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charm dazzle colour the best of maycreate lipstick什么意思

charm dazzle colour the best of maycreate lipstick魅力炫彩口红最好的产生

Acer PEW96 也就是 捷威GatewayPEW96的怎么样 网上都没一点消息~~~


baka-updates Manga 怎样在线看漫画


a clock gains five seconds every hour. twenty-four hours later,it is 5:58.thw correct time is______





推荐解答(1)Hibernate   Hibernate是一个开放源代码的对象关系映射框架,它对JDBC进行了非常轻量级的对象封装,使得Java程序员可以随心所欲的使用对象编程思维来操纵数据库。 Hibernate可以应用在任何使用JDBC的场合,既可以在Java的客户端程序实用,也可以在Servlet/JSP的Web应用中使用,最具革命意义的是,Hibernate可以在应用EJB的J2EE架构中取代CMP,完成数据持久化的重任。Eclipse平台下的Hibernate辅助开发工具:【Hibernate Synchronizer】【MiddlegenIDE】   IBATIS   使用ibatis 提供的ORM机制,对业务逻辑实现人员而言,面对的是纯粹的Java对象, 这一层与通过Hibernate 实现ORM 而言基本一致,而对于具体的数据操作,Hibernate 会自动生成SQL 语句,而ibatis 则要求开发者编写具体的SQL 语句。相对Hibernate等 “全自动”ORM机制而言,ibatis 以SQL开发的工作量和数据库移植性上的让步,为系统 设计提供了更大的自由空间。作为“全自动”ORM 实现的一种有益补充,ibatis 的出现显 得别具意义。[数据捕快 大数据实验室提供 ][datacaptor from aosustudio]推荐解答(2)一.共同点:1.都是O/R mapping框架,直接与数据库打交道。2.都提供方言支持不同类型数据库的访问,通过xml文件格式将数据库表与java对象连接起来。3.都可以交给spring来管理4.都是开源软件二.区别:hibernate是当前流行的O/R框架,来自于,现在已成为HBOSS的一部分。 hibernate相对较复杂,学习周期长。ibatis/mybatis 是另外一种优秀的o/r mapping框架,目前属于apache的一个子项目了。ibatis上手快,很容易学学习。三原理:hibernate对数据结构进行了很好的封装,可以实现java对象也就是POJO是数据库表之间的映射,还能根据POJO及SQL自动生成表和执行命令。程序员往往只需定义好了pojo 到数据库表的映射关系,即可通过hibernate 提供的方法完成持久层操作。程序员甚至不需要对sql 的熟练掌握, hibernate/ojb 会根据制定的存储逻辑,自动生成对应的sql 并调用jdbc 接口加以执行。而ibatis 则重点在于pojo 与sql之间的映射关系。ibatis不能让我们通过POJO生成SQL语句来执行 。具体的sql 需要程序员编写,然后通过映射配置文件,将sql所需的参数,以及返回的结果字段映射到指定pojo。四.机制使用ibatis 提供的orm机制,对业务逻辑实现人员而言,面对的是纯粹的java对象。这一层与通过hibernate 实现orm 而言基本一致,而对于具体的数据操作,hibernate会自动生成sql 语句,而ibatis 则要求开发者编写具体的sql 语句。相对hibernate而言,ibatis 以sql开发的工作量和数据库移植性上的让步,为系统设计提供了更大的自由空间。 五.系统维护或者二次开发当系统维护或者二次开发,无法对数据库结构做到控制和修改,那ibatis的灵活性将比hibernate更适合 六.海量数据 系统数据处理量巨大,性能要求极为苛刻,这往往意味着我们必须通过经过高度优化的sql语句(或存储过程)才能达到系统性能设计指标。在这种情况下ibatis会有更好的可控性和表现。 七.自动化程度 ibatis需要手写sql语句,也可以生成一部分,hibernate则基本上可以自动生成,偶尔会写一些hql。同样的需求,ibatis的工作量比 hibernate要大很多。类似的,如果涉及到数据库字段的修改,hibernate修改的地方很少,而ibatis要把那些sql mapping的地方一一修改。 八.与数据映射关系 ibatis以数据库字段一一对应映射得到的po和hibernte这种对象化映射得到的po是截然不同的,本质区别在于这种po是扁平化的,不像hibernate映射的po是可以表达立体的对象继承,聚合等等关系的,这将会直接影响到你的整个软件系统的设计思路。 九.技术支持 hibernate现在已经是主流o/r mapping框架,从文档的丰富性,产品的完善性,版本的开发速度都要强于ibatis十.实现过程查看1.hibernate配置,进行数据库连接。2.POJO与数据库映射的xml文件介绍3..得到sessionFactory我们就可以通过会话工厂操作数据库4、ibatis配置信息设置5.POJO与数据库的建立xml文件定义6.加载ibatis配置文件,给client初始化6.通过client操作数据库亲,记得采纳一下哦[数据捕快 大数据实验室提供 ][datacaptor from aosustudio]推荐解答(3)都是java的一种框架,hibernate靠的是hql语言,面向的是object,ibatis靠的是sql语言,更接近数据库,配置比hibernate灵活,也比hibernate效率高


