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罗马发音歌词:Nor jarnangodo obso monangodo obso hanbon suchin namjaya jaku gwichanhge hajima no gathungon isesange kalligo kallyosso Nor dashi manna damyon iji mothan damyon negedo bunmyong munjega inungor ajigdo nawa gathun yoja chaja hemeni Jongmar nunmur nage jarhe judaga nomu janinhage byonhe borin no hajiman imi norur saranghe borin naya (SHAKE IT SHAKE IT BABY) Ari ariyo nar dugo tonaganayo nar gajigo nar boringe sarang ingayo ari ariyo nar dugo tonagan damyon ne gasume segin sangcho chegimjigo ga Nor saranghago shipho johahago shipho ijen nor gago shipho nado nochorom byonhesso darmagasso nega mandun narangor arjanha Nor sarang hanun yoja joha hanun yoja ijenun negen modu da jogingor dorawa ijen naman bomyo saragaya he Jongmar nunmur nage jarhe judaga nomu janinhage byonhe borin no hajiman imi norur saranghe borin naya (SHAKE IT SHAKE IT BABY) Ari ariyo nar dugo tonaganayo nar gajigo nar boringe sarang ingayo ari ariyo nar dugo tonagan damyon ne gasume segin sangcho chegimjigo ga Ari ariyo nar midgo dorawajwoyo nar gajigo nar borimyon guman ingayo ari ariyo nar dugo honja ganayo nar borigo kuth nar sarang ari ariyo Ari ariyo nar dugo tonaganayo nar gajigo nar boringe sarang ingayo ari ariyo nar dugo tonagan damyon ne gasume segin sangcho chegimjigo ga 中文谐音音译:[03:01.35][ti:阿里阿里] [03:03.89][ar:李贞贤] [00:58.09]那家拉摸多我琐,摸那我多摸所,蛤蟆了死几了的呢野, [01:02.14]几古里切的哈几骂,诺哈挪嘎顶罗,一色色呵嘎里,嘎里俩搜 [01:06.25]那嘎西摸了的俩,一起摸了的俩,那该则不俩不几嘎地挪过, [01:09.92]啊里毒,那哇嘎吐挪家他家赫挪里,的摸龙里拉嘎查里只拉嘎 [01:14.13]呢不家里那给片里泊里落,哈几吗里里里落俩,撒拉几拨里拉呀, [01:18.07]射击,射击 射击 射击得, 啊里啊里 有了 度 动了嘎那有? [01:22.18]奶奶鸡不 内拨里几洒了一了油。啊里啊里 有了 度 多了的哥 [01:26.23]娘 内个死B色几 色几 车个几古嘎. [01:30.38]那撒拉饿可起破,吐我哈嘎西魄 一接挪里了达西破, [01:34.54]那歌 落求 落娘 美索,蛤蟆嘎搜 一嘎吗的 撒了 够打架吗? [01:38.76]美 撒了 哈了 牛恰 吐哇 哈拉 牛恰 [01:42.75]一家了美够 过度的球 井贵儿,多了娃 一几忙了摸了撒了大牙黑 [01:50.03]的摸龙里拉嘎查里只拉嘎 [01:54.19]呢不家里那给片里泊里落,哈几吗里里里落俩,撒拉几拨里拉呀, [01:58.24]射击,射击 射击 射击得, 啊里啊里 有了 度 动了嘎那有? [02:02.67]奶奶鸡不 内拨里几洒了一了油。啊里啊里 有了 度 多了的哥 [02:06.45]娘 内个死B色几 色几 车个几古嘎。 [02:10.60]啊里啊里 有了 度有 吐了娃 吐又 [02:14.77]啊里啊里 有了 度有 土那嘎那油 那拨里几古哭那撒里 [02:18.92]啊里啊里油! [02:24.13]啊里啊里 有了 度 动了嘎那有 [02:28.12]奶奶鸡不 内拨里几洒了一了油。啊里啊里 有了 度 多了的哥 [02:32.28]娘 内个死B色几 色几 车个几古嘎。 韩语原歌词:넌 잘난것도 없어 못난것도 없어 한번 스친 남자야 자꾸 귀찮게 하지마 너 같은건 이 세상에 깔리고 깔렸어 널 다시 만난다면 잊지 못한다면 내게도 분명 문제가 있는걸 아직도 나와 같은 여자 찾아 헤매니 정말 눈물나게 잘해주다가 너무 잔인하게 변해버린 너 하지만 이미 너를 사랑해 버린 나야 (shake it shake it shake it baby) 아리아리요 날 두고 떠나가나요 날 가지고 날 버린게 사랑인가요 아리아리요 날 두고 떠나간다면 내 가슴에 새긴 상처 책임지고 가 널 사랑하고 싶어 좋아하고 싶어 이젠 널 갖고 싶어 나도 너처럼 변했어 닮아 갔어 네가 만든 나란걸 알잖아 널 사랑하는 여자 좋아하는 여자 이제는 내겐 모두 다 적인걸 돌아와 이젠 나만 보며 살아가야 해 정말 눈물나게 잘해주다가 너무 잔인하게 변해버린너 하지만 이미 너를 사랑해 버린 나야 (shake it shake it shake it baby) 아리아리요 날 두고 떠나가나요 날 가지고 날 버린게 사랑인가요 아리아리요 날 두고 떠나간다면 내 가슴에 새긴 상처 책임지고 가 아리아리요 날 믿고 돌아와줘요 날 가지고 날 버리면 그만인가요 아리아리요 날 두고 혼자가나요 날 버리고 끝날사랑 아리아리요 아리아리요 날 두고 떠나가나요 날 가지고 날 버린게 사랑인가요 아리아리요 날 두고 떠나간다면 내 가슴에 새긴 상처 책임지고 가中文翻译:我的身死了死了 一百次再死首骨变尘土 有没有灵魂你长的不帅也不丑 一次经的男人别缠着我 像你那样的人世上多的很 再见到你不能忘记你的话 肯定自已有问题 还在徘徊吗?为了走向我这样的女人 对我好得让人想流泪 变的太残忍的你 可是我已经爱上了你 (shakt it shahe it baby) 阿里阿里哟 留着我离开的话 把我心里的伤痕都拿走吧 我很想爱你喜欢你 如今很想拥有你 我也是跟你一样变了 越来越像你 明知道我是你所做的 你爱的女人`喜欢的女人 如今变成敌人 回来吧`应该只能看着我活下去 对我好得让人想流泪 变的太残忍的你 可是我已经爱上了你 (skake it shake it baby) 阿里阿里哟 留着我离开的话 把我心里的伤痕都拿走吧 阿里阿里哟 希望相信我再回来吧 抛弃我就结束吗? 阿里阿里哟 留着我你一个人走吗? 我不愿意结束爱情

求一首歌~是Maria Carey和T.I的I will be loving you long time~


my first trian ride写一篇短文80-100字

For me,I"ve paid large numbers of visits to various interesting places by plan or by boat,however,I haven"t got any experience of taking a train.Recently,my first ride on a train came which impressed me a lot.That is the way to Xizang. On that day,I entered the train with excited and curious feelings.I looked around,and found that the train is different from the plan or the ship,for it gives me a sense of security.After a while,a trainman came,serving us drinks and food.I have to say that his attitude towards the passengers is pretty good,and the food is delicious as well.What"s more,the train offers us various entertainment ways,we can watch TV,play cards,and listen to the music for fun. This is my first ride on a train,I enjoyed it a lot and I won"t forget it.

Interministerial 什么意思

interministerial meeting?内阁大臣(会议)

pump materials是什么意思

pump1名词 n. [C]1.泵,唧筒We have a pump for drawing water from the well. 我们用一个水泵从井里抽水。 2.一抽,一吸;抽吸[S]及物动词 vt. 1.用唧筒抽(水等);用唧筒抽吸...中的水等[O]The fire-brigade pumped water out of the flooded house. 消防队将水从被淹的房子里抽出去。 2.打(气);为...打气[O]This tire is flat; you didn"t pump enough air in. 这个轮胎没气了;你并没打足气。 3.盘问;用话刺探出(秘密等)[(+out)]Don"t let them pump you. 不要让他们向你探问情况。 4.灌注(知识);倾注[(+into/upon)]He pumped funds into the new project. 他向新工程注入资金。 5.使劲地握(手)He pumped my hands. 他握着我的双手使劲地摇着。 不及物动词 vi. 1.使用唧筒[(+away)]He was pumping away the whole day. 他整天忙着用唧筒抽水。 2.唧筒似地运动His heart pumped hard. 他的心跳得很厉害。 3.一阵阵喷出[Q]Blood was pumping out of his belly like a fountain. 血像喷泉似地从他的腹部涌出。 pump2名词 n. 1.无带轻便舞鞋;无带浅口有跟女鞋[P]She went to the party in her silk dress and pumps. 她穿着绸的连衫裙和浅口轻便鞋参加宴会。

mariah carey的歌颂的是什么意思?

