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求courtney jaye 的can you sleep的歌词

"Can You Sleep"Was it that hardTo give me awayAre you that easily persuadedBy a memory that"s fadedLike a cardLeft out in the rainAnd tears will fall like ink right off the pageTell me can you sleep at nightKnowing I"m awakeWhen you turn out the lightDid you think that I was gonna be alrightKicked out of your lifeNow tell me can you sleep at nightDo you think of meWhen you"re with herIs she filling all the blanks inTil the temporary space is empty againJust like you areAnd now you"ll have to smile and just pretendSo tell me can you sleep at nightKnowing I"m awakeWhen you turn out the lightDid you think that I was gona be alrightPushed out of your lifeAnd tell me can you sleepBut all this time we"ve wastedYou were all I thought aboutAnd this bitter pill I"m tastingWell its time to spit it outOh no, no, no


唐代的诗人特别多。李白、杜甫、白居易固然是世界闻名的伟大诗人,除他们之外,还有其他无数诗人,象满天的星斗一样。这些诗人,今天知名的就还有二千三百多人。他们的作品,保存在《全唐诗》中的也还有四万八千九百多首。唐诗的题材非常广泛。有是从侧面反映当时社会的阶级状况和阶级矛盾,揭露了封建社会的黑暗;有的歌颂正义战争,抒发爱国思想;有的描绘祖国河山的秀丽多娇;此外,还有抒写个人抱负和遭遇的,有表达儿女爱慕之情的,有诉说朋友交情、人生悲欢的等等。总之从自然现象、政治动态、劳动生活、社会风习,直到个人感受,都逃不过诗人敏锐的目光,成为他们写作是题材。在创作方法上,既有现实主义的流派,也有浪漫主义的流派,而许多伟大的作品,则又是这两种创作方法相结合的典范,形成了我国古典诗歌的优秀传统。 《全唐诗》序中,谓全书共“得诗四万八千九百余首,凡二千二百余人”,后人多从其说。其实,玄烨所举数并不精确,近年日本学者平冈武夫编《唐代的诗人》、《唐代的诗篇》,将《全唐诗》所收作家、作品逐一编号作了统计,结论是:该书共收诗四万九千四百零三首,句一千五百五十五条,作者共二千八百七十三人。这个数字是相当可靠的。

deeply asleep和fast asleep的区别

deeply asleep表示深度睡眠 fast asleep快速入睡fast asleep也可以表示熟睡 额刚才又查了一下 好像都可以 我把例子给你附下面fast asleep1. If it"s a school night, most students will be fast</b> asleep</b> by the time it ends. 在正常上学的日子,大部分学生在这个时段都已入睡。 -- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考 好评(1)差评(0)2. lying fast</b> asleep</b> on the sofa; it would be cruel to wake him; he"s sound asleep</b>. 在沙发上睡得很沉;去叫醒他是残酷的;他睡得很香。 -- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考 好评(0)差评(0)3. While we were fast</b> asleep</b>, the worldwide technological revolution would be forging ahead. 睡大觉,而世界技术革命却在蓬勃发展。 -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络] 好评(0)差评(0)4. be sunk in sleep; to be fast</b> asleep</b>; to slumber heavily; 2.a dead sleep; a leaden (or profound) slumber 沉睡 -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络] 好评(0)差评(0)5. Quite true, they are always trying to destroy us. I fully admit the soundness of this appraisal, and indeed one would have to be fast</b> asleep</b> to overlook the point. 对的,他们总是在企图破坏我们,我完全承认这种估计的正确,不估计这一点就等于睡觉。 -- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考 好评(0)差评(0)6. Young men like you should be fast</b> asleep</b> this early. 像你这样的年轻人在这清晨时分应该睡得正熟才是。 -- 来源 -- 新世界名著-罗密欧与茱丽叶 - Friar Laurence(1) 好评(0)差评(0)7. He seems to be fast</b> asleep</b>. 他好像睡得很熟。 -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 好评(0)差评(0)8. When the first streak of sunlight reaches the depth of several grottoes, the others may continue to be fast</b> asleep</b> and even remain in dark all day long. 每天清晨第一缕阳光照进几座洞窟深处时,另外的洞窟却可能继续沉睡不醒,甚至终日处于黑暗之中。 deeply asleep1. be/become deeply and peacefully asleep 酣睡着[安然入睡] -- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络] 好评(0)差评(0)2. Before Mercury had finished this deeply soothing story he saw the eyes of Argus all asleep. 这个深深温抚人心的故事还没有讲完,墨丘利就看到阿尔戈斯的眼睛一只只地昏昏睡去。 -- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考 好评(0)差评(0)


车载空调:空调热风是用发动机冷却水热量的,不用电阻丝。如果玻璃加热除冰或去雾气,才用电阻丝加热。中央空调:烧油并以管道输送暖气。家用空调:目前比较受欢迎的冷暖空调主要有两种。 一种是热泵型空调器,它是利用空调在夏季制冷的原理,即空调在夏季时,是室内制冷,室外散热,而在秋冬季制热时,方向同夏季相反,室内制热,室外制冷来达到制暖的目的。 它的优点是功效较高,缺点是适用温度范围较小,一般当温度在零下5度以下就会停止工作。



美的空调遥控器上的 ,mode,fan speed,temp,air direction,swing,timer,cancel,led,sleep分别是什么意思

mode: 模式,就是空调的运转模式,可以选择“制冷、送风运转”等fan speed: 风速,可以选择风速的档位temp:"temperature" 的简写,温度或温度显示的意思air direction:风向,一般为左右风向调整swing:上下风,一般是上下扫风方向调整timer:定时,可以设定定时关机等cancel:取消,取消某些操作led:灯光,一般是用来选择是否显示空调面板上的灯光的sleep:睡眠,可以选择睡眠模式扩展资料空调遥控器按键功能【开/关】键:待机时按一下开机,进入运行状态,开机后按一下关机,进入关机待机 状态;【模式】键:开机后,按此键,模式按“自动 热 →自动 ”方式顺序循环; →低风 →中风 →高风 →自动 →制冷 →除湿 →送风 →制【风速】键:按此键,内风机风速按“自动 ”方式循环;【风向】键:按此键,导风片角度按“自动 位置[4] →位置[5] →自动 ”方式顺序循环; →位置[1] →位置[2] →位置[3] →【摆风】键:按此键,摆风可设置为连续摆动和点动 两种方式循环;【温度_】键:按一下设定温度下降一度,控制范围:16℃—31℃,无连击功能;【温度▲】键:按一下设定温度上升一度,控制范围:16℃—31℃,无连击功能;【定时开】键:时间设置好后,按一下“定时开”键,数字显示区显示上次设定的定 时开机时间,通过“小时”键和“分钟”键调整设定时间,空调到设定时间开机;再次按“定 时开”键,可取消定时开设定;【定时关】键:时间设置好后,在开机状态下,按一下“定时关”键,数字显示区显 示上次设定的定时关机时间,通过“小时”键和“分钟”键调整设定时间,空调到设定时间 关机;再次按“定时关”键,可取消定时关设定。



it must be hard ____ alone 是什么句子?it 指什么? a.sleep b,sleeps sleep

C to sleep不定式作主语

Sleep When I M Dead 歌词

歌曲名:Sleep When I M Dead歌手:The Cure专辑:四点十三分的梦(4:13 Dream)The Cure - Sleep When I"m DeadSleep when I"m dead, you angelsI"ll sleep when I"m dead, I saidSleep when I"m dead, you angelsI"ll sleep when I"m dead, I saidSleep when I"m dead, you angelsWell until then...Told me I could run the worldIf I kept it cleanTold me I could be the chosen oneIf I took one for the teamAnd it"s the only way to beNever think it isn"t fairIt"s a green-eyed panic prideTo the edge of nowhereGive it to the chickAnd see if it ticksGive it to the kidSee if it sticksGive it to the wonderful, wonderful meI"ll let you know on my return just how it iswith all the other boys and girlsThe way they grew to beThe love they feel about meSleep when I"m dead, you angelsI"ll sleep when I"m dead, I saidSleep when I"m dead, you angelsI"ll sleep when I"m dead, I saidTold me I could run the worldIf I kept it quietThey said I could be the manIf I took it out of sightSo in a monkey suit of pinsHaving fun with all your friendsHow a casual act can pullAll this world to piecesGive it to the bunnyAnd see if she kicksGive it to the puppySee if it sticksGive it to the wonderful, wonderful meI"ll let you know when I return on how it iswith all the other boys and girlsThe way they feel insideThe why they never make it byThe way they are insideThe why I never take the timeThe way they are insideThe why I never act surprisedYeah, just how it isSleep when I"m dead, you angelsI"ll sleep when I"m dead, I saidSleep when I"m dead, you angelsI"ll sleep when I"m dead, I saidSleep when I"m dead, you angelsI"ll sleep when I"m dead, I saidSleep when I"m dead, you angelsI"ll sleep when I"m deadWell until then...I may as well be tired, I thinkBefore I lay me down to dream


TOEFL 托福考试IELTS 雅思考试SLEP 中学生程度英语水平考试,俗称小托福SSAT 美国中学入学考试

Elvis Presley的《Ask Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Ask Me歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis: Close Up

Elvis Presley的《Ask Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Ask Me歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:X2 (Elvis Presley/Elvis" Gold Records, Vol.4)

Elvis Presley的《Ask Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Ask Me歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Original Album Classics

Elvis Presley的《Ask Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Ask Me歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:From Nashville To Memphis - The Essential 60S Masters I


break his leg 打断了他的腿 ;And he might break his leg. 他可能会扭断自己的腿。

Have you been fallen asleep? 什么意思?


They have fallen asleep. 这里的fallen是什么词性?


