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可以 调的


步骤如下:1.纯文本警报消息,即直接在“消息”字段中配置警报文本,这种方式相对简单不易出错。使用 TradingView 纯文本报警消息时,饭碗警告规则配置步骤如下:1. 进入饭碗警告转发规则页面,点击“+”号创建规则。2. 规则触发配置如下(注意红色数字标记处):3. 规则通知配置如下(注意红色数字标记处),通知联系方式请根据需要选择:4. 点击保存完成规则创建。


















电脑安装tradingview软件打不开是因为软件不是正版的。不用安装的软件形式:绿色软件,或称可携式软件(英文称为Portable Application、Portable Software或Green Software),指一类小型软件,多数为免费软件,最大特点是软件无需安装便可使用,可存放于闪存中(因此称为可携式软体),移除后也不会将任何纪录(注册表消息等)留在本机计算机上。软件(中国大陆及香港用语,台湾称作软体,英文:software)是一系列按照特定顺序组织的计算机数据和指令的集合。一般来讲软件被划分为系统软件、应用软件和介于这两者之间的中间件。软件并不只是包括可以在计算机(这里的计算机是指广义的计算机)上运行的电脑程序,与这些电脑程序相关的文档一般也被认为是软件的一部分。简单的说软件就是程序加文档的集合体。另也泛指社会结构中的管理系统、思想意识形态、思想政治觉悟、法律法规等等。

tradingview 为何被墙







TradingView是一个强大的交易平台,拥有令人印象深刻的基础和技术分析工具列表。 除了TradingView提供的大量分析工具外,您还可以访问交易者独特的社交网络。分享您的交易想法,探索其他交易者和分析师的交易想法和策略。 观看实时交易时段和视频分析。 让我们仔细看看TradingView的强大功能。




下方strategy tester点击那里可以设置


chart by trading view通过交易的观点制图


承接上篇,还是竹三七的那位高手师兄,他在2015股灾中全身而退,在2017年比特币高位全部套现,是个传奇人物。师兄分享了成交量「价升量增、价跌量减」的诀窍。就像昨天有读者留言「如果交易所刷量,成交量作假」怎么办?竹三七当时也是如是问。 师兄摇摇白扇,「成那就用相对强弱(RSI)技术指标!RSI是不骗人的指标!」 《区块链工具百宝箱》面对小白用户,让大家知道有哪些工具可以使用,在哪些场景下使用。 币圈常见的三种赚钱方式:炒币、搬砖、挖矿。现在是「炒币篇」。 Relative Strength Index (RSI) ,相对强度指数。是根据特定时期内上涨点数和涨跌点数之和的比率制作出的一种技术曲线,RSI能够反映出市场在特定时期内的是否景气。RSI最早由威尔斯.威尔德(Welles Wilder)应用于期货买卖,后来被广泛用于股票市场的短线投资,短线差价操作。 RSI已被证明是可行的预测价格变动的指标。 计算公式 RSI = (近期涨幅平均值 / (近期涨幅平均值 + 近期跌幅平均值))x100 计算步骤如下: 近期涨幅平均值 = (2+1+2+4)/ 6 = 1.5 近期跌幅平均值 = (1+2)/ 6 = 0.5 RSI = (1.5/(1.5+0.5))* 100 = 75 RSI通过指数的涨跌大小来分析测量多空双方买卖力量的强弱程度,从而推测未来价格变动方向。 常用的走势分析 如下 : 1、根据RSI值的大小来判断行情 根据威尔德(Wilder)的观点,任何超过70的数字都应被视为超买,任何低于30的数字都应视为超卖。 30至70之间的RSI被认为是中性的,RSI约为50表示“ 没有趋势 ”,市场买卖力量均衡,处于盘整期。 但是一些交易商认为,Wilder的超买/超卖范围太宽,并选择改变这些范围。例如,对于变化剧烈的市场,比如币市,可以规定80以上超买,20以下为超卖**。即: 当RSI值>80时,表明市场已经出现超买现象,随时会因为买势减弱而使得币价下跌,操作上一般为逢高逐步减仓。 当RSI值<20时,表明市场已经出现超卖现象,价格距离底部不远,随时会因为买盘介入而使得币价回升。 当然,这个数值,完全由交易者自行决定。 2、根据短期(比如5日)和长期(比如10日)两条RSI曲线来判断行情 当短期天数的RSI>长期天数的RSI时,属于多头市场; 比如: 当短期RSI在20以下止跌回稳,并上穿长期RSI时,技术上称”黄金交叉”,视为”买进信号”。 当短期RSI在80以上,进入超买区,显示出多方力量远远大于空方力量,当然也显示目前市场过热,随时可能多翻空。 当短期天数的RSI<长期天数的RSI时,则属于空头市场; 比如: RSI的值在50以下为弱势,总趋势向下。 如果短期RSI突然掉头下穿长期RSI,技术上称”死亡交叉”,视为”卖出信号”。 还有价格与RSI的差异,趋势确认等等用途,本文就不详述了。 步骤如下: 第一步、选择我们昨天保存的 BTCUSD图表(点击查看文末【如何保存、再次打开图表】 。 第二步、添加指标。打开【指标】搜索【RSI】,点击添加。 页面会显示RSI。点击RSI旁边的x,会移除RSI。 点击右侧的三角符号,可以上移到Vol(成交量)的上方。 点击双三角的符号,可以将RSI放大,占据整个图表窗格,再次点击,恢复原位。 第三步、设置参数。 点击面板上灰色小字 RSI 右侧的齿轮符号,可以设置参数。 长度:是用于计算RSI的时间段。14天是默认值。 我们可以修改长成20日,点击确定。 资源:是确定每个条形中哪些数据将用于计算。默认值是收盘。 还可以设置样式:颜色、上下限数值、背景色等等。一般使用默认值就可以了。 第四步、上下滑动鼠标,可以对图表进行缩放。 向上滑动缩小、向下滑动放大: 第五步、创建警报。 点击右键,点击「创建警报」,可以针对成交量设置警报。点击确定后,可以在面板右边,看到「管理警报」。免费版目前只支持一个警报,所以需要删除昨天的警报,再新建警报。 注意:免费版每个布局,最多支持3个指标和策略。PRO、PRO Plus 或者Premium版的布局支持更多指标。 亲,你会操作了吗? 今天学会了设置相对强弱RSI指标来判断行情啦!快去试试吧! 有读者说,前面文章中给出的截图,没有反应「价升量增、价跌量减」等规律! 明天,竹三七讲讲三个技术指标——MA、成交量、RSI的常见的分析例子! 我们明天见! 声明:本文仅为作者独立观点,不构成任何投资意见或建议。 竹三七把文章合集放在【币圈金马奖社群】旗下的网站 币姐 啦! 点击链接可以看到竹三七的 【区块链工具百宝箱】 合集。 谢谢阅读!谢谢点赞!


























