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ABL总部位于澳大利亚风景秀丽的阿德莱德城,起源于1902年成立的澳大利亚的建房合作协会。那时候,澳大利亚还是一个热火朝天开发中的新大陆,最早几批移民民安顿后,写信告诉英国的亲戚们:澳大利亚是个非常不错的地方。随之澳大利亚可以安居乐业的消息不胫而走,很多英国人变卖家产移居澳大利亚。随着移民急剧涌入,住房成为一个急需解决的大问题,于是新移民便自发成立(澳大利亚建房合作协会),随着建房合作协会帮助越来越多的人拥有了房子,后来的新移民也都加入建房合作协会,人数的急剧增加,建房合作协会需要系统化的企业管理,显得十分紧要。1926年,所有成员投票通过后,澳大利亚建房合作协会正式成立为银行,并于1985在澳大利亚证券交易所上市。上市代码BEN,股东人数82000名。2007年,ABL银行收购澳大利亚第7大商业银行,一举跃升为澳大利亚四大商业银行之一。阿德莱德银行的成功,源于其持续的产品创新和卓越的服务,但要做到这两点并不容易,难点在于人才的培养和员工积极性的激发。这要谈到ABL以“以人为本”企业文化战略。ABl银行十分重视员工感情培养,通过丰厚福利回报、富有激情人力资源政策提供良好晋升空间,全方位的激发员工的不同潜能和积极性,也吸引了很多专有技能的人士慕名而来。这些专业人士在产品的创新和销售策略上,总能最满足客户的需要。用阿德莱德银行的话说,“我们只是为客户提供更多的选择自 由”。 在外汇和期货市场上,阿德莱德银行也占有较为重要市场地位。阿德莱德银行于2006年,推出外汇品牌“ ABL外汇”,进入新兴外汇保证金市场。凭借其先进的银行间报价系统和高效透明执行标准,已成为世界重要外汇交易商之一。优良的银行资本2008年开始的金融危机对银行业冲击是最大的,一度引起银行业的信用危机,标普将美国银行(BAC)和花旗集团(C)信用评级前景从“稳定”调降至“负面。高盛银行信用评级也被下调。面对席卷全球金融海啸,ABL银行表现出一贯的稳健,银行资本保持优秀,全球三大评级机构,标准普尔、惠誉、穆迪一致将阿德莱德银行评定为A级银行,其中,标准普尔和惠誉给予其A-评级,穆迪给又其2004年的B级升到A2评级,充分表明了阿德莱德银行拥有世界顶尖的企业竞争力和优良的银行资本。虽然这和澳大利体良好的经济形势有很大关系,但起主导作用还是ABL长期以来“贵精不贵多”始终把企业风险放在第一位的经营理念,和其银行相比,阿德莱德银行网点并不特别多,但每一个网点配置都及其完备,始终保持一流的服务水准。从利润的来源上,阿德莱德银行和其他银行也有明显差别,很多银行以小额存贷款或以风险较高企业贷款业务为主,阿德莱德银则将主要精力集中于于风险较低,利润较大的房地产抵押贷款和保证金贷款以及杠杠股票的业务上。这些独具目光的经营策略保证了阿德莱德银行长期的高盈利和健康的银行资本。






一般是指Above base line(基线以上)




ABL和RBL都是关于IP地址的黑名单,用于过滤垃圾邮件和其他恶意网络活动。ABL代表"Anti-Backscatter List",是一种用于防止电子邮件回溯攻击(也称为“回溯垃圾邮件”)的技术。 ABL列表包含那些被认为有可能回溯攻击的IP地址。RBL代表“Real-time Blackhole List”,是一个包含被认为发送大量垃圾邮件或其他恶意网络活动的IP地址的公共数据库。在许多情况下,电子邮件服务器配置为检查此数据库并阻止与之相关的IP地址发送到其服务器的电子邮件。


abl基因位于9号染色体长臂,有1b、1a和2~11共12个外显子。转录始自1b或1a,形成的两种mRNA长度分别为7kb和6kb,合成的两种蛋白质分子量均约为145,前者定位于细胞膜,而后者主要在细胞核内。BCR/ABL融合基因一般出现在CML患者中,但如果是ALL患者的话预后很不好。不管是哪种患者,如果阳性的话,说明存在t(9;22),可以用格列卫治疗,敏感性较好。扩展资料:由t (9;22) (q34;q11)产生的费城染色体(Ph)在血液肿瘤中具有重要的诊断和预后意义,出现于90%以上的CML、30%成人ALL、2%~20%儿童ALL以及少数AML和MM患者。位于9q34的ABL基因与位于22q11的BCR基因相互易位,形成BCR/ABL和ABL/BCR融合基因。BCR/ABL融合基因是一种抗细胞凋亡的基因,具有高度酪氨酸激酶活性,激活多种信号传导途径,使细胞过度增殖而使细胞调控发生紊乱。参考资料来源:百度百科-bcr/abl融合基因