音乐英文歌歌词:《heartless》、《just a dream》 lisa marie presley

张杰 萧敬腾

急求英语泛读教程2第二版unit8 getting enough sleep? dream on答案

TEXT:A: b B:1-8:badda bac D:1-11:dacdc abbda bTESTING:1-5CDBBD 6-10DCACB 11-15ADCABHOME READING:1-5ACCBD 6-10BACDB

hp显示器开机出现disp giong to sleep是什么意思

现象:display is going to sleep,意思是显示器准备进入睡眠模式。出现原因:是因为显示器没有接收到有效的信号。具体原因有如下几点:1,主机没有送出有效信号。2,连接主机和显示器的信号线有问题,信号线脱落,基础不良,信 号线损坏。3,显卡有问题,没有输出。4,显示器接口有问题,试着换个接口看看是否可以点亮。具体解决办法:1.换一个主机,试试是否有信号输出,能正常点亮你的显示器。2.重新插拔信号线或者换一根信号线,也可以换一个显示器接收信号的接口,试试能否点亮。总结:显示器准备进入睡眠(display is going to sleep)只有一个原因,就是没有有效的信号输入。必须注意排除是哪里的故障。主要有:1.显示器接口故障(VGA,DVI,HDMI,DP,mini DP),2.信号线故障(损坏或者接触不良),3.显卡故障(显卡无输出或者显卡该接口无输出)4.pc主机故障。(无开机画面,内存出错)只有逐一排查具体原因,才能从根本解决问题。




sleek:形容词 a. 1. 光滑的,柔滑的 2. (动物等)养得好的,油光光的,壮健的a sleek horse 毛色光亮的马 3. 圆滑的,花言巧语的 4. 雅致的;时髦的;豪华的The sleek ship slid from the harbor. 那条造型优美的船徐徐驶出了港口。 smooth:形容词 a. 1. 平滑的,光滑的;平坦的That road is smooth. 那是一条平坦的路。 2. 平静的;平稳的The sea looks calm and smooth. 海洋看上去风平浪静。 3. (运转)滑顺的;(事情)进行顺利的Everything is smooth just now. 此时此刻,诸事顺利。 4. (文体,言语等)流畅的;(音色)柔和的,悦耳的;(味道)可口的,均匀的The same principle may make for smooth writing. 同样的原则可能有助于流畅的文体。 5. (性情等)平和的;和蔼的The old man has a smooth temper. 老人性格温和。 6. 圆滑的,迎合讨好的People don"t trust those smooth businessmen. 人们不相信那些油嘴滑舌的生意人。 7. (液体,浆糊等)调匀的;(酒)温和的This is a smooth wine. 这是一种醇和的葡萄酒。 8. 无毛的;无胡须的 9. 【语】不送气的副词 ad. 1. 光滑地,平滑地 2. 平稳地 3. 圆滑地 4. 流畅地及物动词 vt. 1. 使光滑,使平滑;把...弄平;烫平[(+out/down)]She smoothed her dress with an electric iron. 她用电熨斗烫平衣服。 2. 轻轻地(或均匀地)涂抹[O]In winter many people smooth moisturing cream over their faces. 冬天,许多人在脸上搽润肤霜。 3. 使(文体,举止等)优雅;使(脸部表情)平和下来 4. 消除(障碍,困难,分歧等)[(+out/over/down/away)]This kind of beauty cream is said to be able to smooth away wrinkles. 据说这种美容霜能消除皱纹。 5. 铺平(道路);使顺利不及物动词 vi. 1. 变光滑;变平滑 2. 变平静;变缓和[(+down)]Things have smoothed down. 事情已经缓和下来。 名词 n. [theS]1. 一段平地;草坪;一泓静水 2. (东西的)平滑部分;(事情的)如意方面smooth的用法好像更多点


作为”光滑“的意思, smotth和sleek的区别在于:smooth - 强调的是表面的平整均匀,纹理细致,没有阻力,因此很光滑,很流畅。a) Having a surface free from irregularities, roughness, or projections; evenb) Having a fine texturec) Having an even consistency。sleek - 则侧重不仅是自然的光滑,而且光亮。不仅滑,而且亮,而且常常是油亮的那种。a) Smooth and lustrous as if polished;b) Well-groomed and neatly tailored.c) Polished or smooth in manner, especially in an unctuous way; slick.sleek里面,可以看出是很用心的结果,因此相较smooth所透出的浑然天成的感觉,sleek则有加工修饰而的意味,有斧凿的痕迹,不仅滑、亮、而且细节都很修的很精致。


Answer:这里"tired" 虽然形似过去分词,但做的却是形容词. Tired of sleeping on the floor,a young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed. 可转化为: A young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed because he was tired of sleeping on the floor. 可以看出:be tired of ...厌烦... 如果是过去分词那么就表被动,可这里显然不是,所以当简化成非谓语形式做原因状语时只能理解成" being tired of " 补充问题回复: surprised by his words, 这里surprised 是过去分词 (非谓语形式的过去分词本身表被动,这是为什么上面LZ所例句不能单纯的把"tired"看成是过去分词的原因) 还原成状语为: As I was surprised by his words. 因为他的话让我感到吃惊. If you still feel confused,leave a message please



英语题Now that the light went out,he_______have slept.

b.must 这是对一个过去时的肯定性的推测。

hard sleep的歌词和翻译

hard sleep硬睡

Bobby Tinsley 的 say goodbye 歌词

[Intro]They say there"s never a right time to say goodbyeSo if thats how it has to be, good bye.[Verse 1]Nobody"s ever perfect and everyone liesI never hurt you on purpose and at least I triedI tried to be the best for youNo matter what we were going throughCould"a worked it out in the endIf you would of allowed us to.It makes no sense we"ve come to far[Chorus]My heart was yours and now it" goneBabyyy I don"t think you knew how much I loved youI think in time you"ll finally seeThat I"m affraid it"s to late for meAnd baby I know one day you"ll see clearly...Tell me why after all we"ve triedEvery tear we"ve cried and whyDid you wait so long to say good byeTell me why after all we"ve triedFor you I"d die and why did you wait so longTo tell me goodbye [x2][Verse 2]Could"ve had your babies could"ve had your eyesCould"ve been blue babyeEither way they would be rightAnything in the world for youIt"s a shame that we couldn"t get throughOh babyy I lost my heart to you[Chorus]My heart was yours and now it" goneBabyyy I don"t think you knew how much I loved youI think in time you"ll finally seeThat I"m affraid it"s to late for meAnd baby I know one day you"ll see clearly...Tell me why after all we"ve triedEvery tear we"ve cried and whyDid you wait so long to say good byeTell me why after all we"ve triedFor you I"d die and why did you wait so longTo say goodbye [to tell me goodbye]- Your gonna miss our love...I no one day you wake up and see that I was rightBut I won"t be there to say good bye..[Chorus]Tell me why after all we"ve triedEvery tear we"ve cried and whyDid you wait so long to say good byeTell me why after all we"ve triedFor you I"d die and why Did you wait so longTo say goodbye [x2]- Your gonna miss me girl.....


自身免疫性疾病14项针对各种自身免疫性疾病的临床实验室常用检测项目包括三类:1、自身抗体,2、常规检查,包括一般免疫功能、三大常规, 3、组织器官特异性功能指标。其中最主要的是各种自身抗体:一、抗细胞核抗体抗核抗体(ANA):是一种非常敏感的检测指标,对于各种自身免疫性结缔组织病的敏感性几乎为100%。但其特异性差,因此,主要用于自身免疫性疾病的筛查。ANA的检测方法主要是以HEP-2细胞和鼠的肝组织为基质的间接免疫荧光法,其最大优势就是除了能够判断血清中是否存在自身抗体及其滴度,而且能够对自身抗体进行初步分类,这对于区分疾病有一定意义。如均质型可能是SLE或物性狼疮等;核仁型可能是硬皮病;核膜型和多核点型可能是PBC;着丝点型可能是硬皮病的局限型,也可能是PBC;颗粒型则可能是各种自身免疫性结缔组织病。当然,这只是根据经验作出的初步判断,尚不能做出定论。ANA只能作为筛选实验,阳性时,一定要进行下一步的实验检测。临床实验室抗dsDNA抗体:该抗体可能是ANA中的均质型或是ANA阴性。最近研究发现,也可能是颗粒型或核仁型。其靶抗原为dsDNA,是SLE的特异性指标,特异性可达95%以上,已被列入SLE的诊断标准之一。而且,该抗体会在SLE出现明显症状之前几年就呈现阳性,因此,可以作为SLE的早期预测指标。但该抗体诊断的敏感性较低,多见于活动期的SLE,阳性率为70%-90%,因此,阴性时并不能排除SLE。目前已经明确,该抗体参与SLE的发病。抗Sm抗体:该抗体是ANA中的粗颗粒型,通常伴随抗U1RNP抗体而出现,基本不单独出现。靶抗原为snRNP,亦是SLE的特异性指标,特异性可达99%,而且能够反映疾病的活动度,另外,也可以作为SLE的早期预测指标。该抗体敏感性更低,阳性率约为20%。阴性时也不能排除SLE。抗U1RNP抗体:该抗体是ANA中的粗颗粒型,靶抗原为核糖核蛋白。是混合结缔组织病(即SHARP综合征)较为特异的抗体,是该病的诊断指标之一。但该抗体也可出现于SLE、干燥综合症等类风湿性结缔组织病。抗SSA(Ro)抗体和抗SSB(La)抗体:此两种抗体是ANA中的细颗粒型,但在IIF检测中也常为阴性。靶抗原分别是60和58KD的SSA蛋白和48KD的SSB蛋白。此两种抗体是干燥综合征的诊断指标之一。在原发性干燥综合征的阳性率可达到88%-96%和71%-87%。此外,亦可以出现于RA、SLE、新生儿狼疮伴先天性心脏传导阻滞、PBC等。 临床实验室抗核点抗体:分少核点型(1-5)和多核点型(5-20),前者靶抗原是p80盘曲蛋白,后者靶抗原是Sp100和PML。少核点型多见于进行性系统性硬化症、干燥综合征,也可见于SLE和PBC等。多核点型常与AMA并存,多见于PBC,特别是对于AMA阴性的PBC患者更有临床意义。抗核膜抗体:又称抗核周因子抗体,靶抗原是核孔复合物(包括gp210和核孔蛋白p62)和板层素B受体。该抗体在PBC中亦具有较高的阳性率,此外抗板层素B受体抗体也可见于自身免疫性肝炎、抗磷脂综合征及SLE等。抗gp210抗体和核孔蛋白p62抗体对于判断PBC预后具有重要意义,前者阳性常提示PBC有向肝衰竭发展的危险性。抗着丝点抗体:其靶抗原是着丝点蛋白CENP-A、CENP-B和CENP-C。该抗体与硬皮病局限型密切相关,患者常表现为CREST综合征,即钙化症、雷诺现象、食管运动障碍、硬指(趾)症及毛细血管扩张。该抗体在PBC中亦较为常见,可以为PBC提供预后信息。此外,该抗体还见于SLE等疾病。抗SCL-70抗体:该抗体是ANA中的核仁型,其靶抗原是拓扑异构酶Ⅰ。该抗体是硬皮病弥漫型较为特异的抗体,并常预示着预后不良。此外该抗体也可出现与多发性肌炎、IgA肾病等患者。抗原纤维蛋白抗体、抗PM-SCL抗体和抗RNA多聚酶抗体:此三者抗体均多为ANA中的核仁型。抗原纤维蛋白抗体的靶抗原是U3nRNP,抗PM-SCL抗体的靶抗原是核仁中的颗粒成分,抗RNA多聚酶抗体是RNA多聚酶Ⅰ和Ⅲ。此三种抗体在硬皮病中亦较为常见,亦可见于多发性肌炎等疾病。临床实验室抗增殖细胞核抗原抗体:其靶抗原是参与DNA复制的一种辅助蛋白。是SLE的特异性抗体,但敏感性很低,在平时检测中很少见,也很少见于其他疾病。此外还有抗中心粒抗体、抗纺锤体抗体、抗核仁形成中心抗体、抗Ku抗体、抗Mi1及Mi2抗体、抗分离带抗体等等,但这些抗体的临床意义尚不清楚或尚缺乏特异性。二、抗细胞浆

