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英语翻译  I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this mornin


there was frost on the ground,confirming that fall had arrived in Canada. 为什么要用confirming?

这里confirming是 v-ing结构做 定语 相当于which confirmed地面上出现了霜冻, 这证实了秋天已经来临了。

英语口语翻译 简单 急用 ~~When we arrived at the hotel we were disappoi?

当我们来到酒店时,我们对这个东方4星级酒店的外观感到非常失望.尽管酒店接待的态度非常好.我们订了一间双人间,我们进去后发现有两张单独的床铺,尽管房间很整洁.但是看起来这个房间也很旧了.连夜的旅行,来不及抱怨的我们已经疲惫不堪,直到第二天,我们才被告知酒店已经没有双人间了,我们订的已经算被升级的了.这刻,我们震惊了.回想起来我们之前订的房间如此的差劲.酒店方好像知道我们现在很不高兴.赠送了一瓶葡萄汽酒给我们作为补偿.那天晚上,我们去5楼的海鲜自助餐用餐,加上葡萄酒我们每人总共花费了285000越南盾,以越南的消费来说,这真是不便宜的晚餐.我们晚上6点半来的时候,已经只剩下很少的海鲜,品种也很少了.我们再一次对这家酒店失望了,并且不打算继续在这里吃任何东西.我们去了一楼的咖啡厅.这里的食物一般,而且没有一个工作人员会讲英文.我们对当地感到非常满意,如果在一次来到胡志明市,我们将会继续呆在这里但肯定在另一家旅馆了.11月,我们在胡志明市呆了7天,在这段时间做了一切我们可以做的事情.这是一堂非常精彩的历史课,我们也很喜欢这里的人们. 即兴发挥,翻译得不是很好,呵呵!,3,我们到达饭店时,我们感到失望和外观为一个东方的4星级是否酒店,即使接见员工都非常暖和。当我们去我的房间里我们发现有两张单人床的房间时,我们已经预定了一间双人房,即使房间打扫房间是很古老的。我们用完了之后,旅行一夜之间没有抱怨,直到第二天。我们被告知没有双人床的房间,但我们已经升级。我们吃惊的评论,我们就想怎么坏了,我们原本预定的房间。旅馆就知道我们感到不安,形势和试图弥补我们不再一瓶气泡酒。那天晚...,2,当我们到达酒店的时候,虽然酒店的接待相当热情,我们还是对他不符合其四星级的外表感到很失望。当我们到了房间的时候,我们发现房间里有两张床,而我们预定的是双人房。房间虽然很干净,但是看起来十分的老旧。在一天的旅行之后,我们是在没有什么力气抱怨。但是第二天,酒店负责人告诉我们已经没有空余的双人房了,还说已经给了我们较好的待遇。我们对他们的解释感到震惊,真是难以想象我们原来预定的房间会有多差劲!九点知道我...,1,When we arrived at the hotel we were disappointed with its appearance for an oriental 4 star rating hotel even though the reception by the staff was very warm. 当我们到达这个4星级酒店时,虽然这里的员工非常热情的接待了我们,但我...,0,英语口语翻译 简单 急用 ~~ When we arrived at the hotel we were disappointed with its appearance for an oriental 4 star rating hotel even though the reception by the staff was very warm. When we went to our room we discovered the room had two single beds when we had booked a double room, even though the room was clean the room was very very old. After traveling overnight we were exhausted and didn"t plain until the following day. We were told there were no double rooms available but we had been upgraded. We were shocked by this ment, we then thought how bad was the room we had originally booked. The hotel knew we were upset about the situation and tried to pensate by giving us a bottle of sparkling wine. That night we went to the seafood buffet on the fifth floor which was 285000 dong per person including wine. This by Vietnamese standards was not a cheap meal. The waiting staff that were rostered on that night could not speak English. We arrived at 6.30pm and there was only limited seafood left and was not replaced as normal buffets do. Again we were disappointed and decided not to eat in the hotel again. We tried the cafe restaurant on the ground floor the food was average and not one staff member spoke English. We were very happy with the location and if in Ho Chi Minh again we would stay in the same location but definitely at a different hotel. We stayed in Ho Chi Minh in November for 7 days and did everything we could do in this time. It was a wonderful lesson in history and we enjoyed the people very much. 不要用翻译器翻译,翻译要自然连贯,这个比较简单哈,谢谢! 不要用翻译器!!!

