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an over-demanding child中“over-demanding”是什么意思


demand schedule需求表是什么


demand program 什么意思

demand program 需求计划双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 需求计划例句:1.Upgrades will be offered for the duration of the Troop Greetings On Demand program.2.These ads also telescope directly into the Hotel Deals On Demand program.

Demanding career怎么翻译

Demanding career 全部释义和例句>>职业生涯求采纳祝您新春快乐


  He wanted to resign because the boss is very picky, has been satisfied with his work.


光标样式CURSOR: hand,就是光标变成一个小手的样子,就好像鼠标移动到一个网页链接上的效果。一般用在链接或者图片上,或者div上

demanding post是什么意思

  demanding post的中文翻译  demanding post  要求后  双语例句  1  I would also like to convey my gratitude to your predecessors in this demanding post, who have shown remarkable devotion to the work of the Conference.  我还愿意向您在这一要求很高的职位上的前任表示感谢,他们十分出色地献身于裁谈会的工作。  2  Before they get to that, there"s another hitch: Finland and some others are demanding that Greece post collateral in exchange for continued rescue lending.  但在此之前还有一道障碍:芬兰和其它一些国家要求希腊提供抵押品以换取持续的援助贷款。



demanding jobs 是什么意思


django cursor = connection.cursor是干什么用的

CursorLocation 属性 (ADO) 设置或返回游标引擎的位置。 设置和返回值 设置或返回可设置为以下某个常量的长整型值。 常量 说明 adUseNone 没有使用游标服务。(该常量已过时并且只为了向后兼容才出现)。


与for 连用

demanding 什么意思?

过分要求的, 苛求的









savannabeige 是什么意思?


nginx 为什么会出现301 Moved Permanently


we are short of time and money缺少吗?

是的,be short of,缺少。我们缺少时间和金钱。

TPO 31 阅读第3篇 第5题According to paragraph 3, all of the following are true of savanna ...为什么

本题对应原文第三段关于 savanna soil 的特点, B 项对应 “while aluminum levels are high”, C 项对应“with a high acidity”, D 项对应“oxisols (dominated by certain oxide minerals)” ,都符合原意。 A 项 potassium 与原文 “low concentrations …potassium”描述相反,故正确答案是 A 。


光标样式CURSOR: hand,就是光标变成一个小手的样子,就好像鼠标移动到一个网页链接上的效果。一般用在链接或者图片上,或者div上

17岁加拿大模特savanna blade拍的是什么游戏


We are short of time and money是什么意思




有一首英文歌里面有这么一句the lion king ofthe savanna,求这是什么歌




我第一次玩使命召唤4的多人游戏。一进去就是 you are permanently banned


浩方玩使命召唤5出现you are permanently banned from this server


我的世界 神奇宝贝模组 savanna地形刷什么神兽

梦幻召唤指令/pokespawn mew这个是普通梦幻闪光超梦是:/pokespawn mew s再加五个空格。 超梦召唤指令:Mewtwo 三神兽召唤~~~来啦。固拉多:/pokespawn Groudon。 裂空座:/pokespawn Rayquaza /pokespawn Kyogre 索罗亚克:pokespawn Zoroark 个人觉得他的招:黑夜爆裂和街头试刀很厉害,很实用~~ 喷火龙:pokespawn Charizard 水箭龟:pokespawn Blastoise 妙蛙种子:pokespawn Bulbasaur 九尾:pokespawn Ninetales 这只骑起来很帅的~~~ 嘎啦嘎啦:pokespawn Marowak这个还可以的~~~ 暴蝾螈:pokespawn Salamence 这只很厉害也很帅建议试试哦 烈焰猴:pokespawn Infernape 帝王拿波:pokespawn Empoleon 叶精灵:pokespawn Leafeon 太阳精灵:pokespawn Espeon 月精灵:pokespawn Umbreon 大钢蛇:pokespawn Steelix 萌萌哒幸福蛋:pokespawn Blissey 蜥蜴王:pokespawn Sceptile 火焰鸡:pokespawn Blaziken 波士可多拉:pokespawn Aggron 可爱的负电拍拍:pokespawn Minun 巨牙鲨:pokespawn Sharpedo

accept this certificate permanently是什么意思


美服LOL登录提示,关于账号permanently suspended,急!



