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Ambition 主要讲什么?

strong desires野心,雄心,志气particular desire of this kind 志向,抱负object of such a desire 达到其抱负的目标老师祝你学习进步!望采纳,多谢!

exalted ambition是什么意思

exalted ambition崇高的野心双语对照词典结果:exalted ambition[英][ɪgˈzɔ:ltɪd æmˈbiʃən][美][ɪɡˈzɔltɪd æmˈbɪʃən]大志; .-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


名词与形容词。ambition 英[æmˈbɪʃn] 美[æmˈbɪʃən] n. 抱负;渴望得到的东西;追求的目标;夙愿 vt. 追求;有…野心 名词复数:ambitions ambitious 英[æm"bɪʃəs] 美[æmˈbɪʃəs] adj. 有雄心的;有野心的;有抱负的;炫耀的

ambition 还有什么词形变化

ambitious adj. 野心勃勃的;有雄心的;热望的;炫耀的ambitiously adv.


normative ["nɔ:mətiv] adj.1. 标准的,规范的2. 合乎规范的词组:normative analysis 规范分析 normative document 标准文件 normative economics 规范经济学 normative mineral 标准矿物 希望我的回答 对你有所帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你:天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ...

His ambition, conquering the whole world, was never fulfill.

给你分拆: his ambition was never fulfilled.什么ambition呢?就是 conquering the whole world整句话这样改就好理解了;His ambition, which is conquering the whole world, was never fulfilled.通常 which is 被省略了

请问 romantic ambition 是什么意思?


It is our ambition that goes with our dream什么意思谢谢


my ambition什么意思

My Ambition :我的志向,我的追求,我的野心 ;

Be ambitions是什么意思

Be ambitions要有雄心(志向、抱负)!双语对照例句:1.Henry james senior encouraged his children to be serious but not lugubrious to beambitions but unworldly. 老亨利?詹姆斯要孩子们严肃而不阴郁,志高而不入俗。2.Hamas may also be reviving its ambitions in the west bank. 哈马斯也许还会恢复其对约旦河西岸的野心。


ambition (n)抱负, 雄心, 野心2. 渴望得到的东西3. 追求的目标;夙愿你可以用到以下的一些句子:eg:Do you have any ambitions? 你有什么雄心壮志吗?你也可以用它的形容词形式:ambitiouseg:Only ambitious students get the best marks.只有有抱负的学生才能取得好成绩。(希望能帮助到你~)


ambition英 [æm"bɪʃ(ə)n]美 [æm"bɪʃən]n. 野心,雄心;抱负,志向vt. 追求;有…野心


野心双语对照词典结果:ambition[英][æmˈbɪʃn][美][æmˈbɪʃən]n.抱负; 渴望得到的东西; 追求的目标; 夙愿; vt.追求; 有…野心; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮,或在客户端右上角评价点【满意】如果满意记得采纳哦·~~


ambition [æm"biʃən] n.1. (对名利等的)强烈欲望,奢望,企图,野心;雄心,抱负,志向,志气,大志2. (具体的)抱负目标,追求目标,所希望的东西3. 活动的愿望;(干)劲vt.[口语]有…的野心;追求,渴望,妄图获得,热切得到,努力争取:例句: She never ambitioned that.她对那从来没有什么野心。




ambition [英]æmˈbɪʃn [美]æmˈbɪʃən n. 抱负;渴望得到的东西;追求的目标;夙愿 vt. 追求;有…野心 [例句]" To some bosses , " ambition " is a dirty word.比森说:“许多老板认为,‘野心"是一个非常令人讨厌的词汇。


ambition[英][æmˈbɪʃn][美][æmˈbɪʃən]n.抱负; 渴望得到的东西; 追求的目标; 夙愿; vt.追求; 有…野心; 例句:双语英语1.His ambition never demanded it. 他也没有追求的野心。=========================================================您好!您提出的问题,我的答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍!有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!希望我的答案对您有所帮助!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮若是客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳!是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值O(∩_∩)O谢谢您!!!==========================================================