我来解答一下这个问题吧:这首歌是她2001年的专辑“Glitter”中的一首歌。这张专辑收录的歌曲,全部是一部由她主演的同名电影中的插曲,不幸的是2001年9月11日,美国遭遇恐怖袭击,而这张专辑就在当天发行,命运当然惨遭滑铁卢。所以她的这张专辑和那部同名电影,都没有得到理应有的影响力...如果你看过这部电影,你就知道这首歌的意义了。这部电影讲诉的是一位单亲母亲迫于生活压力,遗弃了年幼的女儿。年幼的少女凭借卓越的演唱才华,从默默无闻,一步步成为一刻耀眼的乐坛明星。成名后,少女一心想找到当年失散的母亲,却一直没有线索,内心的苦闷和思念一起作用,让她写下了Reflections这首歌。这首歌的意境主要是描述这位少女因为得不到母爱,内心的委屈,她在歌中反复的反问她的母亲:“你到底在乎我么?”,“难道你从没在乎过我么?”与电影情节非常吻合,我很喜欢其中这几句:If I"m not quite good enough 如果我真的不够优秀Or somehow undeserving of 或者其他的什么理由让我没有资格A mother"s love 得到母爱You could have had the decency to give me upBefore you gave me life 你应该在生我之前就将我放弃 淋漓尽致的表现了她内心的委屈,每次听到都觉得为她心痛。好在后来少女通过努力找到了自己的母亲。而这部本应该是一部励志情节的电影,并没有被很多人看好,如果你喜欢Mariah Carey,能看看这部电影的话一定让你更了解她。希望我的回答让你满意。

criterion variable是什么意思




marking criteria是什么意思

marking criteria评分标准criteria[英][krau026a"tu026au0259ru026au0259][美][krau026au02c8tu026aru026au0259]n.(批评、判断等的)标准,准则( criterion的名词复数 ); (criterion的复数); 例句:1.China does not meet any of those criteria. 中国不符合这些标准中的任何一项

手表背面写着:JAPAN MOVT Stainless Steel Back Water Resistant Austrian Rhine stone 是什么意思?

JAPAN MOVT 日本机芯Stainless Steel Steel 不锈钢后盖Water Resistant防水Austrian Rhine stone澳大利石英= =一般后盖写这么多的。。。都比较便宜。。因为都不是石化。当年中学门口的小精品店里很多这样的手表,价格在二十到三四十左右

Touch My Body-Mariah Carey歌词中文大意

爱抚MC,你永远是最棒的 噢耶............... 我知道你已在等待, 其实我也在等待 在我脑海中,你将主宰我的一切 我知道我令你狂热不止 但爱人,我的感觉也同你一样 我的热度已冲向云霄 如果那上面有台相机, 他将会拍下我们爱的场面 如果那上面有台相机 我绝不会拍下这一刻与大家在网上共享 因为如果你将我们这个私密的爱巢说出去 我将会亲自惩罚你 因为爱人我已满足了自己的心愿,像孩子回到玩具房中那样愉悦 但这是你与我私人的空间(我不会将它泄露出去) 爱抚我, 将我轻轻地放在地板上 轻揉我的身体 不要停止,爱我更多 爱抚我 将我放在床上 此时此刻,我只想让你感到你从未得到的感觉 爱抚我 让我的腿环绕在你的腰上,这只是一点体验 爱抚我 我知道你爱我的迷人曲线 快来给我渴望的激情,抚摸我的身体 爱人,你可以将我放在你的身上,像一个新的开始 我会将你紧紧拥抱,超越我那最爱的紧身牛仔裤 我要你爱抚我 像热带的微风,与你飘荡在加勒比海迷人的风景中 如果那上面有台相机, 他将会拍下我们爱的场面 如果那上面有台相机 我绝不会拍下这一刻与大家在网上共享 因为如果你将我们这个私密的爱巢说出去 我将会亲自惩罚你 因为爱人我已满足了自己的心愿,像孩子回到玩具房中那样愉悦 但这是你与我私人的空间(我不会将它泄露出去) 爱抚我, 将我轻轻地放在地板上 轻揉我的身体 不要停止,爱我更多 爱抚我 将我放在床上 此时此刻,我只想让你感到你从未得到的感觉 爱抚我 让我的腿环绕在你的腰上,这只是一点体验 爱抚我 我知道你爱我的迷人曲线 快来给我渴望的激情,抚摸我的身体 我将你当作我最爱玩具熊i 在这爱的氛围中,我让你不能去往任何地方 爱人,转过来,你将不用得到更多 因为我将给你全部 爱抚我 噢耶............... 爱抚我

Bul GARIA的中文意思

Bul GARIA保加利亚

mariah carey 的underneath the stars 中文歌词


Mariah Carey唱的"I stay in love"歌词及其歌词意思

  首先,我参考了下面的,发现了很多错误的地方。  I Stay In Love"  我依然爱着  Oh baby哦,亲爱的  Baby, I stay in love with you  亲爱的, 我依然爱着你  Dying inside cause I can"t stand it  在内心深处心已经变得憔悴因为我不能忍受  Make or break up  重归于好抑或分手  Can"t take this madness  无法接受这种愚蠢的行为  We don"t even really know why  我们完全找不到合适的理由  All I know is baby  亲爱的,我清楚的知道  I try and try so hard  我努力的一试再试  To keep our love alive  维持着我们的爱情  If you dont" know me at this point  如果你此刻仍不了解我。  Then I highly doubt you ever will  那么我十分怀疑你始终会这样  I really need you to give me  我真的需要你给予我  That unconditional love I used to feel  那种我过去感受到的那种毫无条件的爱  It"s no mistaking  那不是误解  We"re just erasing from our hearts and minds  我们只是从心底中开始抹去痕迹  And I know we said let go  我确信我们说过顺其自然  But I kept on hanging on  但我依然坚持着  Inside I know it"s over  我清楚的知道爱已经结束  You"re really gone  你已经离去  It"s killing me  这让我无法忍受  Cause there ain"t nothing that I can do  因为我无能为力了  Baby, I stay in love with you  亲爱的,我依然爱着你  And I keep on telling myself  我一直告诉自己  That you"ll come back around  你会回到我的身边  And I try to front like "Oh well",each time you let me down  每次你让我失望的时候, 我努力的装作若无其事;  See I can"t get over you now  我明白我现在已经对你无法忘怀  No matter what I do  无论我做什么  But baby, baby  亲爱的,亲爱的  I stay in love with you  我依然爱你  Na na na na na na na na na  Na na na na na na na na na  Na na na na na na na na na  Baby, I stay in love with you  亲爱的,我依然爱着你  It cuts so deep  它伤的好深  It hurts down to my soul  直痛心扉;  My friends tell me  朋友们告诉我  I ain"t the same no more  我不再和从前一样了  We still need each other  我们依旧需要彼此  When we stumble and fall  那时我们犯错并分开;  How we gon" act Like what we had Ain"t nothin" at all now  我们怎么能够变得象陌生人那样;  Hey, what I wanna do is  听着,我要做的是  Ride shotgun next to you  坐在你的身旁拿着枪  With the top down like we used to  像从前那样我在上面,你在下面开车;  Hit the block  震动了街区 ;  Proud in the SUV  坐在跑车中得意的驰骋  We both know our heart is breaking  我们都清楚的知道我们的心开始出现裂痕  Can we learn from our mistakes  难道我们就不能吸收教训;  I can"t last one moment alone  我无法独自承受哪怕没有你一刻的时间;  Now go I know  我知道就从现在开始  we said let go  我们说过顺其自然  But I kept on hanging on  但我依然坚持着  Inside I know it"s over  我清楚的知道爱已经结束  You"re really gone  你已经离去  It"s killing me  这让我无法忍受  Cause there ain"t nothing that I can do  因为我无能为力了  Baby, I stay in love with you  亲爱的,我依然爱着你  And I keep on telling myself  我一直告诉自己  That you"ll come back around  你会回到我的身边  And I try to front like "Oh well",each time you let me down  每次你让我沮丧的时候, 我努力的表现出毫不在意的样子  See I can"t get over you now  对你的爱我无法自拔  No matter what I do  无论我做什么  baby, baby  亲爱的,亲爱的  I stay in love with you  我只不过是依然爱你  we said let go  我们说过顺其自然  But I kept on hanging on  但我依然坚持着  Inside I know it"s over  我清楚的知道爱已经结束  You"re really gone  你已经离去  It"s killing me  这让我无法忍受  Cause there ain"t nothing that I can do  因为我无能为力了  Baby, I stay in love with you  亲爱的,我依然爱着你  And I keep on telling myself  我一直告诉自己  That you"ll come back around  你会回到我的身边  And I try to front like "Oh well",each time you let me down  每次你让我失望的时候, 我努力的装作若无其事;  See I can"t get over you now  对你的爱我无法自拔  No matter what I do  无论我做什么  But baby, baby  亲爱的,亲爱的  I stay in love with you  我只不过是依然爱你  I stay in love  我依然爱着  Love  爱着  Oh, I stay in love.  哦,我依然爱着

GTA4里的“Florian Cravic”在哪里?


