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because i was hurt,so i want to take a break为什么take a break不能换成rest


Jessy McCartney的because you live 的歌词

分类: 音乐 解析: Because You Live Jesse McCartney Staring out at the rain with a heavy heart It"s the end of the world in my mind Then your voice calls me back like a wake up call I"ve been looking for the answer Somewhere I couldn"t see that it was right there But now I know what I really know Because you live and breathe Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help Because you live, girl My world has ice as many stars in the sky It"s alright, I survived, I"m alive again Cuz of you, made it though every storm What is life, whats the use if your killed inside I"m so glad I found an angel Someone Who was there when all my hopes fell I wanna fly, looking in your eyes Because you live and breathe Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help Because you live, girl My world has ice as many stars in the sky Because you live, I live Because you live there"s a reason why I carry on when I lose the fight I want to give what you"ve given me always Because you live and breathe Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help Because you live, girl My world has ice as many stars in the sky Because you live and breathe Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help Because you live, girl My world has everything I need to survive Because you live, I live, I live


AUSTRAC是澳大利亚的金融管理机构,负责预防和检测洗钱和恐怖主义融资。联邦政府通过扩大澳大集团首席执行官的权力和职能来提高报告实体与AML/CTF法案和规则的合规姓。在AML/CTF修正案生效后,AUSTRAC有以下的权力: 1、澳大公司的首席执行官可以就更大范围的违法行为发出通知,包括不遵守了解你的客户(KYC)报告和记录保存程序。 2、AUSTRAC首席执行官能够向牌照持有公司发布zui新的政策方向,以追溯其违反义务的情况。 3、赋予警方和海关人员将在澳大利亚边境对违反义务的牌照持有公司的负 责人进行搜查和扣押权。澳洲数姿货币牌照是目前真正权威的数姿货币牌照,它的经营范围可以体现数姿货币,办理AUSTRAC牌照前期注册澳洲公司。澳大利亚是全球领先的核心金融市场,获得澳大利亚的监管牌照,能大大的增强平台的实力以及客户的信心,是数姿货币交易机构标配的牌照。然后来申请牌照,您只需要提供澳洲公司名称和董事的相关信息,无犯罪证明。申请澳大利亚牌照所需要的资料:1、澳大利亚公司基本资料,包括公司税号(没有的话需要注册一个)2、澳大利亚公司董事详细资料3、澳大利亚办公室地址;我方提供。4、澳大利亚公司股东、及董事的无F罪记录公证;牌照申请流程:1.协助客户办理董事的无F罪记录公证;2.撰写数姿货币交易商的商业计划书、以及运营方案;3. 准备与撰写申请材料;4.撰写反X钱条例及反空怖组织融资条例,以及条例的日常操作方案;5. 向澳大利亚AUSTRAC及ASIC递交牌照的申请;6. 申请过程中,负责回答由AUSTRAC和ASIC提出的问题。若AUSTRAC和ASIC需要我们提供其余文案或相关说明,我们将负责撰写及提交,如Product Disclosure Statement。办理周期30个工作日!

《one day》中的turn around because怎么连起来唱?


笔记本电脑键盘上的 prtsc,scrlk,pause的功能?谢谢!


Thinkpad 上PrtSc键,scrlk键,pause键怎么用


Australia aboriginal flag 上的颜色是代表什么意思?

Dark blue face of the flag. The top left corner for the British flag, indicating that the traditional relationship between Australia and the United Kingdom. "M" word"s big seven-pointed star symbol of the composition of the Federation of Australia and the Federal District, six continents. By flagpole side top corner with the British Union Jack, relying on the lower side there is a white flag of the seven-pointed star; the rest are four large white seven-pointed star with a small wh ite five-pointed star, represents the Pacific Ocean over the The Southern Cross constellation. 深蓝色旗面。左上角为英国国旗,表明澳与英国的传统关系。“米”字旗下的大七角星象征组成澳联邦的六个洲和联邦区。靠旗杆侧上角有英国米字旗,靠旗杆侧下部有一颗白色的七角星;其余部分有四颗较大的白色七角星与一颗较小的白色五角星,代表的是太平洋上空的南十字星座


causes读音为[ku0254z]或者[ku0254:z]。一、释义1、名词:原因;事业;病因;理由。2、动词:导致;使;引起;产生。二、其他形式原形:cause、过去分词:caused、现在分词:causing。三、同义词Basis、foundation、origin、reason、root。四、反义词Effect、impede。五、相关词组1、cause pain.(引起疼痛。)2、cause trouble.(引起麻烦/问题。)3、determine cause.(确定原因。)4、cause damage.(导致损害/破坏。)5、Common cause.(共同原因/普遍原因。)6、main cause.(主要原因。)7、primary cause.(根本原因/主要原因。)8、probably cause.(可能的原因。)causes相关例句:1、The scientist is trying to determine the causes of the mysterious illness that has been affecting the population.(这位科学家正在努力确定影响人口的神秘疾病的原因。)2、The heavy rainfall was one of the causes of the flooding in the area.(大雨是导致该地区洪水的原因之一。)3、The teacher explained to the students the causes and effects of the industrial revolution.(老师向学生们解释了工业革命的原因和影响。)4、The investigation revealed that the main causes of the accident were negligence and lack of proper maintenance.(调查揭示了事故的主要原因是疏忽和缺乏适当维护。)5、The doctor is conducting a study to determine the causes of the high rate of cancer in the region.(医生正在进行研究,以确定该地区癌症发病率高的原因。)


“caused”的英语读音为 /ku0254u02d0zd/。其中,音标 “/ku0254u02d0/”表示单词的第一个音节的发音, /z/ 表示音素的发音。该单词的重音在第一音节上,即“cau” 部分,读音要重读。“caused”是“cause”的过去式和过去分词形式。“cause”是引起、导致、原因的意思。 “caused”则表示这个过去发生的动作或事件是由某个原因或某个行为所引起的。例如,“The accident was caused by the driver texting while driving.”意思是这个事故是由于司机开车时发短信所引起的。caused的例句1、The heavy rainstorm caused flooding in many low-lying areas of the city.(大雨导致城市许多低洼地区发生了洪水。)2、His careless attitude caused him to fail his driving test.(他粗心的态度导致他驾驶考试不及格。)3、The sudden snowfall caused traffic chaos on the highways.(突然的降雪导致高速公路上的交通混乱。)4、Smoking is one of the most common causes of lung cancer.(吸烟是肺癌最常见的原因之一。)5、The factory"s toxic waste caused pollution in the nearby river.(工厂的有毒废料导致了附近河流的污染。)


"cause"的音标是 [ku0254u02d0z]。"cause"是一个常见的动词,用来描述引起、导致或造成某种结果或影响。下面是一些常见的用法和表达方式:1. 引起,导致:The heavy rain caused flooding in the area.(大雨导致该地区发生洪水。)2. 造成,产生:Smoking can cause serious health problems.(吸烟可能导致严重的健康问题。)3. 使遭受(困难、疼痛等):The accident caused him a lot of pain.(事故给他带来了很多痛苦。)4. 引发,诱发:Stress can cause headaches.(压力可能引发头痛。)5. 促使,引导:His passion for music caused him to pursue a career in the music industry.(他对音乐的热爱促使他在音乐行业寻求事业。)6. 使产生特定感觉或反应:The movie caused me to cry.(这部电影让我哭了。)7. 引发讨论或争议:His controversial statement caused a heated debate.(他的有争议的言论引发了一场激烈的辩论。)8. 为…提供原因或解释:He caused the accident, which is why he had to pay for the damages.(他是事故的原因,这就是为什么他必须赔偿损失的原因。)此外,"cause"还可用作名词,表示原因、事业或目标。例如:1. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.(火灾的原因仍在调查中。)2. She dedicated her life to the cause of education.(她将一生奉献给教育事业。)3. They are fighting for a just cause.(他们正在为一个公正的事业而战。)

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什么是Infinitive Clauses?有关于英语语法的

An infinitive clause is a clause lead by an infinitive.To be, or not to be, that is not a question.

infinitive, gerund 同 participle clause 的分别, 我唔明呀!!!