电脑安装tradingview软件打不开是因为软件不是正版的。不用安装的软件形式:绿色软件,或称可携式软件(英文称为Portable Application、Portable Software或Green Software),指一类小型软件,多数为免费软件,最大特点是软件无需安装便可使用,可存放于闪存中(因此称为可携式软体),移除后也不会将任何纪录(注册表消息等)留在本机计算机上。软件(中国大陆及香港用语,台湾称作软体,英文:software)是一系列按照特定顺序组织的计算机数据和指令的集合。一般来讲软件被划分为系统软件、应用软件和介于这两者之间的中间件。软件并不只是包括可以在计算机(这里的计算机是指广义的计算机)上运行的电脑程序,与这些电脑程序相关的文档一般也被认为是软件的一部分。简单的说软件就是程序加文档的集合体。另也泛指社会结构中的管理系统、思想意识形态、思想政治觉悟、法律法规等等。








可以在“观点”选项中“技术指标”一栏查看。盈亏比是指在投资市场里每次交易的盈利和亏损的比例,其反映出投资交易盈利所冒的风险大小。TradingView是自主交易员和投资人的金融平台,投资者们在这里分享投资观点并磨炼交易技术,以实现稳定盈利。除了查看价格和交易品种,这还是一个大型金融社区,投资者们可以发布自己对于投资的见解、对于行情的分析以及近期的交易策略等,同样,用户也能看到其他人发布的内容,并且大家可以在这个平台上自由交流和讨论。该公司同时也为企业提供to B的图表化服务。




Kom翼thuis是呃niets aan德泽kust我手lief Maar泽oogt凤凰社锰王建民niet echt爆炸Neehee Maar hoofd vragen teveel说在haar即trouw gaat ie vreemd,komt泽misschien niet凤凰社1 Maar ondanks blijven wij bij想把一切都好的可爱的翼式的zij丹diep她niet aan侃En elke去海边avond泽thuis隐翼niet青春痘voel我要zij verdriet抽油机voelt zich eenzaam[Refrein]Blijf翼besef Blijf,要我zegt Blijf jij,巴克,遇见,slapeloze nachten铝模具tranen范jou Blijf多形性,翼默克,巴克Blijf翼我Blijf优雅,增值税Maar一切努力valt抽油机niet bij我blijft als jij。Eey Eey bij mij,Eey,Blijf Eey bij mij Eey Eey,Blijf bij mij Blijf bij,Blijf mij。翼的信息管理系统(mis),德·德·tijden tijden巴克有翼kon tijd翼不过niet weten巴克opeens情况一切都是组织宣布哈在《凤凰社》甚至翼的信息管理系统(mis)我翼来吉恩schat我vergist万念相信我我甚至打她型弯曲范(?),是veel te gek没错,她是jou翼liever丹甚至会奖Maar TMF内部zeggen巴克锄侃我我我bedriegt男孩我zeggen丹锄侃翼tegen我lieg多形性jij弯曲,但德enige Maar翼本情况她verdedigen行动范情况会verenigen行动翼,瓦特我们不是人啊altijd情况韭菜海顿在kwam呃tussen涂料在篮下Blijf bij Dus翼有mij。[Refrein]Blijf翼besef Blijf,要我zegt Blijf jij,巴克,遇见,slapeloze nachten铝模具tranen范jou Blijf多形性,翼默克,巴克Blijf翼我Blijf优雅,增值税Maar一切努力valt抽油机niet bij我blijft als jij。Eey Eey Eey,Eey Eey,Eey。 Eey,Eey。[Refrein - 2 x]Blijf翼besef Blijf,要我zegt Blijf jij,巴克,遇见,slapeloze nachten铝模具tranen范jou Blijf多形性,翼默克,巴克Blijf翼我Blijf优雅,增值税maar一切努力valt抽油机niet bij我blijft als jij。Eey Eey bij mij Eey Eey,Blijf Blijf bij mij Eey Eey Blijf bij mij Blijf bij mij Eey Eey Blijf bij mij Eey Eey Blijf bij mij Eey Eey Blijf bij mij Blijf bij mij

On The Radio (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:On The Radio (Album Version)歌手:Regina Spektor专辑:Begin To HopeOn The RadioRegina SpektorBegin To Hopeon the radioRegina SpektorThis is how it worksIt feels a little worseThan when we drove our hearseRight through that screaming crowdWhile laughing up a stormUntil we were just boneUntil it got so warmThat none of us could sleepAnd all the styrofoamBegan to melt awayWe tried to find some wordsTo aid in the decayBut none of them were homeInside their catacombA million ancient beesBegan to sting our kneesWhile we were on our kneesPraying that diseaseWould leave the ones we loveAnd never come again On the radioWe heard November RainThat solo"s really longBut it"s a pretty songWe listened to it twice"Cause the DJ was asleepThis is how it worksYou"re young until you"re notYou love until you don"tYou try until you can"tYou laugh until you cryYou cry until you laughAnd everyone must breatheUntil their dying breathNo, this is how it worksYou peer inside yourselfYou take the things you likeAnd try to love the things you tookAnd then you take that love you madeAnd stick it into someSomeone else"s heartPumping someone else"s bloodAnd walking arm in armYou hope it don"t get harmedBut even if it doesYou"ll just do it all againAnd on the radioYou hear November RainThat solo"s awful longBut it"s a good refrainYou listen to it twice"Cause the DJ is asleepOn the radio(oh oh oh)On the radioOn the radio - uh ohOn the radio - uh ohOn the radio - uh ohOn the radiooh

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邮编 44425Operational Address:10 Hattas St., Kfar Saba, Israel

