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what kind of impression am i making ?


谁能帮我解释一下 make impressions on这个用法?




thermaltake DH101 怎么启动,我好久不用了!连上显示器之后没反应~


thermaltake机箱 tkg2510 怎么插

你好!我就是用Tt V3 Black Edtion的~Tt是个中高端的散热品牌,最近开始做入门级市场。Tt的机箱和电源质量绝对没问题,你完全可以放心。然后说说V3 BE,电源下置,全黑化设计,随箱送一个12cm前置风扇,性价比不错,自己加一个后置风扇散热会更好。唯一值得注意的地方就是电源下置之后,主板的供电线和CPU的供电线可能会不够长,要注意一下选择主板和电源,必要时还要买延长线(我就买了CPU的4pin供电延长线)。同价位还有酷冷至尊的毁灭者也不错~


你好!要想配有RGB灯光的电脑,首先要选择侧透机箱,这个品种型号繁多,个人推荐thermaltake的,而且他们家的风扇和内存条都是带灯,可以使用他们自己家的TT RGB Plus灯控软件和NeonMaker灯控软件,进行操控机箱灯光,该软件目前可支持多款产品的灯光调整,可以关注一下!

是be careful=take care=lookout 么?

不等于吧,be careful:”是1.注意 2.当心,小心 3.小心点 take care:1.注意,当心 2.保重 3.小心.当心 4.当心,留神 5.当心,谨慎 lookout:. 守望,警戒;监视[S1] 2. 了望所;监视哨 3. 守望者;监视者

pa speaker造句,pa speakerの例文

Their original product pne were guitar amps and PA speakers . A *** all coffeehouse may have a single power amp driving o PA speakers . During this era, the backpne gear was set behind the PA speakers to create the modern audio stage set-up. Using a remote recording system, Mazer set up PA speakers in the barn for monitors rather than have the players wear headphones. As fans left the concert area at sunrise, The Beatles"" Here Comes the Sun " played over the PA speakers . During playback at the ranch, Mazer ran the left channel into the PA speakers still in the barn and the right channel into speakers in the house. Some subwoofers have speaker mounts built into the top, so that they can double as a base for the stand-mounted full-range PA speaker cabis. Under O"Donnell"s direction, Alesis expanded into new product categories such as electronic drums, mixers, portable PA speakers , and other recording equipment. During the 1960s, the PA speakers for the vocals and the band"s amppfication were all set in a pne, which conceptually grouped PA and instrument amppfication together. Native PA speakers shouldn"t have a problem identifying such attributes for mon Engpsh words-- your purpose is obscure . talk ) 07 : 00, 5 May 2013 ( UTC) It"s difficult to see pa speaker in a sentence. 用 pa speaker 造句挺难的 For the latter o markets, crossovers are used in bass amppfiers, keyboard amppfiers, bass and keyboard speaker enclosures and sound reinforcement system equipment ( PA speakers , monitor speakers, subwoofer systems, etc . ). They will address the driver and any passengers over the PA speaker of the patrol car, typically instructing the driver to turn the engine off, remove the keys from the ignition, and sometimes toss them out the window. These are used for other high-current apppcations within pve events; monly for trunk cables to connect PA speakers or stage wedges to amppfiers, usually using breakin and breakout cables to NL2 / NL4 / NL8 or EP5. The first amppfiers and speakers were PA speaker setups; while an upright bassist could potentially have used one of these early PA systems, they could only be powered with large batteries, which made them heavy and hard to carry around. Many new PA speaker cabis were designed and put into production, such as the 212 & 412 Dual Concentric, 212BL, 215BL, 412BL, 115PA Radial Horns and Bass Bin + Piezo plus the Concert Series of pro PA systems. In 2007 Chicago Executive"s management created a pubpc viewing area east of the south end of Runway 16-34 along Palatine Frontage Road, with parking, a piic table, bleacher seating and a PA speaker to allow visitors to monitor Air Traffic Control radio munications. For instance, Animal Collective set up its PA systems in the control room in an attempt to reppcate the group"s pve sound; Weitz said, " since so much of [ the album ] was electronic and sample-based, we used those PA speakers to make the samples ". The same price / quapty approach is used with sound reinforcement system equipment and musical instrument amppfiers and speaker cabis; a low-priced stage monitor, PA speaker or bass amppfier speaker cabi will typically use lower quapty, lower priced passive crossovers, whereas high-priced, high quapty cabis will use better quapty crossovers.

