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Forget About It 歌词

歌曲名:Forget About It歌手:All Time Low专辑:Dirty WorkAll Time Low - Forget About ItYou are a handful of rosesThorns in a cheap bouquetTrue, I"m a walking disasterThey told you to stay awayIt seems like I"m making a deal with the devilWho"s whispering softly to meAre you sure that she"s the one?"Cause I feel like a bad jokeWalk a tightrope to hold on to youWas it real, or a love scene from a bad dream?I don"t think I can forget about itYou are a shining exampleOf why I don"t sleep at allT-t-t-too many sheep on the brainTo make sense of a late night callTalking in circles and chasing the tailOf a love drunk distant memoryAm I sure that she"s the one?Walk a tightrope to hold on to you (Gotta know)(Gotta know, was it real?)"You know, there are some dayswhen I really feel like this could work.Like, you and I are finally gonna get it right.""Then there are days like today,when you make me wanna tear my fucking hair out.""Cause I feel like a bad joke (Like a bad joke)I feel like just like a bad jokeWhoa, ohGotta know, was it real?Waking up from a bad dreamFrom a bad dream, I don"t thinkI can forget about it !So just forget about it !So just forget !http://music.baidu.com/song/14430817

Forget About It 歌词

歌曲名:Forget About It歌手:Ward 21 Featuring Daville专辑:U Know How We Roll╰ Album: Dirty Work (2011) ╯You are a handful of rosesThorns in a cheap bouquetTrue, I"m a walking disasterThey told you to stay awayIt seems like I"m making a deal with the devilWho"s whispering softly to meAre you sure that she"s the one?"Cause I feel like a bad jokeWalk a tightrope to hold on to youWas it real, or a love scene from a bad dream?I don"t think I can forget about itYou are a shining exampleOf why I don"t sleep at allT-t-t-too many sheep on the brainTo make sense of a late night callTalking in circles and chasing the tailOf a love drunk distant memoryAm I sure that she"s the one?"Cause I feel like a bad jokeWalk a tightrope to hold on to you (Gotta know)Was it real, or a love scene from a bad dream?I don"t think I can forget about it(Gotta know, was it real?)"You know, there are some dayswhen I really feel like this could work.Like, you and I are finally gonna get it right.""Then there are days like today,when you make me wanna tear my fucking hair out.""Cause I feel like a bad joke (Like a bad joke)Walk a tightrope to hold on to you (Gotta know)Was it real, or a love scene from a bad dream?I don"t think I can forget about itI feel like just like a bad jokeWhoa, ohGotta know, was it real?Waking up from a bad dreamFrom a bad dream, I don"t thinkI can forget about it !So just forget about it !So just forget !http://music.baidu.com/song/7427205

that is what hospitality is all about是什么类型的局子?

That is what hospitality is all about.这是一个主系表结构的句子,what引导一个表语从句。句子的意思就是这就是好客之道。具体的成分如下That 主语is 系动词what hospitality表语从句的主语 is 表语从句的系动词all about.表语从句的表语