movedpermanentiymoved permanently,永久移动

Android Cursor(光标)解析

SQLiteDatabase db = dataBaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("select *from User",null); 1.光标的行数:int getCount() 2.当前光标的位置:int getPosition() 返回的值从零开始, 当第一次返回行集时游标将位于位置 -1,即第一行之前。在返回最后一行之后,对 next() 的另一个调用将使光标离开最后一个条目,位于 count() 的位置。 3.从当前位置应用的偏移量:boolean move(int offset) 将光标从当前位置向前或向后移动一个相对量。 正偏移向前移动,负偏移向后移动。 如果最终位置在结果集的边界之外,则结果位置将分别固定为 -1 或 count(),具体取决于该值是在集合的前端还是末尾。如果请求的目的地可达,此方法将返回 true,否则返回 false。 4.将光标移动到绝对位置:boolean moveToPosition(int position) 值的有效范围是 -1 <= 位置 <= 计数。如果请求目的地可达,此方法将返回 true,否则返回 false。 5.将光标移动到第一行:boolean moveToFirst() 6.将光标移动到最后一行:boolean moveToLast() 7.将光标移动到下一行:boolean moveToNext() 8.将光标移动到上一行:boolean moveToPrevious() 9.返回光标是否指向第一行:boolean isFirst() 10.返回光标是否指向最后一行:boolean isLast() 11.返回光标是否指向第一行之前的位置:boolean isBeforeFirst() 12.返回光标是否指向最后一行之后的位置:boolean isAfterLast() 13.给定列名的从零开始的列索引,如果列名不存在,则返回 -1:int getColumnIndex(String columnName) 14.给定列名的从零开始的索引,如果该列不存在则抛出非法参数异常:int getColumnIndexOrThrow(String columnName) throws IllegalArgumentException 15.给定的从零开始的列索引处的列名:String getColumnName(int columnIndex) 16.返回一个字符串数组,其中按列在结果中的顺序保存结果集中所有列的名称。:String[] getColumnNames() 17.返回总列数:int getColumnCount() 18.各类型返回值 (1)以字节数组的形式返回请求列的值:byte[] getBlob(int columnIndex) (2)以字符串形式返回请求列的值:String getString(int columnIndex) (3)以整数形式返回请求列的值:int getInt(int columnIndex) (4)以 long 形式返回请求列的值:long getLong(int columnIndex) (5)以浮点数形式返回请求列的值:float getFloat(int columnIndex) (6)以双精度形式返回请求列的值:double getDouble(int columnIndex) (7)返回给定列值的数据类型:int getType(int columnIndex) (8)列值是否为空:boolean isNull(int columnIndex) (9)以短形式返回请求列的值:short getShort(int columnIndex) 19.检索请求的列文本并将其存储在提供的缓冲区中:void copyStringToBuffer(int columnIndex, CharArrayBuffer buffer) 20.关闭游标:void close() 21.游标是否关闭:boolean isClosed() 22.注册一个观察者,当支持此游标的内容发生变化时调用该观察者:void registerContentObserver(ContentObserver observer) 23.销毁注册的观察者:void unregisterContentObserver(ContentObserver observer) 24.注册一个观察者,当数据集的内容发生变化时被调用:void registerDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver observer) 25.销毁注册的观察者:void unregisterDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver observer) 26.注册以查看内容 URI 的更改。这可以是特定数据行的 URI,也可以是内容类型的通用URI:void setNotificationUri(ContentResolver cr, Uri uri) cr是上下文,uri是需要观看的内容 27.是否所有光标移动都应导致调用 onMove():boolean getWantsAllOnMoveCalls() 只有在此方法返回 true 时,才会跨进程调用 onMove() 28.返回一组额外的值:Bundle getExtras() 29.光标用户与光标通信的带外方式:Bundle respond(Bundle extras) 30.设置 Bundle 返回的getExtras():void setExtras(Bundle extras)

http/1.1 301 moved permanently

Subversion 出现 301 Moved Permanently 的解决方法 会出现这个讯息的原因,通常就是 Subversion 的 Repository 目录放在 apache 设定的文件根目录里面。先打开 apache 的 httpd.conf 看看 DocumentRoot 设在哪里:DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"再看看 SVNPath 或 SVNParentPath 设的目录是不是一样?<Location /svn>DAV svnSVNParentPath /var/www/html/svn</Location>如果一样,就必需把 svn 目录搬到其它地方,如 /usr/local/svn然后再把 httpd.conf 改为:<Location /svn>DAV svnSVNParentPath /usr/local/svn</Location>再重新启动 apache ,结果就会正常了。

