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Breaking 分为style move powermove oldschool 嗯。。。newschool也算是吧!


打破地板霹雳舞(Breaking、Breakdance、b-boying),是一种难度较高的街舞舞步,比较重视舞步技巧性。1970年代起源于美国纽约市的布朗克斯区。Breaking。Breaking的中文翻译是地板,地板动作或霹雳舞。 比较值得注意的是,早期跳霹雳舞的舞者多为西班牙语裔美国人,而非非裔美国人,然而他们当初偏好的音乐风格却大大影响至今嘻哈音乐。Breaking分成大地板(power move)和小地板(style move)。大地板以连续且可互相连结的旋转动作为主,小地板以连续动作后突然静止或其他具个人特色的动作为主。对跳地板舞的人称呼为B-boy或B-girl (beat boy)、(breaking boy)。


  breaking是一种以个人风格为主的技巧性街舞舞种,也叫做霹雳舞。breaking起源于70年代的美国布朗克斯区,其主要由Toprock、Footwork、Powermove、Freeze、Flip等几类不同的舞蹈元素组成。   breaking是什么舞种   很多人第一看到Breaking时都会不由自主地惊叹,其步伐非常快速,还有各种高难度地倒立姿势。其实,Breaking属于街舞, 并且是一种以个人风格为主地技巧性街舞舞种。同时,Breaking也是北美街舞中最早地舞种。   Breaking起源于70年代地美国布朗克斯区,当时早期地Breaking舞者多为西班牙语裔美国人。如今地Breaking大量吸收来源于巴西战舞、体操、中国武术等不同体育以及艺术形式地元素和动作而形成。    breaking舞蹈地内容   breaking主要分为摇滚步、腿部动作、空中定格、整体移动四大内容,其动作中有大量手撑地地快速脚步移动、各种倒立定格动作,还有再地板上或者空中匪夷所思的高难度旋转,让breaking舞蹈充满了视觉冲击力。


breaking是以个人风格为主的技巧性街舞舞种。Breaking(地板舞)是一种以个人风格为主的技巧性街舞舞种,通俗来讲,就是大家印象中在地板上打滚的舞种。包括大家耳熟能详的拖马斯、单手倒立等等。在地板上或者空中匪夷所思的高难度旋转使这种舞蹈充满了视觉冲击力。breaking的难度系数会比较高,大多是男生跳这个舞,因此被统称叫做b-boy,breaking被分成四大内容toprock,footwork,freeze和powermove,这些动作大都是用手支撑地板,脚再快速的移动,还有各式各样的定格动作,然后在地板上做倒立再做高难度的旋转动作。breaking起源1970年代起源于美国纽约市的布朗克斯区,是一种难度较高的街舞舞种,比较重视舞步和技巧的结合,主要由TopRock、UpRock、Footwork、Powermoves、Freeze等几类不同的舞蹈方式所组成。那时候的美国,许多DJ带着唱盘机和喇叭在街头广泛举行各种音乐派对并形成风潮,逐渐越来越多的人开始习惯于在派对音乐中没有歌词的间奏部分中跳舞。于是众多DJ中一个名为Kool Herc的佼佼者发明了将两张唱盘的间奏部分拼接起来以获得更长的跳舞时间的方式,并由此产生了Break Beat这种音乐形式。而在这种间奏时间里跳舞的人就被称之为间奏男孩Break Boy,即B Boy(breaker),而B Boy所跳的舞蹈便被称之为B Boying,并在之后的商业化宣传中被称为Breaking并通行至今。



Breaking的Power Move 有什么简单又好看的动作?

 B-BOY   Breaking boy,boogie boy,只要是跳break的都叫b-boy。   CREW   B-boy的团体。   BATTLE   个人或b-boy团体间的挑战(俗称尬舞)。   BURNED   专门用来指称在尬舞时被打败的团体或个人。   ROUTINES   由几个舞者一起连结或执行舞蹈动作。   PERFECTIONS   指的是一个b-boy最好的动作。   WACKED or WACK   当一个人做错了动作。   SLIDES   拉着自己滑过地板。Slide这个名字就告诉b-boy该做"滑"的动作。   BITE   从别人那里偷学动作。   1990(***)   B-boy倒立且旋转,然后随着身体重量的移转由一只手换到另一只手做动作,做到脚着地为止。(俗称手转)   2000(*****)   用一只手倒立,尽可能的旋转直到脚着地为止.(又称倒立手转)   AIRPLANES(****)   风车加上双手向两旁尽量伸展高到你可以抓住它们。   AIRSWIPES(*)   开始时,双手双脚都放在地上,脸朝上。一只手支撑住身体的重量脚往上踢然后旋转,在脚着地前另一只手先着地。如果做得正确的话应该整个身体都能旋转到。   APPLEJACKS(**)   一个最基本的动作向其它b-boy挑战尬舞。双脚蹲下,背向后仰双手支撑,然后一只脚向空中踢,踢的越高越好。然后双脚向后跳跃,重复。   BACKSPIN(***)   利用背部作旋转的表演。所有的重量平衡在背的上半部,脚缩起来尽量靠近身体。旋转的要诀就是双脚在空中做圆形的划动。(俗称背旋)   BACK SWIPE(***)   和airswipe是相同的,但是除了当你的脚在一半的时候加进来,你改变方向回到开始时的动作。   BARRELS(****)   风车,双手环抱在前。   BLLYMILL(****)   就像风车一样,不同的是他不是用手或用头去转,而是用胃(肚皮)。   BHUDDA(****)   和UFO类似,除了膝盖是在伸直的双手中,然后双脚是离开地面的。   BOOMERANG(*****)   开始时坐在地上,双脚在身前形成V字形。然后手撑在双脚间,接下来撑起身体,只有手能碰地。然后转圈。   BRONCO(**)   先从脚开始,然后是只有一只手向下,脚往后踢然后脚又再次放下,重复所有的动作。   BUNNY HOP(*****)   类似像flare,不同的是双脚在身前伸直向上,然后转圈上下跳动。   CANNOABALL(****)   在cannonball的动作中双手环抱着膝盖。   CRAZY LEGS(****)   就像air swipes,但不只做一个。作air swipes一次又一次且动作中间不停顿。   CRICKETS(****)   一个几乎和hand glide相同的旋转动作,除了当旋转的手离开地面旋转又重回地面时,会有偶而重量转变成为推挤手。如果做的好,看起来就像是连续的旋转动作。   DOUBLE 99(*****)   就像作一个2000(One hand 99),但是当你要放下一只手换成另一只手时,踢脚以得到速度然后续作2000(One hand 99)的动作,每一只手持续的作不停下来。   DOWNROCK(*)   用手的中心支撑着整个舞者的重量然后腿和脚持续的作有节奏的圆形的舞动,腿和脚的动作又是绕着手的动作做。通常会结合freezes和hesitations动作,并且是在其它动作之后紧接着做。   ELBOW GLIDE(****)   动作和位置类似像手转,不一样的是用手轴转而手释放在腹部的位置。   FLARE(****)   类似像风车,脚一样要在空中做很大的圆圈,但是不要动肩膀,而是将重量放在双手上。   FIST GLIDE(****)   动作和位置类似像手转,不一样的是用拳头转。   FLOAT(*)   用手让身体做水平的平衡,但是除了脚之外,脚要弯曲以帮助平衡。   GENIES(****)   用手作风车并且横跨过整个胸部。   GO DOWN   当b-boy在尬舞时,当他很有可能会输掉时所做的动作。   HALO(*****)   风车的动作,但是却不是由肩膀转到肩膀而是用头去转。(俗称刷头风车)   HAND GLIDE(****)   和Bboy在做float的动作相似,不同的是只有一只手支撑身体,另一只手帮忙去推着旋转。(我们称为"直升机")   HEADSLIDE(**)   当一个head slide动作完成后反转,用头停住。   HEADSPIN(****)   用你的头转。要用手和脚去开始旋转。(就是头转)   HELICOPTER(*)   一只脚在身体下另一只脚向外伸展,另一支伸展的脚则是做horozontal plane画圆动作时仍然持续伸直,然后越过另一只脚底下在绕道前面去。   Hesititations(FREEZE)(**)   停止或暂停,在做down rock圆圈动作时。   KIP-UP(**)   背部平躺撑起,脚在后面转动然后把脚踢向空中,上半身跟着起来再用脚着地。   MUNCHMILLS(****)   类似像风车一样,不同的是脚都是交叉弯曲的。   KNEE SPIN(***)   所有的重量都平衡在碰到地板的那一只膝盖上。另一只脚则伸起在高处。旋转的要诀就是利用双手去推。速度的增加是在一连串动作做完后靠着在后面的脚拉向自己的身体以产生速度。   NECKMOVE(***)   只转一下的风车。   NUTCRACKERS(****)   用手盖住胯下的部分作风车。   RUBBER BAND(****)   Bboy作kip-ups的动作然后背部下降再重复做一次kip-up。   SPIDER(***)   这被认为是一个很需要弹性的动作。大腿放在背后,膝盖放在肩膀上靠近耳朵的位置,小腿在前面,重量平衡在手或是脚或是两者。   SUICIDE(***)   B-boy做一个front flip的动作,然后背部平躺在地上,做这样的动作而没有伤到自己。   SUMOS(****)   抓着膝盖作风车。   SUPERMANS(****)   用胸部作风车而手伸向前。   SWIRLS(***)   和handglide类似,不同的是用前臂旋转而不是手。   THOMAS  双手支地踢脚进行旋转  TOMBSTONES(****)   双脚合拢,身体成L形。不用手。   TOPROCK(*)   基本的直立的舞步.可能有很多不同的影响而且每一个人做的也不一样.通常备用来作为一段舞蹈开市的前导,或是downrocking舞蹈中一组舞蹈和一组舞蹈中间的衔接,或是在激烈的舞蹈动作之后给自己一个休息的时间。