ambition的基本意思是“抱负,雄心,野心”,强调以个人的成就为目的,可用于褒义或贬义。可指值得称赞的志向和雄心,也可指无限制的野心。ambition 泛指“雄心;野心”时,多用作不可数名词;指具体的志愿或理想时,可用作可数名词;作“抱负;热望”解时,用复数形式。一、词源解说14世纪中期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的amitio,意为为了获得势力而四处活动。二、双语例句:You should persist in your ambition.你应该坚持你的雄心大志。扩展资料:近义词1、purpose  读音:英 ["pɜːpəs] 美 ["pɜːrpəs]    n. 目的;决心;意图;议题v. 打算;决意A person who is weak of purpose cannot hope to achieve much.一个没有决心的人不可能指望有所成就。2、intent  读音:英 [ɪn"tent] 美 [ɪn"tent]    adj. 热切的;专心的;决心的n. 意图;目的;意向;含义His intent is clearly not to placate his critics.他的目的显然不是要安抚批评他的人。


ambition的基本意思是“抱负,雄心,野心”,强调以个人的成就为目的,可用于褒义或贬义。可指值得称赞的志向和雄心,也可指无限制的野心。ambition的基本意思是“抱负,雄心,野心”,强调以个人的成就为目的,可用于褒义或贬义。可指值得称赞的志向和雄心,也可指无限制的野心。ambition 泛指“雄心;野心”时,多用作不可数名词;指具体的志愿或理想时,可用作可数名词;作“抱负;热望”解时,用复数形式。ambition后可接介词for 或 of,但更常用的是接动词不定式。

ambition是什么意思啊 ambition的意思是什么

1、名词 n.抱负;渴望得到的东西;追求的目标;夙愿。例句:In my youth my ambition had been to be an inventor.我年轻时的抱负是成为一个发明家。2、动词 vt.追求;有?野心。例句:You have the ambition to want to create your own new world.你有野心,想创建自己的新的世界。

求:Be ambitions是什么意思??


ambition on the move什么意思




achieve one"s ambition是什么意思


速派1.4T DSG Ambition 里的ambition什么意思啊?









n. 野心,雄心;抱负,志向vt. 追求;有…野心








英语单词,名词、及物动词,作名词时意为“野心,雄心;抱负,志向”。作及物动词时意为“追求;有…野心”。Blond-Ambition金发野心 ; 金发雄心 ; 金发大志bad-ambition不良志向political-ambition政治野心 ; 政治理想noble-ambition宏伟的抱负 ; 高尚的志向。Lofty-Ambition远大志向 ; 鸿鹄之志 ; 遐志 ; 高尚的抱负Ambition-revelation野心暴露ambition-education志向教育 ; 立志教育Exposure-ambition野心暴露。野心是一个汉语词汇,读音为:yě xīn,多为贬义词,当表示闲散恬淡的性情时也属于褒义词。指不可驯服或心怀叛离之心不安本分;喜好闲散、隐逸的心绪;对权势、名利等过分的贪欲。放纵不驯之心。犹野性。多指对权势名利等过分的贪欲。指闲散恬淡的性情。仇远《书与士瞻上人》诗之三:“野心直与闲云似,却笑孤云出岫轻。”


