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Assignment of Proceeds??


sex reassignment surgery是什么意思

sex reassignment surgery[医]性改造手术,性再造手术; 例句:1.He said most states allow marriages for people who have undergone sex reassignment surgery. 他说绝大多数的州都已经允许做过变性手术的人结婚。2.Tennessee does not permit same-sex marriage and does not recognize gender change even after sex reassignment surgery. 田纳西州法律不允许同性婚姻,也不承认性别的变更,即使做过变性手术也不算数。


  之前陆陆续续给同学们分享了英文写作中的引言和主体部分,今天给大家分享的是关于留学assignment写作中怎样写好Conclusion。  Some people think that writing the conclusion is the hardest part of writing an essay.For others,writing the conclusion is easy.When you write a conclusion,follow these guidelines:  有人认为结论是英文写作里面最难的部分,但是也有人认为是最简单的部分,但是无论怎样,请在撰写结论的时候,遵循下列规则:  let the reader know that this is the conclusion.You can mark the conclusion with some kind of transition or connector that tells the reader that this is the final paragraph of the essay.  让读者清楚的知道这是文章结论,在文章用某种过渡词或者连接词来明确告诉作者,这是文章的最后一段。  Here are some examples:  In conclusion,For the information given,To summarize,  Sometimes the first sentence of the conclusion restates the thesis or main idea of the essay:  A previously noted,there are numerous problems that new parents face today.(Example)  Do not introduce new information in the conclusion.The conclusion should help reader to reconsider the main idea that you have given in the essay.Any new information in the concluding paragraph will sound like a continuation of the body of the essay.  不要在结论里面介绍新的信息。结论是帮助读者重新思考文章表达的中心思想。在结论里面出现任何新的信息将使得结论像文章的正文。  Many writers find the conclusion difficult to write.It requires a great deal of thought and creativity,just as a good hook or thesis statement does.The kind of essay you are writing may determine the way you end the essay;however the following ideas can be helpful for any essay.  许多人认为结论很难写。它需要大量的思考和创造力,就像一个好的Hook和主旨句一样。作者所写的文章类型决定了文章的结论撰写方式。然而,下面的方法对撰写结论非常有用:  a.The final sentence or sentences of an essay often give a suggestion,an opinion,or a prediction about the topic of the essay.  文章的最后的句子常常提出一个建议、一个作者的观点或者一项预测。  Suggestion:In order for young people to successfully learn a language,parents need to encourage them at an early age.  Opinion:Learning a second language at an early age is,in effect,a smart choice.  Prediction:If more young people were bilingual,perhaps they would better understand the complex world around them.  b.Sometimes the final sentence or sentences simply say that the issue has been discussed in the essay with so many strong,persuasive facts that the answer to the issue is now clear.  有时文章最后的句子简单的说明文章中用强有说服力的事实讨论过的问题,问题的答案已经清楚。  Once aware of this information,any reader would agree that bilingual education is an excellent educational opportunity.(Example)  今天主要跟大家讲的是assignment写作结论(Conclusion)的详细写法,希望大家选一个自己感兴趣的主题,进行练习。







一道英语选择题 as usual,()man was given his individual assignment



这个,不太清楚你说的assignment是什么意思...不过主要有下面这几种文件立场文件position paper 简称PP工作文件working paper 简称WP决议草案draft resolution 简称DR指令草案draft directive 简称DD修正案 amendment格式:PP一般包含议题的目前国际形势,国际社会采取过的措施,本国立场和本国措施等部分。重点在最后一条。立场文件的作用不是很大,可以作为第一次发言的稿子。但是一般第一个session就可以作废了。WP是国外模联最废柴的文件,实际作用不大,可以是某一次讨论的总结,也可以是对某个细节问题的评论,只要是和会议相关,都可以写,不过如果要提交,必须有附议国的签名。在国内模联,WP还是比较重要的,一般会作为DR的基础出现。DR格式很严谨,要求有序言性和行动性条款两部分组成。序言性条款每款必须以状语开头,写出目前已明确的一些事实,行动性条款以动词开头,写出对签字国的要求。在相关网站你可以查到两个部分的专用词总汇。貌似标点符号也有要求,记不清了。DD是在出现危机时使用,跳过序言性条款,只有行动性条款,为了节省时间嘛。(危机都是有时间限制的)修正案就是对DR进行语法或有效内容修改的文件。可以整款修改,也可以按词替代原文。对于后三种文件,都需要2/3多数通过采算有效,而且提交的时候都需要有起草国,附议国签名。要求很繁杂的。

assignment 发音标准发音,谢谢

assignment英 [ə"saɪnm(ə)nt]美 [ə"saɪnmənt]n. 分配;任务;作业;功课更多释义>>[网络短语]assignment 任务,作业,分配assignment clause 转让,转让条款,不得转让条款government assignment 政府划拨,当局划拨




