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玩英雄联盟出现Unable to create the error report


DROP TABLE在删除表时释放表空间吗?

一、drop表执行drop table xx 语句 drop后的表被放在回收站(user_recyclebin)里,而不是直接删除掉。这样,回收站里的表信息就可以被恢复,或彻底清除。 通过查询回收站user_recyclebin获取被删除的表信息,然后使用语句 flashback table <user_recyclebin.object_name or user_recyclebin.original_name> to before drop [rename to <new_table_name>]; 将回收站里的表恢复为原名称或指定新名称,表中数据不会丢失。 若要彻底删除表,则使用语句:drop table <table_name> purge; 清除回收站里的信息 清除指定表:purge table <table_name>; 清除当前用户的回收站:purge recyclebin; 清除所有用户的回收站:purge dba_recyclebin; 不放入回收站,直接删除则是:drop table xx purge;举例如下:===============================================================================SQL> select * from test1;A B C-- -- ----------11 5 11 10 2 rows selectedSQL> create table test2 as select * from test1;Table createdSQL> select * from test2;A B C-- -- ----------11 5 11 10 2 rows selectedSQL> drop table test2;Table droppedSQL> select object_name, original_name, operation, type from user_recyclebin;OBJECT_NAME ORIGINAL_NAME OPERATION TYPE------------------------------ -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------BIN$vQwemDg4R9mK9fYJNdYzvg==$0 TEST2 DROP TABLESQL> flashback table test2 to before drop rename to test3;--【to test3】将表重命名DoneSQL> select * from test3;A B C-- -- ----------11 5 11 10 2 rows selectedSQL> select * from test2ORA-00942: 表或视图不存在--彻底删除表SQL> drop table test3 purge;Table dropped二、清除表中的数据truncate操作 同没有where条件的delete操作十分相似,只是把表里的信息全部删除,但是表依然存在。例如:truncate table XXTruncate不支持回滚,并且不能truncate一个带有外键的表,如果要删除首先要取消外键,然后再删除。truncate table 后,有可能表空间仍没有释放,可以使用如下语句:alter table 表名称 deallocate UNUSED KEEP 0;注意如果不加KEEP 0的话,表空间是不会释放的。例如:alter table F_MINUTE_TD_NET_FHO_B7 deallocate UNUSED KEEP 0;或者:TRUNCATE TABLE (schema)table_name DROP(REUSE) STORAGE才能释放表空间。例如: truncate table test1 DROP STORAGE;三、查询分区表存在哪些分区:查询分区表的情况,可以在USER_TAB_PARTITIONS中查询。例如: select "alter table "||t.table_name ||" truncate partition " || t.partition_name from USER_TAB_PARTITIONS t where t.table_name like "F_%" 清除指定某个分区表的分区数据: alter table 表名称 truncate partition 分区名称;四、清除分区表占用的空间:alter table 表名称 DROP partition 分区名称; 例如: alter table F_HOUR_TD_NET_MPVOICE DROP partition P_09121913 ;五、查询表空间信息 可以利用如下语句查询各表在存储空间的使用分情况: SELECT TABLESPACE_NAME,TO_CHAR(SUM(BYTES)/(1024*1024),"999G999D999") CNT_MB FROM DBA_EXTENTS WHERE OWNER="&OWNER" AND SEGMENT_NAME="&TABLE_NAME" AND SEGMENT_TYPE LIKE "TABLE%" GROUP BY TABLESPACE_NAME;可以使用如下语句,查询存储空间情况:Select Tablespace_Name, Sum(bytes)/1024/1024 From Dba_Segments group By Tablespace_Name六、查询用户下的表 如果你的用户权限不是DBA: 那你用 select * from user_tables; 可以查询到当前用户所拥有的表。 如果是DBA用户: select * from dba_tables;

The unforgettable Hong Kong 的整篇翻译

The unforgettable Hong Kong 难忘香港 1、The plane arcs softly into its final descent at Hong Kong International Airport .Below ,Victoria Harbor,and the silent rhythms of countless ships.Beyond,sloping mountains fence in a breathtaking city view that seems to stretch forever. 飞机的柔和的弧线最终降落到了香港国际机场。下面,维多利亚港,无数的船只演奏着无声的旋律。更远处,环绕着山体斜坡令人叹为观止的城市景色一直延伸到无际无边。 2、 This is no ordinary airport .This is no ordinary city. 这不是一个一般的机场。这也不是一座普通的城市。 3、 An elderly man passes by wearing pyjamas,bearing a brightly feathered bird singing merrily in its cage. 一位穿着睡衣的老人从旁边走过,手上提着一个鸟笼,一只颜色鲜艳的鸟儿在里面欢快地歌唱。 4、 Professionals gather at a roadside kitchen for noodles,congee and shrimp. 上班一族聚在路边的餐馆里吃面条,喝粥,吃小虾。 5、Incense from a tiny Taoist temple drifts into the pounding beat of rock music pouring out of a discotheque. 一个小道观里飘出来的檀香混杂着从迪斯科厅里流出的摇滚乐有力的节奏,浑然一体。 6、 A ferry travels on the nearby water regularly,taking passengers to an isolated island 40minutes away,where Buddhist temples and tiny fishing villages dot the landscape. 一只渡船时常穿梭在附近的水面上,把乘客们带到离此处40分钟里程的一个孤岛上,在那里,佛寺和小渔村点缀着迷人的风景。 7、 Hong Kong.Here,161 km.south of the Tropic of Cancer,beats the pulse of Southeast Asia"s heart .Where East greets West ,and past colours present. 香港,北回归线以南161千米,东南亚心脏的起搏器,这里东西交融,呈现着昔日的色彩。 8、 The streets are exciting with the sheer force of so many lives ,and so many contrasts ,moving in so many different directions. 街道上挤满了熙熙攘攘的人群,但他们又都形形色色,他们奔着不同的方向。 9 、Even transportation proves an experience .A double-decker tram provides a bird"s-eye view of neon signs twisted into huge Chinese characters ,dwarfing the human parade below. 甚至是交通线也展示着一次经历。从双层的有轨电车上鸟瞰霓虹灯镶嵌成巨幅的中文,使下面的人群显得如此的渺小。 10、Another tram,in operation since 1888,stumbles 396m.straight up Victoria Peak .You see the city stretches out mute at your feet.The islands of the South China Sea are beyond ,and further ,the mountains of Guangdong Province. 另一辆有轨电车,从1888年就启动运行,慢行396米直达维多利亚顶。你可以看到这座城市悄无声息地在你脚下延展开来。南海上的岛屿隐约可见,更远处,可以看到广东的青山。 11、The Star Ferry makes its way across the harbor ,leaving nothing but wonder in its wake.So much to see.So much to do. 星星渡船横过海港,留下的只有它醒来的奇迹。有如此多的可以观看,如此多的可以去做。 12、A Buddhist temple stands proud in the middle of the city .Inside ,all is dark and quiet.The glow of the joss sticks beckons from across the cavernous room,grains of dust whirling upward in the reflected light. 一座佛寺矗立在城市的中央。里面一片昏暗,而又静谧。线香的红光在宽敞的房子里吸引着无数的目光,缭绕的烟雾在灯光的照射下缓缓上升。 13、Within Walled Villages, hidden societies observe an age-old lifestyle .Steps away from the roar of the Hong Kong metropolis ,they remain centuries removed. 被围墙环绕的村庄,一个隐蔽隔绝的小社会,见证着古老的生活方式。远离香港大都市的喧嚣,好似遗留在几百年前。 14、Further back in time.Sung Dynasty Village recreates the Chinese era from AD 960 to 1279.Beautifully constructed shops and houses, intricate costumes,typical wares and skilled craftsmen bring a past to life. 让时间回流,宋朝古村落把公元960到1279年再现了一次。修缮细致精美的商店和房子,精致的服饰,典型的用具及技术娴熟的工匠把我们带回到过去的生活。 15、The beaches of Repulse Bay ,Stanley and Shek O,where sun worshippers and water sports reign.The Botanical Gardens ,with exotic plants and animals .Golf ,tennis ,dancing,shopping or a harbour cruise. 浅水湾的海滩,Stanley 和Shek O ,那是一个嗜爱阳光和水上运动者的天堂。植物园里有充满 异国情趣的动植物。还有高尔夫,网球,舞会,购物或者是港湾巡弋。 15、This is Hong Kong .And it"s only the beginning. 这就是香港。但这还只是开始。 16、The Endless Night 无尽的夜 17、The sun sets.Neon light blinds the night. 夕阳西下。霓虹照亮了夜幕。 18、Time stops, and you"re about to experience the magic of a city that works as hard at pleasure as it does at business. 时间都停止了,你即将感受这座享乐如同它的商业那样繁华的都市的独特魔力。 19、The evening begins with a pre-dinner cocktail high up in a hotel overlooking the harbour .You gaze out the window,wondering where in all this wonderful glitter you"d like to go first. 在酒店里俯瞰整个港湾,高举餐前鸡尾酒,夜晚随之而来临。你凝视窗外,想从这些斑斓的光亮中找出你一见钟情的东西。 20、Perhaps a dinner on sampan, or a Chinese theatre-restaurant. 也许晚餐就在舢板上或者是中国式剧院餐馆进行。 21、Afterwards,Chinese opera can envelop you in the magnigicence of another world, another time .The discos and nightclubs are set to toast the rising sun. 然后,中国戏剧可以把你再次带入另一个神奇的世界。迪斯科和夜总会一直到拥抱旭日初升的第二天。 22、At the two racetracks ,advanced computers monitor the action on the track and in the stands. 两个赛马场里面,先进的电脑监控着跑道和看台上发生的一切。 23、Hopeful bets are placed ,tense decisions made and Hong Kong"s most passionate spectator activity is underway. 充满希望的赌注已经下定,紧张的决定已经做出,香港最富有激情看点的活动准备就绪。 24、Movie houses show American ,European and ,of course , Cantonese films. 电影院放映着来自美国,欧洲的影片,当然,还有粤语电影。 25、There are plays ,recitals ,the Hong Kong Philharmonic,and arts festivals. 这里有戏剧,音乐演奏会,香港交响乐团,还有艺术节。 26、Simply go for a midnight, moonlight stroll .Take in the colourful street life that never stops . 在有月光照耀的半夜,仅仅是出去漫步一下,就可感受到五彩缤纷而又从不休憩的城市生活。 27、Or ride a romantic ferry and let the world carry on without you. 或者是乘上浪漫的渡船,让世界不因为你而停止运转。 28、There is endless magic in the Hong Kong . 这就是香港无尽的魔力。

