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饰品名称: 翡翠挂件 (JewelryName) 总质量: 4.921g(含绳签) (Total Mass) 颜色: 浅绿色 (Colour) 形状: 雕件 --你好,这是一只金镶玉翡翠A货挂件真货无疑其翡翠部分种水分析为:糯到细糯种 整体淡油青色 底子干净 水头一般 其镶嵌部分为:千足金金箔 一克金可以锻造出0.5平方米金箔 所以您这个物件上面的用量是非常少的,在0.0几克之类。 此类带印记的翡翠挂件, 一般为商场或景点销售居多,多为抽奖打折之类的销售手法,一般是用品相不太好的翡翠料子,中间处再用千足金金箔,直接压制覆盖 ,时间长了金部分也较容易脱落,这样的物件实价从东西的大小分为100-300居多。 您的这件,种水品相较为一般,如果买的超过300就亏了 此类物件本身价值较低 不是很建议购买此类物品 有不明白的地方请继续追问还望选为满意回答 谢谢


AU是金的 金属元素 AU750就是含金量75%的金属,也就是常说的18K金 其实这里指的就是含 铂金 的量,AU750指含铂金75%,剩下的就是 黄金 了。而PT950指的是含铂金95%,最高的含量了,就像黄金99.9%一样了。AU750能硬一些,但价钱上却少一些,但外表真的看不出来,所以如果是你自己戴的话,选AU750是最好的选择。而且PT950时间长了会发乌。 前面的jhy应该是牌子的缩写或者制造者的缩写,这个和金的品种含量是没有关系的





巴顿处理器AQYHA 0350TPMW中的TPMW代表什么?



没有这个字,只有hedgehog这个字,意思是刺猬。刺猬是属于哺乳动物中的猬形目。最普遍的刺猬种类是学名为"欧洲刺猬"的普通刺猬,广泛分布在欧洲、亚洲北部,在中国的北方和长江流域也分布很广,这种刺猬冬天冬眠,在苏南民间又被叫做"偷瓜獾"。刺猬体肥矮,爪锐利,眼小,毛短,浑身有短而密的刺,刺猬在夜间活动,以昆虫和蠕虫为主要食物,一晚上能吃掉200克的虫子,遇敌害时能将身体卷曲成球状,将刺朝外,保护自己,刚出生时刺软眼盲。刺猬是一种体长不过25厘米的小型哺乳动物,成年刺猬体重可达2.5公斤。体背和体侧满布棘刺,头、尾和腹面被毛;嘴尖而长,耳小,四肢短,尾短;前后足均具5趾,蹠行,少数种类前足四趾;蜷缩成团时头和四足均不可见。齿36~44枚,均具尖锐齿尖,适于食虫;除肚子外全身长有硬刺,短小的尾巴也埋藏在棘刺中。受惊时,它的头朝腹面弯曲,身体蜷缩成一团,卷成如刺球状,包住头和四肢,浑身竖起棘刺,以保护自身。和豪猪不同,刺猬的刺是牢牢地长在身体上的,不能脱落。刺猬有非常长的鼻子,且它的触觉和嗅觉很发达。它最喜爱的食物是蚂蚁与白蚁。在野生环境自由生存的刺猬会为公园、花园、小院清除虫蛹、老鼠和蛇,是不用付薪水的园丁。当然,有时难免也会偷吃一两个果子,这只是说明它饿极了。虽然身单力薄,行动迟缓,却有一套保护自己的好本领。刺猬身上长着粗短的棘刺,连短小的尾巴也埋藏在棘刺中。当遇到敌人袭击时,它的头朝腹面弯曲,身体蜷缩成一团,包住头和四肢,浑身竖起钢刺般的棘刺,宛如古战场上的“铁蒺藜”,使袭击者无从下手。刺猬扒洞为窝,白天隐匿在巢内,黄昏后才出来活动。刺猬每年4月开始婚配生育,每年产仔1-2胎,每胎3一6仔。每年冬眠结束后的春季,刺猬会寻找配偶。母刺猬在接受求偶前,公刺猬要在她周围耗上几小时之久,之后它就完成了使命。母刺猬开始寻找安全清静的地方作为自己和30天后即将出生的小刺猬的巢穴。初生幼仔背上的毛稀疏柔软,出生后前两周内无视力,但几天后就能逐渐硬化变为棘刺,由母乳喂养4-8周后,母刺猬教授如何觅食。出生两个月后,母刺猬停止照顾幼刺猬,留下幼刺猬独自生活,大约90%的小刺猬寿命不到一年。元音字母e在重读闭音节里一般发短元音/u025b/的音,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,舌前部抬高,舌位适中,不接触上颚,没有摩擦,牙床介于半合半开之间,唇形扁平。这个音出现在字首、字中,但很少出现在字尾的位置,如:egg 鸡蛋well 井red 红的pen 钢笔hen 母鸡net 网络bed 床bell 铃铛希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

IPHONE4我的手机序列号是811248YHA4S 请问我的手机是翻新的吗?

