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The Band的《The Weight》 歌词

歌曲名:The Weight歌手:The Band专辑:Greatest Hits Of The 60"sI pulled into Nazareth, I was feelin" about half past dead;I just need some place where I can lay my head."Hey, mister, can you tell me where a man might find a bed?"He just grinned and shook my hand, and "No!", was all he said.Take a load off Fannie, take a load for free;Take a load off Fannie, And (and) (and) you can put the load right on me.I picked up my bag, I went lookin" for a place to hide;When I saw Carmen and the Devil walkin" side by side.I said, "Hey, Carmen, come on, let"s go downtown."She said, "I gotta go, but m"friend can stick around."Take a load off Fannie, take a load for free;Take a load off Fannie, And (and) (and) you can put the load right on me.Go down, Miss Moses, there"s nothin" you can sayIt"s just ol" Luke, and Luke"s waitin" on the Judgement Day."Well, Luke, my friend, what about young Anna Lee?"He said, "Do me a favor, son, woncha stay an" keep Anna Lee company?"Take a load off Fannie, take a load for free;Take a load off Fannie, And (and) (and) you can put the load right on me.Crazy Chester followed me, and he caught me in the fog.He said, "I will fix your rags, if you"ll take Jack, my dog."I said, "Wait a minute, Chester, you know I"m a peaceful man."He said, "That"s okay, boy, won"t you feed him when you can."Take a load off Fannie, take a load for free;Take a load off Fannie, And (and) (and) you can put the load right on me.Catch a Cannonball, now, t"take me down the lineMy bag is sinkin" low and I do believe it"s time.To get back to Miss Annie, you know she"s the only one.Who sent me here with her regards for everyone.Take a load off Fannie, take a load for free;Take a load off Fannie, And (and) (and) you can put the load right on me.

一首英文老歌,when i was yang 。。 求歌名~

yesterday once more





一首英文老歌,when i was yang 。。 求歌名~

When I was young I d listen to theradio 当我年轻的时候 我常守在收音机旁Waiting for my favoritesongs 等待着我爱的歌When they played I d singalong, 歌声响起我便同声和唱It make mesmile. 歌声使我欢笑Those were such happy timesand not so longago 那是多么美好的时光 一切并不久远How I wondered where they dgone. 但已逝去了使我多么悲伤But they re back again just like a long lostfriend 而昔日的歌声重新出现 就象一位久别的朋友All the songs I love sowell. 那些歌曾使我喜爱如狂Every shalala every wowo 那每一个音符每一个音符 那每一句歌词每一句歌词stillshines. 仍绚丽如阳光Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they restarting to sing那每一首每一首所有的歌子sofine 都如此绝妙悠扬When they get to thepart 当这歌声唱到where he s breaking herheart 男孩使女孩怦然心动It can really make mecry 我便会泪流满面just likebefore. 就如从前一样It s yesterday oncemore. 歌声带回了昨日时光(Shoobie do lang lang)(Shoobie do lang lang)Looking bak on how it was in years goneby 逝去的昨日And the good times thathad 是那样的美好啊makes today seem rather sad, So much haschanged. 今天却令我黯然神伤It was songs of love that I would sing tothem 我唱起那爱的歌And I d memorise eachword. 每个字都不会忘Those old melodies still sound so good tome 虽然幸福时光已经过去As they melt the years away那情调依然悠远久长Every shalala every wo wo stillshines 那歌声还感动着我Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they re startingTosing 那每一个音符每一个音符sofine 都如此绝妙悠扬 All my best memorise come back clearly tome 我所有最美好的记忆 都由此而清晰地重现Some can even make mecry 使我泪流满面just likebefore. 就如从前一样It s yesterday oncemore. 歌声带回了昨日时光(Shoobie do lang lang)Every shalala every wo wo stillshines. 那每一句歌词每一句歌词 仍绚丽如阳光Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they re starting tosing 那每一首每一首 所有的歌子sofine 都如此绝妙悠扬Every shalala every wo wo stillshines. 每一句歌词每一句歌词 仍绚丽如阳光Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they re starting tosing 那每一首每一首 所有的歌子sofine 都如此绝妙悠扬



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I can run on the grass 改成一般疑问句

Can you run on the glassuff1f

I can run ( ).括号填什么?



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名词 n. [C]1. 有盖小货车;箱形客货两用车Furniture is usually moved in a van.家具通常用货车搬运。2. 【主英】(铁路的)有盖货车及物动词 vt.1. 用车搬运The race horses were vanned from here to there.赛马被用有篷卡车从这里运送到那里。van名词 n. [theS]1. 【军】前锋,先锋,前卫The van is under attack.先锋部队遭到攻击。2. (社会运动等的)前驱;先导The United States is in the van2 人名 编辑本段Van,男子英文名字,意为"范".Van (源自荷兰,同德语的“Von”) ,英文意思为“Of”或者“From”,为许多荷兰名字的姓,意思为“XX家”的,亦可加上Ver或者De或者Den,与德语不同的是,Van通常不代表贵族头衔(而德语的“Von”则带有)。有些荷兰人用V[1]er在真正的姓前与姓联合,形成一个新的姓,比如Johannes Vermeer。

In England,the sovereign reigns but does not rule。什么意思,急!在线等!!








对策论中的Von neumann定理是什么?

冯·诺依曼不仅曾将自己的才能用于武器研究等,而且还用于社会研究。由他创建的对策论,无疑是他在应用数学方面取得的最为令人羡慕的杰出成就。现今,对策论主要指研究社会现象的特定数学方法。它的基本思想,就是分析多个主体之间的利害关系时,重视在诸如下棋、玩扑克牌等室内游戏中竞赛者之间的讨价还价,交涉,结伙,利益分配等行为方式的类似性。   对策论的一些想法,20年代初就曾有过,真正的创立还得从冯·诺依曼1928年关于社会对策理论的论文算起。在这篇文章中,他证明了最小最大定理,这个定理用于处理一类最基本的二人对策问题。如果对策双方中的任何一方,对每种可能的策略,考虑了可能遭到的最大损失,从而选择“最大损失”最小的一种为“最优”策略,那么从统计角度来看,他就能够确保方案是最佳的。这方面的工作大致已达到完善。在同一篇论文中,冯·诺依曼也明确表述了n个游戏者之间的一般对策。   对策论也被用于经济学。经济理论中的数学研究方法,大致可分为定性研究为目标的纯粹理论和以实证的、统计的研究为目标的计量经济学。前者称为数理经济学,正式确立于本世纪40年代之后。无论在思想上或方法上,都明显地受到对策论的影响。   数理经济学,过去模仿经典数学物理的技巧,所用的数学工具主要是微积分和微分方程、将经济问题当成经典力学问题处理。显然,几十个商人参加的贸易洽谈会,用经典数学分析处理,其复杂程度远远超过太阳系行星的运动,这种方法的效果往往很难是预期的。冯·诺依曼毅然放弃这种简单的机械类比,代之以新颖的对策论观点和新的数学—和凸性的思想。   1944年,冯·诺依曼和摩根斯特思合著的《对策论和经济行为》是这方面的奠基性著作。论文包含了对策论的纯粹数学形式的阐述以及对于实际应用的详细说明。这篇论文以及所作的与某些经济理论的基本问题的讨论,引起了对经济行为和某些社会学问题的各种不同研究,时至今日,这已是应用广泛、羽毛日益丰盛的一门数学学科。有些科学家热情颂扬它可能是“20世纪前半期最伟大的科学贡献之一”。






van可以译为范(如我们熟知的范.巴斯滕),在荷兰语里是姓名中表示身份的部分,跟德国人姓名中的“冯(von)”,法国人 姓名中的 “de”用于表示贵族身份是一个道理,相当于英语的“of”或“from”,表示“来自”。它们既不是姓也不是名,而且一律小写。纵观欧洲中世纪,如果某君姓前带有“德”、“特”、“凡”、“冯”之类的介词,那么姓后面多半带有爵位。换句话说,这是对贵族的称呼,是在突出与炫耀其血统。 例如荷兰和曼联的足球守门员埃德文·范德萨(Edwin van der Sar),van der Sar 是他的姓,Van 字不单独使用.足球运动员还有范巴斯腾,范德法特,范德萨,范佩西,范布隆克霍斯特,范尼,范博梅尔另一个例子是著名荷兰画家文森特·威廉·梵高(荷兰文:Vincent Willem van Gogh),van Gogh 一起就是姓氏.之前上演的一套讲述策划暗杀希特勒的电影,主角德国军官 克劳斯··冯·施陶芬贝格伯爵(Claus Philipp Maria Justinian Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg),他的姓就是 von Stauffenberg,也不单独使用.




