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首先下载好自己手机型号相匹配的ROM传输到手机SD卡,然后开始进入REC刷机(进入REC的方法是首先完全关机然后开机键跟音量减一起按就可进入,各个厂商与各个手机型号不相同所以进入REC方法也会不一样)。这是REC主功能界面。reboot system now 重启手机;apply 安装存储卡中的update.zip升级包(刷机包必须为为update.zip才能升级)wipe data/factory reset 清除用户数据并恢复出厂设置(刷机前必须执行的选项)wipe cache partition 清除系统缓存(刷机前必须执行的选项决)nstall zip from SDcard 从SDcard上安装zip格式的升级包backup and restore 备份和还原系统(相当于手机版的ghost一键备份、还原)mounts and storage 挂载和存储选项advanced 高级设置首先选择第三个跟第四个进行双清wipe data/factory reset 和 wipe cache partition双wipe”,选择后YES确定 等待清理完成后选择第二项从SD卡选择刷机包进行刷机,找到后YES 如果发现刷机包在REC内无法读取出来请将刷机包改名字为update.zip即可。等待刷机完成后选择第一项重启就刷机完毕。



三星手机GT-5830I显示DOWNLOADING。。。 充电就显示这个 固定软件升级过。。 usb无法识别 如何解决??

你的机器进入了挖煤模式,就是刷机模式。你可以长按电源键关机,然后再重新启动机器。如果机器还是这个样子,那就同时按音量上键和电源键,进入恢复模式(recovery),音量键控制上下移动,home键是确定键,把机器双WIPE,即wipe data 和 wipe cache,然后重启机器试试。








把文件重命名后缀改为 .rar然后用压缩软件打开






















1、DOWNLOADING是什么文件。 2、downloading是什么文件格式。 3、文件downloading啥意思。 4、downloading文件是什么意思中文翻译。 5、文件名downloading。 6、文件是downloading格式怎么办。1."downloading文件是什么文件,这是没有下载完成的文件。 2.打开电脑,点击打开百度网盘。 3.点击界面左边的最近使用。 4.在界面中找到之前下载过一回的文件。 5.将鼠标指针移动到上面,每次都显示出工具按钮,点击下载图标。 6.点击传输列表,传输列表上会有一个数字显示正在下载。 7.直接等到下载完成就可以使用了。


右击文件,属性,把 .baiduyun.p.downloading 删掉,确认, ok。但是要确保下载完成。












downloading 英["dau028anlu0259u028adu026au014b] 美["dau028anlou028adu026au014b] v. 将(程序,资料等)从大计算机系统输入小计算机系统,下载( download的现在分词 ); [例句]This article gives you complete instructions for downloading, installing, and configuring Java for AIX.本文为您提供了有关如何下载、安装和配置Java for AIX的完整说明。[其他] 原型:download


downloading 英["daʊnləʊdɪŋ] 美["daʊnloʊdɪŋ] v. 将(程序,资料等)从大计算机系统输入小计算机系统,下载( download的现在分词 ); [网络] 下载; 下载模式; 挖煤; [例句]The realization of FTP upload and FTP download, anonymous uploading and downloading.实现的FTP上载和FTP下载,匿名上传和下载。



Love Is Beautiful(Radio Edit Ver.) 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is Beautiful(Radio Edit Ver.)歌手:白智英专辑:Love Is Beautiful Ep曾国辉 - Love is beautiful给我的女神--美琪天空原来是蓝色的太阳躲在白色云里真美丽天气好好的因为我们在一起是不是小鸟已飞去感觉到空气很清晰大自然 拥抱在一起变成我们的天地美丽的画面会永远藏在我心里让我知道你的需要我们一起寻找让我陪你到最后不要放手一起走 扶摇最后暴风雨也不算理由让我陪你到最后我不会放手我们一起走到以后Love is beautifulbeautifulLove is beautiful是不是小鸟已飞去感觉到空气很清晰大自然 拥抱在一起变成我们的天地美丽的画面会永远藏在我心里让我知道你的需要我们一起寻找让我陪你到最后不要放手一起走 扶摇最后暴风雨也不算理由让我陪你到最后我不会放手我们一起走到以后Love is beautiful天神一直守候我们背后幸福的路让我们努力去拥有让我陪你到最后不要放手一起走 扶摇最后暴风雨也不算理由让我陪你到最后我不会放手我们一起走到以后Love is beautiful我们一起走到以后Love is beautiful美琪,我会陪你走到最后的Lyric by: WinteR


