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求课程描述翻译~ 课程名称:电力系统分析Power System Analysis

看了楼上,我觉得自己以后没准也能拿这个当副业玩玩~----------------------------------Course description:This course presents the foundations of electric power systems analysis after an initial review of single and three-phase power, complex power and transformers. Topics include per unit quantities, generators, transmission line models, transformer models, short-circuit analysis, load flow, and power systems economics.Course main content:1.Review of power system networks, complex power, and per units 2.Generator, load, transformer, and line models 3. Network matrices, Power flow techniques- solving by the Gauss-Seidel method, by the Newton-Raphson method4.Fault studies: bus-impedance matrix , Symmetrical components and the sequence impedances ,Synchronous machine dynamics and the swing equation

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制作Mac OS X 10.11.U盘安装器准备8GB 或16GB 空U盘能正常联网在App Store下载app的Mac OS X电脑1.下载OS X安装器至电脑应用程序中(打开App Store右上角搜索:10.11--下载OS X EI Capitan(6GB左右))2.备份 U盘 中的资料后,修改U盘名称为:MyVolume (单击左键选中磁盘-按一下回车return 键-输入 MyVolume-再回车,更改名字完成)若U盘有分区或NTFS格式 请抹掉或格式化U盘格式为:Mac OS扩展日志式,名称为:MyVolume(Finder-应用程序-实用工具-磁盘工具-选择u盘-抹掉-格式选择Mac OS扩展日志式-名称写:MyVolume -抹掉)3.打开 终端 按需输入以下命令:(Finder-应用程序-实用工具-终端 (或者右上角放大镜??搜索:终端))---安装OS X EI Capitan:10.11系统复制粘贴以下命令至终端:sudo /Applications/Install OS X El --volume /Volumes/MyVolume --applicationpath /Applications/Install OS X El Capitan.app4.输入系统管理员密码--不用看屏幕,输入按键后--回车5.是否确定格式化u盘--确定 输入字母:Y---回车6.等待Copying。。。直到出现“Done”字样,OS X启动盘制作完成-----制作好启动盘后插入U盘 至 需要安装OS X系统的电脑-开机按住alt option--选择u盘启动盘--实际看到的是进入实用工具-??若需要格式化全盘资料后安装OS X系统,请执行以下操作,否则请选择 安装OS X 进入安装步骤 按提示操作即可-(抹盘重装步骤):选择实用工具中的磁盘工具--选择总磁盘-右侧 抹掉 选项--名称自定义为英文:Mac,格式为:Mac OS扩展日志式--抹掉--分区-退出磁盘工具--选择第二项 安装OS X--进入安装步骤--选择Mac磁盘--按提示操作

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power bank是什么意思

POWER BANK 网络 移动电源; 充电宝; [例句]Analysis of the Crack Reason of Neutral Point Current Transformer in CompletePower Capacitor Bank成套电容器组中性点电流互感器开裂原因的分析power 英[u02c8pau028au0259(r)] 美[u02c8pau028au025a] n. 力量; [机] 动力,功率; 政权,权力; 强国,大国; vt. 运转; 用发动机发动; 使…有力量; vi. 靠动力行进; 快速行进;

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如何将OS X 10.8.5升级到OS X EI Capitan

2012 MACboot pro 可以升级到最新版本 OS X El Capitan 下载大约5G 因此需要耗时,你所说的更新不了,是因为该时段苹果服务器繁忙,换个时段进行就可以了。最好是晚上进行下载,第二天就好了。

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你是说【DaVinci Resolve】吧……如果是的,那么没问题的,因为这个软件的开发商(Blackmagic Design)和苹果合作多年了(自从Mac Pro出来开始),因为这个软件可以为Mac Pro优化,所以其实DaVinci Resolve是跟着OS X系统一起更新的,最新的版本12.5是肯定支持OS X El Capitan的(注意是El,小写L,不是大写i)~如果你不信我可以告诉你我之前用OS X El Captian【10.12.0】的时候运行DaVinci Resolve12.5是很正常的(我个人不喜欢老升级系统),之后的10.12版本兼容性都一样的,所以不用担心这方面问题

如何解决macbook升级了OS X EI Capitan10.11.6 以后打不开ae等软件

解决macbook升级了OS X EI Capitan10.11.6 以后打不开ae等软件,建议删除了重新下载,免除后患。

苹果os x ei capitan可以安装win7吗

在 OS X EI Capitan 安装 Windows 7前言在 MacOS 上安装 Windows,用 MacOS 自带的实用工具中的 Boot Camp 助理即可,效果跟独立安装的 Windows 基本上没有什么区别,可以很方便地在 MacOS 和 Windows 之间进行切换,没有必要安装独立的 Windows。用 Boot Camp 助理安装 Windows 7 的教程很多,请先百度参考一下。OS X Yosemite 安装教程一步步进行即可,升级到 OS X EI Capitan 之后就只能直接安装 Windows 10 了,Windows 7 安装了也没法用,为什么?因为没有驱动程序。其实,OS X EI Capitan 安装 Windows 7,也很简单的。再次提醒:先百度查找阅读“用 Boot Camp 助理安装 Windows 7”的教程,然后准备开始……1.准备材料:(1)到苹果官网下载 Boot Camp 5,得到的是 ZIP 文件;(2)Windows 7 64位 旗舰版(ISO);(3)Windows 7 激活补丁:OEM 7F7 (最完美),请自己查找;(4)8GB 以上 FAT 格式的U盘。2.安装准备:(1)MAC OS X EI Capitan 任务栏上打开 Launchpad/Boot Camp 助理,勾选第一项:“创建 Windows 7 或更高版本的安装盘”并按提示进行,自动安装盘创建完成;(2)解压从苹果官网下载 Boot Camp 5.1.5621 文件,并把解压后文件夹中的三项全部拷贝到刚才创建的 Windows 7 安装盘的根目录下。(或 Windows 安装完成之后再直接解压运行也可?)3.进行安装: 记得插入刚才准备好的 U盘(安装盘)。(1)MAC OS X EI Capitan 任务栏上打开 Launchpad/Boot Camp 助理,勾选第三项:“安装 Windows 7 或更高版本”,点击“继续”按钮,按提示进行安装直到完成;(2)Windows 7 安装完成之后,进入 Boot Camp 5.1.5621 的 Boot Camp 文件夹,双击 Setup.exe 安装驱动程序,至此,在 OS X EI Capitan 上安装 Windows 7 大功告成!

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不知你在Springboot应用开发中有没有遇到过这样的情况,http请求进来却没有到达指定的controller就返回响应了,这是有可能在哪里拦截了呢。 答案是Filter,HandlerInterceptor,Aspect都有可能拦截,下面简单分析一下它们几个。 要说清它们关系得加上异常处理,在 Springboot 开发中默认的异常处理有三层,分别有 ErrorPage , ErrorController , RestControllerAdvice ,一次请求的调用链路简化图如下① DispatcherServlet 是 Spring 框架定义的 Servlet ,在 Tomcat 中作为默认的 Servlet ,是联通 Tomcat 和 Spring 的关键节点,负责分发http请求到对应的 Controller 中处理。 ② 请求建立socket链接后,先经过 Tomcat 的数个 valve ,开始进入 Filter ,再到 HandlerInterceptor , Aspect ,最后才到达 Controller 的,而相应的返回路径正好相反,先从 Controller ,最后到 Filter 。 ③ 当在 HandlerInterceptor 和 Aspect 发生异常时,如果我们定义了 @RestControllerAdvice 和 @ExceptionHandler ,那么会在 DispatcherServlet 处理中,把异常交给我们定义的方法来处理。如果没有定义则往上抛异常。 ④ 如果没有定义 @ExceptionHandler 或者 Filter 中发生异常时,将会在 StandardHostValve中 寻找匹配的 ErrorPage ,默认情况下,会将请求交给定义了/error路径的 Controller 处理,在 Springboot 中,默认会交给 BasicErrorController 处理, 因为是在 StandardHostValve 发起的链路,所以 Filter , HandlerInterceptor , Aspect 都会重新走一遍,但是有一点不同的是,这条链路只会调用类型为error的 Filter ,所以我们自定义的 Filter 不会重新调用。 ⑤ 如果前面两道防线都失守了,或者③的异常处理链路中再次发生异常,那么将会在 ErrorReportValve 中处理异常,这时候处理异常比较简单粗暴,直接读取匹配的html文件,如果没有找到html文件,就会拼接一个固定样式的html报文响应回去。

