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Jim ________ a late night film at home when,right in the middle of a thrilling scene,the ...

C 句意为:吉姆在家看一部午夜电影,看到中间一幕惊险的场景时,屏幕上突然出现一片空白。该句考查be doing...when...结构,意为“正在做……就在这时(突然)……”。从后面的动作went blank可知“看电影”发生在过去;并且是当吉姆正在看的时候,所以该题要用过去进行时态,即was watching。


SYS@orcl> select sysdate,current_date,systimestamp,current_timestamp from dual;SYSDATE CURRENT_DATE SYSTIMESTAMP CURRENT_TIMESTAMP-------------- -------------- -------------------- --------------------24-3月 -09 24-3月 -09 24-3月 -09 12.32.05. 24-3月 -09 12.32.05. 750000 下午 +08:00 750000 下午 +08:00

System.currentTimeMillis() 与 new Date().getTime() 有何差异?







恩,严格来讲还是有区别的,在于源自某地或某地时from/in等同,源自某人不可以用in,可以用from或with。但这个区别似乎在淡化中~~翻译:This movement/sport(我不能确定是什么“运动”,应该是movement那种吧?) originated from/in California in 1960"s.在这个句子里还是相等的。就这样。



virt A mate是什么游戏啊?

vam是VR游戏。虚拟现实游戏,英文名“Virtual reality game”,只要打开电脑,带上虚拟现实头盔,就可以让你进入一个可交互的虚拟现场场景中,不仅可以虚拟当前场景,也可以虚拟过去和未来。游戏内容:Virt A mate是一款由P站,也就是patreon(国外一家艺术家创作者众募网站)的游戏制作组“Meshed VR”制作开发的3D游戏。基于C4D,可以直接使用大量的C4D模型,十分硬核,质量绝对是业内顶尖水准,很多欧美专业游戏制作组的水平都赶不上它,和一些3D电影大作比如战斗天使也不惶多让。据说相比之下I社的几个游戏简直弱爆了,很多画面直接截图就是油画级的。画质方面比I社的几个游戏,包括最新的HS2,以及欧美老牌的3dv更为细致优秀,可捏人,可创建场景,可创建动作,各项玩法非常的丰富。Virt A mate游戏是一款不怎么出名但是游戏内容质量爆炸好的3D游戏,该款游戏不出门的原因是因为它是由P站的某个制作组研制开发的。

如何评价《virt a mate》游戏(vam)?

Virt A mate属于消遣类的游戏。找个伴,找个乐而已。不过游戏有点难上手。其他好玩的游戏推荐:《绝地求生》在中国由腾讯游戏独家代理运营,是一款大型多人战术竞技类游戏,于2017年12月21日正式发行。该游戏中,玩家需要在岛上收集各种资源,在不断缩小的安全区域内对抗其他玩家,让自己生存到最后。《守望先锋》是由暴雪娱乐公司开发的一款第一人称射击游戏,于2016年5月24日全球上市。游戏以未来地球为背景,讲述人类、守望先锋成员和智能机械的恩怨纠葛。截止到2017年11月25日,游戏现有26位英雄,每一位英雄都有各自标志性的武器和技能。《泰拉瑞亚》是由Re-Logic公司开发的一款高自由度的沙盒游戏,于2011年5月16日在PC上发行,这款游戏也被很多玩家们称为横版我的世界,玩家可以在游戏中做很多事情。制造武器战胜各种各样的敌人及群落;挖掘地下寻找器材配件、金钱和其他有用的东西;收集木材,石材,矿石等资源;用世界里的一切创造你需要的东西并守护它。《星露谷物语》是一款开放的乡村生活模拟经营游戏,该游戏由ConcernedApe单人开发,游戏中玩家扮演继承了爷爷农场的“Stardew valley”主角开阔和经营整座小牧场。开始游戏后,玩家可以通过捏人的方式创建自己所喜爱的角色。人物共有24种肤色,32种发型,112种衣服,20种配件,可以选择男女两种性别和猫或狗宠物。

virt a mate在steam上叫什么

VaM。Virt A Mate 简称 VaM ,由 MeshedVR 制作。他们的初衷是打造一个成年人专用的虚拟现实模拟器。该项目的目标是结合真实的关节物理、软体物理、精确的皮肤碰撞和高级渲染技术来制作真实的角色。并且角色可以通过VR控制器捕获和存储运动,也可以使用触发器、循环力等来增强真实感,并创建你自己的虚拟女友和恋情场景,以任何你想要的方式对你控制的动作或对象做出反应。

a statesman i like英语作文?

A statesman I likeThere"s a star in everyone"s heart.Maybe the star is your idol,or someone you love him or her very much.The one in my heart is Audrey Hepburn.Audrey Hepburn is still well-known in the world though she has been dead for many years.She was an actress in Hollywood and she was famous for her beauty and good-acting.She became very famous since she had acted as the main role in the movie called"Roman Holiday".I have watched it and was deeply moved by it.The movie won the prize"Academy Award for best Picture".Hepburn played many roles in many films.She was always beautiful and graceful.So many people regard her as the most beautiful female in the world.Besides being an actress,Hepburn was also a ballet dancer.She loved ballet,and I think ballet made her such a graceful woman.To my surprise,Hepburn was the UNICEF.She was very kind and helpful.She often went to Africa to help the people in need.She loved everyone in the world and wanted to make the world more beautiful.I like Audrey Hepburn very much.She is the shiniest star in my heart.I"ll never forget there was such a beautiful angle in the world.


statesman和politician的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.statesman意思:n. 政治家;2.politician意思:n. 从政者; 政治家; 政客; 见风驶舵者; 投机钻营者;二、用法不同1.statesman用法:表示人或事物的名称。例句:The statesman is respected by people.这位政治家为人们所敬重。2.politician用法:可以做主语、宾语、同位语、表语 、定语、状语、补语。例句:A politician should be a servant of the people.政治家应是人民的公仆。三、侧重点不同1.statesman侧重点:statesman是指那些在长期的政治实践中涌现出来的具有一定政治远见和政治才干、掌握着政党或国家的两道权力并对社会历史发展起着重大影响作用的领导人物。2.politician侧重点:politician是指政治家不会昧着自己的良知去获得政治利益;而政客通常是昧着自己的良知去获得政治利益,这是政治家与政客最严格的划分标准。

politician 和 statesman 有何区别

politician 和 statesman的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、politician:从政者。2、statesman:政治家。二、用法不同1、politician:politician特别强调能够与人民相处、为国家服务的人,在美式英语中,politician常带轻蔑之意,指毫无原则和理想、只考虑个人或自己政党利益的人,常含有贬义。2、statesman:statesman为褒义词,指有超人的判断力、精明能干、善于治国安邦的人。三、侧重点不同1、politician:指玩弄权谋的政客(贬义)。2、statesman:指做实事的政客(褒义)。

No one thought that the ____ statesman was really the murderer of the former minister.