maya 中 mental ray baking options 中bake to one map是什么意思?




为什么是when it comes to making decision 而不是when faced with maki

when it es to 是习惯用语 当提到. 具体分析 it es是表示某事来到的时刻 意思是当做决定的时刻来临的时候 所以这个状语从句是when引导的 而主语是it代表时间 例句: When it es to dancing, I"m all thumbs. 谈到跳舞,我真是一窍不通. When it es to politics I know nothing. 说到政治,我是一窍不通. When it es to art, I almost know nothing. 一谈到艺术,我几乎一无所知. 你那后面那句感觉有重复 face和make两个动作在一起 可以改为: when faced with choices 或者: when faced with a decision



akinyele的《the bomb》 歌词

歌曲名:the bomb歌手:akinyele专辑:vagina dinerIt"s the bomb, babyThe bomb, babyWith no ifs, no ands, no buts, and no maybesI walk through the projects with stress in my handsA bad young man from the lefrack landsThey say i got an attitude, that"s rudeBecause i walked over elvis" grave in some blue suede shoesPunk, i got some some stuff that"ll bust through your pest lumpClearing cells chump, you know the ak shit bumpBut every now and then they say (he"s wack)But deep down in your hear you and them dudes from ridley"s don"tBelieve thatEveryone"s down with the ak brotherEvery place i go people be like udda udda, uddaTrying to get the slang down pat, using verbs and syllables, shitBut i"ll flip the style like half a brickSo give me space like nasa, one deep like a bachelorI turn shit over like a spatulaYou know how it goes by now, word to godLyrics are so hard they"ll be kevin costner"s bodyguardMove over whitney houston, i"m not losingBy the way woman, yo, my name"s not susanIt"s the akenyel, i rock well and with more clientelThen a guy with long caps of crack to sellI take poetry and start illin" with itHomicide police be looking for me from the way i be killing and shitYou niggas can"t push along, with the ak songBecause thise shit here"s the bomb!AkinyeleChorusI catch wreck like an automatic tecRipping rhymes as if it was written with gilletesRapping over slamming tracksMy hand"s compared to a drug called crackBecause it don"t take much to get your ass smackedSo you can save bullshitWord is bond get your shoehornBecause i got a style that fitSee akenyele be cold cuttin" brothers up like a deliKeeping my cool like arthur fonzarelliI kick more black ass than jim kellyDown with easy shit, this nigga tell meThey give me mines from state to stateAnd gettin" so much props, my career should be real estateSo now it"s time to face upBut if you play your jaw like a sneaker yo it"s bound to get laced upFor the mc"s that lost itI"ll treat your rock rhymes like a frisbee, watch the ak toss itSelling out it what ya caused itCharlie angel rapper make like farahAnd get rinsed down the faucetBecasue i"m coming at "emSo save your devilish tricks for eve if you don"t know me from adamMy lyrics are hotter than summer schoolMy image, far from an air conditioner beacause i never blow my coolNo thumbs up, nor a collarI won"t scream or hollerI make mc"s sit their five dollar ass downBecause all they do is scream and speak in toungesRah rah rah, but i bust your motherfuckin" lungsBurning up charts with the rhymes i sparkBrain is on steroids, keeping the lyrics strongHuh, this shit here is called the bomb!ChorusI keep the mic like glass, because i slashThirsty rappers" ass on a friday night without no hockey maskI make jason meet his doomI hit him with the bass from the room that goesBa-do-doom-do-do-doomYou can"t fuck with it beacaue i"m a little to exquisiteFor y"all snake-ass lizardsCheck my style right before you freestyleMy style"s hostile, teddy ted heard it he said "oooh child"I"m quick to damage you amatures some of you prosKnow on the downlow that i"ll assassinate your characterTo think that they can get with thisWith all those dreams you fuck around and put freddy out of businessBecasue i"m a rapper"s worst nightmareBringing tears for fears, i"m more bad news than the bearsSay a lot for success, i won"t dareI"m not shadow stephen so i cease to be just another hollywoodSquareI rope "em like a lasso, you"d better dash yoDon"t stand around and be another dennis leary assholeYou"ll get chopped like vegetablesI leave plenty many hanging like testicles, huhDoing what i half toTo get room to breathe even if it means knocking out your asthmaThis ak flow ain"t no fadI be smoking niggas like cigarettes because they style is just a fuckingDragI done blew up the world trade and vietnamHuh, beacuse this shit here is the bomb!Chorushttp://music.baidu.com/song/14221185