About Keroro 军曹

人物介绍: KERORO军曹 种族 : K隆星人() 身份 : 小队队长u2027军曹 武器 : Kero球(但现在由冬树保管中) 绝招 : 打扫 弱点 : 只会玩不做事本来不算什么,但他是个军人哦... 爱好 : 看漫画、做钢弹摸型、策划无聊又私心味重的侵略计划。 是蓝星侵略Keroro小队的队长,说话时爱在最后说「是也」。 在军曹准备开始侵略地球的时候总队,因有队员与地球人接触而陷入危机 , 下达紧急撤退命令且对降落在地球的同胞无法进行救援行动… 就这样,Keroro被日向家捕获的军曹便成了日向家的俘虏兼打杂的(还有薪水可拿!?),目前寄居于日向邸, 更在其房间底下建了个侵略用的秘密基地,但基地的最大功用是放置他最心爱的钢弹模型。 平常要的做的事是打理日向家以及做钢弹模型。 同属食客与外星侵略者,醉心于组合塑料钢弹模型,却忘掉KERO军交付的征服地球大业。 TAMAMA二等兵 种族 : K隆星人() 身份 : 突袭兵u2027二等兵 武器 : 是他的口吧...所有攻击都是由他口发出。 绝招 : Tamana冲击波 弱点 : 有着超可怕的双重人格,随时会失控乱发出攻击。 爱好 : 吃零食、整天黏着Keroro并崇拜他,也会不时锻炼自己的体能和功夫。 是五人小队中最年轻的队员,攻击力可以说是小队中的第三名。有像蝌蚪一般的尾巴,具有双重人格,暗恋Keroro。 在被野狗追的时候被西泽桃华救起而成为桃华的宠物(根本就是发泄用的),目前寄居于西泽邸, 几乎每一天都会去日向家找Keroro,对于身为队长的Keroro怀着尊敬的心。 GIRORO伍长 种族 : K隆星人() 身份 : 机动步兵u2027伍长 武器 : 机枪,手榴弹,火箭炮等现代式武器 绝招 : 100%的射击命中率、设置陷阱、对于枪战可以说是必胜的。 弱点 : 暗恋着夏美,但又不敢向她表白。运气也较背,有什么东西从天而降一定会砸到他, 而且很多时也会不幸地成为Kululu测试用的实验者。 爱好 : 整理自己的武器、特别是抹枪,偶尔也会在秘密基地练习枪法 有着移动的兵器库之称的他是一个军事专家,是蓝星侵略小队之中的中坚份子。 由于很重视自己军人的身份,对于队长在日向家中打杂而堕落蛮头痛的。 把侵略蓝星的任务放在第一位置,是不可多得的实力派人士。 曾对日向家发动攻击,但被夏美阻止结果爱上夏美而决定要保护夏美的他 ,当日向夏美遭遇危难之际, GIRORO伍长常默默地为她排解困境,是日向夏美不可多得的贵人。 现和一只白色的街猫同居(?)在日向后园的自建帐篷内,里面堆满了军火。 KURURU曹长 种族 : K隆星人() 身份 : 通讯参谋u2027曹长 武器 : 由耳罩伸出来圆球,可以发出令人不安以及痛苦的音波(不过很少用) 绝招 : 不断的发明新的,奇奇怪怪的东西和侵略用的兵器。 小至身上带用的,大到十米高以上的机械人以及改装整个日向家也难不到他。 爱好 : 发明新的东西,以及作弄身边的每一个人。 是小队中的作战通信参谋,极度阴险,专长是资讯科技和发明。 是蓝星侵略小队不可少的智库,它同时也是侵略小队之中制造高科技武器与道具的重要人物。 每次为大家所发明的东西总会不说清楚其用,或干脆把设定调错,根本是想看大家出糟。 DORORO兵长 种族 : K隆星人() 身份 : 暗杀兵u2027兵长 武器 : 忍者用的长刀 绝招 : 跟踪、隐身、分身、调查情报以及一流的刀法。 弱点 : 没什么存在感,常被人忽略。 爱好 : 蓝星上美丽的大自然,以及友情。 出生于K隆星上有钱的人家,和Keroro以及Giroro是同一届的军学生。很希望得到友情以及别人的注目。 深深的被蓝星的美境吸引著,是个爱好和平以及环保的人。身为精锐部队的兵长,原来是叫作Zororo这个名字, 在降落地球之后 决定成为保护地球的战士同时也改名为而改为Doror,目前与女忍者东谷小雪在一起生活, 亦为侵略小队不可多得的实力派人士。 日向家 日向冬树 种族 : 蓝星人() (即地球人) 身份 : 初中一年级生u2027弟弟 武器 : 对朋友热情的一棵心(?) 绝招 : 对所有超自然事物的认识。 弱点 : 运动 *** 一枚 爱好 : 阅读有超关自然现像的书 日向家次子,出场年龄为十二岁,对超自然有极高的兴趣,包括外星人、神秘事件、鬼怪以及其他零零碎碎的事。 在学校是超能力现象俱乐部的部长。(实际上…..只有部长加社员只有一人 就是他自己) 亦是个谈判的能手,说的话很有说服力,被喻为蓝星的外交官。 个性天真温和,认为可以跟外星人做朋友而把KERORO军曹留下。 日向夏美 种族 : 蓝星人() (即地球人) 身份 : 初中二年级生u2027姐姐 武器 : 全身也是吧(?)、曾使用过大葱去破解Giroro所设的陷阱。 以曾使用Kululu所做的变身领结变身成为超级夏美。 绝招 : 以腿踢为主,闪避的神经也不错。 弱点 : 不是太懂得表达自己吧。 爱好 : 运动、听收音机,最喜欢听的是623主持的节目。 日向家长女,出场年龄为十三岁,因得到妈妈的遗传,有着异常发达的运动神经,功课也不错。 在学校相当受到女学生的钦佩,也是许多社团的目标。 相当反对军曹住在家中,老是监察著军曹们的行动,可以说是唯一能克制K隆星人的蓝星人,为打发外星人的高手。 日向秋 种族 : 蓝星人() (即地球人) 身份 : 漫画编辑u2027妈妈 武器 : 是对漫画那种热诚吧,对住在家里的小动物不会留手。 绝招 : 不合常理的思考方式以及爆炸性的行动。 弱点 : 工作太没法好好的照顾子女,除了这都没什么吧... 爱好 : 驾机车以及快车,看有新意的漫画。 日向家的女主人,夏美与冬树的母亲,也是日向家的经济来源。 身为漫画杂志的编辑,很重视自己的工作以及身边可取的题材,因此经常住在外。 总是希望军曹他们有什么爆炸性的行动可她乐一下,对于侵略一事,她反而不太担心。 拥有美好的身材 相当讨厌动物!! 不过…对于外星人就…军曹可以居住在日向家是由他决定的。 主题曲: 主唱:黄宗泽 [B] 郑嘉颖 [K] 合:明天应更好应更天晴 一张脸微微笑似更精灵 从今天放低心里天秤 胸襟能同时扩阔会更温馨 趣趣怪怪 有趣每天 有错笑笑 又过一天 有舞照跳 最爱叫嚣 最爱过吊桥 乐趣不少 B:我有问题 四个问题 K:想解答 kero kero 无闭翳 B:猜错题 猜错题 K:心要齐 不介怀谂计仔 B:你乱嚟 咪乱嚟 唔专心失误出错唔抵 心中有个谜 K:猜猜那个谜 不需要你提 不如一齐画公仔 合:决心要 *** 齐人 迎接那挑战永不担心 人人要向一个梦逐步前行 时时要无惧乐观不分心 天天都看到笑脸 K:"晴天日日嚟" 合:明天应更好应更天晴 一张脸微微笑似更精灵 从今天放低心里天秤 胸襟能同时扩阔会更温馨 各有各去 竞赛每天 有错有对 学到多少 有舞照跳 最爱叫嚣 最爱过吊桥 乐趣不少 故事大纲 从珈玛星云第58号行星(通称K隆星)来,宇宙侵略特种先锋部队队长—-Keroro军曹,为了要做征服地球的事前工作而被派到前线,潜在日向家的时候不幸被冬树以及夏美抓住,在被冬树的温情及夏美的威胁下以食客的身份入住日向家。   Keroro军曹的部下:有着双重人格的Tamama二等兵、武器战争狂Giroro伍长、阴湿发明家Kululu曹长,以及暗杀专家Dororo兵长都渐渐归队。同时恐怖大王安哥尔.摩亚,以及其他零零碎碎的外星人都不断的出现...   在外星人们捣乱的同时,地球人们不得不向他们的行动作出回应...就这样,一套集友情、热血、破坏、爆笑、比拼、爱情、阴湿以及钢普拉模型的动画诞生了! Keroro ケロロ 种族:K隆星人() 身份:小队队长u2027军曹 诞生日:12月9日(蓝星历) 身高:55.5cm 体重:5.555kg 住所:寄居于日向家 武器:Kero球(但现在由冬树保管中) 绝招:打扫(?) 弱点:只会玩不做事本来不算什么,但他是个军人哦... 爱好:看漫画、做钢弹摸型、策划无聊又私心味重的侵略计划。 登场话数:漫画版 – 第1话 在下乃Keroro军曹是也(第一册)      动画版 – 第1话 在下乃 Keroro 军曹   Keroro军曹为本作品的主角,作为军人的的他奉命到蓝星为侵略作前期准备工作,不料因意外而被迫留在蓝星,更在冬树及夏美的威迫利诱下留在日向家。   Keroro利用分配回来的房间底下建了个侵略用的秘密基地,但基地的最大功用是放置他最心爱的钢弹模型。平常Keroro要的做的事是打理日向家以及在闲时做钢弹模型。 Tamama タママ 种族:K隆星人() 身份:突袭兵u2027二等兵 身高:55.5cm 体重:5.555kg 住所:寄居于西泽邸 武器:基本上是嘴巴跟眼睛,还有肢体上技击。 绝招:Tamama冲击波 弱点 :有着超可怕的双重人格,随时会失控乱发出攻击。 爱好:吃零食、整天黏着Keroro并崇拜他,也会不时锻炼自己的体能和功夫。 登场集数:漫画版 – 第3话 多重人格少女-西泽桃华登场(第一册)      动画版 – 第2话 桃华 & Tamama出击   Tamama二等兵是Keroro小队中最年轻的队员(蝌蚪才会有的小尾巴还在),攻击力可以说是小队中的第三名。现寄住在西泽邸,但几乎每一天都会去日向家找Keroro。十分讨厌同样喜欢Keroro的摩亚。   漫画中的Tamama可以使用空间转换术令自己或身边的人去到不同的地方(极限是自己外加两个人),但在动画版中则没有此技能。 Giroro ギロロ 种族:K隆星人() 身份:机动步兵u2027伍长 身高:55.5cm 体重:5.555kg 住所:日向家后院里的自建帐篷 武器:机枪,手榴弹,火箭炮等现代式武器 绝招:100%的射击命中率、设置陷阱、对于枪战可以说是必胜的。 弱点:暗恋着夏美,但又不敢向她表白。运气也较背,有什么东西从天而降一定会砸到他,而且很多时也会不幸地成为Kululu测试用的实验者。 爱好:整理自己的武器、特别是抹枪,偶尔也会在秘密基地练习枪法。 登场话数:漫画版 – 第11话 新生命体来袭(第二册)      动画版 – 第3话 Keroro 绝秘任务开始   Giroro伍长很重视自己军人的身份,会把侵略蓝星的任务放在第一位置。暗恋着夏美,只要她有危险一定会第一时间赶去救援。有一个同样为军人的哥哥Garuru中尉,可能自小活在哥哥的威严下,所以一直都很想超越他。   现和一只白色的子猫同居在日向后院的自建帐篷内,里面堆满了军火。Giroro不时会用帐篷外的营火去烤蕃薯,他所烤的蕃薯曾得到夏美很高的评价。 Kululu クルル 种族:K隆星人() 身份:通讯参谋u2027曹长 身高:55.5cm 体重:5.555kg 住所:日向家地下基地 武器:由耳罩伸出来圆球,可以发出令人不安以及痛苦的音波(不过很少用) 绝招:不断的发明新的,奇奇怪怪的东西和侵略用的兵器。小至身上带用的,大到十米高以上的机械人以及改装整个日向家也难不到他。 弱点:作战的能力可以说是全队最弱。而且也很怕摩亚那种无垢的心灵。 爱好:发明新的东西,作弄身边的每一个人,以及用咖哩作泡澡。 登场集数:漫画版 – 第20话 第四号外星人(第二册)      动画版 – 第9话 夏美 迈向恋爱之路 Kululu   阴暗、阴湿、阴险这类的名词是为Kululu曹长而设的。每次为大家所发明的东西总会不说清楚其用法,或干脆把设定调错,根本是想看大家出糟。在漫画版中曾称呼Giroro为学长,所以得知他比Keroro,Giroro及Dororo三个年轻,但军阶却是全队最高的一个,可能是他的学识比较高吧。据说他曾以史无前例的速度升到少校的位置,但因为恶意操作情报才被降级为曹长。 