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如何评价 ayawawa 的理论




s10 苏宁打滔博 完整4场比赛米勒和wawa解说版本的视频在哪里能看?







去年的热门歌曲,应该不会错。Wild Wild Love演唱:PitbullAll this wild wild love of usIt can"t be tamed, noAll this wild wild love of usIt can"t be tamed, noFor better or worseA blessing or a curseLong live this wild wild love of usLong live this wild wild loveLadies and gentlemanYou"re looking at the next play boyWho you?That"s right, Armando Christian PerezAnd when it comes to that pretty little beauty cutieDon"t stop get it get it baby let me pay itI got that wild loveLove to get wild dirty freaky nasty, yeah I said itI"ll make you lose your heart and your mind at the same tiimeDon"t believe, bet itI"m obsessed with that wild love for sureEven though it"s a kiss one to twoIt"s a gift and curse for sureBut baby you know that you love it too, that"s whyYou need it, you want it

ayawawa 石头男和布男的区别



其实很好理解啊。think level,是扑克里面的用语。思维等级。就是dandy想到了juejue打野可能做的第一步与之后的第二步,但juejue只做了第一步,打乱了dandy的节奏。其实就是juejue不按常理出牌,反而让dandy考虑不到。




希望采纳~~~对照下贴韩文歌词自翻uc640uc640(Wawa) - ub9d0ud574ubcfcuae4c吗累不噶 撒狼含大姑~ 吗累不噶 去哇含大姑~ 怒噶目啦度 拿也给耨不一啦谷~图滚图滚地嫩卡死没~图滚图滚到料无嫩dei ~一龙内吗恩偶都K吗len海呀内吗啊啦剧噶~偶都K 吗累不噶撒狼含大吗啦谬退噶去哇含大姑KI 娘所几卡给吗累不噶里龙剧啊啦大谬工不度投黑怒哭痛度囧目哇图谷海过哈嫩虎会len偶嫩sei 一苏K 叫卡嫩耨也考罗林~谷白len为诶所累一谬俊比含内考铺林偶都K 全内剧谬内吗啊啦剧龙几啊几度买目她谷一嫩内噶怕不几秋用一苏撒一den全话考罗 吗累不噶啊你谬难加他给肯苏里录 吗累不噶难耨也nun你都拍里退苏度一搜你噶王含大谬KI 目哇系啦度退苏一搜就跟恩死死罗谷铺谷罗gin哈几漫谷白len含大嫩给KI 里系几安几漫掐俊心目度泡里谷搜一买海呀给搜虎会(偶铺)死料谬 虎会(偶铺)死料谬~吗累不噶 撒狼含大姑~ 吗累不噶 去哇含大姑~ 怒噶目啦度 拿也给耨不一啦谷~图滚图滚地嫩卡死没~图滚图滚到料无嫩dei ~一龙内吗恩偶都K吗len海呀内吗啊啦剧噶?撒狼一撒狼len撒狼哈谬恩掐心也票狼gi 忒目里娘kin将哈谷看就里给退大嫩过一接啊啦搜KI 累搜拿药系气跟偶den买len黑呀哈拿无王chua王哈谷一搜拿也给耨目拿夸本含撒狼一蓝过啊啦内噶投(欧普)系度不粗含撒狼一蓝过啊啦KI 累度 目森噶几怕亲dei 度哈拿度啊噶几噶啊嫩金系奥林撒狼一蓝过啊啦彭没撒谷彭没去嫩彭僧彭撒音僧难也给啊系文苏丽海本叫偶嫩dei耨也给内噶梦叫谷白哈料你噶瓶苏诶昂拿den几len黑不料你噶就跟恩死死罗谷铺谷罗gin哈几漫谷白len含大嫩给KI 里系几安几漫掐俊心目度泡里谷搜一买海呀给搜虎会(偶铺)死料谬 虎会(偶铺)死料谬~吗累不噶 撒狼含大姑~ 吗累不噶 去哇含大姑~ 怒噶目啦度 拿也给耨不一啦谷~图滚图滚地嫩卡死没~图滚图滚到料无嫩dei ~一龙内吗恩偶都K 吗len海呀内吗啊啦剧噶?拿度亲跟过KI 大料哇搜拿也给谷白黑剧key~耨也孙苏含吗恩米去哇谷米哈几吗谷一接吗累就吗累不噶 撒狼含大姑~ 吗累不噶 去哇含大姑~ 怒噶目啦度 拿也给耨不一啦谷~图滚图滚地嫩卡死没~ 图滚图滚到料无嫩dei ~一龙内吗恩偶都K 吗len海呀内吗啊啦剧噶?吗累不噶 撒狼含大姑~ 吗累不噶 去哇含大姑~ 怒噶目啦度 拿也给耨不一啦谷~图滚图滚地嫩卡死没~ 图滚图滚到料无嫩dei ~一龙内吗恩偶都K 吗len海呀内吗啊啦剧噶?==================================ub9d0ud574ubcfcuae4c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0~ ub9d0ud574ubcfcuae4c uc88buc544ud55cub2e4uace0~ub204uac00ubb50ub798ub3c4 ub098uc5d0uac90 ub108ubfd0uc774ub77cuace0~ub450uadfcub450uadfc ub6f0ub294uac00uc2b4uc5d0~ ub450uadfcub450uadfc ub5a8ub824uc624ub294ub370~uc774ub7f0 ub0b4ub9c8uc74c uc5b4ub5a1ud574 ub9d0uc744 ud574uc57c ub0b4ub9d8 uc54cuc544uc904uae4c?uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ub9d0ud574ubcfcuae4c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4 ub9d0ud558uba74ub420uae4c uc88buc544ud55cub2e4uace0 uadf8ub0e5 uc194uc9c1ud558uac8c ub9d0ud574ubcfcuae4cuc774ub7f4uc904 uc54cuc558ub2e4uba74 uacf5ubd80ub3c4 ub354ud574ub193uace0 ub3c8ub3c4 uc880 ubaa8uc544ub450uace0 ud560uaec4 ud558ub294 ud6c4ud68cub97c...uc5b4ub290uc0c8 uc775uc219ud574uc838 uac00ub294 ub108uc758 uceecub7ecub9c1~uace0ubc31uc744 uc704ud574 uc124ub808uc774uba70 uc900ube44ud55c ub0b4 ucee4ud50cub9c1uc5b4ub5bbuac8c uc804ud574uc8fcuba74 ub0b4 ub9d8 uc54cuc544uc904ub7f0uc9c0 uc544uc9c1ub3c4 ub9d0 ubabbud558uace0 uc788ub294 ub0b4uac00 ubc14ubcf4uc9c0uc870uc6a9ud788 uc18duc0aduc774ub4ef uc804ud65cuac78uc5b4 ub9d0ud574ubcfcuae4cuc544ub2c8uba74 ub0a8uc790ub2f5uac8c ud070 uc18cub9acub85c ub9d0ud574ubcfcuae4cub09c ub108uc758 ub208uc774 