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android studio中的drawable-v24怎么创建

我们一般将APP的icon放在minmap文件夹下,其他图片资源放在drawable文件夹下。下面我们看下AndroidStudio下如何创建drawable、drawable-hdpi、drawable-mdpi、drawable-xhdpi、drawable-xxhdpi。1、切换到Project视图下,找到对应moudle的res文件夹,右击“res”--》 “new”--》“Android resource directory”,弹出“New Resource Directory”对话框。2、按照上图的一二三步骤,点击第三步后,会出现一下内容,选择要添加drawable的分辨率,点击“ok”按钮即可。


String pic=new String(“R.drawable.picname”); int image=this.getResources().getIdentifier(pic,“drawable”,getCallingPackage());如果String 没像楼上用的是.png 而是直接定义的R.drawable.XX那么就不需要像楼上一样,他用substring只是用来去除.png


studio mipmap 和drawable的区别!最近使用studio 发现drawle-hdpi 都没有了换成了mipmap-hdpi,这两个目录有什么区别呢?使用上没有任何区别,你把它当drawable用就好了。但是用mipmap系统会在缩放上提供一定的性能优化。官方介绍:Mipmapping for drawablesUsing a mipmap as the source for your bitmap or drawable is a simple way to provide a quality image and various image scales, which can be particularly useful if you expect your image to be scaled during an animation.Android 4.2 (API level 17) added support for mipmaps in the Bitmap class—Android swaps the mip images in your Bitmap when you"ve supplied a mipmap source and have enabled setHasMipMap(). Now in Android 4.3, you can enable mipmaps for a BitmapDrawable object as well, by providing a mipmap asset and setting the android:mipMap attribute in a bitmap resource file or by calling hasMipMap().应用场景:If you know that you are going to draw this bitmap at less than 50% of its original size, you may be able to obtain a higher quality by turning this property on. Note that if the renderer respects this hint it might have to allocate extra memory to hold the mipmap levels for this bitmap.一个应用实例:Nexus 6ScreenThe Nexus 6 boasts an impressive 5.96” Quad HD screen display at a resolution of 2560 x 1440 (493 ppi). This translates to ~ 730 x 410 dp (density independent pixels).Check your assetsIt has a quantized density of 560 dpi, which falls in between the xxhdpi and xxxhdpi primary density buckets. For the Nexus 6, the platform will scale down xxxhdpi assets, but if those aren"t available, then it will scale up xxhdpi assets.Provide at least an xxxhdpi app icon because devices can display large app icons on the launcher. It"s best practice to place your app icons in mipmap- folders (not the drawable- folders) because they are used at resolutions different from the device"s current density. For example, an xxxhdpi app icon can be used on the launcher for an xxhdpi device.p icon used on Nexus 6 device launcherres/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.pngmipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.pngmipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.pngmipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.pngmipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png # App icon used on Nexus 6 device launcherChoosing to add xxxhdpi versions for the rest of your assets will provide a sharper visual experience on the Nexus 6, but does increase apk size, so you should make an appropriate decision for your app.res/drawable-mdpi/ic_sunny.pngdrawable-hdpi/ic_sunny.pngdrawable-xhdpi/ic_sunny.pngdrawable-xxhdpi/ # Fall back to these if xxxhdpi versions aren"t availableic_sunny.pngdrawable-xxxhdpi/ # Higher resolution assets for Nexus 6ic_sunny.png总结这个实例总结一下是这样:Nexus 6 有 493 ppi,它刚好在 xxhdpi和xxxhdpi之间,所以显示的时候需要对xxxhdpi的资源进行缩小,如果你用了mipmap-xxxhdpi,那么这里会对sclae有一个优化,性能更好,占用内存更少。所以现在官方推荐使用mipmap:It"s best practice to place your app icons in mipmap- folders (not the drawable- folders) because they are used at resolutions different from the device"s current density.

drawable定义颜色 和color定义颜色 有什么区别吗


怎么拿到 drawable 的 宽高

在ImageView中的image,可以使用getWidth()和getHeight()来获取宽度和高度,但是获得的image宽度和高度不是很精确的;对于背景图片,你首先要获取背景的Drawable对象,然后将Drawable对象转换为BitmapDrawable,这样你就可以将背景图片作为Bitmap对象并获取其宽度和高度了。代码如下:Bitmap b = ((BitmapDrawble)imageView.getBackground()).getBitmap(); int w = b.getWidth(); int h = b.getHeight(); or do like this wayimageView.setDrawingCacheEnabled(true); Bitmap b = imageView.getDrawingCache(); int w = b.getWidth(); int h = b.getHeight(); 或者也可以像下面这样:imageView.setDrawingCacheEnabled(true); Bitmap b = imageView.getDrawingCache(); int w = b.getWidth(); int h = b.getHeight(); 上面的代码仅仅可以为你获取当前ImageView的大小:imageView.getWidth(); imageView.getHeight(); 如果你要获取Drawable image对象的大小,可用如下代码:Drawable d = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.yourimage); int h = d.getIntrinsicHeight(); int w = d.getIntrinsicWidth();

android 怎么裁剪drawable



Android Bitmap 与 Drawable之间的区别和转换

Bitmap - 称作位图,一般位图的文件格式后缀为bmp,当然编码器也有很多如RGB565、RGB888。作为一种逐像素的显示对象执行效率高,但是缺点也很明显存储效率低。我们理解为一种存储对象比较好。Drawable - 作为Android平下通用的图形对象,它可以装载常用格式的图像,比如GIF、PNG、JPG,当然也支持BMP,当然还提供一些高级的可视化对象,比如渐变、图形等。A bitmap is a Drawable. A Drawable is not necessarily a bitmap. Like all thumbs are fingers but not all fingers are thumbs.Bitmap是Drawable . Drawable不一定是Bitmap .就像拇指是指头,但不是所有的指头都是拇指一样.The API dictates: API规定:Though usually not visible to the application, Drawables may take a variety of forms: 尽管通常情况下对于应用是不可见的,Drawables 可以采取很多形式:Bitmap: the simplest Drawable, a PNG or JPEG image. Bitmap: 简单化的Drawable, PNG 或JPEG图像. Nine Patch: an extension to the PNG format allows it to specify information about how to stretch it and place things inside of it.Shape: contains simple drawing commands instead of a raw bitmap, allowing it to resize better in some cases.Layers: a compound drawable, which draws multiple underlying drawables on top of each other.States: a compound drawable that selects one of a set of drawables based on its state.Levels: a compound drawable that selects one of a set of drawables based on its level.Scale: a compound drawable with a single child drawable, whose overall size is modified based on the current level.小结:对比项 显示清晰度 占用内存 支持缩放 支持色相色差调整 支持旋转 支持透明色 绘制速度 支持像素操作Bitmap 相同 大 是 是 是 是 慢 是Drawable 相同 小 是 否 是 是 快 否Drawable在内存占用和绘制速度这两个非常关键的点上胜过Bitmap

