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Assessment的读法为:英[u0259u02c8sesmu0259nt];美[u0259u02c8sesmu0259nt]。一、词义:1、【n.】评估;估计。2、课堂评价;评估;评价;评定;考核;评审;估计;估价。3、复数:assessments。二、短语搭配:1、continuous assessment:连续评估。2、standard assessment task:标准考试。3、risk assessment:风险评估;风险评价;危险评估。4、assessment system:评估系统;评估体系;评估制度。三、双语例句:1、The Court of Appeal held that there was no evidence to support the judge"s assessment.上诉法院裁决没有证据支持法官的评判。2、Speaking,reading, and writing should be weighted equally in the assessment.评估时说、读和写应得到同等的重视。3、His transfer to another school would involve a lengthy assessment procedure.他的转学会需要时间很长的评估。4、The fault of the keen therapist is to start to intervene during the assessment phase.那位急于求成的治疗专家的错误在于他在评估阶段就开始介入了。

投稿2个月,状态还是Editorial assessment,怎么办


editorial assessment多少天才能接收

一般也就半个月左右,遇到快的话2-3周。不同出版社旗下SCI杂志的投稿方式、过程以及状态有所区别,但是基本形式大致相同。我们掌握一种杂志的投稿及投稿状态,基本可以以一推百。不同杂志的审稿周期差异比较大,从几天到数月不等,甚至也有好几年的。对于大部分SCI期刊,从投稿到接收(或拒稿)大概在数月内(2-6个月)可以完成。 关于Editorial AssessmentApprove submission后,文章进入杂志编辑评估阶段。该阶段主要有两类杂志编辑对论文进行评估,一类是技术编辑负责质控论文的格式,一类是学术编辑负责把关论文与杂志主题是否符合,论文质量如何,是否值得送外审,以及也负责将审稿回来的建议上交给总编辑并进行决策文章录用与否。希望我的回答对你有所帮助。




Optimistic, generous cheerful, warm and pragmatic; good with people, good interpersonal relationships, treat people sincerely; the job is serious and responsible, have hard-working spirit, work hard and perseveringly; distress when they are calm, rational stable, adaptable, have a good organization and coordination capacity; solid professional knowledge, familiar with international trade and economic management related knowledge and have some practical experience, a strong ability to develop.

紧急求助,剑桥语言中心的language assessment经验


风险评估risk assessment包括哪几个过程

首先,要确定保护的对象(或者资产)是什么?它的直接和间接价值如何?  其次,资产面临哪些潜在威胁?导致威胁的问题所在?威胁发生的可能性有多大?  第三,资产中存在哪里弱点可能会被威胁所利用?利用的容易程度又如何?  第四,一旦威胁事件发生,组织会遭受怎样的损失或者面临怎样的负面影响?  最后,组织应该采取怎样的安全措施才能将风险带来的损失降低到最低程度?  解决以上问题的过程,就是风险评估的过程。  进行风险评估时,有几个对应关系必须考虑:每项资产可能面临多种威胁威胁源(威胁代理)可能不止一个每种威胁可能利用一个或多个弱点风险评估的三种可行途径  在风险管理的前期准备阶段,组织已经根据安全目标确定了自己的安全战略,其中就包括对风险评估战略的考虑。所谓风险评估战略,其实就是进行风险评估的途径,也就是规定风险评估应该延续的操作过程和方式。  风险评估的操作范围可以是整个组织,也可以是组织中的某一部门,或者独立的信息系统、特定系统组件和服务。影响风险评估进展的某些因素,包括评估时间、力度、展开幅度和深度,都应与组织的环境和安全要求相符合。组织应该针对不同的情况来选择恰当的风险评估途径。目前,实际工作中经常使用的风险评估途径包括基线评估、详细评估和组合评估三种。基线评估  如果组织的商业运作不是很复杂,并且组织对信息处理和网络的依赖程度不是很高,或者组织信息系统多采用普遍且标准化的模式,基线风险评估(Baseline Risk Assessment)就可以直接而简单地实现基本的安全水平,并且满足组织及其商业环境的所有要求。  采用基线风险评估,组织根据自己的实际情况(所在行业、业务环境与性质等),对信息系统进行安全基线检查(拿现有的安全措施与安全基线规定的措施进行比较,找出其中的差距),得出基本的安全需求,通过选择并实施标准的安全措施来消减和控制风险。所谓的安全基线,是在诸多标准规范中规定的一组安全控制措施或者惯例,这些措施和惯例适用于特定环境下的所有系统,可以满足基本的安全需求,能使系统达到一定的安全防护水平。组织可以根据以下资源来选择安全基线:国际标准和国家标准,例如BS 7799-1、ISO 13335-4;行业标准或推荐,例如德国联邦安全局IT 基线保护手册;来自其他有类似商务目标和规模的组织的惯例。

we book you in for an assessment with an instructor什么意思



The English six exhaustions having learned getting good marks , passing composes in reply a computer two stage. Gain the Chengdu university of science and engineering "duties outside one"s regular work award ". The work experience holding two or more posts concurrently having many. Have a strong sense of responsibility. Work careful , have patience carefully. The learning ability is strong , is expert in exchange , can suffer hardships.

