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RAW中文解释是“原材料”或“未经处理的东西”。RAW文件包含了原图片文件在传感器产生后,进入照相机图像处理器之前的一切照片信息。用户可以利用PC上的某些特定软件对RAW格式的图片进行处理。 RAW有一个明显的弊端:随着照相机牌子和型号的不同,它们输出的RAW格式也不同。用户在处理RAW格式图片的时候必须使用厂家提供的专门软件。这为图像处理带来了诸多不便。此外,相对于JPEG和TIFF格式的图片,打开和处理RAW文件要耗费更多的时间。为了解决这个问题,有的数码相机可以让用户拍摄照片的时候同时以RAW与JPEG格式储存照片。随着照相机图像处理速度越来越快,记忆卡容量越来越大而且越来越便宜,上述的做法将不再麻烦了。同时记录JPEG和RAW格式照片,可以让用户使用常规的图像处理软件组织和编辑照片(JPEG);当需要获得处理精细的照片或需要改善照片缺憾(如白平衡不正确和高光/暗部细节缺失 )的时候, 用户可以使用RAW解决问题。除此以外,越来越多第三方软件制造商制造一些兼容性强的图像处理软件,让多个品牌、多个型号的照相机都能使用同一个软件处理其输出的RAW照片,解决RAW的兼容性问题。Adobe Photoshop CS就是其中一个例子。然而,Adobe Photoshop CS并不能像厂家的专门软件那样,提供全面的RAW处理设定。兼容性不够强仍然是限制RAW格式发展的最大障碍。


RAW的原意就是“未经加工”。可以理解为:RAW图像就是CMOS或者CCD图像感应器将捕捉到的光源信号转化为数字信号的原始数据。RAW文件是一种记录了数码相机传感器的原始信息,同时记录了由相机拍摄所产生的一些元数据(Metadata,如ISO的设置、快门速度、光圈值、白平衡等)的文件。RAW是未经处理、也未经压缩的格式,可以把RAW概念化为“原始图像编码数据”或更形象的称为“数字底片”。RAW格式的全称是RAW Image Format,在编程中称之为原始。




“RAW”是个英语形容词,意思是:原始的,未加工的,未成熟的。 简单的说,RAW是照片的格式文件,就是相机生成的“数码”文件,不是“图像”文件。


一、RAW格式图片简介: RAW图像就是图像感应器将捕捉到的光源信号转化为数字信号的原始数据,RAW文件是一种记录了数码相机传感器的原始信息,同时记录了由相机拍摄所产生的一些元数据(如相机的光感设置、快门速度、光圈值、白平衡等)的文件;RAW也是未经处理、也未经压缩的格式,可以把RAW概念化为“原始图像编码数据”或更形象的称为“数字底片”。 二、RAW图片格式保存的优点: 1、以RAW格式来保存文件,相机便会创建一个包含锐度、对比度、饱和度、色温、白平衡等信息的页眉文件,但是图像并不会被这些设置而改变,只会在RAW文件上加以标记,随后RAW文件将同这些有关设置以及其他的技术信息一同保存至存储卡中,而且相对于其他格式储存的格式,RAW文件更不占内存; 2、RAW文件虽然是压缩文件,但是不会对图像质量带来任何影响,可以几乎完美的保存原图片。


RAW的原意就是“未经加工”。可以理解为:RAW图像就是CMOS或者CCD图像感应器将捕捉到的光源信号转化为数字信号的原始数据。RAW是未经处理、也未经压缩的格式,可以把RAW概念化为“原始图像编码数据”或更形象的称为“数字底片”。raw格式照片怎么打开:1、使用相机附的DPP软件。2、使用photoshop的camraRAW插件。3、ACDsee也可打开。4、CORL的PANSHOP X2X3均可以打开。





包含变长二进制数据的 Oracle LONGRAW 数据类型,其最大大小为 2 GB。在 OracleParameter.Value 中使用 .NET Framework Byte[] 或 OracleClient OracleBinary 数据类型。


adj. 生的;未加工的;阴冷的;刺痛的;擦掉皮的;无经验的;(在艺术等方面)不成熟的n. 擦伤处vt. 擦伤n. (Raw)人名;(英)罗


手机相机raw是未经加工的意思。RAW是相机拍摄的格式之一。数码相机主要有三种格式,即JPG(所有相机)、RAW(高端拍照手机、中高端卡片机、所有微单和单反)、TIFF(高端相机)三种。有的相机在JPG和RAW格式中还有细分;RAW的全称是RAW Image Format,原意就是“未经加工”。RAW是未经处理的格式,可以把RAW概念化为“原始图像编码数据”或更形象的称为“数字底片”。根据相机的级别不同RAW有12位(bit)压缩率、14位压缩率和16位压缩率之分,压缩率数字越大,RAW包含的图像数据越多。未经压缩的RAW格式也称为相机的TIFF(tagged image file format)格式;相机的RAW包含最为丰富的拍摄图像的数据,主要用于后期制图,并可以证明版权。以上内容参考:百度百科-RAW


RAW的全称是RAW Image Format,原意就是“未经加工”。RAW是未经处理的格式,可以把RAW概念化为“原始图像编码数据”或更形象的称为“数字底片”。根据相机的级别不同,RAW有12位(bit)压缩率、14位压缩率和16位压缩率之分,压缩率数字越大,RAW包含的图像数据越多。未经压缩的RAW格式也称为相机的TIFF(tagged image file format)格式。RAW图像格式原理RAW图像格式的目的是尽可能的捕捉(即特定传感器的最好性能)现场的拍摄特性,也就是说,包含有关场景的光照强度和颜色的物理信息。最原始的图像文件格式存储的信息根据收到传感器的照片,接受元素,而不是点的最终图像(有时称为像素)的几何形状:六角形元素位移传感器,例如,他们六角记录信息流离失所的元素,其中一些解码软件,最终将矩形几何变换成多边形“数字显影”。