ub610 ubc1cuc774 ub420 uc218ub3c4 uc788uc5b4 ub2c8uac00 uc6d0ud55cub2e4uba74 uadf8 ubb34uc5c7uc774ub77cub3c4 ub420 uc218 uc788uc5b4uc870uae08uc740 uc465uc2a4ub7fduace0 ubd80ub044ub7fduae34 ud558uc9c0ub9ccuace0ubc31uc744 ud55cub2e4ub294uac8c uadf8ub9acuc27duc9c4 uc54auc9c0ub9cc uc790uc874uc2ec ubaa8ub450 ubc84ub9acuace0uc11c uc774ub9d0 ud574uc57cuaca0uc5b4 ud6c4ud68c uc5c6uc73cub824uba74 ud6c4ud68c uc5c6uc73cub824uba74~ub9d0ud574ubcfcuae4c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0~ ub9d0ud574ubcfcuae4c uc88buc544ud55cub2e4uace0~ub204uac00ubb50ub798ub3c4 ub098uc5d0uac90 ub108ubfd0uc774ub77cuace0~ub450uadfcub450uadfc ub6f0ub294uac00uc2b4uc5d0~ ub450uadfcub450uadfc ub5a8ub824uc624ub294ub370~uc774ub7f0 ub0b4ub9c8uc74c uc5b4ub5a1ud574 ub9d0uc744 ud574uc57c ub0b4ub9d8 uc54cuc544uc904uae4c?uc0acub78cuc774 uc0acub78cuc744 uc0acub791ud558uba74uc740 uc800uc0b0uc758 ubcbcub791 ub05duc5d0 ubab0ub9b0ub0e5 uae34uc7a5ud558uace0 uac04uc870ub9acuac8c ub41cub2e4ub294uac78uc774uc81c uc54cuc558uc5b4 uadf8ub798uc11c ub098 uc5educ2dc uc9c0uae08 uc5b4ub5a4ub9d0uc744 ud574uc57cud558ub098 uc6b0uc655uc88cuc655 ud558uace0uc788uc5b4ub098uc5d0uac90 ub108ubb34ub098 uacfcubd84ud55cuc0acub78c uc774ub780uac78uc54cuc544 ub0b4uac00 ud131uc5c6uc774ub3c4 ubd80uc871ud55cuc0acub78c uc774ub780uac78uc54cuc544uadf8ub798ub3c4 ubaa9uc228uae4cuc9c0 ubc14uce5cub300ub3c4 ud558ub098ub3c4 uc544uae5duc9c0uac00uc54auc740 uc9c4uc2e4uc5b4ub9b0 uc0acub791uc774ub780uac78 uc54cuc544ud3fcuc5d0uc0b4uace0 ud3fcuc5d0uc8fdub294 ud3fcuc0ddud3fcuc0ac uc778uc0ddub0a8uc5d0uac8c uc544uc26cuc6b4 uc18cub9ac ud574 ubcf8uc801uc5c6ub294ub370ub108uc5d0uac8c ub0b4uac00 uba3cuc800 uace0ubc31ud558ub824ub2c8uae4cud3c9uc18cuc5d0 uc548ud558ub358uc9d3uc744 ud574ubcf4ub824ub2c8uae4cuc870uae08uc740 uc465uc2a4ub7fduace0 ubd80ub044ub7fduae34 ud558uc9c0ub9ccuace0ubc31uc744 ud55cub2e4ub294uac8c uadf8ub9acuc27duc9c4 uc54auc9c0ub9cc uc790uc874uc2ec ubaa8ub450 ubc84ub9acuace0uc11c uc774ub9d0 ud574uc57cuaca0uc5b4 ud6c4ud68c uc5c6uc73cub824uba74 ud6c4ud68c uc5c6uc73cub824uba74~ub9d0ud574ubcfcuae4c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0~ ub9d0ud574ubcfcuae4c uc88buc544ud55cub2e4uace0~ub204uac00ubb50ub798ub3c4 ub098uc5d0uac90 ub108ubfd0uc774ub77cuace0~ub450uadfcub450uadfc ub6f0ub294uac00uc2b4uc5d0~ ub450uadfcub450uadfc ub5a8ub824uc624ub294ub370~uc774ub7f0 ub0b4ub9c8uc74c uc5b4ub5a1ud574 ub9d0uc744 ud574uc57c ub0b4ub9d8 uc54cuc544uc904uae4c?ub098ub3c4 uc9c0uae08uaecf uae30ub2e4ub824uc654uc5b4 ub098uc5d0uac8c uace0ubc31ud574uc8fcuae38~ub108uc758 uc21cuc218ud55c ub9c8uc74cuc774uc88buc544 uace0ubbfcud558uc9c0ub9d0uace0 uc774uc820 ub9d0ud574uc918~ub9d0ud574ubcfcuae4c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0~ ub9d0ud574ubcfcuae4c uc88buc544ud55cub2e4uace0~ub204uac00ubb50ub798ub3c4 ub098uc5d0uac90 ub108ubfd0uc774ub77cuace0~ub450uadfcub450uadfc ub6f0ub294uac00uc2b4uc5d0~ ub450uadfcub450uadfc ub5a8ub824uc624ub294ub370~uc774ub7f0 ub0b4ub9c8uc74c uc5b4ub5a1ud574 ub9d0uc744 ud574uc57c ub0b4ub9d8 uc54cuc544uc904uae4c?ub9d0ud574ubcfcuae4c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0~ ub9d0ud574ubcfcuae4c uc88buc544ud55cub2e4uace0~ub204uac00ubb50ub798ub3c4 ub098uc5d0uac90 ub108ubfd0uc774ub77cuace0~ub450uadfcub450uadfc ub6f0ub294uac00uc2b4uc5d0~ ub450uadfcub450uadfc ub5a8ub824uc624ub294ub370~uc774ub7f0 ub0b4ub9c8uc74c uc5b4ub5a1ud574 ub9d0uc744 ud574uc57c ub0b4ub9d8 uc54cuc544uc904uae4c?