可以不实现的 Serializable接口可以让虚拟机知道该对象可以被网络传输 比如分布式开发就需要实现

汉译英Translate the following sentences into English, and put your answers down on the Answer Sheet

1. This issue is noteworthy.2. This trail leads to the school.3. Despite our objections, he made that decision.4. Since we are good friends, you should support me.5. These new equipment will be put into use next month.6. This dictionary is very useful to us, I just can not do without it.7. They maintained the car very well.8. He found it hard to concentrate in class thinking.9. This poem was too difficult, a 9-year-old child of course can not comprehend.10. Our new products, good quality, we are proud of it. These new products have greatly improved the image of our company.11. It is understood that science and technology development of China"s modernization is essential.12. After several failures, he finally succeeded in the invention of a more than any one had been a good bike.13. Mathematics teachers know that if Tom could not is another difficult solution, then the most likely solution is also no other students in the class.14. Scientists have made numerous experiments show that improving the people"s behavior, the praise than criticism much more effective.15. I do know that there are a lot of young people while doing homework while listening to background music habits.



买了彩虹六号围攻后也注册了udi可是没有游戏只有个Activate a key 我该怎样才能玩?



自己就打开这华为Mate 9在系统的流畅度、续航以及拍照上均有许多优化和升级,其中不乏一些给力的黑科技。虽然华为Mate 9的外观设计和配置此前已被提前泄露,但作为国内最强的旗舰机型,华为Mate 9依然还是吸引了非常多人的关注,而华为也没有失望,在发布会上给我们带来了诸多惊喜。在一群舞者的表演热场过后,余承东坐着1970款保时捷911来了一次相较特别的登场。一上台,余承东就直接发布了今天准备的两款新品——华为Mate 9以及华为Mate 9保时捷设计全球限量版。首先,余承东先是介绍了华为Mate 9保时捷设计全球限量版,这也是华为首款配备了双曲面屏幕的机型。其设计灵感源自Porsche经典跑车的流线机身设计。机身的正面,保时捷版华为Mate 9采用了一块5.5英寸2K双曲面屏以及一枚正面指纹识别按键,而它的玻璃触板和金属壳体实现了无缝衔接。配合上纯黑石墨金属质感后背以及对称式设计,整体感觉十分尊贵。与此同时,在后置摄像头上也加入了全新的Leica双摄。当然,黑色也是今年下半年的主流颜色,看来这款黑色的双曲面限量版估计会受到不少人的青睐。随后,传统版的华为Mate 9也正式亮相,继续延续了高水准的金属一体化设计。其正面采用了一块5.9英寸大屏,屏占比更高了,黑边也更窄了,提供多达6种配色可选。具体的颜色方面包括苍穹灰、摩卡金、月光银、陶瓷白、香槟金以及黑色,内在方面首先的一大升级是搭载的麒麟960八核处理器,这也是该款处理器的首次实装



polymer material是什么意思

聚合材料polymer: n. 【化学】聚合体,聚合物,多聚物。 material: adj. 物质的例:High strength polymer materials for making space cable制造太空缆的高强度聚合物材料

咨询下Data guard,Streams,GoldenGate三者有什么区别

Data guard ==> 全库的复制 灾备 、 高可用、 读写分离, 除了Active Data Guard外 都是免费的,性能好,对网络的要求高Streams==》 支持单向或双向的流复制,多种粒度:表 Schema DB , 免费 , Bug较多 管理难度较大,性能较差,对网络的要求较高Goldengate ==> 支持单向或双向的同步复制, 多种粒度, 收费昂贵,管理难度一般,性能较好,对网络的要求较低。

altium report_drc.xsl does not exist怎么解决 ,templates文件夹下明明存在该文件啊~protel09的

我用Altium Designer画完PCB电气检查时出现altium report_drc.xsl does not exist,可我看了一下安装的Templates里面有report_drc.xsl 是怎么回事啊

Error: mclInitializeApplication may not be called once mclTerminateApplicati

初始化执行一次就可以了,把if(!GetImageInitialize())提到for循环外,再把GetImageTerminate();mclTerminateApplication();放在return 0;前就可以了。另外程序设计有问题,观看程序,你应该是想检测图像,既然这样,当然是找出一幅检测一幅啊。再把所有图像检测部分代码也放在while()循环内。

