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虚拟主播anti一般指的是黑粉,也叫anti fans。这是韩国娱乐圈的特有现象,韩国anti fans有专门的反明星组织叫anti,因此这个词其实是起源于韩国饭圈。而在虚拟主播的饭圈中一般指喜欢拿虚拟主播开玩笑的粉丝,相反的词是gachi,意思是认真,程度深,通常使用此词表达含义等同于日语がち恋,认真的恋爱。虚拟主播来源虚拟主播的概念是由绊爱在2016年11月以虚拟YouTuber的形式开创的,绊爱也是公认的第一个虚拟YouTuber。自绊爱大热以后,2017年出现了大量的虚拟YouTuber。需要注意的是,由于绊爱的设定为AI,导致一部分人将其他虚拟UP主的设定一并误认为AI。而实际上,并非所有虚拟UP主的设定均为AI,其他的虚拟UP主各有各自的设定。


anti其实不是从VTB圈来的。百度解释:就是一些不满某个当红的明星而针对不满的明星所采取的的各种行为、乃至做出极端行为的反对者。可以说是吹毛求疵了。还有 其实中国V圈大多自称anti的都不是真anti,中国v圈还是gachi多的DD”是日语谁でも大好き(无论是谁都最喜欢)的缩写,取假名音 Da re de mo Da i su ki中大写的两个D组合而成。“单推”是与DD相对的词语,语义为只喜换某一个角色或偶像。“gachi”是日语がち(真的;认真的)的罗马音拼写,在大陆Vtuber粉丝圈是“gachi恋”的缩写。“gachi恋”的意思近似于“真爱粉”。事实上,由于DD梗在中文互联网的泛滥,“DD”一词从日语环境中的偏贬义词状态过渡到了如今中文互联网中的中性词状态。如果一个人说出“DD是有极限的”这句话,没准接下来就会发表一通单推宣言,也可能会变本加厉。同样,公开宣称自己是单推的人,背地里可能是个DD头子。他们被戳穿时可能会这样自我辩解嘲讽:“单推所有Vtuber不也是单推么!”当然,这些都是Vtuber粉丝圈打趣的边角料。无论你是DD、单推人还是gachi,乱玩梗都是禁止的。


anti 是反对的意思,,某人的anti粉就是热衷于反对某人的粉。。。是韩国娱乐界一种很变态的存在。。。ms是不是“貌似”的意思?CF是commercial film 的简称,电视广告的意思

i believe i can fly的中文歌词是什么,要完整的


励志英文歌曲:I Believe I Can Fly

励志英文歌曲推荐:I Believe I Can Fly    I Believe I Can Fly   I used to think that I could not go on 我原以为我无法坚持下去   And life was nothing but an awful song 生命只不过是一首忧郁的歌   But now I know the meaning of true love 但现在我明白了真爱的`含义   I"m leaning on the everlasting arms 找到了可以永久依靠的臂膀   If I can see it, then I can do it 如果我能看见它,我就能实现它   If I just believe it, there"s nothing to it 如果我只是相信它,它将无所作为   I believe I can fly 我相信我会飞   I believe I can touch the sky 我相信我能触到天空   I think about it every night and day 我日日夜夜地想象这一幕   Spread my wings and fly away 展翅远飞   I believe I can soar 我相信我会翱翔   I see me running through that open door 我看见自己穿过那敞开的生命之门   I believe I can fly 我相信我会飞   I believe I can fly 我相信我会飞   I believe I can fly 我相信我会飞   See I was on the verge of breaking down 看,我曾经在崩溃的边缘   Sometimes silence can seem so loud 有时沉默也能震耳欲聋   There are miracles in life I must achieve 生命中有很多我必能创造的奇迹   But first I know it starts inside of me, oh 但我知道要创造奇迹,就必须先从我的内在开始   If I can see it, then I can do it 如果我能看见它,我就能实现它   If I just believe it, there"s nothing to it 如果我只是相信它,它将无所作为   [Repeat 1]   Hey, cuz I believe in me, oh 因为我相信自己   If I can see it, then I can be it 如果我能看见它,我就能成为它   If I just believe it, there"s nothing to it 如果我只是相信它,它将无所作为   [Repeat 1]   Hey, if I just spread my wings 只要我张开自己的翅膀   I can fly 我就能飞   I can fly 我就能飞   I can fly, hey 我就能飞   If I just spread my wings 只要我张开自己的翅膀   I can fly 我就能飞   Fly-eye-eye 飞 ;



i wanna go there 歌词

歌曲名:i wanna go there歌手:Tyrese专辑:i wanna go thereYo, I wanna go there.I wanna take you there, just be ready.Sit back and relax let me do my thang, I"m about to go there for that old time swang.Anything that you want anything you desire babe just let me know cause you light my fire lady.I can tell that you want me tonight, all I came to do is make it right,Let"s get sweaty in front of the fireplace.(It"s on, bring it on, cuz I"m ready.)I wanna go there with you and do all the things no one would do.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)I wanna go there with you and give youeverything you need me to.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)Girl I know that this is new but keep an open mind.After I do this once your gonna want it all the time.Girl you got me babe, long as you keep it real.I see you like the appetizer here"s the main course meal.I can tell that you want me tonight.All I came to do is make it right.Let"s get sweaty in front of the fireplace.Your all I want and need.I wanna go there with you and do all the things no one would do.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)I wanna go there with you and give youeverything you need me to.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)The temperature is right and all I came to do is make you feel alright.Cause I came to please your body please your body.The way that we made love made meforget that it was me and your first night.And I wanna go there, I wanna go there.I wanna go there with you and do all the things no one would do.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)I wanna go there with you and give youeverything you need me to.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)Should lick my lipsOh Yeah Yeah YeahShould I grab on them hipsYeah YeahShould I start to do it real slowOh Yeah Yeah YeahAnd go where no one else could goYeah YeahShould I try to make you sweatOh Yeah Yeah YeahShould I try to take you all the way thereYeah YeahShould I try to make you bust once or twice.Girl I"m gonna give you bragging rights.Oh Yeah Yeah YeahI wanna go there with you and do all the things no one would do.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)I wanna go there with you and give youeverything you need me to.I wanna go where no one has been,I wanna go there witchu. (I wanna go there.)