最近轰动一时的海岛奇兵排行榜第一玩家wawawalawa永封账号事件,相信很多海岛奇兵玩家都已经听说过了吧,而wawa之所以会被永封账号,是因为他涉嫌使用淘宝进行黑卡充值,那么什么叫做黑卡充值?我们又该怎么辨别黑卡充值呢?1.首先我们需要什么是黑卡:黑卡是指盗用他人信用卡进行消费,或者使用信用卡欺骗形式为游戏充值的情况。2、购买(IOS充值卡)一定要看价格,价格过低的话黑卡的几率就很大3、不要找那种找你要账号密码后代充的,这种99.99%都是黑卡,4、不要贪小便宜,这是最好最有效避免黑卡充值的方法5、为了安全,深空高玩建议大家最好还是在游戏中直接使用支付宝来充值比较,虽然价格比较昂贵,但比淘宝和5173更具安全性海岛奇兵电脑版(Boom Beach)PC安卓破解版v29.115




姓名:钟思华   英文名:Cherry   体重:42kg   身高:163cm   星座:双子座   出生地:潮州   生日:5月28日   获奖经历:2006雅虎搜星六强演出经历:拍摄广州电视台《天生一对》综艺节目;中国第一部僵尸片《古墓魅影》   喜欢做的三类事:洗个澡睡大觉,起床后大吃一顿,讲冷笑话。   不喜欢做的三类事:走路时讨厌穿高跟鞋走路,打针吃药,被蚊子咬。   喜欢的三类人:朋友、家人、成功人士。   不喜欢的三类人:自大的人、不孝顺的人、自私的人。   最想推荐给别人的三本书:《卫斯里》、《福尔摩斯》和少女漫画。   艺人生涯:2003年参加“粤东地区百事流行青柠杯第一届街舞大赛”荣获齐舞组冠军   2003年参加潮州市青少年百事新生代歌唱大赛暨百事全国新星大赛选拔赛荣获亚军   2006年“雅虎搜星”张纪中组全国六强   2008年”COCO杂志奥运特刊封面女孩甄选活动”总冠军   2009年 参加最新七喜广告拍摄   演出经历:   节 目:广州电视台《天生一对》综艺节目;南方电视台《美人娱》-嘉宾,广州电视台《心水保姆》-客串嘉宾主持,香港点心卫视《超级消费王》-嘉宾,香港点心卫视《解码珠三角》-嘉宾等。   歌曲MTV:古巨基-《我们的彩虹》MTV女主角   新人组合《夹子道》-《等爱》MTV女主角   电 影:香港电影《古墓魅影》饰胡副官妻子;电影<<宅男>>饰学生妹;   情 景 短 剧:南方电视台TVS-3《开心吧》   电 视 剧:年代戏-《大剧院》饰美兰   TVC电视广告以及各类产品,服装平面广告等



奔驰r350tow-away protection on什么意思?


奔驰r350tow-away protection on什么意思?




