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break up 与break off有什么区别??

eak up [简明英汉词典] v.打碎, 破碎, 分裂, 结束, 衰落, 分解, 变坏, 驱散 break off [简明英汉词典] v.中断, 折断, 突然停止, 脱落, 暂停, 断绝, 解除 看上去意思都差不多. 但是break up 特有指朋友分手(多是男女朋友)的意思. Tip: 甩别人用dump.,3,break up [简明英汉词典] v.打碎, 破碎, 分裂, 结束, 衰落, 分解, 变坏, 驱散 break off [简明英汉词典] v.中断, 折断, 突然停止, 脱落, 暂停, 断绝, 解除,1,break up破裂 break off中断,1,break up 与break off有什么区别? Their friendship ______because they had a fight. A.broke up B.broke off. 为什么选A而不是B.

请帮我解答一个英语的疑问!break up,break out,break in,break down ,break a?

1.break away (from) (1) 突然逃掉或离开.如: The thief broke away from the policeman.小偷从警察那逃脱了. (2) 断绝往来,脱离.如: He broke away from all his old friends.他同他所有的老朋友断绝了往来. (3) 改掉(旧习惯),破除(旧作法).如: You must break away from such habits.你必须改掉那些习惯. 2.break down (1) (机器、车辆等)坏了.如: The car broke down after an hour"s driving.车子开了一个小时就坏了. (2) (计划、谈判等)失败.如: Our plans have broken down.我们的计划已失败了. (3) (谈话、通讯等)中断.如: He broke down as he was singing.他没唱完就突然停住了. (4) (健康、精神等)变坏.如: Her health broke down under the pressure of work.工作的压力把他的身体弄垮了. 3.break in (1) 突然进来,强行进入.如: He broke in and stole my money.他闯进来偷了我的钱. (2) 插嘴,打岔.如: He broke in with some ideas of his own.他插话谈了自己的一些想法. Please don"t break in on our conversation.请不要打断我们的谈话. The secretary broke in to say that a telegram had just arrived.秘书插话说刚收到一个电报. 注:以上用法的 break in 通常是不及物的,但有时也用作及物动词,带宾语,表示:训练某人(物),使某人(物)适应.如: He is breaking in the new man as a machine operator.我在训练那个新工人操作机器. Two weeks in the new office should be enough to break you in.在新办公室上两星期的班便足以让你适应了. 4.break into摘自*** (1) 强行进入.如: The thieves planned to break into a bank.这些小偷计划闯银行. (2) 突然……起来.如: Hearing the news,she broke into tears.听到这个消息,她就哭了起来. The man broke into a run when he saw the police.那个人一看到警察,拨腿就跑. (3) 打断,插嘴.如: He broke into the discussion with a shout of warning.他大声警告,打断了讨论. (4) 占用时间.如: Social activities break into my time.社会活动占去了我的时间. 注:break into 与 break in 的有时可表示相同的意思,但前者通常为及物的,后者通常为不及物的. 5.break off (1) 停止讲话.如: He broke off in the middle of a sentence.他一句话没讲完就停住了. (2) 暂停,休息.如: Let"s break up for a rest.我们休息一会儿吧. (3) (使)折断.如: The mast has (been) broken off.桅杆折断了. 6.break out (火灾、战争等)突然发生或爆发.如: A fire broke out during the night.夜间发生了火灾. The 2nd World War broke out in September,1939.第二次世界大战爆发于1939年9月. Influenza usually breaks out in winter.流感通常发生在冬季. 注:是不及物动词,所以不能带宾语,也不能用于被动语态. 7.break through摘自*** (1) 突破,有重要创见.如: Scientists say they"re beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.科学家们说,他们在防治癌症方面开始有所突破. (2) 克服,征服.如: You must try to break through your shyness.你必须要设法克服羞怯. (3) 强行穿过(进入).如: The enemy"s defences were strong but our soldiers broke through.敌人的防线很艰固,但仍为我军所突破. 注:有时指太阳、月亮等从云层里出来.如: The sun broke through at last in the afternoon.下午太阳终于从云层里钻了出来. 8.break up (1) 解散,驱散.如: The police broke up the crowd (the meeting).警察驱散了人群( *** ). (2) (学校等)放假.如: When do you break up for Christmas?你们什么时候放圣诞节假? (3) 结束,破裂.如: The weather shows signs of breaking up.好天气看样要过去了. Their marriage is breaking up.他们的婚姻濒临破裂. (4) 击碎,撞碎.如: The ship broke up on the rocks.船触礁撞毁了. (5) 绝交.如: She"s just broken up with her boy-friend.她刚与男朋友绝交.,1,break up 分手 break out 冲出/某某事件(像 *** )的发生 break in 冲进 break down 拆跨 break away 从某某东西上分离,2,请帮我解答一个英语的疑问! break up,break out,break in,break down ,break away的用法与意思

break up和break down的区别

break up vi1结束The party breaks up and the neighbors hurry home.宴会就此结束, 邻居们匆匆地赶回家去。2(使)破碎, 分解The specs fell on the cement floor and broke up.眼镜掉在水泥地上破掉了。When does the ice break up on the river?河里的冰什么时候融化?The workers will break up the old cars for their parts.工人要把那些旧车拆掉取零件。3(使)破裂We don"t know the reason why they have broken up with each other.我们不知道他们的关系为何破裂。It was money trouble that broke up their marriage.他们因钱的问题婚姻才破裂的。4放假We break up next week.我们下周放假。5(使)散开, (使)解散The crowd broke up.人群散开了。They break up the meeting.他们散会了。6(使)极其焦虑和痛苦She broke up at the bad news.听到那个不幸的消息使她感到非常痛苦。The death of his pet cat broke him up.他那只心爱的猫死了, 他为此而悲痛。7(使)开心, 发笑He just broke up when we told him what had happened.我们告诉他发生了什么事情时, 他简直乐坏了。His story broke me up. I couldn"t stop laughing.他的故事真逗, 我简直笑破了肚皮。8分手break down vibreak down(机器等)发生故障,失灵,失效,出毛病,坏掉,损坏:The car broke down汽车坏了。坍塌;崩溃,瓦解:The bridge broke down in last earthquake.那座桥在上次地震中坍塌了。.中断,中止,停顿,破裂:Talks have broken down over the disputed territory.对有争议的领土问题的谈判破裂了 。(使)感情上失去控制,不能抑制感情,放声痛哭起来,情不自禁地痛哭起来:She broke down and wept at the sad news.她控制不住感情,为此噩耗而哭泣。to break down in tears放声哭(在健康或精神等方面)(使)垮掉,垮下来,(健康等)变得衰弱,衰弱下来,(由于过度忧愁或工作而)精神不支,(体力、精神)支持不住:His health has broken down because of working too hard.他因工作过度劳累,身体垮下来了。制服,克服;镇压,压倒(对方等);(使)减轻,(使)缓和:Some people experience shyness as a barrier to communication, but this can be broken down gradually.有些人觉得羞怯成为交际上的障碍,但这是可以逐渐克服的 。分成若干部分;把(化合物等)分解;把(机器等)拆散,拆开(以便贮藏或运输):to break down a beef carcass into basis cuts把牛肉畜体分切成几大块to break down a substance into its components把某种物质分解成各种成分把(成本、总数等)分成细目;把(统计资料)分类;分析,对…分类;可被分析,可分类:to break down a hotel bill into daily charges把旅馆账单归入日常费用类打破,破除;毁掉;拆除,拆毁,摧毁,捣毁;破坏;使无效:I had to break the door down because I lost the key.因我丢了钥匙,不得不把门打破。彻底失败,不成功证明…不可信,驳斥使(橡胶)软化;冲淡…的浓度【电子学】(电路、电子管等)绝缘击穿把(原木)切小以便在锯床上锯;把(原木)锯成四角木材因事故把(锯床或机器)停下来

break up和break down的区别

break up含义:打碎,破碎,分裂,结束,衰落等。侧重于物理上的分解,同时有精神崩溃、终止、结束、解散的含义。break down含义:毁掉,制服,压倒,停顿等。侧重于化学上的分解,同时还有镇压、机器损坏故障、健康状况下降、计划终止等。 break up造句 1、Civil war could come if the country breaks up. 如果国家分裂就会爆发内战。 2、My girlfriend had broken up with me. 我的女朋友已跟我分手了。 3、MPs say they work too hard and that is why so many of their marriages break up. 国会议员们声称他们工作过于辛劳,因而导致他们当中很多人婚姻破裂。 4、A neighbour asked for the music to be turned down and the party broke up. 因为一个邻居要求把音乐音量调低,聚会便散了。 5、It"s the last week before they break up, and they"re doing all kinds of Christmas things. 这是放假前的最后一周,他们正在为圣诞节作各种准备。

break up 和break down 的区别

break up 分手,分解(抽象意义),(会议的)解散/结束breakf down (身体)垮掉; (车辆)抛锚,分解(化学物质)

break up是什么意思


break up的各种意思,带例句

break up 打碎, 破碎, 分裂, 分解, 驱散, 结束, 衰退, 衰落, 变坏

break up的意思。


说个公司破产,能不能用break up?也就是说该公司破碎了一样

company go bankruptcy.

