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admitting是动词。词汇搭配:admitting pipe进入管;进气管;进汽管admitting diagnosis 入院诊断Admitting Port进气口;进口;进汽口示例:Many people felt that admitting to stress was a sign of weakness.很多人认为,承认压力是懦弱的表现。词语用法:admit可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词、代词、动名词或that从句作宾语。admit还可接以“(as/)to be+ n./adj.”充当补足语的复合宾语。admit可用于被动结构,其过去式admitted可用作形容词,在句中作定语。admit作“承认”解时可用于插入语,用以缓和语气,以不减损对别人的尊重。


admitted:[ əd"mitid ] a.被承认了的,公认的 例句与用法: 1.Admittedly,I"ve never actually been there. 说实在的,我从未去过那 . 2.Admittedly,he didn"t know that at the time. 无可否认,他当时并不知道. 3.The number admitted must not exceed 200. 容纳的数目不得超过200. 4.Mr Smith had been admitted to the bar at the age of30 and turned politician. 史密斯先生30岁时获准执行律师事务,后转而从政. 5.He was admitted to the hospital suffering from burns. 他由于烧伤,被送入医院治疗. 6.He was admitted to the Party last year. 他去年入党了. 7.Candidates who fail to meet these requirements will not be admitted to the University. 不符合这些要求的考生不能上这所大学. 8.Children under 12 will not be admitted. 十二岁以下的儿童不得入内. 动词admit: 1.declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of 同义词:admit,acknowledge 2.allow to enter; grant entry to 同义词:admit,allow in,let in,intromit 3.allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights,functions,and responsibilities of 同义词:admit,let in,include 4.admit into a group or community 同义词:accept,admit,take,take on 5.afford possibility 同义词:admit,allow 6.give access or entrance to 同义词:admit 7.have room for; hold without crowding 同义词:accommodate,hold,admit 8.serve as a means of entrance 同义词:admit

admitted to do还是doing

admit to doing sth. 承认作了某事


admit [英]ədˈmɪt [美]ædˈmɪt vt. vi. 许可进入;承认,供认 可以看出,是重读闭音节,所以要双写t加ed或者ing即admitted 或者admitting



admitted加doing还是to do

应该都可以,但意思不一样,admitted to do sth,承认要干某事,admitted doing sth,承认干了某事.

i am admitted

if i was admitted是 如果我当时被录取的意识(虚拟语气表示他们已经拒绝你了) 应该是Iiam admitted if I am admitted,would you be able to offer me some scholarship.

admitted加doing还是to do



admitKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 承认[+v-ing][+(that)][O2]You must admit the task to be difficult.你得承认这个任务是艰巨的。We have to admit that he"s a highly competent man.我们必须承认他是个非常能干的人。I admitted breaking the window.我承认打破了窗子。2. 准许进入;准许...进入(或加入)[(+into/to)]No one but ticket-holders was admitted.只有持票者方可入内。3. 容许;可容纳The theater admits 1000 people.这剧院可容纳一千人。vi.1. 承认[(+to)]I must admit to feeling ashamed of my conduct.我得承认因自己的行为而感到羞惭。2. 容许,有余地[(+of)]This matter admits of no delay.这事不容耽搁。3. 通向[(+to)]



admitted加doing还是to do

应该都可以,但意思不一样,admitted to do sth,承认要干某事,admitted doing sth,承认干了某事.

admitted to do还是doing?

两种用法都可以。admit后面能接to do表示允许去做某事,还没有做。admit to doing指的是承认做了某事,表示的是一件事情已经做完了。例句如下:1、He admitted to the murder.2、They admitted to the most heinous crimes.3、He admitted to having taken the money.4、He was admitted to a key university.5、I got admitted to Harvard University.6、Goldman essentially admitted to negligence, not to fraud.7、His dream was to be admitted to a key university.8、We congratulated him on his being admitted to the Party.9、I wish I could was admitted to Tianjin University.10、They are admitted to manage their acute illness.