求首英文歌 歌词里有 I can flyyyyy 那个fly 拖得很长的 女声




全勤奖是perfect attendance,5月份我要拿全勤奖,怎么翻译成英文?(想表达下个月不再迟到)

I am going to get Perfect Attendence in May. (五月我要拿全勤奖)I am not going to be late next month. (我下个月不会迟到了)因为是你计划了的,所以用be going to希望可以帮到你。

哪首歌的高潮是I can see I can fly?



anti就是对抗,反对的意思. anti团体就是反对的团体。 简单的说就是不喜欢Junki的人组织起来的一个团体。 韩国有很多艺人都有这种团体这种Fans的。 anti就是对抗,反对的意思. anti cafe就是anti fans们做的像博客的那种. ==============================+ +恐怖的反星组织.允浩过后,下个遭遇者,将是SJ中的.. 韩国人气组合“东方神起”的成员瑜卤允浩于15日下午在节目录制途中喝了Anti-Fan给的加入黏合剂的饮料被送往医院救治后脱离危险。昨日,此事件再次升级,嚣张的Anti-Fan在网上公布,下一个对象将是新生代组合SUPERJUNIOR的成员金希澈以及该组合中唯一的中国成员韩庚。 “Anti-Fan”是指明星的过激反对者。这群人如“歌迷会”一样,结成盟派,并成立专属网站,在网络上发表对明星不满的言辞,甚至做出更为过激的伤人行为。这样的组织在韩国甚多,大多数艺人都有自己的“Anti-Fan”。而伤害瑜卤允浩的嫌疑犯高某承认自己就是东方神起的Anti-Fan组织成员,她声称2年前加入这个组织,但是其间一直没参加任何的“Anti-Fan”活动,连诋毁明星的文章也没写过,但是她非常憎恨瑜卤允浩,所以才伺机送上有毒果汁和恐吓信,以表警告。 事发后,韩国艺人们纷纷站出来抗议,和东方神起有着深刻友情的金希澈在自己的博客上言辞激烈地表示:“你那样把灵魂出卖给恶魔,你也来这里吧?也想给我混有黏合剂的饮料吧?我等着你们。”而东方神起的Anti-Fan组织在看到此留言后,在网络上公布锁定他为下一个伤害对象,并扬言会先对与他关系甚好的中国成员韩庚下手,让他为朋友的受伤痛苦。消息一经公布,在网络上再掀波澜,歌迷们纷纷为偶像堪忧。昨日下午,韩庚及时出面安抚歌迷:“真的谢谢大家对我的关心,大家不要担心,我很好,我会保护好我自己的。” ◇Anti-Fan的疯狂行径 1994年,大学生金某准备了面具和刀想拍摄崔真实的裸体照片作为要挟,崔真实的经纪人为保护艺人被刺中腹部。 1999年,女子组合BABYVOX 的成员简美妍因和H.O.T的文熙俊传出绯闻,收到带血的剃刀和恐吓信。文熙俊连续三年在网上遭遇毫无理由的疯狂谩骂,以至于他一度不敢出门,不敢参加除了与音乐有关的综艺节目的录制。 2000年,G.O.D的成员尹启相的母亲喝了粉丝送的装有洗洁剂的饮料,出现严重呕吐并接受了洗胃等治疗。 2005年,宋慧乔的母亲收到“如果不给2.5亿韩元就用盐酸让宋慧乔毁容”的恐吓信。 《宫》的女主角出道才14岁(今年22岁),常因弱小被ANTI当街大骂,还被一个ANTI用墨水道在眼了,戴了半年眼罩,现在还有后患呢!!~~ 歌手罗勋儿的左脸颊在1970年的第一次公演中因恐怖袭击而留下了刀疤。 98年7月艺人陶志媛遭绑架,在地下停车场埋伏的两名男女用刀威胁陶志媛,将其锁在轿车后备箱长达5个小时并抢走1千400多万韩元。 演员崔真实也曾遭遇两次绑架事件。94年地方大学生金某准备了面具和刀拍摄了崔真实的裸体照片作为要挟,幸得警察深入追踪幸免于难。崔真实98年在电梯里险些被一名40多岁歹徒绑架,幸亏经纪人听到呼救前来救助,经纪人亦受袭击。 ````````````````````````````` 各位亲,我们大家一起祈祷最好成成不要遇上这样的变态! 因为希澈在网上斥责anti 遭到anti扬言下一个目标就是金希澈,但先会对庚宝下手,让他尝尝朋友受伤的悲痛!!!!!!!!真是太过分了!!



"I BeliveI can fly"的歌词

I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky I think about it every night and day Spread my wings and fly away I believe I can soar I see me running through that open door I believe I can fly I believe I can fly I believe I can fly See I was on the verge of breaking down Sometimes silence, it can seem so loud There are miracles in life I must achieve But first I know it starts inside of me



请问这句话怎么翻译There is an entire generation being wiped out. ...