811248YHA4S 的查询结果产品型号 iPhone4 16GB 黑色产品序列号(SN) 811248YHA4S移动设备IMEI码 0127490076*0215销售地 中国香港购买时间 2011年6月21日 保修截止 2012年6月24日激活时间 2011年6月25日以上是查询结果 既然你说是买的2手机 那是正品港行 希望能帮到你淘宝-淘可儿苹果配件欢迎您的光临

求一部日本动画片,是关于唱歌比赛的,其中有一集一个人唱的是的片尾曲YHA YHA YHA 求动画名

就是 怡克飞鸟的 动画片 199几年播的 印象深刻 还有一首 i love u





我是广州人我想和我朋友去澳门玩时住黑沙青年旅舍 是要两个人都拥有Yha的会员卡还是其中一个拥有就行了





什么叫怎么命名 命名可以随便的,但是一般电流互感器为Taxx的 熔断器为FUxx等等你说的a411 a421是线号 你这是3路互感器 你也可以命名411 421 或311 321 等等 一般同样结构的电路出现的话,同样位置功能的线的末尾一般是一样的 在前面加序号进行区分,11 21 31或A1,B1,C1等但一般系统的线路众多,仅仅用一个序号不能表达清楚 比如 4开头的线用于互感器回路 那么我所有互感器回路的线号为 4x1 4X2等 ,没有什么实际意义,每个人的出图风格不一样,编号风格也不一样


什么叫怎么命名 命名可以随便的,但是一般电流互感器为Taxx的 熔断器为FUxx等等你说的a411 a421是线号 你这是3路互感器 你也可以命名411 421 或311 321 等等 一般同样结构的电路出现的话,同样位置功能的线的末尾一般是一样的 在前面加序号进行区分,11 21 31或A1,B1,C1等但一般系统的线路众多,仅仅用一个序号不能表达清楚 比如 4开头的线用于互感器回路 那么我所有互感器回路的线号为 4x1 4X2等 ,没有什么实际意义,每个人的出图风格不一样,编号风格也不一样




2009年的统计是87个国家有应该统归Hostelling International。你可以查它的官网一般说成the Youth Hostel Association of 某国简称就可以直接说“YHA 国名”





戒指上有YHA RD04236和Au750 D0168ct



我昨天在苏州石路国际商城买了一个金戒指 .,上面也是印有YHA千足金,也不知道什么意思?






Bloody Mary 《Bloody Mary》Lady GaGa歌手:Lady Gaga 专辑:Born This Way (Special Edition) 发行日期:2011-05-23 语言:英语 发行公司:Streamline/Kon Live/Interscope歌曲简介Lady GaGa2011年新专辑《Born This Way》中的曲目Bloody Mary(血腥玛丽)。


WORK HARD PLAY HARD努力工作,努力玩例句:1.In america, they work hard and play hard, too. 在美国,人们辛勤工作,也尽情玩乐.


《Touch my heart》——罗志祥词:是她 就是她 凶手是她把我的心绑架要我拿爱 交换她很傻 她真傻 她真的傻爱早就放在那毫无保留 给她模仿她说话 表情夸张 吃饭不加辣我慢慢也被她同化吃蛋糕也装惊讶Touch my heart Touch my heart同化 同化心像冰淇淋渐渐融化Touch my heart Touch my heart同化 同化穿透我所有的想法画面全都是她是她吧 是我吧 巧合吧每天造型很搭默契好到爆炸模仿我搞笑 像个傻瓜 说着冷笑话她慢慢也被我同化卧蚕跟我一样大Touch my heart Touch my heart同化 同化心被她甜蜜微笑秒杀Touch my heart Touch my heart同化 同化她像我我像她 就让爱把我们同化Touch my heart Touch my heart同化 同化心像冰淇淋渐渐融化Touch my heart Touch my heart同化 同化穿透我所有的想法画面全都是她Touch my heart Touch my heart同化 同化心被她甜蜜微笑秒杀Touch my heart Touch my heart同化 同化她像我我像她 就让爱把我们同化




every happy每一个快乐的every 英[u02c8evri]美[u02c8u025bvri]det. 每; 每个; 所有可能的; 充足的;[例句]Every village has a green, a church, a pub and a manor house.每个村庄都有一片绿地、一座教堂、一间酒馆和一座庄园宅第。[其他] 形近词: severy revery convery