A. adj. 可敬的, 有名望的, 高尚的, 值得尊敬的B. adj. 恭敬的, 尊敬的, 尊重人的, 有礼貌的C. adj. 分别的,各自的D. prep. 关系, 说到题目的意思是:没有人认为________政治家真的是谋杀前部长的凶手。依题意,应选A

债券coupon rate 和 duration是负相关?为什么?

duration可以看做是现金流以时间为权重的加权平均。对于同样期限的债券,coupon rate高,则现金流的重心就往前移,总体的duration就变短变小,所以,coupon rate越高,duration越低,呈负相关。例如,面值100元,5年期债券,每年年底付息,市场利率为10%,若coupon rate为8%,则债券价格为92.42元,duration=[8/(1+10%)+8*2/(1+10%)^2+8*3/(1+10%)^3+8*4/(1+10%)^4+8*5/(1+10%)^5+100*5/(1+10%)^5]/92.42=4.28若coupon rate为10%,则债券价格为100元,duration=[10/(1+10%)+10*2/(1+10%)^2+10*3/(1+10%)^3+10*4/(1+10%)^4+10*5/(1+10%)^5+100*5/(1+10%)^5]/100=4.17计算结果也印证了上述论述。




l have a teddy bear我有一只泰迪熊



intentional与 deliberately 还有 on purpose 的区别是什么呢~??


Paragon Partition Manager调整C盘大小后,出现一个unallocated space的未分配空间



  1、下载安装Cheat Engine6.3修改器后打开CE修改器(Cheat Engine)  2、开隐藏.隐藏CE修改器接着进入玩的游戏  3、进游戏后打开CE的最左上边的小电脑  4、“文件”菜单->“打开进程”->打开MAIN进程(M开头有数字的)  5、然后输入当前的某属性值,例如力量:555(在HEX栏输入)  6、点首次搜索.弄好后左边出现一大堆(RP好的只有一个,跳到9步)  7、加几点力量,再输入当前的力量值如:558 点再次搜索  8、这次只有一个数据了,双击它,它会出现在下面.双击它的数据值,改成想要的力量如:9999  9、也可以右击上图的蓝色处,在右键窗口中选择“更改记录”然后就可以更改想要更改的东西了。

platelet inhibition是什么意思


i hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited啥意思

i hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited我讨厌不速之客的出现i hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited我讨厌不速之客的出现i hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited我讨厌不速之客的出现

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited.其中的 turn up out of ,怎么连读,

out of the blue 突然的 turn up 出现 我最恨不请自来 turn up 之间连读 out of 之间连读 别的不连读

i hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited怎么连读


In United States ,people attach much importance to words on a thank-you card。改错。


The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from ______ s


the United States意思,音标,词性

the United States [ju"naitid steits]基本翻译美国网络释义The United States:美国|合众国|美利坚合众国in the United States:在美国the United States/U.S.:美国名词


London is not in the United,States

in the united states people sometimes go camping


Christmas in the United State


address whild in the united states 是什么意思

怀疑笔误把while写成第二个单词whild了吖!如是,则意为“在美国时演讲”the United States:美国,美联邦合众国address此处为动词“演讲”而不做名词“地址”。

in the states 为什么是美国?不该是United States吗?

the States就是美国的别称,相当于是United States的简称.说白了其实就相当于我们说“国内”,当然是指中国国内了,人家说states,当然指的是自己的states了.

United States是什么意思

United Statesn.美国美国;合众国;美版;美国人双语例句1. The United States plans to tighten the economic sanctions currently in place. 美国计划加大现有经济制裁的力度。2. The issue threatened to decouple Europe from the United States. 这一问题可能会割裂欧洲同美国的关系。3. Enormous acreages of soya beans are grown in the United States. 美国种植着大片的大豆。4. First-generation Americans view the United States as a land of golden opportunity. 第一代美国人认为美国是一个充满了机遇的国度。5. The United States has called up some 150,000 military reservists. 美国已经征召了约15万名预备役军人。

8. The Chinese food in the United States is usually _______ for American people.

modified genetic food转基因食品 有规定的表达方法

in the united states,L

Las Vegas

---in the united States,St,Louis has now become the24th largest city.

1省略了主语St. Louis这里为什么要倒装?

in the united states,what choices do the students


In the United States, a ________ election will be held every four years. (president)


in the united states,as in many other countries in the world the family....


In the United States,Moday is the beginning of the

In the United States Monday is the beginning of the workweek;it is the day most Americans like least. It is not surprising that day they like most is Saturday. Saturday is the end of the workweek;it is the beginning of the weekend. Life is different on the weekend. Most Americans take care of their house,car,or garden. They get up late in the morning. They enjoy the feeling that the time seems to move more slowly. The week is for things you have to do,the weekend is for things you want to do. Some people may get in a car driving in the country. They like to take part in a sports activity outdoors. And on Saturday night they might go to a public eating place or movie. The idea of the weekend is a recent invention. In 1870 wealthy people began to speak of spending weekends in the country visiting friends. For most people,however,the workday was six-day long. It ended on Saturday. Automobile maker Henry Ford was the first major employer in the United States to establish a workweek of five days. He did that in 1926. Henry Ford thought that if the working people had more free time they would spend more money and it was something good for the economy. By 1940 it had become common for most Americans to work 8 hours a day a week. Today the lives of most Americans are organized that way: 5 days of work or school followed by 2 days of rest. For many people Saturday night is the highpoint of the weekend and the week. It is the night for going out or having fun. Anything and everything can happen on Saturday night. People go dancing,visiting friends and having parties. They drunk too much alcohol. They get killed or kill other people. They sleep,watch television,and sometimes fall in love. People do these things on other nights of the week too,but they do them more often and with more emotion and purpose on Saturday night. On Saturday night movie theatres sell more tickets. It is also the biggest night for places that sell alcoholic drinks. That is one reason why Saturday night witnesses most murders,fights and deadly car accidents. In a town in Indiana there is a Saturday night custom called“cruising”. Cruising means to spend the evening driving your car slowly up and down the towns main street. People who are cruising talk from car to car. They exchange greetings,jokes and friendly insults. Cruising is most popular in small towns where there is not much else to do. Many people spend the Saturday night at home with friends. They have dinner together. Perhaps they watch a movie on a video cassette recorder. Other people go on a date. People on a date might go to a public concert,yet they only talk to each other. Is there anything people do not like about the weekend? A study of 1000 Americans found that half would gladly trade a paid workday for an extra day of free time. The only thing wrong with the weekend,they think,is that it does not last longer.希望采纳

lived in the united states for two years.