  九年级上册英语Unit1 Reading A部分课文翻译   Millie has read an article on Sunshine Daily. It includes interviews with four people who are outstanding in their fields in Sunshine Town. Here is the article.   米莉读了《阳光日报》上的一篇文章。它包括了阳光镇上在他们各自的领域很杰出的四个人的采访。这是那篇文章。   WuWei,artist   吴伟,艺术家   Wu Wei is a born artist,said his best friend. He"s quiet and doesn"t like to talk much,but his work shouts ! Wu Wei,the young artist,has impressed the whole country with his creative work. His sculptures for Sunshine Town Sciuare have won high praise from the art community. I want to share the best art with people, so I"m always searching for something better or different. This in itself is great fun,he said.   吴伟天生就是一名艺术家,他最好的朋友说。他很安静,话不多,但是他的作品砷极具说服力!昊伟,年轻的艺术家,用他具有创造力的作品给全国人民留下了深刻印象。他为阳光镇广场而刻的雕塑赢得了艺术社目的高度赞扬。我想和人们分享最好的艺术,所以我总是在寻找更好的或不同的事物。这本身就是一种极大的乐趣,他说。   Su Ning,manager   苏宁,经理   Su Ning gave up her job as an accountant five years ago and started to work for the sales department in a big company. I"m active and energetic, and I love working with people. However, in my last job, I could only work with numbers day after day. That made me unhappy. Su Ning is now the general manager of the company. Life is Iike a race. You either take the lead or fall behind. I"m ready to take on new challenges any time,she said.   苏宁在五年前放弃了她的会计工作并开始在一家大型公司的销售部工作。我很活跃而且精力充沛,我喜欢和人们打交道。然而,在我的上一个职业中,我天天只能和数字打交道。那让我很不开心。苏宁现在是这个公司的总经理。生活就像一场赛跑。你要么领先,要么落后。我准备好了在任何时候都接受新的挑战,她说。   Liu Hao,engineer   刘浩,工程师   Liu Hao is the chief engineer of the high-speed railway connecting Sunshine Town to Tianjin. To us,a miss is as good as a mile. We can"t afford to make any mistakes,said Mr Liu. All of us know that it"s necessary to pay attention to every detail. He"s serious and well organized,one of his team members said,He always works to high standards, but he"s modest and easy to work with.   Fang Yuan,doctor   方圆,医生   Fang Yuan,head of Sunshine Hospital and a pioneer heart surgeon,is kind and patient. As a doctor,you can"t be too careful,she said. Carelessness will be a disaster not only to ourselves but also to patients. She"s always willing to work extra hours, said another doctor. In fact,Doctor Fang often does operations for about ten hours a day. She has devoted most of her time to her work All the people in the town respect her.   方圆,阳光医院的院长而且是心脏外科的先锋,她既和蔼又有耐心。作为一名医生,再怎么仔细也不为过,她说。粗心不仅对我们自已而且对病人也将会是一场灾难。她总是自愿加班好几个小时,另一位医生说。实际上,方医生经常一天大约做10个小时手术。她已经把大部分时间都贡献给了工作。镇里的所有人都尊敬她。   九年级英语复习攻略   对时间考察很多   听力似乎成了很多考生拿高分的拦路虎。建议大家,平时有空经常放放英语磁带,主动创造英语环境,以此来刺激耳朵的敏感度。   其实,听力也有解题技巧。在听力开始前,考生们要先仔细审题,预测考点内容,然后带着预测去听材料就可以增加准确性。对时间、地点、人名这些信息考生一定要养成边听边记的习惯,而且要特别重视时间的间接表达法。   在不确定答案的时候,也不要过于执着,这样会浪费考试时间。还有,不要以为听力是不可以进行事后检查的,根据之前记录的信息和掌握的常识,从选项和题干上分析,还是可以查漏补缺的。   单项选择将考查单词、词组在特殊语境中的含义   单选包含了比较多的基础知识点,但是像往年纯粹考语法的题目会减少,今年将着重考查单词、词组在特殊语境中的含义。平时考生做了大量的单选题目,可能形成了一种思维定式,看到一题觉得似曾相识,想都没想就下笔答题,这样很容易就被干扰选项迷惑。   除了单词、词组的固定搭配外,还要掌握一定的解题技巧。比如直接法,哪些动词和to搭配,哪些动词是doing形式,考生要自己做归纳总结。还有关键词法,解题时一定要圈出关键词,平时做练习和模拟考时也要养成这个习惯。答卷应该干净整洁,但是问卷最好多些圈圈点点,这样的举手之劳对解题帮助很大。   前后照应法特别适用于一问一答式题干的题目。考生不要仅凭自己的经验,而要根据下文找到题目中隐含的意思。另外像排除法,就需要考生在审题时可以将一些显而易见的错误选项排除,然后再比较剩下的选项,大大提高答题的正确率。还有语境情景法,是要考生耐心地多看几遍题干,可以把选项带入题目。   完形填空至少看三遍全文   完形填空是整张试卷中较难的一块题目,考生失分比较多。和单项选择一样,完形也不再纯粹考语法。做完形填空至少要看三遍全文:第一遍跳过空格了解全文大概意思,第二遍边看边做题,第三遍将空格填上通读全文。   有相当一部分考生认为只要选出答案就好了,对有空格的段落很重视,对没有空格的段落就忽略不计。这是大错特错,因为很多信息和答案可能就隐藏在这些段落中。其中要特别注意对首句、尾句、首段、尾段的理解,可以反复多读几遍。   九年级英语复习计划   词语填空、单词拼写比较简单   拿高分要熟悉16册单词   这两个题型相对比较简单,词语填空需要考生对单词研究透彻。比如visit有几种词义、几种词性,可能有哪些变形等,是需要全部了解的。然后通读全文,选好词后仔细考虑需不需要变形。   在不是非常有把握的前提下,不要填一个词就把它从方框中划掉,应该灵活地填到其他空格中试试。单词拼写要拿高分,就要做到16册课本中表一、表二的 1600多个单词都会背、写。平时还可以多翻译一些英语句子,先用英文念一遍,然后再用中文表述一遍。答题时不能脱离句子单看单词,应该先弄清楚句子的意思,不然会背再多的单词也徒劳无用。   词语填空还需要考生通读全文,抓住文章中心意思。另外,还要善于发现文章所设的伏笔和前后呼应的内容。   书面表达要量力   下笔之前先仔细审题,如果有时间可以打打草稿,列个提纲。考生要用自己最有把握的单词和句子放在作文里,不能肯定的单词和从句用法就坚决舍弃。因为一旦发现拼写错误,老师扣分是很厉害的。   在文章中还可以多用一些关联词,比如:and,what"smore,on the other hand这样作文的档次就整个提升了,给批卷老师的印象也比较好。对于开放式写作,述说观点时不要一味重复已知内容,而是要展开自己的联想。   中考英语说到底还是考查考生对基础知识的掌握情况,所以全面梳理基础知识点仍是必不可少的。考生还要认真对待以往的错题,可以准备一本纠错本和错词本,有空就拿出来翻翻。   在整个复习阶段都应该贯穿听说读写,每天播放磁带,创造全英语环境。另外,阅读理解的提高不能靠临阵磨枪,平时就要适当增加阅读量,中考的要求是要保证15万字以上的课外阅读。