Paradise Lost的角色介绍

主人公ライル身高:182cm  体重:73kg三围:B100/ W78 /H85住在隔离街之中生物的生存可能区域最下层位置的D4区域的男人。以城市的住民来说非常罕见,是个没有接受过任何机械化手术、药物强化、基因操作的完全肉身的人类,但他的身体能力要远远地凌驾在前述的异形们之上。精神中饲养着名为“ナハト”的凶暴人格,由于此人格表现出来之际非常冷酷无情,得到了“死神之镰”这个绰号,是个被畏惧着的名人。是城市里唯一一个有着能够无效化M区划的毒气的特异体质的人,但自从和沉睡于同区划深部的リル邂逅之后,逐渐地对自身的生存方式产生了疑问,开始发生改变。ライル是在大约十年前于M区划苏醒的人类,但没有之前的记忆,名字也不是本名。基本上是个个人主义者,觉得和他人深交很麻烦的类型。与其说是个酷男不如说是单纯怕麻烦,从另一个角度来看也可以说是个傲娇男。 ナハト身高:???cm  体重:??kg三围:B??/ W?? /H??潜伏于ライル的精神之中,一直对肉体的主导权虎视眈眈的真相不明的魔人。和一般所说的多重人格有点不同,证据就是他称呼ライル为“宿主”。虽然态度冷静沉着,但其本质凶恶残忍,非常好战。ナハト表现出来之时,周围的人不分男女老幼都将直面死亡的命运,无法逃脱。每晚都在梦中和ライル展开厮杀,但至今未决胜负,因此也就没有从他身上离开。ナハト称呼リル为“天使”,说她是敌人,欲加以杀害。 リル CV:草柳顺子身高:161cm  体重:46kg三围:B81/ W56 /H83在非常接近据说谁都未曾到达过的M区划最下层的场所沉睡的谜之少女。除了名字以外的事情都没啥印象,苏醒以来就像刚从鸡蛋中孵出来的小鸡一般黏在ライル身边。不知为何称呼他为“ロト”,但理由连本人都不清楚。看来是个喜欢的词。性格天真烂漫无忧无虑,但脱线到了连ライル都要说她没有常识的程度,缺乏善恶的价值观。因此,偶尔也会作出让人毛骨悚然的发言。背部有着几乎和身高同等大小的翅膀,也能在天空飞翔。听说隔离街外侧世界的天空蔚蓝无比,渴望着在那片天空飞翔。 ノウu30fbクライスト身高:173cm  体重:77kg(由于是半人造人所以比较重)三围:B85/ W72 /H81由于既无力量也无才智,在隔离街处于被一味剥削立场的少年。为了活下去,他零售着自身的肉体部件,虽然从外表上看不出来,全身的五成以上部分已经与机械互换。像他这样的人种被称为“Body Chopper”,在力量就是正义的隔离街是被蔑视的对象。为了保护最爱的妹妹,不管是怎样的屈辱和非人道待遇都甘于忍受的另一位主人公。 ソフィアu30fbクライスト CV:日向裕罗身高:157cm  体重:42kg三围:B82/ W54 /H81ノウ无比深爱的少女。虽然不是亲生兄妹,但对从孤儿这一境遇中一同生存至今的ノウ抱有兄妹以上的爱情。因为有一个非常过度保护的哥哥,处于半软禁状态,没有很好地认识到自己所住的这个城市是个多么危险的世界。在隔离街之中,估计可以说是唯一一个纯洁无瑕不知污秽为何物的少女,但她的身体里隐藏着一个重大的秘密。 アスト CV:西田こむぎ身高:145cm  体重:36kg三围:B80/ W52 /H79身属琐珥的巨大组织——“Illuminati”的谜之少女。有时也会以“中伤者(Criminatores)”这个名字被称呼,但她对此如何认识无人知晓。与可爱的外貌相反,彻底地面无表情心如铁石,其生存方式坚如人偶毫不动摇。 エニスu30fbカーディナル CV:一色ヒカル身高:170cm  体重:53kg三围:B89/ W60 /H90将D区划四层作为独立区域管理着的巨乳大姐头。和ライル是十年来的熟人,是敢于直面他的为数不多的人物。在对ライル的异常(ナハト、不会变老等)全部知情的基础上表示出宽容,在リル出现之前是和他关系最亲密的人,但正因如此,目前的心境有点复杂。 カーマインu30fbオニキス CV:かわしまりの身高:175cm  体重:70kg(由于是半人造人所以比较重)三围:B84/ W59 /H85和エニス一样是ライル的老朋友。是个修复挖掘出来的遗产的复原商,装上机械义肢的左腕是ナハト干的好事。性格就好比是女版的ライル,本人声称是男女通吃,不过要是叫她「阴阳人」会恼羞成怒。恼羞成怒时会使用女性措辞。 リリスu30fbアルトマリン CV:长崎みなみ身高:166cm  体重:45kg三围:B82/ W55 /H80和ジューダス一样被“外”世界派遣而来的特工。然而,其存在对于城市方面来说是个绝密情报,和有着表面身份的ジューダス立场不同。平时貌似伪装成城里的黑市医生。因为冷酷理性的容貌与冷淡的言行,被称为“Cold Blood”,但其实并不是一个连内心都冷血的人。不过,她本人貌似厌恶着那样心软的自己,在压抑感情的时候必须要借助吸烟行为。 ヴェーラu30fbクロス CV:歌织身高:172cm  体重:52kg三围:B91/ W60 /H93シグマ的爱人,对サタナイル燃起竞争意识的女人。还算是个有能力的人才,但是歇斯底里、自我显示欲太强等等,作为亲信的不适合之处也很显眼。令ノウ作为人造人兵器重生的罪魁祸首。 ジューダスu30fbストライフ CV:ルネッサンス山田身高:178cm  体重:66kg三围:B98/ W77 /H82M从隔离街的“外”世界派遣而来的特工。表面上作为友好的亲善大使受到统治城市的“蛇”的款待,但由于不知道在想些什么的性格问题,同时也被视为危险因素。仅追求享乐的感情缺陷者,枪技已经超越了人类的极限。代号是“魔弹(Tathlum)”。对首次让他体验到“恐怖”感觉的ライル痴恋成狂,数度与他展开死斗。

adidas neo是什么?

阿迪达斯neo的价格不等 具体区别搜索百度百科!