drawable xml绘图简单用法

drawable里的xml文件做绘图资源非常方便,不需要适配屏幕dpi,几个比较简单的用法: sharp是比较常用的drawable,可以绘制line、oval、rectangle和 ring。以sharp为例绘制一个红色椭圆和蓝色圆环。 预览下: 接着画一个外环宽度为8dp的圆环 故名思议,layer-list就是图层,把几个可绘制的drawable排列起来,layer-list最下边的item会放置在最上层,我们把之前的红色圆形和蓝色环形重叠起来,绘制一个带蓝边的红圆。 预览: state-list是根据对象的状态分别绘制不同的图形,比如的是绘制一个圆形按钮,平时是红色,按下时是蓝色。 需要注意的是,按下状态的item要写在通常状态之前。把这个xml文件设置一个button的background,就可以使用了。 https://developer.android.google.cn/guide/topics/resources/drawable-resource




在 Flowable 中,如果跳转到的节点存在多个执行人,会导致报错,因为在跳转时需要指定具体的执行人。要解决这个问题,可以在跳转时选择其中一个执行人作为目标节点的执行人,或者使用 Flowable 提供的动态用户任务(Dynamic User Task)功能来解决多个执行人的问题。动态用户任务允许在流程运行时动态指定任务的执行人,具体实现方式如下:在目标节点设置一个动态用户任务,并为该任务设置候选用户或候选组,例如:<userTask id="task1" name="Task 1" flowable:assignee="${assignee}"><extensionElements><flowable:taskListener event="create" class="org.flowable.engine.DynamicUserTaskListener"/></extensionElements></userTask>在这个示例中,${assignee} 是一个占位符,可以在流程运行时通过流程变量进行替换,以指定具体的执行人。创建一个实现 TaskListener 接口的类,实现该接口的 notify 方法,在该方法中指定任务的执行人。例如:public class DynamicUserTaskListener implements TaskListener {@Overridepublic void notify(DelegateTask delegateTask) {String assignee = (String) delegateTask.getVariable("assignee");delegateTask.setAssignee(assignee);}}在这个示例中,notify 方法从流程变量中获取指定的执行人,并将其设置为任务的执行人。在流程运行时,通过设置流程变量来指定任务的执行人。例如:Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<>();variables.put("assignee", "user1");runtimeService.setVariables(task.getProcessInstanceId(), variables);在这个示例中,使用 runtimeService.setVariables 方法设置流程变量,将 assignee 设置为 user1。通过使用动态用户任务,可以在 Flowable 中解决多个执行人的问题,以便更灵活地控制流程的执行。

create user 用户名 identified by 密码 default tablesp


为什么some broccoli is on the table 要加is而不是are

因为broccoli是不可数名词,所以只能用is 所有有不可数名词的句子,没有动词,大多数使用is充当谓语

crafting table什么意思

crafting table制作表craftingvt.手工制作(craft的现在分词形式); 例句:1.There are hundreds of books written about crafting a decent headline. 关于制定一个像样的标题,有着数百种书。

crafting table什么意思



dose:剂量 服用量,一般指的是液体的药品;tablet:用量,一般指的是颗粒状、胶囊状的药品。祝好运!

C`est incroyable这句是什么意思?

C"est incroyable!这简直难以置信。。!表示感叹语气。。

asterisk SIP协议呼叫返回488 not acceptable here,不知为何?

6.5.27. 488 Not Acceptable Here这个状态码和606(Not Acceptable)有相同的含义,但是只是应用于Request-URI所指出的特定媒体资源不能接受,在其他地方请求可能可以接受。包含了媒体兼容性描述的消息体可以出现在应答中,并且根据INVITE请求中的SDP进行t头域进行规格化。具体情况具体分析,建议贴上你的INVITE消息和488消息上来看看。488消息里的cause值是什么?

后街男孩最新专辑中《Unmistakable》和《Everything But Mine》的歌词

anytime, anywhere, any place you could be anyone today maybe I recognize you on a crowded street maybe you take me by surprise will you be the one I had in mind? there"ll come a day when you walk out of my dreams face to face like I"m imagining baby how can I be surethat you"re the one I"m waiting for will you be unmistakable people say watch your life through the best desperatly waiting on a chance I know you"re out there holding on holding out for me are we gonna know the time is right what if you"re here and I"m just blind there"ll come a day when you walk out of my dreams face to face like I"m imagining baby how can I be sure that you"re the one I"m waiting for will you be unmistakable how can I own a soul that never hurt how will I know your voice when you haven"t said a word how do I know how this will end before we began ( before we began ) there"ll come a day when you walk out of my dreams face to face like I"m imagining baby how can I be sure that you"re the one I"m waiting for will you be unmistakable Everything But Mine - Backstreet Boys Lrc made by 51isoft Walking along the sky Chasing a glimpse of you Painting a world with stars I found inside your eyes Up here above the haze Everything looks so clear Wondering what it would be like if you were here And time, it takes time (takes time) But I can"t wait To tell you how I feel Oh, you"re the calm when my world is crashing My heart, my blood, my passion Why, tell me why You"re everything but mine I hold you close when it all goes crazy And through it all, you"d be my lady Why, tell me why You"re everything, everything but mine You don"t have to be afraid Of somebody else"s touch Just gimme a chance to prove Just how you should be loved And time, it takes time (takes time) It"s not too late To tell you how I feel Oh, you"re the calm when my world is crashing My heart, my blood, my passion Why, tell me why You"re everything but mine I hold you close when it all goes crazy And through it all, you"d be my lady Why, tell me why You"re everything, everything but mine Everything thing but mine, ooh Mine I know, oh baby Someday you"ll come around I"m gonna leave the light on And I won"t let you down No I won"t let you down I won"t let you down Oh, you"re the calm when my world is crashing My heart, my blood, my passion Why, tell me why You"re everything but mine I hold you close when it all goes crazy And through it all, you"d be my lady Why, tell me why You"re everything, everything but mine You"re everything but mine, yeah You"re everything but mine, yeah, ooh You"re the sun You"re the star You"re the moon You"re the rain Love your lips, love your eyes Drivin" me insane Oh baby, baby Oh you"re everything but mine, yeah You"re everything but mine

dressing table 与dresser 的区别 好像都是梳妆台,求详细区别


dust the dressing table.什么意思?为什么dress加ing

dust the dressing table,是祈使句。dust加上ing,就变成了现在进行时


trendy 是一个口语的词语,它是一个形容词 adj. <口语>走在流行尖端的,最时髦的; 醉心于流行的 如:a trendy boutique 走在流行尖端的妇女精品店 可数名词 n.[C] <英口语>跟随时髦的人,醉心时髦的人 fashionalbeb是书面语,也是形容词 adj. 流行的,时髦的。 in the fashion of the time · It"s fashionable to come to China for holidays. 到中国来过假期是件时髦的事。 · She always wears fashionable clothes. 她总穿时髦的衣服。 adj. 时尚的,流行的 accepted accomplished contemporary customary dashing general in prevailing prevalent adj. 高雅的 aristocratic courtly finished genteel gentlemanlike gentlemanly graceful gracious ladylike polished refined well-bred well-mannered adj. 时髦的 chic dapper hip mod modern modish natty new popular smart spruce stylish trendy up-to-date up-to-the-minute adj. 奢侈的 dressy flashy high-class high-toned silk-stocking adj. 不流行的,过时的 old unfashionable