Ooops! 小心!有好多嘢要搅清楚。 (注意红色 highlight 部份) 先讲 infinitive 同 gerund,participle clause 唔同性质,最后先至讲。 首先介绍 non-finite verbs 非限定动词。动词有两种: (1)限定动词 (finite verbs) 及 (2) 非限定动词 (non-finite verbs)。什么是非限定动词?那是指不受主语的身和数等 (包括tense ect mood number gender and person) 限制的动词。Non-finite verbs 非限定动词)又分三种: 不定词 Infinitive 动名词 Gerund 分词 Participle 【例】 I want to go. You want to go. He wants to go. "want" 是限定动词 (finite verb),若主语是第三身单数,则要加 "s",受主语的身所限定; "to go" 是非限定动词 (infinitive) INFINITIVE Infinitives并不是句子中的副动词,相反,它们是句子中的 main verb。 要注意,infinitive 可以是 to-infinitive (或叫full infinitive) ,亦可以不加 to (bare infinitive)。 加唔加 to 都叫 infinitive。只不过我也常见嘅系full infinitives。所有infinitives都系basic form (root form) (你所讲的唔加 ing)。在用 infinitives 作declarative 句子时,一定有另一个动词作为 auxiliary verb。 Bare infinitive 系一啲字后面不需要加 to,但都系叫 infinitives,呢啲字包括 will can should could would see watch hear feel sense make bid let and have. 【例】 I will see it,see 是 infinitive,will 是 auxiliary verb。 To-infinitive 就是 (to+verb) 形式用,与 bare infinitive 大同小冥。 【例】I want to go. To go 是infinitive,want 是 auxiliary verb。 GERUND Gerund 是动名词,是present participle的一种用法,是一动词后字尾加 +ing。Gerund 是用作名词用。 【例】 1. Swimming is good for your health. Swimming 是 gerund,不带动词的词性。 2. I saw it happening. Happening 是 gerund。 PARTICIPLE CLAUSE Participle 除了利用 verb 之外 亦可以加插其他属性的词语 成为 Participle clause 使其于用法上,更具弹性、更多元化。Participle clause是在clause 中含有participle。 先看看以下的两个例子: 【例】 The boy sitting beside Ja is my brother. The old woman knocked down by a lorry yesterday died in hospital this morning. "sitting beside Ja" 是一句 participle clause 它不是 adjective 但却像 adjective 一般 为一些词语追加资料/补充. 这例子中 动词 (sitting) 介词 (beside) 名词 (Ja) 就组成了一句 participle clause 为这句句子的主语 (The boy) 作出补充。 第二句例子亦大同小异 "knocked down by a lorry" 是句 participle clause 由被动型短句动词 (knocked down) 介词 (by) 及 名词 (a lorry) 所组成 为其他词语作出补充。 Participle clause 可以用 present participle,亦可以用 past participle。 Participle 的位置 就如 adjective 一般 有 pre-modifier (前置修饰词) 及 post-modifier (后置修饰词). 前者放于名词之前 后者放于名词之后 Participle 亦可放于被修饰词的前或后 不过较长的 participle clause 通常都会放于后面。 参考: Crazyhill English + my own knowledge

Because Of You 凯莉克莱森的歌词

I will not make the same mistakes that you did I will not let myself Cause my heart so much misery I will not break the way you did, You fell so hard I"ve learned the hard way To never let it get that far Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurt Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me Because of you I am afraid I lose my way And it"s not too long before you point it out I cannot cry Because you know that"s weakness in your eyes I"m forced to fake A smile, a laugh everyday of my life My heart can"t possibly break When it wasn"t even whole to start with Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurt Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me Because of you I am afraid I watched you die I heard you cry every night in your sleep I was so young You should have known better than to lean on me You never thought of anyone else You just saw your pain And now I cry in the middle of the night For the same damn thing Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurt Because of you I try my hardest just to forget everything Because of you I don"t know how to let anyone else in Because of you I"m ashamed of my life because it"s empty Because of you I am afraid Because of you Because of you

the cakes are so delicious that she would like to have ___third one because ___


谁能告诉我意大利女歌手laura pausini唱的seamisai这首歌的歌词以及翻译,谢谢了

seamisai 是意大利语: “我知你爱我” 的意思,(在 Laura Pausini的中文空间里也翻译成“如果你爱你就会知道”)英文翻译为:I know That You loved Me歌名: seamisai歌手:Laura Pausini(罗拉-普西妮)专辑:Le Cose Che Vivi (1996) 作词: Cheope, Gilberto原歌词Non dire noChe ti conosco e lo so cosa pensiNon dirmi no?gi?da un po" che non ti sento parlare d"amoreUsare il tempo al futuro per noiE non serve ripetere ancora che tu mi vuoiPerch?ora non c"?quel tuo sorriso al mattino per mePerch?non mi dai pi?niente di teSe ami sai quando tutto finisceSe ami sai come un brivido tristeCome in un film dalle scene gi?visteChe se ne va, oh no!Sai sempre quando una storia si e chiusaE non si pu?pi?inventare una scusaSe ami prendi le mie maniPerch?prima di domaniFiniraE non si puo Chiudere gli occhi e far finta di nienteCome fai tu quando resti con meE non trovi il coraggio di dirmi che cosa c"e Sara dentro di me come una notte D"inverno percheSar?da oggi in poi senza di teSe ami sai quando tutto finisceSe ami sai come un brivido tristeCome in un film dalle scene gia visteChe se ne va, oh no!Sai bene quando inizia il doloreE arriva la fina di una storia d"amoreMa se ami prendi le mie maniPerch?prima di domaniTe ne andrai, non saraiQui con me中文歌词:别说不我了解你也知道你怎么想别对我说不好久未曾听你说过爱别再让以后的光阴虚度不必多说你很在意我因为现在已没有你往日清晨送给我的笑容为何不再有来自你的任何奉献如果你爱你就知道何时一切都结束如果你爱你就会尝到忧伤的滋味就如同电影里看过的那样让一切都过去 噢不!你知道当故事结束时无法再编造一个借口如果你爱那就握住我的手因为在明天到来之前一切都将结束无法视而不见装不知道就象你和我在一起时那样你没有勇气告诉我发生了什么而对我而言这一切就如同黑暗的冬夜 从今以后我将失去你如果你爱你就知道何时一切都结束如果你爱你就会尝到忧伤的滋味就如同电影里看过的那样让一切都过去 噢不!你知道痛苦何时开始那就是爱情的结束但如果你爱那就握住我的手因为在明天到来之前你就会离去我就会失去你

鞋子有印UGG的,有印UGG australia的.有什么区别,还是有一种是假的?

你买的鞋子盒子是不是一样的啊?UGG是雪地靴的总称,Ugly shoes 演变过来,原本是澳洲人怕冷把两块羊毛弄一起的鞋子,现在流行了。你说的ugg Australia是一个美国人注册的牌子,现在大部分产地是在中国,而澳洲本土也有很多品牌的ugg,jumbo等等 ,只要毛厚,皮毛一体,牌子没那么重要吧,没有什么假不假的,东西好就是真的,当然仿名牌就算了

uggever和ugg australia的区别是什么?


UGG auspecial 是什么品牌


ausheep ugg和ugg的区别是什么?

1、本质不同在澳洲,UGG基本就是一个普通名词,特指的羊毛靴SHEEPSKINBOOTS,也叫丑陋的靴子。一战时期澳洲人称皮毛一体的圆头靴子叫Ugly Boot,后来简称UGG。ugg australia是1994年一个美国人注册的商标UGG australia,雪地靴的美国品牌。2、品牌范围不同澳洲UGG有很多牌子,比如:JUMBO UGG,UGGS INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA,uggs-n-rugs,Clobber Australia,Warmbat等等。而ugg australia是一个独立的美国品牌。

ausheep ugg和ugg的区别是什么?

ausheep ugg和ugg的区别是:1、本质不同在澳洲,UGG基本就是一个普通名词,特指的羊毛靴SHEEPSKINBOOTS,也叫丑陋的靴子。一战时期澳洲人称皮毛一体的圆头靴子叫Ugly Boot,后来简称UGG。ugg australia是1994年一个美国人注册的商标UGG australia,雪地靴的美国品牌。2、品牌范围不同澳洲UGG有很多牌子,比如:JUMBO UGG,UGGS INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA,uggs-n-rugs,Clobber Australia,Warmbat等等。而ugg australia是一个独立的美国品牌。3、加工地不同澳洲UGGS INTERNATIONAL为AUSTRALIA手工制作。ugg australia加工地在中国和新西兰。4、风格不同澳洲ugg因为是手工制作就显的很粗犷,很野性,很原始,当然也有独特的设计,例如防水涂层的设计,适合狂野烂漫,风格独特的需求。美国ugg australia产品做的精致,有设计感,款式多且时尚,适合挑剔的追求细节的追求时尚的人的眼光。

从巴黎戴高乐机场到PARIS AUSTERLITZ火车站怎么走,大概多长时间?

如果你是在白天,大概一小时路程。 在机场找RER车站,(十欧车票)做B线过12站,到Saint-Michel Notre-Dame,这大概花40分钟。然后换乘C线坐一站到Gare d"Austerlitz 这站下车就到。大概5分钟。只要你找到机场的RER车站,接下来满打满算1小时的行程就好。 转乘的时候注意C线方向,同时每次乘RER注意这车是否到目标站点,关注一个大牌子,上面亮着灯的是这班车会到的站。 具体可下载APP CITYMAPPER查询。好运。