Material breakdown是不是指材料明细

Material breakdown材料击穿

material breakdown must equal 100% 是什么意思

material breakdown must equal 100%材料击穿必须等于100%

authentic materials是什么意思


商务英语口语对话:Managerial Staff 管理人员

A: please send this memo out to all the managerial staff…there will be training for all the department heads next week. Attendance for managerial staff is mandatory except for the financial department. Financial officers may participate if their schedules allow. B: you would like me to send this to all managerial staff? I"m sorry sir could you please clarify? Who all is included in managerial staff? A: managerial staff is anyone who is in a position of authority or responsibility or who has anyone working under them. It includes all supervisors and department heads. B: what about the senior account managers? Do they count? A: no they are in a position of leadership and have more experience than normal account managers but they do not directly supervise others. They are not members of the managerial staff and will not be included in our training. 请把这份备忘录发给所有的管理人员…下周要对各部门领导进行培训 要求管理人员必须参加 财务部门除外.如果时间安排应许的话 财务部门的领导也要参加. 您是让我把这个发给所有的管理人员吗?很抱歉 先生 请您说明白点 好吗?管理人员都包括哪些人? 管理人员就是有职权或担负责任的人 或者是那些手下有人干活的人 包括所有主管和部门领导. 那主任和会计师呢?他们算吗? 不算 他们处于领导岗位 也比一般的会计人员更有经验 但他们没有直接监管别人.他们不属于管理人员 不在我们的培训之列. Managerial: connected with the work of a manager 经理的;管理的 Does she have any managerial experience? 她有没有什么管理经验? Mandatory: required by law 强制的;法定的;义务的 It is mandatory for blood banks to test all donated blood for the virus. 血库必须检查所有捐献的血是否含有这种病毒。 The offence carries a mandatory life sentence. 这种罪行依照法律要判无期徒刑。 Clarify: to make sth clearer or easier to understand 使更清晰易懂;阐明;澄清 to clarify a situation/problem/issue 澄清情况/问题 I hope this clarifies my position. 我希望这能阐明我的立场。 She asked him to clarify what he meant. 她要他说清楚他是什么意思。 Supervise: to be in charge of *** /sth and make sure that everything is done correctly safely etc. 监督;管理;指导;主管 to supervise building work 监理建筑工程 She supervised the children playing near the pool. 她照料着在水池附近玩的几个孩子。 Department head 部门领导 Senior account manager 高级会计人员 Position of authority 职权职位 Work under 在…手下工作

Trans-Siberian Railway 什么意思

a railway that goes through Siberia 理解英文,学习英文,不能用汉字的。整个儿学反了!





帮帮忙,求 Mariah Carey 的《I stay in love》的歌词

歌曲:Istayinlove 歌手:MariahCarey(中英对照) 所属专辑:E=MC2 MariahCarey-IstayinloveLrcby:"Chen@Ohbaby(哦,亲爱的)Baby,Istayinlovewithyou(亲爱的,我深深的陷入了对你的爱情之中)DyinginsidecauseIcan"tstandit(我所有的一切都为你而疯狂,因为我实在抵挡不住这种感觉)Makeorbreakup(无论是承受还是挣扎)Can"ttakethismadness(我都无法抵抗这种疯狂的感觉)Wedon"tevenreallyknowwhy(我甚至不知道是为什么)AllIknowisbaby(亲爱的,我唯一清楚的是)Itryandtrysohard(我这么努力的)Tokeepourlovealive(想维持我们的爱)Ifyoudont"knowmeatthispoint(但如果现在你一点都不了解的话)ThenIhighlydoubtyoueverwill(我便会开始怀疑你曾经一直给我的承诺)Ireallyneedyoutogiveme(我真的很需要你给我)ThatunconditionalloveIusedtofeel(那种我曾经一直感受到的,那种毫无质疑的爱)It"snomistaking(也许生活也没什么改变)We"rejusterasing(只是我们的感情变淡了而已)Fromourheartsandminds(从里到外)AndIknowwesaidletgo(我知道我们说了再见)ButIkeptonhangingon(可我仍然停留在这里不想离开)InsideIknowit"sover(在心里我知道这已经结束了)You"rereallygone(你真的已经走了)It"skillingme(这让我痛苦像杀了我一样)Causethereain"tnothing(因为我不可能不在乎)ThatIcando(我能做的只是这样想)Baby,Istayinlovewithyou(亲爱的我深深的陷入了对你的爱中,无法自拔)AndIkeepontellingmyself(我不停的告诉自己)Thatyou"llcomebackaround(你会再次回来到我身旁)AndItrytofrontlike"Ohwell"(每次我都会努力向前看,安慰自己一切都会好)Eachtimeyouletmedown(但你每次都让我失望,痛苦)SeeIcan"tgetoveryounow(你看,这么多次努力最终我还是忘不了你)NomatterwhatIdo(无论做什么都没办法)Butbaby,baby(但是亲爱的,亲爱的)Istayinlovewithyou(我深深的陷入了对你的爱情之中)Nanananananananana(呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐)Nanananananananana(呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐)Nanananananananana(呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐呐)Baby,Istayinlovewithyou(亲爱的,我深深的陷入了对你的爱情之中)Itcutssodeep(这种感觉深深的刺痛我)Ithurtsdowntomysoul(他让我的灵魂伤心坠落)Myfriendstellme(我的朋友告诉我)Iain"tthesamenomore(现在情况不一样了)Westillneedeachother(但我想我们仍需要对方)Whenwestumbleandfall(Whenwestumbleandfall)Howwegon"act(我们该怎么办?)Likewhatwehad(还能像我们曾经那样互相扶持吗?)Ain"tnothin"atallnow(现在什么也没有了,没人能帮我们)Hey,whatIwannadois(Hey,现在我想做的就是)Rideshotgunnexttoyou(像骑着火枪那样飞到你身边)Withthetopdownlikeweusedto(像以前那样快速投进你的怀抱)Hittheblock(让整条街的人看到都震惊)ProudintheSUV(为我们的SUV车而骄傲)Webothknowourheartisbreaking(我们都知道这次分离让我们的心都碎了)Canwelearnfromourmistakes(那么我们能不能从这个错误中学到什么呢?)Ican"tlastonemomentalone(我再也不能忍受一刻孤独)NowgoIknow(我知道我现在就要离开这份痛苦)Wesaidletgo(我们说了再见)ButIkeptonhangingon(可我仍然停留在这里不想离开)InsideIknowit"sover(在心里我知道这已经结束了)You"rereallygone(你真的已经走了)It"skillingme(这让我痛苦像杀了我一样)Causethereain"tnothing(因为我不可能不在乎)ThatIcando(我能做的只是这样想)Baby,Istayinlovewithyou(亲爱的我深深的陷入了对你的爱中,无法自拔)AndIkeepontellingmyself(我不停的告诉自己)Thatyou"llcomebackaround(你会再次回来到我身旁)AndItrytofrontlike"Ohwell"(每次我都会努力向前看,安慰自己一切都会好)Eachtimeyouletmedown(但你每次都让我失望,痛苦)SeeIcan"tgetoveryou(你看,这么多次努力最终我还是忘不了你)NownomatterwhatIdo(无论做什么都没办法)Butbaby,baby(但是亲爱的,亲爱的)Istayinlovewithyou(我深深的陷入了对你的爱情之中)Wesaidletgo(我们说了再见)ButIkeptonhangingon(可我仍然停留在这里不想离开)InsideIknowit"sover(在心里我知道这已经结束了)You"rereallygone(你真的已经走了)It"skillingme(这让我痛苦像杀了我一样)Causethereain"tnothing(因为我不可能不在乎)ThatIcando(我能做的只是这样想)Baby,Istayinlovewithyou(亲爱的我深深的陷入了对你的爱中,无法自拔)AndIkeepontellingmyself(我不停的告诉自己)Thatyou"llcomebackaround(你会再次回来到我身旁)AndItrytofrontlike"Ohwell"(每次我都会努力向前看,安慰自己一切都会好)Eachtimeyouletmedown(但你每次都让我失望,痛苦)SeeIcan"tgetoveryou(你看,这么多次努力最终我还是忘不了你)NownomatterwhatIdo(无论做什么都没办法)Butbaby,baby(但是亲爱的,亲爱的)Istayinlove(我深深的陷入了对你的爱情之中)Love(爱)Oh,Istayinlove.(Oh,我深深的陷入了对你的爱情之中)Istayinlove.(我深深的陷入了对你的爱情之中)

如何评价 React 实现的前端 UI 库 material-ui

Material UI 源码很多地方比较偏激,但是亮点和优化非常明显偏激:比如 通篇样式使用style和context(个人感觉用styled-components似乎是更好的选择)亮点优化:比如 很小的细节优化,Overlay里利用了css的willChange,RenderToLayer unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer 挂在到domtree 放到body后面解决z-index 等等问题,很用心很细心。反正是一款很值得尊敬和学习的优秀UI库

free trial是什么意思

free trial 英[fri: u02c8traiu0259l] 美[fri u02c8trau026au0259l] 免费试用 [例句]Meanwhile , it was giving out half-year free trial of norton anti-virus.同时,他提供了可以免费试用半年的诺顿杀毒软件半年。**************************************************************如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,希望回答能得到您的满意,有什么随时联系!***************************************************************

fiddler中的"Download free trial"是什么?


http://www.pdfdo.com PDFdo-lmage to PDF Trial

试试foxit phantom

stretch material是什么意思

stretch material 拉伸材料

关于在MyEclipse中JAVA的问题(the local variable leap is never read)

最后一个if语句错误!应该是if(leap==false) 其实一般都这样写if(!leap)