Dororo ドロロ 种族:K隆星人() 身份:暗杀兵u2027兵长 身高:55.5cm 体重:5.555kg 住所:漫画版 – 日向家旁 / 动画版 – 水车小屋 武器:忍者用的长刀 绝招:跟踪、隐身、分身、调查情报以及一流的刀法。 弱点:没什么存在感,常被人忽略。 爱好:蓝星上美丽的大自然,以及友情。 登场集数:漫画版 – 第55话 胧转校生登场。宇宙人大混乱(第七册)      动画版 – 第13话 Dororo 被遗忘的战士   Dororo兵长出生于K隆星上有钱的人家,据知家里有妈妈及弟弟。和Keroro、Giroro及Pururu是同一届的军学生。来蓝星前的名字的是Zeroro,为著代表忘记过去,所以把名字改为Dororo。   因为他没什么存在感,再加上自小常被Keroro欺负,所以现在很希望得到友情以及别人的注目。深深被蓝星的美境吸引著的Dororo,是个爱好和平以及环保的人。 参考: k66.shingoaoi/character 人物介绍: KERORO军曹 种族 : K隆星人() 身份 : 小队队长u2027军曹 武器 : Kero球(但现在由冬树保管中) 绝招 : 打扫 弱点 : 只会玩不做事本来不算什么,但他是个军人哦... 爱好 : 看漫画、做钢弹摸型、策划无聊又私心味重的侵略计划。 是蓝星侵略Keroro小队的队长,说话时爱在最后说「是也」。 在军曹准备开始侵略地球的时候总队,因有队员与地球人接触而陷入危机 , 下达紧急撤退命令且对降落在地球的同胞无法进行救援行动… 就这样,Keroro被日向家捕获的军曹便成了日向家的俘虏兼打杂的(还有薪水可拿!?),目前寄居于日向邸, 更在其房间底下建了个侵略用的秘密基地,但基地的最大功用是放置他最心爱的钢弹模型。 平常要的做的事是打理日向家以及做钢弹模型。 同属食客与外星侵略者,醉心于组合塑料钢弹模型,却忘掉KERO军交付的征服地球大业。 TAMAMA二等兵 种族 : K隆星人() 身份 : 突袭兵u2027二等兵 武器 : 是他的口吧...所有攻击都是由他口发出。 绝招 : Tamana冲击波 弱点 : 有着超可怕的双重人格,随时会失控乱发出攻击。 爱好 : 吃零食、整天黏着Keroro并崇拜他,也会不时锻炼自己的体能和功夫。 是五人小队中最年轻的队员,攻击力可以说是小队中的第三名。有像蝌蚪一般的尾巴,具有双重人格,暗恋Keroro。 在被野狗追的时候被西泽桃华救起而成为桃华的宠物(根本就是发泄用的),目前寄居于西泽邸, 几乎每一天都会去日向家找Keroro,对于身为队长的Keroro怀着尊敬的心。 GIRORO伍长 种族 : K隆星人() 身份 : 机动步兵u2027伍长 武器 : 机枪,手榴弹,火箭炮等现代式武器 绝招 : 100%的射击命中率、设置陷阱、对于枪战可以说是必胜的。 弱点 : 暗恋着夏美,但又不敢向她表白。运气也较背,有什么东西从天而降一定会砸到他, 而且很多时也会不幸地成为Kululu测试用的实验者。 爱好 : 整理自己的武器、特别是抹枪,偶尔也会在秘密基地练习枪法 有着移动的兵器库之称的他是一个军事专家,是蓝星侵略小队之中的中坚份子。 由于很重视自己军人的身份,对于队长在日向家中打杂而堕落蛮头痛的。 把侵略蓝星的任务放在第一位置,是不可多得的实力派人士。 曾对日向家发动攻击,但被夏美阻止结果爱上夏美而决定要保护夏美的他 ,当日向夏美遭遇危难之际, GIRORO伍长常默默地为她排解困境,是日向夏美不可多得的贵人。 现和一只白色的街猫同居(?)在日向后园的自建帐篷内,里面堆满了军火。 KURURU曹长 种族 : K隆星人() 身份 : 通讯参谋u2027曹长 武器 : 由耳罩伸出来圆球,可以发出令人不安以及痛苦的音波(不过很少用) 绝招 : 不断的发明新的,奇奇怪怪的东西和侵略用的兵器。 小至身上带用的,大到十米高以上的机械人以及改装整个日向家也难不到他。 爱好 : 发明新的东西,以及作弄身边的每一个人。 是小队中的作战通信参谋,极度阴险,专长是资讯科技和发明。 是蓝星侵略小队不可少的智库,它同时也是侵略小队之中制造高科技武器与道具的重要人物。 每次为大家所发明的东西总会不说清楚其用,或干脆把设定调错,根本是想看大家出糟。 DORORO兵长 种族 : K隆星人() 身份 : 暗杀兵u2027兵长 武器 : 忍者用的长刀 绝招 : 跟踪、隐身、分身、调查情报以及一流的刀法。 弱点 : 没什么存在感,常被人忽略。 爱好 : 蓝星上美丽的大自然,以及友情。 出生于K隆星上有钱的人家,和Keroro以及Giroro是同一届的军学生。很希望得到友情以及别人的注目。 深深的被蓝星的美境吸引著,是个爱好和平以及环保的人。身为精锐部队的兵长,原来是叫作Zororo这个名字, 在降落地球之后 决定成为保护地球的战士同时也改名为而改为Doror,目前与女忍者东谷小雪在一起生活, 亦为侵略小队不可多得的实力派人士。 日向家 日向冬树 种族 : 蓝星人() (即地球人) 身份 : 初中一年级生u2027弟弟 武器 : 对朋友热情的一棵心(?) 绝招 : 对所有超自然事物的认识。 弱点 : 运动 *** 一枚 爱好 : 阅读有超关自然现像的书 日向家次子,出场年龄为十二岁,对超自然有极高的兴趣,包括外星人、神秘事件、鬼怪以及其他零零碎碎的事。 在学校是超能力现象俱乐部的部长。(实际上…..只有部长加社员只有一人 就是他自己) 亦是个谈判的能手,说的话很有说服力,被喻为蓝星的外交官。 个性天真温和,认为可以跟外星人做朋友而把KERORO军曹留下。 日向夏美 种族 : 蓝星人() (即地球人) 身份 : 初中二年级生u2027姐姐 武器 : 全身也是吧(?)、曾使用过大葱去破解Giroro所设的陷阱。 以曾使用Kululu所做的变身领结变身成为超级夏美。 绝招 : 以腿踢为主,闪避的神经也不错。 弱点 : 不是太懂得表达自己吧。 爱好 : 运动、听收音机,最喜欢听的是623主持的节目。 日向家长女,出场年龄为十三岁,因得到妈妈的遗传,有着异常发达的运动神经,功课也不错。 在学校相当受到女学生的钦佩,也是许多社团的目标。 相当反对军曹住在家中,老是监察著军曹们的行动,可以说是唯一能克制K隆星人的蓝星人,为打发外星人的高手。 日向秋 种族 : 蓝星人() (即地球人) 身份 : 漫画编辑u2027妈妈 武器 : 是对漫画那种热诚吧,对住在家里的小动物不会留手。 绝招 : 不合常理的思考方式以及爆炸性的行动。 弱点 : 工作太没法好好的照顾子女,除了这都没什么吧... 爱好 : 驾机车以及快车,看有新意的漫画。 日向家的女主人,夏美与冬树的母亲,也是日向家的经济来源。 身为漫画杂志的编辑,很重视自己的工作以及身边可取的题材,因此经常住在外。 总是希望军曹他们有什么爆炸性的行动可她乐一下,对于侵略一事,她反而不太担心。 拥有美好的身材 相当讨厌动物!! 不过…对于外星人就…军曹可以居住在日向家是由他决定的。 主题曲: 主唱:黄宗泽 [B] 郑嘉颖 [K] 合:明天应更好应更天晴 一张脸微微笑似更精灵 从今天放低心里天秤 胸襟能同时扩阔会更温馨 趣趣怪怪 有趣每天 有错笑笑 又过一天 有舞照跳 最爱叫嚣 最爱过吊桥 乐趣不少 B:我有问题 四个问题 K:想解答 kero kero 无闭翳 B:猜错题 猜错题 K:心要齐 不介怀谂计仔 B:你乱嚟 咪乱嚟 唔专心失误出错唔抵 心中有个谜 K:猜猜那个谜 不需要你提 不如一齐画公仔 合:决心要 *** 齐人 迎接那挑战永不担心 人人要向一个梦逐步前行 时时要无惧乐观不分心 天天都看到笑脸 K:"晴天日日嚟" 合:明天应更好应更天晴 一张脸微微笑似更精灵 从今天放低心里天秤 胸襟能同时扩阔会更温馨 各有各去 竞赛每天 有错有对 学到多少 有舞照跳 最爱叫嚣 最爱过吊桥 乐趣不少 故事大纲 Keroro为Keroro小队的队长,K隆军的军衔为军曹,是「伽玛星云第58号行星·宇宙侵略军特殊先遣部队队长」。 其生日换算为地球历为12月9日。地球的血型为O型。身体脂肪率为30%。至于年龄方面并没有详细透露,但由于Keroro在摩亚童年时已经认识了她(摩亚现时的地球年龄为2000岁),可以推断出Keroro的地球年龄大于2000岁(担当Keroro的配音员渡边久美子曾说到自己以45岁左右的感觉去声演这个角色)。然而这是具争议性的,因在漫画单行本第7册第56集中童年时代的Keroro曾玩过Game & Watch[1](任天堂在1980年发布的携带型游戏机)。 目前寄住在日向家,用Kero球在地下室弄了个侵略用的秘密基地,但基地的最大功用是放置他最喜爱的钢普拉(高达相关模型)。擅长于做家事和组装钢普拉,但实际上个性十分懒散,而且也很贪财。在湿度提升至接近K隆星的湿度时,战斗力会提升,可发出类似「Tamama冲击波」的「KinKin K隆波」。但因为不喜欢涂上防湿液,所以常因此转变为暴走状态,最后被Nyororo吸干水分,也因此十分害怕Nyororo(Nyororo是K隆星人的天敌 就跟毒蛇一样)(在漫画里面并无Nyororo、金K隆波)『请见单行本第一集第7话』,当溼度高达200%时便会「醉」 非常有搞笑天份,看到香蕉皮时会忍不住去踩 一踩下去大家就会陷入爆笑漩涡。常因时、地、物需要,或是纯粹为了制造趣味而穿上不同的「蓝星人变身服」(见单行本第15集第123话第106页)。拥有类似Dororo所有的「心灵创伤开关」,接上会唤起Keroro对自己的错失作剖白和道歉。说话时习惯在句尾加上「是也(でありますu200e)」(但在有线电视版本中的配音则予以省略)。 伙伴为日向冬树,所持有的多功能「Kero球(K隆星先遣部队队长配给的武器 持有人宣称只要按个键就能毁掉蓝星。)」目前并由他长期保管。(不过有时「Kero球」并会返回Keroro手上) 名称乃取至青蛙鸣叫声的拟声词「Kero」。 动画中,肚皮上的星星差点被Syurara军团夺取,Dororo兵长及时拯救Keroro,使得Keroro小队不至于被解散。(漫画版Garuru小队有意夺取「星星」,但失败;动画版Garuru小队没有此意)。那颗星仿佛是用「贴」的贴上去。必要时还会用胶带固定(见单行本第15集第120话第49页) 动话版每集内容 - 第001话~第010话 - 第011话~第020话 - 第021话~第030话 - 第031话~第040话 - 第041话~第050话 - 第051话~第060话 - 第061话~第070话 - 第071话~第080话 - 第081话~第090话 - 第091话~第100话 - 第101话~第110话 - 第111话~第120话 - 第121话~第130话 - 第131话~第140话 - 第141话~第150话 - 第151话~第160话 - 第161话~第170话 - 第171话~第180话 - 第181话~第190话 Keroro军曹 超剧场版 1 - 故事简介 - 人物介绍 及 制作名单 - 剧照 - 预告片 及 上影院线 Keroro军曹 超剧场版 2 - 故事简介 - 人物介绍 及 制作名单 - 剧照 - 预告片 及 上影院线 Keroro军曹 超剧场版 3 - 故事简介 - 人物介绍 及 制作名单 - 预告片 人物介绍 Keroro小队 蓝星防卫军 Garuru小队 蓝星原居民 Syurara军团 外星的过客 相片 .search.yahoo/search/images?p=keroro&ei=UTF-8&fr=sfp 主题曲 OP (主题曲) (7) ED (结尾曲) (15) 插入曲 (16) 电影版歌曲 (5) 专题研究 (4) 特别精华片段 (1) sunrise-inc.co.jp/keroro/ k66.shingoaoi/ k66.shingoaoi/应该可以帮到你 keroro/index_menu 参考: yahoo