After School的because of you中文翻译和罗马音或者汉字谐音

中文翻译:现在也都没有全部忘掉我从来都没有忘记分手有几年了也不清楚只要一想起来就一直流泪今天也一样,为什么这样想见你窗外门闩的声音,就像我的心一样在摇摆不要去爱这样的话,不要见面这样的话不要去挽留这样的话,为什么我这样一个人痛不要去爱这样的话,不要见面这样的话不要去挽留这样的话,为什么我这样一个人痛我一直只收你的一玫瑰现在爱情也这样眼泪干了,却打湿了嘴唇现在怎么都忘记不了因为你哭了很多因为你笑了很多因为你相信了爱情因为你,因为你死我所有的一切都失去了真的很郁闷世上没有你丢掉自尊心找开的心,你为什么离开了我那天下着雨,什么话都没说就那样抛弃我放弃我动摇的眼神,尴尬的微笑离别的故事不要去爱这样的话,不要见面这样的话不要去挽留这样的话,为什么我这样一个人痛不要去爱这样的话,不要见面这样的话不要去挽留这样的话,为什么我这样一个人痛看这我离开了像疯了一样真的很辛苦什么话都没说哭了,所以我想和你停留在一起我真的想回到和你在一起的时候因为你哭了很多因为你笑了很多因为你相信了爱情因为你,因为你死我所有的一切都失去了真的很郁闷世上没有你丢掉自尊心找开的心,你为什么离开了我我想念你,我需要你,梦中都是我和你我想念你,我需要你,时间重来想和你重新亲吻心很痛,很难过的支撑着你在哪里做着什么没有你我真的不能活下去回到我身边来,不要离开我因为你哭了很多因为你笑了很多因为你相信了爱情因为你,因为你死我所有的一切都失去了真的很郁闷世上没有你丢掉自尊心找开的心,你为什么离开了我罗马音:a"jig"do"" geu"dae"reul"...ij"ji" mos"hae"I never forget ... boy I never forget ... boyhe"eo"jin"ji" beol"sseo" myeoc" nyeon"i" ji"nass"neun"ji" mol"ra"geu"dae" saeng"gag"man"ha"myeon" ja"ggu" nun"mul"man" heul"reo"o"neul"dda"ra" wae" geu"reoh"ge" ne"ga" bo"go"peul"gga"cang" bagg"yi" bis"so"ri"ga" nae" mam"eul" heun"deul"eo"nwa"sa"rang"ha"ji" mal"geol" geu"raess"eo" jeong"ju"ji" mal"geol" geu"raess"eo"but"jab"ji"mal"geol" geu"raess"eo" wae" i"reoh"ge" na" hon"ja" a"pa"sa"rang"ha"ji" mal"geol" geu"raess"eo" jeong"ju"ji" mal"geol" geu"raess"eo"but"jab"ji"mal"geol" geu"raess"eo" wae" i"reoh"ge" na" hon"ja" a"pa"nan" hang"sang" neo"man"yi" jang"mi"ga" doe"ryeo"deon" nae" mam"eul" a"ni"i"je" jo"gag"nan" sa"rang"yi" ma"cim"pyo"ga" dwaess"da"neun" geol"nun"mul"i" mil"ryeo"wa" me"ma"reun" ib"sul"i" jeoj"eo"i"je" eo"ddeog"hae" geu"dael" ij"eul" su" eobs"eo"neo" ddae"mun"e" manh"i"do" ul"eoss"eo" (mae"il" bam" nan"~)neo" ddae"mun"e" manh"i"do" us"eoss"eo" (geu"dae" ddae"mun"e")neo" ddae"mun"e" sa"rang"eul" mid"eoss"eo"(Wooh boy ~)neo" ddae"mun"e" neo" ddae"mun"e" mo"du" da" ilh"eoss"eo"jeong"mal" dab"dab"dab"hae" gab"gab"gab"hae" mag"mag"mag"hae" neo" eobs"neun" se"sang"i"nae" mal"mam"eul" ssib"eo"noh"go" ja"jon"sim" jis"balb"a"noh"go"nae" mam"eul" jjij"eo"noh"go" wae" na"reul" ddeo"na"ga"geu"nal"do" bi"ga" wass"eoss"ji" han"cam"eul" geu"daen"mal"eobs"i" na"reul" ba"ra"bo"gi"man" haess"eo" eo"eo"eo"eo"heun"deul"ri"neun" nun"bic"gwa" ae"sseo" jis"neun" eo"saeg"han" mi"so"ga" i"byeol"eul" yae"gi"hae"jweo" jweo"jweo"jweo"jweo"sa"rang"ha"ji" mal"geol" geu"raess"eo" jeong"ju"ji" mal"geol" geu"raess"eo"but"jab"ji"mal"geol" geu"raess"eo" wae" i"reoh"ge" na" hon"ja" a"pa"sa"rang"ha"ji" mal"geol" geu"raess"eo" jeong"ju"ji" mal"geol" geu"raess"eo"but"jab"ji"mal"geol" geu"raess"eo" wae" i"reoh"ge" na" hon"ja" a"pa"Rap) na"bo"go" ddeo"na"ra"go" hal" ddaen" eon"je"go" ddeo"nan"da"ni"gga" eo"jjeo"go"mi"cin" sa"ram" cwi"geub"man"hae" jeong"mal" deul"eo" boy slow downa"mu"reon" mal"do" mos"han" cae" ul"eo" cause I want to stay next to u my luv is true, wanna go back 2 when I was with uneo" ddae"mun"e" manh"i"do" ul"eoss"eo" (mae"il" bam" nan"~)neo" ddae"mun"e" manh"i"do" us"eoss"eo" (geu"dae" ddae"mun"e")neo" ddae"mun"e" sa"rang"eul" mid"eoss"eo"(Wooh boy ~)neo" ddae"mun"e" neo" ddae"mun"e" mo"du" da" ilh"eoss"eo"jeong"mal" dab"dab"dab"hae" gab"gab"gab"hae" mag"mag"mag"hae" neo" eobs"neun" se"sang"i"nae" mal"mam"eul" ssib"eo"noh"go" ja"jon"sim" jis"balb"a"noh"go"nae" mam"eul" jjij"eo"noh"go" wae" na"reul" ddeo"na"ga"I miss u... I need u… ggum"sog"e"seon" a"jig"do" I"m wit u..I miss u... I need u... si"gan"eul" doe"dol"ryeo" wanna kiss u again ma boy...mam"i" neo"mu" a"peun"de" gyeon"di"gi" goe"ro"un"de" neo"neun" eo"di"seo" mweol"ha"ni" (na" ul"eoss"eo" cam" manh"i")neo" eobs"in" nan" mos"sal"eo" nae"ge"ro" dol"a"wa"jweo" nal" ddeo"na"ga"ji"ma"neo" ddae"mun"e" manh"i"do" ul"eoss"eo" (ye"~)neo" ddae"mun"e" manh"i"do" us"eoss"eo" (manh"i"do" us"eoss"eo" nan"~)neo" ddae"mun"e" sa"rang"eul" mid"eoss"eo" (o"~ye"~) ~neo" ddae"mun"e" neo" ddae"mun"e" mo"du"da" ilh"eoss"eo" (neo" ddae"mun"e" na"~)jeong"mal" dab"dab"dab"hae" gab"gab"gab"hae" mag"mag"mag"hae" neo" eobs"neun" se"sang"i"nae" mal"mam"eul" ssib"eo"noh"go" ja"jon"sim" jis"balb"a"noh"go"nae" mam"eul" jjij"eo"noh"go" wae" na"reul" ddeo"na"ga"


你好!sausage 英[u02c8su0252su026adu0292] 美[u02c8su0254u02d0su026adu0292] n. 香肠; 腊肠; [例句]He dropped his sausage on the pavement and someone"s dog ate it, mustard and all.他把香肠丢在人行道上,不知是谁家的狗将香肠甚至连带芥末都吃个了精光。

I enjoy my work because it not only helps others but also help me. 是什么意思?



menopause balance更年期平衡As the treatment does not cause much pain and patients are compliant, it is worthwhile to continue further research.Female menopause and ovarian function recession are related. After ovarian secretions of estrogen and progesterone are reduced, a change in the normal balance of the hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovarian axis takes place. The negative feedback controls weaken, resulting in hyperactivity of the hypothalamus and pituitary, manifesting in an overproduction of gonadotropin ( FSH, LH), thus affecting the regulatory activity of the central nervous system.女性更年期综合征与卵巢功能衰退有关,由于卵巢分泌雌激素和黄体素,功能减退后使正常的下丘脑垂体卵巢轴之间的平衡发生变化,回馈抑制作用减弱,于是产生下丘脑和垂体的功能亢进,表现为促性腺激素(FSH、LH)的分泌增加,因而影响自主神经中枢的调节作用。


1.n: 绝经期;(妇女的)更年期派生词:menopausal adjInvestigation and analysis of characteristics of symptoms and syndrome types in menopause women 绝经期妇女中医症状、证型特征的调查及分析。2.Shanxi becomes first province to give women "menopause rights". 山西成为全国首个赋予女性“更年期权利”的省份。3.The study shows that memory issues are indeed associated with menopause. 这项研究证明记忆问题确实与更年期有关系。