我的电脑总是弹出“HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently ”

一般是中毒或者木马了,遭劫持了,你可以杀下毒,这里有个参考:Subversion 出现 301 Moved Permanently 的解决方法 会出现这个讯息的原因,通常就是 Subversion 的 Repository 目录放在 apache 设定的文件根目录里面。先打开 apache 的 httpd.conf 看看 DocumentRoot 设在哪里:DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"再看看 SVNPath 或 SVNParentPath 设的目录是不是一样?<Location /svn>DAV svnSVNParentPath /var/www/html/svn</Location>如果一样,就必需把 svn 目录搬到其它地方,如 /usr/local/svn然后再把 httpd.conf 改为:<Location /svn>DAV svnSVNParentPath /usr/local/svn</Location>再重新启动 apache ,结果就会正常了。

新QQ在手机设置密码时上的301Moved Permanently是什么意思


求歌词里有i just want to you know(大概是这样的吧)

符合你要求的: 看下歌词是不是。 歌曲:i want you to know 歌手:jones donell 专辑:my heart i want you to know 歌手:jones donell 专辑:my heart (Verse 1) I want you to know You"re the best thing that came into my life You make me feel so right You"ve opened my eyes A new world for me to see what we could be I don"t wanna be lonely Baby, you know, yeah... I would give anything just to be with you Sacrificd my life to make your dreams come true You gave my heart a brand new start we"ll never part I wanna be where you are Jones Donell(Chorus) I want you to know That I could give you love I want you to know That I am promising you the world I want you to know That I love you so No one can take your love away from me (Verse 2) I want you to see I can be all the man you"ll ever need I think of you only Your future with me I don"t wanna be lonely Baby, you know, yeah... I would give anything just to be with you Sacrifice my life to make your dreams come true You gave my heart a brand new start we"ll never part I wanna be where you are (Chorus) (Bridge) I can promise you, baby To save this real love you"re giving me I could never ever do you wrong Oh, no, oh, no, no... Oh, yeah, yeah... (Chorus/Vamp Out)

翻译If someone is in the United States for good,it means he is there permanently.谢谢


COD4联机出现 错误“You are permanently banned from this server”是怎么回事?

你是用作弊器要不然就是由修改器 被BAN 掉你的IP了~~

网站顶部出现 301 Moved Permanently 问题,请问如何解决?

  你好!  301 Moved Permanently-----网址跳转,重定向  要小心进到钓鱼或诈骗网站!

Can I Talk To You 歌词

歌曲名:Can I Talk To You歌手:Javier Colon专辑:Left of CenterOlivia Ong - I"ll Get Back To YouAlbum: Just For YouI can tell youI"m not gonna hideBut somewhere insideI get shy when you"re aroundCruising fellingI go up and downIn and outLand on the groundSo...What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowI can tell youIt"s more than crushCoz somewhere insideI"m gonna get you tooCruising feelingI go up and downin and outLand on the groundSo....What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowWhat is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flow