The news _____be true . I know everything about it.

I know everything about it.我对它了如指掌 所以我可以肯定的说 那个消息不是真的B.musn"t 没有这个用法 C.needn"t意为不需要是真的 不合题意 D.may not 意为可能不是真的 也不合题意所以选A 意为不可能是真的

failed to update UTMP about system shutdown,怎么破

启动时ctrl+alt+f2进入命令模式,把GNOME卸载掉重装就OK了。这个网站里面的有人解决了问题,大概意思就是图形化界面出了问题,把界面卸载后重新安装上就OK了。 参考下面网址https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/391612/boot-stopped-at-started-update-utmp-about-system-runlevel-changes-headless-s/391900

can you please tell me more about youself?中文是什么


break about是什么意思啊?


happen,take place,come about,break out哪些是没有被动的


opinion of和 opinion about/on他们三个有什么区别

opinion of 后面一般加 人,例如opinion of ourselves。表示某人的观点opinion about/on 后面一般加 事物,例如opinion about/on biology

take place, happen to, break out, come about 的区别?

① take place:When something takes place, it happens, especially in a controlled or organized way.(在控制下或者安排下的发生,开始,)② happen to :to be done to or be the fate of; befall (发生于;偶然发生)③ break out :1,If something such as war, fighting, or disease breaks out, it begins suddenly.(战争,争斗,病毒 突然发生,强调突然 )2,If a prisoner breaks out of a prison, they escape from it. (逃离某人)3,If you break out of a dull situation or routine, you manage to change it or escape from it.(改变或逃离) 4,If you break out in a rash or a sweat, a rash or sweat appears on your skin.(衣服破了)④ come about:1. to take place; happen,to happen, especially in a way that is not planned (尤其是没有计划的发生);2,to change tacks(改变方向)

opinion on和opinion about的区别?

opinion of 后面一般加 人,例如opinion of ourselves。表示某人的观点opinion about/on 后面一般加 事物,例如opinion about/on biology 这两个一般不做区分,翻译为关于……的观点,可以通用,非要区分的话,on表示专门相关的,about是指一般的相关

opinion on和opinion about的区别?

opinion of 后面一般加 人,例如opinion of ourselves.表示某人的观点 opinion about/on 后面一般加 事物,例如opinion about/on biology 这两个一般不做区分,翻译为关于……的观点,可以通用,非要区分的话,on表示专门相关的,about是指一般的相关

以About doing physical exercisi为题写不少于80字的英语作文

About doing physical exercise As is known, to have a sound mind, we must first have a sound body. Only by keeping ourselves healthy and strong can we feel energetic and vigorous in studying and working and live a happy life. To keep ourselves fit, physical exercise is the best way. In taking part in out-door sports, we are closer to nature and can take in fresh air. The beauty of nature will keep us clear-headed, which is essential to our health. Besides, sports stimulate the circulation of blood and help to excrete the wastes in the body. Sports can also work up our appetite and activate our digestion. As a result, we can become strong-bodied. I always take an active part in physical exercise and enjoy good health. I seldom get sick but feel vigorous even if I work a whole day Dong. I shall keep up doing physical exercise so as to live longer and As far as I am concerned, I am always very active in taking part in various physical exercise and I enjoy good health. Most of the time I feel energetic and vigorous even after I work for a whole day. I will keep up tdoing physical exercise to have a longer and better life 希望能帮助你。如有疑问欢迎追问。

题目 about Doing Physical Exercise 用此题目写一篇英语短文不少于80词 谢谢。旁附翻译

as the proverb says good health is above wealth. a healthy body is basic to our daily lives, nowadays,more and more individuals have attached due importancse to the phasical exercise,such as jogging ,tennis and other sports.doing sports is beneficial to our physial and psychological health and it is significant to alleviate our daily pressure ,during the fierce competitive society .the physical exercise will play a vital role in buiding our newly wholesome living style.

We are all busy taking about and using the Internet. But how many of us know the history of the...

小题1: A小题2: B小题3: A小题4:C小题5: C 试题分析:小题1:根据Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s.2012-1960=52,故选A为最佳答案。小题2:根据Computer networks didn"t work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped.可知选B。小题3:根据At first the Internet was only used by the government (政府).可知选A。小题4:.根据 Scientists had also developed software that made “surfing” the Internet more convenient.句中定语从句的逻辑主语为software,故选C。小题5:根据Sending e-mails is more and more popular among students.描述可知选C,其它选项找不到合适依据,点评:本文介绍了因特网的发展历史。最开始产生于美国,主要应用于政府部门,后来逐步扩大到学校、医院和银行,最后应用到整个社会,整个世界。本题难度不大,答题时注意找出答题依据,就能很好的完成本题。

It’s All About Me歌词

It"s All About Me歌词 如需转载歌词请务必保留以下信息!※※本歌词转自『我爱歌词网』 http://www.52geci.comShe met him SaturdayHe stole her heart awayTwenty-four SundayThey didn"t chat at allRomantic MondayTuesday, a better dayBut Wednesday to SaturdayDon"t know why he didn"t callOh, I wonder where you"ve goneOh, did I do something wrongYou said it"s all about meYou tell me whats the truthI"m happy to be freeBut I"m happier to be with youHe says it"s all about meCause I"m trying to be coolI"m happy to be freeBut I"m happier just to be with youPhone rang on SundayHe"s talking differentlyI guess you put it downTo experienceHe said he"s sorryBut he"s been so busyShe said don"t worryEven though it made no senseOh, I wonder where you"ve goneOh, what did I do wrongYou said it"s all about meYou tell me whats the truthI"m happy to be freeBut I"m happier to be with youHe says it"s all about meCause I"m trying to be coolI"m happy to be freeBut I"m happier just to be with youYou"re just somebody newThat I don"t know at allBut in the moment I got coldThat"s what people doNow you"ve turned out the lightsDid I misread the signsSo what"s happeningYou"ve got to know what I"m going throughOh, I wonder where you"ve goneOh, What did I do wrongYou said it"s all about meYou tell me whats the truthI"m happy to be freeBut I"m happier to be with youHe says it"s all about meCause I"m trying to be coolI"m happy to be freeBut I"m happier just to be with youYou said it"s all about meYou tell me whats the truthI"m happy to be freeBut I"m happier to be with youHe says it"s all about meCause I"m trying to be coolI"m happy to be freeBut I"m happier just to be with youYou said it"s all about me

hang out 和 hang about 的区别


hang out 和 hang about 的区别 意思区别急需知道

hang out 挂出 vi. 悬挂,依靠 vi. [非正式]在一个地方度过或花费大量的时间 let it all hang out (非正式主美)完全放松/自由的表达或表现 hang about/around 闲荡,闲呆着

hang out 和hang about表示闲逛时的区别

hang about 表示闲逛时,在后面直接加地点:e.g. You may hang about here when I send down these vegetables.我送菜的时候,你可在这儿逛一逛。hang out 表示闲逛时,后面加介词再加地点:e.g.I often used to hang out in supermarkets.我过去常常到超市闲逛。

hang out 和hang about表示闲逛时的区别

专四的题?选hang about 在街上没目的的闲逛


Tell me something about your city.祈使句的开头一般是动词原形。

分析it is about as revolutionary as the invention of printing

它具有划时代的革命性,几乎可以跟印刷术的发明媲美。about的意思是大约,这里我翻成几乎,表达的是尽管未超越,但可以相提并论(要知道印刷术的发明的意义是多么深远)as...as是指:跟....一样 revolutionary的意思是革命性的,变革的,但在中文里,很少用“...跟...一样革命性的,所以这里我翻成“具有划时代革命性”,更符合中文的表达方式。

in this unit you will learn about people is daily lives 什么意思

in this unit you will learn about people is daily lives在这个单元你会了解到人是日常生活。重点词汇unit装置; 单位,单元; 个体; 单位数learn about获得,学得; 得知有关…的消息people人民; 人,人类; 居民; 种族; 居住于,布满; 使住满人,在…殖民; 把动物放养在


后边加定语从句,例如:1.There is no doubt at all that we did the right thing.毫无疑问我们做得对。2.There is no doubt about her suitability for the job.毫无疑问,她适合做这个工作。


花30分钟跑步可以用spend 30 minutes runningtake sb. 30minutes to run


根据题干The bus ride takes me about 30--(分钟).可知句意为:乘公共汽车花了我大约30分钟.30+可数名词复数.minute,分钟,名词,复数minutes.故填:minutes. 本题...

译为发生的时候come up和come about有什么区别?能不能互换呢?

come up与come about皆有“发生”之意,且都为不及物动词,且后者多作不可避免之意,多用于疑问句,而come up本义为“occur, arise出现/发生”,如: We"ll let you know if any vacancies come up.一有空缺我们就通知你。 I shall write to you if anything comes up.如果发生了什么事情我将写信告诉你。Can you tell me how the accidents come about? 你能告诉我事故是怎样发生的吗?再者,这两个单词在中文里都有“发生”的意思,我们无法区分的话就只能看原来的英文解释了,希望能帮到你,呵呵(⊙o⊙)!come upv.1. bring forth, usually something desirable2. result or issue3. move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody4. come to the surface5. originate or come into being6. move upward7. be mentioned8. start running, functioning, or operating9. get something or somebody for a specific purpose10. come up, of celestial bodies11. gather (money or other resources) together over time12. gather or bring togethercome aboutv.come to pass比如:How did the accident come about?这个事故是怎么发生的?

come up 和come about的区别


请问"come about"和"come up"的区别


come up 和come about的区别

它们在意思上有区别. come up 的意思是长出,上升,升职等;如:The snowdrops are just beginning to come up.雪花莲刚刚开始长出地面. come about指的是发生. 如:how did this come about?这是怎么发生的?

come about和come up的区别

come up与come about皆有“发生”之意,且都为不及物动词,且come about多作不可避免之意,多用于疑问句,而come up本义为“occur, arise出现/发生”,如: We"ll let you know if any vacancies come up.一有空缺我们就通知你。 I shall write to you if anything comes up. 如果发生了什么事情我将写信告诉你。 Can you tell me how the accidents come about? 你能告诉我事故是怎样发生的吗?

come up和come about作发生讲是的区别是什么?

COME ABOUT的英译是HAPPER(发生),COME UP的英译是ARISE,OCCUR(出现,发生).主要的是COME ABOUT后面还可以接从句.采纳下 啊

come up come about 都表示发生的区别??急

在牛津高阶上,come about的英译是happer(发生),come up的英译是arise,occur(出现,发生).主要的是come about后面还可以接从句.

about后面是接doing 的形式么??

protect 个人认为,可以讨论一下。。

As l think about who might be my role model ,l re


What I love about deejaying is the creativity什么句型?

主语从句,What I love about deejaying 作主语。如果找不到主语先找到谓语动词,谓语动词前面的就是主语,谓语动词是is, 宾语是动词后面的The creativity,主语是前面的what I love is about deejaying.

set up/in/out/about什么意思


set up/in/out/about什么意思

是选择题吧,应该是set up吧set up a company--成立(建立)一家公司

请问be careful about/of/with的区别


be careful of/about/with/in的区别

be careful of …注意,小心......后接名词,动名词或从句.Please be careful of your spelling.Be careful of what they have said.be careful with…小心……[句型解析]嘱咐别人小心做事, 我们可以用上“Be careful with...”,“with”后接名词或动名词。也可以说“Be careful (not) to do...”或“Be careful that you don"t...”。[实例]1. Be careful with the wet paint. 小心,油漆未干。2. Be careful that you don"t catch a cold. Put on more clothes before you go out. 小心别感冒了。出门之前多穿点衣服。3. Be careful not to spill the milk. 小心别把牛奶溅出来了1.be careful + about/of+ 名词 注意...的 eg.She is careful about/of her food. =She is careful about/of what she eats. 她很注意饮食。(后面界wh- 从句时,多省略介词) Be careful in: prep. 注意 Be careful in dealing with such people. 与这种人打交道要小心谨慎。 Be careful in可+ 动名词的短语, 也可 + 名词可以参考下这里.