ambition的意思是:n.雄心;抱负;野心;精力;vt.追求;有 ... 野心。ambition的意思是:n.雄心;抱负;野心;精力;vt.追求;有 ... 野心。ambition的例句是用作名词(n.)You should persist in your ambition.你应该坚持你的雄心大志。ambition的词语用法是n.(名词)ambition的基本意思是“抱负,雄心,野心”,强调以个人的成就为目的,可用于褒义或贬义。可指值得称赞的志向和雄心,也可指无限制的野心。一、详尽释义点此查看ambition的详细内容n.(名词)雄心,抱负,志向,志愿,大志,志气,雄心壮志野心,企图,奢望,强烈欲望抱负目标,追求的目标,渴望得到的东西,所希望的东西精力,干劲愿望,夙愿v.(动词)追求,热望有...野心想望得到,妄图获得,热切得到二、词典解释1.梦想;理想If you have anambition to do or achieve something, you want very much to do it or achieve it.e.g. Hisambition is to sail round the world...他的梦想是环球航行。e.g. He harboured ambitions of becoming a Tory MP.他梦想成为托利党下院议员。2.雄心;抱负;野心Ambition is the desire to be successful, rich, or powerful.e.g. Even when I was young I never had anyambition.即使是年轻时,我也从没有什么雄心壮志。e.g. ...a mixture ofambition and ruthlessness.既野心勃勃又冷酷无情三、网络解释1. ambition1. 志向:1913--1981)创立的,其人格结构观、人格发展观、人格动力观、心理病理观和心理治疗观,都不同于传统精神......自身心理学认为,自身(self)是人格的核心,它有三个成份,即志向(ambition)、理想(ideal2. ambition2. 抱负:我跟他们讲了我的一个信条(我个人相信的事)(belief).由下文作者的话可知不是我的一个什么经验(experience抱负(ambition)或某个决定(decision)36. B. 一想到爸爸的话,我的内心就平静下来,控制情绪;而不是保持安静 (quiet),3. 雄心:我suo 雄心(ambition) 同学,罗马领导suo了,咱们睡一帐篷,多多互助,嘿嘿我suo 雄心(ambition) 同学,罗马领导suo了,咱们睡一帐篷,多多互助,嘿嘿四、例句You should persist in your ambition.你应该坚持你的雄心大志。The glory of his country is his ambition.为国增光是他的雄心。You will achieve your ambition if you work hard.如果你努力, 你的抱负是可以实现的。That political statesman is full of ambition.那个政治家野心很大。There are no bounds to his ambition.他的野心是无止境的。His wild ambition was thoroughly exposed.他的狼子野心暴露无遗。She had no ambition to go dancing.她没有精力去跳舞了。I never ambitioned it.我从来不妄想得到它。He was frustrated in his ambition.他的野心受挫。That political statesman is full of ambition.那个政治家野心很大。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)His ambition has come true.他的抱负实现了。His ambition knows no limits.他的野心是无止境的。Ambition often overleaps itself.抱负常因过高而不能实现;野心常因过大而招致失败。His ruin was that the ambition had laid hold of him.他之所以毁灭,是由于野心迷住了他的心窍。His political ambitions still burn.他的政治野心依然炽烈。Her frustrated ambitions have made her extremely bitter and cynical.她的抱负受挫使她极其地辛酸悲痛和愤世。His ambition is to be a lawyer.他的志向是当律师。Her lifelong ambition was to be a teacher.她的夙愿就是当一名教师。His ambition is ultimately to run his own business.他的雄心是最终开一家自己的公司。His greatest ambition is to make good wine.他的最大愿望就是酿出美酒。He described his ambitions and ideals.他描述了自己的理想和抱负。After leaving the diplomatic service he developed Parliamentary ambitions.他离开外交界后,又在议会方面大展宏图。He has very high ambitions.他有很高的志向。She denies that she has any political ambitions.她否认自己有任何政治上的野心。She has great ambitions but little talent.她志大才疏。She"s clever but she lacks ambition.她很聪明,但是没有抱负。The leaders of both parties have presidential ambitions.两个党派的领导者都有想当总统的野心。The important question is whether he is prepared to go to war to achieve his territorial ambitions.重要的问题是他是否已准备好发动战争以实现他的领土野心。She has no personal ambition.她没有个人野心。Knowledge of inequality has stimulated envy, ambition and greed.不平等意识是妒忌、野心和贪婪之源。Nothing would stop me from achieving my ambition.没有什么能阻止我实现我的抱负。You will not be able to achieve your ambition if you do not work hard.如果你不努力,你的志向就不会实现。She doubts whether she"ll ever be able to fulfil her ambition.她怀疑是否能够实现自己的抱负。He has ambition and works hard to get a salary increase.他有上进心,努力工作争取能加薪。The big house on the hill is my ambition.小山上那所大房子是我所企望得到的。He has already achieved his main ambition of life—to become wealthy.他已经实现了生活中的主要目标——变得富有。Lack of ambition might be his problem.他的问题也许是在于胸无大志。He attributes his failure to a lack of ambition.他把自己的失败归因于缺少抱负。His father was disappointed by his lack of ambition.他父亲对他没有抱负感到失望。One of his ambitions is to study abroad.他的抱负之一是出国留学。To be a physicist was the height of his ambition.他的最大抱负是当一个物理学家。