Covering Mexico"s cartel wars puts journalists in the line of fire -- Lucio Soria is a recorder of the dead in Ciudad Juarez"s drug cartel war."El Sorias," as he is affectionately called by his colleagues, is a photojournalist for the Mexican city"s two main daily newspapers, El Diario and El PM. For the last 10 years, his job has been to photograph the bodies and crime scenes left behind after cartel hit men completed their work."I see the photos of the dead as art, not as dead people. I feel sad for the families, they cry and sometimes I cry too," Soria told CNN in a recent telephone interview."My record is 16 dead in one shift."A regular shift goes from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., or later if there are any last-minute bodies. The day is spent listening to police scanners and waiting for the code that will send Soria and a reporter rushing through the city"s congested streets to a new crime scene.My record is 16 dead in one shift.--Lucio SoriaRELATED TOPICS* Ciudad Juarez* Drug Trafficking* Murder and Homicide"Z-59 is the code for execution and Z-23 is the code for a dead person," he said.Soria knows that arriving at a crime scene too soon could mean a surprise encounter with the killers -- one that could cost him his life.He is part of a group of journalists operating in one of the world"s most dangerous cities. Every day the passion for their profession competes with the fear of death.The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists reports that 26 journalists have been killed since 2005 in Mexico -- most of them while covering the crime or corruption beats. By comparison, 10 journalists were killed in the same time period while covering the war in Afghanistan."There are challenges to the fulfillment of our mission, challenges we have never faced before," said Rocio Gallegos, the editor of El Diario, the city"s main news publication, with a circulation of 55,000.Video: Boy, 7, shot and killed"Any journalist in Ciudad Juarez is at risk," she said.For the paper"s staffers, death hit home last year with the murder of veteran crime reporter Armando "El Cholo" Rodriguez.On November 13, 2008, unidentified gunmen shot and killed Rodriguez, 40, while he was parked in front of his house with his 8-year-old daughter in the car; she was not harmed.Rodriguez had been receiving threats since February, Gallegos said.One year later, no one has been charged in his death, and the two lead federal investigators in the case have also been killed. A spokesperson for the attorney general"s office told CNN the case is still under investigation, but local journalists have interpreted this as a grant of impunity for crimes against their profession."The death of Armando Rodriguez left a clear message for everyone: Mind your own business! "No te metas en donde no debes,"" said Edgar Roman, director of news programming for Channel 44, which broadcasts more than six hours of news each day.The death of Armando Rodriguez left a clear message for everyone: Mind your own business!--Edgar Roman"Our self-censorship began when the war started -- self-censorship to avoid getting our reporters in trouble," said Roman.For Roman, and for several others in his position, investigative reporting has become a casualty of war."We can"t investigate because we become targets. Only that which happens in plain view is OK to report," said Roman."Everyone knows the rules of the game," said Ricardo Ainslie, professor of educational psychology at the University of Texas in Austin and a member of the Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies.For the last year, Ainslie has been using Ciudad Juarez as the center for his research on the Mexican war against the drug cartels."You can report what happens on the street, which is public domain, and sometimes they will get threats if they don"t report something," Ainslie said. "They can"t report backstories, or make inferences about motives. They are treading lightly because they can not afford to investigate -- this means execution."Tim Crockett, head of the security firm Pioneer Consulting and security adviser for CNN, described Ciudad Juarez as "probably more dangerous for journalists than the Middle East.""There are more armed groups that have no respect for law and order," he said. "What would they do if they captured a journalist? There is no leverage. They will just kill you and carry on with their business."Figuring out how to keep staffers safe from an attack has been an ongoing challenge for newsrooms in Juarez. Armored vehicles and bulletproof vests provide little protection against the .50-caliber bullets fired by the cartels.They will just kill you and carry on with their business.--Tim CrockettEl Diario has managed to keep some investigative reporting by omitting reporter bylines. For Gallegos, self-censorship is not the answer."We have kept our investigation, which has cost us because we have less access to government sources," Gallegos said. "With the argument of security, authorities have given us less access to information and documents," she said."The biggest challenge is to carry out our mission to inform the public without renouncing to our independence from the authorities, and without becoming messengers to the cartels," said Gallegos.Cartels have begun to time their executions to coincide with live newscasts, journalists say.Channel 44 evaluates its programming by holding bimonthly focus groups. Roman said his audience has gone from being spectators to being the victims."People are asking us to show a city with hope, and not a city of desolation and destruction. People are tired of living like this. Despite all the violence, there are people who want to keep living a normal life," he said.El PM is the paradox. The newspaper has a daily circulation of 70,000 to 75,000, and normally sells out within two hours of hitting the stands. The main cover picture is usually a bloody crime scene. Some describe it as a "listing" for the day"s dead."You cannot cover the sun with one finger; we say it like it is. We give it a human side and the raw side," said editor Alejandro Tellez."We live in a city where you go to the streets and you walk into yellow tape and then you come to us to find out what has happened," said Tellez.Ainslie said his research has shown that violence is part of the fabric of daily life in Ciudad Juarez."Everybody is living it," he said. "Everybody is seeing it. It is in every part of the city. ... Do you not report it because people are worn down and there seems to be no end?"Everybody is living it. Everybody is seeing it. It is in every part of the city.--Richardo AinslieAinslie added that he was also struck by the difference in the reporting across the border in Ciudad Juarez"s U.S. sister city, El Paso, Texas. On one day, he recalled, El Diario carried 15 cartel-related stories, including "three or four on the front page. The El Paso Times carried three cartel stories.Angela Kocherga is one of the few American journalists reporting from Ciudad Juarez on a weekly basis. She said the coverage of the cartel war by American news organizations has been sporadic at best."Afghanistan, Iraq are important stories, but Mexico gets lost in the mix day in and day out. The impact on the border is ignored. There is an entire generation being wiped out. ... It"s just festering and festering and it"s out of control. Ignoring it is not going to make it go away," she said.For some journalists in Ciudad Juarez, it has become a life"s mission to tell the world about this war and to write their country"s history.Soria feels he left his mark when, on October 20, he photographed the 2,000th victim of the cartel war.His shift was nearly over that day, and the body count stood at 1,996."I told my reporter, "Well, I guess I"m not going to get the 2,000." Then I heard on the scanner that there were three dead and the address was really close to where we were. That day we reached 2001 dead," he said."When I arrived, the military and the police where putting up the crime tape. The parents were hugging and holding each other. I wanted to record history, so that everyone would remember that moment. We are the ones keeping a log of the dead. I want to be remembered as the one who took that photo," said Soria.Soria"s photo tells the story of hundreds of families in Juarez. It shows two family members hugging and a third one crying over the body of one of the men killed, with the police as onlookers. __________________"My father may not approve, but I am no longer his disciple, I am a master now, an idea transcended into life. And so this is my new path, which is a lot like the old one - only mine. To stay on that path I need to work harder, explore new rituals, evolve. Am I evil? Am I good? I"m done asking those questions, I dont have the answers - does anyone?" -Dexter Morgan The deadliest police beat in the world

I belive i can fly 的中英文歌词

I Believe I Can Fly 我心飞翔 I used to think that I could not go on 我原以为我无法坚持下去, And life was nothing but an awful song 生命只不过是首忧郁的歌, But now I know the meaning of true love 但现在我明白了真爱的含义, I"m leaning on the everlasting arms 找到了可以永久依靠的臂膀。 If I can see it, then I can do it 只要我能看见希望,我就能成功, If I just believe it 我相信我能行, There"s nothing to it 那就没有什么不可以。 I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, I believe I can touch the sky 我相信我能触到天空。 I think about it every night and day 日日夜夜,我想象这一幕, Spread my wings and fly away 展翅高飞…… I believe I can soar 我相信我能高飞, I see me running through that open door 我看见我穿过那敞开的生命之门, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔。 See I was on the verge of breaking down 看,我在崩溃堕落的边缘, Sometimes silence can seem so loud 有时沉默也能震耳欲聋。 There are miracles in life I must achieve 生命中很多奇迹等我去实现, But first I know 但我知道要实现奇迹, It starts inside of me, oh 就必须先从我做起。 If I can see it 如果我还能看见希望, Then I can be it 我就能成为那个我想成为的人, If I just believe it 我相信我能行, There"s nothing to it 那就没有什么不可以。 I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, I believe I can touch the sky 我相信我能触到天空。 I think about it every night and day 日日夜夜,我想象这一幕, Spread my wings and fly away 展翅高飞…… I believe I can soar 我相信我能高飞, I see me running through that open door 我看见我穿过那敞开的生命之门, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔。 Hey, cuz I believe in me, oh 因为我相信自己 If I can see it 如果我还能看见希望, Then I can be it 我就能成为那个我想成为的人, If I just believe it 我相信我能行, There"s nothing to it 那就没有什么不可以。 I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, Hey, if I just spread my wings 只要我张开自己的翅膀。 I can fly 我可以飞翔, I can fly 我可以飞翔, I can fly, hey 我可以飞翔, If I just spread my wings 只要我张开自己的翅膀。 I can fly 我可以飞翔。词/曲/(原唱):R.kelly 这首歌是1998年R.kelly写给乔丹的,作为乔丹主演的电影《空中大灌篮》的插曲出现的,流派是R&B


anti的梗是 1/释义: adj. 反对的 n. 反对者,反对论者 2/例句: These antis gathered in the square. 这些反对者聚集在广场上。 We are all anti to this decision of the government. 我们都反对政府的这个决策。 I am anti your tone of voice to your parents. 我反对你对父母说话的语气。