请问playrix出品的call of atlantis谁有,能发给我一下吗?谢谢!因为现在appstore已经没有这个游戏了。

基本上,每个iOS开发者都希望自己的作品,也能像小鸟一样一飞冲天,而且在排行榜里,还经常可看到国人作品的影子,但现在 App Store接近四十万个应用里面,别说成为小鸟,就算进入排行榜也是非常困难的事情。那么,怎样才能冲入排行榜呢?挖掘排行榜的规则首先,当然是要经常关注这个直白又神秘的排行榜,说它直白,是因为人人都看得见,说它神秘却是因为背后排行的规则除了苹果公司自己,无人能知。排行 榜在iOS设备或者电脑上的iTunes上都能看到:每个国家都有自己排行榜,榜单分为三个,每个榜单现在提供200个产品列表。这三个排行榜分别是付费应用软件排行(top paid)、免费应用软件排行(top free)以及畅销应用排行(top grossing),头两个是在App Store开张时即存在的,第三个却在差不多一年后才加上。我们可以粗浅地把这三个榜单理解为收费下载量最高、免费下载量最高,以及收入最高,但是事实要 比这复杂许多。如果对榜单进行一段时间的观测,保持每半个小时刷新一下,我们可以发现榜单正在不停地变化。那么是这半个小时之内的下载量的改变造成了榜单 的变化吗?我们无从得知,关于排名的规则,苹果公司一直在调整,曾经有人推算过,据称和几天之内的下载量、增量等都有关系。而在今年四月,排行榜的异动又 让人猜测是否是苹果加大了用户活跃度所占的比重。这一切都是推测,但无论如何,我们能看到苹果正在无形中要求开发者做出更优秀的产品。成功打榜的策略那么如果开发者在对排行榜进行了充分的分析,决定了产品的开发方向,又经过卓越的努力做出了一款优秀的产品后,怎样才能让自己的产品打入排行榜呢? 首先,最直接有效的方法就是能够被苹果编辑推荐,进入了推荐榜(北京时间每周五推荐一次)后,就会有更多机会冲击排行榜。去年,来自上海coconuts island公司的产品finger balance就因为被推荐而一举冲到了top paid 6。至于怎样才能够上推荐,我请教过苹果的全球开发者关系负责人,他的回答很简单:“优秀的作品!”每周能得到推荐的产品个数毕竟有限,而且即便得到了推荐,所在推荐位也会影响冲榜的效率。举例来说,同样是游戏,进入首页推荐的话,就比进入游戏推荐更有机会;同样是首页推荐,排在前面的自然也比排在后面的 有更多的曝光机会。可惜无论能否被推荐,以及获得推荐后的位置,都是我们这些开发者完全无法控制和预测的,这也是很多开发者把推荐榜变更的这天称之为“神奇周五”的原因。每周,苹果都通过这种方式对于优秀的产品给予足够的曝光,而因此进入排行榜的例子也比比皆是。一旦获得推荐,为了增加冲榜的成功率,将产品的价格暂时调低也是一种很有效的方式。但是如果发现即便降价也冲榜无力,为了利润最大化可以将价格改回去,因为上推荐这一周,往往是开发者收入最高的一 周。曾经“上推荐”这件事的效果可以维持一个月,但随着产品越来越多,苹果会将周期大大缩短,苹果一直在调整相关的策略,作为开发者,最好的选择就是接受 变化,适应变化。如果因为运气不好等原因,没有得到苹果公司编辑的垂青,就需要动用推广的方式来增加产品的曝光度了。根据多家数据分析公司的统计,直接在iOS设备上进行购买行为的占到全部用户的90%以上,因此推广方式也应集中在针对iOS设备的服务为主,至于Web广告、利用公关公司等手段,对于小工作室来说并不建议,基本上会导致入不敷出。最简单的对收费产品的推广方式,就是做一个功能有限的免费版。早在2009年,来自香港epicforce公司的传奇作品ifighter,就凭借冲到过top free 1的免费版,将收费版推到最高top paid 2的位置,创造出国人开发者的一个神话。所以免费版是无论如何都要做的,至于是在收费版上线之前、之后,还是同时推出,并没有一定之规,开发者可以根据实 际情况来决定。免费版的设计要点在于恰到好处地勾起用户的兴趣。还以ifighter为例,正式版本有四个关卡,而免费版只有一个关卡,但效果非常之好。 如果免费版给出三关,就会有用户觉得只为一关付费不值当;同样道理,如果免费版只有第一个关卡的前面部分,用户还没有感觉到游戏的乐趣时就结束,也是不恰 当的。因为几乎所有人都意识到免费版的重要性,所以免费应用软件排行的竞争也是异常激烈的。美国top free 第一名(iPhone)的日下载量要超过十万,iPad的日下载量超过两万,中国top free 第一名(iPhone)的日下载量五万,iPad的日下载量也是两万多(是的,中国iPad的保有量和美国相当),所以尽管是免费产品,但要想达到大规模 的下载量,有时也需要花广告费,才能将产品推到更好的位置。而且,免费榜里面参与竞争的不仅仅是免费版,经常会有收费产品的限时免费版来凑热闹。有些开发者不理解,为什么要收费转免费?他们认为这会减少潜在用户。其实这个顾虑完全没有必要,即便是第一名每天过十万的下载,对于苹果庞大的用户 群来说,也不过是九牛一毛。基本上,如果收费产品免费后,能进入top free比较靠前的位置的,转回收费后,都能有不错的成绩。几乎每周都能看到有产品通过这种方式,重新杀回收费排行榜的。这里面要注意的地方是,免费的时 间绝不能短,如果只有几个小时就匆匆忙忙改回去,是完全没效果的,只要产品还在排行榜上不断爬升,就不要停止,越多的人看到并下载你的产品,口碑传播的效 果就越好,当然也不能无限制地免费下去,基本上三天至一周是比较合适的时间。修改价格后,会有很多网站收录价格变化的消息,因为被很多用户得知,也因此催 生了一些专门做相关推广的公司。国内,做得比较好的是iapps.im和,如果想在国内冲击免费榜的,可以和这两家联系。回到免费版上来,免费版长期占据免费榜,就基本上能保证收费版长期占据收费榜,这是App Store里最健康的生存模式,但是即便在产品发布时,免费版进入了排行榜,如果希望能长期留存在榜单里面,有时候会需要采用购买广告的方式。目前提供这 种服务的公司有很多,苹果自己的iAd也在其中,另外比较有名的就是AdMob了,他们提供的服务都是根据一个用户的点击合多少钱来计算的,换算到下载, 可能一个有效的免费版下载要一美元甚至更多。这就需要开发者在考虑自己产品的ARPU之后来决定是否要进行广告投放。这里面有一个误区,投放广告的主要目 的不是立刻把广告费用赚回来,而是将产品推到排行榜一个比较不错的位置,让下载进入良性循环,以获得更多的曝光。如果产品推到高位后一旦广告投放停止迅速 下滑,就说明产品本身还是存在一定的问题,是修改后继续推广,还是干脆放弃进行新的产品开发就要开发者自行判断了。需要强调的一点是,有时候产品制作得很 不错,但是图标、名字、截图,以及描述这些所谓的“表面功夫”不到位,也会影响用户的下载欲望,毕竟很多用户是冲动型下载,如果上述几个部分有瑕疵,在选 择面非常大的前提下,用户可能就选择其他产品了,这种情况并不少见,所以请开发者一定要注意。另外一种比较有效的方式,就是系列化产品之间的相互推广。空中网的僵尸危机系列已经出了三部曲,四月份刚通过序章免费的方式,将一代顺利推入了 top paid 100。这种方式也可以用在同样类型的产品上,比如美国的chop chop系列,经常免费其中一个来推广其他作品,效果还不错。这种方式能成功的原因很简单,用户免费获得其中一个产品,觉得很好的话,自然会认为另一个同 系列或者同类型产品也会优秀,于是产生了付费意愿。免费榜单的竞争,多少有规律可寻,收费榜单的竞争,单靠广告模式就比较难了,上面提到一个免费下载的花费可能是一美元以上,而用同样的广告资源,一个收费版下载的花费可能要贵十倍都不止,所以相对来说,进行免费版本的推广会更加有效。