分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: “van”可以译为范(如我们熟知的范.巴斯滕),在荷兰语里是姓名中表示身份的部分,跟德国人姓名中的“冯(von)”,法国人 姓名中的 “de”用于表示贵族身份是一个道理,相当于英语的“of”或“from”,表示“来自”。它们既不是姓也不是名,而且一律小写。纵观欧洲中世纪,如果某君姓前带有“德”、“特”、“凡”、“冯”之类的介词,那么姓后面多半带有爵位。换句话说,这是对贵族的称呼,是在突出与炫耀其血统。

and the sky is green好像是这句。是哪首歌的歌词

不确定是哪首1、西城男孩的 《my love》My Love歌词 歌手:Westlife(西城男孩) an empty street, an empty house, a hole inside my heart, i"m all alone and the rooms are getting smaller. (bridge) i wonder how, i wonder why, i wonder where they are, the days we"ve had, the songs we"ve sang together(oh yeah). (mountain) and oh my love, i"m holding on forever, reaching for a love that seems so far, (chorus) so i say a little prayer, and hope my dreams will take me there, where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love, over seas from coast to coast, to find the place i love the most, where the fields are green to see you once again, my love. i try to read, i go to work, i"m laughing with my friends, but i can"t stop to keep myself from thinking(so long). (bridge). i wonder how.. i wonder why i wonder where they r the days we had, the songs we sang together[oh yeah] and oh my love..... i m holding on forever, reachign for the love that seems so far..... so i say a little prayer and hope my dreams will take me there, where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love, over seas from coast to coast, to find the place i love the most, where the fields are green to see you once again, to hold u in my arms, to promise u my love, to tell u from my heart..... what i m thinking offfff [music] reaching for the love that seems so far.. [chorus starts] so i say a little prayer.... and hope my dreams will take me there... where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love, over seas from coast to coast, to find the place i love the most, where the fields are green to see you once again, my love.2、Tell Me WhyDeclan Galbraith 、The Young Voices ChoirIn my dream,children singA song of love for every boy and girlThe sky is blue and fields are greenAnd laughter is the language of the worldThen i wake and all i seeIs a world full of people in needTell me why (why) does it have to be like this?Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understandWhen so many need somebodyWe don"t give a helping hand Tell me why?Everyday i ask myselfWhat will i have to do to be a man?Do i have to stand and fightTo prove to everybody who i am?Is that what my life is forTo waste in a world full of war?Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this?Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understandWhen so many need somebodyWe don"t give a helping hand Tell me why?(children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?(children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?(together) just tell me why, why, why?Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this?Tell me why (why) is there something i have missed?Tell me why (why) cos i don"t understandWhen so many need somebodyWe don"t give a helping handTell me why (why,why,does the tiger run)Tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun)Tell me why (why,why do we never learn)Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?(why,why do we say we care)Tell me why(why,why do we stand and stare)Tell me why(why,why do the dolphins cry)Can some one tell us why we let the ocean die?(why,why if we"re all the same)Tell me why(why,why do we pass the blame)Tell me why (why,why does it never end)Can some one tell us why we cannot just be friends?Why,why,(do we close our eyes)Why,why,(do the greedy life)Why,why,(do we fight for land)Can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand?Why,why?!3、June Tabor - FinisterreFarewell, FinisterreSleep away the afternoonRocking with the tideDrinking with the moonI found a ticket in my pocketAll the way from Port of SpainAnd the warm windFrom the Indies covered me againSantander, the sky is fallingThe tale we told each other has an endSantander, you hear me callingYou, that never lost a friendWe"d often look for goldTreasure buried in the sandWe hid it long agoBefore our wars beganWhen the world was green and earlyAnd time was on our sideBefore the storm got upTo blow us far and wideSantander, the sky is fallingThe tale we told each other has an endSantander, you hear me callingYou, that never lost a friendFarewell, FinisterreSleep away the afternoonJust rocking with the tideDrinking with the moonLast night I turned the glasses overAnd I drank the bottle dryThe moon stared out to seaAll night and so did ISantander, the sky is fallingThe tale we told each other has an endSantander, you hear me callingYou, that never lost a friend, never lost a friendNever lost a friend

给个天龙号~ 就寒假玩玩~ 好点的~ 发到



CANDY作词:Ken Hirai 作曲:Daisuke SakuraiLove me×4 I"m your candy 君は上目遣いで舌を出しているComing×4 I"m your cherryスコシ ヤラシイ ハゲシイ クルシイ ジェラシーNot me×4 Am I candy? 君は退屈そうに転がしているComing×4 I"m your cherryスコシ ヤラシイ ハゲシイ クルシイ ジェラシー口移しでくれたキャンディには 微量のアレが混じっていて胸を通る时に刺さった 棘みたいなものが取れない叶うモノと叶わないモノを 甘い顺に并べて君ならどっちから味わう? 人生という名のフルコースソッポ向いてる君だって 寂しがり屋なんだって 隙间见え隠れきっと 真実(ほんと)の恋なんて 妄想先走って イカせてすぐに yeahLove me×4 I"m your candy 君は含んだままで远くを见ているComing×4 I"m your cherryスコシ ヤラシイ ハゲシイ クルシイ ジェラシーNot me×4 Am I candy? 君は 音も立てずに味わっているComing×4 I"m your cherryスコシ ヤラシイ ハゲシイ クルシイ ジェラシーポケットの中熔けたキャンディは 歪な形に変形して胸にベタベタとへばりつく 掻きむしる程に切ないやっと裸になれたって 心はくるまって 轴がブレブレできっと真実(ほんと)の爱なんて 理想が舐めちゃって イカせて早く yeahLove me×4 I"m your candy 君は上目遣いで窥っているComing×4 I"m your cherryスコシ ヤラシイ ハゲシイ クルシイ ジェラシーNot me×4 Am I candy? 君はしかめっ面で呑み込んでいるComing×4 I"m your cherryスコシ ヤラシイ ハゲシイ クルシイ ジェラシー包み纸の中の甘い伤迹は 谁にも渡さない 仆だけが守るよLove me×4 I"m your candy 君は上目遣いで舌を出しているComing×4 I"m your cherryスコシ ヤラシイ ハゲシイ クルシイ ジェラシーNot me×4 Am I candy? 君は退屈そうに転がしているComing×4 I"m your cherryスコシ ヤラシイ ハゲシイ クルシイ ジェラシーLove me×4 I"m your candy 君は含んだままでこっちを见てるComing×4 I"m your cherryスコシ ヤラシイ ハゲシイ クルシイ ジェラシーNot me×4 Am I candy? 君は溢れるものを玩んでるComing×4 I"m your cherryスコシ ヤラシイ ハゲシイ クルシイ イトシイcandysakushi : ken hirai sakkyoku : daisuke sakurailove me x 4 i"m your candy kimi ha uwame tsukai de shita wo dashi teirucoming x 4 i"m your cherrysukoshi yarashii hageshii kurushii jierashi^not me x 4 am i candy? kimi ha taikutsu souni koroga shiteirucoming x 4 i"m your cherrysukoshi yarashii hageshii kurushii jierashi^kuchiutsushi dekureta kyandei niha biryou no are ga maji tteitemune wo touru tokini sasa tta natsume mitainamonoga tore naikanau mono to kanawa nai mono wo amai junni nabetekimi naradocchikara ajiwa u ? jinsei toiu mei no furuko^susoppo mui teru kimi datte sabishi gari ya nandatte sukima miekakurekitto shinjitsu ( honto ) no koi nante mousou sakibashitte ika setesuguni yeahlove me x 4 i"m your candy kimi ha fukimi damamade tooku wo mite irucoming x 4 i"m your cherrysukoshi yarashii hageshii kurushii jierashi^not me x 4 am i candy? kimi ha oto mo tate zuni ajiwa tteirucoming x 4 i"m your cherrysukoshi yarashii hageshii kurushii jierashi^poketto no naka toke ta kyandei ha hizuna katachi ni henkei shitemune ni betabeta tohebaritsuku kaki mushiru hodo ni setsuna iyatto hadaka ninaretatte kokoroha kurumatte jiku ga burebure dekitto honto no ai nante risou ga name chatte ika sete hayaku yeahlove me x 4 i"m your candy kimi ha uwame tsukai de ukagatte irucoming x 4 i"m your cherrysukoshi yarashii hageshii kurushii jierashi^not me x 4 am i candy? kimi hashikametsu men de nomi kon deirucoming x 4 i"m your cherrysukoshi yarashii hageshii kurushii jierashi^tsutsumi kami no nakano amai kizuato ha dare nimo watasa nai boku dakega mamoru yolove me x 4 i"m your candy kimi ha uwame tsukai de shita wo dashi teirucoming x 4 i"m your cherrysukoshi yarashii hageshii kurushii jierashi^not me x 4 am i candy? kimi ha taikutsu souni koroga shiteirucoming x 4 i"m your cherrysukoshi yarashii hageshii kurushii jierashi^love me x 4 i"m your candy kimi ha fukimi damamadekocchiwo mite rucoming x 4 i"m your cherrysukoshi yarashii hageshii kurushii jierashi^not me x 4 am i candy? kimi ha afure rumonowo gan nderucoming x 4 i"m your cherrysukoshi yarashii hageshii kurushii itoshii