中国夫妻tube8 myhardarchive.tv





呐, 天色已经暗下来了可以出门了吧稍微施一点魔法就从你的点心开始吃了哦雾一定很浓了大家聚集起来了吗一动不动的等待,忍着不吃甜食给我奖励吧,快点一个 两个 钟声响起小妖怪们开始骚动今天就特别允许你们来吧 一起去街上万圣节快乐要恶作剧喽到处都是小把戏和款待不给我糖果吗万圣节快乐孩子气的南瓜灯笼疲惫的杰克也在跳着舞直到天亮万圣节快乐怪物的歌舞今天整个街道都是小把戏个款待巧克力也给我吧万圣节快乐欢迎来到不可思议的世界疲惫的杰克也在唱着歌一起享受小把戏和款待想要 更多 更多贪婪的幽灵已经没有了?那就要成为恶作剧的牺牲品了不给糖果的家就把卫生纸咕噜咕噜的缠在庭院的树上今晚要亮起灯笼的话请给我甜食来吧 狂欢到深夜来吧 万圣节快乐钟表在转动 滴答滴答到处都是小把戏和款待令人眼花缭乱的南瓜派万圣节快乐并不是在熬夜疲惫的杰克也不会睡直到天亮万圣节快乐万圣节快乐万圣节快乐今天是万圣节来吧 尽情享受小把戏和款待红色糖果滚落一地直到天亮都不想睡觉


前言:纯粹分享学习,侵即删。万圣节是一个吓人的晚上 月亮很圆,发出明亮的光 孩子们穿上各种形状各种大小的服装 戴上不同的装扮,走在大街上 每个毛骨悚然的“小怪物们”寻找着糖果敲着门,喊着“给糖果不然就捣蛋! 有的穿着连衣裙 有的戴着帽子 有的带着泰迪熊 有的带着黑猫 有的骑着扫把 也有的飘浮着装扮成幽灵 有的结伴而行 也有的尝试着飞翔 在这个有趣的假日里,有这么多的事情可以去做例如用禾秆和干草去做稻草人咬苹果直到有人赢了 在你的南瓜上面,雕上一个吓人的露齿笑 和朋友们一起玩一个快速的追逐游戏 以及分享自己小礼物袋里面的糖果 带着放了糖果的袋子 还有吓人的奇怪动物 找一个舒服的地方,马上进入梦乡。万圣节快乐!

the storyhappened

B答案指的是在20世纪40年代,而不是在1940年,所以要用in the 1940s; 如果是在1940年,应写为 in 1940; 所以选B. 题意:这个故事发生在20世纪40年代.

求Cityhall高清分享 谢谢?



是这份爱 主你走向十架是这份情 主你甘心舍命是这份爱 主你默然无怨是这份情 主你爱我到底主你爱拯救了我救我脱离罪恶带领我进入光明中享受主丰盛的生命是这份爱 主你翻山越岭是这份情 主你门外等候是这份爱 主你深情呼唤我的佳偶 起来与我同去冬天雨水已止住地上百合开放深愿我佳偶能相随天涯海角永不分离是你是你 亲亲耳边呼唤是你的爱 擦干脸旁泪水是你是你 医治破碎心灵是你的爱 我愿奉献一生主你爱温暖我心恩典一生相随唯愿我紧跟主脚步天涯海角永不分离






My parents and I always stay at home these days,but yesterday we went to my grandparentsu2019home. We got to the house at 10 a.m.I saw lots of wonderful things there. There is fresh




My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne(艾薇尔.拉维妮) 我的快乐结局 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我个快乐结局 噢... Let"s talk this over 我们好好谈谈吧 It"s not like we"re dead 我们不要再装死了 Was it something I did? 是我做了什么 Was it something You said? 还是你说了什么 Don"t leave me hanging 别把我丢在这里 In a city so dead 在这死寂的城市之中 Held up so high 将我紧紧的套牢 On such a breakable thread 这一条岌岌可危的细线 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 而且我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted 曾经 你是我梦寐以求的一切,一切 We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it 我们被希望成为,可能成为,但我们失去了 And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away 所有的记忆,曾与我很近,都变得模糊 All this time you were pretending 你总是在装假 So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我一个快乐结局 噢... You"ve got your dumb friends 你有你愚蠢的朋友们 I know what they say 我知道他们会怎么说 They tell you I"m difficult 他们觉得我太难缠 But so are they 但其实他们也是差不多 But they don"t know me 但是他们一点也不了解我 Do they even know you? 他们又真的了解你吗 All the things you hide from me 你在我面前隐藏你自己 All the shit that you do 以及你做过的那些愚蠢的事 You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你 And I thought we could be 以为 我们可以一直这样下去 [Chorus] It"s nice to know that you were there 很高兴知道你曾经在我身边 Thanks for acting like you cared 谢谢你 假装真的很在乎我 And making me feel like I was the only one 让我傻傻觉得 我是你的唯一 It"s nice to know we had it all 很高兴知道我们曾经拥有过快乐 Thanks for watching as I fall 谢谢你 在我要跌倒的时候 袖手旁观 And letting me know we were done 让我了解 我们就要结束了 [Chorus x2] [x2] Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... So much for my happy ending 只为给我一个快乐的结局 Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...