This is an introduction into the usage of the pandapower optimal power flow. It shows how to set the constraints and the cost factors into the pandapower element tables. 该notebook主要是介绍pandapower最优潮流计算的使用。它展示了如何将约束和成本因子设置进入pandapower的元件列表。 We use the following four bus example network for this tutorial: 我们的教程使用下图的4节点示例网络: We first create this network in pandapower: 我们首先在pandapower中创建网络: We specify the same costs for the power at the external grid and all generators to minimize the overall power feed in. This equals an overall loss minimization: 我们特别指出外部电网和所有的发电机具有相同的电能成本,并最小化总的电能供应。这相当于整体网损的最小化。 pp.create_polynomial_cost()为元件的多项式成本创建一个条目,返回已经创建的成本条目的ID We run an OPF: 我们运行一个最优潮流计算: let"s check the results: 让我们看下结果: Since all costs were specified the same, the OPF minimizes overall power generation, which is equal to a loss minimization in the network. The loads at buses 3 and 4 are supplied by generators at the same bus, the load at Bus 2 is provided by a combination of the other generators so that the power transmission leads to minimal losses. 因为所有的成本都看成相同的,最优潮流计算最小化总的发电量后的结果和网络的损失最小化结果相同。母线3和母线4的负荷由各自母线上的发电机供应,而母线2上的负荷是由其他发电机联合供应因此电能的传输达到了最小的损失。 Let"s now assign individual costs to each generator. 现在给每台发电机赋予各自的发电成本。 We assign a cost of 10 ct/kW for the external grid, 15 ct/kw for the generator g0 and 12 ct/kw for generator g1: 我们给外部电网赋予10ct/kW的成本,发电机g0赋予15ct/kW的成本以及发电机g1赋予12ct/kW的成本: And now run an OPF: 现在运行最优潮流运算: We can see that all active power is provided by the external grid. This makes sense, because the external grid has the lowest cost of all generators and we did not define any constraints. 我们可以看出所有的有功都是由外部电网提供。这是合理的,因为外部电网拥有最低的发电成本,而且我们没有定义任何的约束。 The dispatch costs are given in net.res_cost: dispatch成本可以由net.res_cost给出: Since all active power comes from the external grid and subsequently flows through the transformer, the transformer is overloaded with a loading of about 145%: 因为所有的有功功率都来自与外部电网,接着潮流流过了变压器,变压器过载运行,负载约为145%: We now limit the transformer loading to 50%: 现在设置变压器的负载约束为50%: (the max_loading_percent parameter can also be specified directly when creating the transformer) and run the OPF: (max_loading_percent参数也可以在创建变压器时直接指定) 然后运行最优潮流计算: We can see that the transformer complies with the maximum loading: 我们可以看到变压器以最大负荷运行: And power generation is now split between the external grid and generator 1 (which is the second cheapest generation unit): 现在有功功率的产生主要来自于外部电网和发电机g1(g1是发电成本第二低的发电机组) This comes of course with an increase in dispatch costs: 这样的结果就导致了dispatch成本的上升: We now look at the line loadings: 我们现在关注于线路负载: and run the OPF with a 50% loading constraint: 然后在线路50%负载水平条件下运行最优潮流计算: Now the line loading constraint is complied with: 现在线路的负载约束编译后: And all generators are involved in supplying the loads: 所有的发电机都开始供应负荷: This of course comes with a once again rising dispatch cost: 这导致了dispatch成本又一次的提升: Finally, we have a look at the bus voltage: 最后,我们在关注一下电压: and constrain it: 加以约束,并运行最优潮流计算: We can see that all voltages are within the voltage band: And all generators are once again involved in supplying the loads: 所有的发电机又一次都参与了负荷的供应: This of course comes once again with rising dispatch costs: 又一次导致了dipatch成本的提升: pandapower also provides the possibility of running a DC Optimal Power Flow: pandapower也可以提供了运行直流最优潮流计算的可能: Since voltage magnitudes are not included in the DC power flow formulation, voltage constraints canot be considered in the DC OPF: 因为直流潮流公式中不考虑电压幅值,所以在直流潮流计算中并不考虑电压约束: Line and transformer loading limits are however complied with: 线路和变压器负载限制编译后为: As are generator limits: 发电机限制为: The cost function is the same for the linearized OPF as for the non-linear one: 线性最优潮流计算和非线性潮流计算的成本函数一致: Piecewise linear cost functions The OPF also offers us piecewise linear cost functions. Let us first check the actual cost function setup: 分段线性成本函数 最优潮流九三也提供了分段线性成本函数。我们首先看一下实际的成本函数设置: An element can either have polynomial costs or piecewise linear costs at the same time. So let us first delete the polynomial costs in order to avoid confusion and errors: 一个元件的成本函数只能是多项式或者分段线性中的一种。因此,让我们首先删除多项式成本函数,以免产生困惑和错误: The results above have been produced with polynomial cost functions, that were linear. Let"s try to reproduce the results using piecewise linear cost functions. Note: The cost functions need to have the same gradient! 上面的计算结果是采用多项式成本函数计算的,是线性的。现在我们使用分段线性函数重新计算结果。 需要强调的是:成本函数需要拥有相同的梯度! What we forgot is that the piecewise linear function should be defined for the whole range of the generator. The range is determined by p_max and p_min. Let"s check: 额...错误信息是ValueError: Cost function must be defined for whole power range of the generator,让我们检查一下: We try again: 我们再试一下: An external grid usually has no operational limits, but this is a problem for the OPF: 外部电网通常没有运行限制,但这是OPF的一个问题: So we set imaginary constraints, that we can choose very broad: 因此,我们虚构一个约束,将这个约束的范围设置的很广: Let us check the results from the previous OPF again! 让我们再看一下之前的OPF运行结果: We run the same OPF now with different cost function setup. We should get the exact same results: 我们运行了相同的OPF但是采用不同的成本函数,我们应该获得完全相同的结果:

area aspect branch 区别

area:领域。(比如说某人在某一领域特别专业,he is professional in this area)aspect: 方面 (比如他在这一放面做的很好,he did well in this aspect)branch:分支( 比如公司的分支,the branch of the company)area的范围最大,aspect其次,branch最小。 branch<aspect<areaHe did well in this brach of the aspect in the area.比方说 人力资源领域里有工资绩效这一方面,工资绩效里又有审核这一分支。人力资源包括工资绩效,工资绩效里又有审核。人力资源是area 工资绩效是aspect 审核就是branch

toroidal transformer是什么意思

toroidal transformer 变压器,环芯变压器toroidal core transformer 环芯变压器toroidal instrument transformer 环形测试用变压器Toroidal Power Transformer 环形变压器High power and low leakage toroidal transformer, ensure sufficient power supply.大功率、低漏磁环形变压器,保证充足的电源供应。

feature aspect appearance三个词用法上的区别 都有外貌的意思

feature 偏向于 脸部,面貌 它还有 “特征,特点;特写,特辑;故事片”的意思,还看、可以当动词使用 aspect 外观,样子(通常指物体的外观样式) 还有 方面,形态 的意思 appearance 这个就可以指 人的外貌长相了 ,还可以表示 出现、来到,出场

变压器 设立关键词 要设哪些关键词?power transformer 还有些什么?


翻译the best quality and design is just for you .you will feel like writing it all the time .


一首好听的英文歌,开头忘记了但是中间是just want you say什么的95aLsm.cn差不多是这样的这是啥歌来着?

是hearbeats吗?里面有你说的歌词,好听的一首歌!Ican"tfigureout我搞不清楚Isitmeanttobethisway这是否意味着只能如此Easywordssohardtosay简单的话语却难以说出口 Ican"tlivewithout我不能生存 Knowinghowyoufeel如果无法触摸到你的感觉 Knowifthisisreal如果无法得知这是否真实TellmeamImistaken告诉我是我错了吗?CauseIdon"thaveanotherheartforbreaking因为我已经没有另一颗心为你破碎Pleasedon"tletmego请别让我离开Ijustwannastay我只愿为你停留Can"tyoufeelmyheartbeats难道你没有听到我的心跳Givingmeaway出卖了我Ijustwannaknow我只是想知道Ifyoutoofeelafraid你是否也感到担心Icanfeelyourheartbeats我可以听见你的心跳Givingyouaway出卖了你Givingusaway出卖了我们Ican"tunderstand我无法理解Howit"smakingsensethatweputupsuchdefense我们建立那么多的防御有什么意义Whenallyouneedtoknow你需要知道一切Nomatterwhatyoudo无论你做什么I"mjustasscaredasyou我和你同样恐惧TellmeamImistaken告诉我是我错了吗?CauseIdon"thaveanotherheartforbreaking我已经没有另一颗心为你破碎Pleasedon"tletmego请别让我离开Ijustwannastay我只愿为你停留Can"tyoufeelmyheartbeats难道你没有听到我的心跳Givingmeaway出卖了我Ijustwannaknow我想知道Ifyoutoofeelafraid你是否也感到担心Icanfeelyourheartbeats我能听见你的心跳Givingyouaway出卖了你Givingusaway出卖了我们Pleasedon"tletmego请别让我离开Ijustwannastay我只愿为你停留Can"tyoufeelmyheartbeats难道你没有听到我的心跳Givingmeaway出卖了我Ijustwannaknow我想知道Ifyoutoofeelafraid你是否也感到担心Icanfeelyourheartbeats我能听见你的心跳Givingyouaway出卖了你Givingusaway出卖了我们

POWER TRANSFORMER type : tf2-g55-2f Q spec : e148x18 5 DAZHONG ELECTRONI

变压器型号:交流220输入,交流12伏出。尺寸:E型长148MM X宽18MM多绕组变压器

求问,平时的鞋子都是43码的,red wing timberland的靴要买多大码

Redwing8、5E timberland 9W

tense and 这里的aspect是什么意思

时(tense) 是一个语法范畴,它是表示时间区别的形式。体(aspect)也是一个语法范畴,它表示动作或过程在一定时间内处于何种状态的动词形式。英语动词有两个体:进行体和完成体。(语法中动词的)体 In grammar, aspect is the way that a verb group shows whether an activity is continuing, is repeated, or is completed. For example, in "They were laughing", the verb is in the progressive aspect and shows that the action was continuing.


acpect是指接受 hand是指交

香港的bape,aape,red wing,air jordan在哪里?求详细地址!

