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关于Keil C软件的问题:请问用该软件编写单片机的C程序时或汇编程序时,里面那个START UP文件是干什么用的

是初始化文件,初始化单片机,然后跳转到你的主程序开始执行。给你一篇参考文档。这只是笔者所使用版本中的一个Startup.A51文件,不同版本会有所不同,;但格式和基本内容是一样。这个文件是可以跟据需要更改的。;蓝色内容是笔者所加注释。;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~;原文:$NOMOD51;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; This file is part of the C51 Compiler package; Copyright (c) 1988-2002 Keil Elektronik GmbH and Keil Software, Inc.;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; STARTUP.A51: This code is executed after processor reset.; ; To translate this file use A51 with the following invocation:;; A51 STARTUP.A51;; To link the modified STARTUP.OBJ file to your application use the following; BL51 invocation:;; BL51 <your object file list>, STARTUP.OBJ <controls>;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; User-defined Power-On Initialization of Memory; 用户上电初始化程序; With the following EQU statements the initialization of memory; at processor reset can be defined:;使用以下的EQU命令定义在CPU复位时初始化的内存空间即清零; ; the absolute start-address of IDATA memory is always 0IDATALEN EQU 80H ; the length of IDATA memory in bytes.;定义用0初始化的内部数据存储器长度以字节计XDATASTART EQU 0H ; the absolute start-address of XDATA memory;定义外部数据存储器的绝对起始地址XDATALEN EQU 0H ; the length of XDATA memory in bytes.;定义用0初始化的内部数据存储器长度,以字节计PDATASTART EQU 0H ; the absolute start-address of PDATA memory;;定义分页的外部数据存储器的绝对起始地址PDATALEN EQU 0H ; the length of PDATA memory in bytes.;定义用0初始化的分页外部数据存储器长度,以字节计; Notes: The IDATA space overlaps physically the DATA and BIT areas of the; 8051 CPU. At minimum the memory space occupied from the C51; run-time routines must be set to zero.;------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; Reentrant Stack Initilization /再入函数堆栈初始化;; The following EQU statements define the stack pointer for reentrant; functions and initialized it:;以下用EQU指令定义了再入函数模拟堆栈指针的初始化; Stack Space for reentrant functions in the SMALL model.; 使用SMALL存储器模式时再入函数的堆栈空间.IBPSTACK EQU 0 ; set to 1 if small reentrant is used.IBPSTACKTOP EQU 0FFH+1 ; set top of stack to highest location+1.; 将堆栈顶设置为最高地址+1.; Stack Space for reentrant functions in the LARGE model.; 使用LARGE存储器模式时再入函数的堆栈空间.XBPSTACK EQU 0 ; set to 1 if large reentrant is used.; 使用SMALL存储器模式再入函数时将其设置成1.XBPSTACKTOP EQU 0FFFFH+1; set top of stack to highest location+1.; 将堆栈顶设置为最高地址+1.; Stack Space for reentrant functions in the COMPACT model.; 使用COMPACT存储器模式时再入函数的堆栈空间.PBPSTACK EQU 0 ; set to 1 if compact reentrant is used.PBPSTACKTOP EQU 0FFFFH+1; set top of stack to highest location+1.; 将堆栈顶设置为最高地址+1.;------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; Page Definition for Using the Compact Model with 64 KByte xdata RAM;; The following EQU statements define the xdata page used for pdata; variables. The EQU PPAGE must conform with the PPAGE control used; in the linker invocation.;PPAGEENABLE EQU 0 ; set to 1 if pdata object are used.;PPAGE EQU 0 ; define PPAGE number.;PPAGE_SFR DATA 0A0H ; SFR that supplies uppermost address byte; (most 8051 variants use P2 as uppermost address byte);;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Standard SFR Symbols /特殊功能寄存器符号定义 ACC DATA 0E0HB DATA 0F0HSP DATA 81HDPL DATA 82HDPH DATA 83HNAME ?C_STARTUP; 模块名为?C_STAUTUP?C_C51STARTUP SEGMENT CODE?STACK SEGMENT IDATARSEG ?STACKDS 1EXTRN CODE (?C_START)PUBLIC ?C_STARTUPCSEG AT 0?C_STARTUP: LJMP STARTUP1RSEG ?C_C51STARTUPSTARTUP1:;一下四个IF-ENDIF为数据区清零的程序段IF IDATALEN <> 0MOV R0,#IDATALEN - 1CLR AIDATALOOP: MOV @R0,ADJNZ R0,IDATALOOPENDIFIF XDATALEN <> 0MOV DPTR,#XDATASTARTMOV R7,#LOW (XDATALEN)IF (LOW (XDATALEN)) <> 0MOV R6,#(HIGH (XDATALEN)) +1ELSEMOV R6,#HIGH (XDATALEN)ENDIFCLR AXDATALOOP: MOVX @DPTR,AINC DPTRDJNZ R7,XDATALOOPDJNZ R6,XDATALOOPENDIFIF PPAGEENABLE <> 0MOV PPAGE_SFR,#PPAGEENDIFIF PDATALEN <> 0MOV R0,#LOW (PDATASTART)MOV R7,#LOW (PDATALEN)CLR APDATALOOP: MOVX @R0,AINC R0DJNZ R7,PDATALOOPENDIF; 下一IF-ENDIF函数设置使用SMALL存储器模式时再入函数的堆栈空间.IF IBPSTACK <> 0EXTRN DATA (?C_IBP)MOV ?C_IBP,#LOW IBPSTACKTOPENDIF; 下一IF-ENDIF函数设置使用LARGE存储器模式时再入函数的堆栈空间.IF XBPSTACK <> 0EXTRN DATA (?C_XBP)MOV ?C_XBP,#HIGH XBPSTACKTOPMOV ?C_XBP+1,#LOW XBPSTACKTOPENDIF; 下一IF-ENDIF函数设置使用COMPACT存储器模式时再入函数的堆栈空间.IF PBPSTACK <> 0EXTRN DATA (?C_PBP)MOV ?C_PBP,#LOW PBPSTACKTOPENDIF;下一语句为堆栈起始地址设置MOV SP,#?STACK-1; This code is required if you use L51_BANK.A51 with Banking Mode 4; EXTRN CODE (?B_SWITCH0); CALL ?B_SWITCH0 ; init bank mechanism to code bank 0LJMP ?C_START;上一语句使程序跳转至用户的main()函数END