Raw是:未经加工的;生的;原始的;未烹制的;未煮的;自然状态的;未经处理的;未经分析的;未经训练的;红肿疼痛的;工作生疏的;寒冷的;真实的意思。比较级: rawer最高级: rawest派生词:rawness n.英语翻译要点:一、突出主语主语是一句话的灵魂,主语不对,整个句子必将是松散的,翻译过程中可适当增加或减少,不能太简单让人摸不着头脑,也不能太复杂让人产生迷惑。这方面的能力可以通过大量的联系来进行突破提升。二、注意词的搭配与英语不同,尽管中文中的一些词语顺序搭配并不是很正确,但很多情况下也并不会影响读者的理解。但是在英语中却不同了,译员们值得注意的是形容词和名词的搭配,副词和动词间的搭配,对译员来说,我们要选择合适的词语,这样英语就可以很快的翻译成汉语,并且准确率还非常的高。三、被动句和长句的翻译在翻译英语的被动句的过程当中,汉语的主动句经常会表达英语的被动句。英语当中那些具有被动意义的句子也可以用汉语当中具有主动意义的句子来表达。还有就是把英语翻译成为中文当中的长句,在进行这类的翻译的时候首先不要被常常的句子所吓倒,即便是长句子他的组成也就是那些,句子的组成也就是:主语、谓语、宾语,找出这些句子的主干在进行翻译,翻译就能很好的进行了。四、一定不要直译“直译”是很多英语翻译从业者在初期都会翻的错误,这样的句子翻译出来显得死气沉沉的,没有灵魂,稍微一不注意的话还可能导致啼笑皆非的笑话出现。英语翻译五、注意时态时态是翻译过程中要格外注重的一点,因为这点在中文中是不存在的,因此英语翻译中常常会让人忽视掉了这点,时态问题也是很多考试中所必考的类型。当我们看到一句话中有多个动词存在时,要先浏览整句话,找到思路,根据提示选择合适时态。


RAW是数码相机原始数据的一种格式,相当于传统相机的菲林底片。RAW文件是每个相机制造商的一种专有格式,有时也是每款不同型号相机的专有格式,这些文件是无损失压缩的。当数码相机进行曝光时,CCD(或是CMOS)会以电平的高低来记录每个像素点的光量,然后数码相机再将这些电信号转化成为相应的数字信号,一般被记录为12位或14位的数据。如果相机记录了12位或14位的数据,那就意味着每个像素点有4096(2的12次方)或16384(2的14次方)种不同的亮度级别。(目前还没有一种图像芯片可以记录真正的16位数据)如果你选择了RAW作为文件的存储格式,那么后期可以通过RAW转换工具保存成16位的TIFF或PSD格式进行输出。而数码相机所记录的12或14位数据也可以扩展到全部16位空间。但如果你选择了JPG格式来存储文件的话,相机中的软件会将其转化为8位模式,也就是说只能记录仅仅256种亮度级别而已。假如你是以RAW格式来保存文件,相机便会创建一个包含锐度、对比度、饱和度、色温、白平衡等信息的页眉文件,但是图像并不会被这些设置而改变,它们只不过是在RAW文件上加以标记。随后RAW文件将同这些有关设置以及其他的技术信息一同保存至存储卡中。有些相机压缩了这些文件,而有些没有。而只要这些压缩是“无损”的,将不会对图像质量带来任何影响,但是有些公司(尼康和柯达)却明确表示采用一种轻微损失的算法来保存RAW文件。因此,它的色彩和层次的宽容度是相当广阔的,RAW最大的好处是保存了最原始的CCD数据,把更多的自由放在用户手里。 记录了最原始最真实的信息,不做修饰和更改,为后期制作留下了广阔的可操作性。而通常非RAW格式即使是最完整的TIF格式,也是经过了数码相机自身处理的,这个处理实际上也是个软件处理的过程,会有很明显的生产商的兴趣取向(或者说对图像、色彩的理解),常说的索尼色彩艳丽、富士绿等就是对某种色彩特别处理的结果。至于是RAW格式对后期有好处还是其它格式对后期有好处,这不是能够一概而论的事,在ps高手眼里,什么格式可能不会有太大区别,只要原始的图片精度够基本上问题就不大了。所以这个我认为是要看个人能力及喜好的。






手机相机raw是未经加工的意思。RAW是相机拍摄的格式之一。数码相机主要有三种格式,即JPG(所有相机)、RAW(高端拍照手机、中高端卡片机、所有微单和单反)、TIFF(高端相机)三种。有的相机在JPG和RAW格式中还有细分;RAW的全称是RAW Image Format,原意就是“未经加工”。RAW是未经处理的格式,可以把RAW概念化为“原始图像编码数据”或更形象的称为“数字底片”。根据相机的级别不同RAW有12位(bit)压缩率、14位压缩率和16位压缩率之分,压缩率数字越大,RAW包含的图像数据越多。未经压缩的RAW格式也称为相机的TIFF(tagged image file format)格式;相机的RAW包含最为丰富的拍摄图像的数据,主要用于后期制图,并可以证明版权。以上内容参考:百度百科-RAW

相机的RAW 是什么意思呀?