铜锣湾时代广场,地下一楼就有aape,以前中环有,不过我那次去的时候貌似搬了,red wing和aj直接到波鞋街去淘吧,鞋太多了...纯手打,望采纳...


如下:(1)构造未加权超矩阵。在Super Decisions3.0软件中,执行命令: “Computations=>Unweighted Super Matrix=>Graphical”得未加权矩阵。( 2 ) 计 算 加 权 超 矩 阵 。 执 行 命 令 “ Computations=>Weighted Super Matrix=>Graphical”得到加权超矩阵。( 3 ) 计 算 极 限 超 矩 阵 确 定 权 重 。 执 行 命 令 “ Computations=>Limit Matrix=>Graphical”得到极限超矩阵。(4)计算风险优先度排序,确定权重。运行“Computations=>Priorities”命令,得到优先度排序风险因素的权重。介绍层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,简称AHP)是将与决策总是有关的元素分解成目标、准则、方案等层次,在此基础之上进行定性和定量分析的决策方法。该方法是美国运筹学家匹茨堡大学教授萨蒂于20世纪70年代初,在为美国国防部研究"根据各个工业部门对国家福利的贡献大小而进行电力分配"课题时,应用网络系统理论和多目标综合评价方法,提出的一种层次权重决策分析方法。


你把Style 属性改成 1-Graphical就可以了。

Van Morrison的《fast train》 歌词

歌曲名:fast train歌手:Van Morrison专辑:down the road(Van Morrison)Well you"ve been on a fast train and it"s going off the railsAnd you can"t come back can"t come back together againAnd you start breaking downIn the pouring rainWell you"ve been on a fast trainWhen your lover has gone away don"t it make you feet so sadAnd you go on a journey way into the landAnd you start breaking down"Cos you"re under the strainAnd you jump on a fast trainYou had to go on the lam you stepped into no-man"s landAin"t nobody here on your wavebandAin"t nobody gonna give you a helping handAnd you start breaking downAnd just go into the soundWhen you hear that fast trainAnd you keep moving on to the sound of the wheelsAnd deep inside your heart you really know oh, just how it feelsAnd you start breaking down and go into the painKeep on moving on a fast trainYou"re way over the line next thing you"re out of your mindAnd you"re out of your depth in through the window she creptOh there"s nowhere to go in the sleet and the snowJust keep on moving on a fast trainYou had to go on the lam stepping in no-man"s landAin"t nobody here on your wavebandNobody even gonna lend you a helping handOh and you"re so alone can you really make it on your ownKeep on moving on a fast trainOh going nowhere, except on a fast trainOh trying to get away from the pastOh keep on moving keep on moving on a fast trainGoing nowhere, across the desert sand, through the barren wasteOn a fast train going nowhereOn a fast train going nowhere

2. 沿着大桥街一直向前走,然后向左转。 Just go Bridge Street and .

2. along/down;turn left

很多年前听过一首英文歌,节奏很好,只记得歌词或者是歌名里有fantasy baby。不是权志龙那首

歌名:Fantasy boy <梦中的男孩>歌手:New Baccara 专辑:猛士的士高第三集

if you want , just go for it

If you sure it you want to ,just go for it. 是不对,你从句里边没有谓语,sure是形容词或者副词,不能做谓语的;还有,句子的意思也不通.我觉得应该是这样:If you are sure about it,and that"s what you want ,just go for it. OR If you are sure (that) that is what you want,just go for it.这里,括号里的that可要可不要.如果要,则它作为后面从句的引导词;如果不要,则是省略了从句的引导词.

---Shall we go swimming? ---Ok, I’ll just go and get . ...

A 考查情景交际和固定短语。“我们去游泳怎样?”“好的,我换下衣服马上去。”get changed“换衣服”。故选A。

Dixie Chicks的《Landslide》 歌词

歌曲名:Landslide歌手:Dixie Chicks专辑:Playlist: The Very Best Of The Dixie ChicksDixie Chicks - LandslideI took my love and I took it downClimbed a mountain then I turned aroundAnd I saw my reflection in the snow covered hillsWell the landslide brought me downOh, mirror in the skyWhat is love?Can the child within my heart rise aboveCan I sail through the changing ocean tidesCan I handle the seasons of my lifeUh ah ... uh ah ....Well, I"ve been afraid of changin""Cause I"ve built my life around youBut time makes you bolderChildren get olderI"m getting older tooWell ...Well, I"ve been afraid of changin""Cause I"ve built my life around youBut time makes you bolderChildren get olderI"m getting older tooWell, I"m getting older tooSo, take this love, take it downIf you climb a mountain and turn aroundAnd If you see my reflection in the snow covered hillsWell the landslide will brought it downIf you see my reflection in the snow covered hillsWell maybe ...The landslide will bring it down.↑↑END↑↑

graphical abstracts should be no larger than 8 cm x 4 cm什么意思

graphical abstracts should be no larger than 8 cm x 4 cm图形摘要应不大于8厘米×4厘米graphical abstracts should be no larger than 8 cm x 4 cm图形摘要应不大于8厘米×4厘米

anaconda command-line 和graphical 的区别



已发~RIHANNA《TAKE A BOW》Tuning:standard with CAPO on the 4th fretChords: C: x32010 G: 320033Am7: x02010 F: 133211 G/B: x20033Bbsus2:x13311 Dm7: xx0211 C/E: 032010Fadd9: 103013......


Just go down the road and turn left .*******************************************************************加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请及时采纳,谢谢!*******************************************************************

Rihanna take a bow这首歌的歌词那位有吖,有的请给下


蕾安娜Rihanna - Take A Bow 中文歌词


rihanna take a bow的中文歌词翻译

早上好!Rihanna[take a bow]中文歌词 How about a round of applause (给你的)掌声如何 A standing ovation (我)起来(为你)鼓掌 You look so dumb right now 你现在看起来有点麻木 Standing outside my house 呆站在我家门外 Trying to apologize 试著想道歉 You"re so ugly when you cry 你哭起来 还真丑 Please, just cut it out 行行好 就别再装了 [Chorus] Don"t tell me you"re sorry cuz you"re not 别说啥对不起 因为你根本没觉得对不起我 Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught 亲爱的,当我知道你抱歉只是因为你被发现(说谎) But you put on quite a show 但你的确演了一出很棒的戏 You really had me going 你真的已让我相信 But now it"s time to go 但现在是离开的时候了 Curtain"s finally closing 一切终于落幕 That was quite a show 那真是一场精彩绝伦的表演 Very entertaining 娱乐性十足 But it"s over now 但现在 什麼都结束了 Go on and take a bow 所以,鞠躬答谢吧 Grab your clothes and get gone 收拾你的衣服 消失在我眼前 You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on 你最好在细雨来临前赶快离开 Talkin" about, girl, I love you, you"re the one 别再虚情假意的说什麼 女孩, 我爱你,你是我的唯一 This just looks like the re-run 这只是像你的表演重新开演 Please, what else is on 拜托,还有什么新花样 And the award for the best liar goes to you 最佳说谎奖将归你 For makin me believe 因为你让我相信 That you could be faithful to me 你对我是忠实的 Lets hear your speech 让我们来听听你的演说 oh...

谁有蕾哈娜Rihanna《Take a Bow》中英文对照歌词?