高中英语break up break down区别

break down 有解体,坍塌之意,break up是指分成碎片,

求数码宝贝 break up歌词

假名注音版: Break up! 作词:山田ひろし/作曲:太田美知彦/编曲:太田美知彦/ 歌:宫崎歩 lalala…lalala… 负(ま)けたくないと 叫(さけ)んだ胸(むね)の 声(こえ)が闻(き)こえただろう 强(つよ)がって 立(た)ち向(む)かうしか ないんだ 谁(だれ)でもないさ キミの番(ばん)だよ 逃(に)げ出(だ)しちゃいけない 譲(ゆず)れない 明日(あした)をかけて やるんだ 手(て)のひらを见(み)つめて 强(つよ)く握(にぎ)りしめたら ココロに チカラが流(なが)れ出(だ)す Get break up! to break up! 新(あたら)しい Fighter 本当(ほんとう)のハジマリさ キミを キミを 越(こ)えてゆくんだ この场所(ばしょ)から It"s time to go!! これ以上(いじょう)もう ムリだよなんて ヒザが震(ふる)える时(とき) キミのコト 信(しん)じる瞳(ひとみ) 感(かん)じて 手渡(てわた)すように 勇気(ゆうき)をくれた 仲间(なかま)たちがいるよ 风(かぜ)の中(なか) キミの名前(なまえ)を呼(よ)んでる 违(ちが)う物语(ものがたり)が キミたちからはじまる 扉(とびら)は开(ひら)きはじめている Get break up! to break up! 涌(わ)き上(あ)がる Power キミはもう気(き)づいている 梦(ゆめ)を梦(ゆめ)で ほっとけないよ 叶(かな)えなくちゃ It"s time to go!! Get break up! to break up! 新(あたら)しい Fighter 本当(ほんとう)のハジマリさ キミを キミを 越(こ)えてゆくんだ この场所(ばしょ)から Get break up! to break up! 涌(わ)き上(あ)がる Power キミはもう気(き)づいている 梦(ゆめ)を梦(ゆめ)で ほっとけないよ 叶(かな)えなくちゃ It"s time to go!! 罗马音: la la la…la la la… ma ke ta ku na I to sa ke n da mu ne no ko e ga ki ko e ta da ro tsu yo ga t te ta chi mu ka u shi ka na I n da da re de mo na I sa ki ni ge da chi cha I ke na i yu zu re na i a shi ta wo ka ke te ya ru n da te no hi ra wo mi tsu me tsu yo ku ni gi ri shi me ta ra ko ko ro ni chi ka ra ga na ga re da su Get break up! to break up! a ta ra shi i Fighter ho n tou no ha ji ma ri sa ki mi wo ki mi wo ko e te yu ku n da ko no ba sho ka ra It"s time to go!! ko re ij o u mo u mu ri da yo na n te hi za ka fu ru e ru to ki ki mi no ko to shi n ji ru hi to mi ka n ji te te wa ta su yo u ni yu u ki wo ku re ta na ka ma ta chi ga i ru yo ka ze no na ka ki mi no na ma e wo yo n de ru chi ga u mo no ga ta ri ki mi ta chi ka ra ha ji ma ru to bi ra wa hi ra ki ha ji me te I ru Get break up! to break up! wa ki a ga ru Power ki mi wa mo u ki zu I te I ru yu me wo yu me de ho ka na e na ku cha It"s time to go!! Get break up! to break up! a ta ras hi i Fighter ho n tou no ha j I ma ri sa ki mi wo ki mi wo ko ko no ba sho ka ra Get break up! to break up! wa ki a ga ru Power ki mi wa mo u ki zu I te I ru yu me wo yu me de ho ka na e na ku cha It"s time to go!! 音译歌词: la la la…la la la… 吗ki他古那一兜,撒开木大木一no 古唉噶ki哭唉他大楼 苏有噶啊day,他七木卡五西卡.那因大 噶来奈吗那一撒,ki米no吗恩大有 你给大西恰一ki奈路 一苏跟那一,啊西他我卡ki忒,呀论大! 忒no hi来我密子每day 苏有古你一里西每他拉 够口楼你,起开那噶那噶累大苏 Get break up! to break up! 啊大拉西一Fighter,后no头哦no哈西吗撒 ki米我ki米我,口唉忒有苦那 够no吗搜卡拉 It"s time to go!! 够奈一就哦木哦,木里大有那恩day hi杂噶户路诶路个ki ki米no够兜,西恩几绿hi头米,卡恩几day 忒哇他苏有哦你,有哦ki我哭一大 那卡吗大起噶一里有 卡则no那卡,ki米no那吗诶哦,有恩的路 起卡恩木no噶他里(n i a)? ki米他起卡拉哈几吗绿 头比拉哇,hi拉一哈几每day一绿 Get break up! to break up! 哇ki一噶拉怕哇,ki米哇某ki子为忒有 有每我有每day,ho哦头ki那有 卡那一那古加 it"s time to go!! Get break up! to break up! 啊大拉西一Fighter,后no头哦no哈西吗撒 ki米我ki米我,口唉忒有苦那 够no吗搜卡拉 Get break up! to break up! 哇ki一噶拉怕哇,ki米哇某ki子为忒有 有每我有每day,ho哦头ki那有 卡那一那古加 it"s time to go!!

谁能告诉我break down 和break up 的区别是什么?


为什么break up不能用被动语态

你想想这个词组的意思就知道了就好像为什么happen,belong to没有被动一样的道理

break up 有分手的意思么?


break up, break down,break in,break out,break into,break through怎么区别

break up: vt. 开垦(破碎,破坏,解散,结束,衰弱)例句与用法: 1. He was breaking up under the strain. 他劳累过度,身体逐渐衰弱。 2. The Government has broken up the large private estates. 政府把大片的私人地产分割开。 break down: vt. 打破(减轻,坍塌,彻底失败,精神不支,中止,把分解)例句与用法: 1. Her health broke down under the pressure of work. 工作的压力把她的身体弄垮了。 2. The telephone system has broken down. 电话系统失灵了. 3. Negotiations between the two sides have broken down. 双方谈判已经破裂. 4. He broke down and wept when he heard the news. 他听到这个消息时不禁痛哭起来. 5. If law and order break down, anarchy will result. 法治一垮, 就会出现无政府状态. 6. Expenditure on the project breaks down as follows: wages 10m, plant 4m, raw materials 5m. 该工程费用开支可分成如下几部分: 工资一千万英镑, 厂房设备四百万英镑, 原料五百万英镑. 7. Firemen had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside. 消防人员须破门而入, 才能抢救困在屋里的人. 8. We (ie Our car) broke down on the motorway. 我们(的汽车)在高速公路上抛锚了. break in: vt. 闯入(打断,使习惯于,使驯服,训练成为)例句与用法: 1. Burglars had broken in while we were away on holiday. 我们外出度假时, 小偷闯入屋内行窃。 2. Please don"t break in on our conversation. 请不要打断我们的谈话。 3. There must be a break in the circuit. 电路中一定有断路. 4. The thieves must have had someone on the inside to help them break in. 那伙盗贼一定有内应, 协助他们闯了进去. break out: 爆发例句与用法: 1. His face broke out in a rash. 他的脸上突然长满了皮疹。 2. The prophet said that war will break out. 先知预言战争将爆发。 3. He prophesied that war would break out. 他预言说战争将要爆发。 4. Should another world war break out, what would become of human beings? 万一另一次世界大战爆发,人类将会发生什么事? break into: 闯入例句与用法: 1. As the President"s car arrived, the crowd broke into loud applause. 总统的汽车到达时,群众中爆发出热烈的掌声。 2. I can"t pay the 50p I owe you without breaking into a 5 note. 我得把一张5英镑的钞票兑开, 才能把欠你的50便士付给你. 3. All this extra work I"m doing is breaking into my leisure time. 我目前的这一切额外工作用去了我的闲暇时间. 4. His house was broken into (eg by burglars) last week. 上星期有人闯入他的房屋(如窃贼). 5. The sunlight will break into different colors through a prism. 阳光穿过棱镜时将分解成各种颜色。 6. Social duties break into my time. 社交应酬占据了我的时间。 7. The thieves planned to break into a bank. 行窃者计划洗劫银行。 break through: vt. 突破例句与用法: 1. The sun broke through at last in the afternoon. 太阳在下午终於从云层後面钻出来了. 2. Demonstrators broke through the police cordon. 示威群众突破了警戒线. 3. Scientists say they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer. 科学家们说, 他们在防治癌症方面开始有所突破. 4. Demonstrators tried to break through the police cordon. 示威群众企图突破警察的封锁线

break up和break down的区别

一、break upbreak up的关键词是up,up有“散开”之意,朗文现代英语词典的解释是“used after some verbs to show that something is cut, broken etc into pieces or divided into parts”。所以,break up意为“使分开,使分解”,可以比喻“分手”等含义。例:They broke up the big company into several smaller ones. 他们把这个大公司分解为三个小公司。(注:ones=companies)相关词汇:tear up,撕破,如:Why did you tear up the letter? 你为什么撕了这封信?cup up,切碎,如:cut up the wood into small pieces 把这块木头砍成小块二、break downbreak down意为“出问题,出毛病,坏了”,可比喻为“不成功”等,如:The car broke down just north of Paris. 车在巴黎以北坏了。Negotiation broke down after only two days. 只过了两天谈判就出了问题。三、翻译练习他们把这个大公司分解为三个小公司。你为什么撕了这封信?把这块木头砍成小块车在巴黎以北坏了。只过了两天谈判就出了问题。Their marriage broke down because of some financial issues.I left London after my marriage broke up.

