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the anglo-saxons,the English Civil War,the formation of the UK government名词解释怎么做

The Anglo-Saxons were a people who inhabited Great Britain from the 5th century. They included people from Germanic tribes who migrated to the island from continental Europe, and their descendants; as well as indigenous British groups who adopted some aspects of Anglo-Saxon culture and language. The Anglo-Saxon period denotes the period of British history between about 450 and 1066.the English Civil War (1642–1651) was a series of armed conflicts and political machinations between Parliamentarians (Roundheads) and Royalists (Cavaliers) in the Kingdom of England over, principally, the manner of its government.the formation of the UK government: the monarch appoint s a Prime Minister asthe head of her Majesty"s Government. The Prime Minister selects the other Minister which make up the Government and act as political heads of the various Government Departments. Twenty of the most senior government minister make up the Cabinet. In total, there are about 100 ministers that comprise the government. In accordance with constitutional convention, all ministers within the government are either members of Parliament or peers in the House of Lords.

名词解释题:Anglo-saxon Invasion , Civil Service (U,k.)

Anglo-saxon Invasion:安格鲁萨克逊侵略 - 公元五世纪欧洲大陆的两个民族(现德国)入侵英国,是现在英国人的祖先Civil Service:前面提过

The men and women of Anglo England normally bore

这个bore是bear的过去式,在这儿意思是"to have a particular name"有(某个名称)。

如何解释Anglo-Saxon Invasion


英语单词avow查其词源写道:“Middle English ,from.Anglo-French

avow有三个词源:1. Middle English avowen 中古英语 avowen2. from Old French avouer 源自 古法语 avouer3. from Latin advocare [to call upon] * see advocate 源自 拉丁语 advocare [拜访] *参见 advocate





谁能用英文介绍一下Anglo Saxon民族的文化?