This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ______ comfortably. A.is worn B..

B 试题分析:考查主动语态表示被动含义。当不及物动词与副词连用。表示主语的性格特征的时候,使用主动语态表示被动含义。句意:这种由经验丰富的制造商生产的眼镜带起来很舒服。本句中的动词wear与副词comfortably连用表示这种眼镜的特点。故B正确。点评:当不及物动词与副词连用。表示主语的性格特征的时候,使用主动语态表示被动含义。在平时要注意这方面的用法的积累。

to plan a table 和 to table a plan

主要是table做动词和名词时含义不同 1.to plan a table table做名词,意为表格,目录,比如time table就是作息时间表,所以就是列表计划的意思 2.to table a plan table做动词,意为搁置,所以就是搁置计划的意思

transmittable; infectant; contagious.contract 在指传染,疾病方面用法有什么区别?


be preferable to 跟prefer to的区别很用法?


写一篇英语作文 题目《Who is the most respectable person in China in your mind ?》

Who is the most respectable person in China in your mind? In China ,mothers are often considered to be the most respectale ,for their great love to us,so do I .Now here I will tell your some reasons On the one hand,the mother,who is one of the most important person in family,is usually kindness ,she takes care for her children,while the father is making money outside ,or watching TV.Also,the second,mother usually do all the housework without no help,they have to be busy all the day. On the other hand,in ancient China,as we know ,mother also makes clothes for all people in the family,which is hard to finish,some of them would take the responsibility for teaching her children to study. In the news or books,we can see many mother sacrified themselves for their baby,which is moving ,mother is great,their love for babies cannot be imaged.so I think Mum is the most respectable .

C# 两个datatable合并取并集减交集请问该段代码怎么写?


Spring Boot 微服务异步调用 @EnableAsync @Async

第一步:在Application启动类上面加上@EnableAsync注解 第二步:定义[线程池] 第三步:在异步方法上添加@Async 第四步:测试 输出结果: 时间testA:2 开始testB 开始testA 完成testA 完成testB 任务testA,当前线程:async-thread-pool-1 时间testB:3002 异步方法@Async注解失效情况: (1)在@SpringBootApplication启动类没有添加注解@EnableAsync (2)调用方法和异步方法写在同一个类,需要在不同的类才能有效。 (2)调用的是静态(static )方法 (3)调用(private)私有化方法 个别失效报错情况: 报错一:提示需要在@EnableAsync上设置proxyTargetClass=true来强制使用基于cglib的代理。注解上加上即可。


区别:1.respect:既可以做动词也可以做名词.respect someone/sth.show one"s respect.2.respected:respect的过去式(例如,He was respected.);也可以做形容词,表示受尊重的.(例如,The respected leaders.) respected ideas 公认理论;权威理论 be respected as 被尊为...3.respectful:形容词,形容某件事,或者某人的行为恭敬的,有礼貌的(例如,respectful behavior)其副词形式:respectfully.(例如,she said respectfully.)4.respectable:既可以做名词,意为:值得尊重的人或事物(例如,Most Respectable最尊敬的人).也可以做形容词,形容某些人或事物值得尊敬(例如,respectable parents);某些人人格高尚的(The leader is so respectable.);或者人、事物相当数量的(respectable amount).5.respective:形容词,意思:分别的,各自的(例如respective error个别误差).(Everything in the world hasitsrespectiverulesand regulations)


1.表示尊敬的,有礼貌的,谦恭的 2.值得尊重的,人格高尚的, 可作名词 品格高尚的人


判断expandablelistview是否处于展开状态的方法是利用listerner监听,然后用isGroupExpanded判断即可,完整代码如下:为listview注册如下监听pointcategoryExpandableList.setOnGroupClickListener(new OnGroupClickListener(){ @Override public boolean onGroupClick(ExpandableListView parent, View v, int groupPosition, long id) { Log.d("TAG", "POSITION: "+groupPosition); if( parent.isGroupExpanded( groupPosition ) ){ parent.collapseGroup( groupPosition ); }else{ parent.expandGroup( groupPosition ); } } });


含义不同,前者是合情理的,后者是不可接受的。understandable,英语单词,主要用作形容词,作形容词时译为“可以理解的;可以了解的”。短语搭配easily understandable 易于理解的understandable a 可以理解的Understandable commercialization 可以理解的商业化understandable prove 可读证明Ultimately Understandable 最终可被理解Understandable input 可理解的输入Clearly Understandable 清晰易懂Renqingshigu Understandable 人情世故无可厚非unacceptable,英语单词,主要用作形容词,作形容词时译为“不能接受的;不受欢迎的”。短语搭配unacceptable product 不合格品unacceptable damage 不可接受的损害unacceptable explosives 禁止使用的炸药unacceptable character 不可接受的字符 ; 不能接受的字符 ; 不可接受性offer unacceptable 发盘不能接受unacceptable clause[法] 不能接受的条款unacceptable burden 不堪重负T Unacceptable 工业金属Configuration unacceptable 配置不支持

__ student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question. A.Each B.Any


pl/sql 导出dmp文件 export executable 这一项填写什么?


Oraclei外部表(External Table)的使用

   什么是外部表?    External table和正规的表很相似 具体的定义可以参见《Oracle概念手册》 以下的几点需要注意          >创建的语法类似于 CREATE TABLE ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL       >数据在数据库的外部组织 是操作系统文件       >操作系统文件在数据库中的标志是通过一个逻辑目录来映射的         >数据是只读的 (外部表相当于一个只读的虚表)      >不可以在上面运行任何DML操作 不可以创建索引       >可以查询操作和连接 可以并行操作       例子       假定有如下的两个数据文件         平面文件数据的描述     假设如下的两个平面文件     dat      Code: [Copy to clipboard]         SMITH CLERK DEC                           ALLEN SALESMAN FEB                          WARD SALESMAN FEB                          JONES MANAGER APR          dat        Code: [Copy to clipboard]                          MARTIN SALESMAN SEP                         BLAKE MANAGER MAY                          MILLER CLERK JAN                 (要有对操作系统中该目录的读写权限 )          创建一个逻辑目录并进行适当授权      Code: [Copy to clipboard]         SQL> CREATE DIRECTORY TESTDIR AS D:TEMP ;      目录已创建         SQL> GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY TESTDIR TO DEMO;      授权成功          SQL> GRANT WRITE ON DIRECTORY TESTDIR TO DEMO;      授权成功      注意 创建完毕逻辑目录之后要把平面文件拷贝到该目录下 另外还要注意文件名字不要写错        创建外部表     Code: [Copy to clipboard]      SQL> ED   已写入文件 afiedt buf         CREATE TABLE DEMO EXT      (emp_id number( )       ename varchar ( )       job varchar ( )       mgr_id number( )       hiredate date       salary number( )       m number( )       dept_id number( ))     [color=blue] ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL[/color]      ([color=blue]TYPE ORACLE_LOADER[/color]      DEFAULT DIRECTORY TESTDIR      ACCESS PARAMETERS(RECORDS DELIMITED BY NEWLINE      FIELDS TERMINATED BY )     * LOCATION( DAT DAT ))   SQL> /      表已创建        进行Select选择操作看看是否正确      Code: [Copy to clipboard]          SQL> select * from DEMO EXT           EMP_ID ENAME  JOB     MGR_ID HIREDATE  SALARY    M DEPT_ID               SMITH  CLERK     DEC                       ALLEN  SALESMAN    FEB                       WARD  SALESMAN    FEB                       JONES  MANAGER    APR                      MARTIN SALESMAN    SEP                      BLAKE  MANAGER    MAY                      MILLER CLERK     JAN                     如果要得到外部表的有关信息        Code: [Copy to clipboard]          SQL> DESC DBA_EXTERNAL_TABLES;       名称                                                         OWNER                                                     TABLE_NAME                                                  TYPE_OWNER                                                  TYPE_NAME                                                   DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_OWNER                                            DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_NAME                                            REJECT_LIMIT                                                 ACCESS_TYPE                                                  ACCESS_PARAMETERS                                                 SQL> SELECT OWNER TABLE_NAME DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_NAME ACCESS_PARAMETERS      FROM      DBA_EXTERNAL_TABLES;      OWNER        TABLE_NAME    DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_NAME  ACCESS_PARAMETERS      DEMO         EXT       TESTDIR          RECORDS DELIMITED BY NEWLINE                                    FIELDS TERMINATED BY   如果DBA想要知道平面文件的位置 使用如下的查询      Code: [Copy to clipboard]      SQL> desc DBA_EXTERNAL_LOCATIONS;    名称                             OWNER                         TABLE_NAME                      LOCATION                       DIRECTORY_OWNER                    DIRECTORY_NAME                      SQL> select * from DBA_EXTERNAL_LOCATIONS;      OWNER     TABLE_NAME   LOCATION    DIR DIRECTORY_NAME      DEMO      EXT       DAT     SYS TESTDIR   DEMO      EXT       DAT     SYS TESTDIR lishixinzhi/Article/program/Oracle/201311/16715