Brian Fly to the sky成员中文名叫朱珉奎








放射虫为原生动物门肉足虫纲的一个亚纲。海生浮游生活,个体微小,常呈放射状,由细胞质伸出丝状、针状、分枝状或网状的伪足,直径一般为0.2~0.3mm,少数可超过lmm。体中央有一球形、梨形或圆盘形的中心囊(central capsule)。中心囊表面被有假几丁质薄膜,将细胞质分为囊内和囊外两部分。囊内和囊外细胞质通过中心囊表面上的小孔相互沟通。囊内有一个或多个细胞核,囊外细胞质多具空胞,能增加放射虫的浮力,有利于浮游生活(图3-1,1、2)。放射虫骨骼成分大多数为硅质,少数为硫酸锶。形状多样,一般有球形、椭圆形、圆锥形、帽形、盔形和盘形等。放射虫的骨骼构造极为复杂,大致可划分为如下三种类型:①网状骨骼(图3-1,4);②同心状骨骼(图3-1,5);③分散状骨骼(图3-1,3)。绝大多数放射虫生活在盐分正常的海洋中,自洋面到4000余米深处均有放射虫生活,某些放射虫可生活在更深的水层中,但主要营漂浮生活。放射虫死亡后,下沉到海底,堆积成放射虫软泥。多数放射虫分布在温暖的海洋中,由赤道向两极迅速减少,如太平洋放射虫主要分布于赤道南北纬20°以内,少量可分布于两极的寒冷地带。通常在暖流地带放射虫的壳小而薄,刺细长,而寒流地带的放射虫壳大而厚,刺粗短。此外,放射虫在海洋中还有垂直分布的现象。因此,根据地层中化石的组合性质,壳形的大小和壳饰,可推断沉积时的海水深度,但在具体应用时,还必须考虑到在同一地点上不同深度的放射虫,死后也可堆积在一起。放射虫不仅为地层划分、对比,以及古地理和古气候研究提供依据,对研究蛇绿岩套和混杂堆积也具有重要意义。图3-1 放射虫的形态及代表属(1,2,4,5据Haeckel,1887;3据谭智源等,1976;6~10引自Cainpbell et Moore,1964再版)1—放射虫的构造;2—放射虫的部分横切面;3—分散状骨骼;4—网状骨骼;5—同心状骨骼;6—Astrolithum bulbiferum,×105,全新统;7—Caryosphaera groddecki,×50,泥盆系;8—Podoeoronis(P.)toxarium,×140,全新统;9—Bathropyramis(Cladopyrarmis)ramosa,×105,全新统;10—Cannosphaera antarctia,×13,全新统

跪求 maria arredondo 的《on and on》的歌词

跪求 maria arredondo 的《on and on》的歌词 The Rain The Fall My love, is right behind you The Rain The Fall My love, is right behind you The Rain The Fall My love, is right behind you You, what are you crying for? Soon, you had to end this war The days are turning darker now But hang on to that dream, some how You, where are you going to? True, they can go rough on you Things have turned so sad inside But hang on to the dreams you hide On and On, the dark will find you Rain, fall and clouds surround you Carry on, my love"s behind you I know, I"ll see you *** iling You, you better stand up girl Soon, you had to face the world I know you find her place some where You put things back together there On and On, the dark will find you Rain, fall and clouds surround you Carry on, my love"s behind you I know, I"ll see you *** iling See you *** ile, *** ilin" again See you *** ile, *** ilin" again Oh oh yeah I know you well I know you well The days are rolling faster now Believe you"ll find your peace some how On and On, the dark will find you Rain, fall and clouds surround you Carry on, my love"s behind you I know, I"ll see you *** iling On (the rain) and On (the fall), the dark (my love is right behind you)will find you Rain (The rain), fall (the fall) and clouds (my love is right behind you)surround you Carry on, my love"s behind you I know, I"ll see you *** iling The rain The fall My love, is right behind you The rain The fall My love, is right behind you The rain The fall My love, is right behind you No ,my birthday is in September 的问句 的问句 Were you bron in January? 爱的越深,伤的越痛。 因为有你,恋爱的感觉、有过; 背叛的感觉、有过; 离别的感觉、有过; 最后,甚至连死的感觉都有过。 一直等待着你的回头,最后却换来心碎的迷离… of for to with 的用法的区别 of 强调本身 例如:he is so kind of helping me。 for 强调外在 例如:it"s good for you to help me。 with强调伴随 例如:With your help,I finished the work in the end。 to多半强调方向,对于 例如:He shouted to her angrily。 to作为介词有很多相关搭配 如:belong to be used to stick to contribute to refer to prefer to look up to lead to be close to look forward to turn to adapt to add up to appeal to object to ...... 就知道这些了,我也才上高三,都是自己整理的笔记和理解,同勉吧! 折本的折的读音 折本的读音: [shé běn] 折本 释义: 亏本 这鱼胶真的假的? 煮了多久?应该是你没发好 鱼胶有鱼的腥味 猪蹄筋没有 js中的substr和substring的区别 在开始之前,先回顾下js中下标(阵列元素/字串中字元下标): 下标总是从0开始计数,例如 var arr = [1,2,3];阵列的长度为3,元素下标依次为:0,1,2 arr[0] = 1,arr[1]=2.. 字串类似:如var s = "hello";字串长度为5,第一个字元"h"的下标为0,依次类推 String.substring( ):用于返回一个字串的子串 用法如下:string.substring(from, to) 其中from指代要抽去的子串第一个字元在原字串中的位置 to指代所要抽去的子字串最后一个字元的后一位(这个引数可以不加) 下面就对String.substring( )做举例: 1、string.substring(from):此时相当于从from位置撷取到原字串末尾 var s = "hello"; s.substring(1);就是从下标为1的字元(这里是"e")开始起到字串末尾全部撷取,最终获得子串"ello" 2、string.substring(from, to):从from位置撷取到to-1的位置 var s = "hello"; s.substring(1,3);相当于从位置为1的字元撷取到位置为2的字元,得到子串为:"el" String.substr( ):作用也是抽去一个子串,但是它和上面的String.substring( )有所不同 string.substr(start, length) start:指代撷取子串开始下标 length:撷取子串的长度(可省略) 1、string.substr(start, length),先举个例子来说明: var s = "hello"; s.substr(1,3);从下标为1的字元开始撷取3个字元长度,最后子串为:ell 补充两种特殊情况: a、第二个引数超过了剩余字元长度 var s = "hello"; s.substr(1,7)这种情况下预设从,start位置到原字串末尾,即返回:"ello" b、第一个引数为负数 这种情况,从字串尾部开始计算,-1指字串最后一个字元,-2指倒数第二个字元...依次类推 var s = "hello"; s.substr(-3,2)即从倒数第三个字元开始起撷取2个长度,获得:"ll" 2、string.substr(start) 不带length引数,预设指代从start位置撷取到字串末尾 var s = "hello"; s.substr(3)"lo" 关于homeing 的伴奏 vienna teng的 不好意思,没有这首伴奏 我只找到一首1BR/1BA的伴奏 下载地址: :upa.fcmp3./acpany_onlinePlay_090817bs/memberacpany/songfolder/2007/6/22/0dca44752c324a1dae1c3a33c2f51f0d.mp3 紫色的菜的菜名 (紫背天葵)别称红背菜 莲花的年的拼音 莲拼音: [lián] 来自百度汉语|报错 莲_百度汉语 [释义] 多年生草本植物,生浅水中。叶子大而圆。花大,有粉红、白色两种。种子称“莲子”,包在倒圆锥形的花托内,合称“莲蓬”。地下茎肥大而长,有节,称“藕”。种子和地下茎均可食(亦称“荷”、“芙蓉”、“芙蕖”、“菡萏”)。

trial registry是什么意思

trial registry的中文翻译trial registry 试验登记双语例句1Which Clinical Trial Registries can be part of The WHO Registry Network? 为什么临床试验注册中心能成为WHO注册网络的一部分?

Fx的一个节目中 Victoria突然出现 成员都哭了 Sulli直接就跑过去 Luna哭的很厉害 那是什么节目?? 急啊

f(x)"s Koalar

The Great Escape (Brian Lee remix) 歌词

歌曲名:The Great Escape (Brian Lee remix)歌手:少女时代专辑:The Boys「THE GREAT ESCAPE」词/曲:STY/Andre Merritt/E.Kidd Bogart/Greg Ogan/Spencer Nezey歌∶少女时代持てるだけ両手に掴みとって go away逃げ出すのよすぐに 手遅れになる前にWe gotta escape, we got to escape, yeahFrom every 全て 例外なしでWe gotta forsake, we got to forsake, yeahこの手を取って!変わり始めた瞬间 すぐ get out of this place兆候ですら见逃さずにこなす The great escape终わりの始まりまで 待たないで一绪なら心配ないって そう 信じて反证する可能性を肯定してアラカジメ before too lateAs we make our great escape now奇迹待つくらいなら 自分で解决するわハイリスクでローリターンでも後悔しないからWe gotta escape, we got to escapeFrom every 全て 置き去りにしてWe gotta forsake we got to forsakeまだ间に合うわ変わり始めた瞬间 すぐ get out of this place兆候ですら见逃さずにこなす The great escapeまだ少し戸惑い隠せないのね I know thatガンジガラメ 君のユメ 解き放ってあげるわ変わり始めた瞬间 すぐ get out of this place兆候ですら见逃さずにこなす The great escape変わり始めた瞬间 すぐ get out of this place兆候ですら见逃さずにこなす The great escape【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/56826705

Burning--Maria Arredondo 歌词翻译?