高分跪求angela aki唱的one family的罗马音!!网上查不到!!要完整版的!!


snh48 teamNII《如果你能拥抱我》完整歌词,谢谢。不要照搬AKB48的抱きしめられたら


make sense of 和make sense的区别,最好给几组例句。

make sense of 搞清...的意思make sense 讲得通;有意义;理解

make sense of是什么意思


make a/the/ sense

make any sense 说不通; 没意思make no sense 毫无意义make little sense 毫无意义,没什么用,意义不大make sense 讲得通; 有意义; 是明智的; 理解make a scene 吵架,(当众)大吵大闹; 撒赖; 出洋相; 耍赖make the scene 露面,参与

make sense at 是什么意思

通常makes sense意为---讲得通,有意义,言之有理 网上例句1. It doesn"t make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good. 这些便宜的大衣也很好, 何必非买那件贵的不可. 2. That doesn"t make sense to me. 我看不出那有何用意。 通常makes sense of意为understand; interpret successfully 理解1,Even though the speaker had a strong accent,Henry could catch on to his story, but Tom couldn"t make sense of it at all.尽管演讲者地方口音很重,但是亨利能听懂他的话,而汤姆却一点儿也听不懂。2,Can you make sense of what he said?你听懂他说的话吗?3,I can"t make sense of either the Chinese or Korean language,and that"s why I can"t tell them apart.我既不懂汉语,也不懂朝鲜语,这就是我分不清这两种语言的原因。3. It doesn"t make sense, you see? 它不再有意义,你明白吗?

make sense 还有什么同义词

有意义 有道理 with reason hold water have substance It figures

make sense后可接that从句吗

make sense后可接that从句.例如:And if God gives us those things through the Word, wouldn"t it make sense that the Word would be an important part of our lives?如果神通过他的道给我们这些,那神的话岂不该是我们生活重要的一部分才对么?make sense英[meik sens]美[mek sɛns]有意义; 理解; 讲得通; 是明智的言之有理; 合理; 合情合理

翻译句子 我不明白你刚才说的话。(make sense)

答案: 解析: I couldn"t make sense of what you said just now.

make sense & add up 有什么区别 都有合理的意思

第一个是有意义第二个是加起来 这俩词不一样啊

That make sense是什么意思

That makes sense这是有道理的1. 那可以理解例句:1.That makes sense doesn"t it? 挺有道理的,不是么?.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

make sense 还有什么同义词

有意义 有道理 with reason hold water have substance It figures

make a sense


make sense to是什么意思

make sense to道理

is that make sense是什么意思


make sense doing 还是to do

to do make sense 讲得通,有意义,言之有理 1. It doesn"t make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good. 这些便宜的大衣也很好, 何必非买那件贵的不可.精 锐C

make sense的sense为什么不加a


关于make sense 的用法? 有时候老外,问 make sense?要如何回答呢?

当老外问你make sense?的时候,他(她)的意思是你明白了吗?或者是你听懂了吗?或者你知道了吗?你可以回答:Got it.或者Yeah,of course.Thanks!

make a sense是什么意思

make a sense中文释义:说得有道理英文发音:[meu026ak u0259 sens]例句:And also the orders of the questions are completely kind of chaotic, but I hope people will make a sense of what I"m talking about.那么,当人们越来越富有时,就真的会幸福吗?这是一个我们都应去探讨的问题。词汇解析:sense英文发音:[sens]中文释义:n.感觉官能(即视、听、嗅、味、触五觉);(对重大事情的)感觉,意识;理解力;判断力例句:He acknowledged the sense of betrayal by civil rights leaders.他承认自己有被民权领袖出卖了的感觉。扩展资料sense的用法:1、sense的基本意思是“感官”,即人体感受客观事物刺激的器官(眼、耳、鼻、舌、身)或其所具有的功能; 也可表示“感觉”,即客观事物的个别特性在人脑中引起的反应。2、sense的复数形式可指五种感觉,即视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉。3、sense引申还可表示对价值的“理解,觉察,感悟,辨别”,常用作单数形式,但前常可加冠词a或the。4、sense也可表示“有见识,懂得”。5、sense还可作“理解”解,指健全的心智和思维的能力,常用于复数形式。sense还可作“意义”“意思”解,是可数名词。

我想问唔make sense又或者唔岩规矩既英文应该系点?