联想Thinkpad出现 to interrupt normal startup press enter

to interrupt normal startup press enter:启动失败,按回车键继续。原因:1、硬盘损坏、数据线松动,可更换硬盘或者重新插拔硬盘数据线后尝试。2、系统崩溃,需要重新安装操作系统。3、在主板BIOS中未设置硬盘为第一启动项,导致开机时读取系统文件失败。解决:由于题主已经更换新硬盘,所以问题1、2可排除。设置硬盘为第一启动项操作如下:1、重启电脑按DEL键进入BIOS,需要点按DEL键,而不是只按一下DEL键;2、进入BIOS后使用方向键选择“advanced BIOS features”,不同型号的主板所在位置不同,使用方向键多次换页查找即可;3、然后找到“frequency settings”;4、将光标移动到“first boot device”,按回车键;5、若硬盘未机械硬盘,就在弹出的页面中选择“HDD”,若是固态硬盘则选择“SSD”,若有多块硬盘无法确定哪一块是系统盘,也可以先选择其中一块硬盘,若无法进入系统,则再次选择另一块硬盘;6、设置硬盘为第一启动项后,按F10保存并重启电脑;7、成功进入系统。

win7无法启动 startup repair offline

win7无法自动修复此计算机 问量题事件名称:startup repair offline问题签名01驱动损坏,下载一个驱动精灵来安装或更新一下驱动 登入机子的官网下载相应驱动

打开电脑后,未按开机键电脑自动启动,并出现normal startup4个选项

联想电脑开机显示To interrupt normal startup的具体解决步骤如下:1、首先,这句话的意思是“系统启动失败,请插入系统盘并按下汽车”,这意味着我们的电脑系统是正常的,否则它不会反馈这句话。2、然后等5-6分钟。如果系统恢复正常,说明我们系统的硬盘或风扇区出了问题,需要更换或风扇区修复。3、如果5 - 6分钟后仍然没有反应,让我们取下电池再试着安装,因为主板可能接触不良。4、如果仍然没有响应,在BIOS中按F12,在启动选项中,将QUICK更改为Diagnostic。5、通过重新启动一次计算机解决了“中断正常启动”的问题。

如何在cmd中只输入 startup 就启动 tomcat?

法一:进入你tomcat的安装目录(不要有中文、空格)--进入里面bin目录 下列可以直接在cmd中运行, startup.bat 启动tomcat shutdown.bat 关闭tomcat 法二:开启 net start tomcat5.5(你的版本) 关闭 net stop tomcat5.5



电脑开机显示 To interrupt startup ,pressEnter而且键盘没反应

电脑开机显示 To interrupt startup ,pressEnter,是与您关机前的不当操作有关系吧?比如:玩游戏、看视频、操作大的东西、使用电脑时间长造成的卡引起的吧?或下载了不合适的东西、或删除了系统文件、或断电关机等,故障不会无缘无故的发生吧?按电源键反复开关机试试,放一段时间试试,确实不可以就重装系统吧,如果自己重装不了,花30元到维修那里找维修的人帮助您。只要自己的电脑不卡机、蓝屏、突然关机,开机就不会这样了。有问题请您追问我。

电脑开机的时候出现startup device menu 怎么解决


我的ThinkPad启动就一直出现 startup interrupt menu,该怎么弄呢?





正常bios里面都会有startup,如果没有,建议核实是否进入的是bios,或者到当地服务站寻求帮助。1、BIOS是英文"Basic Input Output System"的缩略词,直译过来后中文名称就是"基本输入输出系统"。2、BIOS是一组固化到计算机内主板上一个ROM芯片上的程序,它保存着计算机最重要的基本输入输出的程序、开机后自检程序和系统自启动程序,它可从CMOS中读写系统设置的具体信息。 其主要功能是为计算机提供最底层的、最直接的硬件设置和控制。


我的也是,但我最后发现 我的是在 C:Program FilesMicrosoft Office ootOffice16STARTUP ,有个root .楼主可以试试看。





电脑开机的时候出现startup device menu 怎么解决


笔记本显示Press ESC in 1 seconds to skip startup .nsh

开机,一直狂按【DEL】键【台式】或【F2】键【笔记本】,进入【CMOS设置】! 进入后切换到【Advanced BIOS】,设置【First Boot Device】为【HDD-0 】注:这里的硬盘名称可能因硬盘不同,一般都是HDD开头,后面一串数字 !



交换机中startup-config和running- config文件有什么区别

1、性质不同:running-config就是路由器或交换机设备正在运行的,当前的配置,这个配置在设备的运行内存中。startup-config就是路由器或交换机在启动时,系统进行初始化时需要引导的配置。这个配置保存在nvram可擦写存储器中。2、保存方式不同:Startup-config则是保存在Flash里面,断电后依然存在。Running-config保存在DDR RAM中,断电会消失。3、特点不同:如果使用wri mem命令或者copy runing-config startup-config命令后,running-config就会写入nvram可擦写存储器中,变成startup-config,这个配置就会一直保留下来。以后系统关机或重启后,路由器或交换机就可以自动利用这个配置进行初始化。扩展资料:注意事项:1、在安装和操作兆越通讯交换机之前,请首先确认有合适的工作环境,包括电源需求,安装需要的空间,相关联的网络设备及其它设备是否到位。2、电源要求:请注意电源电压等级要求DC24V(12~24VDC),DC48V(36~72VDC),AC/DC220V(85~265VAC/120~370VDC)。3、注意防电击:触及设备的内部电源单元是危险的,不允许带电操作,以防电击。4、设备的外壳有保护接地端子,在安装时应采用黄绿双色导线与建筑物保护地可靠连接,也可以采用接地编织线连接,地电阻要求:≤5欧姆。参考资料来源:百度百科-交换机

电脑开机的时候出现“startup device menu”怎么解决?