用法不同1、admit doing sth用法:基本意思是“许可进入”,通常指进入某一场所; 还可指一个地方的容量,即“可容纳”。admit还可以作“承认”解,指由于外界压力,被人说服或出于理智考虑而不得不承认某种错误或失信等。2、admit to do sth用法:用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词、代词、动名词或that从句作宾语。admit还可接以“(as/)to be+ n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语,admit可用于被动结构,其过去式admitted可用作形容词,在句中作定语。近义词:allow读法:英 [əˈlaʊ]  美 [əˈlaʊ] 解释:允许;给予;认可容许;考虑用法:allow for 体谅 ; 估计到Momma Don"t Allow 妈妈不让Allow me 您的批准 ; 让我来吧 ; 请允许我

admit 后接动词的形式

admit后就动词ing形式 即admit doing sth 其意思是承认做某事


用法:I admit 我承认admit to 承认 ; 让 ; 通向admit of 容许有 ; 容许 ; 有…余地 ; 允许有admit读法:英 [ədˈmɪt] 美 [ədˈmɪt] 解释:承认;准许进入;可容纳承认;容许


admit后可以接动名词,不可以接不定式。He admits being ignorant of it.【admit】用法1. 表示“承认”,注意以下用法:(1) 表示“承认做了某事”,其后通常接动名词不接不定式。如:She admitted having seen us. 她承认看到过我们。I admit breaking the window. 我承认打破了窗子。用于此义时,有时也说admit to,此时的 admit为不及物动词,但该结构中的介词 to 常可省略,省略介词后 admit 即为及物动词。如:He admitted (to) stealing. 他供认了偷盗。He admitted (to) feeling a bit tired. 他承认有点累。(2) 有时其后接带不定式的复合宾语,但其中的不定式通常应是 to be。如:She admitted him to be right. 她承认他是对的。You must admit the task to be difficult. 你们得承认任务是艰巨的。(3) 有时可后接从句。如:He admitted that it was really his fault. 他承认这确实得怪他。She admitted that she was afraid of spiders. 她承认她害怕蜘蛛。2. 表示“允许进入”“使能进入”,可指进入某一具体场所也可指进入某一组织机构等。如:This ticket admits one person only. 此票只限一人使用。There were no windows to admit air. 没有窗子可使空气流入。The school admits 200 students every year. 这所学校每年招收200名学生。试比较以下两句(注意介词不同)。如:She was admitted to [into] the Party. 她被吸收入党。She was admitted as a Party member. 她被接纳为党员。表示“允许进入”等,也含有动态意味,所以一般不与 enter, go in 之类的词连用。如:通常不说:He opened the door and admitted me to enter into the house.(可将to enter去掉)3. 和于习语 admit of,其意为“容许有”“有……余地”“有……的可能”。如:The price quoted will not admit of any allowance. 所报价格不容打折扣。This sentence admits of several interpretations. 这个句子可以有许多解释。


  admit做动词有承认;允许进入;允许等意思,那么你知道admit的第三人称单数是什么吗?接下来跟着我来学习一下吧。  admit的第三人称单数:   admits   admit的用法:   admit的用法1:admit的基本意思是“许可进入”,通常指进入某一场所; 还可指一个地方的容量,即“可容纳”。admit还可以作“承认”解,指由于外界压力,被人说服或出于理智考虑而不得不承认某种错误或失信等。   admit的用法2:admit可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词、代词、动名词或that从句作宾语。admit还可接以“(as/)to be+ n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。   admit的用法4:admit可用于被动结构,其过去式admitted可用作形容词,在句中作定语。   admit的用法4:admit作“承认”解时可用于插入语,用以缓和语气,以不减损对别人的尊重。   admit第三人称单数例句:   1. Tom admits that playing video games sometimes distracts him from his homework.   汤姆承认玩电子游戏有时会使他无心做作业。   2. He admits to having hit the lowest point in his life .   他承认自己跌到了一生中的最低谷。   3. Yasmin admits she would run a mile if Mark asked her out.   亚丝明承认如果马克约她出去的话,她会极力躲避。   4. He admits he doesn"t even know when his brother is in town.   他承认自己甚至不知道弟弟什么时候来了本市。   5. Analysts fear the situation is even worse than the leadership admits.   分析家担心情况比领导层承认的还要糟。   6. He admits endearingly to doubts and hesitations.   他坦率地承认有疑虑和顾忌。   7. Candida admits to having been "mortally embarrassed".   坎迪达承认当时“尴尬得要命”。   8. The college admits students anytime during the year.   该学院一年中随时招生。   9. She admits her French is terrible.   她承认自己的法语很蹩脚。   10. Williams freely admits he lives for racing.   威廉斯坦承他为 赛车 而活。   11. She admits to being strict with her children.   她承认对自己的孩子很严厉。   12. The man privately admits that his motive is profits.   那人私下承认他的动机是为了牟利.   13. His statement admits of one interpretation only.   他的话只有一种解释.   14. This ticket admits two persons.   这张票可让两人进场.   15. Such conduct admits of no excuse.   这种行为不容宽恕.