Passion is sweet 激情是甜蜜的 Love makes weak 爱却带来脆弱 You said you cherished freedom so 你曾说自由至上 You refuse to let it go 因此你不愿被束缚 Follow your fate 跟随你的命运 Love and hate 爱恨情仇 Never fail to seize the day 决不失去每一天 But dont give yourself away . 但不要放弃你自己 Oh when the night falls 哦 当夜晚降临 And you are all alone 你孤身一人 In your deepest sleep what 在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处 Are you dreaming of 你梦见了什么 My skin"s still burning from your touch 肌肤之亲 让我陶醉/你触摸后我的皮肤一直在燃烧 Oh I just can"t get enough 哦 我只是无法满足 I said I wouldn"t ask for much 曾答应不再向你索取 But your eyes are dangerous 然而你的眼睛摄人心魄 Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思念 挥之不去/哦 那个想法一直在我脑中挥之不去 Can we drop this masquerade 我们可否坦诚相对/我们能否扔下这伪装 I can"t predict where it ends 纵使结局无法预料/我无法预料我们何时会结束 If you are the rock I"ll crush against 我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火/可即使你是石头我仍然愿意碰上去 Trapped in a crowd (那时我们)置身于茫茫人海之中 The music is loud 乐声嘈杂 I said I love my freedom too 我说我同样珍爱自由 Now I"m not sure I do 可现在我却又不那么确定我珍爱 All eyes on you 看到你的一切 Rings so true 那么真实地告诫着我 Better quit while you"re ahead 最好在你还在前面的时候就离开 Now I"m not so sure I am 可现在我却又不那么确定我能 Oh when the night falls 哦 当夜幕降临 And your are all alone 你孤身一人 In your deepest sleep what 在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处 Are you dreaming of 你梦见了什么 My skin"s still burning from your touch 肌肤之亲 让我陶醉/你触摸后我的皮肤一直在燃烧 Oh I just can"t get enough 哦 我只是无法满足 I said I wouldn"t ask for much 曾答应不再向你索取 But your eyes are dangerous 然而你的眼睛摄人心魄 Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思念 挥之不去/哦 那个想法一直在我脑中挥之不去 Can we drop this masquerade 我们可否坦诚相对/我们能否扔下这伪装 I can"t predict where it ends 纵使结局无法预料/我无法预料我们何时会结束 If you are the rock I"ll crush against 我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火/可即使你是石头我仍愿意碰上去 My soul my heart 我的灵魂, 我的心 If you"re near if you"re far 无论你近在咫尺或是你远在天涯 My life my love 我的生命, 我的挚爱 You can have it all....ooohaaaah. 请一并带走 Oh when the night falls 哦 当夜幕降临 And you are all alone 你孤身一人 In your deepest sleep what 在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处 Are you dreaming of 你梦见了什么 My skin"s still burning from your touch 肌肤之亲 让我陶醉/你触摸后我的皮肤一直在燃烧 Oh I just can"t get enough 哦 我只是无法满足 I said I wouldn"t ask for much 曾答应不再向你索取 But your eyes are dangerous 然而你的眼睛摄人心魄 Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思念 挥之不去/哦 那个想法一直在我脑中挥之不去 Can we drop this masquerade 我们可否坦诚相对/我们能否扔下这伪装 I can"t predict where it ends 纵使结局无法预料/我无法预料我们何时会结束 If you are the rock I"ll crush against 我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火/可即使你是石头我仍愿意碰上去

Maria Arredondo的《Burning》中英文歌词

这歌不错~我也喜欢!MV地址:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjU2ODY4NTY=.html附歌词:  Passion is sweet   激情如此甜蜜    Love makes weak   奈何眷恋带来软弱   You said you cherished freedom so   你曾说自由至上    You refuse to let it go   于是距离从未风流云散    Follow your fate   只身踏入你的宿命    Love and hate   爱恨情仇   Never fail to seize the day   光阴是不会失去占领的围城    But don"t give yourself away   背叛自己就是罪恶    Oh when the night falls   哦 当夜幕笼罩    And you are all alone   光怪陆离中每当你孤身一人   In your deepest sleep what   在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处   Are you dreaming of   你是否于梦中朦胧看见    My skin"s still burning from your touch   似是而非的肌肤一角有烈火随着你的指尖泱泱洒落,燃烧不息    Oh I just can"t get enough   哦 我只是无法得到真正想要的那部分,并非无法满足   I said I wouldn"t ask for much   早就答应不再索求更多    But your eyes are dangerous   然而你的眼睛摄人心魄(在你眸中卑浅的祈愿还是无处可逃)   Oh the thought keep spinning in my head   对你的思念在脑海中抵死缠绵,挥之不去    Can we drop this masquerade   这幕假面舞会什么时候才能散场    I can"t predict where it ends   我知道结局不允许我们尘埃落定    If you are the rock I"ll crush against   所以即使你是石,我仍甘愿被你碾成粉末    Trapped in a crowd   犹记茫茫人海截下你我   The music is loud   乐声嘈杂   I said I love my freedom too   我说我同样珍爱自由   Now I"m not so sure I do   可现在我却又不确定真正想要的    All eyes on you   全神贯注的凝视着被你占据的,我的世界   Rings so true   (所有的一切都)那么真实地告诫着我   Better quit while you"re ahead   在你面前离开才是最好的抉择   Now I"m not so sure I am   可现在我无法自拔   Oh when the night falls   哦 当夜幕降临   And you are all alone   你一个人独处与这个光怪陆离的世界   In your deepest sleep what   在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处   Are you dreaming of   你是否于梦中朦胧看见   My skin"s still burning from your touch   似是而非的肌肤一角正随着你的指尖烈火泱泱,燃烧不息   Oh I just can"t get enough   哦 我只是无法得到真正想要的那部分,并非无法满足   I said I wouldn"t ask for much   曾答应不再索求更多    But your eyes are dangerous   然而你的眼睛摄人心魄   Oh the thought keep spinning in my head   对你的思念在我的脑海中抵死缠绵,挥之不去    Can we drop this masquerade   这幕假面舞会什么时候才能散场    I can"t predict where it ends   纵使结局不允许我们尘埃落定    If you are the rock I"ll crush against   你是石,我仍甘愿被你碾成粉末    My soul my heart   我的灵魂,我的芳心   If you"re near or if you"re far   近在咫尺抑或天涯海角   My life my love   我的生命, 我的爱   You can have it all……ooohaaaah.   请让他们与你一起漂泊   Oh when the night falls   哦 当夜幕笼罩    And you are all alone   你孤身一人   In your deepest sleep what   在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处   Are you dreaming of   你是否于梦中朦胧看见   My skin"s still burning from your touch   似是而非的肌肤一角正随着你的指尖烈火泱泱,燃烧不息   Oh I just can"t get enough   哦 我只是无法得到真正想要的那部分,并非无法满足   I said I wouldn"t ask for much   曾答应不再索求更多    But your eyes are dangerous   然而你的眼睛摄人心魄   Oh the thought keep spinning in my head   对你的思念在我的脑海中抵死缠绵,挥之不去    Can we drop this masquerade   这幕假面舞会什么时候才能散场    I can"t predict where it ends   纵使结局不允许我们尘埃落定    If you are the rock I"ll crush against   你是石,我仍甘愿被你碾成粉末    If you are the rock I"ll crush against 你是石,我仍甘愿被你碾成粉末

