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歌曲名:ANTIQUE歌手:JUJU专辑:YOU[by:赖润诫「ANTIQUE」作词∶上江洌清作(MONGOL800)作曲∶上江洌清作(MONGOL800)歌∶JUJU月日は巡る 光のように瞬きをする间に景色も変わる 映画のように瞬きをする间に瞬きをする间に…他爱もない事で笑い些细な事でぶつかり合う好きと嫌いが交差する近过ぎて 远过ぎる好きと嫌いが交差する好きと嫌いが交差する…何となく 心の奥で繋がりを感じる事ができるなら溢れる想いは 言叶になれずに彷徨い探し続ける时间を越えて爱を繋ぐあなたと共に生きた证あなたが好きだった歌を口ずさみながら1人歩いてくYou still living in my memories月日语る 风になびく髪かきあげる手 互いに年を重ねる古びたアルバム 色褪せぬ思い出変わらない爱情笑いじわも 心の伤もあなたと共に生きた证あなたが好きだった歌を口ずさみながら今日も歩いてくあなたが好きだった花を近くの花屋で买って帰ろうあなたと语り合った梦を今も変わらず见続けているYou still living in my memoriesYou are my reason,You are my life.月日は巡る 光のように瞬きをする间に景色も変わる 映画のように瞬きをする间に瞬きをする间に…瞬きをする间に…

急求EVA《love antique》歌词

I am just about to forget you. Once there was summer of color crimson lake. All it took to confess was a word. All it took to express was a kiss. When love was young between us. I wasn"t too proud to wait for carrousels. You whispered you would make me a day. Like no day had been in my life. * You let me feel I was turned on. You had me feel I was only one. You made me feel I was loved by the whole world. I never said that I was in love. You never held me in your arms. Never made love, we never dared to. I am just about to forget you. Once there was winter of color horizon blue. All I knew, you were there beside me. All I saw, our shadows on the path. I love you so, still I know I do. I trust you so, yet I know I do. I want you so, true like ice, true like fire. To keep my mind sharp and bright, To keep my heart cold and tight, To keep my love alone and free, I shall leave.

Suhr Antique Classic 和Suhr Classic Pro 的区别

Antique是做旧款,比Classic Pro 要贵,音色也更片复古一些。琴颈的手感也不太一样。,

antique brass是什么意思



accent colour 强调色 advancing colour 前进色 amber 琥珀色(黄色) amethyst 紫(水晶)色 antique brass 青古铜色 antique golden 古铜色 antique violet 古紫色 antique white 古董白 apricot 杏黄 aqua green 水绿色,浅绿色 aquamarine 碧绿色

antique brass是什么意思

antique brass古铜色

急求EVA《love antique》歌词

I am just about to forget you. Once there was summer of color crimson lake. All it took to confess was a word. All it took to express was a kiss. When love was young between us. I wasn"t too proud to wait for carrousels. You whispered you would make me a day. Like no day had been in my life. * You let me feel I was turned on. You had me feel I was only one. You made me feel I was loved by the whole world. I never said that I was in love. You never held me in your arms. Never made love, we never dared to. I am just about to forget you. Once there was winter of color horizon blue. All I knew, you were there beside me. All I saw, our shadows on the path. I love you so, still I know I do. I trust you so, yet I know I do. I want you so, true like ice, true like fire. To keep my mind sharp and bright, To keep my heart cold and tight, To keep my love alone and free, I shall leave.


antique 古代的,古老的;年代久远的 In the museum we saw antique plates. 我们在博物馆看到古时的盘子. 2.古风的,古式的 3.古董的 This antique chair was made in 1750. 这把古老而珍贵的椅子是一七五○年造的. 4.陈旧的 That car is positively antique. 那辆汽车的式样确实是陈旧过时了. 名词 n. 1.古物;古董,古玩[C] Mr.Hunter is very much interested in collecting antiques. 亨特先生对收藏古董非常感兴趣. 2.古风,古式;古希腊和古罗马艺术风格[the S] ancient 形容词 a. 1.古代的 We were impressed by the ruins of an ancient building. 我们对一处古建筑废墟印象颇深. 2.古老的;古旧的,旧的 He drives an ancient car. 他开着一辆老式汽车. 3.年老的,高龄的 4.自古以来的 This is an ancient custom. 这是一个自古相传下来的习俗. 5.【口】过时的 名词 n.[C] 1.老人,年高德劭者 2.古代人[the P]