请问一下,为什么说有比较状语从句没有比较定语从句呢?比如说i am reading the sam

此处的as my cousin did是个状语从句,修饰“我”的动作reading,同状语从句中的“did”作比较。

实况足球PES5里Estadio Palo球场是谁的主场?还有就是PES5里有没有伯纳乌球场?


radian vitality是什么意思?

有弧度的生命力, 引申为 强韧的生命力

take my hand i am a stranger in paradise哪首歌



“My name is David Beckham and this is my story. I still look back to ‘98, Of course I wish it hadn"t have happened, How I sort of reacted as a young boy, I think I cried for about 5 or 10 minutes literally, I"m feeling goose bumps now. I was having death threats, I never felt safe for 3 and a half years. It can knock a person down so much that they just go under, After I scored the goal against Greece, All of the sports writers, they just stood up and started clapping me, To have that from the harshest critics, That was a huge thing, You will go through tough times, It"s about coming through that.”

短文改错 One day, Mr. Li was reading his b

One day, Mr. Li was reading his book in the【teacher"s--teachers"】office while a football broke through the window and hit him on【加上the】 back of his head. Mr. Li was 【great--greatly】 shocked and felt angry. He took the ball and went 【去掉to】 downstairs to see who on earth threw the ball. He met a little boy at the doorway 【but--and】 the boy said it was 【him--he】 who had thrown the ball. The boy 【express--expressed】 his deep sorrow to Mr. Li, promising that he 【will--would】 take enough care afterwards. Mr. Li praised the boy for his 【honest--honesty】. The boy thanked him【 of--for】 his kindness and said good-bye to him, running away with the ball.

跪求牛津小学7a Reading课文~~~

Unit 1 Hi,I"m Millie.I"m 12 years old.I"m in Class 1,Grade 7.I live in Beijing.I love reading.I"m in the Reading Club.I have a dog.His name"s Eddie.I love him very much. Hello,everyone!My name is Simon.I was born in Shanghai but I live in Beijing now.I like Beijing very much.I love playing football after school.I have one cousin,Annie. Hi,I"m Sandy.I come from Beijing.I"m very tall ang slim.I have long black hair.I like listening to music. Now let"s meet Kitty,Amy and Daniel. This is Kitty.She is 11 years old. She is small.She loves dancing.She works hard. This is Amy.She is not very tall.She has short hair.She is good at swimming.She is funny. This is Daniel.He wears glasses.He enjoys playing computer games.He is polite and helpful. Unit 2 Dear Tommy Hello,my name is Millie.I am a student at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.I love my new school.It is very big.I am in Class 1,Grade 7.I like my classroom because it is big and clean. There are lots of nice people in my class.Amy is my best friend.At lunchtime,we often sit under the trees in the playground.We always chat with each other or play games.My new classmates are all nice to me.All my friends are really great!I love them very much. The school day starts at eight every morning.We do morning exercises first.Our lessons begin at 8.25 a.m.My favourite lessons are Chinese and English.I like Maths too.I spend about two hours a day doing my homework. I go to the school library every day.I go to the Reading Club after school every Tuesday and Friday.I also like playing volleyball.Sometimes,I practise with my friends after school.Amy is a member of the Swimming Club.She is a very good swimmer!We always have a good time at our school. Please e-mail me soon! MillieUnit 3October 15thDear MillieThank you for telling me about Mid-Autumn Festival.We do not celebrate it in the USA but we celebrate Halloween.Halloween is my favourite festival.We have a special party on October 31st.What do we do for Halloween?We play a game called "trick or treat"".We knock on people"s doors and shout "trick or treat"".Usually,they give us some candy as a treat.If they do not give us a treat,we can play a trick on them.My friend ang I always dress up at Halloween.We wear special costumes with masks.Sometimes we paint our faces and people do not know who we are.It is wonderful!This year,I will wear a tiger costume.We make our own special pumpkin lanterns for Halloween.We cut out the eyes,the noses and the sharp teeth.My family always have a party on the evening of October 31st.It usually starts at about 8.p.m.We eat a lot of special Halloween chocolates and candies.We have hot drinks and eat lots of nice,hot food.We do not eat mooncakes.Happy Halloween!Lots of loveWendy(是这个吗?)

