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failure 的动词


为什么我的电脑开机时总出现Error:cpu fan failure 还要按F1或F2

CPU风扇未启动....... 检查下风扇的电源


该信息提示文件下载失败,一般情况下是因为网络连接服务器的原因导致的。可以尝试采用以下方法:1,忽略该信息提示,重新刷新网页打开。2,重置IE,在IE浏览器的Internet选项那里选高级,然后选重置3,打开CMD命令提示符,用管理员身份运行输入net winsock reset回车4,是否是win10系统更新后产生的问题,edge浏览器打不开网页,提示发生dns临时错误,并出现以上错误代码。如果是,可以按一下操作解决问题。打开控制面板---程序-----查看安装的更新----卸载----电脑重启,就能解决问题了。扩展资料:网站的分类1,根据网站所用编程语言分类:例如asp网站、php网站、jsp网站、Asp. net网站等;2,根据网站的用途分类:例如门户网站(综合网站)、行业网站、娱乐网站等;3,根据网站的功能分类:例如单一网站(企业网站)、多功能网站(网络商城)等等。4,根据网站的持有者分类:例如个人网站、商业网站、政府网站、教育网站等。5,根据网站的商业目的分类:营利型网站(行业网站、论坛)、非营利性型网站(企业网站、政府网站、教育网站)。


loser 针对人,是骂人的词,失败者。failure 针对事,指某个东西发生的故障。

failure是一个名词,但为什么后面能够接to do,谢谢解答!

从语法上说,英语所有名词后面都可以接不定式(to do)。failure 当然也不例外。不定式可以做名词的补足语,也可以做状语。这两种句子功能常出现在名词之后。



failure 和defeat是近义词吗?





No one likes failure in his life. But not all can always succeed. It"s a pity that someone will never stand up after a failure. We must learn to accept failure. After all, failure is not always a bad thing. We can learn something from it. Just as the saying goes, "Failure is the mother of success. "We can know our own shortcomings and learn some experiences from a real failure, ff we made up our minds to start again, it will be easier to succeed next time. Furthermore, failure can make our will stronger.


水泵上有两个单词的。 failure 是失败的意思 由FAIL 演变出来的单词 restart 就是重新启动 在START前面加上RE的前缀表示重复某个动作的意思




有关failure造句如下:It was impossible to associate failure with him.想不到他会失败。Do n"t judge a person by his success or failure .不能以成败论英雄。Yielding can properly be termed failure .可以恰当地把屈服叫做失败。His failure has been the making of him .他的失败成了他成功的原因。Clearly, there was an intelligence failure .显然,情报工作出了差错。Failure left her bitter and twisted .她失败后痛苦不堪,失去常态。Bad management was a cause of the failure .经营不善是倒闭的一个原因。Vacillation is the cause of his failure .优柔寡断是他失败的原因。Was the dinner to be a failure after all ?难道这次宴会最终要办不成吗?


1、If that sounds delusional, so does the U.S. failure to address this crisis honestly.如果说这听起来是妄想,那么美国不能把这种危机诚实地讲出来也是妄想。2、Failure is the only high-road to success.失败乃成功必由之路。3、Failure will lead to unhappiness in life.失败会导致生活中的不幸。


可数.failuren.失败,不及格;缺乏,不足;破产,倒闭;失败的事,失败者复数:failures一般表示“失败”时 不加冠词,如:...feelings of failure. 挫败感表示“失败的事;败绩”或者“失败者;一事无成的人” 会加冠词...




failure 英[u02c8feu026alju0259(r)] 美["feu026alju0259r] n. 失败,不及格; 缺乏,不足; 破产,倒闭; 失败的事,失败者; [例句]This policy is doomed to failure这项政策注定会失败。[其他] 复数:failures


failure中文:失败;失败的人(或事物);未做,未履行(应做之事);故障;倒闭;歉收例句:1、The success or failure of the plan depends on you.(这项计划的成败取决于你。)2、The attempt was doomed to failure .(这项尝试注定失败。)3、All my efforts ended in failure .(我的一切努力最后都无济于事。)4、the problems of economic failure and increasing unemployment(经济失败和失业人数增加这些问题。)5、She is still coming to terms with the failure of her marriage.(她还在努力适应婚姻失败的事实。)6、Failure is the only high-road to success.(失败乃成功必由之路。)

failure什么意思 failure英语什么意思

1、failure,英语单词,主要用作为名词,意为失败;故障;失败者;破产。 2、You have to have success and failure.你必须经受成功与失败的体验。 3、So why do I talk about the benefits of failure?那么为什么我要谈论失败的好处呢? 4、So as for students like us, we should have a good attitude towards failure.所以,对于像我们一样的学生,我们应该对失败有良好的态度。

戴尔电脑出现“Alert! Pervious fan failure.”