adicolor 是阿迪达斯的复古产品系列,adicolor系列于1983年首次发布时,每双鞋都附有一套6种不同颜色的彩色水笔,以帮助人们在纯白色的鞋款上实现无拘无束的创作,创作出一双专署的个性球鞋。这在当时造成极大震动和反响,也成为最早的个人化概念始祖(Customization).今年阿迪达斯将再推出这个系列产品,在adicolor 2006白色系列中不仅拥有许多adidas Originals旗下的标志性的经典款式,还配有各种不同的个性化演绎工具, 从水彩笔到喷漆罐到各色鞋带和可换式三条纹……这使得每位消费者都能充分发挥个人创意, 创造出拥有个人风格的产品。 自从1983年adicolor诞生的那刻起,就注定了它的不平凡。之所以这样说,是因为这个系列真正完成了艺术与设计的结合,二者的结合意味着人们将摒弃常规和单调日常生活的所有事物。它们来自于设计者的绝对创新,那是一种追求完美的渴望,是对情感的释放,更是对未来的幻想……所以adicolor不仅在当时成为了人们展现生活魅力的完美工具,即便在今天它所带来的震撼依然不容小视。 众所周知,当adicolor系列于1983年首次发布时是以单调姿态展现于世人面前的,但是每双鞋都会附有6种不同颜色的水笔,这也给人们提供了足够的创作空间。不过,“艺术家”终究只是少数,而舍得在昂贵的球鞋上舞文弄墨的人则是少之又少。考虑到这些,今年adicolor终于推出了彩色系列,同时这个系列也继承了6种水笔的色彩,它们分别是代表热情与渴望的红色、代表和谐与理性的蓝色、代表激情与欢乐的黄色、代表自然与环境的绿色、代表浪漫与美丽的粉红以及代表力量与神秘的黑色。 在每个色彩主题中则分为六种不同的鞋款,而这36双鞋又蕴涵着自己各不相同的背景,它们或表现了都市的荣耀,或展现着某位著名大师的设计才华,或将它的主题拓展到了非体育行业,它们不仅演绎出了超乎想像的视觉表现力,同时这些产品也呈现出了世界各地风格迥异的艺术家与adicolor之间所碰撞出的灵感火花,总之它们在用一切手段吸引着人们的目光。 比起adicolor彩色系列中大部分鞋款所代表的抽象主题,也许每个色系中贯穿卡通形象的鞋款更值得玩味一番,除去蓝色系中的Torn(它是以历史上首部运用电脑设计技术的著名电影《Tron》中的图像为蓝本)较为抽象之外,余下的五位卡通人物则都有着自己的故事。他们不仅为整个彩色系列注入了活力,更重要的是他们勾起了人们内心深处的那一点点童贞。 红色系以著名的卡通形象Betty Boop以及她的唇印为设计元素,可爱十足,充满顽皮意味的想像。在美国大萧条时期,传奇动画大师 Max Fleischer 创造了 Betty Boop 这个人物。在经典的 Fleischer 卡通画中,Betty 那具有催眠作用的 Boop-Oop-A-Doop 说话方式影响了她身边的每个人或每件事,甚至使无生命的东西也产生了变化。Betty Boop 那充满生气和活力的精神、自我感觉良好和无所不能的态度,使她成为全世界的偶像和行为榜样。 黄色系中的主人公则变成了Mr. Happy(开心先生),他为黄色加入了阳光灿烂的快乐因子,他也注定将成为人们记忆中挥之不去的欢乐符号。为了adicolor ,Adam Hargreaves 特意创作了一个独特的人物——Mr. Happy,他既骄傲又快乐,总是穿着一双 adidas 运动鞋。作为六大原创 Mr. Men 人物之一,Mr. Happy 也许是这些卡通人物中最受欢迎的。他住在开心岛上,那里的每个人每件事总是那么开心。无论什么时候你的情绪低落了,Mr. Happy 都会拜访你,用不了多久,你就会发现自己又重新快乐起来了。 著名的木偶形象Miss Piggy以其不可动摇的自信征服了全世界的“粉丝”,她因此也成为了粉红系的代言。Miss Piggy以可爱的幼年形象示人,其坚定不移的自我信念促使她从《大青蛙布偶秀》(The Muppet Show)中的一个小人物,逐渐成为了超级巨星中的一员。 Miss Piggy 总想当女主角,但都是徒劳无功,这都是她的急脾气惹的祸。不是其他演员达不到她严格的要求,就是那些演员表现出抵制她女性魅力的迹象,通常这都会招致她猛烈的攻击。 绿色系中的“青蛙Kermit”曾经是一个木偶,他诞生于1955年。人见人爱的 Kermit 是提线木偶戏中的人物,他也是木偶玩家Jim Henson 最著名的创作之一。 在《大青蛙布偶秀》电视连续剧中,他不仅是位挂名负责人,还是位长期受苦的舞台监督,“想要年轻真不容易”,就是他杜撰的台词。 诞生于60年代的德国著名卡通人物Trimmy 代表着对健康生活的不断追求,这也是使他符合黑色的力量之意,他的形象总是时刻提醒着人们运动健身的重要性。插画人物 Trimmy 是 60、70 年代“Trimm Dich”(“健身”的意思)运动的代表。他总是以各种不同的形象出现在大家面前,如网球运动员、足球运动员、体操运动员等等。无论是开展竞技运动,还是办公室的锻炼练,他都宣扬了一种积极的生活方式。 不论哪个色系是你所钟爱,也不论哪种主题是你所向往,重要的是,生活本应充满魅力!

ultrasonic radiation中文翻译

Ultrasonic radiation improved the dispersibipty of powders and the uniformity of coating 利用超声波可使粉体很好的分散,提高粉体镀覆均匀性。 The solution was alkapne , and formaldehyde ( hcho ) was used as a reducing agent . plating was carried out at middle temperature / low temperature and ultrasonic radiation 化学镀铜溶液为堿性的甲醛为还原剂的镀液,镀覆在室温、超声波的条件下进行。 The formaldehyde ( hcho ) was used as the reducing agent and plating was carried out at normal temperature and ultrasonic radiation . the ingredients of solution were determined by chemical *** ysis 平均粒径为10 20mn的al _ 2o _ 3粉体经过预处理使表面具有催化活性后,用甲醛作为还原剂在室温及超声波条件下镀银。 Ultrasonic radiation made the reaction happen at room temperature , furthermore , the reaction was accelerated , and more importantly , the powders were dispersed evenly so that makes as more particles as possible coated 超声波的加入可使镀覆在室温下进行,并加快镀覆过程,更重要的是提高了粉体镀覆的均匀性。 High - resolution tran *** ission electron microscopy ( hrtem ) and x - ray diffraction ( xrd ) were used in the investigation . the feasibipty of electroless silver plating of nano - al2o3 powder with ultrasonic radiation was studied 测定镀液成分和ph值,用高分辨率透射电镜( hrtem )观察复合粉体的形貌, x -射线衍射分析复合粉体物相组成。 The observation by hrtem indicated that the size of particles coated with ultrasonic radiation at room temperature in alkapne formaldehyde bath was about 50 ~ 60nm . the originally granular form of the nano - al2o3 particles has changed into spheral - pke shape . the x - ray *** ysis showed that the plate was the alloy of co - p 对镀覆后镀液成分的分析表明,反应自发停止的原因是主要由于镀液ph值过低,不能提供反应所需要的足够oh ~ - ,同时也使甲醛还原能力下降所致。 The optimum conditions of preparation were as fellows : the concentration of zinc sulfate solution of 1 . 8 - 2 . omol / l , the concentration of ammonium bicarbonate solution of 1 . 4 ~ 1 . 6mol / l , the time of ultrasonic radiation of 25 ~ 30min . iv . preparation of active zinc oxide by means of microwave radiation to calcine precursor of basic zinc carbonate firstly , and a mechani *** on preparation of ultra - fine active zinc oxide by means of microwave radiation has been investigated emphatically as well as the effects on quapty of ultra - fine active zinc oxide have been *** yzed and discussed in detail , the time of microwave radiation was 7 ~ 16 min ; paring microwave radiation calcining with conventional calcining , the calcining time of microwave radiation was one thirty to one enty , the calcining time shortened hugely , energy consumption saved hugely , the quapty of product improved 首次引入超声波辐射制备超细活性氧化锌前驱体堿式碳酸锌新技术,研究了超声波辐射制备前驱体堿式碳酸锌的机理,并分析和讨论了影响前驱体质量的各种因素,确定了最佳的前驱体制备条件为:硫酸锌浓度为1 . 8 2 . 0mol / l ,碳酸氢铵的浓度为1 . 4 1 . 6mol / l ,超声波辐射25 30min ; 4 、首次采用微波加热煅烧前驱体堿式碳酸锌制备超细活性氧化锌的新技术,研究了微波辐射加热煅烧前驱体制备超细活性氧化锌的机理,并分析和讨论了影响活性氧化锌质量的各种因素,确定了最佳的超细活性氧化锌制备条件为:微波加热煅烧时间为7 16min ,与传统煅烧方法相比,煅烧时间仅为传统的1 30 1 20 ,大大缩短煅烧时间,节省能耗,提高了煅烧产品的质量; 5 、完成了从锌浮渣中制备超细活性氧化锌的小试试验和扩大试验。 The morphology of powders was observed using high - resolution tran *** ission electron microscopy ( hrtem ) ; x - ray diffraction ( xrd ) pattern was used to *** yze the phases of the powders ; at first , the feasibipty of electroless copper plating of nano - al2o3 powder with ultrasonic radiation was studied 用phippsem430型高分辨率透射电镜( hrtem )观察复合粉体的形貌; d / 3ax3b型x -射线衍射仪分析复合粉体的物相组成。在本实验室以前的研究表明,超声波条件下的纳米材料的化学镀是可行的。

NBA2K12里选择球队模式时Eminem的一首歌的歌名,歌词里有句kiss me...paradise.