你好!lived in the united states for two years.在美国住了两年。

完型填空。 In the United States there wa?

1-5 CABAC6-10 DCDBA11-15 DACBC16-20 BADDB,2,完型填空。 In the United States there was an unusual story telling of the daughter of a mechanic(技工). One day while walking along the bank of a lake, the girl 1 to see 20 eggs laid by a wild goose(鹅). After some time the girl 2 the mother would not return to her eggs and she 3 to take them home. There she carefully 4 the eggs in the heat of a lamp. Several days 5 the eggs broke and the baby geese came into the 6 . Geese are known to take the first living thing they see as their mother. 7 , to these young geese, the girl was their mother. As they 8 , the girl was able to 9 her birds to run across the grass, but she could not teach them to 10 . The girl became increasingly worried about this, both when 11 and in her dreams. Later, she had an 12 : She would pilot a plane to guide them in 13 . She asked her father for a plane and he assembled (组装) a *** all aircraft for her. Caring about 14 safety, the father decided to pilot the plane himself. However, the birds did not __15__ or follow him, and 16 slept in the grass. One day, the girl 17 into the plane, started it and soon left the 18 . Seeing their mother take to the air, the birds 19 flapped(拍打) their wings and 20 . She flew the plane freely in the sky, her young birds following. ( )1. A. managed ( )2. A. realized ( )3. A. helped ( )4. A. placed ( )5. A. ago ( )6. A. family ( )7. A. But ( )8. A. increased ( )9. A. ask ( )10. A. fly ( )11. A. asleep ( )12. A. idea ( )13. A. air ( )14. A. his ( )15. A. respect ( )16. A. so ( )17. A. climbed ( )18. A. house ( )19. A. secretly ( )20. A. looked away B. Attempted B. expected B. decided B. protected B. out B. lake B. Also B. improved B. lead B. race B. away B. opinion B. space B. her B. remember B. instead B. looked B. floor B. disappointedly B. set out C. Happened C. imagined C. afforded C. treated C. later C. home C. Thus C. rose C. want C. swim C. around C. explanation C. flight C. their C. recognize C. hardly C. reached C. water C. patiently C. went by D. supposed D. admitted D. meant D. examined D. long D. world D. Still D. grew D. allow D. sing D. awake D. excuse D. plane D. its D. receive D. too D. fell D. ground D. eagerly D.turned back

in the united states( ) in many other countries in the world


完形,in the united states……答案

In the United States there was an unusual tale telling of the daughter of a mechanic (技工). One day while walking along the bank of a lake, the girl 36 to see 20 eggs laid by a wild goose. After some time the girl 37 the mother would not return to her eggs and she 38 to take them home. There she carefully 39 the eggs in the heat of a lamp. Several days 40 the eggs broke and the baby geese came into the 41 .Geese are known to take the first living thing they see as their mother. 42 , to these young geese, the girl was their mother. As they 43 , the girl was able to 44 her birds to run across the grass, but she could not teach them to 45 . The girl became increasingly worried about this, both when 46 and in her dreams. Later, she had an 47 : She would pilot a plane to guide them in 48 . She asked her father for a plane and he assembled(组装)a small aircraft for her. Caring about 49 safety, the father decided to pilot the plane himself. However, the birds did not 50 or follow him, and 51 slept in the grass. One day, the girl 52 into the plane, started it and soon left the 53 . Seeing their mother take to the air, the birds 54 flapped(拍打)their wings and 55 . She flew the plane freely in the sky, her young birds following. 36. A. managed B. attempted C. happened D. supposed 37. A. realized B. expected C. imagined D. admitted 38. A. helped B. decided C. afforded D. meant39. A. placed B. protected C. treated D. examined 40. A. ago B. out C. later D. long 41. A. family B. lake C. home D. world 42. A. But B. Also C. Thus D. Still43. A. increased B. improved C. rose D. grew44. A. ask B. lead C. want D. allow45. A. fly B. race C. swim D. sing 46. A. asleep B. away C. around D. awake47. A. idea B. opinion C. explanation D. excuse 48. A. sky B. heaven C. flight D. plane49. A. his B. her C. their D. its 50. A. respect B. remember C. recognize D. receive 51. A. so B. instead C. hardly D. too52. A. climbed B. looked C. reached D. fell53. A. house B. floor C. water D. ground54. A. secretly B. disappointedly C. patiently D. eagerly55. A. looked away B. set out C. went by D. turned back36---40 CABAC 41---45 DCDBA 46---50 DACBC 51---55 BADDB

In the United States, 30 percent of the people have a “weight problem”. To many people the caus.

小题1:C小题1:D小题1:C小题1:A 略

In the United States, it is not usual to telephone someone early in the morning. If you telepho...

小题1:D小题2:C小题3:B 试题分析:这篇短文主要描述了时间在社会交往中的重要作用,不同的时间在社会交往中往往代表了不同的含义。小题1:根据If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he may think that it"s a matter of life and death.描述,可知午夜的电话往往是有关生死的电话,故选D。小题2:根据In social life, time plays a very important part.及下文描述可知,时间在与他人交往中扮演者重要的作用,故选C。小题3:根据In the USA guests are likely to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party reaches them only three or four days before the party date.描述,可知选B。点评:本文中长句较多,一时很难读懂句子含义,注意多读几遍,不要强求非得理解一词一句的含义,能把握文章大意就行。然后带着问题阅读短文,一般就能顺利找出答题依据。对于不能直接找到根据的问题注意联系上下文,根据短文中心总结出正确答案。

Thanksgiving in United States的中文翻译是什么?