会计问题,notice of assessment

Notice of Assessment是税局(Canada Revenue Agency)收到纳税人年度报税申请后的评估结果 一般均为上一年度的

make assessments of还是on

make assessment of/on it is useful to make assessment of a decision regardless of the feedback is positive or negative. It is hard to make assessment on the necessity of drug legalisation if merits anddemerits of the practice are not fully discussed.

求翻译。 什么是 Scoping / assessment visits 和 Advance Visit ?


quality assessment是什么意思

quality assessment[英][u02c8kwu0254liti u0259u02c8sesmu0259nt] [美][u02c8kwɑlu026ati u0259u02c8su025bsmu0259nt] 生词本简明释义质量评价例句Application of fuzzy comprehensive method in urban environmental quality assessment.模糊综合法在城市环境质量评价中的应用。

assessment criteria是什么意思

assessment criteria 英[u0259u02c8sesmu0259nt krau026au02c8tu026au0259ru026au0259] 美[u0259u02c8su025bsmu0259nt krau026au02c8tu026aru026au0259] [释义] [计] 评估准则,评价准则; [网络] 评价标准; 考核指标; [例句]Thearticle introduces the background for developing UV-proof functional textiles, the UV-protection mechanism of nano-materials and related assessment criteria.介绍了抗紫外线功能性纺织品开发的背景和纳米材料的紫外线屏蔽机理及评价标准。

assessment report是什么意思

assessment report是评估报告的意思请采纳,谢谢。

risk assessment 与 risk evaluation 有什么区别

risk assessment, 一般指流程上表面上的东西,进行分析,评估操作可行性(可行性报告)risk evaluation,指细节上的,针对具体的点,有时还要借助外部具体(科学)实验手段才能确定,如评产品估质量指标


self-assessmentn.自我评估(或评价);自行估税 自我评价;自评;自我评量例句筛选1.The format that I use is that of a weekly self assessment and reflection journal.我采用的方式是每周自我评估和写反省日记。2.Many times you"ll be asked to fill out a self-assessment before your review.很多时候,你会被要求在面试前填写自我评估。

risk assessment和JSA的区别

risk assessment和JSA的区别详情如下:【Risk Assessment】风险评估(Risk Assessment) 是指,在风险事件发生之前或之后(但还没有结束),该事件给人们的生活、生命、财产等各个方面造成的影响和损失的可能性进行量化评估的工作。即,风险评估就是量化测评某一事件或事物带来的影响或损失的可能程度。从信息安全的角度来讲,风险评估是对信息资产(即某事件或事物所具有的信息集)所面临的威胁、存在的弱点、造成的影响,以及三者综合作用所带来风险的可能性的评估。作为风险管理的基础,风险评估是组织确定信息安全需求的一个重要途径,属于组织信息安全管理体系策划的过程。【JSA】工作安全分析JSA(Job Safety Analysis)是用来评估任何与确定的活动相关的潜在危害,保证风险最小化结构简单的方法。JSA一般在控制房或作业现场进行。对于大型或复杂的任务,初始的JSA 可以作在办公室以桌面练习的形式进行。其关键是JSA 应由熟悉现场作业和设备的、有经验的人员进行作业安全分析。

risk assessment 与 risk evaluation 有什么区别?该怎么翻译这两者?



英文原文:self– assessment英式音标:[self] [u0259u02c8sesmu0259nt] 美式音标:[su025blf] [u0259u02c8su025bsmu0259nt]

continuous assessment是什么意思


用英语对护理五个步骤assessment,diagnosis,planning,implementation and evaluation做介

Let me introduce the nursing processes,We observe the patient using the senses,An active assessment of the patient"s needs,Nursing diagnosis is a statement of an actual or potential patient problem that requires nursing intervention.The care plan is built on the foundation of patient"s problems. the meaning of implementation is to carry out the last,we give evaluation of care.

对什么做出评价make assessment后面加什么介词?

on 或者 of 例句:they will make assessment on the themes of open-ness. the CSRC shall make assessment of the compliance of senior managers with laws.



有assessment to sb这种形式吗?