the machine is permanently activated 是什么意思诶


SVN查询log出现"offline for now, Permanently offline",怎么解决?我用的是SVN+Apache

通过tortoiseSVN无法查询log,也无法update to version,点击后出现"offline for now, Permanently offline". Google后得到如下信息:The authz file looks like this[groups][/]autobuild = rwserge = rw* = rRead access to anyoneAllthough in the svnserve.conf file we added the line “anon-access = read”, in the authz file you still have to add the line “* = r” (see last line of the file). In the file created by svnadmin when creating the repository this line siimply says “* =” which translates to everybody having no access to the root.We will eventualy setup CI in this series and will use Cruisecontrol.NET. Cruisecontrol.NET uses the log command of subversion to decide if something changed in the repository, and thus if an integration must be build. Unfortunatly, this subversion command fails with a message “Item is not readable” if you didn"t provide read access to the root for anyone in the authz file. It even fails if you logged on to subversion with an account having read/write access rights.It took me a wilhile to find this because one would think that providing read access to anonymous users and read/write access to others would be enough. However, it apparently is not sufficient. It somehow looks like logging the repsoitory history uses an anonymous account. I do not know if this is me or if it is a bug in subversion.The passwd file looks like this[users]autobuild = autobuildpwdserge = sergepwd关键在这里“如果不在authz文件中提供任何人可读权限,subversion 命令将会失败” 于是在authz文件中添加一行 *=r,至此问题解决。

电脑出现HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently ,该怎么办?

Subversion 出现 301 Moved Permanently 的解决方法 会出现这个讯息的原因,通常就是 Subversion 的 Repository 目录放在 apache 设定的文件根目录里面。先打开 apache 的 httpd.conf 看看 DocumentRoot 设在哪里:DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"再看看 SVNPath 或 SVNParentPath 设的目录是不是一样?<Location /svn>DAV svnSVNParentPath /var/www/html/svn</Location>如果一样,就必需把 svn 目录搬到其它地方,如 /usr/local/svn然后再把 httpd.conf 改为:<Location /svn>DAV svnSVNParentPath /usr/local/svn</Location>再重新启动 apache ,结果就会正常了。





修改QQ密码时 出现301 Moved Permanently是什么意思



  车辆名称:Savanna(防弹/防火/防爆),Remmington(防火),Majestic(防火),Blade(防火)  得到要求:推入车库保存(无需破坏)  入手难度:中等  获得简介:该任务所有的赛车都是无敌车,其中Cesar开的Savanna有一些收藏价值,除了不防撞其他都防。其他4辆都只是防火的。赛车任务只要你一直保持看的见车状态,到达终点不拿第一,使得任务失败,然后所有赛车都会在码头最里面堆在一起。这个时候,Cesar开的红色Savanna和黑**lade还有蓝白色的Majestic这3辆车都可以用拳头敲车门让驾驶员下车,杀死驾驶员就能推车了(不杀也可以),距离不远,而且车轻,很好推,只要买下海滩边的房子,很容易贮存车。黄黑色的Majestic和白色Remmington的驾驶员用拳头打车也难以让他们下来,由于已经有一辆同样的Majestic了,所以重点就是Remmington,我是用枪把车打到出烟然后再威胁驾驶员才让他下来的,之后推的时候就比较危险些。另外这些车就算底朝天也不会爆炸(之后所有的赛车任务都是如此)

英语the work remain there permanently怎么翻译?




representative ; seriously ; permanently这英语用谐音怎么读?


I will fly to France tomorrow 怎么改同义句

I am going to fly to France tomorrow.

permanence 有副词吗



permanently[英]["pu025c:mu0259nu0259ntlu026a][美][u02c8pu0259mu0259nu0259ntlu026a]adv.永久地,长期不变地; 例句:1.And leaves them permanently damaged. 并且让他们永久的被损坏.2.Can you give me one reason we shouldn"t permanently revoke your parking? 能给我们一个不永久撤消你们停车资格的理由吗?

I Wanna Come Back To You 歌词

歌曲名:I Wanna Come Back To You歌手:Crystal Gayle专辑:20 Love SongsOlivia Ong - I"ll Get Back To YouAlbum: Just For YouI can tell youI"m not gonna hideBut somewhere insideI get shy when you"re aroundCruising fellingI go up and downIn and outLand on the groundSo...What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowI can tell youIt"s more than crushCoz somewhere insideI"m gonna get you tooCruising feelingI go up and downin and outLand on the groundSo....What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowWhat is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flow


permanently 英["pu025c:mu0259nu0259ntlu026a] 美[u02c8pu0259mu0259nu0259ntlu026a] adv. 永久地,长期不变地; [例句]On paper, I am the healthiest man alive, yet I feel permanently unwell.理论上,我是活着的最健康的人,但是我总感觉不舒服。