是不是艾薇尔的?So much for my happy endingOh oh, oh oh, oh oh...Let"s talk this overIt"s not like we"re deadWas it something I did?Was it something You said?Don"t leave me hangingIn a city so deadHeld up so highOn such a breakable threadYou were all the things I thought I knewAnd I thought we could be[Chorus:]You were everything, everything that I wantedWe were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost itAnd all of the memories, so close to me, just fade awayAll this time you were pretendingSo much for my happy endingOh oh, oh oh, oh oh...You"ve got your dumb friendsI know what they sayThey tell you I"m difficultBut so are theyBut they don"t know meDo they even know you?All the things you hide from meAll the shit that you do [CD version]All the stuff that you do [radio edited version]You were all the things I thought I knewAnd I thought we could be[Chorus]It"s nice to know that you were thereThanks for acting like you caredAnd making me feel like I was the only oneIt"s nice to know we had it allThanks for watching as I fallAnd letting me know we were done[Chorus x2][x2]Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...So much for my happy endingOh oh, oh oh, oh oh...


happy ending 的意思是好的结局、圆满结局、大团圆,my happy ending 的意思就是我的美好结局。望采纳,谢谢!


1. my happy time英语作文 120字左右 My parents and I always stay at home these days, but yesterday we went to my grandparents"home. We got to the house at 10 a.m. I saw lots of wonderful things there. There is fresh air and less pollution than Haimen there. My grandfather grows lots of trees, flowers and vegetables. He also feeds many animals, such as ducks, chicken, dogs. Oh, a really interesting garden! A wonderful and interesting zoo! There is a river near my grandparents" house. At night, I can see a lot of stars there. I think that"s really great! After lunch, my father and I wandered around the path enjoying the sunny spring sun. We talked to each other and learned from each other. In the afternoon, my grandmother took me to visit their animals. My favourite animal is a dog; its name is “Ding Ding.” It has o big and bright eyes and a black and white tail. It has white fur all over its body. It looks really lovely! My grandmother also taught me how to wash flowers. At supper, I ate my delicious food. My grandparents gave me too much to eat. I thanked them very much. I enjoyed myself this day. What a great happy time we have! 2. 写一篇英语作文:Thehappytimeinmylife The happy time in my lifeMy school life has a lot of fun. I like studying in the classroom with my lovely clas *** ates.We get on well with each other.We play sportsand sing songs together.But sometimes there is too much homework.I didn"thave free time to play with my pet.I wish tohave a job I like and have a house with a nice garden.I willshare my success with my parents. Now,I must study hard to make my dream e true.And I strongly believe my dream will e true in the future.。 3. 用A happy time为题目写一篇英语作文 在网上找到一篇: My parents and I always stay at home these days, but yesterday we went to my grandparents"home. We got to the house at 10 a.m. I saw lots of wonderful things there. There is fresh air and less pollution than Haimen there. My grandfather grows lots of trees, flowers and vegetables. He also feeds many animals, such as ducks, chicken, dogs. Oh, a really interesting garden! A wonderful and interesting zoo! There is a river near my grandparents" house.籂辅焚恍莳喝锋桶福垃 At night, I can see a lot of stars there. I think that"s really great! After lunch, my father and I wandered around the path enjoying the sunny spring sun. We talked to each other and learned from each other. In the afternoon, my grandmother took me to visit their animals. My favourite animal is a dog; its name is “Ding Ding.” It has o big and bright eyes and a black and white tail. It has white fur all over its body. It looks really lovely! My grandmother also taught me how to wash flowers. At supper, I ate my delicious food. My grandparents gave me too much to eat. I thanked them very much. I enjoyed myself this day. What a great happy time we have! 4. 