歌词及中文 breath breaking benjamin

歌曲:Breath歌手:Breaking Benjamin所属专辑:Phobia制作人:(爱歌词网)www.Ailrc.comBreaking Benjamin - BreathI see nothing in your eyes,and the more I see the less I lie.Is it over yet, in my head?I know nothing of your kind,and I won"t reveal your evil mind.Is it over yet? I can"t win.So sacrifice yourself,and let me have what"s left.I know that I can findthe fire in your eyes.I"ll throw it all away,get away, please.You take the breath right out of me.You left a hole where my heart should be.You got to fight just to make it through,"cause I will be the death of you.This will be all over soon.Pour salt into the open wound.Is it over yet? Let me in.So sacrifice yourself,and let me have what"s left.I know that I can findthe fire in your eyes.I"ll throw it all away,get away, please.You take the breath right out of me.You left a hole where my heart should be.You got to fight just to make it through,"cause I will be the death of you.I"m waiting, I"m hating,realize, start hiding.You take the breath right out of me.You left a hole where my heart should be.You got to fight just to make it through,"cause I will be the death of you.

求Celine. Dion. 的《taking chances》整篇歌词的中文翻译!!!

celine dion - taking chances席琳迪翁不太了解你的生活。   不太了解你的世界,但   别想今晚独处,   他们称之为“地球这个行星上。   你不知道我的过去,   我没有未来。   也许,这就是跑的太快了。   也许它没想最后,   但是你怎么说,把握机会,   你怎么说,上跳下来的边缘?   我们永远都不知道是否有坚实的地面以下   或者可以握的手,或有罪,   你在说什么?   你说什么?   我只是想重新开始,   也许你可以给我,怎么去尝试,   也许你可以带我,   你的皮肤下面的地方吗?   你怎么说,把握机会,   你怎么说,上跳下来的边缘?   我们永远都不知道是否有坚实的地面以下   或者可以握的手,或有罪,   你在说什么?   你说什么?   我有我的心。   但是我总是跑回来,是的。   没有什么能像爱你,   当你躺在地板上。   这样对我说话,跟我说话,   像情人。   跟我走,跟我走,   像情人,   像情人。   你怎么说,把握机会,   你怎么说,上跳下来的边缘?   我们永远都不知道是否有坚实的地面以下   或者可以握的手,或有罪,   你在说什么?   你说什么?   不太了解你的生活   我不懂你的世界。

as well as making money,business should have social responsibility什么意


谁有著名作家Rowena Akinyemi的介绍

译作罗威娜或者罗伊那来自英国,是撒克逊名的拉丁化形式,可能由日耳曼语的成分hrod=fame名声+ wynn=joy高兴,喜悦组成。 最早首先出现在拉丁语编年史Geoffrey of Monmouth中,是作为撒克逊侵略者Hengist一个女儿的名字出现的。

headline making




He is speaking a speech对吗?

speech的意思是演说、演讲、 讲话,通常指在公共场合为群众所作的讲话,强调影响、教育或娱乐群众。例句:Intoxication interferes with speech and coordination.醉酒会影响言语能力和协调性。His speech became increasingly thick and nasal他说话的声音变得越来越粗,鼻音越来越重。He could imitate in speech or writing most of those he admired.他能模仿大多数自己崇拜的偶像的讲话和写作风格。speaking的意思着重讲话这一动作本身,既可指系统的长篇讲话,又可指简单的开口发音,但不一定有人在听所说的话。

有首英文歌,歌词是什么raise me up什么什么,然后就是breaking down.....

you raise me up

in general 和 generally speaking有何区别

in general 是一般而言;总之;通常的意思generally speaking是总体上来说的意思在使用上是generally speaking书面化,用在比较正规的场合,in general口语化,在交流的时候运用。举例一:Their jobs are, in general, more secure.通常来讲,他们的工作更有保障。举例二:I can"t stress that enough, and Americans in general tend to be slower off the mark in this regard than managers from other countries.这一点必须着重强调。相比其他国家的管理人员,美国人通常在这方面要慢半拍。举例三:The warmer a place is, generally speaking, the more types of plants and animals it will usually support.一般而言,一个地方越暖和,能生存的动植物种类通常也就越多。举例四:If the parents set the rules and set the standards and make it clear to the kids about what"s acceptable, generally speaking, the kids will make good decisions.如果父母们设立了规矩和标准,对孩子讲明哪些行为是可以接受的,一般说来,孩子们都会做出明智的抉择。

总的来说generally speaking 为什么要加Ing?


generally speaking等于什么

generally speaking[英][u02c8du0292enu0259ru0259li u02c8spi:ku026au014b][美][u02c8du0292u025bnu0259ru0259li u02c8spiku026au014b]adv.一般而言; 概括地说; 大抵; 总而言之; 例句:1.Generally speaking you should always try to offset and balance out your dominantcharacteristics. 一般来说,总是应该抵消和平衡掉很突出的面部特征。2.Classrooms in countries with the highest-performing students contain very little techwizardry, generally speaking. 总的来说,那些拥有表现最好的学生的国家的教室包含非常少的科技产品。

英语Generally speaking//副词修饰名词?


英语Generally speaking怎么翻译?




general speaking还是generally speaking

generally speaking 表一般说来要用副词修饰

in general 和 generally speaking有何区别

in general 通常,大体上/总的说来,从总体上看 一般放在句子末尾或者句子中间generally speaking 总的说来,这个短语一般放在句首两者没有很大区别 一般是通用的 可以互换

generally speaking是什么意思

generally speaking翻译:一般说来例句1.Generally speaking there was no resistance to the idea 一般说来,没有人会反对这个观点。2.Generally speaking, parents love their children. 一般说来,父母爱他们的孩子。3.Generally speaking, the more you pay, the more you get. 一般来说,花钱多,买的东西就多。4.The warmer a place is, generally speaking, the more types of plants and animals it will usually support. 一般而言,一个地方越暖和,能生存的动植物种类通常也就越多。5.Generally speaking, a promotion means higher salary and more responsibility. 一般而言,升职意味着更多的薪水和更大的责任。6.Generally speaking, all living things are sure to die without food. 一般来说,没有食物,所有的生物都会死。7.Most people, generally speaking, are ready to smile back when they are smiled at. 一般来说,大多数人在被人以微笑对待的时候都会报以微笑。8.Generally speaking, Americans friendlier and more outgoing than the English people. 一般来说,美国人比英国人更友好,更容易相处。9.Generally speaking, there are many business opportunities in China. Lesson82一般来说,在中国有很多商机。10.Product selection, generally speaking, occurs before development begins. 产品选择通常在开发工作开始前进行。

in general 和 generally speaking有何区别


请问generally speaking speaking是什么词性为何用generally修饰?