Macbeth is full of ambition.麦克白充满野心。The politician is full of ambition; one of his ambitions is to become a minister.这位从政者雄心勃勃,其抱负之一就是当一名部长。She"s got a lot of ambition, so she"s bound to be successful.她很有雄心,因此一定会成功的。My family are more important to me than politics and personal ambition.我的家庭对我来说比政治和个人抱负更为重要。No one could set measures to his ambitions.没有人能限制其野心。He burns with an ambition.他野心勃勃。A student who is filled with ambition usually studies hard.一个胸怀大志的学生通常是刻苦学习的。He died with only one unfulfilled ambition, which was to take photographs on a spaceflight.他死时只有一个抱负未实现,即在宇宙飞行中拍摄照片。~+ prep. -phraseHe has no ambition for fame or gain.他没有追名逐利的野心。The statement laid bare their ambition for world conquest.这篇声明充分暴露了他们企图征服世界的野心。She listened attentively while he poured out all his ambition for the future.她认真听他滔滔不绝地诉说对未来的雄心。I had no ambition in this direction.我在这方面没有什么打算。He has the ambition of getting it.他有心得到它。~+to- vIt fired his ambition to write poetry.这激起了他写诗的热切愿望。He did it out of ambition to excel.他是想出人头地才这样干的。After his heart attack, he abandoned his ambition to become Prime Minister.他的心脏病发作之后,就放弃了想当首相的雄心。He had ambitions to occupy the throne.他有占据王位的野心。He at last realized his ambition to sail round the world.他最终实现了环球旅行的愿望。She was filled with ambition to become famous.她一心想成名。She at last achieved her ambition to marry a rich guy.她终于达到目的,嫁了个有钱人。I"ve always had a burning ambition to be a film director.我总是雄心勃勃,想成为一名电影导演。He has not given up his ambition to beat the world record in the high jump.他还未放弃打破跳高世界纪录的雄心壮志。It was her life"s ambition to publish a novel.出版一本小说是她一生想要达到的目标。It has always been my ambition to climb Mount Qomolangma.攀登珠穆朗玛峰是我的夙愿。六、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~abet sb"s ambition of助长某人?的野心achieve one"s ambition实现抱负attain one"s ambition实现抱负awaken an ambition唤起野心check sb"s ambition挫败某人的野心cherish the ambition of怀有?的野心cultivate the ambition培植雄心entertain an ambition怀有抱负frustrate sb"s ambition挫败某人的野心fulfil one"s ambition遂愿,实现抱负harbour an ambition胸怀壮志,有野心have an ambition有抱负,有野心limit sb"s ambition限制某人的强烈欲望lose one"s ambition失去抱负,失去方向nourish an ambition for对?怀有抱负nurse the ambition培植雄心realize one"s ambition实现抱负restrain sb"s ambition限制某人的强烈欲望reveal one"s ambition暴露野心spur sb"s ambition激起某人的雄心stir sb"s ambition激起某人的雄心thwart sb"s ambition挫败某人的野心形容词+~boundless ambition无穷的欲望burning ambition炽烈的欲望cherished ambition夙愿commendable ambition值得称道的志向disappointed ambition未酬的壮志,落空的野心domineering ambition称霸的野心fierce ambition强烈的愿望frustrated ambition受挫的雄心great ambition伟大的抱负high ambition崇高的志向highest ambition最高志向honourable ambition高尚的抱负insatiable ambition贪得无厌的野心laudable ambition值得称赞的志向legitimate ambition正当的志向lifelong ambition终生抱负lofty ambition高尚的抱负long-cherished ambition夙愿long-standing ambition夙愿noble ambition高尚的志向overweening ambition过分自信的抱负personal ambition个人野心political ambitions政治抱负ruling ambition主宰一切的野心territorial ambitions领土野心unbridled ambition狂妄的野心universal ambition人皆有之的愿望unrealized ambition未实现的抱负vulgar ambition卑劣的野心介词+~be moderate in ambition在抱负上适可而止be full of ambition野心勃勃out of ambition出于野心without ambition胸无大志,没有野心~+介词ambition for对?的野心ambition for aggression侵略的野心ambition for fame and gain追逐名利的野心ambition for political power对政治权力的野心ambition of one"s life一生中的理想七、词义辨析n.(名词)ambition, aspiration, pretension这三个词的共同意思是指对实现抱负的强烈愿望。ambition可用于褒义,也可用于贬义; aspiration的单数形式主要用于褒义,指使人提高或使人高尚的抱负,其复数形式有时可指缺乏合理根据的或狂妄的野心; 而pretension则因其“狂妄”的词源意义而侧重表示只有愿望而没有条件、权力或才能。ambition的相关近义词desire、intent、purposeambition的相关反义词indifferenceambition的相关临近词ambitious、ambit、ambitions、ambition for、ambitionless、ambition level、ambition to excel、ambition education、ambition to create、ambition and belief、Ambition and Reality、ambition mornitoring点此查看更多关于ambition的详细信息