History:When Rome was weakening early in the fifth century c.e., troops in the outlying regions, including the British Isles, were withdrawn. Walls, roads, and baths remain even now. They also left the native Celts and Celtic-speaking Britons somewhat christianized, and Picts and Scots in the north, but "political" power fell to unstable tribal units. One of these leaders, Vortigern, "invited" Angles, Saxons, and Jutes to join his military power, so the land saw a swell of invasions by Jutes -- a germanic tribe from Denmark -- in 449, followed soon by Angles and Saxons. (The current name originates as "Angle-Land.") These hordes settled in and pushed the Celts into Cornwall, Wales, Ireland, and to the north. King Arthur grew from legends of one Celtic chieftain who held out better than most. The Anglo-Saxon social structure consisted of tribal units led by chieftains ("kings," or "lords") who, theortetically at least, earned their respect from their warriors (or "retainers," or "thanes," the group being called a "comitatus"). Kings should display the heroic ideal and be known for an extraordinary and courageous feat or for success in war, all preceded by some boasting. The king must be a generous "ring-giver" too -- that is, he must dish out the spoils of war to his thanes rather than hoard the treasures won in tribal warfare (a practice that has survived in diluted form, says Tom Garbaty, with the Queen giving medals to the Beatles and such). These weapons and treasures are important too. The craftsmanship is always elaborate and stories accrue about each ding. Although theoretically the thanes freely agreed to join a king, it was nevertheless vital for one"s sense of self to be part of a tribe. The thane shouldn"t survive the king, and the worst fate for these people was to be exiled or to outlast all one"s fellow warriors. The sense of identity came from the warrior community. Fighting was a way of life, and not to avenge the death of a family member was a social disgrace, so endlessly intricate blood-feuds generated perpetual excuses for going to war. The two alternatives for ending a blood-feud were 1) paying "wergild" -- the man price, or 2) arranging a marriage. Women were known as "cup-bearers" (because they served the mead) and "peace-weavers" (because of this function whereby feuds could be ended). But none of this really ever worked. The germanic tribes hated peace; fighting was more honorable. Occasionally some tribes temporarily grouped together for a larger war task, or against Viking invaders, but there was no national unity or any Round Table in these early years. Alfred the Great and Athelstan made names for themselves as successful against the Norse. In 597 St. Augustine was sent by Pope Gregory the Great (Mr. Chant) to convert the Anglo-Saxons. Writing came in only with Christianity, and the Latin alphabet ousted the crude germanic runes. In general, churchmen were anxious to eliminate pagan stories, so Beowulf is quite unusual. Edwin, King of Northumbria, converted to Christianity in 627. Laws started to be written. The Venerable Bede"s Ecclesiastical History of the English People emerges in 731. Alfred the Great in the late 800s united the tribes somewhat successfully against the Norse and was a patron of literature -- a political maneuver, since language and literature help form a national identity. Latin works were translated into Old English, including Bede; the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles were begun (and lasted to the mid-12th century); and works were preserved through copyings (such as Beowulf). Language and Style:Old English is not uniform. It consists of various dialects, but literature needs to treat it as a language. We get our syntax from the Anglo-Saxons, our preference for and greater ease with nouns, the tendencies to simplify grammar and shorten words, and the "law of recessive accent" -- the tendency to place the accent on the first syllable and to slur over subsequent syllables. (Later words adopted from outside illustrate: "quantité" is anglicanized to "quántity"; "contraire" to "contrary.") The Anglo-Saxon gods lend their names to days of the week: Tuesday from Tiw, the dark god; Wednesday from Woden, the war god; Thursday from Thor, the thunder god; Friday from Frigga, goddess of the home. Most Anglo-Saxon poetry emerges from an oral tradition and was meant for mead-hall entertainment. Scops (the poets) and Gleemen (harpists) sung or recited and were the only historians of the time. The poetic structure was based on accent and alliteration (not rhyme and meter), and made use of stock formulae. Epithets were useful for alliteration, so God could be called "Weard" (guardian) or "Meatod" (measurer) or "Wuldor-Faeder" (glory-father) or "Drihten" (lord) or "Scyppend" (creator) or "Frea" (master), etc. A king could be a "ring-giver" or a "noble lord" or a "righteous guardian." A phrase replaces a simpler name. Appositions show up as several epithets in a row, and we"re even more top-heavy with noun-phrases. Kennings were poetic phrases consisting of compound metaphors. The sea could be called "the swan"s road" or "the whale"s way." As mentioned above, women were "cup-bearers" or "peace-weavers." Litotes refers to ironic understatement, another apparent favorite trope of the Anglo-Saxons in which the affirmative is expressed by the negation of its contrary. "Not easily did I come through it with my life."

The Anglo-Saxon Period什么意思

盎格鲁—撒克逊时代(Anglo-Saxon Period)

请问关于anglo saxon的的历史是什么

日耳曼民族的一支,公元五世纪左右跨过英吉利海峡进入英国。格鲁-撒克逊王国的基督教化从约西元600年开始,并实质上于八世纪中叶完成。整个七世纪到八世纪,较大的王国之间互相争夺权力。根据毕德的纪录,肯特王国的艾特尔伯特于六世纪末掌握统治权,但权力后北移至诺森布理亚。"麦西亚霸权"(Mercian Supremacy)于八世纪统治,但还是没有延续下去。肯特国王艾特尔鲍尔德和麦西亚国王奥发两位最强大的国王,达到最高统治地位。这个时期被形容为七国时代(Heptarchy),但这名词现今于学术上已不使用。这个词汇建立在南不列颠主要七国-肯特(Kent)、萨西克斯(南撒克逊,Sussex)、韦塞克斯(西撒克逊,Wessex)、艾塞克斯(东撒克逊,Essex)、诺森布里亚(Northumbria)、东盎格利亚(East Anglia)和麦西亚(Mercia)的基础上。越来越多的学术研究显示其他几个王国也在此时期占有重要地位,包括:赫威赛(Hwicce)、麦肯赛特(Magonsaete)、林赛(Lindsey)和中盎格利亚。 丹人入侵  九世纪,维京人的侵扰成为一个重大的问题。在阿佛列大帝即位的871年之际,七王国仅有韦塞克斯维持独立状态,阿佛列大帝先于878年在埃丁顿大败丹麦人,886年又攻下了伦敦,迫使入侵者与其签订和约,以彻斯特-伦敦为界,以东为丹麦治区,以西则属英格兰王国。在随后的半世纪内,阿佛列大帝的后继者不断征战,逐步收回失土,直到954年将丹麦治区完全收回。   九世纪的重大发展在于韦塞克斯王国的兴起,在阿佛列统治的末期,他被南方其他王国推举为最高君主。艾塞斯坦是第一位达成直接统治现今英格兰地区的国王。   在十世纪末,斯堪地那维亚人重新对英格兰产生兴趣,丹麦的斯韦恩于1013年入侵英格兰,当时的韦塞克斯王无头脑埃塞烈德国王无力抵抗,遂于1016年流亡诺曼底,留下其子爱德蒙二世抵抗。虽然奋力抗战,但当他1016去世后,卡纽特大帝仍成为了英格兰的统治者,且有不错的治迹。1035年卡纽特大帝去世后,其子Harold、Harthacunt相继成为英格兰的统治者,但他们的统治并不长久。1042年,流亡在诺曼地的忏悔者爱德华重回英格兰,英格兰王位又回到韦塞克斯王室之手。