Where did you sleep last night 的歌词 要中英文对照啊~

My girl,my girl,dont lie 2 me.我的女孩,不要对我撒谎!Tell me where did U sleep last night.告诉我昨晚你在何处安眠。In the pines!in the pines!在松树林中!Where the sun dont ever shine.在那里太阳永远无法照亮。I would shiver the whole night through.我在那颤栗了整整一夜。My girl,my girl,where will U go?我的女孩,你要去哪里?Im going where the cold wind blows.我将去的地方寒风凛冽!In the pines!in the pines!在松树林中!Where the sun dont ever shine.在那里太阳永远无法照亮。I would shiver the whole night through.我在那颤栗了整整一夜。Her husband,was a hard working man.她的丈夫是一个苦工。Just about a mile from here.在离这里大约一里的地方。His head was found in a driving wheel.他的头颅被发现在飞驰的轮下。But his body never was found.但他的躯体至今仍未被找见!My girl,my girl,dont lie 2 me.我的女孩,不要对我撒谎!Tell me where did U sleep last night.告诉我昨晚你在何处安眠。In the pines!in the pines!在松树林中!Where the sun dont ever shine.在那里太阳永远无法照亮。I would shiver the whole night through.我在那颤栗了整整一夜。My girl,my girl,where will U go?我的女孩,你要去哪里?Im going where the cold wind blows.我将去的地方寒风凛冽!In the pines!in the pines!在松树林中!Where the sun dont ever shine.在那里太阳永远无法照亮。I would shiver the whole night through.我在那颤栗了整整一夜。My girl,my girl,where will U go?我的女孩,你要去哪里?Tell me where did U sleep last night.告诉我昨晚你在何处安眠。In the pines!in the pines!在松树林中!Where the sun dont ever shine.在那里太阳永远无法照亮。I would shiver the whole night through.我在那颤栗了整整一夜。My girl,my girl,where will U go?我的女孩,你要去哪里?Im going where the cold wind blows.我将去的地方寒风凛冽!In the pines!in the pines!在松树林中!I would shiver the whole night through.我在那颤栗了整整一夜。

Elvis Presley的《Judy》 歌词

歌曲名:Judy歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Something For EverybodyMusic & Lyrcis By The CorrsJudy has her own desireShe wants to step into your fireShe wants you tangled in her webShe wants the flame never to tireShe"s wantingShe"s trippingAnd she"s falling...Can you catch her...Now she"s calling...Can you hear her...She"s falling downJudy wants to love so muchCan it release her from her hurtJudy"s dreaming of your touchShe"ll smother you till it"s too muchShe"s wantingShe"s trippingAnd she"s falling...Can you catch her...Now she"s calling...Can you hear her...She"s falling downShe"s falling downShe wants to drownWithin your heartShe"ll never partShe"s falling down

Brad Paisley的《Toothbrush》 歌词

歌曲名:Toothbrush歌手:Brad Paisley专辑:This Is Country MusicLove starts with a toothbrush,A big razor and a Dixie cupA little splash of aftershave,Before you leave for that first dateI see a star"s in both your eyesAfter that long kiss goodnightForever starts with a suitcase,Sneaking out the window to get awayTo the car parked by the curb,Gassed up for a gallon burnA little chapel and a couple of ringsWill get you two toothbrushes by the bathroom sinkEverything that"s anythingStarts out as a little thingJust needs a little time and room to growStep by step, day by dayIt all adds up along the wayAnd the next thing that you knowLife starts with a little house,A corner lot on the edge of townA weed eater and a picket fenceYou think it"s good as the getting getsThen she wakes up feeling badYou both wonder what"s up with thatEverything that"s anythingStarts out as a little thingJust needs a little time and room to growStep by step, day by dayIt all adds up along the wayAnd the next thing that you knowOne night around eight o"clockYou scrub him down then you dry him offYou pick him up and put his little feetOn the stool by the bathroom sinkYou grab the crest and the Dixie cupIt all hits you as he opens up...Love starts with a toothbrush


sleepymanbanjoboys名字来源于,当最小的弟弟Jonny刚刚开始弹奏五弦琴的时候,他喜欢闭着眼,把五弦琴放在背后演奏,大家都不知道为什么Jonny要这样做,于是这三兄弟的乐队就有了这个名字。相关内容:三兄弟们从年幼时就开始表演著名的蓝草乐曲以及原创作品,组了一个叫沉睡的班卓男孩(Sleepy Man Banjo Boys)乐队。很快,成为了美国新泽西的蓝草音乐三人弦乐组合。由10岁的Jonny(班卓琴)、13岁的Robbei(小提琴)、15岁的Tommy(吉它)的三兄弟组成。三位小老兄开始自行创作和表演蓝草音乐。他们用三种不同的音调表演炫酷的乐曲,而其中小提琴,班卓琴和吉他的交替领奏也是技术娴熟。

missing you bobby tinsley 歌词

希望对你有帮助O(∩_∩)OBobby Tinsley --Missing YouOhh babe...Ohh babe...The nights are long,My days are cold,Without the warmth you provide me when I hold,You in my arms, feels so long ago,When you were there...I think a teardrop just fell down..I really wanna come to see you,I really really wish I could,Maybe in a couple weeks,Its only a couple weeks...But even know I get to,Its 14 days I gotta get trough (its too many days babe)And Im really really missing you..And I miss, miss, Miss..Im missing you..And I dont know..How Im gonna make it trough..But I gotta, gotta,stay strong for us two..Im a man,Its a job that I gotta do.So I go outside and I fake a smile..But if they only knew,Just how many miles..Were between love so true,I really couldnt cope the way that we do (that we do..)And Im really really missing you,You, you..Baby when youre near,All of my visions clear.But like a magic show,I blink and than you disapear..And I frequently,Envision of it would be..To have you alone with me..Give me a moment so I can breathe ..Ok.I really wanna come to see you,Baby I wish I could ...(Wish I could..)Maybe in a couple weeks (Its only two weeks)It"s only a couple weeks (But the problem is..)Even though I get to..It"s 14 long days that I dont have you.. (Its too many days babe)And I"m really really missing you..And I miss, miss.. MissIm really really missing you.And I don"t know, (I dont know)How I"m gonna make it through.But I gotta, gotta ... (Gotta)Stay strong for us two.I"m a man,It"s a job that I gotta do.So I go outside and I fake a smile,But if they only knew,Just how many miles.. (How many miles)Were between love so true,I really couldnt cope the way that we do.. (The way that we do)And Im really really missing you (Missing you)"cause maybe one day babe,Not too far away,We can turn, all our dreams into memories.(Not gonna be like this forever right?)Baby we"ll have that home,Stars stares, all that we share..Too many nights, over the phone.I really wanna come to see you (uhuh)Baby you know I do..Maybe in a couple weeks (Ill try)It"s only a couple weeks (Cant promiss..)But even know I get to,Still don"t wanna be away from you..Its too many days babe,And Im really really missing you.And I miss, miss, Miss..I miss you..And I dont know (I dont know)How Im gonna make it trough..But I gotta, gotta,Hold strong for us two (strong for us two)Im a man,Its a job that I gotta do.So I go outside (Ill go outside)And I fake a smile (Ill fake a smile)But if they only knew,Just how many miles..Were between love so true,I really couldnt cope the way that we do..And Im really really missing you....

Greensleeves (What Child Is This) 歌词

歌曲名:Greensleeves (What Child Is This)歌手:The Ray Conniff Singers专辑:The Essential Ray ConniffLoreena McKennitt - GreensleevesAlas my love you do me wrongTo cast me off discourteously;And I have loved you oh so longDelighting in your company.Greensleeves was my delight,Greensleeves my heart of goldGreensleeves was my heart of joyAnd who but my lady Greensleeves.I have been ready at your handTo grant whatever thou would"st crave;I have waged both life and landYour love and goodwill for to have.Greensleeves was my delight,Greensleeves was my heart of goldGreensleeves was my heart of joyAnd who but my lady Greensleeves.Thy petticoat of sendle whiteWith gold embroidered gorgeously;Thy petticoat of silk and whiteAnd these I bought gladly.Greensleeves was my heart of goldGreensleeves was my heart of joyGreensleeves was my heart of joyAnd who but my lady Greensleeves.