RAW,英文单词,形容词、名词、动词,作形容词时意为“生的;未加工的;阴冷的;刺痛的;擦掉皮的;无经验的。(在艺术等方面)不成熟的”,作名词时意为“擦伤处,人名;(英)罗”,作动词时意为“擦伤”。单词发音英 [ru0254:] 美 [ru0254]。短语搭配Raw Socket建立一个原始连接 ; 原始套接字 ; 套接字 ; 原始套接口。raw water[建]原水 ;[建]生水 ; 未经净化水。raw coal[矿物]原煤 ; 元煤 ; 普通煤 ; 没有经过筛。raw sewage[环境]原污水 ; 未经处理的污水 ; 未经净化的污水 ; 未经任何处理的污水。raw eyelet没有包金属眼套的鞋眼 ; 不包金属眼套的鞋眼 ; 没有包金属跟套的鞋眼。WWF RAWWWF世界摔角联盟 ; 世界摔角联盟。raw ore[矿业]原矿 ; 未选的矿石 ; 才能把铁矿。raw stock原浆 ; 生胶片 ; 原料皮 ;[材]原材料。Raw Potatoes生薯仔。


  raw既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道它们分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来raw的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   raw的英语音标   英 [ru0254:]   美 [ru0254]   raw的意思   adj. 生的;未加工的;   n. 擦伤处   vt. 擦伤   raw的 近义词   crude   raw的同根词   词根 raw   n.   rawness 生;无 经验 ;半生不熟   raw的词语辨析   raw, original, primitiveraw 原始的   original 最初的,独特的   primitive 原始的   raw的词汇搭配   aw material 原料   in the raw 处于自然状态;未开化的;裸体   raw water n. 未净化的水   raw data 原始数据;原始资料   raw silk 生丝   raw coal 原煤   raw milk 原料乳;   raw的英语例句   1. Use separate chopping boards for raw meats, cooked meats, vegetables and salads.   切生肉、熟肉、蔬菜和拌色拉的青菜时要使用不同的切菜板。   2. The mere mention of John had touched a very raw nerve indeed.   提到约翰就真的让人心痛。   3. He also wanted to see Bangladesh in the raw.   他也想看看原生态的孟加拉国是什么样子。   4. Half of it is burned and half of it is raw.   一半烧焦了,另一半还是生的。   5. Discharge of raw sewage into the sea is unsanitary and unsafe.   把未经处理的污水排放到海里既不卫生也不安全。   6. He possessed a raw energy allied to a feeling of something special.   他粗犷豪放,给人一种特殊的感觉。   7. Her feet hurt and her hands were rubbed raw from unaccustomed work.   这种活儿她根本做不习惯,双脚疼痛,双手也蹭破了皮。   8. We import raw materials and energy and export mainly in-dustrial products.   我们进口原材料和能源,主要出口工业产品。   9. They feel that Quebec is getting a raw deal.   他们觉得魁北克省受到了不公平的待遇。   10. All raw materials are subjected to our latest analytical techniques.   所有的原材料都将用我们最新的分析技术进行解析。


raw 英[ru0254:] 美[ru0254] adj. 生的,未加工的; 无经验的; 新近完成的; 发炎的,疼痛的; vt. 擦伤; 使赤身露体; n. 原料; (身体的) 擦伤部位; 红肿部位; 半成品; [例句]We import raw materials and energy and export mainly industrial products.我们进口原材料和能源,主要出口工业产品。[其他] 比较级:rawer 最高级:rawest

Making April的《Wide Awake》 歌词

歌曲名:Wide Awake歌手:Making April专辑:The Egg HuntMaking April - Wide AwakeMy mistake, you should never be afraid to cut your lossesNow I know, now I knowIt was mine to make, I was putting up a fight for worthless causesNow I know, just to let it goI was dying for our moment to arriveNow I"m running further just to feel aliveDon"t wanna get caught up dreaming of your loveCause when I open my eyes there"s not a shot in this lifeI might as well give up and save all my good luckFor when I"ve when I"ve got the extra changeYou can move aside cause now I"m wide awakeCalling out you don"t even pick it up on nights and weekendsOver and overTalk about not giving up for all the wrongest reasonsOver and overHow was I mislead for so much time?When it"s all been said and done I"ll be alrightDon"t wanna get caught up dreaming of your loveCause when I open my eyes there"s not a shot in this lifeI might as well give up and save all my good luckFor when I"ve when I"ve got the extra changeYou can move aside cause now I"m wide awakeBut is it getting any better yet?Is it getting any better yet?Well is it getting any better yet?The word is out that I"m not giving inAnd if you"re ready by now well it"s too late to beginDon"t wanna get caught upDreaming of your loveCause when I open my eyesThere"s not a shot in this lifeI might as well give up and save all my good luckFor when I"ve when I"ve got the extra changeYou can move aside cause now I"m wide awake