路由器 PING:传输失败.General failure.


failing 与failure 的区别?

failing n.失败;缺点 prep.如果没有…… adj.失败的 v.失败;不及格(fail的ing形式)failure n.失败;失败的人(或事);故障;没做到

failure loser做失败者意思的时候的区别。。网上的我都看过了。。

failure的直接意义是“失败”,引申意义为“不成功的尝试”,进一步引申为“失败的人”。这与loser有一点意义上的差别:loser是“失败者”,指在比赛、竞争中落后而失去夺冠机会、头衔、名誉等(someone who lost the title/chance),而failure则是某一计划、想法的付诸实施却没有得到预期的效果(someone who failed to attain the result)。

failure 和fail

failure 名词fail 动词,

failure fail差别????

据我所知,failure 只能作名词,泛指失败,可以是考试失败或在其它方面的失败;而fail 通常作动词,可以是及物也可以是不及物,当它作名词时专指考试不及格



Failure(失败) 作文

Nearly everybody regards failure as a bad thing.The efforts we have made seem to be in vain and we feel disappointed and discouraged.If this failure is a great one,some people may lose the courage to start again and even lose interest in life. But failure is not merely a bad thing,it can benefit us.It teachesus a good lesson and makes us experienced.By analyzing the causes of failure,we can realize our own shortcomings and get a better knowledge of ourselves.So, when we start again,we may succeed more easily. Therefore,failure not only disappoints us but also benefits us.When we fail,we should make useof our failure and learn from our experience.Only in this way can we turn failure into success after we start our work again. 参考译文: 失败 几乎每个人都把失败看成是件坏事。失败使我们所作的努力似乎都是徒劳,让人觉得很失望,很泄气。如果碰到大的失败,有人可能萎摩不振,甚至对生活丧失了信心。 但失败不仅仅是坏事,它也可以使我们受益。它能给我们一个很好得教训,并使我们从中吸取经验。我们能通过分析失败的原因,认识到自己得缺点,吸取更多的知识。这样,当我们重新再来得时候,有可能更容易取得成功。 因此,失败虽然使我们受挫,但能使我们受益。当我们失败时,就该充分利用失败,从中吸取经验。只有这样,我们从头再来的时候才会转败为胜。






fail的用法作动词时有fail to do sth.;fail in(doing)sth等。fail作名词的用法表示考试不及格,常见搭配有without fail。 fail作动词 1、fail的基本意思是“失败”,指在从事某项工作时未能达到预定的目的,常常强调做了,但是没有成功; 还可指由于某事未能在头脑里形成深刻的印象或其他原因而将某事“忘记”。fail引申可指“不足,短缺,缺乏”“衰退,衰弱”“破产”“辜负”等。 2、fail可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语。 3、fail在作“不能,不会,不成功”解时,其后只能搭用不定式短语或介词in。 4、fail在作“亏损”“销蚀”解时可用于进行体,此时多指人的体质。 5、fail是表示状态的及物动词,不能用于被动结构。 fail作名词 1、fail用作名词时的意思是“考试不及格”,指在考试中失利,从而没能通过考试。常以单数形式出现。 2、fail常用于without fail句型,表示“一定,必定,肯定”。 fail的常见例句 1. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better. 努力过,失败过,没关系,屡战屡败,屡败屡战,每一次失败都比上一次更好。 2. Many of Britain"s beaches fail to meet minimum standards of cleanliness. 英国许多海滩连最起码的卫生标准都达不倒。 3. The various elements of the novel fail to cohere. 这部小说的各部分之间缺乏连贯性。 4. Those who fail incline to blame the world for their failure. 那些失败者往往将他们的失败归咎于社会。 5. This magnificent church cannot fail to stop you in your tracks. 这座宏伟的教堂一定会让你止步赞叹。 6. He wanted to make amends for causing their marriage to fail. 他导致了他们的婚姻破裂,因此想作出补偿。


failure不可数。本身为抽象名词不可数,但当抽象名词具体化,表示“失败的事或人”时是可数的。不可数名词(uncountable nouns)是指不能以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的概念、状态、品质、感情或表示物质材料的东西;它一般没有复数形式,只有单数形式。它的前面不能用不定冠词a / an ,若要表示它的个体意义时,一般要与一个名词短语连用,相当于中文里的【数词+(量词)+ 名词】,其中的量词意义依与具体的名词搭配而定。名词类型:一在学习名词时,有一个问题特别重要--即名词的可数与不可数。其实,可数名词与不可数名词都是属于普通名词。可数名词是指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西;因此它有复数形式,当它的复数形式在句子中作主语时,句子的谓语也应用复数形式。例如:Little children are fond of stories .小孩子们喜欢听故事。Movie stars are usually popular with young people. 影星们常受到年轻人的欢迎。