Lonely Drifter Karen的《Casablanca》 歌词

歌曲名:Casablanca歌手:Lonely Drifter Karen专辑:Grass Is SingingShania Twain - Ka-Ching!We live in a greedy little worldthat teaches every little boy and girlTo earn as much as they can possiblythen turn around andSpend it foolishlyWe"ve created us a credit card messWe spend the money that we don"t possessOur religion is to go and blow it allSo it"s shoppin" every Sunday at the mallAll we ever want is moreA lot more than we had beforeSo take me to the nearest storeCan you hear it ringIt makes you wanna singIt"s such a beautiful thing--Ka-ching!Lots of diamond ringsThe happiness it bringsYou"ll live like a kingWith lots of money and thingsWhen you"re broke go and get a loanTake out another mortgage on your homeConsolidate so you can affordTo go and spend some morewhen you get boredAll we ever want is moreA lot more than we had beforeSo take me to the nearest storeCan you hear it ringIt makes you wanna singIt"s such a beautiful thing--Ka-ching!Lots of diamond ringsThe happiness it bringsYou"ll live like a kingWith lots of money and thingsLet"s swingDig deeper in your pocketOh, yeah, haCome on I know you"ve got itDig deeper in your walletOhAll we ever want is moreA lot more than we had beforeSo take me to the nearest storeCan you hear it ringIt makes you wanna singIt"s such a beautiful thing--Ka-ching!Lots of diamond ringsThe happiness it bringsYou"ll live like a kingWith lots of money and thingsCan you hear it ringIt makes you wanna singYou"ll live like a kingWith lots of money and thingsKa-ching!http://music.baidu.com/song/10357888





我想知道ROS脚本里的comment="B7C0D6B9C4DACDF82BCB6C2B7D3C9" disabled=no 是什么意思

comment="B7C0D6B9C4DACDF82BCB6C2B7D3C" 这段是注释说明,B7C0D6B9C4DACDF82BCB6C2B7D3C9 是注释的内容 显示成这样应该是用汉字写的注释。既然是注释有没有这段内容都没有关系。disable = no 就是启用的意思。


bb、Live well, love lots, and laugh often.

Pima Cotton Cable Crewneck


studies show drugs available today can delay the process of growing old.这里的available是什么意思

drugs available today = drugs that can be acquired today也就是“当今的药物”available 形容词,可获得的,作后置定语修饰drugs Studies show drugs available today can delay the process of growing old.研究显示,当今的药物能延缓衰老。



arrsistable brushes什么意思

brushes n. 刷子; 擦( brush的名词复数 ) 小冲突; 灌木丛; [网络] 画笔; [例句]We gave him paint and brushes.我们给了他油漆和几把刷子。[其他] 形近词: blusher blushes brusher

禁用事件记录用这个命令sc config EventLog start= disabled ,那么开启事件记录用什么命令

sc config EventLog start= AUTOsc config (服务名) start= DISABLED (禁用) sc config (服务名) start= DEMAND (手动) sc config (服务名) start= AUTO (自动) 注意“start=”和“DISABLED”之间必有空格


responsible[英][ru026au02c8spu0252nsu0259bl][美][ru026au02c8spɑ:nsu0259bl]adj.尽责的; 承担责任; 负有责任的; 懂道理的; 最高级:most responsible比较级:more responsible

用at one end of the table是什么意思?

您好,atone end of the table意思是“在桌子的另一端”。

He found the street much crowed He found them seated at a table playing chess


麻烦做外贸的帮忙翻译Packing: 11.50kg NET (payable) + 20% EXTRA = 13.80kg TOTAL NET in Yellow Bucke


dtv[a] = table[a].DefaultView;谁能帮我解答一下这两语句的含义?不要粘贴复制DefaultView的属性,谢谢

就是声明一个可以存放50个Defaultview的数组 dtv,然后把表格对象的(table)第a个赋给dtv同样的位置上


一、这个词分为三个部分,前缀为in, 表示否定,后缀able为形容词后缀,evit,这个词根和单词evite意思相同,意思是“避开, 回避”。二、运用联想法的话就会简单很多。evite的发音前半部分听起来像“意外”,那么意外自然是要避开的,所以就联想到“回避,避开”,那么inevitable这个词意思为“不可避免的”也就不难理解了。

华硕主板灯控软件AURA打不开,提示:unable to obtain theAURA

可能程序不兼容, 可以更换个版本试试。另外建议参考下程序对配置的要求。或者右键需要运行的程序 选择兼容性 用兼容模式运行试试。

本人的EDA软件老是打不开,双击时总是说Unable to write to EWB program directory


unable to write to EWB program directory please change the permissions of this directory


本人的EDA软件老是打不开,双击时总是说Unable to write to EWB program directory


KeilC语言编程老出现: error C100:unprintable character 0xA1 skipped 哪错了啊


portable printer是什么意思

portable printer 英[u02c8pu0254:tu0259bl u02c8pru026antu0259] 美[u02c8pu0254rtu0259bu0259l u02c8pru026antu025a] 便携式打印机 [例句]The bulky printer has been replaced by one of those tiny gadgets used in portable ticket machines.用于便携式票务器的一个小零件代替了传统庞大的打印机。

error C183: unmodifiable lvalu单片机编程错误指向dula=1;和dula=0;

uchar code table[]={0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x6f,0x77,0x7c,0x39,0x5e,0x79,0x71}最后需要加分号

rough,cheap,comfortable,light,dull 所有的反义词是什么?要英语


cable tray staraight i nsiade 90 vertical elbow outside 90 vertical elbow end plate c-channel

你的英语资料存在的问题 cable tray staraight 中应该是 straight i nsiade 90 vertical elbow 应该是 inside 90 vertical elbowcable tray straight 托盘式桥架直通inside 90 vertical elbow 垂直90度弯通内边 outside 90 vertical elbow 垂直90度弯通外边end plate 封端也有叫封头的c-channel 我们这边叫U型钢beam clamp 梁夹joint connector 连接器的接头G.B jumpershank B/N 带英语简写的我需要查下资料,查到了告诉你。


