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queen‘s university belfast 和 university of aberdeen 改选哪一个?

前面一个是电算化会计后面一个只说会计和财务看样子你还是选个明确的吧 电算化会计 现在都用电脑做账嘛

帮忙翻译一下香港地名:flat 15b,albert house 26, chengtu road, aberdeen, hongkong


阿伯丁大学(University of Aberdeen)的本科申请要求是什么?



阿伯丁(Aberdeen),英国联合王国的苏格兰城市,是苏格兰6个指定市中,人口排行第三的城市(2001年4月时统计为212,125人)。行政上,阿伯丁市(City of Aberdeen)是苏格兰底下32个一级行政区(称为单一管理区)之一,也是阿伯丁郡(Aberdeenshire)的首府。该市位于苏格兰东北部,唐河(River Don)与迪河(River Dee)河口之间,是北海海滨的主要海港。由于北海有丰富的原油蕴藏,负责开采的许多大型石油公司都是以阿伯丁作为转运母港与总部所在地,因此该城又有“欧洲的石油首都”(Oil Capital of Europe)的美誉。在阿伯丁每年的例行活动中,较为热闹且知名的莫过于一年一度的阿伯丁国际青年节(Aberdeen International Youth Festival),参与这个艺术节日的团体都是来自世界各地顶尖的青年音乐或艺术创作人才,聚首一堂互相进行文化交流。The Aberdeen area has seen human settlement for at least 8,000 years. The city began as two separate burghs: Old Aberdeen at the mouth of the river Don; and New Aberdeen, a fishing and trading settlement, where the Denburn waterway entered the river Dee estuary. The earliest charter was granted by William the Lion in 1179 and confirmed the corporate rights granted by David I. In 1319, the Great Charter of Robert the Bruce transformed Aberdeen into a property-owning and financially independent community. Granted with it was the nearby Forest of Stocket, whose income formed the basis for the city"s Common Good Fund which still benefits Aberdonians.During the Wars of Scottish Independence Aberdeen was under English rule, so Robert the Bruce laid siege to Aberdeen Castle before destroying it in 1308, massacring the English garrison and retaking Aberdeen for the townspeople. When Bruce took over the castle and finished the siege, Bon Accord was used as the code to initiate the final attack and has been the city"s motto ever since. The city was burned by Edward III of England in 1336, but was rebuilt and extended, and called New Aberdeen. The city was strongly fortified to prevent attacks by neighbouring lords but the gates were removed by 1770. During the Wars of the Three Kingdoms of 1644-47 the city was impartially plundered by both sides. In 1644, it was taken and ransacked by Royalist troops after the Battle of Aberdeen.[10] A quarter of the population died in 1647 from an outbreak of bubonic plague.In the 18th century, a new Town Hall was built and the first social services appeared with the Infirmary at Woolmanhill in 1742 and the Lunatic Asylum in 1779. The council began major road improvements at the end of the century with the main thoroughfares of George Street, King Street and Union Street all completed at the start of the next century.In the 19th century, the increasing economic importance of Aberdeen and the development of the shipbuilding and fishing industries led to the existing harbour with Victoria Dock, the South Breakwater and the extension to the North Pier. The expensive infrastructure programme had repercussions, and in 1817 the city was bankrupt. However, a recovery was made in the general prosperity which followed the Napoleonic wars. Gas street lighting arrived in 1824 and an enhanced water supply in 1830 when water was pumped from the Dee to a reservoir in Union Place. An underground sewer system replaced open sewers in 1865.The city was first incorporated in 1891. Although Old Aberdeen still has a separate charter and history, it and New Aberdeen are no longer truly distinct. They are both part of the city, along with Woodside and the Royal Burgh of Torry to the south of the River Dee.