Flyleaf的《Swept Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Swept Away歌手:Flyleaf专辑:Memento MoriFlyleaf - Swept AwayThe evil fell from your pretty mouthWrapped in your classic voiceAngelic in your syntax, demonic in your motiveYour pretty eyes don"t knowThat the water flowing from this well isn"t freshDemolish all that sets you up against your rising upConfessing all that"s broken and watch the healing comeSpread out your open handsAdmit you"ve held them shutTurn all the way aroundBe swept away by thisTime for surrenderSpread out your open handsAnd He will raise you upConfessing all that"s brokenAnd watch the healing comeSpread out your open handsAdmit you"ve held them shutBe swept away by thisYour clothes are smooth and spotlessThe air is putrid sewageDownwind of your pressed church clothesYour eyes are black and emptyYour deeds are just for showingHow big and bright your fake smile glowsI see you moving and their getting scaredTheir eyes are focusing on something elseYou"re staring at me and I stare at youI rage against everything that you doSee them surrenderSpread out your open handsAnd he will raise you upConfessing all that"s brokenLook at the healing comeSpread out your open handsAdmit you"ve held them shutBe swept away by thisI see you moving and their getting scaredTheir eyes are focusing on something elseYou"re staring at me and I stare at youI rage against everything that you doSo get this hell out out of my wayThere"s nothing more that you can say soGet this hell out, get this hell out, out out of my wayWe spread our open handsAnd He is rising upRepairing all that"s brokenLook at the healing comeWe spread our open handsForgiveness holds them upWe"re swept away by this

swept away是什么意思



绘制一段弧线,它表示由一对坐标、宽度和高度指定的椭圆部分。public void drawArc(RectF oval, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, boolean useCenter, Paint paint)oval :指定圆弧的外轮廓矩形区域。startAngle: 圆弧起始角度,单位为度。sweepAngle: 圆弧扫过的角度,顺时针方向,单位为度。useCenter: 如果为True时,在绘制圆弧时将圆心包括在内,通常用来绘制扇形。paint: 绘制圆弧的画板属性,如颜色,是否填充等。本例演示了drawArc的四种不同用法,1. 填充圆弧但不含圆心:mPaints[0] = new Paint();mPaints[0].setAntiAlias(true);mPaints[0].setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL);mPaints[0].setColor(0x88FF0000);mUseCenters[0] = false;2. 填充圆弧带圆心(扇形)mPaints[1] = new Paint(mPaints[0]);mPaints[1].setColor(0x8800FF00);mUseCenters[1] = true;3. 只绘圆周,不含圆心mPaints[2] = new Paint(mPaints[0]);mPaints[2].setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);mPaints[2].setStrokeWidth(4);mPaints[2].setColor(0x880000FF);mUseCenters[2] = false;4. 只绘圆周,带圆心(扇形)mPaints[3] = new Paint(mPaints[2]);mPaints[3].setColor(0x88888888);mUseCenters[3] = true;

RAW 264.7小鼠巨噬细胞是小鼠单核巨噬细胞白血病细胞吗?想在上海细胞库买,不知道这两者是一样的吗?

应该是的,atcc细胞库网站上的描述是macrophage; Abelson murine leukemia virus transformed。以及这个细胞我养过,传代不能用胰酶消化。。。密度也不能高。。。





菜鸟问题: jdk, jar, javaw, javac, javah分别是什么??






a red light for scofflaws这篇文章的翻译


acca f3里drawing是什么


Nik Kershaw的《Roses》 歌词

歌曲名:Roses歌手:Nik Kershaw专辑:The RiddleMaximilian Hecker - RoseMy life is swingingMy life is endlessIt is endlessly falling down from heavenAnd you will be washed to my shoreSo light, so brightYour face is shining above meHeavy rainfalls and fragile guidance inside meRoses, oh I beg you to blind me with loveCome down, feed me with starsthat you"ve stolen from heavenWaste me, kill me with one single glance into my eyesRoses, oh I beg you to blind me with loveSo light, so brightYour face is shining above meHeavy rainfalls and fragile guidance inside meRoses, oh I beg you to blind me with loveCome down, feed me with starsthat you"ve stolen from heavenWaste me, kill me with one single glance into my eyesRoses, oh I beg you to blind me with loveMy life is swingingMy life is endlessIt is endlessly falling down from heavenAnd you will be washed to my shoreBelieve in goldminesBelieve in cryingFear in your sweet hair reminds me of the silent daysI don"t fear deathThere"s no place for meHeal my soulBe my raincoat, RosesHeal my soulBe my raincoat, RosesHeal my soulBe my raincoat, RosesAlthough I"m swingingMy life is overIt is over希望能跟热爱音乐的人们交上朋友

when he found then jaws had run away什么意思

when he found then jaws had run away 然后发现下颚已经跑了他重点词汇释义found创办,成立,建立; 找到; 发现( find的过去式); 到达; 发觉then然后; 那么; 那时; 话说回来; 当时的; 那时的jaws颌; 口; 狭口; 咽喉; 鬼门关; 下巴( jaw的名词复数 ); 口部; 狭窄入口run away逃跑,走掉; 逃脱; 流走[掉]; 出奔

shoulder ;chin; jaw ;should ;这英语用谐音怎么读?