His ambition to become an astronaut deserves our


His ambition to become an astronaut deserves our


his ambition to become an teacher deserves our su


John planned _____around Europe on horseback, but his ambition has not been achieved till today.

plan to do sth 但是后面用了has been achieved

谁有高二英语选修7《zhang yuncheng achieves his ambition》翻译,急!


着急求助:谁能给我提供Mark Twain 的the Bys" Ambition 的中文翻译?

题目应该是The Boys" Ambition啦~When I was a boy, there was but one permanent ambition among my comrades in our village on the west bank of the Mississippi River. That was, to be a steamboatman. We had transient ambitions of other sorts, but they were only transient. When a circus came and went, it left us all burning to become clowns; the first negro minstrel show that came to our section left us all suffering to try that kind of life; now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates. These ambitions faded out, each in its turn; but the ambition to be a steamboatman always remained.Once a day a cheap, gaudy packet arrived upward from St. Louis, and another downward from Keokuk. Before these events, the day was glorious with expectancy; after them, the day was a dead and empty thing. Not only the boys, but the whole village, felt this. After all these years I can picture that old time to myself now, just as it was then: the white town drowsing in the sunshine of a summer"s morning; the streets empty, or pretty nearly so; one or two clerks sitting in front of the Water Street stores, with their splint-bottomed chairs tilted back against the wall, chins on breasts, hats slouched over their faces, asleep-- with shingle-shavings enough around to show what broke them down; a sow and a litter of pigs loafing along the sidewalk, doing a good business in watermelon rinds and seeds; two or three lonely little freight piles scattered about the "levee;" a pile of "skids" on the slope of the stone-paved wharf, and the fragrant town drunkard asleep in the shadow of them; two or three wood flats at the head of the wharf, but nobody to listen to the peaceful lapping of the wavelets against them; the great Mississippi, the majestic, the magnificent Mississippi, rolling its mile-wide tide along, shining in the sun; the dense forest away on the other side; the "point" above the town, and the "point" below, bounding the river-glimpse and turning it into a sort of sea, and withal a very still and brilliant and lonely one. Presently a film of dark smoke appears above one of those remote "points;" instantly a negro drayman, famous for his quick eye and prodigious voice, lifts up the cry, "S-t-e-a-m-boat a-comin"!" and the scene changes! The town drunkard stirs, the clerks wake up, a furious clatter of drays follows, every house and store pours out a human contribution, and all in a twinkling the dead town is alive and moving. Drays, carts, men, boys, all go hurrying from many quarters to a common center, the wharf. Assembled there, the people fasten their eyes upon the coming boat as upon a wonder they are seeing for the first time. And the boat is rather a handsome sight, too. She is long and sharp and trim and pretty; she has two tall, fancy-topped chimneys, with a gilded device of some kind swung between them; a fanciful pilot-house, a glass and "gingerbread", perched on top of the "texas" deck behind them; the paddle-boxes are gorgeous with a picture or with gilded rays above the boat"s name; the boiler deck, the hurricane deck, and the texas deck are fenced and ornamented with clean white railings; there is a flag gallantly flying from the jack-staff; the furnace doors are open and the fires glaring bravely; the upper decks are black with passengers; the captain stands by the big bell, calm, imposing, the envy of all; great volumes of the blackest smoke are rolling and tumbling out of the chimneys-- a husbanded grandeur created with a bit of pitch pine just before arriving at a town; the crew are grouped on the forecastle; the broad stage is run far out over the port bow, and an envied deckhand stands picturesquely on the end of it with a coil of rope in his hand; the pent steam is screaming through the gauge-cocks, the captain lifts his hand, a bell rings, the wheels stop; then they turn back, churning the water to foam, and the steamer is at rest. Then such a scramble as there is to get aboard, and to get ashore, and to take in freight and to discharge freight, all at one and the same time; and such a yelling and cursing as the mates facilitate it all with! Ten minutes later the steamer is under way again, with no flag on the jack-staff and no black smoke