The New Boy 和 Song For Aberdeen 讲了一个怎样的故事

The New Boy 和 Song For Aberdeen 讲了一个怎样的故事?有一个女孩住在Aberdeen,我们就称她为Aberdeen吧。格斯塔夫以她的故事为素材写了两首歌。一首非常悲伤,一首是幻想的快乐。后者的歌名是Song for Aberdeen,前者是深受天朝小清新们喜爱的The New Boy。其实这两首没有差别,都讲了同一个伤感的爱情故事。Aberdeen有一个很爱她的男朋友,Aberdeen也很爱他。可是这个男孩子有精神问题,喜怒无常,有暴力倾向,难以自控,生气时经常殴打Aberdeen,但是每次发作之后男孩都会昏过去。当男孩醒来,他就又回到了平静的状态,忘了打过女友,求Aberdeen原谅她。因为太爱他了,Aberdeen一次又一次地原谅他,但是男孩丝毫没有改变的迹象。Aberdeen多次想要离开男孩,可她总是做不到。在一次巡演里,格斯塔夫认识了Aberdeen,听了她和男朋友的故事,很受触动。于是就写下了这两首歌。第一次听到Song for Aberdeen我就被迷住了,贯穿其中那段悲伤的旋律总是让我想要流泪。开始不知道为什么叫Song for Aberdeen,我想Aberdeen指的应该是个城市,因为美国华盛顿州有个叫aberdeen的镇,是Kurt Cobain的家乡,英国也有有个叫Aberdeen的镇。但是歌词讲的却似乎是一个爱情故事。后来我看了Mando Diao MTV Unplugged 的全场在唱Song for Aberdeen(视频)之前格斯塔夫简单地讲了Aberdeen是谁,Aberdeen是一个被男朋友殴打却无法离开他的女孩。然后格斯又唱念了这么几句Well it"s must be hard to fall in love with a guy like meI don"t blame you for the choice you madeI just want you to be freeBut the pain is never easyAnd I know it"s not your fault“亲爱的aberdeen,我知道爱上我是一件很困难的事,你选择离开我也不会怪你,我希望你能解脱。我知道你没做错过任何事,但是我一直被这个病折磨着”But over all the songs I"ve ever madeThis one knocks me... to the floor知道了这个背景以后,很显然,第一部分是以那个男孩子的口气说的,而第二部分则是格斯塔夫的感慨。这首歌是以aberdeen男朋友的视角写的She was an alcoholic artist With too much make up around her eyesAnd I never knew her real nameShe was a sunbeam wrapped in lies她的眼妆总是太浓她的酒气总是太重她的真名也无人知晓她是谎言砌成的阳光But I love her and I"m sorryAnd that"s all there is to sayIt"s like a fairy from the ancient timeAnd I hope it, I hope stay that way但我还是爱她,我也对不起她我们的生活就好像久远年代里的童话我多希望我多希望我们就可以永远这样走下去And when I woke up on the kitchen floorWith a headache made in hellAnd the flowers that I gave you Smiled at me from the window pane当我醒来时,头痛欲裂,发现自己躺在厨房的地上窗台上我送给你的花儿,正朝着我灿烂微笑Then I thought I must be crazy Cos I"m feeling kind of goodAnd then the Satan helps me up againIt was then I, it was then I understood那瞬间 我肯定是疯了因为我居然觉得有点美好当那股恶魔般的力量再次袭来的瞬间我终于明白过来Well I was never meant to be the good boyI was never meant to go to schoolWell it"s guys like me who gets somewhereCos everybody pity a fool我从没想过要当好孩子我也从没想过要去上学但是因为人人都可怜傻瓜所以我走到今天这般田地Now it"s pay back for the rainy daysNow it"s no more me and youYou see that I got mine and you got yours, babeNow payback, now it"s me against the world偿债的时候到了从此我和你不再是我们我过我的,你过你的现在我将要独自对抗这个世界了Babe, it was the last time I forgave youBabe, it was the last time I forgave youBabe, it was the last time I forgave youOh, it was the last time I forgave youAberdeen却说:“亲爱的,这是我最后一次,原谅你。”Song for aberdeen 就是讲了一个,这样心碎的故事。 接下来说The New Boy。如果说上一首歌是写实的,那么The New Boy就是在悲伤的现实中加入了美好的幻想。格斯在这里把男孩子写成了已经改过自新,回归正常人的样子。所以这首歌叫The New Boy。真是令人感慨啊,这么沉重的一首歌,却广受小清新们的喜爱,甚至成了Mando Diao在天朝最受欢迎的歌曲。歌词已经用不着再多作注解,没有什么华丽的词汇,看明白了Song for Aberdeen的故事的朋友,自然也会听懂这首歌。She was only twenty-oneBut so much older than she"s nowNow she past twenty-fourI guess it"s time to say goodbye为什么她年轻的时候比现在苍老长大后却比曾经又年轻Here"s the new Here"s the realHere"s the life you like to liveNow here"s the new boyTaking on the world tonight.战胜了心魔的男孩子是一个崭新的人When we met, she smelled like honeyWhen we kissed, she tasted tearsThen in fourteen thousand secondsWe make love behind old fears为什么他们相遇的时候,她曾甜得像蜜为什么他们相爱的时候,她却苦得似泪?Here"s the newHere"s the realHere"s the life you wish to liveNow here"s the new boyTaking on the world tonight.Take the words on your way I don"t waste the things I say When in doubt, fuck the worldForget all the things you"ve heardNow here"s the new boyTaking on the world tonight好男孩你终于变回了真的自己Why so sad?Don"t you like my way of life?I don"t last foreverNeither do the things we loveYou are wise, this is nowThis is all the things I wantEverything around usIs moving except time不要再有悲伤She was only twenty-fourBut so much younger than the pastWe"ve laid all our troubles downAnd now it"s us against the rest她才二十四岁但是却比曾经还要年轻其实我觉得The New Boy远比song for Aberdeen要残忍。多么美好的一个愿望,可惜对比之下,现实太过残忍。可是爱真的可以战胜一切吗,还是说Aberdeen有斯德哥尔摩综合症。亦或者Aberdeen只是分不清同情与爱。不知道Aberdeen姑娘现在,是否想明白了呢。我被这个故事打动,更被写下这个故事的人打动。Mando Diao必将成为经典的乐队,格斯和比扬也必将成为伟大的歌者。因为他们炽热的心里,装着整个世界。来源豆瓣 作者今天怎么不开心