意思不一样的。generally speaking 一般说来 (表示看法)Generally speaking there was no resistance to the idea一般说来,没有人会反对这个观点。all in all总而言之 (总结)All in all, it"s fantastic! 总而言之,它很棒!

generally speaking是什么意思

generally speaking[英][u02c8du0292enu0259ru0259li u02c8spi:ku026au014b][美][u02c8du0292u025bnu0259ru0259li u02c8spiku026au014b]adv.一般而言; 概括地说; 大抵; 总而言之; 例句:1.Generally speaking you should always try to offset and balance out your dominantcharacteristics. 一般来说,总是应该抵消和平衡掉很突出的面部特征。2.Classrooms in countries with the highest-performing students contain very little techwizardry, generally speaking. 总的来说,那些拥有表现最好的学生的国家的教室包含非常少的科技产品。



英语their baking skills怎么翻译?

their baking skills他们的烘焙技巧;他们的烹饪技巧;


按:许多朋友,自从接触到街舞,看过街舞的表演,一定有想学念头,尤其是街舞当中的Breaking,更是让人看的眼花缭乱。如果想要学习,一定先要了解一下基础知识,这对以后的学习会有很大的帮助。下面就简单介绍一下。 先说说STYLE,STYLE粗分为三部份:TOPROCK、FOOTWORK、FREEZE。 TOPROCK就是在你做地板动作之前跳的类似一种步法的东西,很多BBOY们都忽略了TOPROCK的重要,其实TOPROCK可以帮助你抓住音乐的节拍,让你做好真正地板动作前的准备。现在最流行的TOPROCK是走圆圈,在场中间跳的轨迹逞一个圆形,这样让人们看起来你有满场飞舞的感觉。 FOOTWORK顾名思义是脚部动作,大家都知道SIX STEPS,SIX STEPS可说是最流畅的一种,但光会SIX STEPS是远远不够的,试想你每次光做SIX STEPS的话不是很无聊吗?大家一定要多花些时间去组合自己的FOOTWORK,毕竟FOOTWORK是BREAKING里用得最多的,你还得不断的去创新自己的FOOTWORK,不然就算你的FOOTWORK再好,大家也会因看得次数多而感到无聊的。FOOTWORK最要紧要做得流畅,你可加进绕腿,或忽然改变方向等等,学问大了。 FREEZE是最能给观众震撼的招数,如果你能创出大家没见过的FREEZE,那比POWER MOVE还能给人们留下深刻印象。FREEZE字面上的意思是冻结,我个人觉得那就是FREEZE的真缔。冻结是给人一种很迅速的感觉,必须要把动作在刹那间定住,那才是最好的FREEZE。而不是说你光能做到停在那里,如果你做得拖泥带水,撑了个半天才好不容易撑住,还在那里震得摇摇欲坠,那还叫什么FREEZE呢?FREEZE更难在FREEZE COMBO,就是一个FREEZE变另一个FREEZE,要做到干净利落,还能抓住节拍,那才是至高境界!   说完了STYLE再说说POWERMOVE,POWERMOVE指BREAKING中的一系列地板动作,像WINDMILL,HALO,FLARE,1990,HEADSPIN,AIRTRACK等等,其中每个动作又可细分,像WINDMILL可分为NO HAND WINDMILL,BABY WINDMILL,SUPERMAN WINDMILL等。 这些动作给人的震撼是无与伦比的,特别是对第一次看BREAKING的人,他们会怀疑人类怎能做出这种动作?正是这种魅力,让无数BBOY们冒着断手断脚断脖子的危险去狂练。不能不佩服这些勇敢的BBOY们,更不能不佩服这些令人眼花缭乱的动作。有些BBOY们认为POWERMOVE不好,因为这些动作做到了就是做到了,并不是跳舞。这当然也有道理,毕竟POWERMOVE比较单调,你不能一直重复在那里转。但POWERMOVE终归是极限的表现,特别是BATTLE时,如果当你的对手在那狂转了一轮之后你竟然拿FOOTWORK去比,那我看你还不如投降吧。我之前说FREEZE能比POWERMOVE更令人震撼是指POWERMOVE只有那几招,就算再夸张,在看了多次之后也会变得不新鲜了,而古怪的FREEZE则可带给人们一种新鲜感,并不是只动作的难度上FREEZE厉害过POWERMOVE。 作为一个BBOY,很难同时善长STYLE和POWERMOVE,就算你两种都行,在BATTLE时你也会不够体力去发挥,所以我觉得大家应找朋友们组成一个CREW,这样就可以分工练习,而全面发展。   BREAKING分STYLE和POWERMOVE,相信大家都问过这样一个问题:到底STYLE和POWERMOVE哪个更重要?对这个问题,众说纷云。最后的回答只能说两个同样重要。

Breaking Benjamin-dance with the devil翻译中文

Breaking Benjamin - Dance With The Devil(与魔鬼共舞)Here I stand, helpless and left for dead.我站在这里,无助地等待死亡Cleave your eyes, so many days gone by.张开你的眼睛,那么多日子过去了Easy to find what"s wrong,很多事情都是错的harder to find what"s right.很少事情是对的I believe in you, I can show you我相信你,我可以证明给你看that I can see right through all your empty lies.我可以看穿你所有的谎言I won"t stay long, in this world so long.我不会活很久,即将不久于人世Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.说再见,今晚让我们与魔鬼共舞Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,你不敢望着他的眼睛as we dance with the devil tonight.今晚我们与魔鬼共舞Trembling, crawling across my skin.颤抖,在我皮肤上爬行(我在颤抖)Feeling your cold dead eyes,感觉到你冰冷无气息的眼睛stealing the life of mine.正在夺取我的生命I believe in you, I can show you我相信你,我可以证明给你看that I can see right through all your empty lies.我可以看穿你所有虚假的谎言I won"t last long, in this world so wrong.我不会存在很久,在这个错误的世界Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.说再见,今晚我们与魔鬼共舞Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,你不敢望着他的眼睛as we dance with the devil tonight.今晚我们与魔鬼共舞Hold on, hold on.等等,等等Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.说再见,今晚我们与魔鬼共舞Don"t you dare look at him in the eye,你不敢望着他的眼睛as we dance with the devil tonight.今晚我们与魔鬼共舞Hold on, hold on. 等等,等等

