区别

take away 意思是把某物从中移开而不再拥有,take out 意思是把某物整体从原位永久地去除。

take off 和 take away 是什么意思 有什么区别??

take off主要就是飞机起飞的意思也有移开,的意思 take away主要是拿走,,带走的意思

take away与take out的区别

take away:夺走,拿开,减去,使停止take out:取出,除去,把……带出去,邀请(某人)外出主要看客体是主动还是被动,如果客体是主动那么就是take out,如果客体是被动就是take away。例句:You take away their soul.你拿走他们的灵魂。Could you take out the phone?你能把这个电话拿出来吗?

bring away是什么意思?它和take away de区别

bring away指离说话人越来越近take away指离说话人越来越远



take away的用法归纳高中

take away的用法:1、sth为代词时,take sth away ...把...带走,拿走。2、sth为名词时,take away sth、take sth away都意为把...携带/运走。 扩展资料   take away的.用法是学习基础英语的"重要考点之一,具体用法总结如下:   1、当sth出现为名词时,take away sth、take sth away意思为“把....拿走/带走”。举例(1) Take away the glasses , please.Take the glasses away ,please.请把这些玻璃杯拿走。(2) No one will take these things away.No one will take away these things .谁也不能将这些东西拿走。   2、如果是代词作宾语时要用宾格放在中间,如(1) Here are some books , please take them away. (不能说 take away them )这儿有一些书,请把它们拿走。(1)The chair is a fifth wheel, please take it away. (不能说take away it )把椅子是多余的,请把它搬走。

take out take off take up take away 的意思和区别?

Take out : vi 取出 拿出 去掉 扣除 take off: 1. 脱下衣服 鞋子等, 脱掉 拿掉 取下 拆下 2. 领走 带走 带去,移送 3. 出发,冲冲离开 4. 飞机起飞 5. 休假 休息 take up :占领地盘 占用时间; 拿起,捡起,拔起 拿走; 吸收水分 溶解固体;安家 定居take away :带走,拿开 剥夺

take away、 take off、 take from和take out有什么区别?

take away、take off、take from、take out的区别只有一点就是后缀词不同导致意思不同:1、take away作动词意思是拿走;减去;解除。如:He wants to know who have take away his dictionary.他想知道谁拿走了他的词典。2、take off作动词意思有起飞;脱掉;取消;匆匆离开;去除;模仿。如:The plane took off despite the fog.尽管有雾,飞机仍照常起飞。3、take from作动词意思有减少; 降低;从…摘录;从…处遭受磨难;接受,听取。如:The slight damage do not take from the engine"s power.那点轻微的损坏并不减低引擎的威力。4、take out作及物动词意思有取出;拔掉;去掉;出发;发泄。作不及物动词意思是开始。如:If you lay up a car for the winter, you should take out the battery.如果冬天把车闲搁在汽车房里,就该取出电瓶。扩展资料:一、take的单词用法v. (动词)1、take是英语中含义最多,搭配能力最强的动词之一,,基本意思是“拿,取,带,抓”,指用手取物、接受东西、把人或物移到某处。可根据上下文灵活译为“吃,喝,服(药),容纳”“接,买”“以为,把…看作…”“花费”“记录,量取”“拍摄”“承担,容忍”“乘坐,租用”“取得,获得,得到”“采取,选”“攻下,占领,夺走,赢得”“上钩”“发生效用”等。2、take可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,作“带给”解时其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。用作不及物动词时主动形式可表示被动意义。3、take与某些名词连用,表示做某一动作,相当于have。二、词义辨析accept,receive,admit,take这些动词均有“接受、接纳”之意。1、accept强调主动地或自愿地接受,或者说,经过考虑后同意接受。2、receive着重仅仅接到或收到这一结论或事实,而不含采取主动或积极行动的意思。3、admit作“接受”讲时,强调准许或批准。4、take与receive同意,是receive的日常用法,侧重不带主观意愿地收下或接受。

take away是动副短语吗

是的。这是一个动词+副词构成的短语动词。扩展资料:take sth away/take away sth 把某物带走,sth 也可以是sb ,把某人带走。如果sth 或sb 是代词,如:it ,her ,them ,则代词必须放在take 和away的中间,如:take it away .例句:I want take away the book which you showed me yesterday.我想带走昨天你给我看的那本书。特殊例句:If you take four away from ten, that leaves sixTen take away four six.十减去四得剩下六。