jaw多媒体 触控智能一体机怎样和手机连接



jaw和jaws的区别:一个是单数,一个是复数。jaws是jaw的复数形式,同时jaws也是jaw的第三人称单数。jaw的现在分词: jawingjaw的过去式:和过去分词都是 jawedjaw名词形式的翻译有: 颌;颚;嘴;门;口部;穴;下颌;下巴;无脊椎动物用来撕咬的口部;险境动词形式有: 絮叨;闲聊例句有:His broken jaw made it impossible for him to chew. 他的颌裂了,不能嚼东西了。The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work. 台钳上有刻痕的虎钳牙帮助它紧咬住工件。


jaw意思是:颌;下巴;狭窄入口;唠叨。jaw,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“颌;下巴;狭窄入口;唠叨;人名;乔”,作及物动词时意为“教训;对……唠叨”,作不及物动词时意为教训;唠叨。第三人称单数:jaws,复数:jaws,现在分词:jawing,过去式:jawed,过去分词:jawed。双语例句Results 31 patients were satisfied with the results after two jaw surgery operation. 结果31例经双颌外科手术患者均取得良好效果,术后随访有2例术后七年复发,其余29例效果稳定。The dolphin has evolved a highly developed jaw. 海豚已经进化形成高度发达的下颌。His jaw was broken after he was hit on the head. 他的头部受重击之后下颌骨折了。


jaw意思如下:N:下巴;颌;唠叨;狭窄入口。Vi:闲谈;唠唠叨叨,喋喋不休;教训。词源:jaw下巴,来自Proto-Germanic-kawo;或来自kewwana咀嚼,词源同chew。jaw用法和例句:1、In prehistoric times,a broken jaw could have ended up being a fatal injury.在史前时代,折断的下巴最终可能会成为一个致命伤。2、When billy told candice this roughly three months before the wedding,her jaw dropped.当比利在婚礼举办前三个月把这件事告诉坎迪斯时,她的下巴都掉了下来。3、He was knocked out cold and thought his jaw was broken.他被打昏了,而且以为自己的下颌被打断了。

open jaw是什么意思 简单点




Jaw fossil好还是sail fossil好

通关建议JAW,暴君龙,另一个化石冰岩属性通关太伤,各种4倍2倍弱点选了JAW哭瞎,外形不萌啊其实谁都能通关,选喜欢的吧口袋妖怪系列是一套由日本GAME FREAK代表田尻智于1995年开发,日本任天堂株式会社于1996年推出的一款Game Boy(任天堂所推出之掌上型游戏机)游戏,其后发展为跨越各界媒体的作品。口袋妖怪系列游戏以角色扮演(RPG)为主,辅以战略和动作游戏。在这一系列的游戏中,玩家总是作为一位PM(pokemon)训练家到各地旅行,完成各种交付的任务,并沿途与PM训练家挑战,不断提升自己的战斗能力,打败八大道馆的首领和四大天王,最终与冠军战斗,取得最后的胜利。当然,游戏最大的乐趣并不只是在战斗,而是收集、捕捉各种各样可爱的精灵,完成口袋妖怪图鉴。由于许多精灵在游戏中只有1只,而且一旦捕捉失败就没有第二次的机会,可以说非常珍贵,加上每部作品的最后一只精灵更是要通过特殊的方法才能得到,因此,精灵的捕捉更是成为游戏一大乐趣

Tiger opened his jaws wide.这句话中,下巴jaw为什么要加s老虎双下巴?






My jaw was on the floor


《大白鲨》的英文为何是《Jaws》不是《the white shark》。Jaw不是颚的意思吗?

英译汉通常不是只看字面的意思,可以根据内容来意译,翻译的具有中国文化特色。 比如《水浒传》在英文中竟然有的译成《发生在水边的故事》,肤浅之极,也是因为外国人不懂中国文化,但在英译汉中就不会发生这样的事。



英语大牛 chin和jaw有啥区别? 似乎都是下巴

chin 嘴巴下面的部分,可以用手指捏住的,通常说尖尖的下巴,指的就是这个,男人长山羊胡子的地方就是chin; jaw 一般都是复数,包括上下颚,所含部分比chin 大,还包括下端的腮帮子;


draw英 [dru0254:] 美 [dru0254] jaw英 [du0292u0254:] 美 [du0292u0254]





jaw多媒体 触控智能一体机怎样和手机连接



jaw意思如下:N:下巴;颌;唠叨;狭窄入口。Vi:闲谈;唠唠叨叨,喋喋不休;教训。词源:jaw下巴,来自Proto-Germanic-kawo;或来自kewwana咀嚼,词源同chew。jaw用法和例句:1、In prehistoric times,a broken jaw could have ended up being a fatal injury.在史前时代,折断的下巴最终可能会成为一个致命伤。2、When billy told candice this roughly three months before the wedding,her jaw dropped.当比利在婚礼举办前三个月把这件事告诉坎迪斯时,她的下巴都掉了下来。3、He was knocked out cold and thought his jaw was broken.他被打昏了,而且以为自己的下颌被打断了。



21pilots fallaway中文歌词

Son, you"ve got a way to fall 孩子,在你降落之后They"ll tell you where to go 他们虽然不明白But they won"t know 却会告诉你向哪里走</PRE><PRE >Son, you"d better take it all 孩子,你要牢记心头They"ll tell you what they know 他们会把一切告诉你But they won"t show 但是他们不会显露</PRE><PRE >Oh, I"ve got something in my throat Oh,是我哽咽的咽喉I need to be alone 当我痛苦的时候While I suffer 我自己去承受</PRE><PRE >Son, you"ve got a way to kill 孩子,用你杀戮的手They"re picking on you still 他们总会选中你But they don"t know 但是他们并不知道</PRE><PRE >Son, you"d better wait to shine 孩子,在你辉煌的时候They"ll tell you what is yours 他们给了你一切But they"ll take mine 却夺走我的所有</PRE><PRE >Oh, I"ve got something in my throat Oh,是我哽咽的咽喉I need to be alone 当我痛苦的时候While I suffer 我自己去承受</PRE><PRE >Oh, there"s a hole inside my boat Oh,心随漏船在游走I need to stay afloat 就这样随波逐流For the summer long 直到夏天结束后</PRE><PRE >