形容词nervous:紧张的1. easily agitated2. causing or fraught with or showing anxiety同义词:anxious, queasy, uneasy, unquiet3. of or relating to the nervous system同义词:neural4. excited in anticipation同义词:aflutter5. unpredictably excitable (especially of horses)同义词:skittish, flighty, spooky形容词irritable:易怒的,急躁的1. easily irritated or annoyed同义词:cranky, fractious, nettlesome, peevish, peckish, pettish, petulant, scratchy, testy, tetchy, techy2. abnormally sensitive to a stimulus3. capable of responding to stimuli同义词:excitable

table tennis和ping- pong的区别是什么啊?

table tennis 和ping-pong的区别为:指代相同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代相同1、table tennis:乒乓球。2、ping-pong:乒乓球。二、语法不同1、table tennis:table tennis中文含义为乒乓球运动,是专业术语,比较正式。2、ping-pong:ping-pong除了乒乓球运动之外,还可指桌球,一般在休闲时候使用。三、侧重点不同1、table tennis:侧重于在官方正式场合使用。2、ping-pong:侧重于在日常使用场合使用。

table tennis和ping- pong的区别在哪里?

table tennis 和ping-pong的区别为:指代相同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代相同1、table tennis:乒乓球。2、ping-pong:乒乓球。二、语法不同1、table tennis:table tennis中文含义为乒乓球运动,是专业术语,比较正式。2、ping-pong:ping-pong除了乒乓球运动之外,还可指桌球,一般在休闲时候使用。三、侧重点不同1、table tennis:侧重于在官方正式场合使用。2、ping-pong:侧重于在日常使用场合使用。

BIOS里 Onboard Lan BootROM选项是Disabled 正确吗


表示可能时,什么时候用may ,may be, might,possible,probably,probably be

一般来说,MAY作为情态动词,意思是"也许"、"可能",后接动词原形。 maybe是一个副词,意思是"也许"、"可能"、"大概",常放在句首,修饰整个句子,表示不太肯定的推测。 may be意为"可能是"、"也许是",放在句子主语后作谓语。possible: [ "pu0254su0259bl ] a. 可能的 词形变化: 副词:possibly 例句与用法: 1. I"ll do everything possible to help you. 我会尽一切可能帮助你。 2. Frost is possible, although unlikely, at this time of year. 在一年中的这个时候,下霜也是可能的,虽然可能性并不大。 3. They interviewed 30 people of whom five were possibles. 他们对30人进行了面试, 其中有五人符合候选条件. 4. Are you insured against all possible risks? 你对一切可能发生的危险都投保了吗? 5. It is not humanly possible (ie A human is not able) to lift the weight. 人举不起这样的重量. 6. The police are investigating his possible involvement in the crime. 警方正在调查他卷入那桩罪行的可能性。 7. I regret to say it"s not possible. 很抱歉这是不可能的。 8. It isn"t remotely possible that you will be chosen to go. 挑选你去的可能性并非很小. 英英解释: 名词possible: 1. something that can be done 2. an applicant who might be suitable 形容词possible: 1. capable of happening or existing 2. existing in possibility 同义词:potential 3. capable of being imagined 同义词:conceivable, imaginable probably: [ "pru0254bu0259b(u0259)li ] ad. 大概,或许 例句与用法: 1. We"re going on holiday soon, probably next month. 我们很快就要去度假了,多半是下个月。 2. He"s late he"s probably stuck in a traffic jam. 他迟到了--很可能是由於交通阻塞耽误了。 3. `Can he hear us?" `Probably not." ‘他听得见我们的话吗?"‘大概听不见." 4. `Will you be coming?" `Probably." ‘你来吗?"‘很可能来." 5. I"ll be probably free then. 那时我大概就有空了。 6. Well, you"re probably right. 嗯,你大概是对的。 7. That hotel probably costs no less than 20 dollars a night. 那间旅馆的住宿费大约要20元一晚呢。 8. It"s probably not as bad as she says she does tend to pile it on. 大概不像她说的那麽糟--她确实有意夸大事实。 英英解释: 副词probably: 1. with considerable certainty; without much doubt 同义词:likely, in all likelihood, in all probability, belike 2. easy to believe on the basis of available evidence 同义词:credibly, believably, plausibly may: [ mei, me ] n. 五月 aux.可能,可以,祝愿 例句与用法: 1. We may come at another time. 我们可以另找个时间来。 2. He will graduate from the school in May. 他将要在五月份毕业。 3. Might I suggest another time? 我可以建议另找个时间吗? 4. That may be our taxi now! 那辆可能就是我们的计程车了。 5. That might be our taxi. 那辆有可能是我们的计程车. 6. I"ll write so that he may know when to expect us. 我要写信好让他知道我们什麽时候到. 7. It may be Bill"s. 那可能是比尔的. 8. Well, and who may you be? 那麽, 你是谁呢? 英英解释: 名词may: 1. the month following April and preceding June 2. thorny Eurasian shrub of small tree having dense clusters of white to scarlet flowers followed by deep red berries; established as an escape in eastern North America 同义词:whitethorn, English hawthorn, Crataegus laevigata, Crataegus oxycantha might: [ mait ] aux. 可能,也许 n. 力量,威力 v. 或许,可以 例句与用法: 1. I thought it might be true. 我曾认为这可能是真的。 2. I pushed the rock with all my might. 我用全力推那块大石. 3. We fear the military might of the enemy. 我们惧怕敌人强大的军事力量. 4. The promise of a reward might stiffen their resolve. 答应给他们奖励可以坚定他们的决心。 5. The boy might have known the truth, but I am not quite sure. 这男孩当时也许知道真相,但我不很确定。 6. I someone had been with him, he might not have been drowned. 如果有人在他旁边,或许他就不会溺死。 7. That might be in your favor. 那可能对你有利。 8. You might do me a favor? 你或许能帮我—个忙吧? 英英解释: 名词might: 1. physical strength 同义词:mightiness, power may be: ad. 多半(也许) 例句与用法: 1. It may be many years before the new company can gain a secure foothold in the market. 也许要经过若干年这家新公司才能在市场上取得稳固的立足点。 2. The news may be unexpected; nevertheless, it"s true. 这消息也许是出乎预料,但它是真的。 3. Anyone with an annual income of under 5000 may be eligible to apply. 凡年收入在5000英镑以下者均可申请. 4. My advice may be of use for you. 我的意见也许对你有用。 5. There may be millions of worlds in the Milky Way Galaxy. 银河系中也许有几百万个世界。 6. He may be characterized as a man of hobbies. 他可以被称作是一个有癖好的人。 7. Being a fireman sometimes may be dangerous. 做个消防队员有时候会有危险。 8. Purification of water may be achieved by distillation. 水的净化可由蒸馏获得。 英英解释: 副词may be: 1. by chance 同义词:possibly, perchance, perhaps, maybe, mayhap, peradventure maybe: [ "meibi ] ad. 大概,也许 例句与用法: 1. Maybe he is still at home. 可能他还在家里。 2. Maybe he"ll come, maybe he won"t. 他也许来, 也许不来. 3. `Is that true?" `Maybe, I"m not sure." ‘是真的吗?"‘可能, 我说不准." 4. Maybe that"s what I"ll do. 这大概正是我要做的。 5. Maybe some other time. 也许下一次吧。 6. Maybe it will work. 也许这个办法会有效。 7. Maybe I can act as a messenger for you. 也许我能给你当信差。 8. Maybe these nutrients are helpful to your health. 或许这些营养品对你的健康有帮助。 英英解释: 副词maybe: 1. by chance 同义词:possibly, perchance, perhaps, mayhap, peradventure