____ in the United States, St. Louis has now become the 24th largest city.


in the united states,the lonely have完形填空

 In the United States, the lonely have Reddit and cats. In China, they have Singles" Day, which falls on Nov. 11 -- 11.11, the four ones symbolizing "bare branches," Chinese slang for bachelors. Thought to have originated about 20 years ago as a joke on college campuses, Singles" Day was once an occasion for confessing one"s feelings to that special someone. But since 2010, online retailers have transformed the holiday, also known as "Double 11," into an epic online shopping extravaganza akin to America"s Cyber Monday. China has 271 million online consumers, meaning that almost half of China"s 591 million Internet users buy products online. E-commerce sites Taobao and Tmall, which saw a combined $1 trillion in sales in 2012, will both be running promotional campaigns during China"s Singles" Day. Among the offers: 50 percent discounts on products like boyfriend body pillows and hoodies that read "I am single because I am fat." declared that the site would sell "20,000 products discounted by as much as 90 percent." That includes a wedding ring, which singles can presumeably buy, just in case.  Jack Ma, founder of Internet giant Alibaba, told Chinese Premier Li Keqiang late last month that Alibaba"s sales on Singles" Day 2012 were "nearly $3.3 billion" -- more than double the roughly $1.5 billion purchased on Cyber Monday in 2012. For Singles" Day 2013, Ma expects sales to exceed $4.9 billion. The rise of singletons as a consumer group is not without its own costs. Chinese business magazine Caijing reported that big delivery companies were forced to scramble to find over 100 extra airplanes to handle the 323 million parcels they needed to deliver over the Singles" Day shopping period. The holiday strains the logistics system: Products frequently sell out or arrive late. Even when everything moves smoothly, consumers complain about commercial gimmicks. According to the Beijing Evening News, a popular local paper, some online retailers quietly raise prices before slashing them. But Chinese have not forgotten about the true meaning of this holiday: hating singlehood. Singles" Day is an occasion on which Chinese confess their feelings and try to find significant others. On Nov. 7, with four days to go before the holiday, the top trending topic on Weibo, China"s Twitter, was "Help Your Roommate Find Someone." Over 200,000 people participated in the discussion, posting pictures of their roommates (and sometimes themselves) in hopes of avoiding another lonely Singles" Day. Chinese are no strangers to loneliness: There are tens of millions of men in China who may never find love due to the country"s massive gender imbalance, a result of the One Child Policy and a longstanding preference for male children. Chinese women don"t have it easy either: Those who remain unmarried at the ripe old age of 27 risk being labeled "leftover women".

改错 In the United States, the industrial use of pl

一、解题方法三步法解题:(1)通读全文,了解全文大意和主题; (2)找错并改正;  (3)通读全文,核对检验。在短文改错过程中,还须遵循以下步骤:(1)在理解句子的基础上,先从动词、句法的角度判断有无这方面的错误以及错误的位置;(2)确定无句法错误后,再考虑用法、搭配和近形近义方面的错误; (3)在排除了上述两种可能后,应着重从语篇角度寻找有无上下文语义方面的错误(注意连接性词语和那些可能有反义词的词);(4)注意标有题号的各行与上行或下行相临处的错误;(5)若经过以上步骤还无法判断错误所在,则应暂时放弃该行,而继续往下做,待做完全文,对全文有更深入、更完整的理解的基础上进行检验时再作判断。宜从介词及一些简单而易被忽视的语法角度的“细微处”多加考虑。二、 错误有多词、少词和错词三种, 具体答题方法如下:改正 将文中错词用斜线(/)划去,在后面横线上填入正确的词,表示替换该错词。删去 在文中将错词用斜线(/)划去,在后面横线上也划一斜线(/),表示该错词是多余的。增添 在文中两词间加“∧”号,表示有遗漏,然后在横线上添入遗漏的词的正确形式。三、 命题内容1. 词汇用法 词汇错误不同于篇章理解错误,它一般不需要根据整篇文章的主要内容和上下文的逻辑关系来进行分析和思考。词汇错误常常局限在句子水平上,也就是说,只看某一行或某一个句子就可以把这类错误挑出来并对它们加以改正。 考生只有平时打下扎实的词汇基础,准确把握单词的词性及词义,才能将词语错误辨别出来。词汇错误主要包括词性错误、易混词误用和固定搭配错误。(1) 用词不当 英语中有很多同义词、反义词、易混词,如assure/ensure, rise/arise/raise, effect/affect等。从历年六级改错题看,对这些词的误用构成六级改错的一个重要的错误类型。(2) 介词误用 介词使句中某些词与其他词发生一定的关系,其在英语中占很重要的地位,故成为又一重要考点。2. 语法知识 改错中的语法错误主要是结构方面出现的一些基本语法错误,主要包括不一致、时态、语态错误,现在分词和过去分词的误用,连词误用, 代词误用, 形容词和副词的比较级、最高级误用,虚拟语气误用和平行结构错误等。 (1) 一致性方面的错误 一致性(Agreement或Concord)在英语中属于一种很基础、很常见的语法现象。一致性指主谓一致、名词单复数与其修饰语的一致,代词与先行词的一致,还有时态一致、修辞手法一致等。六级考试改错题中常见的一致性方面的错误有以下几类:1) 主谓一致。主谓不一致错误是CET 6综合改错内容之一,主要表现为主语名词与谓语动词间隔较长,首尾不能相接,造成视觉上的混淆。2) 名词单复数。有时名词可以不用复数,但是在特定的句子中由于前面有明确的量词修饰,如 several, a number of, a variety of等等,就要变成复数形式。3) 代词与先行词一致。代词的主要功能是指代已出现的名词、词组或一个意群,因此代词的出现必须有所指,而且形、数等与前面所代的部分相符,这是代词改错的核心。人称代词、物主代词及指示代词的误用,会导致指示不清、逻辑混乱,甚至前后矛盾。这一般考查的是代词的指代,在文章当中如果说出现了代词,那么代词所指代的对象在前文中一定是出现过的,否则就会出现指代不清,所以出现代词时候,我们要注意它所指代的对象的单复数是否与代词一致。细心推敲和全局观念是破解此类错误的杀手锏。(2) 非谓语动词错用  非谓语动词包括不定式、分词。六级改错中主要出现非谓语动词与主要谓语动词之间的混淆。(3) 形容词、副词(包括比较级和最高级)误用 形容词和副词的原级、比较级和最高级是改错考题中必考的项目之一。常见错误类型有: One of +最高级+名词复数,as +原级+as3. 篇章理解(1)上下文语义矛盾  通过对近年六级改错部分的分析,发现出现错误率的频率最高的就是上下文语义矛盾这一项,上下文语义矛盾,也就是说,根据上文的内容,紧接下来的部分应该是肯定意义,结果原文却用了否定;反之,根据上下文的连贯关系,下文本该用否定却用了肯定,这是语意的颠倒,造成上下文逻辑推理上的自相矛盾。做题前如先阅读全文,领会上下文承接关系与语意关系将裨益无穷。(2) 缺漏和多余 缺漏某些不可少或加了某些不必要的词都会使句意不通顺。一般来说,缺漏和多余的词多为介词、代词、冠词或连词。多余还可能出现相同意义的词语叠加在一起或出现两个主语现象。(3) 逻辑关系混乱  要想把这类错误纠正出来,需要考生对文章有总体的理解,头脑中有个大的框架。一般改错中的连接词错误都会使句子的逻辑关系发生改变,或造成句子的语义逻辑混乱。六级综合改错中对逻辑关系的考查主要集中在因果、转折、条件、让步等关系上,其中以因果和转折连接词最为常见。(4) 时态、语态错误一篇结构完整的短文中,时态的使用应该是连贯一致的,但六级改错中常出现主句和从句时态可能不一致的情形。另外,改错题中最常见的语态错误是被动语态被误用为主动语态。总之,要想从根本上提高做综合改错题的能力,考生就要打好扎实的英语基础,有丰富的词汇用法、固定搭配及句式结构知识等。同时,在平日英语学习的过程中,要多多阅读,培养英语的语感,提高语篇理解能力,增强自己辨错、纠错的能力。满意请采纳。