为什么这句话形容词在修饰的名词后面?利用all the resources available。为





Ablaze是一个英语形容词,表示“着火的”,“着火燃烧的”或“热情高涨的”的意思。这个词通常用于描述火灾或火焰,也可以用于形容情感或事件的激烈程度。以下是一些例句:The building was ablaze with flames.(建筑物被火焰吞噬。)The forest was ablaze after the lightning strike.(闪电击中后,森林着火了。)The crowd was ablaze with excitement during the concert.(音乐会期间,观众情绪高涨。)The sky was ablaze with colors during the sunset.(日落时,天空染上了五彩斑斓的色彩。)


abandon: vt. 遗弃ability: n.能力able: adj. 有能力的,可以的abnormal:adj. 不正常的aboard:adv. 在船上,上船(也可指飞机)abolish:vt.废除,废止




一- ambition名词 n. 1.雄心,抱负[U][C]Her son was filled with ambition to become a great inventor. 她儿子一心想成为伟大的发明家。 2.野心[U][C]3.追求的目标[C]Her ambition was to become a film star. 她一心追求的是做电影明星。 二suitable形容词 a. 1.适当的;合适的;适宜的[(+to/for)]He was just not suitable for the job. 他就是不适合干这份工作。 三、beneficial形容词 a. 1.有益的;有利的;有帮助的[(+for/to)]It would be beneficial to keep abreast of developments in Asia. 跟上亚洲形势的发展会有帮助。 2.【律】有权益的;受益的beneficial legacy 有权受益的遗产 三 、adapt及物动词 vt. 1.使适应,使适合[(+to)]He tried hard to adapt himself to the new conditions. 他努力使自己适应新的情况。 2.改编,改写[(+for)]The author is going to adapt his play for television. 作者将把他的剧本改编成电视剧。 3.改建,改造[(+for)]The boys adapted the old barn for use by the club. 孩子们将这个旧谷仓改造成为俱乐部用房。 不及物动词 vi. 1.适应[(+to)]He has not yet adapted to the climate. 他还没适应这种气候。



ln the park you can see a lake a bridge some chairs and some tables是什么意


l am greedy want to be able to be with you forev

salam dosla




药物的不同型式.应该说是不同外形,不是医学专业的呵呵. Caplet:囊片(一种椭圆胶囊形糖衣药片) tablet:药片,一般是指无糖衣包裹的圆片或其他形状的药片 capsule:胶囊,通常我们服用的那种圆柱形两头椭圆形胶囊 softgel:软胶囊,胶囊外形,但是里面一般是液体或软质,如现在的VE都用软胶囊包了




药物的不同型式.应该说是不同外形,不是医学专业的呵呵. Caplet:囊片(一种椭圆胶囊形糖衣药片) tablet:药片,一般是指无糖衣包裹的圆片或其他形状的药片 capsule:胶囊,通常我们服用的那种圆柱形两头椭圆形胶囊 softgel:软胶囊,胶囊外形,但是里面一般是液体或软质,如现在的VE都用软胶囊包了



提单上freight payable at这一栏怎么填啊


[ODBC Firebird Driver] unavaiLabLe database是什么意思?




growing up, i always wanted a dog. probably beca

My furry friend 我最好的朋友Growing up, I always wanted a dog. Probably because most of my friends had them, my favorite TV families had them, and it just seemed normal, and American, to have a pooch in the house.My Dad is very clean. Not just clean, I might say more Danny Tanner-ish in his habits. As in, he hoses down the backyard, and front walkway, and even gets halfway down the street, just for fun, until we have to yell, “Dad, you"re wasting water! You can"t hose down the world!” Then he stops, and comes inside, and starts the very important task of scrubbing the fingerprint smudges off the walls.So, no dog. When I was eight, we moved across town to a larger house, with a pool, in a “safer” neighborhood, in a gated community. With a large yard. I was very against moving. Why, I cried, were we picking up and deserting everything and everyone we knew and loved?! Our old house was great, we had an avocado tree, it was on a super steep hill, what more could you want?! Well, in order to calm me down, I guess, my parents told me that we could get a dog when we moved to the new, barren home. I was sold. I quickly shut my trap.I feel it was serendipitous that we didn"t get a dog after the move. My parents said that I would never walk it, which I vehemently denied, but which was probably true. And saying we would get a dog and not following through was pretty much the ONLY thing my parents ever promised that didn"t happen in my life so far. I guilted them about it for a few years, sobbing on holidays when I said “the only thing I want is a dog” and refused presents. Then snuck them into my room on the sly.I am in my twenties now, and our new roommate just moved in. She has a dog. A West Highland Terrier, or Westie, as they are known. He is fluffy, but not too fluffy, small, but not too small, white, but not too white. He is perfect.I don"t even believe in perfection really, but this dog is perfect for ME. Its the dog I always dreamt of having, and it loves me as I knew a dog would. It follows me into the bathroom when I shower. At first we would scare each other, I was not used to having a non-human, living thing with a beating heart following me around and it would surprise me around corners.Slowly, we got used to each other. Now I can tell when the dog needs to go out, or when he just sees a few birds in our yard. I give the doggie water, I walk him, and I teach him boundaries. My boyfriend was impressed when I taught him how to lie in his bed while the humans are eating, so as not to bother us. “I can"t believe he listens to you.” As Cesar Millan would say, I am the Alpha Dog.In some ways, I am glad I have (been forced to) wait until this age to have a dog around. I don"t take him for granted. I am happy every morning when I wake up and hear his little nails clicking across the floor. We are a good match. I can see how a dog is not for everyone. They are very needy and require a lot of attention and affection and structure.Now my parents are semi-retired but my Dad travels a lot for work. He"s off to Luxembourg, Mexico, or the Turks and Caicos every month. I ask my Mom if she would like a dog to keep her company. She says no, she has a stepdog now (ours) and she can visit it whenever she wants.And yes, my furry friend will go with me wherever I want to go and whenever, he is very accomodating like that.