issuing from the chimneys. After ten more minutes the town is dead again, and the town drunkard asleep by the skids once more.My father was a justice of the peace, and I supposed he possessed the power of life and death over all men and could hang anybody that offended him. This was distinction enough for me as a general thing; but the desire to be a steamboatman kept intruding, nevertheless. I first wanted to be a cabin-boy, so that I could come out with a white apron on and shake a tablecloth over the side, where all my old comrades could see me; later I thought I would rather be the deckhand who stood on the end of the stage-plank with the coil of rope in his hand, because he was particularly conspicuous. But these were only day-dreams,-- they were too heavenly to be contemplated as real possibilities. By and by one of our boys went away. He was not heard of for a long time. At last he turned up as apprentice engineer or "striker" on a steamboat. This thing shook the bottom out of all my Sunday-school teachings. That boy had been notoriously worldly, and I just the reverse; yet he was exalted to this eminence, and I left in obscurity and misery. There was nothing generous about this fellow in his greatness. He would always manage to have a rusty bolt to scrub while his boat tarried at our town, and he would sit on the inside guard and scrub it, where we could all see him and envy him and loathe him. And whenever his boat was laid up he would come home and swell around the town in his blackest and greasiest clothes, so that nobody could help remembering that he was a steamboatman; and he used all sorts of steamboat technicalities in his talk, as if he were so used to them that he forgot common people could not understand them. He would speak of the "labboard" side of a horse in an easy, natural way that would make one wish he was dead. And he was always talking about "St. Looy" like an old citizen; he would refer casually to occasions when he "was coming down Fourth Street," or when he was "passing by the Planter"s House," or when there was a fire and he took a turn on the brakes of "the old Big Missouri;" and then he would go on and lie about how many towns the size of ours were burned down there that day. Two or three of the boys had long been persons of consideration among us because they had been to St. Louis once and had a vague general knowledge of its wonders, but the day of their glory was over now. They lapsed into a humble silence, and learned to disappear when the ruthless "cub"-engineer approached. This fellow had money, too, and hair oil. Also an ignorant silver watch and a showy brass watch chain. He wore a leather belt and used no suspenders. If ever a youth was cordially admired and hated by his comrades, this one was. No girl could withstand his charms. He "cut out" every boy in the village. When his boat blew up at last, it diffused a tranquil contentment among us such as we had not known for months. But when he came home the next week, alive, renowned, and appeared in church all battered up and bandaged, a shining hero, stared at and wondered over by everybody, it seemed to us that the partiality of Providence for an undeserving reptile had reached a point where it was open to criticism.This creature"s career could produce but one result, and it speedily followed. Boy after boy managed to get on the river. The minister"s son became an engineer. The doctor"s and the post-master"s sons became "mud clerks;" the wholesale liquor dealer"s son became a barkeeper on a boat; four sons of the chief merchant, and two sons of the county judge, became pilots. Pilot was the grandest position of all. The pilot, even in those days of trivial wages, had a princely salary--from a hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty dollars a month, and no board to pay. Two months of his wages would pay a preacher"s salary for a year. Now some of us were left disconsolate. We could not get on the river-- at least our parents would not let us.So by and by I ran away. I said I never would come home again till I was a pilot and could come in glory. But somehow I could not manage it. I went meekly aboard a few of the boats that lay packed together like sardines at the long St. Louis wharf, and very humbly inquired for the pilots, but got only a cold shoulder and short words from mates and clerks. I had to make the best of this sort of treatment for the time being, but I had comforting daydreams of a future when I should be a great and honored pilot, with plenty of money, and could kill some of these mates and clerks and pay for them.