大学英语翻译,急 Because of easy access to the Internet ,


since ,for ,as,because做因为是有什么区别

for是用来表示推断的原因或者对主句进行说明的;because引出直接的原因。because感情最强烈,一般不用于句首,... , becasue...since和as是从属连词,说明的是已为人们所知和理由。since的语气比because弱,但比as强。since和as引导的从句一般放在句子的开头。since和as的主要区别是:用as引导原因从句语气较弱,所说明原因是附带,而since表示原因暗示着是稍加分析之后才能推断出来原因。引导原因状语从句的连词原因状语从句一般由because, since, as, for引导。注意as,because,since和for的区别:①如果原因是构成句子的最主要部分,一般用because。because引导的从句一般不放在句子的开头。例如:I missed the train because I got up late.注:对于以why开头的问句,一般只能用because引导的从句来回答。②如果原因已为人们所知,或不如句子的其余部分重要,就用as或since、since比as稍微正式一些。as和since引导的从句一般放在句子的开头。as, since, for 用于句首多,for 不用于句中你百度知道一下 有过一摸一样的问题的 还有你分类弄错了since 副词 ad. (常用于现在完成时或过去完成时) 1.此后;从那时到现在She left school three years ago and has worked as a nurse ever since. 她三年前毕业,从那时起便一直当护士。 2.之前,以前介词 prep. 1.(常用于现在完成时或过去完成时)自...以来,从...至今I haven"t heard from him since last year. 我自去年以来未曾收到过他的信。 连接词 conj. 1.(常用于现在完成时或过去完成时)自...以来,从...至今It"s been ten years since they married. 他们结婚到现在已经十年了。 She has been living a hard life since her husband died. 她自从丈夫死后,一直过着艰苦的生活。 2.既然;因为,由于He must have taken the book since it isn"t here. 他一定是把书拿走了,因为书已不在这里了。 Since it is so hot, let"s go swimming. 既然天气这么热,我们去游泳吧。 for介词 prep. 1.为,为了They fought for national independence. 他们为民族独立而战。 This letter is for you. 这是你的信。 2.代替;代表We used boxes for chairs. 我们用箱子当椅子坐。 3.因为,由于I am sorry for what I said to you. 我后悔不该对你讲那些话。 4.在(指定时间)The meeting is arranged for 9 o"clock. 会议安排在九点钟。 5.(表示时间、距离等)达,计You can see for miles from the roof. 你站在屋顶上可以看到数英里之外。 6.对于,关于;在...方面I am too old for the job. 我年纪太大,做不了这工作。 7.为得到,为赢得He sent the waiter for a packet of cigarettes. 他让侍者去拿一盒香烟。 8.以...为代价;以...交换He sold his car for 500 dollars. 他以五百元把车卖了。 9.当作,作为Do you take me for a millionaire? 你是不是把我当百万富翁? 10.赞成;支持;倾向于Are you for the government or against it? 你是支持还是反对政府? 11.朝...方向去;往,向He left for Taipei. 他出发去台北。 12.就...而言She is sophisticated for her age. 就年龄而言她是世故了一点。 连接词 conj. 1.因为,由于We must start early, for it will take two hours to drive to the airport. 我们得早点动身,因为开车去机场得花两个小时。 f.o.r.缩写词 abbr. 1.=free on rail 火车上交货价(价格包括从供应商货场/仓库到车站的运费,买主支付铁路费用)for-前缀 pref. 1.表示"禁止";"克制";"无视";"过度";"离";"分"for.缩写词 abbr. 1.=foreign(er)2.=forest(er)(ry)as(1) as用作连词① 作“当……的时候”解,引导时间状语从句,表示从句动作与主句动作同时发生、同时进行。As he looked at her she made a face. 他看她时,她作了个鬼脸。/ He sang as he walked. 他一边走,一边唱。② 作“由于”、“因为”解,引导原因状语从句,表示比较明显的原因。由as引导的原因从句通常放在主句之前。As he didn"t know much English,he got out his dictionary and looked up the word. 由于他不懂得多少英语,他拿出来词典查了这个词。③ 作“如 (不如)……一样”解,引导方式状语从句或比较状语从句。He does not speak as the other people do. 他不像其他人那样肯说话。He is not so diligent as you. 他不如你勤奋。(so…as…只用于否定句。若为肯定句必须用as…as…)④引导让步状语从句时,作“虽然”、“尽管” 解,这时,要将表语或状语提到主语之前,使句子部分倒装。如果表语是名词,放在句首时不能加冠词。Young as he is, he knows a lot. 尽管年轻,他懂得很多。Old man as he is, he still works hard. 尽管他是个老人,他仍然工作很努力。(2) as用作代词① 作关系代词,引导限制性定语从句,先行词前常有such,the same与之呼应,构成,the same (…) as…。We"ll make such computers as are needed in different branches of science. 我们将制造出科学的各部门所需要的那种计算机。/ I"m reading the same books as you. 我读的书与你读的书相同。②引导非限制性定语从句,as常常作主语、定语、表语等,在这种情况下as指的是前面或后面的整个句子。The two cities are far away from each other, as you can see in the map. 正如你在地图上看见的那样,这两座城市相距甚远。/ As everybody knows, all that glitters is not gold. 大家都知道,闪光的东西不都是金子。3) as if (as though) 用作连词,作“就像…似的”“仿佛”解(1) as if (as though)引起的方式状语从句或表语从句中动词一般用虚拟语气, be通常为were或was。如从句动作与主句动作同时发生,从句用一般过去时;若从句动作在主句动作之前发生,从句用过去完成时。Jane shouted in surprise as if she saw the land. 珍妮惊喊着,好像看见了陆地。/ Tom is talking about China as if he had been there. 汤姆正在谈着中国,好像他去过一样。(2)若主句谓语动词为look,seem,taste,smell等词时,as if引导的表语从句常常使用陈述语气。 It looks as if it is going to rain. 看起来天好像耍下雨。/ This meat tastes as if it has already gone bad. 这肉尝起来好像已变坏了。(3)当从句中主语和句子主语一致,从句谓语又包含动词be时,这个主语和be可以省略。He glanced about as if (he was) in search of something. 他四处打量着好像在搜寻什么。(4) as if (as though)可以接一个不定式短语。He waved his hand to me as if to have something to tell me. 他向我挥了挥手好像有事要告诉我。辨析:as,when与whileas,when,while作为连词,都有“当……的时候”的意思。* as常可与when或while通用,但它较强调主句和从句中的动作或事情同时发生。因此,常作“一面……一面……”解。 * while常表示一段较长的时间或一个过程,强调主句的动词和从句的动词所表示的动作或状态是同时发生的。用while引导的从句中用延续性动词。As (When/While) I was walking down the street, l noticed a police car in front of Number 37. 我沿着大街往前走的时候,注意到37号门前停着一辆警车。/ When the clock struck twelve, all the lights went out. 钟敲12下时,灯全熄了。/ When I went into the lab, the professor was doing an experiment. 当我走进实验室时,那位教授正在做实验。/ Please keep quiet while others are studying. 别人在学习的时候,请保持安静。/ While I was writing letters last night, he was watching TV. 昨晚我在写信的时候,他在看电视。误:As he is old, my teacher works hard.正:Old as he is, my teacher works hard.尽管我的老师年龄很大了,但是工作很努力。误:So as to catch the early bus, he got up very early.正:He got up very early so as to (in order to) catch the early bus. 他起早是为了赶早班车。拓展:as a matter of fact实际上; as a result (of)结果; as far as就……而言;远至as follows如下as for至于,关于as long as只要; as well as还,也; as to至于,关于; as many as (表可数)和……一样多,达……之多because连接词 conj. 1.因为He is absent because he is ill. 他因病缺席。

I think we have a spy in our regiment because the


——what was it that caused the party to be put off? ——( )the invitations。


因为是我的人英文版歌词 英文歌名叫 because you are the one 求求亲了 尽快 我技能大赛要的

[SORN] I feel a little tremble in my heartI feel the little changes in your heart[G.NA] Although I know you"re leaving me todayCan"t say a word, just let you goAnd just hide my everything[SORN]So close but far awayHoping you would come my way[G.NA]Wish I could just let you hear my heartCould there be another way to start?[SORN]Because you are the oneBecause you are my loveNo matter how hard I try to leave you, let you goCannot go[G.NA]Because you are the oneBecause you are my one and only loveGuess it"s just time for me to stop the tears, I knowI thought it was too good to be so trueThe way you held me, the way you told meThose words of "I love you"[SORN]Now all the times with youEvery minute spent with you[G.NA]All the little broken promisesWish I could just mend them back again[SORN]Because you are the oneBecause you are my loveNo matter how hard I try to leave you, let you goCannot go[G.NA]Because you are the oneBecause you are my one and only loveGuess it"s just time for me to stop the tears, I know[SORN]Every day and every nightI"ve been waiting for you to come back[G.NA]You were my world, my soul, my everythingI can"t help loving you, but now it"s time to move on[SORN]But still you are the one[G.NA]But still you are my love[BOTH]Hoping you realize my love for you is real ([G.NA] you know it"s real), don"t you know[G.NA]Because you are the one ([SORN] because you are the one)Because you are my one and only love[SORN]Guess it"s too hard for me[G.NA]To leave you, let you goAnd now it"s time for me to finally say Goodbye


其实as有两种意思 一个是,因为,而另一个是,当 就是说,as可是当作because,也能当成是when father step in as i"m doing homework father step in when i"m doing homework 当我在做功课时,爸爸进来了. i cannot go home as it"s raining now i cannot go home because it"s raining now 我不能回家,因为现在正在下雨. 所以,as和because两者都能换着来用. 要是说该用哪个,就要看你自己的语感了.

Mickie Krause的《Grand Prix》 歌词

歌曲名:Grand Prix歌手:Mickie Krause专辑:Wie Blei In Den Regalen~Grand Prix~Mega NRG ManMade by HandsomeCKWanna keep me coolAnd face your clevernessAnd your powerful engineI see the crowd exciting for me tonightOver and over.....I just wanna be the leaderReady to win you!Forever at full speedStep on the gas tonightIt"s all rightGot the fire of the Grand PrixGrippin" my steering wheel so tightGonna be a lucky Grand PrixReady to cross the line in the endGot the fire of the Grand PrixGrippin" my steering wheel so tightGonna be a lucky Grand PrixReady to cross the line in the endI just wanna be the championTonight a race it"s gonna be startedGet ready now! a roaring success for meI really like it!I just wanna be the leaderReady to win you!Forever at full speedStep on the gas tonightIt"s all rightGot the fire of the Grand PrixGrippin" my steering wheel so tightGonna be a lucky Grand PrixReady to cross the line in the endGot the fire of the Grand PrixGrippin" my steering wheel so tightGonna be a lucky Grand PrixReady to cross the line in the endGot the fire of the Grand PrixGrand PrixReady to cross the line in the endGot the fire of the Grand PrixGrippin" my steering wheel so tightGonna be a lucky Grand PrixReady to cross the line in the end



cause i’m so hot语法错了吗


The children felt _________ because of the _______ result of the football match. A.frustrate..

C 试题分析:句意:因为令人沮丧的足球比赛结果,孩子们感觉很沮丧。frustrated是指某人感到沮丧,frustrating是指某物某人令人沮丧,故选C。

because of you的歌词

我英文不好,不过给你推荐另外一首because of you,地址是 98度唱的.