一个英文单词 shrimp和frawn都是虾的意思,有什么区别吗

shrimp是虾米(虾宝宝那样的个头) prawn是大虾,比如成熟的河虾 lobster是海里的大虾


英文文章中常发生shrimp和prawn混用的情况,使用界限不清。实际上,早在1967年,联台国粮农组织在墨西哥城召开的世界虾类生物学和养殖会议上,一致同意将prawn 一词专用于淡水虾类,而shrimp专指海水或淡咸水虾类。

shrimp 和prawn的区别

澳洲人把虾叫做prawn, 美国人叫虾为shrimp。 在澳洲菜场买虾的时候你说shrimp, 人家会楞一下的。

shrimp 和 prawn 区别是什么?中文翻译是什么

捕小虾Prawn ,shrimp 是比较小的虾,shrimp只能是名词,prawn不仅是名词而且还可以是动词



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mentor 安装卡死在 viewdraw.exe




魏晨在韩国的现场唱的那首runaway 的中文版歌词有没有 尤其是中间那段RAP的!

中文版的 Run anwy 已经在专辑里有了。现在都能搜到


runaway和runoff的区别:读音不同、意思不同、用法不同一、读音不同1.runaway读音:英 [rʌnə"weɪ]     美 [rʌnə"weɪ]    2.runoff读音:英 ["rʌnˌɒf]     美 ["rʌnˌɔːf]    二、意思不同1.runaway意思:逃跑;失去控制2.runoff意思:逃跑;流掉;迅速离开三、用法不同1.runaway用法:除用于动词之后组成短语动词的情况之外, away在句中主要用作状语、表语或补语。偶尔也可用作定语,这时必须前置而不可后置。2.runoff用法:是表示方位的副词,其基本意思是“离开”。用在动词或短语动词之后表示与“离开”有关的各种不同的意思。可以表示“离开”的状态,也可表示“离开”的动作。扩展资料近义短语:chaseawaychaseaway读音:英[tʃeɪsəˈweɪ] 美[tʃeɪsəˈweɪ] 释义:赶走,驱除,逃跑;流掉;离开用法:起引导作用的人或物或遵循他人的计划;chaseaway指为达到某个目的而坚持不懈地紧跟、追赶或追求某人、某物或某种事业。例句:The Vietnamese are slightly better, they just chase us away. 越南人稍微好一些,他们只是把我们赶走。

Runaway (Dj Manion Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway (Dj Manion Remix)歌手:Groove Coverage专辑:Runawayi wannna knowthe structure of your heartwhy did you tearmy broken soul apartis it a dreamor my realityloved and withoutafter warrantyOoO i want to runawayyou tell me nothing else but liesi"m singinOoO i try to runawaycause i just want to live my lifei"m singinOoO i want to runawayas long you are by my sidei"m singinOoO i try to runawaybut i can′t find a place to hideno i am notyour Xing second choiceno i am notturnin down my voiceuntil you understandthere"s nothing to commanduntil you realizethat we can touch the skycan"t you feelinside us controlcan"t you feelthere"s nothing at allOoO i want to runawayyou tell me nothing else but liesi"m singinOoO i try to runawaycause i just want to live my lifei"m singinOoO i want to runawayas long you are by my sidei"m singinOoO i try to runawaybut i can′t find a place to hide

Bon Jovi的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Bon Jovi专辑:Bon Jovi Greatest Hits - The Ultimate CollectionOn the street where you live girls talk about their social lives.They"re made of lipstick, plastic and paint, a touch of sable in their eyes.All your life all you"ve asked when"s your Daddy gonna talk to you.You were living in another world tryin" to get your message through.No one heard a single word you said.They should have seen it in your eyeswhat was going around your heart.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.A different line every night guaranteed to blow your mind.See you out on the streets, call me for a wild time.So you sit home alone "cause there"s nothing left that you can do.There"s only pictures hung in the shadows left there to look at you.You know she likes the lights at nights on the neon Broadway signsShe don"t really mind,it"s only love she hoped to find.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.No one heard a single word she said.They should have seen it in your eyeswhat was going around your heart.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fast,now she works the night away.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fast,now she works the night away.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.

Zebrahead的《runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:runaway歌手:Zebrahead专辑:mfzbShe wakes up in the morningIn the same room that she"s been in her whole lifeAnd everything still looks the sameBut the feeling of the room has changed in spiteShe said:"You don"t know what it"s like to be stuck in my mind"She said:"You don"t know what it"s like to be stuck in my mind all the time"Bruised lips and the make-upTattooed hips and piercedFor the sake of letting everybody knowShe don"t belong hereOld tricks that she made upAttitudeI don"t give a fuckFor the sake of letting everybody knowShe says I won"t belong So longIt"s not a lost causeShe"s just a runawayIs there nothing left for you to say?And if she comes homeDo you think she"ll want to stay?Is there anything for her?She"s a runawayTurn your back on yesterdayShe calls at seven thirtyAnd wants to talk about her boyfriend one last timeMom and Dad are fighting in the background,Shattered glass cuts through red wineI said:"I don"t know that I"m right but I know that you"re wrong"Blacked outPassed out at a partyIn another townWith the same old BacardiNothing ever changes what"s inside meSomeone find me, someone find meMy heart showed me the way outDon"t stopDon"t give up on me nowTwo beats, two streetsToo many repeats to blow my only other way out


Gonna runwhile we"re youngAnd keep the faithKeep the faith!Everydayof our lives,wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight.Gonna runwhile we"re youngand keep the faithEverydayfrom right now,gonna use our voices and scream out loudTake my hand;together wewill celebrate,Ev"ryday!Live ev"ry day!Love ev"ryday!Live ev"ryday!Love ev"ryday!Ev"ryday!Ev"ryday!Ev"ryday!Ev"ryday!Ev"ryday!Ev"ryday!Ev"ryday!