fail的固定搭配如下:1、failure in,翻译为“……的失败”。例句:Failure in light of success is an opportunity to learn and grow.在成功的路上经历失败也是学习和成长的机会。2、success and failure,翻译为“成功与失败”。例句:That"s the thin line between success and failure.成功与失败,只有一线之悬。3、market failure,翻译为“市场失灵;市场失效”。例句:Of course there has been massive market failure.当然,市场已经失效了。4、power failure,翻译为“停电;电源故障”。例句:I don"t know when a light is on because the whole block is blacked out by a power failure.由于整个地区都停电了,我不知道这个灯什么时候会亮。5、system failure,翻译为“系统故障”。例句:For example,an administrative staff could handle an exception in a task(for example,invalid order,system failure).例如,管理员可能处理任务中的异常(例如,无效的命令、系统崩溃)。6、equipment failure,翻译为“设备故障”。例句:Equipment failure may take place either during processing or in processing.设备故障可发生在工件正在加工和加工前。无论是failure的用法,还是其它词汇的用法,我们不单单要掌握它的词性和含义,我们还应该掌握它的固定词组及其用法,这些对于高中生而言,都至关重要。

boot failure是什么意思


电脑开机出现cpu fan failure什么意思?联想E R301

cpu fan failure意思就是:中央处理器风扇出现故障。cpu 原名:Central Processing Unit(中央处理器)它在电脑里就好比是人的大脑,fan(风扇)它在电脑主机里就好比是人的心脏,failure(故障)电脑运行就会产生热量,所以CPU有专门散热的东西就是风扇。主板检测不到风扇的转速,就会出这个提示,要把电源接口接到cpu fan的插针位置,才能检测到,另外,也有可能风扇有问题导致无法检测。表面看风扇在转像是好的,但转速不够也会提示有问题,建议更换cpu风扇问题就会解决。如果风扇正常工作,那就是风扇插头没有插到主板对应的CPU风扇接口上,而是插到了其他系统风扇插头上。把风扇插头查到对应CPUFAN接口上就解决了。如果每次开机提示cpu fan failure 错误,重启后正常,关机后5小时再开的话也会出现此错误,必须按f2进入系统,那么就需要到服务站,刷新BIOS。如果刷过之后故障依旧。那么可能是低温造成的报错。需要等室内温度提升才可以解决此问题。扩展资料电脑常见故障故障现象:电脑蓝屏1、内存条接触不良解决方法:打开机箱将内存条固定,同时对电脑进行除尘操作,这样的做法能够更好地保证电脑运行。若电脑仍出现蓝屏,则可能是内存条的问题,可以考虑更换内存条。2、软件安装不兼容导致蓝屏解决方法:如果在安装某软件后出现蓝屏现象,需将此软件卸载。若卸载后仍出现蓝屏现象,则是其他原因。3、电脑中毒引起电脑蓝屏解决方法:如果是病毒引起的,这时候需要将电脑重启并进行杀毒操作,若电脑仍是蓝屏现象,可以考虑重装系统。4、电脑超频运行致CPU过热或是内部硬件温度过高解决办法:此时要查看CPU风扇和显卡风扇是否正常转动,若正常,则主要考虑加强散热,可以考虑添加机箱散热。


“Failure”是一个英语单词,它的意思是失败或失误。它可以用来形容人、事物、计划或行动等方面的失败。以下是一些关于“failure”的英文句子:Despite his best efforts, he was not able to complete the project and it was considered a failure.(尽管他竭尽全力,但他没有完成项目,被认为是失败了。)这个句子中的“failure”指项目没有完成,这是一个失败的结果。The company"s new product launch was a failure due to poor marketing and lack of consumer interest.(由于糟糕的营销和消费者缺乏兴趣,公司的新产品推出失败了。)这个句子中的“failure”指公司新产品的推出没有成功,这是由于市场营销不足和消费者缺乏兴趣造成的。He felt like a failure after losing his job, but he eventually found a new career path.(失去工作后,他感到自己是个失败者,但最终他找到了一条新的职业道路。)这个句子中的“failure”指失业的结果,但他在最终找到了新的职业道路。








failure[英][u02c8feu026alju0259(r)][美]["feu026alju0259r]n.失败,不及格; 缺乏,不足; 破产,倒闭; 失败的事,失败者; 1.Do you think your life is a failure?你觉得你的生活就是一团乱麻?2.This market failure requires government intervention.这种市场失灵需要政府干预。3.Its failure is a tragedy.它的失败是一个悲剧。