联想台式电脑如何U盘启动Startup Device Menu

1、首先打开电脑进入到电脑的BIOS界面,在BIOS界面中设置参数。2、切换到Main选项,可以看到有一个QUIT BOOT选项,设置为Enable后,可以不重新开机用F12来切换启动项。3、然后在切换到Boot选项,可以看到各种启动项。4、现在默认的是硬盘启动项在前面,选择USBHDD通过按F6来改变顺序,把它改到第一位就是U盘启动。5、把USBCDROm改到第一位就是光盘启动。6、选择自己的启动方式,然后按F10退出,确认保存。


1:IDE HDD1: IDE硬盘12:USB FDD: USB启动3:Legacy Floppy Drives 软盘驱动器4:ATAPI CDO: ATAPI CD驱动器5:IDE HDD0:IC25N040ATCS04-0-(PM) IDE硬盘06:USB CD: USB CD驱动器7:PCI LAN:IBA GE SLOT 0208V1217 PCI卡8:-USB HDD USB硬盘Excluded from boot order::IDE HDD2:ATAPI CD1建议 选择顺序 5 ,4 优先启动!



联想电脑开机显示To interrupt normal startup, 这是怎么回事?

联想电脑开机显示To interrupt normal startup的具体解决步骤如下:1、首先这句话的意思是”系统启动失败,请插入系统盘并按回车“这就说明我们的电脑系统是正常的,不然也不会反馈回这一句。2、然后我们先等待5~6分钟,如果系统又恢复了正常,那说明是我们的系统硬盘或者风扇区出了问题,需要更换硬盘或修理风扇区。3、如果过了5~6分钟依旧没有反应,我们把电池拔掉再装上试试,因为有可能是主板接触不良。4、如果依旧没有反应,我们按F12进到BIOS里,在STARTUP选项里,把QUICK换成diagnostic。5、然后重新启动一次就可以解决联想电脑开机显示To interrupt normal startup的问题了。


没用过7 感觉像是中毒了



signature of spouse or common-law partner是什么意思

Signature of spouse or common-law partner.中文意思:配偶的签字, 或者是符合法律规定的同居对象的签字。

下载了“孢子集成美美丑丑扩展包(Spore + Creepy & Cute Parts Pack)完整硬盘版[英简繁][V1.03]”不能安装





partner 和spouse是有区别的。除了直接的字面所表达意思的不同,它们之间的差异还表现在法律程序登记上。“spouse”一般解释为配偶,是在(各)国家机构申请、登记后注册备案的法定的夫妻,他们之间的关系符合婚姻法的规定,双方都有结婚后有义务和责任维持婚姻,各自的权利受到法律的保护;若婚姻关系破裂后也要通过法律的程序才能解除。“partner”解释为伴侣,它是对没有法律登记的同居者们(同、异性)的称呼。目前并不是所有国家的法律接受同性婚姻,对异性同居关系也没有太大的歧视,因此有些“同志”和相当数量的男女以事实婚姻的方式同居生活(de facto),他们可以自己决定互相关系的开始或结束而没有法律上的约束,他们的孩子也可以申请和享受一样福利待遇,是被普遍认可的生活状态。但若是关系破裂或一方去世后而导致的财务纠纷或遗产继承问题,他们双方都无法手段法律上的保护。在很多类似留学、移民、社会保障、医疗机构、法律援助等办理申请和服务的场合,会要求提供个人详细资料(填写表格),其中有一项是关于个人的婚姻状况的,一般会有single (单身)、married(已婚)、divorce (离异)、de facto(事实婚姻/同居)、separate (分居)、widow (丧偶)。这会有助于办事人员避免在称呼上或在其他地方冒犯当事人。例如:对已婚的身份的陈先生,他的spouse(配偶)就可以使用Mrs. Chen (陈太太、陈夫人)的称呼;而作为陈先生的partner 不论是他或她 ,应该使用Mr X (某先生)Miss X (某小姐)or Ms X (某女士)。 除了婚姻状况的伴侣,partner还可解释为合伙人、亲密伙伴等。例:James is my business partner。

The Heart of Worship 歌词

歌曲名:The Heart of Worship歌手:Matt Redman专辑:Sing Like Never Before: The Essential CollectionWhen the music fadesAll is stripped awayAnd I simply comeLonging just to bringSomething that"s of worthThat will bless Your heartI"ll bring You more than a songFor a song in itselfIs not what You have requiredYou search much deeper withinThrough the way things appearYou"re looking into my heartAnd it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itWhen it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusNo one could expressHow much You deserveThough I"m weak and poorAll I have is YoursEvery single breathI"ll bring You more than a songFor a song in itselfIs not what You have requiredYou search much deeper withinThrough the way things appearYou"re looking into my heartAnd it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itAnd it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusAnd it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itAnd it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songmore than a songI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songYou"re looking into my heartlooking into my heartYou"re looking into my heartinto my heartI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a song

spouse partner mate "配偶" --含义和用法有何细微区别?

spouse 婚姻上的夫妻关系,配偶(个人觉得是这三个词中含义最单一的一个词) [n.] a person"s partner in marriagemate 伙伴,同事,配偶,(动物,鸟兽)配偶,[航海学]驾驶员[n.] 1. the officer below the master on a commercial ship 2. a fellow member of a team e.g. It was his first start against his former teammates 3. the partner of an animal (especially a sexual partner) e.g.He loved the mare and all her mates camels hate leaving their mates 4. a person"s partner in marriage 5. an exact duplicate 6. South American holly; leaves used in making a drink like tea 7. informal term for a friend of the same sex 8. South American tea-like drink made from leaves of a South American holly called mate 9. a chess move constituting an inescapable and indefensible attack on the opponent"s king[v.] 1. make love e.g. Birds mate in the Spring。 2. bring two objects, ideas, or people together 3. place an opponent"s king under an attack from which it cannot escape and thus ending the game e.g. Kasparov checkmated his opponent after only a few moves partner 伙伴,合伙人,搭档,舞伴,配偶[n.] 1. a person"s partner in marriage 2. an associate who works with others toward a common goal 3. a person who is a member of a partnership[v.] 1. provide with a partner 2. act as a partner