take away的用法

take away的用法:1、sth为代词时,take sth away ...把...带走,拿走。2、sth为名词时,take away sth、take sth away都意为把...携带/运走。 扩展资料 take away的"用法是学习基础英语的重要考点之一,具体用法总结如下:1、当sth出现为名词时,take away sth、take sth away意思为“把....拿走/带走”。举例(1) Take away the glasses , please.Take the glasses away ,please.请把这些玻璃杯拿走。(2) No one will take these things away.No one will take away these things .谁也不能将这些东西拿走。2、如果是代词作宾语时要用宾格放在中间,如(1) Here are some books , please take them away. (不能说 take away them )这儿有一些书,请把它们拿走。(1)The chair is a fifth wheel, please take it away. (不能说take away it )把椅子是多余的,请把它搬走。


take sth away/take away sth 把某物带走,Sth 也可以是sb ,把某人带走;如果sth 或sb 是代词,如:it ,her ,them ,则代词必须放在take 和away的中间,如:take it away 。 例句: 80 take away 5 is 75. 80减去5等于75。 扩展资料   Take away these teacups.   把这些茶杯拿走。   It is always good to take away something new from your visit.   从访问中学到新的`东西总是好的。   If you don"t, I"ll take away all your food and drink.   如果你不,我就会拿走你所有的食物和饮料。

take away 的反义词

bring in



用take away造句


外卖是take away还是take-away?


take away的意思 是减法么?比如16 take away 8 is what?

是的! take away【在数学里面】是 “减,减去”的意思.

take与take away不都有“带走”的意思吗?我觉得类似的词组只是起到语感上的强调作用………………

我和你有同样的感觉不过无论怎么说 ,take away比take要多一个away,在其他的语境中,意思可能不同它们的用法范围也不一样吧

take away与carry away的区别


Home Junior的《Take Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Take Away歌手:Home Junior专辑:Christine S RoadAaliyah - Take Away (feat Missy Ginuwine & Tweet)DJ, You"re so incredibleEver since the day we became, we became.. so personalEveryday that I spend with you it gets.. unforgettableAnything that I did with you, I don"t.. regret at all(I love everything about you)Take away, your gold and platinum chains(and I"m gonna love you baby)Cause I"m gon" love, love you anyway(I ain"t in it for the cheddar baby)I"m not in it for, for the love of cash(oh no no, you might go broke, but I"m)Cause if you go broke, I gotta make it last(not goin nowhere, nowhere, nowhere..)Listen, let"s make, it nationalI want the whole world to knowI"m with you, and I"m.. in loveAin"t no girl in this worldcan fill your shoes, none not at allThe things you do for me is so.. unbelievableAnd you can take away all the platinum chainsTake away, your gold and platinum chainsCause I"m gon love, love you anyway(I"ma love you anyway, yes I am)I"m not in it for, for the love of cash(I"m only in it for the love of you)Cause if you go broke I gotta make it last(I gotta make it last babyyy)I just wanna be the perfect matchYou don"t even have to ask..I just wanna be the perfect matchWe become so attached..(we become so attached baby that"s all I ask)I just wanna be the perfect matchYou don"t even have to ask..I just wanna be the perfect matchWe become so attached..(be the perfect match baby, so attached, yeahyeaheyeahhh)Now can you hold me, now can you feel meNow can you get near me..For once in your lifetime, for once in your lifetimeNow can you hold me, now can you feel meNow can you get near me..For once in your lifetime, for once in your lifetimeTake away, your gold and platinum chainsCause I"m gon" love, love you anywayI"m not in it for, for the love of cashCause if you go broke, I gotta make it last

用take away造句

take your shoes away把你的鞋子拿走

take 与take away异同

take away 是拿走,away是副词,如果是代词要放在take和away之间

丢失传统用英语是take away 还是throw away?

The people is "losing their traditional matters". =丢失传统。

take it away与take away it的区别


take 与take away异同


move away和 take away区别

take away 的意思是“把......拿走[带走,取走,抢走]”move away 的意思是“离开,离去,搬家”

英语词组take away

take away 1.拿开,拿走Who has taken my dictionary away?谁把我的字典拿走了?2 把…带走; 使离开The prisoner was taken away by an armed guard.一个持枪的狱警把犯人带走了.3.使停止; 转移I"ll give you some tab...

take away sth还是take sth away

take sth away


take away的用法:1、sth为代词时,take sth away ...把...带走,拿走。2、sth为名词时,take away sth、take sth away都意为把...携带/运走。take away的"用法是学习基础英语的"重要考点之一,具体用法总结如下:1、当sth出现为名词时,take away sth、take sth away意思为“把....拿走/带走”。(1) Take away the glasses , please.Take the glasses away ,please.请把这些玻璃杯拿走。(2) No one will take these things away.No one will take away these things .谁也不能将这些东西拿走。2、如果是代词作宾语时要用宾格放在中间。(1) Here are some books , please take them away. (不能说 take away them )这儿有一些书,请把它们拿走。(1)The chair is a fifth wheel, please take it away. (不能说take away it )把椅子是多余的,请把它搬走。

take away的用法

take away是动词,中文意思是“拿去、减去、解除”,可以组成很多词组,比如take away from 从...拿走。 扩展资料 take sth away/take away sth 把某物带走,Sth 也可以是sb ,把某人带走。例句:I want take away the book which you showed me yesterday.我想带走昨天你给我看的那本书。