Bon Jovi的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Bon Jovi专辑:2 CdOn the street where you live girls talk about their social lives.They"re made of lipstick, plastic and paint, a touch of sable in their eyes.All your life all you"ve asked when"s your Daddy gonna talk to you.You were living in another world tryin" to get your message through.No one heard a single word you said.They should have seen it in your eyeswhat was going around your heart.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.A different line every night guaranteed to blow your mind.See you out on the streets, call me for a wild time.So you sit home alone "cause there"s nothing left that you can do.There"s only pictures hung in the shadows left there to look at you.You know she likes the lights at nights on the neon Broadway signsShe don"t really mind,it"s only love she hoped to find.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.No one heard a single word she said.They should have seen it in your eyeswhat was going around your heart.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fast,now she works the night away.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fast,now she works the night away.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.

东方神起的《Runaway》 歌词

Runaway作词:H.U.B.作曲:AKIRA演唱:东方神起溢れてるtroublesome game 戦わずhow to gain渋滞抜け出して 自由へのrunawayねぇどこから来てどこに行くの?答えを知るために 生きてるのさtry again try again try again nowtry again try again so I wanna knowtry again try again try again nowtry again try again so I wanna know I don"t wanna know嘘も本当もconfuse それを楽しんでる时计仕挂けeveryday この迷路runaway谁に何を言われてもいい君の声、甘い蜜 ここにあればtry again try again oh what do you want?try again try again oh what do you want? oh what do you want?息が切れるまで抱き合って探し当てた扉 开けてゆこうtry again try again oh what do you want? oh what da you want?


run away词曲:本兮演唱:本兮想再回到旧生活怎样都找不到出口迟早会断了念头什么是对或错判断能力可能减弱谁现在会来帮我你说是我找借口其实并没想逃脱总觉得情绪压迫也不是我的错反正我没有落魄反正没有太过火反正怎样都要活为何不选择run away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my free想再回到旧生活怎样都找不到出口迟早会断了念头什么是对或错判断能力可能减弱谁现在会来帮我你说是我找借口其实并没想逃脱总觉得情绪压迫也不是我的错反正我没有落魄反正没有太过火反正怎样都要活为何不选择run away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my freerun away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my free想再回到旧生活怎样都找不到出口迟早会断了念头什么是对或错判断能力可能减弱谁现在会来帮我run away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my freerun away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my freerun away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my freerun away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my free

Runaway (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway (Album Version)歌手:Linkin Park专辑:Hybrid TheoryLinkin Park - RunawayGraffiti decorationsUnderneath a sky of dustA constant wave of tensionOn top of broken trustThe lessons that you taught meI learn were never trueNow I find myself in questionThey point the finger at me againGuilty by associationYou point the finger at me againI wanna run awayNever say goodbyeI wanna know the truthInstead of wondering whyI wanna know the answersNo more liesI wanna shut the doorAnd open up my mindPaper bags and angry voicesUnder a sky of dustAnother wave of tensionHas more than filled me upAll my talk of taking actionThese words were never trueI gonna run away and never say goodbyeGonna run away, gonna run awayI gonna run away and never wonder whyI gonna run away and open up my mind

Olly Murs的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Olly Murs专辑:Right Place Right Time (Deluxe Edition)RunawayOlly MursButterflies inside, freaking me outI should be walking away but I"m pinned to the groundI can"t get free, no-one"s saving meWalking in the water, seeing what I can findBefore I even knew it I was caught on the lineYou pulled me in, you got under my skinEvery part of my body"s telling me to goTelling me to get outEvery part of my bodies saying I should be goneBut I"m still hereI can"t run away, it"s a losing gameI can"t fight it fight itYou want me and I like itSo I put my hands upI got a white flag flyingOnly you can knock me outI can"t fight it fight itYou want me and I like itIt"s the first time in forever that I"ve been so scaredYou just five foot six, blue eyes, blonde hairAnd I see your faceThere"s no breathing spaceIn my lifeYou stop deep insideTake me homeThen I can goI can"t run away, it"s a losing gameI can"t fight it fight itYou want me and I like itSo I put my hands upI got a white flag flyingOnly you can knock me outI can"t fight it fight itYou want me and I like itOh I can"t fight itNo I can"t fight itEvery part of my body"s telling me to goTelling me to get outEvery part of my bodies saying I should be goneBut I"m still hereI can"t run away, it"s a losing gameI can"t fight it fight itYou want me and I like itSo I put my hands upI got a white flag flyingOnly you can knock me outI can"t fight it fight itYou want me and I like itI can"t fight itOh no I can"t fight it