数据库出错,请帮忙解决呀! SQL Server has encountered 1 occurrence(s) of IO requests taking longer t


listening 和speaking 的相同点和不同点 请专家多给一些有用的观点,

两个单词的意思就不一样@!一个是听,一个是说.两个单词原乡分别是listen/speak.首先,listening名词 n.1.倾听2.收听广播;听录音.形容词1.收听的;留神听的2.助听的. 然后,speaking名词 n.[U]1.说话,谈话2.言语,演讲3.演讲术 形容词 a.[B] 1.说话的,谈话的;演讲的 2.说(某种语言)的 3.富于表情的;逼真的;雄辩的 -speaking 复合形 comb.form 1.(构成形容词)表示"说...语言的"(如:English-speaking说英语的)

请教翻译:You should make yourself understand when speaking


considering和taking into account that的区别

一个是被动语态一个是主动语态呀,这俩个词组的原型是take.into account,当主语是动作所对应的对象是,既可以放在take后面而不改变句意时,用taken,而主语是动作的发出者时,用taking.

My father practices speaking English every day请问practices要不要加s?


为什么go make friend的make不用变形,不该是go making吗?


making new friends和make new friend的区别

交朋友:make friends (with sb.) 是一个固定用法,一般用复数形式表达.

以 Ways of Making Friends 为题目写一篇英语作文

Everyone needs friends.A good friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness.But how can we make friends?I think the best way is to keep on good turn with your roommates. Then,es the second question.How to keep on good turn with your roommates?I have a good idea. Frist,you must friendly to every body.for example,if you borrow a pen to somebody,you must say do you mind if I lend this pen?When he say yes please,then you can do it.In conclusion,you should be very polite. Second,you have to be generosity,thus your friends will think you are so recognition to them. Third,friends should negotiate instead of quarrel.When you don"t agree someone,please discuss with him. Finally,you need to realize your friends or some people.Know about theirs hobby,habitat or living conditions and so on.Such as their acmodation,folk,likes doing something. This is my magic weapon,do you agree?



新视野大学英语 视听说教程(第二版)3 unit7 view and speaking task1


以前在夜店听到的一首好听的英文歌 女声唱的 歌词好像有 I like moving moving ,i like shaking shaking


posing a contrast和making a comparison各自含义?一样吗?05-text1


英文歌歌词意思你让你的愿望,我要想你说再见then you making your wish,i

Then you making your wish, I miss you when I say goodbye.

relatively speaking是什么意思


relatively speaking是什么意思

relatively speaking 英[u02c8relu0259tu026avlu026a u02c8spi:ku026au014b] 美[u02c8ru025blu0259tu026avlu026a u02c8spiku026au014b] [词典] 相对来说,相比较而言; [例句]These students do well, relatively speaking, she said. They are so proud they know Chinese.这些学生表现得很好,相对而言,她说,他们为自己懂中文而感到自豪。

making a difference什么意思


specifically speaking是什么意思


he got rid of the habit of taking harmful drug。为什么要用get rid of,直接用rid行吗,它本身就是及物

用rid 也可以呀, 但要这样说:He rid himself of the habit of taking harmful drug【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

经济学中binary and non-binary decision making是具体什么意思呀?

下决策可以分为(1)二元方式:就是行(go)和不行( no go)(2) 非二元式: 例如依着不同满足条件的决策(conditional go) ..

long-term decision making是什么意思

long-term decision making[英][u02c8lu0254:u014bu02c8tu025c:m diu02c8siu0292u0259n u02c8meu026aku026au014b][美][u02c8lu0254u014bu02c8tu0259:m du026au02c8su026au0292u0259n u02c8meku026au014b][经] 长期决策; 双语例句1He would prefer barring executives from cashing in stock until age 65 or twoyears past retirement to encourage long-term decision making.他更希望禁止高管在65岁或退休后两年之前变现股票,以鼓励他们做出长远决策。



be making in the reservoir

当污染程度超过了管理部门规定的界限以后,转移水以改进水质量就变得必要.要从自然储水池中释放出来的水量取决于水文----环境模式.另外,决策过程要求,为了减少干净水源的压力,从储水池中释放出来的水量一定要尽可能少以使河流中的水的质量与标准相符.在决策过程中,该模型只会在水质量过给定的界限时,用来计算干净水的释放,并且该计算会持续到水质量符合给定标准 为冲淡污染而释放的水量因此就可以确定.图5给了几个例子,演示了2004年度和2005年度被监测的水的质量.图6显示了以联机监测信息为基础的水释放图表的一个例子.