1. 这句话的字面意思是: 其他在候选人看起来很奇怪的要求评估。2. assessment指的是评估的意思,一般来说是很少有assessment to sb的形式。


宝洁assessment能够选择语言通过下列步骤创建一个tableview:打开Main.storyboard删除当前场景。 选择view controller (单击 storyboard) 然后删除它。关闭Auto Layout功能。在Utilities面板中选择File Inspector, 取消Use Auto Layout复选框的选中状态。这会弹出一个警告窗口。在弹出窗口中确保“Keep size class data for:”选中了iPhone。然后选择Disable Size Classes。接下来, 添加一个Table View Controller,从Object Library中拖拽一个Table View Controller到storyboard。

accessment 和 assessment 网上查都有评估的意思。但是 accessment 这个单词存在吗?



evaluation :a judgment about how good, useful, or successful something is (判断事物有多好,多有用,多成功)x0dx0aassessment :a process in which you make a judgment about a person or situation, or the judgment you make(评价一个人,判断一种情形)x0dx0ax0dx0aassessment:多指对人的评价x0dx0astudents" marks are based on continuous assessment of their workx0dx0a学生成绩根据他们一贯成绩定出来x0dx0ax0dx0aevaluation:这个词比较formal,也解释为评估x0dx0awe evaluated the situation very carefully before we made our decisionx0dx0a我们先仔细的评估形势再做决定x0dx0a所以你应该用evluation比较好


assessment:多指对人的评价,对人students" marks are based on continuous assessment of their work学生成绩根据他们一贯成绩定出来evaluation这个词比较formal,也解释为评估,更客观一点,对事we evaluated the situation very carefully before we made our decision我们先仔细的评估形势再做决定estimate 泛指形成个人的意见与判断,自己的,自己对外在的It is not advisable to overestiamte or underestimate one"s strenth.过高估计或者过低估计自己的实力都是不可取的。具体使用时结合上下文或者情境比较好


audit 英[u02c8u0254:du026at] 美[u02c8u0254du026at] n. 审计,查账; vt. 审计,查账; 旁听; vi. 审计; 全部释义>>[例句]Each year they audit our accounts and certify them as being true and fair.他们每年对我们进行账务审核,以确保其真实无误。更多例句>>复数:audits 过去式:audited 现在分词:auditing 过去分词:audited第三人称单数:audits相关单词: AUDITassessment 英[u0259u02c8sesmu0259nt]美[u0259u02c8su025bsmu0259nt]n. 评估; 评价; (应偿付金额的) 估定; (为征税对财产所作的) 估价;全部释义>>[例句]There is little assessment of the damage to the natural environment.几乎未对自然环境破坏程度作出评估。


assessment 英[u0259u02c8sesmu0259nt] 美[u0259u02c8su025bsmu0259nt] n. 评估;评价;(应偿付金额的)估定;(为征税对财产所作的)估价 名词复数:assessments [例句]Separation of the assessment from board interference is crucial.把评估与董事会干预分离开来至关重要。


assessment英 [u0259u02c8sesmu0259nt] 美 [u0259u02c8su025bsmu0259nt] n.评估;评价;(应偿付金额的)估定;(为征税对财产所作的)估价复数: assessments双语例句 There is little assessment of the damage to the natural environment. 几乎未对自然环境破坏程度作出评估。



如何写一个assessment task

1. assessment purpose2. assessor3. assessment date/ place4. assessment criteria5. assessment activities6. conclusion



appraisal,assessment evaluation

appraisal,对人的表现的评价和坚定,或者对作品的评价assessment 对财产等的核定,或者对形势的判断evaluation 对产品的效果的评定


Assessment 也会记分的。









evaluation, assessment和appraisal的不同


summative assessment是什么意思



assessment:多指对人的评价x0dx0astudents" marks are based on continuous assessment of their workx0dx0a学生成绩根据他们一贯成绩定出来x0dx0ax0dx0aevaluation:这个词比较formal,也解释为评估x0dx0awe evaluated the situation very carefully before we made our decisionx0dx0a我们先仔细的评估形势再做决定x0dx0a所以你应该用evluation比较好

assessment 是否可数



assessment-考试,测验estimate- 估计,预计evaluation-评价,评估




差不多 还有个是assignment 这个是论文什么的 大概就是老师规定的作业之类的 以写作为主 [如果你是留学生 你就会听到周围的人抱怨 我靠 最近这么多assignment~~~]


assessment常见释义评估英:[u0259u02c8sesmu0259nt]美:[u0259u02c8sesmu0259nt]n.看法; 评估; 评定; 核定; 判定; 核定的付款额; 例句:He is currently focusing on assessment and development他目前在关注评估和发展。复数:assessments


  assessment英 [u0259u02c8sesmu0259nt] 美 [u0259u02c8su025bsmu0259nt]  n.评估; 评价; (应偿付金额的) 估定; (为征税对财产所作的) 估价;  [例句]The government is rejiggering some tax assessment methods.  政府正在重新制定一些税收评估办法。  [其他]复数:assessments