English that doesn"t make sense at all call fragment and English that"s non-standard some call Ebonics (Black English) Chinglish (Chinese English) or other countries" English or Broken English. 每一句完整句子都必须有主词 动词 标点 和 表达意见. Fragment 是指一句不完整句子或者是一句doesn"t make sense的句子. e.g.: Although he is sick. (It"s a fragment because that sentence didn"t express a plete idea. This sentence is a dependent clause 附属子句 it should have an independent clause 子句 follow after.) Ebonics was originated from the south of United States during the slavery period. Ebonics" Guidelines 1. Minimal number of words for every idea: This is the source for the aphoristic and/or poetic force of the language; eliminate every possible word. 2. Clarity: If the sentence is not clear it"s not Black English. 3. Eliminate use of the verb “to be” whenever possible. This leads to the deployment of more descriptive and therefore more precise verbs. 4. Use “be” or “been” only when you want to describe a chronic ongoing state of things Standard English (S.E.): He is always at the office by 9. Black English (B.E.): He be at the office by 9. 5. Zero copula: Always eliminate the verb “to be” whenever it would bine with another verb in Standard English. S.E.: She is going out with him. B.E.: She going out with him. 6. Eliminate “do” as in: S.E.: What do you think? What do you want? B.E.: What you think? What you want? 7. Use double or triple negatives for dramatic emphasis. S.E.: Tina Turner sings out of this world. B.E.: Ain nobody sing like Tina. 8. Never use the “-ed” suffix to indicate the past tense of a verb. S.E.: She closed the door. B.E.: She close the door. / She have close the door. Ebonics" Guidelines were taken from “Nobody Mean More to Me Than You” by June Jordan Chinglish是指带有中文语音 语法 词汇特色的英语. e.g.: Me and my sister go buy some candy for Chinese New Year. 2008-06-15 08:12:21 补充: 基于回答内容有字限 所以我的 wer was not a full/plete/whole wer. 如果您想要 the whole wer you can e-mail me and I will send you the file. My e-mail: [email protected] 参考: More info. go to en. *** [Typed in “Black English” & “Chinglish” ] 唔make sense系话人无感觉的 即系无用脑 写法: You do not make sense 唔岩规矩既英文: 写法: you do not ply with the regulation. or you do not follow the regulation or you broke the regulation

make sense to sb什么意思

有三个意思:(对某人)有意义(某人是)明智的, 是合情合理的(使某人)易于理解造句:(1)Does investing my money there make sense to me?对我而言,把自己的钱投资在这些股票或基金上是否明智?

make sense-breen歌词

1、《make sense》歌曲信息演唱:breen专辑:Make Sense语言:英语流派:R&B 节奏布鲁斯版权公司:北京普涞明星文化经纪有限公司发行时间:2014-08-29作词:KOKIA作曲:KOKIA2、《make sense》歌曲中英互译歌词:I love the way that you"ve said to me.我喜欢你说过的一条路Every day is part of life.每一天每一天组成完整的生命Even if it"s grey.尽管它不尽人意It makes sense to me.但它对我来说很有意义In our livers, the music still plays.生活中,音乐无处不在I can sing it for you,我可以唱给你听if you will stay with me.假如你答应和我在一起Tra ra ra ra嗒啦啦啦啦...I love the way that you"ve said to me.我喜欢你说过的一条路Every day is part of life.每一天每一天组成完整的生命Even if it"s grey.尽管它不尽人意It makes sense to me.但它对我来说很有意义In our livers, the music still plays.生活中,音乐无处不在I can sing it for you,我可以唱给你听if you will stay with me.假如你答应和我在一起Sometimes it"s not the way that I expected.有时感觉,这并不是我期待的一条路But it makes sense to me.但它对我来说很有意义

make sense和talk sense的区别

talk sense 英[tu0254:k sens] 美[tu0254k su025bns] v. 说话有道理; [网络] 说话有理; 说得有理; [例句]I wish you"d talk sense.要是你说有意义的话就好了。make sense[英][meik sens][美][mek su025bns]讲得通; 有意义; 是明智的; 理解; 例句:1.The fiscal trade-offs also make sense. 财政权衡也很有意义。



理解make sense +(……)?

of 固定句型

make sense口语

make sense意思是“讲得通, 有意义,是明智的, 是合情合理的”。其用法如下:make sense口语中常用词,中国人最喜欢把这个词夹在中文中说。比如,“我表姐38了,前些天嫁了个23岁小伙,一点都不make sense”最常见的用法是“没有道理”:doesn"t make sense; doesn"t make any senseThe movie doesn"t make any sense. 这个电影根本就是瞎编It still doesn"t make sense to me. 我还是没明白。再一种用法是在问句中。比如你做了个presentation,下面的听众眼睛都发直。你问“Am I making sense?”就要比问“Do you understand?”要客气得多。有的时候也用在肯定句中。比如你不明白彩票怎么回事,卖彩票的给你讲了半天,你听明白了,你可以说“Thank you very much. Your explanation made a lot of sense.”此外他还引申出一个形容词sense-making你们教授跟你说,Please submit a more sense-making report. 意思是你的报告纯属胡扯,打回重写

帮我用"MAKE SENSE"造句!


关于make sense 的用法? 有时候老外,问 make sense?要如何回答呢?

当老外问你make sense?的时候,他(她)的意思是你明白了吗?或者是你听懂了吗?或者你知道了吗?你可以回答:Got it.或者Yeah,of course.Thanks!

make sense


make sense to sb是什么意思?