请问possible,probably,may,might,may be,maybe,的区别



possible: [ "p00s05bl ] a. 可能的词形变化: 副词:possibly 例句与用法: 1. I"ll do everything possible to help you. 我会尽一切可能帮助你。 2. Frost is possible, although unlikely, at this time of year. 在一年中的这个时候,下霜也是可能的,虽然可能性并不大。 3. They interviewed 30 people of whom five were possibles. 他们对30人进行了面试, 其中有五人符合候选条件. 4. Are you insured against all possible risks? 你对一切可能发生的危险都投保了吗? 5. It is not humanly possible (ie A human is not able) to lift the weight. 人举不起这样的重量. 6. The police are investigating his possible involvement in the crime. 警方正在调查他卷入那桩罪行的可能性。 7. I regret to say it"s not possible. 很抱歉这是不可能的。 8. It isn"t remotely possible that you will be chosen to go. 挑选你去的可能性并非很小. 英英解释: 名词possible:1. something that can be done2. an applicant who might be suitable形容词possible:1. capable of happening or existing2. existing in possibility同义词:potential3. capable of being imagined同义词:conceivable, imaginableprobably: [ "pr00b05b(05)li ] ad. 大概,或许例句与用法: 1. We"re going on holiday soon, probably next month. 我们很快就要去度假了,多半是下个月。 2. He"s late he"s probably stuck in a traffic jam. 他迟到了--很可能是由於交通阻塞耽误了。 3. `Can he hear us?" `Probably not." ‘他听得见我们的话吗?"‘大概听不见." 4. `Will you be coming?" `Probably." ‘你来吗?"‘很可能来." 5. I"ll be probably free then. 那时我大概就有空了。 6. Well, you"re probably right. 嗯,你大概是对的。 7. That hotel probably costs no less than 20 dollars a night. 那间旅馆的住宿费大约要20元一晚呢。 8. It"s probably not as bad as she says she does tend to pile it on. 大概不像她说的那麽糟--她确实有意夸大事实。 英英解释: 副词probably:1. with considerable certainty; without much doubt同义词:likely, in all likelihood, in all probability, belike2. easy to believe on the basis of available evidence同义词:credibly, believably, plausiblymay: [ mei, me ] n. 五月aux.可能,可以,祝愿例句与用法: 1. We may come at another time. 我们可以另找个时间来。 2. He will graduate from the school in May. 他将要在五月份毕业。 3. Might I suggest another time? 我可以建议另找个时间吗? 4. That may be our taxi now! 那辆可能就是我们的计程车了。 5. That might be our taxi. 那辆有可能是我们的计程车. 6. I"ll write so that he may know when to expect us. 我要写信好让他知道我们什麽时候到. 7. It may be Bill"s. 那可能是比尔的. 8. Well, and who may you be? 那麽, 你是谁呢? 英英解释: 名词may:1. the month following April and preceding June2. thorny Eurasian shrub of small tree having dense clusters of white to scarlet flowers followed by deep red berries; established as an escape in eastern North America同义词:whitethorn, English hawthorn, Crataegus laevigata, Crataegus oxycanthamight: [ mait ] aux. 可能,也许n. 力量,威力v. 或许,可以例句与用法: 1. I thought it might be true. 我曾认为这可能是真的。 2. I pushed the rock with all my might. 我用全力推那块大石. 3. We fear the military might of the enemy. 我们惧怕敌人强大的军事力量. 4. The promise of a reward might stiffen their resolve. 答应给他们奖励可以坚定他们的决心。 5. The boy might have known the truth, but I am not quite sure. 这男孩当时也许知道真相,但我不很确定。 6. I someone had been with him, he might not have been drowned. 如果有人在他旁边,或许他就不会溺死。 7. That might be in your favor. 那可能对你有利。 8. You might do me a favor? 你或许能帮我—个忙吧? 英英解释: 名词might:1. physical strength同义词:mightiness, powermay be: ad. 多半(也许)例句与用法: 1. It may be many years before the new company can gain a secure foothold in the market. 也许要经过若干年这家新公司才能在市场上取得稳固的立足点。 2. The news may be unexpected; nevertheless, it"s true. 这消息也许是出乎预料,但它是真的。 3. Anyone with an annual income of under 5000 may be eligible to apply. 凡年收入在5000英镑以下者均可申请. 4. My advice may be of use for you. 我的意见也许对你有用。 5. There may be millions of worlds in the Milky Way Galaxy. 银河系中也许有几百万个世界。 6. He may be characterized as a man of hobbies. 他可以被称作是一个有癖好的人。 7. Being a fireman sometimes may be dangerous. 做个消防队员有时候会有危险。 8. Purification of water may be achieved by distillation. 水的净化可由蒸馏获得。 英英解释: 副词may be:1. by chance同义词:possibly, perchance, perhaps, maybe, mayhap, peradventuremaybe: [ "meibi ] ad. 大概,也许例句与用法: 1. Maybe he is still at home. 可能他还在家里。 2. Maybe he"ll come, maybe he won"t. 他也许来, 也许不来. 3. `Is that true?" `Maybe, I"m not sure." ‘是真的吗?"‘可能, 我说不准." 4. Maybe that"s what I"ll do. 这大概正是我要做的。 5. Maybe some other time. 也许下一次吧。 6. Maybe it will work. 也许这个办法会有效。 7. Maybe I can act as a messenger for you. 也许我能给你当信差。 8. Maybe these nutrients are helpful to your health. 或许这些营养品对你的健康有帮助。 英英解释: 副词maybe:1. by chance同义词:possibly, perchance, perhaps, mayhap, peradventure


阿里山 陈艺鹏


没这么一首歌,但这四个元素是他歌中常见的。如果你之歌名的简称就是梦的河流(一个梦),浪人情歌,泪桥,你是我的花朵。 望采纳


木有啊你说的是 夏夜晚风的上的 李炜吧 好像是草字头的苇弹得时 被动!



chinablue 和伍佰是什么关系





recoverable [rI`ku028cvu0259ru0259bl; riˋku028cvu0259ru0259bl]形容词可收回的,可恢复的,可复元的

打开UG出现:fatal error detected unable to continue

打开ug时出现错误提示:fatal error detected unable to continue(致命错误不能继续),这里介绍两种解决方法:第一 ug软件与IE7浏览器有冲突,删除UG安装目录的UGII文件夹里面删掉 psapi.dll 文件(如果找的麻烦,可以直接搜索该文件的名字)如果您的错误不是IE7引起的或者通过上述的方法仍然解决不了问题,推荐使用第二种方法第二 使用UG一键安装工具修复先下载个UG一键安装工具,登录打开工具大全,选择对应版本,一键修复

一篇My unforgettable friend的80词英语作文

Hello everyone!Now i want to share my story with you about my confidant,Yoyo, the most unforgettable friend in my life,at least up to now. Today what i want to say is not the sorrow things we shared,but a small story which clings to my memories. Our close relationship becomes definite when we were at Junior3.We seem to know each other deeply. My Junior school is a broading school,so we just can go back home when weekends.Therefore, the telephone booth have seen a large number of students rushing into it to make a phone call home since after class every Fridays.One night , in order to avoid standing in a long line ,i ran into the booth slinkingly before the self-study class was over.And at last the result met my expectations,i successfully made a phone call home without anyone discovers.However,it rained cats and dogs with a sudden when i finished my call.The sudden heavy rain stopped me moving any steps towards classroom.When i was anxious about it and had no idea what to do with it,i heard a familiar sound calling me.That was Yoyo!She found i was not in the classroom for a long time and guessed maybe i go to the booth by sercet.When she saw the heavily rain outside,she took up two umbrellas to look for me at a dime.You"d never known how shocked and moved i was at that time.Thanks very much,my dear friend. Now five years are over,our tree of friendship is still growing healthily.As the old saying goes,having a bosom friend is one of the niceties of life.I am so gratituded and fortunate that i have such a indeed friendTears slightly run down that night When I was so young,teachers told me that we should treasure our friends. It just occured to me that, friend is a good one.We have good relation.And that"s it. But, now I think that friend is more than that. It"s the one who will still remember us even we have little contact for a long time. It"s the one who will forgive you for thousands of time. It "s the one who know your weakness and help you to it. One night, for some reason, I and my roomate stayed in a bed and talked about sth. I was so scared that I found some reality of the life,my life has been to be too simple. and I couldn"t understand and accept. However, at first, I was calm enough as usual. I didn"t know how it came,that my roomate then said:"How poor we are to know this!But it doesn"t matter!You must know, at least, I will be always with you."I don"t know why and how,tears slightly run down on my face. Not because of the fear,the because of the helpless,but because of her words. She destroyed my selfprotection and let me know there is somebody in this world we can believe and rely on.It has been a long time for me to by myself. I never try go find protect from others. But the moment tells me how weak can one be. And thands Godness, I have my friends.