permanently[英]["pu025c:mu0259nu0259ntlu026a][美][u02c8pu0259mu0259nu0259ntlu026a]adv.永久地,长期不变地; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.People who I believe can fix my charges permanently. 我相信他能永久地撤消对我的指控。2.Banks say they"ve permanently abandoned housing risky assets in off-balance-sheet vehicles. 银行说,他们已经永远放弃了在表外工具中放入风险资产的做法

dido的thank you 的中英文歌词

  歌曲:《Thank you》  专辑:《One Step Too Far》  歌手: Dido  发行时间:2002-04-26  发行公司:SONY MUSIC  中英文对照歌词如下:  My tea"s gone cold,I"m wondering why I got out of bed at all  我的茶凉了,不明白自己为什么要起床。  the morning rain clouds up my window and I can"t see at all  清晨的乌云笼罩在窗外,我什么也看不到。  And even if I could it"d all be grey, but your picture on my wall  我看得到的只有一片灰色,但看到挂在墙上的你的照片,  it reminds me that it"s not so bad  它提醒我事情没有我想的那么糟。  it"s not so bad  真的没有那么糟!  I drank too much last night, got bills to pay  我昨晚喝的太多了,欠了人家很多钱,  my head just feels in pain  我的头好痛。  I missed the bus and there"ll be hell today  我错过了班车,看来今天又要倒霉了。  I"m late for work again  我上班又迟到了。  and even if I"m there, they"ll all imply that I might not last the day  即使我去上班,任谁都看得出我坚持不了一整天。  and then you call me and it"s not so bad  接到了你的电话,我才感觉,情况不是那么糟。  it"s not so bad and  真的没有那么糟。  I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life  想谢谢你,因为你给了我生命中最精彩的一天。  Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life  其实,有你在我身边,就是最好的。  Push the door,I"m home at last and I"m soaking through and through  推开门,我还是回家了,我被淋的全身湿透,  then you handed me a towel and all I see is you  你递给了我一条毛巾,我的视线中全是你。  and even if my house falls down now, I wouldn"t have a clue  即使这时候房子塌了,我肯定我不会有任何察觉,  because you"re near me and  因为你在我身边...  I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life  想谢谢你,因为你给了我生命中最美的一天。  Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life  其实,只要有你在我身边,任何时刻就是最美的。


savanna的意思:稀树草原中国在八九十年代开始普及英语,教学方法采用的是50年代翻译法,这种方法对英语老师的要求不高,也方便考试,符合当时的国情。缺点是教出来的英语,大多是哑巴英语。翻译法主张背单词、背语法,把英语学习碎片化,不符合英语自然习得过程,破坏了英语思维整体性,成功地将英语变成大多数人的噩梦。这种方法至今仍深深地影响着中国的英语教育。切记:背单词、背语法是学英语的最大阻碍!为什么中国人花了十几年也学不好英语,它就是罪魁祸首;为什么雅思口语,中国学生全球垫底,它就是罪魁祸首!随着新概念英语的引进,70年代的情景教学法开始盛行。这种教学法采用PPP教学模式:即Presentation(演示),Practice(练习) and Production(产出),大大提高了英语学习效率,但是缺点是文本太过陈旧,模拟过程不贴近当下生活,课堂气氛不是很成功,无法激起学习者的兴趣。最为可惜的是,很多人把《新概念英语》买回来,自己独自背诵,完全违背了这种教学方法的初衷(当然,背诵英语课本也有一定的作用)。

法国地址 rue de la mineraie 79000 France 请翻译成为中文

这个地址位于尼奥尔(Niort),是法国西部城市,普瓦图-夏朗德大区德塞夫勒省省会,是普瓦图-夏朗德大区的第三大市镇。rue de la mineraie 是南北向的一条小路,长约1300米音译:法国 尼奥尔镇 米娜黑街, 邮编: 79000意译:法国 尼奥尔镇 矿石街, 邮编 79000【这是北端朝南的街景】EBAC - Elliot Brothers Air Conditioning 埃利奥特兄弟空气调节这是一家总部位于英国达勒姆郡,生产抽湿器和冷风机的厂家。董事长John Elliot.

i wanna be with you

莫非是Akon的be with you?? 潘玮柏也有唱、、

she will go to france by air tomorrow.对吗


从以前的英语课本上读到的一些课文,求英语高手翻译,chairmanmao 是不是毛泽东呀


【急需】France 的资料 要英语的,尽量避免太多语法问题


I want to with you forever是什么意思?


