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1.special 3.goodtempered 4.softly 5.timid 6.suppose 7.caring 8.patiently 11.nodded 12.supp

其实如果楼主经常需要英英释义的话比较推荐使用韦氏词典,是一份初阶的英英词典,解释用的词都是比较基础的,不管是英语入门还是高手都很适合。下面就是我利用韦氏词典查的,希望对楼主有帮助。一、specialNoun1. a special offering (usually temporary and at a reduced price) that is featured in advertising; "they are having a special on pork chops"(hypernym) offer , offering 2. a dish or meal given prominence in e.g. a restaurant(hypernym) dish 3. a television production that features a particular person or work or topic; "the last of a series of BBC specials on Iran is being shown tonight"(hypernym) television program , TV program , television show , TV show Adjective1. unique or specific to a person or thing or category; "the particular demands of the job"; "has a paraticular preference for Chinese art"; "a peculiar bond of sympathy between them"; "an expression peculiar to Canadians"; "rights peculiar to the rich"; "the special features of a computer"; "my own special chair"(synonym) particular(a) , peculiar(a) , special(a) (similar) specific 2. for a special service or occasion; "a special correspondent"; "a special adviser to the committee"; "had to get special permission for the event"(similar) extraordinary 3. surpassing what is common or usual or expected; "he paid especial attention to her"; "exceptional kindness"; "a matter of particular and unusual importance"; "a special occasion"; "a special reason to confide in her"; "what"s so special about the year 2000?"(synonym) especial(a) , exceptional , particular(a) (similar) uncommon 4. adapted to or reserved for a particular purpose; "a special kind of paint"; "a special medication for arthritis"(similar) specialized , specialised 5. having a specific function or scope; "a special (or specific) role in the mission"(synonym) limited (similar) specific 6. first and most important; "his special interest is music"; "she gets special (or particular) satisfaction from her volunteer work"(synonym) particular (similar) primary 7. added to a regular schedule; "a special holiday flight"; "put on special buses for the big game"(synonym) extra (similar) unscheduled 二、activeAdjective1. tending to become more severe or wider in scope; "active tuberculosis"(antonym) inactive (similar) progressive (classification) pathology 2. engaged in or ready for military or naval operations; "on active duty"; "the platoon is combat-ready"; "review the fighting forces"(synonym) combat-ready , fighting(a) (similar) operational (classification) military , armed forces , armed services , military machine , war machine 3. disposed to take action or effectuate change; "a director who takes an active interest in corporate operations"; "an active antagonism"; "he was active in drawing attention to their grievances"(antonym) passive , inactive (similar) activist , activistic (attribute) activeness , activity 4. taking part in an activity; "an active member of the club"; "he was politically active"; "the participating organizations"(synonym) participating (similar) involved 5. characterized by energetic activity; "an active toddler"; "active as a gazelle"; "an active man is a man of action"(antonym) inactive (similar) about(p) , astir(p) (see-also) energetic (attribute) activeness , activity 6. exerting influence or producing an effect; "an active ingredient"(antonym) inactive (similar) activated 7. full of activity or engaged in continuous activity; "an active seaport"; "an active bond market"; "an active account"(antonym) inactive (similar) brisk (attribute) action , activity , activeness 8. in operation; "keep hope alive"; "the tradition was still alive"; "an active tradition"(synonym) alive(p) (similar) existent , existing 9. of the sun; characterized by a high level activity in sunspots and flares and radio emissions(antonym) quiet (classification) astronomy , uranology 10. expressing that the subject of the sentence has the semantic function of actor: "Hemingway favors active constructions"(antonym) passive (classification) grammar 11. expressing action rather than a state of being; used of verbs (e.g. `to run") and participial adjectives (e.g. `running" in `running water")(synonym) dynamic (antonym) stative (classification) grammar 12. (of e.g. volcanos) erupting or liable to erupt; "active volcanos"(antonym) dormant , inactive (similar) alive(p) , live(a) (attribute) action , activity , activeness (classification) vent , volcano 13. producing activity or change(antonym) counteractive , antagonistic (similar) surface-active 14. engaged