Rihanna - “Take a Bow” How about a round of applause (给你的)掌声如何 A standing ovation (我)起来(为你)鼓掌 You look so dumb right now 你现在看起来有点麻木 Standing outside my house 呆站在我家门外 Trying to apologize 试著想道歉 You"re so ugly when you cry 你哭起来 还真丑 Please, just cut it out 行行好 就别再装了 [Chorus] Don"t tell me you"re sorry cuz you"re not 别说啥对不起 因为你根本没觉得对不起我 Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught 亲爱的,当我知道你抱歉只是因为你被发现(说谎) But you put on quite a show 但你的确演了一出很棒的戏 You really had me going 你真的已让我相信 But now it"s time to go 但现在是离开的时候了 Curtain"s finally closing 一切终于落幕 That was quite a show 那真是一场精彩绝伦的表演 Very entertaining 娱乐性十足 But it"s over now 但现在 什麼都结束了 Go on and take a bow 所以,鞠躬答谢吧 Grab your clothes and get gone 收拾你的衣服 消失在我眼前 You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on 你最好在细雨来临前赶快离开 Talkin" about, girl, I love you, you"re the one 别再虚情假意的说什麼 女孩, 我爱你,你是我的唯一 This just looks like the re-run 这只是像你的表演重新开演 Please, what else is on 拜托,还有什么新花样 And the award for the best liar goes to you 最佳说谎奖将归你 For makin" me believe 因为你让我相信 That you could be faithful to me 你对我是忠实的 Let"s hear your speech 让我们来听听你的演说 oh...

Rihanna的Take A Bow 音译歌词

How about a round of applause   (给你点)掌声如何   yeah standing ovation   (我)起来(为你)鼓掌   You look so dumb right now   你现在看起来真是愚蠢   Standing outside my house   呆站在我家门外   Trying to apologize   试着想道歉   You"re so ugly when you cry   你哭起来 还真丑   Please, just cut it out   够了 就别再装了   [Chorus]   Don"t tell me you"re sorry cuz you"re not   别告诉我对不起 因为你根本没觉得对不起我   Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught   亲爱的,当我知道你抱歉只是因为你被发现(说谎)   But you put on quite a show   但你的确演了一出很棒的戏   You really had me going   你真的已让我相信   But now it"s time to go   但现在是离开的时候了   Curtain"s finally closing   一切终于落幕   That was quite a show   那真是一场精彩绝伦的表演   Very entertaining   娱乐性十足   But it"s over now   但现在 一切都结束了   Go on and take a bow   所以,谢幕离开吧   Grab your clothes and get gone   收拾你的衣服 消失在我眼前   You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on   你最好在细雨来临前赶快离开   Talkin" about, girl, I love you, you"re the one   别再虚情假意的说什么 女孩, 我爱你,你是我的唯一   This just looks like the re-run   这只是故伎重演   Please, what else is on   拜托,还有什么新花样   And the award for the best liar goes to you   最佳说谎奖将归你   For makin me believe   因为你让我相信   That you could be faithful to me   你对我是忠实的   Lets hear your speech   让我们来听听你的演说

If You Wanna Go 歌词

歌曲名:If You Wanna Go歌手:Michelle Williams专辑:2011年1月欧美新歌速递3Michelle Williams - If You Wanna Go2 o"clock in the morningWoke up to the phone ringingI wonder who could it be,And my man said go back to sleep.Tryna act like its coolthen he walked in the other room,I heard whisperingHe dont wanna talk in front of me.Something is going on,Why are these secrets born?And I feel it very strongStarting to question you,Tell me who is she,Thats calling everynight,Baby this is gonna be the last time.If you wanna go, be on your wayCause obvious you dont really wanna stay,You aint gotta worry about me,You"re the kind of love I dont need.If you wanna go, be on your wayCant believe you did it to me in my face,You aint gotta worry about me,You"re the kind of love I dont need.I got the phone billing todayLook at all the calls that you made,Oh boy I"m waiting on you,You better tell the truthHow long has it beenIs she more than a friend,And I got the right to knowBefore I close the door.How can I trust you,You made me look like a fool,When I gave you all my loveWhy"d you go and mess that up.Baby when she hurts youTell me what will you doDont come running back to me,Cause baby I"m through.Just go, just go, just go,Just go, just go, just go.Just go.

lf you wanna go then 是哪首歌的歌词?

Let Me Down Slowly你为啥不自己搜啊?

求 if you wanna go 的中文歌词!求高人翻译!

手翻党来试一下。翻得有点糙阿请见谅。2 o"clock in the morning凌晨两点Woke up to the phone ringing被电话惊醒【醒来去接电话I wonder who could it be,我想着这会是谁呢And my man said go back to sleep.我丈夫却告诉我回床上乖乖睡觉Tryna act like its cool他想要掩饰慌乱then he walked in the other room,然后潜进了别的房间I heard whispering我听见低语He dont wanna talk in front of me.他不愿在我面前通电话Something is going on,一些事情还在继续Why are these secrets born?这些秘密怎么会产生?And I feel it very strong我对此感知强烈Starting to question you,我开始质问你Tell me who is she,告诉我她是谁Thats calling everynight,那个每晚打电话给你的女人是谁Baby this is gonna be the last time.亲爱的 这将是我最后一次这么问If you wanna go, be on your way如果你想走 那么走吧Cause obvious you dont really wanna stay,因为 很明显你根本不想留下You aint gotta worry about me,你不用担心我You"re the kind of love I dont need.我已经不需要你这样的人If you wanna go, be on your way如果你想走 那么走吧Cant believe you did it to me in my face,真不敢相信你竟然在我眼皮底下胡作非为You aint gotta worry about me,不用为我担心You"re the kind of love I dont need.我已经不需要你这样的人I got the phone billing today我今天收到了电话账单Look at all the calls that you made,看着那些你打的电话Oh boy I"m waiting on you,噢男人 我在等着你You better tell the truth你最好告诉我事实How long has it been你们这样有多久了Is she more than a friend,她不止是个普通朋友吧?And I got the right to know我有权利知道事实Before I close the door.在我关上门之前How can I trust you,我怎么能相信你You made me look like a fool, 你让我看上去像个傻瓜When I gave you all my love当我为你献出所有的爱Why"d you go and mess that up.为什么你要走 把所有都弄得一团糟Baby when she hurts you亲爱的 当她伤害你的时候Tell me what will you do告诉我 你会怎么办Dont come running back to me,不要再回来找我Cause baby I"m through.因为 亲爱的 我们玩完了Just go, just go, just go,走吧 走吧 走吧Just go, just go, just go.走吧 走吧 走吧 走吧Just go.走吧

《美女生错身 》中的插曲,歌词中有“if you wanna go,just go。if you wanna stay ,just stay"

IF YOU WANNA GO -JOY WILLIAMS One more timesitting in a silent stareand I"m the only one that"s hereLet"s just get it all outGimme every single wordeven if it"s gonna hurt...Cuz too many nightsfalling asleepwith all of these doubtsstuck in between usbeing polite is getting us nowhere now...So if you wanna stay, just stayif you wanna go, if you wanna gojust goSo if you wanna stay, just stayif you wanna go, if you wanna gojust gogo far away, go far let"s just fightmaybe you could find some tearsand I could feel something real againyou and i know we need to figure this outtell me is it too late now...Cuz too many nightsfalling asleepwith all of these doubtsstuck in between usbeing polite is getting us nowhere now...So if you wanna stay, just stayif you wanna go, if you wanna gojust goSo if you wanna stay, just stayif you wanna go, if you wanna gojust gogo far away, go far away...We built too much just to stand and watch it fall apart...It hurts too much just to stay the way we are...So if you wanna stay, just stayif you wanna go, if you wanna gojust goSo if you wanna stay, just stayif you wanna go, if you wanna gojust gogo far away, go far away...

Rihanna的take a bow的中英文的歌词!!