英语后缀的分类及用法,如下:1. -able 形容词后缀,表示能被...的,可被...的,可以加在许多及物动词之后。ible是able的异体,属于原生词缀,只能加在词根或词干后,有时词根需要经过变形才可以与ible结合able的例子:adjustable 可调节的 exchangeable 可交换的ible的例子:audible 听得见的 credible 可信赖的2. -age 名词后缀,该后缀与年龄age毫无关系,主要有两种用法第一种,加在动词后面构成抽象名词,意为该行为或该行为的后果。breakage 损坏,破损量 marriage 结婚,结婚生活第二种,加在名词后面,表示该事物的群体或与该事物有关的场所,或者表示该事物的状况baggage 行李 orphanage 孤儿院,pupilage 学生时期,学生身份 tonnage 吨位3. -al 形容词,名词后缀,第一种,加在名词或名词性词根后面,构成形容词,相当于...的,像...的,有...性质的。national 民族的,国家的 industrial 工业的第二种,加在动词后面构成名词,arrival 到达,到来 denial 否认4. -ance 名词后缀,ance有异体ancy意思相同,二者都是加在动词或动词词根后构成抽象名词,表示该行为或其性质,状态等。ancy相比抽象性更强,多表示行为的性质与状态。有时ance可表示与该行为有关的主体事物。ance的例子:appearance 出现,露面 annoyance 烦恼,生气ancy结尾的例子:ascendancy 优势,支配地位 buoyancy 浮力,浮性5. -ant 形容词后缀,名词后缀,第一种,与动词或动词词根相结合,构成形容词。意为...的,作用相当于现在分词词尾-ing。以-ant结尾的形容词经常有与之对应的ance或ancy结尾的名词accordant 一致的 ==》 accordance 一致,distant 远的 ==》 distance 远处,远方第二种,作名词后缀 以ant为结尾构成名词,assistant 助手 disinfectant 消毒剂

Mysql 删除表中“DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `A`” 这个语句是什么意思?

删除表Exists 方法 描述如果在 Dictionary 对象中指定的关键字存在,则返回 True,若不存在,则返回 False。(这句不是词语解释,这是数据库方法的名称!)一般drop table if exists是数据库里面的,后面接表名,如:drop table if exists xxx_book其意思是:如果数据库中存在xxx_book表,就把它从数据库中drop掉。备份sql中一般都有这样的语句,如果是数据库中有这个表,先drop掉,然后create表,然后再进行数据插入。拓展:数据库(Database)是按照数据结构来组织、存储和管理数据的仓库,它产生于距今六十多年前,随着信息技术和市场的发展,特别是二十世纪九十年代以后,数据管理不再仅仅是存储和管理数据,而转变成用户所需要的各种数据管理的方式。数据库有很多种类型,从最简单的存储有各种数据的表格到能够进行海量数据存储的大型数据库系统都在各个方面得到了广泛的应用。

打印机出现duplex disabled是什么意思

要在打印机的首选项设置里,选择 duplex 为“On”状态

vue element table expand 扩展行点击行展示且保证只展示一行

背景:因为element里面的扩展行支持多行展示扩展行,但接到了需求,只能展示一行,如:第一行扩展,点击第二行的时候,第一行收起,第二行展开。同时改成点击行展示扩展内容 <el-table :data="eventTableData" style="width: 100%" @cell-click="clickTable" ref="refTable" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange" @expand-change="expandSelect" > <el-table-column type="expand" width="0px" label="扩展"> </el-table-column> </el-table> data:{ eventTableData:[], expands:[], } methods:{ clickTable:function(row, column, cell, event){//展开事件日志列表 if(cell.cellIndex!=3 && cell.cellIndex!=10){ this. refs.refTable.toggleRowExpansion(expandedRows[0]); } else { that.expands = []; } }, } 转 https://blog.csdn.net/fox_233/article/details/86529227


中文意思是爆裂。burst基本解释:vi.爆裂,炸破;使爆炸;充满,塞满;爆发。vt.使爆炸;冲破,胀破;分帧,分页,分隔。n.爆炸;爆裂;爆发;突发。burst用法和例句:That bubble burst late last year .这一泡沫于去年底破裂。The physicists assembled there burst into applause .聚集在场的物理学家们爆发出掌声。The construction industry was hit brutally hard when the housing bubble burst .建筑工业在房地产泡沫爆炸时遭受了极度打击。If the bubble did burst , the ramifications would be worldwide .楼市泡沫一旦爆破,其影响将涉及全世界。These bacteria soon burst open , spilling out enzymes and new phages .这些细菌很快就被胀爆,释放酶和新的噬菌体。

creditable ;susceptible ;explicit 这英语用谐音怎么读?


expdp include多种table怎么写

[oracle@dw-151-57 ~]$cat par.parexclude=table:" in(select table_name from tabs where table_name in("EMP","DEPT"))"[oracle@dw-151-57 ~]$expdp scott/a DUMPFILE=DATA_PUMP_DIR:exp_tab.dmp LOGFILE=exp_tab.log parfile=par.parExport: Release - Production on Saturday, 05 January, 2013 13:01:14Copyright (c) 2003, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing optionsFLASHBACK automatically enabled to preserve database integrity.Starting "SCOTT"."SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01": scott/******** DUMPFILE=DATA_PUMP_DIR:exp_tab.dmp LOGFILE=exp_tab.log parfile=par.parEstimate in progress using BLOCKS method...Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATATotal estimation using BLOCKS method: 62.56 MBProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/USERProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/SYSTEM_GRANTProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/ROLE_GRANTProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/DEFAULT_ROLEProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/PRE_SCHEMA/PROCACT_SCHEMAProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLEProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/INDEXProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/CONSTRAINT/CONSTRAINTProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/STATISTICS/INDEX_STATISTICSProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/COMMENTProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/FUNCTIONAL_AND_BITMAP/INDEXProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/STATISTICS/FUNCTIONAL_AND_BITMAP/INDEX_STATISTICSProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/STATISTICS/TABLE_STATISTICSProcessing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/MATERIALIZED_VIEWexported "SCOTT"."T0101" 14.92 MB 141812 rowsexported "SCOTT"."T03" 14.92 MB 141787 rowsexported "SCOTT"."X02" 14.92 MB 141793 rowsexported "SCOTT"."T" 3.951 MB 141785 rowsexported "SCOTT"."T01" 1.876 MB 141791 rowsexported "SCOTT"."T001" 8.304 KB 28 rowsexported "SCOTT"."EMP2" 7.773 KB 14 rowsexported "SCOTT"."SALGRADE" 5.585 KB 5 rowsexported "SCOTT"."T02" 5.890 KB 40 rowsexported "SCOTT"."T1" 5.226 KB 2 rowsexported "SCOTT"."T2" 5.234 KB 3 rowsexported "SCOTT"."TT01" 22.33 KB 15 rowsexported "SCOTT"."X01" 10.08 KB 9 rowsexported "SCOTT"."BONUS" 0 KB 0 rowsMaster table "SCOTT"."SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01" successfully loaded/unloadedDump file set for SCOTT.SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01 is: /export/home/oracle/app/products/10.2.0/rdbms/log/exp_tab.dmpJob "SCOTT"."SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01" successfully completed at 13:01:19[oracle@dw-151-57 ~]$