有三个意思:(对某人)有意义(某人是)明智的, 是合情合理的(使某人)易于理解造句:(1)Does investing my money there make sense to me?对我而言,把自己的钱投资在这些股票或基金上是否明智?

make sense是什么意思


make sense of

通常makes sense意为---讲得通,有意义,言之有理 网上例句 1.It doesn"t make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.这些便宜的大衣也很好,何必非买那件贵的不可. 2.That doesn"t make sense to me.我看不出那有何用意. 通常makes sense of意为understand; interpret successfully 理解 1,Even though the speaker had a strong accent,Henry could catch on to his story,but Tom couldn"t make sense of it at all.尽管演讲者地方口音很重,但是亨利能听懂他的话,而汤姆却一点儿也听不懂. 2,Can you make sense of what he said?你听懂他说的话吗? 3,I can"t make sense of either the Chinese or Korean language,and that"s why I can"t tell them apart.我既不懂汉语,也不懂朝鲜语,这就是我分不清这两种语言的原因. 3.It doesn"t make sense,you see?它不再有意义,你明白吗?

make sense 的用法

make sense 讲得通,有意义,言之有理 1.It doesn"t make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.这些便宜的大衣也很好,何必非买那件贵的不可.2.That doesn"t make sense to me.我看不出那有何用意.3.It doesn"t make sense,you see?它不再有意义,你明白吗?

make sense是什么意思?用法有哪些?

有意义;讲得通;言之有理 make no sense毫无意义;这完全不着边际;这完全天南地北;毫无疑义 make sense讲得通;言之有理 make good sense有很大意义 It is hard to find a chief executive with a good word for the president.Do their complaints make sense?Is Mr Obama an anti-business president? 如今,我们已经很难找到一位为奥巴马说好话的首席执行官.他们的抱怨有道理吗?奥巴马是一位反商业总统吗?

make sentse是什么意思


make sense是什么意思




How to make a good friend


rumors jake Miller的歌词下载

Rumors - Jake MillerYeah heh rumorsYeah we the word up on the streetsThey talk talk talk "bout you and meLet"s start some rumors rumorsAnd no I don"t know where they came fromBut I"m always down to make some rumors rumorsYeah they saw me sneaking out your crib last night3 AM to catch a flightCaught me driving through your hoodPaparazzi got me goodWe like stars yeah baby they astronomersLook at everybody camping out with they binocularsAll up in the headlines me and the wifeyBut let them gossip girl Blake LivelyI don"t know where they"re getting their newsBut I"m not mad if tonight it comes trueOoh let"s start some rumorsI"mma start some rumors with you with you with youI wanna start some rumors with youYeah rumors I wanna start some rumors with youYeah rumors I wanna start someMan how the hell they spread so fastYeah my homie called and askedHave you heard the rumors Wait what RumorsYeah we the topic of the townWe might as well just own it nowIt ain"t no rumor no it ain"t no rumorThey caught us hooking up all in my whipMan I needa tint that shitNow your cell is blowing up likeOh my god tell me everythingWe like stars yeah baby they astronomersLook at everybody camping out with they binocularsAll up in the headlines me and the wifeyBut let them gossip girl Blake LivelyI don"t know where they"re getting their newsBut I"m not mad if tonight it comes trueOoh let"s start some rumorsI"mma start some rumors with you with you with youI wanna start some rumors with youYeah rumors I wanna start some rumors with youYeah rumors I wanna start some rumors with youNo we don"t care if somebody knows body knowsPeople talking that"s just how it goes how it goesYou know we love to keep them on they toes on they toesYeah let"s start a rumor tonightIf they ain"t talking we ain"t doing it right rumorsI don"t know where they"re getting their newsBut I"m not mad if tonight it comes trueOoh let"s start some rumorsI wanna start some rumors with you with you with youI wanna start some rumors with youI wanna start some rumorsI wanna start some rumors with youI wanna start some I wanna start some yeahI wanna start some rumors

寻找一首歌 英文女歌 高潮一直在重复“tell me love”还是“take me love”歌词听不大清楚, 我很喜欢这首 tell me - 蔡妍


解:设HN与MK相交于E ,AN与HK相交于F因为角BQN=角NMB+角MNA角BQN=角B+角BAN所以角NMB+角MNA=角B+角BAN同理可证:角B+角KMB=角KAB+角AKM因为AB ,MB分别疲倦给你发角AKN ,角NMK所以角MNM=角KMB角NAB=角KAB所以角B=1/2(角MNA+角AKM同理可证:角H=1/2(角NMK+角NAK所以角B+角H=1/2(角MNA+角NAK+角NMK+角AKM)因为角B=46度角H=42度所以角MNA+角NAK+角NMK+角AKM=176度因为角MNA+角NMK+角MCN=180度(三角形内角和等于180度)角NAK+角AKM+角ACK=180度(三角形内角和等于180度)角MCN=角ACK(对顶角相等)所以角ACK=92度因为角ACK=角CQP+角CPQ(三角形外角和定理)所以角CQP+角CPQ=92度因为QO ,PO分别平分角CQP 和角CPQ所以角OQP=1/2角CQP角OPQ=1/2角CPQ所以角OQP+角OPQ=46度因为角OQP+角OPQ+角O=180度(三角形内角和等于180度)所以角O=134度