I"m ready to go, I"m ready to climb, I"ve quietly been reading your mindI don"t need a thing, I"m writing a book, this story"s really got me hookedIt"s amazing the changes I"ve been feeling I"m dreamin" about seein" the world with someone like youI"ve been tumbling, shakin" and my whole world is breakin" wanna put it together?And if we run away, run away, now we won"t ever look back And if we run away, run away, now we won"t ever look backWe"ll run, run, run away, run, run, run away, run, run, run awayFollow the wind, I"m up for a spin, I feel perfect in the arms I"m inAnd were takin" flight the whole world is right I hope were in the air all nightIt"s amazing the changes I"ve been feeling I"m dreamin" about seein" the world with someone like you I"ve been tumbling, shakin" and my whole world is breakin" won"t you put it together?And if we run away, run away, now we won"t ever look back And if we run away, run away, now we won"t ever look backWe"ll run, run, run away, run, run, run away, run, run, run away(we"ll run away) even now is the time, rivers far and wide, we can pass em all, with time by our side every step that we take were movin" everydayIt"s amazing the changes I"ve been feeling I"m dreamin" about seein" the world with someone like youI"ve been tumbling, shakin" and my whole world is breakin" wanna put it together?And if we run away, run away, now we won"t ever look back And if we run away, run away, now we won"t ever look backWe"ll run, run, run away, run, run, run away, run, run, run awayWe"ll run, run, run away, run, run, run away...


「懐かしい未来 ~longing future~」(なつかしいみらい ~longing future~ a tsu ka shii mi ra i ~longing future~)(眷顾未来) 演唱:alan 作词:大贯妙子  作曲:菊池一仁 编曲:中野雄太 (歌名释疑: “新しい过去、懐かしい未来” 在日文中是一种固定的用法,富含有“以崭新的视界来对待过去,以怀旧之心情来看待未来”的意味,介于本曲作为エコ歌<绿色环保歌曲>,“懐かしい未来”还是应该被解释为 “眷顾未来”——怀抱着一种真切怜爱的情感,一种对人类未来 共同负责的态度,使世界携起手来,共创美好明天。。。) 吹いて渡る  风のように   ふいてわたる  かぜのように   fu i te wa ta ru ka ze no yoo ni 化身晓岚 乘风翱翔  自由でいたい じゆうでいたい ji yuu de i ta i 神往自由 无拘无束 同じ空の 下に生きる   おんなじそらの したにいきる   on na ji so ra no shi ta nii ki ru 天地之间 万物共生  息吹きのように いぶきのように i bu ki no yoo ni 郁郁葱葱 生机盎然 北のオーロラ 森の嗫き  きたのおおろら もりのささやき  ki ta noo u ro ra mo ra no sa sa ya ki 北之极光 森之密语 梦を见た ゆめをみた yu me o mi ta 奇幻幽景 隐现残梦 川のせせらぎ 升る太阳  かわのせせらぎ のぼるたいよう  ka wa no se se ra gi no bo ru ta i yoo 清风掠水 微泛涟漪 旭日东升 朝が来る あさがくる a sa ga ku ru 恭迎朝霞 爱しい気持ちを抱きしめよう いとしいきもちをだきしめよう i to shii ki mo chi o da ki shi me yoo 让我们以怜爱之情感 尽情拥抱这世界 旅立つ未来 懐かしい时へ たびだつみらい なつかしいときへ ta bi da tsu mi ra i ma chu ka shii to ki e 面向着未来,即将启航之际,追忆美好的过去 勇気を希望をありがとう ゆうきをきぼうをありがとう yuu ki o ki boo o a ri ga roo 对于这被赋予的勇气和希望 满怀感激之情 美しい星の上で うつくしいほしのうえで u tsu ku shii ho shi no u e de (因为我们便生活在这) 美丽的星球之上 Beautiful World..Beautiful World.. longing future 知恵の扉 开けてみよう 光の中で ちえのとびら あけてみよう ひかりのなかで chi e na to bi ra a ke te mi yoo hi ka ri no na ka de 绚烂光芒之中,共同开启这 智慧之门 闻こえてくる 遥か遥か 大地の歌が きこえてくる はるかはるか だいちのうたが ki ko e te ku ru ha ru ka ha ru ka da i chi na u ta ga 可否隐约听见 遥远天际之间 回响着的大地之歌 どこから来たの どこへ向かうの たずねたい どこからきたの どこへむかうの だずねたい do ko ka ra ki ta no do ko e mu ka u no da zu ne ka i “从何方而来,又往何处而去,”低声向清风追问 耳をすまそう 裸の心で 见つけよう みみをすまそう はだかのこころで みつけよう mi mi o su ma soo ha da ka no ko ko ro de mi tsu ke yoo 侧耳倾听 以一颗赤诚之心 来共同追寻(智慧之门) 爱しいすべてを抱きしめて いとしいすべてをだきしめて i to shii su be te o da ki shi me te 万物皆美 拥抱世间 旅立つ时は 懐かしい未来 たびだつときは なつかしいみらい ta bi da tsu to ki wa na tsu ka shii mi ra i 即将启航 眷顾未来 勇気を希望をありがとう ゆうきをきぼうをありがとう yuu ki o ki boo o a ri ga roo 对于这被赋予的勇气和希望 满怀感激之情 美しい星の上で うつくしいほしのうえで u tsu ku shii ho shi no u e de (因为我们便生活在这) 美丽的星球之上 爱しいすべてを抱きしめて いとしいすべてをだきしめて i to shii su be te o ka ki shi me te 万物皆美 拥抱世间 旅立つ时は 懐かしい未来 たびだつときは なつかしいみらい ta bi da tsu to ki wa na tsu ka shii me ta i 即将启航 眷顾未来 たくさんの色に溢れてる 美しい星の上で たくさんのいろにあふれてる うつくしいほしのうえで ka su san no i ro mi a fu re te ru u tsu ku shii ho shi no u e de 万物的绚烂色彩 充溢展现于这个美丽的星球之上 きっとあなたへと届けたい きっとあなたへととどけたい ki tto a na ta e to to do ke ta i 衷心期盼能将此刻的心绪 亲手传递给世间的每一个人 翼にのせて しなやかな声を つばさにのせて しなやかなこえを tsu ba sa ni no se te shi na ya ka na ko e o 便用这乘风之双翼 柔美的风语 みんなが共に生きていこう みんながともにいきていこう min na ga to mo nii ki tei koo 愿世间万物 和谐永生 美しい星の上で うつくしいほしのうえで u tsu ku shii ho shi no u e de 就在这美丽星球之上 この苍い星の上で このあおいほしのうえで ko no a o i ho shi no u e de 就在这蓝色星际之间 WOW~~~WOW~~~