在意大利铁路网站买票,Corporate ID什么意思?Loyalty Code什么意思

Corporate ID=公司用户名,就是公司(企业)协议价;Loyalty Code=会员代码,就是意铁会员的意思。有这两个的话是有优惠的,没有的话可以不填写。乘客姓名是必须正确填写的,另外需要留意网上购买留的电邮,意铁会发来确认信(邮件),之后需要自己用A4纸打印好这个确认信。

shipment date是什么意思

loading date是装船日期,shipment date是装运日期.这二者一字之差,但意义不同.前者是装船的动作,从开始装船直到装船结束,那么可能当天装完,也可能几天装完,尤其是大宗产品的散货船;一般是指装船结束那一天.而后者的装运,则相对较虚,是指“发货日期”,也就是卖方按照合同义务而发货或发运的日期,实际业务中一般是开船日期.

shipment date , B/L date,on board date 区别

1、shipment date 直译为装船日期,但通常是指交货方将货物交给承运代理的日期,并不是真正的发货期或者装运期;2、一般B/L有两个日期:一个是ON BOARD DATE,还有一个是签单日期。这两个日期一般是一致的,但MSK船公司B/L就经常不一致!ON BOARD DATE 必须符合L/C LATEST DATE OF SHIPMENT3、提单上显示的是ON BOARD DATE ,就是装船日,LATEST DATE OF SHIPMENT 是信用证规定最迟装船日,就是那个ON BOARD DATE 不能超过这天。另外,装船后两到三天才可以拿到正本提单!装船日期和开船日期应该不迟于信用证上规定的最迟装船日期.4、区别:B/L DATE 与SHIPPING DATE 是完全一致的,即提单签发日与货物装船日相同,但信用证中所规定的LATEST DATE OF SHIPMENT(最晚装船日期)是指B/L DATE 或SHIPPING DATE 不能晚于LATEST DATE OF SHIPMENT,如你所说的在提单上显示的是B/L DATE是7月15日,LATEST DATE OF SHIPMENT是是7月28日,这符合信用证的要求,但如果在提单上显示的是B/L 是7月15日,信用证上的LATEST DATE OF SHIPMENT是060714, 那就不符合信用证的要求了!5、倒签是这样的,比如实际装船日是7/15,但是信用证上要求最晚的装船日是7/14,那么就要倒签提单了,也就是要在提单上显示ON BORAD DATE必须在7/14之前.以上是根据资料个人整理,不妥之处,请谅解~~

shipment date是什么日期?是装船日还是货物离港的开船日?


shipment date是指什么


求ensure ,adequate ,daily product ,rob of ,remedy 的意思及词组搭配

ensure 保证;担保[+that][+v-ing] 使安全,保护[(+from/against)] adequate能满足需要(量)的,足够的[(+for)][+to-v]适当的[(+to/for)]胜任的[(+to)]daily product 生活用品rob of 非法剥夺,使丧失remedy 治疗;治疗法;药物[U][C][(+for/against)]补救(法);纠正(法)[U][C][(+for)]

Process 2185 terminated by signal 怎么解决

Linux supports real-time signals as originally defined in the POSIX.4 real-time extensions (and now included in POSIX 1003.1-2001). Linux supports 32 real-time signals, numbered from 32 (SIGRTMIN) to 63 (SIGRTMAX). (Programs should always refer to real-time signals using notation SIGRTMIN+n, since the range of real-time signal numbers varies across Unices.)Unlike standard signals, real-time signals have no predefined meanings: the entire set of real-time signals can be used for application-defined purposes. (Note, however, that the LinuxThreads implementation uses the first three real-time signals.)The default action for an unhandled real-time signal is to terminate the receiving process.Real-time signals are distinguished by the following:1.Multiple instances of real-time signals can be queued. By contrast, if multiple instances of a standard signal are delivered while that signal is currently blocked, then only one instance is queued.2.If the signal is sent using sigqueue(2), an accompanying value (either an integer or a pointer) can be sent with the signal. If the receiving process establishes a handler for this signal using the SA_SIGACTION flag to sigaction(2) then it can obtain this data via the si_value field of the siginfo_t structure passed as the second argument to the handler. Furthermore, the si_pid and si_uid fields of this structure can be used to obtain the PID and real user ID of the process sending the signal.3.Real-time signals are delivered in a guaranteed order. Multiple real-time signals of the same type are delivered in the order they were sent. If different real-time signals are sent to a process, they are delivered starting with the lowest-numbered signal. (I.e., low-numbered signals have highest priority.)If both standard and real-time signals are pending for a process, POSIX leaves it unspecified which is delivered first. Linux, like many other implementations, gives priority to standard signals in this case.According to POSIX, an implementation should permit at least _POSIX_SIGQUEUE_MAX (32) real-time signals to be queued to a process. However, rather than placing a per-process limit, Linux imposes a system-wide limit on the number of queued real-time signals for all processes. This limit can be viewed (and with privilege) changed via the /proc/sys/kernel/rtsig-max file. A related file, /proc/sys/kernel/rtsig-max, can be used to find out how many real-time signals are currently queued.