请问电传和传真有什么区别,telex, cable, fax, 这几个单词的区别是什么?

telex ["teliks] vt. 发电传 cable ["keibl] v.发电报, (通过电缆)交流, (用缆绳)固定 fax [fks] v.传真电传是一个比较古老的东西了,似乎是在传真机普遍使用以前的一个东西,有点电报的意思。以前的国家部委、老牌国有进出口公司都有这个东西。现在基本不用了。.概述 电传是一个新的合成词,是远距离打印交换的编写形式。电传既具有电话的快速,又具有打字机的准确,尤其是当电文中有数据时,这种优点表现得特别明显。人们普遍认为,电传这种通讯方式,除了具备高效性和精确性之外,还比电报和电话便宜。传真现在经常用就不用说了吧

table tennis到底是台球还是乒乓球

table tennis是指乒乓球。

A Contrastive Analysis of Table Manners and Culture between China and Western Countriesuff1f


atom setting a swim table连成一句话

I often download music form the Internet.,but I don"t download films. ___________________________________________________. Jack plays Final Fantasy,but he dosen"t playnTomb Raider. ____________________________________________ They like playing computer games,but they don"t like visiting wedsites. _______________________________________________________ You can use a computer ,but Lingling can"t. _________________________________ We don"t usually buy tickets,but we often check the train timetable. _________________________________________________ He is young,but he studies very hard.

pool table Billiard table 和snooker table 的区别

简明英汉字典:billiards n.台球, 桌球, 弹子戏现代英汉字典:billiards n.台球美国传统词典(双解)billiardspl.n.usage: used with a sing. verb Games(1) game played on a rectangular cloth-covered table with raised cushioned edges, in which a cue is used to hit three small, hard balls against one another or the side cushions of the table.(2)台球一种在用布覆盖的四边凸起的长方形桌子上进行的游戏,用弹子球棒使三个小硬球相互撞击或撞击桌边(3)One of several similar games, sometimes using a table with pockets, as in pool.(4)台球戏,桌球戏通常用带有落袋的桌子的一种相似的游戏,如赌博游戏乒乓球 table-tennis ping-pong最早乒乓球是从网球(tennis)演化来的,即桌上网球(table tennis),后来有美国某乒乓球制造商根据乒乓球的声音确定了其品牌Ping Pong,后来中国采用了这种翻译,但在日本、台湾和东南亚仍然叫做“桌球”。而在大陆,一般桌球是指台球,包括斯诺克(Snooker)、美式落袋(Pool)和9球(9 Ball)。 乒乓球 table tennis桌球 billiards 乒乓球:table tennis;(一项运动)/ ping-pong;table tennis ball(一种球)桌球、台球:billiards(一项运动)billiard ball(一种球)

Error executing SQL statement. Error [13]: Insertion failed because database is full. "create table



取代iptables、ip6tables、ebtables、arptables,在方便性、特性和性能方面有了许多改进: 环境准备: 安装工具包 删除iptables规则 新建一个简单的nftable策略,过滤由192.168.232.1到192.168.232.110的TCP 80端口的连接 查看配置 table是chains、sets和有状态对象的容器。可以有多个table,每个table包含多个chain,table的主要参数为协议栈(nftables families)和名称。协议栈有: chain是rules的容器。一个table包含多个chain,chain分基础链(base chain)和规则链(regular chain),基础链的主要参数有: type、hook、priority和policy,其中除了policy缺省为accept,其他均为强制要求。在创建netdev表下的链时必须指定网卡。 不是所有的families可以使用所有类型的chain: hook表示位置,不是所有的families可以使用所有的hook: 并不是所有的type可以使用在所有的hook上: netdev只支持type filter和hook ingress 在创建netdev table下的chain时必须指定网卡。 Manual page nft(8) line 286 (press h for help or q to quit) 主要使用以下工具: 将ip6tables rule转换成nftable rule 保存现有iptables规则到文件save.txt 将save.txt转换为nftables规则 保存转换后的规则,并在nftable中使用 Matching packet header fields Matching packet metainformation Matching connection tracking stateful metainformation Rate limiting matchings Routing information Accepting and dropping packets Jumping to chain Rejecting traffic Logging traffic Performing Network Address Translation (NAT) Setting packet metainformation Queueing to userspace Duplicating packets Mangle packet header fields Mangle TCP options Counters Load balancing Setting packet connection tracking metainformation nftables框架提供了一个脚本环境,脚本的执行是原子的。要么应用整个脚本,要么在发生错误时回退。保证始终处于一致状态。还可以增加注释,定义变量,包含rule set文件。 缺省在/etc/nftables/已经有一些定义好的脚本,all-in-one.nft中包含了其他所有nft文件. 以ipv4-filter.nft为例,可以看到nft脚本和其他脚本类似,需要再第一行设置解释器指令. The meta expression nfproto keyword can be used to test which family (IPv4 or IPv6) context the packet is being processed in.

In a room above the store,where a party___,some workers were busy setting the table


In a room above the store, where a party ____ some workers are busily setting the table. ...


excel如何在pivot table里根据一column做group by


Excel excel2013 怎么安装pivot table

你好,"数据透视表" 英文是 Pivot Table ,直接翻译是轴向旋转表,可以理解为平时说的简单报表。1.假设有如下的Excel数据表:2.可以看到销售员和产品列有许多重复的字段,那么如果想得到两个统计信息:每名销售员每种产品的销售额情况和每种产品的销售额,应该怎么使用“透视表”得到。3.红色区域为要分析的数据所在区域,即上面的销售数据,蓝色区域为存放“透视表”及统计报表的区域。最好在一个新的SHEET中。4.点击透视表区域,出现如下图,如果不小心关了,点击右键“Show filed list”:5.把想要的字段托到图示位置,显然统一销售员每种产品的销售情况,希望的纵轴是“销售员”,横轴为“产品”,统计信息为求和“销售数量”。分别对应为Row Labels, Column Labels, Values. 设置完成后会出现如下透视表:第一个报表。那么每种产品的销售情况怎么做? 只要在图的界面中 把“产品名称”拖拽到 Row labels, "销售数量"拖拽到Values 即可。读者自行实践即可。 7.注意在图的界面中,可以使用拖拽和勾选CheckBox实现对字段配置和删除等操作。只要心中有了报表的设计样子,按照设想,配置字段就可以了。8.注意一点,源数据更新后,透视表数据并不会自动更新,需要右键->Refresh 一下。还可以在每次打开数据透视表时自动更新其中的数据。右键单击任意单元格 “Pivot Table Option” > "Data" .选中 " Refersh the data when open file".9.另外,数据统计默认是求和,如果是求最大值等等,右键单击任意单元格->"Value Filed Setting" ,可以设置其他统计方式。

in a room above the store ,where a party——(hold),wokers were busily setting the table

in a room above the store, where a party 【was held】, wokers were busily setting the table.本句意为:在商店上面开会的房间里,工人们正忙着摆桌子。这里是人们开会,party做主语,显然用被动语态,而根据后面的were可知是过去时态,所以填was held。这里句子主干是wokers were busily setting the table,即工人们正忙着摆桌子。in a room是地点状语,above the store和where a party was held都是修饰room的,前者是介词结构,后者则是定语从句,这里定语从句前后都有逗号,相当于插入语。


总的来说,两种方法:服务器端生成和浏览器端生成。服务器端生成就是:根据用户请求,获取相应的数据,使用poi/jxl, jacob/jawin+excel,或是用数据拼html的table或是cvs纯文本的数据格式等。然后按.xls或是.cvs格式的文件的形式返回给用户,指定Content-Type:application/vnd.ms-excel ,浏览器就会提示要下载的文件是excel文件。poi/jxl, jacob/jawin生成的是excel的biff格式。html/csv的是文本格式,不另存为excel文件,很多excel功能是用不了的。jacob/jawin需要服务器端是windows系统,且安装了excel2000以上版本。poi/jxl和html/csv方式的话,服务器端可以跨平台。浏览器端生成excel文件还没有特别完善的方案,这是因为js无法处理二进制。大概有以下几个方案,各有利弊。1. activex方式:使用js/vbs调用excel对象,http://setting.iteye.com/blog/219302,有个extjs的gridpanel导出为excel的例子。 (ie+excel)2. ie命令方式:将html或是csv输出到open的window,然后使用execCommand的saveas命令,存为csv或xls。 (ie only)3. 服务器端中转方式:将html的table或是拼接的csv传到服务器端,服务器端再按照Content-Type:application/vnd.ms-excel返回,浏览器就会按excel方式处理。与服务器端拼接相比,少了一次取数操作。 (all)4. data协议方式:对于支持data协议的浏览器,可以将html或是csv先用js base64处理,然后前缀data:application/vnd.ms-excel;base64,,即可使浏览器将其中的数据当做excel来处理,浏览器将提示下载或打开excel文件,可惜的是ie不支持。extjs的官网有一个grid的plugin,实现导出xhtml格式的伪excel文件,就是这么做的。 (except IE)浏览器端只有第一种方案导出的是真正的biff格式的excel文件,其他方式都是文本格式。activex方式只能在windows平台的ie浏览器使用,而且需要降低ie的安全性,所以应用比较有限。复杂的excel文件,还是在服务器端用poi/jxl生成excel比较好。如果浏览器固定位ie,浏览器端方式2是最好的方案。如果要降低服务器端cpu的计算压力,客户端方案3可行,而且跨平台(比poi/jxl方式少了取数和生成二进制文件)。如果是非ie浏览器,方案4也不失为一种好方法。

I am setting the table的意思是什么


Cher is setting the table 如何改成一般疑问句?

Cher is setting the table 改成一般疑问句是直接把is提到句子开头Is Cher setting the table?

excel里做pivottable ,可以说的具体点吗?