去年冬天只下一次雪哪个是对的 为什么 1. kin nian no fu you wa you ki ga 1ga yi xi ka fu li ma xi ta

表达第二句是对的, しか后面要接否定,表示 “只,仅仅”,但有罗马音不太正确。去年の冬は雪が一回しか降りませんでした。(kyo nen no hu yu wa yu ki ga i kka i shi ka hu ri ma sen de shi ta)




run读:如昂 ran读:阮,

orange range的《以心电信》的拼音音译歌词

歌名:以心电信作词 & 作曲: ORANGE RANGE音译歌词:shin DeshinLyrics & Music: ORANGE RANGEHanareteru ki ga shinai ne kimi to boku to no kyoriMe wo tsubutte ite mo kimi no koe de wakaru hyoujouKimi ni aenai kara utsumuiteruDemo mae muki ni koto wo kangaeteruSonna toki mo onaji sora no shita de sugoshiteruSugu ni mata aeruDatte itsumo bokura wa tsunagatte irundaBokura wa itsumo ishin denshin futari no kyori tsunagu TEREPASHIIKoi nante nanakorobi yaoki yasashii kaze hora egao ni kaeteHanarete tatte ishin denshin damatte tatte wakaru kimochiOmoi yo todoke kimi no moto ni mirai ni tsunaideku shindou wa ai no MESSEEJIKono hiroi unabara koeOnaji toki wo sugoshiteKono omoi yokaze ni noseHiza wo idaku kimi ni todokeKimi ni aenakute mo DAIJOUBUSou, mae muki ni koto wo kangaeteruHanaretete mo onaji sora no shita de sugoshiteruSugu ni mata aeruDatte itsumo bokura wa tsunagatte irundaBokura wa itsumo ishin denshin futari no kyori tsunagu TEREPASHIIKoi nante nanakorobi yaoki yasashii kaze hora egao ni kaeteHanarete tatte ishin denshin damatte tatte wakaru kimochiOmoi yo todoke kimi no moto ni mirai ni tsunaideku shindou wa ai no MESSEEJIBokura wa itsumo ishin denshin futari no kyori tsunagu TEREPASHIIKoi nante nanakorobi yaoki yasashii kaze hora egao ni kaeteHanarete tatte ishin denshin damatte tatte wakaru kimochiOmoi yo todoke kimi no moto ni mirai ni tsunaideku shindou wa ai no MESSEEJI


“van”可以译为范(如我们熟知的范.巴斯滕),在荷兰语里是姓名中表示身份的部分,跟德国人姓名中的“冯(von)”,法国人 姓名中的 “de”用于表示贵族身份是一个道理,相当于英语的“of”或“from”,表示“来自”。它们既不是姓也不是名,而且一律小写。纵观欧洲中世纪,如果某君姓前带有“德”、“特”、“凡”、“冯”之类的介词,那么姓后面多半带有爵位。换句话说,这是对贵族的称呼,是在突出与炫耀其血统。

Life Is Not An Easy Road 歌词

歌曲名:Life Is Not An Easy Road歌手:Shontelle专辑:ShontelligenceShontelle - Life Is Not An Easy RoadLife is not an easy roadA true you just a struggle with your heavy loadI know, it seems you lose the battle more and more(It seems you lose the battle)Life is not an easy roadYou have to play your part and take controlDon"t you ever ease upNever give up. Don"t let goHopeless youths them out in a de streetAnd them no have no job so just to win they have to cheatTell me why so many see it and don"t speakAnd why they"ll never find a peaceful home they can retreatAnd them can find no food to eatAnd where you lay your head them have a bed of concreteAnd your momma she ah-cry when she ah-see itIt"s not a revolution just a cycle that repeats, causeLife is not an easy roadA true you just a struggle with your heavy loadI know, it seems you lose the battle more and moreLife is not an easy roadYou have to play your part and take controlDon"t you ever ease upNever give up. Don"t let goSee the sunshine will come one dayAnd prejudice and inequality will fade awayMan will not judge man but he will sayIt"s time to love my neighbor as my brother and not hateAnd the world will unite as oneAnd governments eliminate all chemicals and bombsWe will no longer have to runThe uprising has only just begun, so hear me songLife is not an easy roadA true you just a struggle with your heavy loadI know, it seems you lose the battle more and moreLife is not an easy roadYou have to play your part and take controlDon"t you ever ease upNever give up. Don"t let go.....You see them little youth a-cry them have cold feetThem prostitute them life them ah so them world get defeatThem politicians try fight take your life you seeBut just trust you will survive and keep your dignityNever mind how them a-treat you never mind what them a-sayKeep you eyes on tomorrow but you live for todayYou stop you drop you roll to save your soulYou never let them take it awayLife is not an easy roadA true you just a struggle with your heavy loadI know, it seems you lose the battle more and moreLife is not an easy roadYou have to play your part and take controlDon"t you ever ease upNever give up. Don"t let goLife is not an easy roadA true you just a struggle with your heavy loadI know, it seems you lose the battle more and moreLife is not an easy roadYou have to play your part and take controlDon"t you ever ease upNever give up. Don"t let go


北京时间6月7日凌晨,苹果2011年度的WWDC大会(Worldwide Developers Conference苹果电脑全球研发者大会)就在旧金山的Moscone West会议中心举行,现场有5200人到场。本次发布会上,scott Forstall正式公布了iOS设备至今已经销售了2亿台,占全球移动操作系统44%份额,iPad自发布以来,14个月间售出2500万台。更重要的是,iOS 5移动操作系统来了,全新的IOS5系统拥有200个新功能特性。北京时间2011年10月13日凌晨,苹果移动操作系统iOS 5正式在全球范围内推出。   在WWDC2011大会第一日,苹果正式宣布iOS5系统发布,并于今年秋季提供正式版更新与下载。iOS5最重要的一点更加专注于云计算服务(即苹果所说的iCloud),包括像音乐储存和寻找家人和朋友的位置服务等等。除此之外,苹果还可能会在iOS5系统中引入采取类似Android系统的9点自定义触控解锁方式,这种自定义的滑动解锁对触屏设备来说是一种较为理 想的加密方式。在本次升级的iOS5系统中,有12项重点升级,并且提供了200多项提升。



如何区分run, ran, run的发音?

run读:如昂 ran读:阮,

高中英语阅读理解:important ways

Trees are useful to man in three very important ways:they provide him wood and other products;they give him shade;and they help to prevent drought(干旱)and floods.   Unfortunately,in many parts of the world,man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important.In his eagerness to draw quick profit from the trees,he has cut them down in large numbers Two thousand years ago,a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships,with which to gain itself an empire It gained the empire but,without its trees,its soil became bare and poor.When the empire fell to pieces,the country found itself faced by floods and starvation.   Even where a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supply of trees,it is difficult sometimes to make the people realize this.They cut down the trees but are too careless to plant and look after new trees So,unless the government has a good system of control,or can educate the people,the forests slowly disappear   This does not only mean that there will be fewer trees.The results are even more serious:for where   there are trees,their roots break the soil up,allowing the rain to sink in, and also bind the soil.This prevents the soil from being washed away.But where there are no trees,the rainfalls on hard ground and flows away on the surface,and this causes floods and the rain carries away the rich topsoil in which crops grow When a11 the topsoil is gone.nothing remains but worthless desert.   41.Trees are useful to man mainly in three ways,the most important of which is that they can ____   A. keep him from the hot sunshine   B.enable him to build warships   C.make him draw quick profit from them   D .protect him from droughts and floods   42.It"s a great pity that ____ is only interested in building empires is eager to profit from trees hasnu201ft realized the importance of trees to him   D. man hasnu201ft found out that he has lost all trees   43.Sooner or later the forests will disappear ______.   A. unless a country has a plenty supply of trees   B.unless people stop cutting down their trees   C.unless aIl people are taught the importance of planting trees   D.unless the government punishes those who cut trees instead of planting them   44.The word“bind”in Paragraph 5 means“____” wash away make wet make stay together improve   45. When there is a heavy rain.trees can help to prevent they can.   A.keep rain from falling down to soft ground   B,cause the soil to allow rainwater to sink in   C.prevent the soil from being washed away   D .make the topsoil stick together


cast a wistful glance投出渴望的眼光

means 和ways 区别

means 一般翻译为含义,意思,意味着,多用于It means somethings....ways 一般翻译为用什么什么的方法,哪种方法,比如It will have many ways to do something...