(只用于与新的海洋政策的形式)协会货物保险条款(丙) 险覆盖 (风险条款) 1。本保险,除提供第4,5,6和7所示, 1.1灭失或损坏受保标的物合理的原因 1.1.1火警或爆炸 1.1.2船只或飞机被搁浅停飞或倾覆沉没 1.1.3倾覆或出轨的土地运输工具 1.1.4碰撞或接触的船只船或运输工具与任何外部对象以外的其他水 1.1.5卸货的货物在港口的窘迫, 1.2灭失或损坏的事由所造成的保险 1.2.1共同海损牺牲 1.2.2抛弃。 (一般平均条款) 2本保险共同海损和救助费用,调整或决定根据包运合同和/或管辖法律和惯例,以避免引起或与此有关的损失避免任何因由除了那些被排除在第4,5 ,第6和第7或其他地方在这一保险。 ( “两个惹的祸碰撞”条款) 3本保险扩展到赔偿保证对此类赔偿责任的比例根据包运合同“双方惹的祸碰撞”条款,是对追讨损失如下。在发生任何索赔的船东根据上述条款的保证同意通知承销谁有权在自己的成本和费用,捍卫保证对这类claim.EXCLUSIONS (一般不适用的条款) 4在任何情况下都不得这个保险 4.1损失损害或费用的原因故意的不当行为的保证 4.2普通渗漏,普通的损失重量或体积,或普通磨损的标的物投保 4.3损坏或丢失所造成的费用不足或不适合的包装或准备受保标的物(目的是这一条款4.3 “包装”应视为包括存放在容器或liftvan但只有当这些堆放进行之前扣押保险或担保或其雇员) 4.4损坏或丢失所造成的牺牲固有的副总裁或性质的标的物投保 4.5损坏或损失近牺牲所造成的延误,即使是延迟所造成的风险保险(除费用缴付根据第2段) 4.6损失损害或费用所产生的破产或财务预设的业主管理人员承租人或经营者的船只 4.7故意损坏或蓄意破坏受保标的物或其任何部分的不法行为,任何人 4.8损失损害或费用的使用中出现的任何战争武器的使用原子或核裂变和/或融合或其他类似反应或放射性武力或事项。 (不适航和不适宜排除条款)

What is the attributive clause?(什么是定语从句?)

attributive clause is the clause that worked as an adjective ,which is not a word but a sentense. 定语从句是修饰名词或代词的从句,起形容词的作用,是一个有主谓语的句子。例: Anyone who likes English can make a call to me.who likes English 是anyone的定语从句,意为:喜欢英语的(任何人)。例: I can"t forget the time when I lived in the countryside. 此处含when 引导的定语从句,意为:我住在乡间的(时间)。

定语从句((the attributive clause)

a beautiful lady the daughter of the professor , the book of a boy or a boy"s book the boy out of the window a boat in the sea the singing girl a dancing boy a boy cheated by a girl ################################################################################################### 一般来说,单个词作定语放在被修饰词前面,而多多个词或从句作定语放在后面,但是过去分词作定语,放在后面。 This is a story about a rose and a boy 介词短语,较长放后面 At the party, the young boy understanding romance was rejected 现在分词短语作定语,放在后面 the boy dumped looks pitful 过去分词作定语放在后面 Do you know who did this Do you know whom I spend last night with? I never forget the day when we met I do not know why she went away Life is like a long race where **we can go beyond ourselves by competing with others. **(从句不缺主谓宾,引导词为副词) He is the man whose father is wealthy I love buildings whose roofs are round ################################################################################################## Do you know the girl who played the piano ? I have an uncle who lives far away I have a friend whose name is Lucy I met a woman whose husband is a teacher I love the girl whom/who I met yesterday (met 及物需要宾语,这里whom 作met的宾语) This is the book which is very interesting (先行词事物) I like the cat which has blue eyes (先行词动物) This is the table whose leg was broken yesterday I love the cat whose hair is black This is the car which I bought yesterday I know the who loves you . who作主语不能省略 I know the man (whom/who) you love. whom/who作宾语可以省略 The boy who is standing by the door is my brother The boy standing by the door is my brother I received a letter which was written in English I received a letter written in English This is the desk which I put my bag on (which 可以省略) This is the desk on which I put my bag (which 不可省略) ################################################################################################# I have an uncle who/that lives in China This is a watch that/which made in Korea This is a singer whom/who/that I want to see This is the house in which I live I like the cat, which is beautiful I like Mrs. Liu, who is very charmful He went to America, where the war broke out She went to the house, where she could not see him 1.人+事物一起存在 Look at the dog and her dog that are running 2.先行词是the+最高级或者the+序数词 She is the tallest girl that I have ever seen Jane is the first girl that came to the school 3.先行词有all,every,some,any,no时候 Everyone that goes to the school looks happy All that glitters is not gold 4.先行词有the very, the only,the same时候 This is the same/very watch that I lost yesterday 5.先行词有who,which 时候 Who that knows him will trust him Which of the movie that you watched this year is the tbest? ############################################################################################### 1.看that后面是不是完整的句子 It is true that I helped him yesterday (that 后面主谓宾都有)名词性从句 This is Shrek that married Fiona (that作主语且前面有先行词)定语从句 2.看that 前面有没有先行词 I didinot know that he was a singer (that 前没有先行词)名词性从句 He is the most clever guy that I have ever seen (that 前有先行词)定语从句 I understand the thing which you said I understand what you said I know the thing which you did last month I know what you did last summer ################################################################################################## This is the place in which I was born This is the place where I was born This is the place where I was born (I was born 是完整句子) We went to the place where we were able to camp (we were able to camp也是完整句子) 也就是说关系副词引导定语从句,从句是完整句子 New York is a city where the UN members meet = New York is a city in which the UN members meet This is a place which I want to visit is beautiful (visit is 及物动词) The place where I want to go is beautiful (go 不及物 ) I remember the day which she was born on I remember the day on which she was born I remember the day when she was born 这里 on which 可以用when 代替 This is the reason which he was late for This is the reason for which he was late This is the reason why he was late 这里for which 可以用why代替 This is the way in which she solved the problem This is the way how (that) she solved the problem 由于the way 是方法 how也是方法,,所以这里有些重复,去掉the way即可 或用关系 ‘副" 词that This is how she solved the problem 参考《不就是语法和长难句吗》和《英语分解语法大全》

歌词的最后一句是i hate you because of my love

Hate & Love Compose,Arrange by : Kim-Won / Lyrics : CHRIS LEE / Bass,Drum : Kim Won / Guitar : Song Jin-Suck / Piano : Rhea / String : Kim Dong-Hyuk / Chorus : Kim Hyo-Soo It was hard / living here without your touchMy tears keep falling down / boy please / come back and ease my pain.I"ll wait for you / just like nothing happened beforeLet"s give this one more try / let me be your girl / once more What should I do / something that time just can"t eraseI fight each and every night to fall asleepEveryday / wanna walk together this way / have some good moments that I can Remember in my heart foreverEveryday / my tears made an ocean of painIt"s all because of you / now I am trying to hate you so I will then forget you easily It is not / so easy to live all aloneI can"t stop loving you / it hurts me more than you knowAs time goes by / with all the pains you bring to meI"m losing all my mind / because of youEveryday / wanna walk together this way / have some good moments that I can Remember in my heart foreverEveryday / my tears made an ocean of painIt"s all because of you / now I am trying to hate you that"s the easy way to comfort my heartIt"s killing me to be without youcause all I ever wanted was you. You stole my heart then you walked away now you are not here / now you are goneEveryday / wanna walk together this way / have some good moments that I can Remember in my heart foreverEveryday / I don"t wanna act like i"m fine I thought you were the one / now I am trying to hate you So I will then forget you easily I hate you because you"re... my love

i hate you because i am very hungry什么意思

i hate you because i am very hungry 我恨你,因为我很饿hate 英[heu026at] 美[het] vt. 厌恶; 仇恨,憎恨; 对…感到不喜欢或讨厌; vi. 恨; n. 强烈的仇恨或厌恶,恨; 仇恨或讨厌的对象;

Because of how you use me, I hate you.这里的of要去掉吗?