急求Jean Carlu(让.卡卢)简介及作品点评


在英语中:l want to be with you


英语 I want to be with you 这里为什么是to be 具体的语法能解释下吗

因为动词不定式to后面必须接动词原形,但是with是介词,to后面不能直接接介词with,于是 中间就需要添加一个既能接在动词不定式后面的动词,后面又能接介词with.最常用的就是 be动词了其实这里还可以把be换成stay但是和be也有些不同,be动词表达的是状态,而且 意义比stay更广泛,stay只表示待者这个动作.

i want to be with you 这里be 是起什么作用为什么要加BE

因为动词不定式to后面必须接动词原形,但是with是介词,to后面不能直接接介词with,于是 中间就需要添加一个既能接在动词不定式后面的动词,后面又能接介词with.最常用的就是 be动词了其实这里还可以把be换成stay但是和be也有些不同,be动词表达的是状态,而且 意义比stay更广泛,stay只表示待者这个动作.

英语 I want to be with you 这里为什么是to be 具体的语法能解释下吗

因为动词不定式to后面必须接动词原形,但是with是介词,to后面不能直接接介词with,于是 中间就需要添加一个既能接在动词不定式后面的动词,后面又能接介词with.最常用的就是 be动词了其实这里还可以把be换成stay但是和be也有些不同,be动词表达的是状态,而且 意义比stay更广泛,stay只表示待者这个动作.

more than 170cm 是什么意思



Bang Bang演唱:Jessie JShe got a body like an hourglass,but I can give it to you all the timeShe got a booty like a Cadillac,but I can send you into overdrive (oh)(Stop and wait, wait for that, stop,hold up, swing your bat)See anybody could be bad to you,you need a good girl to blow your mind,yeahBang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)She might"ve let you hold her hand in school,but I"mma show you how to graduateNo, I don"t need to hear you talk the talk,just come and show mewhat your momma gave(Oooh yeah)(Your love gotta be baby,love but don"t say a thing)See anybody could be good to you,you need a bad girl to blow your mindBang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)It"s Myx MoscatoIt"s frizz in a bottleIt"s Nicki full throttleIt"s oh, ohSwimming in the grottoWe winning in the lottoWe dipping in the pot of blue foamKitten so goodIt"s dripping on woodGet a ride in the engine that couldGo, Batman robbin" itBang, bang, cockin" itQueen Nicki dominant, prominentIt"s me, Jessie, and AriIf they test me they sorryRide us up like a HarleyThen pull off in this FerrariIf he hanging we bangingPhone ranging, he slangingIt ain"t karaoke night but get the miccause he singingB to the A to the N to the G to the uhB to the A to the N to the G to the heySee anybody could be good to you,you need a bad girl to blow your mind(your mind)Bang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Bang, bang, bang, bang,bang, bang,Bang, bang, bang, bang,bang, bang, bangBang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)

喔喔喔喔喔喔喔 中间歌词是i can take take no boy

till the world ends

谁能教我怎么写HAIKU诗(英文)/Diamante poem

i don"t know

see anybody could good to you your mind your mind是哪首英文歌的歌词

Bang Bang演唱:Jessie JShe got a body like an hourglass,but I can give it to you all the timeShe got a booty like a Cadillac,but I can send you into overdrive (oh)(Stop and wait, wait for that, stop,hold up, swing your bat)See anybody could be bad to you,you need a good girl to blow your mind,yeahBang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)She might"ve let you hold her hand in school,but I"mma show you how to graduateNo, I don"t need to hear you talk the talk,just come and show mewhat your momma gave(Oooh yeah)(Your love gotta be baby,love but don"t say a thing)See anybody could be good to you,you need a bad girl to blow your mindBang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)It"s Myx MoscatoIt"s frizz in a bottleIt"s Nicki full throttleIt"s oh, ohSwimming in the grottoWe winning in the lottoWe dipping in the pot of blue foamKitten so goodIt"s dripping on woodGet a ride in the engine that couldGo, Batman robbin" itBang, bang, cockin" itQueen Nicki dominant, prominentIt"s me, Jessie, and AriIf they test me they sorryRide us up like a HarleyThen pull off in this FerrariIf he hanging we bangingPhone ranging, he slangingIt ain"t karaoke night but get the miccause he singingB to the A to the N to the G to the uhB to the A to the N to the G to the heySee anybody could be good to you,you need a bad girl to blow your mind(your mind)Bang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)Bang bang into the room(I know you want it)Bang bang all over you(I"ll let you have it)Bang, bang, bang, bang,bang, bang,Bang, bang, bang, bang,bang, bang, bangBang bang there goes your heart(I know you want it)Back, back seat of my car(I"ll let you have it)Wait a minute let metake you there (ah)Wait a minute tell you (ah)