He died young.He arrived breathless.为什么用young,breathless?

这是单独的两句话吧 He died young.他因年早逝 He arrived breathless.他气喘吁吁的赶到 young是用来形容去世时的年龄 breathless是以breath为词根的变化,-less一般就是指什么什么少了,这里呼吸少了,可以理解为气喘吁吁.中国人自己也说“只有进的气,没有出的气了”或者“上气不接下气”.说的就是这个意思. 这两个词这里都是形容词,用来表示状态.

我现在在读高一有个英语问题:He arrived in New York, where some time later ,he became a writer

1. 去掉逗号可以, 这是书写习惯, 不牵扯语法问题.2. 当主句和从句语义一致时, 用AS, 不一致时用WHICH3. WHICH 不能放在句首, AS 可以.4. 否定句 用WHICH 5. AS有正如的意思, WHICH 没有此含义.

英语中arrived at和arrived in 的区别?

arrived at 到达;得出结论 arrived in 抵达,到达 两者都做“到达”时,前者到达的地方范围小,如“到家”,后者达到的范围大,如“到达中国”、“到达北京”.

they_ the office in time very morning. A.reach to B.arrived C.went D.get to

get to

arrived at 和 reached to ,got to 有什么区别?

arrived at+小地点,大地点用arrived in 应该是"reach",reach是及物动词,及物动词的特点是,用面一要在加宾语,宾语一定不能省略,而且不用任何介词.后加地方.got to 表示到达某地,如果后面的宾语是副词的话,都不能加介词 如:I got home/arrived home/reached home.

arrived at与reached to有什么不同?怎样用???

一、“arrive”是不及物动词,表示“到达、抵达某地(尤指行程的终点),后常接介词at或in,一般in接大地方,at接小地方,若是地点副词,则不需用介词.例如:Do you know what time the plane *arrive* in Moscow?你知道飞机什么时候抵达莫斯科?They arrived at the station at 8 this morning.他们今天早晨八点到达车站的.Her mother saw her when she arrived home.她到家时她妈妈看见了她.二、reach是及物动词,直接接宾语,无须介词,和*arrive*一样,属正式用语.例如:When she reached home,her mother asked,“Have you goteverything?”当她回到家时,她妈妈问道,“所有的东西都买了吗?”They reached Beijing on February 17.他们于二月十七日到达北京.

Unfortunately when I arrived she____,so we only had time for a few words.


Sam arrived in San Diego a week ago

这是一个很基本的知识点,朋友在学英语的道路上还有很长的路要走,加油啊!a week ago是很明显的一般过去时的时态标志,所以只能是arrived,而不能是has arrived。这是语法,要记住,别问太多为什么。就像汉语中的说法:“晒太阳”而不说“太阳晒”一样,大家习惯了,所以老外学汉语就得这么说。

They arrived in twos and threes 是什么一起


单选英语When I arrived I saw the place was already ________ by two strangers in uniform


She arrived home exhausted....

不是其实是She arrived home(and she was) exhausted and barely capable of showering before collapsing on her bed. exhausted 是形容词,同样capable 也是个并列的形容词意思是:“她回到家,挺累的,澡都没来得及洗,倒头就躺下了”

英语翻译  I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this mornin?

I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this mornin我今天早上抵达马来西亚的槟城

I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family解释一下两个in作用

第一个in和arrive in组成词组到达某地,第二个in则是Penang这个地方在Malaysia(马来西亚)

arrived in 和arrived at 的区别是什么

arrive in 跟大地点


不可以 句子是将来时态

arrived reached got用法的区别


arrive 的名词形式有arrived 与arriving ,请问二者有何区别?