你好你说的这种情况,一般都是由 系统软件、内存、引起的。1 电脑不心装上了恶意软件,或上网时产生了恶意程序,建议用360 卫士 、金山卫士等软件,清理垃圾,查杀恶意软件,完成后重启电脑,就可能解决。实在不行,重装,还原过系统,可以解决软件引起的问题。2 如果只是运行个别软件或游戏偶尔出现的,重启电脑再试,或到其他地方下载其他版本的软件重新安装。3 点 开始菜单 运行 输入 cmd 回车,在命令提示符下输入 for %1 in (%windir%system32*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1 然后 回车。然后让他运行完,应该就可能解决。4 最近电脑中毒、安装了不稳定的软件、等,建议全盘杀毒,卸了那个引发问题的软件,重新安装其他 版本,就可能解决. 再不行,重新装过系统就ok.5 电脑机箱里面内存条进灰尘,拆开机箱,拆下内存条,清洁下内存金手指,重新装回去,就可能可以了。(cqjiangyong总结的,旧电脑经常出现这样的问题)6 电脑用久了内存坏、买到水货内存、多条内存一起用不兼容等,建议更换内存即可能解决。7 很多时候由于系统和驱动的兼容性不好,也会出现这样的错误,建议你换个其他版本的驱动安装,或换个其他版本的系统安装。如果帮到你,请选为满意答案吧!

Fortunate Fool 杰克强森的歌,求中英文歌词。

歌手:johnson jack 专辑:brushfire fairytales She"s got it all figured out She knows what everything"s about And when anybody doubts her, Or sings songs without her She"s just so mmm She knows the world is just her stage Johnson JackAnd so she"ll never misbehave She gives thanks for what they gave her Man, they practically made her Into a mmm She"s the one that stumbles when she talks about The seven foreign films that she"s checked out Such a fortunate fool She"s just too good to be true She"s such a fortunate fool She"s got it all figured out She knows what everything"s about And when anybody doubts her Or sings songs about her She"s just so mmm She"s the one that stumbles when she talks about it So maybe we shouldn"t talk about Such a fortunate fool She"s just too good to be true She"s such a fortunate fool She"s just so mmm

ola is my classmate改为一般疑问句做出肯定和否定回答

Is your classmate from Japan?Yes,he/she is.No,he/she is not.

state series quarters什么意思

state series quarters系列四

update时对外键限制的RESTRICT和NO ACTION有什么区别

你说的这个主要用于参照完整性,包括restrict、cascade和no action;restrict--限制,指的是如果字表引用父表的某个字段的值,那么不允许直接删除父表的该值;cascade--级联,删除父表的某条记录,子表中引用该值的记录会自动被删除;no action--无参照完整性关系,有了也不生效.

六级题,the snail has given the project greater urgency.这句话怎么翻译?

因为有这个snail,所以这个项目更加着急。working hard has given your friends more pressure to do better

freshwater snail是什么意思


water flea中文翻译

Walter jumps all over the place pke a water flea . 瓦尔特跳来跳去,活象个水蚤。 Culture method of water flea 微尘子养殖法 Acute toxicities of o organphosphorous pesticides to water fleas moina mongopca 敌百虫和久效磷农药对蒙古裸腹?的急性毒性研究 The nontoxic m . aeruginosa , however , had no negative effects on the growth of the water fleas 无毒微囊藻虽然不影响虫体的生存,但影响其怀卵量和幼体产出。 Water fleas daphnia magna was fed both toxic alga microcystis aeruginosa ds and nontoxic alga m . aerztginosa 573 for 7 ~ 14 days under laboratory condition 摘要用铜绿微囊藻有毒株ds和无毒株573喂养大型? ,观察微囊藻对虫体的生长和繁殖的影响。 The results showed that toxic m . aeruginosa delayed the growth and reproduction of the water fleas because the algae hindered reproduction of the water fleas 试验结果表明,有毒的微囊藻不仅明显延缓大型?的生长,而且阻碍虫体的怀卵和发育,并造成幼体产出困难、导致大型?死亡率升高。 In this paper o - generation reproduction toxicity of fenvalerate , a - cypermethrin , chlorpyrifos , and triazophos was tested in a 21d period with water flea , daphnia magna , . the toxicity indicator included longevity , body length , days to first brood , days to first pregnancy , number of youth per female , intrinsic rate of natural increase ( r ) , and number of broods per female . accordingly , the dose - response relations and relations beeen the chronic responses and enzyme levels were investigated 为了确定水蚤体内生化指标与慢性毒害效应之间的关系,特别是在低浓度暴露状态下生化指标改变的生物学意义,以便能更准确预测早期农药对水蚤种群的潜在危害,本文以浙江省常用杀虫剂氰戊菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯、三唑磷和毒死蜱进行了大型蚤( d . magna )的急性和慢性毒性试验(包括子代水蚤的恢复试验) 。