从外面看,输入接口包括一个Y0,一个U,还有下面会提到的索引量输入接口IdxN(可选)。Y0是信号输入。一个原始数组可以从这里输入。U是你要赋的值。IdxN,代表Idx1,Idx2等等,是下面会提到的,通过输入端口来确定索引量。输出接口是一个Y,通过这个接口将(部分)赋好值的数组输出来。双击打开设置,Number of output dimensions是控制输出的维度。比如你输入4,代表输出的信号是4维的,每个里面又可能包含一个数组。这里每一维的数组,都是以Y0为基础做了一定的改动。Index mode是指你的索引量从0还是从1开始。比如前者的话A[0]就是数组的第一个元素,反之则是A[1]。下面的空白框里,会有你上面输入的维度那么多的栏。每一栏对应一个维度的输出。Assign all表示将数组全部元素赋值为U,Index vector表示将某个元素赋值为U,而Starting index则将某个元素开始及后面的所有元素赋值为U。dialog表示在后面的一栏里输入数字来表示某个元素(如1,2,3表示A[1]和A[2]和A[3]),而port表示从外部接口IdxN输入一个量来确定这个Index。后面是采样时间。如果你选择了带port的赋值模式,那么还会多出一个选项,要你确定输出Y的初始值。可以选择跟Y0一样,也可以自己确定每个维度。比如,你输入Y0=[1 2 3 4]进来,U=3,设置为2维,维度1是Assign all,维度2是Index vector [1,2],那么输出的Y将会是一个二维信号,维度1是[3 3 3 3],维度2是[3 3 3 4]。


作“任务、工作、作业、功课”的时候是可数,作“分配、指派、选派”时使用不可数 assignment:n.(分派的)工作,任务;(工作等的)分派,布置 复数: assignments 记忆技巧:assign 分配;指定 + ment 表名词 → 分配;指定 扩展资料   例句:   She had given the assignment an A.   她给这份作业打了个优。   We believe the time and hard work involved in completing such an assignment are worthwhile   我们认为完成这项任务所必须付出的时间与辛苦都是值得的。   He was taken hostage while on his first foreign assignment as a television journalist.   他第一次作为电视记者出国采访时就被扣作人质。


  每个国家的大学对于Assignment类型是有一些区别的,本文将会以澳大利亚作为例子,希望各位同学都能认真阅读,这样会给自己提前打个预防针,提前查找资料,做做练习,避免老师布置Assignment一脸茫然的情况。  澳洲留学Assignment作业常见类型   通过以下的介绍,大家可以对Assignment的主要类型有一个大概的认知,对今后留学生涯会有非常大的帮助。   1、Research essay研究型论文:回答问题基于事实提出论点,笔调以真实的简明的逻辑的结构清晰主动语态,主要结构为:   (1)引言Introduction   (2)主体Body   (3)结论conclusion   (4)通常没标题Usually without headings   2、Lab/prac report研究/实践报告:说明你做了什么得出结论,笔调以过去时逐步论述清晰主观被动语态,主要结构为:   (1)引言introduction   (2)调查方法Methods   (3)结果results   (4)讨论discussion(IMRD) –   (5)标题   3、Case study (report)个案研究(报告):审议形势确定形势积极或消极提出建议,笔调以真实的权威的简明的易于实践的,主要结构为:   (1)编号式标题Numberedheadings   (2)目录Table of contents   (3)实施概要Executive summary   4、文章评论Review of an article:评估或评论其数据、调查方法及结果,笔调以分析性评估性现在时主动语态,主要结构为:   (1)无标题no headings   (2)简明总结Brief summary   (3)点评作品Comment on quality of work   5、文献综述Literature review:确定文献的主要思想理解当前的想法为研究找一个”缺口”,笔调以正式的主观的基于文章的假设,主要结构为:   (1)引入   (2)正文   (3)结论(无标题)解释其相似性,   (4)不同性以及其批判性意见   6、附注书目Annotated bibliography:确定此话题的主要文章评估涉及此话题文章的有用性了解其他,笔调为正式的主观的,主要结构为:作者按字母顺序罗列作品名称缩进1-2段关于此话题的总结及评论   7、反思日志Reflective journal:确定个人理解反思理解你如何学习及收获了什么,笔调为对话式放声思考可用”我”不需要正式,但需要清晰,主要结构为:提及文章,课程及实践形势正式学习与个人意图的联系   8、项目报告Project report工作报告或工作计划,笔调为真实的过去式(已完成)计划工作用将来时描述当前形势用现在时,主要结构为:   (1)书名页   (2)致谢   (3)实施概要或摘要   (4)内容引入及正文(无标题)   (5)总结/ 建议   (6)参考文献或参考书目术语列表   (7)附录

英语school assignments怎么翻译?