英语同义句在线翻译 He goes to the Reading Club after school every Tuesday,Thursday and Friday

He goes to the Reading Club after school every Tuesday,Thursday and Friday. = He goes to the Reading Club after school three times a week.


Wendy Wang,15,must be one of the top students in Shanghai .She"s already written several successful computer games.Now all of her family work in her business .And she"s still at school! 6 a. m. I get up at six, wash and put on my school uniform.I have breakfast with my parents.We have a family business .I started the business two”二ago .I write computer games .Luckily,they are very popular. We sell over half a million games every year.场father is the manager of the company,and my mother is responsible for sales .My" brother is our accountant .Every morning we discuss the business at breakfast .Then I usually work on my computer for an hour before school.、 7 .30 a. m. I always go to school in my own car. I am not old enough to drive,and so I have a driver. I sometimes make phone calls to clients on the way to school. 8 a. m. I start school.I enjoy seeing my school friends,but some of the work is boring because it is too simple for me .I usually achieve A grades in all my subjects,I never fail an exam. 12.30 p.m. About twice a week my driver collects me from school.I go and have lunch with a client.Then I return to school. 4 .15 p. m. After school I usually attend a club.On Friday have Computer Club meetings.The other students often ask me to assist them .On Mondays and Thursdays I play basketball.Once a week I have violin lessons.My driver always takes me home after school .I finish my homework in an hour or two before dinner.} 7p.m. I always have dinner with my parents.We discuss our business.Then I go to my office and continue working on my games .I seldom go to bed before 2 a. m .I do not usually need much sleep.

adidas鞋的标签上写的wicks away moisture是什么意思



1、设置radius设置-->数据库 自动配置ODBC设置-->系统 密钥、认证端口、计费端口 设置结果如下: 密钥:123 认证端口:1812 计费端口:1813设置-->认证方法 安全-->拒绝具有相同用户名的并发用户接入(这样,要是相同用户名的并发用户接入时就提示691错误)所有设置完要重新运行winradius.exe才生效的添加用户:aaa和bbb现在我们来测试一下radius是否生效了,运行RadiusTest.exe2、设置routerOS的radiusradius-->addservice:pppaddress: (填的是radius服务器的ip地址)secret:123 (填的是radius服务器的密钥)authentication port:1812 (填的是radius服务器的认证端口号)accounting port:1813 (填的是radius服务器的计费端口号)3、修改ppp的secret使支持AAA,这样ppp就可用使用radius进行认证了ppp-->secret,AAA-->set勾选上use radius4、测试用一帐户进行pppoe测试,一切正常用另一帐户进行vpn测试,不可以,742错误,远程计算机不支持所要求的数据加密类型

找一首英文歌 女的唱的 里面的歌词 隐约听到什么to the sky …………radio 然后就 嘿嘿嘿


英语作文《reading a good habit》

There are some people who like reading as a habit,and there are some people who only read because they"re told to.Reading is a very good habit.I like reading very much.I like reading suspense novels particularly those written by Stephen King.I usually read during weekend mornings.On Sunday afternoons,I usually go to the Xinhua Bookstore to look for the latest suspense thrillers.I try to read books of various genres or formats.This keeps things mixed up,and also helps broaden my horizons with different information and subject matter.I started with my favorite type of book,and then venture out from there.Finally,a bad habit is just like a comfortable bed.It is easy to get in,but hard to get out.A good book makes good reading and always remember this:a man who doesn"t read books is no better than a man who can"t read them.Before you read a book,tell yourself,"I will enjoy reading this book!"Happy reading!