From Dawn to Dusk 歌词

歌曲名:From Dawn to Dusk歌手:Dark Moor专辑:Between Light and DarknessDark Moor - From Dawn To Dusk《Between Light And Darkness(EP)》(2003年)Open my eyes felling the darkWith downward eye, gaze sadUnder the rain walking aloneLooking for the last doorI hear a song and touch the starsFrom dawn to duskThere is a force of clatiryThere is a lightGaze not in my eyes!Can I enter the hole of light?You reach a hand to hold me butI can"t be your awake gideBreath"s a ware that will not keepI must keep my last breathLike the mass of the hillsWhen the moonlight reviveShinning on the blind eyesI"m feeling thatTime remains what is wasI am waiting for youAt the end of a tuneIn the dawn, in the grey dawnTime leave me nowOpen my eyes felling the darkWith downward eye, gaze sadUnder the rain walking aloneLooking for the last doorGaze not in my eyes!Can I enter the hole of light?You reach a hand to hold me butI can"t be your awake gideBreath"s a ware that will not keepI must keep my last breathLike the mass of the hillsWhen the moonlight reviveShinning on the blind eyesI"m feeling thatTime remains what is wasI am waiting for youAt the end of a tuneIn the dawn, in the grey dawnTime leave me nowWhen the moonlight reviveShinning on the blind eyesI"m feeling thatTime remains what is wasI am waiting for youAt the end of a tuneIn the dawn, in the grey dawnTime leave me nowWhen the moonlight reviveShinning on the blind eyesI"m feeling thatTime remains what is wasI am waiting for youAt the end of a tuneIn the dawn, in the grey dawnTime leave me nowThe moonlight revive on the blind eyesTime, time leave me nowIn the dawn of the grey dawnOh! Blindness from dawn to dusk

stay wide awake的中文意思


g.DrawImage循环 参数无效 求C#大牛~~~~~~~




give up ,give away,give out的区别

give up 放弃,表示“戒”烟等也可以用. eg. I give up; tell me what the answer is. You ought to give up smoking; I gave it up last year. give away 舍弃,出卖,泄露,正式婚礼中新娘的父亲把新娘交送给新郎. eg. He decide to give away everything he possessed and become a monk. He was given away by one of his accomplices. Don"t give away to the public when we will start. give out 分发 eg. He has refused to give out any information on the matter.

give away, give in,give up,give off 的意思和区别

give away - 送出give in - 让步give up - 放弃give off - 排放、放出(气体)

give up 和give away的区别

give up 停止,放弃;(oneself)自首give away 赠送;泄露;放弃give away有打消想法的意思,是没有开始投入多少的时候放弃give up是做过了,经过努力了,然后觉得行不通,彻底放弃希望采纳哦!

give up ,give away,give out的区别

give up 放弃,表示“戒”烟等也可以用. eg. I give up; tell me what the answer is. You ought to give up smoking; I gave it up last year. give away 舍弃,出卖,泄露,正式婚礼中新娘的父亲把新娘交送给新郎. eg. He decide to give away everything he possessed and become a monk. He was given away by one of his accomplices. Don"t give away to the public when we will start. give out 分发 eg. He has refused to give out any information on the matter.

Love Don T Let Me Go (Walking Away) 歌词

歌曲名:Love Don T Let Me Go (Walking Away)歌手:David Guetta vs The Egg专辑:One More LoveMatt Dusk - Love Don"t Let Me GoLove, don"t you let me goWhen I need you soDon"t you let me goYou keep my dreams aliveHow would I surviveWithout you in my life?Loneliness would take your placeThe moment that you"re goneIt would be so hard to carry onLove, leave me in the darkAnd I will fall apartIt will break my heartI don"t need to hear your voiceTo know when you"re aroundIn this hour of darknessI am looking to be foundI can only hope that youWon"t let me downLove, love don"t you let me goWhen I need you soLove, don"t you let me go


少年,给你韦伯斯特词典定义not ripened or matured <green apples>green强调不成熟,例如生苹果

Blow Me Away 歌词

歌曲名:Blow Me Away歌手:Vanessa Amorosi专辑:HazardousVanessa Amorosi - Blow Me AwayWe live in a beautiful housewith a white picket fenceWe"ve been so happy togethersince September 10thOur puppy waits near the front doorfor you to come homeHe was there for two days straightand I started to think that something was wrongSo I went out and then I caught youWith another girl, she wasn"t even cuteNow you"re saying you didn"t mean itAnd all of a sudden you want me backBaby I think that you"re gonna have toBlow me blow me awayShow me why I"d let you stayBoy you"ve got so much to loseDon"t you think it"s time for you toBlow me Blow me awayI hope that you enjoyed your messing aroundCause you have to make it up to mewith something amazing nowI"m not so happy about sleeping alonebut you know I couldI"m gonna give you one more chanceso you better make it goodSo you"re sorry well I"m sorry tooIf you really feel thatI need to see the proofYou"re constant phone callsyour presents and flowersAll of a sudden you want me backBaby I think that you"re gonna have toBlow me blow me awayShow me why I"d let you stayBoy you"ve got so much to loseDon"t you think it"s time for you toBlow me Blow me awayUse your imaginationYou know what I"m sayinBetter get a move on time"s a wastin"Blow me blow me awayShow me why I"d let you stayBlow me blow me awayShow me why I"d let you stayBoy you"ve got so much to loseDon"t you think it"s time for you toBlow me Blow me away

我想知道you blow me away的中文是什么意思,跪求。。。


Blow me away什么意思

blow away是吹掉的意思把我带走

I saw him in 1994和I had seen him in 1994我认为意思一样,对吗?能通用吗?