extendable伸缩1.伸展与收缩。引申指行动﹑动作。 2.伸展与收缩。比喻在一定范围内的变通或变化。 extensible扩展  【expand;extend】 向外伸展;扩展对外贸易。城市边界扩展到把全县都包括在内 。   【expansion 】单纯形优化法中推移单纯形的一种基本操作之一。当以试验中效果最坏的实验点作为基点,将其沿基点经单纯形的形心点的延长线作等距离反射时,若在反射点的试验效果在各实验点中最好,这时可使用更大的步长推移单纯形,此种操作称为扩展。

1. 简单解释data block , extent, segment,tablespace和datafile的区别和关系?

数据库逻辑上最小的单元就是data block, block 可以设置为2K, 4K, 8K....extent由block组成,segment则由extent组成,tablespace由segment组成,datafile是数据库的物理表现形式,一个tablespace可以对应多个datafile,一个datafile只能属于一个tablespace。


Eminem ft Dr Dre, 50 Cent & Jay-Z – Syllables LyricsIt"s not about lyrics anymore, it"s about a hot beat and a catchy hook[Eminem]If we gotta dumb down our style and ABC itthen so be itcause nowadays these kids, jeezdon"t give a shit bout lyricsall they wanna hear is a beat and thats itlong as they can go to the club and get blitzpick up some chicks and get some digitsand the DJ"s playing them hitsoh this my jam, this my sh-twe dont know a word to a verse,all we know is the choruscause the chorus repeats the same four words for usand the songs ginormous, the whole formula"s switchedcause we don"t know anymore, what are hitsis it the beat, is it the rapis it a finger snap or the same 808 clapand how do we adapt and get TRL voteswhen 13 year olds control the remoteand Ashley"s got a brand new nosewe gotta put some new em-phasis on our syllables[Jay-Z]If the emphasis on the compact disc isn"t the beatthan I"m gon feature EM and get richand let Dre mix the shit and drive off in the Range Rocause everywhere I go they love the bling bling flowbang bang look at the way my chain glowthe ring on my fing" cost Jermaine a lot of dough, ohthe f-ck am I busting my brain for?its just the way the game go, oh, it takes 2 to tangoyou call this a lame flowyou bought the shitI guess you to blame tooI just found the angleno more reality flowI"m tryna time my album dropping with a reality showcock the Mac 11 in front of Hot 97and call my publicist tell her “we in press heaven”no one gives a shit except some kids who just got into sex on the internetso you want the chat room or the house of Malibu Em?Your emphasis is on the wrong Syllable[Dr Dre]They said 30′s the new 20funny, must mean 40′s the new 30interesting cause ever since then it"s been innocencean extension for veteran rappers that are better than halfof the shit coming out right nowits all trashthe torch is gonna burn out before it gets passedJay said it"s his last and 50 and Emthen what? Detox drops what we got thenso now our whole camps is running around scrambling over what to dogambling everytime we put a record outjust looking for that hook[Eminem](Wait Dre look)Shorty I love youand you love me toowe were meant to be cause shortyyou love meand I love you tooand I promise I"ll be true to you[50 Cent]Go shorty, its your birthdayyou made it just in time to hear my wordplayits the kid that flip flows who used to flip O"sand run G for days used to see how I get hoesI"m international, I get my dick licked round the globeI"m sick right into show, riding on lolo"spuffing on coco, my bitch in Manolo"sdon"t f-ck with the dodo"s, I sling for dumb hoesI playing, I aint got time to joke, jokeyou f-ck around, you could get your ass smokedlook, its not a game, me B, I aint playingbeep behind me player, so you here anywayyou don"t hear what I"m sayingme fin-nini-nafee-fi-dididee-yayjust give me my check and I"ll be on my waysunny bunny money and funnyyou aint even listening and I just took your money[Stat Quo]There once was a time everywhere he turnedshady aftermath was all ya heardbut they say 50 sang too muchand Em got softand they say Dre just fell the f-ck offwell f-ck the f-ck offsall y"all eat soft, be mad, we bad fresh up outta the vault, oh!new syllables eat ball, ya f-cks off"syour house, your bitch I"m getting sucked offEast, south, midwest, even up northfalling victim to wax, spitting, bring out the white chalkall for the gingerbread, we get it and get lostcatch me if you can, I"m running past while y"all walk[Ca$hi$]Shady made me for bringing it backfor the history of rapit"s gone with a snap, a sneer and a clapwhat happened to just spittin about living in the muthaf-cking city you atin the grimiest condition, I breath in dramaKing Mathers and Cash me, thats freak karmaI"m everything, anything, you could never beits a hitting, rhyme in the month deepI speak with a piece, no peace on my mindI repeat every evil deed done of mineno rest contest, contract to signby blood I"m in this squad for lifehear out my wind pipes and I just chimeI"m the reason you guys won"t say that lineI"m crazy renegade like Em and Jay-ZI"m Rosemary"s baby[Eminem]Shorty I love youand you love me toowe were meant to be cause shortyyou love meand I love you tooand I promise I"ll be true to you[Talking]It is not about lyrics anymore,It is not about lyrics anymoreits about a hot beat, a hot beatits about a hot beat, a hot beata hot hot hot beatand a catchy hooka hot hot hot beatand a catchy hooknobody gives a damn about them syllables, sillyle-ables, whatever they areI don"t care if you gotta rhyme smo, joe, toe and glownow get out there and sell some God-damn recordsStill a first draft so drop any corrections in the comments and I will update.Let me know what you think of the Eminem Syllables Lyrics?Read more: http://www.killerhiphop.com/eminem-syllables-lyrics-jay-z-dre-50-cent/#ixzz1EDGmgKCB

