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Department of Veterans Affairs是什么意思


求British documents on foreign affairs(《英国外交档案》)的英文内容

在哪儿可以下载Foreign Affairs 杂志的PDF?

seen at ministry of foreign affairs and trade republic of korea. valid only if submitted to foreig

在南韩外交贸易部看到的. 只有递交致在南韩的驻外使节团方为有效

even teenagers are interested in foreign affairs. 这里的intereste 为啥要+ed。

人作主语(修饰人时)用interestedbe interested in对什么感兴趣修饰物就用interesting祝你快乐:)

Foreign Affairs Minister 中文是什么?


in charge of national foreign affairs

应该选D 首先,让我们分析句子结构,可以得出需要我们填入的是一个表语.而之后的in charge of短语是修饰之前的表语的. 这句句子不是一个定语从句,因为主句中有一个动词,而句子后半部分没有动词. 再者,这里应该填入一个名词(因为in charge of短语修饰前面的表语) 那么没有名词我们该怎么办呢?我们可以寻找一个代词.代词,顾名思义,就是有一种替代作用,可以替代一个名词,所以who(疑问词)that(非代词)排除 而CD均为代词,而根据意思,这个填入的代词指代的是the man,已经限定了是这个人,那么我们要在代词前加一个定冠词表示特指,所以选D

vancamel business affairs lie fallow shoes profession alism谁能帮我翻译


federal ministry for economic affairs and energy 什么意思

词干是 federal ministry,意思是 “联邦的政府部门”;介词短语 for economic affairs and energy 是后置定语,表示 “为经济事务和能源而设的” 。所以直译出来是 “为经济事务和能源而设的联邦的政府部门”,去掉繁琐字眼就是 “联邦经济事务和能源部”。

“I do believe in simplicity. It is astonishing as well as sad, how many trivial affairs even t

我确实相信简单。 然而令人惊讶又伤感的是,即使是最聪明的人也认为他一天要处理许多琐碎的事情; 他认为他必须省略的事情是多么奇怪。 当数学家要解决一个难题时,他首先解开所有困难的方程,并将其简化为最简单的形式。 所以简化生活的问题,区分必要和现实。 探索大地,看看你本心何在。


design affairs设计事务affair 英[u0259u02c8feu0259(r)]美[u0259u02c8fer]n. 事务; 风流韵事; 事情,事件; 个人的事,私事;[例句]Confidential Bank of England documents relating to the BCCI affair与国际信贷商业银行事务相关的英格兰银行的机密文件[其他] 复数:affairs 形近词: unfair

Infernal Affairs是什么意思


russian affairs中文歌词翻译

Rihanna - Russian Roulette (Prod. Chase & Status)Take a breath, take it deep呼吸一下,做个深呼吸。Calm yourself, he says to me他对我说,让自己平静下来。If you play, you play for key如果你想玩,你就一直玩。Take a gun, and count to three拿着枪,数到三。I"m sweating now, moving slow我现在在流汗,移动起来很慢No time to think, my turn to go没时间思考了,我该开始了And you can see my heart beating你可以看到我的心在跳动You can see it through my chest你可以通过我的胸看到它Said I"m terrified but I"m not leaving我虽然害怕但我不会离开I know that I must must pass this test知道我必须通过这个测试So just pull the trigger所以就扣动扳机吧Say a prayer to yourself为你自己做祷告吧He says close your eyes他说闭上你的眼睛Sometimes it helps有时候这是有用的 And then I get a scary thought于是我有了一个可怕的想法That he"s here means he"s never lost他就在这他不会消失的And you can see my heart beating你可以看到我的心在跳动You can see it through my chest你可以通过我的胸看到它Said I"m terrified but I"m not leaving我虽然害怕但我不会离开Know that I must must pass this test知道我必须通过这个测试So just pull the trigger所以就扣动扳机吧As my life flashes before my eyes我的生活画面在我眼前一闪而过I"m wondering will I ever see another sunrise?我怀疑我是否会再见到下一个黎明So many won"t get the chance to say goodbye都没有得到一个机会去说再见But it"s too late to pick up the value of my life但再去拾起我生活中的美好已经太迟了And you can see my heart beating你可以看到我的心在跳动You can see it through my chest你可以通过我的胸看到它Said I"m terrified but I"m not leaving我虽然害怕但我不会离开Know that I must must pass this test知道我必须通过这个测试And you can see my heart beating你可以看到我的心在跳动You can see it through my chest你可以通过我的胸看到它And I"m terrified but I"m not leaving我虽然害怕但我不会离开Know that I must must pass this test知道我必须通过这个测试So just pull the trigger所以就扣动扳机吧

ministry of home affairs是什么意思

ministry of home affairs内政部

the status of affairs是什么意思


corporate affairs是什么意思?