How about a round of applause 舞台上 接受众人拍手喝采 A standing ovation 感觉很不错吧 You look so dumb right now 但你现在看起来有点可笑 Standing outside my house 整个人 呆站在我家门外 Trying to apologize 试著想道歉 You"re so ugly when you cry 你哭起来 还真丑 Please, just cut it out 行行好 就别再装了 [Chorus] Don"t tell me you"re sorry cuz you"re not 别说啥对不起 这有点虚假 Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught 当事情爆发 才知道说抱歉 But you put on quite a show 的确 你演了出很棒的戏 You really had me going 把大家全唬的一愣愣的 But now it"s time to go 曲终人散 也该走了 Curtain"s finally closing 一切都已落幕 That was quite a show 精采绝伦的戏码 Very entertaining 娱乐性十足 But it"s over now 但现在 什麼都结束了 Go on and take a bow 下台一鞠躬 滚吧 Grab your clothes and get gone 收拾你的衣服 消失在我眼前 You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on 最好赶快离开 洒水车都快来了 Talkin" about, girl, I love you, you"re the one 别虚情假意的说什麼 「永远爱你,我的唯一」 This just looks like the re-run 根本是胡扯的续集 Please, what else is on 谁知道你打著什麼鬼主意

Rihanna的《Take A Bow》 歌词

歌曲名:Take A Bow歌手:Rihanna专辑:Good Girl Gone Bad: ReloadedTake A BowRihannaOhh how about a round of applauseYeah standin" ovationOoh ohh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahYou look so dumb right nowStandin" outside my houseTryin" to apologizeYou"re so ugly when you cryPlease just cut it outDon"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re notBaby when I know you"re only sorry you got caughtBut you put on quite a show (oh)You really had me goin"But now it"s time to go (oh)Curtain"s finally closin"That was quite a show (oh)Very entertainin"But it"s over now (but it"s over now)Go on and take a bow, ohh ohhGrab your clothes and get gone (get gone)You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on (come on)Talkin" "bout girl I love you you"re the oneThis just looks like the re-runPlease what else is onAnd don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not (mmm)Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught (mmm)But you put on quite a show (oh)You really had me goin"But now it"s time to go (oh)Curtain"s finally closin"That was quite a show (oh)Very entertaininBut it"s over now (but it"s over now)Go on and take a bow, ohhAnd the award for the best liar goes to you (goes to you)For makin" me believe that you could be paithful to meLet"s hear your speech outHow about a round of applauseA standin" ovationBut you put on quite a show (oh)You really had me goin"But now it"s time to go (oh)Curtain"s finally closin"That was quite a show (oh)Very entertainin"But it"s over now (but it"s over now)Go on and take a bowBut it"s over now

Rihanna--Take. A. Bow。这首歌的意思是什么。




Rihanna take a bow mv里讲了什么


Rihanna take a bow MV男主角

"Anothony Gallo"出生日期 1981年5月3日出生地点 美国纽约身高 5呎11吋(1.8米)血统 义大利 / 非洲职业 模特儿内有介绍他为 Rihanna 拍 take a bow MV:

Rihanna有哪些歌像Take a Bow的?


Tony Clarke的《Landslide》 歌词

歌曲名:Landslide歌手:Tony Clarke专辑:Chess Northern SoulDixie Chicks - LandslideI took my love and I took it downClimbed a mountain then I turned aroundAnd I saw my reflection in the snow covered hillsWell the landslide brought me downOh, mirror in the skyWhat is love?Can the child within my heart rise aboveCan I sail through the changing ocean tidesCan I handle the seasons of my lifeUh ah ... uh ah ....Well, I"ve been afraid of changin""Cause I"ve built my life around youBut time makes you bolderChildren get olderI"m getting older tooWell ...Well, I"ve been afraid of changin""Cause I"ve built my life around youBut time makes you bolderChildren get olderI"m getting older tooWell, I"m getting older tooSo, take this love, take it downIf you climb a mountain and turn aroundAnd If you see my reflection in the snow covered hillsWell the landslide will brought it downIf you see my reflection in the snow covered hillsWell maybe ...The landslide will bring it down.↑↑END↑↑

求Jeff Hanson的Just like me歌词的中文翻译!


911 in another life歌词

Yeah It"s my life 这是我的生活 But all in words I guess 却全部换成语言 [Verse 1] Have you ever loved someone so much you"d give an arm for? 你试过爱谁如此之深,深到你可以给去一只手臂吗 Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for? 不是措辞.不.真正的牺牲一只手臂 When they know they are your heart 当他们知道他们是你的心脏 And you know you are their armour 你知道你是他们的盔甲 And you will destroy anyone who will try to harm her 你会消灭任何试图伤害她的人 But what happens when karma turns right around and bites you 但当报应回过头来咬你 And everything you stand for turns on you to spite you 所有你支持一切开始攻击你,让你迷茫 What happens when you become the main source of her pain 当你成为她痛苦的最大源头 “Daddy look what I made?” [爹地看我做了什么?] “Dad"s gotta go catch a plane” [爸爸要去赶飞机] “Daddy where"s mummy? I can"t find mummy, where is she?” [爹地妈咪在那里?我找不到她,她在那里?] I don"t know, go play, Hailie baby your daddy"s busy. 我不知道,去玩去,hailie宝贝你爹地很忙 Daddy"s writin"a song, this song ain"t gon" write itself 爹地在写歌,歌不会自己写出来 I give you one underdog, then you gotta swing by yourself 我帮你拉秋千,然后你要自己荡 Then to write a rhyme in a song and tell her you love her 然后再写些歌里的押韵告诉她你爱她 And put hands on her mother who"s a spittin" image of her 再把手放在简直和她一模一样的她妈MD肩膀 That"s slim shady, yeah baby slim shady"s crazy 这就是slim shady,是的宝贝slim shady疯了 Shady made me, but tonight, Shady"s rock-a-by baby shady成就了我,但今晚, shady是乖乖睡的baby [Chorus] [x2] And when I"m gone, just carry on don"t mourn, 当我走了,继续坚持着不要哀伤 rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice 当每次你听到我的声音 高兴起来, Just know that I"m lookin" down on you smiling 要知道我在低头看着你微笑 And I didn"t feel a thing so baby don"t feel no pain, just smile back 我什么感觉都没有,所以宝贝不要难过,笑着回应就行 [Verse 2] I keep havin" this dream – I"m pushin" hailie on the swings she keeps screamin" 我一直做这个梦—我推着hailie的秋千她则不停尖叫 She don"t want me to sing, “You"re makin mummy cry, why, why"s mummy crying?” 她不想我再唱歌[你让妈咪哭了,为什么.为什么妈咪要哭] Baby, Daddy ain"t leavin" no more, 宝贝爹地再也不走了 “Daddy you"re lying, [爹地你说谎 You always say that, you always say this is the last time, 你总是那么说,你总是说这是最后一次 but you ain"t leavin" no more, Daddy you"re mine!” 但你不会再走了.爸爸你是我的!] She"s piling boxes infront of the door tryin" to block it, 她把垛版箱推导门前试图挡住它 “Daddy please daddy don"t leave daddy no, stop it!” [爹地求你爹地别走爹地不要,停住] Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket, it"s got a picture, 把手伸入她口袋,拉出一个小小的项链盒子,里面有张照片 “This"ll keep you safe daddy, take it with you” [这个会保护你的安全爹地,带着它走] I look up, it"s just me standin in the mirror, these fucking walls must be talkin coz man I can hear ‘em 我向上看,只有我站在镜子前面,这些墙一定在说话因为老天我能听见它们 They sayin you got one more chance to do right, and it"s tonight, 它们在说你有最后一次机会去做对,那就是今晚 Now go out there and show ‘em that you love ‘em ‘fore its too late 现在出去那里然后表示你爱他们,在太晚之前 And just as I go to walk out of my bedroom door it turns to a stage, they"re gone 当我走出我的卧室门外面变成舞台,它们走了 And the spotlight is on and I"m singin… 聚光灯在闪而然我在唱… [Chorus] [x2] And when I"m gone, just carry on don"t mourn, 当我走了,继续坚持着不要哀伤 rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice 当每次你听到我的声音 高兴起来, Just know that I"m lookin" down on you smiling 要知道我在低头看着你微笑 And I didn"t feel a thing so baby don"t feel no pain, just smile back 我什么感觉都没有,所以宝贝不要难过,笑着回应就行 [Verse 3] Sixty thousand people, all jumpin" out their seat 6万人全部跳出他们的座位 The curtain closes, they"re throwing roses at my feet 连幕落下,他们把玫瑰扔在我脚边 I take a bow, “and thank you all for comin" out” 我鞠躬[谢谢你们大家能来] They"re screamin so loud, I take one last look at the crowd 他们叫得那么响,我看了人群最后一眼 I glance down, I don"t believe what I"m seein", 我往下看,根本不能相信我所看见的 “Daddy it"s me! Help mummy her wrists are bleedin"” [爹地是我!救救妈咪,她的手腕在流血] But baby we"re in Sweden, how did you get to Sweden?! 但宝贝我们在瑞典,你怎么来到瑞典的?! “I followed you daddy, you told me that you wern"t leavin [我跟着你爹地.你说你不会走的 You lied to me dad, and now you make mummy sad 你对我说谎了爸爸,你现在让妈妈伤心了 And I bought you this coin 我还给你带来了这枚硬币 It says ‘number 1 dad", that"s all I wanted 上面写着‘第一名的爸爸",这是我所有想要的 I just wanna give you this coin 我只是想给你这枚脖? I get the point, fine, me and mummy are goin” 我明白了,好吧.我和妈咪走了] But baby wait- 但宝贝等等— “its too late dad, you made your choice. Now go out there and show ‘em you love ‘em more than us [太迟了爸爸.你作出了选择.现在出去外面然后表示你爱他们胜过我们 That"s what they want 这就是他们想要的 They want you Marshall, 他们想要你marshell. they keep screamin your name, it"s no wonder you can"t go to sleep 他们一直在叫你的名字,毫无疑问你不能睡着 Just take another fuckin pill, yeah i bet ya you will 再吃多点药片吧,我打赌你会的 You rap about it. Yeah word, ke-keep it real” 你给它写说唱.哈,这些诺言词语,让它们成成真吧] I hear applause, all this time I couldn"t see 我听见鼓掌,始终看不见 How could it be that the curtain is closing on me 怎么可能帘幕正在向我拉上 I turn around, find a gun on the ground, cock it, 我转身,在地板找到枪,上膛 put it to my brain, scream ‘Die Shady!" and pop it 朝着我的大脑,喊着‘死吧shady"扣下极板 The sky darkens, my life flashes, 天空变暗,我的生命消逝 The plane that I was supposed to be on crashes and burns to ashes 我本来要乘的飞机坠落化为灰烬 That"s when I wake up, alarm clock"s ringin", 这时我醒来, 闹钟在响 There"s birds singin", it"s spring and 有鸟在欢唱,这是春天 Hailie"s out side swingin" hailie在外面荡秋千 I walk right up to Kim and kiss her, tell her I miss her 我直直的走向kim去吻她,告诉她我想她 Hailie just smiles and winks at her little sister, almost as if to say- hailie笑了并与她的小妹妹交换眼色,就像在说