大家帮忙,写个大学英语作文,题目是my happiness time When I was a child, like many other children, Chinese Spring Festival was my favorite holiday. At that time, the Festival was full of happiness and expectation. I remember that I spent the Spring Festival in Guangzhou for the first time. Someone said: “People in Guangzhou are those who really bring spring to their homes.” And I quite agreed with it. So before that Spring Festival, father went to the market and bought some plants back. It was a little orange tree, I had never seen it before, so I looked at it with great interest. I asked Dad if I could have some. Dad laughed, and told me this kind of oranges was not for eating, but for its symbolic meaning, it could bring us good luck. Dad also bought some color lights to make the orange tree more beautiful. Then he put it near the window. We lived in a *** all room, and it was not as big as the house we now live in. But when my family and I saw the colorful tree, we all felt warm and nice. We enjoyed it very much. Having a wonderful dinner on the Spring Festival Eve is my family"s tradition, and this wasn"t changed., So before that Spring Festival Eve, we listed some food which is our favorite on a piece of paper, then my parents spent several hours preparing it. At the dinner table, we cheered, gave good wishes to each other, tasted the food, said “how delicious they are”, which made Mum---the cook satisfied. The unusual dinner lasted one hour. Then we sat down enjoying the programs on TV together. We laughed, made jokes with each other. How peaceful it was! When 12 o"clock arrived, we all went out, saying “Happy Chinese Spring Festival” to everyone. We were all cheerful. As time went by, Chinese Spring Festival is less exciting, although we put more and more color lights around the room. We still bought orange tree every year, and our house is more and more beautiful. I just think something was missing. People now don"t like having dinner at home on the Spring Festival Eve. They have dinner at a great restaurant, and they keep on giving and receiving lucky money, and the money is more and more. But I think all these thins are not important. The most important thing is that people whom you care about can stay together and enjoy the happy time with you.当我还是个孩子的时候,其他许多孩子一样,春节是我最喜欢的节日。 在那个时候,这个节日充满了幸福和期望。我记得我在广州过的春节的第一次。 有人说:“在广州的人是那些真的带弹簧的家园。”我很赞同它。 所以,春节前,父亲去了市场,买了一些植物回来。这是一个小橘子树,我从来没有见过它,所以我饶有兴趣地看着它。 我问爸爸,如果我能有一些。爸爸笑了,并告诉我这种桔子是不是吃的,但它的象征意义,它能给我们带来好运。 爸爸还买了一些色彩的灯光使橙树更美丽。然后他把它放在窗户附近。 我们生活在一个小房间,它不象我们现在生活在大房子。但是当我和我的家人看见五颜六色的树,我们都感到温暖。 我们非常喜欢它。在春节前夕,一个美妙的晚餐是我家族的传统,这没有改变。 所以,在春节前夕,我们列出了一些食物,这是我们最喜欢的一张纸上,然后我的父母花了几个小时的准备。在餐桌上,我们欢呼,给彼此的良好祝愿,食物的味道,说他们是“如何美味,让妈妈——厨师满意。 不寻常的晚餐持续了一个小时。然后我们坐下来享受电视节目在一起。 我们大笑,互相开玩笑。这是多么平静!在十二点到达,我们都出去,大家说,“快乐的春节”。 我们都高兴。随着时间的推移,中国的春节不那么激动人心,但我们把越来越多的彩色灯光在房间里。 我们还买了橘子树每一年,我们的房子越来越漂亮。我只是觉得少了些什么。 现在人们不喜欢在家吃饭在春节前夕。他们在一个大餐厅吃晚饭,和他们保持给予和接受的压岁钱,这些钱越来越多。 但我认为所有这些事情都不重要。最重要的是,人们谁关心你能待在一起,和你一起享受快乐的时光。 5. 用A happy time为题目写一篇60作文(初中水平) Gathering with all family member is a happy time for me. I am from a medium sized family. When i was *** all, i stayed together with my grandparents, parents, brother and sister. Our home is always noisy and busy. When we grew up, all children have different ways to go. While i go aboard to build up my career, my brother moves to another city for his job. My sister stays at our home city and works there. We can have our family gathering only 2~3 times per year. Anyway, we still enjoy a lot for the gathering as we can share our experience together. Staying together with whole family is just an enjoyful and wonderful time for us. 6. 写 my happy day 的作文80词以上 My happy day Today is Sunday.The sun is shining.When it was eight o"clock a.m.,I went out for a breakfast.Then,I went to a park with my brother.We had a happy time here.In the afternoon,I played puter games.As usual,I did my homework carefully at four o"clock.My father usually read newspapers,but this afternoon,he went to the supermarket and he said, he would buy a toy for me.When six o"clock,my mother cooked a delicious supper for us. I had a very happy day.Then,I"ll have a good rest. It was Sunday.I was very happy.In the morning,I got up early.I ran with my frind and her lovely dog.It was fun. After breakfast,I did my homework with my sister .She was eleve years old.I helped with her homework.After lunch, we went to the library and read some books. Then,we