看看这个例子吧。 要想保存改变后的状态 注意它的setValueAt方法import javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor;import javax.swing.JComboBox;import javax.swing.JFrame;import javax.swing.JPanel;import javax.swing.JScrollPane;import javax.swing.JTable;import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer;import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;import java.awt.Component;import java.awt.Dimension;import java.awt.GridLayout;/** * TableRenderDemo is just like TableDemo, except that it * explicitly initializes column sizes and it uses a combo box * as an editor for the Sport column. */public class TableRenderDemo extends JPanel { private boolean DEBUG = false; public TableRenderDemo() { super(new GridLayout(1,0)); JTable table = new JTable(new MyTableModel()); table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(500, 70)); table.setFillsViewportHeight(true); //Create the scroll pane and add the table to it. JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table); //Set up column sizes. initColumnSizes(table); //Fiddle with the Sport column"s cell editors/renderers. setUpSportColumn(table, table.getColumnModel().getColumn(2)); //Add the scroll pane to this panel. add(scrollPane); } /* * This method picks good column sizes. * If all column heads are wider than the column"s cells" * contents, then you can just use column.sizeWidthToFit(). */ private void initColumnSizes(JTable table) { MyTableModel model = (MyTableModel)table.getModel(); TableColumn column = null; Component comp = null; int headerWidth = 0; int cellWidth = 0; Object[] longValues = model.longValues; TableCellRenderer headerRenderer = table.getTableHeader().getDefaultRenderer(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { column = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(i); comp = headerRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent( null, column.getHeaderValue(), false, false, 0, 0); headerWidth = comp.getPreferredSize().width; comp = table.getDefaultRenderer(model.getColumnClass(i)). getTableCellRendererComponent( table, longValues[i], false, false, 0, i); cellWidth = comp.getPreferredSize().width; if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Initializing width of column " + i + ". " + "headerWidth = " + headerWidth + "; cellWidth = " + cellWidth); } column.setPreferredWidth(Math.max(headerWidth, cellWidth)); } } public void setUpSportColumn(JTable table, TableColumn sportColumn) { //Set up the editor for the sport cells. JComboBox comboBox = new JComboBox(); comboBox.addItem("Snowboarding"); comboBox.addItem("Rowing"); comboBox.addItem("Knitting"); comboBox.addItem("Speed reading"); comboBox.addItem("Pool"); comboBox.addItem("None of the above"); sportColumn.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(comboBox)); //Set up tool tips for the sport cells. DefaultTableCellRenderer renderer = new DefaultTableCellRenderer(); renderer.setToolTipText("Click for combo box"); sportColumn.setCellRenderer(renderer); } class MyTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { private String[] columnNames = {"First Name", "Last Name", "Sport", "# of Years", "Vegetarian"}; private Object[][] data = { {"Mary", "Campione", "Snowboarding", new Integer(5), new Boolean(false)}, {"Alison", "Huml", "Rowing", new Integer(3), new Boolean(true)}, {"Kathy", "Walrath", "Knitting", new Integer(2), new Boolean(false)}, {"Sharon", "Zakhour", "Speed reading", new Integer(20), new Boolean(true)}, {"Philip", "Milne", "Pool", new Integer(10), new Boolean(false)} }; public final Object[] longValues = {"Sharon", "Campione", "None of the above", new Integer(20), Boolean.TRUE}; public int getColumnCount() { return columnNames.length; } public int getRowCount() { return data.length; } public String getColumnName(int col) { return columnNames[col]; } public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) { return data[row][col]; } /* * JTable uses this method to determine the default renderer/ * editor for each cell. If we didn"t implement this method, * then the last column would contain text ("true"/"false"), * rather than a check box. */ public Class getColumnClass(int c) { return getValueAt(0, c).getClass(); } /* * Don"t need to implement this method unless your table"s * editable. */ public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) { //Note that the data/cell address is constant, //no matter where the cell appears onscreen. if (col < 2) { return false; } else { return true; } } /* * Don"t need to implement this method unless your table"s * data can change. */ public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Setting value at " + row + "," + col + " to " + value + " (an instance of " + value.getClass() + ")"); } data[row][col] = value; fireTableCellUpdated(row, col); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("New value of data:"); printDebugData(); } } private void printDebugData() { int numRows = getRowCount(); int numCols = getColumnCount(); for (int i=0; i < numRows; i++) { System.out.print(" row " + i + ":"); for (int j=0; j < numCols; j++) { System.out.print(" " + data[i][j]); } System.out.println(); } System.out.println("--------------------------"); } } /** * Create the GUI and show it. For thread safety, * this method should be invoked from the * event-dispatching thread. */ private static void createAndShowGUI() { //Create and set up the window. JFrame frame = new JFrame("TableRenderDemo"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //Create and set up the content pane. TableRenderDemo newContentPane = new TableRenderDemo(); newContentPane.setOpaque(true); //content panes must be opaque frame.setContentPane(newContentPane); //Display the window. frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) { //Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread: //creating and showing this application"s GUI. javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { createAndShowGUI(); } }); }}

they are setting the table for their friends 对划线部分提问 their firends 是划线的

What people

My brother Bob is setting the table.改为否定句,一

table orange shop他们的音标是什么?

orange英 [ˈɒrɪndʒ]美 [ˈɔːrɪndʒ]橙色;橘黄色的;橙红色的;例句The setting sun cast an orange glow over the mountains.橘红色的夕阳辉映着群山。

请教中文Students are able to customize the table by setting their own priorities.


look!bob is setting the table 改为否定句

bob isn"t setting the table

look! bob is setting the table 改为否定句

Bob isn"t set the table.

my brother and i are setting the table。

My brother isnt setting the table Is my brother setting the table? Yes,he is No,he isnt

如何在SAP R/3中记录对TABLE表的修改的历史记录

instance profile 里参数 rec/client=all <或者想要开启记录的client,中间用逗号分开>se11 修改要记录的table 的 technical setting 左下角有了log change打上√就可以了。查看修改记录 SCU3提醒: 一般只对更改比较少的(如customizing table)做此配置,不要把业务的trascation table 搞进来,否者 DBTABLOG 这个表增长会非常快。

the boy is setting the table

setting 还原就是The boy Is setting the table .表示正在进行

关于table manner

1,如果在很正式的西餐厅会有衣物存放处,可以把除了手袋的东西都交给他们。2,服务生会在确认好几位客人和是否吸烟后带您到相应的座位。这时候客人或者有女士优先紧随服务生其后。不要太四处张望;)3,mm们这时候从椅子左边进入,站在椅子前停留片刻,这时服务生会从后面适时的推进椅子让您就坐。入座不要太深,手袋放在后面刚刚好的位置。4,因为西餐厅是不会上湿餐巾德,这时候可以向服务生确认一下化妆间的位置,以便洗手和整理妆容;)*关于西餐的点菜1,一般西餐厅都会有course,就是套餐,这里说的套餐是一道菜一道菜的上来的。比如,最常见的套餐下来是:前菜,汤,鱼/肉,沙拉,甜品。这样的套餐一般来讲价钱很划算,也是最佳的组合。2,单品点菜的技巧。餐前酒,,,对肠胃进行适度的刺激来提高食欲,如果对酒精过敏可以来点苏打水,效果是一样的。配菜来说鱼海鲜一般是白酒,猪牛羊类是红酒。前 菜,,,一般前菜都是冷的或者温菜为主。比如豆腐料理,蔬菜料理为多。 汤,,,就应季汤吧,价格和味道都没得说。主 菜,,,主角当然是肉了,索铁鱼,牛扒,羊扒拉。这里的主食是面包,有些地方的主食也会是米饭的。沙 拉,,,这个是压油腻用的,吃盘沙拉来判断一下自己的战斗力,有本事的再点!甜 品,,,对女孩子来说无论吃得多饱,总是还有块儿地方是塞她的,没有她的dinner总觉得少点啥*关于西餐的工具基本的setting是位置盘在中央,然后右手一次排列刀勺,左手边一次排列叉子。最好记的方法是从外向内使用刀叉,你用完之后会有人给您撤掉不用的刀叉的。1,先看看右手边的dd,最外边的是前菜刀,顾名思义八。然后是汤勺。然后是鱼刀。接着是肉刀。图1*关于西餐的工具基本的setting是位置盘在中央,然后右手一次排列刀勺,左手边一次排列叉子。最好记的方法是从外向内使用刀叉,你用完之后会有人给您撤掉不用的刀叉的。1,先看看右手边的dd,最外边的是前菜刀,顾名思义八。然后是汤勺。然后是鱼刀。接着是肉刀。2,看看左手边,最外面的是前菜刀。然后是鱼叉。然后是肉叉。3,最左手边的盘子是放面包的,那个小刀就是butter刀,旁边的是餐巾布。关于餐巾布使用的timing是这样当饮料上来的时候把餐巾布对折铺在腿上就ok乐。ps,喝酒的时候注意及时擦去印在杯子上面的口红。4,拿工具的姿势,左手拿叉子面朝下,右手拿叉子的时候面朝上5,为了及时让服务生撤下盘子以方便上下一道菜,请不要忘记这个暗号:刀叉交叉放表示还没有吃完,现在说话或者力座ing。即使剩下了菜不吃了,把刀叉合并在右手边的话他们就会帮您撤下了。