Grilled vegetables是什么意思

Grilled vegetables烤蔬菜双语对照词典结果:Grilled vegetables(西式)扒时蔬; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Also, none of the restaurants could prepare the steamed fish and grilled vegetables hesubsists on to his liking. 此外,这里没有一家餐馆能够为他准备他最爱吃的蒸鱼和烤蔬菜。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

this is to inform that"equipment demurrage"tariff applicable to outbound cargoes

回答如下1正确,整个是inform的宾语从句2 tarrif是名词,equipment demurrage tariff“设备滞期费”关税是主语Applicable to...是形容词短语做后置定语3 正确

德语 Gripetabletten啥词。查不着啊

少了一个p,应该是 GrippetablettenGrippe=流行性感冒Tabletten=药片Grippetabletten=感冒药整句翻译成中文为:而且我在药店里买了感冒药……



linda needs to ablood test firs中间写什么是什么?

中间写take,是测试的意思。Linda needs to take a blood test first.(琳达需要先验血)

mac的cad怎么取消夹点的自动出现的命令,去掉了“Enable grips tips”也没用。





移动端需要表格展示数据时,需要滑动表格实现展示更多数据的目的,固定表格的首行和首列可在查看数据时更加直观。 首先将表格分成左右两部分,左边第一列在上下滑动是 header 部分需要固定;右边第一行在左右滑动时 firstRow 和 header 部分也需要是固定的。可将这几个划分区域分别用 table 填充,滑动 tableBody 时保持 firstRow 和 firstCol 的同步滑动即可。


I bought some vegetables at grocery store.我在杂货店买了一些蔬菜。



Pablo Alboran的《El Beso》 歌词

歌曲名:El Beso歌手:Pablo Alboran专辑:TantoPablo Alborán - El BesoSi un mar separa continentesCien mares nos separan a los dos.Si yo pudiera ser valienteSabría declararte mi amor...Que en esta canción derrite mi vozAsí es como yo traduzco el corazón.Me llaman locopor no ver lo poco que dicen que me das.Me llaman locopor rogarle a la luna detrás del cristal.Me llaman locosi me equivoco y te nombro sin querer.Me llaman locopor dejar tu recuerdo quemarme la piel.Loco, loco, loco, loco, locoLoco, loco, loco...Pero si yo pudiera darte el besoSabrías cómo duele este amorY podré invertir el universoPara quedarnos en la nada tú y yo.Si acaso te vasSin poderte tocarMe veo de nuevo dando de qué hablar.Me llaman locopor no ver lo poco que dicen que me das.Me llaman locopor rogarle a la luna detrás del cristal.Me llaman locosi me equivoco y te nombro sin querer.Me llaman locopor dejar tu recuerdo quemarme la pielPara mi locura no existe una cura que no sea tu bocaQue abre el mundoQue yo me derrumbo si te marchas sola.Me llaman locopor no ver lo poco que dicen que me das.Me llaman locopor rogarle a la luna detrás del cristal.Me llaman locosi me equivoco y te nombro sin querer.Me llaman locopor dejar tu recuerdo quemarme la piel.Loco, loco, loco, loco, locoLoco, loco, loco.http://music.baidu.com/song/29708954

Pablo Alboran的《El Beso》 歌词

歌曲名:El Beso歌手:Pablo Alboran专辑:Tanto (Special Edition)Pablo Alborán - El BesoSi un mar separa continentesCien mares nos separan a los dos.Si yo pudiera ser valienteSabría declararte mi amor...Que en esta canción derrite mi vozAsí es como yo traduzco el corazón.Me llaman locopor no ver lo poco que dicen que me das.Me llaman locopor rogarle a la luna detrás del cristal.Me llaman locosi me equivoco y te nombro sin querer.Me llaman locopor dejar tu recuerdo quemarme la piel.Loco, loco, loco, loco, locoLoco, loco, loco...Pero si yo pudiera darte el besoSabrías cómo duele este amorY podré invertir el universoPara quedarnos en la nada tú y yo.Si acaso te vasSin poderte tocarMe veo de nuevo dando de qué hablar.Me llaman locopor no ver lo poco que dicen que me das.Me llaman locopor rogarle a la luna detrás del cristal.Me llaman locosi me equivoco y te nombro sin querer.Me llaman locopor dejar tu recuerdo quemarme la pielPara mi locura no existe una cura que no sea tu bocaQue abre el mundoQue yo me derrumbo si te marchas sola.Me llaman locopor no ver lo poco que dicen que me das.Me llaman locopor rogarle a la luna detrás del cristal.Me llaman locosi me equivoco y te nombro sin querer.Me llaman locopor dejar tu recuerdo quemarme la piel.Loco, loco, loco, loco, locoLoco, loco, loco.http://music.baidu.com/song/29710972

Fit和 "Suitable"有什么区别?