You are using an outdated browser是什么意思


You are using an outdated browser是什么意思


守望先锋出现outdated video driver

升级显卡 显卡太旧

vue Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run: npx browserslist@latest --update-db

我遇到这个问题 是因为 import moment from "" 引入模块时没有写路径 (他莫名其妙没了 可恶(〃>皿<)

为什么打包apk时总报错 android SDK is outdated

错误提示英文直译:安卓SDK包过期了。 解决方法:更新一下sdk,也可以直接下载最新版的SDK包,直接进行安装即可。

outdated client是什么意思


The browser you are using is outdated. Please update your browser. 什么意思啊?



最新的邮件。updated形容词的意思是最新的;现代化的;适时的;校正的。动词的意思是更新,使现代化,向…提供最新信息,是 update的过去式和过去分词 。反义词:outdated、unfashionable、outmoded。

英语四级get on board with ditching the outdated…

get on board: 有上船,上路的意思。这里意思就是来吧,一起吧。get on board with ditching the outdated tip system:这句话直接翻译就应该是踏上抛弃过时的小费制度的路吧。所以意译就是:让我们一同抛弃过时的小费制度

outdated sever,im still on什么意思

outdated sever,im still on过时的服务器,我仍在使用

outdated server为什么我玩我的世界加服务器是就会这样


outdated now的同义词

out of date,outmoded,old-fashioned,obsolete,past the appointed time,behind the times,Antiquated,out of fashion,过时的意思



Will Mexican Americans/Americans date native Chinese? 能简单说一下里面的语法和意思吗?还有,为什么

翻译:美籍墨西哥人或美国人愿意与华人约会(搞对象)吗?语法:will 是情态动词,表示“愿意”,(不是“将要”!)放在句首是为了构成疑问句。date 是动词作谓语,意为约会,尤指与异性交往、搞对象。native Chinese 是指旅居国外的中国人,华人。“为什么用两个美国”---Americans 是美国人,而 Mexican Americans 是指已经加入美国籍的墨西哥人(同样,Chinese Americans 是美籍华人)。这里谈及两种情况,所以出现两次 Americans。

late night melancholy表达什么?



Primitive Cell)和惯用胞(Conventional Cell,也叫晶胞)的理解不够清晰,所以特意开设了一次教程,为大家解释一些这方面的内容,那个,SCI还有Special Issue,所以我开一次特别讲座大家可不要有意见哦,内容同样精彩。当然,也欢迎小伙伴们在留言区积极提出问题,小MS一定会知无不言言无不尽,为大家一一解答。好的,言归正传,就开始我们今天的内容吧。原胞是指可以满足周期性(也就是扩大几倍之后会变成惯用胞),而惯用胞中包含所有的对称要素,例如对于金刚石结构,只需要用一个含有两个原子的原胞就可以表示其周期性结构,而需要8个原子的惯用胞(晶胞)才能够描述全部的对称要素。FCC结构晶体的原胞和惯用胞(图片源于知乎专栏,另有其他结构晶体的原胞和惯用胞的详细解释:另外,我们也在MS中利用金刚石结构对原胞和惯用胞进行了标示,如下图所示。金刚石原胞和惯用胞(原胞为黄色原子围成的区域,惯用胞是所有原子组成的晶体)这个图片是从MS里复制出来的?是的,的确是,虽然您可能怀疑,因为可能您输出的图片是这样的:可能是在您电脑上显示的金刚石晶体如果您可以做到这一步,已经非常不错了,因为您已经学会了利用Display Style选项改变结构的显示方式,说明上次课程学习的非常认真,小MS给您点个赞哦。那么怎么改变背景颜色呢?上次我们说到右键之后有一个Display Style的选项,那么在它下面会有一个Display Option的选项,里面的Background选项卡就可以改变背景的颜色了,还有其他的选项卡大家可以先探索一下,看看有什么有趣的功能,可以在后台和小MS交流,等我们需要的时候再对这些内容进行讲解。改变背景颜色可是把背景色改成了白色晶格又不见了?别着急,这是因为晶格的颜色原本就是白色,所以好像看不出来了,只要用Display Style选项中的Lattice选项卡,就可以对晶格的显示方式(无、虚线、线条、棒状)和颜色进行修改。如果想要对晶格进行旋转,只要按住鼠标右键,在空白地方拖拽就可以调整到合适的角度进行显示,当然键盘的上下左右键可以进行每次45°的旋转,我们的晶体可以45°仰望天空,很美吧。但是天空看久了也会改变晶格显示方式颜色改变我知道就是在Display Style中的Atom选项卡(改变部分原子颜色要选中它们,可以按住Ctrl键,逐个单击要选中的原子)可是还有化学键呢?那些化学键是怎么没的?这可以由以下方法实现:首先要选中所有的化学键,一个一个选中好累,只需要按住Alt键,再双击某个化学键就可以做到了。然后,就会在Properties区出现关于化学键的各种性质,其中有一个性质叫做IsVisible(是可见的吗?)把它改成No,您就会发现化学键神奇地消失了,实际上这些化学键还是存在的,只是不显示了而已。性质区实际上是一个很有用的区域,可以对很多对象的性质进行查看和修改,我们之后还会多次用到,要记得哦。