阿姆的Fast Lane.歌词如下。 First verse, uh  I"m on "til I"m on a island  My life"s ridin" on the Autobahn on autopilot  Before I touch dirt, I"ll kill you all wit" kindness  I kill ya, my natural persona"s much worse  You"ve been warned if you"ve been born or if you can form  Slap up a cop and then snatch "im out of his uniform  Leave him wit" his socks, hard bottoms and bloomers on  And hang him by his balls from the horn of a unicorn  Y"all *****" intellect mad slow, y"all fags know  Claimin" you bangin", you flamin"  Bet you could light your own cigarette witcha asshole  Me and Shady deaded the past, so that basically resurrected my cashflow  I might rap tight as the snatch of a fat dyke  Though I ain"t wrapped tight  My blood type"s the "80s!  My "90s was like the Navy, you was like the Bradys  You still fly kites daily!  Eminem  Catch me in my Mercedes  Bumpin" "Ice, Ice Baby," screamin" Shady "til I die  Like a half a pair of dice, life"s crazy  So I live it to the fullest "til I"m Swayze  And you only live it once, so I"m thinkin" "bout this nice, nice lady  Wait, no, stop me now "fore I get on a roll (Damn)  Let me tell you what this pretty little dame"s name is, "cause she"s kinda famous  And I hope that I don"t sound too heinous when I say this  Nicki Minaj, but I wanna stick (My penis in your anus!)  You morons think that I"m a genius  Really I belong inside a dang insane asylum, cleanin", try them trailer parks  Crazy, I am back, and I am razor-sharp, baby  And that"s back wit" a capital B wit" an exclamation mark, maybe  You should listen when I flip the linguistics  "Cause I"m"onna rip this mystical slick shit  You don"t wanna become another victim or statistic of this shit  "Cause after I spit the bullets, I"ma treat these shell casings like a soccer ball  I"ma kick the ballistics! So get this dick, I"ma live this  (Hook)  Livin" life in the fast lane  Movin" at the speed of life and I can"t slow down  Only got a gallon in the gas tank  But I"m almost at the finish line, so I can"t stop now  I don"t really know where I"m headed, just enjoyin" the ride  Just gon" roll "til I drop and ride "til I die  I"m livin" life in the fast lane (Pedal to the metal)  I"m livin" life in the fast lane (Pedal to the metal)  Royce  My whole goal as a poet"s to be relaxed in orbit  At war wit" a bottle, this Captain Morgan attacks my organs  My slow flow is euphoric, it"s like I rap endorphins  I made a pact with the Devil that says "I"ll let you take me  You let me take this shovel, dig up the corspes, Jack Kevorkian"  Go "back and forth in more beef that you can pack a fork in  I"m livin" the life of the infinite enemy down  My tenement, too many now, to send my serenity powers  Spin "em around, enterin" in the vicinity  Eminem  Now, was called Eminem, but he threw away the candy and ate the rapper  Chewed him up (Pt!) and spitted him out  Girl, giddy-up, now get, get down  He"s lookin" around this club and it looks like people are havin" a shit fit now  Here, little t-t-trailer trash, take a look who"s back in t-t-town  Did I s-st-stutter, motherfucker? Fuck them all, he"s just  A whole motherfuckin" Walmart d-d-down every time a-r-r-round  And he came to the club tonight wit" 5"9″ to hold this bitch down  Like a motherfuckin" chick underwater, he tryna d-dr-drown  Shawty, when you dance, you got me captivated  Just by the way that you keep lickin" them dicks like lips, I"m agitated, aggravated  To the point you don"t suck my dick, then you"re gonna get decapitated  Other words, you don"t fuckin" give me head, then I"m have to take it  Royce  And then after takin" that, I"ma catch a case, it"s gon" be fascinatin"  It"s gon" say "The whole rap game passed away" on top of the affadavit  Graduated from master debater slash massive masturbator  To Michael Jackson" activator (Woo!)  Meanin" I"m on fire off the top, might wanna back up the data  To Michael Jackson" activator (Woo!)  Meanin" I"m on fire off the top, might wanna back up the data  Runnin" over hip-hop in a verbal tractor-trailer  Homie, this sick, you can normally ask a hater  Don"t it make sense, these shell casings is just like a bag of paper  Drop in the lap of a tax evader (Homie, they spent)  [Eminem]  Now make that ass drop like a sack of potatoes  What, girl, I"m the crack-a-lator  Brung ya lay to this party, be my penis ejaculator later  Tell you boyfriend that you just struck paydirt  You rollin" wit" a player, you won"t be exaggeratin" when you sayin"  [Hook]  Livin" life in the fast lane  Movin" at the speed of life and I can"t slow down  Only got a gallon in the gas tank  But I"m almost at the finish line, so I can"t stop now  I don"t really know where I"m headed,just enjoyin" the ride  Just gon" roll "til I drop and ride "til I die  I"m livin" life in the fast lane  (Pedal to the metal)  I"m livin" life in the fast lane (Pedal to the metal)

灵魂飞翔的《Gladiator》 歌词

歌曲名:Gladiator歌手:灵魂飞翔专辑:EnslavedCommon - GladiatorThey say he"s a radical, he don"t fit the gameA heart full of glory and a fist of painA couple of battle scars but shit"s the sameAre you not entertainedSo all the onlookers and the bystandersWait til intermission, run buy your cameraRecord the moment, cause it"ll be platinumAnd you could say you seen Common rock the stadiumI was told by a wise old to come from the heartThough I might"ve did The Light, I don"t run from the darkThe dark knight to spark mics, and start fightsThe warrior archetype like Kimbo SliceIt"s strength in the beard, am I loved or fearedA beast amongst boys like Paul I"m reveredVroof, vroof vroof vroof vroof Vroof vroof wellLike Jacob Jewel, I keep clienteleYou frail on the mic like you might break a nailI might smoke a joint but I won"t take the LI knew a fat girl who broke the scaleStill touched down cause I was off ArtellHad dreams of breaking Mike Vick out of jailTook the underground rail to the end that failedI rebel, NYSLHere to leave a trail like Nelson Mandelanothing you could doMy words is the sword, my skill is the shieldMy life is the style I stay dressed to killA legend like Will Smith with the steelI could save the world when shit get for realSkinny George Foreman, all in your grillMy rhyme style is blind, it"s all in the feelTouch it and watch the blood fall with the steelThe weak raps you wrote you could call that your willMy drive VROOM is how I stay the livestYour guys got you gassed, my flow is a hybridCrashed I survived it, gashes over eyelidsYou easy to take out cause you hot garbageI"m amped like wattage, the truth nigga honestAny moment opponents drop out like collegeKneel and pay homage to the rap Ziggy StardustStadium hands in the air fists balled upFeet in the dirt, blood on the shirtScars over bars, symbols of the workTight clothes the armor, center of the dramaDefeat your whole army like this is SpartaSo don"t violate or you"ll get violatedSome of you model bitches is so overratedDon"t mean to underrate it but damn it I made itIn the water I waded on the corner I paintedDraw blood like we relatedMCs get de-decapitatedSyncopated is the style that I fight with, write withMr. Excitement, change your face up like a white chickThen light shit up like a dread with the herbsGet sex in the city and head in the burbsThese are the words of a radicalThe crowd applaud, I"m bowed, I"m proudTo be the gladiator