英语:school assignments翻译为中文意思是:作业


先看assign和transfer.两者均有转让的意思,但又有区别。请看以下法律词典的词条。 assign 转让;动产转让 转让财产,尤指转让属人财产或动产〔personal or moveable property〕。在英格兰,动产转让是指属人动产、实产〔real property〕中的动产权益〔chattle interest〕或实产中的衡平法权益〔equitable interest〕的完全转让。它可以是无偿的,也可以是有偿的。在苏格兰,动产转让是指将债权、股权、版权、保险单等无形财产权完全或仅作为担保加以转让的方式。并非所有权利都可转让,某些特定类型的权利转让需要特殊的手续。 transfer n.(1)转换;转移 指对财产或其利益进行处理和分割的任何方式,包括金钱的支付、免除债务、租赁、设置负担等,也包括财产权的保留;它可以采用直接或间接、无条件或附条件、自愿或强制等各种类型的方法。 (2)流通 指按照法律形式进行票据流通,包括通过背书、支付、转让和法律规定等方式。 (3)转让 指财产或所有权等的让与。v.(4)移转 尤指改变占有或支配。 (5)卖给;赠给。----元照英美法词典 assign 让与,动产转让 transfer (所有权的)让与(把一个人的权利转让给另一人),(物权、产权等)转让 transfer, assignment, conveyance, negotiation 均有转让的含义。transfer 为一般术语,可泛指各种转让;assignment多为民法或合同法上的债权让与,且常指转让无形财产的权利;conveyance 多指不动产,如土地物权(title)的转让,其也包括土地其他权利的转让或租赁(lease)、按揭(mortgage)或抵押(encumbrance);negotiation 常指票据法上的权利转让----英汉法律英语大辞典 从元照英美法律词典没太看出两个术语的区别。但依据英汉法律用语大辞典,transfer为一般术语,而assignment多用于民法和合同法上的债权让与,及无线财产的权利的让与。但查布莱克法律词典第八版,assign用convey和transfer解释。而transfer则用convey, remove from, pass or hand over from,但指出尤指占有和支配的改变。可见这两个术语虽然同义,但还是有区别的。 再看charge和pledge. charge 担保;负担 为保证债务的清偿或义务的履行而在土地或其他财产上设定的抵押权〔mortgage〕、留置权〔lien〕或其他无特别名称的担保权利,如果土地所有人或其所担保的人未偿还债务或履行义务——例如纳税、支付遗产或年金等,担保权利人可以诉请变卖土地以抵偿债务。根据英国1925年《财产法》〔Law of Property Act〕,负担分为普通法所承认的土地负担——包括地租负担〔rent charge〕、普通法上的抵押〔legal mortgage〕、土地税负等——和衡平法上的土地负担〔equitable charge〕。后者存在於债权人未取得对土地的普通法地产权的情况,例如通过寄存产权文书设定衡平法上的抵押〔equitable mortgage〕,或者借款人本身只对土地享有衡平法上的权利。土地上的负担必须在土地登记局或类似政府主管机构登记,否则不能对抗已支付对价的买主。  pledge n.(1)质押 债务人将其动产或无形财产证书交给债权人占有,作为履行债务的担保,债务人不履行债务时,债权人可变卖质物受偿,但在变卖前债务人还可通过履行债务赎回质物。在美国,有关质押的法律大多已被《统一商法典》〔U.C.C.〕第九章有关担保交易〔secured transactions〕的规定所替代。 (2)(广义)保证;担保 提供某些担保物作为履行债务的保证。 (3)质物;典当物;担保物 (4)(古)(复)诉讼保证人 在普通法诉讼中,作为原告的保证人,其名字须附於起诉状〔declaration〕之末。后来由於不再对提出虚假请求的原告处以罚款,即纯粹成为一种形式,一般以虚构的人名John Doe和Richard Roe代替,或完全省略。 -----元照英美法词典 charge 抵押,财产负担 pledge 质押,质权v.质押;出质;典当 charge, mortgage, pledge, lien, hypothecation 均有债务人将其财产作质押担保的含义。在英美法中,担保包括人的担保(personal security)和物的担保(real security)两种。其中物的担保可分为三种类型:一为由债权人取得对担保物的所有权,而不依赖于对物的占有的担保;二是债权人不享有对担保物的所有权,但依赖于对物的占有的担保;三是既不依赖取得对物的所有权,也不依赖对物的占有的担保。属于第一类型的担保为mortgage(按揭),属于第二类型的担保有pledge(质押)和lien(留置),属于第三类型的担保有charge hypothecation。charge 和mortgage 经常用作不动产的担保中。它们在实务上尽管区别不大,但在理论上,尤其是房地产抵押上仍存在较大差异。charge 是指房地产所有者将某些权益赋予债权人,作为偿还债务或履行责任的担保,一旦抵押人无力偿还债务或履行责任,债权人即可行使这些权益,处置该抵押的房地产以获得清偿。charge不转移房地产所有权,而只是赋予债权人对房地产的某些权益,包括占有权益,故charge 十分等同大陆法系中的“抵押”,当然也有人主张将其译为“财产负担”。而mortgage 在香港则被译为“按揭”,指房地产按揭人将其房地产的产权(业权)移转给债权人,作为偿还债务的担保,但实际占有权却仍然为债务人所有。在按揭期间,债权人即成为按揭房地产的产权所有人,如债务人不履行债务或有其他违约行为,债权人可以按按揭房地产所有权人的名义起诉,取消按揭人的回赎权,从而取得按揭房地产的包括占有权在内的绝对产权(title)。过去内地多将mortgage 译为抵押,但鉴于该单词的内涵与大陆法系的抵押含义有一定差异,且目前内地已开始使用“按揭”这个术语(尽管从法的角度上看,内地现仍从大陆法系的抵押观念来认识按揭),从翻译角度上讲,笔者认为最好能将mortgage 翻译为“按揭”。pledge为质押或质权,指占有权而非所有权的转移;而lien则为留置权;hypothecation 来源于罗马法中的hypotheca,在英美法中,其常用作指海商法中的船只或货物的抵押-----英汉法律用语大辞典 可见charge和pledge都有债务人用财产为自己债务担保的含义。但charge指既不依赖取得对物的所有权,也不依赖对物的占有的担保,即我们所谓的抵押,而pledge指债权人不享有对担保物的所有权,但依赖于对物的占有的担保,即我们所谓的质押。而布莱克法律词典第八版对pledge的释义为:the act of providing something as security for a debt or obligation; A bailment or other deposit of personal property to a creditor as security for a debt or obligation.而对charge的释义为:to impose a lien or claim, to ecumber.可见charge不仅指抵押,也有留置之意。但牛津法律词典第五版对charge 的释义如下:A legal or equitable interest in land, securing the payment of money. It gives the creditor in whose favour the charge is created (the chargee) the right to payment from the income or proceeds of sale of the land charged, in priority to claims against the debtor by unsecured creditors.可见charge主要指房地产所有人将地产上的某些权益给予债权人以作为债务的担保,翻译为“抵押”较妥。 可见assign和transfer虽同义,还是有区别的,但汉语翻译无法体现。但要忠于原文,故本人选择同义重复的译法,而charge和pledge分别译为“抵押”和“质押”。 见一网友翻译功底不错,其译文如下:10.其他10.1 本协议的任何一方,在未得到另一方的书面许可前,都不得将其根据本协议所享有的全部或任何权利或义务分派、转移、托管或抵押出去。

