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anymore 是不定代词吗?



not anymore和not any more的区别

not any more 和not anymore区别: 1、not any more与not anymore都翻译为不再的意思。 2、not anymore 与上面的用法一样,除此之外,not anymore可以连在一起使用。 3、not any more 一般not在前,而any more在句末,两者是分开的。 扩展资料   not any more例句:   1、Tom is not any more fond of reading than Jack.   汤姆和杰克都不喜欢读书。   2、More than that, you have been my best friend, but not any more now.   何止见过,你曾经是我最好的朋友,但是现在已经不是啦。   3、I used to go to bed early, but not any more.   我过去经常早睡,但是现在不在是这样了。   4、Commodore? No, not any more. weren"t you listening?   司令官?我已经不是司令官了,你没听到我说的话吗?   5、She says to me about this a lots but she says not any more to be friend with you because this.   她对我说这许多,但她说,没有任何更多,因为这与你的.朋友。   not anymore例句:   1、Maybe it was, but it"s not anymore.   或许曾经我有爱过,但,再也出有了。   2、I did last year, but not anymore. they"re out of style.   我去年是很喜欢,但是现在不了,已经不流行了。   3、When I was little, I was as thin as a rail, but not anymore!   我小的时候瘦得就像铁轨。但现在变了!   4、He used to be unemployed, but not anymore.   他以前没工作,但是现在有了。   5、Not anymore, not when they are creating more money than they can figure out what to do with.   现在则不一样了,因为他们攒的钱已经超出了他们能够应付的规模。

not any more和not anymore的用法


Whitney Houston的《Anymore》 歌词

歌曲名:Anymore歌手:Whitney Houston专辑:I"M Your Baby TonightAnymore意淋The feeling"s right So I din"t waitYou define all the rules in the gameDoes it matter?All that I"ve said Who"s to blame?Maybe someday you"ll regretMessing up the picture that would have been perfectBut for nowI"m done with your mistakesMoving aheadAnd so I"ll look out through the distanceAnd show you the doorIt doesn"t matter where"s the differenceYou"re not the man I thoughtTo be mad or indifferentWe"re not the same sortYou can be kind Be niceBut I won"t wait around for you anymoreanymoreFor a while I thought that I"d like to beThe girl wrapped round your finger like a ringThe promises I had held so deepYou ran them so thinStepping out of the boundariesI am changed and I hope you can seeThe stronger girl that I"ve come to beWithout your mercy ChorusAnd so I"ll look out through the distanceAnd show you the doorIt doesn"t matter where"s the differenceYou"re not the man I thoughtTo be mad or indifferentWe"re not the same sortYou can be kind Be niceBut I won"t wait around for you anymoreanymoreanymoreanymore

any more 和anymore有什么区别?用法分别是什么?

用法有相同之处 比如I don"t wanna see you anymore/any more. 表示“再也不” 但用作定语修饰名词时得用any more 而不能用anymore 比如:Any more questions? 总结:用于句子结尾两者皆可,用于名词前表修饰时只能用any more anymore可以放在句首 而any more 则不能 any more 还有not...any more 而anymore 则没有 not ... any more 表示的是不再 该词组参照


anymore 意思是“再,也,还”,通常与not连用,用在否定句式里。如:I don"t want to see you anymore.我再也不想看到你了。



no more和not anymore的区别举例并且说明

no more和not anymore的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,例句如下。一、意思不同no more意思:不再;也不例句:Now she was no more afraid.现在她再也不害怕了。not anymore意思:再也不了;不再害怕;再也不能了;不再是了例句:Now she wasn"t afraid any more.现在她再也不害怕了。二、用法不同no more用法:作副词,可构成多数两个或两个以上音节的形容词或副词的比较级,但通常不可构成表示方位、绝对或极限意义、时间概念、事物的性质或结构成分、顺序或含明确数学概念、几何形状或以or结尾等的形容词或副词的比较级。not anymore用法:通常也不可与形容词或副词的比较级形式连用。more情况可以用于单音节形容词前more后接than结构作表语表示同一人或事物的两种特性对比。三、侧重点不同no more侧重点:no more一般置于行为动词后。not anymore侧重点:not anymore常置于句末。



any more和anymore 的区别和同法,whatever 和what 在从句中的区别





againa又, 再次, 此外, 再一次anymore "不再,再也不"两者互为反意词

anymore 与any more 在什么时候用

anymore是不再的意思.I don"t love you anymore.我不再爱你了.any longer相近.any more就是some more的否定或者疑问形式.Would you like any more tea?你想要更多的茶水吗?I don"t want any more work.我一点多的活都不想干了

anymore 意思



any more意为“不再”,用于否定句中,构成not...any more,与肯定句式中的no more同义。 扩展资料   any more的.用法:   (1)We couldn"t stand it any more.   我们不能再忍受了。   (2)I can"t take the job any more.   我不能再做这份工作了。   (3)We felt we had no home any more, no family, nothing.   我们觉得我们没有了家,也没有了家人,一无所有。   (4)I can"t eat any more; I"m full up.   我不能再吃了,我已经很饱了。   (5)There"s no use you asking me any more questions.   你问我再多的问题也没有用。

Anymore 和any longer 有什么区别吗

not any more 主要强调程度上的,例如:I can"t stand it any more!(我再也受不了了,表示程度上受不了,此句情景可能是强度方面的练习,如举重),而not any longer则表示时间的长短。如:I can"t stand it any longer(我再也受不了了,强调时间方面受不了了,此句情景可能是耐力方面的练习,如长跑)但在有些时候是可以通用的。例如:I won"t make such a silly mistake any more.或 I won"t make such a silly mistake any longer.没有强调重点时就可以通用。



anymore和any more的区别

anymore是不再的意思.后面不跟名词I don"t smoke anymore.和any longer相近.any more就是some more的否定或者疑问形式.后面要跟名词Would you like any more tea?你想要更多的茶水吗?