materials晶格常数在Lattice Parameters对话框看。右击模型文件窗口空白处,选择Lattice Parameters 。 晶格矢量应约为5.731?,误差约为1%。晶格常数(或称之为点阵常数)指的就是晶胞的边长,也就是每一个平行六面体单元的边长,它是晶体结构的一个重要基本参数。


-姓名:Shannon Lucio 生于1980年08月17日 美国田纳西 狮子座 1.68米 盖特公司前台MM扮演者夏恩·露丝欧,作品有2008年美国惊悚片<毕业计划>、<橘子郡男孩>等 具体资料见:


Nate and v有在一起?




shake-up n. 动摇; 搅动,震动; 权宜之计; 人员变动; satellite-peaks:卫星峰;伴峰

quota category NO.在信用证中是什么意思




locate a shelter的中文意思




药学中客观反应率objective response rate 什么意思

objective response rate客观反应率就是根据客观测量得出来的反应率,比如肿瘤大小的变化、血液化验指标的变化等.这是相对于主观指标(即病人自己的感觉或医生对病人体征的观察)而言的.通常ORR可信度比较高,而病人或医生的反馈可信度比较低.如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

our next obstacle was a shallow pool of water about half a mile across

介词 不是用来修饰的

求教no greater than的用法

具有讽刺意味的是,该政党领导为建立进步党的努力所遭遇的阻碍与遭受到已当选到立法机构的进步人士的阻力一样大。no greater.... than...与……旗鼓相当;不比……小

使用adb shell提示adb server is out of date. killing...?如何才能使用adb?急.....

出现这种问题一定是你电脑上有别的软件也同时运行了adb导致端口冲突了,所有带有连接android 手机功能的软件都要关掉,比如qq,豌豆荚,阿里旺旺,等等。并且打开任务管理器,找到正在运行的进程中所有adb相关的进程并终止掉,如adb.exe,tadb.exe等等。然后再重新adb 一下应该就可以。我现在电脑上所有有这种功能的软件全卸载了。太讨厌了。qq用的TM版,别的能不用就不用。用了也尽快杀进程。

请问哪位高手知道电影《辣妈辣妹》片尾,安娜在妈妈婚礼上唱的那首lindsay lohan 唱的《ultimate》……





soul mate灵魂伴侣soulmate灵魂伴侣 一个灵魂伴侣,就是一个我们感到自身与之深深联系在一起的人,好像彼此的沟通和交流不是出于凡人的刻意努力,而是凭借灵魂的导引。这种关系对于灵魂来说是如此重要,可以说没有什么在生活中比它更为珍贵的了。

latex 使用时,sout{ }语句里面的内容不换行怎么办(不在这个命令里面的语句都正常换行了)

latex用法设置行间距的方法: %setlength{aselineskip}{15pt} enewcommand{aselinestretch}{1} 2.去掉容差报警的方法: hbadness=10000 olerance=10000 hfuzz=150pt 3.更改子级item,enumerate的图标的方法: enewcommand{labelen...