作业的assignment, work怎么区别的阿?

Assignment通常是指某人分派的任务或一项使命或是职业。如a diplomatic assignment(外交使命),a freelance assignment(自由职业)等。而Work就复杂多了,既可以指劳动,又可以是一项工作,或是著作、作品。





「任务」英文怎么说?task、assignment 用法来搞懂!

任务 英文、task 用法、assignment 用法 任务英文 ,你知道怎么说吗?跟「任务」有关的英文单字有 task 跟 assignment,task 可以指任务、工作的意思,通常是被主管指派的工作;而 assignment 也有工作、任务的意思,通常指明确的、有限度的工作。 由于 task 跟 assignment 都有「工作、任务」的意思,因此常常让人搞不懂它的意思,毕竟这两个英文单字的意思还是有些差异的。 如果你还不知道 任务英文 怎么说?到底应该用 task 还是 assignment?本篇文章会有完整的 task 用法 跟 assignment 用法 教学。 1.task 任务、工作 task 中文意思为「任务、工作」,而且这里指的工作,通常是由主管或是雇主所指派的工作,通常也指那种比较困难、需要按时完成的工作。 task 可以当成可数名词来使用,剑桥字典对 task 的解释为:「a piece of work to be done, especially one done regularly, unwillingly, or with difficulty」,也就是指那种非情愿、而且有难度的工作。 例: I have to finish the task before tomorrow. 我必须在明天之前完成任务。 例: She has four more tasks to finish before lunch. 她在午餐前还有四项工作要完成。 例: This last task is possibly the most difficult. 最后一项任务可能是最困难的。 2. assignment 工作、任务 assignment 本身也有「工作、任务」的意思,assignment 通常是指明确而且有限动的工作,同样可以当作可数名词来使用。 剑桥字典对 assignment 的部分解释为:「a piece of work given to someone, typically as part of their studies or job」,也就是指学业或工作方面的任务,功课。 很多人应该还记得念大学时,教授指派作业的时候,都会用 assignment 这个单字。 例: I have a lot of reading assignments to plete before the end of term. 期末前我有大量阅读功课要完成。 例: We have o assignments to plete for school. 我们有两项学校作业要完成。 值得一提的是,assignment 还可以指被派遣到某地做的工作。 例: a foreign/diplomatic assignment 外交任命 上面就是 task 用法跟 assignment 用法上的差异啦,赶快学起来吧! 总结 「职业、失业、待业」…英文怎么说?「工作」英文相关字汇大整理! 「工作」英文怎么说?比较「job」和「profession」的用法差异! 和「工作」相关的10个常用语 上大学后,你最常用到的12个动词! 工作真辛苦!与「work」相关的十种用法


代做Assignment时如何使用高级语法?How to use advanced grammar when doing assignments?


assignment造句如下:1、Characteristically, he worked hard at the assignment.他一如既往地认真完成分派的任务。2、He overextended himself when he accepted the additional assignment.当接到额外的任务时,他过度紧张。3、A brave fighter never shrinks from danger in executing an assignment.一个英勇的战士在执行任务时决不害怕危险。4、For a man of Harry"s ability, that assignment was plain sailing.对于具有哈里这种才能的人来说,那样的任务能顺利完成。5、The draft consists of those best qualified for the special assignment.这支特遣队由最适于执行这项特殊任务的人组成。