「break」中文意思是?break up/break down/break in…「break」英文片语大集合!

break有打破、破裂的意思。跟break有关的片语也不少,而且几乎都是负面的意思。以下整理了与「break」有关的英文片语,赶快学起来,下次就能学以致用罗! 1. break down 停止运转 / 情感失去控制 / 恶化(身心健康) / 关系破裂 break down 有很多个意思,常见的有停止运动、情感失去控制、恶化、关系破裂…等等。因此听到别人说break down的时候,必须注意别人指的是什么意思,但多论是指什么,几乎都是不好的。 例1:My car"s broken down, so I took a bus. 我的车坏了,所以我搭公车。 例2:She broke down in tears. 她哭的伤心蹋地。 例3: The relationship beeen us is breaking down. 我们之间的关系恶化。 2.break up 透漏、结束关系、摔破、收讯不佳 break 同样有很多种意思,常见的有分手,摔破…等等。 例1:He breaks up some rmation. 他透漏了一些讯息。 例2:I broke up with my boyfriend last month. 我上个月和我的男朋友分手了。 例3:The plate broke up and fell into *** all pieces. 这餐盘摔坏且变成无数碎片。 例4:You"re break up;I"ll call you back in a minute. 我听不见你的声音,我稍后打给你(通常在电话收讯不良时使用)。 3.break in 破门而入 例:Someone broke in and stole the TV. 有人闯入并且偷了电视。 4.break away 强行逃脱、脱离 例:The horse broke away from the gate. 这马脱离了栅栏门。 break, break away, break away 中文, break away 意思, break away 用法, break away 翻译, break down, break down 中文, break down 意思, break down 用法, break down 翻译, break in, break in 中文, break in 意思, break in 用法, break in 翻译, break up, break up 中文, break up 意思, break up 用法, break up 翻译, break 中文, break 意思, break 片语, break 用法, break 翻译, break 英文例句, break 英文片语, 打断 英文, 打破 英文, 破碎 英文, 碎裂 英文

Boy, do you think you could break up


break up 与break down

break up是指解散(例如my music band has broken up乐队解散了)break down是指抛锚或程序出错

宫崎歩的《Break up!》 歌词

Break up作词:山田ひろし 作曲:太田美知彦 编曲:太田美知彦 歌:宫崎歩la la la…la la la…la la la…la la la…负けたくないと 叫んだ胸のma ke ta ku nai to,sa ken da mu ne no声が闻こえただろko e ga ki ko e ta da ro强がって 立ち向かうしか ないんだtsu yo gatte,ta chi mu ka u shi ka,na in da谁でもないさ キミの番だよda re de mo nai sa,ki mi no ban da yo逃げ出しちゃいけないni ge da shi cya i ke nai譲れない 明日をかけて やるんだyu zu re nai,a shi ta wo ka ke te,ya run da手のひらを见つめてte no hi ra wo mi tsu me te强く握りしめたらtsu yo ku ni gi ri shi me ta raココロに チカラが流れ出すko ko ro ni,chi ka ra ga na ga re da suGet break up! to break up!Get break up! to break up!新しい Fighter 本当のハジマリさa ta ra shii Fighter,hon tou no ha ji ma ri saキミを キミを 越えてゆくんだki mi wo ki mi wo,ko e te yu kun daこの场所からko no ba syo ka raIt"s time to go!!It"s time to go!!これ以上もう ムリだよなんてko re i jyou mou,mu ri da yo nan teヒザが震える时hi za ga fu ru e ru to kiキミのコト 信じる瞳 感じてki mi no ko to,shin ji ru hi to mi, gan ji te手渡すように 勇気をくれたte wa ta su you ni,yuu ki wo ku re ta仲间たちがいるよna ka ma ta chi ga i ru yo风の中 キミの名前を 呼んでるka ze no na ka,ki mi no na ma e wo,yon de ru违う物语がchi ka u mo no ga ta ri gaキミたちからはじまるki mi ta chi ka ra ha ji ma ru扉は 开きはじめているto bi ra wa,hi ra ki ha ji me tei ruGet break up! to break up!Get break up! to break up!涌き上がる Power キミはもう気づいているwa ki a ga ru Power,ki mi wa mou ki zii te i ru梦を 梦で ほっとけないよyu me wo yu me de,hotto ke nai yo叶えなくちゃka na e na ku cyaIt"s time to go!!It"s time to go!!Get break up! to break up!Get break up! to break up!新しい Fighter 本当のハジマリさa ta ra shii Fighter,hon tou no ha ji ma ri saキミを キミを 越えてゆくんだki mi wo ki mi wo,ko e te yu kun daこの场所からko no ba syo ka raGet break up! to break up!Get break up! to break up!涌き上がる Power キミはもう気づいているwa ki a ga ru Power,ki mi wa mou ki zii te i ru梦を 梦で ほっとけないよyu me wo yu me de,hotto ke nai yo叶えなくちゃka na e na ku cyaIt"s time to go!!It"s time to go!!收缩

break up的各种意思以及句子

break up词组break up主要有以下用法:(1)分开,拆散,可同时作及物动词或不及物动词。如:Sentences can be broken up into clauses, and clauses into phrases.What will happen to the children if Jim and Mary break up?The men in the garage will break up the old cars for their parts.(2)散(会),驱散(人群),可同时作及物或不及物动词。如:Let"s break up our party now and set off.The meeting broke up when the police arrived.(3)(学校)学期结束,停课放假(指较长的假期),作不及物动词。如:The school has broken up for the holidays.The students will break up next week.(4)(使)极其痛苦,身体垮掉,可同时作及物动词或不及物动词,如:The bad news will break him up.He may break up under all this trouble.词组break down也可表示此意,但它不能作及物动词使用。

break up什么意思


break up 是什么意思?


break up和break down的区别


Break out ,break up ,break down 分别都有什么意思啊?

爆发,分解,分解Break out v. 爆发;突发break up打碎,破碎;结束;解散;衰落break down 分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服

给我数码宝贝break up歌词{快!!}

Break up![Digimon Adventure 02 Evolution Theme] 作词:山田ひろし 作曲:太田美知彦 编曲:太田美知彦 歌: 宫崎 歩 la la la…la la la… 负けたくないと 叫んだ胸の 声が闻こえただろ 强がって 立ち向かうしか ないんだ 谁でもないさ キミの番だよ 逃げ出しちゃいけない 譲れない 明日をかけて やるんだ 手のひらを见つめて 强く握りしめたら ココロに チカラが流れ出す Get break up! to break up! 新しい Fighter 本当のハジマリさ キミを キミを 越えてゆくんだ この场所から It"s time to go!! これ以上もう ムリだよなんて ヒザが震える时 キミのコト 信じる瞳 感じて 手渡すように 勇気をくれた 仲间たちがいるよ 风の中 キミの名前を 呼んでる 违う物语が キミたちからはじまる 扉は 开きはじめている Get break up! to break up! 涌き上がる Power キミはもう気づいている 梦を 梦で ほっとけないよ 叶えなくちゃ It"s time to go!! Get break up! to break up! 新しい Fighter 本当のハジマリさ キミを キミを 越えてゆくんだ この场所から Get break up! to break up! 涌き上がる Power キミはもう気づいている 梦を 梦で ほっとけないよ 叶えなくちゃ It"s time to go!! ------------------------------------------------------------ la la la...la la la... maketakunaito sakendamuneno koegakikoetadaro tsuyogatte tachimukaushika nainda daredemonaisa kiminobandayo nigedachichaikenai yuzurenai ashitawokakete yarunda tenohirawomitsumete tsuyokunigirishimetara kokoroni chikaraganagaredasu Get break up! to break up! atarashii Fighter hontounohajimarisa kimiwo kimiwo koeteyukunda konobashokara It"s time to go!! koreijoumou muridayonante hizakafuruerutoki kiminokoto shinjiruhitomi kanjite tewatasuyouni yuukiwokureta nakamatachigairuyo kazenonaka kiminonamaewo yonderu chigaumonogatariga kimitachikarahajimaru tobirawa hirakihajimeteiru Get break up! to break up! wakiagaru Power kimiwamoukizuiteiru yumewo yumede hottokenaiyo kanaenakucha It"s time to go!! Get break up! to break up! atarashii Fighter hontounohajimarisa kimiwo kimiwo koeteyukunda konobashokara Get break up! to break up! wakiagaru Power kimiwamoukizuiteiru yumewo yumede hottokenaiyo kanaenakucha It"s time to go!! kimigaitamonogatari

break up和break down的区别

break up 是分崩离析了,或者感情破裂了break down是坏掉了,比如电器不工作了

break和break up都有摔碎的意思,在使用时有什么区别吗?