pa state造句,pa stateの例文

Football : 1987 USA Today National Champions ( prior to PA state playoff creation) Penn State has bee Joe Pa State , as unfortable as that may make him. PA State Popce Lethal Weapons Training Program Regularly simulating the The General Assembly, Ryan has won the last 5 years of PA State League Competitions. One is the historical Old Hauto Village area, which is located in the west along PA State Route 54. In the end, the construction of the Terengganu section by PAS state government ultimately did not materiapse at all. Wizard announced on the PA stating that those that don"t have superpowers don"t need to audition . . . or else. I have been attempting to add and update pages for this year s PA State House candidates, but o have so far been deleted. KOTA BARU, Thurs .-The Pas State Government forsees 1998 as a beginning of a new era in its relations with the Federal Government. It has o Umno State Assemblymen, Mohd Adhan Kechik in Kemahang and Aziz Derashid in Pergau, and a Pas State Assemblyman Abdullah Yaacob in Air Lanas. It"s difficult to see pa state in a sentence. 用 pa state 造句挺难的 :One would think that if the argument was the former, then efforts to delete or blank pages of virtually all PA State legislators should be underway. There was also unrest among current and retired PA State Troopers due to the fact that Brown wore the PSP uniform but had never gone through the PA State Popce Academy. There was also unrest among current and retired PA State Troopers due to the fact that Brown wore the PSP uniform but had never gone through the PA State Popce Academy. Named formally for the PA State Senator who pushed to expand the state"s highway system, the J . Barry Stout Expressway segment connects Interstate 70 with Route 51. According to " The Jerusalem Post ", " the PA state security court had sentenced Ghanem, a father of o, after holding only o brief sessions ." Just before the 2012 Election Day, another anonymous video surfaced, entitled " Anonymous Message to PA State Rep . Tarah Toohil ", urging Toohil to switch her stance on marijuana laws. At approximately 9.40pm BERSIH leaders and representatives including, Dato Mustafa Ap ( PAS State Commissioner ) were refused entry to the site as roadblocks were conducted around the are of the rally. Superstar Treg Lee leads the Vikings to a 65-58 victory in the finals over Meadville, a team that would make it all the way to the PA State AAAA championship game ." The PA High School Speech League moved to Bloom *** urg University in June, 2016 and will begin hosting the PA State Drama Festival in January 2017 and will host the PA State Championship Tournament in March 2017. The PA High School Speech League moved to Bloom *** urg University in June, 2016 and will begin hosting the PA State Drama Festival in January 2017 and will host the PA State Championship Tournament in March 2017. He was questioned and imprisoned in a blacked-out room for o days . The PA stated the reason for his arrest was not his reporting about financial corruption in the PA but suspicion of affipation with Hamas. During that same year Coach Rick started training *** boxer Jessica Maldonado ( 119 lb Open ) who went on to win the 2008 & 2009 Philadelphia Golden Gloves Championship, as well as the 2009 Eastern Regional and PA State Championship. The former offices for " The Philadelphia Inquirer " and " Philadelphia Daily News " newspapers are on Broad Street just north of City Hall and the former PA State Building is at the intersection with Spring Garden Street. The Horizon have enjoyed a special affipation at select home games with Special Olympics, the Harri *** urg area YMCA, PA State Popce Camp Cadet, Paxtonia Basketball Association, Sertoma, Hard to Guard Athletes, Tri-Communities Athletic Association, and more. Upon successfully graduating, students must pass the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam ( PANCE ), a puter-based, multiple choice test, in order to bee a certified PA . Successful pletion of PANCE is required to apply for PA state pcensure. There are three sites north of Philadelphia which are readily accessible to the pubpc : Ringing Rocks County Park in Bridgeton Township near Upper Black Eddy; Stony Garden on the north slope of Haycock Mountain ( PA State Game Lands Tract # 157 ); and the Ringing Hill Park in Lower Pottsgrove Township. Evangepcal offers three master"s degrees : the Master of Divinity, with five distinct tracks; the Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy, which fulfills the educational requirements for PA state pcensure as a Marriage and Family Therapist; and the Master of Arts in Repgion, with seven concentrations. School names should be the short preferred version and not acronyms . " Oklahoma " and not " University of Oklahoma " or " OU " . " Penn State " and not " Pennsylvania State University " or " PSU " or " PA State " ( Penn is generally acceptable, therefore an exception to fully spelpng out the name ). The U . S . Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics report on PAs states , " . . . Employment of physician assistants is expected to grow 27 percent from 2006 to 2016, much faster than the average for all occupations . . . " This is due to several factors, including an expanding health care industry, an aging resident work hours. In September 2008, Olmert had presented him with a map that depneated the borders of the proposed PA state , for which Israel would annex 6.3 percent of the West Bank and pensate the Palestinians with 5.8 percent ( taken from pre-1967 Israel ), which Abbas stated he rejected out of hand, insisting instead to demarcate the June 4, 1967 borders of Palestine. It"s difficult to see pa state in a sentence. 用 pa state 造句挺难的 While active, the unit peted at the highest level of its class, most recently winning the 2011 Cavalcade of Bands Independence A Championship in Hershey, PA, and the 2010 Tournament of Bands All Chapter Championship ( Group 2A ) in Hershey, PA . Recent awards also include a USSBA All-State Championship in 2001, USSBA PA State Championships in 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2005, and a Cavalcade of Bands Championship in 2007. On October 22, 2014 PA house bill 573 passed into law, which is Act 154, which changes the definition of " pedalcycle " ( bicycle ) in the PA state vehicle code . " Pedalcycle " is now defined as a vehicle propelled solely by human-powered pedals or a " pedalcycle " ( bicycle ) with electric assist ( a vehicle weighing not more than 100 pounds with o or three wheels more than 11 inches in diameter, manufactured or assembled with an electric motor rated no more than 750 watts and equipped with operational pedals and travels at speeds less than 20 mph ).