in full-time work; "active duty"; "though past retirement age he is still active in his profession"(antonym) inactive (similar) activated (classification) military , armed forces , armed services , military machine , war machine 15. being in physical motion; "active fish in the aquarium"(similar) moving 16. characterized by energetic bodily activity; "tennis is an active sport"; "a very physical dance performance"(synonym) physical (similar) energetic 三、goodtemperedAdjective1. not easily irritated; "an equable temper"; "not everyone shared his placid temperament"; "remained placid despite the repeated delays"(synonym) equable , even-tempered , placid (similar) good-natured 四、softlyAdverb1. with low volume; "speak softly but carry a big stick"; "she spoke quietly to the child"; "the radio was playing softly"(synonym) quietly (antonym) loudly , loud , aloud (pertainym) soft 2. in a manner that is pleasing to the senses; "she smiled softly"3. with little weight or force; "she kissed him lightly on the forehead"(synonym) lightly , gently 4. used as a direction in music; to be played relatively softly(synonym) piano五、timidNoun1. people who are fearful and cautious; "whitewater rafting is not for the timid"(synonym) cautious (antonym) brave (hypernym) people Adjective1. showing fear and lack of confidence(antonym) bold (similar) bashful (see-also) afraid(p) (attribute) timidity , timorousness 2. contemptibly timid(similar) unmanly , unmanful , unmanlike 3. lacking self-confidence; "stood in the doorway diffident and abashed"; "problems that call for bold not timid responses"; "a very unsure young man"(synonym) diffident , shy , unsure (similar) unconfident 4. lacking conviction or boldness or courage; "faint heart ne"er won fair lady"(synonym) faint , fainthearted (similar) cowardly , fearful 六、supposeVerb1. express a supposition; "Let us say that he did not tell the truth"; "Let"s say you had a lot of money--what would you do?"(synonym) say (hypernym) speculate (derivation) guess , conjecture , supposition , surmise , surmisal , speculation , hypothesis 2. expect, believe, or suppose; "I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel"; "I thought to find her in a bad state"; "he didn"t think to find her in the kitchen"; "I guess she is angry at me for standing her up"(synonym) think , opine , imagine , reckon , guess (hypernym) expect , anticipate (hyponym) suspect (derivation) supposition , supposal 3. to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds; "Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps"(synonym) speculate , theorize , theorise , conjecture , hypothesize , hypothesise , hypothecate (hypernym) expect , anticipate (hyponym) reconstruct , construct , retrace (derivation) supposition , supposal 4. take for granted or as a given; suppose beforehand; "I presuppose that you have done your work"(synonym) presuppose (hypernym) assume , presume , take for granted (hyponym) postulate , posit 5. require as a necessary antecedent or precondition; "This step presupposes two prior ones"(synonym) presuppose (hypernym) imply (classification) logic 七、caringNoun1. a loving feeling(synonym) lovingness (hypernym) love (hyponym) warmheartedness , warmth (derivation) care Adjective1. showing a care; "a caring mother"(synonym) protective (similar) tender 2. having or displaying warmth or affection; "affectionate children"; "caring parents"; "a fond embrace"; "fond of his nephew"; "a tender glance"; "a warm embrace"(synonym) affectionate , fond , lovesome , tender , warm (similar) loving 3. feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others; "caring friends"(similar) compassionate 八、patientlyAdverb1. in a patient manner; "he patiently played with the child"(synonym) with patience (antonym) impatiently , with impatience (pertainym) patient 九、nodded(动词nod过去式)Noun1. a sign of assent or salutation or command(hypernym) gesture , motion 2. the act of nodding the head(hypernym) inclination , inclining (hyponym) nutation Verb1. express or signify by nodding; "He nodded his approval"(hypernym) gesticulate , gesture , motion 2. lower and raise the head, as to indicate assent or agreement or confirmation; "The teacher nodded when the student gave the right answer"(hypernym) communicate , intercommunicate 3. let the head fall forward through drowsiness; "The old man was nodding in his chair"4. sway gently back and forth, as is in a nodding motion; "the flowers were nodding in the breeze"(hypernym) move 5. be almost asleep; "The old man sat nodding by the fireplace"(hypernym) drowse