“The whole society speaks high of medical workers”中哪有错

The whole society speak highly of medical workers.

rake的《WEAK》 歌词

歌曲名:WEAK歌手:rake专辑:First SightRake - WEAK作词:Rake作曲:RakeOne Two Threeで朝になる太阳の光とともにまた今日が始まるJust like yesterday重い体 こすった目 骗した気持ち人の波に逆らって踌躇って何もない世界を羡んだりしてただ逃げ出したいだけなんだろ必要なものは翼ただ一つだけずっとそう思ってた oh弱さを隠さない君の目が辉き放ち始める饰ったもの全て脱ぎ舍てたなら君は本当の强さを手にするだろうOne Two Three梦の终わり続きを探そうとするもう一人と戦ってIs it a dreamer?I know I can change my life with the way you saidTo fly away, I thought it"s only wings that I needBut it"s never true oh何もない世界を羡んだりしてただ逃げ出したいだけなんだろ必要なものは翼一つだけずっとそう思ってた oh谁かを羡み叹く日々はここに置いて行こう怖い者无しに见えるヒーロー达も同じさ不安や迷いと戦ってるんだよ谁かを羡み叹く日々はここに置いて行こう怖い者无しに见えるヒーロー达も同じさ不安や迷いと戦ってるんだよ弱さを隠さない君の目が辉き放ち始める饰ったもの全て脱ぎ舍てたなら君は本当の强さを手にするだろうEverybody"s weakおわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18967746


adj.虚弱的; 无力的; 不牢固的; 易损坏的; 易破的; 易受影响的; 懦弱的; 软弱无力的; 反义词strong

Tony Curtis的《Weak》 歌词

歌曲名:Weak歌手:Tony Curtis专辑:Jammys Sleng Teng Extravaganza "95Skunk Anansie - WeakLost in time I can"t count the wordsI said when I thought they went unheardAll of those harsh thoughts so unkind"cos I wanted youAnd now I sit here I"m all aloneSo here sits a bloody mess, tears fly homeA circle of angels, deep in warWeak as I am, no tears for youDeep as I am, I"m no ones foolWeak as I amSo what am I now I"m love last homeI"m all of the soft words I once ownedIf I opened my he heart, there"d be no space for airIn this tainted soulIn this weak young heartAm I too much for youWeak as I am, am, amAm I to much for youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7425506


weak adj. 柔弱的,虚弱的; 无力的,软弱的; 不中用的,愚钝的; 淡薄的;weaklyadv. 柔弱地,虚弱地; 无力地,软弱地; 不中用地,愚钝地, 淡薄地;

the weak相当于什么语言结构

前面加定冠词,所以结构是特指弱者这类人群。重点词汇:weak英[wi:k]释义:adj.虚弱的,无力的;不牢固的;懦弱的,无判断力的;缺乏政治(或社会)影响力的,无权力的;疲软的,萧条的。n.穷人,弱者,病人(the weak)。短语:weak acid弱酸性;弱酸盐;弱酸类。词语使用变化:adj.(形容词)。1、weak的基本意思是“弱的,无力的”,用于人可修饰人体或人体的某个器官,也可修饰人的意志。用于物时可指某物的性能不好,即“功能不佳的”,也可指某物在理论上让人无法信服,即“无说服力的,无力的”。weak还可指“稀的,稀释的”“未达高标准的”。2、weak在句中可用作表语,也可用作定语。用作定语时,其后可接具体名词或抽象名词,作表语时,其后可接介词短语、动词不定式或that从句。