Greensleeves 歌词

歌曲名:Greensleeves歌手:The Hampton String Quartet专辑:HSQ Does Christmas (Again)Greensleeves作词:平原绫香作曲:Traditional歌:平原绫香语り合う人达 きらめく冬の街 【街头熙熙攘攘 冬夜星光熠熠】见るものすべてに いつもあなたがいます 【一切所见之景 皆有你的身影】忘れられたら いつかまた出会えたら 【倘若能够忘记 倘若重逢有期】Oh, What should I do to be strong? 【啊,我该如何坚强?】ただ そばにいるだけでよかった 【只求身边有你】なぜ记忆の闇に 心は捕われたまま 【为何幽暗记忆 始终如影随形】悲しみの中では 时に过去も今だから 【却因悲伤之情 时而沉溺往昔】それでも 梦を 舍てないで生きてゆく 【怀抱梦想而生 今生不离不弃】あなたの音楽は今でも响いているから 【你那声声旋律 至今回荡在心】翻译:琉璃印月愿いを灯す月 震えてる指先 【月色点燃心愿 指尖微微颤栗】わたしを赠りたい たったひとりのあなたへ 【我愿献出自己 交给唯一的你】歌う风のように まるで祈りのように 【宛若轻风低吟 宛若此生希冀】私はいつまでも あなたを爱しています 【任凭流年更替 我仍深深爱你】あなたを爱しています 【我仍深深爱你】终わり

Greensleeves 歌词

歌曲名:Greensleeves歌手:John Coltrane Quartet专辑:Verve Presents: The Very Best Of Christmas JazzGreensleevesAlas, my love, you do me wrongTo cast me off discourteouslyAnd I have loved you oh so longDelighting in your companyGreensleeves was all my joyGreensleeves was my delightGreensleeves was my heart of goldAnd who but my lady GreensleevesIf you intend to be this wayIt does the more enrapture meAnd even so I still remainA lover in captivityGreensleeves was all my joyGreensleeves was my delightGreensleeves was my heart of goldAnd who but my lady GreensleevesGreensleeves, now farewell, adieuGod, I pray he will prosper theeFor I am still thy lover trueCome once again and love meGreensleeves was all my joyGreensleeves was my delightGreensleeves was my heart of goldAnd who but my lady Greensleeves

Greensleeves 歌词

歌曲名:Greensleeves歌手:Mantovani & His Orchestra专辑:Mantovani"S Golden HitsLoreena McKennitt - GreensleevesAlas my love you do me wrongTo cast me off discourteously;And I have loved you oh so longDelighting in your company.Greensleeves was my delight,Greensleeves my heart of goldGreensleeves was my heart of joyAnd who but my lady Greensleeves.I have been ready at your handTo grant whatever thou would"st crave;I have waged both life and landYour love and goodwill for to have.Greensleeves was my delight,Greensleeves was my heart of goldGreensleeves was my heart of joyAnd who but my lady Greensleeves.Thy petticoat of sendle whiteWith gold embroidered gorgeously;Thy petticoat of silk and whiteAnd these I bought gladly.Greensleeves was my heart of goldGreensleeves was my heart of joyGreensleeves was my heart of joyAnd who but my lady Greensleeves.

Greensleeves 歌词

Green sleeves绿袖子(英格兰古老民谣)演唱:Sandy PolarAlas, my love, you do me wrong,(我思断肠,伊人不臧)To cast me off discourteously.(弃我远去,抑郁难当)And I have loved you well so long,(我心相属,日久月长)Delighting in your company.(与卿相依,地老天荒)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)If you intend thus to disdain,(伊人隔尘,渐疏渐响)It does the more enrapture me,(犹使我心,迷恋痴狂)And even so, I still remain (欲求永年,此生归偿)A lover in captivity.(我自相许,舍身何妨)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)Green sleeves, now farewell, adieu,(绿袖去矣,付与流觞)To God I pray to prosper thee,(我燃心香,寄语上苍)For I am still thy lover true,(我心犹炽,不灭不伤)Come once again and love me.(伫立垅间,待伊归乡)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)(《绿袖子》是一首英国民谣,在依丽莎白女王时代就已经广为流传,相传是英皇亨利八世所作 ( 他是位长笛家).是保存至今的最古老的情歌之一 .曲风古朴悠扬,婉转缠绵,自是别有风韵据说,green sleeves 类似于汉语中的"红妆"之类的词,也是对女子的一种称谓.整支曲子虽是咏唱着无果而终的爱慕,却在字里行间流露着优雅的中世纪骑士风范彬彬有礼,不偏不倚,这里附的译文是最为流行最为贴切的诗经体翻译版本希望网友喜欢)

Greensleeves 歌词

Green sleeves绿袖子(英格兰古老民谣)演唱:Sandy PolarAlas, my love, you do me wrong,(我思断肠,伊人不臧)To cast me off discourteously.(弃我远去,抑郁难当)And I have loved you well so long,(我心相属,日久月长)Delighting in your company.(与卿相依,地老天荒)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)If you intend thus to disdain,(伊人隔尘,渐疏渐响)It does the more enrapture me,(犹使我心,迷恋痴狂)And even so, I still remain (欲求永年,此生归偿)A lover in captivity.(我自相许,舍身何妨)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)Green sleeves, now farewell, adieu,(绿袖去矣,付与流觞)To God I pray to prosper thee,(我燃心香,寄语上苍)For I am still thy lover true,(我心犹炽,不灭不伤)Come once again and love me.(伫立垅间,待伊归乡)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)(《绿袖子》是一首英国民谣,在依丽莎白女王时代就已经广为流传,相传是英皇亨利八世所作 ( 他是位长笛家).是保存至今的最古老的情歌之一 .曲风古朴悠扬,婉转缠绵,自是别有风韵据说,green sleeves 类似于汉语中的"红妆"之类的词,也是对女子的一种称谓.整支曲子虽是咏唱着无果而终的爱慕,却在字里行间流露着优雅的中世纪骑士风范彬彬有礼,不偏不倚,这里附的译文是最为流行最为贴切的诗经体翻译版本希望网友喜欢)

Greensleeves 歌词

Green sleeves绿袖子(英格兰古老民谣)演唱:Sandy PolarAlas, my love, you do me wrong,(我思断肠,伊人不臧)To cast me off discourteously.(弃我远去,抑郁难当)And I have loved you well so long,(我心相属,日久月长)Delighting in your company.(与卿相依,地老天荒)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)If you intend thus to disdain,(伊人隔尘,渐疏渐响)It does the more enrapture me,(犹使我心,迷恋痴狂)And even so, I still remain (欲求永年,此生归偿)A lover in captivity.(我自相许,舍身何妨)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)Green sleeves, now farewell, adieu,(绿袖去矣,付与流觞)To God I pray to prosper thee,(我燃心香,寄语上苍)For I am still thy lover true,(我心犹炽,不灭不伤)Come once again and love me.(伫立垅间,待伊归乡)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)(《绿袖子》是一首英国民谣,在依丽莎白女王时代就已经广为流传,相传是英皇亨利八世所作 ( 他是位长笛家).是保存至今的最古老的情歌之一 .曲风古朴悠扬,婉转缠绵,自是别有风韵据说,green sleeves 类似于汉语中的"红妆"之类的词,也是对女子的一种称谓.整支曲子虽是咏唱着无果而终的爱慕,却在字里行间流露着优雅的中世纪骑士风范彬彬有礼,不偏不倚,这里附的译文是最为流行最为贴切的诗经体翻译版本希望网友喜欢)

Greensleeves 歌词

Green sleeves绿袖子(英格兰古老民谣)演唱:Sandy PolarAlas, my love, you do me wrong,(我思断肠,伊人不臧)To cast me off discourteously.(弃我远去,抑郁难当)And I have loved you well so long,(我心相属,日久月长)Delighting in your company.(与卿相依,地老天荒)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)If you intend thus to disdain,(伊人隔尘,渐疏渐响)It does the more enrapture me,(犹使我心,迷恋痴狂)And even so, I still remain (欲求永年,此生归偿)A lover in captivity.(我自相许,舍身何妨)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)Green sleeves, now farewell, adieu,(绿袖去矣,付与流觞)To God I pray to prosper thee,(我燃心香,寄语上苍)For I am still thy lover true,(我心犹炽,不灭不伤)Come once again and love me.(伫立垅间,待伊归乡)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)(《绿袖子》是一首英国民谣,在依丽莎白女王时代就已经广为流传,相传是英皇亨利八世所作 ( 他是位长笛家).是保存至今的最古老的情歌之一 .曲风古朴悠扬,婉转缠绵,自是别有风韵据说,green sleeves 类似于汉语中的"红妆"之类的词,也是对女子的一种称谓.整支曲子虽是咏唱着无果而终的爱慕,却在字里行间流露着优雅的中世纪骑士风范彬彬有礼,不偏不倚,这里附的译文是最为流行最为贴切的诗经体翻译版本希望网友喜欢)

Greensleeves 歌词

Green sleeves绿袖子(英格兰古老民谣)演唱:Sandy PolarAlas, my love, you do me wrong,(我思断肠,伊人不臧)To cast me off discourteously.(弃我远去,抑郁难当)And I have loved you well so long,(我心相属,日久月长)Delighting in your company.(与卿相依,地老天荒)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)If you intend thus to disdain,(伊人隔尘,渐疏渐响)It does the more enrapture me,(犹使我心,迷恋痴狂)And even so, I still remain (欲求永年,此生归偿)A lover in captivity.(我自相许,舍身何妨)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)Green sleeves, now farewell, adieu,(绿袖去矣,付与流觞)To God I pray to prosper thee,(我燃心香,寄语上苍)For I am still thy lover true,(我心犹炽,不灭不伤)Come once again and love me.(伫立垅间,待伊归乡)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)Green sleeves was all my joy,(绿袖招兮,我心欢朗)Green sleeves was my delight,(绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂)Green sleeves was my heart of gold,(绿袖摇兮,我心流光)And who but my lady green sleeves.(绿袖永兮,非我新娘)(《绿袖子》是一首英国民谣,在依丽莎白女王时代就已经广为流传,相传是英皇亨利八世所作 ( 他是位长笛家).是保存至今的最古老的情歌之一 .曲风古朴悠扬,婉转缠绵,自是别有风韵据说,green sleeves 类似于汉语中的"红妆"之类的词,也是对女子的一种称谓.整支曲子虽是咏唱着无果而终的爱慕,却在字里行间流露着优雅的中世纪骑士风范彬彬有礼,不偏不倚,这里附的译文是最为流行最为贴切的诗经体翻译版本希望网友喜欢)

She slept for one hour last night.否定句,一般疑问句?