  与国内的教育模式不同,西方学校的评价标准不仅包括期末考试,还包括各种assignment的分数,包括Test,Essay,Report等。那么留学assignment怎么写呢?如何写好reference?下面就来看看我为大家整理的内容吧。欢迎阅读!    留学生如何写assignment   一般欧美国家的作业通常分为两种形式:一种是短文,一种是报告。它们形式不同,但大体相同。通常情况下,学校颁布的论文写作规定会明确规定一项作业是否应该以论文或报告的形式撰写。所以在看题目要求的时候,一定要尽量仔细,不然会因为格式而丢分。    两种格式的相似之处:   1.字体:Times New Roman,字号:小四,行距:1.5倍。请在写作前调整好这些格式,以免写作后调整带来不必要的麻烦。   2.段落之间的空行。不要求每一段都像中文写作一样空白,而是直接写在最上面。下面有一些相似之处,我会在分开讨论两种风格的时候再讨论。    两种格式的区别:   一、Essay:   短文的写作比报告简单。通常由引言、正文和结语三部分组成。引言包括选题背景和文章要解决的主要问题,通常占总字数的10%左右。正文约占总字数的80%。如果题目中有具体要求,就按照题目中提到的几个方面逐一讨论就好了。有些题目是按照自己的思路写的,没有具体要求。但是需要符合逻辑。结论也占10%。在这一段,用一两句话概括文章的要点。作文不一定要写标题,也不要把副标题加粗。参考文献的写作涉及到这两种形式,我就留到最后细说了。   二、Report:   它的写作一般和essay差不多,但要求更严格。   1.标题页:包括标题和内容提要。在执行摘要中,是文章的总结,这两部分一般占一页。   2.主体:报告的主体,前三个类似于essay,只是在结论之后有一个部分叫建议,是对所提问题的建议。   如果题目中没有单独要求,一般按照这几个部分来写,但是会指定一些题目。请根据题目要求写出是哪些部分。    reference怎么写   reference是老师最看重的,所以请重视。   1.无论前面正文最后一页留多少空格,参考文献都要另起一页写;   2.每个引用之间应该有一个空行。如果一条参考线写不出一行,那么后面几行应该和第一行是三格。基本格式请参考我发送的参考资料中的要求;   3.参考文献应该按字母顺序排列。可以在末尾使用reference的引用;   分为直接引用和间接引用。直接引用就是用文章或书中的原话。请在出现的作者后以(年份、页码)的形式标注。如果没有作者,在引用的句子后面用(作者姓名、年份、页码)标注。间接引用是指发表的文章或书籍中的观点。引用方式与直接引用相同,只是不需要标注页码。   总之,referencesq一定不能是捏造的,一定是真实的。国外对这个问题管的很严。一旦发现欺诈或抄袭,客户将被学校开除,还要支付赔偿。


  修饰语可以补充说明句子的细节并增加有趣性,但必须谨慎使用,以确保读者能够了解所增加的细节。一般来说,在assignment写作中常犯以下三大修饰语的错误:垂悬修饰语(dangling modifier)、错置修饰语(misplaced modifier)和歧义修饰语(squinting modifiers)。  垂悬修饰语  垂悬修饰语常发生在修饰语所修饰的主词不清楚的时候。其大多数会出现在句子的开头,但也有可能出现在句子的结尾。  例句1:  不正确:Having looked through the book shop,the book I wanted just wasn"t there.  (以底线标记出修饰语)  此句看起来像是书籍本身找遍了整间书店,但事实上修饰语所修饰的对象应为作者,而非书籍。虽然读者或许能够猜出是作者找遍了整家书店,但是垂悬修饰语的出现让句子变得模糊。因此,可以藉由加入修饰语所要修饰的主词,清楚传达作者所想表达的意思。  正确:Having looked through the book shop,I realized that the book I wanted just wasn"t there.(以底线标记出修饰语)  例句2:  不正确:Living in a mountainous area,it is natural to miss the smell of the sea.(以底线标记出修饰语)  正确:Living in a mountainous area,Sam often misses the smell of the sea.(以底线标记出修饰语)  错置修饰语  错置修饰语指的是修饰语被放置在不恰当的位置上,使得读者不确定甚至误认修饰语所修饰的单字,导致修饰语所修饰的主词模糊不清的情况。  例句1:  不正确:The hoodie was just too small in the store.(以底线标记出修饰语)  修饰语in the store的放置位子传达出的意思为帽T在店里变得太小了。如果assignment写作中所要表达的是帽T的尺寸会随者所穿的场合不同而有所改变的话,那么该修饰语的位置便是正确的。但是,如果该修饰语的用意为指出店里的帽T尺寸的话,那么修饰语就该移到其它位置。  正确:The hoodie in the store was just too small.(以底线标记出修饰语)  例句2:  不正确:Tom barely hit that ball 20 yards.(以底线标记出修饰语)  正确:Tom hit that ball barely 20 yards.(以底线标记出修饰语)  歧义修饰语  歧义修饰语之所以发生是因为副词几乎可以在一个句子里的任何地方出现。以句构来看,副词的功能或许没问题,但它的意思可能容易引起歧义。  例句:  不正确:Students who seek their professors"advice often can improve their grades.  正确:Students who often seek their professors"advice can improve their grades.或  正确:Students who seek their professors"advice can often improve their grades.  上述的句子究竟指的是学生经常寻求教授的建议,还是寻求教授建议的学生经常能够使成绩进步呢?我们无法从句子中得知,因为副词often所摆放的位置引起歧义,导致读者无法判定其所指涉的对象。




EssayMIN为您解答!首先Assignment有很多类型,不知道题主问的是哪种?我先来介绍一下:Assignment常见类型出国留学经常面临各种各样的论文写作,不同国家不同院校对于Assignment写作的格式、结构都有着各自的要求,连不同的导师之间对于Assignment的写作要求也是各不相同。Assignment的类型主要包括Research essay、 Report、Case study等,下面我们就来说一下英国Assignment常见的类型有哪些。Assignment的类型也有很多种,每一种都有其结构和特定。这篇文章中我们就以英国为例,给大家介绍一下英国留学的Assignment主要类型。英国Assignment一般包括以下几类:Research essay 研究论文Literature review 文献综述Annotated bibliography 附注书目Reflective journal 反思日志Critical review or analytical review 评论性综述或分析性综述Case study 个案研究Lab/practical or experiment write up 研究/实践或实验整理Project report 项目报告感谢阅读!希望对你有所帮助!