跪求making infinity computers competitive在introduction to business上的解答

好不u容易找到的凑合着看吧O(∩_∩)O Supermarkets need to deal with a lot of inventory 。rmation, but also time to update sales 。rmation, and constantly add 。rmation goods。 Face different types of 。rmation, the need to rationalize the structure of the database to save 。rmation, the need for effective program structure to support the implementation of a variety of data manipulation。 Store automation of product management in Europe and the United States and other countries have already realized, is the retail management。 It is characterized by the most important to real-time and accurate control of the sale of the shop。 If you can master the sales process in real time and sales, you can effectively accelerate the turnover of 。modities and improve service quality, and can not reduce prices and other issues arising。 Consumption requirements of the customer is shopping in the supermarket can basically be able to purchase the necessary goods, and also ensures the quality of goods would also like to enjoy high-quality, convenient service。 Abstract With the development of small-scale supermarkets expanding number of 。modities, a sharp increase in the amount of 。rmation relating to a variety of 。modities has also doubled。 Always need to store all kinds of 。rmation products for statistical analysis。 Management of a large supermarket system is too cumbersome to operate a strong and resulted in reducing the efficiency of the small supermarket。 Supermarket Management System is the market"s most popular supermarket on one 。monly used system, it mainly includes the following modules: system privileges settings, the original data entry, data aggregation and inquiry。 Thus, the realization of the purchase, sales and employee 。rmation, such as a 。prehensive, dynamic and timely management。 In this paper, a systematic analysis of the software development process in the background; first introduced the software development environment, then introduced the detailed design of the software process: database design, each module of the Design and Implementation, as well as the specific interface design and functionality。 Keywords: Supermarket Management Information System Chapter I Introduction 4。1 Social Background With the modern development of science and technology, 。puter technology has infiltrated the field of elder brother to be。e an indispensable tool for all sectors, especially the Internet and 。rmation technology to promote the establishment of the highway, so that IT industry more 。petitive in the market shows that its unique advantage, into the 。rmation age, there are huge waiting for data processing and transmission, which makes the book database for the further development and use will be。e more necessary。 Some of the domestic market as small and medium-sized supermarkets, they are in the process of 。rmation to be lagging behind the pace of large and medium-sized supermarket, and for these enterprises, resource management, 。rmation storage and processing also appears an urgent need to adapt to market 。petition, it needs efficient handling and management methods, so to speed up the process of the supermarket is the 。rmation will be small。 During the internship, we survey the market for small and medium-sized supermarkets in various business operations and personnel management of the actual needs, has developed a set of supermarket management system。 In the development process, we focused on the current characteristics of the management of the supermarket and the actual level of technical staff, based on the Windows graphical user interface easy to learn and use the operating environment in the system design process, we as far as possible people who understand accessibility machine interface, enables users to fully grasp in the short term。 We have always made the correctness of the system in the first place to deal with data integrity and correctness。 On this basis to optimize program code to speed up the system and reduce the occupancy of the system resources。 Supermarket 7。0 Background Supermarkets in China in the 40th century, the formation of the early 60"s, and now has be。e an important form of retail, the development of the national economy played an important role。 With the rapid development of supermarkets, and its management has be。e increasingly 。plex, the early form of salespersonsalready can not meet the current development of sales, so that the urgent need to introduce new management techniques。 Supermarket form a number of advantages, but under the present circumstances, it is still shared by the retail business side behind, such as: You can not effectively manage all kinds of 。modities, clearing receivables slow turnover prone to error, not suitable for 。modity price , the efficiency of low inventory, but also in day-to-day management of the supermarket, 。modity import and sell, keep, such as experience-based decision-making, the lack of real-time analysis capabilities, management of requests for 。rmation transmitted in a timely manner can not be met consistently。 Su Che form of the rapid development of supermarkets, and its management has be。e increasingly 。plex, day-to-day need to be addressed by gradually increasing the amount of data, business operation more and more intermediate links, the original has not managed to deal with this 。plex market。 To this end, in the selection process, I chose the subject of supermarket management system design, relying on modern 。puter 。rmation processing technology to manage the supermarket, saving a great deal of manpower and material resources to improve the working conditions of employees, reducing the labor intensity, and can quickly reflect the merchandise import and sell a variety of deposit and other conditions and analysis of feedback 。rmation to managers on the market quickly to make the corresponding changes in the decision-making, to speed up the operation and management efficiency of the supermarket。 Feasibility study chapter 3。0 Technical Feasibility Study Practitioners in the IT industry, the staff are generally asked to master 。puter technology, hardware and software has a certain basis, will use a variety of management software, familiar with IT products。 Because some of the supermarket staff is relatively high quality of the requirements, from sales management to the following personnel requirements based on a certain 。puter, so when the new system put into use, as long as a small number of staff training, system functions and Basically, use the method to the smooth operation of the system。 2。2 Economic Feasibility Study Due to sales 。rmation through the network transmission limitations can not distance, so can borrow a lot of human and material resources to facilitate the management, which can reduce unnecessary expenses, while the system can improve the efficiency of the supermarket sales, which increased the economic Supermarket effectiveness, so is economically feasible。 (8) supermarkets be able to bear the cost of system development The development of the new system is a 。plex task interval, and its investment is investment in human and material resources。 The developers of the system, its major investment in both human and material resources。 If this is the arrangement of manpower to develop their own enterprise system, its principal or investment in human resources, the business needs from the system to a systematic analysis to investigate the production code require enormous human input。 Software 。panies as a short high-tech industries, the requirements of their employees than the general business requirements higher, but also for the development of systems and software industry to understand more, so in self-development and management system, enterprise more easily their own arrangements for manual Such enterprises can borrow most of the additional expenditure。 At the same time, the software on other products, are high-end industry, whether it is the quality of products or higher prices, products and business dealers or merchants are required to have strong financial support。 Therefore, the development process in the system, enterprises are able to assume full development costs。 (6) The new system will bring economic benefits to enterprises Is an 。rmation management system, intelligence and advanced management concept of the collection。 Management is a dynamic process, in the course of its operation a number of measures to be taken。 Therefore, to gain economic benefits in the management of a 。prehensive benefits to its direct 。parison of quantitative analysis is difficult。 The general economic benefits of the new system is brief, and its most important performance is to reduce the cost of the enterprise management and human spending。 And other food through the red tape to be analyzed in the new system to resolve, not only saves a great deal of time, but also the decision-making for the enterprise has provided valuable data to generate huge economic benefits for enterprises。 1。8 Feasibility Study for the operation The system uses a Windows-based graphical user interface, and the system is well-known operating system, for those who have general knowledge of 。puters can easily get started on。 And the whole management system stores the most friendly interface, brief and clear, no need to conduct an in-depth understanding of the database。 Thus, the operation of the system is feasible, it is necessary to develop the system。 Based on the above three aspects, the system has a higher degree of development of the feasibility, whether it is technically or economically or operationally。 Therefore, we can design the system data flow diagram to set up a data dictionary。 Chapter III Analysis of System Requirements 5。8 user workflow Purchase or sale of goods, the user or salesto check a single review and registration; users to obtain purchase, sales, inventory 。rmation, to purchase, the sale of inventory query and print。 0。2 user business needs (7) The inventory management software will tea products 。rmation management and statistics, product sales and productsingle entry to the management and statistics; (4) The management software will be based on the user"s need to purchase, sales, inventory inquiries, and can print detailed 。rmation; (3) The management software will provide users with account management tool to enable users to manage accounts, specifically to add users, delete users, modify user passwords; (4) the management of enterprise management software, to manage the classification of employees, as well as new employees join the staff of the deletion, modification and other functions into the 。rmation。 Supermarket management of the whole structure of the function of the system shown in Figure 2011-10-28 19:51:52



less codified decision making progress,中making,progress是做什么成分?


求翻译并分析第一句话 Recall that we described the relationship between decision making and self-re


谁能提供公共决策咨询(Public decision-making consultation)相关的英文文献?


problem-solving decision- making属于什么教学方法中的活动


decision make 与 decision making 有什么区别





做出 决定

VOA Special English program 中的THE MAKING OF A NATION 是什么意思? 谢谢

这是VOA的一个专题 The Making of a Nation(建国史话) 这一专题向听众介绍USA从十三个殖民地区域到现代工业国的孕育、诞生以及形成超级大国的历史过程,并以历史为线索,特定的历史时期为单位,以重大的历史事件为主题来叙述各个党派、各届总统和政府的历史作用与贡献,坚持收听这个系列节目,十分有助于你了解美国历史,逢Thur.播出。

Without someone to ____ for advice, making the best choice can be difficult for Tom.

turn to somebody (for help)是固定词组,意思是向某人求助。这句话的意思是,如果没有人可以求助,tom将很难做出最好的选择

Love has gradually fade Perhaps destined for breaking up is the best choice这是什么意思