She slept for one hour last night.否定句:She didn"t sleep for one hour last night.一般疑问句: Did she sleep for one hour last night?

求魔兽DOTA里面的小指令比如-sleep -unstuck越多越好

进入后-ap 后输入-test

Elvis Presley的《Blue Moon》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Moon歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:A Touch Of PlatinumBrought to you by McSilenceBlue moon,you saw me standing alonewithout a dream in my heartwithout a love on my own.Blue moon,you knew just what I was there foryou heard me saying a prayer forsomeone I realy could care for.And then there suddenly appeared before me,the only one my arms could ever holdI heard somebody whisper,"Please adore me."and when I looked,the moon had turned to gold.Blue moon,now I"mno longer alonewithout a dream in my heartwithout a love on my own.Blue moon,now I no longer alonewithout a dream in my heartwithout a love on my own.without a dream in my heart

Mosler MT900s有多快

 这款色彩鲜艳的Mosler MT900S。车身采用草绿色涂装,碳纤维套件和轮毂也均采用草绿色,铝圈内的制动卡钳和内饰则采用黄色涂装。经典的绿黄搭配。这辆Mosler搭载了LS7 V8引擎,最大功率550hp,最大扭矩490lb-ft,0-60mph只要3秒。由著名的Corvette Guru拥有,全美唯一的Mosler授权经销商Mike Vietro(即Corvette Mike),现在带来了它的配备了7升LS7发动机的Mosler MT900S,并绰号“红魔”,原先那微不足道的550匹在纳尔逊赛车发动机面前实在不值一提。 在增加了两个涡轮和魔棒点化之后,现在这具发动机在5600RP赐教马力拥有骇人的1635匹,而扭矩达到1481磅每英尺。输出马力相当于每增加100RPM则增加70匹,当然同时时刻保持稳定的油压与油温。后来测试在主人的要求下停止。不过根据纳尔逊赛车团队所称这款发动机是可以在6200RPM时实现1800匹以上的。最后,纳尔逊赛车部特意制造了一部低油压调校下最大马力低于1000的发动机,这种情况下这款发动机可以实现更好的泵油动作,或者可以在副油箱中加入赛车用油,这样在高油压调校下最大马力可达1800匹以上。

Sleater Kinney的《Sold Out》 歌词

歌曲名:Sold Out歌手:Sleater Kinney专辑:Sleater - KinneyAlbum: Sleater Kinney(for m.m.)sold outdo do you want iton a magazine covertake itits my bodytake iti want moneydiamonds are a girls best friendwanna be a starwatch me go nowheresuckin on his dickfuck iti want moneydiamonds are a girls best friendi see the way you look at girlsyou think that i dont know iti know what you want from mei know what you want from mesold outdo do you want iton a magazine covertake it its my bodyuh uh

i always sleep with gun when you gone

Shivaree的 Goodnight Moon"s a nail in the doorAnd there"s glass on the lawnTacks on the floorAnd the TV is onAnd I always sleep with my gunsWhen you"re goneThere"s a blade by the bedAnd a phone in my handA dog on the floorAnd some cash on the nightstandWhen I"m all alone the dreaming stopsAnd I just can"t standWhat should I do I"m just a little babyWhat if the lights go out and maybeAnd then the wind just starts to moanOutside the door he followed me homeWell goodnight moonI want the sunIf it"s not here soonI might be doneNo it won"t be too soon "til I sayGoodnight moonThere"s a shark in the poolAnd a witch in the treeA crazy old neighbour and he"s been watching meAnd there"s footsteps loud and strong coming down the hallSomething"s under the bedNow it"s out in the hedgeThere"s a big black crow sitting on my window ledgeAnd I hear something scratching through the wallOh what should I do I"m just a little babyWhat if the lights go out and maybeI just hate to be all aloneOutside the door he followed me homeNow goodnight moonI want the sunIf it"s not here soonI might be doneNo it won"t be too soon "til I sayGoodnight moonWell you"re up so highHow can you save meWhen the dark comes hereTonight to take me upThe mouth from wokeAnd into bed where it kisses my faceAnd eats my handOh what should I do I"m just a little babyWhat if the lights go out and maybeAnd then the wind just starts to moanOutside the door he followed me homeNow goodnight moonI want the sunIf it"s not here soonI might be doneNo it won"t be too soon "til I sayGoodnight moonNo it won"t be too soon "til I sayGoodnight moon

这首歌叫什么啊 She hangs out every day near by the beach Havin’ a HEINEKEN fallin’ asleep She loo

groove coverage 的she




if you are tired then sleep 是哪首歌的歌词

Then I"ll be tired of you那就是我厌倦你的时候演唱:carol kidd (卡罗尔.基德)I"ll be tired of you 我将对你感到厌倦when stars are tired of gleaming 当星星厌倦闪烁的时候When I am tired of dreaming 当我厌倦梦想的时候then I"ll be tired of you 那就是我厌倦你的时候This I know is true 我知道这是真的When winds are tired of blowing 当风儿厌倦吹送的时候When grass is tired of growing 当小草厌倦生长的时候then I"ll be tired of you 那就是我厌倦你的时候Beyond the years 多年以后Till day is night 直到白昼变成黑夜Till wrong is right 直到错的变成对的Till birds refuse to sing 直到鸟儿不再歌唱Beyond the years 多年以后The echo of my only love 我唯一爱的回音Will still be whispering, whispering 仍将浅唱低吟If my throbbing heart 如果我悸动的心Should ever start repeating 永远反复无常That it is tired of beating 那就是它已厌倦了跳动Then I"ll be tired of you 那就是我厌倦你的时候Beyond the years 多年以后Till day is night 直到白昼变成黑夜Till wrong is right 直到错的变成对的Till birds refuse to sing 直到鸟儿不再歌唱Beyond the years 多年以后The echo of my only love 我唯一爱的回音Will still be whispering, whispering 仍将浅唱低吟If my throbbing heart 如果我悸动的心Should ever start repeating 永远反复无常That it is tired of beating 那就是它已厌倦了跳动Then I"ll be tired of you 那就是我厌倦你的时候Then I"ll be tired of you 那就是我厌倦你的时候(这位祖母级的(今年六十多岁了)英国爵土歌手,永远在一些蚊型的小公司里出唱片, 大凡看到她的唱片介绍都是在一些音响书里, 原因无它, 因为每一款录音都是天碟级数.这首歌曲词意与我国汉乐府《上邪》:"上邪,我欲与君相知,长命无绝衰.山无陵,江水为竭,冬雷震震,夏雨雪,天地合,乃敢与君绝" ,异曲同工.)


失落的方舟岛屿任务是游戏中的一系列重要支线,耳语岛岛屿任务怎么做?下面给大家分享失落的方舟耳语岛Whispering Islet岛屿任务攻略总奖励耳语岛代币、第14巨人之心、属性药水、妮妮薇卡片、和谐碎片*2235岛屿代币获得通过与妮妮薇Nineveh成信任关系获得。解锁好感条件为完成任务我们故事的开始和智慧180,勇气180、魅力180、善良180。总共需要102200经验,不使用礼物,采用歌曲和表情并完成与它有关的所有任务的方式,大约需要83天才能达到信任好感度。任务列表①.低语的声音②.融入音乐③.新的我们④.我们故事的开始(解锁妮妮薇)乌娜的任务-合唱团老师①.耳语米努埃特②.耳语共鸣③.轻声细语的和谐莫可可位置

仿写一首英语小诗Simon Paul,Simon Paul.Come and see.A big cat is slee?

LZ你好、下面的诗是我原创的、若你满意请采纳谢谢、 Anna Green,Anna Green.【安娜格林,安娜格林】 e and see.【来看看】 My parents are out.【我们的父母都出去了】这句可以换一下、 We can play.We can rave.【我们能玩耍,我们能狂欢】 We can drink wine.【我们能喝葡萄酒】 We had a happy time, they all went out.【我们有一个快乐的时光,他们都出去了】,1,找一首英文小诗,要求中英文对照,不用太长. 再别康桥》英文版 Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again—— 再别康桥 by Xu Zhimo 徐志摩 Very quietly,1,仿写一首英语小诗 Simon Paul,Simon Paul. e and see. A big cat is sleeping behind the tree. We can sing.We can dance. We can eat the cheese. We can have a good time for he"s asleep.

He slept badly. 这句话怎样不完全爆破,p后面有t,t后面又有b。该怎样读,最好把完整的音标也写下来。

t 几乎可以不发音,有点像吞音,只发b的音就行了.

The Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Suite, Op.66: Waltz 歌词

歌曲名:The Sleeping Beauty - Ballet Suite, Op.66: Waltz歌手:Philadelphia Orchestra&Riccardo Muti专辑:The Classic Experience - 135 of the greatest classical tracksWaltz分享:Morrison_TsaiRide on, rideTowa ni atta lifeAme wa arifureta loveevery time nobody calls my nameAi shita sa nobody calls my nameOn your lips, on your lipsYukedo naki by your sideSore wa stay hitori ukanderu wa mindeverywhen please don"t close your eyeseverywhen please don"t close your eyesSentence in clouds...And the radio turns on, so IIma saiai no kimi yo good-byeKimi wo ima omou mienai kuraiKaze ni naru you ni swayride on, rideKnock, unknockMune wa skyai wa swingSuki na hibi ga utsurisumu greendrakevarying with every change of lightItsu kara ka every change of lifeSentence in cloudsover the linefree as the skyThen the radio turns on, so IIma saiai no yume yo good-byeKimi wa ima mou shiri enai kuraiKaze ni naru you ni swayride on, rideRide on, rideTowa ni atta lifeKimi kara wa tsutaenakute farevery time nobody calls my nameAi shita sa nobody calls my nameThe radio turns on, so IIma saiai no kimi yo good-byeKimi wo ima omou mienai kuraiUta ni naru better daysride on, rideThen the radio turned on, so IIma saiai no hibi yo good-byeeverywhen please don"t close your eyeseverywhen please don"t close your eyessentence in cloudsnobody calls my name

The Sleeping Beauty ~眠れる王国の女达~ PLUSパック2周目下水道在哪里


《The Claimingof Sleeping Beauty》txt下载在线阅读,求百度云资源

《The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty》(Anne Rice)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: btvv书名:The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty作者:Anne Rice豆瓣评分:6.5出版社:HarperAudio出版年份:2003-10-01内容简介:From bestselling author Anne Rice, writing as A.N. Roquleaure. In the traditional folktale of "Sleeping Beauty," the spell cast upon the lovely young princess and everyone in her castle can only be broken by the kiss of a Prince. It is an ancient story, one that originally emerged from and still deeply disturbs the mind"s unconscious. Now Anne Rice"s retelling of the Beauty story probes the unspoken implications of this lush, suggestive tale by exploring its undeniable connection to sexual desire. Here the Prince reawakens Beauty, not with a kiss, but with sexual initiation. His reward for ending the hundred years of enchantment is Beauty"s complete and total enslavement to him…as Anne Rice explores the world of erotic yearning and fantasy in a classic that becomes, with her skillful pen, a compelling experience. </p>

求秋赤音的sleeping beauty的平假名歌词

この场所(ばしょ)には何(なに)もない 君(きみ)の感触(かんしょく)さえいつの间(ま)にか芽生(めば)えた 悲(かな)しみを残(のこ)して风(かぜ)の色(いろ)も绿(みどり)の音(ね)も あたしは掴(つか)めない君(きみ)がそこに居(い)ることは わかってるのに优(やさ)しい声(こえ)で あたしを呼(よ)んでガラスの向(む)こうで 微笑(ほほえ)んで2歩先(ほさき)から眺(なが)めた 梦(ゆめ)にまどろむ颜(かお)3歩先(ぼさき)が踏(ふ)めない もどかしさを憎(にく)んだ仅(わず)かに差(さ)す光(ひかり)も あたしは掴めない静寂(せいじゃく)を引(ひ)き裂(さ)くように あたしは歌(うた)う优しい声で あたしを呼んで止(と)まった过去(かこ)に 时(とき)が狂(くる)う全(すべ)てを舍(す)てて こっちを向(む)いて明(あか)るい场所で 歌わせて优しい声で あたしを呼んでガラスの向こうで 微笑んで微笑んで在这个地方什麼都没有 就连您的触感不知不觉间已芽生了的 哀伤痛残留下来清风的色彩也绿草的声响也 我也无法抓得住虽然早是一直知道 您是在那处这件事温柔的声音 在叫呼唤我在玻璃的对面 微笑著两步前方处远眺望远 梦里打盹瞌睡的脸颊三步前方无法踏上去 憎恨那慢得不耐烦的感觉仅如刺进来的光芒也 我也无法抓得住彷佛要撕裂划破静寂般 我高歌咏唱温柔的声音 在叫呼唤我已静止的过去中 时间狂乱歪曲(啊啊啊啊---)把所有全扔弃掉 转头向这边在明亮的地方 容许我高歌温柔的声音 在叫呼唤我在玻璃的对面 微笑著微笑著

帮忙给翻译下歌词!sleeoing beauty睡公主英语版

梦想,只有这样,我可以看到你 梦,唯一的地方,我找到你 夜晚,在明亮的星星是光辉 我开始关闭我的眼睛,你会出现 虽然你无法想象我多么希望您 和你不会注意我爱你 但现在,我内心深处搜索 我明白,我只 让你在我心中 我很寂寞..我的心是空的 但我还是尽我所能 记得你强硬 由于女孩不能像我一样 赶上你的眼睛 当我醒来,从我的梦想 然后你会说再见 我的睡美人 并睡眠百年 我的睡美人 谁在等待着你在这里 我爱你,不能你听见了吗? 我无法解释如此清晰 失去你是我的恐惧 从来没有帮助的话可以告诉 我想你 话不能让你知道 我很蓝 是的,我不能告诉你为什么 我就觉得你和一。 然后我simle 我很寂寞..我的心是空的 但我还是尽我所能 记得你强硬 由于女孩不能像我一样 赶上你的眼睛 当我醒来,从我的梦想 然后你会说再见 只有你的爱可以洗我的眼泪 我希望我可以一直留在你 你是一个我向往.. 你属于我的核心 我可以梦想的你再一次 我只是想拥有您关闭 当你失去你的灵魂 本人要去告诉你现在要去告诉.. .. 怎样才能让我的爱只是似乎随时间增长 我的睡美人 并睡眠百年 我的睡美人 谁在等待着你在这里 我爱你,不能你听见了吗? 我无法解释如此清晰 失去你是我的恐惧 只有你的爱可以洗我的眼泪 我希望我可以一直留在你 你是一个我向往.. 你属于我的核心 我可以梦想的你再一次

sleeping beauty的歌词 中文翻译。

梦想,只有这样,我可以看到你 梦,唯一的地方,我找到你 夜晚,在明亮的星星是光辉 我开始关闭我的眼睛,你会出现 虽然你无法想象我多么希望您 和你不会注意我爱你 但现在,我内心深处搜索 我明白,我只 让你在我心中 我很寂寞..我的心是空的 但我还是尽我所能 记得你强硬 由于女孩不能像我一样 赶上你的眼睛 当我醒来,从我的梦想 然后你会说再见 我的睡美人 并睡眠百年 我的睡美人 谁在等待着你在这里 我爱你,不能你听见了吗? 我无法解释如此清晰 失去你是我的恐惧 从来没有帮助的话可以告诉 我想你 话不能让你知道 我很蓝 是的,我不能告诉你为什么 我就觉得你和一。 然后我simle 我很寂寞..我的心是空的 但我还是尽我所能 记得你强硬 由于女孩不能像我一样 赶上你的眼睛 当我醒来,从我的梦想 然后你会说再见 只有你的爱可以洗我的眼泪 我希望我可以一直留在你 你是一个我向往.. 你属于我的核心 我可以梦想的你再一次 我只是想拥有您关闭 当你失去你的灵魂 本人要去告诉你现在要去告诉.. .. 怎样才能让我的爱只是似乎随时间增长 我的睡美人 并睡眠百年 我的睡美人 谁在等待着你在这里 我爱你,不能你听见了吗? 我无法解释如此清晰 失去你是我的恐惧 只有你的爱可以洗我的眼泪 我希望我可以一直留在你 你是一个我向往.. 你属于我的核心 我可以梦想的你再一次

sleeping beauty的歌词 中文翻译。

Dream, the only way that I can see you梦,只有这样,我可以看到你 Dream, the only place for me to find you梦,是我唯一可以找到你的地方. At night, the stars are shining bright在晚上,那些星星光辉点点闪动. I start closing my eyes, you then appear我开始闭上我的眼睛,然后你会出现. Though you can"t imagine how much I want you尽管你不能想象我有多想你. and you won"t pay attention on my love for you你也不会注意我给你的爱. but now, I"m searching deep inside但现在,我在里面深深地找寻. And I realise that I only 我逐渐意识到 get you in my mind我只能在心里拥有你. I am so lonely..My heart is empty我是如此的忧郁,我的心是空空的. But I still try my best to remember you told me但我仍然竭尽全力去回想你告诉我的那些. Since a girl like me can never catch your eyes自从那个像我的女孩永远不能留住你的眼神. When I wake up from my dream .当我从梦中醒来时. then you"ll say goodbye然后你就说了再见. I"m the Sleeping Beauty and had slept for hundred years我是那个已经沉睡了千年的美人. I"m the Sleeping Beauty who are waiting you right here我是那个在这里长久等候的美人. I love you, can"t you hear?我爱你,你听得到吗? I can"t explain so clear我不能用言语来表明. Losing you is all I fear.失去你是我所害怕的一切. Words can never help to tell I miss you.言语难以表达我想你. words can never let you know im so blue.言语难以让你明白我是如此的忧郁. Yes I can never tell you why是的我不能告诉你为什么. I"ll just think of you and I..then smile。我只是想象着你和我在一起,然后微笑. REPEAT There"s only your love can wash my tears 只有你的爱能洗去我的泪痕 And I wish I can always stay by thee 我只是希望我可以永远呆在你的身旁. You"re the one I"m longing for.. 你是我想的那个人. You lie within my core 你留在我的心里面. Can I dream of you once more我还能再梦见你一次吗? And I wish I can always stay by thee 我只是希望我可以永远呆在你的身旁. You"re the one I"m longing for.. 你是我想的那个人. You lie within my core 你留在我的心里面.