谁知道Maria Arredondo的burning歌词

 歌名:burning   Passion is sweet   激情是甜蜜的   Love makes weak   爱却带来脆弱   You said you cherished freedom so   你曾说自由至上   You refuse to let it go   因此你不愿被束缚   Follow your fate   跟随你的命运   Love and hate   爱恨情仇   Never fail to seize the day   决不失去每一天   But don"t give yourself away .   但不要放弃你自己   Oh when the night falls   哦 当夜晚降临   And you are all alone   你孤身一人   In your deepest sleep what   在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处   Are you dreaming of   你梦见了什么   My skin"s still burning from your touch   肌肤之亲 让我陶醉   Oh I just can"t get enough   哦 我只是无法满足   I said I wouldn"t ask for much   曾答应不再向你索取   But your eyes are dangerous   然而你的眼睛摄人心魄   Oh the thought keep spinning in my head   对你的思念 挥之不去/哦 那个想法一直在我脑中挥之不去   Can we drop this masquerade   我们可否坦诚相对/我们能否扔下这伪装   I can"t predict where it ends   纵使结局无法预料/我无法预料我们何时会结束   If you are the rock I"ll crush against   我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火/可即使你是石头我仍然愿意碰上去   Trapped in a crowd   (那时我们)置身于茫茫人海之中   The music is loud   乐声嘈杂   I said I love my freedom too   我说我同样珍爱自由   Now I"m not so sure I do   可现在我却又不那么确定我珍爱   All eyes on you   看到你的一切   Rings so true   那么真实地告诫着我   Better quit while you"re ahead   最好在你还在前面的时候就离开   Now I"m not so sure I am   可现在我却又不那么确定我能   Oh when the night falls   哦 当夜幕降临   And your are all alone   你孤身一人   In your deepest sleep what   在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处   Are you dreaming of   你梦见了什么   My skin"s still burning from your touch   肌肤之亲 让我陶醉/你触摸后我的皮肤一直在燃烧   Oh I just can"t get enough   哦 我只是无法满足   I said I wouldn"t ask for much   曾答应不再向你索取   But your eyes are dangerous   然而你的眼睛摄人心魄   Oh the thought keep spinning in my head   对你的思念 挥之不去/哦 那个想法一直在我脑中挥之不去   Can we drop this masquerade   我们可否坦诚相对/我们能否扔下这伪装   I can"t predict where it ends   纵使结局无法预料/我无法预料我们何时会结束   If you are the rock I"ll crush against   我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火/可即使你是石头我仍愿意碰上去   My soul my heart   我的灵魂, 我的心   If you"re near if you"re far   无论你近在咫尺或是你远在天涯   My life my love   我的生命, 我的挚爱   You can have it all....ooohaaaah.   请一并带走   Oh when the night falls   哦 当夜幕降临   And you are all alone   你孤身一人   In your deepest sleep what   在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处   Are you dreaming of   你梦见了什么   My skin"s still burning from your touch   肌肤之亲 让我陶醉/你触摸后我的皮肤一直在燃烧   Oh I just can"t get enough   哦 我只是无法满足   I said I wouldn"t ask for much   曾答应不再向你索取   But your eyes are dangerous   然而你的眼睛摄人心魄   Oh the thought keep spinning in my head   对你的思念 挥之不去/哦 那个想法一直在我脑中挥之不去   Can we drop this masquerade   我们可否坦诚相对/我们能否扔下这伪装   I can"t predict where it ends   纵使结局无法预料/我无法预料我们何时会结束   If you are the rock I"ll crush against   我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火/可即使你是石头我仍愿意碰上去

Maria Arredondo的Burning歌词的中文翻译

歌名:burning Passion is sweet 激情是甜蜜的 Love makes weak 爱却带来脆弱 You said you cherished freedom so 你曾说自由至上 You refuse to let it go 因此你不愿被束缚 Follow your fate 跟随你的命运 Love and hate 爱恨情仇 Never fail to seize the day 决不失去每一天 But don"t give yourself away . 但不要放弃你自己 Oh when the night falls 哦 当夜晚降临 And you are all alone 你孤身一人 In your deepest sleep what 在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处 Are you dreaming of 你梦见了什么 My skin"s still burning from your touch 肌肤之亲 让我陶醉 Oh I just can"t get enough 哦 我只是无法满足 I said I wouldn"t ask for much 曾答应不再向你索取 But your eyes are dangerous 然而你的眼睛摄人心魄 Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思念 挥之不去/哦 那个想法一直在我脑中挥之不去 Can we drop this masquerade 我们可否坦诚相对/我们能否扔下这伪装 I can"t predict where it ends 纵使结局无法预料/我无法预料我们何时会结束 If you are the rock I"ll crush against 我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火/可即使你是石头我仍然愿意碰上去 Trapped in a crowd (那时我们)置身于茫茫人海之中 The music is loud 乐声嘈杂 I said I love my freedom too 我说我同样珍爱自由 Now I"m not so sure I do 可现在我却又不那么确定我珍爱 All eyes on you 看到你的一切 Rings so true 那么真实地告诫着我 Better quit while you"re ahead 最好在你还在前面的时候就离开 Now I"m not so sure I am 可现在我却又不那么确定我能 Oh when the night falls 哦 当夜幕降临 And your are all alone 你孤身一人 In your deepest sleep what 在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处 Are you dreaming of 你梦见了什么 My skin"s still burning from your touch 肌肤之亲 让我陶醉/你触摸后我的皮肤一直在燃烧 Oh I just can"t get enough 哦 我只是无法满足 I said I wouldn"t ask for much 曾答应不再向你索取 But your eyes are dangerous 然而你的眼睛摄人心魄 Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思念 挥之不去/哦 那个想法一直在我脑中挥之不去 Can we drop this masquerade 我们可否坦诚相对/我们能否扔下这伪装 I can"t predict where it ends 纵使结局无法预料/我无法预料我们何时会结束 If you are the rock I"ll crush against 我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火/可即使你是石头我仍愿意碰上去 My soul my heart 我的灵魂, 我的心 If you"re near if you"re far 无论你近在咫尺或是你远在天涯 My life my love 我的生命, 我的挚爱 You can have it all....ooohaaaah. 请一并带走 Oh when the night falls 哦 当夜幕降临 And you are all alone 你孤身一人 In your deepest sleep what 在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处 Are you dreaming of 你梦见了什么 My skin"s still burning from your touch 肌肤之亲 让我陶醉/你触摸后我的皮肤一直在燃烧 Oh I just can"t get enough 哦 我只是无法满足 I said I wouldn"t ask for much 曾答应不再向你索取 But your eyes are dangerous 然而你的眼睛摄人心魄 Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思念 挥之不去/哦 那个想法一直在我脑中挥之不去 Can we drop this masquerade 我们可否坦诚相对/我们能否扔下这伪装 I can"t predict where it ends 纵使结局无法预料/我无法预料我们何时会结束 If you are the rock I"ll crush against 我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火/可即使你是石头我仍愿意碰上去

求Xandria的Save My Life 的歌词

My soul feels empty I"m drowning in my tears It"s pain I"m learning My heart is aching Got poison in my veins In hell I"m burning save my life save my life let these tears be our secret You and I You and I once we were so close save my life It"s all or nothing I"m asking you to give let live or die Everthing is better Then this silent lie Say that it"s no lie save my life save my life let these tears be our secret you and I you and I once we were so close I need you to save my life save my life save my life let these tears be our secret you and I you and I once we were so close save my life save my life let me feel you breathing In your hands In your hands Is the heart of mine save my life

需起英文名 女生 Jacqueline和Gloria哪个更好?最好附上寓意!谢谢

Jacqueline最初是法语里的名字:Jacques的女性化名字。这个名字则是从“Jacob”(最初为希伯来语)延伸出来的一个名字,原来的基本寓意是“愿神保佑”。Jacqueline 是在 17 世纪被英国人采用的。Gloria是拉丁语延伸出来的名字。原寓意是“glory”,也就是光荣、辉煌的意思。两个都是很好听的名字,而且也是外国人会用的。你看着寓意选吧。望采纳耶

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回复 1# 商业版即为be版本,和单机版内核是一样的,商业版的优势在于:可以运行在服务器的操作系统上,比如Windwos 2003;可以创建病毒库升级镜像,为其它客户机提供免ID的病毒库升级服务;可以联入大企业版的远程管理服务器(ERA),以接受控制台(ERAC)的集中、统一的远程管理。Retail 零售版 零售的意思就是直接面向终端消费者。你去商城或者电脑城买的盒装即为零售版,零售版本一般均为稳定的正式版本。Trial 试用版 程序可能不是很完善,存在bug等,一般提供给喜欢新鲜的用户尝鲜,使用中可能存在问题,用户可以根据这些问题,向运营商提出修改意见,运营商再根据用户的反馈意见。对软件进行改进。(区别于正式版)是不收费的。当然还有种意思就是程序已是正式版但是在用户正式购买前可以下载试用免费用上几个月,以决定够不够买此类产品,试用期间没有任何功能限制,到期了会有激活提醒,激活后即为正式版。即使在网站上下载,商家也会注明是试用版还是正式版的,如无情况说明一般为正式版。[:03:]

求Brian的it‘s over now 的英文版的歌词的中文翻译,我有英文歌词

Feeling so empty without you beside 没有你我感到如此空虚What could have happened, for you to just leave me发生了什么,你离开了我。I don"t know if I can make it, I"m sorry对不起,我不知道该做些什么I"m trying hard to move on, on my own我正试着继续 但是如此艰难Since you"ve been gone, I just can"t go on自从你离开,我不知道该如何继续There"s gotta be someway we can work this out我们一定有一种解决方法的I"m barely holding on, wond"ring what went wrong我快要坚持不住了 到底是哪里错了Was it me or was this just a game 是我错了么,还是这仅仅是个游戏Everything is over now一切都结束了Can"t we try and make it work some how 无论如何都不能挽回了I never meant to let you go 我从没想过你会走Oh girl I need to know 你是我需要的那个女孩We both know right here is where you belong 我们都知道你应该在我身边Can"t believe you"ve gone away我真不能相信你会离开我I can"t make it one more day all by myself 我一个人一天都再也承受不了What am I supposed to do 我应该做些什么I can"t get over you 我忘不了你This pain is break~ ing me down... Cause it"s over now 这种痛快要让我崩溃 因为我们结束了Just tell me why, why you said goodbye能不能告诉我,你为什么要离开I"m so confused, don"t know what else I might try 我现在感到很困惑 不知道我还能再做些什么I"m barely holding on, wond"ring what went wrong我快要坚持不住了 到底是哪里错了Was it me or was this just a game 是我错了么,还是这仅仅是个游戏  Everything is over now一切都结束了  Can"t we try and make it work some how 无论如何都不能挽回了  I never meant to let you go 我从没想过你会走  Oh girl I need to know 你是我需要的那个女孩  We both know right here is where you belong 我们都知道你应该在我身边  Can"t believe you"ve gone away我真不能相信你会离开我  I can"t make it one more day all by myself 我一个人一天都再也承受不了  What am I supposed to do 我应该做些什么  I can"t get over you 我忘不了你  This pain is break~ ing me down... Cause it"s over now 这种痛快要让我崩溃 因为我们结束了Just can"t believe that this is true我真不能相信这是真的Still hoping you"ll comeback again 仍然希望你会回来All I want, all I need is you here 我只想要你回来 我需要你回来But I let you go away~ 但是我却放手让你走了Everything is over now现在一切都结束了Can"t we try and make it work some how我们无论如何都挽回不了了  I never meant to let you go 我从没想过你会走  Oh girl I need to know 你是我需要的那个女孩  We both know right here is where you belong 我们都知道你应该在我身边  Can"t believe you"ve gone away我真不能相信你会离开我  I can"t make it one more day all by myself 我一个人一天都再也承受不了  What am I supposed to do 我应该做些什么  I can"t get over you 我忘不了你  This pain is break~ ing me down... Cause it"s over now 这种痛快要让我崩溃 因为我们结束了