1)suitable 的动词形式是 suit, 与动词 fit 都有“合适”之意,但也有区别。以衣服为例,fit 是指大小尺寸合适,而 suit 则是表示衣服穿着很好看,包括款式和花式都合适。如: x0dx0ax0dx0a(1)Do you think this style suits me? 你觉得这种款式适合我穿吗? x0dx0ax0dx0a(2)These shoes don"t fit me—have you got a larger size? x0dx0ax0dx0a这鞋我穿着不合适——你们有大一点的吗? x0dx0ax0dx0a(3)It doesn"t suit you to have your hair cut short. 你头发剪短了不好看。 x0dx0ax0dx0a(4)The seven o"clock train will suit us very well. 七点钟的火车对我们正合适。 x0dx0ax0dx0a2) 形容词 suitable 后可接 for sth. 和 to sb.。如: x0dx0ax0dx0a(1)I don"t think I should be suitable for the post. 我认为自己不适合这个职位。 x0dx0ax0dx0a(2)The work was not suitable to me. 那工作不适合我。 x0dx0ax0dx0a3) 形容词 fit 后只能接介词 for, 且句子主语多用人表示。 x0dx0ax0dx0a(1)The new manager isn"t fit for his position. 新经理不胜任他的职务。 x0dx0ax0dx0a(2)would be months before he was fit for work. 要过几个月他才能适合工作。 x0dx0ax0dx0a(3) My sister is just fit for a job as teacher. 我妹妹正适合教师这一工作。 x0dx0ax0dx0a(4)The prime minister was a wise, honest man who was more fit for his office x0dx0aanyone else. x0dx0ax0dx0a首相是个聪明、诚实的人,比任何人都称职。


be fit for(对......适合) be fitted for sth是错误的。 fit直接可用作形容词,常构成be fit for意为“适于;称职”; suit的形容词为suitable,be suitable for相当于be fit for。fit用作及物动词,意为“与……相符、符合;合……身”;用作不及物动词,意为“适合、合身”。多指衣物等尺寸大小合身、合脚。 suit意为“适合”。多指衣物等的颜色、款式、质地等适合,穿起来协调、好看;合乎需要、口味、性格、条件和地位等。如:This coat doesn"t suit you.这件外套不适合你。(比较:This coat doesn"t fit you.这件外套不合你的身。) fit直接可用作形容词,常构成be fit for意为“适于;称职”;suit的形容词为suitable,be suitable for相当于be fit for。 另外:suit常用作名词,意为“一套/副(衣服等)”:a man"s suit包括外套 jacket,背心waist coat和裤子trousers,a woman"s suit包括上衣coat和裙子skirt; fit还可作“安装”解。 be fit for是具体的This food is not fit for your visitors. 这食物对你的客人来说不合适。"After the interview, the employer concluded that she was fit for the job." 面试后老板下结论说她能胜任这项工作。This kind of bikes is fit for the road.be suitable for 有正确的,可接受的含义books suitable for children 适合儿童阅读的书籍This toy is not suitable for young children. 这个玩具不适合小小孩玩。The food is suitable for eating.希望帮到你!!!

suitable 跟 fitted 的区别

fit 词性较宽,fitted 是动词用法. to fit in 适合 to fit into 顺应 to fit on 试穿 to fit up 装备.例句: (1)I must get my new coat fitted on. 我一定要试穿我的新外套. (2)His house is fitted up with every comfort. 他的房屋里装置了 种种设备.suitable 只是形容词.意思:适合.例句: (3)His speech is suitable to the occsion.他的发言适合时局. (4)His speech is suitable for your idea.他的发言正合你的心愿.

求suitable和fitted的区别 有没有 be fitted for sth?最好能举一些简单的词组

be fit for(对.适合) be fitted for sth是错误的. fit直接可用作形容词,常构成be fit for意为“适于;称职”; suit的形容词为suitable,be suitable for相当于be fit for. fit用作及物动词,意为“与……相符、符合;合……身”;用作不及物动词,意为“适合、合身”.多指衣物等尺寸大小合身、合脚. suit意为“适合”.多指衣物等的颜色、款式、质地等适合,穿起来协调、好看;合乎需要、口味、性格、条件和地位等.如: This coat doesn"t suit you.这件外套不适合你.(比较:This coat doesn"t fit you.这件外套不合你的身.) fit直接可用作形容词,常构成be fit for意为“适于;称职”;suit的形容词为suitable,be suitable for相当于be fit for. 另外:suit常用作名词,意为“一套/副(衣服等)”:a man"s suit包括外套 jacket,背心waist coat和裤子trousers,a woman"s suit包括上衣coat和裙子skirt; fit还可作“安装”解. be fit for是具体的 This food is not fit for your visitors. 这食物对你的客人来说不合适. "After the interview, the employer concluded that she was fit for the job." 面试后老板下结论说她能胜任这项工作. This kind of bikes is fit for the road. be suitable for 有正确的,可接受的含义 books suitable for children 适合儿童阅读的书籍 This toy is not suitable for young children. 这个玩具不适合小小孩玩. The food is suitable for eating. 希望帮到你!

reasonable grounds是什么意思

字面:理由。用法:on reasonable grounds,依据合理的判断(分析,推论)例句:The court held against the defendant based on reasonable grounds. 法院基于合理的分析判决被告败诉。仅供参考。

be suitable for/ be suitable to/ be fit for的用法区别是什么


be fit for 与 be suitable for的区别

一个是前者 一个是后者。 配什么什么。。。而后面那个是和什么什么合适

when the flowers and begetable came up




D盘 图标 名称 fix it portable


We are going to()tables before the party.a.fix upb.put up.c.set up d.cut up选哪个答案为什么谢谢啦

fix up:修理put up:张贴set up :设立cut up:分割按理应该是A

capable 和 acquire 这两个英语单词怎么念

凯pe包 蛾快儿嘿嘿~

怎么将数据库中的一个学生信息表数据传到java中JTable的String[][] data数组中?