tornadoeskids radios

求一首歌,歌词有句para para paradise


求When You Find Me-Joshua Radin中文歌词。


求一首英文歌 是我bbc radio上听见的 歌词什么 follow me follow me 结尾是什么 古来就uk (英文不好)

Glad You Came



Eyes On You (Radio Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Eyes On You (Radio Mix)歌手:Jay Sean专辑:Eyes On YouJay Sean - Eyes on you(Feat. the Rishi R)Track:<Me Against Myself>Presents by SNAKE EATERYou can tell your girlfriends about meIt"s about time to get rowdyYou know I wanna work that bodyCome work it over hereYou can be my brown-eyed beautyAnd I bet you see right through meYou can do anything to meYou"re so beautifulTonight anything is possibleAnd you know I just can"t get enoughOf your love, so give it upGot my eyes on youWon"t you bring that back to meGot my eyes on youYou know where I"m gonna beGot my eyes on youAnd I see you checkin meGot my eyes on youHoo...And I like what I seeYou can tell anyone about itShow it off, no need to hide itC"mon get a little excitedExcite it over hereDon"t stop baby girl don"t stopI know you really like it when you"re on topDon"t be shy just give it upC"mon girl!You"re so beautifulTonight anything is possibleAnd you know I just can"t get enoughOf your love, so give it upGot my eyes on youWon"t you bring that back to meGot my eyes on youYou know where I"m gonna beGot my eyes on youAnd I see you checkin meGot my eyes on youHoo...And I like what I seeUh-oh-uh-ohYour body"s whiningUh-oh-uh-ohBumpin and grindin"Uh-oh-uh-ohStop and rewind itUh-oh-uh-oh...Ohoo...Uh-oh-uh-ohGettin" you hot nowUh-oh-uh-ohBaby don"t stop nowUh-oh-uh-ohGot you all hot nowUh-oh-uh-oh...Ohoo...Got my eyes on youWon"t you bring that back to meGot my eyes on youYou know where I"m gonna beGot my eyes on youAnd I see you checkin meGot my eyes on youHoo...And I like what I seeGot my eyes on youWon"t you bring that back to meGot my eyes on youYou know where I"m gonna beGot my eyes on youAnd I see you checkin meGot my eyes on youHoo...And I like what I see


While reading the book,he nodded from time to time.他一边看书,一边 不时地点头。





good night ladies这首歌的意思?

Goodnight ladies Ladies goodnight It"s time to say goodbye Let me tell you now Goodnight ladies Ladies goodnight It"s time to say goodbye 晚安,女士们 女士们,晚安 到了说再见的时间 让我告诉你 晚安,女士们 女士们,晚安 该是说再见的时间 Now all night long You"ve been drinking your tequila But now you"ve sucked your lemon peel drySo why not get high And goodnight ladies Ladies goodnight 整晚的时间 你都在喝着龙舌兰酒 但现在你的柠檬皮都嘬干了 何不飘摇而起 晚安,女士们 女士们,晚安 Goodnight ladies Ah, ladies goodnight It"s time to say goodbye Goodnight sweet ladies Ah, ladies goodnight It"s time to say goodbye, bye bye 晚安,女士们 啊,女士们,晚安 该是说再见的时间 晚安,亲爱的女士们 啊,女士们,晚安 该是说再见的时间,拜拜 Ah, we"ve been together for the longest time But now it"s time to get high Come on, let"s get high And goodnight ladies Ladies goodnight 啊,我们在一起 呆的时间最长 但现在该是飘摇而起的时间 来吧,就让我们扶摇直上 晚安,女士们 女士们,晚安 Oh, I"m still missing my other half Ah, it must be something I did in the past Don"t it just make you wanna laugh It"s a lonely Saturday night Oh, nobody calls me on the telephone I put another record on my stereo But I"m still singing a song of you It"s a lonely Saturday night 噢,我还没有我的另一半 啊,想必是因为我过去做过的什么 这不令你发笑么 这么一个孤独的星期六晚上 噢,没人给我打电话 我把另一张唱片放进立体声唱机 但我依然在唱着一首你的歌 这么一个孤独的星期六晚上 Now if I was an actor or a dancer who was glamorous then you know an amorous life would soon be mine But now the tinsel light of star break [1] is all that"s left to applaud my heartbreak and at eleven o"clock I watch the network news [2] 假如说我现在是个演员 或是个魅力四射的舞者 你知道我很快就会拥有一个多情的生活 但实情是只有那浮华的星裂之光 在称颂着我的心碎 在十一点我看网络新闻 Oh wow wow, something tells me that you"re really gone you said we could be friends but that"s not what I want Ah anyway, my TV dinner"s almost done [3] It"s a lonely Saturday night I mean to tell you, it"s a lonely Saturday night One more word, it"s a lonely Saturday night 噢,一些事告诉我你是真的离去了 你说我们可以做朋友,但那不是我想要的 啊,不管怎么说,我的电视便利晚餐就要好了 这是一个孤独的星期六夜晚 我想告诉你,这是一个孤独的星期六夜晚 再说一句,这是一个孤独的星期六夜晚


把歌词给你,歌词后面的是汉语解释Cries in a distance,歌词如下:Cries in a distance - 林俊杰在远处哭泣 Can"t stop the tremble 止不住的颤抖 I"m just awaiting my turn 我只是在等待我的轮回 Hiding will never Save me forever 躲藏不能让我永远安全 The guns gonna get me for sure 枪支使我马上确信到这一点 Dear God I pray why won"t you be my friend 亲爱的上帝 我祈祷为何你不是我的朋友 Come to me and take my hand 过来握住我的手 Like mama would say 像妈妈说的那样 Everything will be okay 一切都会好起来的 All I hear is 3 2 1 我听到的全是 3 2 1 The scream from the guns 枪支的扫射声 And then 1by1 然后,人们一个接一个(冲上前去) No one gets to run 没有人退缩 Someone"s dad or mom 是谁的爸爸妈妈 Sister, brother and son 兄弟姐妹与孩子 No…no… 哦,不…… All I feel is 1 2 3 我感觉到的全是 1 2 3 My tears start to bleed 我的眼眶开始湿润 Smell of roses on my feet 嗅到我足上的玫瑰(血迹) I feel sore… 我感到痛心 I fall… 我坠落 I call… 呼喊 I crawl… 缓缓的前行