break的意思有:vi. 打破;折断;弄坏;削弱vt. (使)破;打破(纪录);(常指好天气)突变;开始vi. (嗓音)突变;突破;破晓;(价格)突然下跌n. 破裂;间断;(持续一段时间的状况的)改变;间歇读音:英 [breu026ak] 美 [brek] break up v. 打碎, 破碎, 分裂, 结束, 衰落, 分解, 变坏, 驱散侧重于物理上的分解,同时有精神崩溃、终止、结束、解散的含义

不只是「分手」!Break up的7种用法

‘break up"通常指一对情侣分手,但其实它不只有这个意思。讲师Rachna于Let"s Talk网站上,提供了在不同情况下,正确使用‘break up"这个片语的方法范例。 范例1:The plate broke up when he dropped it. 在此,‘break up"指碎成很多片。 范例2:When do you break up for Christmas? 在此,‘break up"指教育机关假期放假。 范例3:Maria and John have broken up. 在此,‘break up"指一段关系的结束。 范例4:You"re breaking up. I"ll call you back later. 在此,‘break up"指在通话中,因为噪音或其他干扰而听不见。 范例5:The thought of hurting john just breaks me up. 在此,‘break up"指使某人感到烦心。 范例6:The meeting broke up at 11 am. 在此,‘break up"指结束或解散。 范例7:His jokes break me up. 在此,‘break up"指为某人的笑话给予笑声。 break up, 分手, 分手 单字, 分手 相关英文, 分手 相关英文单字, 分手 英文, 分手 英文例句, 分手 英文单字, 分手 英文字汇

break up是什么意思

"break up" 是一个常用的英语短语,意思是“分手”、“解散”、“结束”等。这个短语通常用于描述感情关系的结束,也可以用于描述团体、组织或计划的结束。下面是 "break" 的其他用法及固定搭配:1. 动词- Break down(故障):表示机器或系统出现故障,如汽车抛锚、电脑崩溃等。- Break out(爆发):表示突然发生某种事件或疾病,如战争爆发、瘟疫爆发等。- Break into(闯入):表示非法进入某个地方或打断某人的活动,如闯入房屋、打断谈话等。- Break away(脱离):表示摆脱某种束缚或关系,如脱离组织、脱离关系等。2. 名词- Breakthrough(突破):表示突破某种困境或难题,如科学突破、技术突破等。- Breakfast(早餐):表示早上吃的第一餐食物,如牛奶、面包、鸡蛋等。- Breakdance(霹雳舞):表示一种流行的舞蹈形式,常与嘻哈音乐相配合。3. 短语- Break the ice(打破僵局):表示在陌生人之间打破沉默或尴尬的气氛,如聚会时打破沉默、开场白等。- Break the news(宣布消息):表示宣布某种重要的消息或事件,如宣布辞职、宣布婚讯等。- Break a record(打破记录):表示超越或创造某项记录,如打破马拉松纪录、打破销售记录等。

break up是什么意思?


break up 和break off的区别

break up 和break off的区别有以下几点:1、用法不同:break up 是从内部发生“破裂”,从内到外的支离破碎;而break off 是两个人建立了联系,再切断,两个人不是一体的。2、意思不同:break off强调的是中断,而break up强调的是破裂。3、对象不同:break up 一般表示比较抽象的事物破碎,像感情、梦想;break off一般是具体事物的破碎与中断。



英文翻译 fallin out Droemmepige we got hood love Pour Que tu restes Take me back


求一日本首歌的名字 是一个女生唱的 开头是 sakula yila ~yila ~


shakira Dónde están los ladrones 中文歌词

Donde Estan Los Ladrones(小偷在何处)los han visto por ahilos han visto en los tejadosdando vueltas en Pariscondenando en los juzgadoscon la nariz empolvadade corbata o de bluejeanslos han visto en las portadas todassin mas nada que decirDonde estan los ladronesdónde está el asesinoquizá allá revolcándose en el patio del vecinoy qué pasa si son ellosy qué pasa si soy yoel que toca esta guitarrao la que canta esta canciónla que canta esta canciónlos han visto de rodillas sentados o de cuclillasparados dando leccionesen todas las posicionespredicando en las iglesiashasta ofreciendo conciertoslos han visto en los cocteles todosrepartiendo mil misteriosDonde estan los ladronesdónde está el asesinoquizá allá revolcándose en el patio del vecinoy qué pasa si son ellosy qué pasa si soy yoel que toca esta guitarrao la que canta esta canciónla que canta esta canción

Take It To The Floor 歌词

歌曲名:Take It To The Floor歌手:B2K专辑:B2K Presents "You Got Served" SoundtrackC"monWHOOOOAy u kno watThis track obviously dont need no talkin on it,but I gotta do itBig Tank.let yall know, u kno wat I"m all aboutWhen I take it to the flo"Is everybody readyNow I dont mean to brag on minebut I dont think you know wat you done this time (NO)ISH no THANGS when I do my thangI put it on you like whats my name, (whats my name)You cant hang believe you cant, but you in tha right place if you came to get spankedLet me brake you off (to tha trak from Big Tank)No holdin back (cuz trust me ya"ll can"t)I"ma get down, pro (fessional and if)You aint know (you"re about to know in 1)2-3-4 (moves or mo")And get broke like you aint never been broke beforeNow let"s go (let"s go)You want it (you want it)Then you better get ready cuz this what you gon" getAnyway you want itWe can take it to the WINDOW to the WALL (or better yet)We can take it to the floor (we can take it to the floor)Tell me wat you wanna do wit me (tell me what you wanna do wit me)We can take it to the floorBaby you dont wanna fool wit meWe can take it to the floorTell me wat u wanna do wit meWe can take it to the floorBaby u dont wanna fool wit meNow I dont know who you think you areBut trust when I go, believe I go hard (so hard)So strong baby all night longI dont stop till the break of dawn (break of dawn)See mINE is an all out warI bet you leave here wit your back soreCuz I got wat you"re lookin forHave "em comin back like GIMME SOME MOREI"ma get down, pro (fessional and if)You aint know (you"re about to know in 1)2-3-4 (moves or mo")And get broke like you aint never been broke beforeNow let"s go (let"s go)You want it (you want it)Then you better get ready cuz this what you gon" getAnyway you want itWe can take it to the WINDOW to the WALL (or better yet)We can take it to the floorTell me wat u wanna do wit meWe can take it to the floorBaby u dont wanna fool wit meWe can take it to the floorTell me wat u wanna do wit meWe can take it to the floorBaby u dont wanna fool wit meTip divin, so socializinTemperatures risin we on the floor we grindinCan u imagine if I put all my time inGirl you"d be gon my love hit like a linemanThis aint no game ma andI aint jus rhymin and I aint Millie Vanillie ain"t up in her mind man.Look I jus wanna get wit youTHEN Swoop in tha coupe wit youI dont care what dese roosters doCOCKLE DOODLE DOOAint tha first dude tryin to floss all his lootYou been a bad girl I gotta spank yaI had a good workout now I gotta thank yaYeah I told u to TICK, ROLL WIT ITWit dat booty u SHOULDN"t Have left home wit itGon get it, gon get it, get it girlIma squirrel just tryna get a nut IN YO WORLD, to tha FLO"!We can take it to the floorTell me wat u wanna do wit meWe can take it to the floorBaby u dont wanna fool wit meWe can take it to the floorTell me wat u wanna do wit meWe can take it to the floorBaby u dont wanna fool wit meWe can take it to the floorTell me wat u wanna do wit meWe can take it to the floorBaby u dont wanna fool wit meWe can take it to the floorTell me wat u wanna do wit meWe can take it to the floorBaby u dont wanna fool wit meGet "em Get emGet O, get emGet em O,Get em O, get emhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8702940