in the U.S.;in the U.S.A;in America;in the United States?? 冠词都对吗?

都对。 in the People‘s Republic of China 要有 the ,但 in China 无 the 。

in the united states,a person

Ever since Stephanie"s 13th birthday we have been receiving comments from other adults expressing their sympathies because our daughter is now a teenager.We"ve heard everything from,“Sure she"s a good kid,but just wait,now that she"s teenager…”to the ever inspiring,“Well,all kids are rotten when they are teenagers,just try to go through it the best way you can.”What"s more upsetting is that many of these insensitive adults feel the need to share their negative predictions well within the hearing of both our daughters.I know that teenagers can be moody(闷闷不乐)and difficult at times,but I"m 38 and I can also be difficult and moody.We worry about the future and want today"s kids to know that we carefor them and that there are opportunities that wait for them.However, at the very point they set out on that journey toward adulthood we stand there watching them disapprovingly(不赞成),just waiting for them to make mistake.“just like we knew they would.”We tell them to respect themselves and to say no to drugs,yet we fail to set a positive example by treating them with kindness and consideration,demonstrating(示范)our respect for them.I have,at times been guilty of this behavior but am now realizing that the more I see each person as a person,the more I am pleasantly surprised in some way or another. For example,a few weeks ago my husband and I were having dinner at our favorite restaurant and two teenage boys came in and sat down right beside US.I must admit that my first thought was,“perfect,there goes our quiet, peaceful dinner.”I was so wrong! These young men were well behaved.quiet and left a nice tip for the waitress.Once I looked beyond the jeans so loose they were practically falling off and the multi-colored hair, I saw what fine people these kids were.Many of the people who,perhaps unknowingly, treat teens with disrespect are unhappy about the fact that pop singers and sports stars are our children"s heroes. I feel that unless We give them something better to go after, we really shouldn"t complain.66.When their children reach their teens,parents usually expect_________.A.trouble B.sympathyC.congratulations D.inspiring comments67.In the author"s opinion,the trouble with parents is that________.A.they are too watchful of their teenage childrenB.they are too concerned about their children"s futureC.they fail to treat teenagers with enough kindness and respectD.they speak ill of their children within their hearing68.When two teenagers came into the restaurant and sat beside the author, her first thought was that__________.A.they were wrong to have chosen this restaurant for dinnerB.something interesting was going to happen over dinnerC.her quiet dinner with her husband would be ruinedD.she and her husband were going to have a pleasant surprise69.What does the author think of the two teenage boys?A.They may become nice people if they are willing to change their lifestyle.B.They are typical of teenagers who wear ill-fitting clothes and dye their hair.C.They"re fine young men despite their loose jeans and multi-colored hair.D.They will respect you if you respect them.70.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?A.There is nothing wrong with teenagers admiring pop singers and sports starts.B.If our children admire pop singers and sports starts,it is the parents who are to blame.C.Pop singers and sports stars should not be heroes of our children.D.Parents should set a good example for their children to follow.

in the United States, what choices do the student

你好!in the United States, what choices do the student在美国,学生选择做什么

In the United States,Moday is the beginning of the workweek.

In the United States Monday is the beginning of the workweek;it is the day most Americans like least.It is not surprising that day they like most is Saturday.Saturday is the end of the workweek;it is the beginning of the weekend.Life is different on the weekend.Most Americans take care of their house,car,or garden.They get up late in the morning.They enjoy the feeling that the time seems to move more slowly.The week is for things you have to do,the weekend is for things you want to do.Some people may get in a car driving in the country.They like to take part in a sports activity outdoors.And on Saturday night they might go to a public eating place or movie. The idea of the weekend is a recent invention.In 1870 wealthy people began to speak of spending weekends in the country visiting friends.For most people,however,the workday was six-day long.It ended on Saturday.Automobile maker Henry Ford was the first major employer in the United States to establish a workweek of five days.He did that in 1926.Henry Ford thought that if the working people had more free time they would spend more money and it was something good for the economy.By 1940 it had bee mon for most Americans to work 8 hours a day a week.Today the lives of most Americans are organized that way:5 days of work or school followed by 2 days of rest.For many people Saturday night is the highpoint of the weekend and the week.It is the night for going out or having fun. Anything and everything can happen on Saturday night.People go dancing,visiting friends and having parties.They drunk too much alcohol.They get killed or kill other people.They sleep,watch television,and sometimes fall in love.People do these things on other nights of the week too,but they do them more often and with more emotion and purpose on Saturday night.On Saturday night movie theatres sell more tickets.It is also the biggest night for places that sell alcoholic drinks.That is one reason why Saturday night witnesses most murders,fights and deadly car accidents.In a town in Indiana there is a Saturday night custom called“cruising”.Cruising means to spend the evening driving your car slowly up and down the townue6afs main street.People who are cruising talk from car to car.They exchange greetings,jokes and friendly insults.Cruising is most popular in *** all towns where there is not much else to do. Many people spend the Saturday night at home with friends.They have dinner together.Perhaps they watch a movie on a video cassette recorder.Other people go on a date.People on a date might go to a public concert,yet they only talk to each other.Is there anything people do not like about the weekend?A study of 1000 Americans found that half would gladly trade a paid workday for an extra day of free time.The only thing wrong with the weekend,they think,is that it does not last longer.