不再, 再也不


anymore any.more副词(美)如今已 (不…) ,再也 (不…) , (已不) 再 (any more)I don"t smoke ~.我不再抽烟了

anymore 和any more的区别



1、anymore意思是现在;(不)再;目前;今后2、英 [en_m_:] 美 [__ni_m_r, -_mor] 3、You made it abundantly apparent that I dont work for you anymore. 你表示得很清楚我现在已经不为你做事了。


anymore意思是不再,下面我为大家分享它的更多知识点。 释义 anymore adv. (不)再 同 近义词 adv. 再也不,不再 not any longer , never again any more 和anymore有什么区别? 用法有相同之处 比如I don"t wanna see you anymore/any more. 表示“再也不” 但用作定语修饰名词时得用any more 而不能用anymore 比如:Any more questions? 总结 :用于 句子 结尾两者皆可,用于名词前表修饰时只能用any more anymore可以放在句首 而any more 则不能 any more 还有not...any more 而anymore 则没有 not ... any more 表示的是不再 双语例句 We do not believe in that kind of God anymore. 我们再也不相信那样子的上帝了。 The people that believe it have to die and then nobody will believe it anymore. 相信市场有效的人都必须死,这样就再也没有人相信它了。 No cars in Brazil run on pure gasoline anymore. The government requires that all vehicles run on blended fuel of about one-quarter ethanol. 如今巴西不再使用单纯靠汽油驱动的汽车,政府要求所有机动车均采用含四分之一乙醇的混合燃 anymore的用法总结干货相关 文章 : 1. few的用法总结干货 2. demand的用法总结干货get! 3. absorb的用法总结干货收藏 4. consider的用法总结干货 5. aboard的用法总结干货


1. 什么是anymore?在美国英语和加拿大英语中,anymore通常表示不再或不再发生某事。例如,当你厌倦了和某人在一起时,你可能会说“我不能和他/她一起出去玩了,我不想再和他/她在一起了”。在英国英语中,相对应的词是“any longer”。2. anymore的发音anymore的发音与“any more”不同。“any more”的发音分别是/?eni ?m?r/。而anymore的发音则是/?en.i?m??r/。重音在第二个音节上。3. anymore常见用法anymore经常出现在美国英语中,并在现代流行音乐和电视节目中经常使用。例如,“I don"t love you anymore”(我不再爱你了),“I don"t eat meat anymore”(我不再吃肉了)。4. anymore的否定形式anymore是一个否定的词,可以与否定词not一起使用,表示肯定的含义。例如,“I don"t love you anymore”(我不再爱你了)的否定形式是“I still love you”(我仍然爱你)。5. anymore的语境下的用法除了表示不再发生某事的含义,anymore还可以用在语境和句子结构上。例如,“I don"t want to talk about it anymore”(我不想再谈论这个问题了),或者“Do you have any more questions?”(你还有问题吗?)。6. anymore与any more的区别anymore和any more的使用有时会混淆。在美国英语中,anymore通常表示不再或不再发生某事。而any more通常用于表示数量问题,例如“Do you need any more sugar in your coffee?”(你再加点糖吗?)。但在英国英语中,两者可以互换使用。7. 结论在美国英语中,anymore通常表示不再或不再发生某事。anymore的发音是/?en.i?m??r/,重音在第二个音节上。除了不再发生某事,anymore还可以用在语境和句子结构上。在美国英语中,anymore和any more的使用有时会混淆。


我知道not anymore 是不再的意思。


adv. 再也不,不再

Dolly and bb will not wake up anymore 歌词

歌曲名:Dolly and bb will not wake up anymore歌手:My Little Airport专辑:我们在炎热与抑郁的夏天,无法停止抽烟Dolly and BB Will Not Wake Up Anymore My Little Airportdolly and bb will not wake up anymore唱,词,曲,编,guitar: nicoleYou主流 新歌词铺--制作人 David碧咸Dolly my little dog,fur in black and brown.She met her boyfriend Rocky,they played in the ground.One winter night,a baby dog was born.Unfortunately,Dolly died next morning.I cried in the morning.BB the baby dog,lost her mother Dolly,thus we fed her,pretend to be her mother.BB grew up, and had babies.Maybe that"s fate,one day the wolf dog bit her,the wolf dog bit her.The wolf dog bit her neck,and BB couldn"t breathe.She"s puling on the floor,her blood sketched on her chin,her son"s watching and barking,he was too small to do fighting.I didn"t save my darling,I was sleeping.Dolly my little dog,fur in black and brown.She met her boyfriend Rocky,they played in the ground.One winter night,a baby dog was born.Her name"s BB, her name"s BB, her name"s BB.You主流 新歌词铺--制作人 David碧咸
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