打开Foxmail,点击菜单栏上的“邮箱”->“导入”->“Outlook express信箱”。

sailed away歌词

Sailed Away演唱者:Saving AbelDoes it hurt to hear me sayThat I never really meant to stayI left you right where I want youNow there"s nothin" leftAnd not a reasonThere"s nothin" left to believe inWhen just one remainsI"ve sailed awaySuch a foolish gameThat we have been playin"Now you got me right where you want meI left you in the rightBut you wouldn"t let me take the fallNow you"ve got me right where you want meNow there"s nothin" leftAnd that"s the reasonThere"s not much left to believe inIf it"s all just the sameI"ll sail awayYou pushed so hardYou have to know thatYou might just get what you wantedAnd when just one remainsI"ve sailed awayI found out on my ownEverything that I"ve been missin"Now I"ve got you right where I want youNow that we"re apartI see just who you areYou"re always gonna beThe one to keep hatin"Now I"ve got you right where I want youNow there"s nothin" leftAnd that"s the reasonThere"s not much left to believe inIf it"s all just the sameI"ll sail awayYou pushed so hardYou have to know thatYou might just get what you wantedAnd when just one remainsI"ve sailed awayI"m not one to hide my face behind the painIt"s not like me to beg you to stayI"ll just sail awayNow there"s nothin" leftAnd that"s the reasonThere"s not much left to believe inIf it"s all the sameI"ll sail awayYou pushed so hardYou have to know thatYou might just get what you wantedAnd when just one remainsYou know I"ve sailed awayAnd when just one remainsYou know I"ve sailed awayDoes it hurt to hear me sayThat I never really meant to stay


Advantages of Email The benefits of e-mail are huge in number. Easy to use: E-mail frees us from the tedious task of managing data of daily use. It helps us to manage our contacts send mails quickly maintain our mail history store the required information e Speed: The e-mail is delivered instantly anywhere across the globe. No other service matches the e-mail in terms of speed. Easy to prioritize: Since the mails have subject lines it is easy to prioritize them and ignore unwanted mails. Reliable and secure: Constant efforts are being taken to improve the security in electronic mails. Thus making it one of the secured ways of munication. Informal and conversational: The language used in e-mails is generally simple and thus makes the munication informal. Sending and receiving e-mails takes less time so it can be used as a tool for interaction. Easier for reference: When one needs to reply to a mail there is a provision in the mailing system to attach the previous mails as references. This refreshes the recipient"s knowledge on what he is reading. Automated e-mails: It is possible to send automated e-mails using special programs like the autoresponders. The autoresponders reply back to the sender with generalized pre-written text messages. Environment friendly: Postal mails use paper as a medium to send letters. Electronic mail thus saves a lot of trees from being axed. It also saves fuel needed in trportation. Use of graphics: Colourful greeting cards and interesting pictures can be sent through e-mails. This adds value to the e-mail service. Advertising tool: Many individuals and panies are using e-mails to advertise their products services e Disadvantages of Email The e-mails though beneficial in our day-to-day life has got its own drawbacks that are offlate ing to the fore. 2009-11-24 21:05:41 补充: Viruses: The sender could send viruses and malware through attachments if recepient doesn"t scan it. These are puter programs having the potential to harm a puter system. 2009-11-24 21:05:47 补充: These programs copy themselves and further infect the puter. The recipient needs to scan the mails as viruses are trmitted through them and have the potential to harm puter systems. 2009-11-24 21:05:58 补充: Spam: E-mails when used to send unsolicited messages and unwanted advertisements create nuisance and is termed as Spam. Checking and deleting these unwanted mails can unnecessarily consume a lot of time and it has bee necessary to block or filter the unwanted e-mails by me of spam filters. 2009-11-24 21:06:07 补充: Spamming includes sending hoax e-mails. E-mail spoofing is another mon practice used for spamming. Spoofing involves deceiving the recipient by altering the e-mail headers or the addresses from which the mail is sent. 2009-11-24 21:06:13 补充: Hacking: The act of breaking into puter security is termed as hacking. After the e-mail is sent and before it is received by the desired recipient it "bounces" beeen servers located in different parts of the world. Hence the e-mail can be hacked by a professional hacker. 2009-11-24 21:06:19 补充: Email can promise the security of an anisation because sensitive information can be easily distributed accidently or deliberately. Email should be entrusted to well trained and trusted staff members. 2009-11-24 21:06:24 补充: Misinterpretation: One has to be careful while posting any kind of content through an e-mail. If typed in a hurry the matter could be misinterpreted. Emails could be misunderstood especially if the email is miswritten by the sender. 2009-11-24 21:06:47 补充: Lengthy mails: If the mail is too long and not properly presented the reader may lose interest in reading it. 2009-11-24 21:06:51 补充: Not suitable for business: Since the content posted via e-mails is considered informal there is a chance of business documents going unnoticed. Thus urgent tractions and especially those requiring signatures are not managed through e-mails. 2009-11-24 21:06:54 补充: Crowded inbox: Over a period of time the e-mail inbox may get crowded with mails. It bees difficult for the user to manage such a huge chunk of mails. Need to check the inbox regularly: In order to be updated one has to check his e-mail account regularly. 2009-11-24 21:09:55 补充: municate with each other Every day the citizens of the Inter send each other billions of e-mail messages. If you"re online a lot you yourself may send a dozen or more e-mails each day without even thinking about it. Obviously e-mail has bee an extremely popular munication tool. 2009-11-24 21:10:23 补充: makes possible further munication beeen people 2009-11-24 21:12:00 补充: The Inter allows us to interact with each other in many different ways. We can send each other email. We can leave messages for others on bulletin boards and Use newsgroups. Inter telephony allows us to talk to each other like we were using a telephone and to even send a video image. 2009-11-24 21:12:10 补充: We can chat in "real time." All of these methods of online munication harness the power of the Inter to allow us to municate over thousands of miles. They each have strengths and weaknesses. 2009-11-24 21:12:42 补充: As we consider using the Inter to municate about mental health it will help if we understand some of the differences beeen these methods of municating. Email was one of the first Inter munication modalities. 2009-11-24 21:12:49 补充: Even before the Inter officially existed students and faculties at colleges and universities were using neorks such as BITNET and ARPANET to municate with each other. 2009-11-24 21:13:03 补充: Email is asynchronous. It allows me to send you a message when you are not online. You can then read the message at your leisure. It is (at least in theory) private. You can read my message but it is not publicly available to others. 2009-11-24 21:13:44 补充: ﹟allow you to carefully pose your message and send it when it says exactly what you want it to. 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运!