总的来说,两种方法:服务器端生成和浏览器端生成。服务器端生成就是:根据用户请求,获取相应的数据,使用poi/jxl, jacob/jawin+excel,或是用数据拼html的table或是cvs纯文本的数据格式等。然后按.xls或是.cvs格式的文件的形式返回给用户,指定Content-Type:application/vnd.ms-excel ,浏览器就会提示要下载的文件是excel文件。poi/jxl, jacob/jawin生成的是excel的biff格式。html/csv的是文本格式,不另存为excel文件,很多excel功能是用不了的。jacob/jawin需要服务器端是windows系统,且安装了excel2000以上版本。poi/jxl和html/csv方式的话,服务器端可以跨平台。浏览器端生成excel文件还没有特别完善的方案,这是因为js无法处理二进制。大概有以下几个方案,各有利弊。1. activex方式:使用js/vbs调用excel对象,http://setting.iteye.com/blog/219302,有个extjs的gridpanel导出为excel的例子。 (ie+excel)2. ie命令方式:将html或是csv输出到open的window,然后使用execCommand的saveas命令,存为csv或xls。 (ie only)3. 服务器端中转方式:将html的table或是拼接的csv传到服务器端,服务器端再按照Content-Type:application/vnd.ms-excel返回,浏览器就会按excel方式处理。与服务器端拼接相比,少了一次取数操作。 (all)4. data协议方式:对于支持data协议的浏览器,可以将html或是csv先用js base64处理,然后前缀data:application/vnd.ms-excel;base64,,即可使浏览器将其中的数据当做excel来处理,浏览器将提示下载或打开excel文件,可惜的是ie不支持。extjs的官网有一个grid的plugin,实现导出xhtml格式的伪excel文件,就是这么做的。 (except IE)浏览器端只有第一种方案导出的是真正的biff格式的excel文件,其他方式都是文本格式。activex方式只能在windows平台的ie浏览器使用,而且需要降低ie的安全性,所以应用比较有限。复杂的excel文件,还是在服务器端用poi/jxl生成excel比较好。如果浏览器固定位ie,浏览器端方式2是最好的方案。如果要降低服务器端cpu的计算压力,客户端方案3可行,而且跨平台(比poi/jxl方式少了取数和生成二进制文件)。如果是非ie浏览器,方案4也不失为一种好方法。

Is the boy (seting) (set )(setting )the table ?该选哪个


setting the table这个短语有没有摆餐具的意思?

是的 这是摆放餐具的意思 进行式

英语set the table怎么翻译?

摆好桌子,摆饭桌; 摆餐具

android 开发 运行正常偶尔报错Unable to start activity ComponentInfo java.lang.NullPointerException


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International Journal of Smart Grid and Renewable Energy



倒装的种类英语最基本的词序是主语在谓语动词的前面。如果将句子的主语和谓语完全颠倒过来,这称之为完全倒装。如果只将助动词或情态动词移至主语之前,谓语的其他部分仍保留在主语的后面,这称之为部分倒装。一. 完全倒装完全倒装是将谓语的全部放在主语之前,此结构通常只用于一般现在时和一般过去时两种。On her left sat her husband.她左边坐着她丈夫。Here is the book you want.你要的书在这儿。Down went the small boat.小船沉下去了。二. 部分倒装部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分,如助动词或情态动词,移至主语之前。Only by working hard can one succeed.只有努力才能成功。Never have I seen her before.我以前没见过她。提示:如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。Well do I remember the day I joined the League.入团的那一天,我记忆犹新。Little did I think that he could be back alive .我没有想到他竟能活着回来。三. 常见的倒装结构A. 常见的完全倒装结构1.there be 句型。There is a mobile phone and some books on the desk.桌上有一个手机和一些书。There are thousands of people gathering on the square.广场上聚集着成千上万的人注意:引导词there 还可以接appear, exist, lie, remain, seem, stand, live 等词。There lived an old fisherman in the village.村里住着一位老渔夫。There stand two white houses by the river.河滨矗立着两座白房子。There existed some doubt among the students.学生中有些怀疑。2.用于here, there, now, thus, then + 动词 + 主语的句型中(谓语动词多为be, go, come等)。Here comes the bus.汽车来了。There goes the bell. 铃响了。Now comes my turn. 轮到我了。Then came the order to take off.起飞的命令到了。3.以out, in, up, down, off, away等副词开头,谓语动词是表示“移动”的go, come, leave等句子里。Away went the crowd one by one.人们一个一个地离去。In came a stranger in black.进来了一位穿黑衣的陌生人。Down fell the leaves.树叶掉了下来。注意:在完全倒装的结构里,如果主语是人称代词,则用正常语序。Out she went. 她走了。Here we are. 我们到了。4.表示地点的介词词组位于句首,谓语动词是表示“存在”之意的be, lie, stand, exist等句子中。South of the lake lies a big supermarket.湖泊的南边是一个大超市。20 miles east of our school lies a modern swimming pool.我们学校向东20英里有一个现代化的游泳池。On the floor were piles of old books, magazines and newspapers.地板上是一堆堆旧的书报杂志。5.“表语+连系动词+主语”结构。Lucky is she who was admitted to a famous university last year.她很幸运,去年被一所名牌大学录取。Gone are the days when he was looked down upon.他被人看不起的日子一去不复返了。Present at the meeting are some well-known scientists.一些知名的科学家出席了会议。B. 常见的部分倒装结构1.含有否定意义的副词或连词(如not, seldom, little, hardly, never, rarely, nowhere等)放在句首时。He can not speak a single word of English.——Not a single word of English can he speak.他连一个英语单词都不会说。He cares little about his clothes.——Little does he care about his clothes.他不在乎穿着。I have never seen him before.——Never have I seen him before.——Never before have I seen him.我以前没见过他。The mother didn"t leave the room until the child fell asleep.——Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room.孩子睡着了,妈妈才离开房间。(Not until引出的主从复合句中,主句倒装,从句不倒装。)Churchill was not only a statesman, but a poet——Not only was Churchill a statesman, but a poet.丘吉尔不仅是个政治家,而且还是个诗人。I shall by no means give up.——By no means shall I give up. 我决不放弃。必背:表示“刚……就……的倒装结构Hardly had he started to leave when it began to rain.他刚要离开,天就下起了雨。Scarcely had he sat down when his mobile phone rang.他刚坐下,手机就响了。No sooner had he handed in his paper than he realized his mistakes.他刚交卷就意识到出错了。2.副词only +状语放在句首时。Only then did I see life was not easy.只有那时我才知道生活是不易的。Only in this way can you use the computer well.只有用这种方法你才能把电脑学好。Only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in bed.只有他病重时,他才待在床上。(only+状语从句,从句不倒装,主句倒装)3.so作“也”讲时,引导的句子用倒装语序,表示前面所说的肯定情况也适用于另一人(或物)。其句型是:So + be(have,助动词或情态动词)+主语。She has been to Tokyo. So have I.她去过东京,我也去过。He can send emails to his former classmates. So can she.他能电子邮件给以前的同学,她也能。He went to the film last night. So did I.昨天晚上他去看电影了,我也去了。注意:如果对前面所说的内容,加以肯定,或不作“也”讲而只起连词作用,表示一种结果的意思,那不倒装。--- Jack won the first prize in the contest.杰克在比赛中获一等奖。--- So he did. 确实是的。--- It is cold today. 今天很冷。--- So it is and so was it yesterday.确实是很冷,昨天也很冷。His mother told him to go to the film. So he did.他母亲叫他去看电影,他就去了。4.neithernor引导的句子用倒装语序,用于对前面所说的否定内容表示同样的看法。She won誸 go. NeitherNor will I.她不走,我也不。I cannot swim. Neither can he .我不会游泳,他也不会。注意: 如果前面所说的内容既有肯定又有否定,或前后的谓语动词形式不一致时,用“It is the same with +主语”结构或用“So it is with +主语”结构。He worked hard, but didn"t pass the exam. So it was with his sister.他很努力,但没有通过考试。他妹妹也是这样。(既有肯定又有否定)She is a teacher and she enjoys teaching. So it is with Mr Li.她是老师,热爱教书。李先生也是这样。(谓语一个是系动词,一个是行为动词)5.“so...that...和“such...that...”结构中的so或such位于句首时。He was so excited that he could not say a word.——So excited was he that he could not say a word.他如此激动以至于一句话都说不出来。His anger was such that he lost control of himself.——Such was his anger that he lost control of himself.他是如此地生气,以至于他不能控制自己了。6.一些表示频率的副词(如many a time, often等)位于句首时。I have seen her taking a walk alone many a time.Many a time have I seen her taking a walk alone.我多次看到她独自一人在散步。She often came to my house in the past.Often did she come to my house in the past.过去她常到我家来。7.表示方式、程度的副词位于句首时。Well do I remember the day when I joined the League.我对入团的那一天还记忆犹新。Gladly would I accept your proposal.我很高兴接受你的建议。8.非谓语动词 + be + 主语。Covering much of the earth"s surface is a blanket of water.覆盖地球大部分表面的是水。Also discussed were the problems we had met with in our studies.同时还讨论了我们在学习中碰到的问题。First to unfold was the map of the world.首先要打开的是世界地图。c. 常见的其他形式的倒装结构1.宾语位于句首表示强调The past one can know, but the future one can only feel.一个人可以明知过去,但只能感悟未来。What Julia did I cannot imagine.我想象不出朱莉娅做了什么。2.the ...more... the more ...结构中的倒装The harder you work, the happier you feel.你越努力工作,就越觉得快乐。(表语提前)The more you study, the more you know.你学得越多,就明白越多。(宾语提前)提示:有时从句倒装,主句不倒装。I like the painting better the more I look at it.我越看这幅画,就越喜欢它。3.as though 引导的让步状语从句中的倒装①表语提前,构成倒装。Though she is very pretty, she is not clever.→ Pretty though she is, she is not clever.虽然她很漂亮,但是她不聪明。Although it may appear strange, it is true.→ Disabled as he was, he tried his best to serve the people.虽然他残疾了,但他仍尽力为人民服务。Although he is a child, he speaks fluent English.→ Child as he is, he speaks fluent English.虽然他是个孩子,但能讲流利的英语。(名词单数前不用不定冠词a)Though he is the shortest, he is the richest of the three.→ Shortest as he is, he is the richest of the three.虽然他是三个人中最矮的,却是最富有的。(形容词最高级前去定冠词the)②动词提前,构成倒装。Though they searched, they could not find anything in the house.→ Search as they did , they could not find anything in the house.虽然他们搜遍了, 却没在房子里找到任何东西。Though I failed, I would try again.→ Fail as I did, I would try again.尽管我失败了,但我还要再试。Though she may try again, she won"t pass it.Try as she may, she won"t pass it.尽管愿意再试,她还是不会通过的。③副词提前,构成倒装。Though he tried hard, he couldn"t pass the exam.→ Hard as he tried, he couldn"t pass the exam.尽管他努力了,他还没有通过考试。Though I listened attentively, I still couldn"t understand what he said at the meeting.→ Attentively as I listened, I still couldn"t understand what he said at the meeting.尽管我专心听了,我还是不懂他在会议上说的话。Though he ran the fastest, he still didn"tcatch the train.→ Fastest as he ran, he still didn"t catch the train.尽管他跑得最快,仍没有赶上火车。(副词最高级前不用定冠词the)4.一些习惯说法使用倒装语序。How goes it with you 你好吗?What care I 管我什么事?What matters it 这有什么关系?口诀副词开头要倒装,人称代词则如常。only修饰副介状,位于句首半倒装。否定意义副连词,即“不……也不”需倒装。such代词做表语,引起主谓要倒装。Not only开头句,前一分句须倒装。had, were, should虚拟句,省略if半倒装。本文来源于网络,如有侵权请联系删除.