The Heart Of Worship (Split Trax) 歌词

歌曲名:The Heart Of Worship (Split Trax)歌手:Passion专辑:Passion: Better Is One Day (Split Tracks Accompaniment)When the music fadesAll is stripped awayAnd I simply comeLonging just to bringSomething that"s of worthThat will bless Your heartI"ll bring You more than a songFor a song in itselfIs not what You have requiredYou search much deeper withinThrough the way things appearYou"re looking into my heartI‘m coming back to the heart of worshipAnd it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itWhen it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusKing of endless worthNo one could expressHow much You deserveThough I"m weak and poorAll I have is YoursEvery single breathI"ll bring You more than a songFor a song in itselfIs not what You have requiredYou search much deeper withinThrough the way things appearYou"re looking into my heartI‘m coming back to the heart of worshipAnd it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itWhen it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI‘m coming back to the heart of worshipCan it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itCan it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songmore than a songI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songYou"re looking into my heartlooking into my heartYou"re looking into my heartinto my heartI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a song?HARBIN NANGANG ENGLISH FELLOWSHIP??哈尔滨南岗教堂英语团契?

spouse partner mate "配偶" --含义和用法有何细微区别?

spouse 本就是指夫妻、配偶 partner一般指合伙人、伙伴,作配偶讲也是根据句情需要翻译成的. mate一般有同事、助手的意思,作配偶讲的情况较少.

The Heart Of Worship 歌词

歌曲名:The Heart Of Worship歌手:Maranatha! Praise Band专辑:Top 25 Praise Songs 2011When the music fadesAll is stripped awayAnd I simply comeLonging just to bringSomething that"s of worthThat will bless Your heartI"ll bring You more than a songFor a song in itselfIs not what You have requiredYou search much deeper withinThrough the way things appearYou"re looking into my heartI‘m coming back to the heart of worshipAnd it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itWhen it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusKing of endless worthNo one could expressHow much You deserveThough I"m weak and poorAll I have is YoursEvery single breathI"ll bring You more than a songFor a song in itselfIs not what You have requiredYou search much deeper withinThrough the way things appearYou"re looking into my heartI‘m coming back to the heart of worshipAnd it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itWhen it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI‘m coming back to the heart of worshipCan it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itCan it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songmore than a songI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songYou"re looking into my heartlooking into my heartYou"re looking into my heartinto my heartI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a song?HARBIN NANGANG ENGLISH FELLOWSHIP??哈尔滨南岗教堂英语团契?

The Heart Of Worship 歌词

歌曲名:The Heart Of Worship歌手:Maranatha! Music专辑:You Are My King, Vol. 1When the music fadesAll is stripped awayAnd I simply comeLonging just to bringSomething that"s of worthThat will bless Your heartI"ll bring You more than a songFor a song in itselfIs not what You have requiredYou search much deeper withinThrough the way things appearYou"re looking into my heartI‘m coming back to the heart of worshipAnd it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itWhen it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusKing of endless worthNo one could expressHow much You deserveThough I"m weak and poorAll I have is YoursEvery single breathI"ll bring You more than a songFor a song in itselfIs not what You have requiredYou search much deeper withinThrough the way things appearYou"re looking into my heartI‘m coming back to the heart of worshipAnd it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itWhen it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI‘m coming back to the heart of worshipCan it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itCan it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songmore than a songI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songYou"re looking into my heartlooking into my heartYou"re looking into my heartinto my heartI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a song?HARBIN NANGANG ENGLISH FELLOWSHIP??哈尔滨南岗教堂英语团契?

The Heart Of Worship 歌词

歌曲名:The Heart Of Worship歌手:Phillips& Craig And Dean专辑:Worship Together - The Heart Of WorshipWhen the music fadesAll is stripped awayAnd I simply comeLonging just to bringSomething that"s of worthThat will bless Your heartI"ll bring You more than a songFor a song in itselfIs not what You have requiredYou search much deeper withinThrough the way things appearYou"re looking into my heartI‘m coming back to the heart of worshipAnd it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itWhen it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusKing of endless worthNo one could expressHow much You deserveThough I"m weak and poorAll I have is YoursEvery single breathI"ll bring You more than a songFor a song in itselfIs not what You have requiredYou search much deeper withinThrough the way things appearYou"re looking into my heartI‘m coming back to the heart of worshipAnd it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itWhen it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI‘m coming back to the heart of worshipCan it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itCan it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songmore than a songI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songYou"re looking into my heartlooking into my heartYou"re looking into my heartinto my heartI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a songI"ll bring You more than a song?HARBIN NANGANG ENGLISH FELLOWSHIP??哈尔滨南岗教堂英语团契?

Heart Of Worship 歌词

歌曲名:Heart Of Worship歌手:jeff johnson专辑:Beautiful WorshipHeart of WorshipHillsong & Michael W. Smith<Worship>When the music fadesAll is stripped awayAnd I simply comeLonging just to bringSomething that"s of worthThat will bless Your heartI"ll bring You more than a songFor a song in itselfIs not what You have requiredYou search much deeper withinThrough the way things appearYou"re looking into my heartI"m coming back to the heart of worshipAnd it"s all about YouIt"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itWhen it"s all about YouIt"s all about You, JesusKing of endless worthNo one could expressHow much You deserveThough I"m weak and poorAll I have is YoursEvery single breathI"ll bring You more than a songFor a song in itselfIs not what You have requiredYou search much deeper withinThrough the way things appearYou"re looking into my heartI"m coming back to the heart of worshipAnd it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itAnd it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m coming back to the heart of worship,And it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itAnd it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"ll bring You more than a songFor a song in itselfIs not what You have requiredYou search much deeper withinThrough the way things appearYou"re looking into my heartI"m coming back to the heart of worshipAnd it"s all about You,It"s all about You, JesusI"m sorry, Lord, for the thing I"ve made itAnd it"s all about You,It"s all about You, Jesus