两句话的从语法上说是没有错的,代表的是过去看到 him一个区别就是,I had seen him in 1994 这个是过去完成时,要用这个时态,要有一个时间的对比性,同时这句话表达的意思是“我在过去的1994年就已经见过他了”强调的是过去那个时候对现在的影响。所以这两句是不同的,就象一般过去时和过去完成时,那怕意思接近,如果要考虑到语法等问题,他们又是不同的希望帮到你

谁能给我far away form home 和 a little love 的中文歌词?

a little love世上只有 Greatness as you(smallest as meYou show mewhat is deep as seaA little love"little kissA litlle hug"little giftall of little somethingthese are our memoriesYou make me crymake me smilemake me feel that love is trueYou always stand by my sideI don"t want to say goodbyeYou make me crymake me smilemake me feelthe joy of loveoh kissing youThank you for all the loveyou always give to meoh I love youGreatness as yousmallest as meYou show mewhat is deep as seaA little love"little kissA litlle hug"little giftall of little somethingthese are our memoriesYou make me crymake me smilemake me feel that love is trueYou always stand by my sideI don"t want to say goodbyeYou make me crymake me smilemake me feelthe joy of loveoh kissing youThank you for all the loveyou always give to meoh I love youYes I do"Album:A Little LoveI always doLRC Powered By P.williamMake me crymake me smilemake me feel that love is trueyou always stand by my sideI don"t want to say goodbyeYou make me crymake me smilemake me feelthe joy of loveoh kissing youThank you for all the loveyou always give to meoh I love youTo be with you"oh I love you望着你讲 也许更易浓于水的三个字从我降世 一开始到永远 不休止你亦是我支柱动力和意义You make me cry" make me smile"Make me feel the love is true谢谢你的关顾 与及无偿的爱护年月漫漫 多艰苦你也永远优先担心我喜恶唯恐我并未得到 最贴身保护Oh I love you!但是我知 你都有梦仍将一生给我用全个世界 几多种爱与爱 在互动也未及这种爱能完全献奉You make me cry" make me smile"Make me feel the love is true谢谢你的关顾 与及无偿的爱护年月漫漫 多艰苦你也永远优先担心我喜恶唯恐我并未得到 最贴身保护Oh I love you!Yes I do"I always doYou make me cry" make me smile"Make me feel the love is true谢谢你的看顾 与历年来的爱护年月漫漫 多艰苦我再重也不肯抛低我不顾从不会立下私心 怕会给辜负Oh I love you!Yes I love you"I always do

南澳大学 Mawson Lakes校区 和 City West校区 距离远吗

【 New South Wales】除去Sydney,Newcastle, the Central Coast and Wollongong的其他地区邮编属于下列区间的视为偏远地区:2311 - 2312,2328 - 2411 ,2420 - 2490 ,2536 - 2551,2575 - 2594,2618 - 2739,2787 – 2898学校:卧龙岗大学Shoalhaven Campus (University of Wollonglong)新英格兰大学Armidale Campus(University-of-New England)南十字星大学Lismore,Coffs Harbour,Tweed Gold Coast校区(SouthernCross University )查尔斯特大学Albury,Albury (Thurgoona) ,Bathurst ,Dubbo Campus ,Goulburn Campus ,Orange Campus ,Wagga Wagga Campus (Charles--Sturt University)【 Queensland 】除去Brisbane 和Gold Coast的其他地区邮编属于下列区间的视为偏远地区:4124 - 4125,4133,4211,4270 - 4272,4275 ,4280 ,4285 ,4287,4307 - 4499 ,4515 ,4517 - 4519 ,4522 - 4899学校:昆士兰大学Gatton校区(University of Queensland)詹姆斯库克大学Townsville,Cairns校区(JamesCook University )南昆士兰大学Toowoomba,Fraser Coast校区(Universityof Southern Queensland)中央昆士兰大学Rockhampton,Bundaburg,Emerald,Gladstone,Mackay校区(Central Queensland University)【 Victoria 】除去Melbourne 的其他地区邮编属于下列区间的视为偏远地区:3211 - 3334 ,3340 - 3424 ,3430 - 3649 ,3658 - 3749 ,3753,3756 ,3758,3762 ,3764 ,3778 - 3781 ,3783 ,3797 ,3799 ,3810 - 3909 ,3921 - 3925 ,3945 - 3974 ,3979 ,3981 – 3996【学校】迪肯大学Geelong Waurn Ponds, Geelong Waterfront, Warrnambool校区(Deakin University)巴拉瑞特大学Mt Helen, Camp St校区 ( University of Ballarat)拉筹伯大学Albury-Wodonga ,Bendigo ,Mildura,Shepparton校区(La Trobe University)莫纳什大学Gippsland分校(Monash University)墨尔本大学Creswick,Shepparton校区【 Western Australia 】除去Perth及周边地区邮编属于下列区间的视为偏远地区:6041 - 6044,6083 - 6084,6121 - 6126,6200 – 6799【学校】阳光海岸大学(University of the Sunshine Coast)西澳大学Albany校区(University of Western Australia)科廷科技大学Geraldton Universities Centre,Kalgoorlie,,Margaret River,Northam Campus校区(Curtin University of Technology)莫道克大学Peel校区(MurdochUniversity )埃迪斯科文大学South West校区(Edith Cowan University)圣母大学Broome 校区(Universityof Notre Dame)【 South Australia 】所有区域均为偏远地区【大学】阿德莱德大学North Terrace,Roseworthy,Thebarton Research Park,Waite校区(Universityof Adelaide)南澳大学City West,City East,Magill,Mawson Lakes,Whyalla校区(Universityof South Australia)弗林得斯大学Bedford Park校区(FlindersUniversity)【 Tasmania 】所有区域均为偏远地区【学校】塔斯马尼亚大学Hobart ,Cradle Coast ,Launceston 校区( University of Tasmania)【 Northern Territory 】所有区域均为偏远地区【学校】查尔斯达尔文大学(Charles Darwin University)