i arrived in the united states句子结构是什么?


in the united states 还是 in united states


更新系统出现“新失败 找到错误 Windows Update 错误 80070103”

一、 确认电脑可以正常连接网络;二、 关闭当前系统中运行的杀毒软件或防火墙软件;三、 确认当前Windows系统时间无误,需要精确到分钟;四、 您目前遇到的问题还有可能是远程的Windows Update服务器失去响应导致,可尝试间隔24小时后重新测试;五、 您可以使用Windows系统的疑难解答工具尝试解决;六、 若Windows无法更新或更新报错(比如提示“你的设备已过期,并缺少重要的安全和质量更新”),以下为解决方案:【第一步】:请使用附件工具,鼠标右键,选择管理员模式,分别修复window更新、后台智能传输服务、windows网络诊断;修复完成后可直接升级系统测试,无效继续执行下一步操作;【第二步】:停止 Windows Update服务,必须以管理员身份进行登录,才能执行这些步骤。1、单击打开“管理工具(通过单击“开始”按钮,再依次单击“控制面板”,然后单击“管理工具”;2、双击“服务”。如果系统提示您输入管理员密码或进行确认,请键入该密码或提供确认;3、单击“名称”列标题以逆序排列名称。找到“Windows Update”服务,右键单击该服务,然后单击“停止”。【第三步】:删除临时更新文件1、打开“计算机”;2、双击安装Windows的本地硬盘(通常是驱动器C);3、双击Windows文件夹,然后删除SoftwareDistribution文件夹。【第四步】:重新启动 Windows Update服务,必须以管理员身份进行登录,才能执行这些步骤;1、单击打开“管理工具(方法同上)”;2、双击“服务”。如果系统提示您输入管理员密码或进行确认,请键入该密码或提供确认;3、单击“名称”列标题以逆序排列名称。找到“Windows Update”服务,右键单击该服务,然后单击“启动”;4、关闭“服务”窗口和“管理工具”窗口。如以上方案无效,建议您更换网络或者更换时间段升级。七、 若开机提示”无法完成更新……“或“配置Windows update失败”,若您的电脑还可以进入正常系统或安全模式,解决方案如下:1、您可以按“Windows 徽标键+R键”,即需要将Windows键和字母R同时按下;2、输入“services.msc”按回车,快速调出“服务”;3、找到“Windows update”服务,右击该服务并选择“停止”;4、双击桌面的“这台电脑”或“计算机”图标,进入C:windowsSoftwareDistribution目录,将DataStore和Download这两个文件夹内的全部文件删除;5、再次找到“Windows update”服务,右击该服务并选择“启动”;提示:如果仍然出现配置 Windows更新失败,正在还原更改的提示,则可能是某些因素在影响Windows更新的安装和配置,初步怀疑是安全软件的问题,您可以卸载安装的第三方安全软件之后再重复上面的操作。八、 若您的电脑已经无法进入正常系统和安全模式,建议您备份数据后恢复出厂预装系统或重装系统。

W10系统sp1补丁无法在Windows Update 中找到怎么办

win10好像没有所谓sp1吧,只有win7才有如果没有特别需要 最好关闭自动更新服务 但是会导致应用商店失去下载软件和更新功能



postgresql数据库中怎么复制表结构和完全复制表,如oracle中create table a as select * from b


在PostgreSQL实例中,建表前执行CREATE SERVER的目标是什么?

可以在函数中使用关键字create temporary table直接创建即可。不过,需要注意的是,要加上if not exists限制,这样在临时表已经存在的情况下,临时表不会被再次创建,从而避免执行异常。示例函数:create or replace function ads.fn_create_tmp_tb (n integer, s character varying)returns voidas $$begin create local temporary table if not exists tmp_tb_01 (idx integer, user_name character varying); insert into tmp_tb_01 (idx, user_name) select n, s; raise notice "%", (select user_name from tmp_tb_01 where idx = n);end;$$ language plpgsql;示例调用:select ads.fn_create_tmp_tb(1, "Andy"); select ads.fn_create_tmp_tb(2, "Jack");

win7开机配置windows update35%进不去界面


win10系统 控制面板里没有windows update 功能怎么办?




Microsoft Update Health Service服务禁用了,服务被停止,怎么办?


怎么处理"系统管理员已禁用 windows update"?