用take away造句

take away v. 取走1.Take away my good name, take away my life. 【谚】夺去了美名也就夺去了生命。2.Take away these tea-cups. 把这些茶杯拿走。3.Eat here or take away? 在这里吃还是带走?4.Please take away the plates. 请把盘子收走。6.27 take away 3 leaves 24. 27减去3等于24。8.I take away the second ball. 我拿走了第二个球。 详见:


take-away是一个名词,表示熟食的意思,也可以作形容词,意思是供应外带的、可带走的,take-away这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词一共可以划分为三个音节【take】【a】和【way】,第一个音节take的发音为【teik】,而第二个音节a的发音为【u0259】,最后一个音节way的发音为【wei】,合在一起的话这个单词的发音就是【teik u0259u02c8wei】,我们再看一下用法,take-away是一个名词,表示熟食的意思,也可以作形容词, 通常作为供应外带的、可带走的的意思来使用;例如在下面这两个句子里,When you are eating take-away snacks in a street market,you can say various things,当你在马路市场吃外卖快餐时,你可以谈到很多东西,The young man who had ordered the take-away was the number,one suspect in the case,在这个事件中,订外卖的年轻人是头号嫌疑人,在这两个句子中,take-away指的是熟食,take-away供应外带的,可带走的这个单词你学会了吗?

take away的用法及例句

take away的意思为:把...拿走/带走/取走/抢走,在客体是被动的时候使用。例句:Take away the glasses and the tray.(把这些玻璃杯和托盘拿走)。 扩展资料   take away:拿走;夺走;从…中减去;从…中扣除;带走,抓走(送去监狱、医院等)   例句:   Self-driving cars and trucks controlled by AI will also take away the driver"s jobs in the future.   人工智能控制的自动驾驶汽车和卡车也将在未来取代司机的工作。   Add up the bills for each month. Take this away from the income.   将账单按月累加,再从收入中扣除。   "Give me the knife," he said softly, "or I"ll take it away from you."   “把刀子给我,”他轻声说,“不然我就自己从你手上拿掉了。”

take away是什么意思啊

拿走 ,抢走

take away 啥意思


英语词组take away 什么意思

带走 .


您好,根据您的问题,take away的中文翻译是:带走,移走的意思。希望对您的问题有所帮助。

take away英语翻译

take away的意思是拿走;夺走;从……中减去,从……中扣除;带走,抓走(送去监狱、医院等)。一、读音take away的英语读音是[teu026ak u0259u02c8weu026a]。二、例句1、Many restaurants charge extra to eat in, so it can be much more economical to take away.很多餐馆会额外收取堂食费,所以带走吃更划算。2、They didn"t take my father away, but kept him in the village and worked him to death.他们没有把我爸爸带走,而是一直让他在村里干活,把他活活累死了。3、Take away this number from that, and tell me how much you have left.从那个数目中减去这个数,告诉我结果是多少。

The old men who gave away


when you come to me when you go away... 的歌名是什么? 里面还有feel my heart broking


libera合唱团裏面他们曾经唱过一首歌叫far away。但我一直不知道歌词中间的拉丁语什麽意思

拉丁原文英文翻译中文翻译Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus Come to us Holy Spirit, down from heaven精灵从九天之上降临到我们身边Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus Come to us Holy Spirit, down from heaven精灵从九天之上降临到我们身边Venite Spiritu, venite Spirtus Come to us Holy Spirit, come to us Holy Spirit精灵降临,精灵降临

Libera&Robert Prizeman的《Far Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Far Away歌手:Libera&Robert Prizeman专辑:Angel Voices: Libera In ConcertFar Away (GAME edit)~livetune feat.初音ミク~作词/作曲/编曲:kz呗:初音ミクby:CHHKKE穏やかな 昨日までの/一直到昨天 都还顺利吧いつもの日々をポケットに诘め込んで/把每一天的日常塞进口袋里奇丽だったオレンジの空が/美丽的橙色天空苍に変わる 旅立ちの合図/变成青色的时候 就是出发的信号多すぎる荷物置いて/放下多余的行李必要なのはやわらかな君の笑颜だけ/需要的只有你温柔的笑脸ホントの答えは ここにはないよ/真正的答案 这里可没有哦分かってる 少しだけ见えたの/这我也知道 只是还想在多看一样いたずらに微笑む/你露出恶作剧的微笑君といれば 怖くないよ/只要有你在 我就不会害怕远い远い明日だって/就算是不可预知的明天眩しい未来に 愿い托すよ/把愿望托付给耀眼的未来涙は 荷物とお留守番/把泪水和行李一起留在今天吧まだ见ぬ 明日も/还没有人见过的明天爱せるかな いつの日にか/你也喜欢吧?因为某一天想い出に変わるかな它也将变成回忆-END-