EXO《My answer》韩文译中文歌词

  歌曲:《My Answer》  歌手: EXO  韩文译成中文歌词如下:  我看起来阳光 微笑挂脸上  却常常都孤单着  我保持沉默 装作很洒脱  却有话想说  第一次看到你 就被你吸引  没有复杂挣扎思考 我却想说  The answer is you  My answer is you  我早已把心为你都敞开  You are my everything  我是如此确定  我应该更小心 更珍爱自己  这样才不会受伤  我仿佛快不能呼吸  有生以来第一次感觉  我的脑海里面装满了你  看到你的表情 听到你的笑声  The answer is you (That is you)  My answer is you (Only you)  我早已把心为你都敞开  You are my everything  我是如此确定  简单一句我在等你  却说不出口写下又涂掉  (写下又涂掉)  闭上眼睛去猜想你在做什么  我整天都在重复  我在等待 you you you  开启你心 you you~  我失控的情感在汹涌  You are my everything  直到永远 My Love  (Oh I"m nothing)  别离开我  就请让我陪在你的身旁  再多想也一样 (Oh it"s you)  我的答案  It"s you  It"s you  

The worst thing is the headlines. I use the underground almost every day and watch the people travel


FANUC 系统加工中心G00X_Y _Z _S _B _M _;B代表什么意思?

FANUC系统加工中心G0 X Y Z S B M 中的B有两种意思,如果机床有B轴那就是B轴旋转到你给定的位置,如果没有B轴,那就是机床生产厂家开发的辅助功能,可以看作和M代码一样。



hands in the sky (big shot) 歌词

歌曲名:hands in the sky (big shot)歌手:straylight run专辑:prepare to be wrongTearing out all these open pages,Women and kids of all ages,Millions of men with blank faces,Italicised lies, headlines, bold typeLiving lost just like deer in headlights,Terrified, blind, and wait to die,I wonder when they"ll come get me,I wonder when they"ll come get me:We want to, have to, need to:And we"ll tell you when their hungry again,And we"ll tell you when their hungry again,It never ends, never ends:We want to, have to, need to:And we"ll tell you when their hungry again,And we"ll tell you when their hungry again,It never ends, never ends, never ends:Big shot screaming, "Put your hands in the sky,"He says, "Give it up boy, give it up or your gonna die,You"ll get a bullet in the back of the neck,In the back of the neck right between the eyes."Big shot screaming, "Put your hands in the sky,"He says, "Give it up boy, give it up or your gonna die,You"ll get a bullet in the back of the neck,In the back of the neck right between the eyes."Big shot screaming, "Put your hands in the sky,"He says, "Give it up boy, give it up or your gonna die,You"ll get a bullet in the back of the neck,In the back of the neck right between the eyes."Big shot screaming, "Put your hands in the sky," (Tearing out all these open pages)He says, "Give it up boy, give it up or your gonna die, (Women and kids of all ages)You"ll get a bullet in the back of the neck, (Millions of men with blank faces)In the back of the neck right between the eyes." (Italicised lies, headlines, bold:)Tearing out all these open pages,Women and kids of all ages,Millions of men with blank faces,Italicised lies, headlines, bold type:

but its more than

1 That impressed this Muscatine native. 那句话给这位马斯卡廷本地人留下了深刻的印象. 2 But she said it is more than something making headlines here and there. 但是她说,这远比在各处成为头条新闻更有意义. make headlines:制造头条新闻. more than:远超过


先给你大家制作一个表格,来看下他们的区别,这样更加容易对比了解一、含义和读音区别:1. Ways [weu026az],意为“方式;方法;手段”。2. Means [miu02d0nz],意为“手段;方法;工具”。二、语法区别:1. Ways通常用作名词,表示实现目的的方法或途径。2. Means既可用作名词,也可用作动词,表示实现目的所需要的手段或工具。三、用法区别:1. Ways通常用于表示具体的方法或途径,是指达成目标的不同途径或方式,如解决问题的不同方案等。2. Means既可用于表示具体的方法或途径,也可以指一种手段、工具或资源,包括物质和非物质的。四、使用方法区别:1. 在表达具体的方法或途径时,通常使用ways。2. 在强调达成目的所需要的手段或工具时,通常使用means。五、具体用法举例:1. Ways的用法举例:- There are many ways to solve this problem.(解决这个问题有很多方法。)- There are different ways to approach this project.(完成这个项目有不同的方法。)- There are no easy ways to achieve success.(取得成功没有捷径。)2. Means的用法举例:- Education is a means to improve people"s lives.(教育是改善人们生活的手段。)- Hard work is one of the means to achieve success.(努力工作是取得成功的一种途径。)- Money is the means to an end.(金钱是达到目的的手段。)六、决策参考:1. 在表示具体的方法或途径时,可以使用ways。2. 在强调达成目的所需要的手段或工具时,可以使用means。3. 在具体使用时,需要根据语境和要表达的意思来选择合适的词语,以更加准确地表达自己的意思。

climatic change和climate change的区别


changeable climate 的作文

Evidence is gathering that human activities are changing the climate. This "climate change" could have a huge impact on our lives. The following tutorial will tell you the facts about climate change, and what effects a change in climate will have on our lives. Global temperatures have risen by 0.6 degrees Celsius in the last 130 years. This rise in global temperatures leads to huge impacts on a wide range of climate related factors. Levels of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide gases are rising, mainly as a result of human activities. Carbon dioxide is being dumped in the atmosphere at an alarming rate. Since the Industrial Revolution, humans have been pumping out huge quantities of carbon dioxide, raising carbon dioxide concentrations by 30%. The burning of fossil fuels is partly responsible for this huge increase. This graph shows carbon dioxide emissions increasing over the last 130 years. You can see that the rate of increase is huge. Methane levels in the atmosphere have increased by 145% since the Industrial Revolution. This increase is a result of gas produced by livestock and paddy fields.There are some uncertainties as to what effects a change in climate might have on the earth. To predict what might happen, we first need to start by understanding how the increase in gases such as carbon dioxide and methane affect our climate. The diagrams below show the effects of these gases on our atmosphere. Below are some predictions of what might happen to the earth if subjected to a change in climate. The changes may be: a rise in global sea levelsa change in vegetation zonesan increase in disease levelsa change in ecosystems In 1998, 46 million people live in areas at risk of flooding (BBC News, 1997). This amount could increase rapidly if sea levels rose. Scientists estimate that a sea rise of only 50 centimetres would increase the number of people at risk to 92 million. A sea level rise of 1 metre would put 118 million people at risk. Scientists believe that there will be a sea level rise of 50 centimetres over the next 40 to 100 years. Ecosystems could be affected by a change in temperature. It has been predicted that an increase in temperature would affect species composition. Scientists also believe that up to two thirds of the world"s forests would undergo major changes. Scientists believe that deserts would become hotter, and desertification would extend and become harder to reverse. Detailed studies are undertaken in the UK to see how climate change is affecting humans, agriculture, vegetation, the ozone layer, hydrology, invertebrates, marine life, forests, birds, and the freshwater environment. You can click on the button below to see how these indicators are changing as the climate is changing. All these changes could occur if we carry on polluting the atmosphere with gases. There are many things we as individuals can do to help slow down any increase in global temperatures. If we cut down on the amount of carbon dioxide we use, the rate of climate change will slow down. One way we can cut down on the amount of carbon dioxide we use is by making less car journeys. How often do you get a lift to school when you could easily have walked? Could you share a lift with a friend so only one car would need to be used? These small differences count. We could also use less carbon dioxide by using better insulation in our homes. This would lessen the need to burn fossil fuels such as coal and oil that give off carbon dioxide. We could also switch to using renewable sources of energy such as wind or solar power.


ran是run 的过去式,译为“跑”。此句翻译为:女性杂志登刊了标题为“压力导致人患病”。故ran可译为“登刊了,...过”