林俊杰Cries In Adistance讲的是什么意思


Chinese (Traditional)

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: Chinese(Simplified)”和“Chinese(Traditional)”代表什么意思,哪个是简体中文? 解析: 前者是简体,后者是繁体

I like the same book ______ you are reading now. Would you give it to me after you have finished it

A is correctthe same as is the fixed phrase

koradior elsewhere怎么读

考拉第二爱欧斯外耳 。。。。。。。。。


Kom ik thuis is er niets aan de handZe kust me lief op mn wangMaar ze oogt niet echt bangNeeheeMaar in haar hoofd spoken vragen teveelIs ie trouw gaat ie vreemd, komt ze misschien niet op 1Maar ondanks alles blijven wij bij elkaarWant dan weet ik dat zij diep het niet meer aan kanEn elke avond zit ze thuis en ik nietIk voel me verdriet want zij voelt zich eenzaam[Refrein]Blijf, want ik besefBlijf, dat jij me zegtBlijf, met al die tranen, slapeloze nachten van jouBlijf, ik merk datBlijf, dat ik je vatBlijf, ik werk hard maar alles valt als jij niet bij me blijft.Eey eey, blijf bij mij, eey eey, blijf bij mijEey eey, blijf bij mij blijf bij mij.Ik mis de tijden, de tijden dat ik nog tijd hadIk kon niet weten dat alles opeens zo druk wasTissues op een dag en ik mis jeIk heb geen mannen lieve schat je vergist jeJe bent het type van een hit (?), is veel te gekYep het is waar jou wil ik liever dan een TMF AwardMaar hoe kan je zeggen dat je boy je bedriegt danHoe kan je zeggen dat ik tegen je lieg danJij bent de enige, maar ik ben zo moe van het verdedigenZo moe ik wil verenigen, wat we hadden leek altijd zo dopeNiemand kwam er tussen in en ik had hoopDus blijf bij mij.[Refrein]Blijf, want ik besefBlijf, dat jij me zegtBlijf, met al die tranen, slapeloze nachten van jouBlijf, ik merk datBlijf, dat ik je vatBlijf, ik werk hard maar alles valt als jij niet bij me blijft.Eey eey, eey eey, eey eey.Eey, eey.[Refrein - 2x]Blijf, want ik besefBlijf, dat jij me zegtBlijf, met al die tranen, slapeloze nachten van jouBlijf, ik merk datBlijf, dat ik je vatBlijf, ik werk hard maar alles valt als jij niet bij me blijft.Eey eey, blijf bij mijEey eey blijf bij mijEey eey blijf bij mij blijf bij mijEey eey blijf bij mij eey eeyBlijf bij mij eey eey blijf bij mij blijf bij mij 找不到翻译,找个翻译器翻译吧。


(adidas)本地粤语翻译是(爱廸达),但很小人会这样叫的,香港人一般是叫(add dee)或(adidas)的.adidas官方网站

什么是pin trading

强权贸易 意思就是那种不是按照双方意愿来建立贸易关系

Guerilla Radio 歌词

歌曲名:Guerilla Radio歌手:Rage Against The Machine专辑:Body Of War: Songs That Inspired An Iraq War VeteranTransmission third world war third roundA decade of the weapon of sound above groundAin"t no shelter if you"re looking for shadeI lick shots at the brutal charadeAs the polls close like a casketOn truth devoursA silent play in the shadow of powerA spectacle monopolizedThe camera"s eye on choice disguisedWas it cast for the mass who burn and toil?Or for the vultures who thirst for blood and oil?A spectacle monopolizedThey hold the reins, stole your eyesThe fistagons bullets and bombsWho stuff the banksWho staff the party ranksMore for Gore or the son of a drug lordNone of the above fuck it cut the cordLights out guerilla radioTurn that shit upLights out guerilla radioTurn that shit upLights out guerilla radioTurn that shit upLights out guerilla radioContact I highjack the frequenciesBlockin" the beltwayMove on DCWay past the days of bombin" mc"sSound off Mumia Guan be freeWho gottem yo check the federal fileAll you pen devils know the trial was vileAll you pigs trying to silence my styleOff "em all out that box it"s my radio dialLights out guerilla radioTurn that shit upLights out guerilla radioTurn that shit upLights out guerilla radioTurn that shit upLights out guerilla radioIt has to start somewhereIt has to start sometimeWhat better place than hereWhat better time than nowAll hell can"t stop us nowAll hell can"t stop us nowAll hell can"t stop us nowAll hell can"t stop us nowAll hell can"t stop us nowAll hell can"t stop us now

the loading is planned for tomorrow morning什么意思

the loading is planned for tomorrow morning装货计划在明天上午进行。重点词汇loading装货; 装载量; 附加费; 填充物; 把…装上车[船]( load的现在分词 ); 装…planned计划了的,根据计划的; 计划,打算,设计( plan的过去式和过去分词 )tomorrow morning明天早上; 明早

初中英语作文:那些逝去的青春 Those Fading Youth

  【篇一】那些逝去的青春 Those Fading Youth During these two years, we have seen many movies about the youth, the directors try to remind people of their passed early days. Indeed, when people see the movie, they feel the situation is so familiar that they could not help thinking about their days in the school. As for me, when I see the movie, I will think about my high school days, it was so unforgettable for me, my friends and I studied so hard together, our strong friendship was built at that time, the stupid things we did always makes me laugh. Everyone will have an unforgettable memory in their early life, the memory fulfills their life. 在这两年间,我们已经看到了很多关于青春的电影,导演尝试着提醒人们他们已经过去的早期时光。确实,当人们看到电影的时候,他们会感到那些情景很熟悉,忍不住想到他们在学校的日子。对于我来说,当我看到电影的时候,我会想到我的高中生的日子,那是如此的难忘,我的朋友和我一起努力学习,我们的深厚友谊就是在那时候建立起来的,我们做过的愚蠢的事情让我大笑。每个人都会在他们的早期生活中有一段很难忘的记忆,这段记忆丰富了他们的生活。  【篇二】中国歌手打进美国音乐市场?Chinese Singers Get Into American Musical Market?This is a good news for Chinese singers, it is said that there will be a Chinese music group and a man invited to performance in the American famous music show. It sounds so inspiring, it seems that Chinese music has been introduced into American market. While the fact is not, the invited Chinese singers only get their performance when the advertisement time comes, it is so awkward, they are given the unimportant time. Chinese music still not get into the American musical market, American people just want to catch Chinese people"s attention and go into Chinese market, so they invited the Chinese singers. I believe that our Chinese music will get be popular around the world some day. 这对于中国歌手来说是个好消息,据说中国的一个乐团和一个男歌手受到邀请去美国的音乐节目表演。这听起来很励志,似乎中国的音乐已经打进了美国的市场。然而事实并非如此,受到邀请的歌手仅仅只在广告的时间来进行他们的表演,这是多么尴尬啊,给予他们的时间是如此的不受重视。中国的音乐仍然没有打进美国英语市场,美国人民只是想要吸引中国人的注意,打进中国的市场,因此他们邀请了中国的歌手。我相信中国的音乐总有一天会在全世界变得流行。  【篇三】如果我英年早逝 If I Die YoungWhen I opened the TV last night, I heard a beautiful song, it is called “If I die young”, the song sounds so comfortable, it is so hard for me to imagine the title, the song tells people the author"s opinion about if she had died young, she would bury herself in the rose bed, how nice it is. It lets me think of future, if I know myself would die young, I would have chosen to live a better life and cherish every moment I have now. People live in the busy life, they don"t have much time to enjoy the life, the song reminds people of enjoying the life and learning to do what they want to do. 当我昨晚打开电视的时候,我听到了一首美丽的歌曲,歌曲叫做“如果我英年早逝”,这首歌听起来是那么的舒服,对于我来说,很难想象到这首歌的题目,这首歌告诉人们作者对于如果她英年早逝的看法,她会把她自己埋葬在玫瑰床上,这是多么美好的做法啊。这让想到了将来,如果我知道自己会英年早逝,我会选择生活得更好,珍惜自己所拥有的每一刻。人们过着忙碌的生活,他们没有很多的时间来享受生活,这首歌提醒人们享受生活和学着去做自己想做的。