The Heart Of Worship歌词

更新1: 有冇谱嫁? The Heart of Worship Matt Redman 1st verse: When the music fades and all is stripped away And I simply e Longing just to bring something that&#39;s of worth That will bless Your heart pre-chorus: I&#39;ll bring You more than a song For a song in itself Is not what You have required You search much deeper within Through the way things appear You&#39;re looking into my heart chorus: I&#39;m ing back to the heart of worship And it&#39;s all about You All about You Jesus I&#39;m sorry Lord for the things I&#39;ve made it When it&#39;s all about You All about You Jesus 2nd verse: King of endless worth no one could express How much You deserve Though I&#39;m weak and poor all I have is Yours Every single breath 有 jnx音乐敬拜事工的一个广东话版本,辑录在《让我亲近你》这碟内。 jnx/ 《神真正心意》 作曲(&quot;The Heart Of Worship&quot;)Matt Redman 作词:甄燕鸣、陈志杰 1st verse: 乐声不再响 一切都褪去 剩简单理想 愿终生献出 真挚的敬拜 令您心赞赏 pre-chorus: 已献过不少爱歌 兼有精彩唱和 却发觉相差太多 您要听心底爱歌 此际终于觉悟 鉴察透视心窝 chorus: 敬拜里返回神真正心意 原来是为靠近 独为靠近主您 过去我虚浮无知 请宽恕 原来是为靠近 独为靠近主您 2nd verse: 上主的荣耀 当得的赞美 问怎么形容 愿将所有的 一一交给您 奉上我全部 希望解答到你。^ ^ 呢首歌ge中文系~我要尽心尽性来敬拜我主 我要尽心尽性来敬拜我主 I will worship You Lord with all of my heart 我要用诗歌来赞美衪 I will praise Him with a song 我要尽心尽性来敬拜我主 I will worship You Lord with all of my heart 我要天天赞美衪 I will praise Him all day long 因我的神是伟大的神for Thou O Lord art glorious 衪配受极大赞美And Thy name is greatly to be praised 因我的神是伟大的神 may my heart be pure and holy in Thy sight 我要尽力来赞美衪 I will worship Him with all of my heart 参考: fgb/site/fgbmi/Songs/Nyjsj.PDF

求disadvantages of majoring in liberal arts作文

Taking liberal arts courses can be advantageous to all college students. There are some advantages about the liberal arts courses. First of all, it can teach students to think creatively and critically.Therefore, they were able to work out good ideas when stuck in trouble and finally succeeded. Last but not least, it may assist us in understanding the past which has created the present, in this way can we understand this world better. Taking liberal arts courses can benefit students in thinking creatively and critically, gaining more insight in life and society, understanding the past which has created the present and so on.

the liberal arts是什么意思


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences最准确的翻译是什么呢?人文科学学院吗?或者文理学院?哪个更好?


英语问题。请问Liberal Arts和Humanities 分别是什么意思?有什么区别吗?

前者 人文科学, 自由艺术。 后者人文科学,主账号人文精神,人文关怀。

Disadvantages of majoring in liberal arts的作文

Nowadays, studying science has become the choice of most people.In my high school, there are 28 classes students studying science.while only six classes of students studying liberal arts.Then, we say the disadvantages of studying liberal arts.First of all, most of the current high-paying jobs are science students can choose.such as medicine, dentistry, engineering, etc.And liberal arts students in the future employment wage is not high is a disadvantage.Second, now college students have become very common, so their employment will become difficult, and the employment of liberal arts is narrower than that of science.Finally, the coverage of liberal arts is very wide, students can not grasp the knowledge well if they can not study deeply.Overall, fewer people now choose liberal arts.In my opinion, we have to choose liberal arts or science first according to our interests

哪位可以告诉我什么是liberal arts school?

1. studies intended to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills (rather than occupational or professional skills);

advantages of taking liberal arts courses作文

你好!advantages of taking liberal arts courses学习文科课程的优点

文学为什么叫liberal art而不是literal art

文学 是 literature , 不是 liberal artliberal art 是 文科,也就是 人文科学 liberal art 包括 literature

liberal arts degree programs 什么意思?


liberal arts到底是人文科学还是文理都包含?在usnews上liberal arts c

Liberal arts是文理学院 偏重于文科 理科方面会有数学和科学这些课程并且也是必修的 但是不会有工程这种专业性很强的课 个别有商学院比如Boston collge 因为BC几乎可以看作一个综合大学 文理学院就是要求一个学生全面发展很多课有时甚至连体育都是必修的 教育方针就是这样的孩子将来步入社会才会更有准备 但是事实证明文理学院现在并没有培养社会需求最多的学生 所以世界排名普遍较低

liberal arts education是什么意思


java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sgp/SOStartter Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundExceptio


CISCO 路由的copy tftp flash 和 copy tftp start 这两个命令的区别。


:start start goto start 然后扩展名为bat 这个有什么作用


artificial vagina是什么意思

artificial vagina[英][u02ccɑ:tiu02c8fiu0283u0259l vu0259u02c8du0292au026anu0259][美][u02ccɑrtu0259u02c8fu026au0283u0259l vu0259u02c8du0292au026anu0259]人工阴道; 假阴道; 例句:1.Objective to report the method and effect of operation of artificialvagina with sigmoid colon. 目的报道乙状结肠法人工阴道成形术的手术方法及效果。2.The current medical technology, doctors can create an artificialvagina juan, let a normal married life, but to solve fertilityproblems, the only transplant the uterus. 就目前的医疗技术,医生可以为阿娟打造一个人工阴道,让其过上正常的夫妻生活,但要解决生育问题,则唯有移植子宫。