第二段那个翻译怎么那么奇怪..obtrude my affairs不是直接应该翻译成打扰我的事情?

这是个动词structure,不能分开;obtrude sth on sb 强行,把…强加于sb;这个句子理解关键是虚拟语气结构,翻译比较恰当,直接翻译与事实相反的事实,而没有用假设结构翻译。

Department of Veterans Affairs是什么意思

Department of Veterans Affairs退伍军人事务部双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 退伍军人事务部部长2. 退役军人事务部3. 退伍军人事务部例句:1.In addition to college loans and such, veterans receive mortgage loan breaks through the us department of veterans affairs. 除了贷款和大学生等,退伍军人获得通过,美国退伍军人事务部抵押贷款休息。

Infernal Affairs是什么意思


veteran affairs什么意思


高二选择题 we make it clear that we will not ______the interference in our home affairs


home affairs是什么意思s


若是个女的,能用a man of affairs吗


internal affairs是什么意思

internal affairs[法] 内部事务; 内政; 内务; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The government had earlier dismissed the panel as an interference in its internal affairs,but it also promised that such a siege would be avoided. 斯国政府早先指责成立该调查组是对本国内政的干涉,但另一方面也曾保证将阻止民众围困联合国驻地。

internal affairs是什么意思

内部事务; 内政; 内务;

corporate affairs是什么意思

Corporate Affairs办公室婚外情; 例句:1.Corporate affairs minister veerappa moily will take over the power portfolio. 印度公司事务部部长莫伊利(veerappa moily)将接任电力部长。

state of affairs是什么意思

state of affairs n. 状况; 情形; 事态,情势; 情状; [例句]This state of affairs cannot continue for too long, if parliament is to recover如果议会想要恢复常态的话,这种状态就不会持续太久。

internal affairs是什么意思


what affairs 是什么意思

什么事 或 什么状况

personal affairs是什么意思

personal affairs个人事务双语对照词典结果:personal affairs私事; 例句:1.My parents left their personal affairs suspiciously in order, down to the name and numberof a realtor on a note taped to the fridge. 我父母把他们的个人事务安排得令人起疑地井然有序,下至写在一张贴在冰箱上的纸条上的一个房地产经纪人的姓名和电话号码

a state of affairs什么意思?


current affairs是什么意思

current affairs n. 时事;新闻;时务 [例句]The financial magazine became as well known for its current affairs investigations as its authoritative business articles.这本金融杂志因时事调查和权威商业内容而为众所知。如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