Far away(滨崎步演唱歌曲)详细资料大全

《Far away》(远走)是日本歌手滨崎步第15张单曲,2000年5月17日于日本发售。 基本介绍 中文名称 :远走 外文名称 :Far away 发行时间 :2000年5月17日 歌曲原唱 :滨崎步 歌曲语言 :英语 Far away,收录歌曲,歌词,日文,中文,LRC,Libera--far away,天使之翼合唱团,歌词, Far away 《Far away》(远走)是日本歌手滨崎步第15张单曲,2000年5月17日于日本发售。(亦是当时滨崎失踪时所作的歌曲)说明 ·绝望三部曲的第二作品,最终章为次作第16张单曲《SEASONS》。 ·本作封面为前作第14张单曲《vogue》拉远镜头的照片。本作封面若再拉远镜头,即为次作第16张单曲《SEASONS》封面当中滨崎步手持的照片。 ·本作后收录于同年9月27日发行的第三张原创专辑《Duty》中。后收录于2001年3月28日发行的精选辑《A BEST》之中,2008年发售的单曲精选辑《A COMPLETE ~ALL SINGLES~》当中亦收录了本曲。 ·混音专辑《ayu-mi-x II version non-S Mega Mix》的DISC 2抢先收录了本作的混音版本。 ·本作的作曲为菊池一仁、D.A.I.共同作成,原为两人为庆祝滨崎步前一年生日赠送的乐曲。 ·本作收录的混音歌曲除了《Far away》外,尚有第10张单曲《A》当中收录的歌曲《End roll》及第11张单曲《appears》的混音版本。 收录歌曲 全曲作词:ayumi hamasaki Far away "Original Mix" 作曲:Kazuhito Kikuchi、D.A.I. 编曲:HΛLFar away "CRAFTY Remix" CD SCAN&amp Far away "Main Radio Mix" appears "Junior"s Club Mix" Far away "HΛL"s MIX 2000" Far away "Ocean View Remix" End roll "da urban maestro mix" Far away "Huge mutual-tried mix" Far away "POP" e.a. MIX II" Far away "Dub"s Mute & Feedback Remix" Far away "Original Mix -Instrumental-" 歌词 日文 far away 新(あたら)しく 私(わたし)らしく あなたらしく... いつかふたりがまだ 恋人(こいびと)と呼(よ)び合(あ)えた あの顷(ころ)访(おとず)れた海(うみ)にひとり来(き)てるよ そしていつからか忘(わす)れてた景色(けしき)达(たち)探(さが)しながら 闻(き)こえる波音(なみおと)が何(なん)だか优(やさ)しくて 泣(な)き出(だ)しそうになっているよ 新(あたら)しく 私(わたし)らしく あなたらしく 生(う)まれ変(か)わる... 幸(しあわ)せは口(くち)にすれば ほら指(ゆび)のすき间(ま) こぼれ落(お)ちてゆく 形(かたち)ないもの あなたが"自分(じぶん)を取(と)り戻(もど)しに行(ゆ)く"と 出(で)かけた想い出(おもいで)の地(ち)にも海(うみ)は広(ひろ)がり どこかで出会(であ)ってつながって流(なが)れてる きっと同(おな)じ景色(けしき)见(み)てる 人(ひと)は皆(みな)通过駅(つうかえき)と この恋(こい)を呼(よ)ぶけれどね ふたりには始発駅(しはつえき)で 终著駅(しゅうちゃくえき)でもあった uh-lalalalai そうだったよね もうすぐで夏(なつ)が来(く)るよ あなたなしの... 中文 远逝 重新来过 让我像我 让你像你 ... 过去曾有段时间 我们彼此以恋人相称 当时过去的那片海 如今我独自来此 当我寻觅著 曾经忘却的风景 传来阵阵潮声 感觉好温柔 让人有股想哭的冲动 重新来过 让我像我 让你像你 脱胎换骨 ... 幸福若是说出口 你瞧 就会从指缝间 溜走 难以捉摸 你说你要去找回自己 前往的回忆之地也有一片海洋辽阔 百川众海终将在某处汇集交流 我俩在看的想必是同样的风景 别人都说我们的爱情 就像一处中途站 但是对我俩来说 那是起站 也是终点 uh-lalalai 你说是不是 不久即将来到的夏天 那是一个没有你的夏天... LRC [ti:Far away] [ar:浜崎あゆみ] [al:A BEST] [by:Serena] [00:00.00]Far away [00:03.00]music:Kazuhito Kikuchi,D.A.I [00:06.00]word:浜崎あゆみ [00:09.00] [00:11.83]重新来过 让我像我 让你像你.../Atarashiku watashi rashiku anata rashiku... [00:24.78] [00:54.42]过去曾有段时间 我们彼此以恋人相称/Itsuka futari ga mada koibito to yobiaeta [01:06.23]当时过去的那片海 如今我独自来此/Ano koro otozureta umi he hitori kiteru yo [01:17.06]当我寻觅著 曾经忘却的风景/Soshite itsu kara ka wasureteta keshiki tachi sagashi nagara [01:29.04]传来阵阵潮声 感觉好温柔/Kikoeru namioto ga nan da ka yasashikute [01:35.02]让人有股想哭的冲动/Nakidashi sou ni natte iru yo [01:42.91] [01:44.03]重新来过 让我像我 让你像你 脱胎换骨... /Atarashiku watashi rashiku anata rashiku umare kawaru... [01:55.33]幸福若是说出口 你瞧 就会从指缝间/Shiawase wa kuchi ni sureba hora yubi no sukima [02:06.07]溜走 难以捉摸/Kobore ochite yuku katachi