《distance》是宇多田光的第二张专辑。该专辑请来许多欧美的制作人来制作,也是宇多田光本人首次参与专辑的制作,曲风也比首张专辑更偏向欧美化 。宇多田光将专辑命名为“distance”,表达的是一种人们在情感、心灵接触上的隔阂。虽然人们都想要了解彼此,努力缩短与陌生人、与亲朋、与爱人之间的距离,但不管多么亲近,或多或少都会有一点距离,所以如果爱上某个人,也一定会爱上这个距离 。专辑中共收录5首单曲主打曲、2首单曲附属曲,以及6首专辑原创曲 。宇多田光再度包办的所有歌曲的作曲作词 ,《Time Limit》和《Drama》由宇多田光和TAKURO以“宇多田光 and 久保琢郎”的名义共同作曲 ,另外该专辑中几乎所有曲目都有宇多田光本人参与编曲 。专辑中的第1、7支音轨由美国制作团队Jimmy Jam&Terry Lewis监制 ,第11支音轨《Time Limit》由宇多田光与唐妮·布蕾斯顿共事的西洋R&B制作人Rodney Jerkins监制,后者在这首歌中展现了一段饶舌 。第12支音轨《言叶にならない気持ち》则是其首张专辑的间奏的完成版 。专辑的附加曲目《はやとちり》中的“り”被删除 ,名称改为《HAYATOCHI-REMIX》 。专辑的封面由宇多田光的第一任丈夫纪里谷和明拍摄 。


distance的读音是:英["d?st?ns]。distance的读音是:英["d?st?ns]。distance的详尽释义是n.(名词)距离,路程,间距远处,远方疏远,冷淡,隔阂间隔悬殊远隔,远离长远,遥远,长久,久远。distance过去式:distanced;过去分词:distanced;现在分词:distancing;第三人称单数:distances。一、详尽释义点此查看distance的详细内容n.(名词)距离,路程,间距远处,远方疏远,冷淡,隔阂间隔悬殊远隔,远离长远,遥远,长久,久远adj.(形容词)远程(教育)的v.(动词)使疏远,使远离把…远远甩在后面,超过,赶过,胜过隔开,把...放在一定距离之外,放在远处不介入与…疏远,与 ... 保持距离比…做得更好或更多使显得遥远,使显得有距离二、双解释义n.(名词)[C][U]距离,间距 amount of space between two points or places[C][U]远处,远方 distant place or point[U](时间或空间的)相距 being separated in space or by time[U]疏远,冷淡 social separation or coldness in personal relations三、网络解释1. 间距:可输入 狭缝间距(distance) 以及 波长(wavelength) 的值若将滑鼠置於狭缝任一后, 拖著滑鼠(drag)亦可改变狭缝间距2. 间隔:AutoCAD供应点坐标(ID),间隔(Distance),面积(area)的究诘,给图形的剖析带来了很年夜的便利,可是在实际事项中,偶尔还须究诘实体质量属性特征,AutoCAD供应实体质量属性究诘(Mass Properties),可以便利究诘实体的惯性矩、面积矩、实体的质心等,3. 路程:根据刚才的研究和实验,我们知道了速度(speed)、时间(time)、路程(distance)三者之间有哪些关系?(速度×时间=路程 路程÷速度=时间 路程÷时间=速度)这节课你学会了哪些本领?原来乘、除法的知识还可以用在计算路程(distance)、时间(time)、速度(speed)上,4.(distance):dx; 远距离四、例句He judged the distance to a nicety.他判断距离很正确。My house is four miles distance from the sea.我家离海四英里。We can see a windmill in the distance.我们可以望见远处有架风车。A lighthouse was winking in the far distance.一座灯塔正在远处闪烁。A more appropriate stance would be for the leader to distance itself from the com-petitors.作为领导者,一个较正确的姿态是在自己和对手之间,拉开距离 。Interestingly, there are several reasons why it is so important to distance oneself from the rest.有趣的是,一定要拉开和其他人的距离,背后有很多原因。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)Walk on a short distance and there you are.再往前走不了多远,你就到了。It takes strength and attention to drive a truck long distances.跑长途的汽车司机需要付出劳力,思想也要高度集中。This is the point, from which all distances are measured.从这一点开始来测量各方面的距离。Our destination is still some distance away .我们的目的地离这里还有一段路程。The station is a good distance off.车站离这儿很远。It"s some distance to the shopping centre.到购物中心相当远。It"s no distance to the post office at all.到邮局很近。We have quite a distance to walk.我们要走相当远的路程。I was born in a town quite a distance from here.我出生在离这儿很远的镇上。In England and America distance is measured in miles, not in kilometres.在英美,测量距离用英里作单位,不用公里。Keep a safe distance between cars.车与车之间要保持安全的距离。You can see the mountains in the distance.你可以看见远处的山。I spotted something dark in the distance.我望见远方有个黑黑的东西。We heard gunfire in the distance.我们听到远处的枪声。A ship could be seen in the distance.远处可以看到一艘船。Look ahead in the distance, you can just see the lights of the village.你若向前方远处看,你就能看见村里的灯光。The balloon still can be seen in the distance.这个大气球在远处仍能看见。In the distance loomed a towering mountain.在远处一座巍峨的高山隐约可见。I live a short distance from school.我家离学校不远。We can see the mountain from a distance.我们从远处就可以望见重重山峦。The picture looks better from a distance.从远处看,这幅画显得更好看一些。From a distance the child heard a woman"s scream.从很远的距离这孩子就听见了女人的尖叫声。Oil paintings are to be appreciated at a distance.油画要在一定的距离外欣赏。Your dress looks all right at a distance.你的衣服远看不错。The radar system can detect other planes at great distances and send a variety of radar-guided missiles to destroy them.雷达能够探测出离它很远的飞机,并发射出各种由雷达制导的导弹把飞机摧毁掉。He won"t hit the target at that distance.他打不中那样远的目标。We planted the trees at a certain distance from each other.我们植树时,株与株之间留出一定的间隔。We can see the mountain at a distance of three kilometres.我们在3公里处看到了那座山。What is the distance between these two cities?这两个城市相距有多远?The living quarters for the workers are within walking distance of the factory.工人住宅区离工厂很近,步行可以走到。My house is within walking distance of the school.我的房子和学校在步行可及的距离内。There are three supermarkets within walking distance in this town.这个镇上有三个超市,很近,步行就可到达。The school is in easy walking distance.学校很近,步行就可到达。There was some distance between them at their last meeting.他们上次见面彼此就有些疏远了。They have always kept their distance from the neighbours.他们很少接近左邻右舍。We haven"t heard from him at this distance of time.在这样长的时间里,我们还没有接到他的信。At this distance of time,I can"t guarantee that I haven"t omitted anything in recounting the event.由于年代久远,我不能保证追述这个事件中没有任何遗漏。Things look different at a distance of 10 years.时隔10年,情况不同了。六、常用短语用作名词(n.)go the distance继续跑完全程,赛足全局等 continue to run, fight, etc. until the end of a contestkeep at a distance与某人保持一段距离 refuse to let sb become familiar or friendlykeep sb at a distanceIt was difficult to get to know her because she always kept everyone at a distance.要了解她很难,她老是对每个人都保持一段距离。The captain kept his crew at a distance.船长对他的船员保持疏远。keep one"s distance (from)对(人或事业)等冷淡 not become friendly or familiar with (a person, cause, etc.)七、词源解说☆ 13世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的destance;最初源自古典拉丁语的distantia:dis (分开) + staia (站),意为分开站。distance的相关临近词distant、distal、distancer、distance end、distance rod、distanceless、distance bar、distancetype、distance run、distance sum、distance nut、distance map点此查看更多关于distance的详细信息