climbed mountains.We were tired,but I was very happy that day. 7. my happy time at schoo初三l作文,急求 When I first went into the school gate, see my new classroom and teachers, I thought I would have a new start. The school life is very busy and exciting. There are many activities in our school, such as sports meeting, science week and art week. We all take an active part in it. I have made many new friends, and we often help and learn from each other, in the study of. Our teacher told us a lot of. They not only teach us how to learn, but also teach us how to be a useful person in society. They tell us, is a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well and many other things. Habit is a second nature, therefore, teachers often remind us to make a good habit.People often say: there is no real learning. Now I think, this is the fact. The study now is far more different than before. I often feel that there are some very difficult to understand a. At this time, you have to spend a lot of time to learn, by yourself or you will not progress. Of course, studies it is difficult but as you progress, you"ll find interesting is,.Our school is clean and beautiful. There are many trees and flowers around. In order to make our school more and more beautiful we should try our best to keep it clean. Do not throw garbage, on the ground. Our members Songpu high school.Today we are pound of PU, Pu tomorrow will prounded us。 8. 帮忙写个作文,,A happy time 我会感谢你么的 a happy day Today, I got up very early, I had a very good breakfast, then I went out to play with my friend, We had a very good time. In the afternoon, I went swimming with my father, it was very hot, but we felt very good in the water. After supper I began to do my homework, I didn"t think it is difficult, so I finished it very early.Then I read some books and went to bed..Yestaday,i went to the zoo,and i really had a happy day. In the zoo,i saw lovely pandas which are the special animal that only live in china.There are also many other animals that interested me very much. I spent nearly a whole day in the zoo,although i was tired ,i was really happy. How happy a day i had. 9. a photo my happy time作文 a happy time the weekend of the national holiday, i went to florida and had a happy time. ji hong, liu zhenguo. pan yi and i went there by car. it was fun. we went to the sea world, universal studio and the beach. there are a lot of sea animals at the sea world. we watched dolphin, manatee, sea lion and whale shows. they are all dancing and splashing white flowers of water onto the audience. the whales are especially naughty. they made half of the people in the stadium wet all over. the shark stadium is very large and people just stand in the glass tube surrounded by all kinds of sharks. they open their mouth as if trying to engulf us or municate with us. who knows? the universl 10. my happy time at schoo初三l作文,急求 When I first went into the school gate, see my new classroom and teachers, I thought I would have a new start. The school life is very busy and exciting. There are many activities in our school, such as sports meeting, science week and art week. We all take an active part in it. I have made many new friends, and we often help and learn from each other, in the study of. Our teacher told us a lot of. They not only teach us how to learn, but also teach us how to be a useful person in society. They tell us, is a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well and many other things. Habit is a second nature, therefore, teachers often remind us to make a good habit.People often say: there is no real learning. Now I think, this is the fact. The study now is far more different than before. I often feel that there are some very difficult to understand a. At this time, you have to spend a lot of time to learn, by yourself or you will not progress. Of course, studies it is difficult but as you progress, you"ll find interesting is,.Our school is clean and beautiful. There are many trees and flowers around. In order to make our school more and more beautiful we should try our best to keep it clean. Do not throw garbage, on the ground. Our members Songpu high school.Today we are pound of PU, Pu tomorrow will prounded us。