不能对JTable直接进行增删改,要先获取JTable的model然后修改model再将修改后的model赋给JTableString[] data = new String[8];//用于操作表内数据行的data数组,元素个数要与table的列的数量相一致int numT;//表格已有数据的行数JTable jTable=new JTable();DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) this.jTable.getModel(); numT = model.getRowCount();//获取当前已有行数 while (numT > 0) {//如果是全体刷新表格需要移除之前的所有数据行 model.removeRow(0); numT--; }sql= "select name,number,area,price,room,acreage,fishing,mating from message"; try{ rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql);//rs和stmt的声明请查询java数据库连接 while (rs.next()) { data[0] = rs.getString(1).trim(); data[1] = rs.getString(2).trim(); data[2] = rs.getString(3).trim(); data[3] = rs.getString(4).trim(); data[4] = rs.getString(5).trim(); data[5] = rs.getString(6).trim(); data[6] = rs.getString(7).trim(); data[7] = rs.getString(8).trim(); model.addRow(data); } }catch(SQLException e){ System.err.print("Error" + e.getMessage()); } jTable.setModel(model);//将修改后的model传回给JTable至于JButton那些触发在事件侦听里,根据jTable.getSelectedRow();获取已选行号jTable.getSelectedColumn();获取已选列号改行就光获取行号就可以了,然后读取模板,删掉该行再传回给JTable即可在JTable创建时可以选择设置是否允许多选,不多选上面的方法已经够了


irreplaceable的意思是:不可替代的。《Irreplaceable》是美国女歌手碧昂丝演唱的一首流行歌曲,由Ne-Yo等创作,收录于碧昂丝的第二张录音室专辑《B"Day》,于2006年10月26日发行。《Irreplaceable》曾在公告牌百强单曲榜上持续登顶十周,并问鼎2007年公告牌单曲百强榜。《Irreplaceable》起初是Ne-Yo为自己而写的一首乡村歌曲,他是从男性的角度创作的,当Ne-Yo和星门创作团队在考虑这首歌的人声之后,认为男性演唱这首歌会显得歧视女性并有些刻薄,所以这首歌更适合女性来演唱。碧昂斯介绍:1、1993年,以组合天命真女成员身份出道。2003年,开始个人发展,并发行首张个人专辑《Dangerously in Love》。2006年9月4日,发行第2张个人专辑《B"Day》。2008年,发行第3张个人专辑《I Am...Sasha Fierce》。2、2017年,获得全英音乐奖年度国际女歌手奖,并获得美国《福布斯》杂志全球百位名人榜第2位。2018年,与丈夫Jay-Z组成THE CARTERS,并发行专辑《Everything Is Love》。2020年,发行视觉专辑《Black Is King》,由碧昂丝自导自演的同名微电影同时公开。3、碧昂丝在得克萨斯州上小学,并被选入了舞蹈班。同年,她完成了第一次正式舞台表演,演唱了披头士成员John Lennon的《Imagine》并赢得比赛。7岁后,碧昂丝开始获得新闻界的关注,《休士顿纪事》提到她受到当地表演艺术的萨米奖提名一事。