Untouchable 歌词

歌曲名:Untouchable歌手:Peter Andre专辑:The Long Road Back2Pac Feat. Bone Thugs-N-Harmony - Untouchable (Swizz Beatz Remix)Am I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?Am I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?Get it on till I dieGet it on till I dieY"all, Y"all remember meY"all, Y"all remember meChorus: Krayzie BoneIt"s that Tupac (Pac)It"s that Tupac (Tupac)It"s that Tupac (Pac)It"s that Tupac (Tupac)It"s that Tupac (Pac)It"s that Tupac (Tupac)It"s that Tupac (Pac)It"s that Tupac (Tupac)(Pac"s home)Ha haAm I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?Am I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?Get it on till I dieGet it on till I dieY"all, Y"all remember meY"all, Y"all remember meVerse 1: TupacAfter the fire comes the rainAfter the pleasure there"s painEven though we broke for the moment we"ll be balling againTime to make ya"ll, my military be prepared for the busters similar toBitches to scary, get to near me we rush "emVisions of over packed prisonsMillion"s of niggas thug livingPressure"s, three strikes I hope they don"t test usSo pull the heat out, ammunition in crate"s (shh)Move without a sound as we slide down pistols in placeI"m sensing niggas is defenceless I"m hitting fence"s then getting ghostWho can prevent me shooting senseless?At these niggas throatsBitch made niggas and that bullshit you going throughOutlaws busting while we rushingWe untouchableFuck you niggas and that bullshit you going throughWe Outlaws rushing you busting youWe untouchableChorus: Krayzie Bone & Tupac(Am I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?) It"s that Tupac (Pac)(Am I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?) It"s that Tupac (Tupac)(Get it on till I die) It"s that Tupac (Pac)(Get it on till I die) It"s that Tupac (Tupac)(Y"all, Y"all remember me) It"s that Tupac (Pac)(Y"all, Y"all remember me) It"s that Tupac (Tupac)(Am I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?) It"s that Tupac (Pac)(Am I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?) It"s that Tupac (Tupac)(Get it on till I die) It"s that Tupac (Pac)(Get it on till I die) It"s that Tupac (Tupac)(Y"all, Y"all remember me) It"s that Tupac (Pac)(Y"all, Y"all remember me) It"s that Tupac (Tupac)Verse 2: Krayzie BoneYou niggas better not try to run upAnd don"t try to say we ain"t told youYou"re dealing with killers and soldiersNigga these explosives, trying to blow shit, running you overNigga controllerWhenever y"all niggas try to roll upThinking I"m a ho, well, come and let me show yaI"m a light up the rhythm like dosiaDumping so potent, nigga don"t choke upFlow upMakaveli The Don, got niggas strapped and ready to bombAs soon as I send the alarm, and when we"re doneWe"ve committed a red rum, leaving the enemies dead and goneLeaving "em niggas head"s blown, cause they know they dead wrongWhen the shots ring out you know we"re coming through (Know we"re coming through)Talk a lot with your mouth, well what you gon" do? (So what you gon" do?)Shut "em down, busters be knowing to keep they distanceThugs don"t fuck aroundWe get back at "em so swiftly, niggas is with me undergroundSlug in a niggas mug, reppin" Midwest SideNiggas if you a thug get your weapon, let"s rideRide for Pac, Pac, get live for Pac, Pac, Pop off the Glock, GlockThe thugging it don"t stopChorus: Krayzie Bone & Tupac(Am I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?) It"s that Tupac (Pac)(Am I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?) It"s that Tupac (Tupac)(Get it on till I die) It"s that Tupac (Pac)(Get it on till I die) It"s that Tupac (Tupac)(Y"all, Y"all remember me) It"s that Tupac (Pac)(Y"all, Y"all remember me) It"s that Tupac (Tupac)(Am I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?) It"s that Tupac (Pac)(Am I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?) It"s that Tupac (Tupac)(Get it on till I die) It"s that Tupac (Pac)(Get it on till I die) It"s that Tupac (Tupac)(Y"all, Y"all remember me) It"s that Tupac (Pac)(Y"all, Y"all remember me) It"s that Tupac (Tupac)Verse 3: TupacOnly wish to breedI explode into a million seedsYa"ll remember meLegendary live eternallyBury me in pieces cause they fear reincarnationNiggas screaming peace cause they fear when my squad face "emTake them to places, stake they face then erase "em and brake "emMurder motherfucker"s at a rate and then quicken the paceBlast me but never ask me to live a lieAm I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?(Westcoast)Now I"m worldwideNiggas gossip like girls then hideNo offence to Nas but this whole fucking world is mineEven if you blind you can still see my prophecyMy destiny to overthrow those on top of meFiending for currency the money be callingCan you feel me, dreaming?Seeing scenes of me balling?Fuck you bitch made niggas and that bullshit you going throughOutlaws busting while we rushingWe untouchableFuck you niggas and that bullshit you going throughWe Outlaws rushing you busting youWe untouchableChorus: Krayzie Bone & Tupac(Am I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?) It"s that Tupac (Pac)(Am I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?) It"s that Tupac (Tupac)(Get it on till I die) It"s that Tupac (Pac)(Get it on till I die) It"s that Tupac (Tupac)(Y"all, Y"all remember me) It"s that Tupac (Pac)(Y"all, Y"all remember me) It"s that Tupac (Tupac)(Am I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?) It"s that Tupac (Pac)(Am I wrong cause I wanna get it on till I die?) It"s that Tupac (Tupac)(Get it on till I die) It"s that Tupac (Pac)(Get it on till I die) It"s that Tupac (Tupac)(Y"all, Y"all remember me) It"s that Tupac (Pac)(Y"all, Y"all remember me) It"s that Tupac (Tupac)It"s that Tupac (Pac)It"s that Tupac (Tupac)It"s that Tupac (Pac)It"s that Tupac (Tupac)It"s that Tupac (Pac)It"s that Tupac (Tupac)It"s that Tupac (Pac)It"s that Tupac (Tupac)Get it on till I dieEnd2Pac Feat. Bone Thugs-N-Harmony - Untouchable (Swizz Beatz Remix)http://music.baidu.com/song/996286

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I am busting the dressing table

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cuz.在歌词中经常使用.为because的简写形式.类似的简写形式还有cause.当然cuz是造出来的词,正规词典里是查不到的.而cause还有别的意思. CUZ.读音 /ku:z/ 一般用于歌词和网络口语的简写。用简写来代替又长又难拼的单词,类似的例子比如idk(I don"t know) jk(just kidding) btw(by the way)等等

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在show里面控制,如下 $("#execcase-dialog").dialog({ title: "用例执行", width: 770, //height: $("#workiframe").height(), autoOpen: false, modal: true, buttons: { OK:function() { 在这里我想禁用这个OKbutton } }, show:function(){ $(":button").attr("disabled","disabled"); //所以按钮不可用 //$(":button").slice(0,1).attr("disabled","disabled"); //多个按钮时只设置某些按钮不可用 } })

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undeniable- better than ezra求歌词翻译