About Raphael

From zh. *** ( *** ) 拉斐尔·桑乔(Raffaello Sanzio,1483年4月6日—1520年4月6日),义大利画家。 拉斐尔出生于义大利西北威尼斯和佛罗伦斯之间乌姆勃利亚省的一个小镇,他的父亲就是一位画家。拉斐尔画作中的人物清秀,场景祥和,他可以说是文艺复兴时期最伟大的一位画家,在文艺复兴「三杰」中(另两位是李奥纳多·达·文西和米开朗基罗)他的画以「秀美」著称。年轻时他曾在佛罗伦斯学习四年,有幸仔细观摩了另两位巨匠的作品,从中领悟了不少。他的著名宗教画圣母系列将宗教的虔诚和非宗教的美貌有机地融为一体;他的画即使是「圣乔治和龙搏斗」的场面看起来也是平静安详的。他为梵蒂冈教宗居室创作的大型壁画《雅典学派》(School of Athens)是经典之作,他将柏拉图和亚里士多德,将基督教和异教,统统融合到一起,创造出和谐的场面。同时也创作出许多著名的肖像如:「教宗利奥十世像」。他的性情平和、文雅,和他的画作一样。他短短一生创作出不少作品,于1520年早逝。 zh. *** /wiki/拉斐尔 From simple. *** (Simple English Wikipedia) Raffaello Sanzio (or Raphael) (April 6 1483 - April 6 1520) was a Renaissance painter and architect. He is most well known for his paintings of Madonna and his art that is in the Vatican Museum in Rome Italy. Perugia Birth Raphael was the son of Giovanni Santi (d. 1494) who was also an artist and Magia di Battista Ciarla (d. 1491). Pietro Perugino was one of Raphael"s teachers. First Works Rapheal"s first major work was The Marriage of the Virgin which was painted in 1504. It is currently in the Brera Gallery in Milan Italy. These were shortly followed by three more paintings: The Vision of a Knight Three Graces and Saint Michael. Florence Raphael went with another painter Bernardino Pinturicchio to Florence Italy by c. 1504. He went there because he was attracted by the work of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. The Madonnas Whilst he was in Florence Raphael painted many of his famous Madonna paintings. The most famous of these paintings are: The Madonna of the Goldfinch (c. 1505) which is now in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence Italy. the Madonna del Prato (c. 1505) which is in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna Austria. the Esterházy Madonna (c. 1505–07 which is in Museum of Fine Arts Budapest Hungary. La Belle Jardinière (c. 1507) which is in the Louvre Museum in Paris France. Rome Raphael was called to Rome Italy by Pope Julius II in 1508. Raphael became popular whilst he was in Rome and was known as the prince of painters. He spent the last 12 years of his life in Rome and created many of his famous paintings. The Stanze Some of Rapheal"s most famous paitings are the frescos that are painted over the walls of Julius II"s own rooms in the Vatican Palace known as the Stanze. The Stanza della Segnatura and the Stanza d"Eliodoro were created by Raphael himself whilst the Stanza dell"Incendio was designed by Raphael and painted by his assistants. The Stanza della Segnatura frescos are Raphael"s most famous paintings out of the Stanze. The paintings on the four walls are called the Disputa the School of Athens the Parnassus and the Cardinal Virtues. The Disputa and the School of Athens are the most important of these frescos. Architecture Raphael"s first work as an architect was the funeral chapel in the church of Santa Maria del Popolo. Pope Leo X also chose Raphael to help design Saint Peter"s Basilica alongside Donato Bramante. After Bramante died Raphael took over the designing of the basilica and changed it from a Greek to a Latin design. The Trfiguration Raphael"s last work of art was the Trfiguration. This was an alterpiece but Raphael died before he could plete it. It was instead finished by Giulio Romano who was one of Raphael"s assistants. Death Raphael died on his 37th birthday and was buried in the Pantheon in Rome Italy. His funeral mass was celebrated at the Vatican and his Trfiguration alterpiece was put at the head of Raphael"s bier. simple. *** /wiki/Raphael 2007-03-14 18:44:54 补充: 著名作品不足空位 请阅en. *** /wiki/Raphael#Chronology_of_main_works 参考: zh. *** /wiki/拉斐尔 (中文 *** ) simple. *** /wiki/Raphael (简易英文 *** )

英语作文:Doing a questionnaire about experiences 帮帮忙!速度,要快

Let me just start by saying that I had been put off reading Thomas Hardye by Dickens. Having really struggled with Dickens and resorted to audio I had wrongly assumed that all 19C liturature was the same. How wrong I could be. From the first paragraph where the opening character farmer Gabriel Oak is desribed smiling, u2018the corners of his mouth spread till they were an unimportant distance from his earsu2018 I fell in love with Hardyu2018s narrative. His ability to use words that lift the description off the page and into the readeru2018s imagination are not just outstanding but incredibly enjoyable.I went into this book blindly, knowing little about the plot that lay ahead or even the genre. It has been described by some as romantic fiction. But I think this is too simplistic a title and and maybe slightly off-putting to some. Hardye steps into Greek Tragedy when the unwitting and churlish actions of our young protagonist, Bathsheba Everdene, result in a love tryst between three suitors with tragic consequenses. The book is essentially a journey for Bathsheba into womanhood not unlike the journey that Scarlett Ou2018Hara makes in Gone with the Wind who also has to overcome great tragedy in order to realise her own strength. Unlike this heroin, however, Bathsheba is more the instrument of chaos and indecion and part of her journey is that she accepts what she has caused and tries to make. Hardye avoids making this into moral stricture but deviates from the Greek Tragedy model by giving us a happy ending not atypical of 19C serialised fiction. Quite often an authoru2018s voice creeps into their writing and the reader becomes aware that they are not in fact walking the hills and dales of fictional Wessex but are at the pen nib of a writ

Someone says Tim is playing in the garden .you want to know about Sally.是什么意思?



feel good about感觉良好It makes you feel good about yourself. 它会让你自我感觉良好

feel good about是什么意思

feel good about对。。。。感觉良好双语对照例句:1.Does she make you feel good about yourself? 她会让你自我感觉良好吗?2.To not feel good about yourself all the time? 觉得自己哪里都不好的感觉吗?

feel good about和feel good to 怎么分谢谢哈


when we talk about stars开头的短文的翻译

When we talk about stars, especially women stars, it seems that they are always young, pretty and own charming body shapes. But recently a Britain"s Got Talent(英国达人)star Susan Boyle has changed our views absolutely. Simon Cowell, one of the judges of the talent show spoke of his shock over Ms Boyle"s voice. "This lady camp up, and I"m thinking, "This will take five seconds and I can go to have a cup of tea". That changed when she began to sing I Dreamed to Dream from Les Miserables. She knew we were going to have that reaction and just to see that look of satisfaction on her face through -it was one of my favorite moments," Cowell said. The performance was posted on line and before long, the 47-year-old Scottish woman has been famous all over the world. Speaking from her home in Scotland, Ms Boyle said that she hasn"t thought of changing her appearance. She said that her friend helped her with make-up. "I mean, that"s hardly a makeover," she added. Ms Boyle also spoke of the reason she first began to explore her vocal talents, "I was kind of slow at school, so getting like singing was a good way of hiding behind that and thus it built my confidence. "当我们谈论明星,尤其是女明星,似乎他们永远年轻,漂亮,拥有迷人的体型。但最近英国达人(英国达人)明星苏珊大妈已经完全改变了我们的看法。西蒙u2022考威尔的一个选秀节目的评委说他的冲击在博伊尔女士的声音。“这位女士阵营,我在想,“这需要五秒,我可以去喝杯茶”。改变当她开始唱歌我梦见从悲惨世界的梦想。她知道我们要有反应,就看到她脸上满意的表情通过——这是我最喜欢的时刻,”科威尔说。性能在网上发布,不久,这位47岁的苏格兰妇女一直是著名的世界各地。在她的家在苏格兰,博伊尔女士说,她没有想到她的外表的变化。她说她的朋友帮她化妆。“我的意思是说,那几乎算不上是化妆。”她补充道。博伊尔女士还说,她第一次开始探索她的声乐人才的原因,“我在学校有点慢,所以越来越喜欢唱歌是遮掩这一缺憾的好方法,因此,建立我的信心。

阅读题,要求有解释When we talk about intelligence, we do not mean the ability to get good scores

原文:on certain kinds of tests or even the ability to do well in school。 By intelligence we mean a way of living and behaving, especially in a new or upsetting situation。 If we want to test intelligence, we need to find out how a person acts instead of how much he knows what to do。For instance, when in a new situation, an intelligent person thinks about the situation, not about himself or what might happen to him。 He tries to find out all he can, and then he acts immediately and tries to do something about it。 He probably isn"t sure how it will all work out, but at least he tries。 And, if he can‘t make things work out right, he doesn"t feel ashamed that he failed; he just tries to learn from his mistakes。 An intelligent person, even if he is very young, has a special outlook on life, a special feeling about life, and knows how he fits into it。If you look at children, you"ll see great difference between what we call “bright” children and “not-bright” children。 They are actually two different kinds of people, not just the same kind with different amount of intelligence。 For example, the bright child really wants to find out about life -- he tries to get in touch with everything around him。 But, the unintelligent child keeps more to himself and his own dream-world; he seems to have a wall between him and life in general。文章翻译: 在某些种类的测试或者甚至能够在学校表现不错。我们所说的智力指的是一种生活行为的方式,特别是在一个新的或逆境。如果我们想要测试的情报,我们需要发现一个人如何行事而不是他对做什么了解多少。 例如,当在一个新环境,一个聪明的人认为这种形势,不谈他自己或他可能会发生什么。他设法要找出所有的他,然后立即行动,并试图对它做点什么。他可能不太清楚它是如何将所有的工作,但至少他尝试,如果他不能使事情开展对的,他并不感到羞愧的是,他失败了;他只是试图从错误中学习。一个聪明的人,即使他很年轻,有一个特殊的人生观,一种特殊的感觉生活,知道他是怎么适合它。 如果你看看孩子们,你会看到巨大的区别,我们所说的“聪明”的孩子和“not-bright“孩子们。他们实际上是两个不同的人,而不仅仅是同一种不同数量的情报。例如,聪明的孩子真的想寻找生活中——他试图接触他周围的一切。但是,不够聪明的孩子让更多对自己和自己的家常;他似乎有墙他之间,在日常生活中。题目中文: 1.依照这段话,智力是能力(c) a .得高分的人在一些测试 b .在学校课程 c .处理生活 d .知道要做什么 2.在一个新环境,一个聪明的人(c) a .知道更多关于他会发生什么 b .肯定的结果,他会得到 c .是准备好面对和使自己适应形势 d .更关心自己 3.如果一个聪明的人失败了,他会(c) a .感到羞耻 b .学习他的经历 c .试图找到所有他能改正的 d .确保他会得到什么结果 4.之间的差别在于聪明的孩子和non-bright孩子在于(d) a .他们对待生活的态度 b中的程度的聪明 c的知识世界 d .他们思考的方式【注】:在做题时,将英文与中文对照看案!(希望能帮到你!)