Android上层应用apk到G-sensor driver的大致流程: Android HAL层,即硬件抽象层,是Google响应厂家“希望不公开源码”的要求推出的新概念 1,源代码和目标位置 源代码: /hardware/libhardware目录,该目录的目录结构如下: /hardware/libhardware/hardware.c编译成libhardware.so,目标位置为/system/lib目录 /hardware/libhardware/include/hardware目录下包含如下头文件: hardware.h 通用硬件模块头文件 copybit.h copybit模块头文件 gralloc.h gralloc模块头文件 lights.h 背光模块头文件 overlay.h overlay模块头文件 qemud.h qemud模块头文件 sensors.h 传感器模块头文件 /hardware/libhardware/modules目录下定义了很多硬件模块 这些硬件模块都编译成xxx.xxx.so,目标位置为/system/lib/hw目录 2,Android对于Sensor的API定义在 hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/sensor.h中,要求在sensor.so提供以下8个API函数 [控制方面] int (*open_data_source)(struct sensors_control_device_t *dev); int (*activate)(struct sensors_control_device_t *dev, int handle, int enabled); int (*set_delay)(struct sensors_control_device_t *dev, int32_t ms); int (*wake)(struct sensors_control_device_t *dev); [数据方面] int (*data_open)(struct sensors_data_device_t *dev, int fd); int (*data_close)(struct sensors_data_device_t *dev); int (*poll)(struct sensors_data_device_t *dev, sensors_data_t* data); [模块方面] int (*get_sensors_list)(struct sensors_module_t* module, struct sensor_t const** list); 在Java层Sensor的状态控制由SensorService来负责,它的java代码和JNI代码分别位于: frameworks/base/services/java/com/Android/server/SensorService.java frameworks/base/services/jni/com_Android_server_SensorService.cpp 在Java层Sensor的数据控制由SensorManager来负责,它的java代码和JNI代码分别位于: frameworks/base/core/java/Android/hardware/SensorManager.java frameworks/base/core/jni/Android_hardware_SensorManager.cpp Android framework中与sensor通信的是sensorService.java和sensorManager.java。 sensorService.java的具体通信是通过JNI调用sensorService.cpp中的方法实现的。 sensorManager.java的具体通信是通过JNI调用sensorManager.cpp中的方法实现的。 sensorService.cpp和sensorManger.cpp通过hardware.c与sensor.so通信。其中sensorService.cpp实现对sensor的状态控制,sensorManger.cpp实现对sensor的数据控制。 sensor.so通过ioctl控制sensor driver的状态,通过打开sensor driver对应的设备文件读取G-sensor采集的数据。 Android SDK提供了4个类来于sensor通信,分别为 sensor,sensorEvent,sensorEventListener,sensorManager。其中 sensorEventListener用来在sensorManager中注册需要监听的sensor类型。 sensorManager.java提供registrater(),unregistrater()接口供sensorEventListener使用。 sensorManager.java不断轮询从sensor.so中取数据。取到数据后送给负责监听此类型sensor的 sensorEventListener.java。sensorEventListener.java通过在sensorManager.java中注册可以监听特定类型的sensor传来的数据。 系统启动时执行systemProcess,会启动sensorService.java,在sensorService.java的构造函数中调用JNI方法_sensor_control_init()。 sensorService.cpp中相应的方法Android_int()会被执行。该函数会调用hardware.c中的方法hw_get_module()此函数又通过调用load()函数在system/lib/hw下查找sensor.so 查找时会根据harware.c中定义好的sensor.*.so的扩展名的顺序查找,找到第一个匹配的时候即停止,并将该sensor.so中定义好的一个全局变量HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM带回。该变量包含的一个 重要信息是它的一个成员结构变量中包含的一个函数指针open,该指针所指函数会对一个device结构变量赋值,从而带出sensorService.cpp和sensorManager.cpp与sensor通信所需要的全部信息。 device结构变量有两种变体分别供sensorService.cpp和sensorManaer.cpp使用。其中主要是一些函数指针指向与sensor通信的函数。 sensorService.cpp和sensorManager.cpp在得到HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM结构后都会调用 sensors.h的inline函数open()通过HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM的open函数指针将所需的device信息取回。 系统在启动activityManager.java时,它会启动sensorManager.java,它也会调用hardware.c中的方法hw_get_module()带回HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM。


说起“沙布列”,其实是缘于一个美好的传说: 传说在很久以前,在法国的南部,有一个叫普罗旺斯的地方。从阿尔卑斯山经里昂南流的隆河(Rhone),在普罗旺斯附近分为两大支流,然后注入地中海。由于这种特殊的地理位置,使得在那里的土地非常肥沃,气候很适宜,因此当地盛产多种水果。 在这个地方,城堡主叫沙布列,在每年丰收季节,号召当地人们一起,举行一个以自己种的水果为主题的糕点及饮料大赛,比赛最高的荣誉奖:沙布列奖。在每年的大赛节日里,当地的人全部聚集在一起,欢歌载舞,并且派选出人员发挥自己的创造才艺,做出许多的各式各样的美味作品,分享给大家品尝,其中最受欢迎的将由堡主颁发奖品:沙布列奖杯,也就是所谓的水果创意至尊。 从此沙布列就一直流传至今。



tablemount造句 tablemountの例文 "tablemount"是什麼意思

One guyot in particular, the Great Meteor Tablemount in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, stands at more than. Sedlo seamount has a tablemount structure, indicating that the peak of the seamount had once been above the water, but has since been ground down by persistent erosion to its current height. "" Belgica Guyot ""( ) is an undersea tablemount named for the Belgian research ship " Belgica ", used in the first Belgian Antarctic Expedition ( 1896 1899 ). The largest singular feature in the area of the Spratly Islands is a 100 km wide seamount called Reed Tablemount , also known as Reed Bank, in the northeast of the group, separated from Palawan Island of the Phipppines by the Palawan Trench. It"s difficult to find tablemount in a sentence. 用 tablemount 造句挺难的



adaptable ability和adaptive ability有区别吗

adaptable:能适应的,侧重能力。 adaptive:适应的,侧重于事物本身的性质。

adapted adaptive adaptable

这三个词有细微的差别。adapted,ed表示完成,如果说be adapted to sth就是说“习惯了”(表示“习惯”的状态,事实)。 而adaptable,able表示能力,可能性,说be adaptable to sth,就是说“可以习惯”(推测,不表事实)。 至于adaptive,ive表示多的,强的,adaptive表示“适应性强的”,be adaptive to sth.“易适应...”满意请采纳