nai mono [02:13.09] [02:44.25]你说你要去找回自己/Anata ga “jibun o torimodoshi ni iku” to [02:56.00]前往的回忆之地也有一片海洋辽阔/Dekaketa omoide no hoka ni mo umi wa hirogari [03:07.14]百川众海终将在某处汇集交流/Doko ka de deatte tsunagatte nagareteru [03:12.98]我俩在看的想必是同样的风景/Kitto onaji keshiki miteru [03:20.89] [03:21.85]别人都说我们的爱情 就像一处中途站/Hito wa minna tsuukaeki to kono koi wo yobu keredo ne [03:33.22]但是对我俩来说 那是起站 也是终点/Futari ni wa shihatsu eki de shuuchakueki de mo atta [03:43.17]uh-lalalai 你说是不是/sou datta yo ne [03:50.96] [04:14.85]不久即将来到的夏天 那是一个没有你的夏天... ../Mou sugu de natsu ga kuru yo anata nashi no... [04:28.42] [04:48.00][05:02.00] 《荒野大镖客 救赎》游戏歌曲 荒野大镖客 救赎的游戏歌曲,获2010VGA最佳游戏歌曲奖 Libera--far away 天使之翼合唱团 即英国合唱团libera,其前身为圣菲利浦童声合唱团(St. philips boys" choir)。libera合唱团通用中文名译为天使之翼合唱团。但单词libera本身为拉丁单词,意思为“自由,使自由”。所以又称自由童声合唱团。 Libera是由一群男童高音(Boy Soprano)的孩子们所参与的少年合唱团,关于该合唱团的组成与概念是极具独创性的。尽管该团于1999年以Libera为名正式启程,但其历史应该更为久远,知名的圣菲利浦少年合唱团(St.Phillip"s Boys Choir)可说是他们的前身。而该团的灵魂人物、同样也担任作曲家的Robert Prizeman,也曾经在圣菲利浦少年合唱团担任演唱过。自英国皇家音乐学院(Royal Academy of Misic)毕业后的他,承继了合唱团的形式,进而开始着手运作Libera。 Michael Horncastle libera作为一支新兴而实力强大的童声合唱团,也以自己的方式演绎了不同的far away。libera版本的far away别具特色。最经典的版本为Far away有两个版本.这是最开始的版本Michael Horncastle Far away 歌词 Wherever I go Far away and any where Time after time you always shine through dark of night calling after me And wherever I climb Far away and any where You raise me high beyond the sky through stormy night lifting me above Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus Venite Spiritu Venite Spiritus Far away beyond the sky Ah Ah Ah …… And whereever I climb Far away and any where You raise me high beyond the sky through stormy night lifting me above Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus Venite Spiritu Venite Spiritus Far away beyond the sky ("Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus"为拉丁文,翻译为英文的意思是:"angels coming from the heaven come to bless you) 后面较新的版本多了一小段歌词,来取代了第一版的中的"Ah Ah"的那部分Far away Where ever I go Far away and any where Time after time you always shine through dark of night calling after me And where ever I climb Far away and any where You raise me high beyond the sky through stormy night lifting me above Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus Venite Spiritu Venite Spiritus Far away beyond the sky Whenever I cry far away and anywhere You hear me call When shadows fall You light of hope Showing me the way And whereever I climb Far away and any where You raise me high beyond the sky through stormy night lifting me above Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus Venite Spiritu Venite Spiritus Far away beyond the sky 这首歌出自libera angel voices(4)2006这张专辑 libera&nbsp

