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Argumentative writing?

-----Argumentative writing has a set of reasons that show that something is true or untrue right or wrong. In maintaining a case giving reasons in support of for and against with the aim of persuading you to read on is not easy.This essay is plex and ingenious.It is a powerful argument against adoption of pets. -----The familiar argument that the costs oueight the benefits have been used;applied.The act of disagreeing or questioning something on pets here are applied. -----For the sake of argument in order to discuss some of the possibilities let us say for the sake of argument in the essay that you don"t take the dog (=collie=cockatoo) then what? ----It is right to raise a cockatoo which is an Australian parrot with a lot of feathers on top of its head.It doesn"t need walking cheaper no destroying the house surrounding and can flying around the home. ----Then what is untrue is that the collie has been easy-trotting and walking the dog acpanying you with faeces and urination being picked up by you ingeniously (adverb) and it won"t destroy anything. ----Then what is left is it is wrong to support a cockatoo which dies soon.Creuty to parrot is severely punished if seen by Police in HK.It can be taught to copy human speech=your speech in parrot fashion repeating what you have just said in foul bad language without understanding it ! Reciting parrot-fashion is your worse behaviour in life ! ----It is better to adopt a dog "collie" because it is a very mon animal kept as a pet or to guard a building as a dog is men"s best friend. The benefit oueights everything. You accept this suggestion and proverb that "Every dog has its day" that even the most unimportant person has a time in their life when they are successful and noticed in HK. Thanks for your time and attention on this argumentative essay.

The argumentative form of writing is one in which problems are disscussed. 这句话的翻译。


Construct an argumentative paragraph arguing for or against the study of history.急求一段!

This chapter is reprinted from Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape, by Susan Brownmiller (1975). Krafft-Ebing, Freud, Adler, Jung, Deutsch, Horney, Marx, and Engels were mostly silent on the topic of rape as a social reality. So it remained for the latter-day feminists, free at last from the strictures that forbade us to look at male sexuality, to discover the truth and meaning in our own victimization. Critical to our study is the recognition that rape has a history, and that through the tools of historical analysis we may learn what we need to know about our current condition. The subject of rape has not been, for zoologists, an important scientific question. No zoologist has ever observed that animals rape in their natural habitat, the wild. But we do know that human beings are different. Man"s structural capacity to rape and woman"s corresponding structural vulnerability are as basic to the physiology of both our sexes as the primal act of sex itself. Man"s discovery that his genitalia could serve as a weapon to generate fear must rank as one of the most important discoveries of prehistoric times, along with the use of fire and the first crude stone axe. Rape"s critical function is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear. A reflective comment, by Claire M. Renzetti, on this chapter appears at the end of the chapter. (PsycINFO Database Record