可以,作为前缀,构成名词和形容词,如:antifreeze 防冻剂

i bilive i can fly 歌词

used to think that i could not go wrongand life was nothing but that an awful songbut now i know the meaning of true lovei am leaning on the everlasting armsif i can see itthen i can do iti believe i can flyi believe i can touch the skyi think about it every night and dayspread my wings and fly awayi believe i can soari see me running through that open doorsee i was on the verge of breaking downsometimes inside us, it can seem so longthere are miracles in life i must achievebut first i know it starts inside of meif i just believe itthere is nothing to iti believe i can flyi believe i can touch the skyi think about it every night and dayspread my wings and fly awayi believe i can soari see me running through that open doori believe i can flyif i just spread my wingsi can flyi can flyi can fly~oh~ if i just

留学网申时有个Previous attendance start date和Previous attendance end date,这个是什么?怎么填?

指的就是你以前上学的起始时间:例如:2001-2004 在某某初中就读2004-2007 在某某高中就读2008-2011在某某大学就读这个最好从小学开始写,一直到高中或者大学吧。有问题可以继续提问。谢谢采纳。


虚拟主播anti一般指的是黑粉,也叫anti fans。这是韩国娱乐圈的特有现象,韩国anti fans有专门的反明星组织叫anti,因此这个词其实是起源于韩国饭圈。而在虚拟主播的饭圈中一般指喜欢拿虚拟主播开玩笑的粉丝,相反的词是gachi,意思是认真,程度深,通常使用此词表达含义等同于日语がち恋,认真的恋爱。虚拟主播的活动范围由于虚拟UP主文化与日本ACG文化有较强的关联性,虚拟UP主的活动范围大多数在日本和中国的网络平台,中之人及相关从业者也大多来自日本和中国。除此以外,也有一些来自韩国、印度尼西亚、印度、美国、欧洲和其它地区的虚拟UP主。一些虚拟UP主组织或企划可能会将业务扩展至海外,面向其它国家和地区开展活动,也可能招募不同国家和地区的虚拟UP主,尝试跨国运营和联动。

有一首英文歌,好像是男生唱的。。我只记住了高潮部分。I can fly ~i can fly~i


mode of attendance是什么意思

mode of attendance考勤模式双语对照-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



歌词有i can be a strong girl 这首是什么歌名?是首华语歌

Brandy Ft. The Connect - Better Than YouMaximal r - The Freshest & Hottest R/ Hip-Hop Music!I guess I can do it better than you.She had to sayThat she can do something that I can"tBut she don"t know that I can do anythingThat she can so, it might not seem fairHe"s so cute,Used to see him everyday after schoolBut he"s so foolish to ever think that I"mnot strong enough to put up a fightIf she can back my jump shotsI can win in hopscotch(I can do that)Well I can do it betterIf he can be a track starI can drive a race car(I can do that)Well let me show youWhatever I do do doShe said I can do it better than you you youWhen I do it baby wanna try it too too tooHe says I can do it better thanI can do it better than you(Oh no)You can do it your wayI can do it mineWhatever we do we gon" have a good timeIf it"s anything you can doI can do it better thanI can do it better than you (you)He thinks,He got swag on luck but he ain"tI got more than him any dayWe cool but truth"s he can"t hangHe can"t hangIt"s true (true)The way shawty do her thang it"s cute (cute)She"s a lady and can keep up tooTake no, she"ll got for it if you learn how I doIf he can be a track starI can drive a race car(I can do that)Well I can do it betterIf she can back my jump shotsI can win in hopscotch(I can do that)Well let me show youWhatever I do do doShe said I can do it better than you you youWhen I do it baby wanna try it too too tooHe says I can do it better thanI can do it better than you(Oh no)You can do it your wayI can do it mineWhatever we do we gon" have a good timeIf it"s anything you can doI can do it better thanI can do it better than you (you)Girl, the way you come pimp with me(makes me wanna go harder)And boy, I could surprise you more than you think(and keep showing you something new)Whatever I do do doShe said I can do it better than you you youWhen I do it baby wanna try it too too tooHe says I can do it better thanI can do it better than you(Oh no)You can do it your wayI can do it mineWhatever we do we gon" have a good timeIf it"s anything you can doI can do it better thanI can do it better than you (you)Do do doDo do do(Oh no)I can do it better than youMaximal r - The Freshest & Hottest R/ Hip-Hop Music!


ANTI ,简单的说就是讨厌他们反对他们的人 韩国明星的ANTI组织 ANTI,英语中的一个前缀,如今在韩国,却成了一个组织名,意思有如“明星抵抗组织”。还记得前段时间韩国偶像团体东方神起的队长郑允浩被人投毒的事情吗?那就是ANTI组织中的粉丝所为。也就是说,ANTI组织的任务就是“抵抗明星”。 在韩国,只要明星一出道,他们的ANTI网站也随之成立,这也是韩国娱乐圈独有的现象。韩国网站GONEWS近来还列出了ANTI艺人投票排行榜,可见ANTI在韩国娱乐圈已是“典型现象”。在这份榜单中,前HOT组合成员张佑赫和东方神起组合人气居高不下,分坐状元与榜眼位置。不过,在这样的榜单上取得好名次,明星们恐怕是笑不出来的 可以说,ANTI组织的流行,是韩国娱乐圈特有的现象。虽然很多韩国明星很受欢迎,但是他们在在大多数韩国人的眼中并非什么大人物,韩国人不会把他们看得很高,甚至有些人因为理解为什么有些明星那么轻松就可以赚那么多钱,而对明星很看不惯。 韩国人普遍认为,演员才是为“韩流”作出贡献的中坚力量,而一些偶像歌手,比如最初的HOT组合,在韩国人看来只是以跳舞夺人眼球的“伪歌手”,甚至如今红遍全亚洲的Rain,也有很多ANTI粉丝,原因就在于很多韩国人认为,他的胸肌比他的歌声更吸引人。 一般来说,遭遇疯狂A的韩国歌手大多有三个特点: 1、 以舞蹈形象出位; 2、 唱歌一般; 3、 有着疯狂的粉丝(俗称狂饭) 而韩国的SM公司,恰如日本的杰尼斯家族,最喜欢推出这种在ANTI眼中“中看却并不怎么中听”的歌手,因此在韩国,SM公司旗下歌手,拥有特别广大的ANTI粉丝,以前是HOT,Baby Vox等,现在是东方神起和Super Junior。 在韩国ANTI看来,SM公司的这些组合凭着一些舞蹈和不怎么样的歌曲吸引了大批幼稚又疯狂的小学生或者初中生,特别招人反感。现如今,对这些歌手的一般ANTI行为,韩艘丫植还至恕? 此外,韩国ANTI组织流行的一大原因是:“韩流“虽然厉害,韩国的娱乐圈虽然热闹,但是韩国国内却没有狗仔队,只有疯狂的粉丝才会偷窥并偷拍自己喜欢的明星的私生活。因此,那些人气越高,粉丝越多越疯狂的明星,ANTI粉丝也越多,甚至有一些极端人士还在当红明星身上用极端