Far away的Libera--far away

即英国合唱团libera,其前身为圣菲利浦童声合唱团(St. philips boys" choir)。libera合唱团通用中文名译为天使之翼合唱团。但单词libera本身为拉丁单词,意思为“自由,使自由”。所以又称自由童声合唱团。Libera是由一群男童高音(Boy Soprano)的孩子们所参与的少年合唱团,关于该合唱团的组成与概念是极具独创性的。尽管该团于1999年以Libera为名正式启程,但其历史应该更为久远,知名的圣菲利浦少年合唱团(St.Phillip"s Boys Choir)可说是他们的前身。而该团的灵魂人物、同样也担任作曲家的Robert Prizeman,也曾经在圣菲利浦少年合唱团担任演唱过。自英国皇家音乐学院(Royal Academy of Misic)毕业后的他,承继了合唱团的形式,进而开始着手运作Libera。libera作为一支新兴而实力强大的童声合唱团,也以自己的方式演绎了不同的far away。libera版本的far away别具特色。最经典的版本为Far away有两个版本.这是最开始的版本Michael HorncastleFar away Wherever I goFar away and any whereTime after time you always shinethrough dark of night calling after meAnd wherever I climb Far away and any whereYou raise me high beyond the sky through stormy night lifting me aboveVenite Spiritu et emitte caelitusVenite Spiritu et emitte caelitusVenite Spiritu Venite SpiritusFar away beyond the skyAh Ah Ah ……And whereever I climb Far away and any whereYou raise me high beyond the sky through stormy night lifting me aboveVenite Spiritu et emitte caelitusVenite Spiritu et emitte caelitusVenite Spiritu Venite SpiritusFar away beyond the sky(Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus为拉丁文,翻译为英文的意思是:angels coming from the heaven come to bless you)后面较新的版本多了一小段歌词,来取代了第一版的中的Ah Ah的那部分Far away Where ever I go Far away and any where Time after time you always shine through dark of night calling after me And where ever I climb Far away and any where You raise me high beyond the sky through stormy night lifting me above Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus Venite Spiritu Venite Spiritus Far away beyond the sky Whenever I cry far away and anywhere You hear me call When shadows fall You light of hope Showing me the way And whereever I climb Far away and any where You raise me high beyond the sky through stormy night lifting me above Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus Venite Spiritu Venite Spiritus Far away beyond the sky这首歌出自libera angel voices(4)2006这张专辑

John Denver的《Fly Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Fly Away歌手:John Denver专辑:John Denver"s Greatest Hits, Volume 2Fly awaymossonAll of her days have gone soft and cloudyAll of her dreams have gone dryAll of her nights have gone sad and shadyShe"s getting ready to flyFly awayfly awayfly away.Life in the city can make you crazyFor sounds of the sand and the seaLife in a high rise can make you hungryFor things that you can"t even seeFly awayfly awayfly away.In this whole world there"s nobody as lonely as sheThere"s nowhere to go and there"s nowhereThat she"d rather be.She"s looking for lovers and children playingShe"s looking for signs of the springShe listens for laughter and sounds of dancingShe listens for any old thingsFly away,fly away,fly away.In this whole world there"s nobody as lonely as sheThere"s nowhere to go and there"s nowhereThat she"d rather be.All of her days have gone soft and cloudyAll of her dreams have gone dryAll of her nights have gone sad and shadyShe"s getting ready to flyFly awayfly awayfly away.Fly away

John Denver的《Fly Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Fly Away歌手:John Denver专辑:Playlist: The Very Best Of John DenverFly awaymossonAll of her days have gone soft and cloudyAll of her dreams have gone dryAll of her nights have gone sad and shadyShe"s getting ready to flyFly awayfly awayfly away.Life in the city can make you crazyFor sounds of the sand and the seaLife in a high rise can make you hungryFor things that you can"t even seeFly awayfly awayfly away.In this whole world there"s nobody as lonely as sheThere"s nowhere to go and there"s nowhereThat she"d rather be.She"s looking for lovers and children playingShe"s looking for signs of the springShe listens for laughter and sounds of dancingShe listens for any old thingsFly away,fly away,fly away.In this whole world there"s nobody as lonely as sheThere"s nowhere to go and there"s nowhereThat she"d rather be.All of her days have gone soft and cloudyAll of her dreams have gone dryAll of her nights have gone sad and shadyShe"s getting ready to flyFly awayfly awayfly away.Fly away