break away from是什么意思

break away 1.= come apart;come into pieces破裂;裂开*The wings of the plane broke away in midair,so the plane crashed.机翼在半空中裂开,所以飞机失事了。2.=escape;rebel逃跑;反叛*The criminal broke awayfrom the policemen.罪犯从警察手中逃走了。*I imagine he will tryto break away.我想他会设法逃跑。3.=end one"s connection with脱离(社团、政党等);断绝关系*The state has brokenaway from the union.这个州已经脱离了联邦政府。*He broke away from hisfamily and went abroad.他与家庭断绝了关系,到国外去了。4.=get rid of;abandon 放弃;解除*You should break awayfrom such bad habits.你应该改掉这样的坏习惯。*We must break away fromconvention and adopt as many advanced techniques as possible.我们必须打破常规,尽量采用先进技术。

you make me wanna

You make me wanna...wanna...wanna...wannaYou make me wanna...wanna...wanna...wannaThis is what you doThis is what you doThis is what you doThis is what you doYou make me wanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationshipWith youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along withYou make meYou make meWanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationship with youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along withYou make meYou make meBefore anything began between usYou were like my best friendThe one I used to run and talk toWhen me and my girl was having problemsYou used to say it"ll be okaySuggest little nice things I should doAnd when I go home at night and lay my head downAll I seemed to think about was youYou make me wanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationshipWith youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along withYou make meYou make meWanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationshipWith youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along withYou make meYou make meNow what"s badIs you"re the one that hooked us upKnowing it should"ve been youWhat"s sad is that I love her but I"m falling for youWhat should I doShould I...Tell my baby bye-byeShould I...Do exactly what I feel insideShould I...I don"t wanna go, don"t need to stayBut I really need to get it togetherYou make me wanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationshipWith youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along withYou make meYou make meWanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationship with youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along withYou make meYou make meAt this pointThe situation"s out of controlI never meant to hurt her, but IGotta let her goAnd sheMay not understand itWhile all of this is going onI tried,I tried to fight itBut the feeling"s just too strongYou make make make meYou make me wannaYou make me wannaYou make me wannaYou make me wanna...wanna...wanna...wannaYou make me wannaYou make me wannaYou make me wanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationshipWith youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along withYou make meYou make meWanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationshipWith youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along withYou make meYou make meBefore anything began between usThe one I use to run and talk toYou use to say it would be okaySuggest little nice things I should doAnd when I go home at night and lay my head downAll I seem to think about was youYou make me wanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationshipWith youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along withYou make meYou make meWanna leave the one I"m withStart a new relationshipWith youThis is what you doI think about a ring and all the things that come along withYou make meYou make me...不知道你要的是不是这首

You make me happy! 歌词

歌曲名:You make me happy!歌手:京都フィルハーモニー室内交响楽団专辑:プリキュアオールスターズ クラシックコンサートwith 京都フィルハーモニー室内交响楽団jensin制作To start it off I know you know meTo come to think of it, it was only last week.That I had a dream about us, oh.That"s why I am here, I"m writing this song.To tell the truth you know I have been hurting all along,Someway let me know, you want me girl.Everytime you see me what do you see?I feel like I"m a poor man and you"re the queen.Oh baby, you"re the only thing that I really need.Baby that"s why:You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.I know this is a feeling that I just can"t fight.You"re the first and last thing on my mind.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.Well I know that these feelings won"t end no, no.They"ll just get stronger if I see you again.Baby I"m tired of being friends.I wanna know if you feel the sameAnd could you tell me do you feel my pain?Don"t leave me in doubt.Everytime you see me what do you see?I feel like I"m a poor man and you"re the queen.Oh baby, you"re the only thing that I really need.And baby that"s why:You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.I know this is a feeling that I just can"t fight.You"re the first and last thing on my mind.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.I"ll take you home real quickAnd sit you down on the couchPour some Dom Perignon and hit the lights out.Baby we can make sweet love.Then we"ll take it nice and slow.I"m gonna touch you like you"ve never know beforeWe"re gonna make love all night.You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.I know this is a feeling that I just can"t fight.You"re the first and last thing on my mind.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.I know this is a feeling that I just can"t fight.You"re the first and last thing on my mind.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.http://music.baidu.com/song/58104699

英语单词的区别 shake,tremble,shiver与quiver有什么区别?

shake,tremble,shiver,quiver,vibrate,shudder 这些动词均含“震动,颤抖”之意. shake〓最普通用词,含义广.指人或物不自主地颤动、摇摆,常侧重剧烈和无规律. tremble〓指由于寒冷、虚弱、愤怒或恐惧等而发抖、战栗. shiver〓指因寒冷或情绪突变而出现的短时间的轻微和快速的颤抖. quiver〓多用于指事物.指物体像乐器的弦一般地轻微而急速地颤动. vibrate〓指急速地连续震动,也指钟摆等的来回摆动. shudder〓着重指由于恐惧、震惊等而引起的全身突然而强烈地战栗.

英语单词的区别 shake,tremble,shiver与quiver有什么区别?

shake,tremble,shiver,quiver,vibrate,shudder 这些动词均含“震动,颤抖”之意. shake〓最普通用词,含义广.指人或物不自主地颤动、摇摆,常侧重剧烈和无规律. tremble〓指由于寒冷、虚弱、愤怒或恐惧等而发抖、战栗. shiver〓指因寒冷或情绪突变而出现的短时间的轻微和快速的颤抖. quiver〓多用于指事物.指物体像乐器的弦一般地轻微而急速地颤动. vibrate〓指急速地连续震动,也指钟摆等的来回摆动. shudder〓着重指由于恐惧、震惊等而引起的全身突然而强烈地战栗.

一个外国女歌手,歌的高潮部分是take me you way还是什么,英文听不出来,高潮部分就

艾薇儿的take me away

Kingmaker的《Shiver》 歌词

歌曲名:Shiver歌手:Kingmaker专辑:SleepwalkingShawn Desman - ShiverI catch myselfStaring at your faceWhen you"re not awakeI just can"t help it0, noJust having you hereLying next to meIt"s the little thingsThat cause a stormInside of meAnd every time you"re close IShiver, shiver, shiverEvery time we kiss IShiver, shiver, shiverI gotta catch my breath (breath)So caught up that I forget (forget)Every time you"re close IShiver, shiver, shiverYour hand in my handSkin upon my skinOver and againI can"t get enough0, 0, noThe way you give yourself to meI just can"t believeSending chills all up and down my spineI want you to knowI want you to knowThat every time you"re close IShiver, shiver, shiverEvery time we kiss IShiver, shiver, shiverI gotta catch my breath (breath)So caught up that I forget (forget)Every time you"re close IShiver, shiver, shiverI wanna rushInto your touchIt just feels so rightI wanna rush,Into your touchIt"s like seeing the sunFor the very first timeIt gets me every timeIt makes meShiver, shiver, shiverEvery time we kiss IShiver, shiver, shiverI gotta catch my breath (breath)So caught up that I forget (forget)That every time you"re close IShiver, shiver, shiverI catch myself staring at your facewhen you"re not awakeI just can"t help it0, nohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2547338

Make It In America歌曲翻译

那困难时期将改变主意并且使您想要跑,但您想要它,并且您需要它喜欢您需要呼吸空气,如果他们怀疑您相信它是到的足够您那儿(合唱)您在行动不必须害怕投入您的梦想您去退色您将是主要吸引力(Ooo whoa)不是幻想记住我,当它结果(结果)时‘您知道的cuz,如果您活在您的想像力明天您将是大家的迷恋(Oooh)在我的胜利(Oooh)请记住我,当我做它亮光时!

歌曲有一句歌词是to weak say i am strong、to poor say i am


My clock is n the room. Can you ___it to me. A.take B.spell C.bring D.answer


you can make it,是什么意思


请问知不知道u make me wanna 歌词的中文意思。


谁有王若琳的The best mistake i’ve ever made的歌词?