me and my broken heart 的中文歌词意思?

All I need is a little love in my lifeAll I need is a little love in the darkA little but I"m hoping it might kick startMe and my broken heartI need a little loving tonightHold me so I"m not falling apartA little but I"m hoping it might kick startMe and my broken heartYeah...Shot gun, aim at my heart, you got oneTear me apart in this songHow do we call this loveI tried, to run away but your eyesTell me to stay a whileWhy do we call this loveIt seems like we"ve been losing controlSo bad it don"t mean I"m not aloneWhen I sayAll I need is a little love in my lifeAll I need is a little love in the darkA little but I"m hoping it might kick startMe and my broken heartI need a little loving tonightHold me so I"m not falling apartA little but I"m hoping it might kick startMe and my broken heartMaybe some part of you just hates meYou pick me up and play meHow do we call this loveOne time tell me you need me tonightTo make it easy, you lieAnd say it"s all for loveIt seems like we"ve been losing controlSo bad it don"t mean I"m not aloneWhen I sayAll I need is a little love in my lifeAll I need is a little love in the darkA little but I"m hoping it might kick startMe and my broken heartI need a little loving tonightHold me so I"m not falling apartA little but I"m hoping it might kick startMe and my broken heartMe and my brokenYeah, yeah, yeahMe and my brokenYeah, yeah, yeahHow do we call thisIt"s just meIt"s just meIt"s just meMe and my broken heartAll I need is a little love in my lifeAll I need is a little love in the darkA little but I"m hoping it might kick startMe and my broken heartI need a little loving tonightHold me so I"m not falling apartA little but I"m hoping it might kick startMe and my broken heart所有我需要的是一个小爱在我的生命中所有我需要的是一个小爱在黑暗中有点,但我希望它可能启动我和我的破碎的心今晚我需要一点爱抱着我所以我不分崩离析有点,但我希望它可能启动我和我的破碎的心是的…散弹枪,对准我的心,你有一个这首歌我撕裂我们称之为爱吗我试着逃跑,但是你的眼睛告诉我呆一段时间为什么我们称之为爱吗似乎我们已经失去控制如此糟糕,并不意味着我不孤单当我说所有我需要的是一个小爱在我的生命中所有我需要的是一个小爱在黑暗中有点,但我希望它可能启动我和我的破碎的心今晚我需要一点爱抱着我所以我不分崩离析有点,但我希望它可能启动我和我的破碎的心也许你讨厌我的一部分你接我,玩我我们称之为爱吗今晚有一次告诉我你需要我使它容易,你撒谎说这都是为了爱似乎我们已经失去控制如此糟糕,并不意味着我不孤单当我说所有我需要的是一个小爱在我的生命中所有我需要的是一个小爱在黑暗中有点,但我希望它可能启动我和我的破碎的心今晚我需要一点爱抱着我所以我不分崩离析有点,但我希望它可能启动我和我的破碎的心我和我的坏了是的,是的,是的我和我的坏了是的,是的,是的我们称之为怎么样这只是我这只是我这只是我我和我的破碎的心所有我需要的是一个小爱在我的生命中所有我需要的是一个小爱在黑暗中有点,但我希望它可能启动我和我的破碎的心今晚我需要一点爱抱着我所以我不分崩离析有点,但我希望它可能启动望采纳

串口调试助手(CM精装版V3.7)使用时提示【ERROR】Cannot set COM port parameters,怎么回事?

不会是 波特率 吧?

谁帮忙翻写《take a bow》这首歌词的谐音?Rihanna唱的那首...

Rihanna - “Take a Bow” How about a round of applause 好饿饱特额ruang德奥夫额普烙丝A standing ovation 额丝单定哦为深You look so dumb right now 油鲁克搜当姆ruai闹Standing outside my house 死单丁奥赛买浩丝Trying to apologize 揣英吐额跑喽宅子 You"re so ugly when you cry 油儿搜阿格里问油苦ruaiPlease, just cut it out 普力丝,加斯特卡特伊特奥特[Chorus] Don"t tell me you"re sorry cuz you"re not 东调密油啊骚瑞靠子油啊闹特Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught 北鼻问爱no油啊ong里骚瑞油搞特靠特 But you put on quite a show 巴特油普特昂快特额收You really had me going 油瑞里还的密狗英 But now it"s time to go 巴闹一丝檀木吐够 Curtain"s finally closing 咳ten(英语的10)丝凡了里咳楼京That was quite a show 呆特我思快特额收 Very entertaining 微瑞阴特忒宁But it"s over now 巴一丝欧纹儿闹 Go on and take a bow 够昂安忒咳包Grab your clothes and get gone 瓜不油可楼丝安该刚You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on 油白特哈瑞啊普比佛的 丝彬咳丝抗忙Talkin" about, girl, I love you, you"re the one 托king饱特,哥哦,爱老虎油,油啊的万 This just looks like the re-run 迪斯家私来客的瑞软Please, what else is on 普利斯,沃特哎奥丝一丝昂And the award for the best liar goes to you 俺滴额我的佛的百斯特赖儿狗丝涂油 For makin" me believe 佛没king密比里无 That you could be faithful to me 呆特油哭的比菲斯佛吐密Let"s hear your speech 赖斯hi(拼音)油儿丝比吃 oh...你要好好学习啊,写这个我都要崩溃了。。。

Rihanna的《Take A Bow》 歌词

歌曲:Take A Bow(电影《枕边故事》主题曲)歌手:Rihanna专辑:Take A Bow歌词:Ohh how about a round of applauseYeah standin" ovationOoh ohh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahYou look so dumb right nowStandin" outside my houseTryin" to apologizeYou"re so ugly when you cryPlease just cut it outDon"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re notBaby when I know you"re only sorry you got caughtBut you put on quite a show (oh)You really had me goin"But now it"s time to go (oh)Curtain"s finally closin"That was quite a show (oh)Very entertainin"But it"s over now (but it"s over now)Go on and take a bow, ohh ohhGrab your clothes and get gone (get gone)You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on (come on)Talkin" "bout girl I love you you"re the oneThis just looks like the re-runPlease what else is onAnd don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not (mmm)Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught (mmm)But you put on quite a show (oh)You really had me goin"But now it"s time to go (oh)Curtain"s finally closin"That was quite a show (oh)Very entertaininBut it"s over now (but it"s over now)Go on and take a bow, ohhAnd the award for the best liar goes to you (goes to you)For makin" me believe that you could be paithful to meLet"s hear your speech outHow about a round of applauseA standin" ovationBut you put on quite a show (oh)You really had me goin"But now it"s time to go (oh)Curtain"s finally closin"That was quite a show (oh)Very entertainin"But it"s over now (but it"s over now)Go on and take a bowBut it"s over now