pacific affairs中文翻译

East asian and pacific affairs 东亚和太平洋地区事务 James a . kelly , assistant secretary of state for east asia - pacific affairs 助理国务卿凯利谈布什总统的亚洲之行 Evans j . r . revere , acting assistant secretary for east asian and pacific affairs 表示,美国谋求加强同亚太国家的伴关系。 Testimony before the senate foreign relations mittee , submittee on east asian and pacific affairs 于6月7日在参议院外交委员会( Three of america china and india are the great countries that have momentous influence on asia - pacific affairs 摘要美中印都是对亚太事务有著重要影响的大国。 Meanwhile , the development and change of the asia - pacific affairs also affect sino - us relations all the time 同时,亚太事务的发展变化也时时牵动著中美关系。 James a . kelly , assistant secretary of state for east asian and pacific affairs testimony at a hearing on taiwan , house international relations mittee 通过25周年,美国负责东亚和太平洋事务的助理国务卿詹姆斯?凯利( Speech by mr john c tsang , director - general of the hong kong economic trade office in london at the oxford university asia - pacific affairs society on november 25 , 1998 经济局局长叶澍在第六届香港旅游业公益行的起步礼上致辞全文十一月二十九日 Speech by mr john c tsang , director - general of the hong kong economic & trade office in london at the oxford university asia - pacific affairs society on november 25 , 1998 经济局局长叶澍?在第六届香港旅游业公益行的起步礼上致辞全文(十一月二十九日) The chief executive , mr tung chee hwa , met with the assistant secretary , bureau of east asian and pacific affairs of the us department of state , mr james kelly today may 16 行政长官董建华今日(五月十六日)与美国专责东亚及太平洋事务的助理国务卿凯利会面。 The chief executive , mr tung chee hwa , met with the assistant secretary , bureau of east asian and pacific affairs of the us department of state , mr james kelly today ( may 16 ) 行政长官董建华今日(五月十六日)与美国专责东亚及太平洋事务的助理国务卿凯利会面。 Democracy in hong kong - testimony before the senate foreign relations mittee , randall g . schriver , deputy assistant secretary of state , east asian and pacific affairs , 342004 施里弗说政治权利是香港成功之关键美国负责东亚及太平洋事务的副助理国务卿兰德尔?施里弗( Assistant secretary of state op - ed article in the wall street journal ) ( this op - ed by james kelly , assistant secretary of state for east asian and pacific affairs , was pubpshed in the wall street journal july 10 , and is in the pubpc domain 7月10日在《华尔街日报》发表署名文章,题目是《香港街头》 。以下是文章的全文。 (无转载限制,由美国国务院国际信息局翻译。 Challenges and priorities testimony before the submittee on east asia and the pacific house mittee on international relations by james a . kelly assistant secretary of state for east asian and pacific affairs june 12 , 2001 mr . chairman , thank you 挑战及重点负责东亚和太平洋事务的助理国务卿詹姆斯? a ?凯利在众议院国际关系委员会东亚及太平洋事务小组委员会听证会上的证词 As for average monthly ine , graduates of business administration - information systems 11 , 135 , social sciences - contemporary economics and pubpc popcy 11 , 080 , and social sciences - china and asian pacific affairs 10 , 606 programmes achieved the highest earnings 毕业生平均月薪最高的三个课程依次为工商管理资讯系统11 , 135社会科学当代经济与公共政策11 , 080及社会科学中国与亚太关系10 , 606 。 My pledge was directed to both the senate and the house of representatives . this is my first opportunity as assistant secretary for east asian and pacific affairs to testify before the house , and it is wholly appropriate that it be before this distinguished submittee 这是我第一次有机会以负责东亚和太平洋事务的助理国务卿身份在众议院作证,而这第一次是从这个尊敬的小组委员会开始是极其恰当的。


两者均可表示“事情”、“事件”,其用法既有交叉的地方,也有不同的地方, “matters”和“affairs”的区别: 1. 表示需要注意或重视的事情、商务性的事等,两者均可用。如: It"s a matter [an affair] of great importance. 这是一件非常重要的事。 They talked about business matters [affairs]. 他们谈论了商务问题。 注:在口语中,含混地表示“事情”,也可用两者。如: It"s a regretful affair [matter]. 那是件遗憾的事。 2. 表示“事务”(可大至国家政府机关的事务,小至个人的事务),通常用 affair(一般用复数形式)。如: They have no right to interfere in the internal affairs of China. 他们无权干涉中国内政。 He left his affairs in the hands of his son. 他把事务交给他儿子了。 3. 表示个人的事,通常用 affair。如: This is my affair, not theirs. 这是我的事,不关他们的事。 注:有时也用 matter,但通常有 personal, private 等表示个人的形容词修饰。如: It"s a private affair [matter]. 这是私事。 4. 若指麻烦事,只能用 matter (与定冠词连用),若指男女间的韵事或桃色事件,则只能用 affair。如: What"s the matter with you? 你怎么啦? There"s something the matter with it. 它出问题了。 It"s said that he is having affairs with her. 据说他与她有暧昧关系。 扩展资料 affair 含义很广,可泛指”事务,事件”和关心的事情: It"s no affair of mine。 这不关我的事。The railway accident is a terrible affair。 那次火车事故是一次很可怕的事。复数affairs常用于表示重大的.”事务”或”事态”:The president deals with important affairs of state。 总统处理重大国家事务。 matter通常指必须考虑和处理的事情:There are several matters to be dealt with at the meeting。 有几件事要在那次会议上处理。 What"s the matter with your TV? 你的电视机出了什么毛病?thing指事情,事物时,用途最广,一般情况下均可使用: I have a lot of things to do today。 今天我有很多事情要做。 You must remember one thing------always be polite。 你必须记住一件事------一定要有礼貌。