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Conquest Of Paradise 歌词

歌曲名:Conquest Of Paradise歌手:Dana Winner专辑:10 Jaar - Het Beste Van Dana WinnerConquest of ParadiseDana Winner永远震撼和铭记的《士兵突击》插曲Hmmmmmmmmmm.Hmmmmmmmmmm.Hmmmmmmmmmm.Hmmmmmmmmmm.There shines a light in the heart of manThat defies the dead of the nightA beam that glows within every soulLike wings of hope taking flightA sunny day, when a baby"s bornThe little things that we sayA special sparkle in someone"s eyeSimple gifts, every daySomewhere there"s a paradiseWhere everyone finds releaseIt"s here on earth and between your eyesA place we all find our peaceCome - open your heartReach for the starsBelieve your own powerNow, here in this placeHere on this earthThis is the hourIt"s just a place we call paradiseEach of us has his ownIt has no name, no, it has no priceIt"s just a place we call homeA dream that reaches beyond the starsThe endless blue of the skiesForever wondering who we are?Forever questioning why?Come - open your heartReach for the starsBelieve your own powerNow, here in this placeHere on this earthThis is the hourThere shines a light in the heart of manThat defies the dead of the nightA beam that glows within every soulLike wings of hope taking flightLike wings of hope taking flight


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求Cinema Paradiso 小提琴谱


求《nauve cinema paradiso》中文歌词

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Cinema Paradiso(Ennio Morricone) 歌词

歌曲名:Cinema Paradiso(Ennio Morricone)歌手:Young-Joo Song专辑:Turning PointFrom My Heart - Cinema ParadisoSe tu fossi nei miei occhi per un giornoVedresti la bellezza che piena d"allegriaIo trovo dentro gli occhi tuoiE nearo se magia o lealtaSe tu fossi nel mio cuore per un giornoPotreste avere un"ideaDi cio che sento ioQuando m"abbracci forte a teE petto a petto, noiRespiriamo insiemeProtagonista del tuo amorNon so se sia magiaO lealtaSe tu fossi nella mia anima un giornoSapresti cosa sono in meChe m"innamoraiDa quell"istante insieme a teE cio che provo eSolamente amoreDa quell"istante insieme a teE cio che provo eSolamente amore阳光心情每一天

Cinema Paradiso (Se) 歌词

歌曲名:Cinema Paradiso (Se)歌手:Katherine Jenkins专辑:Katherine Jenkins / From The HeartJosh Groban - Cinema Paradiso出版年代:2002年Se tu fossi nei miei occhi per un giornoVedresti la bellezza che piena d"allegriaIo trovo dentro gli occhi tuoiE nearo se magia o lealtaSe tu fossi nel mio cuore per un giornoPotreste avere un"ideaDi cio che sento ioQuando m"abbracci forte a teE petto a petto, noiRespiriamo insiemeProtagonista del tuo amorNon so se sia magiaO lealtaSe tu fossi nella mia anima un giornoSapresti cosa sono in meChe m"innamoraiDa quell"istante insieme a teE cio che provo eSolamente amore

Cinema Paradiso (Tema De Amor De Cinema Paradiso) 歌词

歌曲名:Cinema Paradiso (Tema De Amor De Cinema Paradiso)歌手:Dulce Pontes&Ennio Morricone专辑:FocusJosh Groban - Cinema Paradiso出版年代:2002年Se tu fossi nei miei occhi per un giornoVedresti la bellezza che piena d"allegriaIo trovo dentro gli occhi tuoiE nearo se magia o lealtaSe tu fossi nel mio cuore per un giornoPotreste avere un"ideaDi cio che sento ioQuando m"abbracci forte a teE petto a petto, noiRespiriamo insiemeProtagonista del tuo amorNon so se sia magiaO lealtaSe tu fossi nella mia anima un giornoSapresti cosa sono in meChe m"innamoraiDa quell"istante insieme a teE cio che provo eSolamente amore

Cinema Paradiso (Se) 歌词

歌曲名:Cinema Paradiso (Se)歌手:Katherine Jenkins专辑:Living A DreamFrom My Heart - Cinema ParadisoSe tu fossi nei miei occhi per un giornoVedresti la bellezza che piena d"allegriaIo trovo dentro gli occhi tuoiE nearo se magia o lealtaSe tu fossi nel mio cuore per un giornoPotreste avere un"ideaDi cio che sento ioQuando m"abbracci forte a teE petto a petto, noiRespiriamo insiemeProtagonista del tuo amorNon so se sia magiaO lealtaSe tu fossi nella mia anima un giornoSapresti cosa sono in meChe m"innamoraiDa quell"istante insieme a teE cio che provo eSolamente amoreDa quell"istante insieme a teE cio che provo eSolamente amore阳光心情每一天

Cinema Paradiso 歌词

歌曲名:Cinema Paradiso歌手:Philip Aaberg专辑:CinemaJosh Groban - Cinema Paradiso (se)(天堂)Se tu fossi nei miei occhi per un giornoVedresti la bellezza che piena d"allegriaIo trovo dentro gli occhi tuoiE nearo se magia o lealtaSe tu fossi nel mio cuore per un giornoPotreste avere un"ideaDi cio che sento ioQuando m"abbracci forte a teE petto a petto, noiRespiriamo insiemeProtagonista del tuo amorNon so se sia magiaO lealtaSe tu fossi nella mia anima un giornoSapresti cosa sono in meChe m"innamoraiDa quell"istante insieme a teE cio che provo eSolamente amore
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