iphone4 4.3.1越狱过程中出现downloading jailbreak data 需要多长时间

手机里面的信息资料不会发生任何变化 请楼主放心不越狱只能使用苹果公司正版软件游戏 需要付费使用 越狱之后就可以使用破解版 免费 楼主您好 一般新系统发布一个月之后发布越狱教程 请楼主耐心等待现在还没有出越狱教程 ios5.1现在只能不完美越狱 售后帮你越狱收取费用1005.0.1年前就可以完美越狱了 请楼主放心5.1发布的时候5.0.1就已经停止更新和越狱了可以下载红雪 按照提示操作就可以 20分钟左右可以完美越狱


桌面时间改一下 就好了

Thin Lizzy的《Jailbreak》 歌词

歌曲名:Jailbreak歌手:Thin Lizzy专辑:JailbreakTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in this townSee me and the boys we dont like itSo were getting up and going downHiding low looking right to leftIf you see us coming I think its bestTo move away do you hear what I sayFrom under my breathTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundDont you be aroundTonight theres gonna be troubleSome of us wont surviveSee the boys and me mean businessBustin out dead or aliveI can hear the hound dogs on my trailAll hell breaks loose, alarm and sirens wailLike the game if you loseGo to jailTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundTonight theres gonna troubleIm gonna find myself inTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo woman stay with a friendYou know its saferBreakout!Tonight theres gonna be a breakoutInto the city zonesDont you dare to try and stop usNo one could for longSearchlight on my trailTonights the night all systems failHey you good lookin femaleCome here!Tonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundTonight theres gonna be troubleIm gonna find myself inTonight theres gonna be troubleSo woman stay with a friend



iphone4 ios6.1完美越狱 点了jailbreak按钮后,开始载入了,然后手机会重启,可是数据线的连接却断开了





ios6.1 没有泛起错误 就是到 解锁后然后弹出界面 没有泛起Jailbreak停笔 因为按不了停笔 越狱就不成功

ios6.1 越狱过程中,到了3/4的进度的时候,没有Jailbreak图标出现,重启过,没用,求大神帮助


ipad2 ios6.1越狱中不显示jailbreak图标怎么办?



把你的91助手退了 就成了 要不貌似抢端口




1:按下关机键不放 滑动关机 直到手机关机 (此时 下一步已经可以按了)2:按下开机键不放 出现苹果logo3:出现苹果logo 的瞬间 按下主屏键 同时 开机键不能松开4:等到屏幕黑屏后松开开机键 主屏键 不能松手 直到电脑上面开始有进度5:等待越狱完成


所属专辑:Eden Fire演唱人:Sonic Syndicate歌词The walls are moving closer nowCan you feel it,can you feel it?You are not saved until you see the dawnSet my Eden on fire nowYou did it,you did itSmoked out my soul once and for allI"m coming home tonightCan we make it right?Or twist the dagger in my backYou lit the fires in me that I never thought I hadNow it"s nothing but a memory...BE PATIENT,SOMEDAY THIS PAIN WILL BE USEFUL USEFUL TO YOU !BE PATIENT,SOMEDAY THIS PAIN WILL SETTLE DEEP IN DEEP IN YOU !The helix is shattered nowYou broke it You broke itThe destruction of my entire essenceDrink the nectars of the shadow flower nowContaminatedAnd sit back as it reaches for your heartBE PATIENT,SOMEDAY THIS PAIN WILL BE USEFUL USEFUL TO YOU !BE PATIENT,SOMEDAY THIS PAIN WILL SETTLE DEEP IN DEEP IN YOU !Deep in youIn the excavation of my human heart I found somethingSomething that I never knew existed...I"m coming home tonightCan we make it right?Or twist the dagger in my backYou lit the fires in me that I never thought I hadNow it"s nothing but a memory...BE PATIENT,SOMEDAY THIS PAIN WILL BE USEFUL USEFUL TO YOU !BE PATIENT,SOMEDAY THIS PAIN WILL SETTLE DEEP IN DEEP IN YOU !BE PATIENT,SOMEDAY THIS PAIN WILL BE USEFUL USEFUL TO YOU !BE PATIENT,SOMEDAY THIS PAIN WILL SETTLE DEEP IN DEEP IN YOU !