Take You Away 歌词

歌曲名:Take You Away歌手:Different Levels专辑:The Next StepColby O"Donis - Take You Away (Feat. Lil Romeo)We got ya boy romeo, ayo colby you ready, let"s gowassup akon Ooooooo I go by the name of ColbyWhen I get money I spend iton the bills but my baby shes the exceptionto the rules you might wanna call it upsessionbut this to my heart it"s just a natural progressionand I know that she and me can work things out,if things get tough, that"s why shes a keeperthat"s why shes a keeper.No one but you seems to get methey try to sweat mesaying baby make me cum bed meeven if they sexyit don"t matter cause my heart won"t let meput my other feelings aside,and I don"t care what the other guyssay they just jealous cause they don"t have you,they don"t have you girl,they they they don"t have you girl.Baby they wanna take you away from me,but that"s not gonna happen not to us O no,they wanna take you away from,but the bond we have is stronger than they know,they wanna take you away from me,I ain"t your average joe,they wanna take you away,they they wanna takethey wanna take take you away.I never thought that I"d let this get to me,telling all my friends she and I would neva becloser than what all they expectedbut I still made sure that she was always respected,cause I know she possiblycould be the one if things get toughthat"s why shes a keeper (shes a keeper)that"s why shes a keeper (keeper)No one but you seems to get methey try to sweat mesaying baby make me cum bed meeven if they sexyit don"t matter cause my heart won"t let meput my other feelings aside,and I don"t care what the other guyssay they just jealous cause they don"t have you,they don"t have you girl,Baby they wanna take you away from me,but that"s not gonna happen not to us O no,they wanna take you away from mebut the bond we have is stronger than they know,they wanna take you away from me,I ain"t your average joe,they wanna take you away,they they wanna takethey wanna take take you away.Cause it"s it"s official official girl,now that you be in my world,in my world your my crystalno no girl be looking flycause your the one that got my eye,come and set it off, let it let it off,I"ll never stop if you stick by my side, wooooShes suchs a vibrant thang a virbant thanghow she work that thang and twurk that thing and Igive a chance so she could hang with aboss for days and still no name,kellis chick ya shes kinda bossy,I never did time cause them years"ll cost menew six ain"t color of coffee and I stayiced out like my name was frosty,see shorty she tha different typetake home to mother might make ya wife,walk like a model but the thugish typepops taugh the game so I play it right,she with me and I"m labeled a prince,you ain"t never had a girl like this,no no, colbyo the games a raptell them other cats to take a nap yeaBaby they wanna take you away from me,but that"s not gonna happen not to us O no,they wanna take you away from mebut the bond we have is stronger than they know,they wanna take you away from me,I ain"t your average joe,they wanna take you away,they they wanna takethey wanna take take you away.

谁知道这首歌的名字?歌词有i wanna take you away

take you away

If winter comes will spring be far away中文意思是什么???


NO AWAY OUT 是什么意思?




NO AWAY OUT 是什么意思?

no way out:没有出路了,出不去了 如: Come back!There is no way out.


做立体字需要调整的步骤比较多,大概告诉你工具及调整颜色的地方,其他的你多试试吧!——新时创电脑学校 希望可以帮到您!



bring in laws

1.bring along 把...一起带来 2.bring back 归还 3.bring ...out 发表,拿出 4.bring up 抚养,呕吐 5.bring on 引起 6.bring in 引来,引进,介绍,收入,领……进来 7.bring ...forward 提出;提前 (= put forward) 8.bring about 带来,造成 ------------------------------------------------ 与 bring 有关的重要词组: bring down :使 … 下降,倒下;击落 bring up :教育,教养(儿童);提出(议题,计划);打断 bring in :引进;赚钱,获利;收(庄稼等) bring …to an end :结束 bring …to life :使 … 苏醒 bring …to light :发现;将 … 公之于世 bring …to mind :想起 bring …to pass :使……发生;促成 ★其实这里实际上“in”是与some photos 连接在一起的 的

judgement as a matter of law什么意思

judgement as a matter of law字面的意思是:作为法律的判决。在联邦民事程序规则中 JNOV 被称为 Renewed Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law ,而将 Direct Verdict ,即法官认为案件事实清楚不需交付陪审团而直接作出的判决称为 Judgment as a Matter of Law。



On my way home I saw a dog ( )on the ground.

正确的答案:C. lied.





谁的空间有avril 的slipped away,请让我转载,一定给分,或者帮忙找适合的代码,重谢


有一首歌的歌词大概是“I am the one and only,you can‘t take that away form for me。”是什么歌?

The one and only



So Far Away 歌词

歌曲名:So Far Away歌手:Staind专辑:14 Shades Of GreySo Far AwayStaindThis is my lifeIt"s not what it was beforeAll these feelings I"ve sharedAnd these are my dreamsThat I"d never lived beforeSomebody shake meCause I, I must be sleepingNow that we"re here,It"s so far awayAll the struggle we thought was in vainAll the mistakes,One life containedThey all finally start to go awayNow that we"re here it"s so far awayAnd I feel like I can face the dayI can forgive and I"m not ashamedto be the person that I am todayThese are my wordsThat I"ve never said beforeI think I"m doing okAnd this is the smileThat I"ve never shown beforeSomebody shake meCause I, I must be sleepingNow that we"re here,It"s so far awayAll the struggle we thought was in vainAll the mistakes,One life containedThey all finally start to go awayNow that we"re here it"s so far awayAnd I feel like I can face the dayI can forgive and I"m not ashamedto be the person that I am todayI"m so afraid of wakingPlease don"t shake meAfraid of wakingPlease don"t shake meNow that we"re here,It"s so far awayAll the struggle we thought was in vainAll the mistakes,One life containedThey all finally start to go awayNow that we"re here it"s so far awayAnd I feel like I can face the dayI can forgive and I"m not ashamedto be the person that I am today