我在酷狗上搜索到的一首歌曲Forever And Ever - Because I Love You,求歌词。

你好 很高兴回答你的问题 ,歌词是这样的Gareth gates--anyone of usBy:miko-song 宋I"ve been letting you down downGirl I know I"ve been such a foolGiving into temptationI should have played it coolThe situation got out of handI hope you understandIt can happen to anyone of usAnyone you think ofAnyone can fallAnyone can hurt someone they loveHearts will breakCos I made a stupid mistakeIt can happen to anyone of usSay you will forgive meAnyone can failSay you will believe meI can"t escapeMy heart will breakCause I made a stupid mistakeA stupid mistakeShe was kind of excitingA little crazyI should have knownShe must have altered my sensesAs I offered to walk her homeThe situation got out of handI hope you understandIt can happen to anyone of usAnyone you think ofAnyone can fallAnyone can hurt someone they loveHearts will breakCos I made a stupid mistakeIt can happen to anyone of usSay you will forgive meAnyone can failSay you will believe meI can"t escapeMy heart will breakCause I made a stupid mistakeA stupid mistakeA stupid mistakeShe means nothing to meNothing to meI swear every word is trueI don"t wanna lose youThe situation got out of handI hope you understandIt can happen to anyone of usAnyone you think ofAnyone can fallAnyone can hurt someone they loveHearts will breakCos I made a stupid mistakeIt can happen to anyone of usSay you will forgive meAnyone can failSay you will believe meI can"t escapeMy heart will breakCause I made a stupid mistakeA stupid mistakeAnyone you think ofAnyone can fallAnyone can hurt someone they loveHearts will breakCos I made a stupid mistakeA stupid mistake翻译:女孩,我知道我曾经是一个傻瓜从而能对诱惑我应该发挥它很酷局势一发不可收拾我希望你明白这可能发生在我们任何人任何你想到的任何人都可以下降任何人都不能伤害到他们所爱的人心将突破因为我犯了一个愚蠢的错误这可能发生在我们任何人说你会原谅我任何人都可能会失败说你会相信我我无法逃脱我的心将突破因为我犯了一个愚蠢的错误一个愚蠢的错误她是剌激有点疯狂我应该知道她改变了我的感觉正如我曾想去她家局势一发不可收拾我希望你明白这可能发生在我们任何人任何你想到的任何人都可以下降任何人都不能伤害到他们所爱的人心将突破因为我犯了一个愚蠢的错误这可能发生在我们任何人说你会原谅我任何人都可能会失败说你会相信我我无法逃脱我的心将突破因为我犯了一个愚蠢的错误一个愚蠢的错误一个愚蠢的错误她对我意味着什么我什么都不是我发誓句句属实我不想失去你局势一发不可收拾我希望你明白这可能发生在我们任何人任何你想到的任何人都可以下降任何人都不能伤害到他们所爱的人心将突破因为我犯了一个愚蠢的错误这可能发生在我们任何人说你会原谅我任何人都可能会失败说你会相信我我无法逃脱我的心将突破因为我犯了一个愚蠢的错误一个愚蠢的错误任何你想到的任何人都可以下降任何人都不能伤害到他们所爱的人心将突破因为我犯了一个愚蠢的错误一个愚蠢的错误

I feel left out because of this? 请问点解?

更新1: I have a problem. I am fifteen years old and nearly all my friends at school have pets. I feel left out because of this. I have asked my parents many times if I can have a dog or a cat but she always say no. 这是上文下理 i feel left out because of this 因为甘我比冷落 / 因为甘我觉得我唔属于依度 i feel left out because of a person or something i feel left out because of her i feel left out because i didn't get a good grade like the rest of the class left out = leave out = verb phrase = no tense left out = don't feel the belonging there to omit exclude 因为 left out 无 tense ﹐ 所以 feel 就系 个 tense。 i feel left out i felt left out in the past i will feel left out if you guys don't play with me tommy says "i feel left out because of this." "what is this?" "my test score." left out 是一个phrase,不能改变。不论前面的文型是什么,都是用left out. left out 是解作被孤立。全句的意思如下: I feel left out because of this 我觉得因为这样而被孤立。 希望帮到你! Hope that helps! to be left out 没有被选中、不能跟他人一同参与、错过 left out 是动词to leave out的形容词用法 feel 是现在型,跟left没关系,因为left是以past participle做形容词型

Causal Inference 2

1. What are potential outcomes? potential outcomes: inferring the effect of treatment/policy on some outcome.2. The fundamental problem of causal inference. 对于一个已知个体,可以观察到其在某种Condition下,做出的某种Treatment,以及获得对应的结果Y,在实际情况下,我们无法获得在该个体如果做出另一种Treatment会出现哪种结果Y。如下图,无法获得?标记的数据。 3. Getting around the fundamental problem of causal inference 主要描述了correlation/association is not causation.简单概括是指P(Y|T)!=P(Y|do(T)),前者是指causal association, 后者指confounding association。 其他概念:ATE: 4.What assumptions would make the ATE equal to the associational difference? Ignorability: T与C相互独立,不受影响 Exchangeability:将T=0和T=1两个group相互交换,获得的结果仍然相同。(同样也是因为C与T相互独立) 5. Identifiablity and Randomized Control Trials Ignorablity和exchangeability使causal quantities可以进行计算,即具有Identifiability。 Randomized Control Trials:对于T,随机产生一个T的动作,也即是使整个过程拥有Ignorability和Exchangeability的性质(也即使没有任何C能够干扰T做出的选择)。 6. Conditional exchangeability exchangeability 可以认为Y只与T有关,现在conditional exchangeability在C条件下与T有关 如果W也与T和Y有关,但W无法观测,怎么办? 7.Positivity / Overlap and Extrapolation

Australia ,experiment,extra,expensive,expert等单词怎样读呢?

/t/在/s/后都发/d/音 /p/在/s/后都发/b/音 这些都是简单的发音规则~ 还有/k/在/s/后发/g/的音 例如 school:/sgu:l/ not /sku:l/,2,爆破,1,英语发音中,当两个爆破音连在一起的时候,发音时第二个爆破音主动失去爆破。 像/tr/就是爆破音,/dr/是与其对应的非爆破音 与爆破音/p/对应的是/b/ 与爆破音/s/对应的是/z/,0,Australia ,experiment,extra,expensive,expert等单词怎样读呢 Australia音标写为/cstreilien/读成/csdreilien/吗? experiment 音标写为/iksperiment/读成/ik *** eriment/吗? 还有例如extra,expensive,extperience,espect etc.

Why are you so happy today? Because I have been chosen to be the chairperson.



reason 原因、理由;意指合理的、存在的理由和事实。 Cause 一般指引起...的缘由。由..导致的。 excuse 指推辞,借口;多指不存在的、捏造的缘由。 just for inference!


factor: 因素,心灵美也是决定你娶谁的重要因素 Inner beauty is also an important factor when you decide who to marry.cause:原因,这是火灾的原因 This is the cause of the fire.reason:理由,你能告诉我这样做的理由吗?Can you tell me the reason you did this?

l just wanna run,hide it away,run because,they′er chosing me down什么意思

出自歌曲I Just Wanna Run - The Downtown FictionI just wanna run" hide it away我只想逃离 找个藏身之所Run because they"re chasing me down好想摆脱他们的追捕I just wanna run" throw it away我只想逃避 抛开一切念头Run before they"re finding me out在他们找出我之前逃开I just wanna run我只想逃离I just wanna run我只想逃离I"m out here all alone我独身一人在此I try to call your house我试着打电话去你家Can"t reach you on the phone却无人接听I"ll gather up the nerve我鼓起勇气I"m packing up my bag整理行囊It"s more than you deserve你罪有应得Don"t treat me like a drag别把我看作累赘I"m feelin" like I keep on talking我感觉自己的话滔滔不绝I"m repeating myself" my words lost all meaning我再三强调自己 我的言语失去意义I keep talking I repeat myself我滔滔不绝 我再三强调I just wanna run" hide it away我只想逃离 找个藏身之所Run because they"re chasing me down好想摆脱他们的追捕I just wanna run" throw it away我只想逃避 抛开一切念头Run before they"re finding me out在他们找出我之前逃开I just wanna run (run" run" run)我只想逃离(逃离 逃离 逃离)I just wanna run我只想逃离(run" run" run)(逃离 逃离 逃离)Like a game of chess犹如一盘象棋I predict your move我预示你的一举一动I think I know you better我想我对你一清二楚Better than you do比你更了解自己I"m sick of feeling cheap我厌倦感觉一文不值Cheated and abused厌倦谎言和凌辱Sick of losing sleep我厌倦感觉一文不值Thinking about you对你朝思暮想I"m feelin" like I keep on talking我感觉自己的话滔滔不绝I"m repeating myself" my words lost all meaning我再三强调自己 我的言语失去意义I keep talking I repeat myself我滔滔不绝 我再三强调I just wanna run" hide it away我只想逃离 找个藏身之所Run because they"re chasing me down好想摆脱他们的追捕I just wanna run" throw it away我只想逃避 抛开一切念头Run before they"re finding me out在他们找出我之前逃开I just wanna run (run" run" run)我只想逃离(逃离 逃离 逃离)I just wanna run (run" run" run)我只想逃离(逃离 逃离 逃离)I just wanna run" hide it away我只想逃离 找个藏身之所Run because they"re chasing me down好想摆脱他们的追捕I just wanna run" throw it away我只想逃避 抛开一切念头Run before they"re finding me out在他们找出我之前逃开I just wanna run" hide it away我只想逃离 找个藏身之所Run because they"re chasing me down好想摆脱他们的追捕I just wanna run" throw it away我只想逃避 抛开一切念头Run before they"re finding me out在他们找出我之前逃开I just wanna run (run" run" run)我只想逃离(逃离 逃离 逃离)I just wanna run (run" run" run)我只想逃离(逃离 逃离 逃离)

lead to 和cause 的区别

lead to 带领 引领 cause 发生

baustelle的《Revolver》 歌词

「Revolve」収録:UVERworld - just Melody/発売日:2006/01/25作词:TAKUYA∞/Alice Ice/作曲:UVERworld歌手:UVERworldこれが最期じゃないよ、と言い闻かせキズつくことを恐れてた分かってたキミのことひとり 孤独を抱いていたこんな夜はキミの声をたよりに WowClose by キミのSmile、Call、Once againあの日みたく抱きしめたいよ见にいつか行こう ふたりで歩いた街のね 光を永久にいたいけど そばに足りず 言叶に出来ず终いの事背中合わせに立って 探し合うみたいな悲しいふたりだったWoo- You"re everything忘れられなくてこんなにもClose by キミのSmile、Call、Once again痛いくらい 抱きしめたいよ新しい手 选んでしまえない君しか いらないよ永久に繋いでる 光见える间に Takin" it to me once againClose by キミのSmile、Call、Once againあの日みたく抱きしめたいよ见にいつか行こう ふたりで歩いた街のね 光を手にしたい梦を掴む代偿にキミの事失ったんだ思い出Boxしまい込めない このまま永久にいたいけど そばに足りず 言叶に出来ず时は去ってゆくだけ永久にいたいけど そばに足りず 言叶に出来ず终いの事

Because of Love 歌词

歌曲名:Because of Love歌手:Brian Simpson专辑:Closer StillBecause Of YouI will not makeThe same mistakes that you didI will not let myselfCause my heart so much miseryI will not breakThe way you did, you fell so hardI"ve learned the hard wayTo never let it get that farBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI lose my wayAnd it"s not too long before you point it outI can not cryBecause I know that"s weakness in your eyesI"m forced to fakeA smile, a laugh, every day of my lifeMy heart can"t possibly breakWhen it wasn"t even whole to start withBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI watched you dieI heard you cry every night in your sleepI was so youngYou should have known better than to lean on meYou never thought of anyone elseYou just saw your painAnd now I cry in the middle of the nightFor the same damn thingBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI try my hardest just to forget everythingBecause of youI don"t know how to let anyone else inBecause of youI"m ashamed of my life because it"s emptyBecause of youI am afraid

Others,are watch dogs because.这句话的中文是什么?