matteo-panama(radio edit)中文歌


Radical Face-Welcome Home中文歌词

Sleep don"t visit 睡眠不会游览 so I choke on sun 所以我在太阳上呛了 And the days blur into one 和日子虚化为一体 And the backs of my eyes 还有我的眼背面 hum with things I"ve never done 对我从来没有做过的事情发出哼声 Sheets are swaying 床单摇曳著 from an old clothesline 一条很旧的晒衣绳 Like a row of captured ghosts over old dead grass 像一排捕捉到的鬼挂在老废草上 Was never much but we made the most 从未有很多,但我们做了大部分 Wele home 欢迎回家 Ships are launching from my chest 船舶从我的胸膛中下水 Some have names but most do not 有些船有名字,但大部分没有 If you find one 如果你找到其中一个 please let me know what piece I"ve lost 请让我知道那块碎片我违失了 Peel the scars from off my back 我背上剥离的伤痕 I don"t need them anymore 我再不需要他们 You can throw them out or keep them in your mason jars 你可以抛了他们或放在石匠罐子里 I"ve e home 我回家了 All my nigares escaped my head 所有噩梦从我的头逃离 Bar the door please don"t let them in 关上门,请不要让他们进来 You were never supposed to leave 你永远也不要假设要离开 Now my head"s splitting at the seams 现在我的头在接缝处分裂 And I don"t know if I can 我不知道我也可以 Here beneath my lungs 这里,我的肺下方 I feel your thumbs 我觉得你的大拇指 press into my skin again 再次按进我的皮肤 Radical Face Lyrics Wele Home 参考:

Hydroxyl radical是怎样产生的

Hydroxyl radical:羟基自由基 电子传递链的最终质子受体是O2,在这个过程中,会生成活性氧代谢产物,如超氧阴离子(O 2- )、过氧化氢(H 2 O 2 )、羟自由基(HO · )、一氧化氮(NO)等。 厌氧菌不进行有氧呼吸,所以应该不产生。 抗氧化机制的论文有很多,你基础不错,可以自己去查查看。( 例:Reiter RJ, Carneiro RC, Oh CS (August 1997). "Melatonin in relation to cellular antioxidative defense mechanisms") 专性厌氧菌没有需氧电子传递链和完整的三羧酸循环,最终以外源的无机氧化物(CO2 、SO42- 、NO3—)作为受氢体。

《Radical Christian Writings A Reader》求百度网盘云资源

《Radical Christian Writings》(Bradstock, Andrew; Rowland, Christopher C.;)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:r039书名:Radical Christian Writings作者:Bradstock, Andrew; Rowland, Christopher C.;出版社:Wiley-Blackwell页数:384

新概念英语中all admit radical changes 中为什么change加s?

回答如下:复数名词前面加定冠词表示特指,不加定冠词表示泛指。如:I like reading books. 我喜欢读书(泛指)。I like reading the books on the bookshelf. 我喜欢读书架上的书(特指)。本句中的复数名词changes前面没有定冠词,说明是泛指。本句翻译:所有人都承认巨大的变化。

Radical Face《A Little Hell》 中文歌词

Radical Face《A Little Hell》 中文歌词It"s not about who"s right or who"s wrong It"s not about who"s weaker or who"s strong It"s not about who"s innocent or who"s fault It aint really bout that kinda thing at all It"s not about who does it or done it or did it to who Dont matter if the .. you lose Its really not bout nothing excpet for me and you girl It"s about drama and love and "lationships And when the going gets tough you deal with it And you dont ever you never walk away from it You hold on you be strong It"s about drama and drugs and making it If your somebody messed up you dig it in Dont let nobody come between you you just stay with it You hold on and be strong And hold on, yes you do It"s not about the stupid things that we say Were always saying stupid things anyway It"s not about the secrecy of the lines Girl everybodys got a secret to hide It"s not about who was it who was she who"s creeping on who Won"t matter if the both of us lose It"s really not bout nothing, cept for me and you Ain"t "bout your pride Ain"t "bout yourself It"s "bout you do it to and no one else Ain"t "bout the her Ain"t "bout the lies Ain"t "bout the crazy things thats running through your mind It"s "bout the love thats supposed to last and never dies+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++这不是关于谁对谁错这不是关于谁脆弱谁坚强这不是关于谁无辜谁有错 这真的跟那些事情没有关系这不是关于谁对谁做了什么不要在乎你丢失了什么除了对我和你,女孩,这真的跟其他的事情没有关这是关于做戏,爱,和感情在我们感情之路艰难的时候,你维护它你从来没有放弃你坚持着,你变得坚强这是关于做戏,大麻,和做爱如果他在床上搞砸了就自己来你要好好维护你们的关系,不要让任何人介入你们你坚持着,你变得坚强坚持着,是的,你坚持着这是关于我们谈论过的那些愚蠢的事我们总是会谈论一些愚蠢的事这不是关于我们言不由衷的秘密女孩,每个人都有隐藏起来的秘密不要问我跟我上床的那女孩是谁如果我们失去彼此的话这也就不那么重要了除了对我和对你,这跟一切都没有关跟你的自尊没关跟你没关这是关于你对我的忠贞跟她没有关跟那些谎言没有关跟你想的那些疯狂的事没关这是关于永存不灭的爱自己翻译的 说实话 欧美歌曲的歌词很口语化 很多%……%#很露骨,你知道啦,意思差不多就是这个 表达得比较含蓄。

Radical SAM 是什么意思啊?