求歌词中有一句baby you are far away 的歌名,女声,far音拉长

Far Away From Home——Groove Coverage

歌词中有一句。貌似是 the end of the day she goes away 大概是这样吧。

at the end of the day 歌手:les miserables 专辑:les miserables (act 1) At the end of the day you"re another day olderAnd that"s all you can say for the life of the poorIt"s a struggle, it"s a warAnd there"s nothing that anyone"s givingOne more day, standing about, what is it for?One day less to be living.At the end of the day you"re another day colderAnd the shirt on your back doesn"t keep out the chillAnd the righteous hurry pastThey don"t hear the little ones cryingAnd the winder is coming on fast, ready to killOne day nearer to dying!At the end of the day there"s another day dawningAnd the sun in the morning is waiting to riseLike the waves crash on the sandLike a storm that"ll break any secondThere"s a hunger in the landThere"s a reckoning still to be reckonedAnd there"s gonna be hell to payAt the end of the day![The foreman and workers, including Fantine, emerge.]ForemanAt the end of the day you get nothing for nothingSitting flat on your butt doesn"t buy any breadWorkersThere are children back at homeAnd the children have got to be fedAnd you"re lucky to be in a jobAnd in a bed!And we"re counting our blessings!WomenHave you seen how the foreman is fuming today?With his terrible breath and his wandering hands?It"s because little Fantine won"t give him his wayTake a look at his trousers, you"ll see where he stands!And the boss, he never knowsThat the foreman is always in heatIf Fantine doesn"t look outWatch how she goesLes MiserablesShe"ll be out on the street!WorkersAt the end of the day it"s another day overWith enough in your pocket to last for a weekPay the landlord pay the shopKeep on grafting as long as you"re ableKeep on grafting till you dropOr it"s back to the crumbs on the tableYou"ve got to pay your wayAt the end of the day!GirlWhat have we here, little innocent sister?Come on Fantine, let"s have all the news![She grabs the letter from Fantine.]"Dear Fantine you must send us more money...Your child needs a doctor...There"s no time to lose!"FantineGive that letter to meIt is none of your businessWith a husband at homeAnd a bit on the sideIs there anyone hereWho can swear before GodShe has nothing to fear?She has nothing to hide?[They fight over the letter. Valjean rushes over tobreak up the squabble.]Valjean (as M. Madeleine)What is this fighting all about?Will someone tear these two apart?This is a factory, not a circus!Now come on ladies, settle downI run a business of reputeI am the Mayor of this town[To the foreman...]I look to you to sort this outAnd be as patient as you can---[He goes back into the factory.]Now someone say how this began!GirlAt the end of the day she"s the one who began itThere"s a kid that she"s hiding in some little townThere"s a man she has to payYou can guess how she picks up the extraYou can bet she"s earning her keep sleeping aroundAnd the boss wouldn"t like it!FantineYes it"s true there"s a childAnd the child is my daughterAnd her father abandoned us leaving us flatNow she lives with an innkeeper man and his wifeAnd I pay for the childWhat"s the matter with that??WomenAt the end of the day she"ll be nothing but troubleAnd there"s trouble for all when there"s trouble for oneWhile we"re earning our daily breadShe"s the one with her hands in the butterYou must send the slut awayOr we"re all gonna end in the gutterAnd it"s us who"ll have to payAt the end of the day!ForemanI might have known the bitch could biteI might have known the cat had clawsI might have guessed your little secretAh, yes, the virtuous FantineWho keeps herself so pure and cleanYou"d be the cause I had no doubtOf any trouble hereaboutYou play a virgin in the lightBut need no urgin" in the night.GirlShe"s been laughing at youWhile she"s having her menWomenShe"ll be nothing but trouble again and againWorkersYou must sack her todaySack the girl today!ForemanRight my girl!On your way...

I Saw The Light 歌词

歌曲名:I Saw The Light歌手:Hank Williams专辑:An Introduction ToThe The"I Saw the Light"歌词I wandered so aimless, life filled with sinI wouldn"t let my dear savior inThen jesus came like a stranger in the nightPraise the lord, i saw the lightI saw the light, i saw the lightNo more darkness, no more nightNow i"m so happy, no sorrow in sightPraise the lord, i saw the lightJust like a blind man, i wandered aloneWorries and fears i claimed for my ownThen like the blind man that god gave back his sightPraise the lord, i saw the lightI saw the light, i saw the lightNo more darkness, no more nightNow i"m so happy, no sorrow in sightPraise the lord, i saw the lightI was a fool to wander and strayFor straight is the gate and narrow the wayNow i have traded the wrong for the rightPraise the lord, i saw the lightI saw the light, i saw the lightNo more darkness, no more nightNow i"m so happy, no sorrow insightPraise the lord, i saw the lightI saw the light, i saw the lightI saw the light, i saw the lightI saw the light, i saw the lightI saw the light, i saw the light