日野聪 I can make it 的日文罗马音以及中文歌词。= =

I CAN MAKE IT 歌:卫藤桐也(CV:日野聡)作词:石川絵理作曲:渡辺翔编曲:中西亮辅I can make it! そう いつだって信じてるI can make it! sou itsudatte shinji teru当然 必然 胜ちに行って ゲットしてみせるtouzen hitsuzen kachi ni itte getto shitemiseruTry 暧昧な态度なんて なんにもしていないのとTry aimai na taido nante nannimoshiteinainoto同じだから Wow X2onaji dakara Wow X2トッブだけにしか 兴味はないからtobbu dakenishika kyoumi wanaikaraやるってことはさ そういうことyaruttekotowasa souiukoto名前くらいなら 覚えておいていいnamae kurainara oboe teoiteii后はいらないato wairanaiいつものストリート またここに来るならitsumono sutori^to matakokoni kuru nara聴かせてもかまわない そっち次第だねkika setemokamawanai socchi shidai daneI can make it! もう 结果なんてわかってるI can make it! mou kekka nantewakatteru理由 余裕 バーフエクトで 振りきってやるriyuu yoyuu ba^fuekuto de furikitteyaruSay 中途半端な気まぐれに つきあってる暇なんかないSay chuutohanpa na kimagure ni tsukiatteru hima nankanaiわかってるだろ Wow X2wakatterudaro Wow X2こんあもんじゃないさ 上を目指してkon"amonjanaisa ue wo mezashi te负ける気もしないし つもりもないmake ru kimo shinaishi tsumorimonai努力がイやだったら やめたほうがいいdoryoku ga i yadattara yametahougaii上手くなるのはラクじゃないumaku narunoha raku janaiアドバイスしたくなる 音を聴かせるならadobaisu shitakunaru oto wo kika serunara教えなくもないけど マジでたのんだぜoshie nakumonaikedo maji detanondazeI can do it! そう 默って见ていればいいI can do it! Sou damatte mite irebaii必胜 圧胜 そのためでけ 顽张ってるんだ hisshou atsukachi sonotamedeke ganbatte rundaWAY 谁だってそんなもんだろ それ以外は意味がないWAY dare dattesonnamondaro sore igai ha imi ganaiあたりまえさ Wow X2atarimaesa Wow X2なんか子供みたいだねnanka kodomo mitaidaneただ可爱いヤツだって 言いたかっただけさtada kawaii yatsu datte ii takattadakesaタイプかもしれないってことにしとくよtaipu kamoshirenaittekotonishitokuyoI can make it! そう いつだって信じてるI can make it! sou itsudatte shinji teru当然 必然 胜ちに行って ゲットしてみせるtouzen hitsuzen kachi ni itte getto shitemiseruTry 暧昧な态度なんて なんにもしていないのとTry aimai na taido nante nannimoshiteinainoto同じだからonaji dakaraもう 结果なんてわかってるmou kekka nantewakatteru理由 余裕 バーフェクトで 振りきってやるriyuu yoyuu ba^fekuto de furi kitteyaruSAY 中途半端な気まぐれに つきあってる暇なんかないSAY chuutohanpa na kimagure ni tsukiatteru hima nankanaiわかってるだろ あんたならwakatterudaro antanara

Year of Attendance是什么意思

Yes,I can.歌词

歌曲名:YES,I CAN FLY歌手:northern19专辑:WINTER,WINTERI used to think that I could not go onAnd life was nothing but an awful songBut now I know the meaning of true loveIm leaning on the everlasting armsIf I can see it, then I can do itIf I just believe it, theres nothing to itI believe I can flyI believe I can touch the skyI think about it every night and daySpread my wings and fly awayI believe I can soarI see me running through that open doorI believe I can flyI believe I can flyI believe I can flySee I was on the verge of breaking downSometimes silence, it can seem so loudThere are miracles in life I must achieve

一首英文歌的样子,男生唱的高潮部分歌词大概是 i can s the run ,啊




比较轻快,类似女生的组合唱的,歌词中有连续“I can do, I can do ,I can do..真维斯店里听到的

elin lanto - i can do it (watch me now) 是这个吗?



l can do it myself,对吗?

不一样的 ,语法不同,表达的意思就不同。



弱弱的问一下,flight attendance怎么连读?

就是把 flight 里的 t,跟 attendance 里的 “哦”连起来读。



以l believe l can do it为题的初中60字英语作文

"Dream as if you"ll live forever.Live as if you"ll die today."by James Dean.Yes,I believe what the quotes said.I have my own dream,I work on my dream.I try really hard to overcome difficulties and problem in my live.I do not give up easily.I do not waste my time to regrat what i had did wrongly in the past.Let"s bygone be bygone.Time waits no man.I can"t predict how is my future.The only things I now is now I ought to work hard to achieve my dream.I shall achieve my dream and one day I would be as suceed as Barack Obama,Steve Jobs and BIll Gates.So,with my hard work and my dreams,I believe I can succeed!


anti在饭圈是黑粉的意思。anti在英语里是“反,反对”等意思,fans就是粉丝,anti fans就是讨厌并且会伤害(如在网上造谣诬陷,或者直接威胁恐吓等)自己讨厌的明星的一种粉丝,类似于黑粉。起源于韩国饭圈。也被直接称为anti,因为韩国的anti fans有专门的反明星组织就叫ANTI。扩展资料严格来讲,黑粉不是传统意义上的粉丝,而是基于利益对特定明星实施抹黑作业。在资源有限的娱乐圈中,相似“人设”的明星偶像比比皆是,于是一些粉丝为了稳固自己偶像的话题度、热搜度、排行榜和流量,帮助偶像抢夺娱乐资源,不惜化身对家的粉丝,抹黑造谣,故意引发网络骂战。其中,有一类职业黑粉,只是按照雇主的要求为偶像吸引粉丝,同时还收集传播对家明星的黑料。