assessment英 [u0259u02c8sesmu0259nt] 美 [u0259u02c8su025bsmu0259nt] n.评估; 评价; (应偿付金额的)估定; (为征税对财产所作的)估价网络评量; 评量; 测评复数: assessments数据来源:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度百科百度知道1There is little assessment of the damage to the natural environment. 几乎未对自然环境破坏程度作出评估。柯林斯例句库2Price Waterhouse have traced the losses to lenders "inflated assessments of mortgaged property. 普华永道会计师事务所已经查明损失源于贷方对按揭财产估值过高。柯林斯例句库3The tests are supposed to provide a basis for the assessment of children. 这些测试应该可以为评价儿童提供一个基础。


Assessment的读法为:英[u0259u02c8sesmu0259nt];美[u0259u02c8sesmu0259nt]。一、词义:1、【n.】评估;估计。2、课堂评价;评估;评价;评定;考核;评审;估计;估价。3、复数:assessments。二、短语搭配:1、continuous assessment:连续评估。2、standard assessment task:标准考试。3、risk assessment:风险评估;风险评价;危险评估。4、assessment system:评估系统;评估体系;评估制度。三、双语例句:1、The Court of Appeal held that there was no evidence to support the judge"s assessment.上诉法院裁决没有证据支持法官的评判。2、Speaking,reading, and writing should be weighted equally in the assessment.评估时说、读和写应得到同等的重视。3、His transfer to another school would involve a lengthy assessment procedure.他的转学会需要时间很长的评估。4、The fault of the keen therapist is to start to intervene during the assessment phase.那位急于求成的治疗专家的错误在于他在评估阶段就开始介入了。

should examinations be replace with other forms of assessment

General aptitude tests, such as the SAT in the United States, are used in certain countries as a basis for entrance into colleges and universities. A criticism associated with this use of these tests is that they are known to be subject to practice effects, and do not necessarily assess the accumulated learning of students during their schooling years. However, the goal of these tests is not to assess accumulated learning; they are designed to measure aptitude, not achievement.Similarly, college entrance exams are criticized for not accurately predicting first-year university grade point average(GPA) as well as high school GPA. However, the intent is for test scores to be used along with other measures in university selection; large-scale test scores are only one aspect of the university selection process. Universities are free to place more emphasis on high school GPA or extracurricular activities. Any criticism might be better directed to a university than the test itself, which most people consider fair.The content of the exam might not correspond with its intended use or representation. An example of this would be for an exam to have the ratio of questions in geometry, calculus, and number theory dissimilar to the ratio of these questions present in the environment for which the exam is intended to serve as a predictor of future performance. As an extreme and unrealistic example, a mathematics exam may ask solely about the names, birthdates, and country of origin of various mathematicians when such knowledge is of little importance in a mathematics curriculum. This need for a test to be valid for its use is AERA and NCME Standard 1.1 for educational and psychological testing. If it is used for other than its intended purpose, the burden of proof of validity rests upon its user.People are variously susceptible to stress. Some are virtually unaffected, and excel on tests, while in extreme cases, individuals can become very nervous and forget large components of exam material. To counterbalance this, often teachers and professors don"t grade their students on tests alone, placing considerable weight on homework, attendance, in-class discussion activity, and laboratory investigations (where applicable). Conversely, in some high-stakes testing cases, the pressure induces examinees to rise to meet the exam"s high expectations.Through specialized training on material and techniques specifically created to suit the test, students can be "coached" on the test to increase their scores without actually significantly increasing knowledge of the subject matter. However, research on the effects of coaching remains inconclusive, and the increase might be simply due to practice effects.Although test organizers attempt to prevent it and impose strict penalties for it, academic dishonesty (cheating) can be used to obtain an advantage over other test-takers. On a multiple-choice test, lists of answers may be obtained beforehand. On a free-response test, the questions may be obtained beforehand, or the subject may write an answer that creates the illusion of knowledge. If students sit in proximity to one another, it is also possible to copy answers off other students, especially if a test-taker knows that particular person knows the material better than they do. Despite such issues, tests are less susceptible to cheating than other tools of learning evaluation. Laboratory results can be fabricated, and homework can be done by one student and copied by rote by others. The presence of a responsible test administrator, in a controlled environment, helps to guard against cheating.

hazard assessment and preventive controls plan什么意思

hazard assessment and preventive controls plan危害评估和预防控制计划hazard assessment危害评价preventive预防; 防止; 预防措施; 预防药; 预防的; 防止的controls控制( control的名词复数 ); 限制; 管理权; 控制键; 控制( control的第三人称单数 ); 管理;