《雪豹distance》歌曲歌词如下:对镜子倾诉心事这现实有些讽刺讽刺的是没有考试就有编制于是我拆封电子把故事装进盒子盒子里是用纯真换的物质我的心炽热 肺却冰冷着其实我想抽但不敢对你说歌词的字我 认不得几个可为何总是让我当个raper我代言慈善机构把甜美微笑出售烟杆里没有铁锈是推手给的铜臭烟在这么冷的天想抽根电子烟可瑞克没有电可是雪豹已失联摘不下我虚伪的假面几句胡言被奉为圣箴尝一口你血汗的香甜可是钱飘进双眼模糊了我做人的底线心甘情愿舍弃了尊严烧一朵花圈作祭奠类似《雪豹distance》的歌曲《雪Distance》是收录于Capper3月发行的新专辑《Uniconfication》中的一首歌,这首歌自发行后,在短视频平台爆火,用户翻唱版本层出不穷。这首歌的歌词在年轻的Capper的演唱之下总有种年少不知愁滋味、为赋新词强说愁的中二感。这首歌于capper而言,绝不是他最有特点的作品,但是作为旋律说唱,这首歌做得也就及格,旋律洗脑且传唱性强,编曲营造出的冷感和空间感贴合歌曲主题,而歌词内容在Capper的模糊说唱加持下,可以说有一种不丧到谷底誓不罢休的架势。





怎么评价robert plant

Robert Anthony Plant, 罗伯特·安东尼·普朗特,生于1948年8月20日,英国摇滚歌手,词曲作者。Robert 作为七十年代英国最著名的摇滚乐队之一的齐柏林飞艇(Led Zeppelin) 的主唱和词作者而广为人知。Robert Plant 一直被认为是摇滚乐历史上最重要的歌手之一,并且对后来的歌手们诸如Freddie Mercury( Queen) ,Axl Rose(Guns N" Roses)等产生了巨大的影响。2006年,重金属音乐杂志《Hit Parader》称其为“史上最伟大的金属歌手”。2009年,Robert被《Planet Rock》杂志评为“摇滚史上最伟大的声音” 。 2011年,滚石杂志“摇滚最佳主唱”排行榜将Robert列在第一位。[1] 中文名罗伯特·安东尼·普朗特外文名Robert Anthony Plant[1] 别 名Percy (昵称)[1] 国 籍英国星 座狮子座[1] 身 高185[2] 出生地英国斯塔福德郡[1] 出生日期1948年8月20日[1] 职 业摇滚歌手代表作品Led Zepplin 1-4,Rasing Sand, Band of Joy[1] 主要成就2009年格莱美年度最佳唱片,最佳单曲等五项大奖(Raising Sand)[3] 2005年格莱美终身成就奖 (Led Zepplin)[4] 1995年 摇滚名人堂 (Led Zepplin)[5] 所属乐队齐柏林飞艇[6]

so close and yet so far away 歌词

歌曲名:so close and yet so far away歌手:Strawbs专辑:burning for youYou"re my secretYou"re my inspirationYou"re my journeyYou"re my destinationYou have alwaysStrawbsBeen so close and yet so far awayYou"re my best friendYou"re my total strangerYou"re my lifelineYou"re my hint of dangerYou have alwaysBeen so close and yet so far awayIn my hour of needI call on youTo comfort meBut you could only set me freeYou"re my memoriesYou"re my Rock of AgesYou"re my futureYou"re my empty pagesYou have alwaysBeen so close and yet so far away . . .










《雪豹distance》歌曲歌词如下:对镜子倾诉心事这现实有些讽刺讽刺的是没有考试就有编制于是我拆封电子把故事装进盒子盒子里是用纯真换的物质我的心炽热 肺却冰冷着其实我想抽但不敢对你说歌词的字我 认不得几个可为何总是让我当个raper我代言慈善机构把甜美微笑出售烟杆里没有铁锈是推手给的铜臭烟在这么冷的天想抽根电子烟可瑞克没有电可是雪豹已失联摘不下我虚伪的假面几句胡言被奉为圣箴尝一口你血汗的香甜可是钱飘进双眼模糊了我做人的底线心甘情愿舍弃了尊严烧一朵花圈作祭奠类似《雪豹distance》的歌曲《雪Distance》是收录于Capper3月发行的新专辑《Uniconfication》中的一首歌,这首歌自发行后,在短视频平台爆火,用户翻唱版本层出不穷。这首歌的歌词在年轻的Capper的演唱之下总有种年少不知愁滋味、为赋新词强说愁的中二感。这首歌于capper而言,绝不是他最有特点的作品,但是作为旋律说唱,这首歌做得也就及格,旋律洗脑且传唱性强,编曲营造出的冷感和空间感贴合歌曲主题,而歌词内容在Capper的模糊说唱加持下,可以说有一种不丧到谷底誓不罢休的架势。


你说我纯真男孩+抽烟时吞吐雾霾+ 任凭锐刻的烟弹将我掩埋 ~ 这雪山白雪皑皑 ~ 这是电子的 时代+ 你充满电的烟杆不是正版+ 会不会爱抽~抽到这肺中 e 明明我想测码却不开直播 +我好想驰骋 +珍珠在奔腾 + 守旧派王源你 被我赶超 ~ 我愿把雪豹调教~空中烟雾在飘摇←有在燃烧的烟草← 别再守传统教条← 在这么冷的天 ~ 爱抽西瓜烟 弹~ 传统香烟佬缠 ~ 可是烟 飘进上天 +看不见你纯真的双眼←十二年教育高考在大专+你工资不到 我一半




《雪豹distance》歌曲歌词如下:对镜子倾诉心事这现实有些讽刺讽刺的是没有考试就有编制于是我拆封电子把故事装进盒子盒子里是用纯真换的物质我的心炽热 肺却冰冷着其实我想抽但不敢对你说歌词的字我 认不得几个可为何总是让我当个raper我代言慈善机构把甜美微笑出售烟杆里没有铁锈是推手给的铜臭烟在这么冷的天想抽根电子烟可瑞克没有电可是雪豹已失联摘不下我虚伪的假面几句胡言被奉为圣箴尝一口你血汗的香甜可是钱飘进双眼模糊了我做人的底线心甘情愿舍弃了尊严烧一朵花圈作祭奠类似《雪豹distance》的歌曲《雪Distance》是收录于Capper3月发行的新专辑《Uniconfication》中的一首歌,这首歌自发行后,在短视频平台爆火,用户翻唱版本层出不穷。这首歌的歌词在年轻的Capper的演唱之下总有种年少不知愁滋味、为赋新词强说愁的中二感。这首歌于capper而言,绝不是他最有特点的作品,但是作为旋律说唱,这首歌做得也就及格,旋律洗脑且传唱性强,编曲营造出的冷感和空间感贴合歌曲主题,而歌词内容在Capper的模糊说唱加持下,可以说有一种不丧到谷底誓不罢休的架势。


《雪distance》疑似抄袭韩国R&B歌手Zion.T的歌曲《酒窝》。两首歌都是抒情歌曲,节奏舒缓,旋律相似,这让不少网友质疑《雪distance》的原创性。有网友认为,两首歌的旋律、编曲、和声等方面都非常相似,甚至连后段的节奏都极为相似,不得不让人怀疑是否存在抄袭的行为。然而,也有不少网友对此表示质疑。有人认为,《雪distance》和《酒窝》的旋律确实有相似之处,但两首歌的整体风格和表现形式截然不同,不能简单地将它们归为同一类型。还有人认为,如果真的存在抄袭行为,那么这种抄袭行为应该是极其细微的,两首歌曲在整体上差异很大,不容易被发现。目前,此事尚未得到官方确认。无论结果如何,这种抄袭行为都是不可取的,应该尊重原创、保护知识产权。Zion.T个人资料介绍:Zion.T,中文名金海率,1989年4月13日出生于韩国,韩国男歌手、音乐制作人,是YG娱乐公司旗下的艺人。于2011年4月29日,以单曲《ClickMe》正式出道,如今Zion.T出道近12年了,因为音乐创作才华受到大众的关注,声音有特色,还在歌谣界拥有着“音源强盗”之称。Zion.T的作品有《Click me》《Kiss Me》《I Remember You》《杨花大桥》《Without You》等,其中《produce101》选秀中唱过《杨花大桥》。2016年获第25届首尔歌谣大赏-本奖(获奖),韩国“第30届金唱片”-数码音源类本奖(获奖),第5届Gaon ChartK-POP Awards-发现潜力奖(获奖)。