需要越狱 越吧

自学MYSQL 建立联系集,reserves 用 ON DELETE CASCADE, 总是报错,求解。 sailors 和boats集合已建好

亲, create table reserves,你没写 table 啊。看错误信息提示的位置就知道了, near "reserves (sid char(10),就是说在这个地方前面错了。





ipad3 ios6.1完美越狱没出现jailbreak是怎么回事?



名如意歌曲名:Jailbreak歌手:Thin Lizzy专辑:JailbreakTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in this townSee me and the boys we dont like itSo were getting up and going downHiding low looking right to leftIf you see us coming I think its bestTo move away do you hear what I sayFrom under my breathTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundDont you be aroundTonight theres gonna be troubleSome of us wont surviveSee the boys and me mean businessBustin out dead or aliveI can hear the hound dogs on my trailAll hell breaks loose, alarm and sirens wailLike the game if you loseGo to jailTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundTonight theres gonna troubleIm gonna find myself inTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo woman stay with a friendYou know its saferBreakout!Tonight theres gonna be a breakoutInto the city zonesDont you dare to try and stop usNo one could for longSearchlight on my trailTonights the night all systems failHey you good lookin femaleCome here!Tonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundTonight theres gonna be troubleIm gonna find myself inTonight theres gonna be troubleSo woman stay with a friend


目录方法1:越狱之前1、确定你运行的是哪个版本的iOS。2、进行设备备份。3、把你的设备连接到电脑。方法2:开始越狱2、确保你的设备是兼容的。3、移动滑块,开始越狱之旅。4、重启你的设备。5、浏览Cydia,寻找新的应用程序。有了,为旧版本的苹果设备越狱已经变得轻而易举。这个网站能让你只花最少的力气就成功越狱。为手机越狱后,就可以用其他运营商的服务。只需遵照本指南,你就能不费吹灰之力为你的iPhone越狱。方法1:越狱之前1、确定你运行的是哪个版本的iOS。只需打开主界面上的设置应用程序,点击通用类别,然后选择“关于”。你的iOS版本号就列在版本条目旁边。JailbreakMe不支持高于4.3.3以上的iOS版本。这就是说,iPhone 4S、5和iPod touch 5,还有iPad 3都不受支持。使用的旧硬件设备运行的一定要是iOS 4.3.3或者更早的版本。如果你要给使用更新iOS版本的设备越狱,请查看我们有关iOS 5.x和6.x的指南。【iOS 8.1目前已经有越狱方法,详情请访问 】2、进行设备备份。在你的电脑上打开iTunes。你要用iTunes来为手机创建一个备份镜像。万一越狱过程出现问题,或者你不喜欢越狱后的手机,就可以用它来令设备恢复。3、把你的设备连接到电脑。在iTunes里的侧边栏中点选你的设备。从出现的选项中选择“现在备份”,这样就能备份你的数据、联系人和设置。如果用了屏幕密码锁,把它关掉。越狱完成后你还可以再重新启用。方法2:开始越狱1、从设备上访问越狱网站。JailbreakMe是通过设备上的网络浏览器来进行越狱的。打开Safari,访问网址。2、确保你的设备是兼容的。如果你的设备不受支持,JailbreakMe网站会告诉你它将不起作用。如果兼容,你会看到一个“移动滑块开始越狱”的选项。3、移动滑块,开始越狱之旅。越狱会自动下载和安装,这可能要花五分钟或更久,取决于你的网速。一旦这一过程完成,设备界面上会出现一条消息,说“Cydia已经被添加至您的主界面。Enjoy!”点击OK,回到主界面。4、重启你的设备。这并非必须,但有助于解决越狱过程中遗留下来的任何小问题。5、浏览Cydia,寻找新的应用程序。Cydia是越狱设备的苹果应用商店,但你也能找到五花八门的应用程序和小窍门,可以用在越狱后的手机上。关于如何使用与浏览Cydia,可以看看我们的指南。小提示如果安装过程中出现问题,或者安装程序崩溃,光靠恢复系统再重试可能也无法解决。Jailbreakme.com会继续尝试安装,但还是会崩溃,让你回到主界面。解决这种问题(以及许多其他问题)的一个经过验证的办法就是将手机还原到出厂设置。但要注意,这样做会清楚手机上的所有数据。警告要明白,为手机越狱会让你能运行未经“许可”的应用程序——也包括恶意软件和病毒应用程序。服务供应商购买了在带有他们标志的手机上用某些功能的权利。你手机上的功能并不一定都能在别家供应商的网络上运行。请慎重考虑风险,到头来你可能会丢了功能又损失金钱。小心那些声称使用JailbreakMe方法越狱,却要收费的网站。所有真正的越狱应用程序都是由越狱社群开发的,用于免费发布。对某一设备越狱后引发问题的可能性总是存在的。一旦出现问题,你可以用通过iTunes创建的备份来恢复设备。