谁知道广告词“I believe, I can do”出自哪里

阿华田 的广告


anti就是anti饭,就是一些不满某个当红的明星而针对不满的明星所采取的的各种行为、乃至做出极端行为的反对者。 Anti组织的流行,是韩国娱乐圈的特有现象。anti是一个英语单词,英文本意是反对者的意思。在娱乐圈出现类似情况后,用以代指一类人群,指那些反对特定艺人并进行攻击的观众群。简单地说就是专门为了反对某个艺人而建立的组织,会对他们所反对的那个人做出恐吓或伤害的事情anti具体事例:1、1994年,大学生金某准备了面具和刀,想拍摄崔真实的裸体照片作为要挟,崔真实的经纪人为保护艺人被刺中腹部。2、1999年,还在Baby V.O.X组合的简美妍,和H.O.T.的成员文熙俊传出绯闻后收到过沾满鲜血的刀片,在业界引起了不小的恐慌,还有ANTI粉丝在手中握着刀片,假扮粉丝与她握手,当场使简美妍的手血流不止,而那个ANTI粉丝则趁乱溜走了。


anti就是anti饭,就是一些不满某个当红的明星而针对不满的明星所采取的的各种行为、乃至做出极端行为的反对者。 Anti组织的流行,是韩国娱乐圈的特有现象。anti是一个英语单词,英文本意是反对者的意思。在娱乐圈出现类似情况后,用以代指一类人群,指那些反对特定艺人并进行攻击的观众群。简单地说就是专门为了反对某个艺人而建立的组织,会对他们所反对的那个人做出恐吓或伤害的事情扩展资料:anti具体事例:1.1994年,大学生金某准备了面具和刀,想拍摄崔真实的裸体照片作为要挟,崔真实的经纪人为保护艺人被刺中腹部。2.1999年,还在Baby V.O.X组合的简美妍,和H.O.T.的成员文熙俊传出绯闻后收到过沾满鲜血的刀片,在业界引起了不小的恐慌,还有ANTI粉丝在手中握着刀片,假扮粉丝与她握手,当场使简美妍的手血流不止,而那个ANTI粉丝则趁乱溜走了。3.1999年,尹恩惠,韩国大热电视剧《宫》的女主角,她本是韩国组合Baby V.O.X组合中的一员。经常有人声称是她的粉丝,走到她面前咒骂她,导致她之后走路都习惯性低着头,避开旁人的视线。曾经还有伪粉丝手拿装满墨水的针筒,朝她的眼睛喷墨水,因此之后很长一段时间,她只敢戴着墨镜出门。如今,她只要见到自称是她粉丝的人,第一反应便是恐惧。4.2000年,G.O.D的成员尹启相的母亲喝了粉丝送的装有洗洁剂的饮料,出现严重呕吐,最后只好去洗胃。5.2003年,文熙俊的ANTI俱乐部成立在韩国已高达10万人,在韩国所有Anti俱乐部中排名第一。俱乐部成员们不断在网上散发捏造恶劣新闻,甚至瞎编说“文熙俊自杀,尸体在所属社被发现”。为此,文熙俊向这些Anti俱乐部成员提出了诉讼,结果却是不了了之。直到2005年他参军后,众多偏激的Anti粉丝才对他有所改观。参考资料:百度百科-Anti(娱乐圈现象)

I believe I can do it 是什么意思


i myself can doit

前两句都符合语法,myself此处是I的同位语,不存在中式英语的问题.第三句当然可以这么说,和前两句的中文句意相同,但语法结构不同.此处的by myself是作主语I的方式状语.


ANTI ,简单的说就是讨厌他们反对他们的人 韩国明星的ANTI组织 ANTI,英语中的一个前缀,如今在韩国,却成了一个组织名,意思有如“明星抵抗组织”。还记得前段时间韩国偶像团体东方神起的队长郑允浩被人投毒的事情吗?那就是ANTI组织中的粉丝所为。也就是说,ANTI组织的任务就是“抵抗明星”。 在韩国,只要明星一出道,他们的ANTI网站也随之成立,这也是韩国娱乐圈独有的现象。韩国网站GONEWS近来还列出了ANTI艺人投票排行榜,可见ANTI在韩国娱乐圈已是“典型现象”。在这份榜单中,前HOT组合成员张佑赫和东方神起组合人气居高不下,分坐状元与榜眼位置。不过,在这样的榜单上取得好名次,明星们恐怕是笑不出来的 可以说,ANTI组织的流行,是韩国娱乐圈特有的现象。虽然很多韩国明星很受欢迎,但是他们在在大多数韩国人的眼中并非什么大人物,韩国人不会把他们看得很高,甚至有些人因为理解为什么有些明星那么轻松就可以赚那么多钱,而对明星很看不惯。 韩国人普遍认为,演员才是为“韩流”作出贡献的中坚力量,而一些偶像歌手,比如最初的HOT组合,在韩国人看来只是以跳舞夺人眼球的“伪歌手”,甚至如今红遍全亚洲的Rain,也有很多ANTI粉丝,原因就在于很多韩国人认为,他的胸肌比他的歌声更吸引人。 一般来说,遭遇疯狂A的韩国歌手大多有三个特点: 1、 以舞蹈形象出位; 2、 唱歌一般; 3、 有着疯狂的粉丝(俗称狂饭) 而韩国的SM公司,恰如日本的杰尼斯家族,最喜欢推出这种在ANTI眼中“中看却并不怎么中听”的歌手,因此在韩国,SM公司旗下歌手,拥有特别广大的ANTI粉丝,以前是HOT,Baby Vox等,现在是东方神起和Super Junior。 在韩国ANTI看来,SM公司的这些组合凭着一些舞蹈和不怎么样的歌曲吸引了大批幼稚又疯狂的小学生或者初中生,特别招人反感。现如今,对这些歌手的一般ANTI行为,韩艘丫植还至恕? 此外,韩国ANTI组织流行的一大原因是:“韩流“虽然厉害,韩国的娱乐圈虽然热闹,但是韩国国内却没有狗仔队,只有疯狂的粉丝才会偷窥并偷拍自己喜欢的明星的私生活。因此,那些人气越高,粉丝越多越疯狂的明星,ANTI粉丝也越多,甚至有一些极端人士还在当红明星身上用极端

I Believe I Can Do It

In the past,I thought I cloudn"t do the Maths well ,but when I tried to do it ,I thoght it became so easy . I just do it by myself.I got a success .That make me very excited and happy.I didn"t afriad of the Maths since then. 不知道行不行

I can造句?