When you say nothing at all - Alison Krauss 的一首歌曲 很好听,我想学唱 谁能帮忙用中文音译出来


When You Say Nothing At All Allison Krauss 的中文歌词是怎样的?

It"s amazing how you can speak right to my heart 真令人惊异 你可以一语说中我的心事 Without saying a word, you can light up the dark 不需要任何语言 你能成为黑暗中的光明 Try as I may I could never explain 试着解释我无法解释的 What I hear when you don"t say a thing 你不说话时我依然能明白 The smile on your face lets me know that you need me 你脸上的笑容告诉我你需要我 There"s a truth in your eyes saying you"ll never leave me 在你眼中有一份真诚告诉我你永远不会离开我 The touch of your hand says you"ll catch me when ever I fall 你轻触的手在说当我摔到你会把我接住 You say it best..when you say nothing at all 当你不说话的时候 你表达的最清楚 All day long I can hear people talking out loud 每一天我听到人群大声谈论 But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd (the crowd) 但是你近距离的拥抱 淹没了吵杂的人群 Try as they may they can never define 试着解释 却永远无法定义 What"s been said between your heart and mine 那些我们心的悄悄话 (you say it best when you say nothing at all You say it best when you say nothing at all..) 当你不说话的时候 你表达的最清楚 The smile on your face 你脸上的笑容 The truth in your eyes 你眼中有一份真诚 The touch of your hand 你轻触的手 Let"s me know that you need me.. 让我知道你需要我.. (you say it best when you say nothing at all You say it best when you say nothing at all..) 当你不说话的时候 你表达的最清楚 The smile on your face 你脸上的笑容 The truth in your eyes 你眼中有一份真诚 The touch of your hand 你轻触的手 Let"s me know that you need me.. 让我知道你需要我.. (you say it best when you say nothing at all You say it best when you say nothing at all..) 当你不说话的时候 你表达的最清楚..

when you say nothing at all alison krauss什么意思

when you say nothing at all(当你什么都没说) 歌手:alison krauss



All the flight having been canceled because of the snowstrom, we had to take the train instead.


the flight has because of the bad weather。


trigger, cause, induce的区别?

trigger-to make sth happen very quickly ,esp. a series of events(尤指一系列的事情抑或是爆炸)cause-to make sth happen,esp. sth bad(侧重点可能更偏向于坏的结果)induce-三中含义:一、诱发某事的发生(persuade sb to do sth that doesnt seem wise)二、引产,催生(medical)三、to cause a particular physical condition诱发(某种身体反应)

英语语法问题-请问cause 和 trigger有什么区别吗?

cause 是因为,后面接原因trigger是激发,引起的意思,后面接事情的结果

Because We Are 歌词

歌曲名:Because We Are歌手:Soulero & Hellberg专辑:Monstercat 010: ConquestBecause Of YouI will not makeThe same mistakes that you didI will not let myselfCause my heart so much miseryI will not breakThe way you did, you fell so hardI"ve learned the hard wayTo never let it get that farBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI lose my wayAnd it"s not too long before you point it outI can not cryBecause I know that"s weakness in your eyesI"m forced to fakeA smile, a laugh, every day of my lifeMy heart can"t possibly breakWhen it wasn"t even whole to start withBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI watched you dieI heard you cry every night in your sleepI was so youngYou should have known better than to lean on meYou never thought of anyone elseYou just saw your painAnd now I cry in the middle of the nightFor the same damn thingBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI try my hardest just to forget everythingBecause of youI don"t know how to let anyone else inBecause of youI"m ashamed of my life because it"s emptyBecause of youI am afraid

Because of you 的歌词

because of you 歌手:kelly clarkson 专辑:breakaway I will not make the same mistake that you did. I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery. I will not break the way you did, you fell so hard. I"ve learned the hard way to never let it get that far.Because of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkKelly ClarksonBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side, so I don"t get hurtBecause of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me, Because of you, I am afraid.I lose my way and it"s not too long before you point it out. I cannot cry because I know that"s weakness in your eyes. I"m forced to fake a smile, a laugh, everyday of my life. My heart can"t possibly break because it wasn"t even whole to start with.Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalkI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me, Because of you, I am afraid.I watched you die, I heard you cry in the night in your sleep. I was so young you should"ve known better than to lean on me. You never thought of anyone else you just saw your pain. And now I cry in the middle of the night for the same damn thing. Because of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side, so I don"t get hurtBecause of you I tried my hardest to forget everything. Because of you I don"t know how to let anyone else in. Because of you I"m ashamed of my life because it"s empty. Because of you I"m afraid, Because of you.

谁把Kelly Clarkson的《Because Of You》歌词用中文谐音给我写出来

《Because Of You》 I will not make the same mistakes that you did爱为哦那没 乐塞迷死逮雷就爹I will not let myself爱围殴那累麦塞喔Cause my heart so much misery铐子卖哈艘玛曲米则里I will not break the way you did,爱围殴那不累可 勒为由碟You fell so hard由非喔搜哈I"ve learned the hard way爱屋冷勒哈维To never let it get that far吐捏我累碟给类发Because of you必考早由I never stray too far from the sidewalk爱捏握死追类吐发佛兰乐噻哇哦Because of you必考早由I learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurt爱冷吐普雷嗷勒塞噻搜矮墩给喝Because of you必考早由I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me爱法裔碟哈图出拉丝那喔里米 吧诶里玩呃乱米Because of you必考早由I am afraid爱夜幕呃负累I lose my way爱炉子买为And it"s not too long before you point it out嗯叠词那图乱比否由跑跌嗷I cannot cry爱肯那库赖Because I know that"s weakness in your eyes必考在獳类此武夷捏死音药热爱死I"m forced to fake按发哦死图飞客A smile, a laugh everyday of my life呃死买哦 呃拉夫 诶里得嗷买来My heart can"t possibly break卖哈肯跑色不理布雷克When it wasn"t even whole to start with问业我真一文后土四大为Because of you必考早由I never stray too far from the sidewalk爱捏握死追类吐发佛兰乐噻哇哦Because of you必考早由I learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurt爱冷吐普雷嗷勒塞噻搜矮墩给喝Because of you必考早由I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me爱法裔碟哈图出拉丝那喔里米 吧诶里玩呃乱米Because of you必考早由I am afraid爱夜幕呃负累I watched you die爱哇球带 I heard you cry every night in your sleep爱喝酒哭来 诶里奶音药私立I was so young爱握搜样You should have known better than to lean on me由秀黑腹耨木倍的脸吐里闹米You never thought of anyone else由捏沃尔骚奥夫诶你玩哎哟死You just saw your pain由假骚药呸And now I cry in the middle of the night嗯闹爱库赖音勒米豆嗷勒奶For the same damn thing佛乐先导性Because of you必考早由I never stray too far from the sidewalk爱捏握死追类吐发佛兰乐噻哇哦Because of you必考早由I learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurt爱冷吐普雷嗷勒塞噻搜矮墩给喝Because of you必考早由I try my hardest just to forget everything爱踹卖哈跌死家兔佛给诶里行Because of you必考早由I don"t know how to let anyone else in爱蹲獳好土咧诶你玩爱哦新Because of you必考早由I"m ashamed of my life because it"s empty爱麽睡嗷买来必考一次诶母体Because of you必考早由I am afraid碍眼呃负累Because of you必考早由

Because I Love Aco 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Because I Love Aco歌手:like a rabbit专辑:GAME!!Because Of YouI will not makeThe same mistakes that you didI will not let myselfCause my heart so much miseryI will not breakThe way you did, you fell so hardI"ve learned the hard wayTo never let it get that farBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI lose my wayAnd it"s not too long before you point it outI can not cryBecause I know that"s weakness in your eyesI"m forced to fakeA smile, a laugh, every day of my lifeMy heart can"t possibly breakWhen it wasn"t even whole to start withBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI watched you dieI heard you cry every night in your sleepI was so youngYou should have known better than to lean on meYou never thought of anyone elseYou just saw your painAnd now I cry in the middle of the nightFor the same damn thingBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI try my hardest just to forget everythingBecause of youI don"t know how to let anyone else inBecause of youI"m ashamed of my life because it"s emptyBecause of youI am afraidhttp://music.b***.com/song/27109898

谁有because of you的歌词?