魏晨的Runaway的歌词,韩文! 韩文的歌词最好写有读音。希望你能去这里学一下韩语的基本读音

Keziah Jones的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Keziah Jones专辑:Liquid SunshineLinkin Park - RunawayGraffiti decorationsUnderneath a sky of dustA constant wave of tensionOn top of broken trustThe lessons that you taught meI learn were never trueNow I find myself in questionThey point the finger at me againGuilty by associationYou point the finger at me againI wanna run awayNever say goodbyeI wanna know the truthInstead of wondering whyI wanna know the answersNo more liesI wanna shut the doorAnd open up my mindPaper bags and angry voicesUnder a sky of dustAnother wave of tensionHas more than filled me upAll my talk of taking actionThese words were never trueI gonna run away and never say goodbyeGonna run away, gonna run awayI gonna run away and never wonder whyI gonna run away and open up my mind


曲风属于funk,这个风格一般都是街舞音乐。WAKE UP 倪安东 这首是中文夹英文不过最类似get outta your mind 这个是hiphop舞曲smash mouth-all star 这个挺好玩的Trespassing-Adam Lambert 这个很老的歌了For Your Entertainment-Adam LambertNever Close Our Eyes-Adam LambertMarry You 火星哥他自己的另一首歌Popular Song (feat. Ariana Gra-Mika)the boy does nothinghit the road jackChristina Aguilera的candyman是百老汇的曲子daring的Letkiss最经典的manbo NO.5 有点嬉皮的感觉Rock Around Clock

Maroon 5的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Maroon 5专辑:Hands All OverMaroon 5 - RunawayWhat am I supposed to do with this time?If there"s so many holes, I stay afloatBut I feel out of controlSo petrified, I"m petrifiedWhat am I supposed to do to get by?Did I lose everything? I need to survive"Cause at 4am, when the sweat sets inDid you get my message? did it send?Or did you just get on with your life? (Oh)I"m taking time to thinking IDon"t think it"s fair for us toTurn around and say goodbyeI have this feeling when IFinally find the words to sayBut I can"t tell you if you turn around andRunaway, runawayWhat am I supposed to do with these clothes?It"s my twisted way of keeping you close yeah yeahI"m a nervous wreck, I"m a broken manDid you get my message? did it send?Or do get along on your own? ohI"m taking time to thinking IDon"t think it"s fair for us toTurn around and say goodbyeI have this feeling when IFinally find the words to sayBut I can"t tell you if you turn around andRunaway, runawayAnd it breaks me down when I see your faceYou look so different but you feel the sameAnd I do not understandI cannot comprehendThe chills your body sendsWhy did it have to end?I"m taking time to thinking IDon"t think it"s fair for us toTurn around and say goodbyeI have this feeling when IFinally find the words to sayBut I can"t tell you if you turn around andRunaway, runaway ohh ohI"m taking time to thinking IDon"t think it"s fair for us toTurn around and say goodbyeAnd I have this feeling when IFinally find the words to sayBut I can"t tell you if you turn around andRunaway, runawayRunaway, runawayTurn around andRunaway, runawayRunaway, runawayBut I can"t tell you if youRunaway, runawayTurn around and runaway

aurora runaway歌词翻译


61 runaway的歌词及翻译~~~

On the street where you live girls talk about their social lives. 在你住的那条街上,女孩们谈论她们的社交生活 They"re made of lipstick, plastic and paint, a touch of sable in their eyes. 那是由唇膏、脂粉以及一抹眼影构成 ALL YOUR LIFE All your life all you"ve asked when"s your Daddy gonna talk to you. 你的一生都在追问你的父亲何时能和你谈谈 You were living in another world tryin" to get your message through. 你生活在另一个世界想把信息传递 No one heard a single word you said. 没人听到你说的一个字 They should have seen it in your eyes 他们应该从你的眼睛里看到 what was going around your heart. 你的心里在想什么 Ooh, she"s a little runaway. Ooh,她是一个出走的小孩 Daddy"s girl learned fast 爸爸的小女儿学得很快 all those things he couldn"t say. 那些一切他所不能说的东西 Ooh, she"s a little runaway. Ooh,她是一个出走的小孩 A different line every night guaranteed to blow your mind. 每晚不同的说教让人心烦意乱 See you out on the streets, call me for a wild time. 看到你站在街上叫我去疯狂一场 So you sit home alone "cause there"s nothing left that you can do. 因为没有什么事做,你独自坐在家中 There"s only pictures hung in the shadows left there to look at you. 只有墙上阴影中的照片看着你 You know she likes the lights at nights on the neon Broadway signs 你知道她喜欢夜晚百老汇的霓虹灯 She don"t really mind, 她并不真的介意 it"s only love she hoped to find. 她只不过要寻找真爱 Ooh, she"s a little runaway. Ooh,她是一个出走的小孩 Daddy"s girl learned fast 爸爸的小女儿学得很快 all those things he couldn"t say. 那些一切他所不能说的东西 Ooh, she"s a little runaway. Ooh,她是一个出走的小孩 No one heard a single word you said. 没人听到你说的一个字 They should have seen it in your eyes 他们应该从你的眼睛里看到 what was going around your heart. 你的心里在想什么 Ooh, she"s a little runaway. Ooh,她是一个出走的小孩 Daddy"s girl learned fast 爸爸的小女儿学得很快 all those things he couldn"t say. 那些一切他所不能说的东西 Ooh, she"s a little runaway. Ooh,她是一个出走的小孩 Ooh, she"s a little runaway. Ooh,她是一个出走的小孩 Daddy"s girl learned fast 爸爸的小女儿学得很快 now she works the night away. 现在她整晚工作
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