抖音古奇古琦普拉达是什么歌 Antique Gucci歌曲介绍

  抖音古奇古琦普拉达是什么歌?Gucci Gucci Prada Prada这首歌最近在抖音上很火,下面我就为玩家带来抖音Antique Gucci歌曲介绍,一起来看看吧。   抖音Antique Gucci歌曲介绍   抖音karma is bitch是什么歌 抖音Antique Gucci   这是抖音变装的背景音乐,就是他们扔一块布,瞬间变身成了不同的样子的那首歌的名字叫Gucci Gucci   Antique Gucci—Original Cryptex Mashup 在网易云音乐搜索电台SHUSU,里面有《AntiqueGucci—Original Cryptex Mashup》本歌曲制作所有权归SHUSU所有。   玩的人多了,也有不少人加入了其它的创意,不就是化了个妆吗?真的是变化好大啊...   这个真的很帅有没有,甩一张布,画一个妆,捣腾一下自己,立马就变成了另外一个人,真的好神奇,非常叼的易容术了。   这样也是充分的说明了没有丑女人只有懒女人,当然男人也是同理的。   这个里面不仅有女孩的变装,也有男生的变装,非常厉害的,不是广告啊,建议大家都可以去看看,真的还蛮好玩的,这个背景音乐也是非常酷了。   Gucci Gucci歌词   One big room full of bad bitches x4   一个大屋子 里面满是坏妞   And we stunting like   我们要炫就要选   Gucci Gucci, Louis Louis, Fendi Fendi, Prada   古驰古驰 路易路易威登 芬迪芬迪 普拉达   (The)Basic bitches wear that shit so I don"t even bother x3   庸俗女孩穿的垃圾 我甚至都不屑去讨厌它   I put that on my partner, I put that on my family   我带上我的搭档 我带上我的帮派   Oakland city representer, address me as your majesty   我代表了奥克兰城 请叫我女皇殿下   Yeah ,you can kiss the ring, but you can never touch the crown   yeah 你们可以亲吻我的戒子 但别想触碰我的皇冠   I smoke a million Swisher blunts and I ain"t never coming down   我要抽就抽上百万的Swisher(Swisher sweets雪茄牌子 blunts钝毒<大麻制品>)   所以我永远不会降低我(姿态)   Bitch you ain"t no Barbie I see you work at Arby"s   坏妞你根本就不是什么芭比,我见你在快餐店工作   Number 2, super-sized Hurry up I"m starving   2号套餐 超大份 快一点 我可非常饿   Gnarly, radical, on the block I"m magical   呱呱叫的我(Gnarly美国俚语:好的,呱呱叫的) 激进的我 在街头的我魔力十足   See me at your college campus baggie full of Adderalls   我来到你们大学校园 包里满是“聪明药”   Call me if you need a fix, call me if you need a boost   如果你想要货(Fix美国俚语:如海洛因)那就打给我 如果你想要来点劲那就打给我   See them other chicken heads? They don"t never leave the coop   快看那些野鸡 她们怎么离得开自己的鸡笼   I"m in the coupe cruising, I got the stolen plates   我现在开豪车去兜风 我的车牌还是偷来的   Serving all the fiends over there by the Golden Gate   给那些在金门大桥的瘾君子们供货   Bridge, I"m colder than the fridge and the freezer   我要比冰箱或者是冰窖还要冷酷   I"m snatching all your bitches at my leisure   我会抢走你所有马子在我闲着无聊的时候   One big room full of bad bitches x4   And we stunting like   Gucci Gucci, Louis Louis, Fendi Fendi, Prada   Basic bitches wear that shit so I don"t even bother x2   Gucci Gucci, Louis Louis, Fendi Fendi, Prada   I"m lookin like Madonna but I"m flossing like Ivana   我看起来像麦当娜 但是我的腔调像lvana(Ivana Spagna,史帕娜)   Trump, you know I keep that work in my truck   靠得住的人 你们懂我卡车里面全是货   Got my hand on the pump if you wanna press your luck   千万不要想试你的运气 因为我的手早已放在扳机上   I"m yelling "Free V-Nasty" "til my throat is raspy   我大喊着:放了我的骚姐妹V 直到我的喉咙都沙哑   Young, rich and flashy I be where the cash be   年轻 富有 炫目 哪里有钱我去到哪里   You can"t find that? I think you need a Google Map   你找不到它在哪? 我觉得你需要谷歌地图   My pearl-handled kitty-cat will leave and press your noodle back   我那镶满钻石的小强会在你脑瓜上来一枪   Now Google that groupies follow me like Twitter   谷歌搜索以下我 那些追星族都跟着我 就像是推特   I"m rolling up my catnip and shitting in your litter   我用猫薄荷卷点烟 再往你的垃圾箱里拉点屎   Why you looking bitter? I be looking better   为什么你看上去那么苦逼?而我却越来越酷   The type of bitch that make you wish that you ain"t never met her   我这样的女孩你们这群坏妞绝对不希望遇到   The editor, director plus I"m my own boss   我自己制作 自己导演 我自己是自己的老板   So posh, nails fierce with the gold gloss   辣妹,指甲闪耀着金色的光泽   Which means nobody getting over me   意义在于没人能够超越我的存在   I got the swag and it"s pumping out my ovaries   我的腔调十足 甚至充满我的卵巢   One big room full of bad bitches x4   And we stunting like   Gucci Gucci, Louis Louis, Fendi Fendi, Prada   Basic bitches wear that shit so I don"t even bother x2   Oh, all you basic ass hoes out there   oh 你们这些庸俗的坏妞   Man I got rooms full of bad bitches   我有满屋子的浪妞   They don"t need Gucci, they don"t need Louis   她们根本不需要古驰 不需要路易威登   We wagging, ehh, meow   我们有的只是腔调(我们摇起来)