bkx hdd cable ffc是什么

机箱上的HDD Dock就是硬盘插座,FFC是排线。HDD Dock实际上是机箱生产厂家针对此项特性提供的附加功能。通过在机箱上(一般是顶部)提供集成的SATA接口,用户可以直接将内置式的SATA硬盘插在硬盘插座上,操作系统会自动检测到硬盘并安装使用。现在很多外设厂商也提供光驱位和3.5寸硬盘位的硬盘插座,可以由用户自行安装在普通机箱内,方便快速地使用SATA硬盘。fcc可以任意选择导线数目及间距,使联线更方便,大大减少电子产品的体积,减少生产成本,提高生产效率,最适合于移动部件与主板之间、PCB板对PCB板之间、小型化电器设备中作数据传输线缆之用。通过高科技自动化设备生产线压合而成的新型数据线缆,具有柔软、随意弯曲折叠、厚度雹体积孝连接简单、拆卸方便、易解决电磁屏蔽(EMI)等优点。

词组解析set up ,bulid ,establish 的用法及区别.

set up To place in an upright position. 直立:放于竖直位置 To elevate; raise. 抬起;上升 To raise in authority or power; invest with power: 使掌权:提高权威或权力;赋与权力: They set the general up as a dictator. 他们赋与将军指挥者的权力 To put (oneself) forward as; claim to be: 自称:推举(自己);声称是: He has set himself up as an authority on the English language. 他自称是英语专家 To assemble and erect: 组装: *** 并装配: set up a new machine. 组装一台新机器 To establish; found: 建立: set up a charity. 建立一家慈善机构 To cause: 引起,使产生: They set up howls of protest over new taxes. 他们发起反对新税的吼声 To establish in business by providing capital, equipment, or other backing. 开始经商:通过提供资本、设备或其它支持而建立企业 Informal 【非正式用语】 To treat (someone) to drinks. 招待(某人)饮料 To pay for (drinks). 为(饮料)付账 Informal To stimulate or exhilarate: 【非正式用语】 *** 或鼓励: a victory that really set the team up. 胜利鼓舞了球队 To lay plans for: 计划:制定计划: set up a kidnapping. 策划绑架 Informal To put (someone else) into a promising situation by deceit or trickery: 【非正式用语】 哄骗:通过欺骗使(他人)妥协: Swindlers have set me up. 骗子骗了我 set upon To attack violently: 强烈打击: Guards set dogs upon the escaping prisoners. 守卫让狗攻击逃犯 build v.tr.(及物动词) To form by bining materials or parts; construct. 建造,构筑:通过组合材料或部分而形成;建造 To order, finance, or supervise the construction of: 监督:命令、资助或监督…的建设: The administration built several new housing projects. 行政部门资助了好几幢新楼的建筑项目 To develop or give form to according to a plan or process; create: 建立,创立:根据计测或进程来发展或构造,创造: build a nation; built a successful business out of their corner grocery store. 建立一个国家;从他们街道拐角的杂货店创办了一家成功的公司 To increase or strengthen by adding gradually to: 增加,加强:逐步增加,逐步加强: money building interest in a savings account; build support for a political candidate. 储蓄中逐渐增多的利息;加强一个政党候选人的支持 To establish a basis for; found or ground: 为…建立基础;奠定基础: build an argument on fact. 以事实为依据建立论点 v.intr.(不及物动词) To make something by bining materials or parts. 建筑,构成:通过组合材料或部分来制造某物 To engage in the construction or design of buildings: 建造,营造:从事楼房的建筑或设计: “Each of the three architects built in a different style”(Dwight Macdonald) “这三位建筑师的建筑物风格各异”(德怀特·麦克唐纳) To develop in magnitude or extent: 扩大,扩展: clouds building on the horizon. 地平线上逐渐增多的云 To progress toward a maximum, as of intensity: 发展,达到:向最大或最强发展: suspense building from the opening scene to the climax. 从序幕发展 *** 的悬疑 n.(名词) The physical makeup of a person or thing: 体格,构造:人或物的物质组成: an athletic build.See Synonyms at physique 运动员的体格参见 physique establish v.tr.(及物动词) es.tab.lished, es.tab.lish.ing, es.tab.lish.es To set up; found.See Synonyms at found 1 创建:建立;建造参见 found1 To bring about; generate: 带来,招致:带来;引起: establish goodwill in the neighborhood. 给邻居带来美好的祝福 To place or settle in a secure position or condition; install: 使被安排好:以安全的位置或状态安置或安放;放置: They established me in my own business. 他们让我在我自己的公司中任职 To make firm or secure. 确立或使安全 To cause to be recognized and accepted: 使…被接受:使…得到承认和使…被接受: a discovery that established his reputation. 这个发现建立了他的声望 To introduce and put (a law, for example) into force. 介绍和实施(如,法律) To prove the validity or truth of: 担保:确保…合法性或安全性: The defense attorneys established the innocence of the accused. 那位辩护律师运用法律来证明被告是无罪的 To make a state institution of (a church). 使…成为公共设施(教堂)




应该是tbl,如果是在论文引用中引用表格的时候,缩写形式通常写作 Tbl.1



论文或者专著中 table 和 figure的区别?


论文或者专著中 table 和 figure的区别?


论文或者专著中 table 和 figure的区别?


It is ten years since the scientist ______ on his life’s work of discovering the valuable ...

.B 试题分析:考查词组辨析:A.made for有助于,前进,B.set out出发,着手C.took off起飞,脱下,D.turned up,出现,露面,声音调大,句意:自从这个科学家着手开始做终身的工作寻找有价值的化学物质已经有10年了。选B。 点评:动词的固定搭配是常考题,这就要求考生平时加强这方面的记忆和积累。根据语境进行选择。

进入BIOS,想设置UBS为第一启动项,但是有个USB flash type这项,还有个 第一启动项 有removable.没有USB



定义和用法PHP extract() 函数从数组中把变量导入到当前的符号表中。对于数组中的每个元素,键名用于变量名,键值用于变量值。第二个参数 type 用于指定当某个变量已经存在,而数组中又有同名元素时,extract() 函数如何对待这样的冲突。本函数返回成功设置的变量数目。语法extract(array,extract_rules,prefix)参数 描述array 必需。规定要使用的输入。 extract_rules 可选。extract() 函数将检查每个键名是否为合法的变量名,同时也检查和符号表中的变量名是否冲突。


意思就是天津付运费嘛. 基本上就是预付的意思.你可以跟货代说啊,如果是到付就叫他们打FREIGHT COLLECT
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