Tony Curtis的《Weak》 歌词

歌名:《Weak》(脆弱)词/演唱:凤凰鸣●●生命如此脆弱,就像风中的蜡烛看看这些无辜的孩子,他们做错了什么?如果是因为上辈子的罪为什么要逼今天对前世一无所知的生命来偿还?你让士兵在战场上牺牲,让平民在家园里丧身或许他们都犯过错,可是就连婴儿你也不放过难道只是因为他们脆弱?你的名字叫做上帝我相信你的存在,能听见每颗心为了那些被战争,暴力,贫穷和病魔折磨的童年我想发出自己脆弱的声音你用各种残忍的手段残害着幼小的生命和他们的父母亲为什么你就不会遭到报应?是不是因为人类都崇拜你?这不公平,天堂也许就是地狱一切都是人们的是幻想,可能你并不是慈悲的神喜欢无情地玩弄众生,所以好人一生并不平安说什么“好人就有好梦“,“恶有恶报“,都是我们在安慰自己伟大的上帝,请让我们都回到妈妈的子宫里原谅我们的过错,原谅我们的脆弱别让绝望伴随着我们在现实中漂泊地球人,和动物一样在你眼中卑贱而又渺小给予我们生命之后,你喜欢独自在远方观看着这场戏无尽的矛盾,争夺,互相残杀和灾难你会让我们先体验酸甜苦辣,然后毫不留情地全部带走无论是好人还是罪人,都逃不出你定的死亡规则无论人民多么善良,你都会给他们带来灾祸无论信徒多么忠诚,你都会发动一些*乱和战争那么我们还要信仰来干吗?全它*的是骗局从1998到今天,从中国到印*,我看够了悲剧那些车轮下的躯体,病床上的眼睛,被抛弃的心灵枪口前的恐惧,但愿我们都能离开这个星球到达一片真正充满爱与和平的领土原谅我们的过错,原谅我们的脆弱别让绝望伴随着我们在现实中漂泊2008年,祖国遭遇了很多不幸,从雪灾到地震不知道接下来还有什么在等待着我们我们从不害怕,但是至少我们已经知道中国人会永远团结在一起,一起欢笑一起哭泣世界在看着我们,永远不要脆弱这首歌,献给所有逝去的生命,所有挣扎中的人们顽强地前进,共渡难关,爱我中华这就是生活,永远不要脆弱在柏油路面与天空之间,有着数不清的脆弱画面凤凰鸣,2008﹏﹏_﹏ ^-^END^-^﹏﹏_﹏http://music.baidu.com/song/7529451


weaken是动词 那个只是过去时态vt. 减少;使变弱;使变淡vi. 变弱;畏缩;变软弱 weak是一个表示状态的词 weaken是使XXX变的如何 让XXX变得如何

weak 的名词是什么


Swv的《Weak》 歌词

歌曲名:Weak歌手:Swv专辑:It"S About TimeWeakBy kingwu1984Another day has passed again and I"m sitting here by myselfWondering did I fill my place again, did I make it rightWill I ever feel free again and finally relievedWill I ever see myself again leading my own lifeSometime, somewhere, someone will careAbout the things I"ve doneThe stronger I get, the more I"ll acceptI will be weak without youDay by day I"m drifting awayNever knowing what to seekTime after time I keep asking whyWhy I feel so weakDay by day I"m drifting awayNever knowing what to seekTime after time I keep asking whyWhy I feel so weakWhy I feel so weakWhy I feel so weakEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9681327

Swv的《Weak》 歌词

歌曲名:Weak歌手:Swv专辑:Essential Rb; Massive Urban, Soul And Rnb CollectionSkunk Anansie - WeakLost in time I can"t count the wordsI said when I thought they went unheardAll of those harsh thoughts so unkind"cos I wanted youAnd now I sit here I"m all aloneSo here sits a bloody mess, tears fly homeA circle of angels, deep in warWeak as I am, no tears for youDeep as I am, I"m no ones foolWeak as I amSo what am I now I"m love last homeI"m all of the soft words I once ownedIf I opened my he heart, there"d be no space for airIn this tainted soulIn this weak young heartAm I too much for youWeak as I am, am, amAm I to much for youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7514559


weak是虚弱的意思,bad是坏的意思。缺点应用bad point,weak point是弱点。两个意义程度不一样



Furia的《Weak》 歌词

歌曲名:Weak歌手:Furia专辑:...And Then We Married The WorldMelanie C - WeakQQ : 349777127Every single morning I wake up and there"s a moment of blissThen I rememberI get up and I get on with what I chose but oh how I wish,We could go back in timeAnd find the part we lostGo back to where we started offEvery single morning I wake upAnd I"ve been waiting, right here, for things to get betterAnd I"ve been patient, trying to figure this outEveryone else is saying, what don"t kill you makes you strongerSo why do I feel so weak, so weak, so weakI can feel you loving me like tiny little wounds when I breath,And time is so unkindand I am covered up in scars that should be starting to healBut I"m not movingIt"s like I"m stuck in fantasies,Rerunning made up memoriesI can feel you loving me babyAnd I"ve been waiting, right here, for things to get betterAnd I"ve been patient, trying to figure this outEveryone else is saying, what don"t kill you makes you strongerSo why do I feel so weak, so weak, so weakAnd I hate the way I feel, I can"t control myselfIt"s like you stripped away my strength and made me someone elseWhy am I stuck here?Cos I"ve been waiting, oohAnd I"ve been patientEveryone else is saying, what don"t kill you makes you strongerSo why do I feel?Cos I"ve been waiting, right here, for things to get betterAnd I"ve been patient, trying to figure this outEveryone else is saying, what don"t kill you makes you strongerSo why do I feel so weak, so weak, so weakSo weak...http://music.baidu.com/song/2625792