Thin Lizzy的《Jailbreak》 歌词

歌曲名:Jailbreak歌手:Thin Lizzy专辑:LifeTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in this townSee me and the boys we dont like itSo were getting up and going downHiding low looking right to leftIf you see us coming I think its bestTo move away do you hear what I sayFrom under my breathTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundDont you be aroundTonight theres gonna be troubleSome of us wont surviveSee the boys and me mean businessBustin out dead or aliveI can hear the hound dogs on my trailAll hell breaks loose, alarm and sirens wailLike the game if you loseGo to jailTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundTonight theres gonna troubleIm gonna find myself inTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo woman stay with a friendYou know its saferBreakout!Tonight theres gonna be a breakoutInto the city zonesDont you dare to try and stop usNo one could for longSearchlight on my trailTonights the night all systems failHey you good lookin femaleCome here!Tonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundTonight theres gonna be troubleIm gonna find myself inTonight theres gonna be troubleSo woman stay with a friend

Ac/Dc的《Jailbreak》 歌词

歌曲名:Jailbreak歌手:Ac/Dc专辑:Gold Album 1974-2000Tonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in this townSee me and the boys we dont like itSo were getting up and going downHiding low looking right to leftIf you see us coming I think its bestTo move away do you hear what I sayFrom under my breathTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundDont you be aroundTonight theres gonna be troubleSome of us wont surviveSee the boys and me mean businessBustin out dead or aliveI can hear the hound dogs on my trailAll hell breaks loose, alarm and sirens wailLike the game if you loseGo to jailTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundTonight theres gonna troubleIm gonna find myself inTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo woman stay with a friendYou know its saferBreakout!Tonight theres gonna be a breakoutInto the city zonesDont you dare to try and stop usNo one could for longSearchlight on my trailTonights the night all systems failHey you good lookin femaleCome here!Tonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSomewhere in the townTonight theres gonna be a jailbreakSo dont you be aroundTonight theres gonna be troubleIm gonna find myself inTonight theres gonna be troubleSo woman stay with a friend


jailbreak 英[ˈdʒeɪlbreɪk] 美[ˈdʒeɪlbreɪk] n. (数人) 越狱; [例句]Some students from Lancaster University in the UK are going to have their annual Jailbreak Competition later this month.英国兰卡斯特大学的一些学生计划于本月晚些时候,举办他们一年一度的越狱比赛。[其他] 复数:jailbreaks 敬请采纳!


JailBreak后你的iPhone才能安装第三方的软件,否则你只能用iTunes Store上的免费或收费软件。

红警出现***FATAL***String manager failed to initilation properly

开红警时会出现***FATAL***String manager failed to initilaized properly 的意思是显卡不兼容。解决办法:下载个direct 9.0等 在网上找到下载地址。 安装完了 ,点开始——运行, 输入dxdiag 找到显示,把directdraw加速禁用, 不禁用的话会很卡。 别忘了玩完红警再启用 ,还有就是你得把游戏的路径里的中文改成英文,然后对游戏点右键,选择"以管理员身份运行"。就能够解决了。扩展资料:DirectX 9.0是2002年底DirectX 技术的最新版本,为使用DirectX 的游戏和其他多媒体软件程序提供更高性能。DirectX 9中PS单元的渲染精度已达到浮点精度,传统的硬件T&L单元也被取消。全新的VertexShader(顶点着色引擎)编程将比以前复杂得多,新的VertexShader标准增加了流程控制,更多的常量,每个程序的着色指令增加到了1024条。PS 2.0具备完全可编程的架构,能对纹理效果即时演算、动态纹理贴图,还不占用显存,理论上对材质贴图的分辨率的精度提高无限多;另外PS1.4只能支持 28个硬件指令,同时操作6个材质,而PS2.0却可以支持160个硬件指令,同时操作16个材质数量,新的高精度浮点数据规格可以使用多重纹理贴图,可操作的指令数可以任意长,电影级别的显示效果轻而易举的实现。VS 2.0通过增加Vertex程序的灵活性,显著的提高了老版本(DirectX8)的VS性能,新的控制指令,可以用通用的程序代替以前专用的单独着色程序,效率提高许多倍;增加循环操作指令,减少工作时间,提高处理效率;扩展着色指令个数,从128个提升到256个。增加对浮点数据的处理功能,以前只能对整数进行处理,这样提高渲染精度,使最终处理的色彩格式达到电影级别。突破了以前限制PC图形图象质量在数学上的精度障碍,它的每条渲染流水线都升级为128位浮点颜色,让游戏程序设计师们更容易更轻松的创造出更漂亮的效果,让程序员编程更容易。参考资料:百度百科:DirectX 9.0



软件测试的 fault error failure什么意思

Software Fault: A static defect in the software;(eg: virus)Software Failure: External, incorrect behavior with respect to the requirements or other description of the expected behavior;( eg: high body temperature)Software Error: An incorrect internal state that is the manifestation of some fault;(eg: some symptoms)

The ship sailed on the sea,是什么意思?