一、要还原丢失的 Windows Update 快捷方式或 Microsoft Update 快捷方式,请按照下列步骤操作:1.以本地管理员身份登录到计算机。2.单击“开始”,单击“运行”,键入 gpedit.msc,然后单击“确定”。3.在左窗格中,依次展开“用户配置”、“管理模板”,然后单击“任务栏和「开始」菜单”。4.在右窗格中,右键单击“禁用并删除到 Windows Update 的链接”,然后单击“属性”。5.单击“已禁用”,单击“应用”,然后单击“确定”。要启用到 Windows Update 网站的访问,请按照下列步骤操作:1.以本地管理员身份登录到计算机。2.单击“开始”,单击“运行”,键入 gpedit.msc,然后单击“确定”。3.在左窗格中,展开“用户配置”,然后展开“管理模板”。4.展开“Windows 组件”,然后单击“Windows Update”。5.在右窗格中,右键单击“禁用并删除到 Windows Update 的链接”,然后单击“属性”。6.单击“已禁用”,单击“应用”,然后单击“确定”。二、对于运行 Windows 2000、Windows XP 或 Windows Server 2003 的计算机您可能会遇到下列一个或多个症状:“开始”菜单上缺少“Windows Update”快捷方式或“Microsoft Update”快捷方式。Microsoft Internet Explorer 中的“工具”菜单上缺少“Windows Update”快捷方式或“Microsoft Update”快捷方式。“系统属性”对话框中缺少“自动更新”选项卡。配置“自动更新”后,未收到有关关键更新的通知。此外,也没有收到 Windows Update 或 Microsoft Update 发出的关键更新。设备管理器不能自动安装 Windows Update 或 Microsoft Update 发出的驱动程序更新。单击“自动更新”控制面板工具时,“自动更新”设置不可用。您会收到一条与以下内容类似的消息:Windows Update 服务不可用。对于连接到企业网络的企业用户要解决此问题,请联系本地系统管理员,以确定组策略设置是否禁用了 Windows Update 访问。对于没有连接到企业网络的家庭用户对于运行 Windows 2000、Windows XP 或 Windows Server 2003 的用户若要在运行 Windows 2000 的计算机上还原丢失的 Windows Update 快捷方式或 Microsoft Update 快捷方式,请按照下列步骤操作:以本地管理员身份登录到计算机。单击“开始”,单击“运行”,键入 gpedit.msc,然后单击“确定”。在左窗格中,依次展开“用户配置”、“管理模板”,然后单击“任务栏和「开始」菜单”。在右窗格中,右键单击“禁用并删除到 Windows Update 的链接”,然后单击“属性”。单击“已禁用”,单击“应用”,然后单击“确定”。若要在运行 Windows XP 或 Windows Server 2003 的计算机上还原丢失的 Windows Update 快捷方式或 Microsoft Update 快捷方式,请按照下列步骤操作:以本地管理员身份登录到计算机。单击“开始”,单击“运行”,键入 gpedit.msc,然后单击“确定”。在左窗格中,依次展开“用户配置”、“管理模板”,然后单击“任务栏和「开始」菜单”。在右窗格中,右键单击“删除到‘Windows Update"的访问和链接”,然后单击“属性”。单击“已禁用”,单击“应用”,然后单击“确定”。要启用到 Windows Update 网站的访问,请按照下列步骤操作:以本地管理员身份登录到计算机。单击“开始”,单击“运行”,键入 gpedit.msc,然后单击“确定”。在左窗格中,展开“用户配置”,然后展开“管理模板”。展开“Windows 组件”,然后单击“Windows Update”。在右窗格中,右键单击“删除使用所有 Windows Update 功能的访问”,然后单击“属性”。单击“已禁用”,单击“应用”,然后单击“确定”。对于运行 Windows 98 或 Windows Millennium Edition 的用户警告:如果使用注册表编辑器或其他方法错误地修改了注册表,则可能会出现严重问题。这些问题可能需要重新安装操作系统才能解决。Microsoft 不能保证可以解决这些问题。修改注册表需要您自担风险。单击“开始”,单击“运行”,在“打开”框中键入 regedit,然后单击“确定”。依次展开 HKEY_CURRENT_USER、Software、Microsoft、Windows、CurrentVersion,然后展开 Policies。如果 Windows Update 注册表项存在,请单击 Windows Update。在右窗格中,如果 DisableWindowsUpdateAccess DWORD 值存在,请右键单击 DisableWindowsUpdateAccess,然后单击“删除”。依次展开 HKEY_CURRENT_USER、Software、Microsoft、Windows、CurrentVersion,然后展开 Policies。如果 Explorer 注册表项存在,请单击 Explorer。在右窗格中,如果 DisableWindowsUpdateAccess DWORD 存在,请右键单击 DisableWindowsUpdateAccess,然后单击“删除”。在右窗格中,如果 NoWindowsUpdate DWORD 值存在,请右键单击 NoWindowsUpdate,然后单击“删除”。依次展开 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE、Software、Microsoft、Windows、CurrentVersion,然后展开 Policies。如果 Explorer 注册表项存在,请单击 Explorer。在右窗格中,如果 DisableWindowsUpdateAccess DWORD 存在,请右键单击 DisableWindowsUpdateAccess,然后单击“删除”。在右窗格中,如果 NoWindowsUpdate DWORD 值存在,请右键单击 NoWindowsUpdate,然后单击“删除”。关闭注册表编辑器,然后重新启动计算机。

win10系统 控制面板里没有windows update 功能怎么办? 在设置里的更新与安全,根


microsoft Update卸载有什么后果


microsoft update health tools卸载了咋办?


MS Update 怎么卸载?

  你好  .  如何卸载 Microsoft Update  有些网友在不注意的时候,会把microsoft update 安装上 替换了 windows update从而造成了 其中一个svchost.exe 进程占用大量的内存 和99%的cpu !!!造成机器十分卡!!解决方法如下:打开Microsoft Update,当出现“快速”“自定义”选项的时候,左边…更改设置在最最下面 会看到“停止使用 Microsoft Update 如果您不再希望使用此网站安装更新程序,可以在您的计算机中禁用支持软件。您仍然可以通过访问 Windows Update 网站或在您的计算机上启用“自动更新”功能以从该网站获得更新程序。但是,您不能获得除 Windows 之外的其他产品的更新程序。禁用 Microsoft Update 软件,只允许我使用 Windows Update”  打上勾,点击立即应用设置,稍后你会看到“您已经成功地在您的计算机上禁用了 Microsoft Update 软件。要保持您的计算机使用最新程序,请确保在“控制面板”中启用“自动更新”功能。您还可以随时访问Windows Update 网站。如果您改变主意,想要在以后使用 Microsoft Update 网站,您将需要重新安装此软件。”  另一说>MSupdate.exe> 建议使用杀软查查,有无中招,  祝顺利,如有帮助,还望及时采纳,

win10无法安装windows update怎么办?

win10 window update 无法启动,拒绝访问的原因可能是未开启完全权限,具体解决方法步骤如下:1、首先右键单击磁盘,在弹出的选项栏内单击属性。2、在属性界面内找到”安全“选项并单击,再在”安全“选项界面内找到”编辑“选项并单击。3、再编辑界面内单击”添加“选项。4、进入添加界面后,在界面内的输入框内输入everyone,并单击确定。5、单击确定后再将完全控制设置为允许即可解决win10 window update 无法启动,拒绝访问的问题。

Windows Update


win10系统中的 microsoft Update Health Tools 是什么有什么用?


如何更改Windows Update 设置,使Windows 7获取更多的更新


windows update翻译

windows update是现在大多数Windows操作系统都带有的一种自动更新工具,一般用来为漏洞、驱动、软件提供升级。通过及时有效的进行各种插件、漏洞的更新,可以使我们的电脑体验更舒服、更流畅、更安全。Windows Update及Microsoft Update能够提供一个下载紧急系统组件更新、服务升级包(Service Packs)、安全修补程序(Security fixes)、补丁以及选定的Windows组件免费更新,会自动检测用户的硬件并提供可用的驱动程序更新,又或者提供一些微软程序的Beta版本。大多数的更新和补丁会在它们被发布后的很短时间内出现在 Windows Update 网站。或者,修补程序和更新通常能够在 Microsoft 网站上手动下载。大规模的运行Microsoft Windows的办公网络和服务器可能会发现使用Windows Server Update Services更加实用,因为它使通过Windows Update接收补丁并分发到各个客户端的过程自动化。

如何使用Microsoft Update Catalog 更新硬件驱动程序


Microsoft Windows Server Update Services 3.0是什么软件(程序)?