John Denver的《Fly Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Fly Away歌手:John Denver专辑:The Ultimate CollectionFly awaymossonAll of her days have gone soft and cloudyAll of her dreams have gone dryAll of her nights have gone sad and shadyShe"s getting ready to flyFly awayfly awayfly away.Life in the city can make you crazyFor sounds of the sand and the seaLife in a high rise can make you hungryFor things that you can"t even seeFly awayfly awayfly away.In this whole world there"s nobody as lonely as sheThere"s nowhere to go and there"s nowhereThat she"d rather be.She"s looking for lovers and children playingShe"s looking for signs of the springShe listens for laughter and sounds of dancingShe listens for any old thingsFly away,fly away,fly away.In this whole world there"s nobody as lonely as sheThere"s nowhere to go and there"s nowhereThat she"d rather be.All of her days have gone soft and cloudyAll of her dreams have gone dryAll of her nights have gone sad and shadyShe"s getting ready to flyFly awayfly awayfly away.Fly away

John Denver的《Fly Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Fly Away歌手:John Denver专辑:The Essential John DenverFly awaymossonAll of her days have gone soft and cloudyAll of her dreams have gone dryAll of her nights have gone sad and shadyShe"s getting ready to flyFly awayfly awayfly away.Life in the city can make you crazyFor sounds of the sand and the seaLife in a high rise can make you hungryFor things that you can"t even seeFly awayfly awayfly away.In this whole world there"s nobody as lonely as sheThere"s nowhere to go and there"s nowhereThat she"d rather be.She"s looking for lovers and children playingShe"s looking for signs of the springShe listens for laughter and sounds of dancingShe listens for any old thingsFly away,fly away,fly away.In this whole world there"s nobody as lonely as sheThere"s nowhere to go and there"s nowhereThat she"d rather be.All of her days have gone soft and cloudyAll of her dreams have gone dryAll of her nights have gone sad and shadyShe"s getting ready to flyFly awayfly awayfly away.Fly away

Fly Away

All of her days have gone soft and cloudyAll of her dreams havegone dryAll of her nights have gone sad and shadyShe"sgetting ready to flyFly away, fly away, fly awayLife in the citycan make you crazyFor sounds of the sand and the seaLife in ahigh-rise can make you hungryFor things that you can"teven seeFly away, fly away, fly awayIn this whole world there"snobody as lonely as sheThere"snowhere to go and there"snowhere that she"drather beShe"slooking for lovers and children playingShe"slooking for signs of the springShe listens for laughter and soundsof dancingShe listens for any old thingFly away, fly away, flyaway

I can break away是什么意思?


take my break away ———jessic 的歌是什么风格

我倒是听过以前汤姆克鲁斯主演的壮志凌云的主题曲叫做take my breath away,也叫奔放的旋律

break away from与separate from的区别

主观上自觉自愿的分离----break away from (不及物动词) He broke away from his country to join a foreign anti-war organisation. 客观上被迫的-----separate from (及物动词) The war separated him from his family and sent him to fight in Africa.

break away from 怎么造句

break away from :脱离(离开,背弃,与...脱离关系)例句与用法:1.He broke away from that lawless group years ago.他在几年前脱离了那个非法团体.2.Jim broke away from his friends,saying"I have got to hit the books." 吉姆离开他的朋友时,说道:“我得回去做功课了.” 3.He"s broken away from his family.他与家庭断绝了关系.4.Can"t you break away from old habits?你不能戒除旧习惯吗?

I can break away 是什么意思

I can break away 我可以打破break 英[breɪk] 美[brek] vt. (使) 破; 打破(纪录); (常指好天气) 突变; 开始; vi. 突破; (嗓音) 突变; 破晓; (价格) 突然下跌; n. 破裂; 中间休息; 间断; 短假;

break away from 怎么造句啊?

break away from :脱离(离开,背弃,与...脱离关系)例句与用法: 1. He broke away from that lawless group years ago. 他在几年前脱离了那个非法团体。 2. Jim broke away from his friends, saying"I have got to hit the books." 吉姆离开他的朋友时,说道:“我得回去做功课了。” 3. He"s broken away from his family. 他与家庭断绝了关系。 4. Can"t you break away from old habits? 你不能戒除旧习惯吗?

Break away from 造句

I broke away from him and rushed out into the hall... 我挣脱了他,冲进了大厅. The group broke away from the Labour Party in 1932. 这个团体在1932年脱离工党.Can you break away from the old habits ? 你能戒掉旧习惯吗? 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

break away from 怎么造句


I Can break away翻译中文


Break away Kelly


break away from什么意思

break away from脱离双语对照词典结果:break away from[英][breik u0259u02c8wei fru0254m][美][brek u0259u02c8we fru028cm]脱离(政党等),打破; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Mr salmond, however, is in no rush to leverage his popularity into a bid to break away from britain. 然而,salmond并不急于利用他的欢迎度来努力争取摆脱英格兰。

英语run away from 和get away from 和break away from的区别?

get away from 是从... 离开/逃开 break away from 是从... 脱离/断绝关系,0,英语run away from 和get away from 和break away from的区别 get away from 和break away from的区别是