“Assignment”是一个英语单词,通常指的是“任务”、“作业”、“分配”等意思。它可以作为名词使用,也可以作为动词使用。作为名词,assignment通常用来指代某项任务或工作,例如在学校中,老师会布置作业assignment,要求学生完成。在职场中,上级也会把某项工作分配给下属,称之为assignment。此外,在学术研究中,assignment还可以指代某项作业或研究任务,例如分配给学生的论文或研究项目。作为动词,assignment通常表示“分配”或“指派”的意思,例如老板可以把某个项目分配给某个员工,称之为assign an assignment。assignment还有其他的用法和搭配,例如:Assignment of benefits,指的是医疗保险中,患者可以将保险赔偿权转让给医院或医生的行为。Assignment operator,指的是编程语言中,将一个值赋给一个变量的操作符。Assignment clause,指的是合同中关于分配权利和义务的条款。总之,“Assignment”是一个通用的英语单词,通常用来指代某项任务、作业或工作的分配,可以作为名词或动词使用,也有其他特定的用法和搭配。


The assessment for the course involves written assignments and practical tests. 这门功课的考核包括书面作业和实际操作考试。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》


assignment的翻译:分配。“Assignment”是一个英语单词,通常指的是“任务”、“作业”、“分配”等意思。它可以作为名词使用,也可以作为动词使用。作为名词,assignment通常用来指代某项任务或工作,例如在学校中,老师会布置作业assignment,要求学生完成。短语搭配1、government assignment.政府划拨;当局划拨。2、Same Assignment.同一批货;统一批货。3、channel assignment.信道指配;信道分配;通道分配。4、address assignment.地址分配;址排定;地址指定。5、frequency assignment.频率分配;频率指配;频率调配。双语例句1、Today we have an assignment.今天,我们有一项任务。2、How do you gauge his assignment?你怎么评价他的作业?3、Today I have an assignment for you.现在,我要分配给你一个任务了。


task or homework


regulate 是动词原形,约束、控制、管理的意思;regulation 是名词,章程、规则的意思;regular 是形容词,规则的,有规律的;1 The companies are regulated by law.公司受法律的制约。2 too many rules and regulations 太多的规章制度3 regular visits. 定期访问assignment是名词,(分派的)工作、任务;assign 是动词,分派、布置的意思。routine 常规的,日常的,它的词根是route,常规路线,固定线路的意思。希望对你有用!