求moumoon 的新歌my Secret Santa 歌词 日文和翻译都要

Ooooh シークレットu30fbサンタOoooh マイu30fbシークレットu30fbサンタクリスマスu30fbソングが街に流れますお母さんと二人だけのX"masずっとずっとそうでしたでも、私秘密があるんですシークレットu30fbサンタ シークレットu30fbサンタOoooh マイu30fbシークレットu30fbサンタ(シークレットu30fbサンタ)差し出し不明のプレゼントなんです毎年このころ とどきます中はいつもぬいぐるみ私、今でも子どものままねシークレットu30fbサンタ シークレットu30fbサンタOoooh マイu30fbシークレットu30fbサンタ(シークレットu30fbサンタ)うらまなかったと言ったらウソですねともだちよべないX"masでしたグレてやろ、いじけよかとでも、私あなたがいてくれたシークレットu30fbサンタ シークレットu30fbサンタOoooh マイu30fbシークレットu30fbサンタ(シークレットu30fbサンタ)お母さん一度だけ泣きましたよね仕事が遅くなりはじめてケーキがなかったときに强く生きよと泣いたあの夜シークレットu30fbサンタ シークレットu30fbサンタOoooh マイu30fbシークレットu30fbサンタ(シークレットu30fbサンタ)ありがとうお母さんありがとうサンタさん私、今幸せですシークレットu30fbサンタ シークレットu30fbサンタOoooh マイu30fbシークレットu30fbサンタ(シークレットu30fbサンタ)Ooooh Secret SantaOoooh my Secret SantaChristmas songs playing in the streets,bright lights shining up in the skyX"mas with just me and my motherAlways, always that wayBut I, I have a secret of my own, yes just for meSecret Santa, Secret SantaOoooh my Secret Santa(Secret Santa)A present from an unknown sender.wrapped with a ribbon just for meIt always comes at this time every yearAnd there"s always a soft toy insideAnd I"m still like a little child, oh even nowSecret Santa, Secret SantaOoooh my Secret Santa(Secret Santa)I would be lying if I said, that I did not resent itI couldn"t even invite my friends for X"masMaybe I"ll turn bad and shy awayBut you, you were always there for me.right there for meSecret Santa, Secret SantaOoooh my Secret Santa(Secret Santa)You cried just once Mother,tears were falling from your eyesWhen your work started getting late at nightAnd we couldn"t have, have a cake to eatThat night, when you cried and looked right at meand said"be strong"Secret Santa, Secret SantaOoooh my Secret Santa(Secret Santa)Thank you, Oh MotherThank you, Oh SantaYes I can tell you, I"m so happy nowSecret Santa, Secret SantaOoooh my Secret Santa(Secret Santa)Ooooh神秘的圣诞老人Ooooh我的秘密圣诞老人圣诞歌曲在城市流动只有我和母亲的圣诞总是,总是如此但我有我的秘密神秘的圣诞老人圣诞老人的秘密Ooooh我的秘密圣诞老人(神秘的圣诞老人)我收到了神秘的礼物总是在每年的这个时候里面是一个毛绒的玩具我现在仍然像一个小孩子神秘的圣诞老人,圣诞老人的秘密Ooooh我的秘密圣诞老人(神秘的圣诞老人)我说不反感,是在撒谎我不能邀请我的朋友过圣诞也许我会变坏,逃避但是你总是在我身旁神秘的圣诞老人圣诞老人的秘密Ooooh我的秘密圣诞老人(神秘的圣诞老人)泪水从你的眼睛落下,母亲当你的工作到深夜我们没有有蛋糕吃但你教会我要坚强神秘的圣诞老人圣诞老人的秘密Ooooh我的秘密圣诞老人(神秘的圣诞老人)谢谢妈妈谢谢圣诞老人现在我很高兴神秘的圣诞老人圣诞老人的秘密Ooooh我的秘密圣诞老人(神秘的圣诞老人)






《雪distance》歌词完整版如下:你说我自以为是可怜像扑火飞蛾任凭无用的勇敢将我淹没这漩涡深不见底蜕去勉强的外壳你充满防备的样子不像我会不会太久久到这结果明明我想要却不敢对你说我好想放手却幻想太多悲叹你不是世上另一个我我愿把胸膛解剖公开脆弱的结构有在跳动的血肉别再只丢我骨头在这么冷的天别离我那么远再靠近我一点可是雪 飘进双眼看不见你桥牌的谎言心甘情愿囚禁在深渊舔舐着伤口和刀尖可是雪 飘进双眼看不见你桥牌的谎言心甘情愿囚禁在深渊烧一捧雪花做硝烟为什么抿下嘴唇尝起来像铁锈神经的恐慌和不安哪个会先走我怕这沼泽死水就要将我淹没求你能拉住我 就算只有几分钟快要变成玩偶可以随意玩弄别管我感受只要和你联手我愿把胸膛解剖公开脆弱的结构有在跳动的血肉别再只丢我骨头在这么冷的天别离我那么远再靠近我一点可是雪 飘进双眼看不见你桥牌的谎言心甘情愿囚禁在深渊舔舐着伤口和刀尖可是雪 飘进双眼看不见你桥牌的谎言心甘情愿囚禁在深渊烧一捧雪花做硝烟《雪distance》介绍《雪 Distance》是Capper(张砚拙)和罗言RollFlash作词、作曲并演唱的歌曲,收录在Capper2023年3月1日发行的专辑《Uniconfication》中。张砚拙(Capper),男,汉族,说唱歌手。2019年参加爱奇艺自制《中国新说唱》。2020年8月9日,与APEX厂牌成员LEGGO、4D、Kyra Z共同推出单曲《无人区玫瑰》。2021年10月16日,爱奇艺自制优酸乳《少年说唱企划》第十二期播出,以《衔尾蛇》成功夺得冠军。2022年参加《中国说唱巅峰对决》。

My Secret Santa 歌词

歌曲名:My Secret Santa歌手:Moumoon专辑:My Secret Santa (Single)Ooooh シークレット サンタOoooh マイ·シークレット·サンタクリスマス·ソングが街に流れますお母さんと二人だけのX"masずっとずっとそうでしたでも、私秘密があるんですシークレット·サンタ シークレット·サンタOoooh マイ·シークレット·サンタ差し出し不明のプレゼントなんです毎年このころ とどきます中はいつもぬいぐるみ私、今でも子どものままねシークレット·サンタ シークレット·サンタOoooh マイ·シークレット·サンタ「my Secret Santa」作词∶としおちゃん作曲∶moumoon歌∶moumoonうらまなかったと言ったらウソですねともだちよべないX"masでしたグレてやろ、いじけよかとでも、私あなたがいてくれたシークレット?サンタ シークレット·サンタOoooh マイ·シークレット·サンタお母さん一度だけ泣きましたよね仕事が遅くなりはじめてケーキがなかったときに强く生きよと泣いたあの夜シークレット·サンタ シークレット·サンタOoooh マイ シークレット·サンタありがとうお母さんありがとうサンタさん私、今幸せですシークレット·サンタ シークレット·サンタOoooh マイ·シークレット·サンタ【 おわり 】




《雪豹distance》歌曲歌词如下:对镜子倾诉心事这现实有些讽刺讽刺的是没有考试就有编制于是我拆封电子把故事装进盒子盒子里是用纯真换的物质我的心炽热 肺却冰冷着其实我想抽但不敢对你说歌词的字我 认不得几个可为何总是让我当个raper我代言慈善机构把甜美微笑出售烟杆里没有铁锈是推手给的铜臭烟在这么冷的天想抽根电子烟可瑞克没有电可是雪豹已失联摘不下我虚伪的假面几句胡言被奉为圣箴尝一口你血汗的香甜可是钱飘进双眼模糊了我做人的底线心甘情愿舍弃了尊严烧一朵花圈作祭奠类似《雪豹distance》的歌曲《雪Distance》是收录于Capper3月发行的新专辑《Uniconfication》中的一首歌,这首歌自发行后,在短视频平台爆火,用户翻唱版本层出不穷。这首歌的歌词在年轻的Capper的演唱之下总有种年少不知愁滋味、为赋新词强说愁的中二感。这首歌于capper而言,绝不是他最有特点的作品,但是作为旋律说唱,这首歌做得也就及格,旋律洗脑且传唱性强,编曲营造出的冷感和空间感贴合歌曲主题,而歌词内容在Capper的模糊说唱加持下,可以说有一种不丧到谷底誓不罢休的架势。






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