时空之轮2片尾曲 radical dreamer的中文意思


Radical Something的《Tomorrow》 歌词

歌曲名:Tomorrow歌手:Radical Something专辑:TomorrowShane:Can"t believe its overThat you"re leavingWeren"t we meant to be?Should"ve sensed the dangerRead the warningsRight there in front of meJust stopLets start it overCouldn"t I get one more try?All:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize, I could changeI"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayMaybe tomorrowShane:I forgot to be thereI was selfishI can see that nowMark:I should"ve got to known youShould"ve held youWhen your tears fell downJust stopDon"t make me beg youTell me that you"ll stay the nightAll:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize, I could changeI"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayI will find a wayNicky:Wait a minuteJust hear me outThis time I promise, I"ll put you firstShane:Turn around nowYour heart can"t let you walk awayI"ll do what it takesAll:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize (realize), I could change (I can change)I"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayMaybe tomorrowKian:There"s so much I wanna say nowI just wanna make a life with you (don"t walk away)There"s so much I wanna do nowI just wanna make love to youShane:Maybe tomorrow

radical books


a radical departure from什么意思


Radical Something -- Step RightUp 歌词

Step Right UpRADICAL SOMETHINGSomebody gimme one more cuz I just ran outI don"t go to the clubs and I don"t stand outBalls to the wall in the basement partyin"Doesn"t matter what bar we in or what car we inBig Red on the 1s and 2s, Now I know just what to do Start goin" buck wild cuttin" up the rug In the middle of the music dealers living roomIt"s like "BOOM"How ya like me now?Fans do the wave so I surf the crowdSpeakers blown cuz we get so loudNever sell out but our shows sold outGet "em like "HEY!"Gettin" torn up in the middle of the dayRadical Something, you know what they say:"Once you get a little taste then you"ll never be the same"Step right up, it"s the last nightIt"s the last night, it"s the last nightIn the city of lightsIt"s the last night, it"s the last nightIt"s the last night,To do what we came to doSweaty tee, drippin" wetDid I get your number? I forgetIt"s Big Red, in my own weight classTomahawk, yeah breakin" glassYeahNow were on a rollSit back relax get comfortableCuz these days, got heat wavesListen lil mama, better behaveOhInstant replay, raps A-classNever been a function that we can"t crashMay laugh, but I bet you gon" move ya buttWhen I pop off the top with the groovy stuffI"m too faced to talkAnd took a dang shot with a grain a saltHop right in, get right to it, movin" Dare me enough and I just might do itStep right up, it"s the last nightIt"s the last night, it"s the last nightIn the city of lightsIt"s the last night, it"s the last nightIt"s the last night,To do what we came to do如满意,麻烦您采纳一下我的回答,谢谢~O(∩_∩)O

自由基(Free radical)的特点是什么?


radical species是什么意思




mixed radical是什么意思

radical adj. 根本的,基本的,激进的 n. 激进分子 entire adj. 全部的,完整的,整个 mixed v. 混合 adj. 混合的 糊涂的 音标打不出来啊

radical 跟 functional group 有什么区别?

radical 不一定是functional group,比如烷基functional group 也不一定是radical,比如酯基

less radical fertility sparing surgery中文意思

less radical fertility sparing surgery 保留生育能力的次广泛切除手术less radical: 次广泛切除fertility sparing: 保留生育能力这个短语充分表现了早期的不恰当翻译造成的困难。radical surgery以前一直翻译为根治手术。这个翻译实际上误解了的radical意思。结果西方来了个less radical surgery,我们就不知道怎么翻了,译成少根治手术显然是错的,说明以前的翻译也是错的。我查了一下中文文献,发现有的文献把radical surgery翻译成广泛切除手术,相应的就把less radical surgery翻译成次广泛切除手术。这就比较接近英文原意了。

如何评价 Radical face

作者:wellagainst链接:来源:知乎著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。radical face是electric president的主唱Ben Cooper的个人项目,从2003年到如今的13年时间里,Ben为这个项目制作了5张专辑3张EP,比他自己的乐队的作品都还要多。其实无论是electric president还是radical face,都是在民谣的大框架之内,只不过electric president加大了架子鼓和贝司的比重,也有合成器的参与,总的感觉更摇滚;而radical face用了大量弦乐包括班卓琴竖琴手风琴,吟唱,以及拍手甚至踢踏舞(?)的音效,所以让人感觉更加缱绻温柔,但又干净利落。radical face是我非常喜欢的乐队。听其中的作品,比如the crooked kind,a pound of flesh, the gilded hand, 就像是目睹溪流发迹于山涧,继而壮大成河流汇入大海的过程。一开始可能是绵密的钢琴声搭配木门的吱呀声,树叶的沙沙声,玻璃器皿的碰撞的声音,然后提琴和竖琴渐次加入主歌部分,副歌部分再加入拍手的音效加强节奏,最后Ben的声音戛然而止进入桥段部分,但弦乐和钢琴照旧,吉他,手风琴,以及吟唱突显了出来,这个时候的听感是最美的,就像是河流裹挟的泥沙突然遇到开阔的入海口而沉积下来,形成柔软的滩涂,而河流依然奔涌不息。所以,Radical face的作品的层次感很强,不同配器层层累积着情绪,每一层都是轻盈的,细腻的,非常有序。Ben的声音有点...娘,但这种娘并不让我厌烦,我第一次听到这个声音的时候,我就想到了美国中部那些还没变声的白人小胖子,后来一看Ben的照片,果然是个白人...胖大叔。他有鼻音,声音不通透,更适合演唱这种娓娓道来,温柔地回忆从前的民谣。Radical face 的歌词言之有物,实在的叙述,朴实地抒情,比国内的好词好句风格的流行民谣好多了。它的family tree 三部曲就是用专辑的形式写小说,描述一个家族的故事,所以这三张专辑自然要用到很多的细节,不同的歌以不同人物的视角来写,三张专辑全部释出以后,每个人物的脉络也就完整了。实际上,我在听radical face的时候总会不自觉地想起fleet foxes,他们的民谣都很精致华丽但又恰到好处,只不过fleet foxes主唱的音色更加透亮高昂,就像是小智拿着他的第一个小精灵从真新镇出发闯世界那样明亮开阔(噢天哪我在说什么...)而radical face就像是...嗯...鸣人对他儿子讲述自己不算快乐但偶尔也有感动的童年。我也觉得我的栗子挺让人尴尬的...总的来说,radical face的作品可战斗可安眠,词曲编都挺好,可能从ghost到family tree:the leaves张张都是弦乐让人觉得同质化,不过我觉得单就family tree三部曲来说风格相近没有什么不妥,因为我不能指望第一部是红楼梦第三部就转型成百年孤独(何况leaves有了摇滚倾向,也更私人化了)。

