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rogue subtlety是什么意思


请翻译一下美剧heros 英雄的插曲Eyes by Rogue Wave


hoodlum rogue hooligan 流氓 有何区别?

按程度划分 从最严重递减Hoodlum Hooligan Roguehoodlum是美式口语说法,恶盗 流氓等hooligan是普通用法泛指小流氓rogue有盗贼,刺客的意思


Rogue是欧洲赛区(LEC)的。RGE战队全称为Rogue战队,由五名来自不同的欧洲国家的成员组成,分别是波兰的打野选手“Inspired”和辅助选手“VandeR”、瑞典的上路选手“Finn”和中单选手“Larssen”以及来自法国的下路选手“Hans sama”。打野选手“Inspired”常用的英雄有:螳螂、盲僧。辅助选手“VandeR”常用的英雄有:琴女、锤石、稻草人。上路选手“Finn”常用的英雄有:女刀。中单选手“Larssen”常用的英雄有:飞机、劫。下路选手“Hans sama”常用的英雄有:德莱文、霞、卡莉斯塔、卢锡安。2022LEC夏季总决赛于北京时间9月12日清晨落下帷幕,结局令所有观众出乎预料,LEC九冠王、春夏两个赛季依然制霸联赛、在季后赛中一路碾压其他对手从胜者组杀入决赛的G2战队竟然被Rogue战队以3-0的大比分无情横扫。Rogue力压LEC顶级霸主G2成为欧洲LEC联赛历史上第五支冠军队伍,他们即将以LEC一号种子的身份出征2022全球总决赛。

Rogue Traders的《fashion》 歌词

歌曲名:fashion歌手:Rogue Traders专辑:here come the drumsFashion is the only cureIt always leaves you wanting moreFashion people know the scoreAh… fashionFashion is the only cureIt always leaves you wanting moreFashion people know the scoreAh… fashionI"m just a slave to it allWalking down the streetFeeling like she is completeShe"s got her Gucci, prada, louis, sabaIsn"t that neatShe thinks that everyone isLooking as she"s passing them byAnd everything looks betterWith heels three inches highFashionStep backEvery street"s a catwalkI"m just a slave to it allGet rich, stay kitchGive me another hitI"m just a slave to it allCouture, some moreFashion"s the only cureWalking gown the streetWith her new man no-one"s seenShe"s laughing, jokingSmiling hoping everyone seesShe"s got the perfect guyTo match her image alrightShe loves it when she seesThe girls have envious eyesFashionStep backEvery street"s a catwalkWhen you"re looking like thatFashionIt"s so coolWhen life is like a video and magazine shootI"m just a slave to it allGet rich, stay kitchGive me another hitI"m just a slave to it allCouture, some moreFashion"s the only cureI"m just a slave to it allGet rich, stay kitchGive me another hitI"m just a slave to it allCouture, some moreFashion"s the only cureFashion is the only cureIt always leaving you wanting moreFashion people know the scoreAh…fashionFashion is the only cureIt always leaving you wanting moreFashion people know the scoreAh…fashionI"m just a slave to it allGet rich, stay kitchGive me another hitI"m just a slave to it allCouture, some moreFashion"s the only cureI"m just a slave to it allEvery street"s a catwalk looks like betterI"m just a slave to it allCouture, some moreAh…fashion





Rogue World Asylum 歌词

歌曲名:Rogue World Asylum歌手:Machinae Supremacy专辑:Redeemer (Remastered)标题:Rogue World Asylum艺术家:Machinae SupremacyShe blooms like a flowerAs she opens up and wallows in the lightBut it looms like die mauerAs we search for what to follow in the nightAnd now they build another wall againCome with me and you will seeOur future in debrisFirst the sun and now the stars are fadingIn a rogue world we are freeWe have found the colored keysBut I know that we are still here waitingWaiting for herShe breathes death insideas we keep trying to nurture her with liesNow scorched her eyes are blindThough given time she can recover if we trybut now they build another wall againCome with me and you will seeOur future in debrisFirst the sun and now the stars are fadingIn a rogue world we are freeWe have found the colored keysBut I know that we are still here waitingWaiting for herAnd now they build another wall againCome with me and you will seeOur future in debrisFirst the sun and now the stars are fadingIn a rogue world we are freeWe have found the colored keysBut I know that we are still here waitingBut I know that we are still here waiting for her金属梦:66032164

Roguelite类游戏《地下城与矿工》曝光 阴暗地牢巨龙为伴

首先,不要急着纠错,我并没有打错,《Dungeons and Miners》确实是一个“roguelite”类的游戏。虽然也属于roguelike类的游戏,但严格上来说这两者还是有区别的,或者说“roguelite”其实是roguelike的一个子分类,与roguelike不同的是“roguelite”相对来说更友善,因为当角色死亡的时候并不是失去了一切,一切都要重新开始的,换句话来说也就是削弱了惩罚机制。如果还是不清楚的话,那么我提两个游戏你或许就会大概明白一些,《以撒的结合》与《死亡细胞》就是典型的roguelite类游戏。关于这个分类在这就不过多赘述了,感兴趣的可以自己去百度一下。 死亡细胞 接下来说正事,这次曝光的游戏叫《Dungeons and Miners》,中文译为《地下城和矿工》,来自一个名叫“AngryBugs”的工作室,对就是愤怒的Bug,这个游戏是该工作室的第一个作品,不过看起来非常有趣,不知道到时候具体情况如何。不过从游戏的实机演示截图来看,画面阴暗,风格压抑,界面UI简洁,十分吸引人。 而且可以得知这是个竖屏玩的横版游戏,感觉好像挺拗口的。。。说实话,在此之前还没见过竖屏玩的roguelite类游戏,我反正是看着还蛮期待的 从官方给出的信息来看,这个游戏很可能有联机系统,官方给出的信息是游戏具有伙伴系统,但并没有指明所谓的“伙伴”到底是什么,当然也有可能是宠物,不过就我个人来说我比较偏向有联机系统,毕竟和朋友一起开黑有趣多了。 除了伙伴系统以外,还有两个地方值得注意,首先,这个游戏拥有魔法系统,是的,这也就意味着并不是“突突突”和“砍砍砍”,而且还可以使用魔法“呼呼呼”,看来游戏在内容方面还是蛮丰富的。 还有一个值得一提的地方就是这个游戏里似乎是可以让龙帮打造武器的,其实说来也挺合适,毕竟西方的龙在设定上都是会喷火的,做个铁匠算是对资源的合理分配了。 最后,这会是一个付费游戏,是买断制的,但具体多少钱开发者并没有说 via:taptap
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