admit后可以接动名词,不可以接不定式。He admits being ignorant of it.【admit】用法1. 表示“承认”,注意以下用法:(1) 表示“承认做了某事”,其后通常接动名词不接不定式。如:She admitted having seen us. 她承认看到过我们。I admit breaking the window. 我承认打破了窗子。用于此义时,有时也说admit to,此时的 admit为不及物动词,但该结构中的介词 to 常可省略,省略介词后 admit 即为及物动词。如:He admitted (to) stealing. 他供认了偷盗。He admitted (to) feeling a bit tired. 他承认有点累。(2) 有时其后接带不定式的复合宾语,但其中的不定式通常应是 to be。如:She admitted him to be right. 她承认他是对的。You must admit the task to be difficult. 你们得承认任务是艰巨的。(3) 有时可后接从句。如:He admitted that it was really his fault. 他承认这确实得怪他。She admitted that she was afraid of spiders. 她承认她害怕蜘蛛。2. 表示“允许进入”“使能进入”,可指进入某一具体场所也可指进入某一组织机构等。如:This ticket admits one person only. 此票只限一人使用。There were no windows to admit air. 没有窗子可使空气流入。The school admits 200 students every year. 这所学校每年招收200名学生。试比较以下两句(注意介词不同)。如:She was admitted to [into] the Party. 她被吸收入党。She was admitted as a Party member. 她被接纳为党员。表示“允许进入”等,也含有动态意味,所以一般不与 enter, go in 之类的词连用。如:通常不说:He opened the door and admitted me to enter into the house.(可将to enter去掉)3. 和于习语 admit of,其意为“容许有”“有……余地”“有……的可能”。如:The price quoted will not admit of any allowance. 所报价格不容打折扣。This sentence admits of several interpretations. 这个句子可以有许多解释。


admit后可以接动名词,不可以接不定式。He admits being ignorant of it.【admit】用法1. 表示“承认”,注意以下用法:(1) 表示“承认做了某事”,其后通常接动名词不接不定式。如:She admitted having seen us. 她承认看到过我们。I admit breaking the window. 我承认打破了窗子。用于此义时,有时也说admit to,此时的 admit为不及物动词,但该结构中的介词 to 常可省略,省略介词后 admit 即为及物动词。如:He admitted (to) stealing. 他供认了偷盗。He admitted (to) feeling a bit tired. 他承认有点累。(2) 有时其后接带不定式的复合宾语,但其中的不定式通常应是 to be。如:She admitted him to be right. 她承认他是对的。You must admit the task to be difficult. 你们得承认任务是艰巨的。(3) 有时可后接从句。如:He admitted that it was really his fault. 他承认这确实得怪他。She admitted that she was afraid of spiders. 她承认她害怕蜘蛛。2. 表示“允许进入”“使能进入”,可指进入某一具体场所也可指进入某一组织机构等。如:This ticket admits one person only. 此票只限一人使用。There were no windows to admit air. 没有窗子可使空气流入。The school admits 200 students every year. 这所学校每年招收200名学生。试比较以下两句(注意介词不同)。如:She was admitted to [into] the Party. 她被吸收入党。She was admitted as a Party member. 她被接纳为党员。表示“允许进入”等,也含有动态意味,所以一般不与 enter, go in 之类的词连用。如:通常不说:He opened the door and admitted me to enter into the house.(可将to enter去掉)3. 和于习语 admit of,其意为“容许有”“有……余地”“有……的可能”。如:The price quoted will not admit of any allowance. 所报价格不容打折扣。This sentence admits of several interpretations. 这个句子可以有许多解释。

admit to doing 与admit doing的

1.admit doing sth 承认做某事.如:I admit breaking the window.我承认打破了窗玻璃.He admitted having stolen the money.他承认偷了这笔钱.2.admit to 承认.如:He admitted to the murder.他供认了谋杀罪.He admitted to having taken the money.他承认拿了那笔钱.注:由于 admit 表示“承认”可用作及物动词或不及物动词,所以上面各例中的介词 to 有时也可省略(省略 to 后 admit 为及物动词).