英语翻译 The president has started using lo




后街男孩中的成员NICK CARTER的具体资料

全名: Nickolas Gene Carter 昵称: Nicky, Chaos("coz he"s a prankster!), Kaos, Mr.Hyper,Messy Marvin and Frack. 出生日期: 1980年1月28日 出生地点: Jamestown NY Current , U.S.A 现在住于:(4岁时移居到Florida)Apollo Beach,Florida,near Tampa , U.S.A (Nick非常非常的热爱海洋,所以幸运的是他不会远离那里) 身高: 6 foot 2 inch 重量:190lbs 头发: Blonde- he has that really *golden* shade 眼睛: Blue 家庭成员: mother Jane, Father Bob, Sisters B.J, Leslie and twins Aaron and Angel. 喜欢的车: Camaro, Mercedes Benz,Green Dodge Durango. He also has a Plymouth Prowler, which he rarely drives. 最喜欢: 唱歌 宠物: 3只猫 Rocky,Sugar and Bandit and 4条狗 his pugs Sampson,Simba and pepper Huston 喜欢的颜色: Aqua Green 会的乐器: 弹吉他 和 击鼓 喜欢的国家: 澳大利亚 和 西班牙 喜欢的歌手和组合: Nirvana,Jodeci, Boys II Men and Steve Perry of Journey, Michael Jackson. During concerts, Nick usually sings his favorite Journey songs, like "Open Arms". 喜欢的歌: I will Always Love you by the Cure, Heaven by Bryan Adams, He Went to Paris by Jimmy Buffet, Love song by the cure 喜欢的圣诞歌曲: Frosty the snowman and Santa Clause is coming to town. 喜欢的BSB的歌曲: Shining Star 喜欢的食物: 批萨 喜欢的香水: gravity 喜欢的饮料: Mountain Dew and Coke 喜欢的冰激淋: Mint chocolate chip, chocolate-chip, and cookie dough. 星座: 水瓶座 喜欢的电影: Aliens and Braveheart 喜欢的女影星: Sigourney weaver 喜欢的男影星: Jeff Goldbloom 喜欢的电视节目: the X Files, Simpsons,Beavis and Butthead and mad about you 喜欢的书:Living Free 喜欢的衣服: Nike and any sports wear 喜欢的运动:篮球, 橄榄球, 棒球 喜欢的饰物: Nick does not usually wear anything.But I saw a gold chain in the "Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)" video. A ring on his left middle finger . Kevin said it`s dial soap and it`s the raw me lol. 在学校喜欢的课程: 科学, 体育, 英语 和 历史 近来在学校喜欢的课程: 数学 爱好: 画画, 并与著名漫画家Stan Lee(创作过“蜘蛛人”这一著名漫画)一起合作完成了漫画the Backstreet Project(后街计划),打篮球,踢足球,收集足球卡片, 划船,钓鱼, 打电子游戏 (really into Nintendo games),划船,钓鱼,开快艇,潜水(有潜水执照), giving his drums a workout, collects beanie babies and comic books 当问起他未完成的愿望时:Nick said I just want toplay Basketball thats so cute. 当问起谁鼓励他时: Nick said A.J, Kevin, Brian and Howie these four guys . that is the sweetest thing . Nick Carter基金 : Nick Carter"s Oceans Campaign基金 告诉你: nick非常的喜欢画画,他几乎铅笔不离手;<everybody>的 mtv里的吸血鬼的点子,还有中宇宙大战的场面都是他想出来的呢! 他的父母有他们自己的 disco ,Nick 曾在那里跳过舞, even when he was a baby, in his diapers.当他8岁时,他开始表演. Nick 曾在一些广告中演出.在Johnny Depp(约翰尼 戴普)主演的电影 "Edward Scissorhands"(爱德华剪刀手)中扮演过一个小角色.Nick 说:“It would be going too far to say I was actually in‘`Edward Scissorhands" because I was so far in the background that you can"t tell it"s me. It would be better to say I was on the set of the film…I was in the scene when Edward looks out of a window to the neighborhood. For a split second he sees some kids playing – one of them was me. I was sliding on a yellow piece of plastic we used to call a Slip n" Slide. They were long flat sheets with water coming out of holes and were really popular with kids at the time. I had to slide on one in the background of the shot. It was great fun being on the set, but it was really cold and they made us do it a lot of times.” Nick喜欢开玩笑,有一次,他给BSB的经理一块 fish-flavored 类型的口香糖. 经典曲目 Do I Have To Cry For You Help Me Blow Your Mind Who Needs The World Forever Rebel (bonus track) 唱片列表 Now or Never

有谁知道sting shape of my heart的歌词啊?

He deals the cards as a meditation 他出牌前沉思冥想And those he plays never suspect 对出的每一张牌都很有把握He doesn"t play for the money he wins 他不是为了赢钱而玩牌He don"t play for respect 也不是为了获得尊重He deals the cards to find the answer 他出牌是为了找寻答案The sacred geometry of chance 找寻幸运的神圣机率The hidden law of a probable outcome 在胜利后面隐藏着一种规则The numbers lead a dance 那些数字在领舞I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的宝剑I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道草花是战争的武器I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道在这种游戏里方块就是钱But that"s not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状He may play the jack of diamonds 他可以出方块JHe may lay the queen of spades 他可以出黑桃QHe may conceal a king in his hand 他可以使小花招藏起KWhile the memory of it fades 接着真的忘了自己有KI know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的宝剑I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道草花是战争的武器I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道在这种游戏里方块就是钱But that"s not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状And if I told you that I loved you 如果我告诉你我爱你You"d maybe think there"s something wrong 你可能会觉得不妥I"m not a man of too many faces 我不是多面派The mask I wear is one 我只有一张面具Well, those who speak know nothin"好吧,那些发言的人其实什么也不知道And find out to their cost 他们最终会付出代价Like those who curse their luck in too many places 就像有些人到处说自己不幸And those who fear are lost还有那些退缩的人,他们都已迷失I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是士兵的宝剑I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道草花是战争的武器I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道在这种游戏里方块就是钱But that"s not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状That"s not the shape, the shape of my heart 那不是我心的形状。。心的形状That"s not the shape, the shape of my heart 那不是我心的形状。。心的形状

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一个软件装上运行可以通过卫星看到地球的外貌就是能看到你家的屋顶or 美国的某个操场。

求Martin Smith 《song of Solomon》的完整歌词

When I feel the cold of winterIn this cloak of sadness, I need youAll the evil things that shake meAll the words that brake me, I need youOver the mountainsOver the seaHere you come running my lover to meDo not hide me from your presencePull me from this shadows, I need youBeauty wrap your arms around meSing your song of kindness, I need youOver the mountainsOver the seaHere you come running my lover to meAll through the valleysThrough the dark of nightHere you come runningTo hold me till it"s lightOver the mountainsOver the seaHere you come running my lover to meAll through the valleysThrough the dark of nightHere you come runningTo hold me till it"s lightI"ll come runningI"ll come runningcome running back to youI"ll come runningcome runningcome running back to youI"ll come runningcome runningcome running back to youOver the mountainsOver the seaHere you come running my lover to meAll through the valleysThrough the dark of nightHere you come runningTo hold me till it"s lightCome runningCome runningCome running back to you

请问 悉尼大学影视后期制作属于art还是media 英文叫什么呢?

media art

many species of animals which once lived on the earth( ) no longer in existence.