i know only have you我知道只有你


say money hamburgerthe little boy asked his mother a question: why the old woman say she didnt have money to buy hamburger? she answered him because the old woman was lost her walletu3002








歌名:Solo Dance - Martin JensenIn the faded light you touch my body阑珊灯影中我感到你的触碰I can feel your hands on my skin你的手在我的肌肤上游走Think you got me right where you"re around me你以为我享受你的追捧But you"re just in my way但不好意思你只是挡了我的路I came the party on my own我独自一人来开派对Don"t need nobody in my soul我的地盘不许别人踏入I get on to the beat I lose control我随着节奏摇摆放浪形骸Yeah oh I go solo没错我就喜欢一个人But you can cool it down别紧张放松点I need to fool around我来这不是调情的Just wanna dance dance dance我只想旋转跳跃闭着眼Dance dance dance跳舞不停歇


安七炫 - Happy HappyHimgyowo hullin nunmur dangshinui maumsogen ne iriran obnun go gathayo kumur kursu obsojyo shwibjin anhun sesange murub kurho borin che goge sugyo sanun go jochado himgyo wogejyoNugudunji sardabomyon myod bonshigun jwajorhage doejiyo sandanun gon manmanchi anhjyo gurohjiman onurunModun gosur igo HAPPY HAPPY usobwayo gudeui sesang guder wihan nore ALWAYS FOR YOU yongwonhajyo sojunghan gudejyo Sesangun marhagejyo shwibjin anhur gorago hajiman he borman harthendeyo jigumi shijag ingoryogoroum kuthen hangsang hengbogi chajaojyo nuguboda sojunghan gudeui hengbog ingojyo Nugudunji sardabomyon hessar chorom gihoega chajaojiyo sandanungon gurongojyo urjimargo irosoyo oh!Modun gosur igo HAPPY HAPPY usobwayo gudeui sesang guder wihan nore ALWAYS FOR YOU yongwonhajyo sojunghan gudejyo Arjanhayo jigumi jonbuga aningor guder sarang hanun manhun saramduri guder guderur midoyoModun gosur igo HAPPY HAPPY usobwayo gudeui sesang guder wihan nore ALWAYS FOR YOU yongwonhajyo sojunghan gudejyo Dangshinmanui sesang ijyo~END


happyhappyhappy猫的视频背景音乐歌名叫作《My happy song》(Super Simple Songs)。这是一首非常欢快的儿歌,搭配上happy猫的动态视频,给人一种喜悦的氛围感,感染了无数网友,被大家调侃为不用脑子就能感受到的快乐,这只快乐的小猫将自己的情绪传染给网友,引发共鸣。在国内火爆是因为被搭配上《My happy song》,就变得很沙雕了。可爱小猫之所以如此雀跃是看到主人回来了挥舞着双爪,蹦跳起来表示欢迎,给人一种非常欢快的感觉。这只可爱的小猫咪也被国内网友进行二创,制作成各种沙雕动画的视频素材。happy猫梗的出处该梗出自外网网友拍摄的小猫咪舞动的视频,来回蹦跳的感觉非常的可爱。这个小猫的动作过于可爱,被大家扣出来当做素材,用在很多的二创内容中。用这个小猫咪来制作一些简单又搞笑的素材,给人一种非常逗趣且轻松的欢快感,也深得网友们的喜欢,随着点击量的不断提升,也被大家称之为happy猫。






应该是 they have coats in green他们有绿色的外套

请提供歌手Richard Billyham的歌目

Richard Billyham 一个不可忽视嘅indie歌手 佢暂时出左一张EP 碟名《Richard Billyham : 择日不如撞日》 收录五首歌,曲目如下 01. DISCO奇遇结良缘 简介:一首以电音揭幕之intro 想做狼狗又带点害羞 02. 回想小学毕业礼演奏萧乐之光景 简介:身于中国香港嘅Richard,自小被身为中乐管乐团的法藉母亲薰陶, 此曲以中乐配合舒畅之节奏为下首歌曲「埋牙」布下伏线 03. 埋牙 简介:电结他加以强劲bassline达到男士享受被吹奏时所发出之深呼吸声; 混合一下一下的低音鼓声,根本就是表明Richard就快畀人吹爆 04. 理想酒店 简介:电结他配以特效器,每个单音有如Richard退房时, 那种既想加钟但又却步之忐忑感觉 05. 泥孟的士 简介:择日不如撞日,话咁快天光 Richard与一面之缘的 *** 道别,两人没有道别 分道杨镳,泥孟的士一人一架,向着太阳初升的方向归家去了 参考: wongkanamusicreview 根本不是事实 Richard Billyham唱的都是粗口歌 歌名太多 不能尽录 详情到此看: evc.wikia/wiki/Richard_Billyham 好多粗口歌 其中首系【今晚吊九你】 好好听!!!! ^_^ 参考: 粗口歌


try harder是加倍努力,更加努力的意思。harder就是hard的比较级。例句,You can do best of all if you try harder.

the babyhas small feet 怎样改为否定句?

the babyhas small feet 改为否定句是加入助动词 doesn"t The baby doesn"t have small feet.