I Saw The Light 歌词

歌曲名:I Saw The Light歌手:The Oak Ridge Boys专辑:The Gospel CollectionThe The"I Saw the Light"歌词I wandered so aimless, life filled with sinI wouldn"t let my dear savior inThen jesus came like a stranger in the nightPraise the lord, i saw the lightI saw the light, i saw the lightNo more darkness, no more nightNow i"m so happy, no sorrow in sightPraise the lord, i saw the lightJust like a blind man, i wandered aloneWorries and fears i claimed for my ownThen like the blind man that god gave back his sightPraise the lord, i saw the lightI saw the light, i saw the lightNo more darkness, no more nightNow i"m so happy, no sorrow in sightPraise the lord, i saw the lightI was a fool to wander and strayFor straight is the gate and narrow the wayNow i have traded the wrong for the rightPraise the lord, i saw the lightI saw the light, i saw the lightNo more darkness, no more nightNow i"m so happy, no sorrow insightPraise the lord, i saw the lightI saw the light, i saw the lightI saw the light, i saw the lightI saw the light, i saw the lightI saw the light, i saw the light

Drawer Commercial invoice Packing list Bill of exchange Customs invoice

【答案】:Customs invoice$Commercial invoice$Bill of exchange$Packing list$Drawer


draw与paint的用法区别是:在词性上,draw是及物动词,paint是不及物动词。在含义上,draw的基本意思是“画画”。英语单词区分技巧是学习英语单词时必须掌握的技巧之一。下面介绍一些常用的英语单词区分技巧。1、辨认重音:英语单词的重音位置可以影响单词的意义和语法用法。正确识别重音能够帮助识别同音异义词。例如,object是名词,而object是动词时,发音重音位置是不同的。2、注意词头和词尾:英语单词的词头和词尾可以影响单词的意义和语法用法。一些英语前缀、后缀有明显的词根意义,例如pre-, post-, -ible, -able等后缀都有特定的含义。 通过注意词头和词尾,可以帮助区分一些同音异义词。3、注意单复数:英语单词的单复数形式可能有差异。有些单词在单数形式和复数形式中发音、拼写不一样,例如foot和feet。读英语文章时,需要注意单词的单复数形式,以正确理解文章表达的意思。4、注意单词的词性:同一个单词根据不同的词性,其意义也会发生不同的变化。例如,love作为动词时表示“爱”,而作为名词时表示“爱情”。因此,要注意单词的词性以区分同音异义词。5、注意单词的上下文:英语单词在不同的语境中,其意义和用法也会有所不同。上下文是我们理解单词含义的一个非常重要的依据。因此,当我们遇到生词时,一定要仔细阅读文章或句子的整个上下文内容。区分英语单词的重要性:学习英语单词不仅需要掌握其拼写和发音,还需要注意其意义和用法的不同。只有综合运用上述的英语单词区分技巧才能更加快速、准确地理解并使用英语单词。




"Reward" 和 "award" 都可以表示奖励或 awards,但它们在语义上有一些区别。"Reward" 通常指某种行为或活动的奖励,例如获得奖金、荣誉、表扬等。它通常用于描述对某个人、团队、组织或项目的努力或成就给予的正式、公正的奖励。"award" 也可以指对某个人、团队、组织或项目的努力或成就给予的非正式的奖励,例如口头赞扬、礼物、荣誉等。但是, awards 往往更多地用于表示一种肯定、鼓励和赞赏的态度,而不仅仅是一种物质奖励。因此,通常情况下,"Reward" 更常用于描述正式的奖励,而 "award" 更常用于描述非正式的奖励。

Jahan is new to the hospitality industryuff0c she recently won a prestigious customer service awarduff0e


找一首英文歌,高潮部分好像是 Come back 然后又什么什么away.... 是女歌手唱的。听声音是外国女歌手唱的

我听过一个男歌手唱的,有你说的那些,你也可以听听看run awawy

哪位大神能找到poema的clean getaway歌词?

V1It happened in an instantThe midnight voices got through You were feeling fenced inYou grabbed a change of clothes and your best shoesDid you even pack a single photograph of meOne little memoryYou thought it would be easyMaybe it was for youCI watched you walk awayI still don"t know why I guess you were runningAnd from my windowpane I started to cryAnd if there"s a single sound I"ll never forgetIt"s your engine rumblingWish you"d seen the mess that you madeWith your clean getawayV2Standing in the hallwayI hear the echo of your footstepsBlue eyes and your last nameAre the only things that you leftAre we still a family, did you ever love meWere you ever happyDoubt I"ll ever knowHope you find what you"re looking forBWhen I grow up, I"ll never be like youWhen I grow up, I"ll never be like you, like youDown ChorusCause I watched you walk away, I still don"t know whyAnd from my windowpane I started to cry

辨析take up ,take in ,take off ,take away

take up主要是占据的意思,也有接替的意思,给你举个例子,比如你父亲有一家企业,现在他年龄大了,要退休了你去接替他就用take uptake in的意思是欺骗,也可以说欺骗某某而取代某某的位置take off是飞机的起飞take away 就是拿走。带走

take up 和take away的区别是什么

关注 take up的意思相对来讲更加丰富有1.拿起,举起(物) ;2.开始(工作,产生兴趣等,尤其指做以前从未做过的事,或作为消遣的方式) ;3.继续(中断的活),接下去;4.占据(空间上)。 take away意思较少有1.放回原位的意思;2.拿开;3.剥夺

one take raw demo什么意思

one take raw demo一个把原始演示

take up 和 take away 有什么区别

take up1. 开始从事When did he take up football?他是什么时候开始踢足球的?2. 占用;化去The work took up all his time.那工作花费了他所有的时间。take away1. 带走,拿走Who took away my pen?谁拿走了我的钢笔?




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