着急求助:谁能给我提供Mark Twain 的the Bys" Ambition 的中文翻译?

题目应该是The Boys" Ambition啦~When I was a boy, there was but one permanent ambition among my comrades in our village on the west bank of the Mississippi River. That was, to be a steamboatman. We had transient ambitions of other sorts, but they were only transient. When a circus came and went, it left us all burning to become clowns; the first negro minstrel show that came to our section left us all suffering to try that kind of life; now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates. These ambitions faded out, each in its turn; but the ambition to be a steamboatman always remained.Once a day a cheap, gaudy packet arrived upward from St. Louis, and another downward from Keokuk. Before these events, the day was glorious with expectancy; after them, the day was a dead and empty thing. Not only the boys, but the whole village, felt this. After all these years I can picture that old time to myself now, just as it was then: the white town drowsing in the sunshine of a summer"s morning; the streets empty, or pretty nearly so; one or two clerks sitting in front of the Water Street stores, with their splint-bottomed chairs tilted back against the wall, chins on breasts, hats slouched over their faces, asleep-- with shingle-shavings enough around to show what broke them down; a sow and a litter of pigs loafing along the sidewalk, doing a good business in watermelon rinds and seeds; two or three lonely little freight piles scattered about the "levee;" a pile of "skids" on the slope of the stone-paved wharf, and the fragrant town drunkard asleep in the shadow of them; two or three wood flats at the head of the wharf, but nobody to listen to the peaceful lapping of the wavelets against them; the great Mississippi, the majestic, the magnificent Mississippi, rolling its mile-wide tide along, shining in the sun; the dense forest away on the other side; the "point" above the town, and the "point" below, bounding the river-glimpse and turning it into a sort of sea, and withal a very still and brilliant and lonely one. Presently a film of dark smoke appears above one of those remote "points;" instantly a negro drayman, famous for his quick eye and prodigious voice, lifts up the cry, "S-t-e-a-m-boat a-comin"!" and the scene changes! The town drunkard stirs, the clerks wake up, a furious clatter of drays follows, every house and store pours out a human contribution, and all in a twinkling the dead town is alive and moving. Drays, carts, men, boys, all go hurrying from many quarters to a common center, the wharf. Assembled there, the people fasten their eyes upon the coming boat as upon a wonder they are seeing for the first time. And the boat is rather a handsome sight, too. She is long and sharp and trim and pretty; she has two tall, fancy-topped chimneys, with a gilded device of some kind swung between them; a fanciful pilot-house, a glass and "gingerbread", perched on top of the "texas" deck behind them; the paddle-boxes are gorgeous with a picture or with gilded rays above the boat"s name; the boiler deck, the hurricane deck, and the texas deck are fenced and ornamented with clean white railings; there is a flag gallantly flying from the jack-staff; the furnace doors are open and the fires glaring bravely; the upper decks are black with passengers; the captain stands by the big bell, calm, imposing, the envy of all; great volumes of the blackest smoke are rolling and tumbling out of the chimneys-- a husbanded grandeur created with a bit of pitch pine just before arriving at a town; the crew are grouped on the forecastle; the broad stage is run far out over the port bow, and an envied deckhand stands picturesquely on the end of it with a coil of rope in his hand; the pent steam is screaming through the gauge-cocks, the captain lifts his hand, a bell rings, the wheels stop; then they turn back, churning the water to foam, and the steamer is at rest. Then such a scramble as there is to get aboard, and to get ashore, and to take in freight and to discharge freight, all at one and the same time; and such a yelling and cursing as the mates facilitate it all with! Ten minutes later the steamer is under way again, with no flag on the jack-staff and no black smoke issuing from the chimneys. After ten more minutes the town is dead again, and the town drunkard asleep by the skids once more.My father was a justice of the peace, and I supposed he possessed the power