Melanie C的《Weak》 歌词

歌曲名:Weak歌手:Melanie C专辑:Weak - EPMelanie C - WeakQQ : 349777127Every single morning I wake up and there"s a moment of blissThen I rememberI get up and I get on with what I chose but oh how I wish,We could go back in timeAnd find the part we lostGo back to where we started offEvery single morning I wake upAnd I"ve been waiting, right here, for things to get betterAnd I"ve been patient, trying to figure this outEveryone else is saying, what don"t kill you makes you strongerSo why do I feel so weak, so weak, so weakI can feel you loving me like tiny little wounds when I breath,And time is so unkindand I am covered up in scars that should be starting to healBut I"m not movingIt"s like I"m stuck in fantasies,Rerunning made up memoriesI can feel you loving me babyAnd I"ve been waiting, right here, for things to get betterAnd I"ve been patient, trying to figure this outEveryone else is saying, what don"t kill you makes you strongerSo why do I feel so weak, so weak, so weakAnd I hate the way I feel, I can"t control myselfIt"s like you stripped away my strength and made me someone elseWhy am I stuck here?Cos I"ve been waiting, oohAnd I"ve been patientEveryone else is saying, what don"t kill you makes you strongerSo why do I feel?Cos I"ve been waiting, right here, for things to get betterAnd I"ve been patient, trying to figure this outEveryone else is saying, what don"t kill you makes you strongerSo why do I feel so weak, so weak, so weakSo weak...http://music.baidu.com/song/17451502

weak up 什么意思






MxPx的《Weak 》 歌词

歌曲名:Weak 歌手:MxPx专辑:Triple ShotSkunk Anansie - WeakLost in time I can"t count the wordsI said when I thought they went unheardAll of those harsh thoughts so unkind"cos I wanted youAnd now I sit here I"m all aloneSo here sits a bloody mess, tears fly homeA circle of angels, deep in warWeak as I am, no tears for youDeep as I am, I"m no ones foolWeak as I amSo what am I now I"m love last homeI"m all of the soft words I once ownedIf I opened my he heart, there"d be no space for airIn this tainted soulIn this weak young heartAm I too much for youWeak as I am, am, amAm I to much for youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7950638


"weak" 的反义词是 "strong"。 "weak" 意为 "虚弱的"、"软弱的"、"不够强大的",而 "strong" 意为 "强壮的"、"强有力的"、"强大的"。这两个词常用于描述人或事物的能力、质量或特征等。




形容词 a. 1. 弱的,虚弱的;衰弱的She is still weak after her long illness. 久病之后她仍很虚弱。 2. 软弱的,懦弱的;优柔寡断的He is a man of weak character. 他这个人性格软弱。 3. 淡的;稀薄的;无味的 4. (能力等)弱的,差的[(+at/in)]He was weak in mathematics, but good at English. 他数学差,但英语好。 5. (论据等)不充分的,无说服力的The evidence he produced was very weak. 他拿出的证据很不充分。 6. 【语】弱变化的;不重读的[Z] 7. (价格)疲软的


weak用作形容词使用,有虚弱的,无力的,(器官或感官)功能差的,受损伤的,声音或笑容)微弱的,不热情的等含义。1.虚弱的,无力的I was too weak to move or think or speak...我太虚弱了,无法动弹,无法思考,也无法说话。His arms and legs were weak.他的四肢虚弱无力。2.(器官或感官)功能差的,受损伤的Until the beating, Cantanco"s eyesight had been weak, but adequate...挨打前坎坦科的视力就一直很弱,不过也还勉强看得见。She tired easily and had a weak heart.她很容易疲劳,心脏也不好。3.意志薄弱的;懦弱的He was a nice doctor, but a weak man who wasn"t going to stick his neck out...他是位为人和蔼的医生,但胆小怕事,不敢冒什么风险。


weak 同音词是week ,weak 读音[wiu02d0k] week的读音也是[wiu02d0k]。






weak,英语单词,形容词,译为“疲软的;虚弱的;无力的;不牢固的”。短语搭配weak point弱点(心理或身体上的残疾);缺点weak link薄弱环节;弱键weak force弱作用力;弱核力;弱相互作用weak acid弱酸weak rock软弱岩石双语例句If not strong, weak to whom.如果不坚强,软弱给谁看。But auctions require "if he thinks that she thinks that I think that he thinks" chains of reasoning that tend to have weak links.不过,拍卖要求有 "如果他认为她认为我认为他那么认为"的推理链条,而这种链条往往存在薄弱环节。I get so weak.我变得如此脆弱。