王若琳- the best mistake i"ve ever madeone step too farall at once i"m fallingjust like a stari"m buring for youthought i could keep myself from feeling this wayi guess that was my first mistakecause suddenly i"m walkingdown a dark street to your doorwanting you is driving me insaneand now my feet are standingwhere they"ve never stood beforeguided by a twist of fateif i lose myself with you tonightfall apart or hold on tightwrong or right i won"t be afraidcause even if my heart should breakyou"d be the best mistake i ever madei"m in your roomnow there"s no denyingwhat"s in your eyeswhen i look at youto shadows talking but they don"t make a soundwords have lost their meaning nowand the air has turned electricnow i know the time is rightto put myself into your handsand suddenly i"m shakingas your fingers touch my skini don"t need to understandbut if i lose myself with you tonightfall apart or hold on tightwrong or right i won"t be afraidcause even if my heart should breakyou"d be the best mistake i ever madeand if tomorrow proves me wrongi swear i don"t belongi know i"ll carry onso i will lose myself and bare my soultake this chance cause heaven knowsi"m so far gone, my choice is madeand even if my heart should breakwhen i lose myself with you tonightfall apart or hold on tightwrong or right i"ll always sayyou"re the best mistake i ever madeyou"re the best mistake i ever madeyou"re the best mistake i ever made

check over和cheak out有什么区别啊

我来回答一下哈~首先我要说 好像没有cheak这个单词啊`你补充的里面打错了 嘿嘿~check in:(旅馆、飞机等)办理登记手续;报道eg:Where can I check in? 在哪儿办理登记手续?check over:检查过eg:Check the manuscripts over carefully. 把稿件仔细看一遍。check out:付帐后离开;检验、合格、及格(用法相当于动词)eg:Check out the engine. 检验引擎。check off:核对eg:Let"s check off the names of the people to be invited. 让我们把打算邀请的人的名单复核一下。





找一首女声的英文歌,挺悲伤的感觉,歌词里有一句是tell me i make a mistake 之类的。。没太听清

不太懂英文 不过because of you这首?

make a compromise 是什么意思



eastpak是一个双肩包品牌,这个牌子的双肩包受到很多人的推荐,款式非常好看,eastpak也经常和各大品牌推出合作款,很受欢迎。下面我给大家讲讲eastpak是什么牌子?eastpak是什么档次? eastpak是什么牌子 EASTPAK这个双肩包品牌在全世界都是非常有名的,这个牌子的背包质量非常好,特别耐用。 EASTPAK是世界著名的专业包囊及器材品牌,与The North Face,JanSport, Lee, Wrangler, Riders, Rustler, Vanity Fair, Vassarette, Bestform, Lily of France, Lee Sport, Healthtex, Jantzen等品牌同属美国VF公司(世界上最大的服装公司)。EASTPAK以坚实耐用著称,公司对每一件产品都有长达30年的质保承诺,是唯一敢做出如此承诺的背包品牌。EASTPAK是一个美国箱包制造品牌,是世界著名的专业包囊及器材品牌。首创将坚韧的杜邦专利布料Codura (柯杜拉)与背包合二为一,使其耐用度和本身价值大大提升,此外也吸收了多国知名潮流派设计师不断推出联名系列,不断挑战各式色彩以及创新图案更是掳获了无数青少年。eastpak是什么档次 Eastpak最早做军事包起家的,后来才出了面向大众的背包,目前市场上最早最常见的应该要数Eastpak这种620包型。这个620是当年美国军包的复刻款式,现在这造型被用得很广,而且大多被称为书包了。Eastpak经常和极限运动扯上关系,所以也会被列为潮牌行列,和很多时装品牌出过合作款。虽然现在Eastpak有很多户外款式,不过销量排在最前的始终是这种根据军包衍生来的各种书包,右下角有个logo。eastpak双肩包怎么样 EASTPAK双肩包,号称可以背30年的双肩包,真的是棒棒哒!!我这个已经是两年前买的了,到现在除了被我背得比较脏以外,其他都和我刚买回来时一样噢,短途旅行啊或者周末放假回家时拿它真的是好方便。虽然没有隔层,但是它容量真的是好大!!!什么都能往里塞!而且不管前面怎么变形,背部那一面都是好有型不会弯曲也不会说不挺了,这样我们背起来就会蛮舒服也不会被包里的东西硌到背了。 它的肩带真的是好特别!记得刚买回来时肩带超硬啊好像不会弯一样,后来我问了代购,说放几本重的书去书包里,挂个一两天就好了。你背久了这个肩带就会根据你的背法和肩膀形状大概固定在那个形状啦~这个包包还防水噢!超棒的!我之前洗过一次,因为材质防水,洗得也是不容易啊。。。不过它也挺耐脏的。我买的这个是蓝天白云图案的,每个包的云朵的位置都不一样,反正我超喜欢,这个图案比单色的特别一点,而且很耐看,我都看两年了还没腻。eastpak基础款双肩包,刚买来的时候有点惊慌,因为背带实在是太硬了!直挺挺的两根,让我差点忍不住退了货…后来晚上搜了一下,发现背带硬是卖点,因为可以减轻重量。在书包里装上东西,背上之后发现背带还是会弯的~而且走了一天肩都不累!我是那种背三本书都要累死的存在好么!这包简直超适合我!希望背带永远不弯! Eastpak双肩包,听说双肩包和程序猿更配哦。冲着结实耐操又轻便买来送给男票的,这家伙偶尔还可以假装下学生党,不过其实我的内心潜台词是,以后跟他一起出去旅游,行李就可以都给他背着啦~于是便怀着这样不可告人的目的买下了这个包。别说这个包还真是挺扎实,防水又耐磨,而且肩带是带减压设计的,背起来非常非常轻。 nice的包,质量很好,15.6寸笔记本正好,只是海淘贼慢,搭黑色衣服好看。 包还是有色差的,买给高中的弟弟用,主要看中这款包的防水耐磨,希望在我弟弟的摧残下能够耐用。拉链头没有YKK的标志,有点奇怪。在书包背面倒上水试了一下,确实是防水的,也不透。相信是正品吧,有时间去专柜扫个码看看。总体来说还不错。

eastpak是什么牌子 eastpak什么档次

【导读】:身边很多朋友都在安利一款叫做eastpak品牌的包包,号称是可以到到30年,那么eastpak是什么牌子 eastpak什么档次?一起来看看吧! eastpak是什么牌子 EASTPAK这个双肩包品牌在全世界都是非常有名的,这个牌子的背包质量非常好,特别耐用。 EASTPAK是世界着名的专业包囊及器材品牌,与The North Face,JanSport, Lee, Wrangler, Riders, Rustler, Vanity Fair, Vassarette, Bestform, Lily of France, Lee Sport, Healthtex, Jantzen等品牌同属美国VF公司(世界上最大的服装公司)。EASTPAK以坚实耐用着称,公司对每一件产品都有长达30年的质保承诺,是唯一敢做出如此承诺的背包品牌。EASTPAK是一个美国箱包制造品牌,是世界着名的专业包囊及器材品牌。首创将坚韧的杜邦专利布料Codura (柯杜拉)与背包合二为一,使其耐用度和本身价值大大提升,此外也吸收了多国知名潮流派设计师不断推出联名系列,不断挑战各式色彩以及创新图案更是掳获了无数青少年。 eastpak什么档次 eastpak算是中等档次了,质量非常好。 EASTPAK是一个美国箱包制造品牌,是世界着名的专业包囊及器材品牌。首创将坚韧的杜邦专利布料Codura (柯杜拉)与背包合二为一,使其耐用度和本身价值大大提升,此外也吸收了多国知名潮流派设计师不断推出联名系列,不断挑战各式色彩以及创新图案更是掳获了无数青少年。同众多着名品牌(如THE NORTH FACE、Vans、LEE、NAUTICA、JanSport)同属美国最大服装公司之一VF旗下品牌。 eastpak怎么样 EASTPAK双肩包,号称可以背30年的双肩包,真的是棒棒哒!! 我这个已经是两年前买的了,到现在除了被我背得比较脏以外,其他都和我刚买回来时一样噢??短途旅行啊或者周末放假回家时拿它真的是好方便。 虽然没有隔层,但是它容量真的是好大!!!什么都能往里塞!而且不管前面怎么变形,背部那一面都是好有型不会弯曲也不会说不挺了,这样我们背起来就会蛮舒服也不会被包里的东西硌到背了。 它的肩带真的是好特别!记得刚买回来时肩带超硬啊好像不会弯一样??后来我问了代购,说放几本重的书去书包里,挂个一两天就好了。你背久了这个肩带就会根据你的背法和肩膀形状大概固定在那个形状啦~ 这个包包还防水噢!超棒的!我之前洗过一次,因为材质防水,洗得也是不容易,不过它也挺耐脏的。 我买的这个是蓝天白云图案的,每个包的??朵的位置都不一样,反正我超喜欢~这个图案比单色的特别一点,而且很耐看,我都看两年了还没腻



Excuse me, Mary, a reporter from Vanity Fair _______ all day. Could you speak to her now?. A...