I can do itu3002

Year of Attendance是什么意思

Year of Attendance 年出勤

attendance rate是什么意思

出勤率双语对照词典结果:attendance rate[英][u0259u02c8tendu0259ns reit][美][u0259u02c8tu025bndu0259ns ret][经] 出勤率; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But the secretary showed me your attendance rate. 但是秘书给我看了你的出勤率.


do is i can 哈哈哈

请问申请国外学校,Last Date of Attendance:是什么意思




跪求I believe I can fly+翅膀 歌词

翅膀+I Believe I Can Fly(现场版) - 张艺兴&林俊杰词:R. Kelly&张思尔曲:R. Kelly&林俊杰编曲:谷傈I used to think that I could not go onAnd life was nothing but an awful songBut now I know the meaning of true loveI"m leaning on the everlasting armsIf I can see it then I can do itIf I just believe it there"s nothing to it用你给我的翅膀飞我懂这不是伤悲再高都不会累我们都说好了用你给我的翅膀飞我感觉已够安慰乌云也不再多我们也不为谁掉眼泪If you can see itI can see itThen you can do itI can do itIf we just believe itI believe itThere"s nothing to it用你给我的翅膀飞我懂这不是伤悲再高都不会累我们都说好了I believe I can fly用你给我的翅膀飞我感觉已够安慰乌云也不再多我们也不为谁掉眼泪看一看回忆是云朵 一朵朵的飘过若想要回头就无法翱翔I believe I can fly用你给我的翅膀飞 I believe I can touch the sky我懂这不是伤悲 I think about it every night and daySpread my wings and fly away 我们都说好了I believe I can soarI see me running through that open doorI believe I can flyI believe I can flyI believe I can fly同样的机场 不同世界But now I know the meaning of true love同样的咖啡 不同味觉I"m leaning on the everlasting arms看飞机划过天空 不见了

有一首歌英文歌开始节奏是"等等等等,等等等,等等等等,等等等,等等等等 等等...i can fire....叫什么名

Careless Whisper (无心耳语) (Album Version) - George Michael (乔治·迈克尔)



I know i can do it.语法有错误吗?know和do都是动词可以吗?

没有语法错误. 虽然都是动词,但是这是宾语从句,省略that. I know 【that i can do it】. that 引导的句子作整个句子的宾语.



建筑行业翻译 求助 general attendance 在这里什么意思?


yes, i can do it



所谓antiAnti即(反对)组织的流行,是韩国娱乐圈的特有现象,虽然很多韩国明星很受欢迎,但是,他们在大多数韩国人的眼中并非什么大人物,韩国人不会把他们看的很高,甚至有些人因为不理解为什么有些明星那么轻松就可以赚这么多钱,而对明星很看不惯。anti的行为:1994年,大学生金某准备了面具和刀想拍摄崔真实的**照片作为要挟,崔真实的经纪人为保护艺人被刺中腹部。   1999年,还在Baby V.O.X组合的简美妍,和H.O.T.的成员文熙俊传出绯闻后收到过沾满鲜血的刀片,在业界引起了不小的恐慌,还有ANTI粉丝在手中握着刀片,假扮粉丝与她握手,当场使简美妍的手血流不止,而那个ANTI粉丝则趁乱溜走了。   1999年,尹恩惠,韩国大热电视剧《宫》的女主角,她本是韩国组合Baby V.O.X组合中的一员。经常有人声称是她的粉丝,走到她面前咒骂她,导致她之后走路都习惯性低着头,避开旁人的视线。曾经还有伪粉丝手拿装满墨水的针筒,朝她的眼睛喷墨水,因此之后很长一段时间,她只敢戴着墨镜出门。如今,她只要见到自称是她粉丝的人,第一反应便是恐惧。   2000年,G.O.D的成员尹启相的母亲喝了粉丝送的装有洗洁剂的饮料,出现严重呕吐,最后只好去洗胃。那件事就是Anti-fan这类人干的。   2003年,文熙俊的ANTI俱乐部成立在韩国已高达10万人,在韩国所有Anti俱乐部中排名第一。俱乐部成员们不断在网上散发捏造恶劣新闻,甚至瞎编说“文熙俊自杀,尸体在所属社被发现”。为此,文熙俊向这些Anti俱乐部成员提出了诉讼,结果却是不了了之。直到2005年他参军后,众多偏激的Anti粉丝才对他有所改观,Anti俱乐部的头号排名才让位给了如今的东方神起,因为东方神起打破了一项吉尼斯记录:拥有最多官方FAN CLUB成员的艺人(充分说明越出名越风)。   2005年,宋慧乔的母亲收到“如果不给2.5亿韩元就用盐酸让宋慧乔毁容”的恐吓信。   2006年,东方神起的队长允浩在录制女杰的休息室里喝到了一瓶Anti-fan送给允浩的带有强力胶水的饮料后被紧急送往医院洗胃,经过紧急抢救后脱离了生命危险。后通过此人在超市买强力胶的录像抓获。   事发后,韩国艺人们纷纷站出来抗议,和东方神起有着深刻友情的金希澈在自己的博客上言辞激烈地表示:“你那样把灵魂出卖给恶魔,你也来这里吧?也想给我混有黏合剂的饮料吧?我等着你们。”而东方神起的Anti-fan组织在看到此留言后,在网络上公布锁定他为下一个伤害对象,并扬言会先对与他关系甚好的中国成员韩庚下手。消息一经公布,在网络上再掀波澜,歌迷们纷纷为偶像堪忧。之后,韩庚及时出面安抚歌迷:“真的谢谢大家对我的关心,大家不要担心,我很好,我会保护好我自己的。”   2006年5月20日,Super Junior的签名会上,成员艺声被暗中扔出的一只胶鞋掷中眼睛,害得他只好捂着脸退场。   7月28日,Super Junior在韩国KBS电视台做现场表演时,成员强仁突然跌倒,半天都没能爬起来,场下的Anit粉丝立刻以不断的嘘声为他“助兴”。   7月29日,SJ在韩国MCB音乐中心现场表演时突然发挥失常,演唱时上气不接下气,成员金希澈和李东海甚至还唱破了音,再次招来嘘声一片。现场表演后,ANTI粉丝们砸碎了SJ保姆车的车窗,并导致当时正在车中的成员金基范和李东海受伤。   事后,SJ就当天现场表演大失水准进行公开道歉,成员金希澈还在网上写了悔过书,可是仍有ANTI粉丝不依不挠。   SuperJunior东海父亲的葬礼时,就有Anti-fan组织从中捣乱。Anti fan竟然穿着鲜红的衣服去葬礼并且在哀悼的时候上鼓掌欢呼.....   2006年,女杰6里的玄英在另外的娱乐节目里抱了一下东方神起的有天,Anti Cafe一下子就增了六个。   ANTI饭在庚饭为韩庚举行的生日会上 对韩庚出口不逊 大声叫他滚回中国 保安对现场粉丝进行搜查 竟在一个粉丝身上搜出硫酸瓶   ANTI饭向媒体爆料韩庚卷入毒品事件 四处破坏其名声 尽管此事已被澄清 但还是使民众对他产生了巨大阴影   ANTI饭在韩庚的官方网站发表恶意攻击的帖子 称韩庚为中国种马 不要脸之类的中伤言论 公司随即删贴进行处理 但ANTI饭化身黑客潜入网站 投放病毒 致使网站一度陷入瘫痪   2007年4月,有一名李姓男子给韩庚寄自己的裸照和精液 当时韩庚正在宿舍 和大家一起打开这个礼物的时候,场面十分尴尬   2007年,强仁现在在做“强仁的天方地轴电台”的DJ,一次在电台中谈到“奶奶不舒服”的问题,他的手机就收到短消息指责“看了你主持的电台的样子,你的奶奶还没死吗?”类似这样的内容,说他们是“SM出身的垃圾”等字眼。强仁说当时在可视电台中忍不住埋下头。。。   2008年 据知情人透露,近日来内地做活动的韩庚,参加完电视台录制后回酒店,在路上遇见自称是其fans的歌迷送礼物。其不流利的中文引起了身旁工作人员的警惕,当歌迷送完礼物和蛋糕表示要和偶像照相时,工作人员怕出事以韩庚身体不适为由婉转拒绝了。韩庚礼貌性的接受后就赶紧离去,回到酒店,众人拆开礼物才发现里面全是装满鲜血的小袋子,以及被用刀恶意刻划的韩庚的照片,附带有一把尖刀。而蛋糕中后经检测混有不名药粉。