what about Magna Carta

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: i wanna get some English introductiong about Magna Carta 解析: Magna Carta or Magna Charta [Lat.,=great charter], the most famous document of British constitutional history, issued by King John at Runnymede under pulsion from the barons and the church in June, 1215. The Reasons for Its Granting Charters of liberties had previously been granted by Henry I, Stephen, and Henry II, in attempts to placate opposition to a broad use of the king"s power as feudal lord. John had incurred general hostility. His expensive wars abroad were unsuccessful, and to finance them he had charged excessively for royal justice, sold church offices, levied heavy aids, and abused the feudal incidents of wardship, marriage, and escheat. He had also appointed advisers from outside the baronial ranks. Finally in 1215 the barons rose in rebellion. Faced by superior force, the king entered into parleys with the barons at Runnymede. On June 15, after some attempts at evasion, John set his seal to the preliminary draft of demands presented by the barons, and after several days of debate a promise was reached (June 19). The resulting document was put forth in the form of a charter freely granted by the king—although in actuality its guarantees were extorted by the barons from John. There are four extant copies of the original charter.The Original Charter The original charter, in Latin, is a relatively brief and somewhat vague document of some 63 clauses, many of which were of only transient significance. The charter was in most respects a reactionary document; its purpose was to insure feudal rights and dues and to guarantee that the king would not encroach upon baronial privileges. There were provisions guaranteeing the freedom of the church and the customs of the towns, special privileges being conferred upon London. The charter definitely implies that there are laws protecting the rights of subjects and munities that the king is bound to observe or, if he fails to do so, will be pelled to observe. Historically most important were the vaguely worded statements against oppression of all subjects, which later generations interpreted as guarantees of trial by jury and of habeas corpus. Such interpretations, however, were the work of later scholars and are not explicit in the charter itself. The fact that many of the early interpretations of its provisions were based upon bad historical scholarship or false reasoning, however, does not vitiate the importance of the Magna Carta in the development of the British constitution. Revisions and Reinterpretations As an actual instrument of government the charter was, at first, a failure. The clumsy machinery set up to prevent the king"s violation of the charter never had an opportunity to function, and civil war broke out the same year. On John"s death in 1216, the charter was reissued in the name of young King Henry III, but with a number of significant omissions relative to safeguards of national liberties and restrictions on taxation. It was reissued with further changes in 1217 and again in 1225, the latter reissue being the one that was incorporated into British statute law. In later centuries it became a symbol of the supremacy of the constitution over the king, as opponents of arbitrary royal power extracted from it various “democratic” interpretations. This movement reached its height in the 17th cent. in the work of such apologists for Parliament as Sir Edward Coke. It came to be thought that the charter forbade taxation without representation, that it guaranteed trial by jury, even that it invested the House of Commons (nonexistent in 1215) with great powers. These ideas persisted until the 19th cent., when certain scholars came to maintain that the Magna Carta was a pletely reactionary, not a progressive, document—that it was merely a guarantee of feudal rights. It is generally recognized now, however, that the charter definitely did show the viability of opposition to excessive use of royal power and that this constitutes its chief significance. Bibliography See W. S. McKechnie, Magna Carta: A Commentary (2d ed. 1914, repr. 1960); H. E. Malden, ed., Magna Carta Commemoration Essays (1917); F. Thompson, The First Century of Magna Carta (1925, repr. 1967); M. Ashley, Magna Carta in the Seventeenth Century (1965); J. C. Holt, Magna Carta (1965, repr. 1969); A. Pallister, Magna Carta (1971); J. C. Holt, Magna Carta and the Idea of Liberty (1972) and Magna Carta and Medieval Government (1985).


About 最为通用,常可与almost和nearly换用,但about用于表示时间、数量的“大约”时,实际数量可能多也可能少。

当appropriately和 about都表示大约的时候,是否可以互换呢?先谢啦。


求一篇special memories about a special people的英语作文,要求500单词。写得好的话再加100分

第一篇Good thread, Twink!My Dad used to always take my hand the minute he saw me and put his other hand over it and pat it a couple of times. I miss that so much.My Mom had the sweetest most loving heart of anyone I"ve ever met. I miss her laugh so much. She had a way of making anyone feel welcome. I miss her tomato sandwiches and sweet tea out on the picnic table on a warm Spring afternoon. My sister left us much, much too soon. She was only ten years older than me. I used to pick up the phone and call her and she"d always say "I was just thinking about you!" What I wouldn"t give to be able to hear those words over the telephone line again. My DH......gosh, I just miss everything about him. I believe the thing I miss most is the feeling of security I got from him. He was always "there". Always taking care of everything. I have so many fond memories of him that it"d be hard to pick just one. I guess my fondest memories are the times he"d let me sleep in on the weekends and I"d wake to the sound of the lawnmower and weedeater going strong in the yard. I"d look out the window and see him riding around the yard on his "tractor". When the boys were much younger one of them would be on his lap sometimes. Such simple, unexciting memories but they"re etched in my mind forever. 第二篇As most of you probably already know, my grandfather passed away in November 2008 and it is still SO hard for me and REALLY upsetting! It doesn"t feel like he has been gone 3 months and strangely, it feels as though he is still here but I guess it is just wishful thinking unfortunately although a few days after my grandad passed away, everything in my bedroom started moving and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow of a person ... it really freaked me out so I went to my mum as I was really scared and my nanan said she had a similar experience also as all of the doors keep opening on their own in her house. My dad also said that when he has been taking our dog, Jack a walk, he has seen my grandads shadow stood feeding the ducks which is where he used to take me when I was a baby. No-one else has mentioned any strange experiences other than me, my dad and my nanan and we were the people that my grandad was closest to and still to this day, I think it was my grandad coming to say farwell before he left to pass to the other side and to let us know that he will always be here, even though we can"t see him!Not a day goes by where I don"t think or miss my grandad. Losing him was one of the worst things I have ever had to do in my life and I don"t think I will ever get over it fully. People say that it heals in time but I think it is just that we learn to cope with it better and remember the good times not the bad times.I will never forget when I used to go to my nanan and grandads house and my grandad used to always be sat in his chair, with a card on his lap watching the shopping channel, QVC! He used to LOVE crafting and it gave him something to focus on and he used to always be showing me the cards that he made and making me watch all of his crafting channels ... it used to be pretty annoying at times as you couldn"t go into their house without talking about crafting but I miss it SO much now and my grandad had a huge impact on me and used to help me make cards to try and take the mind off all of my pain!!!I"ll never forget when me and my nanan and grandad used to go away for a weekend on a small mini Vacation to a little rental house that we have on the seaside. We hadn"t been for 2 years because of me being ill and I really wish I could have gone now just for one final time! My nanans already said that she will take me but it wont be the same without my grandad. I"ll never forget going to my grandads at Christmas. He used to decorate the house all over the place and it used to drive my nanan mad as everytime anyone talked, some novelty Christmas toy would set off and make a funny noise LOL. My grandad was a big baby at heart and all of the children used to love him and decorating the house made him feel happy and like he was doing something nice, not only for him but for other people!!!I"ll never forget the one time the lady accross the road from my grandad tried to get him to take off his cap. My grandad used to have this hat and it used to have a massive hole in it but he would never take it off!! He loved that hat more than anything and everyone used to try and get it off him but he would have non of it lol. I"ll never forget when he got a mobility scooter and he used to drive my nanan crazy with it - he always wanted to travel miles on it and my nanan didn"t have a scooter so she had to walk everywhere bless her! Just before he died, he promised me that he would take me out in my electric wheelchair to get me out of the house and I wish I could have done that with him more than anything in the entire World!There are lots of other happy memories that I have of my grandad but they are still too painful to think about at the moment although I am trying to think about them without crying ... it"s hard but hopefully i"ll get there one day. I have tears in my eyes after typing this post as it is still really painful remembering the happy memories but I am SO happy that I got to share these memories with my grandad and I will never, ever forget them for as long as I live. I only knew my grandad for 13 years but those years were the happiest of my life and he was the best grandad anyone could ever wish for - I really wish he could have been with us for a lot longer time and have got to see me grow up more, have my kids etc etc. Yes we had our differences, who doesn"t but he was always there when I needed him the most and I wish I could have said all of the things I wanted to say before he passed away. R.I.P Grandad - not a day or minute goes by where I don"t think about you and I hope I can make you as proud as you made me. You were the best grandad in the entire world and I am so lucky to have gotten to know you and be able to call you my grandad. Miss you forever but one day we will be re-united again!Thanks again Twink for starting this post - it helps me get things out and i"m sure it does others!

be confident 后接in 和接 about的区别

意思都是表示对...很信任。区别在用法上。be confident in sb/doing sth,后面可以加人。be confident about dong sth/sth,后面不可以加人。例句辨析:be confident in1、Those undergraduates appear to be more confident in their English proficiency and communicative competence, and they prefer to participate in various extra curricular English learning activities; whereas postgraduates and doctoral candidates tend to relate their English learning to research work. 他们对自己的英语语言能力和交际能力似乎信心较强,更愿意参与课外英语学习活动。硕士生和博士生更倾向于将英语学习融入自己的科研之中。2、Students are suggested to be more confident in themselves and try to grasp everychance to practise speaking English in daily life. 学生应该加强自信心,在日常生活中抓住练习英语口语的机会。3、But be confident and believe in yourself, because you can make a difference astime goes by. 但要有信心,相信自己,因为随着时间的推移,你可以让差异。be confident about1、Be confident about your ability in achieving your goal, and be sure of your strongwillpower and your endowment in language. 要确信自己必定能到达目标,深信自己有顽强的意志和语言方面的能力。2、A plaintive, sometimes despairing tune that knocks western self-confidence, itsrefrain is that the western world has precious little to be confident about. 这是一首悲情、有时带有绝望色彩的歌曲,动摇着西方人的自信心。它在副歌部分反复唱道,西方世界值得自信的东西少得可怜。3、To be on safer ground, a Chinese buyer would have to spend a total of$ 14bn inLondon and Sydney to be confident about acquiring a 10 per cent stake. 为了保险起见,中国买家必须在伦敦和悉尼两地拿出共140亿美元,以确信自己收购了10%的股份。

问题:你的弱点是什么? what about you weakness?