求歌舞青春的Breaking free的中文歌词翻译

1.Start Of Something New 新的开始 Living in my own world 生活在自己的世界里 Didn"t understand 真不明白 That anything can happen When you take a chance 当你开始冒险什么事都能成功吗 I never believed in 我从不相信 What I couldn"t see 我没亲眼见到的事 I never opened my heart 我从来没打开心扉 To all the possibilities 向那些一切的可能性 I know that something has changed 我发现一些事情正在改变 Never felt this way 从来没有这种感觉 And right here tonight 今晚的感觉是那么的美妙 This could be the start Of something new 这可能是新的开始 It feels so right To be here with you 与你在一起感觉是那么美妙 And now looking in your eyes 现在看着你的眼睛 I feel in my heart 我从心里感觉到 The start of something new 那新的开始 Now who"d of ever thought that 现在谁能想到 We"d both be here tonight 今晚我们都在这儿 And the world looks so much brighter With you by my side 有你在我的身边世界看起来是那么的光明 I know that something has changed 我知道这是一个新的开始 Never felt this way 因为我从来没感觉如此美妙 I know it for real 我知道这是真的 This could be the start Of something new 这会是一个新的开始 It feels so right To be here with you 与你在一起感觉是那么的美妙 And now looking in your eyes 现在注视着你的眼睛 I feel in my heart 我从心里感觉到 The start of something new 这新的开始 I never knew that it could happen Till it happened to me 我从来没想过这真的会发生----直到这真的发生在我身上 I didn"t know it before 以前我从来没这种感觉 But now it"s easy to see 现在感觉却是那么的清晰 It"s a start Of something new 这是一个新的开始 It feels so right To be here with you 与你在一起感觉是那么美妙 And now looking in your eyes 现在注视着你的眼睛 I feel in my heart 我从心底感觉到 That it"s the start Of something new 这新的开始 It feels so right To be here with you 与你在一起感觉是那么美妙 And now looking in your eyes 现在注视这你的眼睛 I feel in my heart 我从心底感觉到 The start of something new Start of something new 这新的开始 2.Getcha Head In The Game 专注比赛 Coach said to fake right 教练说向右作假动作 And break left 向左突破! Watch out for the pick 注意抢断 And keep an eye on defense 注意防守 Gotta run the give and go 跑动传球突破! And take the ball to the hole 将球投入篮筐 But don"t be afraid 不要害怕 To shoot the outside "J" 三分远投 Just keep ya head in the game 只要专注比赛 Just keep ya head in the game 只要专注比赛 And don"t be afraid 不要害怕 To shoot the outside "J" 三分远投 Just keep ya head in the game 只要专注比赛 U gotta 你明白 Get"cha get"cha head in the game 要全心比赛 We gotta 我们明白 Get our, get our, get our, get our head in the game 将我们我们我们的注意力全放到比赛上 (repeat 3x) Let"s make sure 让我们确定 That we get the rebound 我们将拿到篮板 "Cause when we get it 因为一但我们抢到篮板 Then the crowd will go wild 观众席将沸腾 A second chance 第二次机会 Gotta grab it and go 抢断和突破 Maybe this time 也许是这次 We"ll hit the right notes 我们将得到我们想要的 Wait a minute 等一下! It"s not the time or place 这不是正确的时间和地点 Wait a minute 等一下! Get my head in the game 我要专注比赛 Wait a minute 等一下! Get my head in the game 我要专注比赛 Wait a minute 等一下! Wait a minute 等一下! I gotta 我知道 Get my, get my head in the game 把我把我的注意力放到比赛中 You gotta 你明白吗 Get"cha, get"cha, get"cha, get"cha head in the game 把你的你的你的你的注意力放到比赛里 (repeat 3x) Why am I feeling so wrong 我什么我感觉这么不对劲 My head"s in the game 我的人在比赛 But my heart"s in the song 心却在歌中 She makes this feel so right 她让我感觉那么美妙 (SPOKEN) Should I got for it 我要去争取吗 Better shake this, yikes! 最好还是想想,哎! I gotta 我要 Get my, get my head in the game 我要我要全心投入比赛 You gotta 你要 Get"cha, get"cha, get"cha, get"cha head in the game 将你将你将你将你全心投入比赛 (repeat 4x) 3.Breaking Free 放飞自由 Troy: 特洛伊: We"re soarin", flyin" There"s not a star in heaven That we can"t reach 我们在遨游,飞翔 天空中没有我们够不到星星 Gabriella: 盖比瑞拉: If we"re trying 如果我们努力尝试 So we"re breaking free 我们就能放飞自由 Troy: 特洛伊 You know the world can see us In a way that"s different than who we are 你知道世界能看见我们 那个真实的自己 Gabriella: 盖比瑞拉 Creating space between us 为我们之间创造空间 ‘Til we"re separate hearts 直到得我们分离 Both: 合唱 But your faith it gives me strength 但是你的信念给了我力量 Strength to believe 信任的力量 Chorus #1 Troy: We"re breakin" free 特洛伊 我们放飞自由! Gabriella: We"re soarin" 盖比瑞拉: 我们遨游 Troy: Flyin" 特洛伊: 飞翔 Both: 合唱: There"s not a star in heaven That we can"t reach 天上没有我们够不到的星星 Troy: If we"re trying 特洛伊: 如果我们努力尝试 Both: Yeah, we"re breaking free 合唱: 是的,我们能放飞自由 Troy: Oh, we"re breakin" free 特洛伊: 哦 我们放飞自由 Gabriella: Ohhhh 盖比瑞拉: 哦~~~~ Troy: Can you feel it building 特洛伊: 你能感觉到这正在形成吗 Like a wave the ocean just can"t control 就像失去控制的大海的波浪 Gabriella: 盖比瑞拉: Connected by a feeling 被感觉联系在一起 Ohhh, in our very souls 哦~~在我们灵魂深处 Both: 合唱: Rising ‘til it lifts us up 一直飞翔吧直到我们到达顶端 So every one can see 这样每个人都能看见我们 Chorus #2 Troy: We"re breakin" free 特洛伊:我们放飞自由 Gabriella: We"re soarin" 盖比瑞拉:我们遨游 Troy: Flyin" 特洛伊:我们飞翔 Both: 合唱: There"s not a star in heaven That we can"t reach 天空中没有我们够不到的星星 Troy: If we"re trying Yeah we"re breaking free 特洛伊: 如果我们努力尝试 是啊 我们正放飞自由 Gabriella: 盖比瑞拉 Ohhhh runnin" 哦~~奔跑 Troy: Climbin" To get to that place 特洛伊: 攀登 直到到达那个地方 Both: To be all that we can be 合唱: 成为我们真正的自己 Troy: Now"s the time 特洛伊: 现在正是时候 Both: 合唱: So we"re breaking free 所以我们放飞自由 Troy: We"re breaking free 特洛伊: 我们放飞自由 Gabriella: 盖比瑞拉: Ohhh , yeah Troy: More than hope More than faith 特洛伊: 超越希望 超越信念 Gabriella: This is true This is fate And together 盖比瑞拉: 这是事实 这是命运 而且我们在一起 Both: We see it comin" 合唱: 我们看见它正前进 Troy: More than you More than me 特洛伊: 超越你 超越我 Gabriella: 盖比瑞拉: Not a want, but a need 不是需要而是必须 Both: Both of us breakin" free 合唱: 我们一起放飞自由 Chorus #3 Gabriella: Soarin" 盖比瑞拉:遨游 Troy: Flyin" 特洛伊:飞翔 Both: There"s not a star in heaven That we can"t reach If we"re trying 如果我们努力尝试天空中没有我们够不到的星星 Troy: Yeah we"re breaking free 特洛伊:我们放飞自由 Gabriella: Breaking free Were runnin" 盖比瑞拉: 放飞自由 奔跑 Troy: Ohhhh, climbin" 特洛伊: 哦~~攀登 Both: To get to the place To be all that we can be 合唱: 到达我们都能成为真正的自己的地方 Now"s the time 现在正是时候 Troy: Now"s the time 特洛伊:现在正是时候 Gabriella: So we"re breaking free 盖比瑞拉:所以我们放飞自由 Troy: Ohhh, we"re breaking free 特洛伊:哦~~~我们放飞自由 Gabriella: Ohhhh 盖比瑞拉:哦~~~ Both: You know the world can see us In a way that"s different than who we are 合唱: 你知道这个世界能看见我们 我们真正的自己 差不多歌舞青春1的歌中英文翻译都有,希望是你想要的,望采纳。谢谢