这篇关于Group work,团队工作的,字数满多的,内容可以参考下:)~~Different people have various opinions. Some poeple claim that teamwork surely beats working individually; while others argue that working by oneself is better than worling in a group. On balance, I would say that there is no easy answer to this rather complicated issue. Which one is more productive depends on the situation. In other words, sometimes it is good to work individually; sometimes it is wiser to join a group.Teamwork requires cooperative effort, people are more motivated and therefore more productive working in teams than working individually as competitors. My view is that this assertion is true only in some cases. If one examines the business world, for example, it becomes clear that which approach is more effective in motivating people and in achieving productivity depends on the specific job. In some jobs, productivity dearly depends on the ability of co-workers to cooperate as members of a team. For businesses involved in the production of products through complex processes, all departments and divisions must work in lock-step fashion toward product rollout. Cooperative interaction is even essential in jobs performed in relative isolation and in jobs in which technical knowledge or ability, not the ability to work with others, would seem to be most important. For example, scientists, researchers, and even computer programmers must collaborate to establish common goals, coordinate efforts, and meet time lines. Moreover, the kinds of people attracted to these jobs in the first place are likely to be motivated by a sense of common purpose rather than by individual ambition. In other types of jobs individual competition, tenacity, and ambition are the keys to productivity. For example, a commissioned salesperson"s compensation, and sometimes tenure and potential for promotion as well, are based on comparative sales performance of co-workers. Working as competitors, a firm"s individual salespeople maximize productivity-in terms of profit--both for themselves and for their firm. Key leadership positions also call, above all, for a certain tenacity and competitive spirit. A firm"s founding entrepreneur must maintain this spirit in order for the firm to survive, let alone to maximize productivity. Moreover, in my observation, the kinds of people inclined toward entrepreneurship and sales in the first place are those who are competitive by nature, not those who are motivated primarily by a sense of common purpose. On balance, however, my view is that cooperation is more crucial for an organization"s long-term productivity than individual competition. Even in jobs where individual competitiveness is part-and-parcel of the job, the importance of cooperation should not be underestimated. Competition among sales people can quickly grow into jealousy, back stabbing, and unethical behavior all of which are counterproductive. And even the most successful entrepreneurs would no doubt admit that without the cooperative efforts of their subordinates, partners, and colleagues, their personal visions would never become reality. We can not neglect the power of cooperation which can make the group work more efficient than individual workers. The world today is charging at every minute, and people in the society can not catch themselves sometimes. They are busy striving for survive, studying for the improvement. But with the trend of world global more and more chances have been implied to people for their cooperation in their work. We will see Bill Gates the president of Microsoft when he drop out from Harvard University and make his own operating system--DOS, and now the Microsoft company has dominated the software field of PC market. During that time it is easier for an individual to get success than today is. How it will going if you want someone to write the system of windows XP or windows 2000 all by himself? May be he can not finish the thouands of lines of code during his whole life. Hence we will find how powerful teamwork is! With the cooperation in our work, we can finish a large work, solve a difficult problem, and achieve our own goals through the process. But whether we can say that at any time we should put team work at first and throw the competition which can be take places by cooperation? What can individual competition give us? This is not a hard question, and the thought of competition may in our brain since we go into our school. For the teachers give us a score in every test in order to show how well we have done in this lesson. The score not only brings us the one above but it also brings us the competition. Everyone want to be a successful man, so he will do his best to studying which can make him get a high mark in his final test. There is not any wrong with this phenomenon. But during the process the competition among any individual become more and more serious, the higher position you get, the more competition you will meet. It is not only in our daily studying, but in all the aspects of our daily life. So it is necessary for us to pay more attention to the way of competition. Whether it is right can lead you to different results.So as we know, both the cooperation and the individual competition are important for any group and the members of the group. We have talk about the cooperation and competition seperately above. But in my opinion it is not right to dividing the competition and cooperation into two parts. We should see in our world today the competition is needed fro the growth of any individual with the premise that we have the idea that teamwork can help us make more efficient and happier in our work. Teamwork means better outcome in certain cercumstances. In a team, you can not only feel the "peer presure" of other members in the group which is good to your productivity, but also get help from others. My preparation of the Graduate Record Examination is a good case in piont. At first I used to prepare for the test by myself. After a few weeks, however, I found it so difficlut remembering thousands of words as well as writing such difficult essays. I was about to give up. In order to get more motivation, I went to see a classmate who is also preparing for GRE, and asked him if we could prepare for the test together. As he agreed, from that day on, we talk to each other what we learned the day before, which soon I found to to be a good way of studying. When he told me that he remembered 50 new words, as I congratulated him, I told myself, "I am going to try to remember 55 today, more than you did". In addition, when we feel depressed, it was always good to tell each other how we felt. Once he found his girlfriend cheeting on him. He was so sad that he couldn"t concerntrate on GRE preparation. However, as the saying goes, "A happiness shared by two is double happiness; a sorrow shared by two is half sorrow." As he shared his sorrow to me, he felt much better.Further more, we often lended our books to each other. Working in a group really helped both of us in a variety of aspects.On the other hand, often times it is better working by our own than working with other people. What the manager of a cooperation usually do when he finds the productivity of a group to remain low is cutting off the number of people in the group, down to only one at times. The reason is simple. When there are too many people in a group, it is rather difficult to reach an agreement, because different people hold different opinions, which results in a waste of time as the argument goes on. What"s more, in some cases it is not necessary to havemore people wrking on a project. For instance, in the spacecraft "Shenzhou II" that China sent into the space, there is only one operator in it. The more people there are in the space craft, the more money the government spends, the more risk the government takes. As a result, having as less people as possible in such a big project means less investment and more security, and it surely brings up the productivity.In conclusion, it is not fair to say working individually is more productive than working in a group, or vice versa. Whether we choose to work by our won or jion in a group depands on the situation we are in.individual competitiveness and ambition are essential motivating forces for certain types of jobs, while in other jobs it is a common sense of mission that motivates workers to achieve maximum productivity. In the final analysis, however, the overall productivity of almost every organization depends ultimately on the ability of its members to cooperate as a team.

《The Hunchback Assignments》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Hunchback Assignments》(Slade, Arthur)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 3ui4书名:The Hunchback Assignments作者:Slade, Arthur出版年份:2010-8页数:288内容简介:A gripping new series combines Steampunk, spying, and a fantastic Victorian London.The mysterious Mr. Socrates rescues Modo, a child in a traveling freak show. Modo is a hunchback with an amazing ability to transform his appearance, and Mr. Socrates raises him in isolation as an agent for the Permanent Association, a spy agency behind Brittania"s efforts to rule the empire. At 14, Modo is left on the streets of London to fend for himself. When he encounters Octavia Milkweed, another Association agent, the two uncover a plot by the Clockword Guild behind the murders of important men. Furthermore, a mad scientist is turning orphan children into automatons to further the goals of the Guild. Modo and Octavia journey deep into the tunnels under London and discover a terrifying plot against the British government. It"s up to them to save their country.From the Hardcover edition.

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vector bool int vpat//bool----true or false

简短信息:The operation timed out 文件:/scr2006/C49/Asp/Task/Assignment/Assignment_Do.asp

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学会规划整篇论文的结构以及每部分大致的字数,记得准时交付避免抄袭风险,正确引用很重要!记得标明Reference 可以找EssayMin帮你解决烦恼!