Rihanna的《Take a Bow》 歌词

歌曲名:Take a Bow歌手:Rihanna专辑:Good Girl Gone BadRihanna - Take A BowBY Larry Cheng & Kevin BoulOhh, how about a round of applause,Yeah, standin" ovation,Ooh ohh yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah.You look so dumb right now,Standin" outside my house,Tryin" to apologize,You"re so ugly when you cry,Please, just cut it out.Don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not,Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught,But you put on quite a show (oh),You really had me goin",But now it"s time to go (oh),Curtain"s finally closin",That was quite a show (oh),Very entertainin",But it"s over now (but it"s over now),Go on and take a bow, ohh ohh.Grab your clothes and get gone (get gone),You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on (come on),Talkin" "bout girl, I love you, you"re the one,This just looks like the re-run,Please, what else is on.And don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not (mmm),Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught (mmm),But you put on quite a show (oh),You really had me goin",But now it"s time to go (oh),Curtain"s finally closin",That was quite a show (oh),Very entertainin",But it"s over now (but it"s over now),Go on and take a bow, ohh.And the award for the best liar goes to you (goes to you),For makin" me believe that you could be paithful to me,Let"s hear your speech out,How about a round of applause,A standin" ovation.But you put on quite a show (oh),You really had me goin",But now it"s time to go (oh),Curtain"s finally closin",That was quite a show (oh),Very entertainin",But it"s over now (but it"s over now),Go on and take a bow.But it"s over now.

i am just a nobody, and nobody just me是哪首歌的歌词!!急求

记得我爱你 - 李易峰词:郑中庸曲:David Kong留不下来的叫残念我用一段旅程来逆向思考我的伤悲末班车要开往终点想说的话太多却只能说再见流不回去的是眼泪可惜了这个让人触景伤情幽静的美爱没有所谓的抱歉所有幸福的可能我都想成全记忆的窗景时间停在哪里忘了那些憧憬记得我爱你遥远的回忆那么近争吵的情绪太安静你还是我最舍不得的曾经流不回去的是眼泪可惜了这个让人触景伤情幽静的美爱没有所谓的抱歉所有幸福的可能我都想成全记忆的窗景时间停在哪里忘了那些憧憬记得我爱你遥远的回忆那么近争吵的情绪太安静你还是我最舍不得的曾经记忆的窗景时间停在哪里忘了那些憧憬记得我爱你遥远的回忆那么近争吵的情绪太安静你还是我最舍不得的曾经伤心是一封寄给青春的信

有一首歌,其中的歌词是you wanna just me youwannna just me

be what you wanna be,望采纳

Rihanna的《Take A Bow》 歌词

歌曲名:Take A Bow歌手:Rihanna专辑:Ultimate R & B 2008Rihanna - Take A BowBY Larry Cheng & Kevin BoulOhh, how about a round of applause,Yeah, standin" ovation,Ooh ohh yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah.You look so dumb right now,Standin" outside my house,Tryin" to apologize,You"re so ugly when you cry,Please, just cut it out.Don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not,Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught,But you put on quite a show (oh),You really had me goin",But now it"s time to go (oh),Curtain"s finally closin",That was quite a show (oh),Very entertainin",But it"s over now (but it"s over now),Go on and take a bow, ohh ohh.Grab your clothes and get gone (get gone),You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on (come on),Talkin" "bout girl, I love you, you"re the one,This just looks like the re-run,Please, what else is on.And don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not (mmm),Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught (mmm),But you put on quite a show (oh),You really had me goin",But now it"s time to go (oh),Curtain"s finally closin",That was quite a show (oh),Very entertainin",But it"s over now (but it"s over now),Go on and take a bow, ohh.And the award for the best liar goes to you (goes to you),For makin" me believe that you could be paithful to me,Let"s hear your speech out,How about a round of applause,A standin" ovation.But you put on quite a show (oh),You really had me goin",But now it"s time to go (oh),Curtain"s finally closin",That was quite a show (oh),Very entertainin",But it"s over now (but it"s over now),Go on and take a bow.But it"s over now.

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银行的balance sheet



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【答案】:res/raw和assets的相同点:两者目录下的文件在打包后会原封不动的保存在apk包中,不会被编译成二进制。res/raw和assets的不同点:1)res/raw中的文件会被映射到R.java文件中,访问的时候直接使用资源ID即 R.raw.filename;assets文件夹下的文件不会被映射到R.java中,访问的时候需要AssetManager类。2)res/raw不可以有目录结构,而assets则可以有目录结构,也就是assets目录下可以再建立文件夹3)读取文件资源举例:读取res/raw下的文件资源,通过以下方式获取输入流来进行写操作InputStream is = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.filename);读取assets下的文件资源,通过以下方式获取输入流来进行写操作AssetManager am = null;am = getAssets();InputStream is ="filename");

有形资产净值 Net Tangible Asset 怎样看?怎样算

Net Tangible Asset per share 简称为NTA 或NTA per Share,中文为每股有形资产净值。一间公司的Total Asset(总资产)可以分为tangible asset(有形资产)和intangible asset(无形资产)。Tangible Asset一般是指建筑物,工厂,土地,机器,存货等等。而intangible asset主要的都是商誉(goodwill),执照(license)和收购溢价(premium on acquisition)。在NTA的计算法里,只计算有tangible asset,而不包括intangible asset。Tangible Asset扣除债务(Total liabilities)后,再除以number of shares,就可以算到NTA。





求 佳仁 Esperando 歌词中文音译 谢谢!!

You"re so addictiveCan"t get enough of you.You make me feel so goodWhen you"re by my sideTu me quieres? 虽然假装不是,但我好像想要你如果能从我眼睛里感觉到、你能来嘛?在我耳边悄悄的说 yo te adoro (adore you)直到天亮...Esperando el amor 时间不能太长Waiting for love 请快一点,我的心会变的No matter when or whereWanna be there for youCould these feelings we haveBe honest, real...SincEros...Dance with me (Dance with you) 直到跟他通宵Come to me 来到等你的我这里在我耳边悄悄的说 yo te amo说到不要了为止...Esperando el amor 时间不能太长Waiting for love 请快一点,我的心会变的Lal Lal Lal Lal Lah, Lal Lal LahI"m waiting, waiting for loveBaby baby baby I"m gonna wait for love...Whoo... I"m like ...Whoo... You"re like ...Esperando el amor 时间不能太长Waiting for love 请快一点,我的心会变的Esperando el amor 时间不能太长Waiting for love 请快一点,我的心会变的




【法律分析】:最终还是鉴定为准,因为骨折也分很多级别,比如有粉碎性骨折,另外伤残也要看恢复情况,要出院后6个月后才能做鉴定,十级伤残。建议委托专业的鉴定机构申请鉴定,根据鉴定结果主张赔偿。10.1 颅脑、脊髓及周围神经损伤致:a. 神经功能障碍,日常活动能力轻度受限;b. 外伤性癫痫,药物能够控制,但遗留脑电图中度以上改变;c. 轻度失语或构音障碍;d. 单侧轻度面瘫,难以恢复;e. 轻度不自主运动或共济失调;f. 斜视、复视、视错觉、眼球震颤等视觉障碍;g. 半身或偏身型浅感觉分离性缺失;h. 一肢体完全性感觉缺失i. 节段性完全性感觉缺失;j. 影响阴茎勃起功能。【法律依据】:《工伤保险条例》第二十八条 自劳动能力鉴定结论作出之日起1年后,工伤职工或者其近亲属、所在单位或者经办机构认为伤残情况发生变化的,可以申请劳动能力复查鉴定。第三十七条 职工因工致残被鉴定为七级至十级伤残的,享受以下待遇: (一)从工伤保险基金按伤残等级支付一次性伤残补助金,标准为:七级伤残为13个月的本人工资,八级伤残为11个月的本人工资,九级伤残为9个月的本人工资,十级伤残为7个月的本人工资; (二)劳动、聘用合同期满终止,或者职工本人提出解除劳动、聘用合同的,由工伤保险基金支付一次性工伤医疗补助金,由用人单位支付一次性伤残就业补助金。一次性工伤医疗补助金和一次性伤残就业补助金的具体标准由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定。


Lisfranc n. 利斯弗朗;Lisfranc关节即跖跗关节,跖跗关节复合体包括组成跖跗关节的骨、关节与韧带等全部结构,

Fill in the blanks below with the right word in brackets, change the form where necessary.

1. Your fever (rose) yesterday = 你昨天发烧了; 2. It is easier fo talk about a (principle) than to live by it = 谈论原则容易,遵守原则难; 3. Our ( principal ) played on the faculty football team against the school all-stars = 我们校长参加职工足球队,对抗学校的明星队; 4. Is that table (stationary), or can it be moved to another corner of the room ? = 那张台子是固定的,还是能移到房间的另一个拐角里? 5. White (stationery) is always appropriate = 白色的信纸总是适宜的。




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