谁知道(I think I can do it)这句话的中文意思啊,给我说说。


求翻译啊。period of attendance是什么意思




I can do it myself 这句话对吗

不对,应该是I can do it by myself。

i can do it easily

应该选 1 easy ,easily 第一个空用形容词,意思是:这个数学问题很简单. 第二个空用 副词修饰动词 do ,意思是:我可以很容易地做出来.

请问ANTI全称是什么?怎么读,CY 又是什么



anti—cipates 预感;预见AntiVirus 杀毒软件

I can succeed. 为什么不正确,而非要是I can do/make it?



同义句为 I can also do it like this.


楼上的都对~ antisocial - an tai; antibacterial- an ti

请以"i can do it"为题写一篇作文

I have lots of things to do. I can play the guitar, play football and do the dishes. I will sing a song and English Chinese song, I think music is relaxed, I cansing well. How about you? What can you do?

attendance record是什么意思



出道:指vtuber开始活动,一般以发布自我介绍为标志。引用自中国偶像文化用语。日语中称为“デビュー”(debut)。2434:因为虚拟主播企划彩虹社(にじさんじ) 的发音与日语中的“2434”发音相似,所以得外号2434。404:指YouTube,因为YouTube在国内被禁止访问了,在一般情况下会显示404页面,且在贴吧直接输入YouTube一词会被直接屏蔽,因此大家会用404代指YouTube,也称不存在的网站。anti:偶像圈用语,指某人的反对者,黑粉。来自英语的单词前缀"anti-",日语写作アンチ。该用语不是调侃,谨慎使用!!awsl:啊我死了的拼音首字母简称AWSL,用于表达对于可爱的人和物的喜爱之情,最早发扬于B站物述有栖的视频弹幕,随着白上吹雪而迅速爆红。另有“a,sxl,wsl,阿伟死了”等变体。中之人:指在幕后给vtuber配音的声优,一般情况下不会公布真实身份。B限:bilibili限定放送。由于YouTube相关服务无法在国内正常访问,一些vtuber为了能与粉丝更好的交流而单独来B站开直播。Bilibili对外没有墙,所以有时也会有一些海外的观众来B站观看他们喜爱的vtuber的直播。相对的,也有两边同时直播的做法存在着,即同时在YouTube与bilibili放送。毕业:指虚拟UP主引退、停止活动。引用自中国偶像文化用语。冲塔:指直接询问,讨论某个vtuber中之人的行为,与挖掘机不同的是,这些人并没有参与挖掘,只是讨论。由于中之人是一个十分敏感的话题,请各位不要随意冲塔。DD:取自日语“谁でも大好き” 的罗马音两个首字母D,意思是“不管是谁都最喜欢”,在vtuber圈中指同时关注许多不同的虚拟UP主的粉丝及相关行为。源自日本偶像文化。在日本偶像文化中带有贬义,但在虚拟UP主文化中多用于调侃或粉丝的自称。与“箱推”相近,与“单推”相反。单推:源自日语“単推し”,指只关注一位虚拟UP主,或只为一位虚拟UP主积极应援。与“箱推”或“DD”相反。gachi:即がち,原意是认真的。gachi恋(ガチ恋),指和vtuber谈恋爱,把vtuber当做恋人,中文语境中多指某人的真爱粉,单推。gachi恋距离(ガチ恋距离),指vtuber的脸离镜头很近,占满了整个屏幕,造成一种v本人在面前的错觉,让人产生了恋爱的感觉。

please confirm your attendance


I can do it by myself为什么错了,标准答案是 I can do it myse


check attendance是什么意思

check attendance 确认考勤 工资短语Check work attendance 考勤check the attendance 查点人数check on attendance 点名


Antarctic,在这个词中,ant-就是前缀,表示 ”相反的“。

i believe i can fly歌词!

I Believe I Can Fly 我心飞翔 I used to think that I could not go on 我原以为我无法坚持下去, And life was nothing but an awful song 生命只不过是首忧郁的歌, But now I know the meaning of true love 但现在我明白了真爱的含义, I"m leaning on the everlasting arms 找到了可以永久依靠的臂膀。 If I can see it, then I can do it 只要我能看见希望,我就能成功, If I just believe it 我相信我能行, There"s nothing to it 那就没有什么不可以。 I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, I believe I can touch the sky 我相信我能触到天空。 I think about it every night and day 日日夜夜,我想象这一幕, Spread my wings and fly away 展翅高飞…… I believe I can soar 我相信我能高飞, I see me running through that open door 我看见我穿过那敞开的生命之门, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔。 See I was on the verge of breaking down 看,我在崩溃堕落的边缘, Sometimes silence can seem so loud 有时沉默也能震耳欲聋。 There are miracles in life I must achieve 生命中很多奇迹等我去实现, But first I know 但我知道要实现奇迹, It starts inside of me, oh 就必须先从我做起。 If I can see it 如果我还能看见希望, Then I can be it 我就能成为那个我想成为的人, If I just believe it 我相信我能行, There"s nothing to it 那就没有什么不可以。 I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, I believe I can touch the sky 我相信我能触到天空。 I think about it every night and day 日日夜夜,我想象这一幕, Spread my wings and fly away 展翅高飞…… I believe I can soar 我相信我能高飞, I see me running through that open door 我看见我穿过那敞开的生命之门, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔。 Hey, cuz I believe in me, oh 因为我相信自己 If I can see it 如果我还能看见希望, Then I can be it 我就能成为那个我想成为的人, If I just believe it 我相信我能行, There"s nothing to it 那就没有什么不可以。 I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, Hey, if I just spread my wings 只要我张开自己的翅膀。 I can fly 我可以飞翔, I can fly 我可以飞翔, I can fly, hey 我可以飞翔, If I just spread my wings 只要我张开自己的翅膀。 I can fly 我可以飞翔。
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