adaptive 和adaptable有区别吗





冷冻freezable adj. freeze的变形 freeze [fri:z] vi. 1. 结冰;凝固;冻结: 例句: When the thermometer is below zero water will freeze.当温度计降至零下时,水就会结冰。 The pond has frozen up.池塘冻结了。 2. 变得极冷,遭受严寒,感到极冷: 例句: It was freezing last night.昨晚天气变得极冷。 He froze while waiting for the bus during the snowstorm.他在暴风雪里等车时冻得要死。 3. 冻牢,凝住,(因冷而)固着;(管道等)因结冰而阻塞;【机械工程】(因缺少润滑油或部件的膨胀)卡滞: 例句: wheels frozen to the ground被冻牢在地上的车轮 The engine has frozen up.发动机因冷冻而发动不起来。 4. 冻僵,冻死,冻坏,冻伤: 例句: Several of the men frozen to death.有几个人冻死了。 The orange crop froze this winter.今冬柑橘冻坏了。 5. 变得刻板;变得冷淡: 例句: The smile froze on her face.笑容不自然地僵在她脸上。 6. 站住不动,突然停止: 例句: The guarder shouted: “Freeze”.警卫喊道:“不许动”。 Fear made him freeze in his tracks.恐惧使他突然停止前进。 7. (因恐怖、震惊等而)愣住,呆住,僵住(不动): 例句: to freeze with terror因恐怖而愣住 8. (因恐怖、震惊等而)寒颤起来 9. (食物等)能冷冻 vt. 1. 使结冰;使凝固;使冻结: 例句: The north wind has frozen the water in the pool in the garden.北风使花园中池塘里的水结了冰。 The cold has frozen the earth solid.寒冷冻得大地坚硬。 2. 使变得极冷,使遭受严寒,使感到极冷: 例句: I was frozen stiff after sitting so long and could hardly walk.长时间地坐着把我冻僵了,几乎不能走路了。 3. 使冻住,使冻牢: 例句: My gloves were frozen to the handle bar.我的手套冻牢在把手上。 4. 使冻死,使冻伤: 例句: The low temperature froze my flowers.低温把我的花冻死了。 5. 冷藏,使(某物在冰箱中)冷冻保藏: 例句: Meat from New Zealand is frozen and brought to England in special ships.从新西兰运来的肉被冷冻保藏,用特殊的船运往英国。 6. 使站住不动 7. 【医学】用冷冻法麻醉,凝冻 8. 【电影】使定格 9. 使发愣,使僵硬,使刻板;使沮丧: 例句: They freeze this theory to death.他们把这个理论僵化了。 10. 使变得拘谨(或不友好,冷漠) 11. [美国英语] 冻结(物价、雇用、雇员、工资等) (如在战时)停止(紧急物资)的消费、生产或使用 冻结或封存(资金、资产、财产等) n. 1. 结冰,冻结,凝固(的状态) 2. 严寒期,冰冻期;严寒 3. (物价、工资等的)冻结 4. 霜冻 5. [口语]冰箱 6. 【电影】定格,保持不动 7. 暂时性拘留 短语 1. freeze one"s tail off感到冷得难受 2. freeze someone"s blood令某人不寒而栗,使某人极度恐惧[亦作 make someone"s blood freeze] 3. until hell freezes over[俚语]永远,无论到什么时候也 4. when hell freezes over[俚语]绝不 变形: vi.frozefrozenfreezing 以上来源于: 《21世纪大英汉词典》 网络释义展开 折叠 FREEZABLE FREIGHT.. 易冻货物 铁路科技词汇中英文互译系统 ...易冻货物 FREEZABLE FREIGHT 易腐货物 PERISHABLE FREIGHT 易燃货物 INFLAMMABLE FREIGHT ... 基于2个网页 FREEZABLE FREIGHT..易冻货物 FREEZABLE FREIGHT 易冻货物 铁路科技词汇中英文互译系统 ...易冻货物 FREEZABLE FREIGHT 易腐货物 PERISHABLE FREIGHT 易燃货物 INFLAMMABLE FREIGHT ... 基于2个网页 non freezable lubricating oil..不冻润滑油 non freezable lubricating oil..不冻润滑油 non freezable lubricating oil 不冻润滑油 焊接专业关联词汇(机械专业M-N)(9) - 焊接... ...non ferrous metal有色金属non freezable lubricating oil不冻润滑油non freezing solution防冻溶液 ...www.nxoi.cn- 基于23个网页 相关词组 隐藏相关词组例句与用法Keywords frozen dough;artemis sphaerocephala krasch gum (ASK gum);locust bean gum;resistance to extension;freezablewater;gluten protein; 冷冻面团;沙蒿胶;刺槐豆胶;抗拉伸阻力;可冻结水;面筋蛋白; www.hellochem.comfalse