anglo indian 什么意思

1、Chee-chee (Anglo—Indian dialect) (央格鲁——印度语方言)2、在中国名字中 奇将会被翻译成Chee

Anglo-American School of Moscow 是莫斯科什么学校

非要翻译成中文的话只好是 莫斯科英美学校其实还是不翻译比较好Anglo-Saxon——盎格鲁撒克逊 指代英国人种




盎格鲁-撒克逊人,是古代日耳曼人的部落分支,原居北欧日德兰半岛、丹麦诸岛和德国西北沿海一带。公元450年,盎格鲁、撒克逊两个部落大举移民大不列颠岛,此后两部落逐渐融合为盎格鲁-撒克逊人。通过征服、同化,盎格鲁·撒克逊人与大不列颠岛的“土著人”(克尔特人),再加上后来移民的“丹人”、“诺曼人”经长时期融合,才形成近代意义上的英吉利人(包括苏格兰人)。人类学上指不列颠祖先的分类:盎格鲁-撒克逊族(Anglo-Saxon),盎格鲁(Angles) 和撒克逊(Saxons)两个民族结合的民族(大部分英国人是盎格鲁-撒克逊人后裔)。

SACU(Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding)是什么意思?



WASP 纯种的盎格鲁撒克逊血统的美国人

翻译For Anglo American the opportunity to get their hands on some more has proved too much to

For Anglo American the opportunity to get their hands on some more has proved too much to resist对于英美来说,获得更多机会的机会已经被证明太多了

名词解释题:Anglo-saxon Invasion ,Civil Service (U,k.)

Anglo-saxon Invasion:安格鲁萨克逊侵略 - 公元五世纪欧洲大陆的两个民族(现德国)入侵英国,是现在英国人的祖先 Civil Service:前面提过