A 试题分析:考查时态。本题的关键词是all day,该词通常与现在完成进行时连用,表示一个动作从过去开始一直持续到现在,而且还在发生。句意:对不起,Mary,一个来自于Vanity Fair的电话一直都在打过来。你能和她说话吗?故A正确。点评:动词时态是高考必考语法点,理解各种时态的含义用法是解答本题的基础,同时还要辅以相应的练习题进行对比练习,加深理解,学生应在备考中自己有意识的掌握时态之间的区别。





1. I like going bike riding . 2. The bus ride usually takes about 30 minutes.

我喜欢骑自行车。 乘公交车通常花费我大约30分钟。ride这个词有两个词性,第一个是动词,而第二个是名词。

the car ride _( take) Lucy 30 minutes填什么?


it takes 30 minutes.怎么对30minutes进行提问

How long does it take from your home to the library?


花30分钟跑步可以用spend 30 minutes runningtake sb. 30minutes to run


根据题干The bus ride takes me about 30--(分钟).可知句意为:乘公共汽车花了我大约30分钟.30+可数名词复数.minute,分钟,名词,复数minutes.故填:minutes. 本题...



take rejection

不要把拒绝看成是针对个人的. 「人们在推销一种观念时,其中一主要障碍在于,一旦自己的观点被拒绝,他们会把它看成对自身的一种否定,进而停止尝试」,马特森说.相反,他认为在这方面,要以专业运动员为榜样,至少在这方面:大多数美国职棒大联盟的运动员,被三振出局的次数远远比击出安打的次数为多.但即使如此,他们仍继续努力. ~~~~~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~~~~~~ major-league players 是指美国职棒大联盟的棒球运动员 strike out 是棒球术语,指被三振出局 hits 是棒球术语,指击出安打 原文如下: Don"t take rejection personally. "One of the major blocks for people trying to sell a concept is that, if the idea is rejected, they take it as a rejection of them personally -- and they stop trying, " Mattson says. Instead, he suggests, take professional athletes as your role model, at least in this respect: "Most major-league players strike out far more than they hit. Even so, they keep trying."

William Blake的the Tiger 赏析(中文)

TIGER,tiger,burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand dare seize the fire? And what shoulder and what art Could twist the sinews of thy heart? And when thy heart began to beat, What dread hand and what dread feet? What the hammer?what the chain? In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil?What dread grasp Dare its deadly terrors clasp? When the stars threw down their spears, And water"d heaven with their tears, Did He smile His work to see? Did He who made the lamb make thee? Tiger,tiger,burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry? 虎,虎,于黑夜的林木 明亮如火团锦簇 是怎样的天工或神目 成就你惊人的雄姿? 在多远的深渊或穹苍点燃 你双眼的烈焰? 他挥动的是怎样的翅翼? 捕捉火舌的是怎样的手指? 用怎样的臂力和巧妙 把你的心脏打造? 当你的心脏开始跳动 他有怎样的从容? 是怎样的锤?是怎样的锁链? 在怎样的熔炉里把你的脑筋锻炼? 用怎样的铁砧?用怎样的掌力 紧紧握住这个致命的危机? 当星辰纷纷把长矛抛纵 而且用泪水洒满天篷 他是否看着自己的作品微笑? 他是否创制了你又创制羊羔? 虎,虎,于黑夜的林木 明亮如火团锦簇 是怎样的天工或神目 成就你惊人的雄姿?




Undertaker! 唯一个拥有单人比赛个长达10几年不败记录的选手选手名:The Undertaker 送葬者真实姓名:Mark Calloway出生日期:1962年3月24日家乡:德克萨斯州休斯顿婚姻状况:已与Sara结婚身高:208cm(6英尺10英寸)体重:146.25kg(325磅)教练:Don Jardine初次登台:1988年曾用角色名:Texas RedThe CommandoThe Punisher"Punisher" Dice MorganMaster of Pain "Mean" Mark CallousKane the Undertaker The American BadassThe Phenom终结技:The Heartpunch (WCW)Iron Claw (pre-1995)Tombstone PiledriverChokeslam from HellLast Ride Power BombTriangle Choke Hold常用招式:Heatseeking Missile (WCW)Takin Care of Business (Dragon Sleeper)Oldschool (Walking the ropes axe handle)Inverted Russian Leg Sweep Leg Drop Across Ring ApronLeaping Somersault Lariat The Flying LariatRunning Corner LariatBalistic PunchesFujiwara ArmbarThe Big BootRunning DDTThe ClotheslineThe Sideslam

you can make me up什么意思


求一首电音英文歌歌名,其中高潮部分第一句歌词是you cant wake up this is nota dream

歌词是“You can"t wake up, this is not a dream”,歌名《Gasoline》。歌名:Gasoline歌手:Halsey作词:Halsey作曲:Halsey歌词:Are you insane like me? Been in pain like me?你也像我一样丧失理智吗?你也像我一样承受过剧痛吗?Bought a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me?像我一样 砸钱买最昂贵的香槟Just to pour that mother****er down the drain like me?只为把它泼进那条肮脏的下水道?Would you use your water bill to dry the stain like me?像我一样 用水费单擦净手腕上的血污?Are you high enough without the Mary Jane like me?你也像我一样 不用靠大麻也能和吞云吐雾一样精神恍惚吗?Do you tear yourself apart to entertain like me?像我一样 撕碎自己只是为了娱乐?Do the people whisper "bout you on the train like me?那些人们,也在火车上低声议论你吗?Saying that you shouldn"t waste your pretty face like me?他们也说你不应该像我一样,白白浪费自己美丽漂亮的脸蛋吗?And all the people say:那些人,他们说:"You can"t wake up, this is not a dream“你永远无法改过自新,你以为你生活在梦境里?”You"re part of a machine, you are not a human being“你是冰冷的机器,你根本不属于人类”With your face all made up, living on a screen“你是一块毫无生机的机械,所有面部表情是虚拟的,显现在一块冰冷的屏幕上”Low on self esteem, so you run on gasoline"“而你也根本没有丝毫的自尊,所以你应该是靠汽油运作的。”Oh, I think there"s a fault in my code噢。如果我是机器,我的编程代码应该哪里出错了吧Oh, These voices won"t leave me alone他们的声音像鬼魂一样如影随形 不肯离去Well my heart is gold and my hands are cold我有一颗金子般善良温暖的心 双手却冰冷得无能为力Are you deranged like me? Are you strange like me?你也像我一样精神错乱吗?你也像我一样格格不入吗?Lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me?像我一样 点燃火柴只是为了张嘴吞下火焰?Do you call yourself a ****ing hurricane like me?你也称自己为一股该死的飓风吗?Pointing fingers cause you"ll never take the blame like me?想我一样到处指点批判 却拒绝承担责任?And all the people say:那些人 他们说:"You can"t wake up, this is not a dream“你永远无法改过自新,你以为你还生活在梦境里?”You"re part of a machine, you are not a human being“你是冰冷的机器,你根本不属于人类”With your face all made up, living on a screen“你是一块毫无生机的机械,所有面部表情是虚拟的,显现在一块冰冷的屏幕上”Low on self esteem, so you run on gasoline"“而你也根本没有丝毫的自尊,所以你应该是靠汽油运作的吧。”Oh, I think there"s a fault in my code如果我是机器,我的编程代码应该哪里出错了吧Oh, These voices won"t leave me alone他们的声音像鬼魂一样如影随形 不肯离去Well my heart is gold and my hands are cold我其实有一颗金子般善良温和的心 双手却冰冷得无能为力扩展资料:《gasoline》是流行电子界的20岁独立女声歌手Halsey演唱的一首歌曲,歌曲收纳于专辑《BADLANDS (Deluxe Edition)》中,歌曲于2015年8月28日开始发行。歌曲《gasoline》继好评EP后震惊乐坛首张大碟,狂飙全美iTunes专辑榜亚军,收录攻入告示牌另类摇滚榜TOP22 ”New Americana”,这首歌曲也是歌手的代表作品之一。

Evanescence – Wake Me Up Inside歌词

How can you see into my eyes Like open doors? Lading you down into my core, Where I"ve become so numb. Without a soul, My spirit"s sleeping somewhere cold, Until you find it there and lead it back Home. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can"t wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can"t wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I"ve become. Now that I know what I"m without, You can"t just leave me. Breathe into me and make me real. Bring me to life. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can"t wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can"t wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I"ve become. Bring me to life. (I"ve been living a lie. There"s nothing inside) Bring me to life. Frozen inside without your touch, Without your love, darling. Only you are the life among the dead. (All of this sight, I can"t believe I couldn"t see Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me) I"ve been sleeping a 1000 years it seems. I"ve got to open my eyes to everything. (Without a thought Without a voice Without a soul Don"t let me die here. There must be something more). Bring me to life. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can"t wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can"t wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I"ve become. Bring me to life. (I"ve been living a lie. There"s nothing inside) Bring me to life