admit doing sth和admit to do

"admit doing sth" 和"admit to do sth" 的区别:admit to do 允许去做某事(还未做)admit doing 承认做过某事(做过了)双语例句:admit to do:I was beginning to admit to myself that our marriage was rolling toward the edge of a precipice 我内心开始承认我们的婚姻正走向危险的边缘。Up to two thirds of 14 to 16 year olds admit to buying drink illegally14到16岁的青少年中多达2/3的人承认非法买过酒。She would rather perjure herself than admit to her sins. 她宁愿在法庭上撒谎也不愿承认她的罪行。admit doing:Sometimes I have to admit that I am doing everything really hard time, not how I said that I own, and this may be my own uation of the past few years a bar! 我得承认有时候我在做每一件事情的时候真的很用心的,不是我说我自己如何的,这也许是我对自己这几年的一种评价吧!Rising to the challenge of identifying and releasing your patterns forces you to admit that the way you have been doing things isn"t working.若要识别和打破你的固定模式,你必须承认,你业已习惯的行为模式是行不通的。But even virtual events organisers admit that facebook-style networking will not replace doing business face-to-face. 但即使是虚拟展会主办者也承认,facebook风格的交流将不会取代面对面洽谈。


1.allow强调”默许“.用法allow sb to do,allow doing 2.permit有时可与allow通用,不过它更强烈些,可用于”明文规定允许或不允许“比如: The policemen permitted him to park here.用法: permit sb doing ,permit sb to do 3.let与上面两个可以通用,不过更口语话,而且用法不同为:let sb do 4.admit,其实我不想把它和上面几个词归类的,因为上面几个都是表示”允许做某件事,或不允许做某件事“.admit其实只是表示”允许进入,接受(入学,入会)等. 用法也不同:admit sb to soemwhere,这里to是介词,和上面有天壤之别. 除此之外,admit 还可以解释为“承认”用法: admit sb to be

admit to doing还是to do?

admit 后面能接to do,表示允许去做某事,还没有做。admit to doing和admit doing的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。相关如下一、指代不同admit to doing指的是承认做了某事,admit doing承认做了什么事。二、用法不同admit的基本意思是“许可进入”,通常指进入某一场所,还可指一个地方的容量,即“可容纳”。admit还可以做“承认”解,指由于外界压力,被人说服或出于理智考虑而不得不承认某种错误或失信等。使用的时候根据具体的语境,决定是选用全写形式还是简写形式。三、侧重点不同admit to doing是表示一件事情已经做了,而admit doing是一种简写形式,也就是省略了TO之后的形式。


1.allow强调”默许“。用法allow sb to do, allow doing 2.permit有时可与allow通用,不过它更强烈些,可用于”明文规定允许或不允许“比如: The policemen permitted him to park here.用法: permit sb doing ,permit sb to do 3.let与上面两个可以通用,不过更口语话,而且用法不同为:let sb do 4.admit,其实我不想把它和上面几个词归类的,因为上面几个都是表示”允许做某件事,或不允许做某件事“。admit其实只是表示”允许进入,接受(入学,入会)等。 用法也不同: admit sb to soemwhere,这里to是介词,和上面有天壤之别。 除此之外,admit 还可以解释为“承认”用法: admit sb to be


1.allow强调”默许“.用法allow sb to do,allow doing 2.permit有时可与allow通用,不过它更强烈些,可用于”明文规定允许或不允许“比如: The policemen permitted him to park here.用法: permit sb doing ,permit sb to do 3.let与上面两个可以通用,不过更口语话,而且用法不同为:let sb do 4.admit,其实我不想把它和上面几个词归类的,因为上面几个都是表示”允许做某件事,或不允许做某件事“.admit其实只是表示”允许进入,接受(入学,入会)等. 用法也不同:admit sb to soemwhere,这里to是介词,和上面有天壤之别. 除此之外,admit 还可以解释为“承认”用法: admit sb to be


admit [�0�5d"mit] vt.1. 承认(事实、错误等),供认,招认(to): He frankly admitted his error.他坦率地承认错误。She admitted her guilt.她认了罪。2. 确认;(认为有效、合法或真实而)接受: The fact is admitted.事实被确认了。to admit a claim(判定情况属实而)确认索赔3. 准许进入(或加入使用),让…进入: She opened the door and admitted me into the house.她把门打开,让我进屋。This ticket admits three persons.这张票准许三人入场。4. 给…进入的权利(或资格): She was admitted to the university.她被那所大学录取了。to admit a student to college录取某学生入大学5. 允许,让…得到,让…享有: He was admitted into their fullest confidence.他获得了他们的充分信任。6. 准许…享有特权(或行使职权等): He was admitted to the bar.他获得了律师资格。7. 给…留有余地,有…的可能;容许(of): The matter admits of no delay.此事刻不容缓。8. 能容纳,装得下: This passage admits two abreast.这过道可容纳两人并排进出。The hall admits 3,500 people.这大厅可容纳3500人。