B。指曾经居住在地球上的许多种动物不存在了。 所以用are



party shaker什么意思




有一首英文歌,有一句歌词是“i wonder you know baby in my heart" "i wonder you "之类的,是个女歌手唱

why would i ever . .我原来最爱听这个了

java 版quartz 可以和mybatis一起用吗

1、用script标签包围,然后像xml语法一样书写@Select({"<script>", "SELECT * FROM tbl_order", "WHERE 1=1", "<when test="title!=null">", "AND mydate = #{mydate}", "</when>", "</script>"})2、用Provider去实现SQL拼接,例如:public class OrderProvider { private final String TBL_ORDER = "tbl_order"; public String queryOrderByParam(OrderPara param) { SQL sql = new SQL().SELECT("*").FROM(TBL_ORDER); String room = param.getRoom(); if (StringUtils.hasText(room)) { sql.WHERE("room LIKE #{room}"); } Date myDate = param.getMyDate(); if (myDate != null) { sql.WHERE("mydate LIKE #{mydate}"); } return sql.toString(); }}public interface OrderDAO { @SelectProvider(type = OrderProvider.class, method = "queryOrderByParam") List<Order> queryOrderByParam(OrderParam param);}注意:方式1有个隐患就是当传入参数为空的时候,可能会造成全表查询。复杂SQL用方式2会比较灵活(当然,并不建议写复杂SQL),而且可以抽象成通用的基类,使每个DAO都可以通过这个基类实现基本的通用查询,原理类似Spring JDBC Template。


party 就是简单的一群人的聚会 不一定是舞会呀!prom 是正式舞会


看了大家的解释,说的都挺好。但其实还有个疑问一直被人忽略,杀手。所有人都认为杀手终止杀人只有两个条件,要么M命令,要么卷福死。可是这是因为M口误才知道的,卷福一开始不知道杀手是M派来的吗?如果知道的话没必要准备假死,直接去威胁就好。但是既然准备了,就说明一开始不知道,也不会因为那句口误灵机一动。第一个结论:M口误前卷福不知道杀手受制于M但是如果杀手是M命令来的,卷福会想不到?卷福确实没想到,说明M有理由让卷福相信杀手不听命于他。第二个结论:杀手不受制于M如果杀手不受制于M,那受制于谁?只能是利益,考虑到他们是因为M说代码在卷福身上才来的,他们只在乎代码。第三个结论:杀手受制于代码疑问:为什么杀手一开始都保护卷福,现在却希望他死?肯定是M说了什么。M说了什么能控制杀手,肯定是代码。 M让大家来找卷福,说他身上有代码。那M自己有没有代码的事,会怎么和杀手说呢?如果他说他有,杀手为什么要去找卷福,来找他要不就行了。如果说他没有卷福才有,杀手为什么希望卷福死。难道他和杀手谈了条件,说只能用杀死卷福朋友为条件威胁卷福才能从他口中获取代码。一旦获得代码,就不用杀人了,他会给他们发信号,这个说得通。杀手一直相信代码是有的,是一切的前提。问题在于,如果M作为演员活着,卷福被黑成了自导自演的假天才,假天才怎么能有那个智商去做代码呢?没有代码就不用杀人,而且M无法在公众面前反口。所以杀人失效。如果他死了,还是以一个演员的身份死,和他活着又有什么区别呢?卷福还是被黑成普通人,还是没有代码啊。所以再回答我一次,M为什么不得不死呢?


Sherlock跳楼是为了保护三个受威胁的朋友,而Moriarty要自己吞枪,是因为Sherlock认为,只要Moriarty还活着,他的好友也就安全。最终Sherlock和Moriarty在大厦的顶楼对决,Moriarty要求Sherlock跳下楼去,否则事先安排好的杀手会马上杀死Sherlock身边最重要的三个朋友:John、Mrs. Hudson和Lestrade。Sherlock则认为,只要Moriarty还活着,他的好友也就安全。没想到已经疯癫的Moriarty竟立刻吞枪自杀,只为了迫使Sherlock跳楼。这时约翰来到了楼下,刚好遇上Sherlock准备跳楼。Sherlock给John打了一个电话。也许是为了不想让大家有负罪感,Sherlock最后向John承认自己是一个骗子,并委托他将事实公布。但John相信Sherlock是清白的,恳求着他停止。这时狙击手已经瞄准。为了大家,Sherlock最终在John的面前坠落,留下的最后一句话是“Goodbye,John”。扩展资料:剧情简介:《神探夏洛克》是一部由英国广播公司BBC出品的电视系列剧,该剧改编自阿瑟·柯南·道尔创作的侦探小说《福尔摩斯探案集》,将原著的时间背景从19世纪搬到了21世纪,但神探活跃的地点依旧是伦敦。本季承接《神探夏洛克第一季》的剧情,从被炸弹和狙击枪威胁的夏洛克(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇饰)、华生(马丁·弗瑞曼饰)与莫里亚蒂(安德鲁·斯科特饰)第一次正式会面开始。接着,夏洛克在白金汉宫的一份重要委托案件中遇到了亦正亦邪的神秘女子艾琳·艾德勒(劳拉·普沃饰),一位旗鼓相当的对手,一个使他心动的女子。这一次莫里亚蒂使大众相信夏洛克所有的事迹全是虚构,使之变成一个名誉扫地的伪英雄。而为了彻底打垮夏洛克,莫里亚蒂更吞枪自杀,结局到底如何,夏洛克会因此中了他的圈套吗?参考资料来源:百度百科—神探夏洛克第二季