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pin assignment是什么意思

pin assignment[英][pin əˈsainmənt][美][pɪn əˈsaɪnmənt]引线(管脚)分配,插脚分配; 双语例句1The pin assignment for this connector is shown in Figure2.The connector for DCE equipment is male for the connector housing and female for the connection pins.引脚分配为这个连接器是数字显示,在二,连接器的DCE设备是男性为连接器的住房和女性为连接引脚。

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advance seat assignment 预先分配的座位assignment 英[əˈsaɪnmənt]美[əˈsaɪnmənt]n. 分给,分配; 任务,工作,(课外)作业; <美>任命; 指定,委派;[例句]The assessment for the course involves written assignments and practical tests.这门功课的考核包括书面作业和实际操作考试。[其他] 复数:assignments

awaiting ae assignment是什么意思

就是等待指派副编辑审稿了 审稿中涉及到的人: EIC-EditorinChief主编,此人很重要,有稿件最终决定权。 ADM-(可能是)Administrator应该是协助主编日常工作的。 AE-AssociatedEditor副编辑(就是文章发表后在首页第一栏下方的contributingeditor)。此人非常重要,他会在审稿人意见的基础上对文章作个综合评价后,给主编一个recommendation。一般主编都会按照AE的意见写最终的decisionletter。 Reviewer--审稿人。(Article要求两个审稿人+AE,总共三个人审。communication只有一个人审,这个人或者是编辑部指定的审稿人,或者是AE) Articlesubmitted后 1。awaitingadmin.procession一般3-4天后就会安排主编。 3。awaitingreviewerscores等待审稿人审稿意见。美陶要求审稿人三周内给审稿意见。但是审稿人觉得时间时间不够,可以写信给主编要求延长审稿期限。这个时间长短要取决于审稿人是否有空看你的文章,还要看他是否守时。一般三周左右。(个人感觉美陶的审稿人还是很负责的,守时。) 4。awaitingAEassignment等待AE的指派。编辑部在选择/联系AE。一般1-3天左右。 5。awaitingAErecommendation等待AE的推荐。美陶要求AE三周内给结果。一般AE比较守时。但基本都是期限的最后一两天才给结果。 6。awaitingEICdecision-激动人心的时刻。等待主编的决定。一般3-4天。 如果communication的话,就没有第4和第5步。


Waiting for Reviewer Assignment等待审稿人的任务-----------------------------希望采纳,你的支持我们的动力!

IEEE的Awaiting AE Assignment是什么意思


patent assignment什么意思

patented case就是表示该专利已经获得授权美国专利查询的具体方法是:patent---View in PAIR --Public PAIR --再按要求输入相应的申请号或公开号就可以看到详细的法律状态了。

letter of assignment是什么意思


pending assignments是什么意思

pending assignments待定的工作pending assignments待定的工作

room assignment是什么意思

room assignment房间分配

assignment statement是什么意思

assignment statement赋值语句双语对照词典结果:assignment statement[英][əˈsainmənt ˈsteitmənt][美][əˈsaɪnmənt ˈstetmənt]指定陈述; 很高兴为您解答如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问

school assignment是什么意思

字面是学校委派分配的任务,那你猜到是什么了吗? 作业呀When I got up, she has already finished her handwriting task and school assignment.当我起来的时候,她已经完成了书法作业和暑假作业。

assignment of right是什么意思

assignment of right 英[əˈsainmənt ɔv rait] 美[əˈsaɪnmənt ʌv raɪt] [法] 权利转让 如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

international assignments什么意思


assignment operator是什么意思


credit assignment是什么意思

credit assignment信贷分配双语对照词典结果:credit assignment[英][ˈkredit əˈsainmənt][美][ˈkrɛdɪt əˈsaɪnmənt][计] 信用赋值; assignment[英][əˈsaɪnmənt][美][əˈsaɪnmənt]n.分给,分配; 任务,工作,(课外)作业; <美>任命; 指定,委派; 复数:assignments例句:They have a joint assignment on her latest project. 他们有一个她最新项目上的共同任务。

assignment 在软件的标题中是什么意思



作业: 3 任务:3


mid-assignment中指派His job is the assignment of the chores.他的工作是对杂物的分配。

school assignment是什么意思




assignment information 是什么意思






assignment 在法律中是什么意思

assignment [ə"sainmənt]【法律】(要求、权利、财产等的)转让,让与转让(或让与)证书(或契约)转让(或让与)的权利(或财产等)


手工操作,手工作业 1.You do not have to go through the server to get your assignments , nor do you have to use the manual web pages

assignment of share是什么意思

assignment of share的中文翻译assignment of share 分配份额

Assignment 是什么意思嘛?

分配; 任务




assignment英 [ə"saɪnm(ə)nt]美 [ə"saɪnmənt]n. 分配;任务;作业;功课

assignment 在法律中是什么意思

assignment名词 n.1.(分派的)任务;工作[C]她高兴地接下任务。2.(课外)作业,功课[C]The English assignment is a book report.英语课外作业是写一份读书报告。3.分配;指派,选派[U]He is responsible for the assignment of jobs.他负责分派工作。4.【律】(财产等的)转让

assignment 是什么意思

n. 分配;任务;作业;功课


assignment英 [ə"saɪnm(ə)nt]美 [ə"saɪnmənt]n. 分配;任务;作业;功课



assignment 是什么意思

分配 指派的职位




assignment英 [ə"saɪnm(ə)nt]美 [ə"saɪnmənt]n. 分配;任务;作业;功课assignment 任务,作业,分配Cardinal assignment 基数指派Random assignment 随机分配,随机分派,随机指派


assignment [əˈsainmənt]赋值; 让渡; 任务; 过户; 分配; 分配的工作; 课题
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