阿伯丁大学是一所世界排名非常不错的院校,相对来说还是非常值得去的,其EMBA专业可以考虑。随着时代的发展,人们考虑读研的因素越来越多样化,不同于早年很多学生申请国外大学,依据的是,在哪国有自己的亲戚,更能够方便照顾自己,就选择哪国,对学校及教学质量的要求不是那么高。但就目前的趋势来看,出国留学选择国家和学校,学生会更有自己的想法,他们的方向是选择入学条件宽松、教学质量高、学制短、含金量高的国家。而英国的硕士项目就吧比较符合学生的这些需求。英国阿伯丁大学(University of Aberdeen,简称AU),位于英国北部,是世界著名的教育和研究中心,全球前1%的顶尖精英大学。于1495年在苏格兰阿伯丁由罗马教皇批准创立,拥有520多年历史。是著名的英国五大历史名校(牛津、剑桥、圣安德鲁斯、阿伯丁、格拉斯哥)之一。阿伯丁大学是英国20所明星级大学之一。英国前首相丘吉尔、前任港督卫奕信等均担任过阿伯丁大学的校监。现任校监是查尔斯王子的夫人、英国王妃卡米拉殿下(康沃尔公爵夫人)。同时也拥有众多杰出校友.中国著名学者、民主人士章士钊;毛泽东的老师、杨开慧的父亲杨昌济;著名革命家、中国同盟会的创始人之杨毓麟等均毕业于阿伯丁大学。


香港aberdeen意思介绍如下:香港仔(Aberdeen)是中国香港南区的中心部分。香港仔原本称为石排湾(现多指香港仔半山的石排湾邨),英军登陆香港仔后将整个岛屿称为香港,此地称为香港仔。名称:香港仔原本称为石排湾(现多指香港仔半山的石排湾邨)。1841年,一批英军登陆香港仔,并问当地居民所在何地。当地居民回答Hong Kong(香港),所以整个岛屿就被称为香港岛,此地则被称为香港仔。后来港英政府将此地命名为鸭巴甸(Aberdeen,香港仔的英文名称),以纪念当时英国的外交大臣鸭巴甸勋爵。而于香港日据时期,香港仔曾被改名为元香港,代表“香港的起源”的意思。发展历史:早于香港开埠之前,已经有渔民在香港仔居住。开埠后,除了渔业外,香港仔一带也开始发展工业。1857年建成的夏圃船坞,是香港首个大型船坞,后来于1860年代被黄埔船坞收购发展成香港仔旱坞,其后成为香港四大船坞之一。20世纪初,香港仔东部设立了大成纸厂,但到了1920年代因香港仔水塘的扩建,导致不能再使用该水源,业务需要结束,原址后来发展为香港仔儿童工艺院(今香港仔工业学校)。随著时代发展,香港仔很多渔民于1960年代起已搬到陆上居住。而香港仔旱厂原址已于1970年代被填海,成为今日南区的一个大型私人屋苑——香港仔中心。

Aberdeen City的《Pretty Pet》 歌词

歌曲名:Pretty Pet歌手:Aberdeen City专辑:The Freezing AtlanticPretty boyI lie awake at nightSee things in black and whiteI ve only got you inside my mindYou know you have made me blindI lie awake and prayThat you will look my wayI have all this longing in my heartI knew it right from the startOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before youPretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boyI need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me insideMake me stay right beside youI used to write your nameAnd put it in a frameAnd sometime I think I hear you callRight from my bedroom wallYou stay a little whileAnd touch me with your smileAnd what can I say to make you mineTo reach out for you in timeOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before youPretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boyI need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me insideMake me stay right beside youBRIDGEOh pretty boySay you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before youPretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boyI need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me insidehttp://music.baidu.com/song/27290169