Editorial Reviews是什吗意思?

editorial review 编辑审读(1) 目前没有对本词条修改信息 用户纠错 您要纠错的词条: editorial review 您要纠错的译词项: 编辑审读==新增译词== 您的称呼: 您的Email: 请选择您认为该词条有误的原因: 译义不准 拼写错误 译词重复 其他(请在下面输入您的理由) 请输入您认为正确的译词: 请输入您修改该词条的依据(参考资料或背景知识): 编辑审读 The structural characteristics of the combination of basic language types and their interrelationship are also discussed with reference to editorial review of scientific manuscripts. 并探讨了基本语言类型组合的结构特征及其相互关系,可为编辑审读科技文稿提供借鉴。 评价 添加词条 短句来源 中文词条: 英文词条: 用户名: Email: “editorial review”译为未确定词的双语例句 Editorial Review: This article is a preface to the book. The study of Liu Zong-yuan (柳宗元) :1980-2005 本文系作者为《柳宗元研究:1980-2005》一书所作的序言,题目为编者所加。 评价 添加词条 短句来源 中文词条: 英文词条: 用户名: Email: Introduction to Alan Hollinghurst and Editorial Review of The Line of Beauty 阿兰·霍灵赫斯特及《美丽线条》述评

nuisance, annoyance, frustration, infuriation区别?

nuisance 英 [?nju:sns] 美 [?nu:sns] n. 讨厌的东西(人,行为)麻烦事; 非法妨害,损害; 麻烦事; annoyance 英 [??n???ns] 美 [??n???ns] n. 恼怒,烦恼; 使人烦恼的事,令人讨厌的人或事;



Mariah Carey的《Open Arms》 歌词

歌曲名:Open Arms歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Daydream / ButterflyMariah carey--open armsLying beside you here in the darkFeeling your heart beat with mine, mineSoftly you whisperYou"re so sincereHow could our love be so blindWe sailed on togetherWe drifted apartAnd here you are by my sideSo now I come to you with open armsNothing to hideBelieve what I saySo (here) here I am with open arms (open arms)Hoping you"ll see what your love means to meOpen armsLiving without youLiving aloneThis empty house seems so coldWanting to hold youWanting you nearHow much I wanted you homeBut now that you"ve come backTurned night into dayI need you to stay (stay)YesSo now I come to you with open arms (open arms)Nothing to hideBelieve what I saySo here I am with open arms (open arms)Hoping you"ll see what your love means to meOpen armsArmsArmshttp://music.baidu.com/song/10421060

Victoria的继承人Edward VII简介

  爱德华七世(Edward VII,1841年11月9日—1910年5月6日 ),全名阿尔伯特·爱德华·维丁,阿尔伯特·爱德华·冯·萨克森·科堡-哥达,英国国王,印度皇帝。  生平  爱德华七世是维多利亚女王和萨克森-科堡-哥达-艾伯特亲王的长子,封嘉德骑士、威尔士亲王、切斯特伯爵、康沃尔公爵、罗特塞公爵、都柏林伯爵。1859年,入牛津大学,是首位进入牛津大学的王储。在驻爱尔兰陆军部队服役时,曾与一个女演员厮混。其父艾伯特为劝导他而到爱尔兰,并在归途中去世。因此,维多利亚女王把艾伯特亲王的死归结于爱德华的荒唐,从此一直不准他过问国务或王族事务。1863年,与丹麦克里斯蒂安亲王的长女亚历山德拉公主结婚。1901年,60岁的爱德华登上王位,称爱德华七世。  早在威尔士亲王时代,爱德华七世就曾出访欧美各国,并且得到了很大成功。在维多利亚女王逝世之前,爱德华就已经促进了英国、法国、俄国三国协约的初步形成。1901年,爱德华七世继位,之后英、法、俄三国协约的局面形成,通过这个协约,英国稳定了它在欧洲大陆的地位。但这个同盟的形成最终导致了第一次世界大战的爆发,因此有些人把一战的爆发归咎于爱德华七世。  1910年,爱德华七世驾崩。爱德华七世年轻时基本没参加过国务,所以缺乏处理国事的经验。但爱德华七世喜欢交际,为人和蔼可亲,极受英国人民的欢迎。尽管国王死后四年就爆发了毁灭英国的第一次世界大战,但在爱德华时代,英国还是维持了和平、繁荣、歌舞升平的面貌,因此,当时的英国流行一句谚语“如果你不想发生战争,就要有爱德华这样的一位好国王”。  子女  艾伯特·维克托亲王(克拉伦斯和阿冯代尔公爵)1864.1.8-1892.1.14  乔治五世 1865.6.3-1936.1.20 1893年娶特克的玛丽公主,有子女  路易丝长公主 1867.2.20-1934.1.4 1889年嫁亚历山大·达夫,第一世法夫公爵,有子女  维多利亚公主 1868.7.6-1935.12.3  毛德公主 1869.11.26-1938.11.20 1896年嫁挪威国王哈康七世,有子女,现在挪威在南极的领地就命名为“毛德皇后地”  亚历山大·约翰王子 1871.4.6-1871.4.6  前任  维多利亚女王 英国及海外领地国王  印度皇帝  萨克森-科堡-哥达亲王  继任  乔治五世

Mariah Carey的《One Child》 歌词

歌曲名:One Child歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Merry Christmas Ii YouMariah Carey - One ChildAn angel appearedOf the highest OneAnd Mary believedThe word she receivedOf God"s only sonThe Virgin rejoicedGave thanks to the LordAnd as Joseph dreamtThe angel was sentWith tidings of piece and joyOf the blessed baby boyThey travelled for milesTo reach BethlehemYet when they arrivedNo one could providePlace at the inn for themBut God kept them safeFrom hurt, harm and dangerIn His warm embraceAway in a mangerWaiting for Jesus" birthTo glorify the EarthThen He cameOne child can change the worldChristmas Morn"The King of all kings was bornHe reigns forevermoreLet us worship and adoreChrist the LordWonderous starLed shepherds and wise menThrough valleys and mountainsAngels surrounded themAs they traveled farAs Heaven and HomeRang out for the SaviourThe sweet Prince of pieceLay majesticallyAsleep glorious and pureAnd His mercy endures for alwaysOne child can change the worldChristmas Morn"The King of all kings was bornHe reigns forevermoreLet us worship and adoreChrist the LordOne child can change the worldOn Christmas Morn"The King of all kings was bornHe reigns forevermoreLet us worship himLet us worship himLet us worshipChrist the LordThis angel appearedThe angel appearedChrist the LordOn Christmas Morn"http://music.baidu.com/song/7390063

Mariah Carey 的新歌 的中文歌词。``

One Child:An angel appearedOf the Highest OneAnd Mary believedThe word she receivedOf God"s only SonThe Virgin rejoicedGave thanks to the LordAnd as Joseph dreamt The angel was sentWith tidings of peace and joyOf love, blessed baby boyThey traveled for milesTo reach BethlehemYet when they arrivedNo one could provide A place at the end for themBut God kept them safeFrom hurt, harm and dangerIn His warm embrace Away in a manger Waiting for Jesus" birthTo glorify the earthThen He came...One ChildCan change the worldChristmas mornThe King of all Kings was bornHe reigns forever moreLet us worship and adoreChrist the LordOh a wondrous starLed shepherds and wisemenThrough valleys and mountainsAngels surrounded themAs they traveled farAs heaven and hopeRang out for the saviorThe sweet Prince of peaceLay majesticallyAsleep glorious and pureAnd His mercy enduresFor always...One ChildCan change the worldChristmas mornThe King of all Kings was bornHe reigns forever moreLet us worship and adoreChrist the LordOne ChildCan change the worldChristmas mornThe King of all Kings was bornHe reigns forever moreLet us worship andLet us worship andLet us worshipChrist the LordAn angel appearedAn angel appearedChrist the LordOn Christmas morn