翻译:What"s your weak point?

About Sign-in with Apple – Pokémon GO Guide

The Sign in with Apple login method allows players on iOS devices to log into Pokémon GO using their Apple ID. You may use the Sign in with Apple login method in addition to Google and Facebook by linking the login method to your existing account. New Players If you already have an Apple ID, you can use it to create a Pokémon GO account. Tap the Sign in with Apple button while you"re creating your account to connect your new account to your Apple ID. Once you finish this process you can sign in quickly and securely with Face ID, Touch ID, or your device passcode. Existing Players If you already have a Pokémon GO account, you can link your Apple ID to your account through the game"s Settings menu. Once the Apple ID is associated with your account, you can use it the next time you log in. Learn more about account linking. Do not select the Sign in with Apple option before linking the login method with your account. Doing so may result in errors or inadvertently creating new accounts. Note: Linking or unlinking an account to your account in one game will also apply to other Niantic games. Hide My Email for Sign in with Apple If you"re using Sign in with Apple, you may notice that the email address linked on your Settings page may not match the email address attached to your Apple ID. This could be because you"ve enabled Hide My Email—Apple"s private email relay service—to create and share a unique, random email address that forwards to your personal email. This feature allows you to receive messages from the app without sharing your personal email address. Learn more about Hide My Email at the Apple Support Center. Restrictions to Sign in with Apple At this time, there are certain restrictions to Sign in with Apple: Sign in with Apple is only available on devices with iOS 13.0 or higher Sign in with Apple is not available for Niantic Kids. Users who create an account using Sign in with Apple won"t be able to log in on an Android device. If you"ve connected another account (Facebook or Google), you can use this to log in on an Android device. Offer code redemption on the web is currently unavailable for Sign in with Apple. You can link another login provider to your account and login via that account to redeem your offer code on the web. Learn More For more information about Apple ID, see the How to use Sign in with Apple article from the Apple Support Center. More information about managing the apps that use Sign in with Apple is also available.

下面这个句子中coming about是什么成分?

with the new wave of “political correctness”coming about.是独立主格with+名词+分词短语。其中名词是分词的逻辑主语

About 40,000 years ago, the sea was () 40 meters below today’s level.

About 40,000 years ago, the sea was () 40 meters below today"s level. A.about onlyB.only aboutC.aboutmuchD.much about正确答案:B

this mountain is about 10000 feet above the sea level。为什么要用above?

above 用于表示地平线,海拔之类的表示希望能采纳,谢谢了

the sea level will rise by about 7 meters这句话中by 是什么意思


(A) go over(B) forget about(C) talk about(D) find out


go over 和go about区别

go over: vt.重温;翻;转为;留下印象;搁置起来go about: 处理;到处走动;流传;改变方向

哪位给个I am all about cool的歌词啊?

这个应该是DOUCE AND DOMINO的出场曲有一种百老汇曲风Let me take you backTurn back the hands of timeThat"s when I discovered coolThat"s when I made it mineMy pants couldn"t be too tightThat"s when I learned to fightJames Dean defined the daysYou took me all the wayCoolI"m all about coolNo other goalNo other ruleBut youYou act like a foolYou"ve dug a big holeGonna take you to schoolI"m all about coolIf you want to be coolHalf as cool as meYou"ll be careful what you sayAnd how you look at meIf not, you"ll pay a priceFar beyond your meansYou don"t want the trouble that I bringGrease back my hair just rightSuzie, she wore her sweaters tightBlonde hair piled up way up highIn the backseat on Saturday nightsDrag racin, summer nightsMy Chevy, like thunder roadRun around pickin fightsOutside the picture showCoolI"m all about coolNo other goalNo other ruleBut youYou act like a foolYou"ve dug a big holeGonna take you to schoolI"m all about coolIf you want to be coolHalf as cool as meYou"ll be careful what you sayAnd how you look at meIf not, you"ll pay a priceFar beyond your meansYou don"t want the trouble that I bringsheds a tear

all in all about all over 的区别

ever belonged to him. As far as she is concerned, i

They are going tostay here in/for about a week.

in 用于一般将来时,表示“过”,这里显然不是“过大约一周之后”。for 表示时间的持续,他们打算待在家里持续大约一周的时间。

女声 歌词里有 i think about it all the time 英文歌

ke$ha的your love is my drug望采纳

The hole is about eight feet_____(深).




how about和how are的区别

指代不同_ow are:如何。_ow about:...怎么样。_ow are:how作“怎样,怎么样”解时,主要是指做某事或某事发生的方式或方法,还可以引导从句或动词不定式,在句中作宾语,引导的从句在句中还可作定语。_ow about:how表示某种方式时,可放在表示方式的名词后面。how作“情况如何”解时,指询问某人的近况或身体状况如何。_ow are:某物是怎样的,后面可以直接加名词。_ow about:表示提建议,后面+doing sth。

Something About You (Single Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Something About You (Single Edit)歌手:Jamelia专辑:Walk With MeArtist: Five For FightingAlbum: America TownTitle: Something about youI don"t knowWhere to beginI don"t knowHow to get outThere to see youI don"t knowWhere to dig inI don"t know howTo get in thereTo feel youIt"s been to long andI"m about to beIn time for meIt"s been too longAnd I"m in timeBaby there"s somethingAbout you thatI can hold on toI"m going to hold on to thatBaby there"s somethingAbout you thatI can hold on toI"m going to hold on to thatI never thoughtI would winI never thoughtMuch about that(It"s been aLong time coming)I never stopped to beginThinking about the process(It"s been aLong time coming)It"s been to long andI"m about to beIn time for meIt"s been to longAnd I"m in timeBaby there"s somethingAbout you thatI can hold on toI"m going to holdOn to thatBaby there"s somethingAbout you thatI can hold on toI"m going to holdOn to thatI don"t knowWhere to beginI don"t know howTo get out thereTo see youBaby there"s somethingAbout you thatI can hold on toI"m going to holdOn to thatBaby there"s somethingAbout you thatI can hold on toI"m going to holdOn to thatIt"s been aLong time comingI"m going toHold on to thatAnd I"m going to beThere be there all righthttp://music.baidu.com/song/3486647

一首歌里歌词是 you may be crazy what I about say can you


是i am crazy for you.还是i am crazy about you.


是i am crazy for you.还是i am crazy about you.


how do you do与what about you 的区别

How do you do?是朋友见面后的寒暄用法,互相询问对方身体,事业等的进展情况,而What about you?是征求对方对某件事的看法,译为:你呢?你的想法如何?

About "pi"

更新1: thx A Brief History of π The ancient Babyloni calculated the area of a circle by taking 3 times the square of its radius which gave a value of pi = 3 were almost certainly found by measurement. One Babylonian tablet (ca. 1900–1680 BC) indicates a value of 3.125 for pi which is a closer approximation. In the Egyptian Rhind Papyrus (ca.1650 BC) there is evidence that the Egypti calculated the area of a circle by a formula that gave the approximate value of 3.1605 for pi. The method is: They assume that the area of a circle with diameter 9 is equal to the area of a square with side length 8. Then according π (9/2)^2=8^2 π=3.1605 The ancient cultures mentioned above found their approximations by measurement. The first calculation of pi was done by Archimedes of Syracuse (287–212 BC) one of the greatest mathematici of the ancient world. Archimedes approximated the area of a circle by using the Pythagorean Theorem to find the areas of o regular polygons: the polygon inscribed within the circle and the polygon within which the circle was circumscribed. Since the actual area of the circle lies beeen the areas of the inscribed and circumscribed polygons the areas of the polygons gave upper and lower bounds for the area of the circle. Archimedes knew that he had not found the value of pi but only an approximation within those limits. In this way Archimedes showed that pi is beeen 3 1/7 and 3 10/71. (More details: -groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Pi_through_the_ages) A similar approach was used by Zu Chongzhi (429–501) a brilliant Chinese mathematician and astronomer. Zu Chongzhi would not have been familiar with Archimedes method—but because his book has been lost little is known of his work. He calculated the value of the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter to be 355/113. To pute this accuracy for pi he must have started with an inscribed regular 24 576-gon and performed lengthy calculations involving hundreds of square roots carried out to 9 decimal places. Mathematici began using the Greek letter π in the 1700s. Introduced by William Jones in 1706 use of the symbol was popularized by Euler who adopted it in 1737 参考: exploratorium.edu/pi/history_of_pi/history_of_pi.pdf; -groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Pi_through_the_ages

be angry at/about区别

angry adj. 生气的; 愤怒的,发怒的; (颜色等)刺目的; angrier 比较级: angrier 最高级: angriest1. be angry at sth. 因某事而生气2. get angry at sth. 因某事而生气3. be angry about sth. 因某事而生气4. get angry at about sth. 因某事而生气5. be angry with sb. 生某人的气6. get angry with sb. 生某人的气7. be angry at sb. for 因...生某人的气8. get angry at sb. for 因...生某人的气9. make sb. angry 使某人生气10. When angry, count a hundred. [谚]每当动怒时, 先要冷静一下。angry, indignant, mad 这些形容词均有“发怒的,愤怒的”之意。angry:侧重以愤怒的表情、激烈的言辞或威胁的目光等来表达感情。 indignant:侧重愤怒是有充分理由和正当的。 mad:多用于非正式文体和讲话中,与angry意义相近。

I am TM about to break down这是什么意思?