请问关于anglo saxon的的历史是什么

日耳曼民族的一支,公元五世纪左右跨过英吉利海峡进入英国. 格鲁-撒克逊王国的基督教化从约西元600年开始,并实质上于八世纪中叶完成.整个七世纪到八世纪,较大的王国之间互相争夺权力.根据毕德的纪录,肯特王国的艾特尔伯特于六世纪末掌握统治权,但权力后北移至诺森布理亚."麦西亚霸权"(Mercian Supremacy)于八世纪统治,但还是没有延续下去.肯特国王艾特尔鲍尔德和麦西亚国王奥发两位最强大的国王,达到最高统治地位.这个时期被形容为七国时代(Heptarchy),但这名词现今于学术上已不使用.这个词汇建立在南不列颠主要七国-肯特(Kent)、萨西克斯(南撒克逊,Sussex)、韦塞克斯(西撒克逊,Wessex)、艾塞克斯(东撒克逊,Essex)、诺森布里亚(Northumbria)、东盎格利亚(East Anglia)和麦西亚(Mercia)的基础上.越来越多的学术研究显示其他几个王国也在此时期占有重要地位,包括:赫威赛(Hwicce)、麦肯赛特(Magonsaete)、林赛(Lindsey)和中盎格利亚. 丹人入侵  九世纪,维京人的侵扰成为一个重大的问题.在阿佛列大帝即位的871年之际,七王国仅有韦塞克斯维持独立状态,阿佛列大帝先于878年在埃丁顿大败丹麦人,886年又攻下了伦敦,迫使入侵者与其签订和约,以彻斯特-伦敦为界,以东为丹麦治区,以西则属英格兰王国.在随后的半世纪内,阿佛列大帝的后继者不断征战,逐步收回失土,直到954年将丹麦治区完全收回.   九世纪的重大发展在于韦塞克斯王国的兴起,在阿佛列统治的末期,他被南方其他王国推举为最高君主.艾塞斯坦是第一位达成直接统治现今英格兰地区的国王.   在十世纪末,斯堪地那维亚人重新对英格兰产生兴趣,丹麦的斯韦恩于1013年入侵英格兰,当时的韦塞克斯王无头脑埃塞烈德国王无力抵抗,遂于1016年流亡诺曼底,留下其子爱德蒙二世抵抗.虽然奋力抗战,但当他1016去世后,卡纽特大帝仍成为了英格兰的统治者,且有不错的治迹.1035年卡纽特大帝去世后,其子Harold、Harthacunt相继成为英格兰的统治者,但他们的统治并不长久.1042年,流亡在诺曼地的忏悔者爱德华重回英格兰,英格兰王位又回到韦塞克斯王室之手.


Anglo-Saxons, name given to the Germanic-speaking peoples who settled in England after the decline of Roman rule there. They were first invited by the Celtic King Vortigern, who needed help fighting the Picts and Scots. The Angles (Lat. Angli), who are mentioned in Tacitus" Germania, seem to have come from what is now Schleswig in the later decades of the 5th cent. Their settlements in the eastern, central, and northern portions of the country were the foundations for the later kingdoms known as East Anglia, Mercia, and Northumbria. The Saxons, a Germanic tribe who had been continental neighbors of the Angles, also settled in England in the late 5th cent. after earlier marauding forays there. The later kingdoms of Sussex, Wessex, and Essex were the outgrowths of their settlements. The Jutes, a tribe about whom very little is known except that they probably came from the area around the mouths of the Rhine, settled in Kent (see Kent, kingdom of) and the Isle of Wight. The Anglo-Saxons eventually formed seven separate kingdoms known as the heptarchy. The term “Anglo-Saxons” was first used in Continental Latin sources to distinguish the Saxons in England from those on the Continent, but it soon came to mean simply the “English.” The more specific use of the term to denote the non-Celtic settlers of England prior to the Norman Conquest dates from the 16th cent. In more modern times it has also been used to denote any of the people (or their descendants) of the British Isles.


Anglo-Saxons盎格鲁-撒克逊人双语对照词典结果:Anglo-Saxonsn.盎格鲁-撒克逊人( Anglo-Saxon的名词复数 ); 盎格鲁-撒克逊语; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.After the withdrawal of the romans, northern europe, the anglo-saxons, jutes have been invaded and settlers. 罗马人撤走后,欧洲北部的盎格鲁人、萨克逊人、朱特人相继入侵并定居。