Sleeping Beauty 歌词

歌曲名:Sleeping Beauty歌手:A Perfect Circle专辑:Mer De NomsSleeping Beauty编曲:kz 歌唱:野宫あゆみ 歌词:野宫あゆみ原曲:ネクロファンタジア / 东方妖々梦Album: ALiCE"S EMOTiON - COLORS (C76)カケラまで全(すべ)てひと吹(ふ)きで无限(むげん)の海(うみ)へ结(むす)びましょう今(いま)はただ、知(し)らない梦(ゆめ)に揺(ゆ)られて眠(ねむ)りたいの邪魔(じゃま)しないで0から1 白(しろ)と黒(くろ)は得意(とくい)じゃないのよ不确(ふたし)かな事(こと)ほど美(うつく)しく见(み)える物(もの)でしょ?限(かぎ)りの无(な)い未来(みらい)を与(あた)えても良(い)いけれど一(ひと)つだけ约束(やくそく)して、その梦(ゆめ)を分(わ)けてよ甘(あま)いキスで目覚(めざま)めてくようなそんな梦(ゆめ)なら意味(いみ)がないでしょ、面白(おもしろ)くない。心(こころ)まで重(かさ)なり合(あ)えば暧昧(あいまい)なスキマの中(なか)に消(き)えて行(ゆ)くのよカケラまで全(すべ)てひと吹(ふ)きで无限(むげん)の海(うみ)へ结(むす)びましょう今(いま)はただ、知(し)らない梦(ゆめ)に揺(ゆ)られて眠(ねむ)りたいの邪魔(じゃま)しないで移(うつ)り行(ゆ)く景色(けしき)に何故(なぜ)心(こころ)夺(うば)われるの?変(か)わってく物(もの)などもう何(なん)の意味(いみ)もないでしょ生(い)きている楽(たの)しさなんてその内(うち)に忘(わす)れて重(おも)くなるだけのガラクタ思(おも)い出(だ)に囚(とら)われる前(まえ)に全(すべ)てを预(あず)けてみない?悪(わる)くしないわ记忆(きおく)さえ今(いま)は失(な)くしたら无限(むげん)の海(うみ)を泳(およ)ぎましょう今(いま)はただ、见(み)れない梦(ゆめ)に揺(ゆ)られて眠(ねむ)りたいの起(お)こさないでRemember your smile and memories in reality.But, only myself.I"m waiting for you for a long time.カケラまで全(すべ)てひと吹(ふ)きで无限(むげん)の海(うみ)へ结(むす)びましょう今(いま)はただ、贵方(あなた)の梦(ゆめ)に揺(ゆ)られて眠(ねむ)りたいの邪魔(じゃま)しないでRemember your smile and memories in reality.But, only myself.I"m waiting for you for a long time.

谁知道邓紫棋的sleeping beauty 的歌词?

中文翻译:梦想,只有这样,我可以看到你 梦,唯一的地方,我找到你 夜晚,在明亮的星星是光辉 我开始关闭我的眼睛,你会出现 虽然你无法想象我多么希望您 和你不会注意我爱你 但现在,我内心深处搜索 我明白,我只 让你在我心中 我很寂寞..我的心是空的 但我还是尽我所能 记得你强硬 由于女孩不能像我一样 赶上你的眼睛 当我醒来,从我的梦想 然后你会说再见 我的睡美人 并睡眠百年 我的睡美人 谁在等待着你在这里 我爱你,不能你听见了吗? 我无法解释如此清晰 失去你是我的恐惧 从来没有帮助的话可以告诉 我想你 话不能让你知道 我很蓝 是的,我不能告诉你为什么 我就觉得你和一。 然后我simle 我很寂寞..我的心是空的 但我还是尽我所能 记得你强硬 由于女孩不能像我一样 赶上你的眼睛 当我醒来,从我的梦想 然后你会说再见 只有你的爱可以洗我的眼泪 我希望我可以一直留在你 你是一个我向往.. 你属于我的核心 我可以梦想的你再一次 我只是想拥有您关闭 当你失去你的灵魂 本人要去告诉你现在要去告诉.. .. 怎样才能让我的爱只是似乎随时间增长 我的睡美人 并睡眠百年 我的睡美人 谁在等待着你在这里 我爱你,不能你听见了吗? 我无法解释如此清晰 失去你是我的恐惧 只有你的爱可以洗我的眼泪 我希望我可以一直留在你 你是一个我向往.. 你属于我的核心 我可以梦想的你再一次 原词:Dream, the only way that I can see youDream, the only place for me to find youAt night, the stars are shining brightI start closing my eyes, you then appearThough you can"t imagine how much I want youand you won"t pay attention on my love to youbut now, I"m searching deep insideAnd I realise that I only get you in my mindI am so lonely..My heart is emptyBut I still try my best to remember you toughlySince a girl like me can never catch your eyesWhen I wake up from my dream

Sleeping Beauty 歌词

歌曲名:Sleeping Beauty歌手:Phillip Larue专辑:Let The Road Pave ItselfPhillip LaRue - Sleeping BeautyBeautiful have some faithEverything will be okLet"s let our fears fall downAs lighting strikes all aroundAs you and I dance in the rainIt feels good to know youAnd I pray to God that I might show youA love that"s so realYou could feel itDeep down in your soulI"ll never let you goSleep my beautyAnd dream for a whileAnd then I"ll wake youAnd kiss you with a smileYou"re like a ship on the oceanPoetry in motionI love the way you moveYou move me with every little thing you doSo why don"t you stay a while here a whileForever"s not long enoughWe both know thatBut Let your fear down and dry your tears and fall back

求翻译一下这首东方同人歌曲 Sleeping Beauty 的歌词。

カケラまで全てひと吹きで直到一切都被轰成为碎片无限の海へ结びましょう那就往无限之海里终结吧今はただ、知らない梦に揺られて眠りたいの现在我只想,沈醉与未知晓的梦里睡个好觉邪魔しないで 请不要打扰我啊0から1 白と黒は得意じゃないのよ分出0与1 白与黑 都不是我所擅长的不确かな事ほど美しく见える物でしょ?所有含糊的东西不都可看成是美丽的东西吗?限りの无い未来を与えても良いけれど就算你可以给予我 没有边际的未来也好一つだけ约束して、その梦を分けてよ 也请答允我一件事,请把这个梦分开啊甘いキスで目覚めてくような似乎因甜蜜的吻而醒来呢そんな梦なら意味がないでしょ、面白くない。这样的梦那怕一点意思都没有,多没趣啊。心まで重なり合えば要是心思能够重叠暧昧なスキマの中に消えて行くのよ 我们就会消失于 暧昧的隙间里カケラまで全てひと吹きで直到一切都被轰成为碎片无限の海へ结びましょう那就往无限之海里终结吧今はただ、知らない梦に揺られて眠りたいの现在我只想,沈醉于未知晓的梦里睡个好觉邪魔しないで 请不要打扰我啊移り行く景色に何故心夺われるの?在不断变迁的景色前 为何心思会被夺去呢?変わってく物などもう何の意味も无いでしょ这些无时在更替的东西 恐怕什么意思也没有了吧生きている楽しさなんて什么生存着的快乐嘛その内に忘れて重くなるだけのガラクタ请尽早忘掉吧 只会变得沈重不值一文的东西思い出に囚われる前に在被回忆弄至迷失之前全てを预けてみない?悪くしないわ要来把一切交付给我吗? 我不会乱来的啊记忆さえ今は失くしたら要是现在连记忆都失去了无限の海を泳ぎましょう就来于无限之海里游泳吧今はだた、见れない梦に揺られて眠りたいの现在我只想,沈醉于未做过的梦里睡个好觉起こさないで 请不要弄醒我啊カケラまで全てひと吹きで直到一切都被轰成为碎片无限の海へ结びましょう那就往无限之海里终结吧今はただ、贵方の梦に揺られて眠りたいの现在我只想,沈醉于你的梦里睡个好觉邪魔しないで 请不要打扰我啊

谁知道邓紫棋的sleeping beauty 的歌词?

Dream, the only way that I can see you Dream, the only place for me to find you At night, the stars are shining bright I start closing my eyes, you then appear Though you cant imagine how much I want you and you wont pay attention on my love to you but now, Im searching deep inside And I realise that I only get you in my mind I am so lonely..My heart is empty But I still try my best to remember you toughly Since a girl like me can never catch your eyes When I wake up from my dream then youll say goodbye Im the Sleeping Beauty and had slept for hundred years Im the Sleeping Beauty who are waiting you right here I love you, cant you hear? I cant explain so clear Losing you is all I fear Words can never help to tell I miss you Words can never let you know Im so blue Yes I can never tell you why Ill just think of you and I.. I then simle I am so lonely..My heart is empty But I still try my best to remember you toughly Since a girl like me can never catch your eyes When I wake up from my dream then youll say goodbye Theres only your love can wash my tears And I wish I can always stay by thee Youre the one Im longing for.. You lie within my core Can I dream of you once more I just wanna hold you close when you lose your soul I gonna tell you now..gonna tell.. how my love just seems to grow with time Im the Sleeping Beauty and had slept for hundred years Im the Sleeping Beauty who are waiting you right here I love you, cant you hear? I cant explain so clear Losing you is all I fear Theres only your love can wash my tears And I wish I can always stay by thee Youre the one Im longing for.. You lie within my core Can I dream of you once more梦想,只有这样,我可以看到你梦想,唯一的地方我找到你的夜晚,光辉明亮的星星是我开始关闭我的眼睛,你会出现虽然你不能想象我是多么希望你和你惯于支付注意我的爱给你,但现在,林寻找内心深处,我知道,我只是让你在我心中我很寂寞..我的心是空的,但我还是尽我所能记得你强硬既然可以像我这样的女孩从来没有赶上你的眼睛当我醒来,然后从我的梦想说再见林youll的睡美人和睡眠百年的睡美人任谁在等待着你在这里我爱你,其实你听见了吗?本人不能说明,以便明确失去你是我永远不能害怕词帮助告诉我想念你词永远不能让你知道林所以蓝色是我永远不能告诉你为什么不良想想你和一。然后我simle我很寂寞..我的心是空的,但我还是尽我所能记得你强硬自从和我一样的女孩永远不能赶上你的眼睛当我醒来,然后从我的梦想youll说再见Theres只有你的爱可以洗我的眼泪,我希望我可以一直留在你任您选择一个渴望..你属于我的内核可我梦想的你再一次,我只想对你关闭当你失去你的灵魂我要去告诉你现在要去告诉.. ..怎样才能让我的爱只是似乎随时间增长,进出口的睡美人和睡眠百年的睡美人任谁在等待着你在这里我爱你,其实你听见了吗?本人不能说明,以便明确失去你是我担心Theres只有你的爱可以洗我的眼泪,我希望我可以一直留在你任您选择一个渴望..你属于我的内核可我梦想您再次