用bvs为路由器和交换机做配置核查,提示unable to connect to remote host:connection refused

两台无线路由器扩大无线信号的接收范围方法:设置无线路由器桥接。【主路由器设置】1、进入主路由器的设置界面,然后在左侧选项条中点击【运行状态】,在WAN口状态栏可以找到DNS服务器,一共有两个,主DNS和备选DNS服务器,记录下来。2、点击【网络参数】---【LAN口设置】,把路由器的LAN地址设置为192.168.1.1保存,此时会重启重启后回到设置界面点击【无线设置】---【基本设置】。3、设置SSID为TP_LINK_A。设置无线信道为:11。注意:必须关闭WDS或Bridge功能。4、点击【无线设置】---【无线安全设置】,加密方式选WPA-PSK,本例以12345678为例。注意:相比旧式的WE加密,WPA/WPA2加密更安全,且桥接起来更稳定,所以推荐使用WPA/WPA2加密。5、点击【DHCP服务器】---【DHC服务器设置】,把【地址池起始地址】设置为192.168.1.100;把【地址池结束地址】设置为192.168.1.149 点击保存,重启主路由器。主路由器设置完成。【设置副路由器】1、进入副路由器的设置界面。2、点击【网络参数】---【LAN口设置】。3、把副路由器的LAN地址设置为192.168.1.2防止与主路由器冲突,同时也便于管理主和副路由器。4、点击【无线设置】---【基本设置】。5、设置SSID为TP_LINK-B。设置无线信道为:11。6、勾选【开启WDS】,在弹出的界面点击扫瞄,得到AP列表以后找到主路由器的SSID,即TP_LINK_A,点击右边的【连接】按钮,加密方式选WPA-PSK,密钥填主路由的密钥:12345678,(保持与主路由器一致即可),点击保存。7、由于新的WDS功能于老式的Bridge有所不同,更为高级,所以仅需所有副路由器开启WDS并填入主路由的信息即可,如主路由开启WDS或Bridge功能,请关闭,否则WDS功能无法使用。8、点击【无线设置】---【无线安全设置】 在这里设置副路由无线的密码。9、点击【DHCP服务器】---【DHCP服务器设置】,把【地址池起始地址】改为192.168.1.150,把【地址池起始地址】改为192.168.1.199。【网关】填写主路由器的IP地址,即192.168.1.1。主和备选DNS服务器填之前记录下来的地址保存并重启路由器。10、设置完成,连接成功。

如何查看linux inode table

查看每个inode节点的大小,可以用如下命令:sudo dumpe2fs -h /dev/hda | grep "Inode size"查看每个硬盘分区的inode总数和已经使用的数量,可以使用df命令。df -iinode也会消耗硬盘空间,所以硬盘格式化的时候,操作系统自动将硬盘分成两个区域。一个是数据区,存放文件数据;另一个是inode区(inode table),存放inode所包含的信息。每个inode节点的大小,一般是128字节或256字节。inode节点的总数,在格式化时就给定,一般是每1KB或每2KB就设置一个inode。假定在一块1GB的硬盘中,每个inode节点的大小为128字节,每1KB就设置一个inode,那么inode table的大小就会达到128MB,占整块硬盘的12.8%。理解inode,要从文件储存说起。文件储存在硬盘上,硬盘的最小存储单位叫做"扇区"(Sector)。每个扇区储存512字节(相当于0.5KB)。操作系统读取硬盘的时候,不会一个个扇区地读取,这样效率太低,而是一次性连续读取多个扇区,即一次性读取一个"块"(block)。这种由多个扇区组成的"块",是文件存取的最小单位。"块"的大小,最常见的是4KB,即连续八个 sector组成一个 block。文件数据都储存在"块"中,那么很显然,我们还必须找到一个地方储存文件的元信息,比如文件的创建者、文件的创建日期、文件的大小等等。这种储存文件元信息的区域就叫做inode,中文译名为"索引节点"。* 文件的字节数* 文件拥有者的User ID* 文件的Group ID* 文件的读、写、执行权限* 文件的时间戳,共有三个:ctime指inode上一次变动的时间,mtime指文件内容上一次变动的时间,atime指文件上一次打开的时间。* 链接数,即有多少文件名指向这个inode* 文件数据block的位置可以用stat命令,查看某个文件的inode信息:stat example.txt

求 tablo 坏 的谐音, 和中文歌词, 中文谐音歌词,

梦噶他拿球多 梦tole噶吧冷den 强强你马拉多




阿萨到萨达请我去都去日报表 刚发表过天文馆

GDragon Light It Up (Feat.Tablo,DOK2) 中文歌词 不是音译

GD:点燃一把火 uh 点燃一把火 uh看着我的眼睛 man who is hotter?快来点一把火 uhdilililili dilililili dililili dilililili(点燃一把火 点燃一把火 点燃一把火)i burn it !!! up up upTablo:我被绊倒的时候 不是伸出手而是伸出脚的你 嗤嗤的笑声如雨点般落下转过身后 就开始改口 你哪来的胆子我忽视的那些本来就是附送品 别折算价值了难道我会这么容易就死么?躲藏起来幸灾乐祸你这小子就算爬上山顶再架个支架 我的位置你也望尘莫及那么 闪开点吧 还敢向我爬过来数到三之前 赶紧给我挪开 light it up on one two three点燃一把火 uh 点燃一把火 uh看着我的眼睛 man who is hotter?快来点一把火 uh点燃一把火 点燃一把火 点燃一把火(dilililili dilililili dililili )i burn it !!! up up upGD:they go go 到死还那么傲慢 man 西天你还是自己去吧 so longhoho 嘴皮子耍起来吧 你那些打了马赛克的菜鸟rap 正是 like 三流 pornohold up 此刻 涉猎魔女究竟是什么意思 我谢绝理解说我媚外?nop!我爱大韩民国but all these fake mother fuckers don"t know how to act三年前在这卖过唱的我还没死呢 再一次回来只剩一张嘴或者的三等货色 来我面前排排站吧 light it up on one two three点燃一把火 uh 点燃一把火 uh看着我的眼睛 man who is hotter?快来点一把火 uh点燃一把火 点燃一把火 点燃一把火(dilililili dilililili dililili dilililili)i burn it !!! up up updok2:若说我干的活儿是铲土 那么贩卖的就是你的坟墓i"ll play for the casket 放进你的钱 若还不懂何为恐惧就提问 不然就跪下无事可做 i hook u up home illionaire gang用三根手指代替你的手掌 snapbacks&tattoos one hunna everyday脚上出了血 被荆棘刺伤后凝固 却正好成了我的鞋言语可变成种子 像我的歌词一样的理由 你无法变成我所以滚远点 往我身后fuck it i maybe me this aint easy so just be youlight it up on 123wait a minute excuse me boy管好你自己吧 要么来给我打杂Tablo:要准确的说你是干嘛的话 你就是一替我打杂的GD:dilililili dilililili dililili dilililili dilililili uh 点燃一把火 uh点燃一把火 点燃一把火 点燃一把火就此撤退吧 man who goes harderi burn it !!! up up uplight one up for the fans uhlight one up for the hands upbaby let me get u ha ha ha higheropen up the doors light my firelight one up for the fans uhlight one up for the hands upbaby let me get u ha ha ha higheropen up the doors light my fire