请把”breaking free”这首歌翻译成中文

But you go to, erupt another now a Left heart, I can"t the Wu sheep repair a prison I do to enough weep over You will not climb to invite My business has already enough told a lie Just came out front door I break free From the chain you of heart Delay any more Zuo the dilemma go forward "Business, this is me I can"t live in a lies Have to as far as possible exist with strong I had another a trick for amuse You will cheat someone lately "Business, I feel what I do and lose My looking for love is true We can"t forever together "Business, when I am so strong, I to myself What I like is now or never Delay any more, make a list I break free From the chain you of heart Delay any more Zuo the dilemma go forward Business, this is me I can"t live in a lies Have to try existence with strong

翻译! 英译中 求breaking free的中文含义

你没有给语境,不太好翻译。看看下面这个句子能不能帮上忙After tussling with my attacker for a few minutes, I succeeded in breaking free, and ran for help.我同袭击我的人扭打几分钟后,挣脱了对手,然后跑去求救兵。

以"honesty and friends-making"为题,写一篇300字左右的英语作文?急!!!

A proverb says "One man is not good enough to live alone in the world." Indeed, there are many things in life which we alone cannot perform. We need friends" help. Friends are people who willingly and readily help us when we are in trouble, and show sympathy for us when we are in misery. The benefits of friendship are boundless and sometimes invisible. For example, when we have passed the graduation examination and are looking for a job, we need experienced and reliable friends to guide us and help us on our way. A good friend is also an adviser, because our own points of view towards things may not be always right. Therefore, it is necessary for us to seek advice from friends. Of course, we can make friends everywhere. However, I think the best place is school, where we are among a big number of boys and girls our own age, so it is easy to get to know one another in a short time. Besides, we can also make friends among the people who work with us in the community. In order to make friends, we ourselves must be honest,noble-minded and kind-hearted whereby to leave a favourable impression on others since other people observe us the same way as we do. At the same time, we should avoid bad friends, because they always do harm to us and moreover,they are dangerous to the people around.What is even worse,they mar our friendship with good friends.Indeed,seeking acquaintance with bad friends would be a serious mistake.

动词-ing 改写下列句子1.The teather is taking a walk on the playgroun?

1.The teacher is taking a walk on the playground is our teacher of English. 正在操场上散步的老师是我们的英语老师. 2The birds singing in the trees filled the air with music . 小鸟正在树上唱歌,使空气弥漫着音乐. 3.Do you know the number of students ing to the English Evening. 你知道即将来英语晚会的学生的数量吗? 4.I could hear the boys playing in the field. 我可以听到男孩们正在田野里玩耍. 5.He was glad to find the fire burning brightly. 他非常高兴找到了正燃烧地发亮的火焰. 6.I watched them dancing. 我看着他们跳舞. 7.Mary sat on the ground,talking with Jane. Mary坐在地上,正与Jane聊着天. 8.I stood at the gate waiting for his arrival. 我站在门口等待着他的到来. 10.Seeing that it was raining John put on his raincoat. 看见正在下雨,John穿上了他的雨衣. 11.Stepping carelessly off the pavement,he was knocked down by the bus. 不小心走出了人行道,他被一辆公车撞了.,1,The teather walking on the playground.he is our teacher of english. The birds filing the air with music. They were singing in the trees.,2,动词-ing 改写下列句子 1.The teather is taking a walk on the playground .he is our teacher of English 2.The birds filled the air with music .They were singing in the trees 3.Do you konw the number of students They are ing to the English evening 4.I could hear the boys .They were playing in the field 5.He was glad to find the five .It was burning bringhly 6.I watched them .They were dancing 7.Mary sat on the ground .She talked with jane 8.I stood at the gate .I was waiting for his arrival 10.John put on his raincoat because he saw that is was raining 11.As the was stepping carelessly off the pavement he was knocked down by the bus (并将句子翻译)

this is dave speaking

打电话的正确用语:Hello,who is that speaking?(喂,你是谁?) 对方回答:Hello,Dave.This is Jenny.(喂,戴夫.我是詹妮.) 所以我对你的提问不太懂,不知道是你打字错误,还是我水平有限.

dave speaking

答案:C. 首先明确选项中动词的意思,A:告诉/讲述;B:说(强调说话内容);C:说(后面通常跟语言作宾语);D:谈话; 根据语境推测对话的情景是打电话,电话用语中通常用speak,故答案为C.


Long,longagotherelivedaking.Helovedhorses.Oneday heaskedanartisttodrawhimabeautifulhorse.Theartist said,"Allright,butyoumustwait."Sothekingwaited.He waitedandwaited.Atlast,afterayearhecouldnotwaitany longer.Hewenttoseetheartisthimself. Quicklytheartistbroughtoutpaperandabrush.Infive minuteshefinisheddrawingaverybeautifulhorse.Theking wasangry."Youcandrawagoodhorseinfiveminutes,yetyou keptmewaitingforayear.Why?" "Comewithme,please."saidtheartist.Theywenttothe artist"sworkroom.Theretheysawpilesandpilesofpaper. Oneverypieceofpaperwasapictureofahorse."Ittookme morethanayeartolearntodrawabeautifulhorseinfive minutes."theartistsaid.求采纳


long long ago there was a king很久很久以前有一个国王
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