The Neville Brothers的《Break Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Break Away歌手:The Neville Brothers专辑:The Neville BrothersI never thought I feel like thisNow that you are out of sideStill trying to get over youWhy can"t I just let you goWhy can"t I close the doorLooking for a reasonTo stay this wayI wish that I couldBut I can"tLooks can be deceivingAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayHow could I be such a foolTo end up hereHow many times must I fallRead the things you didn"t doAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayNo I won"t fall backJust let me walkJust let me walk awayNo I won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it allJust let me breakaway

The Beach Boys的《Break Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Break Away歌手:The Beach Boys专辑:Spirit Of AmericaTime will not wait for meTime is my destinyWhy change the part of methat has to be freeThe love that passed me byI found no reason whybut now each day is day filled with the lovethat very same lovethat passed me byand that is whyI can break awayfrom that lonely lifeAnd I can do what I wanna doAnd break away from that empty lifeAnd my world is newWhen I laid down in my bedI heard voices in my headTellin me now hey, it"s only a dreamBefore I thought of itI had been out of itAnd here"s the answer I found insteadFound out it"s in my headFound out it"s in my headFound out it"s in my headI can break away to a better lifeWhere the shackles never hold me downI"m gonna make a wayfor each happy dayas my like turns aroundBreak awaybreak awaybreak awaybreak awaybreak awaybreak away

The Beach Boys的《Break Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Break Away歌手:The Beach Boys专辑:Spirit Of AmericaI never thought I feel like thisNow that you are out of sideStill trying to get over youWhy can"t I just let you goWhy can"t I close the doorLooking for a reasonTo stay this wayI wish that I couldBut I can"tLooks can be deceivingAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayHow could I be such a foolTo end up hereHow many times must I fallRead the things you didn"t doAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayNo I won"t fall backJust let me walkJust let me walk awayNo I won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it allJust let me breakaway

谁知tokyo hotel 那首break away的中英文歌词

Break away挣脱演唱:Tokio Hotel制作+翻译:洁米玛I"ve got other plans today今天我有一些别的计划,Don"t need permission anyway不管怎么说都不需要别人允许。Here we"re standing after all毕竟我们一直在这儿站着,With my back against the wall我一回头就会撞到墙。(against the wall)(撞在墙上)I put all the blame on you我把所有责任都推给你,‘Bout me and all that I went through“给我的工作我都做完了。”You don"t give me any choice你没有给我任何选择,Now I"m gonna make some noise那么现在我就要制造一些噪音。(make some noise)(制造一些噪音)I feel so claustrophobic here我感到这里幽暗恐怖,Watch out当心,now you better disappear你最好立刻消失。You can"t make me stay你是留不住我的。I"ll break away我要马上挣脱,Break Away一下子挣脱。I"m warning you don"t follow me我警告你不要跟着我,I won"t miss you我不会想念你。can"t you see你不晓得么?What you wanted你想干什么?It didn"t work这没有用,Go on digging in the dirt落进尘土里吧!(in the dirt)(进入尘土里)Cold sweat on your brow你的额头上冒出了冷汗,Now you can hear me shout现在你可以听见我的呼喊。Your world is about to destruct你的世界将要毁灭,Now I"m gonna pull the plug现在我要拔掉插头。(pull the plug)(拔掉插头)I feel so claustrophobic here我感到这里幽暗恐怖,Watch out当心,now you better disappear你最好立刻消失。You can"t make me stay你是留不住我的。I"ll break away我要马上挣脱,Break Away一下子挣脱。No more counting all your lies不再细数你的谎话,No more waiting for your goodbyes不再等待你的道别。It"s too late这太晚了,Much too late实在是太晚了。You are like a bitter pill你犹如苦痛的药片,That I had to take against my will我不得不违心地吃下去。(听你的话)I feel so claustrophobic here我感到这里幽暗恐怖,Watch out当心,now you better disappear你最好立刻消失。You can"t make me stay你是留不住我的。I"ll break away我要马上挣脱,Break Away一下子挣脱。I feel so claustrophobic here我感到这里幽暗恐怖,Watch out当心,now you better disappear你最好立刻消失。You can"t make me stay你是留不住我的。I"ll break away我要马上挣脱,Break Away一下子挣脱。Break away挣脱!The End

break away from 怎么造句

We need to break away from classical economics and develop completely different tools.我们需要突破经典经济学的框架,发展完全不同的工具。I had to break away from the God I was supposed to believe in to find the God I could believe in.只有打破那个人们认为我应该信仰的神,我才能找到那个我自己所信仰的神。One of the things I love about travel is the chance to break away from daily routines and form some new ones.旅途中我喜爱的一点就是我有机会可以打破常规生活,形成一些新的生活习惯。希望能够帮到你!

Break away from 造句

有逃离背叛挣脱的意思再里面you should break away from bad habbits 你应该改掉坏习惯
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