of life and death over all men and could hang anybody that offended him. This was distinction enough for me as a general thing; but the desire to be a steamboatman kept intruding, nevertheless. I first wanted to be a cabin-boy, so that I could come out with a white apron on and shake a tablecloth over the side, where all my old comrades could see me; later I thought I would rather be the deckhand who stood on the end of the stage-plank with the coil of rope in his hand, because he was particularly conspicuous. But these were only day-dreams,-- they were too heavenly to be contemplated as real possibilities. By and by one of our boys went away. He was not heard of for a long time. At last he turned up as apprentice engineer or "striker" on a steamboat. This thing shook the bottom out of all my Sunday-school teachings. That boy had been notoriously worldly, and I just the reverse; yet he was exalted to this eminence, and I left in obscurity and misery. There was nothing generous about this fellow in his greatness. He would always manage to have a rusty bolt to scrub while his boat tarried at our town, and he would sit on the inside guard and scrub it, where we could all see him and envy him and loathe him. And whenever his boat was laid up he would come home and swell around the town in his blackest and greasiest clothes, so that nobody could help remembering that he was a steamboatman; and he used all sorts of steamboat technicalities in his talk, as if he were so used to them that he forgot common people could not understand them. He would speak of the "labboard" side of a horse in an easy, natural way that would make one wish he was dead. And he was always talking about "St. Looy" like an old citizen; he would refer casually to occasions when he "was coming down Fourth Street," or when he was "passing by the Planter"s House," or when there was a fire and he took a turn on the brakes of "the old Big Missouri;" and then he would go on and lie about how many towns the size of ours were burned down there that day. Two or three of the boys had long been persons of consideration among us because they had been to St. Louis once and had a vague general knowledge of its wonders, but the day of their glory was over now. They lapsed into a humble silence, and learned to disappear when the ruthless "cub"-engineer approached. This fellow had money, too, and hair oil. Also an ignorant silver watch and a showy brass watch chain. He wore a leather belt and used no suspenders. If ever a youth was cordially admired and hated by his comrades, this one was. No girl could withstand his charms. He "cut out" every boy in the village. When his boat blew up at last, it diffused a tranquil contentment among us such as we had not known for months. But when he came home the next week, alive, renowned, and appeared in church all battered up and bandaged, a shining hero, stared at and wondered over by everybody, it seemed to us that the partiality of Providence for an undeserving reptile had reached a point where it was open to criticism.This creature"s career could produce but one result, and it speedily followed. Boy after boy managed to get on the river. The minister"s son became an engineer. The doctor"s and the post-master"s sons became "mud clerks;" the wholesale liquor dealer"s son became a barkeeper on a boat; four sons of the chief merchant, and two sons of the county judge, became pilots. Pilot was the grandest position of all. The pilot, even in those days of trivial wages, had a princely salary--from a hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty dollars a month, and no board to pay. Two months of his wages would pay a preacher"s salary for a year. Now some of us were left disconsolate. We could not get on the river-- at least our parents would not let us.So by and by I ran away. I said I never would come home again till I was a pilot and could come in glory. But somehow I could not manage it. I went meekly aboard a few of the boats that lay packed together like sardines at the long St. Louis wharf, and very humbly inquired for the pilots, but got only a cold shoulder and short words from mates and clerks. I had to make the best of this sort of treatment for the time being, but I had comforting daydreams of a future when I should be a great and honored pilot, with plenty of money, and could kill some of these mates and clerks and pay for them.
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