Mariah Carey 的hate you歌词

Once upon a time we swore not to say goodbye Something got a hold of us and we changed And then you sat alone in pride and I sat at home and cried How"d our fairy tale just end up this wayWe went round for round till we knocked love out We were laying in the ring not making a sound And if that"s a metaphor of you and I Why is it so hard to say goodbyeI can"t wait to hate you make you pain like I do Still can"t shake you off I can"t wait to break through these emotional changesSeems like such a lost causeI can"t wait to face you break you down So low there"s no place left to go I can"t wait to hate you...Ooh this was the love phenomenon no one could explain And I wish I could press reset and feel that feeling again I sit and press rewind and watch us every night Wanna pause it but I cant make you stayJust gotta let it playWe went round for round till we knocked love out We were laying in the ring not making a sound And if that"s a metaphor of you and I Why is it so hard to say goodbyeI can"t wait to hate you make you pain like I do Still can"t shake you off I can"t wait to break through these emotional changesSeems like such a lost causeI can"t wait to face you break you down So low there"s no place left to go I can"t wait to hate youNo need to call my phoneBecause I changed my number today Matter fact I think I"m movin" away Sorry the frustration"s got me feeling a way And I just keep havin" one last thing to say And I just wanna hold you, touch you,Feel you, be near youI miss you baby baby baby I"m tired of tryin to fake through But there"s nothing I can do Boy I can"t wait to hate youI can"t wait to hate you make you pain like I do Still can"t shake you off I can"t wait to break through these emotional changesSeems like such a lost causeI can"t wait to face you break you down So low there"s no place left to go I can"t wait to hate youI can"t wait to H-A-T-E youCause right now I need youCan"t wait to make you goI can"t wait to H-A-T-E youCause right now I need youCan"t wait to make you go



propose marriage by getting down on one knee 什么意思

propose marriage by getting down on one knee通过单膝跪地求婚双语对照例句:1.Try getting down on one knee. 那就跪下来试试看把。2.Surely there are easier ways of getting hugs than putting one"s marriage on the line? 比起拿自己的婚姻冒险,不是有更容易的方式来获得拥抱吗?3.The former head of goldman sachs ( gs) got down on one knee and begged pelosi to support tarp. 这位前高盛(Goldman Sachs)掌门人在佩洛西面前卑躬屈膝,请求后者支持TARP。





Victoria Cross维多利亚十字勋章 和WENGER 威戈瑞士军刀 的品牌区别?

Victoria Cross维多利亚十字勋章

请问java中的Serial与CommPort不是一个东西吗? 有什么区别,我用了comm包和RXTXcomm包,我分不太清楚.


谁知道Mariah Carey的bye bye的歌词?

This is for my peoples Who just lost somebody Ya best friend ya baby Ya man or ya lady Put ya hand way up high We will never say bye Mamas daddys sisters brothers Friends and cousins This is for my peoples Who lost their grandmothers Lift ya head to the sky Cause we will never say bye As a child there were them times I didn"t get it but you kept me in line I didn"t know why you didn"t show up sometimes On Sunday mornings and I missed you But I"m glad we talked through All them grown folk things Separation brings You never let me know it You never let it show because You loved me and obviously There"s so much more left to say If you were with me today Face to face Never knew I could hurt like this And everyday life goes on I Wish I could talk to you for a while Miss you but I try not to cry As time goes by And it"s true that you"ve Reached a better place Still I"d give the world To see your face (bye) And be right here next to you (bye) But it"s like you"re gone too soon (bye) Now the hardest thing to do Is say bye bye Bye bye bye bye bye bye Bye bye bye bye bye bye Bye bye bye bye bye bye Bye bye And you never got a chance To see how good I done And you never got to see me Back at number one I wish that you were here To celebrate together I wish that we could spend The holidays together I remember when you used to Tuck me in at night With the teddy bear you gave me That I held so tight I thought you were so strong You"d make it through whatever It"s so hard to accept the fact You"re gone forever I never knew I could hurt like this And everyday life goes on I Wish I could talk to you for a while Miss you but I try not to cry As time goes by And it"s true that you"ve Reached a better place Still I"d give the world To see your face And be right here next to you But it"s like you"re gone too soon Now the hardest thing to do Is say bye bye Bye bye bye bye bye bye Bye bye bye bye bye bye

如何评价Ariana Grande的唱功

音域宽 高音清脆流畅 低音醇厚却不失可爱感(当然还是性感的啦) 现场稳的亚批 简直行走的CD 垮台?非常非常非常少的事情 献上小杏菜美腻照片







索尼Xperia Z3 Compact的规格参数

基本参数 曝光日期2014年 手机类型3G手机,智能手机,平板手机,三防手机 屏幕 触摸屏类型电容屏,多点触控 主屏尺寸4.6英寸 主屏材质TFT材质 主屏分辨率1280x720像素 屏幕像素密度319ppi 窄边框3.81mm 屏幕占比70.77% 网络 网络类型单卡 3G网络联通3G(WCDMA),联通2G/移动2G(GSM) 支持频段2G:GSM 900/1800  3G:WCDMA 900/2100MHz WLAN功能WIFI,IEEE 802.11 n/b/g 导航GPS导航,A-GPS技术 连接与共享NFC,蓝牙4.0 硬件 操作系统Android OS 4.4 CPU型号高通 骁龙801(MSM8974AC) CPU频率2.5GHz GPU型号高通 Adreno330 RAM容量2GB ROM容量16GB 存储卡MicroSD卡 扩展容量128GB 电池容量2600mAh 摄像头 摄像头内置 摄像头类型双摄像头(前后) 后置摄像头2070万像素 前置摄像头210万像素 传感器类型CMOS 视频拍摄4K(3840x2160,30帧/秒)视频录制 外观 造型设计直板 机身颜色黑色,白色,橙色,绿色 手机尺寸127x64.9x8.6mm 手机重量129g 操作类型触控按键 感应器类型重力感应器,光线传感器,距离传感器 SIM卡类型Nano SIM卡 机身接口3.5mm耳机接口,Micro USB v2.0数据接口 服务与支持 音频支持支持MIDI/MP3/AAC等格式 视频支持支持3GP/MP4等格式 图片支持支持JPEG等格式纠错 常用功能计算器,电子书,闹钟,日历,录音机,情景模式,主题模式 商务功能飞行模式

mariah carey的歌曲emotions的中文翻译


Mariah Carey的《Emotions》 歌词

歌曲名:Emotions歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:#1"SYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveI feel goodI feel niceI"ve never felt soSatisfiedI"m in loveI"m aliveIntoxicatedFlying highIt feel like a dreamWhen you touch me tenderlyI don"t know if it"s realBut I like the way I feelInsideYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveIn the morningWhen I riseYou are the first thingOn my mindAnd in the middleOf the nightI feel your heartbeatnext to mineIt feels like a dreamWhen you love me tenderlyI don"t know if you"re for realBut I like the way I feelInsideYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveYou know the way to make me lose controlWhen you"re looking into my eyesYou make me feel so HighYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotions[Higher than the heavens aboveAh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You make me feel so Highhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8818531

Mariah Carey的《Emotions》 歌词

歌曲名:Emotions歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Greatest HitsYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveI feel goodI feel niceI"ve never felt soSatisfiedI"m in loveI"m aliveIntoxicatedFlying highIt feel like a dreamWhen you touch me tenderlyI don"t know if it"s realBut I like the way I feelInsideYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveIn the morningWhen I riseYou are the first thingOn my mindAnd in the middleOf the nightI feel your heartbeatnext to mineIt feels like a dreamWhen you love me tenderlyI don"t know if you"re for realBut I like the way I feelInsideYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveYou know the way to make me lose controlWhen you"re looking into my eyesYou make me feel so HighYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotionsHigher than the heavens aboveYou"ve got me feeling emotionsDeeper than I"ve ever dreamed ofYou"ve got me feeling emotions[Higher than the heavens aboveAh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You make me feel so Highhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1157661

主板上的Serial port connector有什么作用?

Serial port connector,串口连接器,接串口的硬盘、串口光驱之类的设备用。现在用的硬盘、光驱都是串口的了,连接这些东西用到这些接口。




Fratelli d"Italia, l"Italia s"e" desta, dell"elmo di Scipio s"e cinta la testa. Dov"e la vittoria? Le porga la chioma, che schiava di Roma Iddio la creo". Stringiamoci a coorte, siam pronti alla morte. Siam pronti alla morte, l"Italia chiamo". Stringiamoci a coorte, siam pronti alla morte. Siam pronti alla morte, l"Italia chiamo", si"! Noi fummo da secoli calpesti, derisi, perche" non siam popoli, perche" siam divisi. Raccolgaci un"unica bandiera, una speme: di fonderci insieme gia" l"ora suono". Uniamoci, uniamoci, l"unione e l"amore rivelano ai popoli le vie del Signore. Giuriamo far libero il suolo natio: uniti, per Dio, chi vincer ci puo"?

desirable,undesirable.underiables,desired 的词根,词干,词基分别是什么?

词根都是desire. 词干分别为desirable,undesirable,undesirable,desire. 词基:desire是desirable的词基,desirable是undesirable的词基.

Marian hill 的 take your time歌词是什么意思啊

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