I am TM about to break down:我快要崩溃了

歌词是i love everything about you

是不是这首歌DARLENE ZSCHECH"Everything About You"You chased me I caught youSo glad we found each otherWe whispered foreverTo share our lives togetherTo watch our dreams unfoldAnd I love everything about youEverything you areYou"d catch a falling starIf I asked youAnd I couldn"t live a single day without youYou hold me in your armsAnd once again, I know That I"m the only one for youThe way you laugh, the way we danceThe way you hold my handThe way you give, the way you kissThe way you look at meYou make life beautifulAnd I love everything about youEverything you areYou"d catch a falling starIf I asked youAnd I couldn"t live a single day without youYou hold me in your armsAnd once again, I know That I"m the only one for youOh, I love the light that shines in your eyesWhen you talk about our girlsAnd love the way you smile when they walk Into a roomOh, I love how you care about brokennessHow injustice moves your heart enough To make a changeYou give all you areEverydayAnd I love everything about youEverything you areYou"d catch a falling starIf I asked youAnd I couldn"t live a single day without youYou hold me in your armsAnd once again, I know That I"m the only one for youI love everything about youYou hold me in your armsAnd once again I knowThat I"m the only one for youThe only one for youThe love of my lifeSo glad I found youYeah...

imagine me withabout you的歌词

As long as stars shine down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海Til the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头You are the only love I"ll need 你就是我唯一的爱In my life you"re all that matters 在我的生命里你是一切In my eyes the only truth I see 在我的眼里你就是真理When my hopes and dreams have shattered 当我的愿望梦想破碎You"re the one that"s there for me 你就是那个一直在我身边支持我的人When I found you I was blessed 当我找到你的时候,我一定被神所庇佑And I will never leave you, I need you 我想我永远不会离开你,因为我需要你Chorus: Imagine me without you 如果我没有了你I"d be lost and so confused 我一定会迷失方向I wouldn"t last a day, I"d be afraid 我恐怕自己撑不过一天Without you there to see me through 如果你不在了,将没有人会看穿我Imagine me without you 如果我不再拥有你Lord, you know it"s just impossible 天哪,你知道这是不可能的Because of you, it"s all brand new 因为你,我的生命才是新的My life is now worthwhile 我的生活才有意义I can"t imagine me without you 我无法想象离开你的生活会是什么样When you caught me I was falling 当我坠落时你接住了我You"re love lifted me back on my feet 你的爱托起了我It was like you heard me calling 就好像你听到我在呼唤你And you rush to set me free 你奋不顾身奔向我让我自由When I found you I was blessed 当我找到你的时候,我一定是被神所庇佑And I will never leave you, I need you 我永远不会离开你,因为我需要你Imagine me without you 如果我没有了你I"d be lost and so confused 我一定会迷失方向I wouldn"t last a day, I"d be afraid 我恐怕自己撑不过一天Without you there to see me through 如果你不在了,将没有人会看穿我Imagine me without you 如果我不再拥有你Lord, you know it"s just impossible 天哪,你知道这是不可能的Because of you, it"s all brand new 因为你,我的生命才是新的My life is now worthwhile 我的生活才有意义I can"t imagine me without you 我无法想象离开你的生活会是什么样(以下句子都可以在上文翻译中找到)When I found you I was blessed And I will never leave you, I need you oh (imagine me without you) (I"d be lost and so...) I"d be lost and so confused I wouldn"t last a day, Without you there to see me through (imagine me without you (I"d be lost and so...) impossible Because of you, it"s all brand new My life is now worthwhile I can"t imagine me (without you) I can"t imagine me without you

lie about us的中文歌词,帮忙翻译一下

"谎言关于我们" (feat. Nicole Scherzinger) ( feat.妮可scherzinger ) [Avant] [前卫] Oehh oyy, oehh oyy , Yeahh yeahh yeahh yeahh [Avant - Verse 1] [前卫-韵文1 ] Baby I know when we started out there were things you didn"t know, but babygirl we got a lotta things we 宝宝,我知道在我们开始的时候,有件事你不知道,但babygirl我们取得lotta东西,我们 Need to discuss I know I"m asking for allot, but just trust. 需要讨论的,我知道我要求的配发,但只信任。 you say that things getting old sneakin" 你说的东西,年纪sneakin " Round creepin" and love on the low but babygirl I can"t wait till" it"s officially us, I can"t wait to 一轮creepin "和爱就偏低,但babygirl我不能等到" ,它的正式我们的时候,我也不能再等下去,以 Let them know about us. 让他们知道我们。 [Nicole] [妮可] First I thought that I could take you boy but I don"t know, you told me you were gonna leave her for me 起初我还以为我可以带你的男孩,但我不知道,你告诉我你在哪里也离开她,我 Long ago. 不久前。 [Avant] [前卫] Eventually I will but I just gotta take it slow don"t wanna break her heart, although I gotta let her go 最终,我会,但我的宝贝,只考虑它缓慢不想打破她的心,尽管我的宝贝,让她去 So baby .. 所以宝宝.. [Avant - Chorus] [前卫-合唱] So please don"t say you wanna give up. 所以请不要说你想放弃。 How do I tell her that I"m fallen in love, 我怎么告诉她,我很塌在爱里, And I know your waiting patiently for that day, 我知道,你耐心等待,为这一天, When we no longer have to lie about us. 当我们不再有说谎关于我们。 When I"m with her all I want is your touch, 当我与她,我要的是你的触摸, And when you call me I don"t wanna hang up, 当你骂我,我不想挂断电话, And I know I say it often but I can"t wait 我也知道我说,它常常不过,我也不能再等下去 Till" we no longer have to lie about us. 直到" ,我们不再有说谎关于我们。 [Avant - Verse 2] [前卫-新诗2 ] Baby I know situation don"t seem fair to us both. 宝宝,我知道的情况似乎并不公平,我们既。 But babygirl, she"s an issue that I"m bout to adjust. 但babygirl ,她的一个问题 , 我布特进行调整。 Don"t mistake the love we make for just lust, 不要误以为爱我们,让您刚才好色 You are my soul, mind, body, spirit all that I know. 你是我的灵魂,思想,身体,精神都表示,我知道。 But babygirl I can"t wait till" it"s officially us, I can"t 但babygirl我不能等到" ,它的正式我们的时候,我不能 Wait to tell the world about us. 迫不及待地告诉世界了解我们。 [Nicole] [妮可] First I thought that I could take you boy but I don"t know, you told me you were gonna leave her for me long ago. 起初我还以为我可以带你的男孩,但我不知道,你告诉我你在哪里也离开她,我早就。 [Avant] [前卫] Eventually I will but I just gotta take it slow don"t wanna break her heart although, I gotta let her go 最终,我会,但我的宝贝,只考虑它缓慢不想打破她的心,虽然,我的宝贝,让她去 So baby .. 所以宝宝.. So babyyyyyyyy 所以babyyyyyyyy [Avant - Chorus] [前卫-合唱] So please don"t say you wanna give up (please don"t say). 所以请不要说你想放弃(请千万不要这么说) 。 How do I tell her that I"m fallen in love (oeehhh oohh). 我怎么告诉她,我告回落爱( oeehhh oohh ) 。 And I know your waiting patiently for that day, 我知道,你耐心等待,为这一天, When we no longer have to lie about us (no longer have to lie). 当我们不再有说谎关于我们(不再有说谎) 。 When I"m with her all I want is your touch (oeehhh oohh), 当我与她,我要的是你的触摸( oeehhh oohh ) And when you call me I don"t wanna hang up (baby you don"t), 当你骂我,我不想挂断电话(宝宝你不) And I know I said it often but I can"t wait 我也知道我说,它常常不过,我也不能再等下去 Till" we no longer have to lie about us. 直到" ,我们不再有说谎关于我们。 [Avant - Bridge] [前卫-桥] Baby won"t you wait just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit longer, longer (oehh yeahh) 婴儿不会等待你只是一点点,只是一点点,只是一点点更长,更长( oehh yeahh ) Just a little bit just a little bit just a little bit longer longer (won"t you wait) just a little bit 只是一点点只是一点点只是一点点长较长(不会等到)只是一点点 Just a little bit just a little bit longer longer just a little bit just a little bit just a little bit 只是一点点只是一点点更长更长的只是一点点只是一点点只是一点点 Longer longer 更长更长 [Avant - Chorus 2x] [前卫-合唱团的2倍] Baby so please don"t say you wanna give up, 宝宝,所以请不要说你想放弃, How do I tell her that I"m falling in love (how do I tell my baby). 我怎么告诉她,我堕入爱河(我怎么告诉我的宝宝) 。 And I know your waiting patiently for that day, 我知道,你耐心等待,为这一天, When we no longer have to lie about us (no longer have to lie about us). 当我们不再有说谎关于我们(不再有说谎关于我们) 。 When I"m with her, all I want is your touch 当我与她,我要的是你的触摸 And when you call me I don"t wanna hang up (oeehh oohh oo). 当你骂我,我不想挂断电话( oeehh oohh面向对象) 。 And I know I said it often but I can"t wait till" we no longer have to lie about us. 我也知道我说,它往往是,但我不能等到" ,我们不再有说谎关于我们。 So please don"t say you wanna give up , 所以请不要说你想放弃, How do I tell her that I"m fallen in love (how do I tell my baby). 我怎么告诉她,我告回落爱(我怎么告诉我的宝宝) 。 And I know your waiting patiently for that day, 我知道,你耐心等待,为这一天, When we no longer have to lie about us (whoa ooooo). 当我们不再有说谎关于我们(哇ooooo ) 。 When I"m with her all I want is your touch, 当我与她,我要的是你的触摸, And when you call me I don"t wanna hang up. 当你骂我,我不想挂断电话。 And I know I say it often but I can"t wait till" we no longer have to lie about us. 我也知道我说,它往往是,但我不能等到" ,我们不再有说谎关于我们。 [Avant & Nicole - Bridge] [前卫&妮可-桥] Baby won"t you wait just a little bit, just a little bit, (baby) just a little bit longer (baby), longer 婴儿不会等待你只是一点点,只是一点点, (婴儿)只是一点点长(婴儿) ,更长 Just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit, (baby I"mma wait for you) longer, longer 只是一点点,只是一点点,只是一点点, (婴儿i"mma等你)更长,更长 (won"t you wait) just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit, longer, longer (if you wait) (不会等到)只是一点点,只是一点点,只是一点点,更长,更长的(如果你等待) Just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit, longer. 只是一点点,只是一点点,只是一点点,更长的时间。 [Avant - End Fading Away] [前卫-完淡化] Just a little bit 只是一点点 Just a little bit 只是一点点 Just a little bit 只是一点点 Just a little bit 只是一点点 Just a little bit 只是一点点 Just a little bit 只是一点点
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