radical group是什么意思啊??


Head Flexpoint Radical & Instinct & MicroGEL Radical

更新1: Official features 本人一早细阅,本人希望得到真正用家的ment,谢谢! 听些卖网球拍的人说早前中国香港代理Head的公司之前关了门, 所以我现在在中国香港都未见过MicroGEL有得卖。 但好似最近中国香港有返公司代理。 我现在是打Flexpoint Radical tour的,比Flexpoint Radical 重了20克,315克,power level 是L4,都几好打,但是是疏线设计,条线会唔耐用,但打上旋几好。 Flexpoint Radical 重295克,power level 都是L4,是密线设计,感觉比tour硬,其实它和tour几不多,但在full swing中,tour重些会好打些。 Instinct 是L3 power level,支拍有力些,无咁重,其实我觉得Head的flexpoint 拍打出来分别不大,重点是支拍的power level 和重量的分别。 power level 越大,个波越去,支拍越重,full swing 打ground stroke最爽,当然你要知道正确击球点。 Flexpoint Radical see tennis-warehouse/descpageRCHEAD-FPR Flexpoint Instinct see tennis-warehouse/descpageRCHEAD-HFPI MicroGEL Radical see tennis-warehouse/descpageRCHEAD-HMGRAD

RADICAL SR8 这是个车的名字中文是什么意思啊

来自英国的超跑Radical SR8LM再一次刷新了纽北的赛道成绩,将由自己保持的6分55秒赛道记录提高到了6分48秒。参见说道中文名,就叫:“瑞迪兽”如何?(效仿“DS=谛艾仕”),不过这样的成绩也只有“兽”类才能完成!




翻译如下radicaladj.激进的;彻底的;根本的,基本的;[植]根生的n.激进分子;根基,原子团;[数学]根数例句He is regarded as a committed supporter of a radical free-market economics policy. 他被视为激进的自由市场经济体制政策的坚定支持者。

radical是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

radical音标:[radikal]词义:a. 根的, 根生的; 根本的, 彻底的; 激 进 的, 激 进 派 的; 词根的n. m. 词干, 词根; [数]根号, 根式; [化]根, 基; 激 进 分 子, 激 进 党 人。


Radical是一个英文单词,可以解释为“根本的”、“基本的”、“彻底的”等。在政治上,Radical也指那些主张彻底变革社会、经济和政治制度的人或组织。在化学中,Radical是指原子或分子中未成对的电子。除了以上的解释,Radical还有一种扩展的用法,即指那些具有不同于主流观点或传统方法的思想或行动的人或组织。这种Radical可能在社会、文化、娱乐、艺术、科学等领域内出现,并倡导一些非传统的理念或思考方式。Radical的扩展意义并不意味着完全违反常规或道德准则,但在某种程度上,它强调了冒险、创新和不同的思考方式。相关 radica汽车 l挑战赛—英国总之,Radical这个单词体现了对一些重要事物的深入思考和挑战传统思维的勇气,因此,它在现代社会中仍然具有很高的重要性。


n. 自由基;激进分子;




adj.激进的; 彻底的; 根本的,基本的; [植]根生的n.激进分子; 根基,原子团; [数学]根数

environmental protection is in contradiction with economic development Y/N ?