Kelly Clarkson-Because Of You歌词+翻译

I will not make the same mistakes that you did I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery I will not break the way you did You fell so hard I learned the hard way, to never let it get that far Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side So I don"t get hurt Because of you I find it hard to trust Not only me, but everyone around me Because of you I am afraid I lose my way And it"s not too long before you point it out I cannot cry Because I know that"s weakness in your eyes I"m forced to fake a smile, a laugh Every day of my life My heart can"t possibly break When it wasn"t even whole to start with Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side So I don"t get hurt Because of you I find it hard to trust Not only me, but everyone around me Because of you I am afraid I watched you die I heard you cry Every night in your sleep I was so young You should have known better than to lean on me You never thought of anyone else You just saw your pain And now I cry In the middle of the night Over the same damn thing Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurt Because of you I tried my hardest just to forget everything Because of you I don"t know how to let anyone else in Because of you I"m ashamed of my life because it"s empty Because of you I am afraid Because of you我不会重蹈你的覆辙 也不会让自己的心品尝苦涩 更不会像你一样崩溃 我知道痛苦的滋味 却绝不会轻易去体会 只因有你 人生的轨道我从不敢偏离 只因有你 我学会用封闭内心来保护自 只因有你 我不仅难以相信自己 连周围的人我都怀疑 只因有你 我如此畏惧 我迷失了 在你发现前那一刻 我不能哭泣 因为在你眼中这就是脆弱 每一天,我伪装的笑容都写满逼迫 我的心不可能再破碎了 因为它已经毁在了最初的那刻 只因有你 人生的轨道我从不敢偏离 只因有你 我学会用封闭内心来保护自己 只因有你 我不仅难以相信自己 连周围的人我都怀疑 只因有你 我如此畏惧 我目睹你日渐憔悴的容颜 我听见你呜咽着彻夜难眠 我还这么小 你怎能依靠在我的双肩 你什么也看不见 除了你自己的痛苦 而现在我也同样地在夜晚哭泣 只因为你的悲剧在我身上重演 只因有你 人生的轨道我从不敢偏离 只因有你 我学会用封闭内心来保护自己 只因有你 我用尽全力去把一切都忘记 只因有你 我不知道如何接纳任何人 只因有你 我的生命是一片可耻的空虚 只因有你 我如此畏惧 只因有你 只因有你

求歌曲I love you 有句词是because of you,是女歌手

KellyClarkson-BecauseOfYou  Iwillnotmakethesamemistakesthatyoudid我不会重蹈你的覆辙  Iwillnotletmyselfcausemyheartsomuchmisery也不会让自己的心品尝苦涩  Iwillnotbreakthewayyoudid,youfellsohard更不会像你一样崩溃  I"velearnedthehardway我知道痛苦的滋味  Soneverletitgetthatfar却绝不会轻易去体会  Becauseofyou因为你  Ineverstraytoofarfromthesidewalk人生的轨道我从不敢偏离  Becauseofyou因为你  IlearnedtoplayonthesafesidesoIdon"tgethurt我学会用封闭内心来保护自己  Becauseofyou因为你  Ifindithardtotrustnotonlyme,buteveryonearoundme  我不仅难以相信自己连周围的人我都怀疑  Becauseofyou因为你  Iamafraid我如此畏惧  Ilosemyway我迷失了  Andit‘snottoolongbeforeyoupointitout在你发现前那一刻  Icannotcry我不能哭泣  BecauseIknowthat"sweaknessinyoureyes因为在你眼中这就是脆弱  I"mforcedtofakeasmile,alaugheverydayofmylife每一天,我伪装的笑容都写满逼迫  Myheartcan"tpossiblybreak我的心不可能再破碎了  Whenitwasn"tevenwholetostartwith因为它已经毁在了最初的那刻  Becauseofyou因为你  Ineverstraytoofarfromthesidewalk人生的轨道我从不敢偏离  Becauseofyou因为你  IlearnedtoplayonthesafesidesoIdon"tgethurt我学会用封闭内心来保护自己  Becauseofyou因为你  Ifindithardtotrustnotonlyme,buteveryonearoundme  我不仅难以相信自己连周围的人我都怀疑  Becauseofyou因为你  Iamafraid我如此畏惧  Iwatchedyoudie我目睹你日渐憔悴的容颜  Iheardyoucryeverynightinyoursleep我听见你呜咽着彻夜难眠  Iwassoyoung我还这么小  Youshouldhaveknownbetterthantoleanonme你怎能依靠在我的双肩  Youneverthoughtofanyoneelse你什么也看不见  Youjustsawyourpain除了你自己的痛苦  AndnowIcryinthemiddleofthenight而现在我也同样地在夜晚哭泣  Forthesamedamnthing只因为你的悲剧在我身上重演  Becauseofyou因为你  Ineverstraytoofarfromthesidewalk人生的轨道我从不敢偏离  Becauseofyou因为你  IlearnedtoplayonthesafesidesoIdon"tgethurt我学会用封闭内心来保护自己  Becauseofyou因为你  Itrymyhardestjusttoforgeteverything我竭尽全力,只想把一切忘记  Becauseofyou因为你  Idontknowhowtoletanyoneelsein我不知如何敞开心扉让别人驻进  Becauseofyou因为你  Imashamedofmylifebecauseitsempty我为我空虚的生活感到羞愧  Becauseofyou因为你  Iamafraid我如此畏惧  Becauseofyou因为你  Becauseofyou只因为你  希望能帮到你~。

凯丽.克莱森的[because of yuo ]歌词是啥意思


跪求 helen austin的wonderful day 的歌词

wonderful day 中文歌词 在有着耀眼阳光的午后 打开窗户 看着树阴没有分开的阴凉小道 深吸口气, 闭上双眼 心中描绘着明天的舞台 想象着新的一页 在纯白的校园中描绘 即使面向风也没有关系 继续这个没有结局的Brand new strory wonderful day wonderful day wonderful wonderful wonderful day 站在斑马线的十字路口 当等变绿的时候就可以走 踩着白色斑马线前进 像孩子一般 总是这样被风吹拂着 做着按照自己心中想象那样的事 如果可以完成的 就将双手伸向远处的天空 把这份思念传达给对方 .....

No why.Because this is a no question.So it has no answer.Understand?什么意思

10月22日至24日,Flex企业应用高级培训课程在3TI Solutions成功举行。10月22日是培训的第一天。虽然课程9点才开始,但是主讲刘伟老师一大早就赶到了公司,有条不紊地做起了准备工作。刘老师拥有10年的IT行业从业背景,致力于J2EE领域企业解决方案,曾参于中国人寿集团、太平洋保险集团、中国现代设计集团等企业大型系统的设计和开发。涉足领域包括金融、保险、电子商务,电子政务。刘老师从2005年开始专注于Flex RIA技术,主持设计了大型Flex企业应用系统:Softtown统一通讯平台和Ecargo国际物流货代系统。同时,作为合作伙伴为Adobe公司在中国市场的业务拓展提供技术咨询和支持,参与Adobe公司在华东区诸多大型项目的咨询和技术支持工作。9点,培训课程准时开始。第一次见面的同学和老师彼此还比较陌生,气氛稍显严肃。不过这丝毫不影响刘老师的教课热情,激情洋溢的上课风格还是给同学们留下了深刻的映象。刘老师的认真负责还有丰富的开发和授课经验让前来参加培训的同学们受益匪浅。他们之中有在校学生,有已经参加工作的企业开发人员,也有Flex开发的爱好者。对于在开发和应用中遇到的瓶颈和难题,通过这次培训,参加培训人员也寻找到了更好的解决方案。此次培训为期三天。第二天虽然天公不作美,由于受到强冷空气的影响下起了大雨,气温也直线下降,但大部分的同学仍然准时到达参加培训,上课氛围也其乐融融,让人仿佛忘却了窗外的大风与寒冷。同学和老师之间已有了相应的了解,交流也变得更为顺畅,完全放开了第一天的紧张与不安。同学们的提问越来越多,刘老师也一一耐心解答同学们的疑问。短暂的3天培训就在欢声笑语中落下了帷幕。参加培训人员互相合影留念,并且彼此交换手机号码。一次培训已经让大家都成为了朋友,大家彼此交换意见和经验。同学们也争先恐后地与刘老师合影,并记下了刘老师的联络方式,希望与刘老师成为朋友。刘老师同时也肯定了同学们的业务知识和技能,表示这批同学的整体水平还是相当之高的。10月份3TI Solutions《Flex企业应用高级培训课程》圆满落幕。敬请期待11月份的Flex培训。

It was because the applicant was too proud __ he failed in the interview


8pieces of bread,6sausages,apples and jam是什么意思

8pieces of bread,6sausages,apples and jam8片面包,6勺,苹果和果酱重点词汇释义bread面包; 食物; 营养,营养物; 生计; 在…上撒面包屑apples苹果,苹果树( apple的名词复数 ); 棒球; 坏球; 苹果属植物的果实jam果酱; 拥挤,挤满; 困境; 干扰; 把…挤进; 把…塞满,使挤紧; 使堵塞; 使卡住; 堵塞; 挤满,

Do you like sausages?回答为什么是yes,I do.而不是yes,I like.

she had eggs and sausages改否定句

she didn"t have eggs and sausages希望对你有帮助。

求翻译pupils are more like oysters than sausages


my silly sausage什么意思

my silly sausage我愚蠢的香肠sausage[英][u02c8su0252su026adu0292][美][u02c8su0254:su026adu0292]n.香肠,腊肠; 〈口〉德国人; 复数:sausages双语例句1A kilogram of garlic sausage, please.请给我一千克蒜味香肠。
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