Ladyhawke的《Oh My》 歌词

歌曲名:Oh My歌手:Ladyhawke专辑:Ladyhawke Special EditionRox - Oh MyI heard you say the sorry wordsThen I hear her dish the dirt you made, you madeTwice as nice you were to meHalf the man you used to be today, todayI can forgive, oh yesBut I can"t forget the restOh my, I close my eyes and see the pictureOh my, oh myOh my, I close my eyes and see the pictureOh my, oh myUnspoken words lay on my lipsWhile you were out chasing the kiss of her, of herWas I not enough for youOr maybe you just want it tooIt burns, it burnsThink back to all you saidWith you and her in my headOh my, I close my eyes and see the pictureOh my, oh myOh my, I close my eyes and see the pictureOh my, oh mySynthetic dreams rushing the tearsAre picture in my mindI"m cold and you want my love on dessertI saw you for you in timeBut now I know the pictureOh my, I close my eyes and see the pictureYes, I see your pictureOh my, I close my eyes and see the pictureOh my, oh myOh my, I close my eyes and see the pictureOh my, oh myI close my eyes and see the pictureI do, I do, I doI close my eyes and see the pictureI do, I do, I doI close my eyes and see the pictureI do, I do, I doI close my eyes and see the pictureI do, I do, I dohttp://music.baidu.com/song/771873




my name is bob我叫鲍勃






Ifyou try your best ,you will transcend any handicap.










Hardy是一个美国的时尚服装品牌,中文名为埃德·哈迪,品牌全称为don ed hardy。产地在美国。该品牌的服装风格属于暗黑艺术风格,比较独特,能给消费者带来不一样的穿着体验感。另外,该品牌的服装还结合了很多时尚元素,像是涂鸦、纹身、重金属元素等,都在该品牌的服装中有所体现。特点。作为美国知名的服装品牌,hardy hardy值得购买的产品还是比较多的。首先,该品牌旗下的皮衣是非常值得购买的,该品牌旗下的皮衣都是纯牛皮的,质感非常好,给人一种特别高级的感觉。虽然该品牌的皮衣款式跟其它品牌差不多,但该品牌皮衣的风格却有些与众不同。由于该品牌皮衣加入了很多的重金属元素,所以穿起来会更酷帅,能展现出个人魅力。其次,该品牌旗下的短袖也是非常值得购买的,该品牌旗下的短袖主要以酷炫风为主,比较适合有个性的年轻人。最后,该品牌旗下的牛仔外套也非常值得购买,该品牌旗下的牛仔外套加入了很多铆钉元素,有一种朋克潮流的感觉,非常有个性。






















莉迪亚·赫斯特,出生于1984年9月19日,她是美国最富提驼讲有和最有权势的家族之一、美国传媒业巨头赫斯特家族的继承人,她的母亲Patty Hearst是曾经的革命激进分子、演员和作家,她还是报业大亨William Randolph的曾孙女,赫斯特家族出版业每年的年收入高达50亿美元,霉民迁讲显赫的家世+出众的美貌,Lydia Hearst堪称是风头强劲的纽约上流社会名媛。但Lydia没有继承家业。演艺经历她自立门户成为了一名职业麻豆。虽然在职业模特里不算最漂亮的,但胜在格外上镜,也格外会穿。Lydia也被认为是热门美剧《绯闻少女》中布莱克·莱弗利 (Blake Lively) 饰演的Serena van der Woodsen的造型习举原型,并曾经曾经在《绯闻少女》中客串过Amelia(第一季剧末出现)。个人生活她的表姐是阿曼达·赫斯特(Amanda Hearst),媒体常将这对姐妹双姝与希尔顿姐妹相提并论。主要作品《THE FACE》第二季 导师《绯闻少女》中客串过Amelia(第一季剧末出现)。参演电影剧名 上映时间 扮演角色 导演 合作演员世界之间2018-9-22Mary MajorsMaria Pulera尼古拉斯·凯奇、弗朗卡·波滕特人物评价和淑女型的名媛表姐Amanda Hearst相比,她显然活得更加随心所欲。Lydia很少以凝重礼服的形象出现,通常都是膝盖以上的短打裙装,或干脆一件抹劝巩长款罩衫露出诱人的美腿,即使是曳地的礼服长裙也用艳丽的颜色打破隆重,各种搞怪出新的头饰装束都大胆尝试,成为时尚派对上一道与众不同的风景线。尽管如此,Lydia Hearst总是刻意地与社道洪跨去交圈保持着距离,保守的天性令她总是喜欢呆在家中而非吵闹喧哗的派对。同时她也是社会活动家,凭借关系大办慈善,援助非洲国家。这位绝世美女2004年曾经被美国《人物》杂志评选为世界上最美丽的50位职业女性。优雅混搭叛逆,随性自然,与众不同。很少以凝重礼服的形象出现,通常都是膝尝采拔盖以上的短打裙装,或干脆一件长款罩衫露出诱人的美腿,即使是曳地的礼服长裙,Lydia Hearst也用艳丽的颜色蒸多催打破隆重,各种搞怪出新的头饰装束她都大胆尝试,成为时尚派对上最抢镜的女主角。


有这种表达方式,只是有些单词要改一下,应写成:keep healthy habits
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