weak 是什么意思

weak 是什么意思:虚弱的,无力的;不牢固的;易损坏的,易破的;1、He heard my weak voice and worried me too much. 他听到我虚弱的声音而且非常的担心我。2、A tired body means a weak body. 劳累的身体等于虚弱的身体。3、He became very weak towards the end of his life. 他临终时很虚弱。4、He was a weak little mouse of a man. 他是个懦弱无能的人。5、I was always weak in the science subjects. 我总是学不好理科。6、That bridge is too weak for heavy traffic. 那座桥不太牢固,承受不住过多的车辆。7、The unions have always been weak in this industry. 在这个行业,工会一直没有权威。8、The economy is very weak. 经济十分萧条。


weak 英[wiu02d0k]美[wiu02d0k]释义:adj. [经] 疲软的;虚弱的;无力的;不牢固的例句:After all, fat government is weak .一个臃肿不堪的政府毕竟是软弱的。"i prefer weak tea," cried daisy .“我情愿喝一杯淡茶!”戴西叫道。We were too weak to take a strike .我们还弱不禁风,经不起一次罢工。Eugene looked at the hard weak .尤金瞧着那副又呆板、又怯弱的面孔。The earl was a weak and hesitating man .这位伯爵软弱无能,优柔寡断。It"s difficult to find weak in a sentence. 用weak造句挺难的Aviation was lamentably weak and primitive .航空设施极其薄弱简陋。There is scarcely a man but has his weak side ..无缺点的人几乎没有。She was very gray and weak and tired .她人很灰白,很衰弱,很疲乏。He was very old, and thence very weak .他年纪很老,因而身体很弱。Do you mean the weak or the unfortunate ?你是指弱者还是指不幸者?His character was weak and volatile .他这个人意志薄弱,喜怒无常。He will be considered a weak leader .他会被认为是个软弱无能的领导人。She thought such descriptions weak .她认为这种看法是不堪一驳的。They look strong but are inwardly weak .他们貌似强大,实质虚弱。She is a girl of weak apprehension .她是一个了解力很低的女孩子。


  weak有弱的;虚弱的;无力的等意思,那么你知道weak的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    weak的用法大全:   weak的用法1:weak的基本意思是“弱的,无力的”,用于人可修饰人体或人体的某个器官,也可修饰人的意志。用于物时可指某物的性能不好,即“功能不佳的”,也可指某物在理论上让人无法信服,即“无说服力的,无力的”。weak还可指“稀的,稀释的”“未达高标准的”。   weak的用法2:weak在句中可用作表语,也可用作定语。用作定语时,其后可接具体名词或抽象名词,作表语时,其后可接介词短语、动词不定式或that从句。    weak的常用短语:   a weak moment   weak at the knees   weak in the head    weak的用法例句:   1. His hands were too weak to cock his revolver.   他的手没劲儿,扳不动左轮手枪的扳机。   2. Matt is weak and dependent, but you love him all the same.   马特软弱无能且依赖性强,但我们照样爱他。   3. Despite some artful editing, the anthology is a weak one.   除了编辑上的一些巧妙之处,这本选集乏善可陈。   4. Strong winds can turn boats when the tide is weak.   潮水小的时候强风可以让船只改变航向。   5. The survey claims loan companies prey on weak families already in debt.   这项调查声称信贷公司专对那些已经负债的弱势家庭下手。   6. Consensus need not be weak, nor need it result in middle-of-the-road policies.   一致的意见不一定就没有影响力,也不一定就会导致走中间路线的政策。   7. Martin"s weak cries for help went unheard until 6.40pm yesterday.   直到昨天傍晚6点40分,马丁微弱的呼救声才被人听到。   8. The council was too weak to do anything about it.   市政会手中无权,对此无能为力。   9. He believes him to be a weak and unintelligent man.   他认为他是一个软弱无知的人。   10. The molecules in regular liquids are held together by relatively weak bonds.   常规液体里分子之间的键合力相对较弱。   11. Arthur himself has been portrayed as a weak cuckold.   亚瑟王本人被描绘成一个被人戴绿帽子的软弱之人。   12. The president says the measure is soft and weak on criminals.   总统说这一举措对犯罪分子过于宽容,力度太小。   13. She can still come downstairs with assistance but she"s very weak.   在有人搀扶的情况下她还是能够下楼的,但是很虚弱。   14. The weak dollar means American goods are relative bargains for foreigners.   美元疲软意味着美国的产品对外国人来说相对便宜。   15. We are here to protect and assist the weak and infirm.   我们来这里保护、帮助年迈体弱者。
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