antique white是什么意思

antique white仿古白双语例句1The characteristic style doors overlaid antique white oak PVC, arewarm and simple.特色门板边型吸附仿古白橡木PVC,柔和且淳朴的。2In the quadrangles, both valuable antique furniture, antique furnitureand the work makes their exquisite production processes will naturallyadd the white bar Guyun.在四合院中,不论是价值不菲的古董家具,还是做工考究的仿古家具,它们精美的制作工艺自然会使居室飘出淡淡的古韵。




从词义上可以理解的historical 我之前讲过 可以查我以前的回复后者 着重 文物古董类的 如杯子 手镯等


antique 一般指东西陈旧,做名词的时候意思是古董antiquated 一般指思想守旧




antique 可以作为名词,古董,也可以作为形容词,古老的还可以作为动词来用curio 只是名词, 古董


adj. 古时制造的, 古董的 This is an antique chair. 这是一张古旧的椅子。 古代的 n. 古玩, 古董, 古物








antique n. 古董,古玩,古物 adj. 古代的,古董的antiquity n. 古代,高龄,古物总的来讲:1,antique可作形容词,而antiquity则不行2,当两者都作名词时,antique多指小一些的古物,古董,可以收藏的那种,antiquity嘛有时可以作古物,古迹,但是很少,其含义一般都为古代,这个可以根据语境判断。


antique 基本解释 形容词古老的,古代的; 过时的,古董的; 古时制造的; 古风的 名词古玩,古董; 古风,古希腊和古罗马艺术风格 动词仿古制作。变化形式:复数 antiques第三人称单数 antiques过去式 antiqued过去分词 antiqued现在分词 antiquing易混淆的单词 Antique例句:Trading antique and collector cars keeps him busy .古董交易和汽车收藏令他乐此不疲。Some of the furniture pieces were purchased from antique shops .一些家具上的摆设是从古董商店买来的。So , when is the best time to sell an antique ?那么,什么时候才是出售古董的最佳时机呢?So does antique looking 1982 lafite served at super expensive restaurants .在价格极其高昂的餐厅里出售古董级的1982年拉菲酒,也是如此。Now the two antique dams are being dismantled-the largest and most ambitious undertaking of its kind in u.s. history .现在,作为美国历史上范围和规模最大的同类工程,这两座古老的水坝正被移除。


  adj.   1.旧式的,陈旧的   2.过时的   可数名词:   1.古董,古玩,文物   2.老式家具(或银器)   词形变化   副词   antiquely   名称   antiqueness   时态   antiqued,antiquing,antiques   单词分析   ancient指很久以前发生或存在的事物。用于描述历史时,指远古时代。   old指长期以来一直存在着的事物,与times连用指古代,与days连用时指从前或旧社会。   antique指已经很古老或颇有古风的事物,一般都具有较高价值。   英语解释   out of fashion   an elderly man   belonging to or lasting from times long ago   made in or typical of earlier times and valued for its age   give an antique appearance to   shop for antiques   any piece of furniture or decorative object or the like produced in a former period and valuable because of its beauty or rarity