Evanescence – Wake Me Up Inside歌词

How can you see into my eyes Like open doors? Lading you down into my core, Where I"ve become so numb. Without a soul, My spirit"s sleeping somewhere cold, Until you find it there and lead it back Home. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can"t wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can"t wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I"ve become. Now that I know what I"m without, You can"t just leave me. Breathe into me and make me real. Bring me to life. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can"t wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can"t wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I"ve become. Bring me to life. (I"ve been living a lie. There"s nothing inside) Bring me to life. Frozen inside without your touch, Without your love, darling. Only you are the life among the dead. (All of this sight, I can"t believe I couldn"t see Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me) I"ve been sleeping a 1000 years it seems. I"ve got to open my eyes to everything. (Without a thought Without a voice Without a soul Don"t let me die here. There must be something more). Bring me to life. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can"t wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can"t wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I"ve become. Bring me to life. (I"ve been living a lie. There"s nothing inside) Bring me to life

求Rahab中文歌词,最好是一句英文一句中文的,第一句英文歌词是They tried to make me go to rehab ,谢谢

They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said "no, no, no"他们想要我去戒毒,我说“不,不,不”Yes I"ve been black but when I come back (you"ll know know know)是的,我沫了黑,不仅当我回家,(你知道,知道,知道)I ain"t got the time and if my daddy thinks I"m fine我没有时间回家,如果父亲认为我还行He"s tried to make me go to rehab, but I won"t go go go他也想送我去戒毒,但是我不去,不,不 I"d rather be at home with ray我愿呆在家享受日光I ain"t got seventy days我没有七十天的悠闲Coz there"s nothing因为不再有什么There"s nothing you can teach me不再有什么你可以教我That I can"t learn from Mr Hathaway我不能从“瑜伽先生”学到什么I didn"t get a lucky at class我上学时成绩不佳But I know it don"t come in a shot glass但是我不去进入防弹玻璃中 Chorus:合唱:They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said "no, no, no"他们想要我去戒毒,我说“不,不,不”Yes I"ve been black but when I come back (you"ll know know know)是的,我沫了黑,不仅当我回家,(你知道,知道,知道)I ain"t got the time and if my daddy thinks I"m fine我没有时间回家,如果父亲认为我还行He"s tried to make me go to rehab, but I won"t go go go他也想送我去戒毒,但是我不去,不,不 The man said, why do you think you here这个男人说:“想想你为什么在这里”I said "I got no idea我说:“我不知道”I"m gonna, I"m gonna lose my baby我将,我将失去我的宝贝so I always keep a bottle near"所以我总是带着酒瓶He said, I just think your depressed,他说:“我想你过得不快乐,kiss me here baby and go rest亲吻我,宝贝,休息吧 Bridge:过桥:I don"t ever wanna drink again我也不想再醉酒I just ooh I just need a friend我仅仅需要朋友I"m not gonna spend ten weeks我将不会浪费十星期have everyone think I"m on the mend人人都认为我在好转It"s not just my pride这不仅是我的骄傲It"s just til these tears have dried这是由于眼泪已流干Chorus:合唱:They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said "no, no, no"他们想要我去戒毒,我说“不,不,不”Yes I"ve been black but when I come back (you"ll know know know)是的,我沫了黑,不仅当我回家,(你知道,知道,知道)I ain"t got the time and if my daddy thinks I"m fine我没有时间回家,如果父亲认为我还行He"s tried to make me go to rehab, but I won"t go go go他也想送我去戒毒,但是我不去,不,不

Neil Sedaka的《Bad Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:Bad Girl歌手:Neil Sedaka专辑:CollectionsRihanna (feat. Chris Brown) - Bad GirlI guess you know I"m Bad (bad)(I got a problem)Shopaholic is what they call "emmy addiction, my prescriptionGimme shoes and give me bagshow much you want I need "em badAll them girls be checking my bagswhile they be jockin"my swagI guess you know I"m Bad (Bad)What a bad little girl I am (I got a problem) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I am (I need you to solve it) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I amBad bad bad bad badWhat a bad little girl I am (I got a problem) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I am (I need you to solve it) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I amBad bad bad bad badNeed no bargain, need no saleI want the best, I dress me wellLove Cavalli dipped in VersaceChick ain"t cheap and everybody knowsAll them girls be checking my bagswhile they be jockin"my swagI guess you know I"m Bad (Bad)What a bad little girl I am (I got a problem) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I am (I need you to solve it) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I ambad bad bad bad badWhat a bad little girl I am (I got a problem) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I am (I need you to solve it) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I ambad bad bad bad badShe a bad girl, a real shopaholic,She buying everything up man I can"t call it,And she a walking store, I"m talking bout her clothes,I just pause, I"m in awe, cuz she a fashion show,Real Louis bags and breathe gucci,Got a wardrobe like she"s staring in a movie,And she ain"t even famous but she got her own groupies,She got her own groupies,She got her own groupies,What a bad little girl I am (I got a problem) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I am (I need you to solve it) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I ambad bad bad bad badWhat a bad little girl I am (I got a problem) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I am (I need you to solve it) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I ambad bad bad bad badhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7868440

Da Pump的《Break!Go! 》 歌词

歌曲名:Break!Go! 歌手:Da Pump专辑:NEXTEXIT斜にえるのがスタンダドスタイル 荒探してる一引いてるどの卸世でもわんなく生息するリスクわず生活する人(say what, say what)反面肉体もろ行使血(がんばる)残念だがわらないその任感(がんばれ)一生命ださい 笑われけなさい けずはえる 嘲笑貌(yeah!)チャップリンが明み Headache にアスピリン 尽きないメッセジここらで Break!Go! Break! Go! Break! Go! Break! Go! Break! Break! Go!※でかい心配も朝前 やばい合 力倍でもって Stand byわらない未来 横ばいの世代に Good-by Good-byやる人一倍※(※くり返し)Hey Hey verse two, verse twoまだまだ行中 Rap の最中Hey Daddy, Daddy 未だにありけるアリアリfor example? 例えば人だったりにできない性格 だから仕方がないああそう じゃあ行くしかないが! いないよう をつけなさいDont be shy, Dont be shy ずかしがってちゃ何もできない根っからの大天才 なんていない だから心配ないSo High(So High) So High なオレ等が言ってる言にいないんで Break!Go! Break! Go! Break! Go! Break! Go! Break! Break! Go!(※くり返し×2)制限 Life Show でしょうたまに Joke で 自分人幸せの制限あるなんて偏かが言った名言初めての 恐れず体年わらずエナジ放行けばわかるだからそんなな日が格胸って後悔なし! 目指せ上 もっと!突きめ! Come on!http://music.baidu.com/song/18261105

break go da pump 中文歌词

Break ! Go ! -Da Pump 歌词歌手:MVP情人DA PUMP - Break!Go! Sha ni kamaeru no ga SUTANDAADO SUTAIRU Arasaga shiteru ippo hiiteiru Dono gojisei demo kawannaku seisoku suruRISUKU Owazu seikatsu suru hito (say what, say what) Hanmen nikutai moro koushi kekkan (ganbaru) Zannendaga tsuta waranai sono seikininkan (ganbare) Isshou kenmei dasai wara ware tsuzu kenasai Makezu keizokuwa kaeru chousou henbou shousan (yeah!) CHAPPURIN ga shoumei zumi Headache ni ASUPIRIN Tsuki nai MESSEEJI kokora de Break! Go! Break! Go! Break! Go! Break! Go! Break! Break! Go! *Ref Dekai shinpai mo asameshimae yabai bawaiKiryokubai demotte Stand By Ikawaranai mirai yokobai no sedai ni Good Bye Good Bye Yaruki hito ichibai Hey Hey verse two, verse two Mada mada shinkou chuu Rap no saichuu Mada mada iitarinai iinarinara 乧 kokoni inai Hey Daddy, Daddy imada ni ari tsuzukeru mondai ari ari For example? Tatoeba ningen kankei dattari Kantan ni mushi dekinai seikaku dakara shikata ganai Aasou ja iku shikanai Ga! Machiga inaiyou kiwotsukenasai Don乫t be shy, Don乫t be shy hazuka shigatte cha nani mo dekinai Nekkara no daitensai nante zettai inai dakara shinpai nai So High (So High) So High na orera ga itteru kotoba ni Zettai machiga inainde Break! Go! Break! Go! Break! Go! Break! Go! Break! Break! Go! Back to *Ref Jikan museigen Life Show deshou Tamani Joke de jibun shoubu Ningen shiawase no seigen aru nante henken Dareka ga itta meigen Hajimete no keiken osorezu taiken Mainen kawarazu ENAJII houden Ikeba wakaru hazu dakara Sonna tanjun na mainichi ga kakutou Mune hatte Koukai na shi! Mezazeue motto! Tsuki susume! Come On! Go! Break! Go! Break! Go Break! Go Break! Break! Go! *Back to Ref until finish

连续剧"永不言弃"中的插曲"go break......."的歌叫什么名?是谁唱的?

Break Go-DA PUMP
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