active的各种词性有adj.和n。当adj时,意思是好动的;积极主动的;定期进行的,起作用的;(思想等)活跃的;切实的;(火山)活得;主动语态的。当n.时,意思是主动语态;积极分子。active的副词是actively:adv积极地;活跃地;主动地。active的名词activity.n.活动;热闹状况;活跃:(为兴趣、娱乐或达到一定目的而进行的)活动。active例句有如下:1.Thus we regarded that resveratrol was one of the main active components in GKEs on inhibiting FAS.我们认为白藜芦醇是葡萄皮提取物中抑制FAS的主要成分之一。2.Before I was a work-at-home-mom,I had a very active job that kept me on my feet all day.在我成为一位在家工作的母亲之前,我从事一份机动性很高的职业,整天都要走来走去。3.Body on the right to force the main active ankle,pushing the body to throw the direction of lower limb rotation.身体右侧,以踝关节积极主动用力为主,带动身体下肢向投掷方向转动。4.He said China supports the integration of the EU and would like to see the EU play a more active role in European and international affairs.他说,中国支持欧盟一体化建设,愿意看到欧盟今后在欧洲和国际事务发挥更积极的作用。

act action active activity 有什么分别?

actKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 扮演2. 装出;举动像vi.1. 行动[(+on/for)]2. 起作用,见效[(+on/upon)]3. 假装;演戏,表演4. 扮演,充当[(+as)]5. 举止,表现[L]n.[C]1. 行为;行动2. 【戏】(常大写)幕;节目3. (常大写)法案,法令4. 【口】装腔作势[S1]action名词 n. 1.行动;行为;活动[U][C]The quick action of the firemen saved the building from being burned down.消防队员行动及时,该建筑物方免遭焚毁。2.作用[U]The action of water on rock should be taken into account.应考虑到水对岩石的作用。3.情节[the S]All the action in the play takes place at one railroad station.该剧的整个情节均发生在一座火车站里。4.战斗[C][U]5.诉讼[C]6.姿态,动作[S]7.机械装置;活动部件[S1]active形容词 a.1.活跃的;活泼的Mrs. Brown is over 80 and not very active now.布朗太太已八十多岁,现在不大活动了。2.积极的;勤奋的He became an active social reformer.他成了一位积极的社会改革家。3.在活动中的;在进展中的Mount Vesuvius is an active volcano.维苏威是一座活火山。4.现役的5.现行的,有效的an active law现行法律6.【语】主动的[Z]the active voice主动语态activity名词 n.1.活动;活动力[U]He once engaged in anti-government activity.他一度从事反政府的活动。2.行动[U]The store was a scene of great activity.这家商店顾客盈门。3.活跃;敏捷[U]4.(某一团体的)特殊活动;带消遣性的活动[P1]The school offers many recreational activities for the students.该校为学生提供了很多娱乐活动。

positive 和active有啥区别?

1、意思不同positive:积极的;[数] 正的,[医][化学] 阳性的;确定的;正数;[摄] 正片。active:积极的;活跃的;主动的;有效的;现役的;积极分子。2、用法不同positive表示“正的,阳性的”“完全的,纯粹的”时,无比较级和最高级。作表语表示确信的时,其后可接介词短语、动词不定式或that从句。active是由act派生的形容词,基本意思是活泼的,活跃的,积极的,可指人活泼,活跃,也可指人积极地从事某项活动,引申可表示人的头脑灵活,做事情有效率,还可以表示在活动中的,在起作用的,现行的,现役的。3、侧重点不容positive强调客观效果或影响。active强调主观因素的作用。