l want to be with you.,中文谢谢。


Bigbang的《TONIGHT》 歌词

歌曲名:TONIGHT歌手:Bigbang专辑:LOVE and HOPE TOUR 2011「TONIGHT」作词∶G-DRAGON/藤林圣子/iNoZzi/Perry Borja作曲∶G-DRAGON/E.KNOCK歌∶BIGBANGTonight such a beautiful night sing with me now 2011 follow meBigbang bigbang we"re back again one more time sayno way no way you broke my heart then ran awayBig bang big bang don"t stop let"s play ok ok go go goI"m lookin" every way got my senses all in checkfor that someone who can take my breath away and got my backnah, never gonna diss that"s right I"m a bad boy but i"m nice, fly,steady ready rippin" and swaggin" girl(let me blow your mind)yo, you were my one and only never wanna end up lonelywhat it used to be - drama free want that for you and mebut it"s just not-not happening what I"m gonna do what"s the truth should we be waitin" for a resolution--don"t wanna cry no more目と目が合ってすぐ 感じていたよ Deja vu火がつくスピード oh-oh-oh 呼吸も出来ないくらいTonight... 君のその指で 大胆に钉付けSo tonight the party will not stop(non stop non stop)On and on we take it to the top(one more one more)ためらう心 解き放て feel more 望み通りの girl俺以外は Say no" 闻かせて 今 君のサインに Na Na Na...take my soul take my heart backnow I know what I know love has just gotten me, uh!I"m at a good place baby right nowdon"t think too much it"s simple目と目が合ってすぐ 感じていたよ Deja vu火がつくスピード oh-oh-oh 呼吸も出来ないくらいTonight... 君のその指で 大胆に乱れてOh slow down baby远くで聴こえる Party 真夜中 隠れるように2人で make a secret 夜があけるまで目と目が合ってすぐ 感じていたよ Deja vu火がつくスピード oh-oh-oh 呼吸も出来ないくらいTonight... 君のその指で 大胆に钉付け目と目が合ってすぐ 感じていたよ Deja vu火がつくスピード oh-oh-oh 呼吸も出来ないくらい【 おわり 】

i want to be with you什么意思


求一首英文歌,女生唱的,开头是baby rush~rush…do you rush for me~~can you

Till The World Ends - Britney SpearsThis kitten got your tongue tied in knotsI seeSpit it out cause I"m dying for companyI notice that you got itYou notice that I want itYou know that I can take itTo the next level babyIf you want this good ishSicker than the remixBaby let me blow your mindTonightI can"t take it take it take no moreNever felt like felt like this beforeCome on get me get me on the floorDJ what you what you waiting for Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Watch me move when I lose When I lose it hardGet you off with the touch dancing in the darkYou notice what I"m wearing I noticin" you"re staringYou know that I can take it To the next level babyHotter than the A-list Next one on my hit listBaby let me blow your mindTonightI can"t take it take it take no moreNever felt like felt like this beforeCome on get me get me on the floorDJ what you what you waiting for Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh See the sunlight we ain"t stoppingKeep on dancing till the world endsIf you feel it let it happenKeep on dancing till the world endsKeep on dancing till the world endsKeep on dancing till the world endsWoah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh Woah oh oh oh oh oh ohhh See the sunlight we ain"t stoppingKeep on dancing till the world endsIf you feel it let it happenKeep on dancing till the world ends

rthe communist party of china was founded in 1921,since whengreat changes have taken place in China

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