ftisland-tv radio歌词翻译

I"m one in a will我有一个愿望on top of the hill站在山顶so what do you say看你要说什么I"m taking it back我会将它带回去I"m still on the track我仍然在路上not loosing a moment in any way不会丢掉任何一刻I feel like a bird我感觉自己像一只鸟my view of the world我所看到的世界right under my wings正好在我的翅膀下I"m one of a kind我是一类人中的一个not easy to find不容易被找到so take it or leave it所以选择或者丢弃(我)I wanna be there and do it again (do it all over again)我想在那里让一切重来I wanna be there noww and forever我想在那里 现在 永远TV Radio 电视,广播台(……汗)Let"s take a station in control让我们拥有一个属于我们自己控制的地方come to my show 来看我的表演吧this is my life of rock and roll这是我充满摇滚乐的生命stadium sold out场地坐满了人I"ll make it to the hall of fame我将使它充满名气there is no doubt这是毫无疑问的cus here I come I"m back again因为我在这里 我再一次回来been fighting for years已经奋斗了许多年shed so many tears流了许多眼泪It"s never too late但还不晚The vision is mine 视线是属于我的I"m making it shine我将使它们发光It"s always a struggle to keep it straight所以总是要努力把视线集中在我身上I"ve felt so alone我曾经感到孤独been cold to the bone孤独到骨头发冷I made it all through但是我都战胜了I know what it takes 我知道该坚持什么I"ve done some mistakes尽管犯了许多错误that I can"t undo所以我不会放松I wanna be there and do it again (do it all over again)I wanna be there noww and foreverTV Radio Let"s take a station in controlcome to my show this is my life of rock and rollstadium sold outI"ll make it to the hall of famethere is no doubtcus here I come I"m back againAs long as we try we"re winning只要我们努力去取得胜利It"s a start of a new beginning就是一个新的开始there"s a meaning in what were singing在我们的歌声中有一种意义It"s the sound of our life就是生命的声音TV Radio Let"s take a station in controlcome to my show this is my life of rock and rollstadium sold outI"ll make it to the hall of famethere is no doubtcus here I come I"m back againcus here I come I"m back againTV Radio Let"s take a station in controlcome to my show this is my life of rock and rollstadium sold outI"ll make it to the hall of famethere is no doubtcus here I come I"m back againcus here I come I"m back come I"m back come I"m backagain


总排字指示:在标题上加上标志。这个标志给予资料库或排字时所需的款式。 The points to be discussed can be brought under three main headings. 所论各点可以归为三个主要方面. Headliner: Machine to produce larger sizes of type for headings. 标题字机:专门排标题大字的机器。 The various initiators can be grouped under the following headings 各种引发剂可按下列标题分类。

Real Wild Child (Feat. Nomadik) 歌词

歌曲名:Real Wild Child (Feat. Nomadik)歌手:The Chipmunks & The Chipettes专辑:ChipwreckedReal Wild ChildJosie and the PussycatsWell I"m just outta schoolLike I"m real real coolGotta dance like a foolGet the message thatI wanna be a wild oneOoh yeah I"m a wild oneGotta break it looseGotta keep it movin" wildGotta keep it swingin", babyI"m a real wild childI"m a real wild oneAnd I like wild funIn a world gone crazyJosie And The PussycatsEverything seems hazyI"m a wild oneOoh yeah I"m a wild oneGotta break it looseGotta keep it movin" wildGotta keep it swingin", babyI"m a real wild childWell I"m just outta schoolLike I"m real real coolGotta dance like a foolGet the message thatI wanna be a wild oneOoh yeah I"m a wild oneGotta break it looseGotta keep it movin" wildGotta keep it swingin", babyI"m a real wild childI"m a wild oneOoh yeah I"m a wild oneOoh yeah I"m a wild oneOoh yeah I"m a wild oneGotta break it looseGotta keep it movin" wildGotta keep it swingin", babyI"m a real wild childBreak it looseKeep it movin" wildGotta keep it swingin", babyI"m a real wild childBreak it looseKeep it movin" wildGotta keep it swingin", babyI"m a real wild child

I though insurgency had all but been eradicated

all but几乎,差不多


custom 习惯To kiss me every night is her custom. 每夜亲我是她的习惯.不能用tradition, convention代替.tradition 传统To go home is a tradition in Chinese Spring festival. 回家是中国春节的一个传统.不能用custom, convention代替.convention 习俗Nowadays convention allows people to kiss in public. 如今风俗允许人们在公共场合接吻.不能用custom, tradition代替.


  convention 习俗;协定;大会  It"s an established convention that the part of the prince is played by a woman.  tradition 传统, 惯例  The Chinese nation has a fine tradition of respecting elderly people.


1、custom 风俗,指某个社会群体的在某个地区所特有的生活习惯。They still follow the custom of pinning money to the bride"s dress.2、convention 惯例,指某个社会群体均认可的行为原则。She rebelled against convention and refused to marry.3、instiution 习俗,指某个社会群体共同遵守的重要传统。Local residents are strictly kept in the institutions of marriage and the family.4、tradition 传统,经历了千百年生活沉淀而形成的生活习惯。By tradition, people play practical jokes on 1 April.1、custom 风俗,指某个社会群体的在某个地区所特有的生活习惯。They still follow the custom of pinning money to the bride"s dress.2、convention 惯例,指某个社会群体均认可的行为原则。She rebelled against convention and refused to marry.3、instiution 习俗,指某个社会群体共同遵守的重要传统。Local residents are strictly kept in the institutions of marriage and the family.4、tradition 传统,经历了千百年生活沉淀而形成的生活习惯。By tradition, people play practical jokes on 1 April.
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