请问Parting line,Split line 和 Witness line 有何区别?

parting line 分界线; 分型线split line 拼合线; 分模线witness line 证示线

The Parting Glass 歌词

歌曲名:The Parting Glass歌手:John Mcdermott专辑:Old FriendsThe Parting Glass - Cara DillonOf all the money that ere I had, I"ve spent it in good company,And of all the harm that ere I"ve done, alas was done to none but me.And all I"ve done for want of wit, to memory now I cannot recall.So fill me the parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all.Of all the comrades that ere I had, they"re sorry for my going away,And of all the sweethearts that ere I"ve had , they wish me one more day to stay,But since it falls unto my lot that I should rise and you should not,I"ll gently rise and I"ll softly call, Goodnight and joy be with you all.A man may drink and not be drunk,a man may fight and may not be slainA man may court a pretty girland perhaps be welcome back again.But since it has so ordered been by a time to riseAnd a time to fallCome fill to me the Parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all.Come fill to me the Parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all.End

The Parting Glass 歌词

歌曲名:The Parting Glass歌手:The Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem专辑:Irish Drinking SongsThe Parting Glass - Cara DillonOf all the money that ere I had, I"ve spent it in good company,And of all the harm that ere I"ve done, alas was done to none but me.And all I"ve done for want of wit, to memory now I cannot recall.So fill me the parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all.Of all the comrades that ere I had, they"re sorry for my going away,And of all the sweethearts that ere I"ve had , they wish me one more day to stay,But since it falls unto my lot that I should rise and you should not,I"ll gently rise and I"ll softly call, Goodnight and joy be with you all.A man may drink and not be drunk,a man may fight and may not be slainA man may court a pretty girland perhaps be welcome back again.But since it has so ordered been by a time to riseAnd a time to fallCome fill to me the Parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all.Come fill to me the Parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all.End

The Parting Glass 歌词

歌曲名:The Parting Glass歌手:The Pogues专辑:Rum Sodomy & The Lash [Expanded]The Parting Glass - Cara DillonOf all the money that ere I had, I"ve spent it in good company,And of all the harm that ere I"ve done, alas was done to none but me.And all I"ve done for want of wit, to memory now I cannot recall.So fill me the parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all.Of all the comrades that ere I had, they"re sorry for my going away,And of all the sweethearts that ere I"ve had , they wish me one more day to stay,But since it falls unto my lot that I should rise and you should not,I"ll gently rise and I"ll softly call, Goodnight and joy be with you all.A man may drink and not be drunk,a man may fight and may not be slainA man may court a pretty girland perhaps be welcome back again.But since it has so ordered been by a time to riseAnd a time to fallCome fill to me the Parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all.Come fill to me the Parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all.End

The Parting Glass 歌词

歌曲名:The Parting Glass歌手:The Clancy Brothers With Tommy Makem专辑:The Clancy Brothers And Tommy Makem In Person At Carnegie HallThe Parting Glass - Cara DillonOf all the money that ere I had, I"ve spent it in good company,And of all the harm that ere I"ve done, alas was done to none but me.And all I"ve done for want of wit, to memory now I cannot recall.So fill me the parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all.Of all the comrades that ere I had, they"re sorry for my going away,And of all the sweethearts that ere I"ve had , they wish me one more day to stay,But since it falls unto my lot that I should rise and you should not,I"ll gently rise and I"ll softly call, Goodnight and joy be with you all.A man may drink and not be drunk,a man may fight and may not be slainA man may court a pretty girland perhaps be welcome back again.But since it has so ordered been by a time to riseAnd a time to fallCome fill to me the Parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all.Come fill to me the Parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all.End

求The Parting Glass的歌词

[ti:the parting glass][ar:cara dillon][al:hill of thieves][by:anubis_维]the parting glass - cara dillonof all the money that ere i had, i"ve spent it in good company,and of all the harm that ere i"ve done, alas was done to none but me.and all i"ve done for want of wit, to memory now i cannot fill me the parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all.of all the comrades that ere i had, they"re sorry for my going away,and of all the sweethearts that ere i"ve had , they wish me one more day to stay,but since it falls unto my lot that i should rise and you should not,i"ll gently rise and i"ll softly call, goodnight and joy be with you all.a man may drink and not be drunk,a man may fight and may not be slaina man may court a pretty girland perhaps be welcome back again.but since it has so ordered been by a time to riseand a time to fallcome fill to me the parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all.come fill to me the parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all.end

Moses parting the Red Sea 指什么?

圣经里的故事红海是摩西分开的Moses parting the Red Sea 摩西分开红海part做动词,分开的意思以色列人戏剧性的分开红海恐怕是《旧约》中描述的最为壮观的奇迹了。===供朋友参考

part with, depart 区别

depart是单独的词,动词。离开,去世等part with是一个词组,失去,付出、割舍。。。

The Parting Glass 歌词

歌曲名:The Parting Glass歌手:Rickey D Lashley专辑:American CeltThe Parting Glass - Cara DillonOf all the money that ere I had, I"ve spent it in good company,And of all the harm that ere I"ve done, alas was done to none but me.And all I"ve done for want of wit, to memory now I cannot recall.So fill me the parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all.Of all the comrades that ere I had, they"re sorry for my going away,And of all the sweethearts that ere I"ve had , they wish me one more day to stay,But since it falls unto my lot that I should rise and you should not,I"ll gently rise and I"ll softly call, Goodnight and joy be with you all.A man may drink and not be drunk,a man may fight and may not be slainA man may court a pretty girland perhaps be welcome back again.But since it has so ordered been by a time to riseAnd a time to fallCome fill to me the Parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all.Come fill to me the Parting glass, goodnight and joy be with you all.End

The hard part isn’t making the decision. It’s living with it意思?

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