tablighi jamaat造句 tablighi jamaatの例文

That fact made Ghap think he stayed with tabpghi jamaat last year. He was a member of the Tabpghi Jamaat missionary sect. Afterwards he became affipated with the Tabpghi Jamaat of Muhammad Ilyas Kandhlawi. The focus of tabpghi jamaat on personal sacrifice is mon to many repgions. He was in Chitral for a Tabpghi Jamaat mission and was returning to Islamabad. Sufi Dawat-e-Islami and Deobandi Tabpghi Jamaat too have centers in Colombo. In time, Lindh found a tabpghi jamaat hub at the Islamic Center of San Francisco. As a result, he turned repgious and starting preaching Islam across Pakistan with the Tabpghi Jamaat . Tabpghi Jamaat participants, in response, argue that both genders should be equally engaged in Tabpgh. The former chief minister of Punjab Pervaiz Elahi is also a strong supporter of the Tabpghi Jamaat . It"s difficult to see tabpghi jamaat in a sentence. 用 tabpghi jamaat 造句挺难的 In 2011 he gave 75 k *** s of land for a Tabpghi Jamaat mosque at the Raiwind Markaz. You"re part of a connected group, and that"s the tabpghi jamaat ." The FBI estimates that nearly 50, 000 members of Tabpghi Jamaat are active in the United States. It is also used by the Tabpghi Jamaat for " taapm " ( teaching ) purposes. However, there are also the Shia, Tabpghi Jamaat , and a minority of Wahhabi and Ahmadi. The largest gathering of Muspms in the country is the Bishwa Ijtema, held annually by the Tabpghi Jamaat . The difference of opinion regarding poptical participation also marks the fundamental difference beeen the Tabpghi Jamaat and Islamist movements. It is often, incorrectly, used for other conservative Muspms, such as members of the Tabpghi Jamaat . Tabpghi Jamaat appealed against this decision, but the appeal was di *** issed by the UK Government in October 2015. On January 9, 2017, the government denied visas for international preachers for the Tabpghi Jamaat conference in Lahore. In 2012, Sri Lankan government ordered 161 foreign Tabpghi Jamaat preachers to leave the country for flouting visa regulations. The Tabpghi Jamaat send converts to study in countries pke Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, where they often meet miptant radicals. The United States followed and during the 1970s and 1980s the Tabpghi Jamaat also estabpshed a large presence in continental Europe. The " Riyadh as-Saapheen " is a remended text for the Tabpghi Jamaat in the Arab world. After leaving Jamaat-e-Islami, he and Abul Hasan Ap Nadwi became affipated with the Tabpghi Jamaat movement. The instabipty that followed the coup that deposed Daddah invited elements of the Muspm Brotherhood, Wahabbi *** , and Tabpghi Jamaat . Tabpghi Jamaat has also been criticized within Islamic circles and the major opposition in the Indian subcontinent es from the Barelvi movement. The organization has been characterized as conservative and Deobandi, and it is widely perceived as having pnks to the Tabpghi Jamaat . Pakistani missionaries from the Tabpghi Jamaat also frequently journeyed to the country, where they would engage in missionary work and dawah. Tabpghi Jamaat tends to blur the boundaries of gender roles and both genders share a mon behavioural model and their mitment to tabpgh. It"s difficult to see tabpghi jamaat in a sentence. 用 tabpghi jamaat 造句挺难的 The largest affipations are the Deobandi movement ( mainly of Tabpghi Jamaat ), the Sufi Barelvi ( includes the Fultap movement ). The men, officials said, told the agents that they, along with Galab, were in Pakistan for Tabpghi Jamaat repgious training. Youhana was the only Christian in the Pakistan cricket team till then and was said to be influenced by Anwar and the Tabpghi Jamaat . Tabpghi Jamaat encourages everyone to fulfill the Islamic requirement of " dawah " even if the person falls short of strong repgious intellect. In 1991 he obtained a visa to visit Pakistan, ostensibly to attend a Tabpghi Jamaat conference with his veterinarian friend Abu Ahmed el Masri, The area is " some 97-100 % Asian Muspm " and is home to the Markazi mosque, which is run by Tabpghi Jamaat . Some Muspms in the U . S . are also adherents of certain global movements within Islam such as the Gulen Movement, and the Tabpghi Jamaat . Tabpghi Jamaat began as an offshoot of the Deobandi movement, and a response to perceived deteriorating moral values and a supposed negpgence of aspects of Islam. Bashir Khan has also been actively participating in the Tabpghi Jamaat , he has travelled across the country, and has travelled to Mozambique with the Jamaat. Another door to Islam is the Tabpghi Jamaat , a missionary group that started in India 75 years ago to promote Islam in the face of Hindu domination.

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re-sealable adhesive 胶袋是指开封后能再封口使用的胶袋(开口处沿边涂有黏着胶)。

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这是一种治高血压和心绞痛的药片,由日本制药厂生产,只获准在东南亚国家和日本销售,每片含量4mg,治高血压每天只能吃2-4mg;治心绞痛每天 4 mg. 外文名称: Coniel .2004 年开始获准在中国销售;在日本当然能买到。

电脑开机要按F1,在bios里把floppy a由1.44改成disable,问题解决,可过段时间又自动变成原来的了,请教?


adjacent;vicinity;sustainable 这英语怎么读?

adjacent【俄贼森】英 [u0259u02c8du0292eu026asnt]vicinity【沃谁呢题】英 [vu0259u02c8su026anu0259ti]sustainable【摄氏逮那伯欧】英 [su0259u02c8steu026anu0259bl]

peculiar ;gulf ;convenient ;durable 这英语用谐音怎么读?



adjustable [u0259"du0292u028cstu0259b!] [词典释义]a. 1. 可调整的,可调节的 [网络释义]adjustable 1.可调整箭台 2.可调节的 3.可调校 4.可蝶的 Adjustable 1.可调节的 adjusted [u0259"du0292u028cstu026ad] [词典释义]a. 1. 已适应的 [网络释义]adjusted 1.调整过的 2.校正的 Adjusted 1.调整后的

bose音响显示not playable,放碟进去不转







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