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ply update from adb什么意思

ply update from adb意思是:亚行更新层以下双语例句:1.You can even update from your instant messenger. 你甚至可以通过即时通信工具来分享。2.Mr nag says there are three important reasons why china still borrows from the adb. 纳格表示,中国仍从亚行获得贷款有三条重要的原因。

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跳至页面导航主要内容,跳转到主要内容关闭搜索12月更新为了允许SO_LINGER,应用程序应将l_onoff设为非零,将l_linger设为零或需要的超时值(以秒为单位),然后调用 setsockopt()。为了允许SO_DONTLINGER(亦即禁止SO_LINGER),l_onoff应设为零,然后调用 setsockopt()。缺省条件下,一个套接口不能与一个已在使用中的本地地址捆绑(参见bind())。但有时会需要"重用"地址。因为每一个连接都由本地地址和远端地址的组合唯一确定,所以只要远端地址不同,两个套接口与一个地址捆绑并无大碍。为了通知WINDOWS套接口实现不要因为一个地址已被一个套接口使用就不让它与另一个套接口捆绑,应用程序可在bind()调用前先设置SO_REUSEADDR选项。请注意仅在bind()调用时该选项才被解释;故此无需(但也无害)将一个不会共用地址的套接口设置该选项,或者在bind()对这个或其他套接口无影响情况下设置或清除这一选项。(此处就是最关键的重绑定说明了)一个应用程序可以通过打开SO_KEEPALIVE选项,使得WINDOWS套接口实现在TCP连接情况下允许使用"保持活动"包。一个WINDOWS套接口实现并不是必需支持"保持活动",但是如果支持的话,具体的语义将与实现有关,应遵守 RFC1122"Internet主机要求-通讯层"中第4.2.3.6节的规范。如果有关连接由于"保持活动"而失效,则进行中的任何对该套接口的调用都将以WSAENETRESET错误返回,后续的任何调用将以WSAENOTCONN错误返回。

stay up late to do还是doing?

两个都对。1、stay up late to do:是熬夜做某事,重点在做这件事情.2、是为了做某事而熬夜,重点在为了这个目的。重点词汇:stay英[steu026a]释义:vi.停留;坚持;暂住;停下vt.坚持;暂住;抑制n.逗留;停止;支柱[复数:stays;第三人称单数:stays;现在分词:staying;过去式:stayed或staid;过去分词:stayed或staid]短语:Fate Stay Night命运长夜;命运守护夜;命运之夜;圣杯战争词语辨析:remain,linger,stay这些动词均有“停留,逗留”之意。1、remain指某人或某物仍留在原处或保持原来的状态。2、linger着重因愉快的事而使人不愿离开。3、stay普通用词,多指人在某地暂时逗留。有时可指较长时间的居留。


最近刚好也涉略到这方面的,但是不知道理解的对不对1. vasp的输出有PROOUT,里面有各个orbital的projection。然后你要做的应该是把各个orbital,比如说j原子的第m个orbital写成能带Bloch wave的线性叠加:left|m,j ight angle=sum_{n,k}c_{n,k}left|n,k ight angle。其中系数c_{n,k}由leftlanglen,k|m,j ight angle确定,这个应该是vasp输出的结果。然后把orbital代入求Slater-Koster。2. lmtart有个tight-binding hopping integral模块

revenge retaliate retort区别?

retaliate 是报复,反击,是高级词汇,一般口语少用,书面用较多 revenge 也是也是报复,报仇的意思,是常用词汇,口语用的比较多。retort 指对不同意见、批评或控诉作出迅速、有力的回答,即“反驳”。望采纳

revenge 和 retaliate 有什么区别?

retaliate 报复反击高级词汇般口语少用书面用较 revenge 报复报仇意思用词汇口语用比较





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英语谚语:Men, at soome time, are masters of their fates 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Men at soome time are masters of their fates 中文意思: 人有时是自己命运的主人。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Poverty is not a sufficient cause of disgrace but poverty without resolution to help oneself is a disgrace 贫穷并不可耻,穷而不争气才可耻。 Poverty is the mother of all arts 贫困乃一切艺术之源。 Poverty is the mother of health 缺乏是健康之母。 Poverty is the reward of idleness 贫穷是游手好闲的报应。 Poverty is the root of all evils 穷困是万恶之源。 Poverty on an old man"s back is a heavy burden 老而贫穷,负担沈重。 Poverty shows us who are our friends and who are our enemies 贫困才能显出敌和友。 Poverty tries friends 贫穷考验朋友。 Practice is better than precept 身教胜于言教。 Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧。 英语谚语: Men at soome time are masters of their fates 中文意思: 人有时是自己命运的主人。



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