The ship sailed on the sea,是什么意思?答:这轮船在海上航行。

As The last ship sailed towards the distant horizon 什么意思下面的




thank you for什么an email tome?

thank you for sending an email to me谢谢你给我发邮件。介词后面接doing。

使用iperf测试网络吞吐量时,提示connect failed: Connection refused


Unknown Error: net::ERR_FAILED是什么意思

就是你电脑依赖的IP协议出现问题,需要更改协议。解决办法:1、开始——运行——regedit.exe,打开注册表编辑器,删除以下两个键: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesWinsock HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesWinsock22、找到 C:Windowsinf ettcpip.inf文件 该文件为 tcp/ip协议文件(只需要看见此文件是否存在就可以了)3、控制面板->网络和共享中心->更改适配器设置->右键本地连接->属性  先选择TCP/IPv6->安装->协议->添加->从磁盘安装->然后在路径里浏览找到第2步中的文件路径找到nettcpip.inf,确定然后选择“TCP/IPv6”。对于ipv4协议重复同样的操作,最后选择TCP/IPv4,即: TCP/IPv4->安装->协议->添加->从磁盘安装->然后在路径里浏览找到第2步中的文件路径,nettcpip.inf 然后选择“TCP/IPv4”。这样你再重启一下电脑就好了 !

akikoullernv@hotmail.com是什么? 是一个电子邮件地址。电子邮件地址由用户名(akikoullernv)和邮件服务提供商(组成。用户可以使用该电子邮件地址发送和接收电子邮件。 是一个由Microsoft提供的免费电子邮件服务。用户可以在该服务上创建一个帐户,并使用他们的电子邮件地址发送和接收邮件。 也被称为,这是Microsoft对其电子邮件服务的品牌重新命名。

MediaRecorder start failed,该怎么解决

处理如下:Java code try { mRecorder.prepare();//预期准备 Log.i(TAG, "recorder.prepare()" ); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block Log.i(TAG,e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block Log.i(TAG,e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } try{ mRecorder.start(); //开始刻录 }catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block Log.i(TAG,e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return false; }我对java不是很熟,不知道这样使用异常有没有问题? 当一个进程再录音时,另一个进程启动时,我想得到mic的状态,类似于getStatuse() 之类的函数,请问大家有没有好的办法? 谢谢!出错信息如下:04-26 02:23:59.241: E/MediaRecorder(3197): start failed: -104-26 02:23:59.251: D/AndroidRuntime(3197): Shutting down VM04-26 02:23:59.251: W/dalvikvm(3197): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001d800)04-26 02:23:59.462: E/AndroidRuntime(3197): FATAL EXCEPTION: main04-26 02:23:59.462: E/AndroidRuntime(3197): java.lang.RuntimeException: Error receiving broadcast Intent { act=android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED (has extras) } in com.TS.SnsReceiver@44ef9be004-26 02:23:59.462: E/AndroidRuntime(3197): at$PackageInfo$ReceiverDispatcher$ 02:23:59.462: E/AndroidRuntime(3197): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( 02:23:59.462: E/AndroidRuntime(3197): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 02:23:59.462: E/AndroidRuntime(3197): at android.os.Looper.loop( 02:23:59.462: E/AndroidRuntime(3197): at 02:23:59.462: E/AndroidRuntime(3197): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)04-26 02:23:59.462: E/AndroidRuntime(3197): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( 02:23:59.462: E/AndroidRuntime(3197): at$ 02:23:59.462: E/AndroidRuntime(3197): at 02:23:59.462: E/AndroidRuntime(3197): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)04-26 02:23:59.462: E/AndroidRuntime(3197): Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: start failed.04-26 02:23:59.462: E/AndroidRuntime(3197): at Method)04-26 02:23:59.462: E/AndroidRuntime(3197): at com.TS.RcdMediaCtrl.StartRecord( 02:23:59.462: E/AndroidRuntime(3197): at com.TS.SnsReceiver.onReceive( 02:23:59.462: E/AndroidRuntime(3197): at$PackageInfo$ReceiverDispatcher$

retail brand是什么意思

retail brand 意思零售品牌例句:双语英语1.For some time, toyota ( tm) has been the largest selling retail brand in america. 丰田(Toyota)一度曾是美国最大的汽车零售品牌。2.Gome has long been a well known retail brand. 国美电器早已是一个人人皆知的零售业品牌了。3.It is no coincidence that virtually all of the brandz top 20 most valuable brands invest heavily in providing consistently superior product, service and retail brand design as the most tangible and compelling expression of a positive brand experience. 在brandz最具价值的20个品牌中,几乎所有品牌都会大力投资,始终如一地提供优秀的产品、服务和零售品牌设计,将其作为良好品牌表现最切实、最具说服力的表达,这并非巧合。

FOXMAIL升级到7.0时提示: 系统检测到以下文件正被占用而无法替换  "D:Progam FilesSkinBkgBottom4.png

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