Countries and Regions 国家或地区 国际域名缩写 电话代码 时差 Angola 安哥拉 AO 244 -7 Afghanistan 阿富汗 AF 93 0 Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 AL 355 -7 Algeria 阿尔及利亚 DZ 213 -8 Andorra 安道尔共和国 AD 376 -8 Anguilla 安圭拉岛 AI 1264 -12 Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布达 AG 1268 -12 Argentina 阿根廷 AR 54 -11 Armenia 亚美尼亚 AM 374 -6 Ascension 阿森松 247 -8 Australia 澳大利亚 AU 61 +2 Austria 奥地利 AT 43 -7 Azerbaijan 阿塞拜疆 AZ 994 -5 Bahamas 巴哈马 BS 1242 -13 Bahrain 巴林 BH 973 -5 Bangladesh 孟加拉国 BD 880 -2 Barbados 巴巴多斯 BB 1246 -12 Belarus 白俄罗斯 BY 375 -6 Belgium 比利时 BE 32 -7 Belize 伯利兹 BZ 501 -14 Benin 贝宁 BJ 229 -7 Bermuda Is. 百慕大群岛 BM 1441 -12 Bolivia 玻利维亚 BO 591 -12 Botswana 博茨瓦纳 BW 267 -6 Brazil 巴西 BR 55 -11 Brunei 文莱 BN 673 0 Bulgaria 保加利亚 BG 359 -6 Burkina-faso 布基纳法索 BF 226 -8 Burma 缅甸 MM 95 -1.3 Burundi 布隆迪 BI 257 -6 Cameroon 喀麦隆 CM 237 -7 Canada 加拿大 CA 1 -13 Cayman Is. 开曼群岛 1345 -13 Central African Republic 中非共和国 CF 236 -7 Chad 乍得 TD 235 -7 Chile 智利 CL 56 -13 China 中国 CN 86 0 Colombia 哥伦比亚 CO 57 0 Congo 刚果 CG 242 -7 Cook Is. 库克群岛 CK 682 -18.3 Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加 CR 506 -14 Cuba 古巴 CU 53 -13 Cyprus 塞浦路斯 CY 357 -6 Czech Republic 捷克 CZ 420 -7 Denmark 丹麦 DK 45 -7 Djibouti 吉布提 DJ 253 -5 Dominica Rep. 多米尼加共和国 DO 1890 -13 Ecuador 厄瓜多尔 EC 593 -13 Egypt 埃及 EG 20 -6 EI Salvador 萨尔瓦多 SV 503 -14 Estonia 爱沙尼亚 EE 372 -5 Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚 ET 251 -5 Fiji 斐济 FJ 679 +4 Finland 芬兰 FI 358 -6 France 法国 FR 33 -8 French Guiana 法属圭亚那 GF 594 -12 Gabon 加蓬 GA 241 -7 Gambia 冈比亚 GM 220 -8 Georgia 格鲁吉亚 GE 995 0 Germany 德国 DE 49 -7 Ghana 加纳 GH 233 -8 Gibraltar 直布罗陀 GI 350 -8 Greece 希腊 GR 30 -6 Grenada 格林纳达 GD 1809 -14 Guam 关岛 GU 1671 +2 Guatemala 危地马拉 GT 502 -14 Guinea 几内亚 GN 224 -8 Guyana 圭亚那 GY 592 -11 Haiti 海地 HT 509 -13 Honduras 洪都拉斯 HN 504 -14 Hongkong 香港 HK 852 0 Hungary 匈牙利 HU 36 -7 Iceland 冰岛 IS 354 -9。望采纳谢谢!


Anglo-Saxons, name given to the Germanic-speaking peoples who settled in England after the decline of Roman rule there. They were first invited by the Celtic King Vortigern, who needed help fighting the Picts and Scots. The Angles (Lat. Angli), who are mentioned in Tacitus" Germania, seem to have come from what is now Schleswig in the later decades of the 5th cent. Their settlements in the eastern, central, and northern portions of the country were the foundations for the later kingdoms known as East Anglia, Mercia, and Northumbria. The Saxons, a Germanic tribe who had been continental neighbors of the Angles, also settled in England in the late 5th cent. after earlier marauding forays there. The later kingdoms of Sussex, Wessex, and Essex were the outgrowths of their settlements. The Jutes, a tribe about whom very little is known except that they probably came from the area around the mouths of the Rhine, settled in Kent (see Kent, kingdom of) and the Isle of Wight. The Anglo-Saxons eventually formed seven separate kingdoms known as the heptarchy. The term “Anglo-Saxons” was first used in Continental Latin sources to distinguish the Saxons in England from those on the Continent, but it soon came to mean simply the “English.” The more specific use of the term to denote the non-Celtic settlers of England prior to the Norman Conquest dates from the 16th cent. In more modern times it has also been used to denote any of the people (or their descendants) of the British Isles


American Indiansn.美国印地安人( American Indian的名词复数 ); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.They often give information about their subject--such as famous writers or american indians or flower gardens. 它们经常会给出和主题相关的信息,如著名作家、美洲印第安人或花园。