g.e.m邓紫棋sleeping beauty


sleeping beauty的歌词 中文翻译。

邓紫棋- Sleeping Beauty作词:G.E.M. 作曲:G.E.M.★By:Starchan☆QQ:77923055梦内倾心一吻就算心动现实可惜不配与你相拥沉溺 於一刻的接触哪管即将结束 已经满足夜半再相见 迷雾里缱绻长夜梦中有过动魄迷人片段没法再相见 一醒了完全逆转就似梦里面炽热爱海变冰川沉睡中的主角 怎会怕寂寞童话中的主角 一百年躺卧埋在心底的爱慕 能否跟你透露期待你 只是虚无梦内相拥一刹就算感动现实可惜经已结霜冰封谁奢想一生都抱紧至少一刻快感 亦当缘份夜半再相见 迷雾里缱绻长夜梦中有过动魄迷人片段没法再相见 一醒了完全逆转就似梦里面炽热爱海变冰川沉睡中的主角 怎会怕寂寞童话中的主角 一百年躺卧埋在心底的爱慕 如果跟你透露其实也只是爱慕如现实中只可以独个妄想不休止 宁愿继续沉睡甜梦里永远一对 不管它真真假假梦中的主角 怎会怕寂寞童话中的主角 一百年躺卧埋在心底的爱慕 如果跟你透露期待你同样倾慕沉睡中的主角 怎会怕寂寞无奈苏醒的我 一百年凄楚谁愿一生只有恨 能否给我安枕谁令我一直空等如果歌词好 那请记住上传者--jystar☆END本歌词由网友闪影提供

睡美人的英文名是Aurora还是sleeping beauty啊…………??

sleeping beauty

求Bobby Tinsley-You的歌词。

Bobby Tinsley : You Lyrics底下是词你看看对不!呵呵!just press play yeah.... ohhh... -in your life there"s just one person you can"t live without, I"m feeling my tears- whoooo who kept it with me when i was trying to fake it, who told me, baby i believe you"re Gonna make it, who who who who who ohhh... and who held my hand when i was in need, i was stronger, who kept me going when i couldn"t go longer who who who who whoo... and you need to know it was you it was you Girl it was you it was you my dreams come true, my loves for you, girl it was you (say it) yeah who"s on my mind every second that i wake up. who looks so fine, she dont even need her make up who who who who (tell me)yeah yeah who help you out when you were in cause of faded and you got out and was the first one that was waiting who.. who... who... yeah and you need to know it was you it was you girls it was you it was you my dreams come true, my loves for you, cause it was you and you need to know it was you it was you it was you it was you my dreams come true, my loves for you, it was you(it was you) and you need to know -now listen, you only get one life, and sometimes, you only get one shot to live with everything that you have, so if you have more than anything, look "em dead in the eyes you don"t even blink and then say this- say i love you (i love you) i want you (i wan you) i need you (i need you) GIRL i need you (i need you) and i love.....(love love love) i love.... you soo.. (you so) and you need to know it was you it was you girls it was you it was you my dreams come true, my love for you, cause it was you (it was you, it was you, it was you) it was you it was you girls it was you it was you my dreams come true, my love for you, cause it was you and you need to know it was you it was you girls it was you it was you my dreams come true, my loves for you girl it was you

the baby is sleeping in the bedroom缩写形式改写句子,怎么写?

The baby"s sleeping in the room

R&B白人歌手Bobby Tinsley的perfect

是啊节奏布鲁斯”(R&B)在20世纪40年代中期出现的时候,它甚至还没有名字。但这个词才一出现,它就迅速广泛地传播开去。时至今日,R&B已经成了黑人流行音乐的代名词,尽管它更多的是作为一种区别于说唱乐(Rap)、灵魂乐(Soul)、都市歌(Urban)的音乐种类被特殊的听众和唱片界人士提及。早期的摇滚乐 就是以R&B为基础的,它是由受流行音乐影响的“乡村和西部音乐”延展而来。R&B不仅仅是在布鲁斯和摇滚乐之间的一种重要的过渡音乐,它还是布鲁斯和灵魂乐之间最重要的音乐分支。 当然,布鲁斯无疑是R&B的一个重要组成部分,但爵士乐元素也同等重要。最早的R&B艺术家就是来自“大乐队”(Big-Band)和“摇摆爵士”(Swing-Jazz)领域。在“二战”前,爵士乐远比今日风行,那时它是一种为跳舞而演奏的音乐,但是在乐队中通常会有歌手。“二战”期间,许多重要的爵士乐艺术家开始发展“上乘爵士”(Be Bop)和“酷爵士”(Cool Jazz),这种跳舞元素更少的爵士乐。然而受战时的经济、军事等因素的影响和约束,“大乐队”开始逐渐减少。但听众们,尤其是那些在大城市中迅速增加的非裔美国社区的听众,他们仍然希望听到可以跳舞的音乐。于是音乐家们为了适应听众,就做出音量更大、使用更多的电声乐器,并且以“回复”(Riff)为主的“布吉音乐”(Boogie)。 最初开始流行的R&B风格通常是指“跳跃布鲁斯”(Jump Blues)。它不仅吸收了爵士乐里的摇摆节奏和以号为主的编配方式,而且吸收了布鲁斯里普遍使用的回复段与和声结构。这种风格最重要的先驱也许要算卡布·卡洛维(Cab Calloway)。在“跳跃布鲁斯”中,歌手的声音更加刺耳,节奏更快,乐器的演奏也不一样——钢琴的弹奏力度更大,萨克司的声音更加长而尖锐。 最重要和最具流行性的“跳跃布鲁斯”明星是路易斯·乔丹(Louis Jordan),他的唱片在黑人听众和白人听众里取得了同样的成功。而且他还深深地影响了查克·贝里(Chuck Berry)。许多早期的“跳跃布鲁斯”表演者都是来自洛杉矶,因为那里在“大萧条”和“二战”期间形成了庞大的黑人社区。40年代末期,更多的城市开始有了自己的“跳跃布鲁斯”明星。洛杉矶的独立唱片公司“专业”(Specialty)和“阿拉丁”(Aladdin)通过出版“跳跃布鲁斯”唱片,不仅填补了大唱片公司在这个领域的空白,而且使自己获得了成功。乔·里金斯(Joe Liggins)、泰尼·布雷德绍(Tiny Bradshaw)、阿莫斯·米尔博恩(Amos Milburn)、卡米利·霍华德(Camille Howard),这些如今大部分已被完全忘却的艺术家,当时都在“跳跃布鲁斯”方面获得了巨大的成功,并成为他们时代最风光的黑人音乐家。 “跳跃布鲁斯”后来转变为几种不同的风格。那些被称作“大嗓门们”(Shouters)的演唱者在“大乐队”拘谨的演唱方式里加入了更具活力的“福音音乐”(Gospel music)和“灵魂乐”(Soul)。“胖子”乔·特纳(Big Joe Turner)是在堪萨斯的一支爵士乐队开始他的艺术家生涯的。他是R&B和“爵士乐”的双重传奇人物,他不但轻松地由“爵士乐”转向R&B,甚至还创作了一些早期的经典摇滚乐歌曲。另外,维诺尼·哈里斯(Wynonie Harris)、罗伊·布朗(Roy Brown)、罗伊·弥尔顿(Roy Milton)、纳皮·布朗(Nappy Brown)也是40年代末到50年代初“大嗓门们”里的重要音乐家,尽管他们没有特纳那么有名。 50年代开始的时候,“种族”(Race)音乐曾被《告示牌》(Billboard)杂志的杰瑞·维克斯勒(Jerry Wexler)用来重新命名R&B。作为“大西洋”唱片公司的A&R,杰瑞把“跳跃布鲁斯”推广到了流行音乐听众和青少年当中。早期的“大西洋”唱片公司的明星们[鲁斯·布朗(Ruth Brown)、莱文·贝克(LaVern Baker)、“漂流者”(Drifters)、查克·威利斯(Chuck Willis)]的唱片维持了这种对“跳跃布鲁斯”的偏爱,但他们的节奏、回复段、歌词都开始接近后来的摇滚乐。事实上,贝克和威利斯还曾依靠一些受年轻听众喜爱的歌曲在早期的摇滚乐领


猫在沙发上…按理说应该C吧…可A也有点嫌疑…沙发有些是那种两边有把手的…就类似于in the chair的用法…但沙发长些,应该就不考虑那个了吧…C吧… B、D两项不用考虑

英语语法:当分词作表语时,如何选择正确的分词填空? 例如:I am sleeping. I am tired.

sleeping 和前面的am 构成现在进行时,而tired是过去分词用作形容词表示“累的”,做表语。

用went watching looked sleeping get up eating写一篇文章

Last night, I went to the theatre to watch a movie with my girlfriend. when we were watching the movie, there was a little girl came into the room and begged for money. I looked at her and thought she was not that poor, so I decided not to give her anything. My girlfriend was very angry at me. After the movie, My girlfriend said she is not sleeping with me ever again. I just went home alone then fell asleep really soon. When I get up, I discover that poor little girl is standing outside eating food from the ground, which makes me really sad.纯原创=。=

The cat was sleeping on the desk. The girl was playing the piano. 为什么要加was,这里是被动吗?



Sleeping Japanese girl has wild sex in her bedroom日本女孩睡在她的卧室野生性


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