英语同义词改写 arrived

arrive--reach或get arrived--reached或got


land 通常都是用于飞机的落地. arrive后面除了是here和there不加任何介词以后,若是后面跟小地方用at ,若是大的城市之类的用in.






arrived是arrive的过去式,arrive的用法师arrive at 相似的是get to,reach(后不接介词



arrived to do还是doing



一、 *arrive*是不及物动词,表示“到达、抵达某地(尤指行程的终 点),后常接介词at 或in,一般in接大地方,at接小地方,若是地点副词, 则不需用介词。例如: Do you know what time the plane *arrive* in Moscow? 你知道飞机什么时候抵达莫斯科? They arrived at the station at 8 this morning. 他们今天早晨八点到达车站的。 Her mother saw her when she arrived home .她到家时她妈妈看见了她。 二、 *reach*是及物动词,直接接宾语,无须介词,和*arrive*一样,属 正式用语。例如: When she reached home,her mother asked,“Have you got everything?”当她回到家时,她妈妈问道,“所有的东西都买了吗?” They reached Beijing on February 17. 他们于二月十七日到达北京。 三、 和*arrive*一样,*get*也是不及物动词,只是它多用于口语,其后接的介 词是to,后面如接副词,则不用介词to。例如: I *get* to school at about 7:30 every day,and I *get* home at 5:00 in the afternoon.. 我每天7:30到校,下午5:00到家。 Have we got to the zoo yet? 我们到动物园了吗? The visitors got there last night. 参观的人昨晚到这儿的。 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)


两者含义不同意用法也不同。1.arrive是到达,通常与介词at, in连用。Arrive at加小地点,arrive in加大地点。比如:I arrive at school at 7 o"clock2. She"ll arrive in New York at noon.2.receive得到,收到You should receive a reply within seven days.你会在七天之内收到答复。

arrived怎么读 英语arrived怎么读

1、arrived英[u0259u02c8rau026avd]美[u0259u02c8rau026avd]。v.到达; 抵达; 送达; 寄到; 发生; 到来;arrive的过去分词和过去式。 2、例句:He then held the man in an armlock until police arrived. 然后他反扭住那名男子的手臂让他动弹不得,直到警察赶到。

arrived /reached的区别



arrive是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语,要加上介词 in或at,在跟地点,in之后跟大地方,at后跟小地方


1. two 2. arrive 3. coming 4. Thanks 5. bathroom 6. my




land 通常都是用于飞机的落地。arrive后面除了是here和there不加任何介词以后,若是后面跟小地方用at ,若是大的城市之类的用in.

arrive 的名词形式有arrived 与arriving ,请问二者有何区别?

从它的层面看这两个词语,arrived是已到达的,而arriving是即将到达的. 名词是 arrival.


arrived 读 [u0259"rau026avd]





departure arrived

Socrates:The hour of departure has arrived and we go our ways-I to die,and you to live.Which is better God only knows 希腊哲学家说: 分手的时候到来了.我们也得各奔前程.我去了(离开这世界了),而你活(留)下来.谁会更好?只有 天 (上帝)知道.

为什么用动词原形?The order ____ the prisoner be set free arrived too

that引导的是同位语从句. 从句是个完整的句子不缺成分. 原句其实是The order that the prison should be set free arrived too late.句中的should省略了,主句中有order suggestion 等表示建议的词,从句应用虚拟,即加should do ,should 可省略.

请问I have arrived home safe and sound.这个句子中的safe and sound是形容词,却为什么可以放在最后?


请问I have arrived home safe and sound.这个句子中的safe and sound是形容词,却为什么可以放在最后?

为了凸显是safe and sound这样回到家的

有句例句He arrived safe.我有一个问题为什么不是safely?

safe是形容词做结果状语 因为到来不能是安全的来 是到达后的结果是安全的.请看下面的例子: he died peaceful.有谁愿意死?所以不能说死这个动作是安详的而是死的结果的安详的. 再入we are born equal 我们被创造,结果是平等的不知道能不能理解

They arrived at home safe,为什么不能用safely


They arrived at home safe,为什么不能用safely

实际上用safely是真正的正确答案啊,原句:They arrived at home safe不对,因为用副词safely来修饰动词arrive,而safe为形容词,不能修饰动词arrive 相信我的答案,并采纳我的答案

we have already arrived

1.have arrive yet often dose 3.prefer to as