求超人回来了2013年由 tablo主演的在线免费播放资源

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QvYyLlknTtV4FMZyfXwvOA 提取码: hb52  主演: tablo、秋成勋、李辉才、张铉诚、宋一国、严泰雄、宋大韩、宋民国、宋万岁类型: 真人秀制片国家/地区: 韩国语言: 韩语首播: 2013-11-03(韩国)季数: 1集数: 200单集片长: 90分钟又名: The Return of Supermankbs最新推出的亲子综艺(快乐星期天),内容为父亲带着孩子,在没有妈妈的情况下度过48小时现4位父子。参演艺人:为秋成勋与女儿tablo与女儿张铉诚的儿子们李辉才的双胞胎儿子收视率分布:131103 KBS2 超人回来了   7.2%(首播收视)131110 KBS2 超人回来了   7.9%(+0.7%)131117 KBS2 超人回来了 8.4%(+0.5%)131124 KBS2 超人回来了  6.8%(-1.6%)131201 KBS2 超人回来了  7.4%(+0.6%)131208 KBS2 超人回来了  7.5%(+0.1%)131215 KBS2 超人回来了  8.8%(+1.3%)131222 KBS2超人回来了 9.1 (+0.3%)131229 KBS2 超人回来了  8.2%(-0.9%)140...

有人能介绍一下TABLO所在组合EPIK HIGH的歌吗??


求tablo deartv歌词

[ti:Dear TV / 해열][ar:Tablo(타블로)][al:열꽃(疹子)part.2][by:poling][00:03.31]Tablo(타블로)[00:05.37]열꽃(疹子)part.2[00:08.20]Dear TV / 해열[00:11.67]Lrc made by poling[00:12.94][00:15.05]前面很长的哟~[00:17.76]真心希望blo君能给个翻译...[00:21.81]完全是只能意会不能言传的歌词[00:22.57][00:43.97]Dear TV, desensitize me.[00:47.46]Gimme more genocide please.[00:49.51]The world is your aphrodisiac,[00:51.22]so you stay turned on every minute, every second I breathe.[00:55.00]You weaponize greed, kill me with incessant I needs.[00:58.08]Got me checkin" out those, and checkin" out these.[01:01.21]Mainstream me, disinfectin" my breed.[01:03.91]I"m lookin" for nirvana but you Geffenize me.[01:06.75]Point me to the skies till heaven"s eye bleeds.[01:09.56]Anoint me with your lies then divinize me.[01:12.16]If heaven is a show, well, televise me.[01:14.83]But I won"t lie my way in, no fakin" IDs.[01:17.63]I"ll die standin". Try breakin my knees.[01:20.49]I"ll do a handstand like I"m breakin". Now freeze.[01:24.15]Don"t act like you know me "cause you recognize me.[01:27.38]You sell my record, not me.[01:30.03][01:32.87]就这样结束了...[01:35.59]END了亲故们[01:38.47]记得买专辑啊亲故们[01:41.12]记得多点[01:43.97]应援啊.. 亲故们[01:46.68]我实在是憋不出其他话了...[01:48.50]

TABLO! Lee Sun Woong 这个韩国名字翻译成中文是什麽?

我猜是 李顺武 ,其实韩国的男人都有一个固定的汉字名字对应他们的韩语名字,应该看官方的名字

求。tablo 唱的【tomorrow】“中文音译”歌词!

no no no no more tomorrowX2撒拉内 按内NIA够 看嫩给希噶嫩 KO那打狗 看大给 撒拉嫩 给琼那狗 撒嫩给哈您DAYbaby there"s no ,no tomorrow可DAY可DAY咯。 NO梦秋一狗 吗起码 可森噶嫩 莫木希噶 NO也给 可就几嫩 那你几码baby there"s no no no,no tomorrowtill you come back everday is yesterdaybaby there"s no ,no tomorrow卡死梅 杰狗哥 批咯GI 打闹了几狗 哈雷翘咯 就木咯 PIA咯了 内谷撒嫩秋 PIAO第读雷 哈几度内 sei撒内 表那莫锁(表那莫锁)撒拉DAY嫩大 破啦表妹nu给 肯呢狗啦 NO里寒诶 都谷给 退 给狗YIN嫩 退给希咯斗为 都得噶嫩NO GI搜莫门得哈几码那 内了 黑噶DAY打嫩吗 黑哇办不得看看吗那求么TEI你KI哟对耶 大你公得 大呢吗 NO外肯心莫难嘎嘎怕 那秋么TEI你。他好吗 你恰那 NO也给内他洗 破一几吗 内给就呢 票那几啊那诶吗米都 撒特那黑豆 搞噶度 baby there"s no ,no tomorrow可DAY可DAY咯。 NO梦秋一狗 吗起码 可森噶嫩 莫木希噶 NO也给 可就几嫩 那你几码baby there"s no no no,no tomorrowtill you come back everday is yesterdaybaby there"s no no no,no tomorrow素古偷并 去古并搜WIN DAYNO了蛮那噶 波大秋哇 破WIN DAY一姐汗SO敏 NO WIN DAY 那艘米秋WIN 内 米艘噶那马莫艘GIN 内 YE~KIANG吧没起GI内艘 吗米气米对艘 吗你皮我DAY艘 穷吗米气给艘 内噶特里几按嫩为咯得~(切白克吗类)撒拉嫩 大嫩撒拉嫩 为嫩大了吗那也给 你表波大 SEI思了 蛮那么TEI你西噶你大 诶噶类囧 大了吗那也给 没送吗里 兔跟DAY 谈撒么TEI你克DAY撒拉你按多 盘嫩大狗 表嫩给 西噶你难够 狗嫩da古表嫩给撒拉门 送门西 那狗撒嫩给 按你够 一姐那宁DAYno ,no more tomorrowno ,no more tomorrow你个 土大为 DAY噶几no, no , no more tomorrow内给 土大为 DAY 噶及no ,no ,no more tomorrowbaby there"s no ,no tomorrow可DAY可DAY咯。 NO梦秋一狗 吗起码 可森噶嫩 莫木希噶 NO也给 可就几嫩 那你几码baby there"s no ,no tomorrowtill you come back everday is yesterdaybaby there"s no ,no tomorrowtill you come back everday is yesterdaybaby there"s no ,no tomorrowtill you come back everday is yesterdaybaby there"s no ,no tomorrow


什么 请 说清楚

tablo 怎么念

ta bu le
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