Microsoft Update是一个基于网络的Microsoft Windows操作系统的软件更新服务。有别于Windows Update,它除了能够提供一个下载紧急系统组件更新,服务升级包(Service Packs),安全修补程序(Security fixes),补丁以及选定的Windows组件免费更新,自动检测用户的硬件并提供可用的驱动程序更新,提供一些微软程序的Beta版本以外,Microsoft Update更能为其他较近代Microsoft产品,如Microsoft Office 2003,SQL Server 2005等,检测是否有重大更新或其他修补。纵览[编辑本段]大多数的更新和补丁会在它们被发布后的很短时间内出现在 Windows Update 网站。或者,修补程序和更新通常能够在 Microsoft 网站上手动下载。大规模的运行Microsoft Windows的办公网络和服务器可能会发现使用Windows Server Update Services更加实用,因为它使通过Windows Update接收补丁并分发到各个客户端的过程自动化。Windows Update 网站需要ActiveX控制的使用,故需要 Internet Explorer 或者 Internet Explorer 外壳 代替。同样,它被使用微软的脚本语言VBScript和 JScript编码。它与在那些特殊站点使用使用 Internet Explorer 翻译引擎的Netscape 8.0兼容。在2005年,微软介绍了一款可选的Microsoft Update,它可将受支持的操作系统,包含Microsoft Office(Office XP 和 Office 2003,仅支持所有用户安装模式),Exchange 和 SQL Server 的更新递送。这对许多共同抱怨很难从众多微软产品网站中得到所有必需更新的用户作出了回应。历史[编辑本段]一直以来经过多次修订的 Windows Update 站点是在 Windows 98 版本发布时被首次引入的。在2004年的晚些时候,微软发布了包含 Service Pack 2 和一些针对更新程序主要更改的 Windows Update 5 for Windows XP。没有宽带访问的用户还可从微软网站预订一张XP Service Pack 2 CD;这甚至不需要任何运送费用,并且包装上鼓励与其他 Windows XP 用户共享这张 CD。在安装SP2之后,用户应该前往微软网站检查自SP2发布以后的新版本更新。2005年7月,微软提出了面向升级任意版本Windows XP,Windows 2003和Windows 2000用户的Windows 正版增值计划 (WGA)。作为一个升级程序对待,该软件会分析用户的计算机,并测定运行的Windows XP副本是否为正版。如果被检测的软件副本为盗版,它会提供给用户一个机会,揭发购买该盗版副本的地点,并以此可得到一份免费或者减价的正版 Windows XP副本。然而与一些传闻恰恰相反,WGA将不会为非法软件下载关键补丁。Windows Vista中的 Microsoft Update[编辑本段]在Windows Vista中,Windows Update 不是一个网络应用程序。取而代之,所有Windows Update网站功能已被整合到一个新的控制面板中。另外,Windows Update将负责递送Vista的Windows Defender反间谍软件产品的最新定义,还有Windows Mail的垃圾邮件过滤器更新。Windows Update将同样为其他微软产品,比如Microsoft Office提供自动更新,用户可自行选择是否开启Microsoft Update。 基于网络范例的 Windows Update 程序的退出,减弱了许多评论家对于运行Windows系统的网络浏览器完成信任的升级操作的能力问题的担忧。微软“正版增值”计划[编辑本段]的Windows正版增及计划是被微软公司用来在用户寻找他们运行的微软软件副本的升级程序时强制执行的许可协议。它会在允许获取任何非紧急的安全更新之前鉴别Windows的合法性。最初它被认为将不会阻止未经鉴别的用户通过自动更新服务接收紧急的安全更新,因为微软认为,相对于盗版副本带来的收益损失,未打补丁系统的安全和名誉风险更加重要。然而事实并非如此。WGA使用一套独立的程序生成一个密钥,或者一个ActiveX插件控制,来检查许可密钥是否有效。WGA系统已经被破解多次。开始时使用一条JavaScript代码(在2005年7月28日WGA发布24小时内),后来则通过软件。最近一些用户根本已经停用了Windows Update,转到允许使用可选择性网络浏览器的替代程序,比如WindizUpdate。不过,WinsizUpdate并不支援英语版本以外的其他语种的Windows。此外使用不需使用浏览器的AutoPatcher或者Bigfix。然而压倒多数的Windows XP用户都使用着开启Windows Update服务的默认设置。这意味着大多数Windows XP用户在运行最新版本的Internet Explorer,并在他们的操作系统中安装有最新的补丁程序。第三方方案[编辑本段]在2005年1月,一个针对Windows Update的第三方方案WindizUpdate被启用。这个服务支持基于Mozilla和Opera的浏览器,不必通过Internet Explorer而允许用户接收类似的服务。然而,这项服务的合法性尚存疑问。问题[编辑本段]部分用户在安装Microsoft Update后,排除系统中毒,以及没有被安装任何恶意软件、广告软件的情况下,开机的时候“windowsSystem32svchost.exe -k netsvcs”这个进程大量占用CPU及内存,使电脑处于假死状态,经过一段时间才能恢复正常。

一打开microsoft update就CPU100%,怎么办?


怎样解决Windows Xp开始菜单里没有Microsoft Update的问题

补充: 在每回刚装完Windows Xp系统,点击开始菜单的Windows Update选项,在弹出的网页里,就会提示安装Microsoft Update,然后网页还提示你会在开始菜单里,多个Microsoft Update的选项,以方便以后进入Microsoft Update,虽然点击Windows Update,也能进入Microsoft Update,但是开始菜单里为什么就没有Microsoft Update,而且这回打开Windows Update主页时,网页也没提示安装Microsoft Update,请问怎样恢复开始菜单里的Microsoft Update选项 补充: 嗯,确实没什么必要,但是对于一个非常喜欢软件和硬件的人来说,一个细小的问题,都搞不明白,他就不算懂电脑 补充:补充:补充: 重装系统就会解决开始菜单里没有Microsoft Update的问题,但是这回系统没什么大问题,在这种情况下,我就想恢复开始菜单里的Microsoft Update选项
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